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E-mail from with Attachment from C. Eccleston, NRR, to G. Bacuta Et Al, on Salem/Hope Site Audit Plan/Schedule
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/03/2010
From: Eccleston C
Division of License Renewal
To: Bacuta G, Beissel D, Bulavinetz R
Division of Policy and Rulemaking
Download: ML11259A122 (11)


Rikhoff, Jeffrey /"

Rikhoff, Jeffrey 7 From: 'Edclesto- Charles Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2010 2:27 PM To: rBacuta. George; . Deni ý,.u.RczJ*rj; Bulavis e mooden,-Andy; Klementowicz --

i Stephfen;_ Logan, Dennis; Rikhoff, Jeffrey;-Travers, AllisB lEtoCharl'es


Salem/Hope Site Audit Plan/Schedule Attachments: Salem Hope Creek Site Audit Plan (Final) V.3.xls; Salem Hope Creek Schedule (Final) V.3.xls

IDT, Here is the final version of the Salem/Hope site audit/plan. Note: as a result of a few conflicts and to ensure that the applicant has sufficiently knowledgable staff to support this schedule, the applicant has made some changes to the previous plan/schedule (combined a couple of similar interviews/tours etc.). Let me no ASAP if there are any problems with this plan or schedule.

&4,ade4 q". s&dat~'m Charles H. Eccleston Nuclear Reactor Regulation Licensing Renewal, Project Manager 301.415.8537 charles.eccleston a~nrc.gzov 1

INTERVIEWS Allotted Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State /Other Comments Time Agencies (hrs) 3 Interview #1 Cultural Resource and Archaeological & historical resources; S.Provenzano A.Travers/J.Rikof Socioecnomics Land use planning; Social services & Goodwin f public facilities; Impacts on housing, education facilities, transportation facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Environmental I_ justice.

1 Interview #2 Socioeconomics Taxes; Social services & Public Taxes paid by PSEG (update) Provenzano J. Rikhoff Lower Alloways These contacts may be facilities; Impacts on housing, Creek Township, conducted via phone education facilities, transportation Salem County during the audit period.

facilities, public water supplies, and off-site land use; Environmental justice.

1 Interview #3A Aquatic Resources Surface water hydrology; Surface Surface water hydrology; Dredging Dillard/Duda/Dover D.Logan NJ DEP; DNREC; water quality; Surface water use practices; Surface water quality; NPDES. D.Beissel NMFS; FWS; DRBC conflicts; Aquatic communities; permitted discharges; Stormwater G. Bacuta NPDES-permitted discharges and management; sewage treatment. R.Bulavinetz NPDES Permits 4 Interview #3B Aquatic Resources Surface water hydrology; Aquatic Intake and discharge structures; Intake Dillard/Duda/Dover D.Logan NJ DEP; DNREC; communities; CWA 316 issues velocities; Entrainment/impingement; D.Beissel NMFS; FWS; DRBC Thermal plumes; Surface water quality; G.Bacuta Aquatic community characteristics; R.Bulavinetz Issues related to EFH and T&E species; Invasive species.

2 Interview #3C Aquatic Resources Estuary Enhancement Program Bases of program; fish production; Dillard/Duda/Dover D.Logan NJ DEP; DNREC; biomass comparison of wetlands and D.Beissel NMFS; FWS; DRBC intake. G. Bacuta R.Bulavinetz 1 Interview #4A Meteorological & Onsite Atmospheric and meteorological Met tower reliability and backup Dover and Taylor S. Klementowicz, NJ DEP Radiological Effluent monitoring; Off-site REMP. capabilities; REMP sampling. G. Bacuta Monitoring 1 Interview #4B Meteorological & Onsite Radiological gaseous effluent points Radiological gaseous and liquid effluent Dover and Taylor S. Klementowicz NJ DEP Radiological Effluent and monitoring locations; Radiological points and monitoring G. Bacuta Monitoring liquid effluent points and monitoring locations;Radiological dose calculations.

locations;Radiological dose calculations.

1 Interview #5A Solid Waste Management Industrial waste treatment, handling, Non-hazardous industrial waste Taylor S. Klementowicz and storage); Hazardous waste treatment, handling, and storage (trash);

treatment, handling, and storage. Hazardous waste treatment, handling, and storage; 1 Interview #5B Radioactive Solid Waste LLW and Mixed LLW holding, LLW and mixed waste handling and Taylor S. Klementowicz Management processing, packaging, and storage. disposal; Spent fuel storage capacity I I _(wet and dry). I I I

Allotted Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State/Other Comments Time Agencies (hrs) 2 Interview #6 Groundwater Resources Waterbearing units; Water supply Water supply wells (usage, capacity, Dover D. Beissel; G. NJDEP; DNREC; wells; Groundwater monitoring levels, permitting); Groundwater Bacuta EPA;Pennsville, program; Groundwater use conflicts; monitoring program (including tritium); Penns, Grove, and Tritium release and remediation. Tritium release and remediation; Salem water Groundwater flow; Groundwater use conflicts.

Interview #7 Reserved 2 Interview #8 T-Lines Management Use of pesticides & herbicides within Maintenance protocols; Occurrences of Dillard R. Bulavinetz, D.

procedures; Terrestrial T-line ROWs; Protocols for applying sensitive species or habitats in ROWs. Logan ???

ecology chemicals near streams and wetlands.

2 Interview #9 Terrestrial Resources Terrestrial habitats; General site Terrestrial habitats on and around sites; Dillard R. Bulavinetz NJ DEP; DNREC; information and questions; T&E species on or near sites; Invasive D.Logan FWS Threatened & endangered species; species.

Invasive species.

2 Interview #10 Air Permits Locations and types of permitted air Diesel fire pump; Diesel generators, Aux Dover and Taylor G. Bacuta pollutant (non-rad) effulents. boiler, compliance and other air monitoring.

TBD Interview #11 Alternatives Alternatives to the Proposed Action Discussions with regulators regarding: Dover and Taylor A. Travers NJ Board. of Public Alternatives to the Proposed Action; Utilities, Clean Potential modifications to open-cycle Energy Program cooling systems at Salem; Renewable energy portfolio requirements/mandates.

5 Will be Archeological/Historical Site file/survey search at Registrar of Salem/Hope Creek sites Goodwin A. Travers Greg Lattanzi, (including conducted Resources NJ Archaeology, Trenton, NJ Registrar of NJ travel time outside of Site Archaeology to Audit*

Trenton, NJ)

Allotted Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State /Other Comments Time Agencies Mhrs) III IIII TOURS Allotted Time State /Other (hrs) Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC Agencies Comments 1.5 Tour #1A General Overview; To be determined based on pre-audit One-half team One-half team

_ Protected Area data review, members members 1.5 Tour #1B General Overview; Owner To be determined based on pre-audit One-half team One-half team Controlled Area data review, members members 2.5 Tour #2 Archeological/ Historical View cultural sites Hancock's Bridge; Lower Alloways Creek Goodwin A-Travers SHPO May not be needed.

Resources (Mason House); other as appropriate. J.Rikhoff 1 Tour #3A Hope Creek Cooling Water Hope Creek Cooling Tower; Intake Hope Creek Cooling Tower; Intake Dillard/Duda D.Logan Intake and Discharge Structure, pumps, screens; fish return; Structure, pumps, screens; fish return; R.Bulavinetz System Discharge piping, sampling house; Discharge piping, sampling house; Dechlorination system. Dechlorination system.

3 Tour #3B Salem Cooling Water Intake Salem CW Intake structure, CW Salem CW Intake structure, CW pumps; Dillard/Duda D.Logan and Discharge System pumps; traveling screens; fish return; traveling screens; fish return; fish R.Bulavinetz fish sampling pool. lating water pump sampling pool. lating water pump house; house; cooling water discharge; cooling water discharge; Service Water Service Water Intake Structure; Intake Structure; Service water screens.

Service water screens.

2 Tour #4A Radioactive Wastes Gaseous, liquid, and solid radioactive LLRW Storage Facility; (HIC and LSA Taylor S.Klementowicz waste effluent release points; Typical boxes); Mixed waste storage area; G.Bacuta radiological environmental monitoring Radioactive effluent release points.

station (including any co located State monitoring stations.)

1 Tour #4B Solid Waste - Non- Typical radiological environmental Industrial solid waste storage areas Taylor S.Klementowicz Radioactive Wastes monitoring station (including any co (representative trash, recycle, hazardous G.Bacuta located State monitoring stations.) waste areas); Sewage treatment system; Spent fuel storage (dry) 3 Tour #5 T-Lines Management T-lines that cross wetlands; T-lines Crossings of wetlands or other sensitive Dillard D.Logan procedures; Terrestrial that cross rivers/streams; T-lines that areas that are readily accessible; Duda R.Bulavinetz Ecology; Archeological/ cross park/state land/protected areas; terrestrial habitats on and near sites; T&E Zoe G.Bacuta Historical Resources T-lines that cross historic and species on or near sites; invasive species Goodwin archaeological sites or areas of potential historic and archaeological sensitivity; Use of pesticides &

herbicides within T-line ROWs; Protocols for applying chemicals near

,streams and wetlands Tour #6 Reserved I _ _ _ _ __ _

Allotted Type ER Category NRC Description Areas of Interest AECOM NRC State /Other Comments Time Agencies (hrs) 2 Tour #7 Radiological Gaseous On-site air effluent points and Exterior of plant; Diesel generators, Aux Taylor ???? Klementowicz Monitoring and non- monitoring locations; On-site Liquid boiler, compliance and other air radioactive air emission radiological effluent points; on-site air compliance points; radioactive gaseous points. emission points, effluent points.

2 Tour #8 Offsite REMP Stations Off-site REMP Stations Representative Air stations, Gardens, Taylor ???? Klementowicz Milk locations, Upstream River Sampling Point, TLD locations; co-located NJDEP monitoring sites 2 Tour #9 On-site groundwater wells & Monitoring wells that comprise the Monitoring wells that comprise the Dover/Dillard/Duda D.Logan NPDES-permitted ouffalls Radiological Groundwater Protection Radiological Groundwater Protection D.Beissel Program and Salem Groundwater Program and Salem Groundwater G.Bacuta Remediation System; Supply wells; Remediation System; Prtoduction Well Stormwater management system; #6; Stormwater management system; NPDES-permitted outfalls NPDES-permitted outfalls.

2 Tour #10 Alternatives Alternatives to the Proposed Action Locations for new/additional facilities, Dover and A.Travers new fossil-fueled plant, and/or cooling Taylor????


4 Tour #11 Boat tour Duda/ Dillard/ D. Logan B.Dover R.Bulavinetz D.Beissel I I I G .Bacuta I PRESENTATIONS Allotted Time State /Other (hrs) Type AECOM NRC Agencies Comments 0.5 Present #1 General information and safety All All All 2.5 Present #2 Estuary Enhancement Program 1.5 Present #3 Nuclear Development

Monday NRC AECOM March 8 Event Participants Participants Other Monday March 8 Event NRC Participants AECOMT I Participants Other 12:00 12:00 12:30 12:30 1:00 1:00 1:30 Presentation #1 (General overview, All All 1:30 2:00 site familiarization, Safety) 2:00 2:30 Tour #1A (Overall Site Tour, All - Group 1 All - Group 1 2:30 Tour #1B (Overall Site Tour All - Group 2 All - Group 2 3:00 Protected Area) 3:00 Owner Controlled Area) 3:30 3:30 4:00 Tour #1A (Overall Site Tour, All - Group 2 All - Group 2 4:00 Tour #1B (Overall Site Tour, All - Group 1 All - Group 1 4:30 Protected Area) 4:30 Owner Controlled Area) 5:00 5:00 5:30 6:00

Tuesday NRC AECOM March 9 Event Participants Participants Other 800 830 D. Logan Duda 9.00 G Bacuta B.Dover 9:30 D.Berssel Dillard 1000 Tour# It Boat tour R. Bulavinetz 10.30 1100 11:30 12100 Lunch 1230 1 00 1 30 200 Tour #3B (Salem OLo SIntake/Dtscharge Water Buvet Dillard Duda System) 330 4:00 4:30 500 5:30 Tsuesday NRC ACO March 9 Event Participants Participants Other 8:00 Interview#4B - Radvloglcal Klementoc. Dover. Taylor 8:30 Effluents Bacuta DoverTaylo

29. Interuiew#4A K Dover. Taylo uementovoa.

8.00 Meteorological Monitorng Bacta 1000 10 30 Tour #8 (Offste REMP Klemevtowcz Taylor 11 00 stations) 11 30 12.00 Lunch 12.30 1:00 1'30 2:00 2:30 3:00 Tour 4A - Radjoactre G Bacuta Taylor 3:3 astes JKlemnevitm Il 4:30 courl7 - Air EmissionPoints IG.B .acuta l 5:00 5"30

Wednesday1 March 10 Event NRC Participants AECOM Participants Other 8:00 8:30 Interview #8 (T-lines, Bulavinetz Dillard 9:00 Terrestrial Ecology) 9:30 10:00 10:30 Interview #9 Bulavinetz, Logan Dillard NJDEP, DNREC, 11:00 (Terrestrial Ecology) FWS 11:30 12:00 Lunch 12:30 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

1:00 1:3C 2:00 Tour #5 (T-Lines, D.Logan Dillard, Duda 2:30 Terrestrial ecology) R.Bulavinetz G.Bacuta Zoe M.Goodwin 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:001 March 10 Event NRC Participants AECOM Participants Other 8:00 Interview #6 Bacuta Taylor NJDEP, DNREC, 8:30 (Groundwater Beissel Dover EPA, Pennsville, 9:00 Rounwer Penns Grove, and 9:30 Resources) Salem Water Systems 10:00 Bacuta Dillard 10:30 Tour #9 (Wells and Beissel Dover 11:00 Outfalls) D.Logan Duda 11:30 12:00 Lunch 1:00 Interview# 10 1:30 AIrnermits

  1. 1G. Bacuta 1:30 (Air Permits) Dover, Taylor 2:00 2:30 Interview# 11 A. Travers Dover, Taylor 3:00 (Alternatives) 3:30 4:00 Tour# 10 4:30 A. Travers Dover, Taylor (Alternatives) 5:00 L I _____________________ A

Wednesday March 10 Event NRC Participants AECOM Participants Other 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:303 11:00 11:30 12:00L 12:30Luc u c 90_

1:00 1:30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2:00 2:30 3:00 Interview #513 (Rad Waste Klementowicz Taylor 3:30 Mlanagement) G. Bacuta 4:00 Interview #5A (Non- Klementowicz Taylor 4:370 lRadioactive Waste 5:00

Thursday NRC AECOMI March 11 Event Participants I Participants Other 7:30 8:00 Interview #3A (NPDES) 8:30 9:00 9:30 Interview #3B (Aquatic D. Logan Duda 10:00 Resources) G.Bacuta Dover 10:30 D.Beissel Dillard 11:00 R. Bulavinetz 11:30 12:00 Lunch 12:30 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Presentation #2 (Estuary All All 1:00 Enhancement Program) 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 Presentation #3 (New All All 3:30 Plant Early Site Permit) 4:00 4:30 5:00 Debrief All All

H NRC AFUM Participa Participa Participa Friday March 12 Event nts nts nts Other 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00