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2013 Clinton Power Station Initial License Examination Proposed SRO Admin JPMs
Person / Time
Site: Clinton Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/2013
Exelon Generation Co
Dave Reeser
Shared Package
ML11354A437 List:
50-461/13-301, JPM425, Rev 1
Download: ML13255A127 (60)


CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Review Surveillance 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits JPM Number: JPM425 Revision Number: 01 Date: 06/14/13 Developed By: G. Thullen 06/14/13 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Master Copy per SRRS 3D.126/3D.111

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 7/26/10 New JPM number and updated revisions (10110001SAF01) 01 06/14/13 Converted to new template Page 3 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. This JPM can be performed in a classroom or other secure area with the 3D cases generated per step 2.
2. The following can be used as necessary to recreate the 3D Case printouts with out of spec MFLCPR and MFLPD:
a. Initialize to a full power IC.
b. Insert Malfunction M3D_FLCPR_V_10 to a final value of 1.012 to raise MFLCPR for fuel assembly 21-18 to a value greater than 1.0.
c. Insert Malfunction M3D_FLPD_V_2 to a final value of 1.083 to raise MFLPD for fuel assembly 23-32 to a value greater than 1.0.
d. Print out a 3D case.
e. Verify MFLCPR and MFLPD are > 1.0.
3. Freeze Simulator.
4. Markup a copy of 9820.01D001 Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet to match the attached example.
5. Attach the 3D Monicore Case to the copy of 9820.01D001.

Page 4 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • The CRS review finds the two mistakes on the datasheet showing all thermal limits are in specification which is in conflict with the 3D Monicore Case showing a bundle with a MFLCPR and MFLPD of greater than one.
  • CPS No. 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits, Revision 33e.
  • CPS No. 9820.01D001 Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet, Revision 32e.




  • CPS No. 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits, Revision 33e.
  • CPS No. 9820.01D001 Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet, Revision 32e.
  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • Provide the examinee with a copy of the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue page (back page of the JPM) when providing the initiating cue.
  • When the initiating cue is read, provide the student with the marked up copy of 9820.01D001 with the attached 3D Monicore Printout.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.

Page 5 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


The unit is at full power. A rod shuffle was completed one hour ago. The B RO has just completed 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits surveillance.


CAUTION All pre-job briefings are completed.

Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

1. You are the CRS. Review the completed surveillance data sheet, CPS No. 9820.01D001, Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet.
2. Take any required actions.

The evaluator will act as all other crew members.


Page 6 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Performance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS 9820.01D001 Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet

  • JPM Step 1 The examinee reviews the completed datasheet and notes that step 8.3 was 8.3 incorrectly marked indicating MFLCPR was less than 0.98 when the 3D Monicore case shows a bundle with MFLCPR is greater than 1.00.

Standard: CRS determines that the data sheet was not correctly filled out and MFLCPR is out of specification.


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number 9820.01D001 Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet

  • JPM Step 2 The examinee reviews the completed datasheet and notes that step 8.4 was 8.4 incorrectly marked indicating MFLPD was less than 0.98 when the 3D Monicore case shows a bundle with MFLPD is greater than 1.00.

Standard: CRS determines that the data sheet was not correctly filled out and MFLPD is out of specification.


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 7 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • JPM Step 3 Technical Specifications - Minimum Critical Power Ratio (MCPR)

3.2.2 Standard

The examinee reviews Technical Specifications and enters Action 3.2.2 A.1 -

Restore MCPR to within limits within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number

  • JPM Step 4 Technical Specifications - Linear Heat Generation Rate (LHGR)

3.2.3 Standard

The examinee reviews Technical Specifications and enters Action 3.2.3 A.1 -

Restore LHGR to within limits within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> Cue:

Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 8 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Step 5 Examinee contacts RE for instructions to restore MFLCPR and MFLPD to within limits within 2 hours2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />.

Standard: Examinee contacts the RE for instructions.

Cue: If the examinee consults with the RE, tell him/her that the REs are determining an appropriate course of action to restore MFLCPR and MFLPD to within limits.

Comments If the examinee requires a new 3D case, cue him/her that values are identical to the case used for the surveillance.

SAT UNSAT Comment Number JPM Step 6 Examinee notifies the Shift Manager that MFLCPR and MFLPD are outside Technical Specification Limits.

Standard: Examinee notifies the Shift Manager that the ITS limits for MCPR and LHGR have been exceeded and that ITS LCO 3.2.2 A.1 and 3.2.3 A.1 have been entered.

Cue: Acknowledge report from the examinee.


The JPM is complete when the student has determined that the MFLCPR and MFLPD limit has been exceeded and determines the appropriate Technical Specification actions that are required.


Page 9 of 11

JPM Number: JPM425 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Review Surveillance 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits JPM Number: JPM425 Revision Number: 01 Task Number and


(101100.01) Apply the administrative requirements of SURVEILLANCE TESTING PROGRAM K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.1.7 N/A 4.7 Ability to evaluate plant performance and make operational judgments based on operating characteristics, reactor behavior, and instrument interpretation.

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Alternate Path: Yes No Perform SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 10 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


CPS No. 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits, Revision 33e.

CPS No. 9820.01D001 Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet, Revision 32e.



Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 10 of 11

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


The unit is at full power. A rod shuffle was completed one hour ago. The B RO has just completed 9820.01 Power Distribution Limits surveillance.


CAUTION All pre-job briefings are completed.

Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

1. You are the CRS. Review the completed surveillance data sheet, CPS No. 9820.01D001, Power Distribution Limits Data Sheet.
2. Take any required actions.

The evaluator will act as all other crew members.

Page 11 of 11


  • C1R08 updates:

° Incorporated new ITS/ORM power/1st stage pressure values per ECs 331403, 331404, 331564, 331565.

Specific Rev. 32a [Sheffield]: CR 147421 - SOD: MFLCPR ITS Thermal Limit lowered by 0.02 to 0.98 (vice 1.00) until 3D Monicore updated to account for channel bow (2% penalty). Administrative thermal limits (2% margin) imposed by MWROG Nuclear Fuels 1/9/03 directive letter adjusted accordingly.

Specific Rev. 32b [Landin]: ATI-PCR 155337-01:

CR 147421: MFLCPR ITS Thermal Limit returned to 1.00 per final GNF MFN 03-012 that concludes that the original 2% MCPR penalty for CPS does not apply.

Specific Rev. 32c [Landin]: C1R09 -

° Incorporated EC 344216 - 3D Monicore/Panac11 changes noun name Descriptors.

Specific Rev. 32d [Landin]: EDITORIAL - 5.6 typo correction.

Specific Rev. 32e [Jeans]: ° IR 477909 Correct ITS time limit on actions required when entering single loop operation.

ROUTINE USE ORIGINATOR: Thomas J. Landin CLASS CODE: SNND1 SQR: Kevin Kane APPROVAL DATE: MAR 13 2002 CURRENT CHANGES TO GENERAL REVISION Change # Date List of Affected Pages 32a 03/11/03 1, 2 32b 04/28/03 1, 2 32c 02/04/04 1, 2 32d 06/14/04 1, 2 32e 09/20/06 1, 2 Rev. 32e Page 1 of 2

CPS 9820.01D001 POWER DISTRIBUTION LIMITS DATA SHEET Initial 5.1 SMngt notification. Date 5/7/13 Time 1800 ___TJ____

5.2 Verify Core Thermal Power 21.6% RTP. ___TJ____

5.3 Check the applicable entry condition:

Daily surveillance (at least once per 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />)

Within 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> after 21.6% RTP Within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of entering single loop RR operations Other (explain) _______________________________________

5.4 Verify 2nd character of 3D CASE ID is an M. ___TJ____

5.5 2 RR pumps in operation 5.6 ARTS 1 RR pump in operation 2 LOOPS ON MANUAL FLOW 1 LOOP ON Admin Limit Acceptable Step(s) Parameter Initial (3005.01) Value (ITS) 8.2 MAPRAT 0.98 1.0 TJ 8.3 MFLCPR 0.98 1.0 TJ 8.4 MFLPD 0.98 1.0 TJ 8.6 Inform SMngt of surveillance completion Date 5/7/13 Time 1805 ___TJ____

Corrective Action Taken Operability Requirements:

ITS LCOs: 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 ORM ORs: None ODCM ORs: None As applicable:

Initiated Condition Report No. ____________________

Initiated Work Document No. _______________________

Comments/Deficiencies Review and Approval SMngt Review: ________________________________________________________

(Signature) (Date)

Rev. 32e Page 2 of 2

CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Determine Reporting Requirements per OP-AA-106-101 (ERDS Failure)

JPM Number: JPM514 Revision Number: 00 Date: 06/14/13 Developed By: G. Thullen 06/14/13 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Master Copy per SRRS 3D.126/3D.111

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 10

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 06/14/13 New JPM developed for the ILT 12-1 NRC Exam. This JPM is modeled upon a JPM used for the 2012 LaSalle NRC Exam.

Page 3 of 10

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. Simulator setup is not applicable
2. This JPM should be conducted in a location that provides easy access to the required reference procedures (simulator, library, SM office, etc.).
3. The following procedures are required to be available should the candidate request them:
  • Exelon Reportability Reference Manual (Includes LS-AA-1010, 1020, 1110, 1120, and 1130)

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • 8 Hour reporting requirement identified
  • Personnel notified per OP-AA-106-101 Significant Event Reporting TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:


  • LS-AA-1110, Reportable Event Reportable Event SAF 1.1, Rev. 17
  • LS-AA-1020, Reportability Manual Reportability Tables and Decision Trees, Rev. 19 EVALUATOR INSTRUCTIONS:
  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Provide the examinee with a copy of the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue page (back page of the JPM) when providing the initiating cue.

Page 5 of 10

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


You are the Shift Manager.

It is a normal working day.

The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) has failed.

Information Technology (IT) has been investigating the problem for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


IT reports that the problem with ERDS is with an intermittent power supply.

The necessary replacement part has been ordered and will arrive tomorrow morning.

Determine any reportability and notification requirements.


Page 6 of 10

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Performance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS LS-AA-1110, Reportability Manual, Reportable Event SAF 1.10 Or LS-AA-1020, Reportability Reference Manual, Operations Decision Tree #2

  • Is reportable per SAF 1.10
  • Requires NRC notification via ENS within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 7 of 10

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

OP-AA-106-101, Significant Event Reporting

  • JPM Step 2 Determine notification requirements IAW OP-AA-106-101, Significant Event Reporting Attachment 2 Shift Managers Notification Worksheet Standard: Notification of following individuals determined to be required:
  • SOS/OD
  • NRC Operations center
  • Duty Station Manager
  • Plant Manager
  • Site Vice President
  • Nuclear Duty Officer
  • Manager, Reg. Assurance
  • Manager, Nuclear Oversight
  • NRC Senior Resident Inspector Cue: If contacted as the SOS, acknowledge the report.

Terminating Cue Acknowledge report. The JPM is considered complete at this time.


The JPM is considered complete when the required notifications have been presented.


Page 8 of 10

JPM Number: JPM514 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name: _______________________________________________________________





Determine Reporting Requirements per OP-AA-106-101 (ERDS Failure)

JPM Number: JPM514 Revision Number: 00 Task Number and


Task 997777.05 On-Site Notification Requirements (Ref OP-AA-106-101)

K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.1.18 N/A 3.8 Ability to make accurate, clear and concise Logs, records, status boards and reports Suggested Testing Environment: Classroom Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Alternate Path: Yes No Perform SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 25 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


OP-AA-106-101, Significant Event Reporting, Rev. 15 LS-AA-1110, Reportable Event SAF 1.1 Declaration, Rev. 17 LS-AA-1020, Reportability Reference Manual Volume 1 Table SAF, Rev. 19 EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 9 of 10

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


You are the Shift Manager.

It is a normal working day.

The Emergency Response Data System (ERDS) has failed.

Information Technology (IT) has been investigating the problem for 6 hours6.944444e-5 days <br />0.00167 hours <br />9.920635e-6 weeks <br />2.283e-6 months <br />.


IT reports that the problem with ERDS is with an intermittent power supply.

The necessary replacement part has been ordered and will arrive tomorrow morning.

Determine any reportability and notification requirements.

Page 10 of 10

CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Determine On-Line Risk JPM Number: JPM515 Revision Number: 00 Date: 06/14/13 Developed By: G. Thullen 06/14/13 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Master Copy per SRRS 3D.126/3D.111

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 06/14/13 New JPM developed for the ILT 12-1 NRC Exam. This JPM was modeled after a JPM administered during the 2009 NRC Exam at Quad Cities.

Page 3 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. No simulator setup required for this JPM.
2. This JPM can be performed in any appropriate setting where exam security can be set and the examinee has access to Paragon.
3. Execute the Paragon program.
4. At the login screen, enter an instructor LAN login in the User ID block. NO password is required.

Click on OK.

5. Select Operators Module and click on OK.
6. The Operators Module View will be displayed.
7. This completes the setup for this JPM.
8. Post JPM instructions
a. After each examinee has completed this JPM, refresh the setup screen as follows:
1) Close the Operators Module View window
2) Click on MSO in the upper left corner
3) Select Operators Module and click on OK.

Page 4 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • Examinee has determined that risk level changes from Green to YELLOW when SGTS Train B is declared inoperable and unavailable.
  • Examinee has determined that risk level stays YELLOW when Div 1 DG is declared inoperable and unavailable.
  • Examinee has determined that required actions for ITS LCO 3.8.1 Condition B must be taken.


  • Computer terminal logged on to PARAGON PROCEDURAL/


  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Provide the examinee with a copy of the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue page (back page of the JPM) when providing the initiating cue.

Page 5 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


You are the Control Room Supervisor.

CPS is operating at 912 MWe.

It has been determined that Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) Train B is INOPERABLE AND UNAVAILABLE.

Appropriate Tech Spec LCOs have been entered.

No other LCOs are in effect.


Given the above conditions, determine the On-Line Risk level.


Page 6 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Performance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.


  • JPM Step 1 Examinee determines on-line risk level is YELLOW with VG Train B inoperable and unavailable.

Standard: Examinee performs the following actions:

1. Clicks on the CONTAINMENT SYS tab.
2. Clicks on SBGT.
3. Clicks on VG - Standby Gas Treatment A (OVG01SA).
4. Clicks on Unavailable.
5. Clicks on OK in the Add Activity dialog box.
6. Reports that On-Line Risk levels are now YELLOW.
7. Closes the SBGT box by clicking X in the upper right hand corner.

Cue: Acknowledge report from examinee that On-Line Risk is now YELLOW.

Inform the candidate as the Shift Manger that the Div 1 DG has been declared INOPERABLE AND UNAVAILABLE.

Determine 1) the On-Line risk for this added issue, and 2) required Tech Spec Actions.

Comments The examinee may enter information in the Add Activity Dialog Box. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT for satisfactory completion of the step.

SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 7 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • JPM Step 2 Examinee determines on-line risk level is YELLOW with Div 1 DG inoperable and unavailable.

Standard: Examinee performs the following actions:

1. Clicks on AC Power Tab.
2. Clicks on DG A (Div 1).
3. Clicks on DG - Emergency Diesel Gen A (Div 1).
4. Clicks on Unavailable.
5. Clicks on OK in the Add Activity dialog box.
6. Reports that On-Line Risk levels remain YELLOW.
7. Closes the DG A (Div 1) box by clicking X in the upper right hand corner.

Cue: Acknowledge report from examinee that On-Line Risk remains YELLOW.

Determine required Tech Spec Actions.

Comments The examinee may enter information in the Add Activity Dialog Box. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT for satisfactory completion of the step.

SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 8 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Technical Specifications

  • JPM Step 3 Examinee enters ITS 3.8.1 Condition B and required actions B.1, B.2, B.3, ITS 3.8.1 AND B.4.

Standard: Examinee reviews ITS and enters the following ITS 3.8.1 LCO actions - B.1, B.2, B.3 (B.3.1 or B.3.2) AND B.4.

Cue: Inform the candidate that another SRO will perform any and all follow-up actions and that the JPM is complete.

Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 9 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


On-line risk levels have been evaluated for unavailability of SGTS B and Div 1 DG. ITS 3.8.1 has been evaluated and appropriate LCOs entered.


Page 10 of 12

JPM Number: JPM515 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Determine On-Line Risk JPM Number: JPM515 Revision Number: 00 Task Number and


115112.01 Apply the Administrative Requirements of On-Line Risk Assessment K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.2.17 N/A 3.8 Knowledge of the process for managing maintenance activities during power operations, such as risk assessments, work prioritization, and coordination with the transmission system operator.

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Alternate Path: Yes No Perform SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 20 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


ITS 3.8.1; Paragon EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 11 of 12

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


You are the Control Room Supervisor.

CPS is operating at 912 MWe.

It has been determined that Standby Gas Treatment System (SGTS) Train B is INOPERABLE AND UNAVAILABLE.

Appropriate Tech Spec LCOs have been entered.

No other LCOs are in effect.


Given the above conditions, determine the On-Line Risk level.

Page 12 of 12

CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Select Volunteers and Authorize an Emergency Exposure for a Life-Saving Operation JPM Number: JPM516 Revision Number: 00 Date: 06/14/13 Developed By: G. Thullen 06/14/13 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Master Copy per SRRS 3D.126/3D.111

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 14

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 06/14/13 New JPM developed for the ILT 12-1 NRC Exam. JPM was modeled after a JPM administered during an ILT Exam at LaSalle in 2012.

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JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Simulator Setup Instructions

1. No Simulator setup required
2. Materials:
  • The following material is required to be provided to Candidate:
  • Copy the three (3) EP-AA-113-F-02 forms on the same colored paper as the INITIAL CONDITIONS /INITIATING CUE page (Page 14).
  • The following materials are required to be available to Candidate:
  • Shift Emergency Director Notebook (located in the simulator)
  • EP-AA-113 Personnel Protective Actions (contained in the Shift Emergency Director Notebook)
  • EP-AA-112-100-F-01 Shift Emergency Director Checklist (contained in the Shift Emergency Director Notebook)

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JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • EP-AA-113-F-02 for B. Black and G. Green signed as Station Emergency Director TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:


  • EP-AA-113, Personnel Protective Actions, Rev. 11
  • EP-AA-112-100-F-01, Shift Emergency Director Checklist, Rev. P
  • RP-AA-203, Exposure Control and Authorization, Rev. 3 EVALUATOR INSTRUCTIONS:
  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Provide the examinee with a copy of the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue page (back page of the JPM) when providing the initiating cue.

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JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • A General Emergency has been declared.
  • Fuel failure has occurred together with a large break LOCA.
  • Containment venting is in progress in order to maintain containment integrity.
  • The TSC has been activated, but has not been staffed.
  • The appropriate EAL has been declared.
  • An emergency life saving operation must be performed.

o The operation is estimated to take between 12 and 15 minutes o There is a 200 R/hr field in the area

  • The operation requires two (2) people to enter the field. Three (3) people have volunteered:

o Bob Black, Employee # B537347 Has never received an emergency exposure He is familiar with the procedures for rescuing the victim, and is fully aware of the risks involved.

o Gary Green, Employee # B734753 Has never received an emergency exposure He is familiar with the procedures for rescuing the victim, and is fully aware of the risks involved.

o Walter White, Employee # B573472 Received a 27 R dose at a reactor in South Africa when he volunteered to assist in a similar life-saving operation.

He is familiar with the procedures for rescuing the victim, and is fully aware of the risks involved.

  • Per RP-AA-203 Exposure Control and Authorization, a Rad Protection Supervisor has briefed the three volunteers and presented you with the forms to authorize the emergency exposure.


CAUTION All pre-job briefings are completed.

As the acting Station Emergency Director, perform the actions necessary to permit the life-saving operation.


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JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Performance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS Note: Steps may be performed in any order EP-AA-113 Personnel Protective Actions JPM Step 1 Determine emergency exposure limits in excess of 5 Rem TEDE (EPA-400 lower limits) are required for Exelon emergency workers.

Standard: Estimated dose for the life saving operation calculated to be in excess of 25 Rem (12 to15 minutes in a 200 Rem/Hr field is 40 to 50 Rem)


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number JPM Step 2 For exposures at or above 5 Rem TEDE, complete an Authorization for Emergency Exposure form EP-AA-113-F-02.

Standard: Applicable EP-AA-113-F-02 forms verified to have the REQUESTING AUTHORIZATION TO EXCEED box checked for 25 Rem TEDE Cue:

Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 7 of 14

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Step 3 Verify that emergency workers have been briefed on the possible health effects of the anticipated exposure.

Standard: Form EP-AA-113-F-02 for B. Black, G. Green, and W. White checked for Rad Protection Management signature.


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number JPM Step 4 Verify that emergency workers have volunteered. Standard: Form EP-AA-113-F-02 for B. Black, G. Green, and W. White checked for volunteers signature Cue:

Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number JPM Step 5 Emergency exposure in excess of 25 Rem TEDE is to be limited to once in a

  • 4.3.3 lifetime.

Standard: W. White is eliminated as a potential rescuer and the examinee DOES NOT sign this volunteers form EP-AA-113-F-02.


Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 8 of 14

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JPM Step 6 Complete an Authorization for Emergency Exposure for B. Black and G.

  • Green Standard: EP-AA-113-F-02 for B. Black and G. Green signed as Station Emergency Director Cue:


EP-AA-113-F-02 for B. Black and G. Green signed as Station Emergency Director.


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JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Select Volunteers and Authorize an Emergency Exposure for a Life-Saving Operation JPM Number: JPM516 Revision Number: 00 Task Number and


997777.03 Emergency Plan Activities performed by an SRO K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.3.4 N/A 3.7 Knowledge of radiation exposure limits under normal or emergency conditions.

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Alternate Path: Yes No Perform SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 15 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


EP-AA-113, Personnel Protective Actions, Rev. 11 EP-AA-113-F02, Authorization for Emergency Exposure, Rev. B EP-AA-112-100-F-01, Shift Emergency Director Checklist, Rev. P RP-AA-203, Exposure Control and Authorization, Rev. 3 EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 10 of 14

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

EP-AA-113-F-02 Revision B Page 1 of 1 AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY EXPOSURE Name: Bob Black Date / Time: Today / Current Employee ID Number: B537347 Current Annual Exposure: 152 mRem Reason For Request:


5 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 5 Rem TEDE but less than 10 Rem TEDE) 10 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 10 Rem TEDE but less than 25 Rem TEDE) 25 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 25 Rem TEDE)

Bob Black__ Today / 5 minutes ago

  • Emergency Worker Signature Date / Time
  • Emergency Worker Exposure Limits and Associated Risks (EP-AA-113 Attachment 1) have been reviewed and the potential health affects are understood.

R.P. Manager Today / 5 minutes ago Rad. Protection Management (Review) Date / Time

  1. Station Emergency Director (Authorization) Date / Time
  1. The Shift Manager (Shift Emergency Director) may approve prior to transferring Command and Control to the Station Emergency Director.

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

EP-AA-113-F-02 Revision B Page 1 of 1 AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY EXPOSURE Name: Gary Green Date / Time: Today / Current Employee ID Number: B734753 Current Annual Exposure: 57 mRem Reason For Request:


5 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 5 Rem TEDE but less than 10 Rem TEDE) 10 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 10 Rem TEDE but less than 25 Rem TEDE) 25 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 25 Rem TEDE)

Gary Green__ Today / 5 minutes ago

  • Emergency Worker Signature Date / Time
  • Emergency Worker Exposure Limits and Associated Risks (EP-AA-113 Attachment 1) have been reviewed and the potential health affects are understood.

R.P. Manager Today / 5 minutes ago Rad. Protection Management (Review) Date / Time

  1. Station Emergency Director (Authorization) Date / Time
  1. The Shift Manager (Shift Emergency Director) may approve prior to transferring Command and Control to the Station Emergency Director.

JPM Number: JPM516 - Rev 00 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

EP-AA-113-F-02 Revision B Page 1 of 1 AUTHORIZATION FOR EMERGENCY EXPOSURE Name: Walter White Date / Time: Today / Current Employee ID Number: B573472 Current Annual Exposure: 98 mRem Reason For Request:


5 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 5 Rem TEDE but less than 10 Rem TEDE) 10 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 10 Rem TEDE but less than 25 Rem TEDE) 25 Rem TEDE (Authorized to receive greater than 25 Rem TEDE)

Walter White__ Today / 5 minutes ago

  • Emergency Worker Signature Date / Time
  • Emergency Worker Exposure Limits and Associated Risks (EP-AA-113 Attachment 1) have been reviewed and the potential health affects are understood.

R.P. Manager Today / 5 minutes ago Rad. Protection Management (Review) Date / Time

  1. Station Emergency Director (Authorization) Date / Time
  1. The Shift Manager (Shift Emergency Director) may approve prior to transferring Command and Control to the Station Emergency Director.

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


  • A General Emergency has been declared.
  • Fuel failure has occurred together with a large break LOCA.
  • Containment venting is in progress in order to maintain containment integrity.
  • The TSC has been activated, but has not been staffed.
  • The appropriate EAL has been declared.
  • An emergency life saving operation must be performed.

o The operation is estimated to take between 12 and 15 minutes o There is a 200 R/hr field in the area

  • The operation requires two (2) people to enter the field. Three (3) people have volunteered:

o Bob Black, Employee # B537347 Has never received an emergency exposure He is familiar with the procedures for rescuing the victim, and is fully aware of the risks involved.

o Gary Green, Employee # B734753 Has never received an emergency exposure He is familiar with the procedures for rescuing the victim, and is fully aware of the risks involved.

o Walter White, Employee # B573472 Received a 27 R dose at a reactor in South Africa when he volunteered to assist in a similar life-saving operation.

He is familiar with the procedures for rescuing the victim, and is fully aware of the risks involved.

  • Per RP-AA-203 Exposure Control and Authorization, a Rad Protection Supervisor has briefed the three volunteers and presented you with the forms to authorize the emergency exposure.


CAUTION All pre-job briefings are completed.

As the acting Station Emergency Director, perform the actions necessary to permit the life-saving operation.

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CLINTON POWER STATION Job Performance Measure Determine Protective Action Recommendations JPM Number: JPM116 Revision Number: 01 Date: 06/14/13 Developed By: G. Thullen 06/14/13 Instructor Date Validated By:

SME or Instructor Date Reviewed By:

Operations Representative Date Approved By:

Training Department Date Retain approved Master Copy per SRRS 3D.126/3D.111

JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

JOB PERFORMANCE MEASURE VALIDATION CHECKLIST NOTE: All steps of this checklist should be performed upon initial validation.

Prior to JPM usage, revalidate JPM using steps 8 and 12 below.

________ 1. Task description and number, JPM description and number are identified.

________ 2. Knowledge and Abilities (K/A) references are included.

________ 3. Performance location specified. (in-plant, control room, simulator, or other)

________ 4. Initial setup conditions are identified.

________ 5. Initiating cue (and terminating cue if required) are properly identified.

________ 6. Task standards identified and verified by SME review.

________ 7. Critical steps meet the criteria for critical steps and are identified with an asterisk


________ 8. Verify the procedure(s) referenced by this JPM reflects the current revision:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

Procedure Rev:

________ 9. Verify cues both verbal and visual are free of conflict.

________ 10. Verify performance time is accurate

________ 11. If the JPM cannot be performed as written with proper responses, then revise the JPM.

________ 12. When JPM is initially validated, sign and date JPM cover page. Subsequent validations, sign and date below:

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 2 of 11

JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Revision Record (Summary)

Revision Date Description 00 02/26/09 Converted from old JPM and updated procedure revisions 01 06/14/13 Converted to new template Page 3 of 11

JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

READ TO THE OPERATOR I will explain the initial conditions, which step(s) to simulate or discuss, and provide the initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective of this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.


  • Determine the action is to Evacuate 2 Mile Radius & 5 Miles Downwind TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, OTHER SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS:


  • EP-AA-111, Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations, Rev 18
  • EP-AA-111-F-07, Clinton Plant based Par Flowchart, Rev E
  • EP-AA-112-100-F-01 Shift Emergency Director Checklist, Rev. Q EVALUATOR INSTRUCTIONS:
  • Amplifying cues are provided within the JPM steps.
  • All pre-job briefings are completed.
  • Provide the examinee with a copy of the Initial Conditions and Initiating Cue page (back page of the JPM) when providing the initiating cue.

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JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


You are the Shift Manager.

Reactor Water level is -177 inches and lowering with no injection sources available.

Radiation levels in the containment are 37 R/hr.

Hydrogen concentration in the drywell is 9.2%.

No release is in progress.

The wind direction is 159°.


CAUTION All pre-job briefings are completed.

No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only Simulated Actions will occur.

Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

This JPM is time critical.

You are to determine if any Emergency Action Levels have been exceeded.

Evaluator: Log START TIME as soon as the Initiating Cue is read and acknowledged by the examinee.


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JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Critical steps are denoted with an asterisk (*) to the left of the step number and appear in BOLDED letters. Failure to meet the standards for a critical step constitutes failure of the Job Performance Measure. The sequence of steps is assumed unless denoted in the comments section of the JPM.

PERFORMANCE STEPS EP-AA-1003 Radiological Emergency Plan Annex For Clinton Station

  • JPM Step 1 Examinee determines that a Site Area Emergency EAL has been exceeded due to FS1 Loss or Potential Loss of ANY two barriers.

Standard: Examinee reviews EP-AA-1003 Hot Matrix and determines that FS1 threshold has been exceeded due to:

  • Potential Loss of Fuel Clad because RPV level cannot be restored and maintained > -162 inches (TAF).
  • Loss of Reactor Coolant System because Containment Radiation Monitor reading > 33 R/hr and RPV level cannot be restored and maintained > -162 inches (TAF).
  • Potential Loss of Containment because Drywell hydrogen concentration 9%

Cue: Acknowledge report from the examinee.

Comments Evaluator Note: A 15-minute clock to declare the EAL starts as soon as the initiating cue is read and acknowledged via 3-part communication by the examinee. Record the time of the declaration below. The time declared must be no more than 15 minutes from the START TIME.

Record Time EAL Declared ___________

Record Start Time (from Page 5) ___________

NOT longer than 15 minutes between the time EAL Declared and Start Time:

YES / NO Page 6 of 11

JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

SAT UNSAT Comment Number JPM Step 2 Evaluator provides an additional cue.

Standard: Examinee acknowledges the additional information provided by the evaluator.

Cue: After the EAL call has been made, cue the examinee as follows:

  • Hydrogen concentration in the Drywell is now 10.2%.
  • Radiation level in the containment is now 6371 R/hr.
  • No release is in progress.
  • Wind direction is 159°.

Does this additional information require re-evaluation, and if so, perform any required actions.

Comments Evaluator Note: A 15-minute clock to declare the EAL starts as soon as the initiating cue in JPM step 2 is read and acknowledged via 3-part communication by the examinee.

Record Start Time ___________

SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 7 of 11

JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • JPM Step 3 Examinee determines that a General Emergency EAL has been exceeded due to FG1 Loss of ANY two barriers AND Loss or Potential Loss of third barrier.

Standard: Examinee reviews EP-AA-1003 Hot Matrix and determines that FG1 threshold has been exceeded due to:

  • Loss of Fuel Clad because Containment Radiation Monitor is reading >

41.3 R/hr.

  • Loss of Reactor Coolant System because Containment Radiation Monitor is reading > 33 R/hr and RPV level cannot be restored and maintained > -

162 inches (TAF).

  • Potential Loss of Containment because Containment Radiation Monitor is reading > 97 R/hr and DW Hydrogen concentration is 9%.

Cue: Acknowledge report from the examinee.

Comments Evaluator Note: A 15-minute clock to declare the EAL starts as soon as the initiating cue is read and acknowledged via 3-part communication by the examinee. Record the time of the declaration below. The time declared must be no more than 15 minutes from the START TIME.

Record Time EAL Declared ___________

Record Start Time (from JPM Step 2) ___________

NOT longer than 15 minutes between the time EAL Declared and Start Time:

YES / NO SAT UNSAT Comment Number Page 8 of 11

JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

  • JPM Step 3 Examinee determines the protective action recommendation is to Evacuate Sub Area 1 for a 2 mile radius and 5 miles downwind.

Standard: Examinee reviews EP-AA-111-F-07 Clinton Plant Based PAR Flowchart and determines the action is to evacuate Sub Area 1 for a 2 mile radius and 5 miles downwind.

Cue: None Comments SAT UNSAT Comment Number TERMINATING CUES:

EAL thresholds evaluated and Protective Action Recommendations determined.


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JPM Number: JPM116 - Rev 01 Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)

Operators Name:





Determine a Protective Action Recommendation JPM Number: JPM116 Revision Number: 01 Task Number and


997777.02, Determine a Protective Action Recommendation K/A System K/A Number Importance (RO/SRO)

Generic 2.4.44 2.4 4.4 Knowledge of emergency plan protective action recommendations.

Suggested Testing Environment: Simulator Actual Testing Environment: Simulator Plant Control Room Testing Method: Simulate Alternate Path: Yes No Perform SRO Only: Yes No Time Critical: Yes No Estimated Time to Complete: 20 minutes Actual Time Used: minutes


  • EP-AA-111, Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations, Rev 18
  • EP-AA-111-F-07, Clinton Plant based Par Flowchart, Rev E
  • EP-AA-112-100-F-01 Shift Emergency Director Checklist, Rev. P EVALUATION


Were all the Critical Elements performed satisfactorily? Yes No The operators performance was evaluated against the standards contained in this JPM, and has been determined to be: Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments:

Evaluators Name: (Print)

Evaluators Signature: Date:

SRRS: 3D.105 (when utilized for operator initial or continuing training) Page 10 of 11

Clinton Power Station Job Performance Measure (JPM)


You are the Shift Manager.

Reactor Water level is -177 inches and lowering with no injection sources available.

Radiation levels in the containment are 37 R/hr.

Hydrogen concentration in the drywell is 9.2%.

No release is in progress.

The wind direction is 159°.


CAUTION All pre-job briefings are completed.

No equipment or controls will be manipulated during this evaluation, only Simulated Actions will occur.

Do NOT shine any type light into a panel.

This JPM is time critical.

You are to determine if any Emergency Action Levels have been exceeded.

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