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Enclosure 6 - Mary Stamos Presentation
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/20/2012
From: Stamos M
- No Known Affiliation
Shared Package
ML13262A166 List:
Download: ML13262A111 (4)


CA.Nw- Remarks of Mary Stamos Washington, DC September 20,2012 Good afternoon, everyone.

In the 1950's I learned from Mickey Mouse that "EVERY ACTION CREATES AN EQUAL & OPPOSITE REACTION" and from President Eisenhower, the Atomic Bomb "DUCK & COVER" drills and also the "CONFUSE & DECEIVE" tactics of the Military Industrial Complex.

I remember when the British dumped radioactive milk into the sea after Windscale.

I remember bomb test fallout killing cows and sheep in Utah and our government blaming their deaths on "Locoweed."

My husband worked on TMI Unit 2 construction, and one year before the accident, his co-worker stopped by our house and told me "they were taking so many shortcuts, TMI 2 was never going to make it!"

Boy was he right!

During the first days of the accident we didn't know the solid reactor fuel was melting into liquid over 5,100 degrees Fahrenheit, flowing like hot olive oil or that TMI was burping, venting and dumping unfiltered radioactivity into our communities, our river and our bodies.

But our bodies knew and the animals knew. Our bodies reacted by displaying symptoms and effects: the metallic taste or smell, burning or reddening of skin, burning in nose or throat, itching or tearing of eyes, the nausea, vomiting, the subsequent diarrhea and hair loss. Birds died. Many of our pets and farm animals died and many were born deformed. Flowers and leaves started growing deformed or mutated and many trees died. They continue to do so! 33 years later.**


After Chernobyl and the current Fukushima disaster, similar mutations of flora and fauna (including humans) have been found and will continue for decades.

Government and industry continue to say no one died at Three Mile Island, because, "Not enough radiation escaped to cause harm." But all TMI health studies I have read, clearly show increases in cancers. The 40 Rlhr &

10 Rlhr issues remain.

Recently another mutated fish was caught near TMI and male fish are now having babies.

At Three Mile Island we had doses equivalent to bomb test fallout, just like those in the book "The Day We Bombed Utah," by John Fuller.

The morning of the TMI accident, March 28, 1979, at 6:00 am, I was outdoors and had the metallic taste and noticed there were no birds. At 10:30 that morning I got a call and was told TMI had an accident. I looked out my window, didn't see any steam, but it looked ok.

But it wasn't!

Wednesday the 28th Day One- Not knowing about the 10Rihr radiation leak that morning.

Not knowing about the hydrogen explosion around 1:00 pm & the massive radiation releases.

Thursday the 29th Day Two- Lt. Governor William Scranton was told by TMI that everything was under control and the reactor would be restarted in a few days or weeks. Then he comes back on tv and tells us - We have been lied to, the accident is more severe than we were led to believe! And the public not knowing of the 3,000 mr release- as we were told to close our doors and windows.

Friday the 30th Day Three - Around 9:30 am, hearing sirens like an air raid and church bells ringing, we learn of uncontrolled radiation releases at TMI and 1,200 mr over the stacks.


Before noon -our hero- in Harrisburg, turns on the city's sirens causing the Governor to finally take action. He reluctantly advised pregnant women and pre-school aged children within 5 miles, to leave the area !

Later we learn 5 miles was not enough. Elevated radiation readings were reported in Philadelphia, New Jersey, Maryland, New York, New England, Canada and England!

\\' e learn that TMI had been falsifying leak rates for one half year before the accident and - that the NRC knew it! TMI was found guilty of a federal criminal offense.

February 1985 "Judge OK's $3.9 million dollars for TMI lawsuits!" All 300 cases were reached out of Court.

The second round of over 2,000 personal injury lawsuits never got their day in Court. Judge Rambo threw out most plaintiff's expert witnesses , and their attorneys ended up quitting the cases!

AND, the President's Commission Report, where Admiral Hyman Rickover used his influence with President Jimmy Carter, to have evidence withheld from the report thus covering up the full truth and severity of the TMI accident. Because, if the report was published in its entirety, it would have destroyed the nuclear power industry in this country, because, the accident was infinitely more dangerous than was ever made public.

Rickover later deeply regretted his action. We are still waiting for Jimmy Carter to come forward with the whole truth, nothing but the truth!

Had the truth been told, lives would have been saved by early detection and the chromosome tests they chose not to do. The NRC has failed repeatedly to protect the health and safety of we the people. Let's abolish the NRC and have our anti-nuclear experts as the NPC - "Nuclear Protection Commissioners." And safely shut down all nukes.

We the people of Three Mile Island and of the United States of America will continue to seek Justice and the whole truth, so help us God.


From: Rosalie BerteU.

>To: funmy Carter, INTERNBT:library@earter.naragov

>Date: 2/10/98 11:29 AM

>RE: Riclcover Report on TMI


>Fonner President funmy Carter

Dear Former President Carter,


>Many of us have been impressed with your activities on behalf of Habitat for Humanity and for Conflict Resolution since leaving the presidency.

>There is only one large blot on your record, which distresses those of

>us who respect you, and that ia tho cover up of the Three Mile Island ~~"}

>aeeident, and in particular the serious health damage done to the

. :>p,eople ~o. ijy!d -~~by. I wu on the Citizen's Advisory Council to the Blue ~~ (

>Ribbon Panel Which you established io look into the accident. I. and ~ ~ ()]


>indeed the whole advisory cound1, were dismissed when I asked the implications of

>having a staff' cleared by the FBI tor security and a Blue Ribbon Panel which wu not

>cleared, with the exception of'Dr. Kemmeny who bad worked on the Manhattan

>Project. The stafF was able to withhold any information they wanted from

>the Panel under the guise of "classiiied for national security*. Another

>Advisory Council member asked who waa in charge during the accident. These ~

~ ~


J ~

>two questions were enough to cause the dissolution of the entire advisory council. In . ~

>fact, Dr. Kemmeny even stated publically that we had never been invited to ~ ~ f'

>Washington (although the Panel paid our air fare).

> \\

>You were especially trust by the people because of your own nuclear

>background. You failed to deserve that trust. Can you not make it up now

>by joining with thoso of us ~ho want tho true documents released to the

>public? The nuclear industrY has &ustrated all of the serious health

>claims of the* people, in spite of~ Supreme Court's ruling. Their

>lawyers are gloating that they are "invincible" before the Courts because

>of their dirty tactics. Other countries find it hard to believe that in

>America the people cannot aet justice after their experience!

>Please put your moral authority to work to make the truth finally known!

Sincerely, .

>Dr. Rosalie~ President.

nf.JI. ~ ".. _/(

~ ~


>International Institute of Concern for Public Health

>Toronto. Canada