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To Oyster Creek Generating Station Emergency Plan. (Version ML030230831)
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 01/13/2003
From: Harkness E
AmerGen Energy Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML14311A635 List:
2130-03-20010, FOIA/PA-2015-0025 2000-PLN-1300.01
Download: ML14311A639 (191)


... ~------,



AmerGen Energy Company, LLC An Exelon/British Energy Company Oyster Creek US Route 9 South P.O. Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731-0388 10 CFR 50 App. E January 13, 2003 2130-03-20010 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington DC 20555


Oyster Creek Generating Station Docket 50-219 Emergency Plan, Revision 5 In accordance with 10 CFR 50.54(q), enclosed is the revised Emergency Plan for the Oyster Creek Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and the below listed procedures:

Number Title Revision 2000-PLN-1300.01 OCGS Emergency Plan 5

If any further assistance or information is required, please contact Mr. John Rogers, of my staff, at 609.971.4893 Very truly yours, Ernest J. Harkness P.E., Vice President Oyster Creek Generating Station RJD/JJR cc:

Administrator, Region 1 (2 copies)

NRC Senior Resident Inspector

Am erGen Telephone No. 609-971-4652 RM Dept.



CONTROL DESK Document Control Desk Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington DC 20555 PFLASE NOTE: IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU NOTIFY RM OF ADDRESS CHANGES!!



2000-PLN-1300.01 ENTIRE REV.

5 2000-PLN-1300.01 ENTIRE REV.













AG5942 (08/02)


en-EMERGENCY PLAN An Fxelon/Brntish Energy Company Title OCGS Emergency Plan Applicability/Scope Usage Level This Plan has Oyster Creek Applicability 3

Prior Revision 4

incorporated the following Temporary Changes:

Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

Responsible Department Emergency Preparedness Effective Date This Revision 5

incorporates the following Temporary Changes:

List of Paqes (all pages rev'd to Rev.

5) 1.0 to 155.0 El-1 E2-1 to E2-4 E3-1 E4-1 to E4-2 ES-1 to E5-3 E6-1 to E6-2 E7-1 to E7-2 E8-1 E9-1 El0-1 El1-1 E12-1 E13-1 E14-1 to E14-2 E15-1 E16-1 E17-1 E18-1 E19-1 E20-1 E21-1 E22-1 E23-1 E24-1 NON-CONTROLLED This Document Will Not Be Kept Up To Date DCC Oyster Creek 1.0 (130001)


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Bltish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 GLOSSARY I.I Definitions.......................................................

8.0 1.2 Abbreviations.....................................................

17.0 2.0 APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE................................................

20.0 2.1 General Demographic and Geographic Information.......................

20.0 2.1.1 General Information and Site Description....................

20.0 2.1.2 Owner Controlled Area, Exclusion Area, and Low Population and Population Zone..........................................

21.0 2.1.3 Population and Population Distribution......................

22.0 2.1.4 Local Industrial and Military Facilities....................

22.0 2.1.5 Emergency Planning Zones.....................................

23.0 2.2 Scope of the Emergency Plan...........................................

23.0 2.2.1 Emergency Plan Implementing Document........................

24.0 2.2.2 Related Plans, Programs and Procedures......................

25.0 2.2.3 Related County and State Plans..............................

27.0 3.0


OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM.................................

28.0 3.1 OCGS Emergency Plan..................................................

28.0 3.2 The Implementing Documents...........................................

29.0 4.0 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS...................................................

29.0 4.1 Emergency Classification System.......................................

29.0 4.1.1 Unusual Event................................................

32.0 4.1.2 Alert....................................................

34.0 4.1.3 Site Area Emergency..........................................

35.0 4.1.4 General Emergency............................................

37.0 4.2 State, County and Local Classification System........................

38.0 4.3 Spectrum of Postulated Accidents......................................

38.0 4.3.1 Classification of Hypothetical Accidents....................

38.0 4.4 Instrumentation Capability for Detection.............................

39.0 5.0 OCGS EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION............................................

39.0 5.1 Mobilization......................................................

39.0 5.1.1 Transition from Normal Shift Organization to Emergency Shift Organization...........................................

40.0 5.1.2 On-Shift Emergency Organization.............................

42.0 5.1.3 Initial Response Emergency Organization.....................

45.0 5.1.4 Emergency Support Organization..............................

66.0 5.2 Long-Term Recovery Organization......................................

74.0 (130001) 2.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Brltish EnerV Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000- PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 5.3 Additional Support....................................................

75.0 5.3.1 Medical Support Organizations and Personnel.................

76.0 5.3.2 Firefighting Organizations..................................

76.0 5.3.3 Law Enforcement Agencies.....................................

76.0 5.3.4 Other Government Agencies....................................

76.0 5.3.5 Miscellaneous Organizations..................................

77.0 5.4 Government Agencies...............................................

78.0 5.4.1 Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan................

79.0 5.4.2 State Agencies...............................................

83.0 5.4.3 County Agencies..............................................

85.0 6.0 EMERGENCY MEASURES.........................................................

86.0 6.1 Emergency Notification of Offsite Agencies...........................

86.0 6.2 Corrective Actions....................................................

87.0 6.3 Onsite Protective Action..............................................

88.0 6.3.1 Sheltering, Evacuation, Personnel Accountability.........

88.0 6.3.2 First Aid and Decontamination...............................

93.0 6.3.3 Medical Transportation.......................................

96.0 6.3.4 Medical Treatment............................................

97.0 6.4 Environmental Assessment..............................................

97.0 6.4.1 Radiological Assessment and Offsite Monitoring...........

97.0 6.5 Offsite Protective Actions............................................

101.0 6.5.1 General Public...............................................

101.0 6.6 Offsite Agency Response...............................................

103.0 6.6.1 Ocean County.................................................

103.0 6.6.2 State Emergency Management Agency (NJ State Police OEM)..

104.0 6.6.3 Bureau of Nuclear Engineering...............................

104.0 6.7 Prompt Notification System............................................

105.0 6.8 Evacuation Time Estimates.............................................

106.0 6.9 Emergency Public Information.........................................

107.0 7.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT...............................

108.0 7.1 Onsite Emergency Response Facilities.................................

109.0 7.1.1 Emergency Control Center....................................

109.0 7.1.2 Technical Support Center....................................

110.0 7.1.3 Operations Support Center...................................

110.0 7.2 Offsite Emergency Response Facilities................................

111.0 7.2.1 Emergency Operations Facility...............................

111.0 (130001) 3.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exe1on/BrUshEneTV Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 7.3 County, State and Federal Emergency Operations Centers............

111.0 7.3.1 County Emergency Operations Centers.........................

111.0 7.3.2 State Emergency Operations Center...........................

112.0 7.3.3 Disaster Field Office........................................

112.0 7.4 Emergency Communications Systems......................................

112.0 7.4.1 Emergency Communications.....................................

113.0 NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS)........

113.0 Health Physics Network............................

113.0 Telephone System..................................

114.0 Transmission (Voice)...........................

114.0 7.-4-1.5 Automatic Dialing Equpment...................

114.0 Emergency Response Facility Communications System.............................................

114.0 Telephone System Emergency Power Supplies......

116.0 Radio Communications..............................

116.0 7.4.2 Station Warning System.......................................

117.0 Alarms.............................................

117.0 Plant Paging System...............................

117.0 Call Out Telecommunication Equipment (Teleclerk) 117.0 7.5 Assessment Facilities.................................................

118.0 7.5.1 Onsite Systems and Equipment................................

118.0 Radiation Monitoring System......................

118.0 Radiation Monitoring..............................

119.0 Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring...............

120.0 Liquid Radiation Monitoring......................

122.0 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitoring System....

123.0 Augmented Off-Gas Building Ventilation Exhaust Monitoring System.........................

123.0 Containment Radiation Monitors...................

123.0 Post Accident Sampling System..................

124.0 7.5.2 Fire Protection Devices......................................

124.0 7.5.3 Seismic Monitoring...........................................

125.0 7.5.4 Onsite Meteorological Monitors..............................

126.0 7.5.5 Process Monitors.............................................

127.0 7.5.6 Laboratory Facility..........................................

127.0 7.5.7 Systems and Equipment Required by NUREG..................

127.0 7.5.8 Facilities and Equipment for Offsite Monitoring..........

127.0 Reuter Stokes Sentri System....................

127.0 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)............................................

128.0 7.5.9 National Weather Service (NWS).............................

130.0 7.5.10 Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan (FRMAP)......................................................

131.0 7.5.11 State Department of Environmental Protection.............

132.0 7.5.12 Offsite Emergency Radiological Assistance................



4.0 l*uvv*)


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/British EnergyCompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 7.6 Additional Support Facilities.........................................

132.0 7.6.1 Joint Information Center....................................

133.0 7.6.2 Environmental Assessment Command Center (EACC).............

134.0 7.6.3 Remote Assembly Area (RAA)..................................

134.0 7.6.4 Control Room/Shift Manager's Office.........................

134.0 7.6.5 Processing Center............................................

135.0 7.6.6 Emergency Assembly Areas....................................

135.0 7.7 First Aid and Medical Facilities......................................

136.0 7.8 Damage Control Equipment............................................

.136.0 7.9 Radiological Controls Equipment 137.0 7.10 Emergency Equipment Readiness.........................................

137.0 8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS.........................................

137.0 8.1 Responsibilities 138.0 8.2 Organizational Preparedness...........................................

142.0 8.2.1 Training...................................................

142.0 8.2.2 Drills and Exercises.........................................

145.0 8.2.3 Emergency Preparedness Department...........................

149.0 8.3 Reviewing and Updating of the Emergency Plan and Implementing Document..............................................................

150.0 8.4 Maintenance and Inventory of Emergency Equipment and Supplies.....

151.0 9.0 RECOVERY...............................................................



153.0 5.0 S1L3 uu u 11


An ExelonfBritish Energy Company Title OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN

!Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 OCGS Emergency Plan TABLES ReiioIo Revision No.


2 TABLE 3 TABLE 4 TABLE 5 TABLE 6 TABLE 7 TABLE 8 TABLE 9 TABLE 10 TABLE 11 TABLE 12 TABLE 13 TABLE 14 Percent of Land Use by County OCGS Emergency Action Summary Emergency Classification of Postulated Accidents Plant Instrumentation for Accident Detection On-Shift Emergency Organization Staffing Initial Response Emergency Organization Staffing Emergency Support Organization Staffing Inventory of Oyster Creek Emergency Kits by General Category Typical Environmental/Radiological Monitors OCGS Emergency Response/Additional Support Facilities County, and State Federal Emergency Operations Centers OCGS Emergency Communications Network Department Commitments to Provide Instructors Periodic Training for Emergency Response Personnel 6.0 (130001)



OYSTER CREEK An ExelonBr.tIsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan FIGURES OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS OCGS Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 Site Arrangement Site Relative Location Site Exclusion Area and Low Population Zone Site Plume Exposure Pathway (10 mile) Emergency Planning Zone Site Ingestion Pathway (50 mile) Emergency Planning Zone Normal Shift Organization On-Shift Emergency Organization Initial Response Emergency Organization Emergency Support Organization Notification Network 7.0 FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE FIGURE 1

2 3

4 5

6 7

8 9

10 (130001)


An Exelon/Brltish Enelgy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.0 GLOSSARY 1.1 Definitions The following is a list of terms and their definitions which are used in the Emergency Plan and Implementing Documents:

1.1.1 Access Control Point - An access control point serves as the boundary line between the "clean" and radiologically controlled areas of the plant and serves as a processing station for access to the RWP required areas.

The two main access control points at OCGS are located on the north side

-of the -Reactor Building.

One is located at the Northeast-corner and the other at the Northwest corner and both are at ground elevation.

1.1.2 Accident - An unintentional event which may result in an emergency.

1.1.3 Adverse MeteoroloQg

- For OCGS as defined in Reg. Guide 1.3, Figure 1A.

1.1.4 Affected Persons - Persons who, as the result of an accident, have been or may be radiologically exposed or physically injured to a degree requiring special attention (e.g.,

evacuation, decontamination, first aid or medical services, etc.).

1.1.5 Alert - An emergency classification where events are in progress or have occurred which involve an actual or potential substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant.

Any release is expected to be limited to small fractions of the EPA Protection Action Guide exposure levels.

1.1.6 Annually -

Once each calendar year.

1.1.7 Assessment Actions - Those actions taken during or after an accident which are collectively necessary to make decisions to implement specific emergency actions.

(130001) 8.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exeon/Br*thEnergy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.8 Biennial

- Once every two calendar years.

1.1.9 Clean Area -

The allowable levels of loose surface contamination for a clean area are less than 1000 dpm/100 cm2 beta-gamma and 20 dpm/100 cm2 alpha.

1.1.10 Contaminated Area - An area where contamination levels are in excess of those specified for a clean area.

1.1.11 Control Room -

The location from which the reactor and its auxiliary systems are controlled.

The OCGS Control Room is located on the 46' elevation of the turbine building.

1.1.12 Corrective Actions - Those emergency actions taken to mitigate or terminate an emergency situation.

1.1.13 Dose - The energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation per unit mass of irradiated material.

1.1.14 Dose Commitment - The dose that will be accumulated by a specific organ over a 50 year period following intake.

1.1.15 Effluent Monitor - An on-line or off-line instrument monitoring radiological conditions of a designed pathway to the environment (e.g., station ventilation exhaust).

1.1.16 Emergency - That situation or condition which may result in damage to property and/or may lead to undue risk to the health and safety of the general public and/or site personnel.

1.1.17 Emergency Actions - Those measures or steps taken to ensure that an emergency situation is assessed (assessment actions) and that the proper corrective and/or protective actions are taken.

(130001) 9.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/BritshyEneyCompa1ny EHERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.18 Emergency Action Levels (EAL)

Predetermined conditions or values, including radiation and integrated dose; events such as natural disasters or fires; or specific instrument indications which, when reached or exceeded, require implementation of the Emergency Plan.

1.1.19 Emergency Classifications - The characterization of several classes of emergency situations consisting of mutually exclusive groupings including the entire spectrum of possible radiological emergencies.

The four classes of emergencies are (l) Unusual EventT (2-ATerT-At-eaEmeTgenlyT, and (4) General Emergency.

1.1.20 Emergency Control Center (ECC} -

The location from which control and coordination of emergency actions are effected.

The designated area encompasses the Shift Manager's Office and Control Room at OCGS.

Once the entire emergency response organization is activated, the Emergency Director retains command and control of all on-site activities from the TSC.

1.1.21 Emergency Core Cooling System - System of pumps, piping, valves, etc., used to deliver emergency cooling water to the reactor core.

At OCGS, the ECCS includes the pertinent pumps, piping, valves, etc. of the Isolation Condenser, Core Spray and Automatic Depressurization Systems.

1.1.22 Emergency Director (ED) - Designated onsite individual having the responsibility and authority to implement the Emergency Plan, and who will coordinate efforts to limit consequences of, and bring under control, the emergency.

11 ~tf*fl 10.0

. V.L


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exeon/BitUshEierg gCop EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.23 Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

- Designated State, county, and Municipal Emergency Management Agency locations especially designed and equipped for the purpose of exercising effective coordination and control over disaster operations within their jurisdiction.

1.1.24 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

- Designated location from which the Emergency Support Organization conducts the companies overall emergency response.

1.1.25 Emergency Operations Procedures - Specific plant procedures that provide step-by-step instruCtionsto -guide -plant operations during potential or real emergency situations.

1.1.26 Emergency Plan -

OCGS plan for dealing with emergencies at the Oyster Creek reactor site.

1.1.27 Emergency Plan Im lementinQ Procedures - Specific procedures in the Implementing Document which include emergency action levels and provide step-by-step emergency actions.

1.1.28 Emergency Planninq Zone (EPZ) - There are two Emergency Planning Zones.

The first is an area, approximately 10 miles in radius around the site, for which emergency planning consideration of the plume exposure pathway has been given in order to assure that prompt and effective actions can be taken to protect the public and property in the event of an accident.

This is called the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

The second is an area 50 miles in radius around the site, for which emergency planning consideration of the ingestion exposure pathway has been given.

This is called the Ingestion Exposure Pathway (EPZ).

1.1.29 Emergency Support Director (ESD) - Designated individual offsite having the overall responsibility for the management of the response to an accident and recovery operations.

I nnnA 11.0



An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 1.1.30 Exclusion Area - As defined in 10 CFR 100.3; "that area surrounding the reactor, in which the reactor licensee has the authority to determine all activities including exclusion or removal of personnel and property from the area".

The OCGS exclusion area is the 1358 ft.

radial area surrounding the OCGS site, as measured from the centerline of the reactor building.

1.1.31 General Emergency - Events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for large releases of radioactive material and/or loss of reactor building (containment) integrity, and other accidents that have large radioactive release potential such as fuel handling and waste gas system accidents.

Releases can be reasonably expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guide Exposure levels off-site for more than the immediate site area.

1.1.32 Implementing Document -

A document containing a description of the concept of emergency operations, emergency communication system, Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and administrative procedures.

1.1.33 Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPZ - The 50 mile Emergency Planning Zone in which a radioactive plume can cause the exposure of the population-at-risk and/or onsite personnel to internal contamination resulting from ingestion of contaminated water or foods, such as milk or fresh vegetables.

1.1.34 Joint Information Center (JIC) - Center of release of information to the news media, and the public, and for coordination of information releases with Federal, State and local agencies.

12.0 (130001)

AmerGen-OYSTER CREEK Number An Enlfsh EneT CompanyjI EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.35 Low Population Zone (LPZ)

- As defined in 10 CFR 100.3, the area immediately surrounding the exclusion area which contains residents, the total number and density of which are such that there is a reasonable probability that appropriate protective measures could be taken in their behalf in the event of a serious accident.

1.1.36 Off-site - Any area outside the owner controlled area.

1.1.37 Operable -

A component or system is defined as operable when it is capable of performing its intended function within the


1.1.38 Operations Support Center (OSC)

- Designated location from which accident mitigation personnel are dispatched.

1.1.39 Owner Controlled Area - That area located outside of the protected area fence surrounding the OCGS.

1.1.40 Parent Count

- County in which the site is located i.e.,

Ocean County for the Oyster Creek site.

1.1.41 Personnel Monitoring Eauipment -

As defined in 10 CFR 20.1003, devices designed to be worn or carried by an individual for the purpose of measuring the dose received (e.g., pocket dosimeters, thermoluminescent dosimeters, etc.).

1.1.42 Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ - The approximate 10 mile Emergency Planning Zone in which a radioactive plume can expose the population-at-risk and/or onsite personnel to radiation.

The principal modes of exposure in the EPZ are:

(1) whole body external exposure to gamma radiation from the plume, and (2) dose commitments from inhalation of the radioactive material within the plume.

1.1.43 Population-At -Risk - Those persons for whom protective actions-are being or would be taken.

(130001) 13.0

AmerGen OYSTER CREEK Nutiber An ExelonI/Bfsh Energy CompaIy EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.44 Population Center Distance - The distance from the reactor to the nearest boundary of a densely populated center containing more than about 25,000 residents.

1.1.45 Projected Dose -

A calculated estimate of dose which the population-at-risk may receive as a result of a radiological emergency in the absence of protective action.

1.1.46 Properly Relieved - Qualified individual/fit for duty.

1.1.47 Protected Area - As defined in 10 CFR 73.2, an area encompassed by physical barriers and to which access is

-- controlled.

This area -includes-all -areas-within -the security fence that immediately surrounds the major site structures (i.e. Reactor, Warehouse, Turbine, New Radwaste, Diesel Generator Bldg., and Other Office Buildings).

1.1.48 Protective Actions - Those actions taken during or after an emergency situation that are intended to minimize or eliminate the hazard to the health and safety of the general public and/or on-site personnel.

1.1.49 Protective Action Guides - Projected radiological dose or dose commitment values to individuals in the general population and to emergency workers that warrant protective action before or after a release of radioactive material.

Protective actions would be warranted provided the reduction in individual dose expected to be achieved by carrying out the protective action is not offset by excessive risks to individual safety in taking the protective action.

The protective action guide does not include the dose that has unavoidably occurred prior to the assessment.

,.L*UUL 14.0



OYSTER CREEK Number An Exe*on/British Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.50 RAC Model - Computer model used by the radiological assessment personnel to estimate radiological release source terms and make off-site dose projections.

This model has been verified by comparison of results to those from the MIDAS Model.

1.1.51 Radioloqically Controlled Area - All plant areas where radiation, contamination, or airborne radioactivity have a potential for existing in amounts above the limits set forth for an uncontrolled area as defined in 10CFR20; includes Radiation Area, High Radiation Area, Airborne Radioactivity Area, Radioactive Material Area, Contaminated Area or any other posting established for Radiological Controls purposes.

1.1.52 Recovery Actions - Those actions taken after the emergency to restore the plant as nearly as possible to its pre-emergency condition.

1.1.53 Restricted Area - As defined in 10 CFR 20.3, any area access to which is controlled by the licensee for purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.

A restricted area shall not include any areas used as residential quarters, although a separate room or rooms in a residential building may be set apart as a restricted area.

1.1.54 Risk County - Any County which is within (in whole or in part) the Plume Exposure Pathway (i.e., approximate 10 mile)

Emergency Planning Zone.

1.1.55 Semi-Annually -Twice within a calendar year.

(130001) 15.0

AmerGenrm OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Bdtih EneTgy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000- PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.1.56 Site Area Emerqency - An emergency classification where events are in progress or have occurred which involve actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public.

This emergency class includes accidents which have a significant radiation release potential.

Any releases are not expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guide exposure levels except near the site boundary.

1.1.57 State -

A term used for convenience to indicate the State of New Jersey.

1.1.58 State Plan - State developed and maintained radiological emergency response plan (RERP) which coordinates off-site response by state, county and municipal agencies.

1.1.59 Technical Support Center (TSC)

Emergency response facility utilized by engineering personnel to provide engineering support for emergency operations.

The facility is also used by the Emergency Director and his staff.

1.1.60 Tornado Warninc

- Meteorological conditions imminent for a tornado or a tornado sighted in the area.

1.1.61 Unrestricted Area - As defined in 10 CFR 20.1003, any area to which access is not controlled by the licensee for the purposes of protection of individuals from exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, and any area used for residential quarters.

(130001) 16.0


An Exelon/STItish Energy Company Title OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 OCGS Emergency Plan Revision No.

Revision No.

5 1.1.62 Unusual Event - An emergency classification where events are in progress or have occurred which indicate or allow recognition of a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant, including contaminated injuries of plant personnel which require offsite emergency treatment.

No releases of radioactive material requiring off-site response or monitoring are expected unless further degradation of safety systems occurs.

1.2 Abbreviations 1.2.1 BNE 1.2.2 CDE 1.2.3 CFR 1.2.4 CNO 1.2.5 cjf 1.2.6 CRO 1.2.7 CRT 1.2.8 DEP 1.2.9 DFO 1.2.10 DGI 1.2.11 DOE 1.2.12 dpm 1.2.13 EAA 1.2.14 EAC 1.2.15 EAAC 1.2.16 EACC 1.2.17 EAL 1.2.18 EAS 1.2.19 ECC 1.2.20 ED

- Bureau of Nuclear Engineering (New Jersey)

Committed Dose Equivalent Code of Federal Regulations Chief Nuclear Officer counts per minute Control Room Operator Cathode Ray Tube New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Disaster Field Office

- Digital Graphics Incorporated US Department of Energy disintegrations per minute Emergency Assembly Area (on-site)

Environmental Assessment Coordinator Emergency Assembly Area Coordinator Environmental Assessment Command Center Emergency Action Level Emergency Alert System Emergency Control Center Emergency Director (130001) 17.0


An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.2.21 1.2.22 1.2.23 1.2.24 1.2.25 1.2.26 1.2.27 1.2.28 1.2.29 1.2.30 1.2.31 1.2.32 1.2.33 1.2.34 1.2.35 1.2.36 1.2.37 1.2.38 1.2.39 1.2.40 1.2.41 1.2.42 EMA ENS EOC EOF EPA EPI EPIP EPZ ESD FEMA FRAA FRERP FRMAC FRMAP FSAR GM GOS HPN JIC LPZ NRC NRR 1.2.43 NWS 1.2.44 NUREG 1.2.45 OCGS 1.2.46 OEM 1.2.47 OSC Emergency Management Agency NRC Emergency Notification System Emergency Operations Center Emergency Operations Facility US Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Public Information Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure Emergency Planning Zone Emergency Support Director

- Federal Emergency Management Agency Forked River Assembly Area

- Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan

- Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Center Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan Final Safety Analysis Report

- Geiger Mueller (radiation detection tube)

Group Operating Supervisor NRC Health Physics Network Line Joint Information Center Low Population Zone US Nuclear Regulatory Commission US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Nuclear Reactor Regulation US National Weather Service Nuclear Regulatory Guide Oyster Creek Generating Station New Jersey State Police, Office of Emergency Management Operations Support Center (130001) 18.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exe*,onBdtsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

1.2.48 PAG Protective Action Guides 1.2.49 PAR Protective Action Recommendation 1.2.50 RAA Remote Assembly Area (off-site) 1.2.51 RAC Radiological Assessment Coordinator 1.2.52 RAGEMS -

Radioactive Gas Effluent Monitoring Systems 1.2.53 RCC

- Radiological Controls Coordinator 1.2.54 RERP

- Radiological Emergency Response Plan 1.2.55 RMS Radiation Monitoring System 1.2.56 SDD System Design Description 1.2.57 SRO Senior Reactor Operator 1.2.58 SM Shift Manager 1.2.59 TEDE Total Effective Dose Equivalent 1.2.60 TLD Thermoluminescent Dosimeter 1.2.61 TSC Technical Support Center 1.2.62 US Unit Supervisor 1.2.63 XJQ

- Atmospheric Dispersion Factor (Chi/Q)

(130001) 19.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/iritish Enemy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

2.0 APPLICABILITY AND SCOPE The prime objectives of emergency planning are to:

(1) develop a plan and implementing procedures that will provide the means for mitigating the consequences of emergencies (including very low probability events) in order to protect the health and safety of the general public and site personnel and to prevent damage to property and (2) ensure operational readiness of emergency preparedness capabilities.

This Emergency Plan has been developed in accordance with the provision of 10 CFR 50, Appendix E and 10 CFR 50.47, and is consistent with the guidelines given in (I)-Regulatory Guide I.70, "Standard Content-and Format of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 3 and (2)

"Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants",

NUREG 0654/FEMA-REP-I, dated November, 1980.

Additional references used in the development of this Emergency Plan are listed in Section 10.

2.1 General Demographic and Geographic Information In addition to the following information, specific details concerning Oyster Creek site is included in the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR).

2.1.1 General Information and Site Description The Oyster Creek Generating Station (OCGS) is operated by AmerGen.

OCGS has a General Electric 1930 Mw Thermal Boiling Water Reactor steam supply system.

Control rods and recirculation flow are used for reactivity control.

Steam generated within the reactor housing is utilized to drive a turbine coupled to the main generator.

The arrangement of the major OCGS facilities is shown in Figure 1.

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The OCGS site is located near the Atlantic Ocean within the State of New Jersey.

The Plant site, approximately 152 acres, is in Lacey and Ocean Townships, Ocean County.

OCGS is about two miles inland from the shore of Barnegat Bay and seven miles west-northwest of Barnegat Light on the Atlantic shorefront.

The site is approximately nine miles south of Toms River, New Jersey, about fifty miles east of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and sixty miles south of Newark, New Jersey.

The major transportation routes include the Garden State Parkway and U.-S.

Highway-9, running-north and-south; bU.S.---ighway-72, State Highways 37 and 70, New Jersey Routes 532, 530, 554 and Lacey Road running east and west, which serve primarily as feeder routes to the Garden State Parkway and U.S. Route 9.

U.S. Highway 9 provides the eastern most site boundary.

AmerGen owns approximately 708 acres of property to the east of Route 9 extending to the Barnegat Bay.

U.S. Highway 9 provides the only access routes to the site by land.

Water access to the site is provided by the Intracoastal Waterway, which runs through Barnegat Bay.

A general area map showing the relative location of the OCGS site is shown as Figure 2.

2.1.2 Owner Controlled Area, Exclusion Area and Low Population Zone The Owner Controlled Area for the OCGS includes all areas within the site perimeter security fence.

At Oyster Creek, the minimum distance from the center line of the OCGS Reactor Building to the eastern OCA fence is approximately 800 feet.

The Exclusion Area for the OCGS is a 1358 ft.

radius as measured from the center line of the Reactor Building.

The licensee retains complete authority to determine and maintain sufficient control of all activities including the authority (130001) 21.0

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to exclude or remove personnel and property for land areas within the exclusion area.

The OCGS low population zone is shown in Figure 3.

2.1.3 Population and Population Distribution The nearest population center is Toms River in Dover Township, 9.5 miles north of the site.

Specific information regarding population densities within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ, (e.g., residential areas, typical school enrollment and typical hospital capacities) can be found in

-the Oyster Creek Evacuation Time Estimate Study.-

An appreciable variance in population density occurs during June, July and August due to seasonal transient vacationers.

The Oyster Creek area, particularly the bay and seashores, is a summer vacation area for the mid-Atlantic states.

This seasonal population fluctuation occurs primarily in the eastern sectors.

2.1.4 Local Industrial and Military Facilities A brief summary of land use in Ocean County is included in Table 1.

Typical industries within 10 miles of the OCGS site are found in the Oyster Creek FSAR.

The area within 40 miles of the site is comprised primarily of forest, vacant, or farm land.

Only about 25 percent of the land is developed.

No major industry exists within a ten mile radius of the site, although several small industrial concerns exist in the Toms River area.

The nearest military installations are Fort Dix, New Jersey (approximately 35 miles northwest),

McGuire Air Force Base (on the Fort Dix Military Reserve),

and Lakehurst Naval Air Station (14 miles north).

There is also a military reserve 22.0 (130001)


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approximately 12 miles west along U.S. Route 72, utilized as a practice bombing range.

There is one general aviation airport within the 10 mile radius; Robert J. Miller Airpark County Airport, approximately 9 miles northwest.

2.1.5 Emergency Planning Zones OCGS has taken into consideration the information and data presented above, guidance provided by the Environmental Protection Agency, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the New

-Jersey Office of-Emergency Management,- as-well-as-other important factors such as organizational capabilities, availability of emergency facilities and equipment, and the methods for implementing the OCGS Emergency Plan in defining the Emergency Planning Zones (EPZs) for the Oyster Creek site.

As a result, an EPZ having an approximate radial distance of 10 miles from the sites has been defined as the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

An EPZ having a radial distance of 50 miles from the sites has been defined as the Ingestion Exposure Pathway EPZ.

Figures 4 and 5 illustrate the respective boundaries of these EPZs.

2.2 Scope of the EmerQency Plan In the event of an accident, a radioactive release may pose the principal threat to the workforce and population-at-large in the area around the plant site.

Emergency preparedness planning accordingly then focuses on response to this release potential.

Prime objectives include development of plans and procedures that provide the basis for efficient and effective radiological emergency response, ensure and maintain operational readiness and emergency preparedness and mitigate environmental impact.

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An Exelon/British Energy Company Title OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN

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Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan The OCGS Emergency Plan describes the methods and procedures to be used in satisfying its onsite responsibilities.

The Emergency Plan describes:

(a) the organizations and facilities to be relied upon in responding to emergencies, (b) the means to be used for initial accident assessment and notification, (c) the resources available for continued monitoring, assessment and dissemination of information about the emergency, (d) the emergency measures to be taken, including onsite protective and corrective actions, and (e) the procedures to be followed for maintaining emergency preparedness.

To ensure that the response to emergencies is initiated in a timely manner and effectively controlled, the Emergency Plan is coordinated with other plans, programs, and procedures, as follows:

2.2.1 EmerQency Plan Implementing Document The OCGS Emergency Plan has separate Implementing Documents which are distributed to those individuals, agencies, organizations, and facilities where immediate availability of such information would be required in an emergency.

The Implementing Documents are organized to provide:

a Detailed Emergency Plan Administrative Procedures which define all necessary actions that must be performed on a periodic basis in order to ensure readiness of the emergency preparedness program.

These procedures cover such topics as training, drills, emergency equipment and administration of emergency duty rosters.

  • Detailed Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures that define specific emergency action levels, requirements for implementation of the procedures, persons responsible for implementing each procedure and the detailed emergency actions (i.e.,

step by step instructions) necessary to implement the procedure.

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These procedures give detailed instructions to be used during an emergency including:

emergency assessment, classification, notification, protective and corrective actions.

The Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures have a direct relationship to the Emergency Plan and are coordinated with other site-specific plans, programs, and procedures.

2.2.2 Related Plans, ProQrams, and Procedures

  • The site Security Plan and procedures and the Emergency Plan and Implementing Procedures have be-en coordinated to ensure that appropriate emergency actions can be taken.

For example, the Security Plan and procedures will make provision for emergency response personnel and vehicle access when required by Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

The OCGS Radiation Protection Plan sets forth the philosophies, basic policies and objectives of the Radiological Controls Program at the Oyster Creek Generating Station.

The objectives of the radiological controls programs are to control radiation hazards to avoid accidental radiation exposures, to maintain exposures within the regulatory requirements and to maintain exposures to workers and the general population as low as is reasonably achievable.

In addition, Radiological Controls Procedures provide adequate guidance and specify appropriate methods or techniques to ensure that the performance of each activity is in accordance with sound radiological controls principles, and is in compliance with applicable regulatory provisions.

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The pertinent information and details provided in these documents either have been incorporated into the Emergency Plan, Implementing Procedures or appropriately referenced.

"* The OCNGS Environmental Control Plan provides for systematic control of plant systems and materials to avoid accidental environmental discharge and thereby minimize the environmental impact of plant operation.

"* A comprehensive set of Emergency Operations Procedures that are used to control plant operations during emergency and abnormal conditions have been prepared.

Since there is a direct relationship between emergency operations and emergency planning, these procedures and the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures are coordinated and complementary.

As a result, specific Emergency Operations Procedures will, when appropriate, direct the onshift operations personnel to the applicable Emergency Plan Implementing Procedure(s).

  • OCGS has developed the Emergency Public Information Implementing Document for the Oyster Creek site.

This implementing document describes the methods by which OCGS will disseminate information to the media and the public.

2.2.3 Related County and State Plans The development of the State of New Jersey Emergency Plan and the OCGS Emergency Plan were closely coordinated.

In addition, specific State requirements for reporting of emergencies, providing information and data, and recommending protective actions, have been integrated directly into the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

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In considering the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ, there are also county plans that have been considered in the development of the OCGS Emergency Plan.

The State Plan designates the New Jersey State Police, Office of Emergency Management (OEM) as the lead state agency for radiological emergency response planning and the state agency through which the Governor will exercise coordination and control during emergency.

The State Plan is an integrated document setting forth the resources and responsibilities of all relevant state agencies.

Significant plans from the State Departments of Agriculture, Environmental Resources, Bureau of Nuclear Engineering, NJ and Health are included in the State Plans.



OF EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS PROGRAM The Emergency Preparedness Program, consists of separate, coordinated, documents. The Emergency Plan provides the means for performing advance planning and defining specific requirements and commitments that will be implemented by other documents and procedures (e.g., Administrative Procedures, Surveillance Procedures, and Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures).

The Emergency Plan Implementing Documents provide the detailed information and procedures that will be required to implement the Emergency Plan, in the event of an emergency at the OCGS reactor site and to ensure a high state of emergency readiness.

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3.1 The OCGS EmerQency Plan The OCGS Emergency Plan ensures that all emergency situations, including those which involve radiation or radioactive material are handled logically and efficiently.

It covers the entire spectrum of emergencies from minor, localized emergencies to major emergencies involving action by offsite emergency response agencies and organizations.

The OCGS Emergency Plan includes schemes for classifying emergencies consistent with the guidance provided by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) in NUREG-0654.

This classification system is described in detail in Section 4.0 with site specific information in the applicable Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIPs).

A summary of each classification, its description, purpose and a list of the actions to be taken by OCGS site personnel and offsite authorities is included in Table 2.

Furthermore, this Plan incorporates response criteria (emergency action levels) which will be used in the assessment of emergency situations.

In summary, the OCGS Emergency Plan provides:

"* Guidance for classifying emergency conditions.

"* Guidance for reclassifying such emergency conditions should the severity increase or decrease.

"* Details of emergency response organizations.

"* General guidelines, as well as specific details, as to which state, county and federal authorities and agencies, and other outside organizations are available for assistance.

"* Information pertaining to the emergency facilities and equipment available both on-site and off-site.

"* Emergency Preparedness direction necessary for the development of Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

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  • Commitments to training, drills, reviews and audits, which will ensure a high degree of emergency preparedness and operational readiness on a continuous basis.
  • Figures and tables which display detailed information and data such as organization charts, maps, etc.

"* Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure.

"* Site-specific plans and agreements pertaining to participating off-site organizations and agencies.

3.2 The Implementing Documents The Emergency Plan Implementing Documents provide a "single source" of pertinent information and the procedures required by or useful to various emergency response organizations.

The Implementing Documents, therefore, consolidate and integrate specific material described in such documents as the Emergency Plan, the State Plans, and the various County Plans.

The OCGS Emergency Plan Implementing Documents provide:

"* Administrative Procedures necessary to ensure a high state of readiness.

"* Implementing Procedures which detail the emergency actions to be taken by appropriate plant personnel.

4.0 EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 4.1 Emergency Classification System This Emergency Plan characterizes four classes of emergency situations which consist of mutually exclusive groupings covering the entire spectrum of possible emergency situations.

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Each class is associated with a particular set of immediate actions to be taken to perform:

(1) accident classification, (2) notification of offsite agencies and support groups, and (3) mobilization of the applicable portion of the emergency organizations to cope with the situation and continue accident assessment functions.

The various classes of emergencies represent a hierarchy of events based on potential or actual hazards presented to the general public.

Emergencies may be classified in a lower category at first and then escalate to another, higher class if the situation deteriorates, as well as de-escalate as the situation improves.

Although mobilization of personnel is generally keyed to a specific formal classification of emergency, declaration of an emergency is not a prerequisite for activation of emergency response organizations and facilities.

However, activation and mobilization must occur if a

prescribed emergency level is declared.

Each of the four emergency classes are characterized by emergency action levels.

These levels consist of specific sets of plant parameters (e.g., instrument indications, system status) that will be used to initiate emergency response including (1) emergency class designation, (2) notification, and (3) emergency organization mobilization. These emergency action levels are used to facilitate rapid assessment and accident classification and to attain rapid readiness status on the part of emergency response persons and organizations.

These levels have not been selected so as to infer any immediate need to implement protective actions but rather to ensure a reasonable amount of time is available to confirm in-plant readings by implementing assessment measures onsite and offsite.

Once declaration of an emergency class requiring possible protective action occurs, dose assessments will be made by measurement and/or projection methods.

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An Exelon/BrItish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300. 01 The dose assessment values, along with other plant status assessments, will be reported to offsite agency officials as inputs for their decision on whether or not protective actions should be implemented for the public.

The relationship of these dose assessment values to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Protective Action Guides (PAGs),

as well as the possibility of approaching or exceeding the PAGs, will be reported.

A specific methodology was used to relate Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE),

hereafter referred to as Total Whole Body Dose, and thyroid dose (CDE) emergency action levels of the Alert, Site Area and General Emergency classes to the EPA PAGs.

The radiation levels used in the Emergency Action Levels (EALs) were chosen such that an individual exposed to these levels would receive a dose equivalent to the following fraction of the EPA PAGs:

NUREG-0654 Fraction of PAG Alert

> 0.01 Site Area Emergency

> 0.05 General Emergency

> 1.00 The applicable PAG(s) for Oyster Creek Emergency Action Levels are 1 Rem total whole body dose (total effective dose equivalent) and 5 Rem thyroid dose (CDE).

The philosophy used to classify an emergency is to promptly declare the highest class for which an emergency action level is indicated, based on plant status or projected dose.

For example, a Site Area Emergency would be declared directly if a Site Area Emergency action level is exceeded, even if the lower Alert class had not been previously declared.

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The classification system is designed to permit rapid evaluation of plant conditions based on comparison to established emergency action levels to facilitate prompt recognition and declaration of emergencies (typically within 15 minutes of the onset of an event).

Emergency action levels and corresponding indications requiring emergency declaration are found in the site's Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures (EPIP's).

The intent of the stated values is to provide absolute values which, if exceeded, will initiate the required action for the given emergency classification.

Each of the four emergency classes, and the related emergency action levels requiring declaration of each class, are described in the following subsections.

4.1.1 Unusual Event The least severe of the four emergency classes defined by this Plan is called an Unusual Event.

For the purposes of this Plan, an Unusual Event shall be defined as the occurrence of an event or events that indicate or allow recognition of a potential degradation of the level of safety of the plant.

The incident shall be classified as an Unusual Event only if the event is a minor one and no releases of radioactive material requiring offsite response or monitoring are expected.

Events in this class are selected based upon a potential to degrade to a more severe situation rather than an actual public hazard.

In addition the Emergency Director shall also declare an Unusual Event any time that in his judgement plant conditions exist that warrant the activation of emergency centers and precautionary public notification.



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The Unusual Event class may be referenced by an action statement in a specific Emergency Operating Procedure, Abnormal Transient Procedure or Abnormal Operating Procedure.

Steps in these procedures state that an Unusual Event has occurred or is occurring and require that an Unusual Event class of emergency be declared in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

All Emergency Plan related actions (notification, etc.) will be carried out in parallel with the remainder of the operating


In exercising the judgement as to the need for declaring an Unusual Event, uncertainty concerning the safety status of the plant, the length of time the uncertainty exists and the prospects for resolution of ambiguities in a reasonable time period is sufficient basis for declaring an Unusual Event.


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4.1.2 Alert The next level of emergency class designated in this Plan is called an Alert.

An Alert is the occurrence of an event or series of events that indicate and allow recognition of an actual or potentially substantial degradation of the level of safety of the plant.

As in the case of an Unusual Event, the Alert class includes emergency situations that are expected to be minor in nature but where it has been deemed prudent to notify more of the off-site emergency response

-*agencies and mobilize a larger portion-of the emergency organization.

In addition, because of the nature of the Alert class (releases of radioactive material possible),

broader assessment actions will be started.

Events that will initiate an Alert shall be those with the potential of limited releases of radioactive material to the environment or events that indicate a decrease in plant safety with potentially severe consequences.

As before, a situation will only be classified at the Alert level if none of the emergency action levels for a higher class have been exceeded or are expected to be exceeded in the near term.

The values specified are absolute action levels requiring declaration of the Alert emergency class.

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In addition, the Emergency Director shall also declare an Alert any time that in his judgement plant conditions exist that warrant the activation of emergency centers and precautionary public notification.

This class of emergency may also be referenced by arrival at an action statement in specific Emergency Operating, Abnormal Operating or Abnormal Transient Procedures.

Steps in these procedures state that an Alert has occurred or is occurring and require that an Alert class of emergency be declared in accordance with Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

All Emergency Plan related actions (notification, etc.) will be carried out in parallel with the remainder of the Operating Procedure(s).

In exercising the judgement as to the need for declaring an Alert, uncertainty concerning the safety status of the plant, the length of time the uncertainty exists the prospects for resolution of ambiguities beyond a reasonable time period and the potential of the level of safety of the plant is sufficient basis for declaring an Alert.

4.1.3 Site Area EmerQencv The next level of emergency class designated is the Site Area Emergency.

The Site Area Emergency class includes accidents in which actual or likely major failures of plant functions needed for protection of the public have occurred.

Although immediate protective actions are not automatically required, declaration of a Site Area Emergency will set into motion all personnel on-site and off-site that would be required to perform actions in preparation for a potential evacuation to off-site areas.

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Monitoring teams will be dispatched to make continuing assessments and provide officials with information necessary to make decisions concerning protective actions.

The Site Area Emergency class includes accidents which have a significant radiation release potential.

In addition, the Emergency Director shall also declare a Site Area Emergency any time that in his judgement plant conditions exist that warrant the activation of emergency centers and precautionary public notification.

In exercising the judgement as to the need for declaring a Site Area Emergency, uncertainty concerning the status of the plant functions needed for protection of the public, the length of time the uncertainty exists, the prospects for resolution of ambiguities beyond a reasonable time and the potential degradation of the plant functions needed for protection of the public is sufficient basis for declaring a Site Area Emergency.

This class of emergency may also be referenced by arrival at an action statement in specific Emergency Operating, Abnormal Operating or Abnormal Transient Procedures.

Steps in these procedures state that a Site Area Emergency has occurred or is occurring and requires that a Site Area Emergency be declared in accordance with Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures as a minimum.

All Emergency Plan related actions (notification, etc.) will be carried out in parallel with the remainder of the Operating Procedure (s).

It should be noted that, unlike the two previously described classes of emergency, the Site Area Emergency class may likely involve some radiation exposure to the public.

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Many of the accidents included in the class have the potential for degradation to the General Emergency class.

Although the emergency action levels for this class have been selected at values which would result in off-site exposures below the protective action guides, off-site monitoring team reports and continuing assessment may lead to a decision warranting a recommendation for protective actions.

If such a decision is necessary, a General Emergency shall

--be -declared prior-to -issuing the protective-act-ion.


4.1.4 General EmerQency The most severe class of emergency defined by this Emergency Plan is the General Emergency.

The General Emergency class includes accidents which involve actual or imminent substantial core degradation or melting with potential for loss of Reactor Building (containment) integrity (e.g. loss of two of three fission product boundaries with potential loss of the third), and other accidents that have large radioactive release potential such as fuel handling and waste gas system accidents..

In keeping with the philosophy adopted throughout this Plan, the emergency action levels are based on the EPA protective action guides and are used to (1) declare the emergency, (2) notify the appropriate authorities and support groups, and (3) mobilize the applicable portions of the emergency organizations.

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However, this class of emergency is somewhat different in that protective actions are typically recommended within 15 minutes of declaration of the General Emergency since the lower limits of the protective action guides may be exceeded.

The emergency action levels have been selected to be consistent with the site specific EAL methodology guidance.

Confirmatory measurements in the field should be made prior to any expansion of the protective actions beyond the initial recommendation.

This- -emergency --class-may--a-rise-f-rom -an -action-statement-in specific Emergency Operating, Abnormal Operating or Abnormal Transient Procedures.

4.2 State, County and Local Classification System State, county and local emergency plans incorporate the same emergency classification system as that utilized by OCGS in this Plan.

Since both the State and OCGS classification schemes include events which have significant potential for radioactive releases, it is imperative that specific guidance for initiating protective actions be available to the "decision-making" personnel in emergency response organizations and agencies.

The State of New Jersey has, for planning purposes, adopted the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) protective action guides (PAG's).

4.3 Spectrum of Postulated Accidents Each of the discrete accidents that have been hypothesized for OCGS is encompassed within the aforementioned emergency classification scheme.

4.3.1 Classification of Hypothetical Accidents All of the design basis accidents hypothesized in Chapter 15 of the updated Oyster Creek FSAR fall into one of the four emergency classes.

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Table 3 lists each of these design basis accidents and the related emergency classification.

A complete discussion of any of these hypothetical events may be found in the FSAR.

4.4 Instrumentation Capability for Detection The plant instrumentation that will be used to promptly detect accidents at Oyster Creek is discussed in detail in the FSAR.

Table 4 lists each hypothetical accident and the important instrumentation that would be expected to detect each.

Only major installed equipment is listed.

5.0 OCGS EMERGENCY ORGANIZATION 5.1 Mobilization AmerGen operates and provides technical support for the Oyster Creek site.

A complete description of the corporate organization is contained in the OCGS OrQanization Plan.

OCGS Emergency Response capabilities include On-Shift, Initial Response and Emergency Support Organizations.

The On-Shift Emergency Organization includes members of the normal operating shift which assume an emergency posture to immediately respond to the emergency.

The Initial Response Emergency Organization at OCGS is comprised of rotating duty roster positions which maintain a one-hour response time, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> a day, to relieve and or augment the On-shift organization as needed. The Emergency Support Organization is comprised of duty roster positions which maintain four hour and selected one hour response time, 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day, to augment the Initial Response Organization, as needed.

Emergency manpower staffing for the OCGS site is presented in Tables 5, 6 and 7.

The tables include:

Emergency position; minimum number of personnel required; shift position, title or expertise; emergency duties and location and person to which each emergency position reports.


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The Initial Response Emergency Organization shall report to the duty station within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br /> of notification of declaration of an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency.

The Emergency Support Organization shall be fully manned within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> of notification of declaration of a Site Area or General Emergency; however, the Emergency Support Director and designated members of the EOF staff will respond within one (1) hour as noted in Table 7.

5.1.1 Transition from Normal Shift Organization to Emergency Shift organization The OCGS Normal Shift Organization is shown as Figure 6.

Requirements for minimum shift crews are specified in the OCGS Technical Specifications.

Licensed operators are provided on-site on a rotating shift basis to ensure the safe and proper operation of the plant 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

In addition, personnel from other departments are assigned to shifts to provide additional capabilities.

The Normal Shift Organization can be augmented, in an emergency, with designated/additional personnel within 60 minutes of notification.

The normal operating shift organization is generally described as follows:

A Shift Manager (SM) is on duty at all times at OCGS.

The SM is the immediate position of authority and responsible for the safe and proper operation of the plant.

The Shift Manager will be responsible for the initial evaluation of any abnormal or emergency situation and for directing the appropriate response.

If it is determined that an emergency exists, those responsibilities assigned to the Emergency Director will be assumed by the Shift Manager.

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The Shift Manager (or Senior Plant Representative) may request and direct activation of any or all emergency response organizations, or any portions there of, as he may deem appropriate, based on non-emergency plant conditions for which he perceives a need for additional support.

The Emergency Director will initiate appropriate actions, implement proper procedures, notify appropriate offsite emergency response organizations and agencies (e.g., risk county, OEM, NRC) and retain-such responsibilities until relieved by the Initial Response Emergency Organization Emergency Director.

During normal and emergency operations, the SM shall retain responsibility for the plant safety and shall maintain control over the conduct of operations and personnel in the Control Room unless relieved by a senior reactor operator (SRO) licensed management representative.

"* The Unit Supervisor (US) assists the Shift Manager.

In the absence of the SM, the US will assume his responsibilities.

"* The Control Room Operators are responsible for the manipulation of controls as necessary to perform plant operations as directed by the US or SM.

They are responsible to the US.

The Equipment Operators are responsible for performing component and/or system operations outside the Control Room.

They are responsible to the Field Supervisor.


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Each on duty shift shall include a Shift Technical Advisor except that the Shift Technical Advisor's position need not be filled if the reactor is in the refuel or shutdown mode and the reactor is less than 212F.

The Shift Technical Advisor position may be filled by an on-shift Senior Reactor Operator (dual-role SRO/STA) provided the individual meets the requirements of OC Technical Specifications, Section 6.3.3.

"* Radiological Protection Controls Technicians will be assigned to each shift. These technicians are qualified to determine doses received by workers during the performance of their duties and will be available during emergencies on a 24-hour-per-day basis to perform related functions.

"* To provide for round-the-clock maintenance coverage, a maintenance crew is assigned to each shift.

This crew provides capability in the mechanical and instrumentation and controls disciplines.

The Site Security Force provides round-the-clock security services in accordance with the Security Plan and procedures.

5.1.2 On-Shift Emergency Organization An On-Shift Emergency Organization will be maintained for the site.

Upon declaration of an emergency, members of the Normal On-Shift Organization gain additional responsibilities by assuming roles as the On-Shift Emergency Organization.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

This transition is shown in Figure 7.

These roles are retained until these personnel are relieved by members of the Initial Response Emergency Organization or other qualified personnel.

The On-Shift Emergency Organization is described as follows:

0 Emergency Director - The senior licensed individual in the Control Room (i.e., Shift Manager) assumes the duties of the Emergency Director.

The individual assigned to the duties of Emergency Director, will assume overall charge of the plant emergency, ensure that the OCGS Emergency Plan is properly implemented and notify senior plant management.

He shall retain his normal plant responsibilities in addition to these emergency responsibilities until properly relieved.

When relieved, this individual may assume the Operations Coordinator position.

Due to the numerous responsibilities assigned to the Shift Manager at the onset of an emergency, he shall prioritize his actions to (1) ensure the safe operation of the plant, (2) ensure that immediate notification requirements are met, (3) obtain an operational and radiological assessment of the emergency, and (4) perform additional emergency actions as designated in the plant procedures as time and conditions permit.

Operations Coordinator - The Unit Supervisor normally assumes the role of Operations Coordinator.

He is responsible for directing the actions of the control room operators, maintenance personnel, and the Chemistry personnel to return the plant to a safe condition.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Maintenance and chemistry personnel report to the OSC Coordinator if the OSC is activated by the ED.

"* Shift Technical Advisor - The individual assigned to each shift as the STA may have other operational responsibilities. During a declared emergency, the STA will remain independent of operational responsibilities and function to advise and assist the Emergency Director on plant conditions.

ECC Communications Coordinator - An assigned, trained individual from the shift assumes the role of ECC Communications Coordinator.

This position is responsible to make notifications to offsite agencies until properly relieved.

The remaining control room, equipment and auxiliary operators continue to support emergency plant operations.

Call outs are made by Security.

"* Radiological Assessment Coordinator - The On-Shift Radiological Assessment Coordinator assumes the role of Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) and provides the radiological assessment input and radiological support.

This position reports to and advises the Emergency Director in regards to in-plant, onsite, and offsite radiological conditions.

The.RAC performs dose projections, coordinates onsite and offsite radiological/environmental survey teams and helps formulate Protective Action Recommendations in conjunction with the Emergency Director.

The RAC also coordinates the dispatch of Radiological Protection Technicians from the OSC.

The on-shift Radiological Assessment Coordinator will turn over the duties to the IREO RAC when relieved.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Operations Support Center Coordinator - An Operations Supervisor or other qualified individual fills the Operations Support Center (OSC) Coordinator position.

His responsibilities include chemistry, maintenance and operations support.

This position reports to the Emergency Director until properly relieved.

Chemistry Coordinator - Senior Chemistry technician assumes the position of Chemistry Coordinator.

This position reports to the OSC or Operations Coordinator and is responsible for sample procurement and analysis.

When relieved, he returns to his normal duties of chemistry support.

"* Security Coordinator - The Security Coordinator position is filled by the Site Protection Shift Supervisor/designated Senior Site Protection Officer and is responsible for directing the security force, accountability, access control and interfaces with the local law enforcement agencies/EOD.

5.1.3 Initial Response Emergency Organization Personnel are assigned to positions on the Initial Response Emergency Organization by the Director of the applicable Division or their designees.

The Initial Response Emergency Organizations is illustrated on Figure 8.

The duty roster assignments will be published to ensure that full coverage is provided.

As a minimum, this organization will be manned at the Alert level.

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OCG;S Emergency Plan 5 Direction and Coordination As previously stated, the Shift Manager will initially assume the responsibilities of the Emergency Director in the event of an emergency.

Until personnel can be recalled to staff the Initial Response Emergency Organization, the SM will assign members of the on-shift organization to carry out the appropriate prioritized actions.

In addition, he will ensure notification of the duty roster Emergency-D-irector, -who-wil-l relieve-the SM of Emergency Director responsibilities upon his arrival in the TSC.

If the SM is unavailable or becomes incapacitated for any reason, the Unit Supervisor (Operations Coordinator) has the authority to assume the position of Emergency Director until properly relieved by a designated Emergency Director.

The Emergency Director has the authority and the responsibility to immediately and unilaterally initiate any emergency action, including providing protective action recommendations to authorities responsible for implementing offsite emergency measures.

Following notification of an existing or potential emergency, the Emergency Director will be responsible for the assessment of emergency situations, especially where the emergency presents a real or potential hazard to offsite persons or property.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Emergency Director will implement the Emergency Plan through the use of specific Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures, activate necessary and/or required portions of the emergency organizations and, as appropriate:

Establish the necessary communications to ensure that all emergency organizations are kept informed of the status of the emergency.

"* Provide direction and support in the plant emergency mitigation process.

"* Ensure that notification and reports to County, State, and Federal governments, are made in a timely manner.

"* Interpret radiological data in terms of real-time measurements and projected radiological doses in order to evaluate the need to recommend offsite protective actions.

"* Ensure adequate protective measures for the safety of personnel involved in emergency response efforts.

The Emergency Director is vested with certain authority and responsibility that shall not be delegated to a subordinate.

Included are:

1. Approving and directing official notifications to offsite agencies.

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Approving information for release to the news media.

ED/ESD approval is not required for public announcement of formal emergency declarations and changes of emergency classifications.


Approving and, if possible, personally conveying appropriate Protective Action Recommendations to the State (e.g., OEM-NJ)


Brief the NRC Site Team Leader and serve as principle "point of contact" for receiving NRC directives.

However, NRC will interface with other emergency response personnel in mitigating the consequences of the emergency.

Classification of an emergency event.


Directing onsite evacuation at the Alert or lower level emergency classification based on potential hazard to non-essential personnel.


Authorizing emergency workers to exceed 10 CFR 20 Radiation Exposure Limits.


Approving and directing deviation from established procedures during plant emergencies or during a declared National Security Emergency.

Procedures shall be followed unless the situation dictates a valid need to deviate and in all cases the deviation shall be documented.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Emergency Operating Procedures are written to address emergency conditions and generally should be followed with no deviations.

NOTE For National Security Emergencies the following conditions must be met: 1) When this action is immediately needed to implement National Security Objectives as designated by the National Command Authority through the NRC, and 2)

No action consistent with license, license conditions and technical specifications that can meet National Security objectives is immediately apparent.

No one other than a licensed SRO individual or Senior Management can make the decision to depart from the Technical Specifications, the license or license conditions (required by 10 CFR 50.54).

However, if a more senior manager is present (i.e., Emergency Director) even though he does not possess an SRO License the decision authority would be passed to him as a higher authority in the chain of command.

The licensed SRO shall provide his best judgement to the ED for consideration.

Beyond that, the SRO shall follow the orders of his supervision.

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OCGS Emergency Plan For emergencies at Oyster Creek the Emergency Director shall consult the SRO and the technical staff to the fullest extent practicable in arriving at a decision to deviate from the Technical Specifications, the license or license conditions (required by 10 CFR 50.54).

If the decision is made to depart from technical specifications, license or license conditions (required by 10 CFR 50.54), notify the NRC before taking such actions,-if -time--permits or if time does...

not permit, then within one hour.

Deviations from Technical Specifications, the license and license conditions (required by 10 CFR 50.54) should only be authorized in extreme cases.

However, only the specific portions of those AmerGen Plans and Programs that implement the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54 need be considered when reporting deviations to the NRC.

As an example, this Emergency Plan is a license condition required by 10 CFR 50.54.

However a deviation from this plan does not necessarily require invoking 10 CFR 50.54(x).

This emergency plan is required by 10 CFR 50.54 to meet the standards in 10 CFR 50.47(b) and the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix E.

Only the items in these two parts are the ones that need be considered when deciding the applicability of 10 CFR 50.54(x).

Specific instructions on the applicable parts of the AmerGen Plans and programs required by the license and 10 CFR 50.54 will be contained in the implementing procedures.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

NOTE 10 CFR 50.54(x) must be invoked when deviating from the Technical Specifications, License, license conditions (required by 10 CFR 50.54) or safeguards measures.

This should only be done when such action is immediately needed for public health and safety and no other alternatives are apparent.

When the designated Emergency Support Director (ESD) arrives at the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF) and declares himself to be ready to assume that role, he will assume overall responsibility for management of the response to the accident and recovery operations.

With activation of the ESD function, the ESD specifically will assume decision authority for Items 2,

3 and 4, above and may assume Item 1 if requested by the ED.

Decision authority for Items 5, 6,

7 and 8 above will be retained by the Emergency Director (ED).

Decisions on all of the listed actions normally will result from close and continuous consultation between the ESD and the ED and it is the responsibility of the ED to ensure the ESD is provided with the necessary information to arrive at timely and appropriate decisions.

In the special case of event classification, the ESD shall retain the prerogAtive to overrule the ED if.

in the judgment of the ESD, uncertainty or other considerations exist to the extent warranting classification of a hicher level of emerqency than that classified by the ED.

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OCGS Emergency Plan Directives from the NRC must come from the Director of the executive team (typically, the NRC Chairman) or the Director of Site Operations (typically, the NRC Regional Administrator).

Such advice or directive can only be communicated to the Emergency Director (the Emergency Support Director when the EOF is activated).

If a

directive is issued by the NRC Director or Director of Site Operations, the ED/ESD should request written confirmation which spells out the specific nature of the directive.

While the ED/ESD may challenge the advice of the NRC, the ED/ESD must comply with all directives.

With respect to protective action recommendations for the public, the NRC may either endorse the AmerGen recommendation or opt to recommend a different one.

The ED/ESD is encouraged to include the NRC and State representatives in the protective action recommendation discussions in order to arrive at a mutually agreeable recommendation.

In the event that the NRC opts to recommend a different recommendation, they will communicate directly with the State.

Their recommendation, like the utility recommendation, will be considered by the State in the development of a Governor directive.

Upon arrival of the NRC personnel, the ED/ESD should:

0 Verify who is the senior NRC person in charge (Site Team Leader)

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

"* Ask the Site Team Leader to inform the ED/ESD once he assumes the role of Director Site Operations and whether this designation also includes the responsibility to issue directives.

"* Request that the NRC keep AmerGen informed of all substantive information exchanges between the NRC and the State.

"* Request that the NRC provide all directives in writing.

As a matter of policy, when a judgement is made by the senior person in the Control Room to declare an emergency based on a discretionary emergency action level, senior management will honor this decision unless it is in error.

To ensure that proper offsite authorities are kept fully informed of the emergency status and actions in progress, the Emergency Director will ensure that follow-up messages containing the following information, if it is known and appropriate, are transmitted in a timely manner:

Location of incident and name and telephone number (or communications channel identification) of caller Date/time of incident

"* Class of emergency, nature of emergency, and plant status

"* Type of actual or projected release and identification of potentially affected areas 53.0 k.L4 U UV U



An ExelontBritish Energy Company Title OCGS Emergency Plan OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revi~ion No.

5 a

Emergency response actions underway a

Recommended actions, including protective measures Request for on-site support from off-site organizations Prognosis for future course of event based on current plant information Plant Staff Emerqency Assicnments


Assistance The ED Assistant provides direct interface with the ECC Communications Coordinator, Emergency Assembly Area Coordinator, Security Coordinator and Public Information Representative.

He then advises and assists the Emergency Director in matters pertaining to these areas.

54.0 (130001)

Estimate of quantity of radioactive material released or being released and height of release Isotopic and physical form of released material, including estimates of the relative quantities and concentration of noble gases, iodines and particulates Prevailing weather conditions (e.g., wind velocity, direction, temperature, atmospheric stability data)

"* Actual or projected dose rates and integrated dose at exclusion area boundary and at about 2, 5

and 10 mile radius, including sectors affected

"* Surface radioactive contamination levels


OYSTER CREEK An Eelon/Bditsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.



Communications The ECC Communications Coordinator will report to the ED Assistant.

He will function as liaison between the ECC and OCGS Initial Response and Emergency Support Organizations, governmental agencies and other off-site support organizations (e.g. Technical Support Center, Technical Support Representative, NRC headquarters,).

The ECC Communications Coordinator will provide reliable and accurate communications in accordance with the appropriate Emergency Plan Implementing procedures.

In addition, he is responsible for maintaining records of outgoing and incoming communications.

The.ECC Communicators will report to the ECC Communications Coordinator and be responsible for maintaining communications with the NRC as well as assisting in the notification process and receiving incoming calls.


Technical Support The Technical Support Center Coordinator will report to the Emergency Director.

The Technical Support Center engineers will assist the Technical Support Center Coordinator in analyzing current and projected plant status and, in close communications with the Emergency Director, provide technical support and recommendations regarding emergency actions.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

In addition, the Technical Support Center Coordinator will provide a direct interface with the Technical Support Representative and staff at the EOF.

Specifically, the Technical Support Center Coordinator and his staff will:

"* Assume the position of technical advisor for the emergency.

"* Provide technical support, analysis, and guidance in matters concerning specific plant request, equipment response, exceeding normal equipment operating limits and technical specifications, varying from normal and emergency operating procedures.

"* Analyze reactor core, mechanical, electrical, and instrument and control problems; develop solutions; design and assist in the coordination of the installation of short-term modifications.

"* Provide recommendations to the plant that would mitigate the consequences of the emergency.

"* Assess the implications of actions taken and provide recommendations that would minimize damage to plant equipment, loss of plant assessment/monitoring capabilities, and reduce plant radiation and contamination levels.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

"* Analyze general plant conditions and develop guidance for the Emergency Director, Emergency Support Director and operations personnel.

"* Analyze thermohydraulic and thermodynamic problems and develop solutions.

"* Assist in the development of Emergency Procedures and Operating Procedures necessary for conducting emergency response operations, and resolve questions concerning Operating License requirements.

"* Provide technical support concerning plant operating procedures, emergency operating procedures and normal plant specific concerns.


Plant Operations (1)

The Operations Coordinator is responsible for coordinating operations and maintenance activities through the SM and the Operations Support Center Coordinator.

The Operations Coordinator may not relieve the SM or specifically direct plant operations unless he is a licensed Senior Reactor Operator.

The Operations Coordinator will report to the Emergency Director.


The senior on-shift management person initially assumes the duties of the Emergenc Director.

Once relieved by the Emergency Director, he may assume the Operations Coordinator position and will be responsible for maintaining control over plant operations.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

He shall have the Unit Supervisor, Shift Technical Advisor and the Operations shift personnel to assist him.


The Shift Technical Advisors will advise their respective Shift Managers on activities that impact the safe and proper operation of the plant.


The Unit Supervisor will continue his normal duties; i.e.,

directing control room operators and assisting the SM.

He reports directly to the SM and has the operations shift personnel report to him.

He may assume the responsibilities of Operations Coordinator.

When relieved, he again reports to the senior licensed individual, i.e., SM, etc. and continues to direct plant operations through the control room operators.


The Operations Shift under the direction of the SM, is responsible for the safe and proper operation of the plant at all times.

Therefore, the operations shift will respond to all abnormal and emergency situations and take action as necessary to mitigate the emergency.

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EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 - PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The shift organization will be self-reliant for a sufficient period of time to allow for initial emergency response, notification of required personnel, and the assembly and integration of response personnel into the emergency organization.

The station personnel are familiar with the operation of plant systems and the location and use of emergency equipment.

Some members of -each shift-are trained i-n-firefightiing,.

first aid, and the use of radiation monitoring equipment.

The duties of the operations shift during an emergency includes operating both primary and secondary plant systems, making initial notifications to off-site authorities and operational support to the emergency.


The Operations Support Center (OSC) Coordinator is responsible for supporting operations in the areas of maintenance, first aid, search and rescue, chemistry and radiological controls.

He reports to the Operations Coordinator.

The Emergency Maintenance Coordinator, and Chemistry Coordinator, report directly to him.


The EmerQency Maintenance Coordinator is responsible for directing the activities of maintenance personnel'involved in emergency maintenance repair and corrective actions.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5


Shift maintenance personnel serve as the Emergency Repair Teams and shall report directly to the Emergency Maintenance Coordinator. They shall be used for emergency repair, search and rescue, drivers for radiation monitoring teams and fire brigade members (if qualified).


The Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) is responsible for all on-site radiological assessment activities.

The RAC reports to the Group Leader -

R&EC after the Emergency Support Organization is activated.

Initially, the Radiological Assessment Coordinator is responsible for coordinating the on-site and off-site Radiological/Environmental Survey Teams (after they are dispatched),

Radiological Engineering Support, and the Radiological Controls Coordinator.

He/she shall coordinate initial on-site and off-site radiological assessment activities, review results, report findings and make recommendations to the Emergency Director.

In addition, he/she shall interface with the Environmental Assessment Coordinator to keep him/her current as to plant conditions and radiological source terms.

The RAC will independently review dose projections from the computer based dose assessment program.

The EAC will perform these dose projections independently.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Ontish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Redundant power supplies, hardware and software exist for RAC code utilization.


The Radiological Controls Coordinator will report to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) and will have the Radiological Protection Technicians report to him/her.

He/she will be responsible for coordinating the in-plant radiological controls activities from the OSC and initially dispatching the Radiological/Environmental survey teams until they have established communications with the RAC.

His/her functions include coordinating the radiological controls technicians in the areas of radiological access control; radiological control coverage for emergency repair, corrective actions, search and rescue, first-aid, assembly area monitors, firefighting, and personnel monitoring.

He/she will be responsible for prioritizing the immediate radiological controls response in-plant.

The Radiological Controls Coordinator must keep the OSC Coordinator advised of the jobs he/she is covering in order to effectively coordinate the in-plant radiological control needs with plant operational needs.

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2000-PLN-130 0.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5


The Radiological Controls Technicians will report directly to the Radiological Controls Coordinator.

In addition to the aforementioned functions, the technicians will also be responsible to assist the Radiological Controls Coordinator in the call out of additional technicians, and for performing as radiological/environmental survey team members.

Additional technicians may be obtained by calling in off-duty technicians.


The Cher*istryM-oordinator

-will report directly to the OSC Coordinator.

He shall be responsible for obtaining and analyzing all post-accident samples in accordance with procedures.


Chemistry Technicians will report directly to the Chemistry Coordinator at the OSC.

They will perform all post-accident chemistry samples and analyses.


Radiolocical Engineering Support shall assist the RAC in performing dose projection calculations, source term calculations, and other calculations or determinations necessary to assess radiological hazards and to minimize personnel exposure.


The Emergency Assembly Area Coordinators direct the muster of non-essential site personnel at the Emergency Assembly Areas.

The Emergency Assembly Area Coordinators Report to the ED Assistant in the TSC.

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An Exelonl/rltish Energy Company Title OCGS Emergency Plan OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 (16)

The Public Information Representative At the onset of an emergency, the duty Public Information representative is notified after the New Jersey State Police and implements the Emergency Public Information (EPI)

Implementing Document.


The Security Coordinator is responsible for the overall security response during an emergency.

Coordinates the activities of the Site Protection Shift Supervisor and local law enforcement agencies/EOD.


The following functions will be performed by trained members of the normal shift complement:


Firefightin Specific personnel on each shift (Site Fire Brigade) are trained in firefighting to ensure such capability will be available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

The Fire Brigade, under the direction of the Fire Brigade Team Leader or another individual designated by him, shall respond to all confirmed fire alarms or as directed by the Control Room and report to the location of the fire with assigned equipment.

During the normal work week, additional qualified firefighting personnel will, as necessary, be obtained from the normal on-site organization.

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AmerGen OYSTER CREEK Number AnExelon/British EneW Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Assistance will be requested from local fire departments through the county dispatcher/appropriate local dispatch system if deemed necessary by the Emergency Director.


First Aid and Search and Rescue Medical emergencies and search and rescue operations will be the responsibility of the First Aid and Search and Rescue Teams.

Specific -personnel--on-ea-ch--shift-are--.......

trained in first aid techniques to ensure such assistance will be available 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> per day.

Assistance will be requested from outside medical support personnel or organizations as deemed necessary by the Emergency Director.


RadioloQical Monitoring Prior to the activation of the entire Initial Response Organization, the Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) may dispatch offsite and/or on-site Radiological/ Environmental Survey Teams to perform radiological monitoring functions.

Initially, the off-site and on-site Radiological/Environmental Survey Teams report directly to the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Environmental Assessment Coordinator (EAC) will assume command of off-site radiological and environmental assessment upon activation of the EACC.

At this point the off-site Radiological/Environmental Survey Teams will either report directly to the EAC or return to the plant as instructed.

The onsite Radiological/Environmental Survey Teams-will--continue -to-report to t-he-RAC--....

The various survey teams are responsible for performing radiation/contamination surveys, other radiological monitoring as directed, and for assisting in assigned decontamination activities.

A complete discussion of monitoring teams and dose assessment is contained in Section 6.4.1.


Security and Personnel Accountability The site Security Force will operate in accordance with the established Security Plan and Procedures.

During emergencies, the Site Protection Shift Supervisor assumes the duties of the Security Coordinator.

The site Security Force will report to the Security Coordinator in emergency situations.

The Security Coordinator, in turn, shall report to the ED Assistant.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The security force will respond and provide assistance as required for security controls.

The security force will assume responsibility for personnel accountability.

In addition, provisions have been made in the Security Plan for admitting off-site emergency vehicles when Security is notified by the Shift Manager or Emergency Director and for escorting these vehicles to the proper location.

5.1.4 Emercencv Support OrQanization The Emergency Support Organization will provide technical and logistic support in the event of a serious or potentially serious emergency.

An illustration of the Emergency Support Organization is included as Figure 9.

This organization will be staffed by personnel from the normal station organization, the normal technical support organization, and consultants.

In general, the responsibilities of the Emergency Support Organization are to:

"* Provide liaison and communications with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the appropriate State and county agencies.

"* Provide for public relations activities and disseminate information to the public.

"* Provide for environmental monitoring and assessment in support of the Initial Response Organization.

"* Provide security support.

"* Support the Initial Response Organization in engineering and technical matters.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

"* Coordinate the restoration and/or operation of all generation, transmission and distribution facilities.

"* Procure and dispatch transportation equipment and services.

"* Purchase materials, equipment, and services necessitated by the emergency.

"* Provide assistance for re-entry operations and post-accident planning.

"* Assign post-accident investigation and review responsibilities.


The Emergency Support Director will be responsible for activating and directing the Emergency Support Organization and for ensuring that the functional groups provide a coordinated response in support of the Initial Response Organization.

The Emergency Support Director shall report to the EOF within one hour of notification of declaration of a Site Area or General Emergency or when directed and will serve as the senior corporate management representative at or in the vicinity of the site.

As such, during emergency operations, the Emergency Support Director will provide overall direction and policy guidance for the emergency response; the Emergency Director will retain primary responsibility for the operation and control of the plant.

As emergency situations stabilize, the Emergency Support Director may expand his involvement in the technical direction of in-plant accident management.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

This will provide a controlled means of shifting to a recovery organization should that type of organizational arrangement be deemed appropriate.

The Initial Response Emergency Organization shall report to the Emergency Support Director through the Emergency Director.


The ESD Assistant located at the EOF will assist the Emergency Support Director by interfacing with senior representatives of the Emergency Support Organization and providing status reports to the Emergency Support Director.

The ESD Assistant assists and advises the ESD in matters pertaining to communications, technical support, implementation of the Emergency Plan and public information.

In the absence of the Emergency Support Director, the ESD Assistant will not assume his emergency responsibilities.

Rather, it will be the most senior (ESD qualified) operations person.

Until the designated Emergency Support Director (ESD) arrives at the EOF, the person designated to coordinate the activities of the EOF is the ESD Assistant.

His responsibilities are specifically limited to the activation of the EOF, coordination of activities prior to the arrival of the ESD, and communications with the Emergency Director (ED) located onsite.

The ED retains decision-making authority as the senior corporate representative until the arrival of the ESD.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5


The Group Leader-Radiologoical and Environmental Controls (R&EC),

also located at the EOF, functions as the "point of contact" for radiological and environmental information for the Emergency Support Director.

The Group Leader -

R&EC collects information from the RAC and EAC and presents that information to the ESD.

This position is overall-in-charge of the radiological and environmental controls effort.

This position also maintains industrial health and safety responsibilities.


The EOF Com-unications Coordinator and EOF Communicators will be responsible for the operation of the communications systems at the Emergency Operations Facility and the coordination of requests for outside assistance.

The EOF Communicators report to the EOF Communications Coordinator who, in turn reports to the ESD Assistant.

Their duties include, but are not limited to:

"* The setup and operation of primary communications systems.

"* The setup and operation of backup communications systems.

"* Maintaining records of communications.

"* Maintaining the status boards at the EOF.

"* Coordinating the procurement of outside resources (e.g., technical assistance, manpower, equipment, etc.) with the Group Leader-Administrative Support.




OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonlBritish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5


The Public Information Technical Representative/Emergenlcy Operations Facility (EOF)

Once the EOF is activated, the PI Tech Rep/EOF shall report to the EOF in a staff capacity and is responsible for gathering all approved and final information regarding the plant event and for providing the PI Tech Rep in the Joint Information Center with the most up-to date information.


The Public Information Technical Representative/Joint Information Center (JIC)

Once the JIC is activated, the PI Tech Rep/JIC shall report to the JIC in a staff capacity and is responsible for retrieving information from the PI Tech Rep/EOF and being a single point of reference for those writing press releases and presiding over briefings.


The Media Center Lead/JIC Once the JIC is activated, the Media Center Lead/JIC shall report to the JIC and is responsible for the command and control over the center's activities and moderator during press briefings and to interface with State and Local government communications personnel.


The Media Center Advisor/JIC Once the JIC is activated, the Media Center Advisor/JIC shall report to the JIC and will serve as the technical spokesperson on the panel during press conferences.


The Press Release Writer/JIC Once the JIC is activated, the Press Release Writer/JIC shall report to the JIC and will serve as the news release writer.

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The EmerQency Preparedness Representative, located at the EOF, will provide advice and information to the ESD Assistant relating to on-site, off-site and state emergency facilities, communication capabilities, personnel and resource availabilities and procedural requirements.


The Technical Support Representative, located at the EOF, shall provide technical assistance and long term planning to the Emergency Support Director and TSC, and shall assist in the review of news releases to ensure technical accuracy.


The Group Leader-Administrative Support and his staff will be responsible for administrative and logistic functions required to support the Initial Response and Emergency Support Organizations.

The types of support services that might be required include, but are not limited to:

"* General Administration

  • Word processing
  • Typing pool
  • Reproduction

"* Personnel Administration and Accommodations Personnel processing (Registration, Indoctrination and Training, Security badging)

Lodging, food Transportation

"* Outside Plant Support

"* Trailer set-up

"* Janitorial service

"* Telephones (130001) 71.0


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"* Temporary facilities

"* Meal delivery

"* Human Resources

"* Manpower

"* Labor relations

"* Payroll

"* Badging


The Environmental Assessment Coordinator (EAC) and staff will assume responsibility for all offsite radiological and environmental monitoring.

The EAC and staff will respond within one hour upon notification of an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency.

The Environmental Assessment Coordinator will be located in the Environmental Assessment Command Center and will initially report directly to the Emergency Director.

Following activation of the EOF, the EAC will report to the Group Leader -


He/she shall coordinate the staff's assignments which shall include, but are not limited to:

"* Determine real time meteorology data and input into the Dose Assessment System Code.

"* Track and plot release plume direction and speed.

"* In coordination with the RAC, support and/or conduct total whole body dose (TEDE) projection, thyroid dose (CDE) and bone dose commitment, as appropriate, at all Emergency Planning Zone boundaries and other locations as needed.

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OCGS Emergency Plan e Transfer vital information on plume travel and dose projections to the Group Leader R&EC and update the Radiological Assessment Coordinator.

"* Serve as primary advisor to the Group Leader R&EC on matters concerning Protective Action Recommendations.

"* In coordination with the RAC assess the impact of liquid and gaseous effluents with respect to Technical specifications and EPA protective action guides.

"* Deploy and direct off-site Radiological/Environmental Monitoring Teams.

"* Maintain communications with BNE regarding dose projection/assessment matters.

"* Maintain an emergency and routine Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) which includes off-site radiological/environmental monitoring.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

5.2 Long-Term Recovery Organization In those cases where post-accident conditions indicate that recovery operations will be either complicated or will extend over a relatively long period of time, AmerGen will shift from the emergency response organizations (e.g., Initial Response and Emergency Support) to a long-term recovery organization.

The functioning of the recovery organization will be dependent on the nature of the accident, post-accident conditions (e.g., plant conditions, radiation/contamination levels, etc.) and other factors to be determined at the time.

Prior to initiating recovery operations, a specific long-term recovery organization will be defined.

A detailed discussion of recovery operations is provided in Section 9.

A typical long-term recovery organization is described as follows:

The Chief Nuclear Office (CNO),

AmerGen is responsible for overall recovery operations.

This includes overseeing the operations of the various functional groups and ensuring that all activities, proposed courses of action, and contingency plans are subjected to proper analysis and coordination.

Selection of senior personnel to fill the key positions in the long-term recovery organization will be based on the particular conditions.

The Manager Business Operations is responsible for financial reporting, accounting, budgets and material management support.

The Exelon Nuclear Manager. Co-*-unications and Public Affairs is responsible for the overall guidance and direction of the public relations and communications program to ensure distribution of information about the nuclear facilities to public officials, industry representatives, media, customers, employees and the general public.

"* The Manager, Human Resources is responsible for nuclear security, medical, human resources and information resources management.




An Exelon/British Energy Company Title OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN I


Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.


  • Letters of Agreement

"* Memoranda of Understanding

"* Formal Emergency Plans 75.0 (130001)

The Director. En ineering is responsible to provide engineering support, nuclear analyses, chemistry and materials, equipment reliability and configuration control procedures.

0 The Vice President Oyster Creek is responsible for ensuring the safe and efficient clean-up of all radioactive waste and required decontamination of buildings for either return of the unit to full operation or decommissioning of the unit as a nuclear generating station in accordance with corporate policies, all applicable laws, regulations, licenses and technical requirements.

In addition, they provide liaisons with the NRC. Manpower and commissary requirements will be coordinated with the appropriate division.

The Vice President Oyster Creek is responsible for radiological health and safety, environmental affairs, emergency preparedness and training and education.

5.3 Additional Support The nature of an emergency may require augmenting the emergency organizations with assistance from additional personnel and organizations.

In order to ensure that support from local law enforcement, fire departments, hospitals, ambulance services and other organizations will be available on relatively short notice, agreements have been established with personnel and organizations.

Agreements from offsite individuals, groups and agencies that support Oyster Creek may take one of the following forms:

  • Contracts


OYSTER CREEK Number An Eelon/Brtlsh Energ Company IEMRGENCY PLAN 2 000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

These typical support organizations include:

NOTE While this list reflects letters of agreement currently in effect, it is possible that the list may change for a number of reasons.

The EP Department will consider the impact that a loss of an agency will have on the emergency response process.

5.3.1 Medical Support Organizations and Personnel

"* Community Medical Center

"* Southern Ocean County Hospital

  • Oak Ridge
  • Lacey Township First Aid Squad
  • Lanoka Harbor First Aid Squad
  • Waretown First Aid Squad 5.3.2 Firefighting Organizations (130001)

NOTE These are supplemented by Mutual Aid agreements with other firefighting as organizations.

"* Lanoka Harbor Fire Department

"* Forked River Volunteer Fire Company

"* Waretown Fire Department

"* Bayville Fire Department 5.3.3 Law Enforcement Agencies

"* New Jersey State Police/Office of Emergency Management

"* Others as specified in the State Plans

"* Lacey Township Police Department 5.3.4 Other Government Agencies

"* Nuclear Regulatory Commission

"* Dept. of Commerce/NOAA

"* Dept. of Energy 76.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/0*vrtsh Elergy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 - PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

"* Federal Aviation Administration

"* U.S. Coast Guard

"* Dept. of the Army

"* Dept. of the Navy (Lakehurst NJ)

"* Others as specified in the State Plans

"* National Weather Service 5.3.5 Miscellaneous Organizations

"* Exelon Nuclear/AmerGen

"* Other utilities

"* The Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

"* American Nuclear Insurers

"* General Electric

"* Aviation services NEI/EPRI/INPO Coordination Agreement In order to provide efficient and timely transfer of technical and public information regarding formal emergencies at nuclear power stations and maximize their assistance to their utility members and the industry, the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI),

the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI),

the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) have agreed to coordinate their actions and activities.

In general, support will be provided as follows:

NEI - Technical & Regulatory Division will maintain an emergency response capability for consultation on regulatory issues.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

NEI Industry Communications and Publications Division will develop and issue, in coordination with the affected utility, appropriate public statements to the news media, as necessary.

INPO will provide the Nuclear Network electronic communications system to its members, NEI and EPRI to facilitate the flow of media and technical information about the emergency to other INPO members and participants and coordinate the flow of technical information among the parties to the agreement.

EPRI will maintain an emergency response capability and be available for consultation and to conduct in-depth analysis of the emergency as appropriate.

Both EPRI and INPO will be available to assist the affected utility through their analysis capabilities.

EPRI and INPO will coordinate such efforts with each other.

Specific details can be obtained by consulting the NEI/EPRI/INPO Coordination Agreement which is maintained on file by the Emergency Preparedness Department.

5.4 Government Agencies OCGS has and will continue to work closely with Federal, State and County agencies in coordinating emergency preparedness activities for the Emergency Planning Zones to ensure the health and safety of the general public.

As a part of this coordination, each participating agency has been assigned specific responsibilities and authority for both emergency planning and emergency response.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Also as a part of this combined effort, specific emergency-related notification and information reporting requirements have been defined between OCGS and the various participating agencies.

Information pertaining to emergency-related offsite notification requirements that activate the emergency response organizations and the subsequent information reporting requirements is provided in Section 6.1.

Additional reporting requirements, contained in 10 CFR 50.72, 10 CFR 50.73, and plant (safety) Technical Specifications, will also be met.

A--brief-description--of-t-he-key-e-l-ement-of-the--rol-e--of--each -........

of the participating Federal, State and County agencies is provided in the following subsections.

5.4.1 Federal Radioloqical Emerqency Response Plan The Federal Radiological Emergency Response Plan (FRERP) is to be used by Federal agencies in peacetime radiological emergencies.

It primarily concerns the offsite Federal response in support of State and local governments with jurisdiction for the emergency.


(1) Provides the Federal government's concept of operations based on specific authoritiez for responding to radiological emergencies; (2) outlines Federal policies and planning assumptions that underlie this concept of operations and on which Federal agency response plans (in addition to their agency-specific policies) were based; and (3) specifies authorities and responsibilities of each Federal agency that may have a significant role in such emergencies.

The FRERP includes the Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan (FRMAP) for use by Federal agencies with radiological monitoring and assessment capabilities.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Nuclear Regulatory Commission When the licensee notifies the NRC of an incident, the initial NRC response is to ascertain the status of the plant and monitor licensee activities.

The purpose of this monitoring role is to assure that the public and the environment are fully protected.

The NRC (and other organizations) will measure offsite radiological effects and will develop a projection of on-site and off-site effects for use by other Federal State and local agencies.

If and when the NRC determines that there is a

potential threat to the public or the environment, it will begin to monitor more intensively to develop an NRC assessment of the problems.

The NRC will offer specific advice to the licensee to help solve or limit the consequences of the problem.

In addition to monitoring and advisory activities, in some unusual and very rare situations, the NRC could find it necessary to intervene in a limited fashion to direct the licensee's onsite response; however, it is not expected that NRC will be required to assume this role.

In such an unlikely event, the NRC would issue formal orders to the licensee to take certain measures and then monitor implementation of the actions ordered.

In this role, the licensee continues to make other key operational decisions and to operate and manage the facility with licensee personnel.

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Directives from the NRC must come from the Director of the Executive Team (typically), the NRC chairman) or the Director of Site Operations (typically), the NRC Regional Administrator).

NRC directives would be channeled to licensee management; (ED until the ESD is available).

To ensure reports can always be made, the NRC Headquarters Operations will be called.

The Headquarters Operations officer will record the call and-bridge-it to-the-Region--I-Duty Officer and Manager on call.

The NRC in conjunction with FEMA whenever possible, will present any Federal recommendations to the State or other appropriate offsite authority with jurisdiction for implementing or relaxing protective actions.

In the case of a fixed nuclear facility licensed by the NRC, the licensee is responsible for developing appropriate protective action recommendations and promptly providing those recommendations to State and local authorities with or without NRC's concurrence.

NRC will evaluate the licensee's protective action recommendation as time permits and will either concur in them or suggest modifications, as appropriate.

In the event NRC opts to recommend a different recommendation, they will communicate directly with the State.

81.0 1



An Exelon/ITit"sh EneTgy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Their recommendation, like the utility recommendation, will be considered by the State in the development of the Governor's directive.

FEMA is then responsible for promoting coordination among Federal agencies providing assistance to the State in implementing those recommendations if such assistance is requested by the State, and for communicating those recommendations to the responding Federal agencies..-r.2 Department ofEnrq.

The Department of Energy (DOE),

during the initial phases of the emergency, and the EPA thereafter, will work with the appropriate State and local agencies to coordinate offsite radiological monitoring and assessment activities.

DOE or EPA will assess monitoring data and present them to the NRC and appropriate State agencies.

The NRC will use this information, together with its assessment of the current condition and prognosis of the emergency on site, to develop or evaluate public protective action recommendations.

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OCGS Emergency Plan U.S. Coast Guard During a radiation emergency at OCGS which could involve exposure to offsite personnel, the U.S. Coast Guard and NJ Marine Law Enforcement Bureau will provide assistance by notifying mariners, maintaining water traffic control, and implementing protective and parallel actions as directed.

The N.J. State OEM will coordinate the emergency response activities of these agencies in support of OCGS. Department of the Army The local Ordinance Detachment, Department of the Army, will provide an Explosive Ordinance Disposal capability in response to requests for assistance in the event of a bomb threat. Federal Aviation Administration The Federal Aviation Administration will ensure air traffic is diverted in the event of an emergency situation with a potential for radioactive release. National Weather Service The National Weather Service will provide backup meteorological information upon request.

5.4.2 State AQencies The planning for, and response to a radiological emergency at the OCGS is the joint responsibility of AmerGen and the state/county/local governmental agencies.

OCGS is responsible for onsite emergency response.

In order to fulfill this responsibility, OCGS relies on various offsite agencies, both governmental and private, to provide assistance beyond that available onsite.

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2000-PLN-130 0.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The state of New Jersey, through the various state, county and local agencies, is responsible for offsite emergency response.

In order to fulfill this responsibility, the state relies on OCGS to provide necessary information on plant status and radiation releases. Recognizing the joint nature of their responsibilities, OCGS and the relevant governmental agencies have coordinated their emergency planning and have provided for adequate and redundant communication systems to coordinate their response during an emergency event.

The New Jersey State Police, Office of Emergency Management, is responsible to coordinate emergency services in the State of New Jersey. New Jersey Office of Emerqency Management The New Jersey Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has been assigned the responsibility for developing a statewide radiation emergency response plan.

Annex B to the State of New Jersey Radiological Emergency Response Plan serves as a reference document incorporating the policy, the concept of operation, the rationale for chosen guidelines, and the relevant statutory documents.

The OEM is the lead agency and coordinates the efforts of all state support agencies.

The Office of Emergency Management coordinates actions and operations involving public response and furnishes resources required to support decisions affecting exposure control.

This agency initiates communications with county and municipal authorities through the County Emergency Management Coordinator.

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2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Ocean County and each municipality has contingency plans indicating actions to be taken upon notification of an emergency condition by the Office of Emergency Management.

Primary contact with state authorities is through the New Jersey State Police Office of Emergency Management and the Headquarters Communications Bureau.

This office is responsible for notifying other State and federal agencies and for providing assistance to state and local authorities in implementing emergency actions. New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Bureau of Nuclear Engineering The Bureau of Nuclear Engineering is responsible for responding to a radiation incident within state boundaries.

They will assess the radiological hazard and provide technical guidance and recommendations concerning the execution of protective actions for the general public.

5.4.3 County Agencies The Ocean County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is the established emergency response organization that will serve each affected municipal OEM in a coordination and support capacity.

It will assume the coordination of all intermunicipality communications and emergency operations.

Upon receipt of notification of a radiological emergency at OCGS which requires a County response, the Ocean County Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will be activated.

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r 2000-PLN -1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Ocean County EOC will serve as the focal point for County emergency operations and protective actions for the duration of the emergency.

Personnel and resources of the County agencies employed in local emergency operations will be under the operational control of the Director of the Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders and will be coordinated by the Ocean County Emergency Management Coordinator in accordance with direction received from the State Office of Emergency Management.

6.0 EMERGENCY MEASURES This Section describes the notifications and specific actions that will be taken for each class of emergency and is used as the basis for detailed Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

Emergency measures all begin with (1) the recognition and declaration of an emergency class, (2) notification of the applicable agencies, and (3) mobilization of the appropriate portions of the emergency organization.

Implementation of these measures are organized into emergency notification of offsite agencies, corrective actions, on-site protective actions, offsite protective actions, environmental assessment, offsite agency response and emergency public information.

6.1 Emergency Notification of Offsite Agencies Parameters that establish emergency situations have been predetermined and specified as emergency action levels and included in procedures contained in the site Emergency Plan Implementing Documents.

When conditions or criteria specified in one of these procedures are met or exceeded, an emergency classification (i.e.,

Unusual Event, Alert, Site Area Emergency or General Emergency) must be declared.

The senior management person must classify and declare the emergency and ensure that all required notifications are made.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Messages, developed in conjunction with State and local agencies, have been specified in Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and will be used to provide information relative to the emergency class, (i.e.,

type and magnitude of any actual or potential release, affected populace and areas, and any recommendations to take protective actions).

The NJ State Police provide verification of initial notification at OCGS.

For initial notification/escalation of an Unusual Event, Alert or a Site Area Emergency OCGS will notify NJ State Police (OEM) and the NRC.

For General Emergencies -OCGS--notifies-NJ -.State -Pole-e --(OEM) -,-- Ocean.

County, Lacey and Ocean Townships directly and the NRC.

In addition to the initial notification and verification, communication channels will be maintained between the facility and offsite emergency response organizations to allow for any further dissemination and update of information concerning the emergency.

The communications network that has been established at OCGS for notification requirements, information reporting, and decision making is presented as Figures 10.

Offsite emergency support from Federal, State and local agencies will be coordinated by the State of NJ in accordance with their (state)

Radiological Emergency Response Plan.

6.2 Corrective Actions Detailed operating procedures are available to the operators for use during emergencies as well as normal operations.

Specific Emergency Procedures are provided to assist the operators in placing the plant in a safe condition and taking the necessary supplemental corrective actions.

In addition, operations personnel are trained in the operation of plant systems and their associated procedures and will be capable of taking appropriate corrective actions.

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OCGS Emergency Plan Selected staff personnel, including operations, radiological controls, and maintenance personnel, are trained and assigned to emergency teams.

These teams will be able to respond as set forth in the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures in order to assess conditions and take any available corrective actions.

Maintenance personnel will provide the necessary crafts expertise to affect repair and damage control functions.

Corrective actions will normally be planned events that are taken to ameliorate or terminate the emergency situation.

Planned radioactive releases or corrective actions that may result in a radioactive release will be evaluated by the Emergency Director and/or Emergency Support Director and staff as far in advance of the event as possible.

Such events and data pertaining to the release will be reported to the appropriate offsite emergency response organizations and agencies.

6.3 Onsite Protective Action Protective actions are emergency measures taken during or after an emergency situation which are intended to minimize or eliminate the hazard to the health and safety of the general public and/or Site personnel.

Such actions taken onsite are the responsibility of OCGS while those taken offsite fall under the jurisdiction of the State and other offsite response agencies.

6.3.1 Sheltering., Evacuation. Personnel Accountability During an emergency, personnel may be required to temporarily relocate to prevent or minimize exposure to radiation and radioactive materials.

The following subsections discuss the policies applying to sheltering, evacuation and personnel accountability during emergencies at the Oyster Creek site. Station Personnel At the time an emergency is declared, an announcement is made on the site public address system to all personnel within the Owner Controlled area.

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OCGS Emergency Plan The announcement will include the classifications of the event, a brief description of the event, and actions taken by site personnel.

Shift personnel will proceed to their emergency assignments.

The primary protective measures for onsite personnel during an emergency is prompt evacuation from areas which are affected by significant radiation, contamination, airborne radioactivity or other personnel hazards.

All persons onsite at the time-an-emergency *-isdeclared-sha-ll-be-notified--by....

means of the plant page supplemented by designated personnel providing notification in areas that the page does not cover.

Upon declaration of a Site Area Emergency or General Emergency and/or at the discretion of the Emergency Director, all essential personnel within the Protected Area will be individually accounted for at the ECC, TSC and OSC unless other factors (e.g., security events) advise against it.

When directed, all non-essential personnel report to an Emergency Assembly Area.

This process allows for personnel mustering, monitoring and evacuation as needed.

This procedure provides the ability to initially account for all essential personnel and identify all missing persons within the Protected Area within 30 minutes.

If by 60 minutes full accountability is not achieved, search and rescue should be initiated.

,+/-.^UUUL1 89.0 k.L..>U U.L I


OYSTER CREEK Number Anelon/BrftshEnMergyCompny EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan Non-essential personnel shall be evacuated from the site based upon:

"* Declaration of a General Emergency, or

"* The discretion of the ED, if emergency conditions warrant evacuation unless other factors (e.g.,

tornadoes, security events) advise against it.

Consideration of protective actions (e.g.,

relocation, respiratory protection) for essential personnel should be done on the same basis.

Evacuation routes will be determined by the Emergency Director based on the prevailing radiological conditions.

This evacuation will be accomplished using private vehicles to relocate to the Remote Assembly Areas.

Upon declaration of a General Emergency, or at the discretion of the Emergency Director, all non essential personnel will be directed to proceed to their vehicles directly and to evacuate to the Remote Assembly Areas.

In support of these operations, a sweep of buildings, trailers, and other areas of the Owner Controlled area will commence to ensure that all persons have assembled and/or evacuated the site.

Search and rescue operations will be implemented to locate any missing persons.

At the Remote Assembly Area, personnel and vehicles will be monitored for radioactive contamination.

Individuals found to be contaminated will be decontaminated in accordance with applicable Radiological Controls Procedures.


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OYSTER CREEK Number An.Exeon/B,*tsh nerg CO11pany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Vehicles found to be contaminated will be impounded until they can be decontaminated.

Inclement weather will not affect the direction of the traffic flow, but may increase evacuation times.

The licensee retains complete authority to determine and maintain sufficient control of all activities including the authority to exclude or remove personnel and property for land areas within the exclusion area and contamination will, thereby, be controlled.

In addition, there are no areas for producing agricultural products within the exclusion area.

In-plant contamination control will be in accordance with approved Radiological Controls procedures. EmerQency Personnel Exposure Emergency personnel, including those involved in removal of injured persons, undertaking corrective actions, performing assessment actions, providing first aid, performing personnel decontamination, providing ambulance service, and providing medical treatment services, will have their dose minimized.

This is accomplished through normal Radiological Controls Practices onsite.

When offsite emergency personnel are called to respond to Oyster Creek, qualified Radiological Controls technicians are provided to support these teams.

For example, a Radiological Controls technician is assigned to the offsite fire teams to monitor and control radiation exposures and evaluate radiological hazards.

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N AmerGen.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Emergency measures may warrant the acceptance of greater than normal radiation exposure (doses).

Lifesaving, measures to prevent substantial radiation exposure to the population or preservation of vital equipment may be sufficient cause for greater than normal exposures.

The following are the exposure guidelines for these emergency activities:

Life saving action - No pre-established limit Corrective action 10 Rem total whole body dose (TEDE),

30 Rem to the lenses of the eye, or 100 Rem total organ dose to any organ.

The Emergency Director is the designated individual who can authorize emergency workers to receive doses as defined in excess of 10 CFR 20 limits.

These workers must be volunteers and will be required to closely adhere to the controls specified in applicable procedures.

In authorizing onsite volunteers to receive radiation exposure in the course of carrying out lifesaving activities, the Emergency Director shall balance the risks from such exposures against the benefits to be received from the lifesaving activities.

Risks are determined and decisions are made to expedite lifesaving activities based upon advance radiation surveys done at the affected areas to determine stay times, shielding requirements, or the possibility of dispatching a "scouting" team to assess actual conditions.


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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Measures will be utilized to aid in exposure reduction and the Emergency Director, in consideration of advice from the Radiological Assessment Coordinator, shall assure that all possible measurements are taken to minimize other exposures (such as internal exposures) during the activities.

All personnel who are members of the emergency response teams and who have emergency duties onsite are issued dosimetry includkngself-reading dosimeters.

Additional provisions have been made for dosimetry issue at the site entrance gates or other locations, if required.

This dosimetry will be periodically read and recorded in accordance with approved site Radiological Control Procedures.

6.3.2 First Aid and Decontamination First Aid Emergency first aid and medical treatment will be given to injured personnel who may or may not be contaminated.

Shift personnel, trained in first aid, will be available onsite on a 24-hour per day basis and will assist contaminated personnel at the scene of the accident.

Provisions have been made, through agreements, to ensure contaminated and injured personnel will receive specialized medical treatment, if necessary.

Local hospitals in the vicinity of the Oyster Creek site have agreed to accept contaminated patients for emergency medical and surgical treatment and/or observation.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An xelonBrtdshEneTgyCampa.y EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

A comprehensive program of radiological control for injured/contaminated personnel has been developed and will be instituted when necessary during an emergency.

The primary emphasis will be to initially address traumatic or life-threatening injuries since radiation injuries may not be immediately life threatening.

Detailed instructions for treatment and transportation of contaminated and injured individuals are specified in appropriate procedures.


Decontamination Personnel and equipment decontamination will be initially accomplished at the Radiological Controls Access Control Point where specialized equipment and supplies are available.

Procedures are written with specific details for decontamination.

For personnel within the Protected Area, emergency situations which require decontamination will be handled in accordance with these procedures and the Emergency Plan Implementing Document.

All personnel leaving a Radiologically Controlled Area will be monitored for contamination.

Any individual found to have contamination levels in excess of 100 net cpm (above background as measured by a pancake probe at 1/2 inch) at the site will be considered contaminated.

Personnel found to be contaminated will undergo decontamination by radiological controls personnel (or other designated personnel as specified in Radiological Controls or Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures).

Measures will be taken to prevent the spread of contamination.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An ElonoB~ith ErgW Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Such measures may include isolating affected areas, placing contaminated personnel in "clean" protective clothing before moving, and decontaminating affected personnel, their clothing and equipment prior to release, in accordance with applicable station Radiological Controls Procedures.

In the event that a release of contaminants has occurred or is occurring, in-plant potable water systems will be secured to prevent possible contamination.

If food and

water-supplies-are brought-irtfr-eme-rgency-pKrqnnel--fwel who remain on-site these supplies will be packaged in sealed containers and will be monitored by Radiological Controls personnel (using standard Rad Con practices and procedures) prior to use or consumption and on a normal routine basis.

Any food or water supplies discovered to be contaminated will immediately be disposed of as waste and will not be used.

Upon receipt of information that the emergency has entered recovery phase, in-plant facilities and areas will be surveyed, sampled, and cleared for use, or controlled as necessary, in accordance with applicable Radiological Controls practices.

If it becomes necessary to declare an onsite evacuation, personnel from outside the Protected Area will be directed to proceed to the Remote Assembly Area.

Upon arrival at the Remote Assembly Area, personnel will be monitored for contamination.

If anyone is found to be contaminated, showers, sinks and decontaminating supplies are available in close proximity to the plant site.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Equipment for decontamination personnel will be stored in Emergency Supply Lockers.

Portable survey instruments are available and routinely calibrated for use in decontamination operations.

All skin contamination problems will be treated using accepted Radiological Controls practices.

For contaminated personnel inside the Protected Area, the preferred decontamination facility will be the onsite Monitor and Control Station if accessible, otherwise offsite facilities will--be-sed-6.3.3 Medical Transportation Agreements have been made with local medical support organizations to provide ambulance services to the OCGS site.

Ambulance personnel will be certified in accordance with State regulations.

OCGS will offer training to the squad members in the treatment and transportation of contaminated injured individuals.

OCGS will provide radiological control technicians if available to assist the squads enroute to the hospital.

Ambulance service for the facility is provided by local first aid squads.

When affected personnel must be transported, measures will be taken to prevent the spread of contamination.

Such measures will include placing affected personnel in "clean' protective clothing or wrapping in blankets.

The Emergency Director will insure that the organizations who will provide the transportation and treatment are alerted.

Detailed instructions for treatment and transportation of contaminated and injured individuals are specified in appropriate procedures.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An E*Bton/Btfsh ETnegy Company I

EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-13 00.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

6.3.4 Medical Treatment Arrangements for hospital and medical services for injured or contaminated/overexposed personnel are provided for by letters of agreement.

The first level of treatment can be given on-site.

On-site emergency medical services will be rendered by qualified site personnel.

If the severity of the injury requires more extensive or prolonged treatment, the patient will be transported for the second level of assistance.


. conventional-injuries thatisnon-radiation inuriesL*the patient will be transported to any of the local hospitals.

Arrangements for hospital and medical services for injured and/or contaminated/overexposed personnel are provided by Community Medical Center, and Southern Ocean County Hospital, NJ.

These hospitals have agreed to accept contaminated patients for emergency medical and surgical treatment or observation.

Detailed plans and procedures are in place for decontamination and treatment of contaminated patients.

6.4 Environmental Assessment 6.4.1 Radioloqical Assessment and Offsite Monitoring Prior to the activation of the entire Initial Response Organization, offsite radiological/environmental survey teams may be dispatched.

These teams will consist of one to two persons per team, trained in the use of portable radiation monitoring equipment.

When dispatched, the teams will pick up portable radios, and emergency kits containing portable monitoring equipment.

Emergency kit inventory lists are included as Table 8.

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After an operational check of the equipment, including a radio operability check, they will proceed in an emergency vehicle to their first monitoring location.

They will be controlled by the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and will report directly to him/her.

The site has the capability to dispatch up to two radiation monitoring teams within one half hour of the emergency declaration, if necessary.

Procedures are in place which enable monitoring teams to detect airborne radioiodine and particulates under field

-conditions in the presence of-noble-gases-and -background-------....


For gaseous releases, the first step in the initial assessment process is to estimate the radioactive source terms in microcuries per second.

To do this, the radiation monitoring system readings for each monitored effluent release path are converted to a source term by applying the appropriate ventilation flow rates, meter conversion factors, containment building design leak rate, etc. using a computer program known as the RAC Model.

The RAC Model prompts the user for specific entries, e.g., meter readings and release type, to estimate the radiological source terms by isotope.

This model, using real time meteorological data directly from the on-site monitoring system, performs off-site dose calculations of the total whole body dose (TEDE) and thyroid dose (CDE) based on the expected or a default duration.

These integrated doses are examined in the context of the EPA PAGs and an estimate of time to reach the PAGs, assuming constant release rate and source terms.

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,xelon/Bdtish EnfLgyCompanly EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

After the projections are made, the radiation monitoring teams can be directed to the location of interest to take readings and confirm the projection.

Radiation Monitoring team data lend credence t6 the dose projection process, better quantify ground receptor dose rates and alert plant personnel of any unmonitored release pathways or potential problems in the dose projection process.

Dose calculations and projections are relayed to the BNE in NJ.

If the instrumentation used for radiological assessment is

-of -scale--or inoperat-ive j--the--Rdielogical--Assessment Coordinator may utilize in-plant sample data from the affected ventilation pathway.

In lieu of instrumentation or in-plant sample data, the RAC must utilize contingency calculations.

The contingency calculations are based on plant conditions.

Concurrently, radiological/environmental survey teams are sent to these locations of interest to take actual field measurements in order to verify the projections and to correlate projected versus actual results.

These detailed calculational techniques are included in the Emergency Dose Calculation Manual (EDCM) and incorporated as part of the RAC Model.

For liquid releases, the radionuclide concentration at any downstream location is determined by taking liquid effluent concentrations and applying the effluent flow rate and volumetric flow rate of the receiving water.

Downstream users will be notified to curtail intake if the projected concentration is above the level specified in the procedures.

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AmerGen-OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Biilsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

When the Environmental Assessment Coordinator (EAC) is ready (typically within one hour of the declaration of an Alert or higher classification), the responsibility for offsite radiological and environmental monitoring will be transferred to the Environmental Assessment Coordinator.


The Radiological Assessment Coordinator will maintain control of the onsite radiological/environmental survey team(s) and onsite radiological controls assessment.

The EAC will assume offsite radiological and environmental monitoring but the RAC will retain the duty of performing dose projections.

The EAC will perform these dose projections independently.

In addition, the BNE liaison in the EOF makes independent assessments and maintain contact with BRP/BNE headquarters.

Two field monitoring teams can be dispatched at each site during an emergency situation.

This can be backed-up with two additional teams, should it become necessary.

The Environmental Assessment Command Center generally communicates with the field teams using two-way radios.

Field data can be relayed to both the ECC and Emergency Operations Facility using separate dedicated phone lines from the Environmental Assessment Command Center.

Verification of the model projections will be accomplished by comparisons with field monitoring team results.

The Environmental Assessment Coordinator and his staff, located at the EACC, have the following capabilities:

"* Obtain additional monitoring teams from the OCGS and other Nuclear sites

"* Obtain and evaluate meteorological forecast information and evaluate effects of atmospheric releases.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelom/rtshEnergy CMPafy I

EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Obtain additional expertise in the areas of meteorology and dose projections from OCGS and other Nuclear sites Typical environmental/radiological monitoring equipment is listed in Table 9.

6.5 Offsite Protective Actions 6.5.1 General Public The Emergency Support Director/Emergency Director shall be prepared to provide protective action recommendations, as appropriate.

Initially, the Emergency Director is rfisponsib2et Th reoeidtinoev, this function is assumed by the Emergency Support Director in coordination with the Emergency Director after the EOF is activated.

Recommendations are developed when it is apparent that a release is possible or underway and dose projections indicate protective actions may be required for the public and within approximately 15 minutes of the declaration of a General Emergency.

The responsibility for actions to protect persons in offsite areas rests with the State and is described in detail in the State Emergency Plan and implemented in conjunction with the county emergency plans.

The State Bureau of Nuclear Engineering is the specific agency responsible for evaluating information from the OCGS staff and all other sources and recommending to NJ OEM that protective actions be taken.

The BNE has sheltering and evacuation as protective action options.

The most appropriate protective action for a particular situation will depend on the magnitude of the release, duration of the release, wind speed, wind direction, time of day and transportation constraints.

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AmerGen-OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Bflish Energy conpany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

In the case of a General Emergency, circumstances may indicate the immediate need to initiate some precautionary protective action.

This judgment is the responsibility of the BNE and should be based on an evaluation of the current plant conditions, dose projections relative to the PAG's and expected subsequent plant operations/evaluations.

The Emergency Director (Emergency Support Director when the EOF is activated), shall remain ready throughout an emergency to provide Protective Action Recommendations to State officials.

General-Protective-Act-ion-Recommendation methodology is shown in the respective site implementing procedures.

Off-site it is the responsibility of the State Department of Agriculture, in conjunction with the Departments of Environmental Resources/Protection and Health, to issue guidance and coordinate actions to control contaminated agricultural products.

The means to warn or advise involved persons is a

responsibility of the risk county.

The risk county, in coordination with the State, is also responsible for the preparation and dissemination of information material for the general public on protective actions including necessary information (evacuation routes, maps, etc.) for the implementation of protective measures in the Plume Exposure Pathway.

The principal off-site local coordinating agency for providing response to radiological emergencies in the vicinity of OCGS is the Ocean County Office of Emergency Management.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An beon/BrftisEnergy*Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The population and land area within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ is wholly within Ocean County.

Upon notification of a situation which may require protective actions by the offsite population, the Ocean County Emergency Management Coordinator will initiate appropriate actions in accordance with the Ocean County Radiological Emergency Response Plan and in coordination with the New Jersey OEM.

The Ocean County Office of Emergency Management and NJ OEM have prepared detailed plans for implementing protective actions including:

Prompt notification of the population within a 10-mile radius of OCGS.

Transmitting specific instructions to potentially affected populations.

"* Providing assistance for evacuation of all specific segments of the population within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone.

"* Providing reception and mass care centers for evacuated individuals.

The population within the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone will be provided, on a periodic basis, information describing the methods by which they will be notified of an emergency and specific instructions that should be followed upon receipt of such notification.

6.6 Offsite AQencies Response 6.6.1 Ocean Count

  • The dispatcher at Ocean County shall notify the County Emergency Management Coordinator or his designated alternate.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/BTflIsh Energy Companry EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

6.6.2 State EmerQency ManaQement AQency (NJ State Police OEM)

"* Upon receiving notification of an emergency from the site, the Duty Officer at the Office of Emergency Management shall immediately notify the State Bureau of Nuclear Engineering.

"* The office of Emergency Management Agency shall, notify the following personnel, organizations, and agencies as appropriate in accordance with their standard operating procedures:


Ocean County


Other affected County Emergency Management Agencies


Other affected states


Selected State agencies


Selected Federal agencies 6.6.3 Bureau of Nuclear Engineering The person at the Bureau of Nuclear Engineering (i.e.,

Incident Manager) who receives the notification from the State Emergency Management Agency shall:

"* Call the site Emergency Control Center to:

"* Verify actual origin of the emergency message.

"* Determine the classification of the emergency.

"* Obtain and assess information and data pertaining to the emergency.

"* Initiate activation of the BNE emergency response organization, if appropriate.

"* Advise the State EMA Duty Officer or Operations Officer of the BNE initial assessment of the emergency.

"* Notify selected Federal agencies, as appropriate.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonBritish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2 000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

6.7 Prompt Notification System Prompt notification and instructions to the population at risk are accomplished by the OEM-NJ and the affected county emergency management organizations.

Prompt notification is the vital first link in this process.

Sirens are used for prompt notification throughout the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

After state authorities have been notified, the Prompt Notification (siren) System and the Emergency Alert System (EAS) are the primary means of notifying the population within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

Ocean County can activate the sirens located in the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

This siren signal is a three to five minute steady tone which alerts the population to tune their radio or television to the local EAS station.

The OEM-NJ and the Ocean County has the capability to broadcast emergency information messages advising the population of what actions should be taken, if any.

These EAS messages will be repeated at frequent intervals to ensure proper dissemination.

In addition to the Prompt Notification System and the EAS message, state and/or municipal police and fire departments will act to supplement emergency notification through the use of route alerting procedures, as necessary.

The Oyster Creek Prompt Notification Systems meet the guidelines of Appendix 3 to NUREG-0654-FEMA-Rep.

1 Rev-1 Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of RadioloQical EmerQency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants as identified in each site specific siren acoustical evaluation.

The Prompt Notification System is comprised of 42 sirens throughout portions of Ocean County that fall within the OCGS Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

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AmerGeri OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonlBrtish Erergy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

A complete description of the siren system to include siren ratings, siren coverage, and location is located with the Emergency Preparedness Department.

The Prompt Notification System will be activated by the Ocean County Sheriff's department upon receipt of notification of an emergency situation which would require the dissemination of pertinent information to the public.

The emergency situation that could require the sounding of the warning systems may be a natural catastrophe, industrial accident, or fixed nuclear facility emergency which may require protective action.

The siren sounding is intended as an alerting mechanism to have the public monitor a designated Emergency Alert System radio station for emergency information.

If an incident at the plant warrants the activation of the Prompt Notification System, the initial notification will be made to NJ OEM.

NJ OEM will in turn notify the BNE and Ocean County.

Ocean County will activate the sirens via radio signal, which is received and translated by the individual sirens, causing the siren to sound.

The preventive maintenance program for the system insures a high degree of reliability.

The sirens are inspected and tested in accordance with NUREG 0654 guidance on a continuous schedule.

In Ocean County, sirens are sounded quarterly for short durations and annually for three minutes by OCGS.

AmerGen retains system ownership and maintenance responsibility.

6.8 Evacuation Time Estimates The OCGS Evacuation Time Estimates meet the guidelines of Appendix 4 of NUREG-0654-FEMA-Rep.

1 Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of RadioloQical Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants.

The analyses used various assumptions in estimating populations, automobile occupancy factors and roadway capacities.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/British EneTgyCompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Evacuation Time Estimates take into consideration the population within the Plume Exposure Pathway (EPZs).

Population information is contained in the site updated FSAR.

However the complete set of information for evacuation planning is contained in the site Evacuation Time Estimate Study.

The complete OCGS Evacuation Time Estimate Report is maintained on file by the Site Emergency Preparedness department.

6.9 Emergency Public Information Communications is assigned primary responsibility for providing information promptly and accurately to the media, public officials, employees and members of the public through news releases, media briefings and public official notification.

To achieve this goal, OCGS makes the following commitment:

Implementing guidelines establish a communications organization and enumerate responsibilities for performing organization functions.

Statements are prepared by qualified communications professionals working closely with emergency response team members.

The guidelines allow for quick dissemination to the news media as well as opportunities for media representatives to ask questions and gain further details on plant status during an emergency.

"* The Emergency Public Information Implementing Document provides for quick notification and update of emergency information to local, county and State public officials.

"* Joint Information Center has been established for Oyster Creek.

The center is equipped with dedicated phone lines, commercial phone lines, telecopiers, radios, television monitors and necessary charts and maps to adequately provide media support.

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OYSTER CREEK Nr AnWxe1o/Britsh EnergyCompaTy EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Joint Information Center will be the focal point for the Utility, Local, State and Federal Public Information officials to interact with the media and each other.

As a minimum these centers will be activated at the Alert or higher emergency classification.

"* On an annual basis, provide the news media with information that acquaints them with the dissemination of news information and the points of contact during times of plant emergencies.

"* Annually in conjunction with OEM-NJ and Ocean County, emergency related information containing educational information on radiation, contact points for additional information and protective measures is disseminated to all residents, business establishments, hotels, motels and parks within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ.

In addition, a means is provided for individuals requiring special assistance to be identified and accommodated.

"* The company will designate a chief spokesperson with support from technical personnel to facilitate the flow of accurate and timely information to the media and ultimately to the public.

"* Rumor Control at Oyster Creek is handled by the NJ State Police, Office of Emergency Management.

"* Members of the Public Information emergency response teams from Oyster Creek will be trained annually on their roles in responding to an emergency at the station.

7.0 EMERGENCY RESPONSE FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT Emergency response facilities and equipment described in this section are provided to ensure the capability for prompt, efficient assessment and control of situations over the entire spectrum of probable and postulated emergency conditions.

Personnel are assigned to staff the emergency response facilities on a rotating duty roster schedule to assure a proper and timely response.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonlfitishEngyCmpn EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

This section describes the equipment and facilities that are utilized to:

"* Assess the extent of accident hazards.

"* Mobilize the resources required to mitigate the consequences of an accident.

"* Provide protection to plant personnel.

"* Support the accident mitigation process.

P Provide immediate care for injured personnel.

Effect damage control.

Provide information concerning potential environmental impact offsite to appropriate governmental agencies.

"* Provide information to the news media and the general public.

Many of the OCGS facilities and much of the equipment are normally used for routine plant operations.

Other items are reserved for use only on an "as needed" basis.

Site specific details pertaining to onsite and offsite emergency response facilities as well as the OCGS related county, state and federal Emergency Operations Centers are included in Section 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 of this Plan along with Tables 10 and 11.

7.1 Onsite Emergency Response Facilities 7.1.1 Emergency Control Center (ECC)

The Emergency Control Center is the primary location for the initial assessment and coordination of corrective actions for all emergency conditions.

The ECC is located in the Control Room and Shift Manager's Office areas.

This Center is equipped with meteorological, radiological and plant system parameter readouts integrated with assessment aids for all critical plants systems and provide access to all station communication systems.

Command and control of all initial emergency response activities originate from the ECC.

When the entire emergency l



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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/British Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

response organization is activated, the Emergency Director retains command and control of all onsite activities from the TSC and responsibility for offsite emergency management is transferred to the Emergency Support Director at the Emergency Operations Facility (EOF).

The ECC is activated for all emergency levels.

7.1.2 Technical Support Center (TSC)

The Technical Support Center accommodates engineering personnel that provide in-depth diagnostic and corrective engineering assistance to the Emergency Director command and control functions.

The TSC is activated during an Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency or when directed by the Emergency Director.

Records and drawings which describe conditions and layout of structures, systems, and components are contained in filing cabinets inside the TSC.

7.1.3 Operations Support Center (OSC)

The Operations Support Center serves as muster areas for shift personnel and as locations to organize and dispatch emergency response teams (i.e.,

onsite radiological monitoring, fire brigade, rescue operations, damage control, and maintenance).

Emergency equipment and supplies, including portable radios, portable lighting, protective clothing, and respirators, are maintained in emergency lockers located in the Operations Support Center.

Additional emergency equipment, such as gamma and air monitoring equipment can be promptly available to the OSC if needed.

The OSC is activated during an Alert, Site Area Emergency, General Emergency or when directed by the Emergency Director.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonIOritish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 - PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

7.2 Offsite Emergency Response Facility 7.2.1 Emergency Operations Facility (EOF)

The Emergency Operations Facility serves as the primary location for management of the Corporation's overall emergency response.

This facility is equipped for and staffed by the Emergency Support Organization to coordinate emergency response with offsite support agencies and assessment to the environmental impact of the emergency.

When activated, the EOF participates in accident assessment and transmits appropriate data and recommended protective actions to Federal, State and local agencies.

The facility is equipped with data transmission links with the plant, status boards and dedicated communication links with the ECC,

TSC, OSC, NRC, State Bureau of Nuclear Engineering, and the JIC.

Drawings which describe the as-built conditions and layout of the structures, systems, and components and applicable operating procedures are available of the plant.

7.3 County, State and Federal Emergency Operations Centers 7.3.1 County Emergency Operations Centers Emergencies at the OCGS site could impact the risk counties.

Each of these risk counties, therefore, has an Emergency Operations Center (EOC) that meets or exceeds the maximum federal criteria for sufficient space, communications, warning systems, self sufficiency in supplies and accommodations.

All counties maintain a full time employee to coordinate emergency planning.

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An Eceion/Bftsh EneT5' Company Title OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN I

t OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 (130001) 7.3.2 State EmerQency Operations Center The State Emergency Operations Center contains provisions and accommodations to support State emergency operations.

A communications system ties all area and county emergency operations centers into this center.

During an emergency, representatives from the State agencies assemble in the State EOC to manage and coordinate response activities.

7.3.3 Disaster Field Office (DFO)

Disaster Field Office -

The office will be established by

--- -FEMA -at a location -identified-i-n-conjunction-with-the State that serves as a focal point for Federal response team interactions with the State.

The DFO will more than likely be established at Miller Airpark in Berkeley Township, N.J.

7.4 Emercrency Communications Systems The emergency communications systems are designed to ensure the reliable, timely flow of information between all parties having an emergency response role.

Reliability is provided through (1) redundancy, (2) alternate communications methods, (3) dedicated communication equipment, and (4) routine use of many of the systems which reduces the probability of undetected system failures.

Timeliness of information flow is achieved by (1) prompt notification, (2) predefined lines of communication, (3) predefined emergency action levels, and (4) predefined levels of authority and responsibility, and (5) diversity.

The Control Room is the primary source of plant information.

Information originating in the Control Room can be classified into two major categories:

operational data and radiological data.

The emergency communications networks are formulated around this basic concept and designed to channel information directly to the key parties having closely related functions.



OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Brtish EneTgyCompany I

EMRGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

By providing well-defined and dedicated communication links, efficient and effective accident management can be achieved albeit key personnel operate from physically separated facilities.

The following circuits have been installed at the OCGS.

The specific details of these circuits and description of additional emergency communications available at the site are also included in Table 12.

7.4.1 Emergency Communications NRC Emergency Notification System (ENS)

The NRC Emergency Notification System lines are part of the-dedicated-telephone -system -that connects Emergency Response Facilities at the OCGS site with NRC Operations Center.

The ENS is used primarily to report emergencies.

Commercial telephone lines are used as backup communications.

Transmittal of operational data to the NRC should be accomplished using this circuit.

The Emergency Director/Emergency Support Director and the Technical Support Center Coordinator will appoint a communicator from the appropriate functional group to act as an ENS line communicator. Health Physics Network (HPN)

In the event of a radiological emergency, the HPN will be activated.

These lines are circuits used to relay information to the NRC Regional and Headquarters offices.

The HPN can be used for NRC notification when the ENS is out of service.

This system is dedicated to transmission of radiological information to the NRC.

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An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Telephone System The Oyster Creek site is served by the Private Phone System and direct commercial lines.

These systems are expected to function during emergencies as they do during normal plant operations. Transmission (voice)

The Oyster Creek site maintains telephone communications using microwave and fiber optics links (i.e., tie-lines) system.

Access to this system is through the plant telephone-system which -bypasses potentially congested public-use circuits.

Backup to these routes are commercial business lines. Automatic Dialincf Ecruipment Automatic dialing equipment provides automatic dialing of pre-selected telephone numbers, reducing callout/notification time and dialing errors. EmerQency Response Facility Communications System The phone system used by the OCGS Emergency Response Organization includes a dedicated system with the normal site phone system as a back-up.

The dedicated system allows communications between the ERF's and is not normally connected with outside circuits.

The system has its own uninterruptible power supply (rated at 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />) which is powered by one of the Station's Emergency Diesel Generator backed busses.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

  • State Emergency Director's Hot Line The State Emergency Director's Hot Line provides automatic communication between the Emergency Director in the ECC or the Emergency Support Director in the EOF to the State Emergency Director at the state EOC.
  • New Jersey State Police Notification and Verification Lines The New Jersey State Police Notification and verification Lines are two separate circuits that connect the Emergency Director/Emergency Support Director or his designee in the ECC, the Technical Support Center and the Emergency Operations Facility with the State Police Communicator at the Division Headquarters Communications Center, West Trenton, N.J.

The purpose of these lines is to provide a reliable means of prompt notification and verification of an emergency at OCGS.

Ocean County Notification and Verification Lines The Ocean County Notification and Verification Lines are separate and dedicated automatic ring circuits that directly connect the Emergency Director or his designee in the Control Room; the Technical Support Center and the Emergency Operations Facility with the Sheriff's representatives in the Ocean County Communications Center, Toms River, N.J.

The purpose of these lines is to provide a reliable means of prompt notification and verification.


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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/BrItish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Telephone System Emerqency Power Supplies

"* USNRC telephones are on the Corporate PBX system which is powered locally at the local office.

"* OCGS has direct offsite Commercial Phone system lines in each ERF and are supplied by phone company backup power.

In plant lines in each ERF are supported by PBX power supplies as follows:

12.5KV offsite power, 19.9KV backup offsite power and backup battery power for 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

In plant emergency circuits are also on the PBX and have an additional 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> battery backup.

Offsite emergency circuits are carried by both Commercial Phone system and Company owned microwave.

The Commercial Phone system circuits have the same backup power as other such circuits.

The company microwave has 8 hour9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> battery backup at each connecting node. Emergency diesel generator power is available for the onsite circuits.

Portable gasoline generators are available for the microwave nodes. Radio Communications Radio communication equipment used during normal plant operations will be used in an emergency to communicate with mobile units and to provide backup to the telephone system.

The EOF has the capability of transmitting and receiving on the State Emergency Radio (EMRAD)

Network which provides a communication path with the N.J.

State and Ocean County Emergency Management Centers.

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An Emelon/British Energy Company Title OCGS Emergency Plan OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 7.4.2 Station Warninq System Alarms Audible alarms are a quick and effective means of communicating emergency warnings on the site.

Alarms currently installed at Oyster Creek include:

"* Station Emergency Alarm

"* Fire Alarm

"* Reactor Building Evacuation Alarm Each alarm provides a distinctive sound that all site personnel and contractors are trained to recognize and respond to.

The Station Emergency Alarm will be followed by an announcement that provides emergency information such as class of emergency declared, accountability directions, radiological precautions, etc.

The Reactor Building evacuation alarm is supplemented with flashing lights at specific locations in the Reactor Building to provide both audible and visual warnings.

The control Room alarm systems consist of overhead annunciators, panel annunciators and computer alarms.

The overhead and panel annunciators consist of flashing translucent tiles and audible indicators (i.e., buzzer or horn).

The computer alarms use annunciators and also provide specific data using the alarm printer. Plant Paoincq System The Plant Paging System provides plant-wide paging from the Control Room and all remote stations plus private communications during normal operating conditions.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The plant paging system provides immediate warning and instructions to onsite personnel in the event of an emergency.

Phone stations and speakers of this subsystem are located in vital plant areas. Call Out Telecommunication Eguipment The Call Out telecommunication equipment enables personnel to determine who has responded to the call-out of emergency personnel.

Emergency personnel notified by pocket pager during the call out will call a number, -listen to-the message, enter a position identifier using a touch tone phone causing the individual's response to be documented.

It will also contact personnel (e.g.,

alternates for unfilled positions).

7.5 Assessment Facilities 7.5.1 Onsite Systems and Eguipment Radiation Monitorin-System The onsite Radiation Monitoring System contributes to personnel protection, equipment monitoring, data gathering, and accident assessment by measuring and recording radiation levels and concentrations of radioactive material at selected locations within the plant.

The Radiation Monitoring System alarms and initiates required emergency actions when radiation levels or radionuclide concentrations exceed predetermined levels.

Area, liquid, and atmospheric monitoring subsystems are required to perform these functions.

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OYSTER CREEK Number Arn Eelon/Britsh EnergyCompany I

EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Specific details regarding radiation monitoring and effluent monitoring systems can be found in system design descriptions (SDDs) and Final Safety Analysis Report.

The data from these subsystems are displayed by readout in the Control Room.

Selected channels are recorded by recorders and/or the plant process computer which are also located in the Control Room.

In general the radiation monitoring equipment is designed in accordance with the following:

"* Each monitoring station has adjustable alarm, alert, and power supply failure alarms.

"* Solid-state circuitry is used except for primary detectors.

"* Most AC operated radiation monitoring equipment, except for the pump assemblies, is provided with power from the battery-backed, inverter-fed vital power supply bus.

"* Each radiation monitor is capable of being checked periodically with solenoid actuated check sources.

"* A pulse generator or solid sources are used for electrically checking each monitor or subsystem.

"* The modules are designed so that an alarm and/or indication is initiated when failure occurs anywhere in the channel. Radiation Monitorinq Plant areas are provided with area radiation monitors in the AOG, Turbine, Reactor, old Radwaste and new Radwaste buildings.

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OYSTER CREE Numr An Exelon/Mish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

In-plant ARMs (turbine, reactor and old radwaste buildings) are the Geiger-Mueller type.

The Augmented Off-Gas (AOG) building and the new Radwaste building utilize ionization chambers.

Each in-plant monitor has a remote indicator, an alarm and is recorded on one of two multi-channel recorders in the Control Room.

The monitors are provided with an upscale alarm which is set using past plant operating experience and warns of an abnormally high-r-adiation-4evel-and-each°-monitor is provided with a downscale alarm which warns of instrument channel failure.

The individual detectors and associated instrumentation for the AOG and the new Radwaste buildings are provided with local indication and alarm, range indication on the respective AOG and new Radwaste control panels, high and high high alarm for concerned level and limit level respectively. Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring is provided by Reactor Building RAGEMS, Turbine Building RAGEMS, Air Ejector Off-Gas Monitoring, Reactor Building Ventilation Monitoring, and AOG Building monitoring.

RAGEMS (Radioactive Gas Effluent Monitoring System) has been installed to comply with NUREG 0737.

These systems will provide for a continuous monitoring of noble gas releases, continuous particulate and iodine samplers are included in the RAGEMS.

The systems are designed to detect noble gas.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Bytsh nergy Company I

EMERGENCY PLAN 2000- PLN-130 0.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Iodine and particulate samples from both systems must be manually analyzed to provide isotopic concentrations of halogens and particulates.

RAGEMS data is accessible from recorders in the control room and/or by accessing the RAGEMS system computers, or the plant computer system.

The Air Ejector Off-Gas Monitoring Subsystem draws a sample of the condenser off-gas downstream of the steam jet air ejectors, Here, a 2 minute delay line is provided to allow for the decay of N-16 and 0-19 before passing through the sample chamber.

The sample chamber is provided with two detectors.

Output is recorded on a recorder located in the Control Room.

The count-rate meters have adjustable downscale trip and upscale trips.

The upscale trips are set in accordance with Station procedures not to exceed Technical Specification requirements while the downscale trip is set to indicate instrument failure.

Any combination of either two "Hi Hi" upscale trips or one "Hi Hi" upscale and one downscale trip will initiate a 15 minute timed closure of the off-gas exhaust valve at the stack or isolate the augmented Off-Gas system if in operation.

The recorders have an adjustable upscale "Hi" alarm set at a value equivalent to the maximum allowable stack gas release rate.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/BlTfh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN I

2000-PLN-130 0.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Reactor Building Ventilation Monitoring Subsystem provides continuous monitoring of the gaseous discharges from the Reactor Building ventilation systems through the use of two Geiger-Mueller detectors located upstream of the ventilation outlet isolation valves.

The downscale alarm indicates instrument failure, while the upscale trip is set at an acceptable radiation concentration.

The activation of the upscale trip will close the Reactor Building

... ventil-ation-inlet--and-outlet- -i-sol-ation-va-ves, trip--

the ventilation fans and energize the standby gas treatment system.

However its usefulness is limited due to its sensitivity to other external radiation sources. Licnuid Radiation MonitorinQ The Process Liquid Monitoring Subsystem provides the continuous monitoring of three process liquid streams; the radwaste discharge, the reactor building closed cooling-water system, and the reactor service-water discharge.

The radwaste monitor is located in the radwaste discharge line external to the radwaste building, downstream of the flow control valves.

The reactor building closed cooling-water probe is located at the discharge header of the cooling water pumps.

The reactor service-water monitor is located in the service water discharge of the closed cooling-water heat exchanger.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Brtish Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Main Steam Line Radiation Monitoring System The Main Steam Line Radiation Monitoring Subsystem utilizes detectors mounted next to each of the primary steam lines.

This subsystem provides continuous monitoring of the primary steam lines which gives an immediate indication of a gross release of fission products from the fuel to the reactor coolant and subsequently to the turbine.

The detectors located immediately upstream of the

--outer isolakionwalves*-at the drywe~l-penetration provide an output to a meter and a recorder located in the Control Room.

Each monitor has a downscale alarm and an adjustable upscale alarm set at less than or equal to five times normal.

If the indicated value on two or more monitors reach ten times normal, station procedures direct the scramming of the reactor and the closure of all four main steam isolation valves. Augmented Off-Gas Building Ventilation Exhaust Monitoring System The AOG Exhaust Monitoring System is designed to monitor and sample the effluent for iodine, gas, and particulates.

The data from these subsystems are displayed by local readouts on the AOG control panel and are recorded by strip chart recorders displayed locally. Containment Radiation Monitors High range containment radiation monitors have been installed at OCGS to monitor containment radiation levels.


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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exeon/Bdtsh EUwey mpany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Post Accident SamplinQ System The Post-Accident Sampling System (PASS) at Oyster Creek Generating Station was designed to sample five separate post-accident media from eight separate sampling points.

Liquid samples may be taken of the reactor water from "A" recirc loop, the liquid poison system or the shutdown cooling system and of torus water from the core spray system.

  • Gaseous-samples-may-be-taken-of-the drywel.l-.

atmosphere from the hydrogen monitoring system and from the ring header.

Gaseous samples may be taken of torus atmosphere and secondary containment from the TIP room.

7.5.2 Fire Protection Devices Site specific details regarding Fire Protection at the OCGS site are as follows:

Fire Protection at OCGS is provided by the Fire Service Water System, the Halogenated Fire Suppression Systems, the CO2 Fire Extinguishing System, and the Fire Detection/Alarm System.

The Fire Service Water System is a full-loop, piped system that supplies water for sprinklers, deluge water spray, fire hydrants and hose connections that are located to provide fire protection for all major areas of the plant.

A man-made pond containing approximately 7 million gallons of water supplies a water source for this system.

This system is maintained in a pressurized condition by an electric drive pond pump.

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

In the event a fire occurs, and either an automatic or manual system is initiated, the Fire Service Water System piping pressure will decrease which will sequentially start two diesel fire pumps to meet system flow requirements.

The backup supply of Fire Service water consists of a 350,000 gallon tank and electric pump which may manually be initiated to supply the loop should the primary source of water be inoperable.

Automated Halogenated Fire Suppression Systems are provided in the Control Room panels, the station battery A and B room and the 480 volt switchgear room to quickly suppress any fires that may occur.

The C02 Fire Extinguishing System provides fire protection for the 4160 Switchgear Vault.

When a manual pushbutton is depressed, the CO, is discharged into the 4160 Switchgear Vault after a time delay.

7.5.3 Seismic Monitoring Specific details regarding the seismic monitoring systems at the Oyster Creek site are included as follows:

Although OCGS currently does not have seismic or hydrologic instrumentation installed onsite, offsite hydrologic information can be obtained from the Hydrologic Division of the United States Geological Survey and offsite seismic information can be obtained from the LaMont Dougherty Geological Observatory, the New Jersey State Geological Survey or the United States Geological Survey.

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An Exelon/British Eniey Company Title OCGS Emergency Plan OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN I

t Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 7.5.4 150 w

t 33 w

a Ground Level r

  • redundant system available.


AT 380-33 ft.*

ind speed, wind direction, emperature, AT 150-33 ft.

ind speed*, wind direction*,

nd temperature*

ainfall The variables are measured every 10 seconds and are averaged for 15-minute periods before being archived using a computer.

There are redundant wind speed, wind direction, and temperature sensors at the 33-and 380- ft.

levels to insure efficient data recovery and to comply with U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 1.23 requirements.

In addition, a processor calculates vertical temperature differentials between the 150 and 33-ft. and the 380- and 33-ft. levels.

All readings are continuously recorded on strip chart recorders at the base of the tower.

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Onsite Meteorological Monitors Specific details regarding the onsite meteorological monitoring system at the ONCGS site are included as follows:

Meteorological data have been collected onsite since February of 1966.

The current meteorological tower is 400 ft.

high and located 2529 feet (0.48 miles) west-northwest of the OCGS stack.

The tower is instrumented with complete redundant sensors at 33 feet and 380 feet.

Single sensors are located at 150 feet.

A back-up electrical power supply is available,

-if necessary.

The instrumentation and meteorological variables measured at each level are as follows:

Approximate Height Above Tower Base (ft.)

Parameter 380 wind speed*, wind direction*,


OYSTER CREEK Number AnExelon/BrtshEneTgy Compan EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The meteorological tower sensors, chart recorders, and processors are calibrated at least semi-annually as per Regulatory Guide 1.23.

Periodic tower inspections are made to insure maximum data integrity.

A full description of the Onsite Meteorological Measurement Program is included in the FSAR.

Meteorological data can be remotely interrogated by telephone by the NRC and New Jersey State agencies.

7.5.5 Process Monitors Process monitors measure appropriate parameters that are indicative of the status -of -various -plant-systems and the reactors.

These parameters are displayed and recorded in the Control Room, or at local panels in the plant.

7.5.6 Laboratory Facility The Oyster Creek laboratory facility is equipped to provide the water chemistry and radiochemical analysis support required during normal plant operations and emergencies.

7.5.7 Systems and Ecruipment Required by NUREG onsite capability and resources to provide initial values and continuing assessment throughout the course of any accident include post-accident sampling capability, radiation and effluent monitors, in-plant iodine instrumentation and containment radiation monitoring in accordance with NUREG-0737.

7.5.8 Facilities and Eauipment for Offsite MonitorinW Reuter Stokes Sentri System The Reuter Stokes Sentri System at OCGS consists of radially located monitoring stations hard-wired into a central processing center (CPC).

The OCGS system was installed in 1982 and upgraded in 1993.

The OCGS system is owned by the State of New Jersey.

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An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Each monitoring station measures and records ambient radiation levels every five seconds.

The central processing units interrogate each monitoring station at regular, specified time intervals.

Average ambient radiation levels, station status and diagnostic information are then transmitted by telephone line to the print-out locations.

The OCGS system monitoring stations can measure from 0 to 500 micro R/hr and 0.5 to 100 mR/hr. and 10R/hr.

Alarm setpoints for each station are set at the CPC.

When a setpoint is exceeded, the CPC automatically increases print-out frequently and indicates which station(s) have exceeded the setpoint.

D-iolnceical Rnvironmental monitoring Program (REMP)

Complete Radiological Environment Monitoring Prograr (REMP) for the OCGS site has been established.

The objectives of the REMP are:

"* To fulfill the obligations of the radiological environmental surveillance sections of the Environmental Technical Specifications of the respective plant.

"* To determine whether any statistically significant increase occurs in the concentration of radionuclides in critical pathways.

"* To detect any buildup of long-lived radionuclides in the environment.

"* To detect any change in the ambient gamma radiation levels.

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OYSTER CREE Number An Exe0onItish Energy CompanIy EMRGENCY PLAN 2000 - PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

  • To verify that radioactive releases are within allowable limits and that plant operations have no detrimental effect on the health and safety of the public or the environment.
  • To obtain a post accident historical assessment of accumulated dose for the affected area.

Samples for the REMP are taken from the aquatic, atmospheric, and terrestrial environments.

Sample types are based on:

1) established critical pathways for the transfer of radionuclides through the environment to man, and 2) experience gained during the preoperational and initial operational phases of the REMP.

Sampling locations were determined from site meteorology, hydrology, local demography, and land uses.

Sampling locations are divided into two classes:

indicator and control.

Indicator stations are those which are expected to monitor plant effects, if any exist; control samples are collected at locations which are believed to be unaffected by plant operations.

Fluctuations in the levels of radionuclides and direct radiation at indicator stations are evaluated with respect to analogous fluctuations at control stations.

Indicator station data is also evaluated relative to background characteristics established prior to station operation.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exe1o1n/Bdflsh EnergyCompany EMERGENCY PLMA 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The following samples are obtained:

air iodine, green leafy vegetables, air particulates, immersion dose (TLD),

fish, aquatic plants, precipitation, sediment, surface water, drinking water, ground water, soil, fodder crops, fruit and milk.

The TLD program meets the requirements set forth in the OCGS Technical Specifications.

Locations of Environmental TLDs can be found in the most recent Radiological Environmental Monitoring Report for Oyster -Creek.---The report-is submitte annually-to, the NRC in accordance with Technical Specifications.

Additional information regarding the site specific TLD program follows:

The TLD program used at OCGS exceeds the requirements of the Oyster Creek Technical Specifications, as do other aspects of the REMP.

Radiological and Environmental Monitoring Report contains a detailed description of the number and locations.

During normal operations, accurate measurements of the environmental gamma dose are made.

Following an accident, a cumulative dose estimate will be available.

7.5.9 National Weather Service (NWS)

The NWS can provide backup meteorological information (e.g.,

wind speed, temperature, wind direction) from several locations in the vicinity of the Oyster Creek site.

The information for various locations is available through the Mt. Holly, NJ, NWS office.

The NWS will also perform emergency balloon runs to collect data upon request.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Brltish EnergyCompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Air stability determinations are also provided, with information received from weather stations in Pittsburgh; Washington, D.C.;

Binghamton, NY; and Mt. Holly, NJ.

Back-up meteorological information from the National Weather Service is also available indirectly from other sources that collect National Weather Service data.

7.5.10 Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan (FRMAP)

The Federal Radiological Monitoring and Assessment Plan was developed to coordinate Federal radiological assistance.

The FRMAP*establishes:

IaT-A-means o-f-requesti-ngand-providing Federal radiological assistance from existing Federal resources and (b) an operational framework for coordinating the radiological monitoring and assessment activities of Federal agencies during radiological emergencies occurring within the United States and its territories.

To the extent that assistance under this plan is needed, AmerGen requests for Federal assistance will be coordinated through the NRC.

Requests for this assistance will be initiated by the Emergency Director, Radiological Assessment Coordinator or Emergency Support Director.

When notified of an emergency, the Federal agencies will respond with equipment and personnel, as required, to assist in the performance of assessment actions.

The resources available consists of, but are not limited to:

"* Portable radiation survey instrumentation

"* Mobile laboratory facilities

"* Personnel for supporting functions

"* Special transportation activities

"* Environmental monitoring teams I*d1*


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OYSTER CREEK Number AnlExelon,8dt1sh ne*gyCompay EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

7.5.11 State Departments of Environmental Protection The NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection, BNE, is responsible for responding to radiological incidents within their respective state boundaries.

The BNE maintains personnel, facilities and equipment to assist in assessing the hazard and provide technical guidance and recommendations regarding the implementation of protective actions for the general public.

The BNE perform both routine and emergency environmental monitoring.

7.5.-12 Ofsite EmerqencV-Radiologcical--Asg istance Backup radiological monitors, including rate meters, sampling devices, dosimeters and laboratory facilities will be obtained through OCGS.

Equipment, facilities and personnel from the OCGS will be used to support the emergency site during emergency situations.

Additional radiological emergency assistance available to the OCGS site from companies, utilities and governmental agencies is included in the INPO Emergency Resources Manual.

7.6 Additional Support Facilities Personnel protective action is a function of the nature of the hazard (e.g., preparing for a hurricane is somewhat different from preparing for radiological hazards).

Preplanned responses to basic hazards, high wind, flooding, earthquakes, and radiation exposure, are an integral part of the Emergency Plan.

A fundamental concept in personnel protection is the evacuation of all individuals not essential to the operation, safety, security, and damage control of the plant.

Obviously some hazards can occur before significant protective action can be applied (e.g., earthquake).

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AmerGen-OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonlBfritsh Ene Conmpany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

When the situation permits positive action, the appropriate alarms are sounded and all personnel on the site either assume assigned emergency responsibilities or prepare for evacuation.

Provision has been made for adequate supplies and protective equipment for all personnel who may be required to perform emergency activities.

Specific quantities of each type are detailed in station procedures and include equipment for personnel monitoring, determining the magnitude and continuously assessing the impact of the release of radioactive material, decontaminating personnel and providing emergency first aid.

Additionally, a current prescription and adequate supplies of potassium iodide are maintained by the site Medical Department for issue to personnel exposed or suspected of exposure to radioactive iodine.

Onsite locations have been designated as emergency assembly points or areas where emergency teams will be assembled in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures or as directed by the Emergency Director.

Major locations for onsite protective equipment and supplies are the Control Room, access control point, and processing center.

Additional information regarding protective facilities can be obtained by consulting the FSAR.

7.6.1 Joint Information Center The Joint Information Center has been established to provide for the dissemination of accurate and timely news information.

Equipment and facilities are designed to support timely communications and information dissemination on plant conditions and emergency operations to the news media.

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OYSTER CREEK Number AnE Eelon/IBftish Elne Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

7.6.2 Environmental Assessment Command Center (EACC)

The Environmental Assessment Command Center is co-located in the Emergency Operations Facility.

The EACC provides for the analysis of field monitoring data and the coordination of the offsite radiological and environmental monitoring.

In addition, the EACC performs offsite release dispersion modeling.

Computer terminals are available to display real-time meteorological data and facilitate dispersion modeling and dose projections.

The EACC performs independent dose projections.

7.6.3 Remote Assembly Areas (RAA)

An Offsite Remote Assembly Area has been designated at the OCGS site for assembly of personnel following muster and accountability at the onsite emergency assembly areas.

Personnel and vehicles arriving at the RAA are monitored by qualified personnel in accordance with approved Radiological Controls Procedure.

Personnel arriving at the RAA as a result of site evacuation will be mustered, monitored and given further instructions.

7.6.4 Control Room/Shift Manager's Office The Control Room and Shift Manager's Office are designed to be habitable under accident conditions and will serve as the primary onsite Emergency Control Center (ECC).

These areas are located in seismically-rated structures and have adequate shielding to permit safe occupation for extended periods of time.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/BrItish EnergyCOmpany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The OCGS control room ventilation system can be operated in an emergency mode with 100 percent outside air to prevent recirculation of smoke in the control room and to clear the areas of smoke and fumes.

This system has been modified to prevent smoke from other areas from entering the control room.

Emergency lighting, power, ventilation system, and shielding walls enable operators to remain in the Control Room to ensure that the reactor will be maintained in a safe condition.

In addition, the operators will be able to e valuate plant conditions and relay-pertinent -information to --

appropriate onsite and offsite personnel, organizations, and agencies during emergencies.

To ensure the operations shift and other personnel assembled at the location can remain self-sufficient, emergency equipment and supplies will be stored in or near the Control Room.

The exact location, type and quantity of emergency equipment and supplies available is specified in the Emergency Plan Implementing Documents.

7.6.5 processinfl Center The Processing Center will be continuously manned by Site Security Force personnel, unless otherwise directed.

Emergency equipment and supplies will be maintained in this facility to support such tasks as reentry efforts, performing onsite and offsite radiation surveys or collecting samples.

The exact location and the type and quantity of emergency equipment and supplies are specified in the Emergency Plan Implementing Document.

7.6.6 Emergency Assembly Areas At OCGS non-essential personnel will be directed to the site designated assembly areas, based on the radiological conditions.

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If ordered to evacuate the site, personnel will be given instructions to report to a pre-designated remote offsite assembly area.

(See Table 10) 7.7 First Aid and Medical Facilities First aid facilities are designed to support a wide range of immediate care requirements ranging from simple first aid to procedures requiring a physician.

The most readily available first aid is provided by small kits placed throughout the plant.

These kits contain items typically needed to care for minor injuries.

Typical contents can be referenced in-Table 8-.The-next-level of first aid equipment is found at first aid stations.

Trained personnel can also provide Advanced Life Support and routine trauma care.

7.8 Damaqe Control Equipment The site is extensively equipped to conduct preventive maintenance and repairs on mechanical, structural, electrical, and instrumentation and controls equipment found in the plant.

operational policy requires that a minimum maintenance crew be assigned to the onsite shift organization at all times.

Each individual assigned to the maintenance crew is qualified and certified to perform the tasks associated with his craft in the working environment of a nuclear plant.

In addition to the equipment and materials required for normal maintenance, other items are available to handle extraordinary maintenance jobs that might arise in damage control.

Selection of damage control equipment inventory is based upon (a) mitigating the consequences of flooding, (b) personnel rescue, (c) checking the uncontrolled flow of fluids from process systems, and (d) elimination of electrical hazards.

Typical equipment available for damage control can be found in Table 8.


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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/Brittsh EnergyCompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

7.9 Radiological Controls Equipment The site maintains an inventory of protective clothing, respiratory equipment, survey instruments and supplies to provide adequate contamination control for all personnel expected to be onsite who might be affected in the event of an emergency.

The supplies are maintained, updated, inventoried and calibrated, as appropriate, on a regular basis in accordance with applicable procedures.

Storage locations of emergency supplies can be found in the site implementing documents.

Typical equipment available can be found -in-Tables -8.

7.10 Emergency Equipment Readiness To insure that the necessary emergency equipment is maintained and available for use during emergency situations, readiness checklists have been developed and incorporated in Administrative Procedures.

These checklists facilitate detailed inventory and calibration/functional checks of equipment contained in the emergency kits/lockers.

The inventory checklists will be performed on a quarterly basis and to insure interim readiness, all kits/lockers are sealed or locked as appropriate.

8.0 MAINTAINING EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Although this plan is considered to be part of the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR),

OCGS will maintain, as separate documents, this Emergency Plan and the Oyster Creek site-specific Emergency Plan Implementing Documents.

Efforts will be made to assure continuous emergency preparedness and operational readiness among OCGS personnel and the offsite response agencies and organizations.

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OYSTE CREEK Number An Exelon/Bd8tsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000- PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

The Vice President of Oyster Creek has been assigned overall responsibility and accountability for providing the human and material resources to carry out the provisions of this plan and implementing procedures to accomplish training and qualification of the Emergency Response Organization, and to meet performance expectations for emergency preparedness at their respective sites.

Specific responsibilities are delineated in section 8.1.3 of this plan.

8.1 Responsibilities 8.1.1 Senior Management -

In accordance with the requirements of

--the -Emergency Plan -and -Implementing-Procedures -shal.: Designate essential personnel to be assigned to positions within the On-Shift, Initial Response Emergency, and Emergency Support Organizations. Ensure that personnel designated for assignment to emergency response organizations satisfy the prescribed prerequisites as identified in the OC Administrative Procedures. Ensure that assigned responsibilities for maintaining emergency preparedness are accomplished in a timely and effective manner in accordance with relevant procedures and that required documentation is prepared and maintained to reflect accomplishment of such activities, i.e.,

surveillance, audit, inventory, calibration and corrective actions, as appropriate. Provide technically qualified personnel to support the Emergency Preparedness department in the development of drill/exercise scenarios and review of scenarios for technical accuracy and content.

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OYSTER CREEK Number An Exeon/Bmsh Emgy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Provide technically qualified observer/controller personnel to assist in the conduct and evaluation of drills and exercises.

8.1.2 Director, Site Engineering -

In addition to the requirements specified in Paragraph 8.1.1 above, shall: Provide technically qualified personnel to participate in the development and conduct of appropriate portions of the specified training courses.

8.1.3 VP, Oyster Creek -

In-additionto-the--requixements-specified in Paragraph 8.1.1 above, shall: Ensure development and implementation of the Emergency Preparedness Training Program which is in accordance with the requirements of the Emergency Plan. Provide technically qualified personnel to participate in the development and/or conduct of specified training courses as listed in Table 13. Provide for the review/concurrence of all Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures and training courses. Provide for proper and timely development, implementation and maintenance of dose projection methodology including computer software with concurrence from the Emergency Preparedness Department and review for concurrence proposed changes to the methodology.

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eTgyCompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 Provide and maintain the necessary portable radiation survey instruments, assigned vehicles and radio for use by both on site and offsite survey teams and computer equipment used to run dose projection software.

8.1.4 Manager, Communications and Public Affairs -

In addition to the requirements specified in Paragraph 8.1.1 above, shall: Provide an Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure, and a staff to handle all

-public information aspects (media inquiries,- news releases and briefings, public official notifications, of an emergency at OCGS. Provide and maintain in readiness, a Joint Information Center to handle, as necessary, the public information aspects of an emergency at OCGS.

8.1.5 Director Training - Shall assume overall responsibility for the development, implementation, and administration of the Emergency Preparedness Training Program.

Specific responsibilities shall include: The development, scheduling, presentation, documentation and administration of training, consistent with the training scope referenced in the Emergency Preparedness Training Program, the instructor responsibility assignments of Table 13 and the periodic training requirements of Table 14 of this plan. The review by the cognizant Radiological and Environmental Affairs Department, for concurrence, of emergency preparedness training content records dealing with radiological or environmental controls, procedures and concerns.

(130001) 140.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/British Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5 The review by the Emergency Preparedness Department, for concurrence, of emergency preparedness training content records. The development, coordination and publication of training schedules of supporting training facilities to satisfy program requirements. Documentation of training, to include, as a minimum, attendance records and the status of training related to emergency preparedness.

Emergency Preparedness training conducted by other than the Training Department shall be documented to the Training Department by the organizations conducting that training, in accordance with Training Department processes. Providing qualified instructor personnel to conduct specified training consistent with Table 13.

8.1.6 The Manager Emergency Preparedness - Shall assume overall responsibility for the development, administration, and maintenance of the Emergency Preparedness program including the preparation of the Emergency Plan, establishment of performance standards for the Emergency Response Organization, and coordination of emergency response with off site agencies.

Specific responsibilities shall include: Development, implementation and maintenance of the Emergency Plan and Implementing Documents. Development, implementation and coordination of the Emergency Preparedness Surveillance Program. Determining, in coordination with affected departments, which categories of personnel are to receive what emergency preparedness training.

141.0 (130001)

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EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

This includes reviewing, for concurrence, the emergency preparedness Training Content Records to ensure (1) compliance with regulatory requirements and with the provisions of the Emergency Plan, and (2) that the emergency plan-related technical content is current, correct and appropriate. Providing technically qualified personnel to conduct specified training in accordance with Table 13.

8.2 Organizational Preparedness 8.2.1 Training All personnel at the Oyster Creek site take part in a formal training program under the direction of the Director Training, Oyster Creek.

In general, this training program provides for the indoctrination of employees and contractors in addition to providing specialized training for licensed operators, health physics/radiation protection personnel, and personnel assigned specific responsibilities in the emergency organization.

The Director Training Oyster Creek is responsible to ensure that personnel in each department receive the appropriate training.

He/she may delegate specialty training responsibilities to personnel qualified to perform such training.

The training program for OCGS includes the following:

  • All staff personnel are required to attend the General Employee Training Program annually.

With regard to emergency planning, the objectives of these programs are to:


Familiarize personnel with the scope, applicability, and the concept of implementation of the Emergency Plan.


Familiarize all personnel with the station alarms and appropriate personnel response.

(130001) 142.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An Exelon/British Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN I

2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5


Familiarize those personnel who do not have pre-assigned emergency response duties (i.e.,

non-essential personnel) with their required actions during emergencies which include paying attention to instructions, responding to alarms, assembly, accountability, and evacuation.

  • OCGS and station support organization personnel assigned to the emergency organization with specific Emergency Plan duties and responsibilities (i.e., essential personnel) are required to attend specific emergency preparedness training.

The training is designed to prepare these essential personnel to perform their assigned duties in accordance with the Emergency Plan and Implementing Documents.


The scope of training for essential personnel is delineated in Table 14.


Essential personnel shall reverify their assigned emergency preparedness training preferably every 12 months but at least every 15 months.

  • In addition to state and county sponsored training, OCGS will invite the emergency management organizations listed below on an annual basis, to participate in a training program.

The program will also include a review of recent changes to the OCGS Emergency Plan and Implementing Documents with particular emphasis given to the classification of emergencies; reporting requirements; assessment, protective, and corrective actions; and communications networks that may affect interface with offsite agencies.

Oyster Creek

AmerGen-OYSTER CREEK Number Au Exelon/Brltih Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-13 00.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

  • OCGS will offer training for hospital personnel, ambulance and rescue, police and fire departments.

This training shall include the procedures for notification, basic radiation protection and their expected roles.

For those support organizations that must enter the site, training shall also include site access procedures and the identity (by title) of the individual in the site emergency organization who will control the organizations' support activities.

While it is expected that offsite support organizations would take advantage of the training, an organization that habitually fails to participate in training programs will be dropped from the list of relied upon offsite support agencies.

(130001) 144.0

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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

8.2.2 Drills and Exercises Periodic drills and exercises will be conducted in order to test the state of emergency preparedness.

The prime objective of this form of training is to verify the emergency preparedness of all participating personnel, organizations, and agencies.

Each drill or exercise will be conducted to:

(1) ensure that the participants are familiar with their respective duties and responsibilities, (2) verify the adequacy of the Emergency Plan and the methods used in the Emergency Plan Implementing Documents, (3) test communications networks and

systems, (4) check the availability of emergency supplies and equipment, and (5) verify the operability of emergency equipment.

In addition, repair and damage control shall be included in one major drill/exercise on an annual basis.

The Manager Emergency Preparedness is responsible for the planning, scheduling, and coordinating of all emergency planning related drills and exercises.

The EP Manager in consultation with site management, will approve all drills and exercises.

The Director Training will assist the Emergency Preparedness Manager in carrying out these responsibilities.

Annually a major drill or exercise will be conducted.

The Emergency Preparedness Manager will:

"* Coordinate the assignment of personnel to prepare a scenario.

"* Coordinate efforts with other participating emergency personnel, organizations, and agencies.

"* Obtain required approvals (refer to applicable Administrative Procedures).

"* Coordinate a date for drill execution and arrange for qualified observers.

145.0 (130001)


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OCGS Emergency Plan 5

"* Critique the results of the drill.

"* Assign personnel to correct any deficiencies.

"* Ensure that deficiencies are corrected.

"* Ensure that proper documentation is retained.

Scheduled drills and exercises will be held involving appropriate offsite as well as onsite emergency personnel, organizations, and agencies.

These drills and exercises will be conducted to simulate as closely as possible actual emergency conditions and may be scheduled such that one or more drills or exercises can be conducted simultaneously.

Drill scenarios will be prepared that involve participation of several emergency teams and all or specific parts of the onsite and offsite emergency organizations including varying degrees of participation of Federal, State and County agencies and organizations and local services support personnel and organizations.

The Emergency Preparedness Manager will notify the offsite emergency response organizations and agencies in advance of the scheduled date of the drill or exercise.

A critique shall be scheduled and held as soon as practical after completing a drill or exercise.

Observer and participant comments will be given to the Emergency Preparedness Manager for evaluation and/or resolution by assignment to appropriate individuals.

A formal report will be prepared from each drill or exercise.

Appropriate action items will be generated and tracked to completion.

A file will be maintained on each drill listed below.

(130001) 146.0


OYSTER C Number An Enlon/BnTSh EnmTgy Copy EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

0 Medical Emerqency Drill At least one drill shall be conducted annually for the OCGS site.

The drill will involve the participation of local medical support personnel and organizations (e.g.,

physician, ambulance service, hospital), and will involve simulated (injured) contaminated personnel.

  • Fire Emergency Drill Fire drills shall be conducted in accordance with the OC Site Fire Protection Plan.
  • Communications Links Test

The communication links with state and county governments within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ shall be exercised at least once per month for the OCGS site.


The communication links with Federal emergency response organizations and states within the Ingestion Pathway EPZ shall be exercised in accordance with State procedures.


The communication links between the nuclear facility, State and local emergency operations centers and field assessment teams shall be exercised at least annually for the OCGS site.

In addition, emergency phone numbers shall be verified and updated on a quarterly basis.


The communications link between the nuclear facility and the NRC shall be exercised at least once per month for the OCGS site.

(130001) 147.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An ExelonlBrtsh Energy Company EIERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-130 0.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

  • Radiological Monitoring Drill At least one drill shall be conducted annually for the OCGS site.

The drill shall include collection and analysis of appropriate sample media for both onsite and offsite locations.

"* Radiological Controls Drill At least one drill shall be conducted semi-annually.

The drill will involve response to, and analysis of, simulated elevated airborne and liquid samples and direct radiation measurements.

The drill shall include analysis of inplant liquid samples with simulated elevated activity levels.

Hazardous Material Spill Drill Hazardous Material Spill Drills shall be conducted as required by the Environmental Control Plan.

"* Biennial Site Exercises


The OCGS Emergency Plan shall be tested biennially at the OCGS site to include a scenario appropriate to a Site Area or General Emergency.

State and local government emergency plans will be included biennially with full or partial participation by state and local governments within the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ as required by federal regulations.


Conduct of the exercise shall include mobilization of onsite and offsite emergency response personnel and resources in order to verify their capability to respond to an emergency.

Communications with State and County agencies will be included.

(130001) 148.0

AmerGen-OYSTER CREEK Number AnExelon/B*sh Energy Compay I

EMERGENCY PLAN 2000 -PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan L_5 The scenario will be varied from year to year such that all major elements of these plans and preparedness organizations are tested within a six year period.

Once within each six year period an annual exercise will be conducted in accordance with NRC and FEMA objectives.

8.2.3 Emergency Preparedness Department The responsibilities of the Emergency Preparedness Department shall include, but are not necessarily limited to:


-Ensuring the coordination-of-the -OCGS-Emergency -Plan with State, County and local emergency plans, the site Security Plan and the site Emergency Public Information Implementing Procedure.

  • Ensuring that the information, data, and procedures detailed in the Emergency Plan Implementing Document are consistent with the guidance provided in the Emergency Plan.
  • Ensuring that the Emergency Plan Implementing Documents are coordinated and interfaced properly with other procedures (e.g., Administrative Procedures, Emergency Operating Procedures).
  • Assisting the Training and Education Department in coordinating and/or providing emergency preparedness related specialty training.

C Coordinating emergency planning drills and exercises as previously described.

  • Coordinating the review and updating of the Emergency Plan and Implementing Document.

(130001) 149.0


OYSTER CREEK Number An xelondtish Enegy CompanyI EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

"* Ensuring the maintenance and inventory of emergency equipment and supplies.

"* Maintaining current with respect to changes in federal regulations and guidance that impact emergency planning activities.

8.3 Review and Updating of the Emergency Plan and Implementing Document The Emergency Plan and Implementing Documents will be reviewed on an annual basis.

The Nuclear Oversight Department is responsible for auditing, in accordance with 10 CFR 50.54 (t) at least once every twelve (12) months, the Emergency Plan and Implementing Document to verify compliance with the Operational Quality Assurance Plan, the Fire Protection Program Plan, internal rules and procedures, federal regulations, and operating license provisions.

This audit will be conducted pursuant to the procedures and methods set forth in the Operational Quality Assurance Plan.

This audit will focus on the state of emergency readiness (i.e.,

review of emergency drills, exercises, capabilities and adequacy of interfaces).

In addition, the Emergency Preparedness Manager will, by virtue of his involvement with the Emergency Preparedness Program, provide an ongoing review.

This Emergency Plan is considered a part of the Oyster Creek SAR.

Revisions to the Plan shall be administratively controlled consistent with applicable administrative procedures.

The site Emergency Plan Implementing Document will be incorporated into the Emergency Preparedness procedures program.

As such, the Implementing Document will be prepared, reviewed, approved, controlled, distributed, and revised in accordance with applicable corporate and division procedures.

(130001) 150.0


OYSTER CREEK Number AnExdon/,OtIshEnegy. Cmpany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Document holders (e.g., OCGS, Federal, State and County agencies) will receive revisions to the Emergency Plan Implementing Document in a controlled manner as they are issued.

The Emergency Preparedness Manager is responsible for coordinating the periodic reviews and audits of the Emergency Plans and Implementing Documents.

In addition, he shall, through letters, meetings, seminars, or other means available, ensure that all elements of the total emergency organization (e.g. OCGS,

Federal, State and County) are informed of the Emergency Plans, the Implementing Documents and-rev ons-thereto..

8.4 Maintenance and Inventory of EmerQency Eauipment and Supplies Designated emergency equipment and supplies and their storage locations will be listed in the Emergency Plan Implementing Documents.

Such equipment and supplies will be maintained, inventoried, inspected and calibrated in accordance with approved site procedures.

Equipment, supplies, and parts having shelf-lives will be checked and replaced as necessary.

Any deficiencies found during the inventory and inspection will be either cleared immediately or documented for corrective action.

A report of each inventory and inspection, including documented deficiencies, will be prepared and submitted to the Manager Emergency Preparedness.

He will ensure that cognizant department heads assign personnel to correct deficiencies and shall ensure that identified deficiencies are corrected in a reasonable period of time.

9.0 RECOVERY The Emergency Director and Emergency Support Director have the joint responsibility for determining and declaring when an emergency situation is stable and has entered the recovery phase.

(130001) 151.0


OYSTER CREEK Number AnExelaf/BTttshEnregy wnpany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

They will evaluate the status of the emergency by observing monitoring instrumentation and reviewing all current and pertinent data available from emergency response and/or monitoring teams.

They shall consider the emergency under control and in the recovery phase only when the following general guidelines are met:

"* Radiation levels in all in-plant areas are stable or are decreasing with time.

"* Releases of radioactive materials to the environment from the plant are under control or have ceased.

"* Containment pressure is at normal levels.

"* Reactor plant is stable and in a long term safe shutdown condition.

"* Any fire, flooding, or similar emergency conditions are controlled or have ceased.

If the above conditions are met, the Emergency Director/Emergency Support Director (ED/ESD) may establish the long term Recovery Organization or close out the emergency.

Information pertaining to emergency close-out is typically discussed with the State and NRC.

If all of the above criteria are not met but the plant is proceeding in an orderly fashion towards meeting the above criteria, the ESD/ED may implement a two or three section watchbill, and maintain the emergency response capability at the fully-staffed level; or implement a reduced staffing of the emergency organizations commensurate with plant conditions until recovery or close-out is appropriate.

As a minimum, for an Alert all of the onsite emergency response facilities (i.e.,

ECC,.TSC, and OSC) and EACC must remain staffed.

As a minimum, for a Site Area or General Emergency all the onsite and offsite emergency response facilities must remain staffed.

  • .L.

1 U U152.0

% L


OYSTER CREEK Number Anx1o,,shEgyCompaTry EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

Although planning for recovery will vary according to the specific nature of the emergency situation, a long-term recovery organization that is general in nature has been defined based on the normal OCGS organization.

During recovery operations, the radiation exposure limits of 10 CFR 20 shall apply.

Compliance with those limits shall be the responsibility of the VP, Oyster Creek Station.

At the time of declaring that an emergency has entered the recovery phase, the ED/ESD shall be responsible for providing notification to all applicable agencies (e.g., Federal, State, and County agencies) that the emergency -has shifted-to -a recovery phase.----

Recovery actions that plan for, or may result in, radioactive release will be evaluated by the VP, Oyster Creek Station and his staff as far in advance of the event as possible.

Such events and data pertaining to the release will be reported to the appropriate offsite emergency response organization and agencies.


10.1 Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations 10.1.1 Part 20, Standards for Protection Against Radiation 10.1.2 Part 50, Licensing of Production and Utilization Facilities 10.1.3 Part 50, Appendix E, Emergency Plans for Production and Utilization Facilities.

10.1.4 Part 73, Physical Protection of Plants and Materials 10.1.5 Part 100, Reactor Site Criteria 10.2 US NRC Order and Notice of Hearing, Docket No. 50-289, dated August 9, 1979 10.3 Section 13.3, Emergency Planning, of Regulatory Guide 1.70, Revision 3, Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis Reports for Nuclear Power Plants 153.0 (130001)


An ExelonlBfitIsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN I

I Revision No.

Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 (130001) 10.4 NUREG-75/087, Revision 1, US NRC Standard Review Plan 10.4.1 Section 9.5.1, Fire Protection Program 10.4.2 Section 13.3, Emergency Planning 10.5 Regulatory Guide 1.97, Revision 1 dated August 1977, Instrumentation for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants to Assess Plant Conditions During and Following an Accident 10.6 US Environmental Protection Agency Manual EPA-400-R-92-001, October 1991, Manual of Protective Action Guides and Protective Actions for Nuclear Incidents 1-0. T0 -NUREG-439 O67-EPA -520/1-78-016,--November1--1978,

-Planning--Basis-for the Development of State and Local Government Radiological Emergency Response Plans in Support of Light Water Nuclear Power Plants 10.8 Federal Radiation Council Report No.

7, May 1965, Background Material for the Development of Radiation Protection Standards 10.9 National Council on Radiation Protection Report No.

39, January 15, 1971, Basic Radiation Protection Criteria 10.10 ANS-3.2/ANSI N18.7-1976, Administrative Controls and Quality Assurance for the Operations Phase of Nuclear Power Plants 10.11 Regulatory Guide 1.120 Revision 1 dated November 1977, Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants 10.12 Regulatory Guide 1.16, Revision 4 dated August 1975, Reporting of Operating Information - Appendix A, Technical Specifications 10.13 US NRC Information Report SECY-79-450, dated July 23, 1979, Action Plan for Promptly Improving Emergency Preparedness 10.14 NRC Emergency Planning Review Guideline Number One - Revision One Emergency Planning Acceptance Criteria for Licensed Nuclear Power Plants, dated September 7, 1979 10.15 Emergency Operations Plan for Ocean County, October 1, 1988 10.16 NUREG-0728, NRC Incident Response Plan, Revision 1, April 1, 1983.



OYSTER CREEK Number An Exeloo,/Btish EiergyCompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

10.17 Oyster Creek Nuclear Station Procedures 10.17.1 Administrative Procedures 10.17.2 Radiological Controls Procedures 10.17.3 Emergency Procedures 10.17.4 Security Procedures 10.17.5 Alarm Response Procedures 10.18 NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, dated November 1980 10.19 OCGS Facility Operating License DPR-16 (Docket No. 50-219),

including Technical Specifications 10.20 State of New Jersey Radiological Emergency Operations Standard Operating Procedures 10.21 State of New Jersey Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Nuclear Power Plants Annex B Oyster Creek, Rev. 4, dated August 1987 10.22 Evacuation Time Estimates for the Plume Exposure Pathway EPZ at the Oyster Creek Generating Station, dated December, 1991 10.23 Oyster Creek Generating Station Final Safety Analysis Report 10.24 OCGS/TMI1 Operational Quality Assurance Plan, 2000-PLN-7200.01 10.25 AIF National Environmental Studies Project Document No. AIF/NESP 022, Atmospheric Dispersion Modeling For Emergency Preparedness.

October 1981 10.26 EP-AA-l, Emergency Preparedness Policy 10.27 NUREG-0737, TMI Lessons Learned (130001) 155.0


An Exelon/Brytish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 1 PERCENT OF LAND USE BY COUNTY USE OCEAN Forest & Woodland 55.53 Crops 0.83 Livestock 0.27 Pasture

.Urban 7.27 Business 0.89 Industrial 2.72 Public 17.8 Other 17.8


1977 Survey for Ocean County, Ocean County Planning and Zoning Department (130001/S3)



An Exelon/BRitsh EnLeTgy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.





  • Fire Brigade 0 Fire Units EVENT or have occurred which Damage Control
  • Rescue Assistance indicate a potential Teams
  • Ambulance Service degradation of level of
  • Surveillance
  • Medical Service safety of the plant.

Watches NRC No releases of

  • Search & Rescue
  • State Police (1) (2) radioactive material Teams requiring offsite 0 Monitoring Teams

-response or-monitoring

-- Seeur-ity-For~e are expected unless

  • Appropriate Station further degradation of Personnel safety occurs.


"* Fight Fire Provide Firefighting Perform Emergency Assistance Repairs

  • Assist in Rescue Designate Operations Surveillance
  • Provide Medical

"* Administer First Transportation Aid

  • Provide Hospital

"* Conduct Rescue Medical Treatment Operations

"* Perform Onsite Monitoring

"* Suitable Security Measures

"* Perform Continuing Assessment

"* Effect Prompt Offsite Notifications (1)

Notification is required within 15 minutes from declaration of the event.


State Police will make notification to BNE.




An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 2 (continued)




  • Fire Brigade
  • Fire Units or have occurred which Damage Control Teams NRC involve an actual or
  • Monitoring Teams
  • State Police (1) potential substantial
  • Dose Projection (2) degradation of the Personnel level of safety of the 0 Appropriate Station plant.

Any releases Personnel expected to be limited to small fractions of the EPA Protective Action -Guideline......

exposure levels.


"* Fight Fire Provide Onsite

"* Perform Emergency Assistance as Repairs Necessary

"* Onsite and Offsite

  • Activate Primary Monitoring Response Centers

" Offsite Dose

  • Alert Key Personnel Projections to Standby

" Suitable Security Maintain Emergency Measures Communications

"* Effect Prompt Offsite Notifications Mobilize Onsite Emergency Or ( anization Perform Continuing Assessment

"* Activate TSC and OSC Notification is required within 15 minutes from declaration of the event.

State Police will make notification to BNE.






An Exelon/lBytlsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan5 TABLE 2 (continued)





  • Appropriate 0 Appropriate EMERGENCY or have occurred which Emergency Teams Assistance involve actual or
  • Security Force 0

NRC likely major failures All Other Station

  • State Police (1)(2) of plant functions Personnel needed for protection of the public.

Any releases are not expected to exceed EPA Protective Action Guidel*ne6 e.osure.

levels except near the site boundary.

INITIAL ACTIONS ONSITE PERSONNEL OFFSITE PERSONNEL 0 Appropriate 0 Provide Onsite as Corrective and Necessary Protection Actions

  • Activate and Man
  • Onsite and Offsite Res.ponse Centers Monitoring
  1. Mobilize Emergency
  • Offsite Dose Response Personnel Projections
  • Continuously
  1. Suitable Security Evaluate Dose Measures Projections
  • Effect Prompt Place Public Offsite Notification Systems Notifications and Procedures

Standby Status EOF Implement

  • Personnel Appropriate Nearsite Evacuation as Emergency Protective Necessary Measures
  • Mobilize Maintain Continuous Appropriate Emergency Portions of Offsite Communications Emergency Organizations
  • Perform Continuing Assessment
  • Recommend Offsite Protection Actions Notification is required within 15 minutes from declaration of the event.

State Police will make notification to BNE.






An Exelon/British EneTgy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 2 (continued)





  • Appropriate
  • Appropriate Local EMERGENCY or have occurred which Emergency Teams Assistance involve actual or
  • Security Force
  • NRC imminent substantial
  • All Other Station
  • State Police (1) (2) core degradation or Personnel
  • Ocean County (1) melting with potential
  • Ocean Twp.

(1) for loss of containment

  • Lacey Twp.

(1) integrity.

Releases can be reasonably expected-tQoexceed-EPA Protective Action Guideline exposure levels offsite for more than the immediate site area.


  • Appropriate
  • Provide Onsite EMERGENCY Corrective and Assistance as (Cant'd)

Protective Actions Necessary

"" Onsite and Offsite 0 Fully Staff All Monitoring Response Centers

" Offsite Dose

  • Mobilize Emergency Projections Response Personnel

" Suitable Security 0 Continuously Measures Evaluate Dose

"* Effect Prompt Pro jections Offsite

  • Implement Public Notifications Notification

"* Activate TSC, OSC &

Procedure EOF

  • Implement

"* Personnel Appropriate Offsite Evacuation as Emergency Protective Necessary Measures

" Mobilize Total

  • Maintain Continuous Emergency Emergency Organization Communications Perform Continuing Assessment

"* Recommend Offsite Protective:Actions (1)

Notification is required within 15 minutes from declaration (2)

State Police will make notification to BNE.

(130001/S4) of the event.



OYSTER CREEK An Exeon/Brttish EneTgy CamlPary EMERGENCY PLAN Title OCGS Emergency Plan I Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

Revision No.



Decrease in Heat Removal by the Secondary System Turbine Trip w/o Bypass Valves


Decrease in Reactor Coolant System Flow Rate Trip of All (Simultaneous) Recirc. Pumps


Power Distribution Anomalies Control Rod Maloperation (System

.Malfunct-i-n--or-Operator Error).....

Inadvertent Loading and Operation of a Fuel Assembly in an Improper Position Control Rod Drop


Increase in Heat Removal by the Secondary System

  • Steam System Piping Failure Outside Containment

Radioactive Release from a Subsystem or Component Waste Gas System Rupture Accident Radioactive Liquid Waste System Leak or Failure Radioactive Liquid Tank Failure Design Basis Fuel Handling Accident in Containment


Decrease in Reactor Coolant Inventory Loss of Coolant I. Unusual Event I-4 I --

OCGS Unusual Event Unusual Event Unusual Event Unusual Event Site Area Emergency Site Area Emergency Site Area Emergency Site site Area Area Emergency Emergency

(* Postulated Accidents for Given Conditions from OCGS FSAR, 1985 Updated Version)


E3-1 General Emergency I

i Unusual Event unusual Event


An Exelon/Brlttsh EneTgy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5




1. Turbine Trip w/o Bypass Reactor Pressure Indicator Valves Reactor Level Indicator
  • Turbine Supervisory
  • Steam Flow Indicator
  • Power Range Monitor

Trip of All Recirc. Flow Indicators Recirculating Pumps Power Range Monitors

  • Reactor Level Indicator
  • Steam Flow Indicator
  • Reactor Pressure Indicators

Control Rod Stack Gas Monitors Maloperation Control Steam Line Radiation Monitors Rod Drop Off-Gas Monitors

  • Power Range Monitors Reactor Level Indicators
  • Reactor Pressure Indicators
  • Feed Water Flow Indicators
  • Steam Flow Indicator
  • MSIV Position Indicators

Inadvertent Loading &

Area Radiation Monitors Operation of a Fuel 4 Reactor Building Ventilation Rad Monitors Assembly in an Improper 0 Standby Gas Treatment System Instrumentation Position

  • Stack Gas Monitor

Steam System Piping 0

Stack Radiation Monitors Failure Outside Area Radiation Monitors Containment MSIV Position Indicators

  • Drywell Pressure/Containment
  • Pressure Indicators
  • ECCS Instrumentation
  • Reactor Water Level Indicator
  • System Pressure Indicators

Radioactive Release

  1. Area Radiation Monitors from a Subsystem or
  • Turbine Building Ventilation Radiation Component Monitors
  • Stack Gas Monitor



An Exelon/Brfttsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 4 (continued)




Loss of Coolant Stack Gas Monitors Area Radiation Monitors Reactor Building Ventilation Monitors Standby Gas Treatment Inst.

Reactor Water Level ECCS Instrumentation Drywell Humidity Indicator Drywell Pressure/Containment Pressure Indicator Torus Water-Level Indicator _

Drywell Monitors (CHRRMS)

Containment Hydrogen Monitors (130001/S6)



An Exelon/Britsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5





~OFIII Shift Manager Unit Supervisor

  • Shift Technical Advisor Control Room Operator (CRO)

CRO/EO/Other Security Personnel Equipment Operators Onshift Radiological Assessment Coordinator Emergency Director Operations Coordinator Shift Technical Advisor Control Room Operator ECC Communications Coordinator Equipment Operators Radiological Assessment Coordinator (RAC) a Initially assumes the duties of the Emergency Director which includes the initial assessment and evaluation of any abnormal or emergency situation and for directing appropriate response in accordance with the emergency plan implementing procedures.

Retains his normal duties of directing the Control Room Operators in maintaining control over the plant.

Retains his normal duties of advising and assisting the Emergency Director on plant conditions.

Retains his normal duties of operating and controlling the Plant as directed.

Assumes the duties of the ICC C-Lnications Coordinator.

This position is responsible to make notification to off-site agencies.

Once properly relieved, he will be used to support the emergency.

Will be used to support the emergency.

Assumes the duties of the RAC.

This includes providing all radiological assessment reports (onsite and offsite) to the Emergency Director and coordinating the in-plant radiological controls support for access control, emergency repair, search and rescue, fire fighting, personnel monitoring and dosimetry.

The onshift Radiological Assessment Coordinator will turn over the duties to the IREO RAC when relieved.

ECC/Plant Management ECC/ED (ECC/Shift Manager upon relief)

ECC/ED ECC/Operations Coordinator ECC/Emergency Director (CRO-ECC/Ops Coordinator upon relief)

(EO-OSC/OSC Coordinator upon relief)

Main Gate/ED (OCGS)

ECC/GOS Coordination through OSC upon activation ECC/Emergency Director (OSC/RAC

- upon relief)

Required in accordance with Sites' Tech Specs.

These personnel may be assigned other functions.




Ali ExelonlBrlttsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 5 (continued)





Radiological Retain their duties for OSC/RAC Technicians Controls radiological controls support in Technicians the areas of access control, emergency repair, search and rescue, first aid, firefighting, personnel monitoring and radiological monitoring as directed.

Chemistry Technician 1

Chemistry Responsiblefor providing OSC/OSC Coordinator chemistry sampl ana-*s-ti......


-C support the existing plant (OSC/Chemistry conditions and if appropriate to Coordinator - upon initiate activities to obtain and relief) analyze post accident samples.

Assumes the duties of Chemistry Coordinator until properly relieved.

Operations Supervisor operations Initially assumes the duties of ECC/Operations or other qualified Support Center the OSC Coordinator which includes Coordinator individual (OSC) supporting emergency operations in (OSC/OSC Coordinator the areas of emergency repair, Coordinator - upon search and rescue, chemistry, relief) firefighting and maintenance.

Senior Maintenance 1

Senior Assumes the duties of the Senior OSC/OSC Technician Maintenance Kaintenance Person.

Provides Coordinator Person support to the OSC Coordinator for emergency maintenance repair and corrective actions.

Maintenance Personnel Emergency Retain their duties of performing OSC/Emergency or Equipment Operator Maintenance all emergency maintenance repair Maintenance Team and corrective actions.

May be Coordinator called on for search and rescue and as drivers for Radiation Monitoring teams.

Site Protection Shift 1

Security Assumes the duties of the Security Processing Center Supervisor/Designated Coordinator Coordinator which includes (Main Gate Senior site directing the security force

/Operations Protection Officer accountability, access control-and Coordinator.

interfaces with the Local Law Enforcement Agencies/EOD.

Required in accordance with Sites' Tech Specs.

These personnel may be assigned other functions.




An Exelon/Brttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 5 (continued)




ASSUMES DUTIES EMERGENUC DUTIES LOCATION/PERSON OF Site Security Force Per Security Retain their duties of maintaining As Sec.

Personnel site security and implementing Directed/Security Plan accountability, site evacuation Coordinator and support search and rescue functions.

Mobilize OCGS emergency response personnel.

    • Fire Brigade Fire Respond to all fire alarms and Fire Scene/Fire


-report-to -fi*e -locatins -with Brigade-- Leader Plan assigned equipment to combat the (OC) fire and assess the need for offsite firefighting support.

    • First Aid and 2

Provide emergency first aid and OSC/OSC Rescue Team assist in rescue operations.


    • Emergency (As stated Above)

Maintenance Team

    • Radiological/

2 Obtain emergency equipment and Onsite -

OSC/RAC Environmental vehicle and proceed to areas Offsite -

EACC/EAC Survey Teams designated by the RAC/EAC to perform radiological and environmental surveys.

Required in accordance with Sites' Tech Specs.

These personnel may be assigned other functions.




An Exelon/Brtttsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5





Senior Management Responsible for initial assessment TSC/Euergency Director Personnel and evaluation of any abnormal or emergency situation and for directing appropriate response in accordance with the Emergency Plan Implementing Procedures.

TSC/Emerency ED Assistant 1

Engineer or Advises and assists the Emergency Director individual with Director in matters pertaining to equivalent communications, onsite personnel combination assembly, security and pubic experience/educat information.

Operations 1

Current or Coordinates plant operations, ECC/Emergency Coordinator previously maintenance and chemistry through Director qualified Senior the Shift Manager and Operations Reactor Operator Support Center Coordinator.

Technical Support 1

Engineer or Directs the TSC engineers in plant TSC/Emergency Center Coordinator individual with technical assistance and acts as Director equivalent liaison to the Emergency Director.

combination engineering experience/


TSC/Emergency Radiological 1

Senior Coordinates all Rad Con support and Director Assessment Radiological operations.

Coordinator Controls experienced person.

Radiological 1

Radiological Assist the Radiological Assessment TSC/RAC Engineering Controls Coordinator in performing his Support Experienced duties.

Insure communications with Personnel the BNE until the EOP staff assumes that function.

ECC Communications 1

Site Personnel Provides current information and ECC/ED Assistant Coordinator direction to the ECC Communicators; ensures proper records and logs are maintained.

ECC Communicators 2

Site Personnel Responsible for maintaining ECC/

communications with the NRC on the ECC Communications ENS line; makes follow-up Coordinator notifications to offsite agencies; maintains primary emergency communications using the Operations Line; monitors other emergency circuits as directed by the ECC Communications Coordinator.




An Exelon/Bftish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 6 (continued)





Assorted Activate TSC, assess plant status, TSC/TSC Center Engineer Discipline recommend mitigation actions, and Coordinator Engineer or provide technical support in the equivalent areas of core, electrical, engineering mechanical, and I&C.


education (e.g.,

I&C, Mechanical, Electrical)

Operations Support.


-Senior Coordinates-and-directs -emergency---- -OSC/Operations Center Coordinator Maintenance or logistic activities to support Coordinator Operations Operations in the area of Experienced Chemistry, Rad Con and Maintenance.



Emergency 1

Senior Assigns personnel and directs OSC/OSC Maintenance Maintenance Tech.

emergency maintenance repair and Coordinator Coordinator Maint.

corrective actions.

Supv./Foreman (OCGS)

Radiological 1

Radiological Responsible for the on-site and in-OSC/RAC Controls Controls plant radiological controls support Coordinator Technician for activities such as access control, emergency repair, search and rescue.

Chemistry 1

Chemistry Responsible for coordinating OSC/OSC Coordinator Technician chemistry activities to support the Coordinator existing plant conditions, and, if appropriate, for ensuring that all post-accident samples are obtained and analyzed.

Emergency Assembly I

Site Personnel Directs assembly and sign-in of Emergency Assembly Area Coordinator site personnel at the onsite Area (EAA)/ED emergency assembly area.

Assistant Processing Centew Security 1

Site Protection Responsible for the overall (Main Gate)n/ED Coordinator Shift security response during an Assistant Supervisor/design emergency.

Coordinates the ated Senior Site activities of the Site Protection Protection Shift Supervisor and Local Law Officer Enforcement Agencies/EOD.






An ExelonlBTitish Energy Company EME Title OCGS Emergency Plan TABLE 7 STER CREEK RGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

Revision No.


  • 1I I



Emergency Support Director (ESD)




ESD Assistant 1

MINIKUI LEVEL OF EXPERTISE Senior Management Representative Management or Senior Staff Personnel EMERGENCY DUTIES Responsible for overall management of emergency response and directs the response of the offsite organization functional groups in support of the onsite emergency organization.

Advises and assists the Emergency Support Director in matters pertaining to communications, technical support, implementation of the Emergency Plan and public information.


1 1

Group Leader Radiological and Environmental Controls (R&EC)

Group Leader Administrative Support Emergency Preparedness Representative


EOF Communications



EOF Communicators

____i-i 1

Radiological and Environmental Controls Management Personnel Management Personnel Functions as the *point of contacts for radiological and environmental controls information for the ESD; collects information from the RAC and EAC and, presents that information to ESD; overall-in-charge of R&EC effort.

Responsible for administrative and logistic functions required to support the emergency organization.

These services include:

General Administration, Communications, Security, Accommodations, Commissary, Safety and Human Resources.

Management or Staff Personnel Provides ESD with information relating to onsite, offsite and state emergency facilities, communications, personnel and resources availabilities and procedure requirements.

Site Personnel Responsible for the operation of the communications systems at the EOF and the coordination of requests for outside assistance.

Ensure that the primary and back-up communications systems are activated and operational.

Maintains records of communication and status boards.

2 i Site Personnel Responsible to maintain communications-with the site and offsite agencies, as needed, make additional notifications, as necessary and receive incoming calls.

REPORT TO LOCATION/PERSON HOP/chief Nuclear EOF/Chief Nuclear officer EOF/ESD IO/S Asitn EOF/ESD Assistant EOF/EOF EOF/EOP Communications Coordinator


This position will report to the EOF within one (1) hour upon notification of a Site Area or General Emergency or when requested.


This position will report to the EOF/EACC within (1) hour upon notification of an Alert, Site Area or "General Emergency.

Note: Staff and group members will be assigned by their respective Group Leaders/Coordinators who will also assign their training and ensure their availability during an emergency.


E7-1 EOF/ESD Assistant I



An Exlon/Brltish EneTgy Company TABLE 7 OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5

TABLE 7 (continued)



OF EXPERTISE EMERGENCY DUTIES LOCATION/PERSON Public Media Trained Responsible for gathering all approved OF ESD Information Tech Personnel and final information regarding the Assistant Representative/

plant event.

Providing the PI Tech EOF Rep in the JIC with up-to-date information Public Media Trained Responsible for retrieving information Media Center Information Tech Personnel from the' PI Tech Rep in the SO and Lead JIC Representative/

being a single point of reference for JIC those writing press releases and presiding over briefings

+ -

Media Center 1


-Responsible for-the-omand and----


Lead/JIC Personnel control over the centers activities and moderator during press briefings.

Also interface with State and Local Government Communications personnel.

Media Center 1

Media Trained Serves as the technical spokesperson Media Center Advisor/JIC Personnel on the panel during press conferences Lead JIC Press Release 1

Media Trained Serves as the news release writer Media Center Writer/JIC Personnel Lead JIC Technical 1

Operations or Provides technical liaison to the ESD EOF/ESD Support Engineering and the onsite Technical Support Representative Experienced Center Coordinator.

Monitors the Person operations Line and/or Technical Functions Line in order to obtain real time operational status from the ECC Communicator and relays this information to the ESD.

++ Environmental I

Environmental Responsible for the Radiological EOF/Group Assessment Controls Manager Environmental Monitoring Program.

Leader-R&EC Coordinator or When the EACC is activated, assumes (EAC)

Scientist/Managem control of the offsite radiological ent Person with monitoring and environmental Radiological assessment from the Radiological Controls Assessment Coordinator.

Communicates Experience with monitoring teams and the Radiological Assessment Coordinator and reports findings and projections to the Group Leader-R&EC at the EO.

++ Met/Dose 1

Environmental Coordination collection of EOF/EAC Coordinator Controls meteorological data for use in Scientist/Managem developing dose projections and/or ent Person with weather forecast, and advises EAC Radiological regarding implications these may have Controls on protective action recommendations.

Experience II_



This position will report to the EOF within one (1) hour upon notification of a Site Area or General Emergency or when requested.


This position will report to the EOF/EACC within (1) hour upon notification of an Alert, Site Area or General Emergency.

Note: Staff and group members will be assigned by their respective Group Leaders/Coordinators who will also

  • assign their training and ensure their availability during an emergency.




OYSTER CREEK Number An elonlsh EeTgy*ompany EMERGENCY PLAN 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5



Typical Contents


Full Face Respirators with Canisters


Survey Instruments - Radiation Survey Meters, Counter Scalers


Dosimetry Equipment

- Dosimeters/Chargers


Protective Clothing


Air Sampler and Cartridges


Support Materials -

Maps and Procedures, Etc.



1. Full Face Respirators with Canisters

Survey Instruments

- Radiation Survey Meters, Counter Scalers


Dosimetry Equipment

- Dosimeters/Chargers


Protective Clothing


Air Sampler and Cartridges


Support Materials - Maps and Procedures, Etc.




Remote Handling Tool


Sample Vials


Particulate Filter Cask


Iodine Cartridge Cask


Noble Gas Sample Cask IV.

DAMAGE CONTROL A. Typical Equipment Available


Hand tools


Cutting/Welding equipment


Patching materials


Submersible pumps


Electrical equipment


Rigging equipment V.







Stretchers (130001/SlO)



An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5


a. Meteorological Tower Wind Speed and Direction, Temperature
b. Air Samplers Analysis for Airborne Radioiodine and Particulates
c. Environmental Sampling Equipment Environmental Media Sampling
d. Pressurized Ionization Chamber (PIC)

Gamma Radiation

e. Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLD)

Beta, Gamma Radiation S-f. Geiger Mueller Detectors Beta,_-GQamma Radiation E9-1 (130001/Sll)


An Exelon/Byttish Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5


TSC Site Emergency Bldg.

HEPA and Charcoal Filtered Ventilation System and continuous air monitors and radiation monitor.

OSC Drywell Processing -

Center FAA Site designated areas (e.g.,

Materials Management Warehouse, OCAB Cafeteria)

EOF Lakewood, N.J.

Located in the Pine Land Division Office approximately 18 miles from the site; location


Media Lakewood, N.J.

Co-located with EOF.


JIC RAA Berkley Line Station EACC Co-located in the Emergency Operations Facility.




An Exelon/British Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5



State Police Division Headquarters, West Trenton (130001/S13)



An Exelon/Brttish Enegy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.

OCGS Emergency Plan 5


  • COMMUNICATOR TRANSMITTED COMOWNICATIONS ERF Touch Tone a) ECC ED/Ops Coordinator Conventional Or b)TSC inplant response and Telephones Head Set c)OSC status reports d) EOF e)Main Gate f)RAA g) JIC NRC Emergency Touch Tone a)ECC In-Plant radiological Conventional Notifications System b)TSC conditions and Telephones (ENS) c)EOF concerns d)Onsite NRC e)NRC Operations Center NRC Health Physics Touch Tone a)TSC Technical Engineering Conventional Network (HPN) b)EOF discussions Telephones c)Onsite NRC d)NRC Operations Center e)NRC Region I Radio Communications Touch Tone a)Certain Onsite Plant Status Conventional Locations information Telephones b)Mobile Units Bur. of Nuclear Auto-Ring a)ECC Plant status and Conventional Engineering Information b)EOF radiological Telephones Line c}TSC information Emergency Director's Auto-Ring a) ECC ED/ESD communications Emergency Hotline b)TSC and consultation Management c) EOF
line, conventional telephones Notification Lines Auto Ring a)ECC Official notifications Conventional (NJSP/Ocean County) b)TSC (e.g., initial Telephones c)EOF notifications, reclassifications, termination of the event)

NJ State Emergency Auto-Ring a)ECC Dedicated Conventional Director Hotline b) EOF communication link Telephones c)TSC between ED/ESD and State Emergency Director Environmental Assessment Auto-Ring a) ECC Dedicated link between Conventional Direct Line b)TSC RAC and EAC Telephones, c) EOF Radiological

line, Environmental Assessment line
  • Communications are assigned duty roster personnel and facility staff designated by the Facility Coordinator/Group Leader (130001/S14)

E12 -1

AmerGen An Exelon/Britsh Energy Company OYSTER CREEK EMERGENCY PLAN Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Title Revision No.


Unit Supervisor x

CRO's x

Equipment Operators X

Maintenance Foreman x

Maintenance Workers x

RP Supervisors X

X RP Technicians X

X Chemistry Technicians X

x Site Protection Force x

Training Focus x

Emergency Management X





Dose Projection Assessment X

Onsite/Offsite Radiological Survey Site Protection/Assembly/Accountability X

X Emergency Radiological Controls X

Emergency Chemistry x

Emergency Teams X

Contaminated Injured and Decontamination X

Emergency Notification and Callouts (130001/S15)

E13 -1


OYSTER C An eXcl,/Bftsh Energy Company EMERGENCY PLAN Title



OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 TABLE 14 PERIODIC TRAINING FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL NOTE: This table identifies the broad subject areas to be included in Emergency Plan Training for personnel assigned to the Emergency Response Organization.

Emergency Plan Training does not include training in the skills that are prerequisite for assignment to these positions.

i position/Title Emergency Director Operations Coordinator Shift Manager Shift Foreman ED Assistant

-Emergency Support-Director ESD Assistant Emergency Preparedness Representative Group Leader R&EC Site Shift Manager Group operating Supervisor a

Control Room Operators Radiological Assessment Coordinator Radiological Engineering Support Environmental Assessment coordinator Met-Dose Coornd enator Radiological Controls Coordinator on-Shift Radiological Assessment Coordinator public Information Representative JIC/Presiding Media Briefer Commu*.*nications-Pers-onnel FRa~dio~logical Controls Technician

" Radiological/Environment al Survey Teams Emergency organization, Emergency Facilities, Emergency Action Levels, Emergency Classifications, Concept of Operations, Emergency Communications, Dose Projection and Assessment Methodology, Protective Actions, and procedural responsibilities.

The depth of training provided is a variable of-the -positio.Oild-the-respmnsible-member..

Techniques and methodology in operating communications equipment, proper log keeping and formal communication.

Plant Systems affecting dose assessment, EACC operations, RAC operations, RAC/EAC responsibilities and interfaces, dose projection and assessment, protective action.

Emergency organization, emergency classification, communications, facilities, relevant EPIPs, radiological controls during emergencies and interfacing with hospital, safety, security and rad con personnel.

Radiological controls during emergencies, dose projection and assessment, relevant EPIPs, post-accident sampling systems, emergency organization, facilities, communications and interfacing with hospital, safety.

security and operations personnel.

Emergency plan overview, media center activities and lessons learned.

Emergency organization, facilities, emergency classification, communications, emergency kit instrument use, relevant EPIPs, radiological controls during emergencies and interfacing with hospital, safety, security and operations personnel concerning injuries and decontamination of personnel and vehicles.

Emergency kit instrument use, relevant EPIPs, formal radio communications, proper sampling techniques and practical exercises.

E14-1 (130001/S16)

Scope 0 A.= -



i Title OCGS Emergency Plan Number 2000-PLN-1300.01 Revision No.

5 TABLE 14 (continued)

PERIODIC TRAINING FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE PERSONNEL NOTE: This table identifies the broad subject areas to be included in Emergency Plan Training for personnel assigned to the Emergency Response Organization.

Emergency Plan Training does not include training in the skills that are prerequisite for assignment to these positions.

Position/Title Scope of Training

  • TSC Coordinator Emergency organization, emergency response
  • TSC Engineers facilities, emergency classification and
  • Technical Support Representative communications, facility activation, relevant (EOF)

EPIPs, and concept of operations of the

_*_OSC.Coordinator respectivefacil-ities....

  • Group Leader - Administrative Support Emergency Maintenance Emergency organization, facilities, Coordinator communications, concept of operations, relevant EPIPs, and post-accident radiological controls.

" Maintenance Technician Emergency organization, facilities, emergency classification, communication, concept of OSC operations, and relevant EPIPs.

  • Equipment Operators This training will include concept of operations and radiological controls in a post-accident environment, relevant EPIPs, emergency organi;ation, facilities and emergency radio communications.

"* Chemistry Technician Emergency organization, facilities, and

"* Chemistry Coordinator communications equipment.

Procedural guidance for gathering and analysis of chemistry samples.

"* ECC Communications Coordinator Techniques and methodology in operating

  • ECC Communicators.

communications equipment, proper logkeeping,

  • EOF Communications Coordinator formal communications, and offsite o EOF Communicators notifications.
  • Security Emergency organization, facilities, concept and
  • Security Coordinator methodology for accountability and operation of
  • Emergency Assembly Area the Emergency Assembly Area, relevant EPIPs.

Coordinator E14-2 (130001/S16)


An Exelon/BrItish Ene1gy Cormpany

Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev.



Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev. 5 FIGURE 2 OCGS SITE RELATIVE LOCATION (130001/S18)



Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev.





,,0o mw



Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev.



  • ~1..



U e"


  • "to

$a P.,,

LA N 4-j LuIi~IdaI..4-.*


Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev.




Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev.


loti il ~l II l 8~ID (130001/S22)





(Onshlft RACI

  • t~3 I.-'






Fire Brigade, Search and Rescue, First Aid and Emergency Maintenance Teams will be staffed with On-Shift personnel that may be assigned other functions and will report to the OSC Coordinator.

For security based events, the Security Coordinator has the capability of direct communications with the Emergency Director.

Normal Shift Position Direction/Reporting Liasion/Communications S

Required in accordance with Site's Tech Specs (130001/S23)

Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev. 5 FIGURE 8 INITIAL RESPONSE ORGANIZATION OCGS (1)Reports to Group Leader R&EC when Emergency Support Organization is activated.

(2)Position may be filled SSK or GOS.


LiaiBon/Communlications E22-1 (130001/S24)


_ Pll


.p, m (130001/S25)

Procedure 2000-PLN-1300.01 Rev.

5 FIGURE 9 EMERGENCY SUPPORT ORGANIZATION Emergency Support Dir ector kil E23 -1


-VE MFCOT[ON H&M.- (A) NtfoUf r

quwIasbn.witb the initial

=Utm atn =dgmzeaW by -Iut-w (B) V Intia mv~

Is a GmzzaW Mmezgmoatr a I dAMID$1 of the ewumt &" PAR ts gtvul to tha itate "ud 00=a co~mty.


Inmtal msw ctfl= of.

the evmL an dedlcted IIw

=mtut be wade vftbdin 15 mblzmte of dec3waiontW, (130001/S26)
