BSEP 11-0054, Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010

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Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010
Person / Time
Site: Brunswick  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/10/2011
From: Mentel P
Progress Energy Carolinas
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
BSEP 11-0054
Download: ML11137A053 (176)


Progress Energy MAY 1 0 2011 Serial: BSEP 11-0054 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555-0001


Brunswick Steam Electric Plant, Unit Nos. 1 and 2 Renewed Facility Operating License Nos. DPR-71 and DPR-62 Docket Nos. 50-325 and 50-324 Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010 Ladies and Gentlemen:

In accordance with Technical Specification (TS) 5.6.2 for the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP), Unit Nos. 1 and 2, Carolina Power & Light Company, now doing business as Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., is submitting the enclosed Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010.

No regulatory commitments are contained in this submittal. Please refer any questions regarding this submittal to Mr. Lee Grzeck, Acting Supervisor - Licensing/Regulatory Programs, at (910) 457-2487.

Sincerely, Phyllis N. Mentel Manager - Support Services Brunswick Steam Electric Plant MAT/mat


Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010 J - ---

Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.

Brunswick Nuclear Plant P.O. Box 10429 Southport, NC 28461

Document Control Desk BSEP 11-0054 / Page 2 cc:

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region II ATTN: Mr. Victor M. McCree, Regional Administrator 245 Peachtree Center Ave, NE, Suite 1200 Atlanta, GA 30303-1257 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ATTN: Mr. Philip B. O'Bryan, NRC Senior Resident Inspector 8470 River Road Southport, NC 28461-8869 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Electronic Copy Only)

ATTN: Mrs. Farideh E. Saba (Mail Stop OWFN 8G9A) 11555 Rockville Pike Rockville, MD 20852-2738 Chair - North Carolina Utilities Commission P.O. Box 29510 Raleigh, NC 27626-05 10 Mr. W. Lee Cox, III, Section Chief Radiation Protection Section North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1645 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1645

Enclosure BSEP 11-0054 Radiological Environmental Operating Report for 2010





TABLE OF CONTENTS Title Page Table of Contents i List of Figures ii List of Tables iii Executive Summary 1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program 3 Purpose and Requirements for the Radiological Monitoring Program 3 General Site Description 4 Radiological Monitoring Program Quality Assurance 5 Radiological Monitoring Program General Description 6 Summary of Radiological Monitoring Program 19 Interpretations and Conclusions 23 Missed Surveillances 28 Analytical Procedures 29 Land Use Census 37 Purpose of the Land Use Census 37 Methodology 38 2010 Land Use Census Results 38 Appendix GEL Laboratories, LLC's 2010 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Report 50 Data Reports i

LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Location of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant 4 2 Radiological Sampling Locations (Distant from Plant) 7 3 Radiological Sampling Locations (Nearest Plant) 8 4 Environmental Sampling Locations - Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) TLDs 9 5 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations 10 6 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations (Continued) 11 7 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations (Continued) 12 8 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations - Wells 13 9 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations - Wells (Continued) 14 10 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations - Wells (Continued) 15 11 Plot of Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (Locations 200 and 204) 41 12 Plot of Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (Locations 201 and 204) 42 13 Plot of Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (Locations 202 and 204) 43 14 Plot of Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (Locations 203 and 204) 44 15 Plot of Air Particulate Gross Beta Activity (Locations 205 and 204) 45 16 Plot of Air'Particulate Gross Beta Activity (Locations 206 and 204) 46 17 Plot of Surface Water Tritium Activity (Locations 400 and 401) 47 18 Plot of TLD Averages for Inner and Outer Rings 48 ii

LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Media Used to Assess Exposure Pathways to Man 6 2 Radiological Monitoring Sampling Locations 16 3 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Data Summary 20 4 Gross Beta Air Particulate Activity Averages 26 5 Historical TLD Results (1972-2010) 27 6 Typical Lower Limits of Detection (a priori) Gamma Spectrometry 36 7 Land Use Census Comparisons (2009-2010) Nearest Pathway (miles) 39 8 Garden Census (2010) 40 iii



The Brunswick Steam Electric Plant (BSEP), Unit Nos. 1 and 2, is operated by Carolina Power &

Light Company, now doing business as Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc., under licenses granted by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). BSEP Technical Specification 5.6.2 and the BSEP Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM) establish the requirements of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP). This report provides the results of the REMP from January 1, 2010 through December 31, 2010.

The REMP was established in 1973. Radiation and radioactivity in various environmental media have been monitored for more than 35 years, including monitoring in excess of a year prior to commencing operation. Monitoring is also provided for control locations which would not be impacted by operations of BSEP. Using the data from the control locations and the historical data collected prior to operation, analyses of data from locations which could potentially be impacted by the operations of BSEP were performed. Radiation levels show no measurable change from pre-operational radiation levels.

Monitoring results for environmental media are summarized as follows:

" Air-monitoring results are similar or less than the concentrations of radioactivity from pre-operation monitoring. These observations are also consistent with past operational data.

" Milk was unavailable due to no milk (milch) animals (goat or cow) currently identified within the environs of the plant; therefore, no exposure pathway exists.

  • Terrestrial vegetation includes broadleaf vegetation from indicator and control locations.

Results indicate that Cesium (Cs)-137 activity was detected in a control sample, but no other gamma activity was detected in any sample except for K-40 (potassium-40) and other naturally occurring gamma activity.

" Aquatic organism monitoring includes fish (free swimmers and bottom feeders),

invertebrates (shellfish (SH)), and Benthic organisms (organisms that live on the bottom of the ocean (BO)). Results indicated no detectable plant - related activity.

  • Surface water results indicate that some surface water samples detect the presence of tritium, which is attributed to plant operations. Refer to the Interpretations and Conclusions Section / Surface Water and Figure 17.
  • Shoreline Sediment results indicate that a shoreline sediment indicator sample detected the presence of Cs-137 activity. No other gamma activity was detected in any sample except for K-40 (potassium-40) and other naturally occurring gamma activity. Therefore, results indicated no detectable plant-related activity.
  • External radiation dose showed no measurable change from pre-operational data.


The continued operation of BSEP has not significantly contributed radiation or the presence of radioactivity in the environmental media monitored. The measured concentrations of radioactivity and radiation are well within applicable regulatory limits.


RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM PURPOSE AND REQUIREMENTS FOR THE RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM Although the operation of a nuclear generating station results in the raising of background radiation only a small amount, it is important to measure these emissions of radioactivity and radiation to assess their impact on the surrounding populations. The purpose of the REMP is to measure accumulation of radioactivity in the environments, to determine whether this radioactivity is the result of operations of BSEP and to assess the potential dose to the off-site population based on the cumulative measurements of radioactivity of plant origin. Radiological monitoring programs provide an additional verification of the containment and radiological controls of nuclear generating stations.

The REMP was established in 1973 and continues to collect samples and evaluate them.

Requirements are established for the radiological monitoring program as follows:

) Technical Specifications Off-Site Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM)

Various procedures Additional guidance regarding the radiological monitoring program may be found in the following:

> NRC Regulatory Guide 1.109, "Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I"

> NRC Regulatory Guide 4.13, "Performance, Testing, and Procedural Specifications for Thermoluminescence Dosimetry: Environmental Applications"

> NRC Regulatory Guide 4.15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs (Normal Operations) - Effluent Streams and the Environment" 3

General Site Description BSEP consists of two boiling water reactors with a design rating of 2923 megawatts thermal. Commercial production was initiated by Unit 2 on November 3, 1975 and by Unit 1 on March 18, 1977. BSEP is located in Brunswick County, North Carolina. The site is along state route 87 approximately two and a half miles north of Southport and is displayed on the map of southeastern North Carolina (Figure 1).

The community of Boiling Spring Lakes is about three miles northwest of the site.

The towns of Caswell Beach and Oak Island are on a barrier island south of the Figure 1: Location of Brunswick Steam Electric Plant plant. The site is also approximately 16 miles south of Wilmington, North Carolina.

The Cape Fear River is east of the plant, and cooling water is drawn from the river through a canal. The cooling water is discharged to the Atlantic Ocean through a canal, pumping station, and piping. The discharge point is south of the town of Caswell Beach.

The plant site varies in elevation from sea level to 30 feet above mean sea level (MSL). It is surrounded by extensive marshes. The lower Cape Fear River is an important nursery area for shellfish, and other marine species.

The local economy supports significant recreational, industrial, agricultural, and government contributions. There is well-developed recreational use of the barrier islands south and east of the site. Fishing and boating are popular activities. Commercial fishing is also an important industry in the community. Agriculture utilizes some of the land within 50 miles of the site; such as small truck farms, cattle, poultry, and row crops including corn, soybeans and tobacco.

Industrial activity includes the Archer-Daniels-Midland Chemical (ADM) Company, a manufacturer of citric acid, located one and a half miles southeast of the plant. In conjunction with the citric acid plant is a small electrical generating station operated by Primary Energy. This coal-fired station is composed of two units rated at 55 MWe each.


Transportation is a significant industry in the local economy, with the Port of Wilmington north of the site. The shipping channel is just east of the site in the Cape Fear River. Also, the Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal (MOT) is located approximately three miles north of the plant site on the Cape Fear River.

RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM QUALITY ASSURANCE A required component of the REMP is the Quality Assurance Program. The standards for the quality assurance program are established in NRC Regulatory Guide (R.G.) 4.15, "Quality Assurance for Radiological Monitoring Programs." According to R.G. 4.15, the purpose of the quality assurance program is "(1) to identify deficiencies in the sampling and measurement processes to those responsible for these operations so that corrective action can be taken, and (2) to obtain some measure of confidence in the results of the monitoring programs in order to assure the regulatory agencies and the public that the results are valid." This provides the opportunity to implement corrective actions that address possible deficiencies. Examples of the activities of the quality assurance program include:

>" regular review of sample collection and records,

> regular review of laboratory procedures and methods,

> participation in the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross-Check Program, which provides an independent assessment of the quality of laboratory results,

> BSEP participates in the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Radiochemistry Cross-Check Program,

> GEL Laboratories, LLC (GEL) participates in an Inter-laboratory, an Intra-laboratory, and a Third Party Cross Check sample program.

  • Department of Energy Mixed Analyte Performance Evaluation Program (MAPEP),
  • ERA's InterLaB RadCheM Proficiency Testing Program,
  • Environmental Cross Check Program administered by Eckert & Ziegler Analytics, Inc. of Atlanta, and

> the use of known concentrations of radioactivity in test samples by the laboratory to ensure consistent quality results on an ongoing basis.


RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM GENERAL DESCRIPTION Although the contribution to background radiation is small, Carolina Power & Light Company, now doing business as Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. has established this program to measure the exposure pathways to man. An exposure pathway describes the source of the radiological exposure. The primary forms of potential radiological emissions from the plant are airborne and liquid discharge. The following pathways are monitored: external dose, ingestion of radioactive materials, and the inhalation of radioactive material. Specific methods and different environmental media are required to assess each pathway. Table 1 provides a list of the media used to assess each of these pathways.

Table 1 Media Used to Assess Exposure Pathways to Man Pathway of Exposure to Man Media Sampled External Dose Thermoluminescent Dosimetry (TLD)

Shoreline Sediment Ingestion Broadleaf Vegetation Fish and Invertebrates Surface Water Inhalation Air Samples (Particulate and Radioiodine)

Sampling Locations Sampling locations are chosen based upon meteorological factors, preoperational monitoring, and results of the land use surveys. A number of locations are selected as controls. Control stations are selected because they are very unlikely to be affected by operation of the plant.

Sample locations may be seen in Figures 2 through 10. A description of each sample location may be found in Table 2.


Radiological Sampling Locations cwuns Cwa.


17 *1 He$

.S~b FI 1 29 i ASL R aL oie ol USA Figure 2: Radiological Sampling Locations (Distant from Plant)

Stations not illustrated:

204 (Sutton Plant in Wilmington) (Control Air Station), 206 (not ODCM required) 703, 704, 705 (Location not Specified in the Atlantic Ocean)(Control Fish Station) 802 (Location not specified) (Control Vegetation) 7

Radiological Sampling Locations Figure 3 (Nearest Plant) is an expanded view of the previous figure (Figure 2 page 7).


Figure 4 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) TLDs 9

Figure 5 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations BSEP Environmental Sample Locations 10

Figure 6 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations (continued) 11

Figure 7 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations (continued)

SDSP: Storm Drain Stabilization Pond 12

Figure 8 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations - Wells Of Of"A 8.=7 VMa

2. RMUM AW aUM QVMMM #U x7MXA - 0" A w5aeux1 MU MO DMEPMU - AM Figure2-1 MonitoringWell Network-5 0 A LEI*.W I )M UMAM4TA. RAWT 1fl17 NM - M Storm Drain StabilizationPond S&. CJI2r Cn.%k'ac Tnr 13

Figure 9 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations - Wells (continued)

  • c~w 75 xozLEGEND:

.Ad* Progress Energy

&0*4S "0 2W7.E ISTRMD% Brunswlk NuLrw Plant I. CIOWWIAMIS ARE BASED ON NC OW NAD8JN 9#A7MI Sot.4prt, NC Z. ELIVATKWNS ARE BASED OV NGW429 A EXISPC bVWK4MEDA7E' VELL Figure 2-~3 SCALE V = 5W Intermediate Monitoring Well Loa~tion Map 0 250 50 1000 1500 S STiar Services Inc.


Figure 10 BSEP Environmental Sampling Locations - Wells (continued)

SES-mB 0

  • ta .AflO 70 ESS-I3

/ 7

/ / ~ ~


7 7 L!YM~J 7

0_RADIOLOCGICAL TEST VVeLLS4 NOTE: Well ESS-17 is located near the Biology Lab. I 15

Table 2 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Radiological Monitoring Sampling Locations Sample Type Location & Description Frequency Sample Size Analysis 3

Air Cartridge 200--1.0 miles WSW Visitors Center Weekly (270 in ) Iodine-I131 (AC) 201--0.5 miles NE PMAC (Continuous 202--1.0 miles S Substation on Construction Rd. Sampling) 203--2.0 miles SSW Southport substation 204--22.4 miles NNE Sutton Plant*

205--0.6 miles SSE Spoil Pond 206--11.3 miles NW from Plant @ Brunswick County Government Complex Air 200--1.0 miles WSW Visitors Center Weekly (270 m3) Gross Beta Particulate 201-0.5 miles NE PMAC Continuous (Weekly) 202--i.0 miles S Substation on Construction Rd. Spling) 203--2.0 miles SSW Southport substation Quarterly Composite 204--22.4 miles NNE Sutton Plant* Gamma 205--0.6 miles SSE Spoil Pond (Quarterly) 206--11.3 miles NW from Plant @ Brunswick County Government Complex Fish (FI) and 700--5.5 miles SSW Atlantic Ocean @ discharge Semiannual 500 grams Gamma Inverbrates (free swimmers) (In Season) (wet) (Edible 701--5.5 miles SSW Atlantic Ocean @ discharge portions)

(bottom feeders) 702--5.5 miles SSW Atlantic Ocean @ discharge (invertebrates) 703--Atlantic Ocean; location not specified*

(free swimmers) 704--Atlantic Ocean; location not specified*

(bottom feeders) 705--Atlantic Ocean; location not specified*

(invertebrates) 706--Nancy's Creek; location not specified (free Annual Gamma swimmers) Tritium (Edible 707--Nancy's Creek; location not specified portions)

(bottom feeders) 708--Nancy's Creek; location not specified (invertebrates)

Broadleaf 800--0.7 miles NE intake canal Monthly 360 grams Gamma Vegetation 801--0.8 miles SW discharge canal (As (wet) Iodine-131 0 802--10.1 miles; location not specified* available) 803--0.6 miles SSE Spoil Pond 804--0.7 miles S Leonard Street plant exit adjacent to RR tracks Shoreline 500--5.0 miles SSW discharge; beach near OD Semiannual 575 grams Gamma Sediment pumps (SS) 501--Nancy's Creek, Adjacent to WP-55, Near Annual Storm Drain Stabilization Pond Surface(SW)

Water 400--0.6 401--4.9 miles miles NE SSWIntake Canal*

discharge canal @ OD Monthly Composite 4 liters Gamma Tritium Pumps (Quarterly)

  • Control Stations 16

Table 2 (Continued)

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Radiological Monitoring Sampling Locations Sample Type Location & Description Frequency Sample Size Analysis Surface 494--Nancy's Creek - WP-106 Grab Sample, N/A Tritium Water (SW) 495--Nancy's Creek - WP-52 Weekly (Weekly)

(Continues) Monthly Gamma 496--Nancy's Creek- WP-53 (Monthly) 497--Nancy's Creek - WP-55 498--Nancy Creek - WP-57 499--Cape Fear River - WP-6 1*

Groundwater 402--Monitoring Well ESS-2C, 0.17 miles W Grab Sample, N/A Tritium (GW) 403--Monitoring Well ESS-16, 0.16 miles W Quarterly, (Quarterly)

Semiannual Gamma 404--Monitoring Well ESS-1B, 0.16 miles SW (Semiannual) 105--Monitoring Well ESS-2B, 0.17 miles W 406--Monitoring Well ESS-3B, 0.08 miles N 407--Monitoring Well ESS-13B, 0.06 miles ENE 408--Monitoring Well ESS-13C, 0.06 miles ENE 409--Monitoring Well ESS-I 7A, 0.65 miles NE 410--Monitoring Well ESS-17B, 0.65 miles NE 411--Monitoring Well ESS-17C, 0.65 miles NE 412--Monitoring Well ESS-18B, Near SDSP 13--Monitoring Well ESS-18C, Near SDSP 414--Monitoring Well ESS- 19B, Near SDSP 415--Monitoring Well ESS-19C, Near SDSP 16--Monitoring Well ESS-20B, Near SDSP 17--Monitoring Well ESS-20C, Near SDSP 418--Monitoring Well ESS-211B, Near SDSP 419--Monitoring Well ESS-2 1C, Near SDSP 420--Monitoring Well ESS-22B, Near SDSP 421--Monitoring Well ESS-22C, Near SDSP 422--Monitoring Well ESS-23C, Near SDSP 423--Monitoring Well ESS-24A, Near SDSP

,24--Monitoring Well ESS-24B, Near SDSP 425--Monitoring Well ESS-24C, Near SDSP 426--Monitoring Well ESS-25B, Near SDSP 427--Monitoring Well ESS-25C, Near SDSP 428--Monitoring Well ESS-26C, Near SDSP

,29--Monitoring Well ESS-27A, Near SDSP

,30--Monitoring Well ESS-27C, Near SDSP 431--Monitoring Well ESS-30C, Near SDSP 432--Monitoring Well ESS-3 1C, Near SDSP

.33--Monitoring Well MW-2, 0.02 miles S 434--Monitoring Well MW-3, 0.03 miles S 435--Monitoring Well ESS-Nancy Creek-l, (NC-1) 436--Monitoring Well ESS-Nancy Creek-2, (NC-2) 437--Monitoring Well ESS-Nancy Creek-3, (NC-3) 438--Monitoring Well ESS-Nancy Creek-4, (NC-4) 439--Monitoring Well ESS-Nancy Creek-5, (NC-5) 440--Monitoring Well ES S-Gum Log Branch-1, (GLB-1) 447--Monitoring Well ESS-28C, Near SDSP

  • Control Stations 17

Table 2 (Continued)

Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Radiological Monitoring Sampling Locations Sample Type Location & Description IFrequencyI Sample Sz Analysis Thermoluminescent 1.1 miles E Quarterly Not TLD Dosimetry (TLD) 0.9 miles ESE Applicable Reading 0.9 miles SE (Direct Radiation) (Gamma 1.1 miles SSE Dose) 1.1 miles S 1.6 miles SSW 1.1 miles SW 1.2 miles W 1.0 miles WNW 0.8 miles NW 0.9 miles NNW 1.1 miles N 1.2 miles NNE 0.5 miles NE 0.9 miles ENE 1.0 miles WSW 1.4 miles ESE 1.7 miles SE 2.1 miles S 2.9 miles SSW 5.3 miles SW 4.6 miles WSW 3.0 miles W 8.6 miles WNW 5.9 miles NW 5.1 miles NNW 4.2 miles NW 2.6 miles SSW 2.0 miles NE 2.5 miles ENE 5.8 miles ENE 4.1 miles E 5.4 miles E 7.3 miles SSE 8.9 miles NE 5.5 miles NW 11.0 miles W 5.3 miles SW 6.9 miles WSW 4.7 miles S 4.8 miles SSW 5.4 miles S 9.9 miles NNE 9.5 miles N 9.9 miles WNW*

0.17 miles NNE @ SW comer of ISFSI 0.27 miles NE @ NW comer of ISFSI 0.27 miles NE @ NE comer of ISFSI 0.09 miles ENE @ SE comer of ISFSI

  • Control Station
    • TLD sample points 19 and 80 have been retired, while points 41 thru 74 are not ODCM TLD sample points and are not listed.



OF RADIOLOGICAL MONITORING PROGRAM This report presents the results of the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program conducted during 2010 for BSEP. The program was conducted in accordance with the ODCM, and applicable procedures.

The 2010 Annual Radiological Environmental Operating Report (REOR) has been prepared and submitted in accordance with Technical Specification 5.6.2 and ODCM 7.4.1. The report applies to both BSEP Unit Nos. 1 and 2 (License Nos. DPR-71 and DPR-62, respectively).

A total of 1802 sample measurements were performed on 1704 collected samples from indicator and control locations from eight environmental media types during the year. No detectable radioactivity (or radioactivity that differed significantly from the corresponding control) was observed in any of the 1584 measurements performed on the 1510 indicator location samples in 2010, except for Cs- 137 in broadleaf vegetation and shoreline sediment samples, and tritium in ground water and surface water samples. No gamma activity was detected in any of the ground water or surface water samples, except for K-40 and other naturally occurring gamma activity.

All samples analyzed met the Lower Limit of Detection (LLD) requirements as established by ODCM Table 7.3.15-3.

The radiological environmental data indicates that BSEP operations in 2010 had no significant impact on the environment or public health and safety. No measurable radiation exposure is attributed to any off-site member of the public due to the operations of BSEP.

A statistical summary of all the data gathered in 2010 has been compiled in Table 3.

Comparison of the current data with preoperational (1973, 1974) information (Tables 4 and 5) indicates that air particulate filter gross beta activity and ambient gamma radiation levels were lower for gross beta and about the same for gamma in 2010.

Comparison of current ISFSI TLD data after loaded fuel with preoperational data (2008 - 3 rd Quarter 2010) indicates that the average TLD dose levels were about the same as 4 th Quarter 2010.




Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Docket Numbers 324 and 325 Brunswick County, North Carolina Calendar Year 2010 Location w/Hlighest Annual Mean I Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Name, Distance, Mean Control Locations Sampled or Measured Total No. of of Detection Locations (2) and Direction Range2) ] Mean (Unit of Measurement) Measurements (LLD)(') Mean Range(2)

Performed Range Air Cartridge 1-131 5.OE-2 All less than LLD All less than LLD (pCi/m3) 364 Air Particulate Gross Beta(8) 5.OE-3 2.08E-2 (312/312) (7) Brunswick County 2.20E-2 (52/52) (7) 2.06E-2 (52/52) (7)

(pCi/m 3) 364 9.1 OE 4.22E-2 Government Complex 1.06E 4.16E-2 1.02E 4.19E-2 11.3 miles NW Gamma(4 ) (8) See Table 6 All less than LLD ..........- All less than LLD 28 Broadleaf Vegetation Gamma(4) 2.6E-2 All less than LLD .......... 1.73E-2 (1/12)(7)

(pCi/g, wet) 60(3) Single value Cs-137 Fish and Invertebrates Tritium 6.OE+0( 8 ) All less than LLD ..........- No control (pCi/g, wet) 3 Gamma(4) See Table 6 All less than LLD ..........- All less than LLD 15 Sediments--Shoreline Gamma(4) 6.2E-2 1.57E-1 (1/3)(7) Nancy's Creek 1.57E-1 (1/1)(7) No control(9)

(pCi/g, dry) 3 Single value adjacent to WP-55 Single value Cs-137 near SDSP Hard-to-detects See Table 6 All less than LLD ..........- No control (Fe-55, Sr-89/90)

I 20

TABLE 3 (cont.)



Brunswick Steam Electric Plant Docket Numbers 324 and 325 Brunswick County, North Carolina Calendar Year 2010 I Location w/Highest Annual Mean Medium or Pathway Type and Lower Limit All Indicator Name, Distance, Mean Control Locations Sampled or Measured Total No. of of Detection Locations(2) and Direction Range(2) Mean (Unit of Measurement) Measurements (LLD)() Mean Range(2)

Performed Range Surface Water Tritium 2.50E+2(6 ) 3.23E+2 (39/268)(7) Nancy's Creek 3.39E+2 (14/48)(7) All less than LLD (pCi/1) 332 2.32E+2 - 5.06E+2 adjacent to WP- 2.39E+2 - 5.06E+2 106 Gamma(4) See Table 6 All less than LLD -......... All less than LLD 95 Ground Water Tritium 2.50E+2(6) 8.87E+4 (137/255)(7) Well ESS-19C 5.66E+5 (13/13)(7) No control (pCi/1) 255 2.38E+2 - 8.26E+5 Near SDSP 4.52E+5 - 6.21E+5 Gamma(4) See Table 6 All less than LLD ..........- No control 101 TLD TLD Readout 1.01E+1 (175/176) (7) 1.24E+1 (4/4) (7) 1.07E+l (4/4) (7)

(mR per quarter)(5) 179(3) 7.70E+0 - 1.30E+l 2.9 miles SSW 1.18E+l - 1.29E+1 9.20E+0 - 1.17E+ I 21


1. LLD is calculated based on 4.66 standard deviations above background using typical sample sizes and counting times. Due to counting statistics and varying volumes, occasionally lower LLDs are achieved. See Table 6.
2. Mean and range are based on detectable measurements only. The fractions of detectable measurements at specific locations are indicated in parentheses.
3. Missing samples are discussed in Missed Surveillances.
4. Summary of gamma analysis results in this report does not include the following naturally occurring isotopes since most environmental samples contained some or all of these: Be-7, K-40, T1-208, Pb-212, Bi-214, Pb-214, and Ra-226.
5. TLD dose is reported in milliroentgen (mR) per 90-day period (quarter) beginning in 1995.

This is the exposure standard used to compare data to the NRC. This does not include the ISFSI data.

6. The tritium LLD was approximately 2.50E+2 pCi/L. The LLD was lowered at the request of Carolina Power & Light Company, now doing business as Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc. in order to maintain comparable LLD values with the North Carolina Division of Radiation Protection (NCDRP) laboratory.
7. The numbers in parentheses [e.g., Surface Water Tritium 3.23E+2 (39/268) for Indicator Location Mean (Average)] indicate how many samples that specific value and column apply to in relation to the total number of samples for that column heading.
8. The tritium reporting limit for Fish is approximately 6.0 pCi/gram as stated in the results from GEL.
9. A Shoreline Sediment background sample was collected, but is not an ODCM sample.


INTERPRETATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS Air Monitoring The average gross beta concentration measured in 312 air particulate (AP) samples collected at indicator stations during 2010 was 2.08E-2 picocuries per cubic meter (pCi/m 3) and the average gross beta concentration measured in 52 AP samples collected at control stations during 2010 3 was 2.06E-2 pCi/m 3. The preoperational (1973-1974) average concentration was 8.2E-2 pCi/m ,

while the average activity in the recent past (2005-2009) was 1.88E-2 pCi/m 3 (Table 4). The airborne concentrations of gross beta activity in 2010 are indicative of natural background and do not indicate any abnormal activities originating from the nuclear operations at BSEP. Figures 11 through 16 depict the monthly variations of these values. The air samplers operated for a total of greater than 99% availability for the 2010 year.

Gamma analyses of the composite air particulate filters indicated that all of the radionuclides indicative of plant effluents were at concentrations less than their respective LLDs. All radionuclides positively identified by the radionuclide analyses were typical of naturally occurring materials.

Analyses of 312 indicator and 52 control air cartridges (AC) for the collection of radioiodines indicated that concentrations of those radionuclides, and particularly 1-131, were less than the LLD. No 1-131 activity was identified in any indicator or control samples in 2010.

Milk No milk (milch) sampling locations are currently identified in BSEP environs; therefore, no sampling of this media was available.

Vegetation Food crops were not grown in the vicinity of the plant in 2010, and this media was represented by indigenous vegetation samples consisting primarily of wax myrtle leaves. Forty-eight (48) samples were collected from indicator locations and twelve (12) samples from the control location. No detectable activities relating to plant effluents were detected in this sampling media in 2010. Cesium (Cs)-137 (1.73E-2 pCi/gram wet) activity was detected in one (wax myrtle broadleaf sample) out of twelve control samples. No other gamma activity was detected in any sample, except for K-40 (potassium-40) and other naturally occurring gamma activity.


Fish and Invertebrates Fish (free swimmers and bottom feeders), invertebrate (SH), and benthic organism (BO) samples are collected semiannually from two locations: (1) near the Atlantic Ocean discharge pipe at Caswell Beach and (2) a control location in the Atlantic Ocean not influenced by plant operations and annually from three locations on Nancy's Creek (Figure 5). In all fifteen (15) samples (indicator and control), no detectable activities relating to plant effluents were detected in 2010.

All radionuclides positively identified by the radionuclide analyses were naturally occurring nuclides. The fish locations on Nancy's Creek sampled in 2010 were also analyzed for tritium, with all the tritium results being less than LLD.

Groundwater Groundwater is sampled semiannually and quarterly from 40 indicator sample sites. These samples are analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides (at least semiannually) and for tritium (at least quarterly). The analyses indicated that no detectable concentrations of gamma emitting radionuclides relating to plant effluents appeared in any of the indicator samples. Analyses indicated detectable concentrations of tritium in 137 out of 255 samples analyzed in 2010.

Shoreline Sediments Two shoreline sediments in 2010 were drawn from the beach area near the pumping station location at Caswell Beach. In both samples, all of the radionuclides indicative of plant effluents were determined to be less than the respective LLDs for gamma-emitting radionuclides. One shoreline sediment in 2010 was drawn from Nancy's Creek adjacent to WP-55 near the Storm Drain Stabilization Pond (SDSP), where the indicator sample contained Cesium (Cs)-137 activity (1.57E-1 pCi/gm dry). The sample was analyzed for Iron (Fe)-55, Strontium (Sr)-89, and Strontium (Sr)-90 by GEL, all were less than the respective LLDs. A Shoreline Sediment background sample was collected in December 2010 and detected naturally occurring gamma activity.

Surface Water Surface water (SW) is sampled monthly from the intake and discharge canal and Nancy's Creek is sampled weekly. These samples are analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides and for tritium. Tritium analysis is performed weekly on the Nancy Creek samples. Sampling and compositing for gamma emitters is weekly and the gamma analysis is performed monthly on the samples composited weekly. The analyses indicated that no detectable concentrations of gamma emitting radionuclides relating to plant effluents appeared in any of the indicator and control samples. None of the control samples indicated the presence of tritium. However, thirty-nine (39) out of 268 indicator samples indicated the presence of tritium in 2010. The predominate location(s) indicating tritium were at Nancy's Creek and the discharge canal indicator locations.

Five (5) of the twelve samples from the historical discharge canal indicated the presence of tritium, while thirty-four (34) out of 256 samples from Nancy's Creek indicated the presence of tritium. The tritium activity detected in SW-401 (the discharge canal composite sample) had an 24

average tritium concentration of 3.36E+2 pCi/L, which was expected due to plant operations at the time of sampling. The indicator samples from Nancy's Creek had a maximum concentration of 5.06E+2 pCi/L of tritium activity. The reporting limit for tritium in environmental samples is 30,000 pCi/L; therefore, the detected values are well below the reportable limit. Figure 17 depicts the observed tritium concentrations for SW-400 (control) and SW-401 (indicator) in 2010.

External Radiation Exposure The environmental data on external radiation exposure for 2010 was essentially unchanged from 1989-2009 with an average exposure for all of 2010 indicator locations of 10.1 mR per quarter.

The average exposure observed over the preoperational period was 1.02 mR per week observed from the fourth quarter of 1972 through the second quarter of 1975. Table 5 provides a comparison of recent data with the preoperational and historical data.

The highest average exposure occurred at one TLD location at 2.9 miles SSW. The exposure was 12.4 mR per quarter. Figure 18 depicts average inner and outer ring TLD data for each quarter of 2010. This depiction does not indicate a significant higher exposure rate for the inner versus the outer ring. This is interpreted as demonstrating that no discernible off-site exposure has occurred from plant operations.

TLD averages per Table 3 do not include the four (4) ISFSI TLDs that were added to the program as of 3rd Quarter 2010, since these TLDs are not indicative of the plant's environmental monitoring program's TLDs. However, the individual data is included with the environmental data results. Comparison of the current ISFSI TLD data after loaded fuel with preoperational data (2008 - 3rd Quarter 2010) indicates that the average pre-op TLD dose levels (30.1 +/- 3.1, 22.4 +/- 2.1, 16.7 + 1.6, and 53.2 +/- 7.6) were about the same for 4 th Quarter 2010 (29.7 + 3.1, 22.5

+/- 2.2, 16.8 +/- 1.8, and 53.6 +/- 7.6). Dry fuel storage radiation measurements have been monitored since 2008 and additional information can be found in the BSEP 2010 Annual Release Report.


TABLE 4 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant GROSS BETA AIR PARTICULATE ACTIVITY AVERAGES Gross Beta Activity (pCi/m3 )

Preoperational Recent Operational Location 1973 1974 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 AP-200 2.2E-2 1.4E-1 1.8E-2 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 2.OE-2 AP-201 3.1E-2 1.4E-1 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 2.OE-2 1.8E-2 1.9E-2 2. 1E-2 AP-202 3.4E-2 1.4E-1 1.7E-2 1.8E-2 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 2JE-2 1.9E-2 AP-203 2.4E-2 1.3E-1 1.8E-2 1.8E-2 2.OE-2 1.9E-2 2.IE-2 1.8E-2 AP-204* 2.5E-2 1.3E-1 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 2.1E-2 1.8E-2 2. 1E-2 1.9E-2 AP-205 1.8E-2 1.8E-2 1.9E-2 1.9E-2 2.OE-2 AP-206* **

2.OE-2 2.2E-2

  • Control location
    • This sample point added post-operational.


TABLE 5 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant HISTORICAL TLD RESULTS (1972-2010)

Average Exposure of All TLD Monitoring Locations Year (mR per week) 1972 (4th Qtr.) 0.80 1973 1.25 1974 0.97 1975 (1st, 2nd Qtr) 0.80 1976 0.98 1977 1.32 1978 1.24 1979 0.93 1980 0.90 1981 0.96 1982 1.18 1983 1.21 1984 0.98 1985 1.03 1986 0.89 1987 0.92 1988 0.86 1989 0.75 1990 0.76 1991 0.76 1992 0.75 1993 0.78 1994 0.77 1995 10.1 (mR per quarter)*

1996 10.1 (mR per quarter) 1997 10.1 (mR per quarter) 1998 9.7 (mR per quarter) 1999 9.7 (mR per quarter) 2000 9.7 (mR per quarter) 2001 10.0 (mR per quarter) 2002 9.6 (mR per quarter) 2003 9.6 (mR per quarter) 2004 9.7 (mR per quarter) 2005 9.8 (mR per quarter) 2006 10.0 (mR per quarter) 2007 9.8 (mR per quarter) 2008 9.9 (mnR per quarter) 2009 10.0 (mR per quarter) 2010 10.1 (mR per quarter)

  • TLD exposure in mR per quarter beginning in 1995. The equivalent weekly exposure is 0.78 mR.


MISSED SURVEILLANCES Air Cartridge and Air Particulates Any REMP weekly air samples (Air Cartridge - AC or Air Particulate - AP) that exceed 30 hours3.472222e-4 days <br />0.00833 hours <br />4.960317e-5 weeks <br />1.1415e-5 months <br /> of down time in a surveillance period will be reported as a "missed surveillance."

However, this sample will still be counted and the data reported; whereas a "missed sample" will have no data reported. The air samplers operated for a total of greater than 99% availability for the 2010 year.

All AP and AC samples were available for counting in 2010.

Missed Surveillances: None Missed Samples: None Food Crops / Vegetation No food crops were grown in the vicinity of the plant in 2010; therefore, none were collected.

The media were represented by indigenous vegetation samples (broadleaf vegetation) consisting of wax myrtle leaves.

Thermoluminescent Dosimeters (TLDs)

One out of a possible 180 TLD samples was missing during 2010. The missing TLD occurred:

Third Quarter TLD # 23 was missing in the field due to the wooden power pole it was stationed on being replaced, which resulted in the loss of the TLD and the holder. An extensive search was conducted of the area (very over grown and flooded), but the TLD and holder were not located. A new TLD and holder were installed on the new power pole in the same location (NCR #



ANALYTICAL PROCEDURES Gross Beta Gross beta radioactivity measurements are made utilizing a Tennelec Low-Background Alpha/Beta Counting System. The LLD for air particulates is approximately 5.OE-3 pCi/mn3.

AP samples are mounted in two-inch stainless steel planchets and are typically counted directly for 50 minutes.

Tritium Liquid samples requiring tritium analysis are treated with a small amount of sodium hydroxide, potassium permanganate crystals, and then distilled. The distillate is mixed with a liquid scintillation cocktail and counted for the appropriate time to reach the desired LLD. The desired LLD was approximately 2.50E+2 pCi/L. This lower LLD was established to compare BSEP tritium LLDs and North Carolina Department of Radiation Protection's reportable concentrations, in the Split Sample Program's Annual Report. The fish samples requiring tritium analysis are analyzed by a vendor laboratory. The ground water samples and most of the surface water samples requiring tritium analysis are analyzed by the BSEP laboratory.

Iodine-131 Iodine- 131 airborne concentrations are analyzed by the intrinsic germanium (Ge) gamma spectrometry systems. The cartridges are placed on the detector and each charcoal cartridge is typically counted individually for 2,500 seconds with an approximate LLD of 5.OE-2 pCi/m3 .

Gamma Spectrometry Gamma spectrum analysis utilizes intrinsic germanium detectors with thin aluminum windows housed in steel and lead shields. The analyzer system is the Canberra APEX Gamma Spectroscopy System. Table 6 summarizes LLD values derived from using the instrument with the worst sensitivity, typical sample volumes, typical count times, typical worst background count, and worst case on decay (from collection to counting).

AP filter quarterly composites are placed in a Petri dish and analyzed directly for a typical count time of 1,500 seconds.

Liquid samples are transferred to Marinelli beakers and analyzed by gamma counting. One-liter SW samples are gamma scanned directly in a 1-Liter Marinelli beaker for 73,000 seconds, while the Caswell Beach Ocean Discharge samples are directly counted for 40,000 seconds.

Shoreline sediments are dried, ground, weighed, and then analyzed in a Marinelli beaker for a typical count time of 1,500 seconds.


Broadleaf vegetation is weighed wet and analyzed in a Marinelli beaker for a typical count time of 7,500 seconds.

Fish samples are prepared by stuffing small raw, edible portions of the fish in a one liter Marinelli beaker and edible portions of invertebrate organisms are cleaned and placed in a one liter Marinelli beaker for analysis for a typical count time of 1,500 seconds.

Thermoluminescent Dosimetry Each area monitoring station includes a TLD packet, which is a polyethylene bag containing three calcium sulfate phosphors contained in a Panasonic UD-814 badge. The TLD is light tight and the bag is weather-resistant.

Dosimeters are machine annealed before field placement. Following exposure in the field, each dosimeter is read utilizing a Panasonic TLD reader. This instrument integrates the light photons emitted from traps as the dosimeter is heated. Calibration is calculated using dosimeters irradiated to known doses for each set of dosimeters measured. Prior to the measurement of each dosimeter, the instrument is checked through use of an internal constant light source as a secondary standard. The exposure reported is corrected for exposure received in transit and during storage through the use of control dosimeters.

Interlaboratory Comparison Program The Radiochemistry Laboratory at the Harris Energy & Environmental Center in New Hill, North Carolina, provides radioanalytical services for Progress Energy Carolinas, Inc.'s nuclear plant radiological environmental surveillance programs. In fulfillment of ODCM Operational Requirements, the laboratory is a participant in the Eckert & Ziegler Analytics Environmental Cross-Check Program and uses its performance in this program as a major determinant of the accuracy and precision of its analytical results.

The Interlaboratory Comparison Program entails measurements on each instrument that is used to determine concentrations of radioactive material in the various media that are analyzed as part of the REMP. During 2010, 88 average analyses were completed on 21 samples representing seven major environmental media (i.e., water, milk, air filters, air filters composite, soil, air cartridges, and simulated vegetation). Data on the known activities, the uncertainties, and the ratios to the known for the 88 average analyses have been received from Eckert & Ziegler Analytics. The results were compared to the criteria established in the NRC Inspection Manual (Procedure 84750) for Radioactive Waste Treatment, Effluent, and Environmental monitoring (see below results).

All of the 88 average analyses were within the acceptance criteria. During 2010, the individual measurements were evaluated and results falling outside the acceptable ratio criteria had an evaluation performed to identify any recommended remedial actions and to reduce anomalous errors (NCR # 400312 and 419981). Complete documentation of any evaluation will be available and provided to the NRC upon request.


Also, included at the end of the report in the Appendix is a partial summary of General Engineering Laboratories' (GEL's) Interlaboratory Comparison Program results for 2010. The summary provides an overall discussion on the 2010 results. The entire 2010 GEL Interlaboratory Comparison Program results will be provided upon request to provide individual analysis results which contain the Sample Number or Study ID; Analysis quarter and year; sample media; specific radionuclide; its unit; its result; the known values supplied by the providers; GEL's ratio to the known value or acceptance criteria provided by the provider; and evaluation criteria. BSEP's Interlaboratory Comparison Program results are also listed below.

Other BSEP Interlaboratory Cross Check Program Results from 2010 will be supplied upon request.


Environmental Cross Check Performance Summary for 4Q 2009 and 2010 Sample Nuclide Quarter Units HEEC EZA HEEC/EZA Evaluation Value Value Ratio Gross beta water Gross beta 4"'09 pCi/L 284 258 1.10 Agreement 4"' Qtr '09 E6944-668 1 st pCi/L 271 260 1.04 Agreement I1Qtr E7007-668 3rd Qtr E7212-668 3d pCi/L 231 218 1.06 Agreement 4" Qtr E7368-668 4th pCi!L 261 251 1.04 Agreement Gross beta filter Gross beta 4th'09 pCi 116.0 107.0 1.08 Agreement 4"' Qtr '09 E6943-668 2 nd pCi 83.0 80.4 1.03 Agreement 2n Qtr E7146-668 4" Qtr E7367-668 4 pCi 73.0 71.2 1.03 Agreement Tritium in water H-3 4th'09 pCi/L 13800 14000 0.99 Agreement 4!' Qtr '09 E6942-669 ist pCi/L 11700 12000 0.97 Agreement I1Qtr E7006-668 4"' Qtr E7366-668 4 th pCi/L 9180 9960 0.92 Agreement Iodine Cartridge 1-131 4th'09 pCi 93.5 93.8 1.00 Agreement 4'h Qtr '09 E6945-668 2d pCi 78.0 80.1 0.97 Agreement 2"d Qtr E7369-668 42 Qtr E7145-668 pCi 83.1 84.2 0.99 Agreement

-4 th Gamma Milk 1-131 1st pCi/L 75.0 74.0 1.01 Agreement E7008-668 Ce-141 ISt pCi/L 273 261 1.04 Agreement Cr-51 Ist pCi/L 389 361 1.08 Agreement Cs-134 1st pCi/L 176 178 0.99 Agreement Cs-137 1st pCi/L 172 158 1.09 Agreement Co-58 1st pCi/L 148 143 1.04 Agreement Mn-54 1st pCi/L 229 207 1.10 Agreement Fe-59 1st pCi/L 157 137 1.15 Agreement Zn-65 1st pCi/L 285 254 1.12 Agreement Co-60 Ist pCi/L 194 183 1.06 Agreement Gamma Soil Ce-141 1st pCi/g 0.479 0.452 1.06 Agreement E7009-668 Cr-51 1st pCi/g 0.645 0.624 1.03 Agreement Cs-134 1st pCi/g 0.301 0.307 0.98 Agreement Cs-137 1st pCi/g 0.391 0.364 1.07 Agreement Co-58 1st pCi/g 0.254 0.247 1.03 Agreement Mn-54 1st pCi/g 0.378 0.358 1.06 Agreement Fe-59 1st pCi/g 0.262 0.237 1.11 Agreement Zn-65 1st pCi/g 0.477 0.439 1.09 Agreement Co-60 1st pCi/g 0.326 0.317 1.03 Agreement Gamma Ce-141 3 rd pCi/g 0.468 0.479 0.98 Agreement Vegetation Cr-51 3rd pCi/g 0.853 0.859 0.99 Agreement E7213-668 Cs-134 3rd pCi/g 0.310 0.342 0.91 Agreement Cs-137 3 pCi/g 0.360 0.347 1.04 Agreement Co-58 pCi/g 0.269 0.271 0.99 Agreement Mn-54 3 pCi/g 0.454 0.439 1.03 Agreement Fe-59 3rd pCi/g 0.373 0.335 1.11 Agreement Zn-65 3'& pCi/g 0.793 0.749 1.06 Agreement Co-60 3rd pCi/g 0.637 0.628 1.01 Agreement 32

Environmental Cross Check Performance Summary for 4Q 2009 and 2010 Sample Nuclide Quarter Units HEEC EZA HEEC/EZA Evaluation Value Value Ratio Gamma Filter Ce-141 2nd pCi 103 103 1.00 Agreement 2nd Qtr E7143-668 3-7 pCi 124 121 1.02 Agreement 3 rd Qtr E7214-668 Cr-51 2nd pCi 315 317 0.99 Agreement 3rd pCi 221 217 1.02 Agreement Cs-134 2nd pCi 112 118 0.95 Agreement 3rd pCi 94.0 86.5 1.09 Agreement Cs-137 2nd pCi 146 140 1.04 Agreement 3rd pCi 94.0 87.9 1.07 Agreement Co-58 2nd pCi 96.0 94.6 1.01 Agreement k'd pCi 71.0 68.5 1.04 Agreement Mn-54 2nd pCi 172 158 1.09 Agreement 3rd pCi 123 111 1.11 Agreement Fe-59 2nd pCi 129 111 1.16 Agreement 3rd pCi 103 84.8 1.21 Agreement Zn-65 2nd pCi 227 192 1.18 Agreement 3r7d_ pCi 226 190 1.19 Agreement Co-60 2nd pCi 187 184 1.02 Agreement 3 rd pCi 166 159 1.05 Agreement Gamma 13 Filter Ce-141 2nd pCi 85.0 83.5 1.02 Agreement Composite Cr-51 2Sd pCi 273 257 1.06 Agreement E7144-668 Cs-134 2nd pCi 98.0 95.2 1.03 Agreement Cs-137 2n pCi 123 114 1.08 Agreement Co-58 pCi 80.0 76.6 1.04 Agreement Mn-54 2nd pCi 143 128 1.12 Agreement Fe-59 2 pCi 105 89.9 1.17 Agreement Zn-65 2nd pCi 185 156 1.19 Agreement Co-60 2d pCi 157 149 1.06 Agreement 33

Environmental Cross Check Performance Summary for 4Q 2009 and 2010 Sample Nuclide Quarter Units HEEC EZA HEEC/EZA Evaluation Value Value Ratio Gamma Water 1-131 2nd pCi/L 80.0 78.9 1.01 Agreement 2ndQtr E7142-668 3rd pCi/L 66.0 64.4 1.02 Agreement 3d Qtr E7211-668 Ce-141 2nd pCi/L 169 161 1.05 Agreement 3rd pCi!L 171 165 1.03 Agreement Cr-51 2 pCi/L 540 494 1.09 Agreement 3rd pCi/L 302 297 1.02 Agreement Cs-134 2nd pCi/L 180 183 0.98 Agreement 3rd pCi/L 109 118 0.92 Agreement Cs-137 2 d pCi/L 242 218 1.11 Agreement 3rd pCi/L 131 120 1.09 Agreement Co-58 2no pCi/L 160 147 1.09 Agreement 3rd pCi/L 95.0 93.5 1.02 Agreement Mn-54 2 d pCi/L 276 246 1.12 Agreement 3rd pCi/L 163 152 1.07 Agreement Fe-59 2 d pCiiL 210 173 1.21 Agreement 3rd pCi/L 127 116 1.10 Agreement Zn-65 2 d pCi/L 338 300 1.13 Agreement 3d pCiCL 279 259 1.08 Agreement Co-60 2d pCi/L 309 286 1.08 Agreement 3 rd pCi/L 227 217 1.05 Agreement 34

BSEP 2010 Interlaboratory Cross Check Performance Summary for Environmental Sample Media Types Analyzed Sample Nuclide Quarter Units BSEP EZA BSEP/EZA Evaluation Value Value Ratio Tritium in Water H-3 1st jtCi/cc 1.92E-3 1.99E-3 0.97 Agreement 3ra ACi/cc 1.41E-3 1.55E-3 0.91 Agreement Solid Ce-141 3rd PCi 6.56E-2 6.18E-2 1.06 Agreement Cr-51 3rd ptCi 1.38E-1 1.26E-1 1.10 Agreement 4T5 ItCi 1.53E-1 1.52E-1 1.01 Agreement 4th pCi 1.08E-1 1.07E-1 1.01 Agreement Cs- 134 3rd gCi 2.16E-2 2.21E-2 0.98 Agreement 4th ACi 2.67E-2 2.73E-2 0.98 Agreement 4 th [tCi 1.87E-2 1.93E-2 0.97 Agreement Cs-137 3rd tCi 2.36E-2 2.18E-2 1.08 Agreement 4 th ýtCi 3.40E-2 3.17E-2 1.07 Agreement 4th Ci 2.27E-2 2.24E-2 1.02 Agreement Co-58 3rd 4Ci 2.57E-2 2.36E-2 1.09 Agreement 4th pCi 2.01E-2 1.98E-2 1.01 Agreement 4 th pCi 1.38E-2 1.40E-2 0.98 Agreement Mn-54 3rd PCi 3.30E-2 2.96E-2 1.11 Agreement 4th PCi 2.37E-2 2.16E-2 1.10 Agreement 4 th fCi 1.56E-2 1.53E-2 1.02 Agreement Fe-59 3Td ACi 4.07E-2 3.56E-2 1.14 Agreement

-4t pCi 3.61E-2 3.38E-2 1.07 Agreement 4 th pCi 2.52E-2 2.39E-2 1.05 Agreement Zn-65 3rd tCi 5.92E-2 5.16E-2 1.15 Agreement 4 pth Ci 3.54E-2 3.18E-2 1.11 Agreement 4th pCi 2.53E-2 2.25E-2 1.12 Agreement Co-60 3rd .Ci 4.32E-2 3.97E-2 1.09 Agreement 4_th _Ci 5.42E-2 5.15E-2 1.05 Agreement 4 th ptCi 3.59E-2 3.64E-2 0.99 Agreement Other BSEP Interlaboratory Cross Check Program Results from 2010 will be supplied upon request.

Lower Limits of Detection All samples analyzed met the LLD required by the ODCM. Typical "a priori" LLD values for the samples analyzed are listed in Table 6.



GAMMA SPECTROMETRY Surface Water Samples (Saline Water)

Isotope LLD (pCi/l)

Mn-54 6 Co-58 6 Fe-59 14 Co-60 6 Zn-65 13 Zr-Nb-95 11/7 1-131 14 Cs-134 8 Cs-137 6 Ba-La-140 29/9 Air Particulates (Quarterly Composite)

Isotope LLD (pCi/mr)

Cs-134 5.6E-3 Cs-137 4.5E-3 Shoreline Sediment Isotope LLD (pCi/kg, dry)

Cs-134 62 Cs-137 43 Fe-55 (Hard-to-detect [HTD]) 20,000 Sr-89/90 {HTD] 2000 / 2000 Fish Isotope LLD (pCi/kg, wet)

Mn-54 71 Co-58 79 Fe-59 207 Co-60 76 Zn-65 148 Cs-134 82 Cs-137 69 Food Products and Vegetation Isotope LLD (pCi/kg, wet) 1-131 47.3 Cs-134 25 Cs-137 26 Air Cartridge Isotope LLD (pCi/mr) 1-131 4.91 E-2 36

LAND USE CENSUS PURPOSE OF THE LAND USE CENSUS The land use census identifies the pathways (or routes) that radioactive material may reach the general populations near commercial nuclear generating stations. This is accomplished by completing studies each year that identify how the surrounding lands are used by the population.

A comprehensive census of the use of the land within a five-mile distance of the plant is completed during the growing season each year. This information is used for dose assessment and to identify changes to the stations sampled and the type of samples. These results ensure that the Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) is based upon current data regarding human activity in the vicinity of the plant. Therefore, the purpose of the land use census is both to ensure the monitoring program is current as well as to provide data for the calculation of estimated radiation exposure.

The pathways that are evaluated are:

> Ingestion Pathway - Results from eating food crops that may have radioactive materials deposited on them from the atmosphere or contain radioactive materials from the soil.

Another pathway is through drinking milk from local cows or goats if these are present.

The grass used to feed these animals may have incorporated or had deposited on it radioactive materials that can be transferred to the milk.

>' Direct Radiation Exposure Pathway - Results from deposition of radioactive materials on the ground or from passage of these radioactive materials in the air.

> Inhalation Pathway - Results from breathing radioactive materials transported in the air.


Methodology The following must be identified within the five-mile radius of the plant for each of the 16 meteorological sectors (compass direction from which the winds may blow, for example NNE

[North North East]):

> The nearest resident

> The nearest garden of greater than 500 square feet, producing broadleaf vegetation

)> The nearest milk animal The following must also be identified (for elevated releases) within the three-mile radius of the plant for each of the 16 meteorological sectors:

- The location of all milk animals

> The location of all gardens of greater than 500 square feet, producing broadleaf vegetation The primary method is visual inspection from roadside within the five-mile radius, with the exception of the Sunny Point Military Ocean Terminal. This information may be supplemented with data from aerial photographs and a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine distance and direction from the plant.

2010 Land Use Census Results The 2009 and 2010 results of the survey for the nearest resident, garden, milk and meat animals in each sector are compared in Table 7.

The resident portion of the census conducted in June of 2010 identified two (2) changes in the identity of the nearest resident in the WNW and NNW sectors from plant center from 2009. The garden portion of the census identified changes in the distances, locations, and existence of the nearest garden in five sectors during the 2010 census.

The nearest garden location changed in the North (N) sector from no garden to a garden at 0.9 miles, the address changed for the garden in the East Southeast (ESE) sector, the South (S) sector from 2.0 miles to 1.6 miles, the South Southwest (SSW) sector from 2.0 miles to 1.7 miles, and the West (W) sector from 0.9 miles to 1.0 mile. No milk animals were located within 5 miles of the plant in 2010.

The 2010 Garden Census was conducted within three (3) miles of BSEP and identifies all gardens of greater than 500 square feet that were found in the survey area. Results of the garden census are located in Table 8.

Results of the 2010 Land Use and Garden Census indicate stable use of land, confirming that current control locations are appropriate, and no changes are needed for dose assessment and environmental motoring.


TABLE 7 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant LAND USE CENSUS COMPARISONS (2009- 2010)


SECTOR RESIDENT GARDEN MILKIMEAT ANIMALS 2010 2009 2010 2009 2010 2009 N 0.7 0.7 0.9* None None None NNE 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 None None NE None None None None None None ENE None None None None None None E None None None None None None ESE 1.4 1.4 1.4* 1.4 None None SE None None None None None None SSE 2.1 2.1 None None None None S 1.1 1.1 1.6* 2.0 None None SSW 1.2 1.2 1.7* 2.0 None None SW 1.1 1.1 1.6 1.6 None None WSW 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 None None W 0.9 0.9 1.0* 0.9 None None WNW 0.9* 0.9 None None None None NW 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 None None NNW 0.8* 0.8 0.9 0.9 None None

  • Represents a change from the previous year.


TABLE 8 Brunswick Steam Electric Plant GARDEN CENSUS (2010)


N 0.9 SW 1.9 NNE 0.9 SW 2.2 NNE 1.2 SW 2.9 NE None SW 3.0 ENE None WSW 1.2 E None WSW 1.6 ESE 1.4 WSW 2.1 SE None WSW 2.2 SSE None WSW 2.8 S 1.6 WSW 3.0 S 1.8 W 1.0 S 1.8 W 1.1 S 2.0 W 2.5 S 2.3 W 2.6 SSW 1.7 W 2.6 SSW 2.0 W 2.6 SSW 2.1 W 2.6 SSW 2.1 W 2.7 SSW 2.2 W 2.7 SSW 2.2 W 2.7 SSW 2.2 W 2.7 SSW 2.3 WNW None SSW 2.3 NW 1.0 SSW 2.3 NW 4.9 SSW 2.4 NNW 0.9 SSW 2.5 NNW 4.3 SSW 2.6 NNW 4.3 SSW 2.7 NNW 4.5 SSW 2.7 NNW 4.6 SSW 2.7 NNW 4.6 SSW 2.8 NNW 4.6 SSW 2.8 NNW 4.7 SW 1.6 NNW 4.8 40

Figure 11 For BNP from 1/1/2010To 12/31/2010 AIR PARTICULATE for GROSS BETA - Activity (pCi/cubic meter)

-- 0Location 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER -4,,l--Location 204 22.4 MI NNE -SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 0.045 0.04 I-0.035 0.03

> 0.025 t 4,, F-0.02 A V Wif Tr 0.015 v

0.01 0.005 0 4-Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Date 41

Figure 12 For BNP from 1/1/2010 To 12/31/2010 AIR PARTICULATE for GROSS BETA - Activity (pCi/cubic meter)

-,--Location201 0.SMINE- PMAC ,,,,,, Location 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 0.045 -

0.04 -

0.035 I 0.03

>. 0.025 0.015 otoo 0.010 0.005 0 ]11 I I i.IIi Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Date 42

Figure 13 For BNP from 1/1/2010 To 12/31/2010 AIR PARTICULATE for GROSS BETA - Activity (pCi/cubic meter)

- Location 202 1.0 MIS - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD --- Location 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 0.045 0.04 14 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 +

Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Date 43

Figure 14 For BNP from 1/1/2010To 12/31/2010 AIR PARTICULATE for GROSS BETA - Activity (pCi/cubic meter)

- Location 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION -,U- Location 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03 t 0.025


U 0.02 - --- IL 0.015 "IN0 0.01 0.005 0 4-Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Date 44

Figure 15 For BNP from 1/1/2010To 12/31/2010 AIR PARTICULATE for GROSS BETA - Activity (pCi/cubic meter)

-sLocaion 205 0.6 MI SSE- SPOIL POND -U- Location 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 0.045 0.04 0.035 0.03

'.> 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0

Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Date 45

Figure 16 For BNP from 1/1/2010To 12/31/2010 AIR PARTICULATE for GROSS BETA - Activity (pCi/cubic meter)

-*Location 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) -0Location 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 0.045 0.04 0.035 lilt 0.03 14

> 0.025 IV 1ý

< 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 E Jan-10 Apr-10 Jul-10 Oct-10 Date 46

Figure 17 BSEP 2010 Surface Water Tritium

-- *-Location 400 (control) --. w- Location 401 - Tritium LLD (250 pCi/Uter) ' EPA Drinking Water Level 21000 20000 19000 I 18000 -.4



'N ,N N'

,N <N


'N 17000 16000 15000 14000 .4 13000 12000 11000 Y, 10000 .4 9000 .4 8000 7000 *1 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 T -41* -- 0s -

  • _ ,--1 -----------
  • 1---* -

1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 Dates 47

Figure 18 BSEP 2010 TLD Averages for Inner and Outer Ring Locations 10.8 10.6 10.4 10.2 10 c 9.8 e9.6 S9.4 9.2 9

8.8 8.6 hkr OU lffU he dert irw ode-Dates 48

APPENDIX The attached information contains excerpts from the 2010 Interlaboratory Comparison Program Report supplied by GEL Laboratories LLC. Any additional information pertaining to the report will be supplied upon request.




P.OL BW 7lZ a*a1, 809W17 50


JANUARY 2010 - DECEMBER 2010 February 15, 2011 Mafftl1 J. Hlar'ltsw Dam QaJaywAssurance Cifee Apprwed Wey=-Z Fietuny tE 2011 Roost L PUllano oafte Dtreta~r. Quafy System~s 51

Laboratories LLC P.O. Bcr3G71lz tlfM,. SC.-2417 2010 ANNAL QUAUrI ASSUR.NCE REPORT Pag 30o51 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Irn oductban .......................................................................................................... 5

2. Quality Assurance Programs for Inter4aboratory, ntra-Laboratory, and Thrd Party Cross-Check .................................................................................................. 6
3. Quality Assurance Program for lnternal and External Audits .............................. 7
4. Performance Evaluation Acceptance Criteria for Envimnmenlal Sample Analysis .......... 8
5. Peformance Evaluation Samples ........................-......................................................... 8 S. Quality Contiol Program for Environmental Sample Analysis .............................. 8
7. Summary of Daa Results ............................................................................................ 9
8. Summary of Participation in Eckert &Ziegler Analytics Enmrnmental Cro*s-Check Program ..............................-....-.................................................................................... 10
9. Summary of Participation in the MAPEP M nitoring Program ...................-................ 10
10. Summary of Participation in ERA (MRAD) PT Program ................................................. 10
11. Summary of Participation in the ERA PT Program ................................................. 11
12. Summary of Participation in the NY ELAP PT Program .............................................. -11
13. Quality Conrhol Program far REMP Analyses ................................................................. 12
14. Corrective Action and Request Report (CARR) ............................................................. 12
15. Refrences ..................................................................................................................... 12 52

Laboratories ,LLC P.O. 8m 3hZlz CWfltWzm, oCr2417 2,10 ANIML QUALMTY AISUPICE REPO{NT Page .4a 51 TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONTINUED)











Laboratories u.c P.O. Box 30742. CMmnlean, 80 29417 2010 ANNUAL GUAIJTY AS8URANCE REPORT Page Sof s'

1. lntroduction GEL Laboratories, ILC {GEL) is a privately oawed enwurianenta laboratory dedicated to providng personalized cient services of the hihest quality. GEL was established as an analytical testtr laboratory in 1981. Nowa fi service lab, our analytical dvisioas use state of the art equiprnef and methods to piroide a comprehensive rray of organic, inorganic.

and radochernical analyses to meet the needs oF our clients.

At GEL. quality is emphasized at evry Olev of personnel throughout the cnpany.

Managmerents ongoing oinomin to good pIulessional practce and to the quality of our testing services to our custamners is demonstraled by dtik dedication of personnel and resoumres to dewelop, irmlement, assess, and improve our tednical and management operations The purpose of GEL's quality assurance program is to estash policies. procedues, and processes to meet or exceed the eipedtdons ow clients, To adieve this. all personnel that support these serwces to our diens are [ntodwced to the program and policies during their initial orientation, and annuafy thereafter dritng company-wide training sessions.

GEL's primmy gnas are to ensure that all meamument data generated are scienlifically and legally defensible. df known and acceptable qualiy per the data quality objectives (DO0s). and thoroughly documented to provide sound supprt for environmental decisions.

In adclition. GEL continues to ensure corTnplance wth d cn*ractual requirermes.

envkcuumentar standards. and regudatimus established by local, state and federal authorities, GEL admiistrs the CA program in aocordance with the Quality Assurance Plan, GL-OS-B-00 1. Our Quality Systems indude a quality assurance (GA) policies and quality control (QC) procedu*es necesary to plan, inmpk-nent. aid assess tdu work we perform. Ga's GA Program establishes a qult manageeniet system (QMS) that govems all of the activities of our oifganizado.

This report entails the quality assurance progam for the proficiency testing and envirnmental monitwtqg aspects of GEL for 2010. GEts GA Program is designed to monitor the quality of analytical processing associated ath environmental. radiobioassay.

effluent (1DCFR Part 50). and waste (i0 CFR Part 51) sample analysis.

This report covets the category d Radiological Emironmaental Monitoring Program (REMP) and includes:

" IntraalieratryQC resuls analyzd during 2010.

" Inter-aboratory OC results antyzed during 2010 where knowm values were available.


I Laboratories LLC P.O. Bux 39721, Ct*nfLe&¶n, EC 29017 2i10 ANNUAL QUALiT Au 8UrY RP*AN rr a Page or 51

2. Quality Assurance Pnograms for te*-labmratosy, dra*laboratory and Third Pary Cmrss-Chet In addition to internal and dien amiits. o*r laboratory pmfdpates in annual pedormanne evalution studies condlucted by independent providers. We rxdrunely parlicipate in the fd[iwang types of performwce audils:

SPrIoicienyq testing and other iiner-laborAouy coparisons.

a Pefornnce requirements necessary to retain Certticatbons a Evaluaton of recoveries of celitled reference and in-ose seondary rekfe ce materials using statistical process control data.,

a Evaluation of relative percent difference between measurements through SPC daa.

W also paricipate in a number of prlidency testing programs for federal ad state agencies and as required by contract It is our peiy that no proficiency evaluation samples be analyzed in any special manner. Our amn ppeffomance evaluation partcipation generally includes a cwmbination of studies that support the foiating:

. US Environmental Protection Agency Discharge Monitoring Report Quality Assurance Program M'MR-QA]. Annual national pzrostn sponsored by EPA for laboratories engaged in the analysis of samrnes assoojated nit the NP'DES monitoring program- Participation is nmiadatory for all holders of NPDES pern-s.

The permit holder must amalyze for all of the parameters listed on the discharge permit. Parameters include general chenistry, metals, BODCOD. oil and grease, amrrmoxnbifiates, etc.

a Department af Energy Mixed Analyte Perfrnance Evauatien Program (MAPEP). A semiannual program developed by DOE in support o DOE ocairactors performing waste analyses. Particpation is reqpired, f all laboratures tat perfom environmental analytical measurements in sqpcutt o erfironmental managemett activities. 7his progran incldes radifactive isotopes in wa-r soil. vegetation and air filters.

a ERAis MRAD-t timer a Radiocrhemisty rtidency test program Tis program is for labs seeking certffalicn for radionucides in wastewa*er and solid waste. The program is conducted in strictor opltnce with USEPA National Standards for Waler Proficincy study.

a ERAs IntertaS RadCheM Protldency Testfb Progran for radiologfoal analyses.

This program corpkles the process of rplaing the USEPA EMSt.-LV Nuclear Radiation Assessment Divisian program discontinued in 1996. Laboratories seeking certffication for radionucide analysis in drinking water also use the study. Thls program is conducted in strict compliance ith the USEPA National Standards for Water Pmrfidency Testing Studies. This piqgum encomnasses Urxui by EPA method 200.8 (for drinking water nerthicatirn inFuiada7vinary NELAPf gamma 55

I Laboratories P-0.nhE3712 Cflefn, BC 229417 iLc 2sle ANKIPAL GUALTY ASSURANCE REPORT Page7 zrMI emiter. Gross Alphafieta. Iodine-131, naturally aocurmi'nq - isotopes, Strontin-BgjlC, and Tritium.

  • ERNs Water Pollution CWP) biannual program for waste methodologies indhees parameters for both o, nic and inorganic analytes.

SERAs Water Supply (WS) biannual program ftr drink*ng water methodooges includes parameters for organic and inorganic analytes.

New York State Deptnmeit of Health Enironmental LaboratoryApprouval Fgram PrIdiciency Testdng Program for Potable Water ("i)

SEnvironmental Cross-Check Program administered byr Eckert & Ziegler Analylics.

Inc. This program encompasses radionucides in water. sci, milk. natur-aly ocwcring radioactive isotopes in soil aM air filters.

GEL procures single-blind perfonmance evaluation samples from Edcrt & Ziegler Analýlics to verily doe analysis od sample meceos processed at GEL. Samples are received at a quart*y basis. GELs Third-Party Cross-Cheek Program proindes envbonmenta malices enDmtered in a tpio nuclear utility REMP. The TirParty Cross-Check Pfogram is inte t Ito meet or exceed the inter-labratory comparison program requirements disaussed in NR Regulatory GuMe 4.'5. revision 1. Once p etaflon samples have been prepared in accordance with the instructions provided by the PT provkder, samples are managed and analyzed in the same manmn as environmental samples frrn GE.s clients,

& Quality Assurance Program for Internal and External Audits Ounb eadt annual reporting period, at least on Internal assessment is conducted in accordance with the pre-established schedule from Standard Operating Procedure for the Condu of Quality Audits. GL-QS-E001. The annual internal audit plan is reviewed for adequacy and includes the scheduled frequency and scope of qpJality control ackons necessary to GEL's GA progras. Inemal audits me conducted aU least annually in accordance with a schedule approved by -the Qulty Systems D*ied. Supplier audits are contingent upon the categorization of the suppt* . and may or may not be conducted prior to the use of a supplier or subcontactor. Type I suppliers and suhccon-actrs. regardless of how they were initially qualified. axe re-eivaluated at least once every three years.

inradditiob. prospective customers audit GEL duintg pre-conlract audits- GEL hosts several eteral audits each year for both our clinms and other programs, These programs include envir*omental monitafi, waste dracterition. and rafdlbisay. The iftlldng list of programs may audit GEL at least annually r up to everyt hree years depeamig on the program.

  • NELAC, National Environmental Laboratory Accredltati*n Program
  • DOECAP, U.S. Department of Energy Consolidated Audit Pngrafn
  • DOELAP. U.S. Department of Energy Laboratory Accreditkion Program
  • DOE QSAS. U.S, Department of Energy. Quality Systems for Analytcal Sevices a ISOiEC 111025 56

Laboratories L.LG P.O. 98l10.1z, cm,*lh5rhn, so 25417 2910 ANKIJAL QUALMTY A4IIRMCE REPORNT rein of"1

- AZI.A, Americma Assodation for Laboratory Accreditaion

  • DOD ELAP. US ODepatmnt dDeLfense Emirormenmal Accreditation Program

The maual radochenuisty laboratory inte*a audit (10-RADO0D1) was conduded In March 201. Four findings, one obsevntion, and two recommendalions resulted frm tnis assessmnt Each inding was closed and apprepriate labormary staff addressed each observatin and recomnmendation. The internal audit dosed in June 2010.

& Performance Evaluation Acceptance Criteria for Environmental Sample Analysis GEL utilized an acceptance potccl based upon two perfomance mWdels. For thoe inter-laboratory rograms dial atady have established performance citeria for bias (i.e.,

MAPEP. and ERAELAPI GEL will utilize the criteria for the specific program. For intra-laboratory or third p"ry quality control programs that do not have a specific acceptance crteria (i.e. fe Ec.ert-fZeg[er Anaitycs Environmental Cross-dceck Program), rsults wrill be evaluated in accontance with GEL's internal acceptance criteria

s. Perfonnance Evaluation Samples Performance Evaluation (PE) results and inernal quality ccnrol sample results are evaluated in accordance uth GEL acceptance criteria The first criterion concerns bias, which is deithed as the devuiation of any one result from the kiowa value- The second crmterion cancens precision. which deals with the ability of the measurement to be replicated by comparison of an individual result with the mean of all resuf for a given sample set.

At GEL, we also evaluate our analytical perfarmance on a regular basis trough statistical process control acceptance criteria Where feasNe, this cerion is applied to both measures of precision and accuracy and is specific to sample marit. We establish emibuimentafl process control limits at least annually-For Radiodhemistry analysis, quality conl evaluation is based on staic limits rather than those that are statistically derived. Our cmjent process confto limits are mainbtbred in GELs AlphaLMS& We aso measure precision wtt matrix duplicates andfor matix spie duplicates. The upper and low oontrol linits (UCL and LCL respectively) for precision are plus or mnus three times the standard devAation from the mean of a series of relataie percent d[iffewrces. The static precision criteria for radiocher*ical analyses are 0 - 20%. far aicty levels oxceenfug the contract reqdred detection limit (CRDL).

Quality Control Program for Environmental Sample Analysis Q.

GELs inteiral QA Program is designed to indude QC functions such as instrumentation callration checks (to insure proper ins*rument response), blank samples, instrumentation backgrounds. duphlates as wel as overa! staff qualification analyses and statistical process controls. Bo*h quality cmtral and qualification analyses samples are used to be as s0milar as 'he matrix type of these samples saubmitted for analysis by the varios laborator diets. These performance test samples (or performance evaluation sampres) are either 57

I Laboratories P.O. EBo *57t2, Clbedr"n. 8c 29417 icL 2001 ANNUAL UAIJ.rVY ASSURANCE REPORT Page 9 of S1 actual sample submitted in duplicate in arder -o e-aluate the precsion of laboratory Measuremient., or fortified Manic samples, wfhich have been given a known quantity of a radioisotope tat is in the interest to GEts clients.

Accuracy {or Bias}Es measured &t &abraftrycontrol samples andfor marix =spikes, as well as surrogates and internal standards. The LICLs and LCts for accuracy ame plus or minus three limes the smatazd devdiaont ftm the mean of a salesod recoveries, The static limit for radlodctemicat analyses is 75 - 125%. Specific instructions for out-cf-control sikuafaus awe provided in the ajppcable analytical S0P GEL's Laboratory Coalrl Stlandard CLCS) is am aliquot of reagent water or other blank matrix to uwhich knmm quantities of the method analyes are added in the laboraloy. The LCS is analyzed exactly like a sample, and its purpose is to detenmine whether the methodology is in rglml, and whether th laboratory is capable of making accurate and precise measuremnent Some methods may refer in these samples as Labocatory Fortified Blanks (LFO). The requirement for recoveny is between 75 and 125% for radiological analyses elduding frin'king water matrix.

Bias (%)= (observed comcentfaton) a IGO %

(knoeu cmieentmaaton}

Precision is a data quality indicalorof the agreement between measurements of the same property, obtained under similar conditons, and bar: well they confobn to themselves-Precision is usually expssed as standard deviafftn. variance or range in either absolute or relative (perocenage) turns.

GELs laboratory duplicate DIUP or LCSD) is am aliquot of a sample taken *fmde same container and proessed in the same manner under identical laboratory conditions. The aliquot is analzed independently from the parent sample and the results are compared to measure precision and acctracy-If a sample duplicate is anatyzed. itWil be repoted as Relative Percent Difference (RPD)

The RPD must be 20 percent oless, if both samples are greater than 5 tines the MDC. If both resLfts ame less than 5 tines MDC. then the RPD must be equal to or less than 100%.

If one result is above the MDC and the other is below the MDC. then the RPD can be calculated using the MDC for the result of fi one below the MDC. The RPD must be 100%

or less. In the situation oere both results are above be MDC but one result is gfeater than 5 times the MDC and the other is less than 5 times the MDC. the RPD must be less than or equal to 20%. IV both results are belm, MDC. then the limits on % RPD ame not applicable.

Difference (%) = (high duplicate result - low duplicate result) " 100 %

(aurage of results) t Swmnary of Data Resulls During 2010, fort-three radioiscopes associated with six matrix types were analyzed under GELs PerfoimicEvaluation program in paWicoafon mith ERA, MAPEP. NYSDOH ELAP and Eckeet & Ziegler Anlytics. Matrix types - representative of cient analyses perfumed dwkit 2010. The list below contains the type of matrix evaluated by GEL.


Laboratories ii c P.O. Sn. )UIO? ChlMemn, SC 29417 One AEIIINUAL IQAUTA OUUMICE IEPOrT f "0 of 's1 0 AirFilr

  • Ciaricle a Waler a Milk a Vegeation Gros am pmoded in Figurs 1-8 of tii rqMIt to alw for 1he evalion of onds or biames. Theseraph imnceradoiuopes.dCaft. Cesium-137.Tritimn Stwnium-9O, Gross Apha. Gross Bela wldloIne-31. A suimmay of GE.'s quday =0n* for radiological a***ses by isaopic anlsis and ntm ar rqefmsenld inTaIe 8. Each CS and DIP represent a bait of samples for each isoalop analys This ninmary ocntams he number of reportable quality contol resots for our cliwe,.

. Swounmy of Paeilrn i n Owe Ewt & rlwg AnMaics EnwbenmsuW Cross-Che* ftugein During 2010. Edhei 4 Ziegler Analytios pirowduie sarnples for 106 hidivhual .nvnxmualnr NalYSS. Of Oe 100 aN se. 0% (105 out of 10) of al resus fell idafi the PT pmvidus acoepnce almla. The only analytical failure occurred with On analys of hr-50 i milk. For the correive action assciuid iu O ron80 fulurs. refer to the CARRI 10209-542 (Tale 9).

3 sum y of PaGcipal inw W Nh W EP 1,oniring Pnara Dur 2010. one set of MAPEP smvples (MAPEP 22)iws anaklzed by ft laboratry. Of O analyses. 80% (53 out of 6) d aM rmsub fell within the PT vndW's aceptacme rteria. Tivteen analylcl falues occurred: Pkioaiium 8 in waW. UrLnam M35 in filter, Ura"*238 in filte. Uwanirn-Taola in Mter. Americiun-241 a filter. Cesiun-134 in filer, Cesum-137 in Mar. CdoNM in filler. Maigasn..4 in fll. PkAin-2301240 in fibr.

1Urw=244,243 in fitr. Uraniuv-238 in filter, and Urawn-238 in vegetation.

Fort chre*tiv. acissassoaaled MAPEP 22. rer to CARR100617490 (Talle 9). The ICP-MS analysis of tk.n-23M amn Uraimnn-238 fa&e was alltribud W the use of the less Inwvus digestion method (EPA Method 305ý). Atr *co*ntacting RSL. GEL dis*co*ered that they had used a more rigorous Oal dissolulion pocess. The failure for Plutorirn-238 w astribld to a data revies emmr and lack of altedi-n to detail Io the region of mirmes that was not ncluded in ftw dab result. Apprasmnatel 400 mldllonal oiuris lldi,have been incuded. For On .mrina g ibotoic faures, theewor wa attrbuled to anals error amd fcl l to follw te instructins fnim th PT povide.

I0& Suwnwy of Parlicipalaon in Ihe ERA MRaO PT Prograu Durng 2010. the ERA MRad programmnvided samples (MRAD-12 and MRAD-13) for 175 indiviclual ewiroum entj analyses. Of the 175 analyes 98%(109 out of 176) of all results fel wiUu #he PT provdes - mcoqt miaaftia. Six analykical hiures occurred Lkaniwn-234 in soi. Laiuu-238 mi soi. Uranint-238 in vegetatin Fuoni.n-238 in water, Lkamiun236 in valer. and 8Wnmuh-212 imsoi.


Laboratories ii P.o. OuuI7f Cbmiet, SC 2941?

21 AwNIUAL ANUALT ASSUAMNCE REP PaeR It r Si For thveoeta acions assoiated wiIh MRMD12 and M1AD-13. imler In ametum e acions CARRION107-497 and CARRIO1210-527, mreevdy (Table 9). For MRAD-12.

the ICP-MS of Umramu-235 and Uranium-238 failue was abbd to lhe used Ie less vigoous digeston nmehod (EPA Me-d 30I ). After wntatig RESL GEL discwmmd tW te1y had used a mare qnumm t*I dulolution piosm . For kramk=-2 in vegetalion. air and wamer. fte faiue was aiid to mehd snulli*vty by ganuma spectocopy. Future PT analysis will be perkwmed using a mware sunsi~ve methd.

For WRAD-13. lie fai for Bis-mu-212 ons alibd to a reputing smu. The acual emsl (1600 pCifg) ws willi the acaqtance ranOge The failue of him-55 an au to mat inxyferenoe. An additional rcmuint vith aired. akIpa and *esh ragent mses nmoved Ohinimforant

11. Summary of Parlicilmom in he ERA PT Program Owi*g 2010, the EA pogram provKled smnpie (RAD-80 aid RAD-2) Icr 53 Windiviual
  • t anayses Of the 53 anayses. 77% (41 ou of 53) of ai meults fetl within 1he P" pTovidurs acctaUnce grhaa. Twelve analical fA s ocun:ed Slmnui=- in ma. Slonti-W in water. B.i,*in-133 in waer. Cesitm-134 in water. Ceskm-137 in water. C.*bdM in W. Zno.)5 in waer. Uranm (Ntubral) in waier. Uranium (Na" Mass in waie Skunm-90 i waiter, Cesium-134 in water, and Zino waer.

For the 'awiv athus associated wi RAD-80 and RAD-82. rebr to redo aim-nis CA IO3I8-487 and CARIO0W07-612. secte (Table 9). For RDO.M the Gross Alpha laitur was atwib-,ud to a carntird mon camWe. The Sluutim-M and Sftmrom-90 falues wn atlibled Io fte ascamd weits d the canvers uiized during fe

-eparaand anulys For RAD4Z faik of the GC- Emibes and lie Nahuas (IUran) we e attibuted to analyst enarmad failure to folw the instructions torn Oe PT prmder. The failure of Su*moum-,4 and Skrnthan4O wms a&riiutd to analyst mor while cdubn the sany.

IZ Stumiuay of Padicipaimn in tw Nmr Yaout ELAP PT Program Oumg 2010. te NYSDOH ELAP PT proun provided 30 indviidual efts for ragdogial analysis of te 30 anaye. en3 (26 out a 3D) of sme mrfts wre wthin se PFT provids acceptnce rilma Five anacal falures oacamd: Cesun-134 m w,*e, lodne-131 in water (two). Stmrontim-80 in water, and Raiun-220 in water.

For te correcive actions associaed with NY-,,*. refer to coredlve action CARR101203-525 (Table 9)4 Far Cesium-134. lcdkw131, SIum-SO and ftmUnl,.and Rauin-226. the faism coud not be delmumned. The labocalcy axtnu o mrdb mmreaf r of Mnialqualiy oonted smoes.

In addition, GEL (Lab 100 E87156. Lab Codoef SCO0012) maintaeume p&imy NELAP acceditaio fm the Ficoid Department d Heallh fo tie bkliming mnelds m potable wm and non-otabewer. The *'IPojnd anyltes and i delhod am lted bekw a Gross Alph: EPA 0O0DEPA 1O400-32 60 I

Laboratories i i P.O. 9Icat7. CiItam. SC 29417 M10URWIMW. ITUMY AIMAM REPORlT Pqe 12 of"

  • Grm Bea l EPA OWO 0 Iodie-131: DOE 4.5.23, EPA 901.1. EPA Q9.0 0 PhftnEmibm: DOE4.52.3. EPA(901.1 0 Radioalve Cesint DOE4-.523, EPA901-1 0 Trikan: EPA 90.0
  • Radium-228: EPA 9031. EPA 1984 Ra-04 a Radomi-M22: EPA 004.0. EPA 1970 PP.24
  • Radon: SM 20 7500 Rn. DOE 1990 Sr-02

. Stranbuin8 EPA 905.0

  • Saodiurn4. EPA 905.0
  • Urankm dift]) DOE 1990 U-2. ASTM D5174-7, M2 I& Qm*y Corbeh Prfrp hr REW Analyses GEL's wumv OMr&adxy) qualt cmnt progr'. evid 1590 indielis aniyes for bins and 1591 =*m far preiman fbr REMP mab and radamsdides. Of lie 90 iumnd qua* ca l amlnses eviuted hr bias. 100% me Laorjey aampiae almia khaddbi . 100% of lie 1591 ramemI for presm mire found to be accep IP. The resuts a e -samamwd in Tal*e 8.

GEL perfumns l4evd aljyhs Vsci for Tnlim imwitr. A diat of low ad" H-3 sp* ferpfonnuice is pouded m gRem 8&AN 2010 anahse wire wiln 9,e acmptome I& CormcbmaeAdieu Requs maW Rqmpot(CARR Ther am kw z ories at corredw acboe a at GEL. One soaredhue a-6o iuplm d at li ana*tod and dab em" levelm acordame wit lIe ana4ifd SOP. The dher s fmi armedse, adion domwnked by the Qua Sysam Tmin amwordame M GL-QS-E4M-2. A f caveive,asi-n s isiiaked dhm a nrm imfnaice reoccwser is so aluics

& t hat pemnau eim n or penuo ofdie problem is reqired.

GEL nmdurts qapfy requhmisenrf m nmad ania1ica staidard operArig pomdlm ID ensuree "i dabam "mrore a* NOhe qualit canbal afteri we met or lie apay aontal nwasures that aid not meet lie accepunce afteri we docanueted. A funid cra.v adion is impemnwted acacrin to GL-QSE-(T hlr C~nuaftdn I .~

Aciuon and *U*.OV OpwcUads fr Imprwenmi Renuiurc and dk ni is perfumed faolladg guidkliems Iad in GL-QS-E-012 far ClintNCR Databe Operation.

Any &nWgimat GEL can idetif and repart a n~oanc murmae and requed that conetv action be ten. Any 6.L employe =an pwiciab an a cauecius adian Uau as rqumestd bydte leSar or Group Leadkm The stps hr comhiin cecbmh dc, am deWed in GLI-E h the eem tot cawemem or amlidity of tie tiaborays Ime rmls in dmul the lanatmy ml take maowedie acion. If inhestigans shaw "ha Ow Tut hav been krpcled., Adhchd Iinsl be ir*frm*d of the muse in wrift wihiQ five (5) iiniwdapsoftheisoowry.

Table 9 panade lie "a of CARb hor radiologici perfmanc tustug during 2010.


Laboratories iic P.O. Iel 31t712, CiM1WMR, DC 2%17 210 ANIMIAL MAMTY AIIM REPOMT P 13 af 51 I- GEL Qudy AMsa-nc PFa. GL.rA-BPM1

2. GEL SUtnd3 OPwiing xw for ti CwAn d Quoy Audft. GL-QS-E-001 I GEL Strandd Operafti Pioaedma fo Condudin Cot ecdvefPrevamie Adio Mid uiEyftg O(Peiunitis *ol rowmmmKt GL-QS-E.0(1 4- GEL Sandad OuraQig Pnmdu A* airM Dommmtau of Nwonc n e Repuin mid Dk~posbmomg aid CcftW df Nwmnkm " kmm. GL.QS-E-00
5. GEL Sbtaida Opuafti Pnmicw foreHandling Pfokimicy EviiLio Swiilms GUOS-,

E-013 6 GEL SuLanad OPWatin PN=ChdUI fr (QityAssurAne Mewwasuens C~mabm~os aid Processes GL-QS-E-014

7. 40 CFR Pad 136 Guidelines Eslaliudmg Test procedr for Ihe Anlyis of Poutants

& MO4EC 17025-20*5. Gui Roemwnt for Ohew Coni of Tesbq and Calx-tm Labaories

9. ANSUASOC E4-104. Spw mad Guidelines forQuality Sysm fr E*wý Daba Col4eKo amd Envowne Technology Praft Aeican Nafig Standad
10. 2003 NELAC Stawd Nakon Enuinneni Labaratry Accwedowm Pr'ow 11-MARLAP. MWW~gncyRmftWogci LaborabykwW~i Piok~h
12. 10 CFR Pat 21. Reporton o el m and Noncompnce 13.11 CFR Pat 50 Appndix B.QaUft AWanc Crtra for Nuc*lea Poe Plans and Fue Rep-'.,s Plafs
14. 10 CFR Pat 81. Lkcning Rm*qirwet for Law,D*oui and Radio Was*
15. NRC REG Guide 4.15 and NRC REG Guie 4.-8 62

2010 BSEP Radiological Environmental Monitoring TLD Report Comments

" TLD points 41 thru 74 are not ODCM TLD sample points and are not listed.

" TLD sample points 19 and 80 have been retired and are not used.

  • TLD sample points 82 thru 85 for Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation (ISFSI) are listed, but not included in the TLD statistical calculations.
  • All BSEP Environmental TLDs were present in 2010, except for the following TLD:
  • TLD # 23 Third Quarter of 2010

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring TLD Report Dose:. mR/std. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 1 1.1 MI E 2/15/2010 10.6 1.4 1 1.1 MI E 5/15/2010 9.3 1.6 1.1 MI E 8/15/2010 10.3 1.6 1.1 MI E 11/15/2010 10.2 2 2 0.9 MI ESE 2/15/2010 9.7 1 2 0.9 MI ESE 5/15/2010 9.3 1.1 2 0.9 MI ESE 8/15/2010 9.3 2 0.9 MI ESE 11/15/2010 10.5 2.8 3 0.9 MI SE 2/15/2010 9 1.2 3 0.9 MI SE 5/15/2010 10 1.4 3 0.9 MI SE 8/15/2010 9.5 2.1 3 0.9 MI SE 11/15/2010 10.4 3.8 4 1.1 MI SSE 2/15/2010 10.9 1.1 4 1.1 MI SSE 5/15/2010 9.4 0.8 4 1.1 MI SSE 8/15/2010 10.2 1.7 4 1.1 MI SSE 11/15/2010 10.8 2.5 5 1.1 MI S 2/15/2010 10.4 1.8 5 1.1 MIS 5/15/2010 8.9 1 5 1.1 MIS 8/15/2010 9.7 2.1 5 1.1 MIS 11/15/2010 9.7 2.1 6 1.1 MI SSW 2/15/2010 10 1.3 6 1.1 MI SSW 5/15/2010 8.7 Page 1 of 8

Dose: rnR/std. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 6 1.1 MI SSW 8/15/2010 9.6 1.3 6 1.1 MI SSW 11/15/2010 9.7 2.7 7 1.1 MI SW 2/15/2010 10.8 1.1 7 1.1 MI SW 5/15/2010 9.2 1 7 1.1 MI SW 8/15/2010 10.4 1.4 7 1.1 MI SW 11/15/2010 10.2 2 8 1.2 MI W 2/15/2010 10.4 1.3 8 1.2 MI W 5/15/2010 8.9 1 8 1.2 MI W 8/15/2010 9.6 1.7 8 1.2 MI W 11/15/2010 9.8 2.4 9 1.0 MI WNW 2/15/2010 9.1 1.9 9 1.0 MI WNW 5/15/2010 9.1 1.2 9 1.0 MI WNW 8/15/2010 8.9 1.1 9 1.0 MI WNW 11/15/2010 9.3 2.3 10 0.8 MI NW 2/15/2010 9.6 2.1 10 0.8 MI NW 5/15/2010 8.4 0.9 10 0.8 MI NW 8/15/2010 9.2 1.9 10 0.8 MI NW 11/15/2010 9.2 1.9 11 0.9 MI NNW 2/15/2010 9.7 1.5 11 0.9 MI NNW 5/15/2010 9.5 1.2 11 0.9 MI NNW 8/15/2010 9.5 1.9 11 0.9 MI NNW 11/15/2010 10.4 2 12 1.1 MI N 2/15/2010 10.4 2.2 12 1.1 MI N 5/15/2010 8.6 1.4 Page 2 of 8

Dose: mR/std. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 12 1.1 MI N 8/15/2010 10.3 1 12 1.1 MI N 11/15/2010 9.4 2 13 1.2 MI NNE 2/15/2010 9.3 1.3 13 1.2 MI NNE 5/15/2010 8.3 1.8 13 1.2 MI NNE 8/15/2010 9 1.4 13 1.2 MI NNE 11/15/2010 9.2 2.6 14 0.5 MI NE 2/15/2010 10.6 1.6 14 0.5 MI NE 5/15/2010 9.9 0.9 14 0.5 MI NE 8/15/2010 10.5 1.6 14 0.5 MI NE 11/15/2010 11.2 2 15 0.9 MI ENE 2/15/2010 10.6 1.2 15 0.9 MI ENE 5/15/2010 9.9 1.6 15 0.9 MI ENE 8/15/2010 11.2 2.3 15 0.9 MI ENE 11/15/2010 10.3 2.1 16 1.0 MI WSW 2/15/2010 10 2.8 16 1.0 MI WSW 5/15/2010 8.8 0.8 16 1.0 MI WSW 8/15/2010 8.7 1 16 1.0 MI WSW 11/15/2010 9.5 2 17 1.4 MI ESE 2/15/2010 11.8 2.9 17 1.4 MI ESE 5/15/2010 9.6 1 17 1.4 MI ESE 8/15/2010 11.8 3.3 17 1.4 MI ESE 11/15/2010 10.9 3.8 18 1.7 MI SE 2/15/2010 12.3 1.1 18 1.7 MI SE 5/15/2010 9.5 1.6 Page 3 of 8

Dose:.mR/std, qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 18 1.7 MI SE 8/15/2010 12 1.7 18 1.7 MI SE 11/15/2010 10.5 2.5 20 2.1 MI S 2/15/2010 11.7 2.5 20 2.1 MI S 5/15/2010 8.7 1 20 2.1 MI S 8/15/2010 11.4 2.4 20 2.1 MI S 11/15/2010 10.3 2.2 21 2.9 MI SSW 2/15/2010 12.9 1.6 21 2.9 MI SSW 5/15/2010 11.8 1.8 21 2.9 MI SSW 8/15/2010 12.2 1.9 21 2.9 MI SSW 11/15/2010 12.5 2.1 22 5.3 MI SW 2/15/2010 9.7 1.5 22 5.3 MI SW 5/15/2010 9.1 1 22 5.3 MI SW 8/15/2010 9.2 1 22 5.3 MI SW 11/15/2010 10 2 23 4.6 MI WSW 2/15/2010 10.6 1.1 23 4.6 MI WSW 5/15/2010 7.7 23 4.6 MI WSW 11/15/2010 8.7 1.5 24 3.0 MI W 2/15/2010 10.2 1.3 24 3.0 MI W 5/15/2010 9.7 0.9 24 3.0 MI W 8/15/2010 10.1 1.2 24 3.0 MI W 11/15/2010 10.6 1.9 25 8.6 MI WNW 2/15/2010 10.2 1.3 25 8.6 MI WNW 5/15/2010 9.3 0.9 25 8.6 MI WNW 8/15/2010 8.9 1.5 Page4of8

Dose: mR/std. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 25 8.6 MI WNW 11/15/2010 9.7 2.5 26 5.9 MI NW 2/15/2010 13 1.4 26 5.9 MI NW 5/15/2010 10.6 1.3 26 5.9 MI NW 8/15/2010 12.2 1.7 26 5.9 MI NW 11/15/2010 12.1 2 27 5.1 MI NNW 2/15/2010 10.1 1.3 27 5.1 MI NNW 5/15/2010 8.6 1 27 5.1 MI NNW 8/15/2010 9.5 1.3 27 5.1 MI NNW 11/15/2010 9 2 28 4.2 MI NW 2/15/2010 11.6 2.1 28 4.2 MI NW 5/15/2010 8.9 1.6 28 4.2 MI NW 8/15/2010 10.4 2.2 28 4.2 MI NW 11/15/2010 10.1 2 29 2.6 MI SSW 2/15/2010 9.8 1.9 29 2.6 MI SSW 5/15/2010 8.3 1.3 29 2.6 MI SSW 8/15/2010 8.9 1.1 29 2.6 MI SSW 11/15/2010 9.2 2 30 2.0 MI NE 2/15/2010 12 2 30 2.0 MI NE 5/15/2010 10 1.7 30 2.0 MI NE 8/15/2010 12.5 1.2 30 2.0 MI NE 11/15/2010 10.5 2.1 31 2.5 MI ENE 2/15/2010 10.1 1.2 31 2.5 MI ENE 5/15/2010 10.1 1 31 2.5 MI ENE 8/15/2010 9.9 1.6 Page 5of 8

Dose: mR/std. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 31 2.5 MI ENE 11/15/2010 10.8 2.9 32 5.8 MI ENE 2/15/2010 12.7 1.2 32 5.8 MI ENE 5/15/2010 10.7 1.1 32 5.8 MI ENE 8/15/2010 11.7 1.4 32 5.8 MI ENE 11/15/2010 11.5 2.3 33 4.1 MI E 2/15/2010 9.2 1.1 33 4.1 MI E 5/15/2010 8.1 1.3 33 4.1 MI E 8/15/2010 8.9 1.7 33 4.1 MI E 11/15/2010 9.9 3.9 34 5.4 MI E 2/15/2010 9.7 1.2 34 5.4 MI E 5/15/2010 8.8 0.9 34 5.4 MI E 8/15/2010 9.1 1.1 34 5.4 MI E 11/15/2010 9.6 1.9 35 7.3 MI SSE 2/15/2010 7.9 1.5 35 7.3 MI SSE 5/15/2010 8.3 1.1 35 7.3 MI SSE 8/15/2010 7.9 1.1 35 7.3 MI SSE 11/15/2010 8.7 2.1 36 8.9 MI NE 2/15/2010 10.8 1.8 36 8.9 MI NE 5/15/2010 8.9 1.2 36 8.9 MI NE 8/15/2010 9.7 1.6 36 8.9 MI NE 11/15/2010 10.1 2.4 37 5.5 MI NW 2/15/2010 8.9 1.4 37 5.5 MI NW 5/15/2010 7.7 1 37 5.5 MI NW 8/15/2010 9 1.3 Page 6 of.8

Dose: mnR/std. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Signma Error 37 5.5 MI NW 11/15/2010 8.7 2.2 38 11.0 MI W 2/15/2010 10.6 2.1 38 11.0 MI W 5/15/2010 9.1 0.9 38 11.0 MI W 8/15/2010 9.8 1 38 11.0 MI W 11/15/2010 9.8 2 39 5.3 MI SW 2/15/2010 12.1 1.7 39 5.3 MI SW 5/15/2010 12.3 1.5 39 5.3 MI SW 8/15/2010 11 2.6 39 5.3 MI SW 11/15/2010 12.8 2.9 40 6.9 MI WSW 2/15/2010 12.1 1.2 40 6.9 MI WSW 5/15/2010 11.6 1.1 40 6.9 MI WSW 8/15/2010 11.8 1.3 40 6.9 MI WSW 11/15/2010 12.2 2 75 4.7 MI S 2/15/2010 9.9 2 75 4.7 MI S 5/15/2010 9.9 1.1 75 4.7 MI S 8/15/2010 10.8 1.4 75 4.7 MI S 11/15/2010 10.7 2.2 76 4.8 MI SSW 2/15/2010 12.5 1.4 76 4.8 MI SSW 5/15/2010 10.1 0.8 76 4.8 MI SSW 8/15/2010 12.8 1.1 76 4.8 MI SSW 11/15/2010 11.2 2.3 77 5.4 MI S 2/15/2010 9.8 1.1 77 5.4 MI S 5/15/2010 7.8 0.9 77 5.4 MI S 8/15/2010 9.8 2.3 Page 7 of8

Dose: nR/sId. qtr.

TLD TLD Location Description Sample Date Dose 2 Sigma Error 77 5.4 MI S 11/15/2010 8.1 1.9 78 9.9 MI NNE 2/15/2010 9 1.3 78 9.9 MI NNE 5/15/2010 8.9 0.8 78 9.9 MI NNE 8/15/2010 9.1 2 78 9.9 MI NNE 11/15/2010 10 2 79 9.5 MI N 2/15/2010 11.9 1.6 79 9.5 MI N 5/15/2010 9.5 1.3 79 9.5 MI N 8/15/2010 11.7 1.7 79 9.5 MI N 11/15/2010 10.1 2.5 81 9.9 MI WNW - CONTROL 2/15/2010 11.5 1.4 81 9.9 MI WNW - CONTROL 5/15/2010 9.2 1.7 81 9.9 MI WNW - CONTROL 8/15/2010 11.7 1.6 81 9.9 MI WNW - CONTROL 11/15/2010 10.4 2 82 0.17 MI NNE - @ SW CORNER OF ISFSI 8/15/2010 28.1 1.2 82 0.17 MI NNE - @ SW CORNER OF ISFSI 11/15/2010 24.8 2.9 83 0.27 MI NE - @ NW CORNER OF ISFSI 8/15/2010 21.2 1.3 83 0.27 MI NE - @ NW CORNER OF ISFSI 11/15/2010 23.8 3.4 84 0.27 MI NE - @ NE CORNER OF ISFSI 8/15/2010 17.5 2.6 84 0.27 MI NE - @ NE CORNER OF ISFSI 11/15/2010 17.1 4.3 85 0.09 MI ENE - @ SE CORNER OF ISFSI 8/15/2010 57.6 3.7 85 0.09 MI ENE - @ SE CORNER OF ISFSI 11/15/2010 58 6.9 Page 8 of 8

2010 BSEP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Analysis Report Comments

" All AC and AP samples were available during 2010.

  • Efficiency values are not included for AC samples requiring radioiodine analysis (1-131), because gamma software does not report these values.
  • The Less than LLD (<LLD) represents that no activity was present, but lists the LLD values.
  • There are no 2 sigma error values reported when activity is <LLD.
  • Tritium samples that exhibit activity will not indicate LLD values for the following samples:

" Groundwater samples (402 - 440 and 447)

" Surface Water samples (494 - 499)

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media 7)pe: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCiieubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 1/4/2010 260.8 2.50E-02 3.66E-03 3.30E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 1/11/2010 285.9 2.09E-02 3.22E-03 2.96E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 1/18/2010 272.4 3.15E-02 3.84E-03 3.05E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 1/25/2010 283.9 1.44E-02 2.92E-03 3.11 E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 2/1/2010 278.9 1.78E-02 3.20E-03 3.30E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 2/8/2010 290.1 1.63E-02 3.01 E-03 3.12E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 268.1 1.33E-02 3.11 E-03 3.61 E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/22/2010 268.1 1.85E-02 3.25E-03 3.21 E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/1/2010 280.7 1.83E-02 3.17E-03 3.15E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/8/2010 273.6 1.17E-02 2.94E-03 3.46E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/15/2010 283.3 2.07E-02 3.27E-03 3.09E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/22/2010 283.4 1.22E-02 2.84E-03 3.25E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/29/2010 281.7 1.76E-02 3.10E-03 3.08E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 4/5/2010 284.4 1.66E-02 3.04E-03 3.08E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 4/12/2010 284.7 2.05E-02 3.28E-03 3.18E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW-VISITORS CENTER 4/19/2010 283.4 1.73E-02 3.14E-03 3.25E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 4/26/2010 286.3 2.38E-02 3.31 E-03 2.76E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/3/2010 284.1 1.54E-02 2.90E-03 2.90E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW-VISITORS CENTER 5/10/2010 285.1 1.70E-02 3.08E-03 3.15E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 5/17/2010 285 2.46E-02 3.44E-03 3.02E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW -VISITORS CENTER 5/24/2010 287.5 1.18E-02 2.75E-03 3.10E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 5/31/2010 286.3 1.45E-02 2.89E-03 3.03E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 6/7/2010 285.8 1.51E-02 2.97E-03 3.14E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 6/14/2010 290.6 1.46E-02 2.79E-03 2.80E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 6/21/2010 285.7 1.67E-02 3.03E-03 3.07E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 6/28/2010 287.2 1.23E-02 2.79E-03 3.13E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/5/2010 289.4 1.11 E-02 2.69E-03 3.08E-03 Page! of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media 7)pe. Air Ptarticulate Anahsis. Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCi/kubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/12/2010 285.8 1.91 E-02 3.19E-03 3.14E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/19/2010 287.6 1.75E-02 3.03E-03 2.94E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/26/2010 291.5 1.90E-02 3.12E-03 3.03E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/2/2010 284.1 1.59E-02 2.92E-03 2.87E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/9/2010 286.5 1.79E-02 3.08E-03 3.01 E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/16/2010 287.3 1.29E-02 2.87E-03 3.22E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/23/2010 287 1.47E-02 2.89E-03 2.99E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/30/2010 287 1.59E-02 3.OOE-03 3.10E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/6/2010 291.1 3.40E-02 3.83E-03 2.92E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/13/2010 283.8 2.51 E-02 3.42E-03 2.86E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/20/2010 283.8 3.61 E-02 4.01 E-03 3.11E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/27/2010 286.8 2.70E-02 3.51 E-03 2.89E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/4/2010 279.5 9.69E-03 2.76E-03 3.39E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/11/2010 284.1 2.89E-02 3.65E-03 3.OOE-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/18/2010 277.5 4.05E-02 4.21 E-03 3.01 E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/25/2010 281.4 3.98E-02 4.11 E-03 2.85E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/1/2010 281 1.70E-02 3.13E-03 3.24E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/8/2010 278 1.68E-02 3.18E-03 3.35E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/15/2010 276.4 2.56E-02 3.63E-03 3.32E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/22/2010 277.4 3.02E-02 3.77E-03 3.1OE-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/29/2010 276.9 2.20E-02 3.49E-03 3.44E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/6/2010 274.5 2.58E-02 3.49E-03 2.80E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/13/2010 269.6 1.80E-02 3.27E-03 3.35E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/20/2010 267.5 2.03E-02 3.45E-03 3.46E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW- VISITORS CENTER 12/27/2010 268.7 2.13E-02 3.37E-03 3.11E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/4/2010 262.8 2.41 E-02 3.60E-03 3.28E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/11/2010 262.9 2.24E-02 3.49E-03 3.22E-03 Page 2 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: A ir Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity. cubic meters Activity: pCi/pubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sizma Error LLD 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/18/2010 262.2 3.03E-02 3.88E-03 3.17E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/25/2010 272 1.32E-02 2.94E-03 3.25E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/1/2010 265.4 1.98E-02 3.43E-03 3.47E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/8/2010 280.2 1.96E-02 3.27E-03 3.23E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 249.9 1.43E-02 3.34E-03 3.87E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/22/2010 263.4 1.82E-02 3.27E-03 3.27E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/1/2010 267.2 1.91E-02 3.32E-03 3.31 E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/8/2010 260.7 1.31 E-02 3.13E-03 3.63E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/15/2010 269.4 2.11 E-02 3.40E-03 3.25E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/22/2010 269.4 1.65E-02 3.21 E-03 3.41 E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/29/2010 269 1.67E-02 3.15E-03 3.23E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/5/2010 271.2 1.71 E-02 3.16E-03 3.23E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/12/2010 273.2 1.75E-02 3.21 E-03 3.31 E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/19/2010 271.5 2.14E-02 3.45E-03 3.39E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/26/2010 274.2 2.86E-02 3.64E-03 2.88E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/3/2010 273.8 1.95E-02 3.21 E-03 3.OOE-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/10/2010 275.6 1.90E-02 3.27E-03 3.26E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/17/2010 275.3 2.40E-02 3.49E-03 3.13E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/24/2010 277.4 1.11 E-02 2.78E-03 3.21 E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/31/2010 276.9 1.28E-02 2.86E-03 3.14E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/7/2010 276.6 1.41 E-02 2.98E-03 3.25E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/14/2010 263.6 2.16E-02 3.40E-03 3.09E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/21/2010 276.3 1.72E-02 3.13E-03 3.17E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/28/2010 279.6 1.11E-02 2.77E-03 3.21 E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/5/2010 281.2 1.31 E-02 2.87E-03 3.17E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/12/2010 275.1 2.12E-02 3.39E-03 3.27E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/19/2010 240 1.88E-02 3.50E-03 3.53E-03 Page3 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media 7)pe: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity. cubic meters Activity: pCi/ubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD I

201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/26/2010 280.3 2.13E-02 3.33E-03 3.15E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/2/2010 284.5 1.97E-02 3.13E-03 2.86E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/9/2010 287.6 1.81 E-02 3.08E-03 2.99E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/16/2010 287.8 1.40E-02 2.93E-03 3.21 E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/23/2010 281 1.48E-02 2.94E-03 3.05E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/30/2010 286.7 1.81 E-02 3.12E-03 3.1 OE-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/6/2010 291.7 3.79E-02 3.99E-03 2.92E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/13/2010 284.2 2.97E-02 3.65E-03 2.85E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/20/2010 284.1 3.22E-02 3.84E-03 3.1 OE-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/27/2010 287 2.83E-02 3.57E-03 2.88E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/4/2010 276 1.15E-02 2.90E-03 3.43E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/11/2010 283.6 2.84E-02 3.63E-03 3.OOE-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/18/2010 275 3.87E-02 4.15E-03 3.04E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/25/2010 279.2 3.42E-02 3.89E-03 2.88E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/1/2010 280 1.46E-02 3.OOE-03 3.25E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/8/2010 274.5 1.52E-02 3.12E-03 3.39E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/15/2010 270.1 2.23E-02 3.52E-03 3.40E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/22/2010 274.3 3.06E-02 3.82E-03 3.13E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/29/2010 275.3 2.19E-02 3.50E-03 3.46E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/6/2010 266.7 2.96E-02 3.74E-03 2.89E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/13/2010 252.6 2.05E-02 3.56E-03 3.58E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/20/2010 246.8 2.03E-02 3.65E-03 3.75E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/27/2010 241.7 2.65E-02 3.90E-03 3.46E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/4/2010 287.7 2.25E-02 3.31 E-03 2.99E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/11/2010 289.4 2.03E-02 3.17E-03 2.92E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/18/2010 291.8 3.21 E-02 3.71 E-03 2.85E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/25/2010 296 1.41 E-02 2.82E-03 2.99E-03 Page 4 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Particulate Analysis. Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCi/ubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/1/2010 287.4 2.05E-02 3.28E-03 3.20E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/8/2010 299.3 1.56E-02 2.91 E-03 3.03E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 273.5 1.66E-02 3.25E-03 3.54E-03 202 1.0 MI S -SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/22/2010 284.9 1.86E-02 3.12E-03 3.02E-03 202 1.0 MI S -SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/1/2010 283.4 1.62E-02 3.03E-03 3.12E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/8/2010 275.5 1.35E-02 3.03E-03 3.44E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/15/2010 290.9 2.15E-02 3.26E-03 3.01 E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/22/2010 295.3 1.62E-02 2.99E-03 3.11 E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/29/2010 289.7 1.82E-02 3.07E-03 3.OOE-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/5/2010 293.7 1.59E-02 2.93E-03 2.98E-03 202 1.0 MI S -SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/12/2010 293.6 1.91 E-02 3.14E-03 3.08E-03 202 1.0 MI S -SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/19/2010 291.1 2.21E-02 3.33E-03 3.16E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/26/2010 293.4 2.34E-02 3.24E-03 2.69E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/3/2010 289.9 1.64E-02 2.92E-03 2.84E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/10/2010 293.1 1.77E-02 3.06E-03 3.06E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/17/2010 291.5 2.52E-02 3.42E-03 2.95E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/24/2010 294.9 1.12E-02 2.66E-03 3.02E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/31/2010 293.8 1.60E-02 2.92E-03 2.96E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/7/2010 293.3 1.26E-02 2.77E-03 3.06E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/14/2010 298.9 1.70E-02 2.88E-03 2.73E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/21/2010 294.4 1.95E-02 3.12E-03 2.98E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/28/2010 294.8 9.97E-03 2.59E-03 3.05E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/5/2010 294.7 9.64E-03 2.56E-03 3.02E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/12/2010 295.3 2.OOE-02 3.17E-03 3.04E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/19/2010 294.5 2.03E-02 3.13E-03 2.87E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/26/2010 297 1.93E-02 3.10E-03 2.98E-03 202 1.0 MI S -SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/2/2010 282.3 1.70E-02 2.99E-03 2.89E-03 Page 5 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report 7

Media Vpe: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantily: cubic meters Activity: pCi/cubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sizma Error LLD 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/9/2010 285.4 1.54E-02 2.94E-03 3.02E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/16/2010 286.4 1.43E-02 2.96E-03 3.23E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/23/2010 285.7 1.37E-02 2.84E-03 3.OOE-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/30/2010 285.9 1.88E-02 3.17E-03 3.11 E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/6/2010 290.2 4.16E-02 4.16E-03 2.93E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/13/2010 281.9 2.93E-02 3.65E-03 2.88E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/20/2010 282.7 3.95E-02 4.16E-03 3.12E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/27/2010 286 2.85E-02 3.59E-03 2.89E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/4/2010 281.6 1.15E-02 2.86E-03 3.36E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/11/2010 282.1 3.01 E-02 3.72E-03 3.02E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/18/2010 278.9 3.96E-02 4.16E-03 2.99E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/25/2010 281.6 4.11E-02 4.17E-03 2.85E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/1/2010 282 1.48E-02 3.OOE-03 3.23E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/8/2010 279 1.39E-02 3.OOE-03 3.34E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/15/2010 276.7 2.38E-02 3.54E-03 3.32E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/22/2010 277.7 2.82E-02 3.68E-03 3.09E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/29/2010 277.9 2.29E-02 3.53E-03 3.43E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/6/2010 276.3 2.71 E-02 3.54E-03 2.79E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/13/2010 272.3 2.03E-02 3.38E-03 3.32E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/20/2010 271.5 2.45E-02 3.63E-03 3.41 E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/27/2010 272.3 2.43E-02 3.50E-03 3.07E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/4/2010 278.4 2.44E-02 3.48E-03 3.09E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/11/2010 279.8 2.20E-02 3.33E-03 3.02E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/18/2010 279.8 3.50E-02 3.94E-03 2.97E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/25/2010 284.8 1.39E-02 2.89E-03 3.10E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/1/2010 277.6 2.OOE-02 3.33E-03 3.31 E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/8/2010 289.2 1.94E-02 3.19E-03 3.13E-03 Page 6 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type:. Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/15/2010 260.1 1.44E-02 3.24E-03 3.72E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/22/2010 275.1 1.77E-02 3.15E-03 3.13E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/1/2010 277.2 1.70E-02 3.12E-03 3.19E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/8/2010 271.8 1.41 E-02 3.09E-03 3.49E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/15/2010 279.3 1.99E-02 3.26E-03 3.14E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/22/2010 281.3 1.71 E-02 3.14E-03 3.27E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/29/2010 274.3 1.96E-02 3.27E-03 3.17E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/5/2010 282.4 2.02E-02 3.25E-03 3.10E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/12/2010 282.9 2.08E-02 3.31 E-03 3.20E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/19/2010 280.9 2.02E-02 3.32E-03 3.27E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/26/2010 284 2.72E-02 3.50E-03 2.78E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/3/2010 282.8 1.92E-02 3.13E-03 2.91 E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/10/2010 288.6 1.87E-02 3.15E-03 3.11E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/17/2010 287.2 2.09E-02 3.23E-03 3.OOE-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/24/2010 291.5 1.22E-02 2.74E-03 3.06E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/31/2010 290.4 1.57E-02 2.93E-03 2.99E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/7/2010 289.8 1.27E-02 2.80E-03 3.1 OE-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/14/2010 294.3 1.92E-02 3.04E-03 2.77E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/21/2010 289.2 1.77E-02 3.06E-03 3.03E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/28/2010 290.2 1.51 E-02 2.94E-03 3.10E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/5/2010 290.4 9.10E-03 2.56E-03 3.07E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/12/2010 290.9 1.80E-02 3.09E-03 3.09E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/19/2010 291.8 1.82E-02 3.03E-03 2.90E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/26/2010 292.7 1.86E-02 3.09E-03 3.02E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/2/2010 285.5 1.77E-02 3.01 E-03 2.85E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/9/2010 288.1 1.63E-02 2.97E-03 2.99E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/16/2010 287.8 1.19E-02 2.81 E-03 3.21 E-03 Page 7 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCi/ubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/23/2010 288.5 1.27E-02 2.76E-03 2.98E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/30/2010 288.8 1.65E-02 3.02E-03 3.08E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/6/2010 293.4 3.38E-02 3.80E-03 2.90E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/13/2010 286.7 2.53E-02 3.41 E-03 2.83E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/20/2010 286 3.66E-02 4.01 E-03 3.08E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/27/2010 288.8 2.45E-02 3.37E-03 2.87E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/4/2010 280.6 1.11 E-02 2.85E-03 3.37E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/11/2010 283.8 2.99E-02 3.70E-03 3.OOE-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/18/2010 279.8 3.98E-02 4.16E-03 2.99E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/25/2010 283.4 3.75E-02 4.OOE-03 2.83E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/1/2010 282.5 1.52E-02 3.02E-03 3.22E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/8/2010 277.4 1.51 E-02 3.08E-03 3.36E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/15/2010 278.7 2.41 E-02 3.54E-03 3.29E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/22/2010 278.9 3.09E-02 3.79E-03 3.08E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/29/2010 279.3 2.10E-02 3.42E-03 3.41E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/6/2010 275 2.61 E-02 3.50E-03 2.80E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/13/2010 269.5 1.75E-02 3.25E-03 3.35E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/20/2010 268.4 2.07E-02 3.46E-03 3.45E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/27/2010 271.9 2.09E-02 3.32E-03 3.07E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/4/2010 269.4 2.45E-02 3.56E-03 3.20E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/11/2010 268.9 2.18E-02 3.41E-03 3.15E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/18/2010 272.5 3.31 E-02 3.91E-03 3.05E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/25/2010 275 1.30E-02 2.90E-03 3.21 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/1/2010 270.9 1.93E-02 3.35E-03 3.40E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE- SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/8/2010 272.3 1.86E-02 3.28E-03 3.33E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 270.1 1.64E-02 3.27E-03 3.58E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/22/2010 272.1 1.79E-02 3.18E-03 3.17E-03 Page 8 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCikubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/1/2010 272.6 1.54E-02 3.06E-03 3.24E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/8/2010 271.3 1.34E-02 3.05E-03 3.49E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/15/2010 274.4 1.85E-02 3.22E-03 3.19E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/22/2010 275.8 1.30E-02 2.95E-03 3.33E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/29/2010 275.4 1.98E-02 3.27E-03 3.15E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/5/2010 278.4 1.85E-02 3.19E-03 3.15E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/12/2010 277.9 2.11 E-02 3.37E-03 3.26E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/19/2010 277.7 2.27E-02 3.47E-03 3.31 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/26/2010 277.5 2.71 E-02 3.54E-03 2.85E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/3/2010 278.8 1.73E-02 3.05E-03 2.95E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/10/2010 279.9 1.78E-02 3.16E-03 3.21E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 279.2 2.17E-02 3.33E-03 3.08E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/24/2010 282.3 1.14E-02 2.76E-03 3.16E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/31/2010 277.6 1.38E-02 2.91 E-03 3.13E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/7/2010 280.9 1.49E-02 2.99E-03 3.20E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/14/2010 281.7 1.57E-02 2.92E-03 2.89E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/21/2010 283.5 1.93E-02 3.19E-03 3.09E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/28/2010 281.2 1.47E-02 2.98E-03 3.19E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/5/2010 283.2 1.02E-02 2.68E-03 3.15E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/12/2010 279.6 2.09E-02 3.34E-03 3.21 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/19/2010 280.4 1.91 E-02 3.17E-03 3.02E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/26/2010 279.3 2.22E-02 3.39E-03 3.16E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/2/2010 285.5 1.29E-02 2.72E-03 2.85E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/9/2010 286.9 1.96E-02 3.17E-03 3.OOE-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 286.1 1.32E-02 2.89E-03 3.23E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/23/2010 287 1.82E-02 3.09E-03 2.99E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/30/2010 286.9 1.95E-02 3.20E-03 3.10E-03 Page 9 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media 7},pe: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity: cubiic meters Activity: pCi/c:ubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/6/2010 284.8 3.22E-02 3.80E-03 2.99E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/13/2010 300.1 2.45E-02 3.28E-03 2.70E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/20/2010 266.4 3.63E-02 4.18E-03 3.31 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/27/2010 283.3 3.13E-02 3.74E-03 2.92E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/4/2010 278 1.03E-02 2.81 E-03 3.40E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/11/2010 279.1 2.83E-02 3.66E-03 3.05E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 277 4.19E-02 4.27E-03 3.02E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/25/2010 277.3 3.73E-02 4.04E-03 2.90E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/1/2010 277.3 1.45E-02 3.02E-03 3.28E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/8/2010 273.8 1.65E-02 3.20E-03 3.40E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 272.1 2.11 E-02 3.44E-03 3.37E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/22/2010 272.3 2.60E-02 3.62E-03 3.15E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/29/2010 271.5 2.24E-02 3.56E-03 3.51 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/6/2010 265.5 2.65E-02 3.60E-03 2.90E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/13/2010 261.9 1.70E-02 3.28E-03 3.45E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/20/2010 262.7 2.22E-02 3.59E-03 3.52E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/27/2010 261.4 2.37E-02 3.56E-03 3.20E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/4/2010 264 2.34E-02 3.55E-03 3.26E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/11/2010 268.6 1.80E-02 3.19E-03 3.1 5E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/18/2010 270.5 3.35E-02 3.95E-03 3.07E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/25/2010 273.2 1.40E-02 2.98E-03 3.23E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 266.8 2.17E-02 3.51 E-03 3.45E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/8/2010 276.6 1.75E-02 3.19E-03 3.27E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 257.1 1.39E-02 3.24E-03 3.77E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/22/2010 270.6 1.85E-02 3.23E-03 3.18E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 274.1 1.83E-02 3.22E-03 3.22E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/8/2010 268.2 1.27E-02 3.04E-03 3.53E-03 Page 10 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Particulate Analysis. Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pCi/cubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/15/2010 278.1 1.88E-02 3.20E-03 3.15E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/22/2010 277 1.70E-02 3.17E-03 3.32E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/29/2010 272.6 1.73E-02 3.16E-03 3.19E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/5/2010 276.9 1.65E-02 3.09E-03 3.16E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/12/2010 275.8 2.15E-02 3.41 E-03 3.28E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/19/2010 273.7 2.35E-02 3.55E-03 3.36E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/26/2010 278.7 2.75E-02 3.55E-03 2.84E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/3/2010 276.1 1.70E-02 3.05E-03 2.98E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/10/2010 277 1.39E-02 2.96E-03 3.24E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/17/2010 276.7 2.77E-02 3.66E-03 3.11 E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/24/2010 277.3 1.37E-02 2.94E-03 3.21 E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/31/2010 277 1.25E-02 2.83E-03 3.14E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/7/2010 277.8 1.43E-02 2.98E-03 3.23E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/14/2010 280.9 1.71 E-02 3.01 E-03 2.90E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/21/2010 254.6 1.82E-02 3.37E-03 3.44E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/28/2010 295.1 9.54E-03 2.57E-03 3.04E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 715/2010 293 1.21 E-02 2.73E-03 3.04E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/12/2010 293.4 1.97E-02 3.17E-03 3.06E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/19/2010 246.3 1.85E-02 3.42E-03 3.44E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/26/2010 299.3 1.73E-02 2.98E-03 2.95E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/212010 284.2 1.86E-02 3.07E-03 2.87E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/9/2010 288.1 1.35E-02 2.81 E-03 2.99E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/16/2010 289.1 1.51 E-02 2.98E-03 3.20E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/23/2010 287.9 1.46E-02 2.88E-03 2.98E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/30/2010 288.4 1.93E-02 3.18E-03 3.08E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/6/2010 293 3.48E-02 3.85E-03 2.90E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/13/2010 284.3 2.70E-02 3.51 E-03 2.85E-03 9 9 M=

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BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media 7ype. ir Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity: cubic meters Activity: pC//cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Ouantitv Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/20/2010 285.5 3.33E-02 3.87E-03 3.09E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/27/2010 289.1 2.59E-02 3.44E-03 2.86E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 282.1 9.60E-03 2.74E-03 3.35E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/11/2010 283.8 2.78E-02 3.60E-03 3.OOE-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/18/2010 281.7 3.75E-02 4.04E-03 2.96E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/25/2010 284.4 4.22E-02 4.19E-03 2.82E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 283.3 1.74E-02 3.14E-03 3.21 E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/8/2010 278.5 1.53E-02 3.09E-03 3.35E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/15/2010 277.5 2.38E-02 3.53E-03 3.31 E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/22/2010 279.9 2.69E-02 3.60E-03 3.07E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/29/2010 279.5 2.24E-02 3.49E-03 3.41 E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/6/2010 275.5 2.74E-02 3.56E-03 2.79E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/13/2010 269.5 2.16E-02 3.47E-03 3.35E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/20/2010 268.2 2.20E-02 3.53E-03 3.45E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/27/2010 270.8 2.16E-02 3.37E-03 3.09E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 1/4/2010 266.8 2.25E-02 3.48E-03 3.23E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 1/11/2010 266.2 2.26E-02 3.47E-03 3.18E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 1/18/2010 267.7 3.06E-02 3.84E-03 3.10E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 1/25/2010 271 1.59E-02 3.11 E-03 3.26E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 2/1/2010 267.2 2.16E-02 3.51 E-03 3.44E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 2/8/2010 268.8 1.96E-02 3.36E-03 3.37E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 2/15/2010 267.5 1.60E-02 3.27E-03 3.62E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 2/22/2010 268.3 1.96E-02 3.31 E-03 3.21 E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 3/1/2010 269.3 1.86E-02 3.28E-03 3.28E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 3/8/2010 267.3 1.61 E-02 3.25E-03 3.55E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 3/15/2010 269.7 1.82E-02 3.24E-03 3.25E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 3/22/2010 270.4 1.68E-02 3.22E-03 3.40E-03 Page 12 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Particulate Analysis: Beta Quantity. cubi c meters Activity: pCiicubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantitv Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 3/29/2010 271.1 2.16E-02 3.40E-03 3.20E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 4/5/2010 272.8 2.07E-02 3.35E-03 3.21 E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 4/12/2010 272.9 1.94E-02 3.32E-03 3.32E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 4/19/2010 272.6 2.53E-02 3.65E-03 3.37E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 4/26/2010 272.5 2.86E-02 3.66E-03 2.90E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 5/3/2010 274 1.96E-02 3.21E-03 3.OOE-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 5/10/2010 274.4 2.OOE-02 3.33E-03 3.27E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 5/17/2010 274.3 2.71 E-02 3.65E-03 3.14E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 5/24/2010 276.5 1.22E-02 2.86E-03 3.22E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 5/31/2010 272.7 1.63E-02 3.1OE-03 3.19E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 6/7/2010 276.3 1.45E-02 3.01 E-03 3.25E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 6/14/2010 276 1.89E-02 3.15E-03 2.95E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 6/21/2010 277.2 1.87E-02 3.21 E-03 3.16E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 6/28/2010 276.1 1.37E-02 2.96E-03 3.25E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 7/5/2010 277.7 1.50E-02 3.01 E-03 3.21 E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 7/12/2010 273.5 2.15E-02 3.42E-03 3.28E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 7/19/2010 275.9 1.84E-02 3.16E-03 3.07E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 7/26/2010 277.2 1.91E-02 3.24E-03 3.19E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 8/2/2010 286 1.89E-02 3.08E-03 2.85E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 8/9/2010 287 1.86E-02 3.11E-03 3.OOE-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 8/16/2010 286.4 1.68E-02 3.10E-03 3.23E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 8/23/2010 288.3 1.61 E-02 2.96E-03 2.98E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 8/30/2010 289.5 2.19E-02 3.30E-03 3.07E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 9/6/2010 288.8 3.44E-02 3.86E-03 2.95E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 9/13/2010 289.8 3.17E-02 3.69E-03 2.80E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 9/20/2010 288.8 3.57E-02 3.95E-03 3.05E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 9/27/2010 287.7 3.22E-02 3.75E-03 2.88E-03 Page 13 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: AAir Particulate Analysis.: Beta Quantity: cubi c mteters A ctivity: pCiicuhic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 10/4/2010 285.9 1.06E-02 2.77E-03 3.31 E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 10/11/2010 286.3 2.87E-02 3.62E-03 2.97E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 10/18/2010 281.1 3.73E-02 4.04E-03 2.97E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 10/25/2010 285.9 4.16E-02 4.15E-03 2.81 E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 11/1/2010 286.4 1.68E-02 3.08E-03 3.18E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 11/8/2010 283.1 1.73E-02 3.16E-03 3.29E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 11/15/2010 281.6 2.40E-02 3.51 E-03 3.26E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 11/22/2010 283.6 3.08E-02 3.75E-03 3.03E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 11/29/2010 283.5 2.22E-02 3.45E-03 3.36E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 12/6/2010 277.1 3.21 E-02 3.77E-03 2.78E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 12/13/2010 274.9 1.85E-02 3.26E-03 3.29E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 12/20/2010 276.2 2.64E-02 3.68E-03 3.35E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX 12/27/2010 275.5 2.35E-02 3.43E-03 3.03E-03 Page 14 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantit*: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity.. pCi/cubic meter Sample Poiint Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 1/4/2010 260.8 <LLD 2.55E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 1/11/2010 285.9 <LLD 2.14E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 1/18/2010 272.4 <LLD 1.30E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 1/25/2010 283.9 <LLD 2.38E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/1/2010 278.9 <LLD 2.59E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/8/2010 290.1 <LLD 2.56E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 268.1 <LLD 2.49E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/22/2010 268.1 <LLD 2.60E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/1/2010 280.7 <LLD 2.12E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/8/2010 273.6 <LLD 2.61 E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/15/2010 283.3 <LLD 2.54E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/22/2010 283.4 <LLD 1.96E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 3/29/2010 281.7 <LLD 1.89E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 4/5/2010 284.4 <LLD 1.69E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 4/12/2010 284.7 <LLD 2.37E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 4/19/2010 283.4 <LLD 2.35E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 4/26/2010 286.3 <LLD 2.36E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/3/2010 284.1 <LLD 1.94E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/10/2010 285.1 <LLD 2.07E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/17/2010 285.0 <LLD 1.98E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/24/2010 287.5 <LLD 1.63E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/31/2010 286.3 <LLD 2.56E-02 Page 1 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantity: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 6/7/2010 285.8 <LLD 2.22E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 6/14/2010 290.6 <LLD 2.27E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 6/21/2010 285.7 <LLD 2.07E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 6/28/2010 287.2 <LLD 1.62E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/5/2010 289.4 <LLD 1.86E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/12/2010 285.8 <LLD 2.25E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/19/2010 287.6 <LLD 1.75E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 7/26/2010 291.5 <LLD 1.85E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/2/2010 284.1 <LLD 2.24E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/9/2010 286.5 <LLD 2.18E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/16/2010 287.3 <LLD 2.55E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/23/2010 287.0 <LLD 2.27E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/30/2010 287.0 <LLD 2.42E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/6/2010 291.1 <LLD 2.34E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/13/2010 283.8 <LLD 2.23E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/20/2010 283.8 <LLD 2.53E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 9/27/2010 286.8 <LLD 2.81 E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/4/2010 279.5 <LLD 2.28E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/11/2010 284.1 <LLD 2.23E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/18/2010 277.5 <LLD 2.15E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 10/25/2010 281.4 <LLD 2.24E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/1/2010 281.0 <LLD 2.OOE-02 Page2 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantitv: cubic meters Analvsis: Iodine Activity.: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/8/2010 278.0 <LLD 2.39E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/15/2010 276.4 <LLD 1.91 E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/22/2010 277.4 <LLD 1.94E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/29/2010 276.9 <LLD 2.01 E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/6/2010 274.5 <LLD 2.19E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/13/2010 269.6 <LLD 2.06E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/20/2010 267.5 <LLD 2.29E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 12/27/2010 268.7 <LLD 2.95E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 11412010 262.8 <LLD 2.05E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/11/2010 262.9 <LLD 2.21 E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/18/2010 262.2 <LLD 2.18E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 1/25/2010 272.0 <LLD 1.82E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/1/2010 265.4 <LLD 2.22E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/8/2010 280.2 <LLD 1.68E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 249.9 <LLD 2.16E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/22/2010 263.4 <LLD 1.70E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/1/2010 267.2 <LLD 2.02E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/8/2010 260.7 <LLD 1.76E-02 201 C'.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/15/2010 269.4 <LLD 2.10E-02 201 C1.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/22/2010 269.4 <LLD 1.69E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 3/29/2010 269.0 <LLD 1.32E-02 201 C.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/5/2010 271.2 <LLD 1.91 E-02 Page 3 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantitvy cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/1212010 273.2 <LLD 1.94E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/19/2010 271.5 <LLD 1.95E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 4/26/2010 274.2 <LLD 1.81 E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/3/2010 273.8 <LLD 1.83E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/10/2010 275.6 <LLD 2.08E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/17/2010 275.3 <LLD 2.64E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/24/2010 277.4 <LLD 2.24E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/31/2010 276.9 <LLD 2.24E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/7/2010 276.6 <LLD 1.91 E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/14/2010 263.6 <LLD 2.02E-02 201 0.5 Mi NE - PMAC 6/21/2010 276.3 <LLD 2.18E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 6/28/2010 279.6 <LLD 1.59E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/5/2010 281.2 <LLD 1.64E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/12/2010 275.1 <LLD 2.07E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/19/2010 240.0 <LLD 2.18E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 7/26/2010 280.3 <LLD 1.93E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/2/2010 284.5 <LLD 2.32E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/9/2010 287.6 <LLD 1.85E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/16/2010 287.8 <LLD 1.66E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/23/2010 281.0 <LLD 1.90E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/30/2010 286.7 <LLD 1.88E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/6/2010 291.7 <LLD 2.18E-02 Page4 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report M'edia Type: Air Cartridge Quantit*: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD Sample 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/13/2010 284.2 <LLD 2.23E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/20/2010 284.1 <LLD 1.80E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 9/27/2010 287.0 <LLD 2.08E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/4/2010 276.0 <LLD 2.19E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/11/2010 283.6 <LLD 2.68E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/18/2010 275.0 <LLD 2.31 E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 10/25/2010 279.2 <LLD 2.32E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/1/2010 280.0 <LLD 1.51 E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/8/2010 274.5 <LLD 2.22E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/15/2010 270.1 <LLD 1.78E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/22/2010 274.3 <LLD 2.23E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/29/2010 275.3 <LLD 2.48E-02 201 0.5 M1 NE - PMAC 12/6/2010 266.7 <LLD 2.56E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/13/2010 252.6 <LLD 1.76E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/20/2010 246.8 <LLD 2.98E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 12/27/2010 241.7 <LLD 2.01 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/4/2010 287.7 <LLD 1.80E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/11/2010 289.4 <LLD 1.53E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/18/2010 291.8 <LLD 2.01 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 1/25/2010 296.0 <LLD 1.57E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/1/2010 287.4 <LLD 1.74E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/8/2010 299.3 <LLD 1.79E-02 Page 5 of 17 Date

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type." Air Cartridge Quantitv: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 273.5 <LLD 1.60E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/22/2010 284.9 <LLD 1.76E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/1/2010 283.4 <LLD 2.29E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/8/2010 275.5 <LLD 1.81 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/15/2010 290.9 <LLD 1.67E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/22/2010 295.3 <LLD 1.89E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 3/29/2010 289.7 <LLD 2.17E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/5/2010 293.7 <LLD 1.86E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/12/2010 293.6 <LLD 1.64E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/19/2010 291.1 <LLD 1.53E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 4/26/2010 293.4 <LLD 1.65E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 513/2010 289.9 <LLD 1.70E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/10/2010 293.1 <LLD 2.10E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/17/2010 291.5 <LLD 1.46E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/24/2010 294.9 <LLD 2.18E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/31/2010 293.8 <LLD 1.87E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/7/2010 293.3 <LLD 1.44E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/14/2010 298.9 <LLD 1.99E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/21/2010 294.4 <LLD 1.44E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 6/28/2010 294.8 <LLD 1.65E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/5/2010 294.7 <LLD 1.88E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/12/2010 295.3 <LLD 2.07E-02 Page6 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantity: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/19/2010 294.5 <LLD 1.74E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 7/2612010 297.0 <LLD 2.34E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/2/2010 282.3 <LLD 1.89E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/9/2010 285.4 <LLD 2.71 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/16/2010 286.4 <LLD 2.06E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/23/2010 285.7 <LLD 1.70E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/30/2010 285.9 <LLD 2.33E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/6/2010 290.2 <LLD 1.67E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/13/2010 281.9 <LLD 1.87E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/20/2010 282.7 <LLD 1.85E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 9/27/2010 286.0 <LLD 2.12E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/4/2010 281.6 <LLD 1.89E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/11/2010 282.1 <LLD 1.80E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/18/2010 278.9 <LLD 1.18E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 10/25/2010 281.6 <LLD 1.91 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/1/2010 282.0 <LLD 2.18E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/8/2010 279.0 <LLD 1.72E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/15/2010 276.7 <LLD 2.01 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/22/2010 277.7 <LLD 1.44E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/29/2010 277.9 <LLD 2.25E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/6/2010 276.3 <LLD 1.87E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/13/2010 272.3 <LLD 1.86E-02 Page 7of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media 7Tpe: Air Cartridge Quantit*.: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/20/2010 271.5 <LLD 1.31 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 12/27/2010 272.3 <LLD 2.51 E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/4/2010 278.4 <LLD 2.32E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/11/2010 279.8 <LLD 2.27E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/18/2010 279.8 <LLD 2.36E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 1/25/2010 284.8 <LLD 2.16E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/1/2010 277.6 <LLD 1.67E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/8/2010 289.2 <LLD 2.66E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/15/2010 260.1 <LLD 2.62E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/22/2010 275.1 <LLD 2.28E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/1/2010 277.2 <LLD 2.43E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/8/2010 271.8 <LLD 2.13E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/15/2010 279.3 <LLD 2.44E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/22/2010 281.3 <LLD 2.07E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 3/29/2010 274.3 <LLD 2.85E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/5/2010 282.4 <LLD 1.65E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/12/2010 282.9 <LLD 2.21 E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/19/2010 280.9 <LLD 2.15E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 4/26/2010 284.0 <LLD 1.87E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/3/2010 282.8 <LLD 2.46E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/10/2010 288.6 <LLD 2.48E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/17/2010 287.2 <LLD 2.33E-02 Page 8 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Mfedia Type: Air Cartridge Quantity. cubic meters Analysis. Iodine Activity: pCiicubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/24/2010 291.5 <LLD 2.29E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/31/2010 290.4 <LLD 2.50E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/7/2010 289.8 <LLD 2.OOE-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/14/2010 294.3 <LLD 2.35E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/21/2010 289.2 <LLD 1.79E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 6/28/2010 290.2 <LLD 1.14E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/5/2010 290.4 <LLD 1.88E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/12/2010 290.9 <LLD 2.02E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/19/2010 291.8 <LLD 1.92E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 7/26/2010 292.7 <LLD 1.85E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/2/2010 285.5 <LLD 1.63E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/9/2010 288.1 <LLD 1.92E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/16/2010 287.8 <LLD 1.68E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/23/2010 288.5 <LLD 1.77E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/30/2010 288.8 <LLD 1.72E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/6/2010 293.4 <LLD 2.44E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/13/2010 286.7 <LLD 2.25E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/20/2010 286.0 <LLD 2.OOE-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 9/27/2010 288.8 <LLD 2.59E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/4/2010 280.6 <LLD 1.92E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/11/2010 283.8 <LLD 2.OOE-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/18/2010 279.8 <LLD 1.95E-02 2==-T Page Y of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantit*: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCiicubic meter Sample Po int Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 10/25/2010 283.4 <LLD 2.19E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/1/2010 282.5 <LLD 2.67E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/8/2010 277.4 <LLD 1.96E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/15/2010 278.7 <LLD 2.06E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/22/2010 278.9 <LLD 2.12E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/29/2010 279.3 <LLD 2.61 E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/6/2010 275.0 <LLD 2.66E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/13/2010 269.5 <LLD 2.93E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/20/2010 268.4 <LLD 2.33E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 12/27/2010 271.9 <LLD 2.09E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/4/2010 269.4 <LLD 1.84E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/11/2010 268.9 <LLD 2.52E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/18/2010 272.5 <LLD 1.85E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 1/25/2010 275.0 <LLD 1.98E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/1/2010 270.9 <LLD 1.49E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 218/2010 272.3 <LLD 2.42E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 270.1 <LLD 2.93E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/22/2010 272.1 <LLD 2.77E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/1/2010 272.6 <LLD 1.79E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/8/2010 271.3 <LLD 1.76E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/15/2010 274.4 <LLD 2.45E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/22/2010 275.8 <LLD 1.57E-02 Page 10 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantity: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 3/29/2010 275.4 <LLD 1.94E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/5/2010 278.4 <LLD 2.44E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/12/2010 277.9 <LLD 2.64E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 4/1912010 277.7 <LLD 1.88E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 412612010 277.5 <LLD 2.65E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/3/2010 278.8 <LLD 2.37E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/10/2010 279.9 <LLD 1.82E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 279.2 <LLD 2.13E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/24/2010 282.3 <LLD 2.11 E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/31/2010 277.6 <LLD 2.08E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/7/2010 280.9 <LLD 2.45E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/14/2010 281.7 <LLD 2.05E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/21/2010 283.5 <LLD 2.06E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 6/28/2010 281.2 <LLD 1.99E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/5/2010 283.2 <LLD 2.49E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/12/2010 279.6 <LLD 2.OOE-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/19/2010 280.4 <LLD 1.93E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 7/26/2010 279.3 <LLD 2.42E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/2/2010 285.5 <LLD 2.38E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/9/2010 286.9 <LLD 2.38E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 286.1 <LLD 2.21 E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/23/2010 287.0 <LLD 2.24E-02 Page 11 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report M'ledia Type: Air Cartridge Quantitv: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity.: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/30/2010 286.9 <LLD 2.03E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/6/2010 284.8 <LLD 2.56E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/13/2010 300.1 <LLD 2.19E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/20/2010 266.4 <LLD 2.56E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 9/27/2010 283.3 <LLD 1.63E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/4/2010 278.0 <LLD 2.33E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/11/2010 279.1 <LLD 2.12E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 277.0 <LLD 1.92E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 10/25/2010 277.3 <LLD 1.48E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/1/2010 277.3 <LLD 1.84E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/8/2010 273.8 <LLD 2.43E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 272.1 <LLD 1.71 E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/22/2010 272.3 <LLD 2.82E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/29/2010 271.5 <LLD 2.23E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/6/2010 265.5 <LLD 2.14E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/13/2010 261.9 <LLD 1.62E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/20/2010 262.7 <LLD 2.66E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 12/27/2010 261.4 <LLD 3.08E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/4/2010 264.0 <LLD 1.83E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/11/2010 268.6 <LLD 2.02E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/18/2010 270.5 <LLD 2.63E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/25/2010 273.2 <LLD 1.21E-02 Page 12 ofJ 7

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantit*: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quanti I Activity LLD 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 266.8 <LLD 1.95E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/8/2010 276.6 <LLD 1.84E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 257.1 <LLD 2.83E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/22/2010 270.6 <LLD 1.84E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 274.1 <LLD 2.64E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/8/2010 268.2 <LLD 1.40E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/15/2010 278.1 <LLD 2.19E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/2212010 277.0 <LLD 2.39E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/29/2010 272.6 <LLD 1.72E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/5/2010 276.9 <LLD 1.29E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/12/2010 275.8 <LLD 1.38E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/19/2010 273.7 <LLD 1.82E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/26/2010 278.7 <LLD 1.83E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/3/2010 276.1 <LLD 1.76E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/10/2010 277.0 <LLD 2.14E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/17/2010 276.7 <LLD 2.38E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/24/2010 277.3 <LLD 2.54E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/31/2010 277.0 <LLD 2.66E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/7/2010 277.8 <LLD 1.87E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/14/2010 280.9 <LLD 2.43E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/21/2010 254.6 <LLD 1.67E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/28/2010 295.1 <LLD 2.45E-02 Page 13 of J17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantir.: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activitiy LLD 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/5/2010 293.0 <LLD 1.85E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/12/2010 293.4 <LLD 2.05E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/19/2010 246.3 <LLD 2.83E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/26/2010 299.3 <LLD 1.44E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 812/2010 284.2 <LLD 2.14E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/9/2010 288.1 <LLD 1.61 E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/16/2010 289.1 <LLD 1.82E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/23/2010 287.9 <LLD 1.74E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/30/2010 288.4 <LLD 1.73E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/6/2010 293.0 <LLD 1.71 E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/13/2010 284.3 <LLD 2.35E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/20/2010 285.5 <LLD 2.56E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/27/2010 289.1 <LLD 2.18E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 282.1 <LLD 2.19E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/11/2010 283.8 <LLD 1.95E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/18/2010 281.7 <LLD 1.59E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/25/2010 284.4 <LLD 2.30E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 283.3 <LLD 1.78E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/8/2010 278.5 <LLD 1.90E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/15/2010 277.5 <LLD 2.09E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/22/2010 279.9 <LLD 1.66E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/29/2010 279.5 <LLD 2.15E-02 Page 14 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantit*: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/6/2010 275.5 <LLD 1.75E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/13/2010 269.5 <LLD 2.41 E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/20/2010 268.2 <LLD 2.13E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/27/2010 270.8 <LLD 2.17E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 1/4/2010 266.8 <LLD 2.14E-02 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 1/11/2010 266.2 <LLD 1.82E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 1/18/2010 267.7 <LLD 2.06E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 1/25/2010 271.0 <LLD 2.40E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/1/2010 267.2 <LLD 1.68E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/8/2010 268.8 <LLD 1.66E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 267.5 <LLD 2.05E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/22/2010 268.3 <LLD 1.59E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 3/1/2010 269.3 <LLD 2.19E-02 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 3/8/2010 267.3 <LLD 2.OOE-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 3/15/2010 269.7 <LLD 1.74E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 3/22/2010 270.4 <LLD 2.16E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 3/29/2010 271.1 <LLD 2.20E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 4/5/2010 272.8 <LLD 1.92E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 4/12/2010 272.9 <LLD 1.30E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 4/19/2010 272.6 <LLD 1.64E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 4/26/2010 272.5 <LLD 2.22E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/3/2010 274.0 <LLD 1.63E-02 Page 15jof 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Air Cartridge Quantity: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Datte Quantity Activity LLD 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/10/2010 274.4 <LLD 2.40E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 274.3 <LLD 1.70E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5124/2010 276.5 <LLD 1.37E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/31/2010 272.7 <LLD 2.41 E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 6/7/2010 276.3 <LLD 1.68E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 6/14/2010 276.0 <LLD 2.66E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 6/21/2010 277.2 <LLD 2.30E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 6/28/2010 276.1 <LLD 1.95E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 7/5/2010 277.7 <LLD 2.1 OE-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 7/12/2010 273.5 <LLD 2.59E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 7/19/2010 275.9 <LLD 1.71E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 7/26/2010 277.2 <LLD 2.03E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/2/2010 286.0 <LLD 1.83E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/9/2010 287.0 <LLD 2.35E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 286.4 <LLD 1.95E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/23/2010 288.3 <LLD 1.63E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/30/2010 289.5 <LLD 2.42E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 9/6/2010 288.8 <LLD 1.34E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 9/13/2010 289.8 <LLD 2.08E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 9/20/2010 288.8 <LLD 1.93E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 9/27/2010 287.7 <LLD 2.57E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 10/4/2010 285.9 <LLD 2.19E-02 Page 16 of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report M'fedia Type: Air Cartridge Quantity: cubic meters Analysis: Iodine Activity: pCiicubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 10/11/2010 286.3 <LLD 2.15E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 281.1 <LLD 1.43E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 10/25/2010 285.9 <LLD 1.98E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/1/2010 286.4 <LLD 2.04E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/8/2010 283.1 <LLD 1.70E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 281.6 <LLD 2.31 E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/22/2010 283.6 <LLD 2.32E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/29/2010 283.5 <LLD 1.54E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 12/6/2010 277.1 <LLD 2.14E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 12/13/2010 274.9 <LLD 2.05E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 12/20/2010 276.2 <LLD 2.11 E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 12/27/2010 275.5 <LLD 2.27E-02 F 9 rm Page 17of 17

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Fish and Invertebrate Quantity: Grams Analysis: Tritiumn Concentration (Activity): pCi/Gram Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Efficiency Activity LLD 706 NANCY'S CREEK - FREE SWIMMERS 9/17/2010 1000 <LLD 7.94E-02 707 NANCY'S CREEK - BOTTOM FEEDERS 9/17/2010 1000 <LLD 1.04E-01 708 NANCY'S CREEK - SH/BO* 9/17/2010 1000 <LLD 9.75E-02

  • Shellfish/Benthic Organisms P-a-ge 1],ofI

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritium Concentration (Activit)): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 1/12/2010 1 2.80E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 2/4/2010 1 2.10E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 3/11/2010 1 1.55E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 4/6/2010 1 1.OOE+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 5/6/2010 1 1.65E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 6/8/2010 1 1.16E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 7/12/2010 1 1.28E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 8/9/2010 1 1.47E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 9/22/2010 1 1.03E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 10/27/2010 1 5.34E+04 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 11/10/2010 1 1.11E+05 402 WELL ESS-2C, 0.17 MILES W 12/13/2010 1 7.48E+04 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 1/12/2010 1 3.25E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 2/8/2010 1 2.90E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 3/11/2010 1 2.07E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 4/6/2010 1 1.34E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 5/6/2010 1 1.15E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 6/8/2010 1 1.05E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 7/12/2010 1 1.42E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 8/9/2010 1 8.55E+02 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 9/22/2010 1 1.43E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 10/27/2010 1 1.14E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 11/10/2010 1 1.26E+03 403 WELL ESS-16, 0.16 MILES W 12/14/2010 1 1.21E+03 Page 1 of II

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis.: Tritiwn Concentration (Activityv): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 404 WELL ESS-1B, 0.16 MILES SW 1/11/2010 <LLD 2.45E+02 404 WELL ESS-1B, 0.16 MILES SW 2/1/2010 <LLD 2.41 E+02 404 WELL ESS-IB, 0.16 MILES SW 5/4/2010 <LLD 2.34E+02 404 WELL ESS-1B, 0.16 MILES SW 7/8/2010 <LLD 2.45E+02 404 WELL ESS-IB, 0.16 MILES SW 10/14/2010 <LLD 2.15E+02 404 WELL ESS-IB, 0.16 MILES SW 12/10/2010 <LLD 2.23E+02 405 WELL ESS-2B, 0.17 MILES W 1/12/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 405 WELL ESS-2B, 0.17 MILES W 2/4/2010 <LLD 2.39E+02 405 WELL ESS-2B, 0.17 MILES W 5/6/2010 <LLD 2.31 E+02 405 WELL ESS-2B, 0.17 MILES W 7/8/2010 <LLD 2.46E+02 405 WELL ESS-2B, 0.17 MILES W 10/14/2010 <LLD 2.22E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 1/5/2010 2.80E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 2/1/2010 2.44E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 3/3/2010 3.47E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 4/2/2010 <LLD 2.47E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 5/3/2010 <LLD 2.23E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 6/7/2010 <LLD 2.17E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 7/7/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 406 WELL ESS-3B, 0.08 MILES N 10/14/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 407 WELL ESS-1 3B, 0.06 MILES ENE 1/7/2010 3.08E+02 407 WELL ESS-1 3B, 0.06 MILES ENE 2/1/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 407 WELL ESS-1 3B, 0.06 MILES ENE 4/26/2010 <LLD 2.30E+02 407 WELL ESS-13B, 0.06 MILES ENE 7/20/2010 <LLD 2.32E+02 407 WELL ESS-13B, 0.06 MILES ENE 10/18/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 Page 2 of I1

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantit,: Liters Analysis: Tritizan Concentration (Activity).: pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Ouantit)v Activity LLD 407 WELL ESS-13B, 0.06 MILES ENE 12/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.31 E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 1/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.28E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 2/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 3/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 4/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.50E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 4/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.53E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 6/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.14E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 7/20/2010 1 <LLD 2.55E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 10/18/2010 1 <LLD 2.41 E+02 408 WELL ESS-13C, 0.06 MILES ENE 12/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 409 WELL ESS-17A, 0.65 MILES NE 1/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 409 WELL ESS-17A, 0.65 MILES NE 2/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 409 WELL ESS-17A, 0.65 MILES NE 6/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 409 WELL ESS-17A, 0.65 MILES NE 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 409 WELL ESS-17A, 0.65 MILES NE 12/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 410 WELL ESS-17B, 0.65 MILES NE 115/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 410 WELL ESS-17B, 0.65 MILES NE 2/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.41E+02 410 WELL ESS-17B, 0.65 MILES NE 6/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 410 WELL ESS-17B, 0.65 MILES NE 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.41E+02 410 WELL ESS-17B, 0.65 MILES NE 12/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 411 WELL ESS-17C, 0.65 MILES NE 1/5/2010 1 5.75E+03 411 WELL ESS-17C, 0.65 MILES NE 2/23/2010 1 6.14E+03 411 WELL ESS-17C, 0.65 MILES NE 6/2/2010 1 5.83E+03 411 WELL ESS-17C, 0.65 MILES NE 8/30/2010 1 7.95E+03 Page 3 of I

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritiun Concentration (Activitv): pCi!Liter Sample Point Sample Date Ouantitv A ctivity LLD A ctivitv LLD 411 WELL ESS-17C, 0.65 MILES NE 9/13/2010 6.04E+03 411 WELL ESS-17C, 0.65 MILES NE 12/2/2010 9.66E+03 412 WELL ESS-18B, NEAR (SDSP) STORM DRAIN STABILIZAT 1/7/2010 <LLD 2.30E+02 412 WELL ESS-18B, NEAR (SDSP) STORM DRAIN STABILIZAT 3/10/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 412 WELL ESS-18B, NEAR (SDSP) STORM DRAIN STABILIZAT 6/9/2010 <LLD 2.86E+02 412 WELL ESS-18B, NEAR (SDSP) STORM DRAIN STABILIZAT 9/16/2010 <LLD 2.06E+02 412 WELL ESS-18B, NEAR (SDSP) STORM DRAIN STABILIZAT 12/6/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 1/7/2010 3.63E+05 413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 3/10/2010 3.59E+05 413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 6/9/2010 3.23E+05 413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 8/16/2010 3.20E+05 413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 3.49E+05 413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 10/25/2010 1 3.15E+05 1

413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 11/4/2010 2.87E+05 1

413 WELL ESS-18C, NEAR SDSP 12/6/2010 2.67E+05 1

414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 1/4/2010 6.OOE+04 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 2/4/2010 4.20E+04 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 3/3/2010 1 1.77E+04 1

414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 4/12/2010 1.06E+04 1

414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 4/27/2010 8.OOE+03 1

414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 5/7/2010 7.16E+03 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 6/3/2010 9.67E+03 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 7/8/2010 1 4.13E+03 1

414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 8/3/2010 3.96E+03 Page 4 of II

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis.: Tritium Concentration (Activiot): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 1 4.95E+03 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 10/25/2010 1 1.01E+04 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 11/8/2010 1 1.79E+04 414 WELL ESS-19B, NEAR SDSP 12/9/2010 1 5.75E+03 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 1/4/2010 1 5.14E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 2/4/2010 1 5.99E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 3/3/2010 1 6.18E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 4/12/2010 1 6.14E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 4/27/2010 1 6.11E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 5/7/2010 1 6.07E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 6/3/2010 1 6.21 E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 7/8/2010 1 5.88E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 8/3/2010 1 5.78E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 1 5.44E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 10/25/2010 1 5.43E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 11/8/2010 1 4.70E+05 415 WELL ESS-19C, NEAR SDSP 12/9/2010 1 4.52E+05 416 WELL ESS-20B, NEAR SDSP 1/4/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 416 WELL ESS-20B, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.53E+02 416 WELL ESS-20B, NEAR SDSP 6/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.77E+02 416 WELL ESS-20B, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.20E+02 416 WELL ESS-20B, NEAR SDSP 12/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.35E+02 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 1/4/2010 1 2.32E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 3/4/2010 1 2.50E+04 Page 5 j"II

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantit,: Liters Analysis: Tritiurn Concentration (Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 2.12E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 6/3/2010 2.22E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 8/16/2010 2.19E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 2.26E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 10/26/2010 2.05E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 11/8/2010 2.50E+04 417 WELL ESS-20C, NEAR SDSP 12/9/2010 2.61 E+04 418 WELL ESS-21B, NEAR SDSP 1/8/2010 <LLD 2.20E+02 418 WELL ESS-21B, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 <LLD 2.54E+02 418 WELL ESS-21B, NEAR SDSP 7/1/2010 <LLD 2.34E+02 418 WELL ESS-21B, NEAR SDSP 10/13/2010 <LLD 2.19E+02 419 WELL ESS-21C, NEAR SDSP 1/8/2010 3.56E+02 419 WELL ESS-21C, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 3.13E+02 419 WELL ESS-21C, NEAR SDSP 7/1/2010 <LLD 2.47E+02 419 WELL ESS-21C, NEAR SDSP 10/13/2010 2.77E+02 420 WELL ESS-22B, NEAR SDSP 1/5/2010 5.59E+02 420 WELL ESS-22B, NEAR SDSP 1/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 1 2.30E+02 420 WELL ESS-22B, NEAR SDSP 4/2/2010 <LLD 1

420 WELL ESS-22B, NEAR SDSP 7/1/2010 4.29E+02 1

420 WELL ESS-22B, NEAR SDSP 10/14/2010 7.34E+02 1

421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 1/5/2010 4.93E+05 1

421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 4/2/2010 4.15E+05 1

421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 7/6/2010 7.86E+05 421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 8/16/2010 8.26E+05 Page 6 at 11

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritium Concentration (4ctivity).: pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 9/20/2010 1 2.21 E+05 421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 10/14/2010 1 1.91E+05 421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 11/4/2010 1 1.94E+05 421 WELL ESS-22C, NEAR SDSP 12/8/2010 1 1.71 E+05 422 WELL ESS-23C, NEAR SDSP 1/7/2010 1 1.90E+05 422 WELL ESS-23C, NEAR SDSP 3/5/2010 1 1.05E+05 422 WELL ESS-23C, NEAR SDSP 6/4/2010 1 1.17E+05 422 WELL ESS-23C, NEAR SDSP 9/14/2010 1 1.92E+05 422 WELL ESS-23C, NEAR SDSP 12/2/2010 1 1.41 E+05 423 WELL ESS-24A, NEAR SDSP 1/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.43E+02 423 WELL ESS-24A, NEAR SDSP 1/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 423 WELL ESS-24A, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 423 WELL ESS-24A, NEAR SDSP 7/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 423 WELL ESS-24A, NEAR SDSP 10/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 424 WELL ESS-24B, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.45E+02 424 WELL ESS-24B, NEAR SDSP 4/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 424 WELL ESS-24B, NEAR SDSP 7/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.46E+02 424 WELL ESS-24B, NEAR SDSP 10/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 425 WELL ESS-24C, NEAR SDSP 1/5/2010 1 6.16E+03 425 WELL ESS-24C, NEAR SDSP 4/1/2010 1 6.56E+03 425 WELL ESS-24C, NEAR SDSP 7/1/2010 1 6.17E+03 425 WELL ESS-24C, NEAR SDSP 10/13/2010 1 6.89E+03 426 WELL ESS-25B, NEAR SDSP 1/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 426 WELL ESS-25B, NEAR SDSP 3/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 Page 7 f'11

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritiun Concentration(Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantit, Activity LLD 426 WELL ESS-25B, NEAR SDSP 6/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.31EE+02 426 WELL ESS-25B, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.23E+02 426 WELL ESS-25B, NEAR SDSP 12/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.31EE+02 427 WELL ESS-25C, NEAR SDSP 1/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 427 WELL ESS-25C, NEAR SDSP 3/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.52E+02 427 WELL ESS-25C, NEAR SDSP 6/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.47E+02 427 WELL ESS-25C, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 427 WELL ESS-25C, NEAR SDSP 12/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 1/8/2010 1 1.14E+05 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 3/5/2010 1 7.31 E+04 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 6/2/2010 1 1.70E+05 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 8/16/2010 1 2.42E+05 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 9/16/2010 1 2.97E+05 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 10/25/2010 1 1.81 E+05 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 11/4/2010 1 1.57E+05 428 WELL ESS-26C, NEAR SDSP 12/6/2010 1 1.96E+05 429 WELL ESS-27A, NEAR SDSP 1/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 429 WELL ESS-27A, NEAR SDSP 2/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 429 WELL ESS-27A, NEAR SDSP 6/4/2010 1 <LLD 2.23E+02 429 WELL ESS-27A, NEAR SDSP 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.43E+02 429 WELL ESS-27A, NEAR SDSP 12/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.31E+02 430 WELL ESS-27C, NEAR SDSP 1/7/2010 1 2.72E+05 430 WELL ESS-27C, NEAR SDSP 3/5/2010 1 2.72E+05 430 WELL ESS-27C, NEAR SDSP 6/4/2010 1 2.81 E+05 Page 8 of 11

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantit,: Liters Analysis: Tritiwn Concentration (Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activitv LLD 430 WELL ESS-27C, NEAR SDSP 9/14/2010 2.92E+05 430 WELL ESS-27C, NEAR SDSP 12/6/2010 2.76E+05 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 1/8/2010 4.43E+03 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 4/2/2010 2.28E+03 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 7/6/2010 3.06E+03 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 8/16/2010 8.78E+04 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 9/20/2010 7.27E+04 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 10/25/2010 2.25E+04 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 11/4/2010 2.93E+03 431 WELL ESS-30C, NEAR SDSP 12/8/2010 5.61 E+03 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 1/7/2010 <LLD 2.39E+02 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 7/6/2010 6.95E+02 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 8/16/2010 2.87E+03 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 9/20/2010 1.67E+03 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 10/21/2010 4.37E+02 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 11/4/2010 <LLD 2.42E+02 432 WELL ESS-31C, NEAR SDSP 12/8/2010 <LLD 2.32E+02 433 WELL MW-2, 0.02 MILES S 1/13/2010 <LLD 2.85E+02 433 WELL MW-2, 0.02 MILES S 4/8/2010 <LLD 2.58E+02 433 WELL MW-2, 0.02 MILES S 7/13/2010 <LLD 2.58E+02 433 WELL MW-2, 0.02 MILES S 10/18/2010 <LLD 2.34E+02 433 WELL MW-2, 0.02 MILES S 12/10/2010 <LLD 2.70E+02 434 WELL MW-3, 0.03 MILES S 1/13/2010 <LLD 2.40E+02 434 WELL MW-3, 0.03 MILES S 4/6/2010 <LLD 2.72E+02 Page 9 of" I

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritium Concentration (Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Ouantitv Activity LLD 434 WELL MW-3, 0.03 MILES S 7/13/2010 <LLD 2.47E+02 434 WELL MW-3, 0.03 MILES S 10/18/2010 <LLD 2.34E+02 434 WELL MW-3, 0.03 MILES S 12/10/2010 <LLD 2.54E+02 435 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-1, (NC-1) 1/14/2010 <LLD 2.44E+02 435 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-1, (NC-1) 3/15/2010 2.97E+02 435 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-1, (NC-1) 6/15/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 435 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-1, (NC-1) 9/21/2010 <LLD 2.13E+02 435 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-1, (NC-1) 12/23/2010 6.62E+02 436 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-2, (NC-2) 1/14/2010 <LLD 2.42E+02 436 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-2, (NC-2) 3/15/2010 3.30E+02 436 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-2, (NC-2) 6/15/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 436 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-2, (NC-2) 9/21/2010 <LLD 2.31 E+02 436 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-2, (NC-2) 12/22/2010 4.16E+02 437 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-3, (NC-3) 1/14/2010 <LLD 2.41 E+02 437 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-3, (NC-3) 3/15/2010 <LLD 2.39E+02 437 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-3, (NC-3) 6/15/2010 <LLD 2.42E+02 437 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-3, (NC-3) 9/21/2010 <LLD 2.33E+02 437 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-3, (NC-3) 12/22/2010 2.42E+02 438 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-4, (NC-4) 1/15/2010 2.64E+02 438 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-4, (NC-4) 3/15/2010 4.48E+02 438 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-4, (NC-4) 6/15/2010 <LLD 2.41 E+02 438 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-4, (NC-4) 9/21/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 438 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-4, (NC-4) 12/22/2010 3.31 E+02 439 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-5, (NC-5) 1/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.41 E+02 Page 10Jofl

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Ground Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritiun Concentration(Activitv,): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 439 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-5, (NC-5) 3/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 439 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-5, (NC-5) 6/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.41 E+02 439 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-5, (NC-5) 9/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 439 WELL ESS-NANCY CREEK-5, (NC-5) 12/22/2010 1 2.75E+02 440 WELL ESS-GUM LOG BRANCH-1, (GLB-1) 1/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 440 WELL ESS-GUM LOG BRANCH-1, (GLB-1) 3/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 440 WELL ESS-GUM LOG BRANCH-1, (GLB-1) 3/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.45E+02 440 WELL ESS-GUM LOG BRANCH-1, (GLB-1) 6/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 440 WELL ESS-GUM LOG BRANCH-1, (GLB-1) 9/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 440 WELL ESS-GUM LOG BRANCH-1, (GLB-1) 12/22/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 447 WELL ESS-28C, NEAR SDSP 1/7/2010 1 5.22E+02 447 WELL ESS-28C, NEAR SDSP 2/23/2010 1 3.89E+02 447 WELL ESS-28C, NEAR SDSP 6/4/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 447 WELL ESS-28C, NEAR SDSP 9/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.26E+02 447 WELL ESS-28C, NEAR SDSP 12/2/2010 1 2.38E+02 Page I/ ojilI

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Hard-To-DetectAnalysis Report Media Type: Shoreline Sediment Quantity: GRAMS Concentration(Activitj): pCi/gm Sample Point Sample Date Analysis Activity 2 Sigma Error LLD 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 SR-90 <LLD 2.OOE+00 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 SR-89 <LLD 2.00E+00 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 FE-55 <LLD 2.OOE+01 Page 1]f I

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritium Concentration (Activitv): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Ouantiti' Activitv LLD 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.39E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.36E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.33E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.32E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.34E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.31 E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.24E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.25E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.27E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.27E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.25E+02 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.27E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.40E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/15/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.35E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/16/2010 0.005 4.56E+02 2.33E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/16/2010 0.005 3.71 E+02 2.31 E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.35E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.30E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.24E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.27E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 0.005 <LLD 2.27E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 0.005 2.93E+02 2.26E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 0.005 2.50E+02 2.24E+02 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 0.005 3.11E+02 2.27E+02 Page 1 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantit,: Liters Analysis: Tritium Concentration(Activitv): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 1/6/2010 1 3.45E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 1/13/2010 1 2.62E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 1/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 1/27/2010 1 3.92E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 2/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.45E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 2/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 2/16/2010 1 4.39E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 2/23/2010 1 5.06E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 3/1/2010 1 3.51 E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 3/8/2010 1 3.46E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 3/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.45E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 3/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.53E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 3/31/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 4/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.49E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 4/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.10E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 4/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.43E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 4/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 5/5/2010 1 3.65E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 5/12/2010 1 <LLD 2.23E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 5/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.46E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 5/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.45E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 6/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.43E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 6/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 6/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 Page 2 of'14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritium Concentration(Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 6/21/2010 2.39E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK- WP-106 6/29/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 7/6/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 7/13/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 7/19/2010 <LLD 2.20E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 7/27/2010 <LLD 2.49E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 8/3/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 8/10/2010 <LLD 2.26E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 8/17/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 8/24/2010 <LLD 2.42E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 8/30/2010 <LLD 2.47E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 10/5/2010 <LLD 2.26E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 10/12/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 10/20/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 10/26/2010 <LLD 2.19E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 11/2/2010 3.98E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 11/9/2010 <LLD 2.33E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-1 06 11/15/2010 3.11E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 11/23/2010 2.40E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 11/29/2010 2.73E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 12/7/2010 <LLD 2.33E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 12/16/2010 <LLD 2.53E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 12/21/2010 <LLD 2.31 E+02 494 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-106 12/28/2010 2.79E+02 Page 3 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Surface Water Quantit,: Liters Analysis: Tritiwn Concentration (Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity A ctivitv LLD 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 1/6/2010 <LLD 2.39E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 1/13/2010 <LLD 2.41 E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 1/19/2010 <LLD 2.32E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 1/27/2010 3.79E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 2/3/2010 <LLD 2.41E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 2/10/2010 2.45E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 2/16/2010 <LLD 2.32E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 2/23/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 3/1/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 3/8/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 3/16/2010 <LLD 2.52E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 3/23/2010 <LLD 2.55E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 3/31/2010 <LLD 2.22E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 4/5/2010 <LLD 2.57E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 4/13/2010 <LLD 2.16E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 4/21/2010 <LLD 2.37E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 4/27/2010 <LLD 2.33E+02 1

495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 5/5/2010 <LLD 2.21E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 5/12/2010 <LLD 2.19E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 5/19/2010 <LLD 2.14E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 5/26/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 6/2/2010 <LLD 2.56E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 6/9/2010 <LLD 2.19E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 6/16/2010 <LLD 2.21E+02 Page 4 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritium Concentration(Activity): pC/liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 6/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 6/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.31 E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 7/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.24E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 7/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.26E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 7/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.21 E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 7/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.17E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 8/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.16E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 8/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.12E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 8/17/2010 1 <LLD 2.24E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 8/24/2010 1 <LLD 2.25E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.64E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 9/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.21 E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 9/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.22E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 9/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 9/28/2010 1 <LLD 2.19E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 10/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.47E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 10/12/2010 1 <LLD 2.18E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 10/20/2010 1 <LLD 2.12E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 10/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.11 E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 11/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.13E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 11/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.20E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 11/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.35E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 11/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 11/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 Page5 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritium Concentration (Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 12/7/2010 <LLD 2.31 E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 12/16/2010 <LLD 2.30E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 12/21/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 495 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-52 12/28/2010 <LLD 2.28E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 1/6/2010 4.23E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 1/13/2010 3.94E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 1/19/2010 2.64E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 1/27/2010 <LLD 2.42E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 2/3/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 2/10/2010 <LLD 2.32E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 2/16/2010 <LLD 2.30E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 2/23/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 3/1/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 3/8/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 3/16/2010 <LLD 2.46E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 3/23/2010 <LLD 2.57E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 3/31/2010 <LLD 2.32E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 4/5/2010 <LLD 2.56E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 4/13/2010 <LLD 2.20E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 4/21/2010 <LLD 2.50E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 4/27/2010 <LLD 2.41 E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 5/5/2010 <LLD 2.24E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 5/12/2010 <LLD 2.23E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 5/19/2010 <LLD 2.21 E+02 Page 6 qj'14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Suiface Water Quantity." Liters Analvsis: Tritiun Concentration (Activi.v): pCi/liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 5/26/2010 <LLD 2.22E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 6/2/2010 <LLD 2.54E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 6/9/2010 <LLD 2.18E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 6/16/2010 <LLD 2.28E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 6/21/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 6/29/2010 <LLD 2.28E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 7/6/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 7/13/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 7/19/2010 <LLD 2.28E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 7/27/2010 <LLD 2.18E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 8/3/2010 <LLD 2.20E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 8/10/2010 <LLD 2.12E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 8/17/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 8/24/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 8/30/2010 <LLD 2.60E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 9/7/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 9/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.23E+02 1

496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 9/21/2010 <LLD 2.30E+02 1

496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 9/28/2010 <LLD 2.24E+02 1

496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 10/5/2010 <LLD 2.46E+02 1

496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 10?12/2010 <LLD 2.19E+02 1

496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 10/20/2010 <LLD 2.14E+02 1

496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 10/26/2010 <LLD 2.17E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 11/2/2010 <LLD 2.19E+02 Page 7 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Suiface Water Quantitv: Liters Analvsis: Tritium Concentration (Activit.v): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 11/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.23E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 11/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 11/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 11/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.45E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 12/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 12/16/2010 1 2.51 E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 12/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.57E+02 496 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-53 12/28/2010 1 <LLD 2.46E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 1/6/2010 1 3.97E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 1/13/2010 1 4.31 E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 1/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.31 E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 1/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.41 E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 2/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 2/10/2010 1 2.64E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 2/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 2/23/2010 1 3.25E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 3/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 3/8/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 3/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 3/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.57E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 3/31/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 4/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.56E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 4/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.27E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 4/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.52E+02 Page 8 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritium Concentration (Activity.): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantiti, Activity LLD 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 4/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 5/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 5/12/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 5/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.28E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 5/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 6/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.54E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 6/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.24E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 6/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.26E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 6/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 6/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 7/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.28E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 7/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 7/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.16E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 7/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.26E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 8/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 8/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 8/17/2010 1 <LLD 2.20E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 8/24/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.51 E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 9/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 9/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 9/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.35E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 9/28/2010 1 <LLD 2.27E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 10/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 Page 9 oj'14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritium Concentration (Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point I Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 10/12/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 10/20/2010 <LLD 2.23E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 10/26/2010 <LLD 2.24E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 11/2/2010 2.32E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 11/9/2010 <LLD 2.26E+02 11/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 11/23/2010 <LLD 2.33E+02 1

497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 11/29/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 12/7/2010 <LLD 2.29E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 12/16/2010 3.18E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 12/21/2010 <LLD 2.58E+02 497 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-55 12/28/2010 <LLD 2.47E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 1/6/2010 3.64E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 1/13/2010 3.86E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 1/19/2010 <LLD 2.30E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 1/27/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 2/3/2010 <LLD 2.45E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 2/10/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 2/16/2010 2.57E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 2/23/2010 2.60E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 3/1/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 3/8/2010 <LLD 2.43E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 3/16/2010 <LLD 2.22E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 3/23/2010 <LLD 2.46E+02 Page tO1oj14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantio,: Liters Analvsis: Tritiun Concentration(Activity): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 3/31/2010 1 <LLD 2.28E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 4/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.55E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 4/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 4/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.52E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 4/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 5/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.31 E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 5/12/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 5/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.20E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 5/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 6/2/2010 1 2.56E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 6/9/2010 1 2.34E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 6/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.31 E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 6/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 6/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 7/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 7/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.35E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 7/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 7/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 8/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 8/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 8/17/2010 1 <LLD 2.28E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 8/24/2010 1 <LLD 2.33E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.54E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 9/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.35E+02 Page 11 oj 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantit,: Liters Analysis: Tritiun Concentration(Activity): pCi/Liter Samnle Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 9/14/2010 <LLD 2.38E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 9/21/2010 <LLD 2.36E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 9/28/2010 <LLD 2.24E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 10/5/2010 <LLD 2.44E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 10/12/2010 <LLD 2.31 E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 10/20/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 10/26/2010 <LLD 2.26E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 11/2/2010 <LLD 2.22E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 11/9/2010 <LLD 2.25E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 11/15/2010 <LLD 2.39E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 11/23/2010 <LLD 2.35E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 11/29/2010 2.94E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 12/7/2010 <LLD 2.31 E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 12/16/2010 2.53E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 12/21/2010 <LLD 2.20E+02 498 NANCY'S CREEK - WP-57 12/28/2010 <LLD 2.47E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 1/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.28E+02 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 1/13/2010 1/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 1/27/2010 1 2.37E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 2/3/2010 <LLD 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 2/10/2010 1 2.41 E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 2/16/2010 <LLD 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 2/23/2010 <LLD 2.42E+02 Page 12 of 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report AMedia Type: Sutface Water Quantity: Liters Analysis: Tritiwn Concentration (Activiv): pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 3/1/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 3/8/2010 1 <LLD 2.35E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 3/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.47E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 3/24/2010 1 <LLD 2.48E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 3/31/2010 1 <LLD 2.44E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 4/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.49E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 4/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 4/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.58E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 4/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.49E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 5/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 5/12/2010 1 <LLD 2.26E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 5/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 5/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.29E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 6/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.52E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 6/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 6/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 6/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 6/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.20E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 7/6/2010 1 <LLD 2.41 E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 7/13/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 7/19/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 7/27/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 8/3/2010 1 <LLD 2.42E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 8/10/2010 1 <LLD 2.17E+02 Page 13 qf 14

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoringAnalysis Report Media Type: Sutface Water Quantity: Liters Analvsis: Tritizan Concentration(Activitv).: pCi/Liter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Activity LLD 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 8/17/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 8/24/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 8/30/2010 1 <LLD 2.57E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 9/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 9/14/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 9/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.40E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 9/28/2010 1 <LLD 2.36E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 10/5/2010 1 <LLD 2.39E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 10/12/2010 1 <LLD 2.17E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 10/20/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 10/26/2010 1 <LLD 2.08E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 11/2/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 11/9/2010 1 <LLD 2.10E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 11/15/2010 1 <LLD 2.30E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 11/23/2010 1 <LLD 2.32E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 11/29/2010 1 <LLD 2.34E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER- WP-61 -CONTROL 12/7/2010 1 <LLD 2.31 E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 12/16/2010 1 <LLD 2.37E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 12/21/2010 1 <LLD 2.38E+02 499 CAPE FEAR RIVER - WP CONTROL 12/28/2010 1 <LLD 2.26E+02 Page 14 of 14

2010 BSEP Radiological Environmental Monitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Comments

  • All Quarterly AP samples were available during 2010.
  • Aquatic organism monitoring includes fish (free swimmers and bottom feeders), invertebrates (shellfish - (SH)), and Benthic organisms (BO). Invertebrates in the Gamma Isotopic data are represented by SH/BO*.
  • Gamma results are Less than LLD (< LLD) and do not appear in the Gamma Isotopic Report for the following samples:
  • Fish and Invertebrate samples (706 - 708)
  • Ground Water samples (402 - 440 and 447)
  • Surface Water samples (494 - 499)

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Mledia Type: Air Particulate Quantivty. CUBI3C MlT7LRS Concentration(Activity)." pCi/cubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 TL-208 1.04E-03 5.49E-04 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 RA-226 1.08E-02 8.55E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 PB-214 8.30E-03 1.54E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 PB-212 2.05E-03 5.97E-04 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 TH-234 1.17E-02 1.16E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 K-40 2.55E-02 9.40E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 BE-7 1.12E-01 1.77E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 2/15/2010 3610.9 BI-214 8.23E-03 1.75E-03 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/17/2010 3716.1 BE-7 1.33E-01 3.05E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 5/17/2010 3716.1 K-40 3.01 E-02 1.68E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/16/2010 3731.7 BE-7 1.43E-01 3.OOE-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 8/16/2010 3731.7 K-40 8.28E-02 2.51 E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/15/2010 3592.5 BE-7 1.21 E-01 3.20E-02 200 1.0 MI WSW - VISITORS CENTER 11/15/2010 3592.5 K-40 3.33E-02 1.99E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 K-40 6.60E-02 1.43E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 TL-208 1.14E-03 6.15E-04 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 PB-212 2.28E-03 8.72E-04 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 BI-214 7.02E-03 1.86E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 PB-214 6.17E-03 1.69E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 RA-226 2.1OE-02 1.40E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 TH-234 2.09E-02 1.09E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 2/15/2010 3454.5 BE-7 1.21 E-01 1.63E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/17/2010 3565.2 BE-7 1.60E-01 3.90E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 5/17/2010 3565.2 RA-226 3.67E-02 1.56E-02 Page 1 of/5

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report M4fedia I'vpe: Air Particulate Quantitv CUBIC METERS Concentration(Activi/tv): pCiicubicmeter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/16/2010 3651.2 BE-7 1.34E-01 3.21 E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/16/2010 3651.2 K-40 3.53E-02 1.84E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/16/2010 3651.2 PB-212 1.97E-03 1.50E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 8/16/2010 3651.2 PB-214 4.88E-03 2.38E-03 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/15/2010 3495.8 BE-7 1.24E-01 3.25E-02 201 0.5 MI NE - PMAC 11/15/2010 3495.8 K-40 7.31 E-02 2.42E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 RA-226 1.14E-02 9.07E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 PB-212 2.45E-03 7.33E-04 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 TL-208 9.32E-04 5.86E-04 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 BI-214 6.71 E-03 1.59E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 K-40 6.50E-02 1.14E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 BE-7 1.18E-01 1.76E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 PB-214 4.61 E-03 1.66E-03 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 2/15/2010 3744.8 TH-234 9.05E-03 1.09E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/17/2010 3816.4 RA-226 4.61 E-02 1.78E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 5/17/2010 3816.4 BE-7 1.35E-01 2.97E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/16/2010 3748 BE-7 1.24E-01 3.53E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 8/16/2010 3748 K-40 9.18E-02 2.91 E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/15/2010 3609.9 BE-7 9.80E-02 2.79E-02 202 1.0 MI S - SUBSTATION ON CONSTRN RD 11/15/2010 3609.9 K-40 3.46E-02 2.37E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/15/2010 3608.7 BE-7 1.22E-01 1.89E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/15/2010 3608.7 K-40 8.18E-02 1.35E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/15/2010 3608.7 TL-208 9.75E-04 6.64E-04 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 2/15/2010 3608.7 PB-212 2.14E-03 8.87E-04 Page2 of 5

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Mledia Tvpe. Air Particulate Quantit: CUBIC METERS Concentration(ActivitOv.: pCiicubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/17/2010 3734.2 PB-212 1.19E-03 9.68E-04 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 5/17/2010 3734.2 BE-7 1.57E-01 3.43E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/16/2010 3759.4 RA-226 2.40E-02 1.75E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW- SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/16/2010 3759.4 BI-214 3.53E-03 2.64E-03 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/16/2010 3759.4 K-40 7.91 E-02 2.43E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 8/16/2010 3759.4 BE-7 1.46E-01 2.86E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/15/2010 3609.2 BE-7 1.31E-01 2.99E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/15/2010 3609.2 K-40 5.44E-02 2.48E-02 203 2.0 MI SSW - SOUTHPORT SUBSTATION 11/15/2010 3609.2 RA-226 2.55E-02 1.86E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3540.7 PB-214 5.03E-03 1.51 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3540.7 K-40 4.77E-02 9.81 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3540.7 BI-214 3.88E-03 1.43E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3540.7 RA-226 2.59E-02 1.25E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3540.7 BE-7 1.25E-01 1.75E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3540.7 PB-212 1.38E-03 7.02E-04 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3636.6 PB-214 2.58E-02 4.61 E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3636.6 BI-214 1.73E-02 4.26E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3636.6 K-40 5.07E-02 2.28E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3636.6 BE-7 1.58E-01 3.15E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3689.5 RA-226 1.63E-02 1.57E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3689.5 PB-214 5.13E-03 2.22E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3689.5 BE-7 1.65E-01 3.40E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3529.9 PB-214 4.59E-03 2.63E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3529.9 BE-7 1.10E-01 2.78E-02 Page 3 of 5

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Air Particulate Quantity: CUBIC METERS Concentration(Activit'y): pCi/cubic ,neter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activitj, 2 Sigma Error 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3529.9 K-40 4.97E-02 1.94E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3529.9 BI-214 4.93E-03 2.23E-03 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3529.9 RA-226 3.09E-02 1.85E-02 204 22.4 MI NNE - SUTTON PLANT (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3529.9 PB-212 1.53E-03 1.15E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 TH-234 1.02E-02 1.02E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 RA-226 1.62E-02 1.01 E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 PB-214 4.97E-03 1.36E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 BI-214 3.33E-03 1.21 E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 PB-212 1.48E-03 6.35E-04 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 K-40 3.73E-02 9.74E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/15/2010 3517.4 BE-7 1.16E-01 1.79E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/17/2010 3597.6 BE-7 1.12E-01 2.82E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/17/2010 3597.6 PB-214 4.18E-03 2.24E-03 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/16/2010 3721.6 K-40 7.40E-02 2.37E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/16/2010 3721.6 BE-7 1.42E-01 3.13E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/15/2010 3614.7 K-40 9.63E-02 3.04E-02 205 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/15/2010 3614.7 BE-7 1.07E-01 3.34E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 PB-214 2.21E-03 1.19E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 BE-7 1.21E-01 1.82E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 K-40 6.91 E-02 1.37E-02 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 PB-212 2.19E-03 9.12E-04 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 BI-214 3.26E-03 1.69E-03 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 RA-226 2.15E-02 1.22E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 3491.3 TH-234 2.04E-02 1.36E-02 Page 4 of 5

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Air Particulate Quantiir: CUBIC ME TERS Concentration(Activitv,): pCi/cubic meter Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activiit 2 Sigma Error 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3568.3 K-40 3.OOE-02 1.84E-02 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3568.3 BE-7 1.56E-01 3.04E-02 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 5/17/2010 3568.3 PB-214 4.15E-03 2.65E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3696.6 BE-7 1.15E-01 3.01E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3696.6 K-40 6.04E-02 2.13E-02 206 11.3 MI NW - BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3696.6 BI-214 1.19E-02 3.79E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 8/16/2010 3696.6 PB-214 1.38E-02 3.19E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3661.1 PB-214 5.39E-03 2.76E-03 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3661.1 BE-7 1.01E-01 3.07E-02 206 11.3 MI NW- BRUNSWICK COUNTY COMPLEX (CONTROL) 11/15/2010 3661.1 81-214 2.28E-03 2.12E-03 PageS5 of 5

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7Tpe: Broadleaf[ egetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCilgm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 800 0.7 MINE - INTAKE CANAL 1/1/2010 382.1 BE-7 1.91 E+00 2.64E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 1/1/2010 382.1 BI-214 5.95E-02 3.69E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 1/1/2010 382.1 K-40 2.91 E+00 3.85E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 1/1/2010 382.1 PB-212 3.05E-02 2.21 E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 TH-234 7.47E-01 4.59E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 RA-226 3.65E-01 3.05E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 BE-7 2.23E+00 2.32E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 BI-214 8.32E-02 3.78E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 PB-212 3.05E-02 2.19E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 TL-208 3.18E-02 1.77E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 2/1/2010 433.9 K-40 2.91 E+00 3.43E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 3/1/2010 411.6 TL-208 2.26E-02 1.69E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 3/1/2010 411.6 BE-7 3.87E+00 3.42E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 3/1/2010 411.6 K-40 3.57E+00 4.04E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 3/1/2010 411.6 BI-214 6.49E-02 3.23E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 3/1/2010 411.6 PB-214 4.81 E-02 3.11 E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 3/1/2010 411.6 PB-212 7.20E-02 3.38E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 PB-212 2.39E-02 1.76E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 TL-208 1.78E-02 1.28E-02 Page 1 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Broadleaf Vegetation Quantity GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 K-40 2.41 E+00 2.96E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 BE-7 2.99E+00 2.91 E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 PB-214 6.49E-02 2.87E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 RA-226 4.29E-01 2.66E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 TH-234 5.37E-01 4.05E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 4/1/2010 476.7 BI-214 1.13E-01 3.31E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 5/1/2010 515.8 BI-214 7.70E-02 2.51 E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 5/1/2010 515.8 BE-7 6.19E-01 1.54E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 5/1/2010 515.8 PB-212 1.99E-02 1.45E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 5/1/2010 515.8 PB-214 7.60E-02 2.33E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 5/1/2010 515.8 RA-226 3.63E-01 2.60E-01 800 0.7 MINE- INTAKE CANAL 5/1/2010 515.8 K-40 2.29E+00 2.81 E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 6/1/2010 443 K-40 4.23E+00 4.56E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 6/1/2010 443 BE-7 7.21E-01 1.63E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 6/1/2010 443 BI-214 2.47E-02 2.39E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 6/1/2010 443 TL-208 2.24E-02 1.70E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 6/1/2010 443 PB-212 7.48E-02 3.63E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 7/1/2010 638.4 BI-214 2.61 E-02 2.13E-02 800 0.7 MI NE- INTAKE CANAL 7/1/2010 638.4 TH-234 7.55E-01 3.71E-01 Page2 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7Tpe: Broadleaf Vegetation Quantity GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (eActivity): pCi/gmiwet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activiot 2 Sigma Error 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 7/1/2010 638.4 K-40 3.05E+00 3.74E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 7/1/2010 638.4 BE-7 6.99E-01 1.37E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 8/2/2010 522.8 TL-208 2.36E-02 1.30E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 8/2/2010 522.8 RA-226 2.87E-01 2.53E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 8/2/2010 522.8 PB-212 5.36E-02 3.00E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 8/2/2010 522.8 K-40 3.55E+00 4.27E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 8/2/2010 522.8 BE-7 1.50E+00 2.17E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 8/2/2010 522.8 BI-214 4.88E-02 2.98E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 TL-208 2.37E-02 1.45E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 BI-212 1.65E-01 1.15E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 PB-212 5.95E-02 2.75E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 BI-214 9.35E-02 2.94E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 PB-214 4.19E-02 2.83E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 K-40 4.36E+00 5.25E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 9/1/2010 472.4 BE-7 2.53E+00 3.08E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 RA-226 4.09E-01 2.41 E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 PB-212 2.86E-02 2.02E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 BE-7 3.51 E+00 3.77E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 TH-234 3.81E-01 3.37E-01 Page3 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (we,)

Concentration (Activity): pCi,/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 K-40 2.82E+00 3.93E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 BI-214 8.87E-02 2.83E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 10/4/2010 496.4 PB-214 6.70E-02 2.98E-02 800 0.7 MI NE- INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 K-40 3.10E+00 3.72E-01 800 0.7 MI NE- INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 TL-208 2.87E-02 1.10E-02 800 0.7 MI NE- INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 BE-7 2.88E+00 3.17E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 PB-212 3.85E-02 2.22E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 RA-226 6.09E-01 2.89E-01 800 0.7 MI NE- INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 BI-214 4.14E-02 2.10E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 11/1/2010 546.4 TH-234 3.52E-01 3.26E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 12/1/2010 512.5 K-40 3.17E+00 4.08E-01 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 12/1/2010 512.5 PB-214 9.OOE-02 3.56E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 12/1/2010 512.5 BI-214 7.85E-02 2.48E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 12/1/2010 512.5 TL-208 2.66E-02 1.14E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 12/1/2010 512.5 PB-212 3.36E-02 2.34E-02 800 0.7 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL 12/1/2010 512.5 BE-7 1.64E+00 2.32E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 RA-226 4.64E-01 2.76E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 TH-234 1.03E+00 5.28E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 PB-214 1.02E-01 2.92E-02 Page 4 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7ype: BroadleafVegetation Quantity. GRAMS (ivet Concentration(Activiny): pCi/gnt wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 BI-214 6.94E-02 3.41 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 PB-212 2.76E-02 2.45E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 K-40 1.99E+00 2.90E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 1/1/2010 446.2 BE-7 2.97E+00 2.85E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 BE-7 1.65E+00 2.05E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 K-40 2.80E+00 3.74E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 TL-208 3.64E-02 1.45E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 PB-212 5.19E-02 2.15E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 RA-226 6.60E-01 3.70E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 PB-214 7.47E-02 3.04E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 BI-214 1.27E-01 3.89E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 2/1/2010 398.8 TH-234 6.21E-01 4.58E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 PB-212 5.74E-02 2.56E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 BE-7 1.90E+00 2.14E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 K-40 2.64E+00 3.35E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 TL-208 3.67E-02 1.43E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 BI-214 7.47E-02 2.56E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 RA-226 4.85E-01 3.65E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 3/1/2010 442.8 TH-234 4.58E-01 4.21 E-01 Page 5 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (iet)

Concentration(Activit."9: pCi/gmn wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 3/112010 442.8 PB-214 5.66E-02 2.81 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 RA-226 5.11E-01 3.05E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 AC-228 8.56E-02 4.27E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 PB-214 1.13E-01 2.89E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 BI-214 8.33E-02 2.40E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 PB-212 4.18E-02 2.03E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 TL-208 1.81E-02 9.11E-03 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 K-40 2.81E+00 3.11E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 BE-7 2.01E+00 2.18E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 4/1/2010 547.7 TH-234 3.48E-01 2.56E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 5/1/2010 479.9 PB-214 7.33E-02 2.28E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 5/1/2010 479.9 BE-7 6.55E-01 1.41 E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 5/1/2010 479.9 K-40 3.51 E+00 4.10E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 5/1/2010 479.9 PB-212 4.26E-02 1.63E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 5/1/2010 479.9 RA-226 3.94E-01 2.45E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 5/1/2010 479.9 BI-214 1.08E-01 3.31 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 PB-214 6.84E-02 2.46E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 BE-7 3.95E-01 1.41E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 K-40 3.13E+00 3.38E-01 Page6 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Mcdia 7ype: BroadleafVegetation Quantiy. GRAIS (wet)

Concentration(Activity)): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigmna Error 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 BI-214 7.34E-02 2.81 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 RA-226 5.06E-01 2.28E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 TH-234 5.73E-01 4.17E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 6/1/2010 494.7 PB-212 3.12E-02 1.56E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 7/1/2010 605.7 BI-214 3.93E-02 2.42E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 7/1/2010 605.7 PB-212 2.04E-02 1.46E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 7/1/2010 605.7 K-40 3.42E+00 4.06E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 7/1/2010 605.7 BE-7 9.08E-01 1.50E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 7/1/2010 605.7 RA-226 4.85E-01 2.29E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 7/1/2010 605.7 PB-214 4.93E-02 2.21 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 BE-7 1.49E+00 2.07E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 K-40 3.47E+00 4.55E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 TL-208 1.78E-02 1.62E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 BI-214 5.58E-02 2.91 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 RA-226 3.79E-01 2.41 E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 TH-234 9.22E-01 3.95E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 8/2/2010 493.7 PB-212 5.31 E-02 2.36E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 BI-214 1.10E-01 2.89E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 PB-212 6.54E-02 2.41 E-02 Page 7 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type.- BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMIS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gin wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantitj Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 BE-7 1.31 E+00 1.99E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 PB-214 9.02E-02 2.98E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 RA-226 3.54E-01 2.69E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 TL-208 3.29E-02 1.37E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 9/1/2010 500.5 K-40 3.42E+00 4.23E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 TL-208 1.72E-02 1.41 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 K-40 3.01 E+00 3.59E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 BE-7 3.34E+00 3.60E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 BI-214 9.48E-02 2.59E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 PB-214 1.11E-01 2.99E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 RA-226 8.49E-01 3.53E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 TH-234 4.34E-01 2.79E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 10/4/2010 584.7 PB-212 3.45E-02 1.94E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 PB-214 6.69E-02 2.47E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 RA-226 6.28E-01 3.44E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 BI-214 6.02E-02 3.19E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 BE-7 1.45E+00 2.07E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 K-40 3.12E+00 3.96E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 TL-208 1.77E-02 1.59E-02 Page 8 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7lpe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (weO Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 PB-212 4.98E-02 1.99E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 11/1/2010 501.5 TH-234 5.58E-01 3.76E-01 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 BE-7 1.47E+00 2.25E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 RA-226 5.90E-01 2.53E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 AC-228 9.84E-02 5.29E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 BI-214 1.30E-01 3.64E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 PB-212 6.60E-02 2.71 E-02 801 0.8 MI SW- DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 K-40 2.47E+00 3.58E-01 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 PB-214 1.30E-01 3.96E-02 801 0.8 MI SW - DISCHARGE CANAL 12/1/2010 483.3 TL-208 2.96E-02 1.70E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 BE-7 1.64E+00 2.68E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 BI-214 1.27E-01 5.07E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 PB-214 1.23E-01 4.15E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 RA-226 1.19E+00 4.37E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 K-40 2.25E+00 3.87E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 AC-228 1.17E-01 8.73E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1/1/2010 426.4 PB-212 6.75E-02 3.48E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 TL-208 2.84E-02 1.21 E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 K-40 2.76E+00 3.40E-01 Page 9 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7Tpe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet)

Concentration(Activity): pCi/gin wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 BI-214 7.29E-02 2.99E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 PB-212 5.69E-02 2.01E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 PB-214 8.30E-02 3.96E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 AC-228 1.51 E-01 6.42E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 2/1/2010 488.2 BE-7 2.79E+00 2.65E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 AC-228 1.07E-01 5.98E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 BI-214 7.31 E-02 2.61 E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 RA-226 5.68E-01 2.51 E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 PB-212 5.81E-02 2.45E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 PB-214 6.06E-02 3.12E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 BE-7 4.75E+00 3.81E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 K-40 2.36E+00 2.86E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 TL-208 2.64E-02 1.22E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 3/1/2010 491.9 TH-234 7.33E-01 4.24E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 4/1/2010 528.6 K-40 2.20E+00 2.85E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 4/1/2010 528.6 RA-226 3.12E-01 2.78E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 4/1/2010 528.6 PB-214 5.71 E-02 2.76E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 4/1/2010 528.6 PB-212 2.88E-02 1.80E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 4/1/2010 528.6 BE-7 3.04E+00 2.90E-01 Page 10 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7'pe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gmi wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 802 10.1 MI- (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 4/1/2010 528.6 BI-214 1.04E-01 3.23E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 5/1/2010 545.1 PB-212 3.1OE-02 1.90E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 5/1/2010 545.1 K-40 3.14E+00 3.56E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 5/1/2010 545.1 BI-214 3.52E-02 2.11E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 5/1/2010 545.1 BE-7 6.55E-01 1.27E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 5/1/2010 545.1 RA-226 2.99E-01 2.30E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 6/1/2010 461.4 PB-212 2.32E-02 1.83E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 6/1/2010 461.4 K-40 3.59E+00 4.15E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 6/1/2010 461.4 BI-214 8.76E-02 3.41E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 6/1/2010 461.4 PB-214 1.13E-01 3.64E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 6/1/2010 461.4 RA-226 3.70E-01 2.86E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 6/1/2010 461.4 BE-7 1.55E+00 2.12E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 TL-208 2.09E-02 1.25E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 TH-234 6.35E-01 3.OOE-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 RA-226 5.55E-01 2.56E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 PB-212 3.57E-02 1.61 E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 PB-214 5.07E-02 2.72E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 AC-228 1.10E-01 5.45E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 K-40 2.87E+00 3.55E-01 Page I I of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7Tpe. BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 BE-7 1.21E+00 1.81 E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 7/1/2010 597.1 BI-214 6.41 E-02 2.08E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 PB-212 4.33E-02 2.97E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 BI-214 8.70E-02 3.57E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 K-40 2.77E+00 3.63E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 BE-7 2.19E+00 2.74E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 TH-234 5.39E-01 4.56E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 RA-226 8.33E-01 4.87E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 AC-228 8.98E-02 5.64E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 8/2/2010 484.3 PB-214 6.57E-02 2.78E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 PB-212 6.1 OE-02 2.19E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 BE-7 2.12E+00 2.56E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 PB-214 1.01 E-01 3.11 E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 K-40 2.84E+00 4.09E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 BI-214 1.20E-01 3.45E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 TH-234 6.03E-01 3.31 E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 TL-208 3.92E-02 1.58E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 AC-228 6.54E-02 5.06E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 9/1/2010 519.2 RA-226 6.51 E-01 2.97E-01 Page 120of22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (iwet)

Concentration (Activity.): pCi/gom wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/4/2010 530.4 RA-226 8.33E-01 3.21 E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/4/2010 530.4 AC-228 1.75E-01 6.50E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/4/2010 530.4 BI-214 1.21 E-01 3.27E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/4/2010 530.4 BE-7 2.45E+00 2.89E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/4/2010 530.4 K-40 2.03E+00 2.93E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/4/2010 530.4 PB-214 1.03E-01 3.62E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 10/412010 530.4 PB-212 4.30E-02 1.88E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/112010 531.3 PB-214 8.76E-02 3.45E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 TH-234 5.13E-01 3.62E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 BI-214 9.47E-02 2.90E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/112010 531.3 PB-212 5.32E-02 2.31 E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 TL-208 1.71 E-02 1.39E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 BE-7 3.14E+00 3.48E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 AC-228 1.33E-01 4.30E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 CS-137 1.73E-02 1.32E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 K-40 2.33E+00 3.18E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 11/1/2010 531.3 RA-226 5.23E-01 4.41 E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 12/1/2010 519.2 RA-226 6.77E-01 3.13E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 12/1/2010 519.2 TH-234 5.75E-01 3.86E-01 Page 13 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7)pe. Broadleaf Vegetation Quantity GRAMS (wet)

Concentration(Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1211/2010 519.2 PB-214 8.59E-02 2.80E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 12/11/2010 519.2 BI-214 1.25E-01 3.27E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 1211/2010 519.2 BE-7 1.70E+00 2.37E-01 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 12/1/2010 519.2 TL-208 2.66E-02 1.09E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 12/1/2010 519.2 PB-212 5.87E-02 2.29E-02 802 10.1 MI - (CONTROL) - LOCATION NOT SPECIFIED 12/1/2010 519.2 K-40 2.15E+00 3.13E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/1/2010 469.8 RA-226 5.36E-01 4.01E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/1/2010 469.8 BI-214 4.74E-02 3.66E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/1/2010 469.8 PB-212 2.94E-02 3.02E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/1/2010 469.8 BE-7 2.63E+00 3.51E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 1/1/2010 469.8 K-40 2.46E+00 4.17E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 BE-7 2.25E+00 2.37E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 RA-226 4.70E-01 3.25E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 PB-214 6.66E-02 3.13E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 BI-214 1.13E-01 2.82E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 PB-212 3.73E-02 2.33E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 K-40 2.27E+00 3.11 E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 2/1/2010 457.7 TL-208 2.10E-02 1.62E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 420.2 K-40 2.96E+00 4.55E-01 Page 14 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAM'IS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 420.2 PB-212 6.51 E-02 3.12E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 420.2 BI-214 7.76E-02 4.01 E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 420.2 RA-226 5.71 E-01 3.27E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 3/1/2010 420.2 BE-7 2.66E+00 3.44E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 TH-234 4.62E-01 4.16E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 RA-226 5.95E-01 2.69E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 PB-214 8.38E-02 3.31 E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 BI-214 1.28E-01 3.90E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 PB-212 3.33E-02 1.92E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 K-40 2.59E+00 3.27E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 4/1/2010 416.7 BE-7 2.79E+00 2.66E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/1/2010 538.8 TH-234 4.78E-01 2.53E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/1/2010 538.8 BE-7 8.78E-01 1.44E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/1/2010 538.8 K-40 3.09E+00 3.35E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/1/2010 538.8 BI-214 4.89E-02 2.86E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/1/2010 538.8 RA-226 3.49E-01 2.75E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 5/1/2010 538.8 PB-214 6.44E-02 2.70E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/1/2010 545.1 PB-214 4.19E-02 2.33E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/1/2010 545.1 BE-7 5.72E-01 1.37E-01 Page 15 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Tvpe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet)

Concentration(Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/1/2010 545.1 PB-212 3.21 E-02 1.87E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/1/2010 545.1 K-40 2.17E+00 2.64E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/1/2010 545.1 BI-214 6.96E-02 2.85E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 6/1/2010 545.1 RA-226 3.06E-01 2.06E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/1/2010 600.9 BE-7 2.92E-01 1.22E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/1/2010 600.9 RA-226 2.86E-01 2.27E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/1/2010 600.9 BI-214 4.08E-02 2.25E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 7/1/2010 600.9 K-40 3.40E+00 4.08E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 TL-208 2.01 E-02 1.46E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 PB-214 5.69E-02 2.97E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 K-40 3.92E+00 4.74E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 BE-7 1.42E+00 1.93E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 PB-212 1.82E-02 1.74E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 BI-214 6.80E-02 3.22E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 8/2/2010 539.6 RA-226 2.80E-01 2.62E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/1/2010 455.8 TL-208 2.71 E-02 1.58E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/1/2010 455.8 K-40 3.56E+00 4.53E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/1/2010 455.8 PB-212 5.75E-02 2.64E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/1/2010 455.8 BI-214 4.1OE-02 3.12E-02 Page 16 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7lpe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAIMlIS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 9/1/2010 455.8 BE-7 1.61 E+00 2.37E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 PB-212 4.09E-02 2.59E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 TL-208 1.88E-02 1.61 E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 BI-214 8.23E-02 2.65E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 PB-214 5.56E-02 3.08E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 RA-226 5.51 E-01 2.75E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 TH-234 4.89E-01 3.51 E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 BE-7 5.07E+00 5.10E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 10/4/2010 508.2 K-40 3.32E+00 4.10E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 PB-212 3.44E-02 2.07E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 K-40 3.14E+00 4.14E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 BE-7 2.65E+00 3.20E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 BI-214 6.93E-02 2.86E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 TH-234 4.80E-01 3.69E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE -SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 RA-226 5.62E-01 2.91E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 11/1/2010 482.1 PB-214 8.92E-02 2.58E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/1/2010 468.6 K-40 3.77E+00 4.58E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/1/2010 468.6 TL-208 2.44E-02 1.06E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/1/2010 468.6 BI-214 3.04E-02 2.49E-02 Page 17 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7ype. BroadleafVegetation Quantity GRAMS (we0)

Concentration(Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigmna Error 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/1/2010 468.6 PB-214 5.33E-02 2.77E-02 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/1/2010 468.6 TH-234 4.36E-01 3.63E-01 803 0.6 MI SSE - SPOIL POND 12/1/2010 468.6 BE-7 2.28E+00 2.87E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 1/1/2010 456.1 BI-214 5.69E-02 3.56E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 1/1/2010 456.1 RA-226 6.60E-01 3.02E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 1/1/2010 456.1 BE-7 2.21 E+00 2.35E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 1/1/2010 456.1 TH-234 7.15E-01 4.10E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 1/1/2010 456.1 K-40 2.25E+00 2.96E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 2/1/2010 502.2 RA-226 3.42E-01 2.23E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 2/1/2010 502.2 PB-214 6.99E-02 2.32E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 2/1/2010 502.2 BE-7 2.70E+00 2.55E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 2/1/2010 502.2 BI-214 9.06E-02 2.75E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 2/1/2010 502.2 TL-208 1.87E-02 1.10E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 2/1/2010 502.2 K-40 2.01 E+00 2.64E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 3/1/2010 400.8 BE-7 4.10E+00 4.36E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 3/1/2010 400.8 RA-226 6.37E-01 4.23E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 3/1/2010 400.8 BI-214 7.54E-02 3.44E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 3/1/2010 400.8 PB-212 7.22E-02 4.09E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 3/1/2010 400.8 K-40 2.31 E+00 4.22E-01 Page 18 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7ype: Broadleqf Vegetation Quantity.: GRAMS (iwet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 3/1/2010 400.8 TL-208 5.90E-02 1.96E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 4/1/2010 427.8 K-40 2.69E+00 3.61E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 4/1/2010 427.8 RA-226 9.03E-01 3.53E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 4/1/2010 427.8 BI-214 7.19E-02 3.01 E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 4/1/2010 427.8 PB-212 4.91 E-02 2.07E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 4/1/2010 427.8 BE-7 3.27E+00 3.13E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 4/1/2010 427.8 TH-234 6.17E-01 4.07E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 5/1/2010 623.6 BE-7 5.19E-01 1.16E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 5/1/2010 623.6 K-40 2.92E+00 3.37E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 5/1/2010 623.6 BI-214 4.33E-02 1.93E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 5/1/2010 623.6 RA-226 2.93E-01 2.22E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 6/1/2010 497.5 PB-214 3.45E-02 2.84E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 6/1/2010 497.5 BI-214 4.92E-02 2.44E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 6/1/2010 497.5 PB-212 2.79E-02 1.71 E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 6/1/2010 497.5 BE-7 3.58E-01 1.16E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 6/1/2010 497.5 K-40 3.48E+00 3.78E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 7/1/2010 704.6 BE-7 7.40E-01 1.22E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 7/1/2010 704.6 K-40 2.18E+00 2.90E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 7/1/2010 704.6 PB-212 2.77E-02 2.04E-02 Page 19 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7Tpe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gm wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 7/1/2010 704.6 BI-214 4.62E-02 1.99E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 7/1/2010 704.6 RA-226 4.OOE-01 1.99E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 7/1/2010 704.6 TH-234 4.42E-01 3.21E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 BE-7 1.OOE+00 1.70E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/212010 583 TH-234 8.90E-01 4.52E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 K-40 2.73E+00 3.45E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 TL-208 3.05E-02 1.23E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 PB-212 6.13E-02 2.32E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 BI-214 4.35E-02 2.78E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 PB-214 3.78E-02 2.90E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 8/2/2010 583 RA-226 6.73E-01 2.50E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 BE-7 1.79E+00 2.50E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 K-40 2.61 E+00 3.64E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 TL-208 1.83E-02 1.43E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 PB-212 6.83E-02 2.27E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 BI-214 6.71 E-02 3.49E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 TH-234 4.62E-01 3.72E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 RA-226 6.01 E-01 2.90E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 9/1/2010 473.2 PB-214 6.46E-02 2.84E-02 Page20 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7ýpe: Broadleaf Vegetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet)

Concentration (Activity): pCi/gmt wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 10/412010 523.9 PB-212 4.04E-02 2.79E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 1014/2010 523.9 BE-7 3.02E+00 3.37E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 10/4/2010 523.9 K-40 3.12E+00 3.91 E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 10/4/2010 523.9 BI-214 4.68E-02 2.59E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 10/4/2010 523.9 TL-208 2.04E-02 1.39E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 K-40 2.49E+00 3.50E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 TL-208 2.99E-02 1.54E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 BE-7 2.47E+00 2.98E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 BI-214 8.03E-02 2.77E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 PB-214 4.51 E-02 2.76E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 RA-226 8.38E-01 3.54E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 TH-234 9.04E-01 5.28E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 11/1/2010 476.4 PB-212 5.49E-02 2.46E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 TH-234 4.41 E-01 2.99E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 BE-7 1.41 E+00 1.99E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 K-40 1.94E+00 2.95E-01 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 TL-208 3.07E-02 1.17E-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 PB-212 4.24E-02 2.OOE-02 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 PB-214 5.12E-02 2.37E-02 Page 21 of 22

BNP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7ýpe: BroadleafVegetation Quantity: GRAMS (wet Concentration(Activity): pCi/gmn wet Media: WAX MYRTLE Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 804 0.7 MILES S - LEONARD STREET PLANT EXIT ADJ 12/1/2010 569.4 RA-226 2.66E-01 2.40E-01 Page22 of 22

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report M'fedia Type: Fish and Invertebrates QuantitV." GR4MS (wet)

Concentration(Activity,). pCi/gmn wet Sample Point Sample Date Ouantitv Isotope A ctivitv 2 Sigma Error 700 5.5 MI SSW- FREE SWIMMERS - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DI 5/20/2010 789.6 K-40 5.38E+00 7.31 E-01 700 5.5 MI SSW - FREE SWIMMERS - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DI 10/20/2010 679.1 BI-214 5.37E-02 4.05E-02 700 5.5 MI SSW - FREE SWIMMERS - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DI 10/20/2010 679.1 K-40 4.59E+00 7.10E-01 701 5.5 MI SSW - BOTTOM FEEDER - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DI 5/20/2010 692.3 K-40 3.16E+00 5.62E-01 701 5.5 MI SSW - BOTTOM FEEDER - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DI 10/20/2010 593.4 K-40 3.57E+00 6.33E-01 702 5.5 MI SSW - SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DISCHARGE 5/20/2010 645.2 PB-212 3.71 E-02 2.56E-02 702 5.5 MI SSW - SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DISCHARGE 5/20/2010 645.2 PB-214 6.06E-02 3.41 E-02 702 5.5 MI SSW - SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DISCHARGE 5/20/2010 645.2 K-40 2.74E+00 5.44E-01 702 5.5 MI SSW - SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DISCHARGE 10/20/2010 668.6 K-40 3.52E+00 6.07E-01 702 5.5 MI SSW - SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN AT DISCHARGE 10/20/2010 668.6 BI-214 5.98E-02 4.14E-02 703 FREE SWIMMERS - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 5/20/2010 680.7 K-40 3.95E+00 6.47E-01 703 FREE SWIMMERS - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 5/20/2010 680.7 PB-212 5.67E-02 3.60E-02 703 FREE SWIMMERS - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 10/26/2010 765.9 K-40 4.67E+00 7.07E-01 704 BOTTOM FEEDER - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 5/20/2010 614.1 K-40 2.80E+00 5.83E-01 704 BOTTOM FEEDER - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 5/20/2010 614.1 BI-214 4.97E-02 3.76E-02 704 BOTTOM FEEDER - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 10/26/2010 648.5 PB-214 9.94E-02 4.24E-02 704 BOTTOM FEEDER - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 10/26/2010 648.5 K-40 3.14E+00 5.97E-01 705 SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 5/20/2010 711.4 RA-226 5.79E-01 3.71 E-01 705 SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 5/20/2010 711.4 K-40 2.25E+00 4.52E-01 705 SH/BO* - ATLANTIC OCEAN (CONTROL) 10/26/2010 644.3 K-40 3.32E+00 6.OOE-01 706 NANCY'S CREEK - FREE SWIMMERS 9/17/2010 1000 K-40 3.49E+00 707 NANCY'S CREEK - BOTTOM FEEDERS 9/17/2010 1000 K-40 2.71 E+00 708 NANCY'S CREEK - SH/BO* 9/17/2010 1000 K-40 3.24E+00

  • Shelifish/Benthic Organisms .........


BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Shoreline Sediment Quantity: GRA MS (dryv)

Concentration(Activity)." pCilgin dry Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 TL-208 3.24E-02 1.34E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 BI-212 7.70E-02 6.34E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 PB-212 9.18E-02 2.10E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 BI-214 1.22E-01 2.93E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR 0O PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 PB-214 1.48E-01 3.06E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 RA-226 4.84E-01 3.55E-01 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 AC-228 8.74E-02 4.15E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 5/24/2010 1658.2 K-40 2.15E+00 3.09E-01 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 RA-226 7.07E-01 3.90E-01 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 K-40 1.58E+00 2.88E-01 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 TL-208 4.47E-02 1.65E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 PB-212 1.41E-01 3.18E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 PB-214 1.84E-01 3.50E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 AC-228 1.67E-01 5.19E-02 500 5.0 MI SSW- DISCHARGE; BEACH NEAR OD PUMPS 10/25/2010 1557.7 BI-214 1.79E-01 3.82E-02 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 TH-234 2.21 E+00 1.12E+00 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 K-40 1.05E+01 1.07E+00 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 CS-1 37 1.57E-01 4.42E-02 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 TL-208 2.14E-01 4.07E-02 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 BI-212 3.57E-01 2.84E-01 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 PB-212 5.31E-01 8.99E-02 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 BI-214 4.81E-01 9.40E-02 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 PB-214 5.57E-01 9.23E-02 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 RA-226 3.08E+00 7.99E-01 501 NANCY'S CREEK ADJACENT TO WP-55 NEAR STORM DR 12/9/2010 821.8 AC-228 5.85E-01 1.24E-01 Page 1of I

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Surjace Water Quantitv: Liters Concentration (Activitli): pCi/L Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 PB-214 1.43E+01 5.29E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 TH-234 1.43E+02 7.87E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 RA-226 1.32E+02 4.96E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 BI-214 1.35E+01 4.17E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 PB-212 8.04E+00 3.21 E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 TL-208 4.26E+00 1.85E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 K-40 6.63E+02 5.72E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 1/16/2010 AC-228 1.52E+01 8.39E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 PB-214 6.94E+00 4.09E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 AC-228 9.95E+00 6.82E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 PB-212 1.OOE+01 3.54E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 TH-234 1.42E+02 7.16E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 TL-208 4.64E+00 2.07E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 K-40 6.31 E+02 5.52E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 BI-214 1.08E+01 4.OOE+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 2/15/2010 RA-226 1.70E+02 5.76E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 AC-228 1.41E+01 8.62E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 TH-234 1.17E+02 6.45E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 PB-214 7.70E+00 4.39E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 RA-226 1.05E+02 5.01 E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 BI-214 1.47E+01 5.55E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 PB-212 8.10E+00 3.73E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 TL-208 8.56E+00 2.95E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 3/16/2010 K-40 6.99E+02 5.92E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 K-40 6.18E+02 4.90E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 TH-234 1.90E+02 5.86E+01 Page I of 8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Suý*fce Water Quantity: Liters Concentration(Activit.): pCi/L Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope A ctivitv 2 Sigma Error 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 1 AC-228 1.96E+01 5.65E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 1 RA-226 2.20E+02 4.59E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 1 PB-214 1.48E+01 4.09E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 1 BI-214 1.72E+01 4.01E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 1 PB-212 1.58E+01 2.97E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 4/16/2010 1 TL-208 6.75E+00 1.94E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 AC-228 1.86E+01 7.52E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 TH-234 2.36E+02 6.42E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 PB-214 1.59E+01 4.09E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 BI-214 1.94E+01 4.48E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 PB-212 1.58E+01 2.89E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/i6/2010 1 K-40 7.43E+02 5.77E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 RA-226 1.93E+02 4.19E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 5/16/2010 1 TL-208 6.16E+00 1.85E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 BI-214 1.61E+01 3.60E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 K-40 6.71E+02 5.12E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 PB-212 1.75E+01 2.78E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 PB-214 1.61E+01 3.72E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 RA-226 1.98E+02 4.52E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 TH-234 2.04E+02 5.98E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 6/16/2010 1 TL-208 6.89E+00 2.16E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 1 TH-234 1.68E+02 5.45E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 1 RA-226 1.50E+02 3.39E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 1 PB-214 1.41E+01 3.59E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 1 BI-214 1.95E+01 3.40E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 1 K-40 5.37E+02 4.50E+01 Page 2 of 8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Concentration(Activity): pCi/L Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope A ctivitv 2 Sigma Error 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 PB-212 9.52E+00 2.63E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 7/17/2010 TL-208 6.24E+00 1.91 E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 BI-214 2.15E+01 3.94E+00 1

400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 TH-234 2.38E+02 5.73E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 AC-228 1.26E+01 6.11E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 PB-214 1.98E+01 3.86E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 PB-212 1.45E+01 3.22E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 TL-208 9.48E+00 2.OOE+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 K-40 8.15E+02 6.10E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 8/17/2010 RA-226 1.89E+02 4.47E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 RA-226 1.57E+02 3.80E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 PB-214 1.69E+01 4.67E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 BI-214 1.79E+01 3.88E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 PB-212 8.36E+00 2.68E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 TL-208 4.17E+00 2.02E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 K-40 5.62E+02 4.56E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 9/17/2010 TH-234 2.27E+02 6.17E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 PB-214 9.17E+00 3.57E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 K-40 7.39E+02 5.94E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 TL-208 4.75E+00 2.39E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 BI-214 1.22E+01 3.97E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 RA-226 1.06E+02 4.43E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 AC-228 1.24E+01 5.48E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 TH-234 1.01 E+02 7.80E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 10/18/2010 PB-212 7.16E+00 3.26E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 PB-212 9.07E+00 3.32E+00 Page 3 of8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Concentration(Activit,).: pCi/ll Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope A ctivitv 2 Sigma Error 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 BI-214 1.OOE+01 3.90E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 PB-214 7.26E+00 3.33E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 RA-226 9.56E+01 4.09E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 K-40 8.29E+02 6.61 E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 AC-228 2.24E+01 7.53E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 TH-234 8.69E+01 5.88E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 11/16/2010 1 TL-208 2.71 E+00 1.69E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 PB-214 9.15E+00 4.04E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 K-40 8.49E+02 6.66E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 TL-208 3.53E+00 1.96E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 BI-214 9.27E+00 3.87E+00 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 RA-226 9.48E+01 4.14E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 TH-234 1.54E+02 7.12E+01 400 0.6 MI NE - INTAKE CANAL (CONTROL) 12/17/2010 1 PB-212 8.62E+00 2.90E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 TL-208 4.55E+00 1.69E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 K-40 3.83E+02 4.26E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 TH-234 2.28E+02 7.56E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 RA-226 1.79E+02 4.25E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 PB-214 1.77E+01 4.33E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 BI-214 1.83E+01 4.08E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 1/16/2010 1 PB-212 8.94E+00 2.72E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/15/2010 1 RA-226 1.98E+02 4.27E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/15/2010 1 K-40 3.22E+02 3.63E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/15/2010 1 TH-234 1.82E+02 6.48E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/15/2010 1 PB-214 1.41 E+01 4.56E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/15/2010 1 BI-214 1.65E+01 4.31 E+00 Page 4 of 8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report M41edia Type: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Concentration(Activity): pCi/L Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/ 15/2010 PB-212 8.81E+00 2.71 E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 2/ 15/2010 TL-208 6.29E+00 2.60E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ 16/2010 TH-234 2.17E+02 6.17E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ 16/2010 RA-226 1.64E+02 3.91 E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ 16/2010 PB-214 2.57E+01 4.55E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ 16/2010 BI-214 2.36E+01 4.61 E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ 16/2010 PB-212 8.75E+00 3.18E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ 16/2010 TL-208 3.05E+00 1.93E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 3/ /16/2010 K-40 4.22E+02 4.23E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 PB-214 1.34E+01 3.27E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 AC-228 1.66E+01 5.97E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 RA-226 2.13E+02 4.22E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 TH-234 1.98E+02 5.23E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 BI-214 1.51E+01 4.41 E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 PB-212 1.38E+01 3.29E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 K-40 6.18E+02 5.07E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 4/ 16/2010 TL-208 6.36E+00 1.80E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 RA-226 1.53E+02 4.56E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 AC-228 1.31E+01 5.99E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 PB-214 6.93E+00 3.70E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 BI-214 9.47E+00 3.50E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 PB-212 9.92E+00 3.33E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 TL-208 3.69E+00 1.72E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 K-40 8.10E+02 6.54E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 5/ 16/2010 TH-234 1.50E+02 5.34E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/ 16/2010 AC-228 1.52E+01 5.21 E+00 Page 5 of'8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media 7vpe: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Concentration(Activity): pCiiL Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Et ror 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 1 RA-226 1.54E+02 4.22E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 PB-214 7.59E+00 3.55E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 TH-234 1.33E+02 6.26E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 BI-214 1.45E+01 4.19E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 PB-212 9.01E+00 3.11E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 K-40 8.18E+02 6.42E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 6/16/2010 TL-208 5.99E+00 1.82E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 RA-226 1.09E+02 4.30E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 TH-234 1.21E+02 6.33E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 AC-228 1.18E+01 5.70E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 PB-214 9.32E+00 3.86E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 BI-214 9.78E+00 3.43E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 PB-212 8.79E+00 3.04E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 BI-212 2.50E+01 1.51E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 K-40 8.90E+02 6.82E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 7/17/2010 TL-208 3.92E+00 1.62E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 PB-212 8.10E+00 3.07E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 AC-228 1.71 E+01 6.36E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 RA-226 1.38E+02 4.14E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 PB-214 1.21 E+01 4.32E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 K-40 9.13E+02 7.13E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 1 BI-214 1.31E+01 3.96E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 1 TL-208 4.72E+00 1.99E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 8/17/2010 1 TH-234 1.24E+02 5.92E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 1 K-40 5.39E+02 4.47E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 1 BI-214 2.22E+01 4.11 E+00 Page6 of 8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report M4fedia Type. Surface Water Quantit : Liters Concentration(Activity): pCiiL Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 PB-212 8.36E+00 2.49E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 BI-212 2.20E+01 1.53E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 TL-208 4.14E+00 1.95E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 PB-214 2.36E+01 5.01 E+00 401 4.9 MISSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 RA-226 1.96E+02 3.85E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 9/17/2010 TH-234 1.63E+02 5.68E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 PB-212 1.01 E+01 2.17E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 K-40 4.03E+02 3.79E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 TL-208 4.20E+00 2.03E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 PB-214 1.25E+01 3.68E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 RA-226 1.81 E+02 3.72E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 TH-234 2.37E+02 6.07E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 10/18/2010 BI-214 2.OOE+01 4.41 E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 TH-234 1.47E+02 5.65E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 RA-226 2.OOE+02 3.74E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 PB-214 1.15E+01 3.63E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 BI-214 1.83E+01 4.07E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 PB-212 1.14E+01 2.43E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 K-40 5.25E+02 4.61 E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 11/16/2010 TL-208 4.25E+00 1.94E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 BI-214 2.85E+01 4.55E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 K-40 4.90E+02 4.64E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 PB-212 1.63E+01 2.55E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW - DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 PB-214 2.85E+01 4.35E+00 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 RA-226 1.85E+02 4.11E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 AC-228 2.02E+01 6.97E+00 Page 7 of 8

BSEP RadiologicalEnvironmentalMonitoring Gamma Isotopic Report Media Type: Surface Water Quantity: Liters Concentration(Activitvl. pCi/L Sample Point Sample Date Quantity Isotope Activity 2 Sigma Error 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 1 TH-234 2.10E+02 6.76E+01 401 4.9 MI SSW- DISCHARGE CANAL @ OD PUMPS 12/17/2010 1 TL-208 6.01E+00 1.88E+00 Page 8 o.'8