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TMI-I Standing Order Rev. 2
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/27/2009
- No Known Affiliation
NRC Region 1
Download: ML101550532 (3)


/U 1v RliN-IIVbý TMI-1 Standing Order Divil E?Q~?26~

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Rev. 2- Issued 11/27/09 @ 03:45 Ii his order applies any time the Containment Liner Plate is breached and is applicable to all station personnel, including but not limited to Operations, Maintenance., SGT, Shaw, Rad Pro and Chemistry - /

(* Operations will maintain RB Purge Exhaust flow in order to maximize air inflow thru the RB Openings (both the Equipment Hatch and theRB construction opening)

  • )If at any time airflow is observed by any personnel to be out of the RB openings, notify the Operations Control Room Supervisor (x8071).

SThe Radiation Protection GRCS will ensure documented observation of air inflow/tarp inward deflection at a minimum of once every 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> by observing ribbon strips or tarp deflection at the RB openings (see attached table). In addition, ,once:perdiay I&C will take airflow measurements at the construction opening and the equipment.hatch.

(Q ii--pe-Rsnel will obtain permission from the Operations Control Room Supervisor

' (x8071) Prior to changing the configuration of RB openings. Personnel may4passth*roigh mithout contacting Operations. They shall ensure the trs are fullyclosed 0 after each passage.

)Prior to granting permission to manipulate RB openings, The Operations Control Room Supervisor will evaluate the following:

Stable Purge exhaust Stable Aux and FHB exhaust flow Discuss with the duty RPM or the OCC RPM any radiological evolutions in progress or planned and ensure adequate controls are established to allow opening of containment

___ The duty RPM or the OCC RPM will verify stable RB airborne activity

___ Airborne activity monitors near RB openings are operating

_ An RB opening closure plan is established that includes at a minimum, the supervisor responsible to close the opening, contact phone # and radio channel, and estimated time to close the opening

)A continuous airborne radioactivity monitor capable of alarming shall be operating near the RB openings. This requirement can be waived by duty RPM provided the requirements of RAF 09-011 are met.

The Radiation Protection GRCS will ensure recording of airborne radiation monitor indications near the RB openings at a minimum of once every 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br /> (see attached table) us - L

IVOT ir-'61"r'vt If airflow exists out of an RB opening or if an airborne Radiation Monitor at an RB opening rises to > 0.3 DAC, then perform the following:

__ Discontinu-ew-orka'ctivities with potential to cause airborne contamination in the RB

___ Evaluate radiation release impact

___ Close the opening with outflow or if closure is not possible, document the time, airflow measurement/estimate, and duration of outward flow for evaluation of non-routine release Evaluate EAL' s Generate IR

Six Hour Monitoring of RB Openings Date/Time Air Inflow Radiation Air inflow or Radiation Data or inward Monitor inward tarp Monitor Recorded tarp Indication direction @ Indication at By:

direction at RB RB C'ýonstruc~tion Constructioi quipment Hatch (h Opening Opening

_H1atc~h In DAC In D A7 -V7ia Via AMS- Circle AMS-3 or Circle 3 or ribbon/tarp equivalent ribbon/tarp equivalent direction direction IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT IN / IN / OUT OUT Immediately notify the control room (x807 1) if:

Airflow/tarp direction is out of any opening or

___ The radiation monitor reading at any opening rises to > 0.3 DAC