ML15117A435 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Salem, Hope Creek |
Issue date: | 04/27/2015 |
From: | Public Service Enterprise Group |
To: | Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
Shared Package | |
ML15117A430 | List: |
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Download: ML15117A435 (36) | |
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT 2014 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) Report Results of the Integrated Tritium Management Program With 2014 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP)
And 2014 Monitoring Well and Remedial Action Work Plan 123
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RAD IOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table of Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Radiological Groundwater Protection Program ............. . ......... . .
. ...... 129 Objectives of the Radiological Groundwater Protection Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Sample Collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 New Wells .... . ................................................................................................................................ 130 Sample Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Data Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Detection limits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Laboratory Measurements Uncertainty . ... . . .... . . . . ... .. . . . ........... . . .................... . ....................... 131 RGPP Data Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Groundwater Results - RGPP .... . ......... .. ............................ . ....................... . ................................ . 133 Hope Creek Generating Station RGPP Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Salem Generating Station RGPP Wells ......... . ............................ . .. . . ..
. ........................................ . 134 Mass Flux Estimation of Tritium to the Delaware River ...... .. .
....... ........ . ..... . ......... . ........ . ........... 136 Investigations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Recapture Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Groundwater Monitoring Well Data (Non-RGPP) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Past Spills and Leaks: Impacts to Groundwater . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 RGPP 2015 Status .......................................... . ..................... . ..... . .
... ...................... . ..................... . 139 References ..... . .
. .................... .. . . .. ... ...................... . .............. 139 List of Tables Table 1. Well Construction Details, Hope Creek Generating Station . . ....... ... ..... . . .
.. ... .. . . . .... . . 140 Table 2. Well Construction Details, Salem Generating Station . ... .......... . ......... . ........................ 141 Table 3. Well Construction Details, Investigation and Monitoring Wells . . ..... .. . ...... . .. . .. . .... ..
. .... 142 Table 4. Relevant Groundwater Evaluation Criteria, Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations . .. ........ . . . ..... . ...... .. ........ . ...... . . .. .
................ . ................. . . ........... . ......... .. . 145 Table 5. Tritium Analytical Results, Hope Creek RGPP Wells .
.... ........... . ........ . .... . . . . . . . . 146 125
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 6. Tritium Analytical Results, Salem RGPP Wells ............................. ............................... 148 Table 7. Tritium Analytical Results, Investigation and Monitoring Well ................... ................ 150 List of Figures Figure 1. Well Location Map, Hope Creek Generating Station . . ........................ . ....... ............. . . 156 Figure 2. Well Location Map, Salem Generating Station . .... . . . . ............. . .......... . ..... . . . ....... ......... 157' 126
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RAD IOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Introduction PSEG Nuclear has a series of wells located on both Hope Creek Generating Station and Salem Generating Station (collectively referred to as "the Station") which monitor site groundwater. The Integrated Tritium Management Program (ITMP) divides the wells into four broad programs:
- The Radiological Groundwater Protection Program (RGPP) is a program that was developed to ensure the timely detection of an unpermitted release of radioactive material.
- The Remedial Action Work Plan (RA WP) is a program that monitors the remediation of the historical release from the Salem Unit 1 spent fuel pool.
- A series of monitoring wells that were installed to investigate groundwater quality, but are not included as part of the RGPP or RA WP.
- Early Site Permit (ESP) wells which are periphery wells that were installed outside of the protected area to support the potential licensing of a new nuclear plant.
Well locations at the Stations are depicted on Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Additionally, well construction details for the Hope Creek RGPP wells and Salem RGPP wells are presented on Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Well construction details for the wells described above that are not specifically part of the RGPP are presented on Table 3.
The RGPP was initiated by PSEG in 2006 to determine whether groundwater at, and in the vicinity of the Stations had been adversely impacted by any releases of radionuclides and provides the mechanism to detect such releases, if one was to occur. The RGPP is a voluntary program implemented by PSEG in conjunction with the nuclear industry initiatives and associated guidance (NE! 2007). The other key elements that comprise the RGPP and contribute to public safety are spill/leak prevention, effective remediation of spills and leaks, and effective stakeholder communication.
2 0 14 SGS AND HC G S RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE RE PORT In 2002, operations personnel at Salem Generating Station identified a release of radioactive liquids from the Unit 1 Spent Fuel Pool to the environment. PSEG developed a RA WP. The RA WP was reviewed by the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) and approved by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) Bureau of Nuclear Engineering (ENE). A Groundwater Recovery System (GRS) was installed to control the niigration of groundwater in the shallow, water bearing unit, to keep the tritium pl ume on-site and to reduce the remaining mass of tritiated groundwater. The GRS is fully discussed in the quarterly Remedial Action Progress Reports (RAPRs) provided to the NRC and NJDEP ENE by PSEG. Tritium has been detected in some of the Station's perimeter wells: PSEG has conservatively assumed that the tritium has reached the Delaware River and has calculated the resultant exposure to a member of the public. These results are included in the liquid effiuent data reported earlier in this document.
The Station is located in a flat, largely undeveloped region of southern New Jersey, which is bordered on the west and south by the Delaware River and on the east and north by extensive marshlands. The Station obtains cooling water from the Delaware River.
The Station is underlain by over 1, 000 feet of inter-layered sand, silt and clay. PSEG owns eight on-site production/potable wells at the Station, which range in depth from 260 feet below ground suiface (bgs) to 1, 800 feet bgs. These wells are installed in deeper formations isolated by confining units beneath the Vincentown Formation.
The results of a comprehensive well search indicated the closest offsite permitted potable wells are located approximately one mile northeast from the Station; however, the coordinates provided indicate that these wells are located in a wetland area that is not known or anticipated to be occupied. As such, PSEG does not expect that these wells are actually located at the coordinates provided in the well permit record. There are no other permitted off-site potable wells within three miles of the Station. The nearest potable supply well is located 3.65 miles away in the state of Delaware. Shallow groundwater and the Vincentown aquifer (the two most shallow water bearing units underlying the Station) flow 128
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT toward and discharge to the Delaware River, thus reducing the potential that station operations have or will influence off-site potable wells.
Radiological Groundwater Protection Program This is the annual report on the status of the RGPP conducted at the Station. This report covers the RGPP groundwater samples collected from the Station in 2014. This report also describes any changes to the program and provides selected radiochemical analysis results for groundwater samples collected during the 2014 reporting year.
Objectives of the Radiological Groundwater Protection Program The long-term sampling program objectives are as follows:
- 1. Identify suitable locations to monitor and evaluate potential impacts from station operations before significant radiological impact to the environment or potential drinking water sources can occur.
- 2. Understand the local hydro-geologic regime in the vicinity of the station and maintain up-to-date knowledge of flow patterns on the surface and shallow subsurface.
- 3. Evaluate systems, structures, components and work practices which have the potential to allow a release of licensed radioactive material to the groundwater.
- 4. Peiform routine water sampling from strategic locations and evaluate radiochemical analysis results.
- 5. Report new leaks, spills, or other detections with potential radiological significance to stakeholders in a timely manner.
- 6. Regularly evaluate analytical results to identify adverse trends.
- 7. Take necessary corrective actions to protect groundwater resources.
Sample Collection In 2006, the RGPP monitoring wells (Tables 1 and2) were installed at the Station as part of site investigation activities. Details pertaining to these activities are documented in the Site Investigation Reports (ARCADIS 2006A and 2006B). Groundwater samples are collected from all RGPP monitoring wells at least semi-annually with additional monitoring conducted 129
2 0 14 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACT IVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT as appropriate. Sampling protocols were developed with USEPA and NJDEP guidance; a modified low-flow sampling methodology is used. This methodology is consistent with protocols established for the RA WP.
New Wells No new wells were added as part of the RGPP program, however, one new well (well S-V) was installed as part of the RA WP.
Sample* Analysis This section describes the general analytical methodologies used to analyze the water samples for radioactivity for the Station RGPP. Groundwater samples are also analyzed for plant-related gamma emitting radionuclides (semi-annually), strontium (annually), and iron 55 (biennially) and tritium (every sample) by an off-site radiochemical analytical laboratory.
The samples are maintained under chain of custody procedures throughout sample handling, screening, shipping and laboratory analysis process. Samples are submitted to Station Chemistry for radiological analysis screening prior to shipment to Teledyne Brown Engineering (TBE) located in Knoxville, Tennessee, for radiological analysis. The gamma spectroscopy, strontium and iron analysis results are also peiformed by TBE. Analytical laboratories are subject to internal quality assurance programs and inter-laboratory cross check programs. Station personnel review and evaluate all analytical data obtained from the laboratory.
Data Evaluation This section describes the method used to evaluate the analytical results for samples collected at the Station. Analytical data are reviewed for adverse trends or anomalies.
Investigations and notifications are made as required by program procedures. The radiological data collected since the inception of the RGPP program is the basis for the baseline statistical evaluation to which current operational data are compared. Several factors are important in the interpretation and evaluation of the radiological data:
- Detection limits The detection limit is specified by PSEG as a minimum sensitivity value that must be achieved routinely by the analytical method.
The Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) specifies detection capabilities for each isotope that may be produced by the Stations. While the detection capability for tritium specified in the ODCM is 3, 000 picocuries per liter (pCi/L) in water, RGPP tritium analyses are performed to a lower value of 200 pCi/L. Each well has a statistically derived action level. When an action level is exceeded, PSEG increases monitoring frequency and evaluates potential sources of the elevated tritium. Relevant groundwater evaluation criteria are listed in Table 4.
- Laboratory Measurements Uncertainty Statistically, the exact value of a measurement is expressed as a range with a stated level of confidence. PSEG is required to report results with a 95% level of confidence.
Analytical uncertainties are reported at the 95% confidence level in this report and are consistent with the methodologies used to report data in the AREOR.
RGPP Data Quality Groundwater samples consist of at least four aliquots. One of the aliquots is submitted to the respective station's onsite chemistry laboratory for initial screening, which includes tritium and gamma spectroscopy analysis. The second aliquot is sent to TBE for tritium analysis. In accordance with NJDEP request, the third aliquot is submitted for split sample analysis to GEL Laboratories located in Charleston, South Carolina. The fourth aliquot is held as a back-up, "retained" sample until all the analytical results are received and determined to be valid.
2 014 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REP ORT All radionuclide results are compared to the limitations within the RGPP:
- Internal Administrative Control Limits are defined within the RGPP procedures. They are developed based on a statistical analysis of the historical baseline concentrations of tritium in each specific well and are used to identify tritium concentrations that warrant further investigation for that specific well. Solely exceeding an Administrative Control Limit does not initiate external communication, unless the external reporting limit is also exceeded.
- The Courtesy Communication Limit is a tritium concentration, below regulatory requirements, based on agreements with NJDEP-BNE, USNRC and other stakeholders ensuring the stakeholders are cognizant of potential issues. If a confirmed tritium result, collected from a RGPP well, exceeds the Courtesy Communication Limit of 3,000 pCi/L, PSEG provides a courtesy communication by telephone no later than the end of the next business day to NJDEP-BNE. The NRC Site Resident is also informed. This is not a regulatory required communication.
- Voluntary Communication Limits are those concentrations of radionuclides that require voluntary communication and reporting to regulators and/or stakeholders based on NE!
07-07, the ODCM and Station procedures.
Discussion The locations of the RGPP monitoring wells located at Hope Creek and Salem Generating Stations are depicted on Figures 1 and 2, respectively. Additionally, well construction details for the Hope Creek RGPP wells and Salem RGPP wells are presented on Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The relevant radiological parameters used to evaluate the groundwater analytical results are provided in Table 4. The groundwater tritium analytical results for Hope Creek and Salem Generating Stations are shown on Tables 5 and 6, respectively.
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REP ORT Groundwater Results - RGPP Groundwater samples were collected from all RGPP monitoring wells during 2014 in accordance with the Station and LTS procedures for the RGPP.
The Site Conceptual Model is continuously revised as new data is collected. As part of the RA WP Addendum (ARCADJS 2014) well S-V was installed to further vertically characterize tritium concentrations below the confining unit. The results showed that highest tritium concentrations are limited to the basal sand unit and upper part of the Vincentown Formation. Furthermore, a map was prepared showing the basal sand unit and Vincentown Formation outcrop within the Delaware River, confirming groundwater in these units flows toward, and is captured, by the Delaware River.
Hope Creek Generating Station RGPP Wells Tritium analytical results for groundwater samples collected during 2014 from Hope Creek RGPP monitoring wells are summarized below and are presented on Table 5.
- Tritium was not detected in groundwater samples collected from 8 of the 13 Hope Creek RGPP wells at concentrations greater than the laboratory detection limit (wells BH, Bl, BL, BP, BQ, BR, BS, and BT).
- Tritium concentrations detected in well BJ ranged from 641 pCi/L (July 2014) to 1, 320 pCi/L (December 2014) and averaged 949 pCi!L, during 2014. Well BJ is located near the Hope Creek main gaseous effluent vent (i.e. , south plant vent).
- Two samples were collected from well BK during 2014. Jn May 2014, tritium was detected at a concentration of 238 pCil L. In November 2014, tritium was not detected at a concentration greater than the laboratory detection limit. Well BK is a perimeter well that is located west of the reactor containment building.
- Well BM was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was not detected at a concentration greater than the laboratory detection limit in the March, April, and December 2014 samples. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 1 73 pCi!L (May 2014) to 277 pCi!L (February 2014). Well BM is located west of the abandoned Unit 2 reactor building and is a sentinel (source) well for facilities and buried piping.
- Well BN was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium concentrations detected in wellBN ranged from 303 pCi!L (April 2014) to 805 pCi/L (June 2014) and averaged 572 pCi/L.
Well BN is located northeast of the Materials Control Center and is a sentinel (source) well for the Auxiliary Boiler building and buried pip ing.
- Well BO was sampled monthly during 201 4. Tritium was not detected at a concentration greater than the laboratory LLD in samples collected from well BO in March, June, July, and October 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 214 pCi!L (November 2014) to 590 pCi!L (September 2014). Well BO is located northeast of the Materials Control Center and is a sentinel (source) well for the Auxiliary Boiler building and buried piping.
There were no analytical results for which a Courtesy Communication (greater than 3,000 pCi!L tritium) was required as part of the Hope Creek RGPP.
With the exception of tritium, no plant-related radionuclides were detected in any Hope Creek RGPP well sampled in 2014. Naturally occurring Potassium-40 was detected in several of the wells sampled during 2014.
Salem Generating Station RGPP Wells Tritium analytical results for groundwater samples collected during 2014 from Salem RGPP monitoring wells are summarized below and are presented on Table 6.
- Tritium was not detected in groundwater samples collected from five of the 13 Salem RGPP wells at concentrations greater than the laboratory detection limit (wells BA, BF, BU, T, and Y).
- Well AL was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 387 pCi!L (March 2014) to 697 pCi/L (September 2014) and averaged 518 pCi!L. Well AL is located south of the Salem Unit 1 reactor building and is a sentinel (source) well.
- Well BB was sampled twice during 2014. Tritium was detected at a concentration 170 pCi/L (May 2014) and 216 pCi/L (November 2014). Well BB is located south of the Salem Turbine Building and is a perimeter well.
- Well BC was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was not detected at a concentration greater than the laboratory detection limit in samples collected in January and March 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 260 pCi/L (December 2014) to 945 pCi/L (July 2014). Well BC is a sentinel (source)/perimeter well located southwest of Facilities, Refueling Water Storage Tank, Auxiliary Feedwater Storage Tank and Primary Water Storage Tank (RAP) tanks and piping.
- Well BD was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 457 pCi/L (April 2014) to 1, 300 pCi!L (August 2014) and averaged 731 pCi!L. Well BD is located to the west of Salem Unit 2 reactor building and is a sentinel (source) well for Facilities, RAP .tanks, and piping.
- Well BE was sampled four times during 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 398 pCi/L (March 2014) to 674 pCi/L (August 2014). Well BE is located to the west of Salem Unit 2 reactor building and is a perimeter well.
- Well BG was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 286 pCi/L (July 2014) to 695 pCi!L (December 2014) and averaged 472 135
20 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT pCi/L. Well BG is located northwest of Salem Unit 2 reactor building and is a perimeter well.
- Well U was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was not detected at a concentration greater than the laboratory detection limit in samples collected from well U in July and September 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 227 pCi/L (February 2014) to 375 pCi/L (March 2014). Well U is located north of Salem Unit 2 reactor building and is a sentinel (source) well for the House Heating Boilers.
- Well Z was sampled monthly during 2014. Tritium was detected at concentrations ranging from 526 pCi/L (January 2014) to 1, 450 pCi/L (June 2014), and averaged 526 pCi/L. Well Z is located west of the Salem Unit 1 & 2 reactor buildings and is a perimeter well.
There were no analytical results for which a Courtesy Communication (greater than 3,000 pCi/L tritium) was required as part of the Salem RGPP.
With the exception of tritium, no plant-related gamma emitters or other plant related radionuclides were detected during 2014 in any Salem RGPP wells.
Mass Flux Estimation of Tritiu m to the Delaware River PSEG uses transect methods to calculate the mass flux of tritium to the Delaware River in the shallow, water bearing unit and the deeper basal sand unit and Vincentown Formation. To calculate the mass flux, the tritium concentration was conservatively estimated using the average concentration detected in monitoring wells located nearest to the Delaware River during each quarter. The calculated mass flux of 1. 62E-01 Ci was included in the Station's liquid effluent discharge and reported in the data tables of the ARERR.
- Recapture Evaluation PSEG has implemented an evaluation of the potential for tritium recapture from permitted gaseous effluent releases. Most of the RGPP wells which were designed as vault (flush mounted wells) were converted to stick mount (above ground level) in December 2010 and June 2013. The rationale behind this is that the vault mounted wells are in low lying areas which collect runoff from precipitation. Some tritium, released as a permitted discharge via the Salem and Hope Creek plant vents, could have been recaptured when moisture condenses (rain, snow, sleet, fog) and then was washed into the vaults of the RGPP wells. Conversion of these wells involved removing the vaults and increasing the height of the well opening to approximately 3 feet above ground suiface, thus eliminating the pooling of rainwater in the vault and around the well casing.
The nuclear industry has detected tritium in water vapor and rainwater around plants coincident with permitted gaseous releases of tritium. Through a number of evaluations the industry has identified that permitted gaseous releases of tritium can be recaptured from the atmosphere as water vapor. Potential tritium flow pathways include:
Tritium exchanges between atmospheric water vapor and liquid or solid water; therefore the permitted release of gaseous tritium is routinely exchanged from the atmosphere into the liquid water in the vadose zone.
During average precipitation accumulation timeframes, rain water with elevated tritium concentrations flows slowly down through the unsaturated zone and into the groundwater.
During abnonnally high precipitation, such as hurricane Irene experienced during the summer of 2011, rain water with elevated tritium concentrations can be flushed fro11't the vadose zone and flows rapidly through shallow groundwater, which was detected in the Riverbed Deposits monitored by the RGPP wells. A short period after 137
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACT IVE EFFLU E NT RELEASE REPORT hurricane Irene was experienced during the summer of 2011 , tritium concentrations were obsaved to return to historical concentration ranges in subsequent sampling.
- Groundwater Monitoring Well Data (Non-RG PP)
As previously discussed, PSEG Nuclear has a series of wells located at the Station which monitor site groundwater comprised of the RGPP wells, the RA WP wells, the ESP wells and a series of monitoring wells that were installed to investigate groundwater quality, but are not included as part of the RGPP or RA WP. Well constructidn details and tritium analytical results for the wells described above that are not specifically part of the RGPP are presented on Table 3 and Table 7, respectively.
In January 201 4, tritium concentrations detected in well BY were observed to increase.
In accordance with procedures, PSEG implemented an investigation to determine the source of the tritium. Through the use of precipitation and stormwater sample results, meteorological data and a correlation evaluation between groundwater concentrations and Hope Creek gaseous effluent, PSEG determined the source of the tritium was likely tritium recapture.
In May 2 014, PSEG installed monitoring well S-V at Salem Station, to further characterize the vertical extent of tritium in groundwater beneath the confining unit (i. e. ,
basal sand unit and Vincentown Formation) and to refine the conceptual site model. This well was installed as part of the RA WP Addendum (ARCADIS 201 4 ).
PSEG initiated a focused remediation at well AC by purging approximately 50 0 gallons of groundwater per week from the middle of April through October. Information regarding the volume and concentration recovered were collected weekly for permitting purposes. Purged groundwater was transferred to the non-radiological liquid waste basin for release through the PSEG permitted liquid effluent outfall. During the focused remediation, tritium concentrations were observed to decrease by 81 percent from 246, 000 pCi/L (April 14, 2014) to 46, 8 00(October 17, 201 4).
- Past Spills and Leaks: Impacts to Groundwater In 201 4, there were no known active unmonitored releases into the groundwater at Salem or Hope Creek Stations.
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT In conclusion, PSEG has not detected an unmonitored or abnormal release of radionuclides to the environment from the 2014 operation of Salem and Hope Creek Stations.
RGPP 2015 Status The RGPP long-term sampling program will be modified as required to meet the RGPP objectives. Baseline sampling and analysis of groundwater will continue on the following schedule:
- Tritium will be analyzed at least semi-annually each calendar year to a detection capability less than or equal to 300 pCi/L;
- Plant-related gamma emitters will be analyzed semi-annually to the environmental detection limits specified in the ODCM;
- RGPP monitoring well sample frequency will be adjusted as needed based on analytical results.
- 1. ARCADIS, 2006A. Site Investigation Report July 2006. PSEG Nuclear LLC. Hope Creek Generating Station, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey.
- 2. ARCADIS, 2006B. Site Investigation Report July 2006. PSEG Nuclear LLC. Salem Generating Station, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey.
- 3. ARCADIS, 2011. Addendum to the 2006 Site Investigation Reports. PSEG Nuclear LLC. Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey.
December 2011.
- 4. ARCADIS, 2014. RemedialAction Work Plan Addendum. PSEG Nuclear LLC. Salem, Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey. April 10, 2014.
- 5. NE!, 2007. NEI 07-07, Industry Groundwater Protection Initiative - Final Guidance Document, Nuclear Energy Institute, Washington, DC, June 2007.
2014 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT REL EAS E REPORT Table 1. Well Construction Details, Hope Creek Generating Station Monitoring lY.IP lY.IP Installation Construction Diameter Total Depth Monitoring Interval Elevation Elevation Source Targets WellID Date Details (inches) (feet bgs) Purpose
<feet be:s) (feetRPD) (feet amsl)
WellBH May-06 Sch-40P VC 4 37.0 27.0-37.0 101.16 11.24 Perimeter NA WellBI May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 37.0 27.0-37.0 103.07 13.15 Source Facilities; Piping Condensate Storage &
WellBJ May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 38.0 28.0-38.0 102.97 13.05 Source Transfer; Facilities; Pip ing WellBK May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 38.5 28.5-38.5 101.42 1 1 50
. Perimeter NA Well BL May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 37.0 27.0-37.0 102.69 12.77 Perimeter NA WellBM May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 37.5 27.5-37.5 102.75 12.83 Source Facilities; Piping Auxiliary Boiler WellBN May- 06 Sc h-40PVC 4 12.5 7.5- 12.5 102.64 12.72 Source Buildinf(; Pivinf(
Perimeter/So WellBO May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 35.0 25.0-35.0 97.98 8.06 Building Sewage urce Perimeter/So Well BP May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 38.0 28.0-38.0 99.06 9.14 Building Sewage urce Auxiliary Boiler WellBQ May- 06 Sch-40PVC 4 42.0 32.0-42.0 105.62 15.70 Source Building; Dry Cask Storage Buildinf(; Pivinf(
Perimeter/So !Piping; Dry Cask Well BR May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 40.5 30.5- 40.5 104.28 14.36 urce Storaf(e Buildinf(
Well BS May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 35.0 25.0-35.0 100. 55 10.63 Up gradient WA WellBT May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 38.5 28.5- 38.5 99.60 9.68 Upgr:adient INA Notes:
MP Measuring Point bgs Below ground suiface RPD Relative to plant datum amsl Above mean sea level (NA VD 1988)
NA Not applicable 140
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2014 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 2. Well C onstruction Details, S alem Generating S tation MP MP Installation Construction Diameter Total Depth Monitoring Interval Monitoring Elevation Elevation SourceTargets Well ID Date Details (inches) (feet bgs) (feet bgs) Purpose (feetRP D) (feet amsl)
Well T Jun-03 Sch-40PVC 2 31.2 21.2- 31.2 104.13 14.21 Source Facilities; House Heating Boiler WellU1 May-03 Sch-40PVC 2 32.2 27.2- 32.2 101.46 11.54 Source Facilities; House Heating Boiler WellY Sep-03 Sch-40PVC 2 37.0 27.0- 37.0 101.81 11.89 Perimeter NA WellZ Sep-03 Sch-40PVC 2 37.5 27.5- 37.5 101.86 11.94 Perimeter NA WellAL Jan-04 Sch-40PVC 2 25.3 15.3- 25.3 99.13 9.21 Perimeter NA WellBA May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 39.5 29.5- 39.5 101.07 11.15 Perimeter NA WellBB1 May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 47.0 37.0-47.0 102.18 12.26 Perimeter NA WellBC May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 38.0 28.0-38.0 98.78 8.86 Source I Perimeter Facilities; RAP Tanks; Piping WellB D May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 40.5 30.5-40.5 98.78 8.86 Source Facilities; RAP Tanks; Piping WellBE May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 37.0 27.0-37.0 98.31 8.39 Perimeter NA WellBF1 May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 42.0 32.0-42.0 101.45 11.53 Perimeter NA WellBG1 May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 37.0 27.0-37.0 103.34 13.42 Perimeter NA WellBU May-06 Sch-40PVC 4 36.0 26.0-36.0 100.16 10.24 Upgradient NA Notes:
MP Measuring Point bgs Below ground surface RPD Relative to plant datum ams/ Above mean sea level (NA VD 1988)
NA Not applicable 1
Monitoring wells BB, BF, and BG were sun1eyed in July/August 2013following retrofitting or repair activities .
2014 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 3. WellC onstruction Details, Investigation and M onitoring Wells Installation Construction Diam eter Total Depth Monitoring Monitored MP MP Well ID Date Details (inches) (feet bgs) Interval Hydrogeolog ic E levation E levation (feet bgs) Unit (feet RPD) (feet amsl)
WellK Feb-03 Sch-40PVC 2 80 .0 70.0- 80.0 Vincentown1 102.00 12.08 WellL Jan-03 Sch-40PVC 2 80.0 70.0- 80,0 Vincentown1 101.46 11.54 Well M May-03 Sch-40PVC 1 20.0 10.0- 20.0 Cofferdam2 102.17 12.25 WellN Jan-03 Sch-40PVC 2 20.0 10.0- 20.0 Cofferdam2 101.65 11.73 Well O Jan-03 Sch-40PVC 2 20.0 10.0- 20.0 Cofferdam2 101.33 11.41 WellP Mar-03 Sch-40PVC 2 80.0 70.0 - 80.0 Vincentown1 101.13 11.21 Well Q Mar-03 Sch-40PVC 2 80.0 70.0- 80.0 Vincentown1 106.59 16.67 WellR Jun-03 Sch-40 PVC 1 19.0 9.0- 19.0 Cofferdam2 102.35 12.43 Well S4 May-03 Sch-40PVC 2 34.7 24.7- 34.7 Shallow3 99.04 9.12 Well S-V May-14 Sch-40PVC 4 85.0 75.0- 85.0 Vincentown1 101.00 11.08 Well V 5 Jun-03 Sch-40PVC 2 79.5 69.5- 79.5 Vincentown1 101.72 11.80 Well W5 Jun-03 Sch-40PVC 2 35.0 25.0- 35.0 Shallow3 98.49 8.57 WellAA4 Sep-03 Sch-40PVC 2 36.0 26.0- 36.0 Shallow3 99.07 9.15 WellAA-V May-13 Sch-40PVC 2 85.0 75.0- 85.0 Vincentown1 100.80 10.88 WellAB4 Oct-03 Sch-40PVC 2 42.0 32.0- 42.0 Shallow3 98.93 9.01 WellAC4 Sep-03 Sch-40 PVC 2 24.0 14.0- 24.0 Cofferdam2 98.77 8.85 WellAD4 Oct-03 Sch-40PVC 6 43.0 33.0- 43.0 Shallow3 98.99 9.07 WellAE Oct-03 Sch-40PVC 2 27.5 17.5- 27.5 Cofferdam2 101.54 11.62 WellAF Oct-03 Sch-40PVC 2 45.0 35.0- 45.0 Shallow3 101.61 11.69 Well AG-Shallow Feb-04 Sch-40PVC 1 24.2 14.2- 24.2 Shallow3 99.29 9.37 WellAG-Deep Feb-04 Sch-40PVC 1 40.0 30.0- 40.0 Shallow3 99.20 9.28 WellAH-Shallow Feb-04 Sch-40PVC 1 24.5 14.5- 24.5 Shallow3 102.58 12.66 WellAH-Deep Feb-04 Sch-40PVC 1 40.0 30.0- 40.0 Shallow3 102.70 12.78 WellAI Jan-04 Sch-40PVC 4 22.0 12.0- 22.0 Cofferdam2 98.79 8.87 142
2014 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 3. Well C onstruction Details, Investigation and M onitoring Wells Installation C onstruction Diam eter Total Depth M onitoring Monitored MP MP Well ID Date Details (inches) (feet bg s) Interval Hyd rog eolog ic E levation E levation (feet b2s) Unit (feet RPD) (feet am sl)
WellA J Jan-04 Sch-40PVC 4 35.3 J5.3- 35.3 Shallow3 98.85 8.93 WellAM Jan-04 Sch-40PVC 4 20.9 J0.9- 20.9 Cofferdam2 98.55 8.63 WellAN Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 25.0 10.0- 25.0 Cofferdam2 98.76 8.84 WellA O Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 2J.O 11.0- 2J.O Cofferdam2 98.82 8.90 WellAP Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 40.0 J5.0- 40.0 Shallow 98.65 8.73 WellAQ Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 45.0 20.0- 45.0 Shallow 99.05 9.J3 WellAR Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 43.0 J8.0- 43.0 Shallow 99.22 9.30 WellAS Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 4J.5 J6.5- 4J.5 Shallow3 99.44 9.52 WellAT Jun-04 Sch-40PVC 4 44.0 J9.0- 44.0 Shallow3 99.25 9.33 WellB W5 Dec-06 Sch-40PVC J JO.O 5.0- JO.O Shallow3 JOJ.62 11.70 WellBX5 Dec-06 Sch-40PVC J JO.O 5.0- JO.O Shallow3 JOJ.79 11.87 WellBY Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 40.0 35.0- 40.0 Shallow3 J03.36 13.44 WeIIBZ Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 36.0 3J.0- 36.0 Shallow J04.29 J4.37 Well CA 5 Dec-06 Sch-40PVC 4 38.0 28.0- 38.0 Shallow3 JOJ.96 12.04 Well CB6 Dec-06 Sch-40PVC 2 80.0 70.0- 80.0 Vincentown J 98.98 9.06 Well DA 5 Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 J7.0 J2.0- J7.0 Cofferdam2 99.04 9.J2 Well DB Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 2J.O J6.0- 2J.O Cofferdam2 JOJ.69 11.77 Well DC Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 22.0 17.0- 22.0 Cofferdam2 J00.90 J0.98 Well DD Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 J9.0 J4.0- J9.0 Cojferdam2 JOJ.23 11.3J Well DE Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 4 J8.0 J3.0- J8.0 Cofferdam2 JOJ.43 ll.5J Well DF Nov-JO Sch-40 PVC 4 J9.0 J4.0- J9.0 Cofferdam2 JOJ.32 11.40 Well DG Nov-JO Sch-40PVC 2 J3.5 11.5- 13.5 Cofferdam2 98.98 9.06 Well DH Oct-JO Sch-40PVC 4 2J.O J6.0- 2J.O Cofferdam2 lOJ.54 11.62 143
2014 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 3. Well Construction Details, Investigation and Monitoring Wells Installation Construction Diam eter Total Depth Monitoring Monitored MP MP Well ID Date Details (inches) (feet bgs) Interval Hyd rogeologic E levation E levation (feet bgs) Unit (feet RPD) (feet amsl)
Well DI Oct -10 Sch- 40 PVC 4 18.0 13.0- 18.0 Cofferdam2 101.64 11.72 Well DJ Oct- 10 Sch- 40PVC 2 11.0 6.0 - 11.0 Cofferdam2 99. 03 9.11 Notes:
MP Measuring point bgs Below ground surface RPD Relative to plant datum amsl Above mean sea level (NAVD 1988)
Monitoring wellis screenedin the Vincentown Formation.
1 Monitoring well is screened in the shallow, water-bearing unit at a location within the limits of the cofferdam .
3 Monitoringwell is screened n i the shallow, water-bearing unit at a location outsidethe limits of the cofferdam.
4 Thesurface completions of Monitoring Wells S, AA, AB, AC, and ADwere converted from above-grade to flush -grade in February 2004.
Monitoring wells BW, BX, CA, DA, V, and W were surveyed in July/August 2013 following retrofitting or repair activities .
6 Monitoringwell CB was abandoned in May 2013.
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 4. Relevant Groundwater Evaluation Criteria, Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations RG PPLLD PSEG ODCM Reporting Level Isotope (pCi/L) (pCi/L)
Tritium 200 30,000 Total Strontium 2 8 Mn-54 15 1,000 Fe-59 30 400 Co-60 15 300 Zn-65 30 300 Nb-95 15 400 Zr-95 15 200 Cs-134 15 30 Cs-137 18 50 Ba-140 60 200 La-140 15 200 145
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 5. Tritium Analytical Results, Hope Creek RGPP Wells Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well BM WellBH 311212014 < 195 pCi/L continued 512112014 173 pCi!L 512112014 < 169 pCi/L 611012014 205 pCi/L 811212014 < 182 pCi/L 711512014 222 pCi/L 1111 212014 < 162 pCi/L 811212014 192 pCi/L Well BI 111312014 < 178 pCi/L 91912014 244 pCi/L 211012014 < 180 pCi/L 1011412014 192 pCi/L 311812014 < 182 pCi/L 1111212014 184 pCi/L 411512014 < 182 pCi!L 121912014 < 190 pCi/L 512112014 < 186 pCi/L Well BN 111312014 583 pCi/L 611012014 < 162 pCi/L 211012014 508 pCi/L 711712014 < 167 pCi/L 311012014 403 pCi/L 811212014 < 163 pCi/L 411412014 303 pCi/L 91912014 < 187 pCi/L 511212014 616 pCi/L 1011412014 < 151 pCi/L 61912014 805 pCi/L 1111212014 < 162 pCi/L 711412014 731 pCi/L 121912014 < 188 pCi/L 811812014 771 pCi/L Well BJ 111412014 958 pCi/L 91812014 683 pCi/L 211012014 975 pCi/L 1011312014 392 pCi/L 311812014 1,050 pCi/L 1111012014 505 pCi/L 411512014 961 pCi/L 121812014 559 pCi/L 511512014 928 pCi/L Well BO 111312014 339 pCi/L 611012014 742 pCi/L 211012014 284 pCi/L 611912014 946 pCi/L 311012014 365 pCi/L 711612014 641 pCi/L 411412014 < 144 pCi/L 811212014 724 pCi/L 511212014 299 pCi/L 91912014 919 pCi/L 61912014 < 169 pCi/L 1011412014 1,050 pCi/L 711412014 < 166 pCi/L 1111312014 1,120 pCi/L 811812014 352 pCi/L 121912014 1,320 pCi/L 91812014 590 pCi/L Well BK 512112014 238 pCi/L 1011312014 < 189 pCi/L 1111212014 < 177 pCi/L 1111012014 214 pCi/L Well BL 512112014 < 168 pCi/L 121812014 359 pCi/L 1111312014 < 175 pCi/L Well B P 111312014 < 187 pCi/L Well BM 111312014 232 pCi/L 211812014 < 165 pCi/L 211012014 277 pCi/L 311012014 < 172 pCi/L 311812014 < 184 pCi/L 411412014 < 179 pCi/L 411512014 < 167 pCi/L 511312014 < 194 pCi/L 146
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 5. Triti um Analyti cal Results, Hope Creek RGPP Wells Well ID Date Concentrati on Well ID Date Concentrati on Well BP conti nued 61912014 < 167 pCi/L Well B R 111312014 < 185 pCi/L 711612014 < 167 pCi/L 211012014 < 162 pCi/L 811812014 < 183 pCi/L 311012014 < 174 pCi/L 91812014 < 190 pCi/L 411412014 < 171 pCi/L 1011312014 < 195 pCi/L 511312014 < 196 pCi/L 1111012014 < 162 pCi/L 61912014 < 168 pCi/L 121812014 < 185 pCi/L 711612014 < 166 pCi/L Well BQ 111312014 < 184 pCi/L 811812014 < 175 pCi/L 211212014 < 165 pCi/L 91812014 < 187 pCi/L 311012014 < 174 pCi/L 1011312014 < 186 pCi/L 411412014 < 160 pCi/L 1111012014 < 162 pCi/L 511212014 < 193 pCi/L 121812014 < 185 pCi/L 61912014 < 166 pCi/L Well B S 412412014 < 178 pCi/L 711412014 < 169 pCi/L 511312014 < 197 pCi!L 811212014 < 158 pCi/L 1111012014 < 163 pCi/L 91812014 < 192 pCi/L Well B T 412312014 < 177 pCi/L 1011312014 < 188 pCi/L 511412014 < 195 pCi/L 1111012014 < 164 pCi/L 1111212014 < 191 pCi/L 121812014 < 186 pCi/L Notes:
pCi/L Picocuries per liter 147
2 0 1 4 SG S AND HCGS RAD IO A C TIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE RE PORT Table 6. Tritium Analyti cal Results, Salem RGPP Wells Well ID Date Concentrati on Well ID Date Concentrati on Well BD Well AL 112012014 490 pCi/L continued 1012112014 745 pCi/L 211412014 424 pCi/L 1111 812014 871 pCi/L 311912014 387 p Ci/L 1211612014 736 pCi/L 412112014 416 pCi/L Well BE 311 712014 398 pCi/L 511512014 597 pCi/L 512012014 555 pCi/L 611 812014 508 pCi/L 811312014 674 pCi/L 712412014 586 pCi/L 1111412014 463 pCi/L 811912014 489 pCi/L Well BF 211212014 < 183 pCi/L 911612014 697 pCi/L 512012014 < 167 pCi/L 1 012212014 537 pCi/L Well B G 1111812014 < 190 pCi/L 1111912014 584 pCi/L 111412014 345 pCi/L 1211112014 497 pCi/L 211212014 398 pCi/L Well BA 511612014 < 171 pCi/L 31121201 4 511 pCi/L 1111312014 < 166 pCi/L 411512014 357 pCi/L Well BB 511612014 170 pCi/L 511312014 617 pCi/L 1111312014 216 pCi/L 611012014 530 pCi/L Well B C 111612014 < 157 pCi/L 711512014 286 pCi/L 212012014 357 pCi/L 811 212014 462 pCi/L 311112014 < 199 pCi/L 91912014 382 pCi/L 411812014 659 pCi/L 1011412014 443 pCi/L 511312014 555 pCi/L 1111712014 638 pCi/L 611812014 292 pCi/L 121912014 695 pCi/L 711812014 945 pCi/L Well B U 511412014 < 182 pCi/L 811412014 809 pCi/L 1111212014 < 188 pCi/L 911012014 602 pCi/L Well T 111412014 < 165 pCi/L 1012012014 306 pCi/L 211112014 < 170 vCi!L 1111 912014 417 pCi/L 311212014 < 198 pCi/L 1211512014 260 pCi/L 411712014 < 159 pCi/L Well BD 111512014 602 pCi/L 511312014 < 173 pCi/L 211212014 478 pCi/L 611012014 < 160 pCi/L 311812014 610 pCi/L 711612014 < 180 pCi/L 412212014 457 pCi/L 811212014 < 1 64 pCi/L 512112014 607 pCi/L 91912014 < 162 pCi/L 611712014 759 pCi/L 1011412014 < 182 pCi/L 712212014 862 pCi/L 1111712014 < 186 pCi/L 811412014 1, 300 pCi/L 121912014 < 1 93 pCi/L 911112014 740 pCi/L Well U 111412014 269 pCi/L 148
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 6. Tritium Analytical Results, Salem RGPP Wells Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well U continued 211112014 227 pCi/L Wen z 111512014 526 pCi/L 311712014 375 pCi/L 211112014 629 pCi/L 411712014 319 pCi/L 311112014 1, 030 pCi/L 511412014 305 pCi/L 411712014 934 pCi/L 611012014 244 pCi/L 511312014 1, 300 pCi/L 711712014 < 184 pCi/L 611612014 1, 450 pCi/L 811312014 265 pCi/L 711812014 1, 140 pCi/L 91912014 < 187 pCi/L 811312014 1, 040 pCi!L 1011412014 246 pCi!L 911712014 972 pCi!L 1111712014 293 pCi/L 1011712014 965 pCi/L 121912014 266 pCi/L 1111912014 780 pCi/L Well Y 111512014 < 157 pCi/L 1211212014 930 pCi/L 211112014 < 165 pCi/L 311112014 < 195 pCi/L 411712014 < 160 pCi/L 511312014 < 176 pCi/L 611612014 < 197 pCi/L 711812014 < 178 pCi/L 811312014 < 163 pCi/L 911712014 < 173 pCi!L 1011712014 < 182 pCi/L 1111912014 < 148 pCi/L 1211212014 < 177 pCi/L Notes:
pCi/L Picocuries per liter 1 49
2 0 1 4 SG S A N D H C G S RADIOA CTIV E E FFLUENT RELE A S E REPORT Table 7. Tritium Analytical Results, Investigation and Monitoring Well Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well AC Well AA 111412014 1, 170 pCi/L continued 411412014 246, 000 pCi/L 211912014 1, 200 pCi/L 611312014 65,100 pCi/L 311912014 1, 120 pCi/L 711812014 . 55,200 pCi/L 412112014 953 pCi/L 811512014 44, 500 pCi/L 511512014 1, 430 pCi/L 911212014 40, 100 pCi/L 611312014 1, 150 pCi/L 1011712014 46, 800 pCi/L 712412014 1, 250 pCi/L Well AC-MT* 511612014 111, 000 pCi/L 811912014 1, 120 p Ci/L 611312014 82, 400 pCi/L 911512014 1, 150 pCi/L 711812014 48, 800 pCi/L 1012112014 1, 180 pCi/L 811512014 42, 800 pCi/L 1111812014 1, 350 pCi/L 911212014 42, 600 p Ci/L 1211112014 1, 290 pCi/L 1011012014 45, 200 pCi/L Well AA-V 111512014 6,930 pCi/L 1013112014 49,100 pCi/L 21612014 7, 840 pCi/L Well AD 111 612014 20, 900 pCi/L 211412014 8, 110 pCi/L 211412014 2, 950 pCi/L 311912014 8, 130 pCi/L 311 712014 17, 400 p C i/L 412112014 7, 640 pCi/L 412412014 14, 300 pCi/L 511512014 8,810 pCi/L 511612014 16,900 p Ci/L 611312014 9, 280 pCi/L 611312014 11,300 pCi/L 712412014 7, 560 pCi/L 712512014 16, 700 pCi/L 811912014 10, 600 pCi/L 811512014 13, 900 vC i/L 911512014 14, 500 pCi/L 911212014 12, 500 pCi/L 1011512014 16, 000 pCi/L 1011712014 12,900 pC i/L 1111812014 10,100 pCi/L 1111712014 11, 600 pCi/L 1211112014 9, 930 pCi/L 1211212014 14, 700 pCi/L Well AB 311 712014 14, 200 pCi/L Well AE 111512014 15, 700 pCi/L 412412014 10, 700 vCi/L 211212014 23, 600 pCi/L 511612014 11, 700 pCi/L 311212014 25, 500 pCi/L 611312014 9, 060 pCi/L 411712014 26, 500 pCi/L 712512014 10, 200 pCi/L 511312014 21, 700 pCi/L 811512014 7, 590 pCi/L 611 612014 17, 900 pCi/L 911212014 6, 330 pCi/L . 712312014 13, 900 pCi/L 1011712014 7, 870 pCi/L 811312014 17, 000 pCi/L 1111712014 12, 100 pCi/L 911 012014 12,400 pCi/L 1211212014 10, 800 pCi/L 1011512014 9, 030 pCi/L Well AC 111 712014 320, 000 pCi/L 1112012014 9, 110 pCi/L 211912014 57, 300 pCi/L 1211612014 14,100 pCi/L 1211512014 11 5, 000 v Ci/L Well AF 112112014 264 pCi/L 311412014 349,000 pCi/L 112112014 352 pCi/L 150
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 7. Tritium Analytical Results, Investigation and Monitoring Well Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well AF continued 511512014 261 pCi/L Well AH-S 112012014 274 pCi/L 611812014 260 pCi/L 211212014 385 pCi/L Well AG-D 111512014 632 pCi/L 311212014 330 pCi/L 211112014 577 pCi/L 411712014 517 pCi/L 312012014 818 pCi/L 511512014 622 pCi/L 412312014 587 pCi/L 611812014 532 pCi/L 512012014 840 pCi/L 712312014 465 pCi/L 611912014 768 pCi/L 812012014 815 pCi/L 712312014 749 pCi/L 911612014 776 pCi/L 812012014 835 pCi/L 1012012014 1,070 pCi/L 911612014 643 pCi/L 1112012014 938 pCi/L 1011712014 773 pCi/L 1211612014 612 pCi/L 1111912014 1,360 pCi!L Well AI 111712014 3,140 pCi/L 1111912014 1,240 pCi/L 211412014 2,870 pCi/L 1211212014 732 pCi/L 312012014 1,900 pCi/L Well AG-S 111512014 1,520 pCi/L 412112014 1,710 pCi/L 211112014 1,180 pCi/L 511912014 689 pCi/L 312012014 1,080 pCi/L 611712014 1,530 pCi/L 412212014 617 pCi/L 711712014 1,160 pCi/L 512012014 1,010 pCi/L 812012014 1,360 pCi/L 611912014 1,030 pCi/L 911012014 789 pCi/L 712312014 1,070 pCi/L 1011412014 1,410 pCi!L 812012014 840 pCi/L 1112012014 2,070 pCi/L 911612014 1,220 pCi/L 1211112014 3,160 pCi/L 1011712014 1,110 pCi/L Well AJ 112012014 18,200 pCi/L 1111912014 1,290 pCi/L 211412014 1,840 pCi/L 1211212014 1,020 pCi/L 311712014 19,900 pCi/L Well AH-D 112012014 497 pCi/L 412912014 17,600 pCi/L 211212014 542 pCi/L 511612014 21,800 pCi/L 311212014 470 pCi/L 611312014 20,200 pCi/L 411712014 518 pCi/L 712512014 25,500 pCi/L 511512014 598 pCi/L 811512014 30,300 pCi/L 611812014 396 pCi/L 911212014 25,800 pCi/L 712312014 461 pCi/L 1011712014 29,200 pCi/L 812012014 485 pCi/L 1111712014 2,120 pCi/L 911612014 415 pCi/L 1211212014 29,400 pCi/L 1012012014 500 pCi/L Well AM 111712014 25,600 pCi/L 1112012014 723 pCi/L 211912014 24,900 pCi/L 1211612014 512 pCi/L 311412014 9,570 pCi/L 1 51
2 0 1 4 S G S AND HC G S RA D I OA CTIVE EFFL U ENT REL E A S E REPORT Table 7. Tritium Analytical Results, Investigation and Monitoring Well Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well AM Well AR continued 411 712014 14, 600 pCi!L continued 1 111 912 014 1 6, 800 pCi!L 511 912 014 1 0, 700 pCi/L 1 211 112014 7, 770 pCi/L 611 812014 7, 820 p Ci/L Well AS 112 112014 1 6, 2 00 pCi/L 712 112014 7, 1 80 pCi!L 211 812014 8, 700 pCi/L 811 412 014 5, 530 pCi!L 311 912 014 1 0, 900 pCi!L 911 112014 4, 760 pCi!L 412 112014 6, 470 pCi!L 1 012412014 4, 770 pCi!L 511 512014 5, 570 pCi!L 1 112012014 5, 950 pCi!L 611 812014 3, 590 pCi!L 1 211512014 8, 850 pCi/L 712312014 3, 650 pCi/L Well AN 111 612 014 13, 500 pCi/L 811 912014 3, 350 pCi/L 211 412014 2, 3 1 0 pCi!L 911 712014 4, 01 0 pCi/L 611312 0 14 1 6, 000 pCi!L 1 012 112014 3, 490 pCi!L 712512014 1 1 , 300 pCi!L 1 112012014 8, 300 pCi/L 811 512014 8, 300 pCi!L 1211 512014 5, 550 pCi/L 911212014 7, 380 pCi/L Well AT 111 612014 2, 080 pCi/L 1 011 712014 8, 440 pCi!L 211412014 1 , 880 pCi!L 1 111 712014 3, 030 pCi!L 311 712014 2, 1 90 pCi!L 1211212 0 14 1 1 , 1 00 pCi!L 412412014 1 , 550 pC i!L Well AP 111 512014 782 pCi/L 511 612014 2, 230 pCi/L 211 412014 952 pCi!L 611 312014 1 , 540 pCi!L 311 812014 91 8 pCi!L 71251201 4 2, 020 pCi!L 411 812014 1, 1 70 pCi!L 811 512014 2, 340 pCi/L 511 512014 1 , 1 50 pCi!L 911212 014 2, 280 pCi/L 611312 0 14 934 pCi/L 1 011 712014 2, 640 pCi/L 712212014 723 pCi/L 1 111 712014 1 , 880 pCi!L 811 912014 923 pCi/L 1211 212014 1 , 540 pCi!L 911 112014 859 pCi/L Well BW 211 212014 789 pCi/L 1 011 512014 9, 020 pCi/L 511 412014 1, 1 1 0 pCi/L 1 111 312014 8, 850 pCi!L 811312 014 701 pCi!L Well AR 111412014 4, 950 pCi/L 1111 812014 1 , 040 pCi/L 211 812014 4, 600 pCi/L Well BX 211 412014 2, 340 pCi!L 311 812014 5, 960 p Ci/L 511 412014 1 , 2 60 pCi!L 412 112014 6, 660 pCi/L 611 81201 4 959 pCi/L 511 512014 5, 720 pCi/L 711 712014 1 , 0 70 pCi!L 611 812014 5, 340 pCi!L 811 312 014 809 pCi!L 712312 014 3, 520 pCi/L 911 012014 775 pCi/L 811 912014 4, 320 pCi!L 1 011 512014 567 pCi/L 911212 0 14 4, 330 p Ci!L 1 111 812014 804 pCi!L 1 012012014 6,730 pCi/L 1 111 812014 672 pCi!L 152
2 0 1 4 SGS AND H C GS RADIOA CTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE REPORT Table 7. Tri ti um Analyti cal Results, Investigation and Moni toring Well Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentrati on Well BX Well CA continued 1211012014 932 pCi/L continued 1111912014 969 pCi/L Well BY 111312014 2, 760 pCi/L 1211012014 1, 360 pCi/L 211912014 5, 790 pCi/L Well DA 112012014 1, 740 pCi/L 311812014 5, 450 pCi/L 211812014 1, 840 pCiJL 411412014 7, 730 pCi/L 311112014 1, 960 pCiJL 412412014 8, 070 pCi/L 412312014 2, 360 pCi/L 511212014 9, 270 pCi!L 511412014 2, 430 pCiJL 512112014 10, 000 pCi/L 611112014 2, 880 pCi!L 611012014 12, 300 pCi/L 711812014 2, 420 pCi/L 611912014 9, 050 pCi/L 811312014 2, 900 pCi/L 711512014 7, 990 pCi/L 911612014 2, 670 pCiJL 712512014 8, 690 pCi/L 1011612014 2, 040 pCi!L 811212014 8, 890 pCi/L 1111912014 2, 180 pCiJL 91912014 7, 990 pCi/L 121812014 2,200 pCiJL 1011312014 5, 530 pCi/L Well DB 112012014 13, 300 pCiJL 1111812014 8, 920 pCi/L 211812014 15,600 pCi/L 121812014 9, 190 pCi/L 311412014 15,200 pCi/L Well BZ 111312014 308 pCi/L 411812014 11,900 pCiJL 211112014 309 pCi/L 512012014 11,800 pCiJL 311212014 343 pCi/L 611712014 10,200 pCiJL 411512014 309 pCi/L 712212014 6, 830 pCi/L 511512014 330 pCi/L 811412014 7, 670 pCiJL 611012014 238 pCi/L 911712014 7, 090 pCi/L 711612014 231 pCi/L 1011612014 4, 390 pCiJL 811212014 484 pCi/L 1111112014 5, 020 pCi/L 91912014 322 pCi/L 1211512014 5, 590 pCi/L 1011412014 363 pCi/L Well D C 112012014 1, 750 pCi/L 1111312014 345 pCi/L 211812014 4, 230 pCiJL 121912014 905 pCi/L 311412014 2, 670 pCi/L Well CA 111512014 1, 250 pCi/L 411812014 2, 840 pCi/L 211212014 1, 190 pCi/L 512012014 2, 790 pCi/L 311912014 1, 040 pCi/L 611712014 3, 360 pCi/L 412212014 883 pCi/L 712212014 2,290 pCi/L 511412014 1, 280 pCi/L 811412014 2,060 pCi/L 611112014 1, 110 pCi/L 911712014 2, 060 pCi/L 712112014 1, 100 pCi/L 1011612014 1, 470 pCi/L 811512014 1, 180 pCi/L 1111112014 1, 030 pCi/L 911112014 1, 060 pCi/L 1211512014 2, 700 pCi/L 1012112014 682 pCi/L Well DD 112012014 6, 660 pCi/L 1 53
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCG S RADI OACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEASE RE P ORT Table 7. Tritium Analytical Results, Investigation and Monitoring Well Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well DD Well DG continued 211812014 6,210 pCi/L continued 611112014 3, 960 pCi/L 311412014 6,720 pCi/L 711812014 3,190 pCi/L 512012014 6, 690 pCi/L 811312014 3,310 pCi/L 611712014 5,630 pCi/L 911612014 4,160 pCi/L 712212014 5,280 pCi/L 1011 612014 3,310 pCi/L 811412014 6, 700 pCi/L 1111112014 3,710 pCi/L 911712014 6,690 pCi/L 121812014 3,240 pCi/L 1011612014 6,030 pCi/L Well DH 111512014 6,900 pCi/L 1111112014 7,110 pCi/L 211212 014 6,040 pCi/L 1211512014 7,030 pCi/L 311912014 6,470 pCi/L Well DE 112012014 9,620 pCi/L 412212014 7,320 pCi/L 211812014 7,880 pCi/L 511412014 6,830 pCi/L 311412014 7,300 pCi/L 611112014 6,860 pCi/L 411 812014 8,630 pCi/L 712112014 6, 670 pCi/L 512012014 8,430 pCi/L 811 512014 7,010 pCi/L 611712014 8,150 pCi/L 911112014 7,450 pCi/L 712212014 9,170 pCi/L 1011612014 5,850 pCi/L 811412014 12,600 pCi/L 1111912014 8,390 pCi/L 911712014 13,900 pCi/L 1211012014 8,210 pCi/L 1011612014 12,700 pCi/L Well DI 111512014 2,290 pCi/L 1111112014 14,400 pCi/L 211212014 2,650 pCi/L 1211512014 14,900 pCi/L 311912014 2,390 pCi/L Well DF 112012014 2,080 pCi/L 412212014 2,700 pCi/L 211812014 2,120 pCi/L 511 412 014 3,380 pCi/L 311412014 1,810 pCi/L 611112014 3,410 pCi/L 411812014 1,800 pCi/L 712112014 3,440 pCi/L 512012014 1,510 pCi/L 811512014 2,510 pCi/L 611712014 1,550 pCi/L 911112014 2,780 pCi/L 712212014 1,110 pCi/L 1011612014 2,280 pCi/L 811412014 1,270 pCi/L 1111912014 2,400 pCi/L 911912014 1,330 pCi/L 1211012014 2,990 pCi/L 1011 612014 1,550 pCi/L Well DJ 111512014 82 7 pCi/L 1111112014 1, 650 pCi/L 211212014 908 p Ci/L 1211512014 1,640 pCi/L 311912014 839 pCi/L Well DG 111412014 3,830 pCi/L 412212014 792 pCi/L 211912014 4,000 pCi/L 511412014 893 pCi/L 311412014 4,030 pCi/L 611112014 1,070 pCi/L 412312014 3,750 pCi/L 712112014 743 pCi/L 511412014 4,1 60 pCi/L 811512014 856 pCi/L 154
2 0 1 4 SGS AND HCGS RADIOACTIVE EFFLU ENT RELEASE REPORT Table 7. Tritium Analytical Results, Investigation and Monitoring Well Well ID Date Concentration Well ID Date Concentration Well DJ Well O continued 911112014 805 pCi/L continued 511312014 20,700 pCi/L 1012112014 827 pCi/L 611612014 16,600 pCi/L 1111912014 1,160 pCi!L 712312014 7,830 pCi/L 1211012014 1,070 pCi/L 811312014 6,680 pCi/L Well M 111712014 4,740 pCi/L 911012014 6,420 pCi!L
. 211412014 3,330 pCi/L 1011512014 10,600 pCi/L 311112014 4,100 pCi/L 1112012014 27,600 pCi/L 411812014 4,670 vCi!L 1211612014 61,800 vCi!L 512012014 5,100 pCi/L Well R 111712014 2,800 pCi/L 611112014 4,760 pCi/L 211912014 3,390 pCi/L 711712014 3,920 pCi/L 311112014 3,090 pCi/L 812012014 4,580 pCi/L 411812014 3,500 pCi!L 911012014 4,270 pCi/L 511312014 3,170 pCi/L 1011512014 5,020 pCi/L 611112014 3,640 pCi/L 1112012014 5,030 pCi!L 711712014 4,010 pCi!L 1211012014 4,540 pCi/L 811412014 3,470 pCi/L Well N 111712014 14,700 pCi/L 911012014 3,150 pCi/L 211912014 14,400 pCi!L 1011512014 2,960 pCi/L 311412014 13,400 pCi/L 1112012014 3,150 pCi/L 411712014 18,500 pCi/L 1211012014 3,110 vCi!L 511912014 15,400 pCi/L Well S 111612014 20,700 pCi/L 611712014 16,300 pCi/L 211412014 6,150 vCi!L 712112014 14,600 pCi/L 311712014 17,800 pCi/L 811412014 15,400 pCi/L 412412014 18,400 pCi/L 911112014 13,200 pCi/L 511612014 18,500 pCi/L 1012212014 10,900 pCi/L 611312014 21,000 pCi/L 1112012014 12,000 pCi/L 712512014 20,400 pCi/L 1211512014 7,060 pCi/L 811512014 18,700 pCi/L Well O 111512014 44,000 pCi/L 1012812014 16,600 pCi/L 211212014 59,600 pCi/L 1111712014 19,400 pCi/L 311212014 49,300 pCi/L 1211212014 17,400 pCi/L 411712014 34,900 pCi/L Notes:
pCi/L: Picocuries per liter AC-MT samples are collected from a mobile water tank during purge activities associated with well AC.
1 55
2014 S G S AND HCG S RADIOACTIVE EFFLUENT RELEA S E REPORT Fig ure 1 . Well Location Map, Ho pe Cree k Gen erat ing Station 156
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