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OL - Wincise Edcr Excerpts Parts 1
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 04/12/2011
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Division of Operating Reactor Licensing
Download: ML11136A058 (4)


WBN2Public Resource From: Alvarado, Rossnyev Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:53 PM To: Clark, Mark Steven; Poole, Justin


RE: WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1 Excellent. Thank you.

From: Clark, Mark Steven [1]

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:48 PM To: Alvarado, Rossnyev; Poole, Justin


RE: WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1 Rossnyev:

I am putting the excerpts from the issued EDCR I sent you on the docket in the letter we are trying to get out this Friday.

Regards, Steve Steve Clark Bechtel Power Corp.

Control Systems Watts Bar 2 Completion Project Phone: 423.365.3007 e-mail: From: Alvarado, Rossnyev [2]

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 1:29 PM To: Clark, Mark Steven; Poole, Justin


RE: WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1 Thanks for clarifying my questions. The EDCR will have to be revised to state 58 detectors.

The version of the EDCR in ADAMS is a draft and it does not contain sufficient information. Therefore, I will need the issued EDCR docket for me to use. Can the issued EDCR be docketed?

Rossnyev From: Clark, Mark Steven [3]

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 10:57 AM To: Alvarado, Rossnyev; Poole, Justin


RE: WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1 Rossnyev:

What I sent are excerpts from the issued EDCR.

1. The handwritten markups are the changes that will be incorporated into the system description by the EDCR.


2. The changes to the system description and design criteria documents associated with the thermocouples are part of EDCR 52351-B, Common Q PAMS which is scheduled to be issued . 58 is the correct number. The thermocouples are chromel/alumen, the neutron detectors are vanadium.
3. Responsibility for revising the system descriptions was transferred at the end of 2010 to the discipline and no schedule has been developed for the work.
Regards, Steve Steve Clark Bechtel Power Corp.

Control Systems Watts Bar 2 Completion Project Phone: 423.365.3007 e-mail: From: Alvarado, Rossnyev [4]

Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 9:09 AM To: Clark, Mark Steven; Poole, Justin


RE: WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1

Mark, I revised the document you sent. I have the following questions about this document:
1. The document has many hand written mark ups. When will the final version be issued?
2. The information presented in the Bechtel EDCR document is not consistent with the information presented in the TVA Incore Instrumentation System (Description Document, starting on age 116). It seems that the information in the TVA document is outdated. For example, the TVA document states that there will be 65 thermocouples, and the Bechtel document states 58, which is consistent with the information provided in the FSAR. Another difference is that the TVA document states that the thermocouples are chromel/alumen and not vanadium.
3. In the Bechtel Technical Evaluation Considerations, page 29, the response to question 1 states that A Unit 2 system description change package is required to be completed prior to issuing EDCR 52321. Do you know the status of this system description as well as when EDCR 52321 will be issued?

Thanks in advance for your help, Rossnyev From: Clark, Mark Steven [5]

Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 1:27 PM To: Poole, Justin; Alvarado, Rossnyev


WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1 Rossnyev/Justin:

Part 1 of 2. Too large to send otherwise. Please send your question so we can get it to Westinghouse.

Regards, 2

Steve Steve Clark Bechtel Power Corp.

Control Systems Watts Bar 2 Completion Project Phone: 423.365.3007 e-mail: From: Clark, Mark Steven Sent: Monday, April 11, 2011 11:32 AM To: 'Poole, Justin'; ''


Attachment_1.pdf - Adobe Acrobat Standard

Regards, Steve Steve Clark Bechtel Power Corp.

Control Systems Watts Bar 2 Completion Project Phone: 423.365.3007 e-mail: 3

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RE: WINCISE EDCR Excerpts Parts 1 Sent Date: 4/12/2011 1:53:26 PM Received Date: 4/12/2011 1:54:04 PM From: Alvarado, Rossnyev Created By: Recipients:

"Clark, Mark Steven" <>

Tracking Status: None "Poole, Justin" <>

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