L-11-257, License Renewal Application Amendment No. 18 - Annual Update

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License Renewal Application Amendment No. 18 - Annual Update
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/30/2011
From: Byrd K
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML11276A078 (20)


FENOC Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station 5501 N. State Route 2 FirstEnergyNuclear Operating Company Oak Harbor,Ohio 43449 September 30, 2011 L-1 1-257 10 CFR 54.21(b)

ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 Docket No. 50-346, License Number NPF-3 License Renewal Application Amendment No. 18 - Annual Update (TAC No. ME4640)

By letter dated August 27, 2010 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML102450565), FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (FENOC) submitted an application pursuant to Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 54 for renewal of Operating License NPF-3 for the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS). Each year following submittal of a license renewal application (LRA) and at least 3 months before scheduled completion of the NRC review, 10 CFR 54.21(b) requires an amendment to the renewal application to be submitted identifying any change to the current licensing basis (CLB) of the facility that materially affects the contents of the license renewal application, including the Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) supplement.

The Attachment provides a summary of the CLB changes that materially affect the LRA.

The Enclosure provides Amendment No. 18 (Annual Update) to the DBNPS LRA required by 10 CFR 54.21(b).

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. Ifthere are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Clifford I. Custer, Fleet License Renewal Project Manager, at 724-682-7139.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on September 30, 2011.

Sincerely, Kendall W.

40q Director, Site Performance Improvement

Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 L-1 1-257 Page 2


Current Licensing Basis (CLB) Changes that Materially Affect the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS), License Renewal Application (LRA)


Amendment No. 18 (Annual Update) to the DBNPS License Renewal Application cc: NRC DLR Project Manager NRC Region III Administrator cc: w/o Attachment or Enclosure NRC DLR Director NRR DORL Project Manager NRC Resident Inspector Utility Radiological Safety Board

Attachment L-1 1-257 Current Licensing Basis (CLB) Changes that Materially Affect the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS),

License Renewal Application (LRA)

Page 1 of 2 One structure was removed and three new permanent structures were constructed in support of a steam generator replacement project scheduled for the Cycle 18 refueling outage in 2014.

" Wet Wash Facility [removed]

" Containment Access Facility

" Steam Generator Replacement Warehouse The Containment Access Facility is a new four-story office building located south of and immediately adjacent to the Auxiliary Building. The Wet Wash Facility was removed and the Containment Access Facility constructed at the same location.

The building houses engineering and administrative staff offices, and provides an access control entry point into the Auxiliary Building Radiologically Controlled Area.

The nonsafety-related Containment Access Facility is a Seismic Class II structure designed not to collapse onto safety-related structures in a way that could prevent the safety-related structures from performing their safety functions, which meets the 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) scoping criteria. LRA Table 2-3, "License Renewal Scoping Results for Structures," is revised to show the removal of the Wet Wash Facility, and the new Containment Access Facility within the scope of license renewal. LRA Section 2.4, "Scoping and Screening Results: Structures," is revised to include a new subsection to provide the scoping and screening results for the Containment Access Facility. LRA Section 3.5, "Aging Management of Containment, Structures, and Component Supports," is revised to include a new subsection and table to provide the aging management review results for the Containment Access Facility.

The Old Steam Generator Storage Facility, located outside the Protected Area, provides long-term storage for the steam generators and reactor head when they are retired from service, and is not within the scope of license renewal. The Steam Generator Replacement Warehouse, located outside the Protected Area, provides storage for spare parts, and is not within the scope of license renewal.

LRA Table 2-3 is revised to disposition these two new structures.

See the Enclosure to this letter for the changes to the DBNPS LRA.

Attachment L-1 1-257 Page 2 of 2

2. The Personnel Shop Facility (including the attached Elevated Walkway) has been re-analyzed and determined to be a Seismic Class II structure designed not to collapse onto safety-related structures in a way that could prevent the safety-related structures from performing their safety functions, which meets the 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) scoping criteria. Previously, the Personnel Shop Facility was considered as not in-scope for license renewal because the structure houses offices and shop facilities and is located adjacent to the nonsafety-related Turbine Building, so no safety-related structures would be impacted should the Personnel Shop Facility fail. However, during design reviews of the new Containment Access Facility constructed near the Personnel Shop Facility, a question was raised regarding the potential impact to the nearby safety-related auxiliary feedwater turbine exhaust structure and the component cooling water room ventilation inlets should either structure fail during a seismic event. A seismic analysis of the Personnel Shop Facility based on its proximity to the safety-related auxiliary feedwater turbine exhaust structure and the component cooling water room ventilation inlets could not be located; the issue was entered into the FENOC Corrective Action Program and resolved with a new seismic analysis.

LRA Table 2-3, "License Renewal Scoping Results for Structures," is revised to show the Personnel Shop Facility within the scope of license renewal. LRA Section 2.4, "Scoping and Screening Results: Structures," is revised to include a new subsection to provide the scoping and screening results for the Personnel Shop Facility. LRA Section 3.5, "Aging Management of Containment, Structures, and Component Supports," is revised to include a new subsection and table to provide the aging management review results for the Personnel Shop Facility.

See the Enclosure to this letter for the changes to the DBNPS LRA.

Enclosure Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS)

Letter L-11-257 Amendment No. 18 (Annual Update) to the DBNPS License Renewal Application Page 1 of 16 License Renewal Application Sections Affected Table of Contents Section 2.4.15 Table 2.2-3 Table 2.4-15 Section 2.4 Section 3.5.1 Section 2.4.7 Section 3.5.2 Table 2.4-7 Section Section 2.4.14 Table 3.5.2-7 Table 2.4-14 Table 3.5.2-14 The Enclosure identifies the change to the License Renewal Application (LRA) by Affected LRA Section, LRA Page No., and Affected Paragraph and Sentence. The count for the affected paragraph, sentence, bullet, etc. starts at the beginning of the affected Section or at the top of the affected page, as appropriate. Below each section the reason for the change is identified, and the sentence affected is printed in italics with deleted text #ned-eu and added text underlined.

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 2 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence Table of Contents Page vi New rows New sections are added to the LRA Table of Contents, to read as follows:


SEISMIC CLASS II .............................................................................. 2.4-52 TABLES Table 2.4-14 ContainmentAccess Facility Components Subiect to Aging Management Review ................ 2.4-52 Table 2.4-15 PersonnelShop Facility(includinq Elevated Walkway)

Components Subiect to Aging Management Review ................ 2.4-52 Table 3.5.2-14 Aginq Management Review Results - ContainmentAccess Facilityand PersonnelShop Facility(including Elevated Walkwa v) .................................................................................. 3.5-165

Enclosure L-11-257 Page 3 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence Table 2.2-3 Page 2.2-7 5 Rows (3 new and 2 existing) thru 2.2-14 Based on the removal, new construction or reclassification of five site structures, LRA Table 2.2-3, "License Renewal Scoping Results for Structures," is revised to read as follows:

Table 2.2-3 License Renewal Scoping Results for Structures Structure Name In-Scope Screening Results / Section ContainmentAccess Facility Yes 2.4.14 Old Steam Generator Provideststorage space fors1team Storage Facilit No =generatorsand reactor head [when retired from servcel . .

Personnel Shop Facility Yes 2.4.15 (including Elevated Walkway) -Ne- Ho1s Offi....

.. and'Shop f9acilitis Steam Generator No P i re ...of arts

.  :

Replacement Warehouse No Provides storage of spare p W"t ,ash F.'contanintion Fac,.;t, -Ne- Co.n.tai. .. uipr.no

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 4 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence 2.4 Page 2.4-2 4 th Paragraph, 2 New Bullets (Sections)

Two new bullets (new sections) are added to the end of the fourth paragraph, the bulleted list of structures in the scope of license renewal, in LRA Section 2.4, "Scoping and Screening Results: Structures," to address the construction of the new Containment Access Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) addition to scope, to read as follows:

The structures in the scope of license renewal are the:

" ContainmentAccess Facility(Section 2.4.14)

  • Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) (Section 2.4.15)

Structural components for in-scope structures are addressed in the structure reviews (Sections 2.4.1 through 2.4.12, 2.4.14 and 2.4.15).

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 5 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence 2.4.7, and Pages 2.4-27 Structure Description, both paragraphs; Table 2.4-7 and 2.4-28 Table 2.4-7, 2 rows LRA Section 2.4.7, "Personnel Shop Facility Passageway (Missile Shield Area) -

Seismic Class I," is revised to adjust the Structure Description and Table 2.4-7, "Personnel Shop Facility Passageway (Missile Shield Area) Components Subject to Aging Management Review," is revised to account for the addition of the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) to the scope of license renewal, and read as follows:

2.4.7 PERSONNEL SHOP FACILITY PASSAGEWAY (MISSILE SHIELD AREA) - SEISMIC CLASS I Structure Description A Seismic Class I reinforced concrete passageway entry interface with the Auxiliary Building Radiologically Controlled Ret44ed Area (RRA) at elevation 603'- 0" provides tornadomissile protection to two Auxiliary Building doors.

niy the Ame ISI nield porton of me ,'erscnne, 5nop .-ady Passageway i*

wh4the scope of ilcanse renewal. The rera n podtions ef the PerFsoep Shop F-acilty are not within tho Scope Of ficenso r-newal.

Table 2.4-7 Personnel Shop Facility Passageway (Missile Shield Area)

Components Subject to Aging Management Review Component Type Intended Function Component__Type_ (as defined in Table 2.0-1)

Metal Roof Decking SSR SNS

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 6 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence 2.4.14, and Page 2.4-52 New Section Table 2.4-14 New LRA Section 2.4.14, "Containment Access Facility - Seismic Class I1," is added to address the construction of the new Containment Access Facility, and reads as follows:

2 4M CoNTAINMENTAccESS FACILITY- SE/SM/c CLASSII Structure Description The ContainmentAccess Facility is a four-story Seismic Class II building located adiacent to the south wall of the Auxiliary Building and the west wall of the Personnel Shop Facility Missile Shield Area. The building houses engineering and administrative staff offices, and provides an access control entry point into the Auxiliary Building Radiologically Controlled Area. The Containment Access Facility is a steel framed buildinq with exterior walls of steel siding above the first story. The first story has a combination of concrete masonry units exterior walls and exterior walls of steel siding.

The ContainmentAccess Facilityis founded on grade walls with seismic ties and caisson piles that extend to bedrock. The ground floor is a concrete slab. The second, third and fourth floors are reinforced concrete slabs on metal decking.

The Containment Access Facility has an insulated metal deck roof covered with an elastomericmembrane.

The ContainmentAccess Facility is desiqned so that the collapse of the buildinq in a seismic event will not prevent the function of any safety-related systems, structures or components. The ContainmentAccess Facilitydoes not contain any in-scope components; therefore, the evaluation boundary for the Containment Access Facility includes only the major structuralbuilding systems (column and floor steel, bracing, concrete floor slabs, roof deck, fasteners and anchorages) required for overall structural integrity. Due to the functional and structural similarities of the Containment Access Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (includinq the Elevated Walkway), the structures are evaluated together in Table 3.5.2-14, "Aging Management Review Results - Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway)."

Reason for Scope Determination The Seismic CategoryII ContainmentAccess Facility is desiqned not to collapse onto safety-related structures in a way that could prevent the safety-related

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 7 of 16 structures from performinq their safety functions. Therefore, it meets the 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) scoping criteria.

USAR References The structuraldetails of the Containment Access Facility are not described in the USAR.

Components Subiect to AMR Table 2.4-14 lists the component types that require AMR and their intended functions.

The structuralcommodities for the ContainmentAccess Facility are addressedin the bulk commodities evaluation in Section 2.4.13.

Table 3.5.2-14, Acina Management Review Results - Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway), provides the results of the AMR.

Table 2.4-14 ContainmentAccess Facility Components Subject to Aging Managlement Review Component Type Intended Function (as defined in Table 2.0-1)

Exterior Walls (above grade) SNS Foundation (including caissons and piers) SNS Metal Floor Deck SNS Metal Roof Decking SNS Metal Sidinq SNS Reinforced Concrete Floors SNS Structural Steel: Beams, Columns, Plates,and SNS Trusses

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 8 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence 2.4.15, and Page 2.4-52 Entire Section Table 2.4-15 New LRA Section 2.4.15, "Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway)

- Seismic Class II," is added to address the seismic reanalysis of the Personnel Shop Facility and Elevated Walkway, and reads as follows:


SEISMIC CLASS/i Structure Description The Personnel Shop Facility is a Seismic Class II five-story structure which houses offices and shop facilities. The Personnel Shop Facility is located south of the Turbine Building. The foundation consists of reinforced concrete caissons.

The ground floor consists of a reinforced concrete slab on grade. The elevated floors consist of reinforced concrete overlying structural steel-supported metal deck. The roof consists of a metal deck, supported by structural framing steel.

The superstructure consists of structural steel framing with reinforced concrete masonry unit exterior walls up to elevation 606'. and metal sidinq above that elevation. The Personnel Shop Facility Seismic Class II Elevated walkway connects the Personnel Shop Facility to the safety-related Personnel Shop Facility Passageway (Missile Shield Area) which allows access to the Auxiliary Building.

The Personnel Shop Facility and Elevated Walkway are desiqned so that they will not collapse during a seismic event and prevent safety-related structures from performing their safety functions; therefore, the evaluation boundary of the PersonnelShop Facility and Elevated Walkway includes only the maior structural buildinq systems requiredfor overall structuralintegrity. Due to the functional and structuralsimilarities of the ContainmentAccess Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (including the Elevated Walkway), the structures are evaluated together in Table 3.5.2-14, 'Aging Management Review Results - Containment Access Facilityand PersonnelShop Facility (including Elevated Walkway)."

Reason for Scope Determination The Seismic Class II Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) is desiqned not to collapse onto safety-related structures and thus not prevent the safety-related structures from performing their safety functions. Therefore, it meets the 10 CFR 54.4(a)(2) scoping criteria.

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 9 of 16 USAR References The structural details of the Personnel Shop Facility are not described in the USAR. The Personnel ShoD Facility is devicted in USAR Fidures 1.2-2 throuah 1.2-6, and 1.2-12.

Components Subject to AMR Table 2.4-15 lists the component types that require AMR and their intended functions.

The structural commodities for the Personnel Shop Facility (includinq Elevated Walkway) are addressedin the bulk commodities evaluation in Section 2.4.13.

Table 3.5.2-14. Aaina Manaaement Review Results - Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway), porovides the results of the AMR.

Table 2.4-15 PersonnelShop Facility(including Elevated Walkway)

Components Subject to Aging Management Review Component Type Intended Function (as defined in Table 2.0-1)

Exterior Walls (above grade) SNS Foundation (includinq caissons and piers) SNS Metal Floor Deck SNS Metal Roof Decking SNS Metal Siding SNS Reinforced Concrete Floors SNS Structural Steel: Beams, Columns, Plates,and SNS Trusses

Enclosure L-11-257 Page 10 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paraqraph and Sentence 3.5.1 Page 3.5-1 1 st Paragraph, 2 New Bullets (Sections)

Two new bullets (new sections) are added to the end of the bulleted list of structures in the scope of license renewal in LRA Section 3.5.1, "Introduction," to address the construction of the new Containment Access Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) addition to scope, to read as follows:

" ContainmentAccess Facility(Section 2.4.14)

" PersonnelShop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) (Section 2.4.15)

Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence 3.5.2 Page 3.5-2 1 st Paragraph, new Table A new Table is added to the end of the list of Tables at the beginning of LRA Section 3.5.2, "Results," to address the aging management review results for the new Containment Access Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) addition to scope, to read as follows:

Table 3.5.2-14 Aging Management Review Results - ContainmentAccess Facility and Personnel Shoo Facility(includinq Elevated Walkway)

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 11 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence Page 3.5-18 New Section New LRA Section, "Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway)," is added to the end of LRA Section, "Materials, Environments, Aging Effects Requiring Management, and Aging Management Programs," to address the aging management review results for the new Containment Access Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) addition to scope, to read as follows: ContainmentAccess Facility and PersonnelShop Facility (including Elevated Walkway)

Materials Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) structural components subject to AMR are constructed of the following materials:

" Concrete

  • Concrete blocks

" Galvanized steel Materialsfor bulk commodity components are addressedin Section

Environments Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) structural components subject to AMR are exposed to the following environments:

" Air-indoor

" Air-outdoor

" Soil Environments for bulk commodity components are addressed in Section

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 12 of 16 Aging Effects Requiring Management The following aginq effects associated with the ContainmentAccess Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) structural components require management:

" Change in materialproperties

  • Cracking
  • Loss of material Aginq effects requiring management for bulk commodity components are addressedin Section

Aging Management Programs The following programs are credited for managing the effects of aging on the Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) structuralcomponents:

" Masonry Wafl Inspection

" Structures Monitoring Program Aging management programs for bulk commodity components are addressed in Section

Enclosure L-11-257 Page 13 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence Table 3.5.2-7 Page 3.5-100 Rows 2, 3 and 4 Rows 2, 3 and 4 of LRA Table 3.5.2-7, "Aging Management Review Results - Personnel Shop Facility Passageway (Missile Shield Area)," are revised to address changes due to the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) addition to scope, and now read as follows:

Table 3.5.2-7 Aging Management Review Results - Personnel Shop Facility Passageway (Missile Shield Area)

Row Component Intended Material Environment Aging Effect Requiring I Aging Management NUREG-1801, Table 1 Notes No. Type Function' Management MaProgram Volume Item MngmtPor 2 Item 2 Metal Roof Decking sSSR Galvanized Steel Air-indoor None None I11.B4-5 3.5.1-58 C Not used I StFUtUr68 A"eAMee, 3 ,!.A. 2 3.5.1425 A Not used G 1=968 Ski  ! .. 25

s teel Air- mate ial -2 A94

_ °-qv,__

_ _ _ _ _ _ __;

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 14 of 16 Affected LRA Section LRA Page No. Affected Paragraph and Sentence Table 3.5.2-14 Page 3.5-165 New Table New LRA Table 3.5.2-14, "Aging Management Review Results - Containment Access Facility and Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway)," is added to the end of the tables subsection of LRA Section 3.5.2, "Results,"

to address the aging management review results for the new Containment Access Facility and the Personnel Shop Facility (including Elevated Walkway) addition to scope, to read as follows:

Table 3.5.2-14 Acgingy ManagcementReview Results - ContainmentAccess Facilityand PersonnelShop Facility (includinq Elevated Walkway)

Row Component Intended Maeil Eniomn cluiinc Effect A-ging MfetaAging nagmn NUREG-1801, Table 1 Noe No. Type Function' Material Environment Remuirin Manaogement Volume Item

_ _ Management Program 2 Item ec Floor Metal 1 - Deck SNS Carbon Sel A Air-indoor Loss of mtraMotrng Structures III.A3-12 3. 5.1-25 A Steel material Monitoring MDeckingt Ro Galvanized Air-indoor None None 1I1.B4-5 3.5.1-58 C MetakRofSN Steel 3 Metal Siding SNS Carbon Steel Air-indoor Loss of material Structures Monitoring II1A312 3.5.1-25 A Carbon Loss of Structures III.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A 4 Metal Siding SNS Steel Air-outdoor material Monitoring

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 15 of 16 Table 3.5.2-14 Aginq ManagementReview Results - ContainmentAccess Facilityand Row Row Componet Component Intended Intend PersonnelShop Facility Material Environment TAging includin Elevated Walkway)

Effect Reguirina A1i8ng Management NUREG-18m Table 1 Notes Management Program 2 Item Structural Steel:

Beams, SNS Carbon Air-indoor Loss of Structures III.A3-12 3.5.1-25 A Columns, Steel material Monitorin Plates,and Trusses Exterior Concrete Masonry Wall 6 Walls (above SNS Blocks Air-outdoor Crakging InsIection lll.A3-11 3.5.1-43 A grade)

Foundation 7 (including SNS Concrete Soil Loss of Structures 111.A3-4 3.5.1-31 A caissons and material Monitoring piers)

Loss of Foundation material (including SNS Concrete Soil Structures 111.A3-5 3.5.1-31 A 8 caissons and Change in Monitoring piers) material properties Foundation Changein (including SNS Concrete Soil material Structures III.A3-7 3.5.1-32 A caissons and Monitoring 0509 D. r)properties Reinforced Structures A 3 10 Concrete SNS Concrete Air-indoor None Strur N/A N/A 0 Floors Monitoring 0501 Reinforced Loss of tructures 11 Concrete SNS Concrete Soil material Monitorin III.A3-4 3.5.1-31 A Floors

Enclosure L-1 1-257 Page 16 of 16 Table 3.5.2-14 Aging Management Review Results - ContainmentAccess Facilityand Personnel Shop Facility(includingElevated Walkway)

Aging Effect Ag~ing NUREG-Row Component Intended Material Environment Requiring Management An1801. Table 1 Notes No. Type Function M Management Pro-gram Volume Item M a__ _ 2 Item Loss of Reinforced material 12 Concrete SNS Concrete Soil Change MonitorutrQ III.A3-5 3.5.1-31 A material properties Reinforced Change in Structures A, 13 Concrete SNS Concrete Soil material I.A3-7 3.5.1-32 0509 Floors propertiesM 1 Refer to Table 2.0-1 for intended function descriptions.