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Enclosure 8, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1, Rras Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects, Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 06/30/2010
From: Steven Downey
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev 1
Download: ML102040487 (164)


Enclosure Enclosure 8 RRAS RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Watts Completion Program NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Projects Software Requirements Software Specification for the Post-Accident Requirements Specification Monitoring System Post-Accident Monitoring Document Number WNA-SD-00239-WBT -P, Revision 1, Number WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, 1I dated 2010 dated June 2010 Proprietary Class 3)

(Westinghouse Proprietary

8* Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Non-Proprietary Non-Proprietary Class 3 RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification ~pecification for the Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

Rev~ 1 June 2010 2010 APPROVALS APPROVALS Function Name and Signature Author Shawn M. Downey*

Shawn Principal Principal Engineer, Operating Operating Plant Safety Systems I Reviewer Dennis Buyan*

Software Software Engineer, Common Q Software Applications II Applications II David R. Ellis, Jr.


Project Manager, Common Q PAMS Approver Maria E. Assard*

Manager, Common Common Q Software Software Applications II Mesut B. Uzman*

Manager, FPGA FPGA Platform Platform Engineering Engineering and Systems

  • Electronically approved
  • Electronically records are approved records are authenticated authenticated inin the the electronic electronic document document management system.

management system.

© 2010 Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Electric Company LLCLLC All Rights Reserved Reserved

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for forthethe Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitorin2 System Accident Monitoring LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS Document Document Number Revision Name Name and Title WNA-SD-00239-WBT WNA-SD-00239-WBT A Allen C. Denyer Denyer Engineer, Operating Principal El}gineer, Operating'Plant Safety Systems I Plant Safety Jenna L. Tyger Editorial Specialist, Technical Communications WNA-SD-00239-WBT WNA-SD-00239-WBT .00 Jenna L. Tyger Tyger Editorial Specialist, Technical Communications WNA-SD-00239-WBT WNA-SD-00239-WBT 1 Jenna L. Tyger Editorial Specialist, Technical Communications Communications WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP 1I Jenna L. Tyger JennaL.

Communications Editorial Specialist, Technical Communications Template Version Template Version 2.0 2.0 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 i

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System REVISION HISTORY REVISION RECORD OF CHANGES CHANGES Doc Doc## Revision Author Description Completed WNA-SD-WNA-SD- A John N. Miller Miller Preliminary Issue - This draft revision revision has 06/09 00239-WBT Shawn M. Downey been created for customer review and comment comment WNA-SD- .0

,0 John N. Miller Miller Initial Issue 09/09

.00239-WBT 00239-WBT Shawn Shawn M. Downey Downey WNA-SD- 1 Shawn Shawn M. Downey Downey a,c 2/10 a,c 2/10 00239-WBT 00239-WBT WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 ii

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitorin2 Monitoring System REVISION HISTORY (cont.)


Doc #

Doc# Revision Revision Author Author Description Description Completed Completed WNA-SD-WNA-SD- 1I Shawn M. Downey a,c 2/10 ac 2/10 00239-WBT 00239-WBT WNA-SD- 1 ShawnM. Downey Proprietary Added Brackets to indicate Proprietary See See ,


00239- Information Information EDMS WBT-NP WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 iii

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitorinp, Post Accident Monitoring System DOCUMENT DOCUMENT TRACEABILITY TRACEABILITY & COMPLIANCE COMPLIANCE Created to Support Support the Following Following Document(s) Document Number Document Number Revision Revision

.Design Process for Common Q Safety Safety Systems NABU-DP-00014-GEN NABU-DP-00014-GEN 2 RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT 1 Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System - System -

Requirements Specification Requirements Specification RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C WNA-DS-01667-WBT WNA-DS-01667-WBT 1 Projects Post Accident Monitoring Accident Monitoring System - System Specification Design Specification OPEN ITEMS Item Description Status 1

[ ] a,c OPEN

[ ]

60 a,c OPEN WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, iv r


RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Title Page LIST OF OF C O N TRIB UTO R S ......................................................................................

CONTRIBUTORS ....................................................................................... .ii RE V ISIO N H REVISION IST O RY ..................................................................................................

HISTORY ............................................................................................... .ii REVISION REVISION HISTORY HISTORY (cont.) (cont.) ....................................

.............................................................................. ::.... .11*1.

.iii TABLE OF CON TABLE CONTENTS ............................................ ,................................................ v TENTS ............................................ 1..........................................

L IST OF LIST O F TABLES ..................................................................................................

TAB LE S ....................................................................................................... x L IST OF LIST O F FIG FIGURES ................................... I............................................... ............. x URE S .....................................................................................................


,ACRONYMS ...............................

TRADEMARKS ......................................................................... xi G LO SSARY OF GLOSSARY OF TER TERMS ............................................................................................. '......xiv M S ......................................................................................

R E F E R EN C E S ............................................................................................................

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................ xvi REQ U IREM EN T S ......................................................................................

.REQUIREMENTS ...............................................................................................  :................ xx SECTIO N 1 SECTION IN TRO DU C TIO N .................

INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................

,........................................................ :............................. 1-1* 1-1 1.1

1. OVERVIEW .........................................................................................  ;...................... 1-1 OV ERV IE W ................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.2 .........................................

SCOPE ................................. ..........

....................................................................................... 1-1 1-1 1.3 OB JE C TIV E ................................................................................................................

OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................ 1-2 1.4 B A C K G R OUN D .................................................................................................

BACKGROUND .................'................................................................................ ;....... ....... 1-2 SECTION 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................

DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................ 2-1 2.1 FUN CTION AL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................

................................................................................. 2-1 2.2 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION ...........................................................

........................................................... 2-2 2-2 2.3 CON STRA IN TS .................

GEN ERAL CONSTRAINTS GENERAL ......................................................................................

.................................................................... 2-2 2-2 2.3.1 2.3:1 Naming Conventions ....................................................

Naming Conventions .................................................................................................. .2-3 .......... 2-3

.3 .1.1 N N am es..............................................................

ode Names Node ............................................. 2-3

.................................................................. :.............................................. 2-3 A C 160 PC Term AC160 Tenninal inal N am es ........................................................................................

Names ........................................................................................ 2-5 2-5 AC 160 Communication AC160 Communication Database Database (DB) Element Names ............................................

Element Names ............................................ 2-5 2-5 A C 160 VO AC160 10 N am es ........................................................................................................

Names ....................................................................................................... 2-5 2-5 2.3.2 C onfiguration Control Configuration C ontrol ..................................... ............................................................ 2-5

..................................... ;............................................................ 2-5 SECTION 3

-STANDARD SOFTWARE STANDARD SOFTWARE DESCRIPTION ........... :.................. ;............................... 3-1 DESCRIPTION ............................................................ 3-1 3.1 AC 160 BASE SYSTEM AC160 SYSTEM SOFTWARE ..........................................

SOFTWARE ............................................................... . : .......

...... 3-1 3-1 3.2 AC 160 APPLICATION ACl60 APPLICATION SOFTWARE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT.. ....... ,............................... 3-1 DEVELOPMENT .. ,....................................... 3-1 3.3 FPDS APPLICATION SOFTWARE

,FPDS SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT .................. ............................................ 3-3 3.4 FPDS APPLICATION SOFTWARE SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT .............. ,............................... 3-3 SECTION 4 SECTION AC160 DATABASE CONFIGURATION CONFIGURATION .................. .................................................................

,.............................................. .4-1 4-1 4 .1 4.1 O V E RVIE W ...........................................................................................

OVERVIEW ....................4-1

............................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 HARDWARE DB ELEMENT CONFIGURATION HARDWARE CONFIGURATION ..................................................

.......... ;...................................... .4-1 4-1 4.3 COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATION DB DB ELEMENT CONFIGURATION ....................................... 4-3 CONFIGURATION ................

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, v

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS (Cont'd) 4.3.1 DSP/DAT D SP/DA T Configuration Configuration Requirements Requirem ents .....................................................................

................................................................. .4~3 4-3 4.3.2 DA T Configuration MDAT M Configuration Requirements Requirem ents ..........................................................................

.......................................................................... 4-5

.4-5 4.3.3 H igh Speed High Speed LinkLink (HSL)(H SL) Configuration Configuration Requirem Requirements ents ...............................................

................................................ .4-5 4-5 SECTION 5 PROCESS PROCESS CONTROL CONTROL PROGRAMMING ................................................................

PROGRAMMING ................................................................. 5-1 5.1 ........................................................................... 5-1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................... 5-1

~1 5.1.1 5.1 Initialization ................................................................

Initialization ................................................................ I~ ................................................

................................................ 5-1 5-1 5.2 STRUCTURE ELEMENT STRUCTURE ELEMENT CONFIGURATION .................................. :;................

CONFIGURATION ........................................ 5-2

................ 5-2 5.2.1 5.2.'1 .... .......

G eneral ................................................................................

General ..........................................

....................................... .5-4 5-4 5.2.2 Structure Elem PCPG M Structure PCPGM Element ent ....*.....................................................................................

......................................... ................................................ 5-4 5-4 5.2.3 CON TRM Structure Element CONTRM Elem ent ......................................................................................

..................................................................................... 5-5 5-5 5.2.4 Structure Element FUN CM Structure FUNCM Element .........................................................................................

......................................................................................... 5-5 5-5 5.3 SU PERV ISO RY LOGIC SUPERVISORY LO G IC .............................................................................................

............................................................................................. 5-6 5.3.

5.3.1 ...........................................................................................................

CPU Load Error ........................................................................................................... 5~7 5-7 5.3.2 ........................................................................................................

CRC Invalid Error ........................................................................................................ 5-8 5-8 5.3.3 Application Program Application Program CRC Error ... '.............................................................................. 5~8

......................................................................... 5-8 5.3.4 System Software Softw are CR CRC C Error ........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 5-9 5-9 5.3.5 D SP Error .....................................................................................................................

DSP,Error ..................................................................................................................... 5-10 5-10 5.3.6 Module (PM646A) Error .................................................................

Processor Module ..................... . ........... :........... 5-10 5-10 5.3.7 Com m unication M Communication Module (CI631) odule (C163 1) Error .......................................................................

....................................................................... 5-11 5-11 5.3.8 PRO M Checksum Error PROM .......................................................... ..................................... 5-11 Error ............................................................................................... 5-11 5.3.9 Status 1 W PM Status1 Word ord Error ...............................................................................................

............................................................................................... 5-11 5-11 5.3.10 CON TRM Run Error ...................................................................................................

CONTRM ................................................................................................... 5-12 5-12 5.3.11 1/O M VO Module ........................................................................................................

odule Errors ........................................  :....................... :....................................... 5-12 5-12 5.3.12 MDA T Error MDAT ...............................................

Error ................................................................................................................. 5-13 5-13 5.3.13 H SL R HSL eceive Channel Receive Channell1 and 2 Errors ..........................................................................

.......................................................................... 5-13 5-13 5.3.14 Addressable Constants CRC Addressable CR C Error ...............................................................................

............................................................................... 5-13 5-13 5.3.15 Addressable Constants CRC Addressable CR C Warning W arning .........................................................................

......................................................................... 5-14 5-14 5.3.16 Application Trouble Error Application ............................................................................................

Error. .......................................................................................... .5-14 5-14 5.3.17 Controller Ready Error ............... .......................... I....................................................... 5-14

...............'................................................................................. 5-14 5.3.18 Processor In-Test A larm ..............................................................................................

Alarm .............................................................................................. 5-15 5-15 5.3.19 A pplication Application Specific Errors ........................................................................................... 5-15

........................ .................................................................. 5-15 5.3.20 Cabinet Status*Alarms StatusA larm s .................................................................................................

................................................................................................. 5-15 5-15 5.3.21 I/O Channel Errors .......................................................................................................

VO ....................................................................................................... 5-16 5-16 5.3.22 H eartbeat .....................................................................................................................

Heartbeat ...................................................................................................................... ;5-16 5-16 5.3.23 W atchdog Timer Watchdog Timer ~upervision ............................... ...................................................... 5-17 Supervision ...................................................................................... 5-17 5.3.24 Failure N otification, Indication, and Display Notification, D isplay ...............................................................

............................................................ 5-17 5-17 5.3.25 Error Recovery ............................................................................................................. 5-18 Recovery ............................................................................................................ 5-18 5.4 SIGN SIGNAL AL Q U ALITY PROCESSING QUALITY PR O CESSIN G .................... ...................................................... 5-20

..................... ;...................................................... 5-20 5.4.1 G eneral .........................................................................................................................

General ................................................................................................ :........................ 5-20 5-20 5.4.2 Controller .......................................................................................................... 5-21 Controller Ready ..........................................................................................................

5.4.3 Input Signal Quality Processing ................................................................................... 5-22 Processing................................................................................... 5-22 5.4.4 H SL HSL Receive Error Processing ............. :...................................................................... 5-23 Error Processing ............. .......................................................................

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-:-SD-00239-WBT~NP, Rev. 1 vi vi

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System '

TABLE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS (Cont'd) 5.4.5 5.4.5 M DA T Receive MDAT Receive Error Processing ................................................................................

................................................................................ 5-23 5.4.6 5.4.6 D DATA T CAF (A F 1100)

00) R eceive Error Processing Receive Processing .....................................................................

..................................................................... 5-23 5.4.7 5.4.7 Plant Computer Computer D atalink ............................................................................................

Datalink ............................................................................................. 5-24

.5-24 5.5 ADDRESSABLE CONSTANTS CONSTANTS DATA PROCESSING PROCESSING ...........................................

........................................... 5-26 SECTION 6 SURVEILLANCE SURV EILLAN CE TESTING TESTIN G FEA FEATURESTU RES .................................................................

......... ........................................................ 6-1 6-1 6.1 CON TIN U OU S ONLINE CONTINUOUS ON LIN E DIAGNOSTICS DIA GN O STICS ................................................................

................................................................ 6-1 6.1.1 AC 160 Online AC160 D iagnostics ..........................................................................................

Online Diagnostics ......................................................................... ;................ 6-1 6.1.2 Flat Panel Display Online ...............................

Online Diagnostics ........................................................................ 6-1 6-1 6.2 MANUALLY MAN1JALL Y INITIATED TESTING ...............................................................

.............................. 6-3

......... 6-3 SECTION 7. 7 WATTS BAR PAMS.DESCRIPTIONS/REQUIREMENTS ...................................

BAR 2 PAMSDESCRIPTIONSIREQUIREMENTS ................................... 7-1 7-1 7.1 WA TTS BAR WATTS BAR 2 PAMS PAM S A C 160 SOFTWARE AC160 SO FTW ARE .............................................................

............................................................. 7-1 7-1 7.1.1 G eneral .........................................................................................................................

General ......................................................................................................................... 7-1 7-1 7.1.2 ................................................................................................................

Type Circuits ..........  : ..................................................................................................... 7-1 7-1 7.1.3 ~ ................................................................... 7-2 Inputs ....................................................... 7-2 AnaloglDigital ..................................................................................................

Analog/D igital Inputs .................................................................................................. 7-2 7-2 H HSLSL Inputs ..................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 7-3 7-3 AF 100 Inputs ................................................................................................................

AF100 ............................................................................................................... 7-3 7-3 MDAT InputsInputs....................................

.................................................: ......................... 7-3 7-3 7.1.4 Processing ....................................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................... 7-4 7-4 Input Processing ...........................................................................................................

........................................................................................................... 7-4 7-4 CET M onitoring ...........................................................................................................

Monitoring ........................................................... .'............................................... 7-5 7-5 RV LIS M onitoring .......................................................................................................

RVLIS Monitoring ....................................................................................................... 7-6 7-6

, Saturation Margin Saturation Margin Monitoring ..................................................................................... 77-17 M onitoring ..................................................................................... -17 .................................................................................................

Timestam p Processing .................................................................................................

Timestamp 77-19

-19 System

'System Status .............................................................................................................

......................................................................................................... ,..... 7-19 7-19 Analog O Analog utput Testing Output .................................................................................................

Testing ................................................................................................. 7-23 7.1.5 7.1.5 .........................................................................................................................

Outputs ......................................................................................................................... 7-23 Analog Outputs Analog Outputs ............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................ 7-23 O utputs .............................................................................................................

D igital Outputs Digital ............................................................................................................. 7-24 7-24 H SL Outputs HSL' O utputs ....................................

........................................................................... 7-25 AF 100 Outputs ......................................................................................

AFIOO ........................ ,I......................

...................... 7-25 7-25 MDAT ........ ...................................... 7-27 M D A T Outputs .............................................................................................................

7.1.6 Tim ing ..........................................................................................................................

Timing ........................................................................................................................ 7-27 7.1.7 Response to Abnormal .............................................................................. 7-28 A bnorm al Conditions ............................................................................. 7-28 7.1.8 Application-Specific ......................................................................................... 7-28 A pplication-Specific Errors ........................................................................................ 7-28 7.1.9 Recovery ..............................................................................................................

Error Recovery .............................................................................................................. 7-28 7.1.10 Initialization .................................................................................................................

Initialization ................................................................................................................. 7-28 7-28 7.1.11 Comm unication DB Communication DB Element Elem ent Models Models ..................................  ;....................................... 7-29

.......................................................................... 7-29 7.1.12 N am Naming ing Conventions ..................................................................................................

................................................................................................ ,.. 7-29 7-29 7.1.13 A C 160 Constraints AC160 .......................................................................................................

Constraints ....................................................................................................... 7-29 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Vii vii

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring System Post Accident TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 7.1.14 AC160 Perfonnance ....................................................................................................

Performance .................................................................................................... 7-29 7-29 7.1.15 ........ ...................................

AC160 Reliability :.......................................................................................................

AC160 7-29 7-29 7.1.16 Maintainability ................................................................................................ 7-29 AC160 Maintainability ...............................................................................................

7.1.17 AC 160 Portability AC160 ........................................................................................................

Portability ........................................................................................................ 7-29 7.2 WATTS BAR 2 PAMS PAMS FPDS SOFTWARE ...............................................................

SOFTWARE ............................................................... 7-30 7-30 77.2.1

.2 .1 G en eral .........................................................................................................................

General ......................................................................................................................... 7 7-30 -3 0 7.2 Display D isplay PPages ...............................................................................................................

ages ............................................................................................................... 7-30 7-30 7 .2 .3 7.2.3 D Directory ..................................... ......... 7-34 irectory ......................................................................................................................

...................................................................... 7 -34 7.2 .4 7.2.4 ICC IC Sum mary ..............................................................................................................

C Summary .............................................................................................................. 7-34 7-34 7.2.5 Core ...............................................................................................

Core Summary Display ................................................................................................. 7-35 7.2.6 Saturation Margin ...........................................................................................

Margin Display ........................................................................................... 7-35 7.2.7 Reactor Vessel Level Reactor Level Display Display ......................................................................................

...................................................................................... 77-36

-36 7.2.8 7.2:8 Level .......................................

Level Bar Graphs Display ............................................  : ................................. : ............. 7-37 7-37 72.9 722.9 Reactor Reactor Vessel Levpl ........................................................................

Level Sensors Display ........................................................................ 7-38 7-38 7.2.10 Summary Display .........................................

CET Summary ......................................................... , ...................................... 7-38 7-38 7.2.11 Core Map ............................................

Map Display ........................................................................................................ 77-39

-39 7.2 .12 7.2.12 R RCS D isp lay ................................................................................................................

C S Display ................................................................................................................ 7-40 7 .2 .13 7.2.13 Tren d s ..........................................................................................................................

Trends ........................................................................................................................... 7-41 7 -4 1 7.2 .14 7.2.14 System E vents .............................................................................................................

Events ............................................................................................................... 7-44 7.2 .15 7.2.15 FP D Status L FPD Listist ............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................ 7-45 7-45 7 .2 .16 7.2.16 A ...................................................................~.................................................

larm s .....................................................................

Alanns 7 -4 5

.....................................................,' ..... 7-45 7.2.17 .................................................................................................

System Health Display ................................................................................................. 7-46 7.2.18 CRC and System Info .............................................................................  : ........ :........... 7-47

................................................................................................. 7-47 7.2.19 Setpoint Display .............................................

........................................................................................................... 7-48 7-48 7.2 .20 7.2.20 D isplay ............................................................................................................

B ypass Display Bypass ........................................................................................................... 7-49 7.2.21 Modify Setpoint/Bypass ModifY SetpointiBypass ................................. ............................................................ 7-49

................................. ;............................................................ 7-49 7.2.22 Functional Tests Display .................................................................. ;.......................... 7-50 Display ........................................ 7-50 7.2.23 Annunciator Annunciator Test Display ......................... ,................................................................... 7-50

............................................................................................ 7-50 7.2 .24 7.2.24 Display P Display ixel Test Pixel ........................................................................................................ 7-5 Test ....................................................................................................... 7-511 7.2.25 Saturation Margin Test Display ...................................................................................

Saturation ................................................................................... 7-52 7-52 7.2.26 Analog Analog Output '................ 7-53 Output Test Display .........................................................................

7.2.27 Maintenance ..................................................................................................

Maintenance Display ................................................................................................... 7-53 7.2.28 RVLIS ........................................................................................................

RVLIS Constants .......................................................................................................... 7-54 7-54 7.2.29 Loading AC AC160 160 Software .................................................................... ........................ 7-55 Software ............................................................................................ 7-55 7.2.30, 7.2.30. ................. ......................

Input Monitoring ........................................................................................................... 7-56 7-56 7.2.31 Load and Save Addressable Constants Save Addressable ...............................

Constants ........................................................................ 7-56 7-56 7.2.32 ..............................................................................................

Analog Output Selection .............................................................................................. 7-57 7-57 7-.2.33 7.2.33 Modify Timeout/Modify ModifY TimeoutlModifY Default .................................................................................

................................................................................. 7-58 7-58 7.2.34 Plant Computer Datalink: Processing ...........

Datalink Processing ..................... 7-58

........................................................................... 7-58 7 .2 .35 7.2.35 L eg en d B Legend Barar ...................................................................................................................

................................................................................................................... 7-677 7-6 7.2 .36 7.2.36 FPD H eartbeat ...........................................................................................................

FPDSS Heartbeat ........................................................................................................... 7-68 7.2.37 AC160 AC Heartbeat ...

160 Heartbeat .............. ........................................................................................... 7-69

,...................................................................................................... 7-69 7.2.38 FPDS FPDSShared ................................................................................. 7-69 Shared Memory Database .................................. 7-69 7.2.39 FE Keyswitch ................................................................................................

Keyswitch Interlock ............................................................................................... 7-69 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, viii

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) 7.2.40 FPDS System File Checker.. Checker ..........................................................................................

........................................................................................ 7-70 7-70 7.2.41 FPDS Screen Savers ....................................................................................................

Savers .................................................................................................... 7-71 7.2.42 FPDS Software Software Development Development and Program Generation Generation ..............................................

.............................................. 7-71 7.2.43 FPDS RS232 RS232 Serial Serial Communications ..................................................................

Communications Port .................................................................. 7-71 7.2.44 Display Resolution Requirements ................................................................................

Requirements ................................................................................ 7-72 7-72 7.2.45 .........................................................................................................

FPDS Constraints ......................................................................................................... 7-72 7.2.46 Performance ........................................................................................

FPDS Performance .....................................................................................................

.............. 7-72 7-72 7.2.47 .........................................................................................................

FPDS Reliability .......................................................................................................... 7-73 7 -73 7.2.48 Maintainability ..................................................................................................

FPDS Maintainability .................................................................................................. 7-73 7 -73 7.2.49 FPDS Portability ..........................................................................................................

.. : ....................................................................................................... 7-73 SECTION SECTION 8 SAFETY SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS ........................................................

REQUIREMENTS ........................................................ 8-1 8-1 88.1

.1 SSAFETY AF E TY ......................................................................................................................

..................................................................................................................... 8-1 8-1

.2 88.2 SSECURITY E C U RIT Y ..................................................................................................

.................................................................................................................. 8-1

............... 8-1 88.2.1

.2 .1 .. C yb er Security Cyber Security ............................................................................................................

............................................................................................................ ;8-1 ;8-1 SECTION SECTION 9 PROGRAM PROGRAM W WIDEIDE DATABASE DATABASE (PW (PWD) D) USAGE .....................................................

..................................................... 9-1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 ix ix

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements SpecificationSpecification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS (Cont'd)

LIST OF TABLES TABLES Table Title Page Table 2.3-1.

2.3-1. Train A AMPL Naming Naming Conventions ...............................................................................

Conventions ............................................................................... 2-4 2-4 Table 2.3-2. Train B AMPL Naming Conventions ...............................................................................

.............................................................................. 2-4 2-4 Table 5.3-1.

5.3-1. STATUS 1 Bits used for PM Statusl STATUSI StatusI Word Error .............................................................

............................................................. 5-12 5-12 Table 5.4-1.

5.4-1. STATUSI Bits Used for Controller Ready .....................................................

STATUSI .............................. ~ ................ 5-22 Table 7.1-1.

7.1-1. Watts Bar 2 PAMS Standard Type Type Circuits and Custom PC Elements ........................... 7-1 Elements ...........................

Table 7.1-2. System Trouble Trouble Alarm Conditions Conditions ...................................................................................

................................................................................... 77-19 -19 Table Table 7.1-3.

7.1-3. IC ICC CA larm Conditions Ararm C onditions ......................................................................................................

...................................................................................................... 7-20 Table Table 7.1-4. PAMS P AMS Alarms Reflash Decision Table .............................................................................

........... I................................................................ 77-21

-21 Table Table 7.1-5.

7.1-5. PAMS Controller Controller Status Word Variables .........................................................................

VarIables ......................................................................... 7-22 Table 7.1-6. Watts Bar 2 PAMS Application Application Structure Structure ........................................................................

........................................................................ 7-27 Table 7.2-1.

7.2-1. Train A PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Computer Computer .....................

................................................. 7-59 7-59 Table 7.2-2. Train B PAMS P AMS Data Transmitted Transmitted to the Plant Computer .................................................

................................................. 77-63 -63 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURES Figure Title Page Figure 5.2-1.

5.2-1. PAMS PAMS Application Program Program Structure ............................................................................

............................................................................ 5-4 5-4 Figure 5.3-1.

5.3-1. Supervisory Processing Supervisory Processing ...................................................................................................

................................................................................ ;.................. 5-19 5-19 Figure 5.4-1.

5.4-1. Q uality Processing ...........................................................................................................

Quality ........................................................................................................... 5-25 5.5-1.

Figure 5.5-1. Addressable ...............................................................................

Addressable Constants CRC Check ............................................................................... 5-30 5-30 Figure 7.1-1.

7.1-1. RV RVLISLIS Dynamic Dynam ic A lgorithm ............................................................................................

Algorithm ............................................................................................ 7-8 7-8 Figure 7.1-2. R V RVLISL IS Static A lgorithm .................................................................................................

Algorithm .................................................................................................. 7-9 7-9 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239 ..WBT-NP, Rev. 1I x X

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System ACRONYMS ACRONYMS AND AND TRADEMARKS Acronyms used in the document are defined in WNA-PS-00016-GEN, WNA-PS-00016-GEN, "Standard Acronyms and "Standard Acronyms and (Reference 2) and NABU-DS-00115~GEN, Definitions" (Reference Definitions" "Safety System Standard NABU-DS-001 15-GEN, "Safety Standard Definitions" Definitions" included below to ensure unambiguous (Reference 3), or included (Reference understanding of their use within this document.

unambiguous understanding Acronyms Definition Definition ABB Asea Brown Boveri AC160 Advant Controller Advant Controller 160 160 ACC AMPL Control Configuration Configuration ACT Active Application Program Program AF100

'AF100 Advant Network Advant Fieldbus 100 Network Al AI Analog Input AMPL ABB Advant Master Programming Advant Master Programming Language AO Analog Output CD CD Compact Compact Disk CET Core Exit Thermocouple Thermocouple CETMS CoreExit Thermocouple Monitoring Core,Exit Thermocouple System Monitoring System Common CommonQ Q Common Common Qualified Qualified Platform CRA Cable Redundancy Available CRC Cyclic Cyclic Redundancy Check Redundancy Check DAT AF 100 communication Database element associated with AFIOO communication DB Database Database DB Elements AC 160 Database AC160 Database Elements DI Digital Input DO Digital Output DSP Data Set Peripheral Peripheral EUDH Expected Expected Uncompensated Uncompensated Dynamic Head FCB FCB. Function Function Chart Builder Builder FE Function Function Enable Enable FPD Flat Panel Display Display FPDS Flat Panel Display Display System System FPROM Read-Only Memory Flash Programmable Read-Only HJTC Heated Junction Thermocouple Heated- Thermocouple HMI Human-Machine Interface Human-Machine Interface HSL HSL High Speed Link HWE Hardware Error Error' I/0 1/0 Input/Output ICC Inadequate Core Cooling Inadequate IEEE Institute Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IP Internet Protocol MTP Maintenance and Test Panel Maintenance NDH

  • NDH Normalized Dynamic Head Normalized OM OM Operator's Operator's Module PAMS System Post Accident Monitoring System WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Xi xi

RRAS RRAS Specification for Software Requirements Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System ACRONYMS AND ACRONYMS AND TRADEMARKS (Cont'd) (Cont'd)

Acronyms Definition Definition PC Process Control PCH Power Compensated Head PHA Preliminary Hazards Analysis PhAB QNX Photon QNX Photon Application Builder PID PIO Identifier Point Identifier PM Processor Module PPS Plant Protection System PRE Process Error PWD Program Wide Database Database QA Quality Assurance Assurance RAM Random Access Memory RC1 RCI Redundant Cable I1 Redundant RC2 Redundant Cable 2 Redundant RCP Reactor Coolant Pump RCS Reactor Coolant System RJT Reference Junction Temperature RTD Resistance Temperature Detector Detector RVLIS Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Instrumentation System System RVLMS Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring System System SE Severe Severe Error Error SLE Software Software Load Enable SMM Subcooled Subcooled Margin Monitor Monitor SPDS Safety System Safety Parameter Display System SRR Software Software Release Record SWE Software Error Software Error TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Transmission Protocol/Internet Protocol Protocol UDH UDH Uncompensated Dynamic Uncompensated Dynamic Head Head UJTC Unheated Junction Junction Thermocouple Thermocouple WDT Watchdog W atc~dog Timer Timer Advantis a registered Advant registered trademark trademark of ABB Process Automation Corporation.

Process Automation Corporation .

Microsoft, Windows,

. Microsoft, Windows, and VisualVisual SourceSafe are registered trademarks of Microsoft trademarks of Microsoft Corporation inin the United States and/or other other countries.

QNX QNX and and Photon Photon are registered trademarks are registered trademarks of QNX Software Systems ofQNX Systems GmbH & Co. KG ("QSSKG")


and are used under under license license by QSS.


. VMwareTM VMware' is is a registered registered trademark trademark of VMware, Inc.

ofVMware, Inc.

WatcomTM Watcom' is a trademark trademark of Watcom International.

ofWatcom International.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. Rev. 1 xii xii

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System ACRONYMS ACRONYMS AND TRADEMARKS (Cont'd)

AND TRADEMARKS All other product and corporate corporate names used in this document may be trademarks or registered registered trademarks of other companies, and are used only for explanation explanation and to the owners' owners' benefit, without intent to infringe.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 xiii

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident System Monitoring System GLOSSARY OF TERMS Standard terms used in the document document are defined defined in WNA-PS-00016-GEN, "Standard Acronyms and WNA-PS-00016-GEN, "Standard Definitions" (Reference Definitions" (Reference 2) and NABU-DS-00115-GEN, NABU-DS-001 15-GEN, "Safety "Safety System Standard Standard Definitions" Definitions" (Reference 3), or included below to ensure unambiguous understanding (Reference understanding of their use within this document.

Term Definitions A0650 Analog output module that converts digital signals from the Processor Processor Module (PM) to analog analog signals. This module has eight output channels channels for 0-20 mA, rnA, 4-20 mA, rnA, 20 rnA, mA, 10 10 V, 0-5 V, 1-5 V, and 0-10 V ranges.

AAX AMPL source source code code file.

AC160 AC 160 Station Station The entire AC 160 Controller Station, which is made up of a single base station subrack (C163 (CI631,1, PM646A, and S600 10 modules) modules) and any optional I/O I/0 station or extension extension subracks subracks (S600 10 modules only). All PMs within the same AC AC160160 Station share the same Advent Fieldbus 100 (AF 100)

I 00) bus address (base station subrack thumbwheel switch).

Addressable Addressable Constants Any value within the AC160 software which is changeable, changeable, through an FPD.

A1687 AI687 The AI687 A1687 is a high speed analog input module that processes processes 0-100 mY, mV, RTD, and Thermocouple Thermocouple signals. [Open Item #1] #1]

A1688 AI688 The A1688 AI688 is a high speed analog input module that processes processes 0-1 V, 0-10 V, and 4-20 rnA mA input signals. [Open Item #1] #1]

BAX Database Database source code file.

C1527 CI527 AF 100 communications AF100 communications interface module that provides the AF100 AF 100 high-speed bus control for the PC node box (FPDS).

high-speed C1631 CI631 AF 1100 00 communications communications interface module that provides the AF 1100 00 high-speed bus control for the AC 160 station.

AC160 CONTRM Control Control module process process control (PC) element used for execution control control of modules modules within a PC program.

CQRev Common Q revision control control system.

Cyber Security Security Methods and tools used to protect Methods protect computer systems against against

.unauthorized access unauthorized access and manipulation.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 xiv xiv

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System GLOSSARY GLOSSARY OF TERMS (Cont'd)

Term Definitions DAT Database element representing values that are transferred over the Boolean DAT is a database AF100. A Boolean AFIOO. database element that holds 32 individual Boolean data values. An integer integer or floating-point floating-point DAT holds one data value.

I Data Set Peripheral (DSP) representing a block of data (up to eight DATs) to be Database element representing received or sent over the AF 1100.


FUNCM Function module structure PC element that has no execution execution effects and is used to help label/structure label/structure a PC program.

IDENT JDENT Numerical representation identifies the DSP on a given AF representation that identifies 100.


is between Range between 1 1 and 50.

PCPGM structure pC PC program structure PC element that defines the program header and is is execution control of the overall application program on the used for execution the*

Advant control control system.

SYS-CRC SYS-CRC PC element Redundancy Check (CRC) taken element that monitors the Cyclic Redundancy operating system, the system software, all options, from the operating options, and the application application program.

SYSL SYSL A PC element that measures PM system load load..

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1

. WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, xv XV

RRAS Requirements Specification for the Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System REFERENCES Following is a list of references Following references used throughout throughout this document.


1. NABU-DP-00014-GEN, NABU-DP-00014-GEN, Rev. 2, "Design Process for Common Q Safety Systems," Systems," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.
2. WNA-PS-00016-GEN, Rev. 4, "Standard WNA-PS-00016-GEN, Definitions," Westinghouse Electric "Standard Acronyms and Definitions," Electric Company LLC.
3. NABU-DS-00115-GEN, NABU-DS-001 "Safety System 15-GEN, Rev. 0, "Safety Definitions," Westinghouse System Standard Definitions," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

II 4. 00000-ICE-3889, 00000-ICE-3889, Rev. 10, "Coding Standards Standards and Guidelines Guidelines for Common Q Systems,"


'Westinghouse Electric Company.

'Westinghouse Company LLC.

5. WCAP-16096-NP-A, Rev. 1A; lA, "Software Program Manual for Common "Software Program Common Q Systems,"

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

6. WCAP-16097-P-A, Rev. 0, WCAP-16097-P-A, "Common Qualified Platform Topical 0, "Common Topical Report," Westinghouse Electric Report," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.
7. 00000-ICE-30155, Rev. 9, "System 00000-ICE-30155, "System Requirements Specification for the Common Q Generic Requirements Specification Generic Flat Display," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

Panel Display,"

I 8. WNA-DS-OI070-GEN, Rev. 3, WNA-DS-01070-GEN, "Application Restrictions 3, "Application Restrictions for Generic Common Common Q Q Qualification,"


Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.


9. 00000-ICE-3239, Rev. 12, "Software 00000-ICE-3239, Specification for the Common Requirements Specification "Software Requirements Common Q Q Generic Generic Flat-Panel Software," Westinghouse Flat-Panel Display Software," Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.
10. NABU-DP-00015-GEN, Rev. 2, "Common NABU-DP-00015-GEN, "Common Q Software Configuration Management Guidelines,"

Management Guidelines,"

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

Westinghouse 11.

11. 00000-ICE-30157, 'Rev.

00000-ICE-30157, Rev. 16, "Software Design Description for the Common Q Generic 16, "Software Generic Flat-Panel Flat-Panel Display Display Software," Westinghouse Electric Company Software," Westinghouse Company LLC.


12. WNA-DS-00315-GEN, Rev. 2, WNA-DS-00315-GEN, 2, "Reusable Software Element Document CRC for Calibration Calibration Data,"


Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.


13. WNA-DS-01 150-GEN, Rev. 0, "Standard WNA-DS-01150-GEN, "Standard General General Requirements Security,"

Requirements for Cyber Security,"

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.


14. AN03007Sp, ABB Memo, "AC160 Restrictions," ABB Process Automation "AC 160 CPU Loading Restrictions," Automation Corporation.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, xvi

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System (Cont'd).

REFERENCES (Cont'd) 15.

15. 00000-ICE-30156, "System Requirements 00000-ICE-30156, Rev. 06, "System Requirements Specification Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Accident System," Westinghouse Electric Monitoring System,"

Monitoring Electric Company LLC.

16. WNA-PD-00073-WBT, Rev. 0, "Project WNA-PD-00073-WBT, "Project Plan Common Common Q Post Accident Monitoring System,"System,"

Westinghouse Electric Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.

I 17.

17. WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Rev. 1, WNA-DS-01617-WBT, Program I&C Projects "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program 1, "Watts Projects Post Post Requirements Specification,"

Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Specification," Westinghouse Electric Electric Company.


18. 00000-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements 00000-ICE-3238, Rev. 5, "Software Specification for the Common Requirements Specification Common Q Post Accident Accident Monitoring System,"

Monitoring System," Westinghouse Company LLC.

Westinghouse Electric Company 19.

19. WNA-CD-00018-GEN, Rev. 3, "Commercial WNA-CD-00018-GEN, "Commercial Dedication Dedication Report for QNX 4.25G for Common Q Applications,"

Applications," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

Westinghouse Electric Company

20. WNA-IP-00152-GEN, Rev. 7, WNA-IP-00152-GEN, 7, "Generic "Generic Common Q Software Installation Procedure,"


Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

I 21.

21. WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Rev. 1, "Watts WNA-DS-01667-WBT, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Accident Monitoring System - System Design Specification," Westinghouse Electric Company Specification," Westinghouse Company LLC.
22. 00000-ICE-30152, 00000-ICE-30152, Rev. 5, 5, "Software Description for the Common Q Phase 33 Post Accident "Software Design Description Monitoring Station," Westinghouse Electric AC 160 Station,"

Monitoring System AC160 Electric Company LLC.

23. 00000-ICE-30140, Description for the Common Q Core Protection "Software Design Description 00000-ICE-30140, Rev. 4, "Software Protection Calculator System Calculator System Database andUtility and Utility Functions,"

Functions," Westinghouse Company LLC.

Westinghouse Electric Company

24. 665R401, Rev. A, "Data Base Elements, Advant Controller 3BDS 005 665R401, 160, Version 1.3 Controller 160, Reference Manual," ABB, Asea Brown Boveri.

Reference Manual,"

25. 666R101, Rev. C, "PC Elements Advant Controller 160, Version 1.3, 3BDS 005 666R101, 1.3, Reference Manual," ABB, Asea Brown Boveri.

Reference Manual,"

26. ANSI/IEEE ANSI/IEEE Standard 754-1985, Standard for Binary Floating-Point 754-1985, "IEEE Standard Arithmetic," Institute of Floating-Point Arithmetic," of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., 1985.

I 27. WNA-DS-01715-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard WNA-DS-01715-GEN, "Standard Reusable Software Software Element Document for PM PM Circuit," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

Diagnostics Type Circuit,"

28. WNA-CD-00029-GEN, Rev. 0, "Commercial wNA-CD-00029-GEN, "Commercial Grade Dedication Dedication Report for the ABB Advant PM646A/PM646B Firmware/Base PM646A1PM646B Firmware/Base System Software Version 1.3/8 for Common Q Software Version Q Applications,"


Westinghouse Electric Company Westinghouse Company LLC.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, xvii xvii

RRAS RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Pro.jects Post Accident Monitoring System System


I 29. WNA-DS-01564-GEN, WNA-DS-01564-GEN, Rev. 1, Module Error "Standard Reusable Software Element Document for Exclusive 1, "Standard Module Error Type Circuit," Westinghouse Type Circuit," Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

30. 00000-ICE-37727, Rev. 0, "Post Accident Monitoring System Software Preliminary 00000-ICE-37727, Preliminary Hazard Analysis for the Common Q Phase 33 PAMS Project," Westinghouse PAMS Project," Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.


31. WNA-DS-01838-GEN, Rev. 3, WNA-DS-01838-GEN, 3, "Standard "Standard Reusable Software Element Document for Fourth Order Order Polynomial Fluid Density Density Curve Fit Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

32. WNA-DS-01839-GEN, WNA-DS-01839-GEN, Rev. 3, "Standard Reusable Software Element Document for Summation of 3, "Standard of Reference Leg Density Corrections Reference Corrections Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

33. WNA-DS-01840-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard WNA-DS-01840-GEN, "Standard Reusable Software Element Document for 2-Input Element Documentfor Maximum Comparison Comparison with Status Control Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

I 34. WNA-DS-01841-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard WNA-DS-01841-GEN, Reusable Software "Standard Reusable Element Document for 2-Input Software Element Minimum Comparison with Status Control Custom PC Element," Element," Westinghouse Electric Electric Company Company LLC.

I 35. WNA-DS-01842-GEN, WNA-DS-01842-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard Reusable Software Element "Standard Reusable Element Document for RVLIS Static Level Calculation Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.

_I 36. WNA-DS-01845-GEN, WNA-DS-01845-GEN, Rev. 1, "Standard "Standard Reusable Software Software Element Element Document Document for Dynamic Compensation Calculation Custom PC Element,"

Head Compensation Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Electric Company Company LLC.

37. WNA-DS-01846-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard WNA-DS-01846-GEN, "Standard Reusable Software Software Element Element Document for Normalized Normalized Dynamic Head Head Compensation Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Electric Electric Company Company LLC.

38. WNA-DS-01847-GEN, Rev. 0, "Standard WNA-DS-01847-GEN, "Standard Reusable Software Software Element'Document Element'Document for Void Fraction Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.

39. WNA-DS-01848-GEN, WNA-DS-01848-GEN, Rev. 1, "Standard "Standard Reusable Software Element Reusable Software Element Document for the Reactor Reactor Vessel Level Monitoring Monitoring Custom PC Element,"

Elenient," Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.

40. WNA-DS-01849-GEN, WNA-DS-01849-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard "Standard Reusable Software Element Reusable Software Element Document for Reactor Reactor Coolant Coolant Pump Status Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Electric Company Company LLC.


41. WNA-DS-01994-GEN, WNA-DS-01994-GEN, Rev. 0, "Standard "Standard Reusable Software Element Reusable Software Element Document for a First Order Order Lag Filter Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.

42. WNA-DS-00306-GEN, WNA-DS-00306-GEN, Rev. 5, "Reusable "Reusable Software Software Element Document Engineering Units Document Engineering Conversion," Westinghouse Conversion," Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Company LLC.LLC. -

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 °°oi xviii

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Completion Program Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System REFERENCES (Cont'd)


43. WNA-DS-02065-GEN, Rev. 2, "Standard WNA-DS-02065-GEN, "Standard Reusable Software Element Reusable Sofuvare Element Document for Reactor Vessel Level Alarm Alarm Custom PC Element,"

Element," Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Electric Company LLC.

44. WNA-DS-01505-GEN, Rev. 0, "Standard WNA-DS-01505-GEN, "Standard Reusable Software Element Document for Reflash Type Circuit," Westinghouse Circuit," Westinghouse Electric Company Company LLC.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 xix

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Proaram I&C Proiects Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Monitorin2 System REQUIREMENTS REQUIREMENTS Design and/or other requirements have been identified in this document. Following is a list of the requirement requirement numbers ana document page on which the requirement and the document requirement is identified.


R2.3-1 ....................

.................... 2-2 2-2 ..................... 3-3 R3.3-3 ..................... 3-3 R2.3-2 ....................

.................... 2-3 ..................... .3-3 R3.3-4 .................... 3-3

.................... 2-3 R2.3-3 .................... ..................... 3-3 R3.4-1 ..................... 3-3 R2.3-4 R2.3-4 .................... 2-3

.................... 2-3 R3.4-2 .....................

.................... .3-33-3 R2.3.1.1-1 R2.3.1.1-1 .............. 2-3

.............. 2-3 R4.2-1 .....................

..................... 4-1 R2.3.1.1-2 R2.3.1.1-2 .............. 2-3

.............. 2-3 R4.2-2 ...............

..................... 4-1 R2.3.1.2-1 R2.3.1.2-1 .............. 2-5

.............. 2-5 ..................... 4-1 R4.2-3 .....................

R2.3.1.3-1 ..............

R2.3.1.3-1 2-5

.............. 2-5 ..................... 4-1 R4.2-4 .....................

R2.3.1.4-1 R2.3.1.4-1 .............. 2-5

.............. 2-5 R4.2-5 ..................... 4-2

.................... .4-2 R2.3.2-1 R2.3.2-1 ................. 2-5

................. 2-5 ..................... 4-2 R4.2-6 ..................... 4-2 R2.3.2-2 ................. 2-5 R2.3.2-2 ................. 2-5 R4.2-7 .....................

.................... .4-24-2 R2.3.2-3 .................

................. 2-5 R4.2-8 R4.2-8 .....................

..................... 4-2

................. 2-5 R2.3.2-4 ................. R4.2-9 .....................

..................... 4-2 R2.3.2-5 .................

................. 2-5 2-5 R4.2-10 ........ ~ ..... .4-3 R4.2-10 ............ 4-3 .

R2.3.2-6 .................

R2.3.2-6 ................. 2-5 2-5 R4.2-11 ...................

................... 4-3 R2.3.2-7 R2.3.2-7 .................

................. 2-6 R4.2-12 ..................

................... .4-3 4-3 R2.3.2-8 R2.3.2-8 ................. 2-6

................. 2-6 R4.2-13 ...................

R4.2-13 .................. .4-3 4-3 R2.3.2-9 R2.3.2-9 .................

................. 2-6 2-6 R4.3.1-1 R4.3.1-1 :.................. 4-4

................ .4-4

............... 2-6 R2.3.2-10 ............... 2-6 R4.3.1-2* ................. .4-4 R4.3.1-2 ................. 4-4 R2.3.2-11 ...............

............... 2-6 2-6 R4.3.1-3 ..................

R4.3.1-3 ................. .4-4 4-4 R2.3.2-12 ............... 2-6 R2.3.2-12 ............... 2-6 R4.3.1-4 R4.3.1-4 ................. 4-4

.................. .4-4 R2.3.2-13 ............... 2-6 R2.3.2-13 ............... 2-6 R4.3.1-5 R4.3.1-5 ................. 4-4 '

.................. .4-4 R2.3.2-14 ............... 2-6 R2.3.2-14 ............... 2-6 R4.3.1-6 .................. .4-4 R4.3.1-6 ................. 4-4 R2.3.2-15 ...............

............... 2-6 2-6 R4.3.1-7 .................. .4-4 R4.3.1-7 ................. 4-4 R2.3.2-16 ............... 2-6 R2.3.2-16 ............... 2-6 R4.3.1-8 ............. ..4-'5 R4.3.1-8 ................ 4-5 R2.3.2-17 ............... 2-6 R2.3.2-17 ............... 2-6 R5.1-1 R5.1-1 ..................... 5-1

.................... 3-1 R3.1-1 .................... 3-1 R5.1-2 .....................

..................... 5-1 R3.1-2 R3.1-2 ................

.................... 3-1 3-1 R5.1-3 ..................... 5-1 R5.1-3 .....................

R3;1-3 R3J-3 .................

.................... 3-1 3-1 R5.1.1-1 ........

R5.1.1-1 ...............  :.. 5-1 R3.1-4 ................ 3-1 R3.1-4 .................... 3-1 R5.1.1-2 .................. 5-2 R5.1.1-2 .................. 5-2 R3.2-1 ....................

.................... 3-1 3-1 R5.1.1-3 .................. 5-2 R5.1.1-3 ..................

R3.2-2 R3.2-2 ....................

.................... 3-2 R5.1.1-4 ........

R5.1.1-4 ............... 5-2

.. 5-2 R3.2-3 ....................

.................... 3-2 3-2 R5.1.1-5 .................. 5-2 R5.1.1-5 .................. 5-2

.................... 3-2 R3.2-4 .................... 3-2 .................. 5-2 R5.1.1-6 .................. 5-2

.................... 3-2 R3.2-5 .................... 3-2 R5.2.1 -1 ..................

R5.2.1-1 5-4

.................. 5-4

.................... 3-2 R3.2-6 .................... 3-2 ..................

R5.2.2-1 ............ 5-4

..... 5-4 R3.2-7 ....................

cR3.2-7 .................... 3-2 3-2 R5.2.2 .................

R5.2.2-2-.................. 5-5 5-5

.................... 3-2 R3.2-8 .................... 3-2 R5.2.2-3 .................. 5-5

.................. 5-5 R3.2-9 ...... ............. 3-2 3-2 R5.2.3-1 R5.2.3-1 .................. 5-5

.................. 5-5 R3.3-1 ....................

.................... 3-3 R5.2.3-3 ..................

R5.2.3-3 ....*............ .5-5 5-5

.................... 3-3 R3.3-2 .................... .................. 5-5 R5.2.4-1 .................. 5-5 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, xx xx

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program NSSS Completion Proiects Program I&C Pro.jects Accident Monitorin2 Post Accident Monitoring System R5.2.4-2 R5.2.4-2 .................

................. 5-6 R5.3.15-2 ................

................ 5-14 5-14 R5.2.4-3 ................. 5-6

................. 5-6 R 5.3.15-3 ................

R5.3.15-3 ................ 5-14 5-14 R5.3-1 ............

.......... ;....... 5-65-6 R5.3.16-1 ................ 5-14 R5.3.16-1 ................ 5-14

.................... 5-6 R5.3-2 ....................

R5.3-2 5-6 R5.3.16-2 ............... 5-14 R5.3.16-2 ................ 5-14 R 5.3-3 ....................

R5.3-3 .................... 5-6 5-6 R5.3.17-1 ................ 5-14 R5.3.17-1 ................ 5-14 R 5.3-4 ....................

R5.3-4 .................... 5-6 5-6 R5.3.17-2 ................ 5-15 R5.3.17-2 ................ 5-15 R5.3-5 R5.3-5 .................... 5-6

.................... 5-6 R5.3.18-1 ................ 5-15 R5.3.18-1 ................ 5-15 R5.3-6 R 5.3-6 .................... 5-6

.................... 5-6 R5.3.18-2 ................ .5-15 R5.3.18-2 ............... 5-15 R5.3-7 R5.3-7 .................... 5-7

.................... 5-7 R5.3.18-3 ................ 5-15 R5.3.18-3 ................ 5-15 R5.3-8 ............

.............;....... 5-7 5-7 ................ 5-15 R5.3.19-1 ................ 5-15 R5.3-9 ....................

R5.3-9 .................... 5-7 R5.3.20-1 ...... ~ ......... 5-15

................. 5-15 R5.3-10 ..................

R5.3-10 .................. 5-7 ................ 5-16 R5.3.20-2 ................ 5-16 R5.3.l-1 R5.3,1-1 .................

................. 5-7 R5.3.20-3 ............... 5-16 R5.3.20-3 ................ 5-16 R5.3.l-2 R5.3,1-2 .................

................. 5-7 ................ 5-16 R5.3.20-4 ................ 5-16 R5.3o 1-3 .................

R5.3.l-3 ................. 5-8 ................ 5-16 R5.3.20-5 ................ 5-16 R 5.3,1-4 ................. 5-8 R5.3.l-4 ................. R5.3.21-1 ................

................ 5-16 5-16 R 5.3,2-1 .................

R5.3.2-1 ................. 5-8 ................ 5-16 R5.3.21-2 ................ 5-16 R5.3.2-2 R5.3,2-2 .................

................. 5-8 R5.3.22-1 ........ ....... 5-16

........ ;....... 5-16 R5.3.2-3 R5.3,2-3 .................

................. 5-8 R5.3.22-2 ................ 5-17

................ 5-17 R5.3,3-1 .................

R5.3.3-1 ................. 5-8 5-8 R5.3.22-3 ................ 5-17

................ 5-17 R5.3.3-2 R5.3,3-2 .................

................. 5-9 5-9 R5.3.22-4 ................ 5-17

................ 5-17 R5.3,3-3 ................

R5.3.3-3 ,................ 5-9 5-9 R5.3.23-1 ................ 5-17

................ 5-17

................. 5-9 R5.3.3-4 ................. 5-9 R5.3.23-2 ................

................ 5-17 5-17

................. 5-9 R5.3.4-1 ................. 5-9 R5.3.24-1 ................ 5-17

................ 5-17 R5.3.4-2 R5.3,4-2 .................

................. 5-9 5-9 R5.3.24-2 ..................

............. 5-18 5-18

................. 5-10 R5.3.4-3 ................. 5-10 ................ 5-18 R5.3.24-3 ................ 5-18

................. 5-10 R5.3.4-4 ................. 5-10 ................ 5-18 R5.3.25-1 ................ 5-18 R 5.3.5-1 .................

R5.3.5-1 ................. 5-105-10 R5.4.1-1 .................. 5-20 R 5.4.1 -1 ..................

R5.3,5-2 .................

R5.3.5-2 ................. 5-10 5-10 .................. 5-20 R5.4.1-2 ..................

................. 5-10 R5.3.6-1 ................. 5-10 R5.4.1-3 ..................

R5.4.1-3 .................. 5-20 R5.3.6-2 .................

................. 5-10 5-10 R5.4.1-4 .............

,.... 5-20 R 5.3,7-1 .................

R5.3.7-1 ................. 5-11 5-11 .................. 5-20 R5.4.1-5 ..................

R5.317-2 .................

R5.3.7-2 ................. 5-11 5-11 .................. 5-20 R5.4.1-6 ..................

R 5.3,8-1 .................

R5.3.8-1 ................. 5-115-11 R5.4.1-7 ..................

.................. 5-21 R5.3,8-2 .................

R5.3.8-2 ................. 5-11 5-11 ........

R5.4.1-8 .................. 5-21 R5.3,9-1 .................

R5.3.9-1 ........ 5-11 5-11 .... ,............. 5-21 R5.4.1-9 ..................

R5.3,9-2 .................

R5.3.9-2 ................. 5-125-12 R5.4.2-1 ..................

.................. 5-21 R5.3,10-1 ...............

. R5.3.10-1 5-12

............... 5-12 ........

R5.4.2-2 .................. 5-22 R5.3,10-2 R5.3.10-2 ............... 5-12

............... 5-12 .................. 5-22

. R5.4.3-1 ..................

R5.3,l 1-1 ..............

R5.3.l1-1 5-12

............... 5-12 .................. 5-22 R5.4.3-2 ..................

R5.3,11-2 R5.3.l1-2 ............... 5-12

............... 5-12 .............5-22 .

R5.4.3-3 ..................

R 5.3,11-3 ...............

R5.3.11-3 ............... 5-13 5-13 R5.4.3-4 ..................

.................. 5-22 R5.3,14-1 ............... 5-13 R5.3.14-1 ............... 5-13 R5.4.3-5 ..................

.................. 5-23 R5.3,14-2 ............... 5-13 R5.3.l4-2 ............... 5-13 R5.4.3-6 .................

.................. 5-23 R5.3,14-3 ...............

R5.3.14-3 ............... 5-13 5-13 R5.4.3-7 R5.4.3-7 ..................*.5-23

................ 5-23 R5.3,15-1 ............... 5-14 R5.3.15-1 ............... 5-14 R5.4.6-1 ..................

.................. 5-23 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, xxi

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the* the Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Proiects Post Accident Monitoring System Svstem

................. 5-23 R5.4.6-2 ................. ............... 7-5 R7.1.4.2-1 ............... 7-5 R5.4.6-3 .................

................. 5-24 ............... 7-5 R7.1.4.2-2 ............... 7-5

................. 5-24 R5.4.7-1 ................. ............... 7-5 R7.1.4.2-3 ............... 7-5

.................... 5-26 R5.5-1 .................... R7.1.4.2-4 ...............

............... 7-6 7-6 R5.5-2 ....................

.................... 5-27 ............... 7-6 R7.1.4.2-5 ............... 7-6

.................... 5-27 R5.5-3 .................... ............... 7-6 R7.1.4.2-6 ............... 7-6 R5.5-4 ...... ............. 5-27 R7.1.4.3-1 ...............

............... 7-6 7-6

.................... 5-27 R5.5-5 .................... R7.1.4.3-2 ...............

............... 7-6 7-6

......... ;...... 5-28 R5.5-6 ............. R7.1.4.3-3 ...............

............... 7-6 7-6

.................... 5-28 R5.5-7 .................... R7.1.4.3-4 ...............

............... 7-7 7-7

.................... 5-28 R5.5-8 .................... ............... 7-7 R7.1.4.3-5 ............... 7-7

.................... 5-28 R5.5-9 .................... ............... 7-10 R7.1.4.3-6 ............... 7-10 R5.5-10 ..................

R5.5-1O .................. 5-28 ............... 7-10 R7.1.4.3-7 ............... 7-10

.................. 5-28 R5.5-11 .................. ............... 7-1O R7.1.4.3-8 ............... 7-10

.................. 5-29 R5.5-12 .................. ............... 7-1O R7.1.4.3-9 ............... 7-10 R6.1.2-1 .................

................. 6-1 ............. 7-11 R7.1.4.3-10 .............

................. 6-2 R6.1.2-2 ................. ..... ::.......

R7.1.4.3-11 ..... ....... 7-11

................. 6-2 R6.1.2-3 ................. R7.1.4.3-12 .............

............. 7-11 R6.1.2-4 .................

................. 6-2 ............. 7-11 R7.1.4.3-13 .............

................. 6-2 R6.1.2-5 ................. R7.1.4.3-14 .............

............. 7-12 7-12

................. 6-2 R6.1.2-6 ................. ............. 7-12 R7.1.4.3-15 ............. 7-12 R6.1.2-7 ................. 6-2 R6.1.2-7 ................. 6-2 R7.1.4.3-16 ............. 7-12

............. 7-12

.................... 6-3 R6.2-1 .................... R7.1.4.3-17 .............

............. 7-12 7-12

.................... 6-3 R6.2-2 .................... 6-3 ........ ~ .... 7-12 R7.1.4.3-18 ............

R7.1.4.3-18 7-12 R6.2-3] ...................

................... 6-3 6-3 R7.1.4.3-19 .............

............. 7-12 7-12

.................... 6-3 R6.2-4 .................... 6-3 R7.1.4.3-20 .............

............. 7-12 7-12

.................... 6-3 R6.2-5 .................... 6-3 R7.1.4.3-21 .............

............. 7-12 7-12 R6.2-6 ....................

.................... 6-36-3 ............. 7-13 R7.1.4.3-22 ............. 7-13

.................... 6-4 R6.2-7 .................... 6-4 ............. 7-13 R7.1.4.3-23 ............. 7-13

.................... 6-4 R6.2-8 .................... 6-4 ............. 7-13 R7.1.4.3-24 ............. 7-13 R7.1.2-1 .................

................. 7-1 7-1 R7.1.4.3-25 .............

R7.1.4.3-25 ............. 7-13 7-13

.............. 7-3 R7.1.3.1-1 .............. 7-3 R7.1.4.3-26 .............

R7.1.4.3-26 ............. 7-13 7-13

.............. 7-3 R7.1.3.1-2 .............. 7-3 R7.1.4.3-27 .............

............. 7-14 7-14

. R7.1.3.3-1 ...... 7-3

.... ,....... :.7-3 R7.1.4.3-28 R7.1.4.3-28 .............

............. 7-14 7-14

.............. 7-3 R7.1.3.3-2 .............. 7-3 R7.1.4.3-29 .............

............. 7-14 7-14

.............. 7-3 R7.1.3.3-3 .............. 7-3 R7.1.4.3-30 R7.1.4.3-30 ..........

............. 7-14 7-14 R7.1.4.1-1 ..............

.............. 7-4 7-4 R7.1.4.3-31 R7.1.4.3-31 .............

............. 7-14 7-14

.............. 7-4 R7.1.4.1-2 .............. 7-4 R7.1.4.3-32 R7.1.4.3-32 .............

............. 7-14 7-14 R7.1.4.1-3 ..............

R7.1.4.1-3 .............. 7-4 7-4 R7.1.4.3-33 ............. 7-15 R7.1.4.3-33 ............. 7-15 R7.1.4.1-4 R7.1.4.1-4 ..............

.............. 7-4 7-4 R7.1.4.3-34 ............ 7-15 R7.1.4.3-34 ............. 7-15 R7.1.4.1-5 R7.1.4.1-5 ..............

.............. 7-4 7-4 R7.1.4.3-35 R7.1.4.3-35 .............

............. 7-15 7-15 R7.1.4.1-6 ..............

R7.1.4.1-6 .............. 7-4 7-4 R7.1.4.3-36 .............

R7.1.4.3-36 ............. 7-157-15 R7.1.4.1-7 R7.1.4.1-7 ..........

.............. 7-5 7-5 R7.1.4.3-37 R7.1.4.3-37 .............

....... ;..... 7-15 7-15 R7.1.4.1-8 R7.1.4.1-8 ..............

.............. 7-5 7-5 R7.1.4.3-38 R7.1.4.3-38 .............

............. 7-16 7-16 R7.1.4.1-9 ..............

R7.1.4.1-9 .............. 7-5 7-5 R7.1.4.3-39 .............

R7.1.4.3-39 ............. 7-167-16 R7.1.4.1-10 R7.1.4.1-10 ............

............ 7-5 7-5 R7.1.4.3-40 R7.1.4.3-40 .............

............. 7-16 7-16 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. Rev. 1 xxii

RRAS RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Watts NSSS Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Post System R7.1.4.3-41 ............

R7.1.4.3-41 ............ 7-16 7-16 ............... 7-26 R7.1.5.4-7 ...............

R7.1.4.3-42 ............

R7.1.4.3-42 ............ 7-16 7-16 ............... 7-26 R7.1.5.4-8 ...............

R7.1.4.3-43 ............

R7.1.4.3-43 ............ 7-16 7-16 R7.1.5.4-9 ...............

............... 7-26 R7.1.4.3-44 ............

R7.1.4.3-44 ............ 7-16 7-16 ............. 7-26 R7.1.5.4-10 .............

R7.1.4.3-45 ............

R7.1.4.3-45 ............ 7-177-17 R7.1.5.4-11 .............

............. 7-26

............ 7-17 R7.1.4.3-46 ............ 7-17 ............. 7-27 R7.1.5.4-12 .............

............ 7-17 R7.1.4.3-47 ............ 7-17 R7.1.5.4-13 .............

............. 7-27 R7.1.4.4-1 ..............

.............. 7-17 7-17 .................. 7-27 R7.1.6-1 ..................

R7.1.4.4-2 ........ 7-17

..... 7-17 ................. 7-27 R7.1.6-2 ..................

.............. 7-17 R7.1.4.4-3 .............. 7-17 .................. 7-28 R7.1.6-3 ..................

R7.1.4.4-4 ..............

.............. 7-17 7-17 .........

R7.1.8-1 .................. 7-28


.............. 7-18 R7.1.4.4-5 .............. 7-18 .................. 7-28 R7.1.8-2 ..................

R7.1.4.4-6 ..............

.............. 7-18 ................ 7-28 R7.1.10-1 ................

R7.1.4.4-7 ..............

.............. 7-18 ................ 7-28 R7.1.10-2 ................

.............. 7-18 R7.1.4.4-8 .............. ................ 7-29 R7.1.11-1 ................ 7-29

.............. 7-18 R7.1.4.4-9 .............. R7.1.12-1 ................

................ 7-29 7-29 R7.1.4.4-10 ............

R7.1.4.4-10 ............ 7-18 7-18 R7.1.13-1 ................

................ 7-29 7-29 R7.1.4.4-11 .............. 7-19

......... 7-19 ................ 7-29 R7.1.14-1 ................ 7-29

.............. 7-19 R7.1.4.5-1 .............. 7-19 ................ 7-29 R7.1.15-1 ................ 7-29

.............. 7-19 R7.1.4.6-1 .............. 7-19 R7.1.16-1 ................

................ 7-29

.............. 7-20 R7.1.4.6-2 .............. ................ 7-29 R7.1.17-1 ................

.............. 7-20 R7.1.4.6-3 .............. .................. 7-30 R7.2.2-1 .................. 7-30 R7.1.4.6-4 ..............

.............. 7-21 .................. 7-32, R7.2.2-2 ..................

.............. 7-21 R7.1.4.6-5 .............. .................. 7-32 R7.2.2-3 .................. 7-32

.............. 7-21 R7.1.4.6-6 .............. .................. 7-33 R7.2.2-4 .................. 7-33 R7.1.4.6-7 ..............

.............. 7-22 R7.2.2-5 .................. 7-33

.................. 7-33

.............. 7-22 R7.1.4.6-8 .............. 7-22 .................. 7-33 R7.2.2-6 .................. 7-33

.............. 7-23 R7.1.4.7-1 .............. .................. 7-33 R7.2.2-7 .................. 7-33 R7.1.4.7-2 ..............

.............. 7-23 .................. 7-33 R7.2.2-8 .................. 7-33

.............. 7-23 R7.1.5.1-1 .............. .................. 7-33 R7.2.2-9 .................. 7-33

.............. 7-23

. R7.1.5.1-2 .............. 7-23 R7.2.2-10 R7.2.2-10 ................

................ 7-33 7-33

.............. 7-24 R7.1.5.1-3 .............. 7-24 R7.2.2-11 R7.2.2-11 ................

................ 7-33 7-33

.............. 7-24 R7.1.5.1-4 .............. 7-24 R7.2.2-12 R7.2.2-12 ................

................ 7-34 7-34

.............. 7-24 R7.1.5.1-5 .............. 7-24 R7.2.2-13 ................

R7.2.2-13 ................ 7-347-34 R7.1.5.2-1 ..............

.............. 7-24 7-24 R7.2.2-14 R7.2.2-14 ................

................ 7-34 7-34

.............. 7-24 R7.1.5.2-2 .............. 7-24 R7.2.3-1 .................. 7-34 R7.2.3-1 .................. 7-34

.............. 7-24 R7.1.5.2-3 .............. 7-24 R7.2.3-2 .................. 7-34 R7.2.3-2 .................. 7-34 R7.1.5.2-4 ..............

.............. 7-24 7-24 R7.2.4-1 .................. 7-34 R7.2.4-1 .................. 7-34

.............. 7-25 R7.1.5.2-5 .............. 7-25 . R7.2.4-2 .................. 7-34 R7.2.4-2 .................. 7-34 R7.1.5.2-6 .......

R7.1.5.2-6 .............. 7-25 7-25 .R7.2.4-3 .................. 7-35 R7.2.4-3 .................. 7-35 R7.1.5.4-1 ..............

.............. 7-25 7-25 R7.2.4-4 .................. 7-35 R7.2.4-4 .................. 7-35 R7.1.5.4-2 ............. 7-25 R7.1.5.4-2 .............. 7-25 R7.2.4-5 .................. 7-35 R7.2.4-5 .................. 7-35 R7.1.5.4-3 .............. 7-25

.............. 7-25 R7.2.4-6 .................. 7-35 R7.2.4-6 .................. 7-35 R7.1.5.4-4 .............. 7-25 R7.1.5.4-4 .............. 7-25 R7.2.5-*1 ................. 7-35 R7.2.5-1 .................. 7-35 R7.1.5.4-5 ..............

.............. 7-26 7-26 R7.2.5-2 .............:.. 7-35 R7.2.5-2 ............... 7-35 R7.1.5.4-6 R7.1.5.4-6 ..............

.............. 7-26 7-26 R7.2.6-1 .................. 7-35 R7.2.6-1 .................. 7-35 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. Rev. 11 xx°° xxiii

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C I&C ProJects Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System

................. 7-36 R7.2.6-2 ................. 7-36 .............. 7-43 R7.2.13-11 .............. 7-43 R7.2.7-1 .................

................. 7-36 7-36 R7.2.13-12 ..............

.............. 7-43

................. 7-36 R7.2.7-2 ................. 7-36 R7.2.l3-13 R7.2.13-13 ..............

.............. 7-43

................. 7-36 R7.2.7-3 ................. R7.2.13-14 ..............

R7.2.l3-14 ............. 7-43 R7.2.7-4 .................

................. 7-36 R7.2.13-15 ..............

.............. 7-43

................. 7-36 R7.2.7-5 ................. .............. 7-43 R7.2.13-16 ..............

R7.2.7-6 .................

R7.~.7-6 ................. 7-37 .............. 7-43 R7.2.13-17 ..............

........:......... 7-37 R7.2.7-7 ....... 7-37 .............. 7-43 R7.2.13-18 ..............

................. 7-37 R7.2.8-6 ................. .............. 7~43 R7.2.13-19 .............. 7-43

................. 7-37 R7.2.8-1 ................. .............. 7-43 R7.2.13-20 ..............

................. 7-37 R7.2.8-2 ................. .............. 7-44 R7.2.13-21 ..............

................. 7-37 R7.2.8-3 ................. 7-37 .............. 7-44 R7.2.13-22 ..............

................. 7-37 R7.2.8-4 ................. 7-37 ................ 7-44 R7.2.14-1 ................

R7.2.8-5 .................

................. 7-38 7-38 R7.2.14-2 ................

................ 7-44

................. 7-38 R7.2.8-6 ................. 7-38 ................ 7-44 R7.2.14-3 ................

................. 7-38 R7.2.9-1 ................. 7-38 ................ 7-44 R7.2.14-4 ................

................. 7-38 R7.2.9-2 ................. 7-38 ................ 7-44 R7.2.14-5 ................

................. 7-38 R7.2.9-3 ................. 7-38 ................ 7-45 R7.2.14-6 ................

R7.2.10-1 ...............

R7.2.1O-1 ............... 7-38 7-38 R7.2.15-1 ................ 7-45 R7.2.l5-1 ................

R7.2.10-2 ...............

R7.2.l0-2 ............... 7-39 7-39 R7.2.15-2 ................ 7-45 R7.2.15-2 ................

R7.2.11 -1 ...............

R7.2.11-1 ............ 7-397-39 R7.2.16-1 ................

................ 7-45 R7.2.11-2 ...............

............... 7-39 7-39 R7.2.16-2 ................ 7-45 R7.2.16-2 ................

............... 7-39

. R7.2.11-3 ............... 7-39 R7.2.16-3 ................

R7.2.16-3 ................ 7-45 R7.2.11-4 ....... :....... 7-39 7-39 R7.2.16-4 ................ 7-46 R7.2.16-4 ................

............... 7-39 R7.2.11-5 ............... 7-39 R7.2.16 ............... 7-46 R7.2.16-5-................

............... 7-40 R7.2.11-6 ............... R7.2.16-6 ................ 7-46 R7.2.16-6 ................

............... 7-40 R7.2.11-7 ............... R7.2.16-7 ................ 7-46 R7.2.16-7 ................

R7.2.12-1 ...............

............... 7-40 7-40 R7.2.17-1 ................ 7-46 R7.2.17-1 ................

............... 7-40 R7.2.12-2 ............... 7-40 R7.2.17-2 ................ 7-46 R7.2.17-2 ................

............... 7-40 R7.2.12-3 ............... 7-40 R7.2.17-3 ................ 7-4(;

R7.2.17-3 ................ 7-46 R7.2.12-4 ............... 7-40 R7.2.12-4 ............... 7-40 R7.2.17-4 ................ 7-47 R7.2.17-4 ................ 7-47 R7.2.12-5 ...............

R7.2.l2-5 ............... 7-40 7-40 R7.2.17-5 ................ 7-47 R7.2.17-5 ................ 7-47

............... 7-40 R7.2.12-6 ............... 7-40 R7.2.17-6 ................

R7.2.17-6 ........... , .... 7-47 7-47 R7.2.12-7 ...............

............... 7-41 R7.2.17-7 ................ 7-47 R7.2.17-7 ................

............... 7-41 R7.2.12-8 ............... R7.2.17-8 ................ 7-47 R7.2.17-8 ................

............... 7-41 R7.2.12-9 ............... R7.2.17-9 ................ 7-47 R7.2.17-9 ................

R7.2.13-1 ...............

.............. 7-41 R7.2.18-1 ................ 7-47 R7.2.18-1 ................

............... 7-41 R7.2.13-2 ............... R7.2.18-2 ................. 7-47 R7.2.18-2 .................

............... 7-41 R7.2.13-3 ............... R7.2.18-3 ................ 7-47 R7.2.18-3 ................

R7.2.13-4 ...............

............... 7-41 R7.2.18-4 R7.2.18-4 ................

................ 7-48 R7.2.13-5 ...............

............... 7-41 R7.2.18-5 R7.2.18-5 ................

................ 7-48 R7.2.13-6 ...............

............... 7-42 7-42 R7.2.18-6 ...............

R7.2.18-6 ................ 7-48 7-48 R7.2.13-7 ............... 7-42

............... 7:42 R7.2.19-1 R7.2.19-1 ................

................ 7-487-48 R7.2.13-8 ...............

............... 7-42 7-42 R7.2.19-2 R7.2.19-2 ...............

................ 7-48 R7.2.13-9 ............... 7-42

............... 7-42 R7.2.19-3 R7.2.19-3 ................

................ 7-48 R7.2.13-10 .............

R7.2.13-10 ............. 7-42 7-42 R7.2.19-4 R7.2.19-4 ................

................ 7-48 Rev. 1 xxiv WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 xxiv

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System

............... 7-49 R7.2.20-1 ............... 7-49 ................ 7-55 R7.2.28-3 ................ 7-55 R7.2.20-2 ...............

............... 7-49 7-49 R7.2.28-4 ................

................ 7-55 7-55 R7.2.20-3 ...............

R7.2.20-3 ............... 7-49 ................ 7-55 R7.2.28-5 ................ 7-55 R7.2.20-4 ...............

............... 7-49 7-49 R7.2.29-1 R7.2.29-1 ................ 7-55

................ 7-55 R7.2.20-5 R7.2.20-5 ...............

............... 7-49 R7.2.29-2 ................

................ 7-55 7-55 R7.2.20-6 ...............

............... 7-49 .............. 7-56 R7.2.29-3 ................ 7-56 R7.2.21-1 ...........

............... 7-49 R7.2.30-1 ~...............

............... 7-56 7-56 R7.2.21-2 ............:.. 7-49 R7.2.30-2 ................ 7~56

................ 7756 R7.2.21-3 ............... 7-50

............... 7-50 ................ 7-56 R7.2.30-3 ................ 7-56 R7.2.22-1 ............... 7-50

............... 7-50 ................ 7-56 R7.2.30-4 ................ 7-56 R7.2.22-2 ...............

R7.2.22-2 ............... 7-50 7-50 ................ 7-56 R7.2.30-5 ................ 7-56 R7.2.22-3 ...............

R7.2.22-3 ............... 7-50 7-50 ................ 7-57 R7.2.31-1 ................ 7-57

............... 7-50 R7.2.22-4 ............... 7-50 R7.2.3,1-2 ................

R7.2.3J-2 ................ 7-57 7-57 R7.2.22-5 R7.2.22-5 ....... 7-50

....... 7-50

............... ................ 7-57 R7.2.31-3 ................ 7-57 R7.2.23-1 ...............

R7.2.23-1 ............... 7-50 7-50 R7.2.31-4 ................

................ 7-57 7-57 R7.2.23-2 R7.2.23-2 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.32-1 ................

................ 7-57 7-57 R7.2.23-3 R7.2.23-3 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.32-2 ................

................ 7-57 7-57 R7.2.23-4 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.32-3 ................

................ 7-57 7-57 R7.2.23-5 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.32-4 ................

................ 7-58 7-58 R7.2.24-1 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.33-1 ................

................ 7-58 7-58 R7.2.24-2 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.33-2 ................

................ 7-58 7-58 R7.2.24-3 ...............

............... 7-51 R7.2.33-3 ............... 7-58

................ 7-58

............... 7-51 R7.2.24-4 ............... ................ 7-58 R7.2.33-4 ................ 7-58

............... 7-52 R7.2.25-1 ............... 7-52 R7.2.33-5 ................ 7-58

................ 7-58 R7.2.25-2 ............... 7-52

............... 7-52 R7.2.34-1 ................

................ 7-59 7-59 R7.2.25-3 ............... 7-52

............... 7-52 R7.2.34-2 ................

................ 7-59 7-59 R7.2.25-4 ............... 7-52

............... 7-52 R7.2.34-3 ................

................ 7-59 7-59 R7.2.25-5 ............... 7-52

............... 7-52 R7.2.34-4 ................

................ 7-59 7-59 R7.2.25-6 ............... 7-52

............... 7-52 ................ 7-59 R7.2.34-5 ................ 7-59 R7.2.25-7 ...............

............... 7-52 ................ 7-67 R7.2.34-6 ................

R7.2.25-8 .......

............... 7-52 R7.2.34-7 ................

................ 7-67

............... 7~53 R7.2.26-1 ............... 7- 53 ................ 7-67 R7.2.34-8 ................

R7.2.26-2 ...............

............... 7-53 R7.2.34-9 .................

................ 7-67 R7.2.26-3 ...............

............... 7-53 .............. 7-67 R7.2.34-10 ..............

R7.2.26-4 ...............

............... 7-53 .............. 7-67 R7.2.34-11 ..............

R7.2.26-5 ...............

............... 7-53 . .............. 7-67 R7.2.34-12 ..............

............... 7~53 R7.2.27-1 ............... 7-53 R7.2.35-1 .... :........... 7-67 R7.2.27-2 ...............

............... 7-53 ................ 7-68

. R7.2.35-2 ................

R7.2.27-3 ...............

............... 7-53 ................ 7-68 R7.2.35-3 ................

R7.2.27-4 ............... 7-54

............... 7-54 R7.2.35-4 ................

................ 7-68 R7.2.27-5 ...............

............... 7-54 ................ 7-68 R7.2.35-5 ................

R7.2.27-6 ...............

............... 7-54 R7.2.36-1 ................

................ 7-68 R7.2.27-7 R7.2.27-7 ...............

............... 7-54 ................ 7-68 R7.2.36-2 ................

R7.2.27-8 R7.2.27-8 ...............

............... 7-54 ................ 7-68 R7.2.36-3 ................

R7.2.28-1 ............... 7-54 R7.2.28-1 ............... R7.2.36-4 ................

................ 7-69

............... 7-54 R7.2.28-2 ............... 7-54 ................ 7-69 R7.2.37-1 ................

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 xxv XXV

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring System Post Accident

............... 7-69 R7.2.37-2 ...............

R7.2.37-3 ...............

............... 7-69

............... 7-69 R7.2.38-1 ...............

............... 7-70 R7.2.40-1 ...............

R7.2.40-2 ...............

............... 7-70

............... 7-70 R7.2.40-3 ...............

............... 7-70 R7.2.40-4 ...............

R7.2.40-5 ...............

R7.2.40-S ............... 7-70

............... 7-70 R7.2.40-6 ...............

R7.2.41 -1 ...............

R7.2.41-1 ............... 7-71

............... 7-71 R7.2.41-2 ...............

............... 7-71 R7.2.42-1 ...............

............... 7-71 R7.2.42-2 ...............

R7.2.42-3 ...............

............... 7-71

............... 7-71 R7.2.43-1 ...............

............... 7-72 R7.2.44-1 ...............

............... 7-72 R7.2.44-2 ...............

R7.2.44-3 ............... 7-72 R7.2.44-4 ...............

............... 7-72 R7.2.44-5 ...............

R7.2.44-S ............... 7-72 R7.2.45-1 ...............

R7.2.4S-1 ............... 7-72

............... 7-72 R7.2.46-1 ...............

R7.2.47-1 ...............

............... 7-73 R7.2.47-2 ............... 7-73

............... 7-73 R7.2.48-1 ...............

R7.2.49-1 ...............

R7.2.of9-1 ............... 7-73 R8.2.1-1 .................

R8.2.1-1 ................. 8-1 8-1 R8.2.1-2 .................

R8.2.1-2 ................. 8-1 8-1 R8.2.1-3 .................

R8.2.1-3 ................. 8-2 8-2

................. 8-2 R8.2.1-4 ................. 8-2 R 8.2.1-5 .................

R8.2.1-S ................. 8-28-2 R8.2.1-6 .................

R8.2.1-6 ................. 8-2 8-2

.............. 8-2 R8.2.1-7 ................. 8-2 .

R 8.2.1-8 .................

R8.2.1-8 ................. 8-28-2 R8.2.1-9 ...................

R8.2.1-9 8-2

,.............. 8-2 R8.2.1-10 ............... 8-2

............... 8-2 R8.2.1-11 ............... 8-2

............... 8-2 R8.2.1-12 ............... 8-3

............... 8-3 R8.2.1-13 ............... 8-3

............... 8-3 R8.2.1-14 ...............

R8.2.1-14 ............... 8-3 8-3 R8.2.1-15 R8.2.1-1S ............... 8-3

............... 8-3 (Last (Last Page of Front Page of Front Matter)


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 xxvi xxvi

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects System Post Accident Monitoring System SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This document describes requirements for the major software components, design structure, information software components, information processing steps, and other required aspects that are to be implemented to satisfy flow, processing satisfy the Watts Bar Unit 2 Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) requirements. This document also (P AMS) functional and system requirements: also describes requirements standardization, meet licensing requirements, requirements that are needed to provide software standardization, requirements, possibility of software coding errors.

and reduce the possibility The Watts Bar Unit 2 PAMS softwar~software is implemented implemented on the Common Common Qualified (Q) platform. The Qualified (Q)

Advant Controller Advant (AC 160) platform is described Controller 160 (ACI60) described in WCAP-16097-P-A, "Common Qualified WCAP-16097-P-A, "ConUnon Qualified Platform Topical (Reference 6). The platform Topical Report" (Reference platform consists of two major products: the Asea Brown Boveri Boveri (ABB) AC160 platfoml and the Flat Panel Display System (FPDS) platform.

AC 160 platform platform software consists of the AC AC 160 platform The AC160 160 controller operating AC160 software, the operating system (Base) software, Advanced), and the AC160 application programming tool (ACC 1.7 Advanced),

AC160 application application software. The programming tool were developed by ABB Industrial Systems and AC160 Base software and application programming are qualified per the requirements

,are of WCAP-16096-NP-A, "Software requirements ofWCAP-16096-NP-A, Program Manual for Common Q "Software Program Q (Reference 5). The AC160 application Systems" (Reference development should be compliant with the application software development WCAP-16097-P-A, "Common documents: WCAP-16097-P-A, following documents: Qualified Platform "Common Qualified (Reference 6),

Platform Topical Report" (Reference 6),

WCAP- 16096, Software WCAP-16096, Software Program Manual for Common Q Systems (Reference (Reference 5),


NABU-DP-00014-GEN, "Design Process for Common Q Safety NABU-DP-00014-GEN, (Reference 1), and Systems" (Reference Safety Systems" WNA-DS-01070-GEN, "Application Restrictions WNA-DS-OI070-GEN, "Application Generic Common Restrictions for Generic Common Q Qualification" Qualification" (Reference 8). 8).

The FPDS consists of the qualified qualified QNX operating system, the qualified QNX development QNX operating environment (includes environment (includes the WatcomTM Westinghouse FPDS generic compiler and linker), the Westinghouse Watcom' compiler generic software (e.g., Westinghouse-developed display widgets and programs),

(e.g., Westinghouse-developed application-specific FPDS programs), and the application-specific developed to meet Watts Bar 2 PAMS-specific software developed software requirements. The Westinghouse FPDS generic PAMS-specific requirements. generic software has undergone a qualification program to verify the requirements ofOOOOO-ICE-3239, software "Software of 00000-ICE-3239, "Software Requirements Requirements Specification (Reference 9).

Software" (Reference Specification for the Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Display Software" 9).

00000-ICE-3889, "Coding 00000-ICE-3889, Guidelines for Common Q Systems" "Coding Standards and Guidelines (Reference 4) identifies Systems" (Reference identifies programming standards and guidelines to be used for the application software.

additional programming additional 1.2 SCOPE This document defines the software document 'defines application software PAMS-specific application software requirements for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS-specific for both the AC 160 and the FPDS.

ACl60 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 1-1

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Program I&C Projects Completion Program NSSS Completion Post Accident Monitoring System System 1.3 OBJECTIVE This document document provides provides documentation requirements used in the design of the Watts Bar 2 P documentation for the requirements PAMS AMS software in accordance with NABU-DP-00014-GEN, NABU-DP-OOOI4-GEN, "Design Common Q Safety Systems" "Design Process for Common Systems" 1).

(Reference 1).


BACKGROUND The software software requirements requirements for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS defined defined herein herein are based on 00000-ICE-3238, OOOOO-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements "Software Requirements Specification Monitoring System" Common Q Post Accident M<;mitoring Specification for the Common (Reference (Reference 18), and changes WNA-DS-01617-WBT, "Post Accident changes defined in WNA-DS-OI617-WBT, Monitoring System Accident Monitoring System- -

System Requirements Requirements Specification" (Reference 17). Those sections Specification" (Reference references that require sections of the above references modification from the generic PAMS are defined in this document. The Watts Bar Unit 2 PAMS reactor reactor monitoring system will use a Westinghouse vessel level monitoring Reactor Vessel Level Instrumentation Westinghouse Reactor System Instrumentation System (RVLIS) in place of the Heated Junction Thermocouple (HJTC)

Junction Thermocouple (HJTC) system.

(Last (Last Page Page of 1)

Section 1) of Section WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 1-2

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System SECTION 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL 2.1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL Watts Bar 2 PAMS, a real-time monitoring system, provides:

    • Information Information and alarms to assist the reactor operators in mitigating plant events or accidents accidents that have the potential to result in inadequate cooling of the reactor core
  • 0 Information Information and data to the plant monitoring/safety parameter display system (SPDS) computers monitoring/safety parameter control room display for use in its control The Watts Bar 2 pAMS separate and independent PAMS will be composed of two separate redundant trains. Each of the independent redundant two redundant trains will be capable of performing all of the required required P AMS functions, even if the other PAMS other redundant train is out of service. The overall system availability will comply with the requirements redundant requirements specified in WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference(Reference 17). The PAMS provides two types of indications indications for alarms. The FPDS provides one source ofalarm AC 160 digital outputs to the plant of alarm indication, and the AC160 provide the other alarm indication.

annunciators provide The PAMS measures process input signals, and calculates inadequate core cooling (ICC) functions Of:

calculates the inadequate of:

    • Core Exit Temperature
    • Subcooled Subcooled Margin Margin
    • Reactor Vessel Level provides the following outputs:
  • andprovides and
    • Plant Computer System
  • " Analog Outputs The PAMS includes Module (OM) located at the control room that provides Operator's Module includes an Operator's provides a graphic, interface for the display of man-machine interface PAMS' information. The functions of the OM include:


    • Display of:


- Core Exit Thermocouples (CETs) and CET Monitoring calculation Thermocouples (CETs) calculation results

- Reactor Vessel Level calculation results

- Reactor Coolant System (RCS) process variables and Subcooled Margin (RCS) process Margin calculation calculation results

- System diagnostic information diagnostic information

- alarm and failed values Lists of alarm WNA-SD-00239~WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 2-1 2-1

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System

    • Alarming Alarming of:

- High CET values and CET Monitoring calculation results

- Low RVLIS reactor coolant coolant level calculation calculation results

- High RCS values and Subcooled Margin calculation results Margin calculation 0* Maintenance Maintenance functions for:

- Changing setpoints

- Bypassing sensors Bypassing Mainfenance and Test Panel (MTP) local to the PAMS PAMS also includes a Maintenance PAMS cabinet that includes includes all the OM functions plus the following maintenance maintenance functions:

  • " On-line surveillance of PAMS operation PAMS operation
    • Off-line loading of AC160 application software
    • interrogation of the error buffer in the AC160 Off-line interrogation AC 160 administratively controlled. The Function PAMS has two manual key lock switch inputs, which are administratively Function Enable (FE) keyswitch enables the OM or MTP to bypass variables and change alarm Enable alarm setpoints, and the surveillance checks on the annunciator

. MTP to enable surveillance keyswitch is in the Enable annunciator outputs. When the keyswitch annunciator outputs are disabled, except for System Trouble.

position, all annunciator The Software Load Enable (SLE) keyswitch enables the MTP to enter the off-line mode. This is Enable (SLE) accomplished via a button on the maintenance accomplished Microsoft maintenance display that resets the MTP, boots the Microsoft Windows operating Windows development environment. In the off-line mode, operating system, and starts the software development downloaded to the AC160, and the error buffer in the AC160 can be configuration software can be downloaded interrogated.

2.2 ARCHITECTURE DESCRIPTION SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The Watts Bar 2 PAMS architecture WNA-DS-01667-WBT, "Watts Bar 2 NSSS architecture is described in WNA-DS-01667-WBT, Monitoring System - System Design Specification" Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Completion Program Specification" (Reference 21).

(Reference 21).

The P PAMS architecture will consist of two redundant trains of identical equipment. Each train consists of AMS architecture of containing a single PM646A one AC160 station containing processor and multiple input/output (I/O)

PM646A processor (VO) modules. An MTP is also included with the AC AC160160 in the same cabinet. Additionally, each train has an OM that is is located in the control room.

-2.3 GENERAL CONSTRAINTS GENERAL CONSTRAINTS R2.3-1 self-testing features as defined in software shall include functional testing and system self-testing

[The PAMS software WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17).]

WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 2-2 2-2

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Software Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System "System Requirements 00000-ICE-30156, "System Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-30156, Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Requirements Specification System" (Reference Monitoring System" 15), Section 1.5.1.

(Reference 15), 1.5.1.


[The PAMS software guidelines defined in WCAP-16096-NP-A, software shall comply with the requirements and guidelines WCAP-16096-NP-A, Program Manual for Common Q "Software Program "Software Systems" (Reference Q Systems" (Reference 5).]

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: 17), R2.4-1. -

(Reference 17), r R2.3-3

[The PPAMS AMS software guidelines defined in comply with the requirements and guidelines software shall comply WNA-DS-01070-GEN, "Application WNA-DS-01070-GEN, "Application Restrictions for Generic Common Q Qualification" (Reference 8)

Qualification" (Reference with the exception S53.]

exception of S53.]

Guidance: WNA-DS-01070-GEN restriction S53, Guidance: WNA-DS-01070-GEN used," will not be followed in "Balloons shall not be used,"

S53, "Balloons associated with the use of the FPDS. Use of balloons in the FPDS shall be allowed. The limitations associated of balloons identified in WNA-CD-OOOI8-GEN, "Commercial Dedication Report for QNX 4.25G for WNA-CD-00018-GEN, "Commercial for

.Common Q Q Applications" (Reference 19) will be followed.

Applications" (Reference R2.3-4 requirements and guidelines software shall comply with the requirements

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS software guidelines defined in 00000-ICE-3889, "Coding Standards OOOOO-ICE-3889, "Coding Guidelines for Common Q Standards and Guidelines Systems" (Reference 4).]

Q Systems" 00000-ICE-3238 (Reference Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3238 Rationale: 3.5.1.

(Reference 18), Section 3.5.1.

2.3.1 Conventions Naming Conventions provides guidelines and requirements The following section provides conventions. It is the requirements for naming conventions.

convention guidelines to the software designer to follow the naming convention

. responsibility of the individual software consistent with the PAMS degree that is consistent conventi~ns to be P AMS software design. The standard signal naming conventions consistent with the requirements in OOOOO-ICE-3889, used on the Watts Bar 2 PAMS will be consistent "Coding 00000-ICE-3889, "Coding Standards and Guidelines Standards Systems" (Reference 4). If other application-specific Guidelines for Common Q Systems" application-specific naming detailed explanation will be documented conventions are used, a detailed conventions requirement section of documented in the subsystem requirement application-specific Software this document and the application-specific Software Design Description. Node Names R2.3.1.1-1 R2.3.1.1-1 Programming Language (AMPL) node names and file names shall be defined

[The ABB Advant Master Programming per Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2.]

R2.3.1.1-2 R2.3.1.1-2 numbers shall be defined per Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2.]

[The Bus, Station, and DSP Station numbers WNA-sn:'00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 2-3 2-3

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSSCompletion ~rogram I&C Projects NSSS Completion Program Post Accident System Accident Monitoring System Table 2.3-1.

2.3-1. Train A AMPL Naming Conventions Processor Processor DSP DSP Station Module Module Node Bus, Station Station AAXFile AAX File BAXFile BAX File Type Type (PM) Name Name Station Numbers Numbers Name Name Notes PAMS PMl PM1 PAM2 PAM2 0,01 01,02 01,02 PAMA PAMA PAMA OM OM N/A OM ~

0,50 50,51 50,51 N/A N/A MTP N/Ac N/A, MTP 0,60 60,61 N/A N/A Table Table 2.3-2. Train B AMPL Naming Conventions Processor Processor DSP Station Station Module Node Bus, Station AAX File AAXFile BAX File BAXFile Type (PM) Name Station Numbers Numbers Name Name Name Notes I

PAMS PM1 PMl PAM2 0,01 .01,02 01,02 PAMB PAMB OM N/A OM 0,50 50,51 N/A N/A MTP N/A MTP 0,60 60,61 N/A N/A 2-4 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 1 Rev. 1I 2-4 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 2-4

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for for the the Watts Bar Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring AC160 PC Terminal AC160 Terminal Names R2.3.1.2-1

[AC 160 PC Terminal

[AC160 Terminal naminRconventions naming, conventions shall be consistent with the requirements in 00000-ICE-3889, 00000-ICE-3 889, "Coding "Coding Standards and Guidelines for Common Q Systems" (Reference 4).] AC160 Communication Database (DB) Element Names R2.3.1.3-1

[Communication DB Element (DSP and DAT) naming conventions shall be consistent with the

[Communication requirements in in 00000-ICE-3889, 00000-ICE-3889, "Coding StandardsStandards and Guidelines for Common Q Q Systems" (Reference 4) for legacy (Reference legacy systems.] AC160 110 I/O Names R2.3.1.4-1

[The VO I/O channel instance names shall be derived from WNA-DS-01667-WBT WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference (Reference 21).]

2.3.2 Configuration Control R2.3.2-1

[The Watts Bar

[The Watts Bar 22 PPAMS AMS software shall comply software shall comply with the configuration configuration control control requirements and guidelines defined guidelines defined in WCAP-16096-NP-A, WCAP-16096-NP-A, "Software"Software Program Program Manual Manual for Common Q Systems" Systems" (Reference 5)

(Reference 5) and and in NABU-DP-00015-GEN, "Common in NABU-DP-00015-GEN, "Common Q Software Software Configuration Management Configuration Management Guidelines" (Reference Guidelines" (Reference 10).]10).]



[The version version of the qualified of the qualified AC 160 base AC160 base software software that is used in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS softwaresoftware shall be identified identified in each AC160 SoftwareSoftware Release Release Record (SRR) that is issued for the project.]



[The version version of the qualified of the qualified AMPL Control Configuration AMPL Control Configuration (ACC) Advanced Advanced Tool that is used to develop the Watts Bar the Watts Bar 22 PAMS PAMS software software shall be identified identified in in each each AC160 SRR SRR that is issued for the project.]

R2.3.2-4 R2.3.2-4

[The version

[The version of thethe qualified qualified Advant Advant Application Application Builder Builder that is used to develop the WattsWatts Bar 22 PAMS PAMS software shall be identified software shall be identified in each AC160 SRR that is issued for the project.]


R2.3.2-5 R2.3.2-5

[The version of the qualified

[The qualified Advant Advant Function Function Chart Chart Builder Builder (FCB) that is used used to develop develop the Watts Bar Bar 22 PAMS software shall PAMS software shall be be identified identified in in each each AC160 AC160 SRR SRR that that is is issued issued for for the the project.]


R2.3.2-6 R2.3.2-6

[The version

[The version ofof the the standard standard FCBFCB PC PC and DB .elements elements library library shall be identified identified in each each AC160 SRR SRR that that isis issued for the project.]

issued for the project.]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 2-5 2-5

RRAS RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion ProgramProgram I&C ProJects Projects Post Accident Monitoring Post Monitoring System R2.3.2-7

[The version of anyany option loaded in thethe AC160 processor module module shall be identified in each AC160 AC160 SRR that that is issued for the project.]


[The System (base software/options) software/options) Cyclic Redundancy Check Check (CRC) value shall be identified in each each AC160 SRR that is issued for the project.]

R2.3.2-9 application CRC value shall be identified in each AC160

[The application AC 160 application SRR that is issued for the project.]


[The AAX AAX. and BAX.

BAX source files shall contain the version and revision history information as described in NABU-DP-00015-GEN NABU-DP-00015-GEN (Reference 10).] 10).]


[For type circuits, circuits, the TCS source file shall contain the version and revision history information information as described in NABU-DP-00015-GEN NABU-DP-00015-GEN (Reference 10).] 10).]

R2.3.2-12 R2.3.2-12

[The date in the FCB document footer shall be the date that the node PC section (AAX) and/or section (AAX.) and/or DB section (BAX) were last changed.]

R2.3.2-13 R2.3.2-13

[The application application program program AMPL directory directory shall be kept under configuration control in the Visual keptunder SourceSafe library as described in 00000-ICE-3889 (Reference 4).]

00000-ICE-3889 (Reference R2.3.2-14 R2.3.2-14

[The version of the qualified FPDS QNX operating system that is used in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS software shall be identified identified in each FPDS SRR SRR that is issued for the project.]

R2.3.2-15 R2.3.2-1S


[The FPDS FPDS application

~pplication programs programs for the OM and MTP shall be kept kept under under configuration configuration control in the CQRev source code source code control system as described in 00000-ICE-3889 (Reference 00000-ICE-3889 (Reference 4).]

R2.3.2-16 R2.3.2-16


[The version of the generic generic flat panel panel display (FPD) software software as described 00000-ICE-30157, described in 00000-ICE-30157, "Software Design "Sofuvare Design Description for the Common Common Q Q Generic Generic Flat-Panel Flat-Panel Software" (Reference 11)

Software" (Reference l 1) that is used to develop the Watts Watts Bar Bar 22 PAMS PAMS software software shall be identified identified in each FPD FPD SRR SRR that is issued issued for the project.]

R2.3.2-17 R2.3.~-17


[The FPD-calculated FPD-ca1culated CRC value value shall shall be be identified identified inin each each FPD SRR SRR that that is issued for the the project.]

(Last (Last Page Page of of Section 2) 2)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 2-6 2-6

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System SECTION 3 STANDARD ST ANDARD SOFTWARESOFTWARE DESCRIPTION 3.1 3.1 BASE SYSTEM AC160 BASE SYSTEM SOFTWARE SOFTWARE The AC160 AC 160 processor operating system software softWare consists of the standard AC160 AC 160 family of system system software products products developed by ABB Industrial Systems. The AC 160 system software software resides in the AC160 Central Processing Processing Unit (CPU) module flash PROM (non-volatile (non-volatile memory). A general general description description of the AC160 AC 160 system software software is given in WCAP-16097-P-A, "Common "Common Qualified Platform Topical Topical Report" Report" (Reference 6).

R3.1-1 R3.1-1

[AC160 Base Software Version 1.3/8 1.3/8 shall be used for all processors.]


Guidance: This software version version will be specified specified in the AC160 application application SRR.

WNA-CD-00029-GEN, WNA-CD-00029-GEN, "Commercial Dedication Report for the ABB Advant PM646A1PM646B "Commercial Grade Dedication PM646A/PM646B Firmware/Base FirmwarelBase System Software Version 1.3/8 1.3/8 for Common Common Q Q Applications" Applications" (Reference 28)28) provides provides guidance guidance on the use of this software.

R3.1-2 R3.1-2

[All PC or DB element restrictions documented documented in WNA-DS-01070-GEN WNA-DS-01070-GEN (Reference (Reference 8) shall be followed.]

R3.1-3 R3.1-3

[Only the options needed for the application application shall be loaded on the processors.]


R3.1-4 R3.1-4

[The loading and reloading reloading of options shall be performed performed in the order order documented documented in the SRR of the processor processor module.]

Rationale: Loading Loading options in different orders will result in different system CRC values.

3.2 AC160 AC160 APPLICATION APPLICATION SOFTWARE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT The ACC The ACC Advanced Tool, for configuration Advanced Tool, configuration and programming programming software, software, is used in the generation generation of the Watts Bar 2 PAMS AC 160 AC160 software. The ACC Advanced Advanced Tool consists of Application Application Builder and FCB.

The ACC Advanced Advanced Tool also requires a library of standard standard PC and DB elements.



[ABB ACC Advanced Tool Version Advanced Tool 1.7/1 shall Version 1.711 shall be be used used in all Watts Bar 2 PAMS software development software development workstations.))



Guidance: This software version will be specified in the AC AC160160 application SRR.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 3-1 3-1

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System Rationale: WNA-CD-00029-GEN, Rationale: WNA-CD-00029-GEN, "Commercial Grade Dedication Report for the ABB Advant "Commercial Grade Advant PM646A/PM646B PM646A1PM646B Firmware/Base Version 1.3/8 for Common Q Applications" Firmware/Base System Software Version Applications" (Reference 28).


R3.2-2 Advanced Tool shall only be used on the designated Windows Operating System for which it

[The ACC Advanced is qualified.]

performed on Windows XP Service acceptable for the development to be performed Guidance: It is acceptable Guidance: Service Pack 2 under a environment such as VMwareTM.

virtual environment VMware'.


[Application Builder

[Application 2.7/1) shall be used in all Watts Bar 2 PAMS software Builder Version (Version 2.7/1) development workstations.]

software version will be specified Guidance: This software Guidance: AC 160 application SRR.

specified in the AC160 R3.2-4 development 4.8/1) shall be used in all Watts Bar 2 PAMS software development

[FCB Version (Version 4.8/1) workstations.]


Guidance: This software version will be specified specified in the AC160 application application SRR.


[AMPL PC and DB elementelement libraries shall be used in all Watts Bar 2 PAMS software development software development workstations.]

workstations. ]

Guidance: This software Guidance: AC 160 application SRR.

software version will be specified in the AC160 R3.2-6

[The Page Layout Template (AAX) and DB section Template for the printout of the node PC section (AAX) section (BAX)

Standard Master US Letter Landscape English.]

programs shall be Standard R3.2-7

[Type circuit design and implementation

[Type comply with the requirements and guidelines defined in implementation shall comply in 00000-ICE-3889 (Reference 00000-ICE-3889 (Reference 4).]

R3.2-8 R3.2-8

[Custom PC element

[Custom implementation shall comply with the requirements and guidelines element design and implementation defined in 00000-ICE-3889 00000-ICE-3889 (Reference 4).]


[The standard type circuits and custom

[The elements that shall be used in Watts Bar 2 PAMS custom PC elements P AMS are given in theTable 7.1-1.]

the Table 7.1-1.]

Guidance: Standard type circuits will be developed Guidance: Standard developed and used wherever possible.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 3-2 3-2

RRAS / Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System 3.3 3.3 FPDS APPLICA APPLICATION TION SOFTWARE SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT programmed in C language and executes The FPDS application software is programmed executes on the QNX operating operating system.

The software is composed of standard QNX Photon Photon display components components and software procedures; software procedures; generic Common Q FPD display components, software software procedures, and programs; and additional application software components that are implemented software components implemented as needed to provide project-specific project-specific capabilities.


[The FPDS software environment shall match the environment described development environment software development described in Section 7.2, Table 11 and Section 7.3, 7.3, Table 2 of WNA-CD-00018-GEN, "Commercial ofWNA-CD-00018-GEN, "Commercial Dedication Report for for Applications" (Reference QNX 4.25G for Common Q Applications" 19).]

(Reference 19).]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference(Reference 17), R2.6.2-9.


[The FPDS development environment shall be installed development environment installed by following the steps defined in Section of Section 2.4.4 of WNA-IP-00152-GEN, "Generic WNA-IP-00152-GEN, "Generic Common Q Software Installation Procedure" Procedure" (Reference (Reference 20).]

R3.3-3 library shall be installed Generic FPD library

[The Generic installed prior to developing Common Q display applications in Photon by following the procedure of 00000-ICE-30157, "Software procedure in Appendix C ofOOOOO-ICE-30157, "Software Design Description for the Design Description Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Display Software"Software" (Reference (Reference 11).]


R3.3-4 implementation shall comply with the requirements

[QNX application program design and implementation requirements and guidelines defined in 00000-ICE-3889, 00000-ICE~3889, "Coding Standards and Guidelines Guidelines for Common Q Systems" Systems" (Reference (Reference 4).]

3.4 FPDS FPDS APPLICATION SOFTWARE SOFTWARE DEPLOYMENT DEPLOYMENT The FPDS application software software will be deploy~d deployed on a Class 1-E "nodebox" running the l-E qualified FPD "nodebox" QNX operating system and QNX Photon graphical display dispI'ay system.

R3.4-1 environment shall match the environment

[The FPDS runtime environment described in Section 7.2, Table 2 of environment described of WNA-CD-00018-GEN, "Commercial WNA-CD-OOOI8-GEN, Dedication Report for QNX 4.25G for Common Q Applications" "Commercial Dedication Applications" (Reference 19).]

(Reference 19).]

Guidance: The applicable specified in the SRR for Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

applicable software versions will be specified R3.4-2 environment shall be installed by following the steps defined in Section 2.4.3 of

[The FPDS runtime environment of WNA-IP-00 152-GEN, "Generic WNA-IP-00152-GEN, "Generic Common Q Software Installation Procedure" Procedure" (Reference (Reference 20).]

(Last (Last Page Page of Section 3) of Section 3)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 3-3 3-3

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for for the NSSS Completion Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System SECTION 4 DATABASE CONFIGURATION AC160 DATABASE 4.1 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW processor The AC160 database (DB section) defines the configuration parameters of the PM646A processor module, CI631 C1631 communication communication interface module, S600 series I/O1/O modules/channels, modules/channels, and and communication communication (DSP and DAT).


[The Mode switch on the PM646 PM646 controller shall be set to the COLD START position (Position "I") "1")

except when loading loading base software software or options.]

Guidance: This requirement requirement ensures that the AC 160 processor module will attempt to restart the application software upon power-up power-up or reset conditions.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.5.1-1 and R2.9.4-2.

17), R2.S.1-1 R4.2-3 R4.2-3 a,c a,c K

I1R4.2-4 R4.2-4 I


,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. Rev. 1 4-1 4-1

RRAS RRAS Requirements Specification for Software Requirements for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Watts Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Post a,c a,e


R4.2-5 a,e a,c

[K R4.2-6 a,c a,e

[K ))

R4.2-7 a,c a,e R4.2-8 ac a,e R4.2-9 R4.2-9 a,c a,e WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 4-2 4-2

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System R4.2-10 R4.2-10 a,c a,e R4.2-11 R4.2-11 a,c a,e L

R4.2-12 R4.2-12 a,c a,e K

R4.2-13 R4.2-13 a,c a,e 4.3 COMMUNICATION DB ELEMENT CONFIGURATION COMMUNICATION CONFIGURATION 4.3.1 DSP/DAT Configuration DSP/DAT Configuration Requirements DSP station numbers are manually manually assigned assigned by the software software designer as specified specified in the "DSP Station Station Numbers" column of Tables 2.3-1 and 2.3-2.

Numbers" WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 4-3 4-3

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Software Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System R4.3.1-1 R4.3.1-1 Numbers" column of the numbers from the "DSP Station Numbers"

[Sending DSPs shall be assigned the station numbers applicable Table 2.3-1 or 2.3-2.]

applicable ax a.c

[ ]

R4.3.1-2 a,c



ax a.c L.

R4.3.1-4 R4.3.1-4



[E a]

R4.3.1-5 a,c a,c

[L R 4.3.1-6ac


R4.3.1-6 a.c R4.3.1-7 a,c a,c R4.3.1-7 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 4-4 4-4

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System R4.3.1-8 axc a,c 4.3.2 MDAT Configuration Requirements Configuration Requirements MDATs are not utilized in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.



Rationale: WNA-OS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Figure 2.1-2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 4.3.3 High Speed Speed Link Link (HSL) Configuration Configuration Requirements HSLs are not utilized in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

Rationale: WNA-OS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Figure 2.1-2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Last Page of Section 4)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 4-5 4-5

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring System Post Accident System SECTIONS SECTION 5 CONTROL PROGRAMMING PROCESS CONTROL PROGRAMMING 5.1 GENERAL GENERAL R5.1-1 RS.l-l a,c


RS.1-2 R5.1-2 a,c RS.1-3 Rg.1-3 ac a,c 5.1.1 Initialization Initialization R5.1.1-1 RS.1.1-1 ac a,c

[ ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-1 5-1

RRAS Software Requirements Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Proiects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R5.1.1-2 RS.1.1-2 a,c R5.1.1-3 RS.1.1-3 a,c R5.1.1-4 RS.1.1-4 a,c a,c R5.1.1-5 RS.1.1-S

[The 00000-ICE-30156

[The initialization requirements defined in OOOOO-ICE-30 (Reference 15), subsection 156 (Reference subsection 2.5.1, 2.5.1, shall apply.]

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.1-1 and R2.9.4-2.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT R5.1.1-6 RS.1.1-6 a,c a,c


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.9.4-3.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT I]

5.2 STRUCTURE ELEMENT CONFIGURATION STRUCTURE CONFIGURATION This section of the document document defines the requirements requirements for the AC160 AC 160 process control structure elements control structure PCPGM, CONTRM, and FUNCM. Execution order of PCPGM and CONTRM ofPCPGM CONTRM is dependant dependant upon cycle cycle time and priority parameter values.

.The The PCPGM PCPGM or or CONTRM element(s) with CONTRM element(s) with aa shorter cycle time shorter cycle time shall have have priority over other PCPGM or CONTRM CONTRM element(s) element(s) with a longer cycle time. Execution Execution order of the PCPGM or CONTRM CONTRM elements with the same cycle time is based on their respective respective second call parameter (placement parameter (placement in the cycle time

[priority] table). The element with the higher priority (lower number) value will execute execute before an WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-2 5-2

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Software the Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring of lower priority. Ifnecessary, element oflower If necessary, the PCPGM PCPGM or CONTRM element(s) of higher priority will will interrupt the lower priority PCPGMPCPGM or or CONTRM element(s).

element(s). Once execution of of the higher priority PCPGM or CONTRM element(s) is complete, the lower lower priority PCPGM or CONTRM CONTRM element(s) resumes execution.

The following factors should be considered when determining a PCPGM or CONTRM CONTRM cycle time parameter.

  • " The CONTRM The CONTRM cycle cycle times times must must be be set set to to aa value value high enough to prevent the processor load from from specified in Requirement R5.1-1.

exceeding the values specified

    • . For For better better sending sending or or receivlng receiving DSP DSP efficiency, efficiency, the cycle times parameters for the CONTRMs CONTRMs that send or receive DSPs should tliat should-be be set equal to that of the PCPGM cycle time. This will ensure that these functions are performed synchronously.
  • " When the When the CONTRM CONTRM cycle cycle time parameter parameter and the PCPGM cycle time parameters parameters are equal, inin order to obtain a shorter time response for sending DSPs, the PCPGM priority should be less than that of that of the the CONTRM.

CONTRM. This This allows allows the the DSP values to DSP values to be be written to the Communication Communication Interface (CI) immediately after generation.

  • When the When the CONTRM CONTRM cycle time parameter parameter and the PCPGM cycle time parameters parameters are equal, inin order to obtain a shorter time response for receiving DSPs, the PCPGM priority should be greater greater than that than that of of the CONTRM. This the CONTRM. This allows allows thethe DSP DSP values values to to be be received in the CONTRM CONTRM immediately after immediately being received after being received from from thethe CI.

The purpose of the FUNCM FUNCM is to control the arrangement arrangement of the documented documented application code in the FCB.

The FUNCM The FUNCM cannot affect execution. Typically, a software software designer will enter information information into the name attribute attribute of of the FUNCM which the FUNCM which communicates communicates the functionality of the subordinate (for subordinate PC elements (for

. example: STARTUPANDSUPERVISION SLPRESSTRIPBISTABLELOGIC). PC element STARTUP_AND_SUPERVISION or SL]RESS_TRIP_BISTABLE_LOGIC). element names must be unique and have a maximum length of 72 characters.

names a,c I[KE ))

Rev. 1 5-3 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-3 5-3

RRAS Software Requirements Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System a,c a,e Figure 5.2-1.

5.2-1. PAMS PAMS Application Application Program Structure 5.2.1 General General L I RS.2.1-1 R5.2.1-1 a,c a,e 5.2.2 PCPGM Element PCPGM Structure Element R5.2.2-1 RS.2.2-1 a,c a,e WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-4 5-4

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R5.2.2-2 RS.2.2-2 a,e a,c J

R5.2.2-3 RS.2.2-3 a,c a,e 5.2.3 5.2.3 CONTRM Structure Element CONTRM Element R5.2.3-1 RS.2.3-1 a,e a,c I[ ]

R5.2.3-2 RS.2.3-2 a,c a,e ac KR.2.3-3 RS.2.3-3 a,e

[Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R3.2.2-1.


J 5.2.4 FUNCM Structure Element Element R5.2.4-1 RS.2.4-1


[The FUNCM FUNCM element shall be used liberally to assist in the identification identification of implemented requirements.]

Rationale: This requirement Rationale: requirement provides subdivision of the PC program into several functionally provides for orderly subdivision associated parts for readability and requirements traceability associated traceability efficiency. '

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-5 5-5

RRAS RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Pro2ram Program I&C Proiects Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitorin2 System System R5.2.4-2 RS.2.4-2

[The FUNCM FUNCM name field shall include include a unique identifier.]


Rationale: Support readability and organization organization of the documented documented code.

RS.2.4-3 R5.2.4-3 a,c a,c

[K ]I 5.3 SUPERVISORY SUPERVISORY LOGIC This section of the document requirements for processor diagnostic monitoring and alarm document defines the requirements alarm generation generation within the application program. The CONTRM CONTRM containing the Supervisory function and diagnostic diagnostic monitoring monitoring will produce error status data that is ultimately sent to the OM and MTP forfor alarming alarming and indication.

R5.3-1 RS.3-1 a,c

[E ))

R5.3-2 RS.3-2 a,c ac

[E ))

R5.3-3 RS.3-3 a,c a,c R5.3-4 RS.3-4 a,c


K R 5.3-5 RS.3-S a,c a,c

] I R5.3-6 RS.3-6 a,c a,c

[E ))

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-6 5-6

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring System RS.3-7 R5.3-7 a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.9-1 and R2.9.2-1.

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.9.2-1.

RS.3-8 R5.3-8 ac a,c ERS.3-9 R 5,3-9 a,c a,c RS.3-10 R5.3-10 a,c a,c 5.3.1 CPU Load Error Error RS.3.1-1 R5.3.1-1 a,c RS.3.1-2 R5.3.1-2 a,c a,c

[E J]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-7 5-7

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitorinp System System a,c

[E ]

I R5.3.1-3 RS.3.1-3 a,c a,c

[ ]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.9-1 and R2.9.3-1.


R5.3.1-4 RS.3.1-4 a,c

[ ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.9-1 and R2.9.3-1.

(Reference 17), R2.9.3-1.

5.3.2 CRC Invalid Error eRe Error R5.3.2-1 a,c R5.3.2-2 RS.3.2-2 a,c a,c R5.3.2-3 ac 5.3.3 Application Program eRe Application CRC Error Error I

R5.3.3-1 a,c E ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-8

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System a,c

[E ]

R5.3.3 -2 R5.3.3-2 a,c a,c R5.3.3-3 a,c K

R5.3.3-4 I

a,c 5.3.4 5.3.4 System Software Software CRC Error Error R5.3.4-1 a,c ac R5.3.4-2 a,c

[I ))

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-9 5-9

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident System Accident Monitoring Systell1 a,c atc I

R5.3.4.3 a~c a,c

[ ]

R5.3.4-4 a]c 5.3.5 5.3.5 DSP Error Error R5.3.5.1 R5.3.5-1 ac a,c R5.3.5.2 R5.3.5-2 a,c a,c


5.3.6 Processor Module (PM646A)

(PM646A) Error Error

]I R5.3.6-1 R5.3.6.1 a,c a,c R5.3.6-2 ac R5.3.6.2 . a,c

[ ]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-10 5-10

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Bar 2 NSSS Watts Bar NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Post System 5.3.7 5.3.7 (C1631) Error Communication Module (CI63l)

R5.3.7-1 RS.3.7-1 a,c a,c


R5.3.7-2 RS.3.7-2


a,c a,c

[ ]

5.3.8 PROM Checksum Error Error R5.3.8-1 RS.3.8-1 a,c R5.3.8-2 RS.3.8-2 ac a,c


5.3.9 Statusi Word Error PM Statusl Error

]I R5.3.9-1 RS.3.9-1 a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-11 5-11

RRAS RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Post Accide~t Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System 5.3-1. STATUSl Table S.3-1. STATUS1 Bits used used for for PM Status!

Status1 Word Word Error Error a,c R5.3.9-2 RS.3.9-2 a,c

[E J]

5.3.10 CONTRM Run Error Error R5.3.10-1 RS.3.l0-1 a,c R5.3.10-2 RS.3.l0-2 a,c


5.3.11 5.3.11 I/O Module Module Errors I]

R5.3.11-1 RS.3.11-l a,c R5.3.11-2 RS.3.11-2 a,c a,c

[E ]I Rev. 1 5-12 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

Rev. 1 5-12 5-12

RRAS Requirements Specification for the Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System a,c a,c K

R5.3.11-3 RS.3.11-3 a,c

[I 5.3.12 Error MDAT Error I]

MDATs are not utilized in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), Figure 2.1-2.

(Reference 17),

5.3.13 HSL Receive Receive Channel Channell1 and 2 Errors HSLs are not utilized in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Figure 2.1-2.

(Reference 17),

5.3.14 Addressable Addressable Constants CRC Error Error R5.3.14-1 RS.3.14-1 a,c R5.3.14-2 RS.3.14-2 a,c a,c R5.3.14-3 RS.3.14-3 a,c a,c

[E ]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP"Rev.l 'Rev. I 5-13 5-13

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring SysteJrl System a,c a,c

[E ]

5.3.15 Addressable Constants CRC CRC Warning R5.3.15-1 RS.3.1S-1 a~c a,c R5.3.15-2 RS.3.1S-2 a,c a,c R5.3.15-3 RS.3.1S-3 a,c

[ ('

]I 5.3.16 Application Application Trouble Error Error R5.3.16-1 RS.3.16-1 a,c ac R5.3.16-2 RS.3.16-2 a,c

[ ]I 5.3.17 5.3.17 Controller Controller Ready Ready Error / -

R5.3.17-1 RS.3.17-1 a,c a,c

[E ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-14 5-14

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System a,c a,c

[L R5.3.17-2


ac a,c

[5.3.18 Processor In-Test Alarm Processor J

I R5.3.18-1 a,c a,c I[R5.3.18-2 R5.3.18-2 a,c a,c


R,5.3.18-3 I R5.3.18-3 IJ a,c a,c 5.3.19 Application Specific Errors Application Specific Other application-specific application-specific monitoring/alarming monitoring/alarming will be documented requirement section documented in the subsystem requirement section document and the application-specific of this document Software Design Description.

application-specific Software R5.3.19-1 R5.3.19-1 a,c a,c


5.3.20 Cabinet Status Alarms J

I R5.3.20-1 IL I[

aIc a,c


Rev. 1 5-15 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-15 5-15

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Pro2ram I&C Projects Monitorine System Post Accident Monitoring System Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference R3.1.1-5.

(Reference 17), R3.1.1-S.

RS.3.20-2 R5.3.20-2 a,e a,c

[E J I R5.3.20-3 RS.3.20-3 a,c a,e

[E ]

ER5.3.20-4 I RS.3.20-4 a,c a,e

[I ]I Rationale: WNA~DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-O (Reference 17),

1617-WBT (Reference 17), R3.1.1-5.


'[E RS.3.20-S R5.3.20-5 5.3.21 I/O Channel Errors


a,c a,e


a,c a,e R5.3.21-1 J


))a,c I R5.3.21-2 a,c


a,e I


[IR53.1-I 5.3.22 Heartbeat Heartbeat a,c I]



ER5.3.22-1 I RS.3.22-1 a,<:!

[I ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-16 5-16

RRAS RRAS Specification for Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Watts Completion Program Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring Systep" Syster-a,c



I RS.3.22-2 R5.3.22-2 a,c a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.6.2.1-2, R2.6.3.1-10, and R2.9.1-1.

R2.9.1-1 .

R5.3.22-3 RS.3.22-3 a,c a,c

[ ]

a~I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-2, R2.6.3.1-1O, R2.9.1-1 .

R2.6.3.1 - 10, and R2.9.1-1.

R5.3.22-4 RS.3.22-4 ]arc a,c

[ I


I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-5, R2.6.3.1-6, and R2.9.1-1.

5.3.23 Watchdog Watchdog Timer Supervision Supervision I RS.3.23-1 R5.3.23-1 a,c a,c E


R5.3.23-2 RS.3.23-2 ac a,c


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT R4.4. 1-1.

(Reference 17), R4.4.1-1.

5.3.24 5.3.24 Failure Notification, Fai!ure Notification, Indication, Indication, and Display R5.3.24-1 RS.3.24-1 a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-17 5-17

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System RS.3.24-2 R5.3.24-2


[Detectable failures of the safety indicated as defined by 00000-ICE-3238 safety system shall be indicated OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference 18).]


RS.3.24-3 R5.3.24-3 00000-ICE-30156 (Reference

[Failures of the safety system shall be displayed as required by OOOOO-ICE-30156 15).]

(Reference 15).]

5.3.25 Error Recovery I RS.3.2S-1 R5.3.25-1 a,c

[E ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-18 5-18

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System a.c axc 5.3-1. Supervisory Figure 5.3-1. Supervisory Processing Processing WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-19 5-19

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System 5.4 5.4 SIGNAL QUALITY PROCESSING SIGNAL QUALITY PROCESSING The quality processing defined in OOOOO-ICE-3238 00000-ICE-3238 (Reference (Reference 18) will be used in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS, PAMS, with the exception of the RVLIS algorithm. The quality processing for the RVLIS algorithm is defined in WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17).

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17).

a,c a,c

[e 5.4.1 General


5.4.1 General R5.4.1-1

[Watts Bar 2 PAMS software shall comply with the signal BYPASS requirements and guidelines guidelines defined defined 00000-ICE-3238 (Reference in OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference 18).]


[Watts Bar 2 PAMS

[Watts PAMS software shall also comply with the signal BYPASS requirements requirements and guidelines defined in WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), subsection]

Rationale : WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection (Reference 17), and R4.2.2-3.

a,c a,c

[E R5.4.1-3 R5.4.1-3 J]

R5.4.1-4 a,c a,c


R5.4.1-5 I]

a,c ac R5.4.1-6 a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-20 5-20

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System RS.4.1-7 R5.4.1-7 , a,c ac

[L R5.4.1-8 RS.4.1-8 a,c

]I RS.4.1-9 R5.4.1-9 a,c ac

[ ]I 5.4.2 Controller Ready a,c

[R ]I R5.4.2-1 RS.4.2-1 a,c ac WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-21 5-21

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System Table 5.4-1.

5.4-1. STATUSl STATUS1 Bits Used for Controller Controller Ready a,c a,c R5.4.2-2 a,c Input Signal Quality


5.4.3 Quality Processing Processing RS.4.3-l R5.4.3-1 ac a,c

[t ]

RS.4.3-2 R5.4.3-2 a,c a,c RS.4.3-3 R5.4.3-3 R5.4.3-4 a,c ac WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-22 J

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification for for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System a,c a,c

[E ]


R5.4.3-5 RS.4.3-S a,c R5.4.3-6 RS.4.3-6 a,c I[ ]

I R5.4.3-7 a,c L

5.4.4 5.4.4 HSL Receive Error Processing Processing HSLs are not utilized in Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

HSLs Rationale: WNA-DS-0 Rationale: 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), Figure 2.1-2.

5.4.5 MDAT Receive ErrorError Processing Processing MDATs are not utilized in Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), Figure 2.1-2.

5.4.6 DAT (AF100) Receive DAT (AFIOO) Receive Error Processing Processing R5.4.6-1 RS.4.6-1 a,c a,c E

[ ]


RS.4.6-2 a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-23 5-23

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Proiects Projects Post Accident Monitorina System Monitoring System RS.4.6-3 R5.4.6-3 a,c

. a,e


5.4.7 Computer Datalink Plant Computer Datalink I

a,c a,e


a,c a,e


E RS.4.7-1 R5.4.7-1


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R4.3.3-3.

17), R4.3.3-3.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-24 5-24

RRAS Specification for the Requirements Specification Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects - Post Accident Accident Monitoring System a,c Figure 5.4-1.

5.4-1. Quality Quality Processing WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-25 5-25

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Proiects Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System


[I ].I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.2.1-1, WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference R2.5.2.1-1, R2.6.2.S-1, R2.6.2.5-1, R2.6.3. 1-1, R3.1.6-1, R2.6.3.1-1, R3.1.6-1, and R4.2,2-3.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 5-26 5-26

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System R5.5-2 RS.S-2 a,c R5.5-3 RS.S-3 a,c R5.5-4 RS.S-4 a,c a,c R5.5-5 RS.S-S a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-27 5-27

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R5.5-6 a,c a,e R5.5-7 a,c a,e R5.5-8 a,c a,e

[ ]

a,e a,c R5.5-9 R5.5-9 L5.5710 R5.5-10 a,e ac R5.5-11 R5.5-11 a,e ac

[ ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-28 5-28

RRAS RRAS SoftWare Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Watts Program I&C Projects Post Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System a,c

[E ))

R5.5-12 RS.S-12 a,c

[ ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-29 5-29

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects ProgramI&C Post Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System a,c Figure 5.5-1. Addressable Addressable Constants CRC Check Check (Last Page of Section 5)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 5-30 5-30

RRAS RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program NSSS Completion Program I&C Proiects Projects Monitorine System Post Accident Monitoring System SECTION 6 SURVEILLANCE TESTING FEATURES SURVEILLANCE FEATURES general surveillance This section of the document defines the general requirements in accordance surveillance testing requirements accordance with OOOOO-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements 00000-ICE-3238, "Software Specification for the Common Q Requirements Specification Q Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System" (Reference 18). [

(Reference 18).

ac Applic~tion-specific testing features will be documented Application-specific requirement section of this documented in the subsystem requirement application-specific Software document and the application-specific Software Design Description.

6.1 CONTINUOUS ONLINE DIAGNOSTICS CONTINUOUS DIAGNOSTICS 6.1.1 AC160 Online Diagnostics AC160 Online Diagnostics a,c a,c

[ AC 160 continuous No AC160 diagnostics shall adversely continuous online diagnostics affect any PAMS safety function.

adversely affect


6.1.2 Flat Panel Diagnostics Panel Display Online Diagnostics a,c

-No OM or MTP continuous online diagnostics shall adversely affect any PAMS safety function.

R6.1.2-1 a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 6-1

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software the Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring R6.1.2-2 a,c a,c R6.1.2-3 a,c a,c R6.1.2-4 a,c

[ ]

R6.1.2-5 a,c R6.1.2-6 a,c a,c R6.1.2-6




a,c a,c R6.1.2-7

[ ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. I1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 6-2 6-2

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System 6.2 MANUALLY MANUALLY INITIATED TESTING a,c

[I ]I R6.2-1 a,c

[ ]


[E R6.2-2


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.3.2-1.

17), R2.6.3.2-1.

R6.2-31 R6.2-3] a,c WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.3.3-1.


R6.2-4 a,c

[E ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.


[ ]

R6.2-5 a,c

[ ]I (

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2.l9-4.


R6.2-6 a,c


I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2. and R2.6.3.3-7.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 6-3 6-3

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System R6.2-7 a,c a,c

[I ]I I

R6.2-8 R6.2-8 a,c a,c

[ ]I (Last Page of Section 6)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 6-4 6-4

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System SECTION SECTION 7 DESCRIPTIONS/REQUIREMENTS WATTS BAR 2 PAMS DESCRIPTIONS/REQUIREMENTS 7.1 WATTS BAR 2 PAMS AC160 SOFTWARE SOFTWARE 7.1.1 General a,c 7.1.2 Type Circuits R7.1.2-1 a,c

[LI ]I Table Table 7.1-1. Watts Bar 2 PAMS Standard Type Type Circuits and Custom Custom PC Elements a,c

+ +

1* *1- I

+ + i

.4. *1-4 + 4 I

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-1 7-1

RRAS S~oftware S.oftware Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Pro.jects Prolects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System Table 7.1-1. Watts Bar 2 PAMS Standard Table Standard Type Circuits Circuits and Custom PC Elements Elements (Cont'd) aIc a,c I

I 7.1.3 Inputs Analog/Digital Inputs Analog/Digital The analog inputs The inputs defined in WNA-DS-OI667-WBT WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference (Reference 21)

21) will be acquired acquired and processed processed by by the Watts the Watts Bar Bar 22 PAMS software software and sent via the AF100 AFI00 to the OM and MTP for display.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-2 7-2


RRAS RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Post Accident Monitoring System Post System R7.1.3.1-1 .

[The analog analog inputs toto the Watts Bar 2 PAMS AC160 systemsystem shall shall be configured configured as defined in WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference 21).]

WNA-DS-OI667-WBT Guidance: The configuration of the AI687A1687 and AI688 A1688 modules are are defined in Section 4.2.

WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference 21)

WNA-DS-OI667-WBT 21) specifies the analog card type, position in the chassis, and and channel assignment for each of the analog inputs.


[The digital inputs to the Watts Bar 2 PAMS AC160 AC 160 system shall be configured as defined in in WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference 21).]

WNA-DS-OI667-WBT Guidance: The configuration configuration of the DI620 D1620 module is defined in Section 4.2.

WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference 21)

WNA-DS-OI667-WBT 21) specifies the digital input card, position in the chassis, and channel assignment for each of the digital inputs. HSL Inputs HSLs are not utilized in Watts Bar 2 PAMS. AF100 Inputs AFIOO A description of the AF 100 interface between the'Watts AFI00 the Watts Bar 2 PAMS AC 160 system and the FPDS can AC160 be found in 00000-ICE-3238 OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference 18). 18).

R7.1.3.3-1 R7.1.3.3-1 a,c a,c

[K ]I R7.1.3.3-2 R7.1.3.3-2 a,c



a,c R7.1.3.3-3 a,c

{ MDAT MDAT Inputs


MDATs are are not utilized in in Watts Bar Bar 22PAMS.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-3 7-3

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the NSSS Completion Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System 7.1.4 7.1.4 Processing Processing This section defines the software requirements requirements for the functional algorithms algorithms to be used for Watts Bar PAMS. These requirements requirements are based on those defined for a Common Q PAMS system in in 00000-ICE-3238 OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference (Reference 18). The subsections subsections in this document, with the exception exception of the RVLIS, correspond to the Functional correspond Functional Requirements sections in 00000-ICE-3238 OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference (Reference 18). The Functional requirements for the RVLIS can be found in WNA-DS-01617-WBT requirements (Reference 17).

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17). Input Processing R7.1.4.1-1 R7.1.4.1-1 (The

[The requirements of 00000-ICE-3238 (Reference requirements ofOOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference 18), subsection 3.2.1, "Input subsection 3.2.1, "Input Processing,"

Processing," shall apply apply for the inputs of the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.]


Guidance: HJTC inputs do not apply to Watts Bar 2 PAMS per WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),


R2.3.1 -1.


Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.S.3.1-1.


R7.1.4.1-2 R7.1.4.1-2 a,e a,c

[L R7.1.4.1-3 a,c a,e

]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.3.S-4.


R7.1.4.1-4 R7.1.4.1-4 a,c a,e

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.3.5-5.


R7.1.4.1-5 R7.1.4.1-5 a,e a,c

[E ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS~01617-WBT R2.5.3.5-6.

(Reference 17), R2.S.3.S-6.

R7.1.4.1-6 R7.1.4.1-6

[E a,c a,e


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-4

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Watts Pro2ram I&C I&C Projects Post Svstem Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring a,e a,c

[I ]I WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.3.S-7.


R7.1.4.1-7 analog input processing requirements defined in OOOOO-ICE-301S6

[The analog 00000-ICE-30156 (Reference (Reference 15), subsection, shall apply.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.3.1-l.


[K a,e a,c R7.1.4.1-8

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.3.1-2.


R7.1.4.1-9 a,e a,c

[K ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.3.1-3.

(Reference 17), R2.S.3.1-3.

[K R7.1.4.1-10 a,c a,e

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.5.3.1-4.

R2.S.3.1A. CET Monitoring The Core Exit Thermocouple Thermocouple Monitoring Monitoring System (CETMS)

(CETMS) monitors CET temperatures temperatures to detect detect and alarm inadequate inadequate core cooling conditions.


R7.1.4.2-1 a,e a,c

[E ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.5.3.5-1.


R7.1.4.2-2 R7.1.4.2-2


[The requirements requirements for CET monitoring defined defined in subsection subsection 3.2.2 3.2.2 of 00000-ICE-3238 (Reference ofOOOOO-ICE-3238 18)

(Reference 18) shall shall apply.]

LI R7.1.4.2-3 R7.1.4.2-3


a,e a,c

]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-5 7-5

RRAS Software the Software Requirements Specification for the Bar 2 NSSS Watts Bar NSSS Completion Completion Program I&CI&C Projects Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring a,c a,c

[E ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.5.3.5-1.


R7.1.4.2-4 R7.1.4.2-4 a,c aIc

[I ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. and R4.2.2-3.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT R7.1.4.2-5 a,c a,c I[R7.1.4.2-6



[ ] RVLIS Monitoring Monitoring The RVLIS The RVLlS monitors the collapsed liquid level above the fuel alignment plate to indicate collapsed liquid indicate the approach of of an inadequate core cooling situation.

R7.1.4.3-1 a,c a,c I[ ]I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsections subsections and

R7.1.4.3-2 R7.1.4.3-2

[The RVLlS

[The RVLIS inputs defined defined in Table 2.5-4 of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)

17) shall apply.]


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection subsection

R7.1.4.3-3 R7.1.4.3-3

[The RVLIS RVLlS monitoring monitoring input processing processing requirements requirements defined defined in subsection subsection of of WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17)

17) shall apply.]


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-016l7-WBT 17), subsection (Reference 17), subsection

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-6 7-6

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Completion Program Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Accident Monitoring R7.1.4.3-4

[The RVLIS monitoring requirements defined in subsection requirements defined of WNA-DS-01617-WBT ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17) shall apply.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-O Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 1617-WBT (Reference subsection

(Reference 17), subsection R7.1.4.3-5 R7.1.4.3-5 Vessel Level shall be calculated

[The Reactor Vessel different algorithms based on whether the plant is in calculated using different Static or Dynamic conditions.]

Figures 7.1-1 and 7.1-2.

Guidance: See Figures subsection

WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT, subsection Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-7 7-7

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification for the NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System a,c System a,c Figure 7.1-1. RVLIS Dynamic Algorithm Algorithm 7-8 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1II WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 7-8 7-8

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for for the the

~VV~att~s~B==ar~2~N~S~S~S~C~o=m~pl=e=ti~on~P~ro~g~r2a=m~1=&~C~P~r~~~e~c~=- Post Accident Monitoring System c Wafts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects ________________~__________________________________________________________________________________________~P~o=s~t=A=c=ci=d~eD~t~M~o=nl=*to=r=i=ng~S~ys=t=em=_~a,c Figure Figure 7.1-2.

7,1-2. RVLIS Static Static Algorithm Algorithm VVNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.!I 7-9

RRAS RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Watts NSSS Completion Program Program I&C I&C Projects Proiects Post Accident Monitoring System Post System R7.1.4.3-6 R7.1.4.3-6 a,e a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.S.3.4.18-1.


R7.1.4.3-7 a,e a,c

[ ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.1.4.3-8 R7.1.4.3-8 a,e a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.5.3.3-14 R2.S.3.3-l4 and and R2.5.3.3-16.


R7.1.4.3-9 R7.1.4.3-9 a,e a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-016l7-WBT (Reference 17),

17), subsection subsection


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-10 7-10

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Prop-ram Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System R7.1.4.3-10 R7.1.4.3-10 a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference R2.

R7.1.4.3-11 R7.1.4.3-11

[The three corrected differential pressures pressures used in the RVLIS RVLIS monitoring calculation calculation shall be determined determined as described in R2. ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17).]


a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2. (Reference 17), R2. and R2.

K R7.1.4.3-12 R7.1.4.3-12


a,c a,c JI Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

(Reference 17), R2.

R7.1.4.3-13 R7.1.4.3-13

[The reactor vessel density calculation calculation for liquid conditions defined in subsection ofof WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)

17) shall apply.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-11 7-11

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Completion Program Accident Monitoring System Post Accident R7.1.4.3-14 R7.1.4.3-14

[The reactor vessel density calculation conditions defined in subsection of calculation for gaseous conditions of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)

WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17) shall apply.] ,

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), subsection

(Reference 17),


[The auctioneered auctioneered high RCSReS hot leg temperature temperature (T Res) calculation (TRCS) calculation shall be calculation used in the RVLIS calculation determined as defined determined subsection of defined in subsection WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17).]

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

17), subsection R7.1.4.3-16 R7.1.4.3-16

[The algorithm to determine the static conditions

[The conditions upper range reactor reactor vessel level (hi)

(hI) and lower range reactor vessel level (h2) described in subsection of level (h2) WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)

17) shall apply.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

R7.1.4.3-17 a,c a,c

[E ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference(Reference 17),

17), R2.

R7.1.4.3-18 R7.1.4.3-1S

[The algorithm that determines the cross-over point between the static conditions upper range reactor

[The reactor (hi) and lower range vessel level (hI) reactor vessel level (h range reactor 2) defined in subsection of (h2) of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17) shall apply.]

(Reference 17)

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT subsection

(Reference 17), subsection

[EI R7.1.4.3-19 a,c a,c


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

R7.1.4.3-20 R7.1.4.3-20

[The effect of the hydraulic isolators on the reactor vessel level calculation quality defined in level calculation subsection subsection of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17) 17) shall apply.]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT subsection

[E R7,1.4.3-21 R7;1.4.3-21 a,c a,c


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-12 7-12

RRAS Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Accident Monitoring Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R2.

[K R7.1.4.3-22 R7.1.4.3-22 a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R2.S.3.4.9-3.


R7.1.4.3-23 R7.1.4.3-23 a,c a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.1.4.3-24 R7.1.4.3-24 a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.


R7.1.4.3-25 R7.1.4.3-2S a,c a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.3.4.14-3.

(Reference 17), R2.

R7.1.4.3-26 a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-13 7-13

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Post System

.R7.1.4.3-27 R7.1.4.3-27 a,c a,e

[ ]I Rationale: wNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

R7.1.4.3-28 R7.1.4.3-28

[The algorithm for the expected expected uncompensated uncompensated dynamic head (EUDH) calculation calculation defined in

[K of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17) subsection ofWNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17) shall apply.]

a,c a,e

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection subsection

R7.1.4.3-29 R7.1.4.3-29 a,c a,e

[ ]I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),R2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT(Reference 17), R2.

R7.1.4.3-30 R7.1.4.3-30

[The algorithm for the uncompensated uncompensated dynamic dynamic head (UDH) calculation calculation defined defined in subsection

[K of WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-O1617-WBT (Reference 17) 17) shall apply.]

a,e a,c


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection subsection

R7.1.4.3-31 R7.1.4.3-31


[The algorithm for the power power compensated compensated head (PDH) calculation calculation defined in subsection subsection of of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference

- WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17) 17) shall apply.]

a,c a,e

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17), subsection (Reference 17), subsection

R7.1.4.3-32 R7.1.4.3-32 a,c a,e

[I I]

Rev. 1 7-14 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-14 7-14

I RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitorina System Accident Monitoring Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.




[The algorithm for the normalized normalized dynamic head (NDH) calculation calculation defined in subsection ofof WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)

WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17) shall be applied applied when some but not all reactor reactor coolant pumps are operational.


a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), subsection

17), subsection a,c

[K R7.1.4.3-34 R7.1.4.3-34 a,c

]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection


[The reactor vessel level shall be scaled scaled as specified specified in subsection subsection of WNA-DS-01617-WBT ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17).]

WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

17), subsection

R7.1.4.3-36 R7.1.4.3:"36 a,c a,c

[K ]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

R7.1.4.3-37 a,c a,c

[e Rationale: WNA-DS-0 161 7-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection


WNA-SD-OQ239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-15 7-15

RRAS the Software Requirements Specification for the Bar 2 NSSS Completion Watts Bar Completion Program I&CI&C Projects Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring

[K R7.1.4.3-38 a,c a,e K


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

Rationale: WNA-DS-Ol~17-WBT R7.1.4.3-39 level algorithm shall support the off-scale requirements specified in

[The reactor vessel level in ofWNA-DS-01617-WBT subsection of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17).] 17).]

WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT R7.1.4.3-40 R7.1.4.3-40 a,c a,e

[K ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), subsection subsection

R7.1.4.3-41 a,c a,e

[ ]

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection subsection

R7.1.4.3-42 R7.1.4.3-42 a,c a,e

[K ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), subsection subsection



[The RVLIS level alarms and setpoint requirements specified specified in subsection subsection of of WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17) shall apply.]

(Reference 17) a,c a,e

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference subsection

R7.1.4.3-44 R7.1.4.3-44 a,c a,e

[ e Rationale: WNA-DS-0 161 7-WBT (Reference 17), subsection Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection I]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-16 7-16

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System R7.1.4.3-45 R7.1.4.3-4S a,c

[ ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), subsection

R7.1.4.3-46 a,e a,c

[ ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), subsection

R7.1.4.3-47 a,e a,c

[ ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.5.3.3-17. Saturation Margin Monitoring Margin Monitoring a,e ac

[ ]

. R7.1.4.4-1

. [The SMMON custom PC element

[The SM_MON element identified in Table 7.1-1 shall be used in Watts Bar 2 PAMS.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), subsection

17), subsection R7.1.4.4-2

[The requirements for the Saturation Saturation Margin Monitoring algorithm algorithm defined in subsection subsection of of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)

17) shall apply.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), subsection subsection

R7.1.4.4-3 R7.1.4.4-3

[The inputs to the Saturation Margin Monitoring Monitoring algorithm algorithm defined in subsection subsection of of WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17) 17) shall apply.]

[K R7.1.4.4-4 R7.1.4.4-4 IJ a,e a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-17 7-17

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the the Bar 2 NSSS Watts Bar NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C I&C Projects System-Post Accident Monitoring Systel'"

[K a,c a,c

]I R7.1.4.4-5 a,c R7.1.4.4-6 a,e ac

[ ]

R7.1.4.4-7 R7.1.4.4-7 ac a,e

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.5.3.2-15.


R7.1.4.4-8 a,e a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.5.3.2-15.


[ K R7.1.4.4-9 a,c a,e I]


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17), R2.5.3.2-16.

(Reference 17), R2.S.3.2-16.

R7.1.4.4-10 R7.1.4.4-10 a,c a,e

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.3.2-1 (Reference 17), 1.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-18 7-18

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Software the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Monitoring System R7.1.4.4-11 ac a,c

[E R7.1.4.5-1 Timestamp Processing Timestamp Processing a~c a,c


a,c a,c I


[E ] System Status ac a,c

[K ]

I R7.1.4.641 R7.1.4.6'-1 a,c a,c

[E ]I Table 7.1-2.

7.1-2. System Trouble Alarm Alarm Conditions Conditions a,c ac T T

  • 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 4 4 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-19 7-19

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System a,c Table 7.1-2.

7.1-2. System System Trouble Alarm Conditions (Cont'd) 1 WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT R2.9.2-2, R2.9.4-4, and R4.2.2-3.

R7.1.4.6-2 R4.2.2-3.

(Reference 17), R2.5.2.1-2, R2.6.2.S-1, 17), R2.S.2.l-2, R2.6.2.5-1, R2.6.3.1-1, R2.6.3.1-1, R2.9.l-1, R2.9.1-1, a,c a,c

[ WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-6.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT


Table 7.1-3. ICC Alarm Conditions Conditions a,c R7.1.4.6-3 a,c a,c

[ ]I WNA-DS-0161,7-WBT, R4.3.2-4 through R4.3.2-7.

Rationale: WNA-DS-0161,7-WBT, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-20 7-20

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Accident Monitoring R7.1.4.6-4 R7.1.4.6-4 a,c WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-8.

[El R7.1.4.6-5 a,c

]I R7.1.4.6-6 a,c a,c I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R4.3.2-8.

PAMS Alarms Reflash Decision Table 7.1-4. PAMS Decision Table a,c a,c Rev. 1 7-21 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-21 7-21

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Prolects Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System Table 7.1-4. PAMS PAMS Alarms Reflash Decision Decision Table Table (Cont'd) a,c R7.1.4.6-7 a,c a,c

[ J WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.4.1-1.


R7.1.4.6-8 R7.1.4.6-B a,c

[E J1


Table 7.1-5. PAMS Controller Table Controller Status Word Variables Variables a,c a,c

  • 1-



4 .1-


4 +

t *1~

4 .1-1-

4 +

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-22 7-22

RRAS Software Requirements for the Requirements Specification for Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System 7.1-5. PAMS Controller Status Word Variables (Cont'd)

Table 7.1-S. (Cont'd) a,c a,c Analog Output Testing R7.1.4.7-1 a,c a,c

[I ]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT R2.

R7.1.4.7-2 a,c K

7.1.5 7.1.5 Outputs Outputs 7.1.S.1 Analog Outputs The analog outputs defined in WNA-DS-01667-WBT WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference (Reference 21)

21) will be determined and processed processed by the Watts Bar 2 PAMS software software and sent to the appropriate appropriate analog output output module and channels.


R7.1.5.1-1 R7.1.S.1-1 a,c ac

[ WNA-DS-01667-WBT


WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference (Reference 21)

21) specifies the analog analog card card type, position position in the chassis, chassis, and channel channel for each each of the the analog analog outputs.

R7.1.5.1-2 R7.1.S.1-2 aa,c

[E ]-1 Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R4.3. 1-1.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-23 7-23

RRAS Software Requirements Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Pro2ram I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Prolects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R7.1.5.1-3 R7.1.S.1-3 a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.1-3.

(Reference 17), R4.3.1-3.

R7.1.S.1-4 a,c I Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.1-2 and R4.3.1-4.

R7.1.5.1-5 R7.1.S.1-S a,c

[E )) 7.1.S.2 Digital Outputs The digital outputs defined in WNA-DS-01667-WBT WNA-DS-01667-WBT (Reference (Reference 21)

21) will be determined and processed processed by the Watts Watts Bar 2 PAMS software software and written to the appropriate module and channels.

R7.1.5.2-1 R7.1.S.2-1 a,c R7.1.5.2-2 R7.1.S.2-2 a,c

[E ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-3.

[LE R7.1.5.2-3 R7.1.S.2-3 a,c


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-4. '

[I R7.1.5.2-4 R7.1.S.2-4 a,c a,c


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-24 7-24

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-5.


R7.1.5.2-5 R7.1.S.2-S a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-6.

R7.1.5.2-6 R7.1.S.2-6 a,c a,c

[E ]

'Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference

'Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.2-7. 7.1.S.3 HSL Outputs HSLs are not utilized in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Figure 2.1-2. 7.1.S.4 AF100 Outputs AFIOO a,c a,c

[ ]

[K I]

R7.1.5.4-1 R7.1.S.4-1 a,c a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.6.2.2-6, R2.6.2.2-4, and R2.6.2.2-5.

(Reference 17), R2.6.2.2-S.

R7.1.5.4-2 R7.1.S.4-2 a,c a,c

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R4.3.3-2.

R7.1.5.4-3 R7.1.S.4-3 a,c

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

[ K R7.1.5.4-4 R7.1.S.4-4 a,c a,c


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-25

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-3 and R2.9.1-1.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R2.9.1-1.

R7.1.5.4-5 R7.1.S.4-S a,c a,c



a,c a,c R7.1.S.4-6 R7.1.5.4-7 R7.1.S.4-7

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS PAMS AC160 shall transmit transmit all the analog analog and digital inputs as they are received from from the I/O module prior to any signal processing by the PAMS application application to the OM and MTP.]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.

R7.1.5.4-8 R7.1.S.4-8 a,c

[ ].I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.7-2 and R2.9.3-1.




R7.1.5.4-9 R7.1.S.4-9 a,c

]I WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17), R2.

(Reference 17), R2.

R7.1.5.4-10 R7.1.S.4-10 a,c a,c

[ WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.S.3.4.18-4.


R7.1.5.4-11 R7.1.S.4-11 a,c

[IK ]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-26 7-26

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring System Post Accident System Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference R2.S.3.4.18-S.

R7.1.5.4-12 R7.1.5.4-12 a,c

[I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.



[K R7.1.5.4-13 R7.1.5.4-13 a,c WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference

. Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.

(Reference 17), R2.


MDATs are not utilized'in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

7.1.6 Timing General timing requirements and guidelines for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS are given in Sections 4 and S5 of of this document.

[K R7.1.6-1 a,c 7.1-6. Watts Bar 2 PAMS Table 7.1-6. PAMS Application Application Structure JI a,c a,c R7.1.6-2 a,c IJ I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R3.2.2-1 and 00000-ICE-3238 WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference (Reference 18),


Section Section 3.3.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-27 7-27

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitorina Post Accident Monitoring System R7.1.6-3 a,c a,c E ]I (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R3.2.2-1 00000-ICE-3238 (Reference R3.2.2-1 and OOOOO-ICE-3238 18),

(Reference 18),

Section Section 3.3.

7.1.7 Response to Abnormal Conditions processing functions described in Sections 5.3 and 5.4, respectively, for supervisory and quality processing See supervisory hardware and software failures.

standard responses to detected hardware standard 7.1.8 7.1.8 Application-Specific Application-Specific Errors a,c



a,c a,c R7.1.S-1

[ ]


R7.1.8-2 R7.1.S-2 a,c a,c IJ 7.1.9 7.1.9 Error Recovery General error and "BAD" General requirements for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS are given in "BAD" quality recovery requirements Sections 5.3 and 5.4 of this document.

Sections 7.1.10 7.1.10 Initialization Initialization requirements for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS are given in Section 5.1 of this document.

General initialization requirements R7.1.10-1 a,c

[ I R7.1.10-2 R7.1.10-2 a,c a,c

[K ]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-28 7-28

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Program I&C Projects Completion Program Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.3.3-16.

7.1.11 Communication DB Element Communication Element Models a,c R7.1.11-1

[E ))

a,c 7.1.12 Naming Conventions Naming Conventions R7.1.12-1 a,c a,c


7.1.13 AC160 Constraints I]

R7.1.13-1 a,c


7.1.14 AC160 AC160 Performance Performance I]


[The AC160 software specified in Section 3.3 ofOOOOO-ICE-3238, performance requirements specified software performance "Software of 00000-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Requirements Specification Accident Monitoring System" (Reference 18)

Monitoring System" 18) shall apply.]

7.1.15 7.1.15 AC160 Reliability AC160 R7.1.15-1 R7.1.1S-1

[To ensure high software quality, the Watts Bar 2 PAMS PAMS AC160 software developed following software shall be developed following the 00000-ICE-3889, "Coding Standards and Guidelines for Common Q Systems" OOOOO-ICE-3889, "Coding Systems" (Reference (Reference 4).]

7.1.16 7.1.16 AC160 AC160 Maintainability Maintainability R7.1.16-1 AC 160 software

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS AC160 software shall meet the maintainability requirements specified in maintainability requirements subsection 3.6.4 ofOOOOO-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements of 00000-ICE-3238, "Software Specification Common Q Requirements Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring System" (Reference 18).]

System" (Reference 18).]

7.1.17 7.1.17 AC160 Portability R7.1.17-1

[The Watts Bar 2 PAMS AC160 software portability requirements specified in software shall meet the portability in subsection 3.6.5 ofOOOOO-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements of 00000-ICE-3238, "Software Requirements Specification Common Q Specification for the Common Q Post 18).]

(Reference 18).]

Accident Monitoring System" (Reference WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-29 7-29

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring 7.2 WATTS BAR 2 PAMS FPDS SOFTWARE 7.2.1 General The human-machine human-machine interface (HMI) for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS is provided by the FPDS software in the OM and MTP. Both the OM and MTP will provide pre-formatted located in pre-formatted displays ofPAMS' of PAMS' dynamic information. The OM and MTP will provide the real-time display processing of the:

  • " CET monitoring CET monitoring
  • " Reactor vessel Reactor vessel level level monitoring monitoring
  • " Subcooled margin Subcooled margin monitoring Specific information displayed by the Watts Bar 2 PAMS FPDS are defined in Specific details of information WNA-DS-01617-WBT, WNA-DS-OI617-WBT, "Watts "Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System - System Requirements Monitoring Requirements Specification" Specification" (Reference (Reference 17). OOOOO-ICE-30156, 00000-ICE-30156, "System "System Requirements Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring Requirements Monitoring System" (Reference 15) 15) defines the system requirements requirements forfor the the generic generic Common Q PAMS. OOOOO-ICE-30155, 00000-ICE-30155, "System "System Requirements Requirements Specification for the Generic Flat Panel Display" (Reference Specification (Reference 7) and OOOOO-ICE-3239, 00000-ICE-3239, "Software "Software Requirements Specification Requirements Specification forfor the Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Flat-Panel Display Software" Software" (Reference (Reference 9) provide the functional and software requirements for provide the functional and software requirements for the the generic FPD, respectively.

a,c a,e 7.2.2 Display Pages Pages R7.2.2-1 R7.2.2-1

[The Display Pages

[The Display Pages that that shall shall be be implemented implemented for the the Watts Bar 2 PAMS PAMS areare defined in Section Section 2.6 2.6 of of WNA-DS-01617-WBT, WNA-DS-OI617-WBT, "Watts "Watts Bar Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program NSSS*Completion Program I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System -- System System Requirements Requirements Specification" Specification" (Reference (Reference 17).]


Rev. 1 7-30

.WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT -NP, Rev. 1I 7-30 7-30

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for for the Completion Program Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System . A a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-31 7-31

RRAS Software Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects System Post Accident Monitoring System a,c K

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1, WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 2.6-1, R2.6.1-3, R2.6.1-3, and R2.6.3.2-1.


The following requirements requirements are applicable to all OM and MTP display pages:

R7.2.2-2 a,c a,c

[ I


R7.2.2-3 a,c a,c

[E 7-32


1 WNA-SD-09239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1I 7-32

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects System Post Accident Monitoring System R7.2.2~4 R7.2.2-4 a,c

[E ))


R7.2.2-5 ac a,c

[ ] Ia R7.2.2~6 R7.2.2-6 a,c a,c

[ ]

a,e R7.2.2-7 a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.1-1, WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R2.6.l-1, R2.6.2.2-7, R2.6.2.2-7, and R2.6.3.1-12.


R7.2.2-8 R7.2.2~8 a,e a,c

[I ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.1-1, R2.6.1-1, R2.6.2.2-7, R2.6.2.2-7, and R2.6.3.1-12.


KR7.2.2-9 , a,e a,c

]I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2-8 and R2.6.3.1-13.


[1.2.2-10 R7.2.2-10 a,e a,c

]I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2-9 R2.6.2.2-9 and R2.6.3.1-14.


R7.2.2~11 R7.2.2-11 a,c a,e

[E ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2-10 (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2-10 and R2.6.3.1-1S.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rey.l1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rey. 7-33 7-33

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Post Accident Monitoring System System R7.2.2-12 a,c

[ ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2-11 WNA-DS-01617-WBT R2.6.2.2-1 1 and R2.6.3.1-16.

R7.2.2-13 R7.2.2-13 a,c

[ ]

R7.2.2-14 a,c

[E ))

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.9.4-5, R2.9.4-6, and R2.6.2.2-2.

7.2.3 Directoryý Directory R7.2.3-1 a,c


I Rationale:


K I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT(Reference 17), Table 2.6-1 andR2.6.2.1-1.

and R2.6.2.1-1.

R7.2.3-2 R7.2.3-2 a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DSc01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), Table Table 2.6-1 and R2.6.2.1-1.


7.2.4 ICC Summary Summary

[K J']

R7.2.4-1 R7.2.4-1 a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), Table Table 2.6-1.


R7.2.4-2 R7.2.4-2 a,c a,c

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-34 7-34

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Monitorin2 System Post Accident Monitoring

[K R7.2.4-3 R7.2.4-3 a,c a,c

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2.

R2. 1.

R7.2.4-4 a,c

[E ]

WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.

R2. 1.

R7.2.4-5 R7.2.4-S a,c

[E ]

WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2. 1.

(Reference 17), R2.

R7.2.4-6 a,c

[E ]

7.2.5 7.2.5 Core Summary Display


R7.2.5-1 R7.2.S-1 a,c

[E WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.


R7.2.5-2 R7.2.S-2 a,c a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-O (Reference 17), R2.

1617-WBT (Reference R2.

7.2.6 7.2.6 Saturation Margin Saturation Margin Display R7.2.6-1 a,c a,c

[E ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-35 7-35

RRAS RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Watts I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Post System R7.2.6-2 a,c

[ ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-Ol6l7-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

R2. 1.

7.2.7 Reactor Vessel Level Display reactor The Reactor Vessel Level Display page provides the operator with a graphical depiction of the reactor vessel level and will display other RVLIS parameters.

R7.2.7-1 a,c a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 2.6-1.

R7.2.7-2 a,c

[ ]I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference R2.

R7.2.7-3 a,c a,c

[I ]II I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.7-4 a,c a,c

[I ]I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2. R2. and R2.


R7.2.7-5 R7.2.7-S a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-36 7-36 .

RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring R7.2.7-6 a,c WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.S.3.4.18-3.


[K R7.2.7-7 a,c

]I WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.3.4.18-S.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT R2.

[K R7.2.8-6 R7.2.S-6 a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


7.2.8 Level Bar Bar Graphs Display R7.2.8-1 R7.2.S-1 a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.2.6-1.

R7.2.8-2 R7.2.S-2 a,c

[I I]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.8-3 R7.2.S-3 a,c a,c

[K I]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.

(Reference 17), R2.5.3.4.l8-3.

R7.2.8-4 R7.2.S-4


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-37 7-37

RRAS RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for for the.


Watts Bar Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C I&C Projects Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Post

[K ]I R7.2.8-5 R7.2.8-5 a,c


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.3.4.18-S.


R7.2.8-6 a,c a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

7.2.9 Reactor Vessel Level Sensors Display R7.2.9-1 a,c a,c

[E ]J Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 2.6-1.

R7.2.9-2 R7.2.9-2 a,c a,c I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2. R2. and R2.6.3.1-9.

[El ]I R7.2.9-3 R7.2.9-3 a,c a,c 7.2.10 7.2.10 CET Summary Display a,c a,c R7.2.10-1 R7.2.10-1 a,c a,c

[E ))

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-38 7-38

RRAS RRAS S oftware Requirements Specification Software Specification for the the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Watts NSSS Completion Program Program I&C I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring.System Post Monitorin2.Svstem Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

R7.2.10-2 R7.2.10-2 a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.


7.2.11 Core Map Display a,c

[I I]


[E R7.2.1 1-1 R7.2.11-1


ac Rationale: WNA-DS-O Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

1617 -WBT (Reference R7.2.11-2 R7.2.11-2 a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.11-3 R7.2.11-3 a,c a,c

[E ))


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.




R7.2.11-4 R7.2.11-4 a,c a,c I]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

(Reference 17), R2.6.2.2.S-S.

R7.2.11-5 R7.2.11-5 a,c a,c

[E) ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-39 7-39

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Program Program I&C I&C Projects Projects System Post Accident Monitoring System I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.6.22.5-1, R2., R2.6.22.5-2, R2., and and R2.6.3.1-9.

R7.2.11-6 a,c a,e

[ ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.11-7 R7.2.11-7 a,c a,e

[ Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 7.2.12 RCS Display ReS The ReS The RCS Display Display page will show a graphical depiction page will depiction of the reactor coolant coolant system indicating important temperatures, temperatures, pressures, and levels.

R7.2.12-1 a,e a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.


R7.2.12-2 R7.2.12-2 a,e a,c

[E J]

R7.2.12-3 R7.2.12-3 a,e a,c

[E ))

R7.2.12-4 R7.2.12-4 a,e a,c

[E ))

R7.2.12-5 R7.2.12-5 a,e a,c

[E ))


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference(Reference 17),

17), R2.


R7.2.12-6 R7.2.12-6 a,e a,c

[E ))

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference(Reference 17),

17), R2. R2.622.9-l and R2.6.3.1-9.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. Rev. 1 7-40 7-40

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R7.2.12-7 a,c a,c

[E ))

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. and R2.6.3.1-9.

(Reference 17),

R7.2.12-8 a,c a,c

[E ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.

R7.2.12-9 a,c a,c

[E ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference R2.

(Reference 17), R2.

7.2.13 7.2.13 Trends R7.2.13-1 a,c a,c

[ WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT


R7.2.13-2 R7.2.13-2 a,c

[E ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.13-3 a,c a,c

[E ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2. 10-1.


R7.2.13-4 R7.2.13-4 a,c a,c

[I ]I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2. 10-1.


R7.2.13-5 R7.2.13-5 a,c a,c

[ ]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-41

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System Monitoring Systefll L

a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-0 WNA-OS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.



R7.2.13-6 R7.2.13-6 a,e a,c

[ WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-OS-01617-WBT Rationale: (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.13-7 R7.2.13-7 a,e a,c WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

Rationale: WNA-OS-01617-WBT Rationale:

R7.2.13-8 a,e a,c

[K R7.2.13-9 R7.2.13-9 a,e a,c I


R7.2.13-10 R7.2.13-10 a,c a,e

[I 1617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617 Rationale: WNA-OS-O -WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2. 0-2 through R2.

17), R2. R2. 0-4.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-42 7-42

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Watts Bar Completion Program NSSS Completion I&C Projects Program I&C Projects Post Post Accident Monitoring System Accident Monitoring System R7.2.13-11 R7.2.13-11 a,c a,c E

[ ]

a,c R7.2.13-12 R7.2.13-12 a,c

[E ]

a,c R7.2.13-13 R7.2.13-13 a,c E

[ ]

a,c R7.2.13-14 R7.2.13-14 a,c E

[ ]

a,c R7.2.13-1S R7.2.13-15 a,c

[ ]

E R7.2.13-16 a,c a,c

[ ]

a,c a,c

[E R7.2.13-17 R7.2.13-17


]1 R7.2.13-18 R7.2.13-18 a,c a,c

[I ]

a,c R7.2.13-19 R7.2.13-19 a,c a,c

[ ]

a,c R7.2.13-20 R7.2.13-20 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-43

RRAS RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar Watts Bar 22 NSSS NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Completion Program Post Accident Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System R7.2.13-21 R7.2.13-21 a,c

[I ]

I R7.2.13-22 R7.2.13-22 a,c a,c


7.2.14 7.2.14 System System Events Events I]

R7.2.14-1 R7.2.14-1 ac a,c



Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), Table Table 2.6-1.


R7.2.14-2 R7.2.14-2 a,c a,c

[ ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.6.2. 1-1 and R2.6.2.1-1 and R2.6.2.2. 11-1.


R7.2.14-3 R7.2.14-3 a,c a,c R7.2.14-4 R7.2.14-4 a,c a,c


I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17),R2.6.2.1-1 R2.6.2.l-l and and R2.



R7.2.14-5 R7.2.14-5 a,c a,c E[

Rationale: 00000-ICE-30156 (Reference 15), subsection


Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-30156 (Reference 15), subsection

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP,Rev. Rev. 11 7-44 7-44

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the Completion Program Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R7.2.14-6 R7.2.14-6 a,c a,c

[I Rationale: 00000-ICE-30156

,Rationale: (Reference 15), subsection OOOOO-ICE-30156 (Reference subsection


7.2.15 FPD Status List R7.2.15-1 a,c

[E J]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R7.2.15-2 R7.2.15-2

[The FPD Status List Display Display page requirements defined in subsection of 00000-ICE-30156, ofOOOOO-ICE-30156, "System Requirements Specification "System Requirements Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring System" System"

15) shall apply.]

(Reference 15)


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-1 (Reference 17), R2.

R2.6.2.1-1 and R2.

7.2.16 Alarms R7.2.16-1 a,c

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

2.6-1. .

R7.2.16-2 R7.2.16-2

[The alarm processing requirements requirements defined of 00000-ICE-30156, "System defined in subsection ofOOOOO-ICE-30156, "System Requirements Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring Requirements Specification Monitoring System" (Reference (Reference 15)

15) shall apply.] -


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17), R2.6.2.4-(Reference 17), R2.6.2.4-1.1.

R7.2.16-3 R7.2.16-3

[The Alarm List Display page page requirements requirements defined in subsection ofOOOOO-ICE-30l56, of 00000-ICE-30156, "System "System Requirements Specification Requirements Specification for the Common Q Post Accident Monitoring (Reference 15)

Monitoring System" (Reference 15) shall shall apply.]

WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT 17), R2.6.2.

(Reference 17), 1-1 and R2.

R2.6.2.1-l R2.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-45

RRAS Software Requirements Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System R7.2.16-4 a,c R7.2.16-5

[The Alarm Log Display page requirements requirements defined in subsection ofOOOOO-ICE-30156, of 00000-ICE-30156, "System "System Requirements Specification Requirements Specification for the Common Common Q Post Accident Monitoring System" (Reference (Reference 15)

15) shall apply.]

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-1 R2.6.2. 1-1 and R2.


R7.2.16-6 R7.2.16-6

[E a,c a,c


Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-30156 Rationale: 00000-ICE-30156 (Reference (Reference 15),

15), subsection



R7.2.16-7 a,c


00000-ICE-30156 (Reference Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-30156 (Reference 15), subsection

7.2.17 7.2.17 System Health Display R7.2.17-1 a,c a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS~OI617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.


[K R7.2.17-2 a,c a,c

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.




R7.2.17-3 a,c a,c

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-46

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Watts NSSS Completion Program Program I&C I&C Projects Prolects System Post Accident Monitoring System R7.2.17-4 a,c a,c

[ ]I

[E R7.2.17-5 a,c a,c


R7.2.17-6 R7.2.17-6 a,c a,c

[E ))

I Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. R2. and R2.6.3.1-9.

R7.2.17-7 a,c a,c

[E ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.17-8 R7.2.17-S a,c a,c

[E ))

R7.2.17-9 a,c a,c

[E I]

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


7.2.18 7.2.18 CRC and System Info CRC Info R7.2.18-1 R7.2.1S-1 a,c a,c

[E I]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.


[K R7.2.18-2 R7.2.1S-2 a,c ac Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

(Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.18-3 R7.2.1S-3 a,c a,c

[ I Rationale: WVNA-DS-0 161 7-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17), R2.6.2.2.

(Reference 17), 16-3.



WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-47 7-47

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitorin2 Monitoring System R7.2.18-4 a,c i

Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

R7.2.18-5 R7.2.18-5 ac a,c

[El ]

R7.2.18-6 R7.2.18-6 ac a,c WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.


7.2.19 7.2.19 Setpoint Display

[El a,c a,c


[E R7.2.19-1 a,c


Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

R7.2.19-2 a,c a,c

[ ]I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-1 WNA-DS-016l7-WBT R2.6.2.1-1 and R2.




R7.2.19-3 R7.2.19-3

[E Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.


R7.2.19-4 R7.2.19-4

[The setpoint requirements 00000-ICE-30156, "System requirements in OOOOO-ICE-30156, "System Requirements Requirements Specification for the Common Q Q Post Accident Monitoring Accident Monitoring System" (Reference (Reference 15), subsection shall apply.]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-48 7-48

RRAS Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Comoletion Program I&C Proiects NSSS Completion Projects System Post Accident Monitoring System WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-1 and R2.

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.

7.2.20 7.2.20 Bypass Display R7.2.20-l R7.2.20-1 a,c a,c

[E ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1. 2.6-1.

R7.2.20-2 R7.2.20-2 a,c a,c

[E ))

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-1 and R2.

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.

R7.2.20-3 OOOOO-ICE-30156, "System requirements in 00000-ICE-30156,

[The point bypass requirements "System Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Common Q Q Post Accident Monitoring System" Accident Monitoring System" (Reference (Reference 15) except for the RJTC

15) shall apply, except HJTC and UJTC bypass requirements.]

Rationale: (Reference 17), R2.3.1-1, WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.6.2.1-1, and R2.

R2.3.1-1, R2.6.2.1-1, R2.

R7.2.20-4 a,c a,c

[E ]1


Rationale: (Reference 17), R2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.

R7.2.20-5 a,c a,c

[E I]


Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-5.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference R7.2.20-6 a,c a,c

[E ]


7.2.21 Setpoint/Bypass Modify Setpoint/Bypass R7.2.2l-l R7.2.21-1 a,c a,c

[E ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1 and R4.4-1.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R4.4-1.

R7.2.2l-2 R7.2.21-2 a,c.


[. ]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-49

RRAS RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program I&C Watts I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Systel1' Post System a]


[K ]

Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.2.l-l, R2.5.2.1-1, R2.6.2.S-l, R2.6.2.5-1, R2.6.3.l-l, R2.6.3.1-1, R3.1.6-l, R3.1.6-1, R4.4-1.

R4.2.2-3, and R4.4-1.

R7.2.21-3 a,c a,c

[ ]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT (Reference 17),

17), !u.S.2.l-l, R2.5.2.1-1, R2.6.2.S-l, R2.6.2.5-1, R2.6.3.l-l, R2.6.3.1-1, R3.1.6-l, R3.1.6-1, R4.2.2-3, and R4.4-1.

7.2.22 Functional Tests Display R7.2.22-1 a,c



[E WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT 2.6-1.

(Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

R7.2.22-2 a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-016l7-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.2.l9-l R2. and R2.



[E R7.2.22-3


WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2. and R2.

(Reference 17), R2. R2.6.2.2.l9-2.

R7.2.22-4 a,c

[E ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference \17),

7), R2. R2.6.2.2.l9-l and R2.


R7.2.22-5 R7.2.22-5 a* a,c ac

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2. and R2.

17), R2.6.2.2.l9-l R2.6.2.2.l9-2.

7.2.23 7.2.23 Annunciator Annunciator Test Test Display Display R7.2.23-1 R7.2.23-1 a,c a,c

[E ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-50 7-50

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 2.6-1.

(Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

R7.2.23-2 a,c a,c

[ ]

(Reference 17), R2.6.3.3-2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT


R7.2.23-3 R7.2.23-3 EI a,c a,c


Rationale: R2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R7.2.23-4 a,c a,c

.[: :J R7.2.23-5 a,c a,c

[: :J 7.2.24 Pixel Test Display Pixel* Test R7.2.24-1 R7.2.24-1 a,c a,c

[E ]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 17), Table 2.6-1 and R2.6.3.3-6.

(Reference 17),

R7.2.24-2 R7.2.24-2 a,c a,c

[:I :J]

I Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2. (Reference 17), R2. and R2.6.3.3-6.

R7.2.24-3 R7.2.24-3 a,c

[: :J Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2. (Reference 17), R2. and R2.

[:K R7.2.24-4 a,c

J WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-51 7-51

RRAS RRAS - Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident

'Post Accident Monitoring System System Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.

7.2.25 Saturation Margin Saturation Margin Test Display R7.2.25-1 R7.2.2S-1 a,c a,c

[E ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.

(Reference 17), 2.6-1.

[K I]

R7.2.25 R7.2.2S-2c a,c a,c I Rationale: WNA~DS-O 1617 -WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA7DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17)~

17), R2.5.2.1-1 R2.S.2.1-1 and R4.2.2-3.


[K ]I R7.2.25-3 R7.2.2S-3 a,c a,c

, Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2. R2.6.3.3-1.

R2. and R2.6.3.3-1.

[K ]I R7.2.25-4 R7.2.2S-4 a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.6.2.2.l9-9.

[K I]

R7.2.25-5 R7.2.2S-S a,c a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.


R7.2.25-6 R7.2.2S-6 a,c a,c

[ ]


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.


R7.2.25-7 R7.2.2S-7 a,c a,c


[K I]

R7.2.25-8 R7.2.2S-8 a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-52 7-52

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System 7.2.26 Analog Output Test Display R7.2.26-1 a,c a,c

[E ]

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1.


[ z R7.2.26-2 a,c a,c

]I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.2.1-1 R2.5.2.1-1 and R4.2.2-3.

R7.2.26-3 a,c a,c

[ ]I WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.

R7.2.26-4 a,c a,c

[I ]

[KR7.2.26-5 ac a,c I]

7.2.27 7.2.27 Maintenance Maintenance Display R7.2.27-1 a,c a,c E

[ ]1


I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2. R2. and and R2.6.3. 1-1.


R7.2.27-2 a,c a,c I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2. R2. and and R2.


R7.2.27-3 a,c a,c

[E J]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 77-53


RRAS Software Software Requirements Specification for the the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Proiects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2. and R3.1.6-1.


R7.2.27-4 a,c a,c

[I ]

R7.2.27-5 R7.2.27-5 a,c a,c

[ ))

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.

[K R7.2.27-6 a,c a,c

]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.27-7 a,c

[E Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.


R7.2.27-8 R7.2.27-S a,c

[E Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

7.2.28 7.2.28 RVLIS Constants R7.2.28-1 R7.2.2S-1 a,c a,c

[E ))

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT(Reference 17), Table 2.6-1 2.6-1 and R2.6.3.1-1.


R7.2.28-2 R7.2.2S-2 a;c ac I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-016l7-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R2. Ri.5.3.4.l9-1 and R2.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-54 7-54

RRAS Software Requirements Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R7.2.28-3 R7.2.28-3 a,e a,c

[I I]

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2. and R2.

17), R2.S.3.4.19-2 R2.

[I R7.2.28-4 a,c a,e I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.3.4.19-3 WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2. and R2.



R7.2.28-5 a,e a,c

[e ]I I Rationale:


WNA-DS-0 161 7-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.5 .3.4.19-4 and R2.S.3.4.19-4 and R2.


7.2.29 7.2.29 Loading AC160 Software a,e a,c R7.2.29-1

[E ))

a,c a,e I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1, WNA-DS-OI617-WBT 2.6-1, R2.6.3-2, R2.6.3.1-1, R2.6.3.1-1, and R2.6.3.3-S.


R7.2.29-2 a,c a,e WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.l1 7-55

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.2.2-1, R2.S.2.2-1, R2.6.3-1, R2.6.3.3-5, R3.1.6-1, R2.6.3-1, R2.6.3.3-S, R3.1.6-1, and R4.2.2-3.


[K ]I R7.2.29-3 R7.2.29-3 a,c a,c I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.5.2.2-2 R2.S.2.2-2 and R4.2.2-3.


7.2.30 Input Monitoring Input Monitoring R7.2.30-1 a,c a,c

[I ]I I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), Table 2.6-1 and R2.6.3.1-1.


R7.2.30-2 a,c a,c

[E ))

K I Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.

R7.2.30-3 a,c a,c WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

17), R2.

R7.2.30-4 a,c a,c

[E ))

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.

R7.2.30-5 R7.2.30-S a,c a,c

[E ]

7.2.31 7.2.31 Load and Save Addressable Addressable Constants a,c a,c

[ ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 11 7-56 7-56

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System System R7.2.31-1 R7.2.31-1 a,c a,e

[ J I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1 and R2.6.3.1-1.

(Reference 17), R2.6.3:1-1.

L R7.2.31-2 R7.2.31-2 EI a,c a,e


I Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. and R2.6.3.3-3.

[EI R7.2.31-3 a,c a,e


I Rationale: WNA-DS-~1617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2. and R2.6.3.3-3.


a,c a,e



[E I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. WNA-DS-01617-WBT R2. and R3.1.6-1.


7.2.32 7.2.32 Analog Selection Analog Output Selection ac a,e

[ J R7.2.32-1 R7.2.32-1 a,c a,e

[E ))

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), Table 2.6-1 and R2.S.3.1-1.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT R2.5.3.1-1.

R7.2.32-2 a,c a,e

[ J I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2., R2., R4.3.1-4.

R4.3.1-4 ..

R7.2.32-3 a,c a,e

[ J I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2. R2. and R3.1.6-1.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-57 7-57

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification L

Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System System R7.2.32-4 R7.2.32-4 a,c a,e 7.2.33 7.2.33 Timeout/Modify Default Modify Timeout/Modify Default a,c a,e

[ ]

I a,c a,e

[E R7.2.33-1 R7.2.33-1


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.

R7.2.33-2 R7.2.33-2 a,e a,c


Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2. 1-1 and R2.

(Reference 17), R2. R2.


R7.2.33-3 a,c a,e

[I R2. and R2.

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R2. Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.


R7.2.33-4 a,e a,c

[ I]

R7.2.33-5 R7.2.33-5 a,c a,e


WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference R2.


Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.

7.2.34 Computer Datalink Plant Computer Datalink Processing Processing

[K a,e a,c

]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-58 7-58

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System R7.2.34-1 a,c a,c

[E WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R4.3.3-1.



.1 Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale:

R7.2.34-2 a,c

[E ]

R7.2.34-3 ac a,c

[E ]-]

Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R4.3.3-3.

R7.2.34-4 a,c

[ ac


a,c R7.2.34-5

[ ]I R2., R4.2.2-3, and R4.3.3-2.

WNA-DS-0f617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.S.2.1.2-S, 1 Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT 7.2-1. Train A PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Computer Table 7.2-1. Computer a,c a,c

  • 1~ -r
4. 4 4- 4 1- 4 Rev. 1 7-59 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-59 7-59

RRAS RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion ComDletion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitorin2 System System Table 7.2-1. Train A PAMS PAMS Data Transmitted Transmitted to the Plant Computer Computer (Cont'd) a,c

.1 I.

.1 I.

  • 1 I.

4 I.

i i 4 I.

i i 4 I.

4 I.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-60

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Table Table 7.2-1. Train A PAMS Data Transmitted Transmitted to the Plant Computer Computer (Cont'd) a,c

+ 4 1- 1

+ 4

__ I ___

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-61 7-61

RRAS RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Pro2ram Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitorine Svstem System Table 7.2-1.

Table PAMS Data Transmitted 7.2-1. Train A PAMS Computer (Cont'd)

Transmitted to the Plant Computer a,c

  • I.

4 I.

  • I.

4 I.

4 I.

4 I.

4 I.

4 I.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-62

RRAS RRAS Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Software Requirements Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System Table 7.2-1.

7.2-1. Train A PAMS PAMS Data Transmitted Transmitted to the Plant Computer (Cont'd) a,c r-4- i

+ 4 Table 7.2-2.

7.2-2. Train B PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Computer Computer a.c 4 +

4 4 4

  • 4 I.

4 I.

4 I.

4 I.


[ _________________________

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-63 7-63

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System Table 7.2-2. Train B PAMS PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Computer Computer (Cont'd) a,c Ii 4

4 1-4-

4 4-4-

I* *

i. i t 4 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-64 7-64

RRAS RRAS Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 22 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System System Table 7.2-2. Train B PAMS PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Plant Computer Computer (Cont'd) a,c 1-







I +

I I +

I .4-










4. L WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT~NP, Rev. 1 7-65

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Pro2ram

. Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring System Monitoring System Table Table 7.2-2. Train B PAMS Data Transmitted to the Plant Computer (Cont'd) a,c a,c I +

I +

4 +

4 +

I +

4 .4.

1- -t

+ i 4- 4



WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-66

RRAS Software Requirements Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring a,c

[7.2.34-6 R7.2.34-6 I


]I a,c

[E ))

R7.2.34-8 a,c R7.2.34-9 a,c a,c

[R I]

[ K R7.2.34-11 R7.2.34-10 a,c I]

R7.2.34-11 a,c

[K ]I a,c R7.2.34-12 R7.2.34-12 a,c

[E7.2.35 7.2.35 Legend Bar Legend Bar


R7.2.3g-1 a,c

[K ))

R7.2.35-1 a,c Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-01617-WBT 17), R2.6.2.1-7 (ReferenceD), R2.6.2.1-7 and R2.6.3.1-3.


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev.

Rev. 1 7-67

RRAS Requirements Specification for the Software Requirements Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program Program I&C Projects Post Accident Monitoring Monitoring System System R7.2.35-2 a,c


Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-6 and R2.6.3.1-2.


R7.2.35-3 a,c

[E ))1 Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.l-6, R2.6.2.1-6, R2.6.2.1-7, R2.6.3.1-2, and R2.6.3.1-3.


R7.2.35-4 R7.2.35-4 a,c

[, ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-8 R2.6.2.1-8 and R2.6.3.1-2.

R7.2.35-5 a,c a,c

[e ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-O Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617161 7-WBT (Reference 17),

-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2. 1-8 and R2.6.2.1-8 and R2.6.3. 1-2.


7.2.36 7.2.36 Heartbeat FPDS Heartbeat The FPDS heartbeat heartbeat is the heartbeat heartbeat generated generated by the OM and the MTP FPDS.

R7.2.36-1 a,c

[I I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.9.1-1.



R7.2.36-2 a,c I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-2, R2.6.3.1-10, R2.6.3.1-10, and R2.9.1-1.


[K R7.2.36-3 R7.2.36-3 a,c

]I WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 68

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.6.2.1-4, R2.6.3.1-11, R2.6.3.1--11, and R2.9.1-1.


[7 2.36 4 R7.2.36-4 0

0 a,c a,c I ]I WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R2.6.3.1-11, and R2.~.1-1.

(Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-4, R2.6.3.1-11, R2.9.1-1.

I 7.2.37


AC160 Heartbeat AC160 Heartbeat R7.2.37-1 a,c a,c

[ ]

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.9.1-1.


R7.2.37-2 a,c

[E ))

I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.9.1-1.


R7.2.37-3 a,c

[ ]

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R2.6.2.1-3, R2.6.2.1-3, R2.6.3.1-5, R2.6.3.1-5, and R2.9.1-1.


"7.2.38 FPDS Shared Memory Memory Database .

a,c a,c

[ ]

R7.2.38-1 R7.2.38-1 a,c

[ Rationale:

Rationale: 00000-ICE-3238 OOOOO-ICE-3238 (Reference 18), Section 3.4.2.

(Reference 18),


7.2.39 FE Keyswitch Interlock Interlock a,c a,c

[ ]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-69 7-69

,RRAS eRRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Comnletion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System 7.2.40 FPDS System File Checker FPDS Checker a,c

[Ii I]

a,c E




Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3239 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference (Reference 9), Section 3.2.24.

R7.2.40-2 a,c I[ I]

I Rationale: 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference OOOOO-ICE-3239 9), Section (Reference 9), Section 3.2.24.

R7.2.40-3 R7.2.40-3 a,c a,c I[ ]I I Rationale: 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference OOOOO-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Section 3.2.24.

R7.2.40-4 a,c I Rationale:

Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3239 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference (Reference 9), Section Section 3.2.24.

R7.2.40-5 R7.2.40-S a,c I[ ]I I Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3~39 (Reference Rationale: 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Section Section 3.2.24.

R7.2.40-6 a,c I[ ]I I Rationale:

Rationale: 00000-ICE-3239 OOOOO-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Section 3.2.24.

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-70 7-70

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Proiects Projects Monitorin2 System Post Accident Monitoring System 7.2.41 FPDS Screen Savers R7.2.41-1 aa,e L,C Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17), R2.6.3.1-7.

R7.2.41-2 R7.2.41-2 a,e L,c L

[E 7.2.42 FPDS Software Development Development and Program Program Generation Generation


a,e Lc

[ ]


R7.2.42-1 a,e L,c

[I R7.2.42-2 I

a,e Lc

[ ]



[The software generation procedure procedure described in subsection of 00000-ICE-3239, "Software ofOOOOO-ICE-3239, "Software Requirements Specification Requirements Specification for for the the Common Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Flat-Panel Display Software" Software" (Reference 9) shall be followed be followed for for software development for the Watts Bar 2 OM and MTP FPDS.]

software development 7.2.43 7.2.43 FPDS RS232 Serial Communications Communications Port K

R7.2.43-1 a,e a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 7-71

RRAS Specification for the Software Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS ComDletion Program NSSS Completion Pro2ram I&C Proiects Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring System 7.2.44 Display Resolution Requirements Requirements R7.2.44-1 a,c

[IK I]

I Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R3.2.3-1.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT R3.2.3-1.

R7.2.44-2 a,c E

[ ]I I Rationale: WNA-DS-O 1617-WBT (Reference WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17),

17), R2.

R7.2.44-3 a,c

[I ]I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT (Reference 17), R3.2.3-2.

WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference R7.2.44-4 a,c


[ ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-OI617-WBT Rationale: WNA-DS-0 1617-WBT (Reference (Reference 17),

17), R3.2.3-3.

[K R7.2.44-5 R7.2.44-S a,c

]I Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01617-WBT WNA-DS-OI617-WBT (Reference 17), R3.2.3-4.

(Reference' 17),

7.2.45 FPDS FPDS Constraints R7.2.45-1 R7.2.4S-1

[The constraints constraints listed in Section 2.4 of 00000-ICE-3239, "Software ofOOOOO-ICE-3239, Requirements Specification for the "Software Requirements Generic Flat-Panel Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Display Software" Software" (Reference (Reference 9) shall apply to the Watts Bar 2 GMOM and MTP FPDS.]


00000-ICE-3239 (Reference Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Section Section 2.4.

7.2.46 FPDS Performance R7.2.46-1

[The Watts Bar 2 P PAMS AMS FPDS software software shall meet the performance performance requirements specified specified in Section 3.3 of 00000-ICE-3239, "Software Requirements Specification ofOOOOO-ICE-3239, "Software Requirements Specification for the Common Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Software" (Reference Display Software" (Reference 9).]

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-72 7-72

RRAS Software Requirements Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program Program I&C Projects Accident Monitoring System Post Accident OOOOO-ICE-3239 (Reference Rationale: 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Section 3.3.

7.2.47 FPDS Reliability R7.2.47-1 reliability requirements Warts Bar 2 PAMS FPDS software shall meet the reliability

[The Watts specified in Section 3.5.1 requirements specified 3.5.1*

of 00000-ICE-3239, OOOOO-ICE-3239, "Software "Software Requirements Specification for the Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Requirements Specification Flat-Panel Display Software" (Reference 9).]

Rationale: 00000-ICE-3239 Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Sec'tion 3.5.1.

Section 3.5.1.

R7.2.47-2 R7.2.47-2 a,c a,c

[E ]

7.2.48 7.2.48 FPDS Maintainability Maintainability R7.2.48-1 R7.2.4S-1 Warts Bar 2 PAMS

[The Watts maintainability requirements PAMS FPDS software shall meet the maintainability requirements specified inin "Software Requirements Specification of 00000-ICE-3239, "Software Requirements Specification 35.3 ofOOOOO-ICE-3239, Section 3.5.3 for the Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Software" (Reference 9).]

Flat-Panel Display Software" Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3239 (Reference 9), Section 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference Section 3.5.3.


7.2.49 FPDS Portability R7.2.49-1 Warts Bar 2 PAMS FPDS software

[The Watts Section 3.5.4 software shall meet the portability requirements specified in Section 3.5.4 "Software Requirements 00000-ICE-3239, "Software of OOOOO-ICE-3239, Requirements Specification Common Q Generic Flat-Panel Specification for the Common (Reference 9).]

Software" (Reference Display Software" 00000-ICE-3239 (Reference Rationale: OOOOO-ICE-3239 Section 3.5.4.

(Reference 9), Section (Last Page (Last of Section Page of 7)

Section 7)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD~00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 7-73 7-73

RRAS Software Requirements Specification Software Specification for the the Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Monitoring System Post Accident Monitoring SECTION 8 SAFETY AND SECURITY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 8.1 SAFETY 00000-ICE-37727, "Post Accident Monitoring System Software Preliminary Hazard Analysis for the Common Q Phase 33 PPAMS (Reference 30) provides the Preliminary AMS Project" (Reference Preliminary Hazards Analysis (PHA) pertaining to the generic software for the Watts Bar 2 PAMS.

8.2 8.2 SECURITY 8.2.1 8.2.1 Cyber Security a,c R8.2.1-1 RS.2.1-1 /


[I J I

R8.2.1-2 RS.2.1-2 a,c a,c WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 8-1 8-1

RRAS Requirements Specification Software Requirements Software Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Accident Monitoring Post Accident Monitoring System a,e

[E RS.2.1-3 R8.2.1-3


a,c WNA-DS-O1 150-GEN (Reference 13),

Rationale: WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 13), Section Phase."

2.3, "Design & Implementation Phase."

Section 2.3, a,c a,e

[E RS.2.1-4 R8.2.1-4


Rationale: WNA-DS-011S0-GEN Rationale: (Reference 13), Section 2.3, WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference 2.3, "Design & Implementation Phase."

& Implementation Phase."


[E RS.2.1-5 R8.2.1-5


Rationale: WNA-DS-011S0-GEN Rationale: (Reference 13), Section 2.3, WNA-DS-O1 150-GEN (Reference "Design & Implementation 2.3, "Desigri Implementation Phase."




R8.2.1-6 RS.2.1-6 a,c

[E Rationale: WNA-DS-01 Rationale: 150-GEN (Reference WNA-DS-011S0-GEN (Reference 13), Section Section 2.3, "Design &

2.3, "Design Implementation Phase."

& Implementation Phase."

R8.2.1-7 a,e a,c



[E Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 13), Section 2.3, "Design (Reference 13), & Implementation "Design & Implementation Phase."



R8.2.1-8 RS.2.1-S a,e

[E Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 13), Section 2.3, "Design (Reference 13), "Design & Implementation Implementation Phase."


a,c a,e


RS.2.1-9 R8.2.1-9

[E, Rationale:

Rationale: WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference WNA-DS-011S0-GEN (Reference 13), "Design & Implementation 13), Section 2.3, "Design Implementation Phase."




R8.2.1-10 RS.2.1-10 a,e

[E WNA-DS-OI 150-GEN (Reference 13),

Rationale: WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 13), Section 2.3, "Design & Implementation "Design & Implementation Phase."

R8.2.1-11 RS.2.1-11 a,c a,e J

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, 8-2 8-2

RRAS Software Software Requirements Requirements Specification Specification for the Completion Program I&C Projects Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Post Accident Accident Monitoring Monitoring System K I WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference 13),

Rationale: WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 2.3, "Design &

13), Section 2.3, & Implementation Phase."

R8.2.1-12 RS.2.1-12 a,c Rationale: WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference 13),

WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 13), Section 2.3, "Design & Implementation Phase."


R8.2.1-13 RS.2.1-13 a,c a,c

[E Rationale: WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference 13),

WNA-DS-011S0-GEN 13), Section Section 2.3, "Design & Implementation Phase."

R8.2.1-14 RS.2.1-14 a,c a,c

[I ]I Rationale: WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference WNA-DS-011S0-GEN (Reference 13),

13), Section Section 2.3, "Design & Implementation Phase."

R8.2.1-15 RS.2.1-15 a,c a,c

[I ]I WNA-DS-01 150-GEN (Reference Rationale: WNA-DS-011S0-GEN (Reference 13), Section 2.3, "Design & Implementation Phase."

Section 2.3, (Last Page of Section Section 8)

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 8-3 8-3

RRAS Software Requirements Software Specification for the Requirements Specification Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Program I&C Projects Post Accident Accident Monitoring System SECTION 9 SECTION PROGRAM WIDE DATABASE PROGRAM DATABASE (PWD) USAGE USAGE The PWD is not used in the Watts Bar 2 PAMS per the Project Plan, WNA-PD-00073-WBT WNA-PD-00073-WBT (Reference 16).

(Reference Section 9)

(Last Page of Section q

WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-NP, Rev. 1 9-1 9-1

Enclosure 9 Enclosure Application for Withholding Proprietary Information Information Disclosure CAW-10-2878 From Public Disclosure CAW-10-2878 Dated June June 30, 2010 2010


WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Revision Revision 1, "RRAS NSSS "RRAS Watts Bar 2 NSSS Completion Completion Program I&C Projects Software Requirements Projects Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Monitoring System" Post Accident Monitoring System" (Proprietary)

(8))Westinghouse Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Westinghouse Electric Company Nuclear Services Nuclear Services Company P.0. Box P.O. 355 Box355 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania 15230-0355 15230-0355 USA '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Direct lei:

tel: (412) 374-4643 374-4643 Document Control Desk Direct fax: (412)

(412) 374-3846 Washington, DC 20555-0001 Washington, 20555-0001 e-mail: greshaja westinghouse.corn letter: WBT-D-2096 Proj leIter: WBT-D*2096 CA W-IO.-2878 CAW-1072878 June 30, 30, 2010 2010 APPLICATION FOR WITHHOLDING APPLICATION WITHHOLDING PROPRIETARY PROPRIETARY INFORMATION FROM YUIl!...J'{;




WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Rev. 1, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, 1, "RRAS "RRAS Watts Bar 22 NSSSCompJetion NSSS Completion Program I&C I&C Projects Software Requirements Specification Software Requirements Specification for the Post Accident Monitoring System" System" (Proprietary)


The proprietary proprietary information information for which withholding withholding is being requested in the above-referenced above-referenced report is further identified tlirther identified in Affidavit CAW-1 0-2878 signed by the owner CAW-10-2878 owner ofthe of the proprietary proprietary information, infomlation, Westinghouse Electric Company LLC. The affidavit, which accompanies Westinghouse accompanies this letter, setstorth sets forth the basis basis on which the information information may be withheld from public disclosure by the Commission Commission and addresses with specificity specificity the considerations considerations listed in paragraph paragraph (b)(4)

(b)(4) of 10 CFR Section2.390 Section 2.390 of the Commission's Commission's regulations.

Accordingly, this letter authorizes the utilization of the accompanying affidavit by Tennessee Valley Authority.

Correspondence with respect to the proprietary proprietary aspects of the application for withholding withholding or the Westinghouse affidavit should reference this letter, CAW-I Westinghouse CAW- 10-2878, 0-2878, and should be addressed addressed to J. A. Gresham.

A. Gresham. Manager, Regulatory Regulatory Compliance and Plant Licensing, Westinghouse Electric.

Electric Company LLC, P.O. Box 355, Pennsylvania 15230-0355.

355, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230-0355.

Very truly y 2


VJ. A.

{/J. Gresham, Manager A. Gresham, Manager Regulatory Compliance and Plant Licensing Regulatory Compliance Licensiilg Enclosures Enclosures





Before undersigned authority, Before me, the undersigned Gresham, who, being by authority, personally appeared J.J. A. Gresham, me duly by me duly deposes and says that he is authorized according to law, deposes sworn according execute this Affidavit on behalf of authorized to execute of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC (Westinghouse),

Westinghouse Electric averments of (Westinghouse), and that the averments offact in this fact set forth in this Affidavit are true Affidavit true and con'ect information, and belief:

knowledge, information, correct to the best of his knowledge,

.[A... Manager A. Gresham, Manager and Plant Compliance and Regulatory Compliance Licensing Plant Licensing subscribed before me Sworn to and subscribed this 30th day of June 2010 2010




> Ranee Giampole, Notary Public Renee Giampole. Public PeOnn Township.

Penn Township. Westmoreland Weastmoreland County County C0
nmisslon Expires September
  • COmmission 1v ly September 25,2013$


2 CAW 2878 CAW-10-2878 (1) I am Manager, Regulatory Regulatory Compliance and Plant Licensing, in Nuclear Nuclear Services, Westinghouse Westinghouse (Westinghouse), and as such, I have been specifically Electric Company LLC (Westinghouse), specifically delegated delegated the function of reviewing reviewing the proprietary proprietary information sought to be withheld from public disclosure in in connection Connection with nuclear power plant licensing and rule making making proceedings, and am authorized authorized to apply for its withholding on behalf of Westinghouse.



(2) I1am making this Affidavit in conformance conformance with the provisions provisions of 10 CFR Section 2.390 ofthe of the Commission's regulations conjunction with the Westinghouse regulations and in conjunctIon Westinghouse Application Withholding AppJication for Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Proprietary Public Disclosure accompanying this Affidavit.

Disclosure accompanying Affidavit.


(3) I have personal Ihave knowledge of the criteria and procedures personal knowledge procedures utilized by Westinghouse Westinghouse in designating designating information as a trade secret, privileged privileged or as confidential confidential commercial commercial or I1nancial financial information.



(4) Pursuant to the provisions of paragraph Pursuant tothe paragraph (bX4)

(b)( 4) of Section Section 2.390 of the Commission's regulations, the following is furnished for consideration consideration by the Commission Commission in determining determining whether the information sought to be withheld from public disclosure should be withheld.

infornlatioll (i) The information sought to be withheld fTom f-rom public disclosure disclosure is owned and has been held in confidence confidence by Westinghouse.


(ii) The information is ofa of a type customarily held in confidence confidence by Westinghouse and not customarily customarily disclosed disclosed to the public. Westinghouse has a rational basis for determiningdetermining the types of information information customarily customarily held in confidence by it and, in that connection, utilizes a system system to determine determine when and whether to hold certain types of information information in confidence.. The application conl1dence. application of that system system and the substance of that system constitutes Westinghouse policy policy and provides provides the rational basis required.

Under that system, information is held in confidence confidence* if it falls in one or more of several types, the release of which might result in the loss of an existing or potential competitivecompetitive advantage, as follows:


(a) The infonnation infornation reveals the distinguishing aspects aspects of a process (or component, structure, structure, tool, method, etc.)

etc.) where prevention of its use by any of where prevention of

3 CAW- 10-2878 CAW-JO-2878 Westinghouse's competitors without license from Westinghouse Westinghouse's competitors Westinghouse constitutes a competitive economic economic advantage advantage over other companies.


(b) It consists of supporting data, including test data, data, relative relative to a process (or process (or component, structure, tool, method, etc.), the application application of which data secures a competitive economic compctitive economic advantage, advantage, e.g.,

e.g., by optimil..ation optimization or improved marketability.


(c) Its use by a competitor competitor would reduce his expenditure expenditure of resources resources or improve his his competitive position in the design, manufacture, shipment, installation, installation, assurance of quality, or licensing a similar product.

(d) Itreveals It reveals cost or price irifonnation, production capacities, information, production capacities,budget budget levels, oror commercial strategies strategies of Westinghouse, Westinghouse, its customers customers or suppliers.


(e) It reveals aspects of past, present, or future Westinghouse Westinghouse or customer funded development plans and programs programs of potential commercial commercial value to Westinghouse.



(t) It contains patentable ideas, for which patent protection protection may be desirable.

There are sound SOUild policy reasons reasons behind the Westinghouse Westinghouse system system which include the the following:

(a) The use of such infonnation information by Westinghouse Westinghouse gives Westinghouse Westinghouse a competitive competitive advantage over its competitors. It is, therefore, therefore, withheld from disclosure to protect protect the Westinghouse Westinghouse competitive competitive position.



(b) It is information information that is marketable marketable in many ways. The The extent to which which such information infonnation is available available to competitors competitors diminishes diminishes the Westinghouse Westinghouse ability ability to sell productsand products and services involving the use ofthe of the information.



(c) Use by our competitor byour competitor would put Westinghouse Westinghouse at a competitive competitive disadvantage disadvantage byby reducing reducing his expenditure of resources resources at our expense.

4 CAW-10-2878 CA W-10-2878 (d) Each component component of proprietary information pertinent proprietary information pertinent to a particular particular competitive competitive advantage advantage is potentially potentially as valuable valuable as the total competitive competitive advantage. If competitors competitors acquire components components of proprietary proprietary inforniation, information, anyone any one component component may be the key to the entire puzzle, puzzle, thereby depriving depriving Westinghouse Westinghouse of a competitive competitive advantage.


(e) jeopardize the position Unrestricted disclosure would jeopardize prominence of position of prominence of Westinghouse in the world market, and thereby give a market advantage to the Westinghouse competition competition of those countries.


(t) The Westinghouse Westinghouse capacity to invest corporate corporate assets in research and development depends depends upon the success success in obtaining andand maintaining maintaining a

. competitive advantage.


(iii) The information is being being transmitted to the Commission in confidence confidence and, tinder under the provisions provisions of 10 CFR Section 2.390; it is to bereceived be received in confidence confidence by tihe the Commission.


(iv) information sought to be protected The information protected is not available in public sources or available available information information has not been previously employed employed in the same original manner or method to the best of our knowledge knowledge and belief.



(v) proprietary information sought to be withheld in this submittal is that which is The proprietary appropriately marked appropriately marked in WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, WNA-SD-00239-WBT-P, Rev. 1, 1, "RRAS "RRASWattsWatts Bar 2NSSS 2 NSSS Completion Program Completion Software Requirements Program I&C Projects Software Requirements Specification Specification for the Post Post System," (Proprietary)

Accident Monitoring System," (Proprietary) dated June 202010, for submittal I0, tor submittal to the being transmitted by Tennessee Commission, beingtransmitted Tcnnessee Valley Authority Authority letterand Application Application for Withholding Proprietary Information Withholding Proprietary Information from Public Disclosure, to the Document Document Control Desk. The proprietary proprietary information as submitted by Westinghouse Westinghouse is that associated with the NRC review of the Post Accident Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) (PAMS) being designed designed for Watts Bar Unit 2 and may be used only for that purpose.

5 CAW-10-2878 CA W-10-2878 This information is part of that which will enable enable Westinghouse to:

(a) Provide information Provide infonnation in support of plant Post Accident Monitoring System licensing licensing submittals.


(b) Provide Provide customer specific specific design information infonnation relative to Westinghouse standard Westinghouse standard platform platform design.

Further this information information has substantial substantial commercial value as follows:

(a) Westinghouse plans to sell the use of similar systems for similar applications Westinghouse applications to its customers.


(b) The information information requested requested to be withheld reveals the distinguishing aspects of a design which which was developed by Westinghouse.


(c) The information information requested to to be withheld reveals the distinguishing aspects of a methodology methodology which was developed by Westinghouse.


Public disclosure disclosure of this proprietaryinformation proprietaryinfonnation is likely to cause substantial hann harm to the the competitive position position of Westinghouse Westinghouse because it would enhance cnhancethe the ability of of competitors competitors to provide calculations and licensing provide similar designs, calculations licensing defense services for commercial commercial power power reactors without commensurate commensurate expenses. Also, public disclosure of of information would enable the infonnationwould enable others to use theinfonnation the information to meet NRC requirements requirements for licensing documentation documentation without purchasing purchasing the right to use the infonnation.


development of the technology described The development described in part information is the result of part by the information of applying the results of many years years of experience all intensive experience in an Westinghouse effort and intensive Westinghouse the expenditure expenditure of a considerable sum of money.

considerable slim In order for competitors competitors of Westinghouse Westinghouse to duplicate this information, information, similar similar technical technical programs programs would have to be performed perfonned and a significant significant manpower effort, having the the requisite talent and experience, experience, would have to be expended.


Further Further the deponent sayeth sayeth not.

PROPRIETARY INFORMATION PROPRIETARY INFORMATION NonCE NOTICE Transmitted herewith are proprietary and/or Transmitted and/or non-proprietary non-proprietmy versions of documents documents furnished to the NRC NRC in connection with requests for generic and/or andlor plant-specific plant-specific review and approval.


In order order to conform to the requirements requirements of 10 CFR2.390 CFR 2.390 of the Commission's regulations concerning concerning the protection of proprietary proprietruy information so submitted submitted to the NRC, the information information which is proprietruy proprietary in the the proprietary proprietruy versions is contained within brackets, and where the proprietary proprietary infortnation infonllation has been been deleted deleted in the non-proprietary non-proprietary versions, only the brackets information that was contained brackets remain (the infonnation contained within the brackets in the proprietary proprietary versions having been deleted). The justification justification for claiming the information designated as proprietruy so designated proprietary is indicated in both versions versions by means means of lower case letters letters (a) through (f) located as a superscript immediately located immediately following the brackets enclosing each item of information information being identified as proprietary or in the margin opposite such

.identified such information. These lower lowe." case letters refer to the types of information Westinghouse customarily holds in confidence information Westinghouse confidence identified in Sections (4)(ii)(a) through (4)(ii)(f) of the affidavit accompanying accompanying this transmittal transmittal pursuant pursuant to 10to CPR CFR 2.390(b)(1).


COPYRIGHT NOTICE COPYRIGHT The reports transmitted transmitted herewith each each bear a Westinghouse copyright copyright notice. The NRC is permitted permitted to make the number of copies of the information contained contained in these reports which are necessary necessary for its internal use in connection with generic internaJ generic and plant-specific plant-specific reviews reviews and approvals approvals as well as the issuance, denial, amendment, mnendment, transfer, renewal, renewal, modification, suspension, revocation, modification, sllspension, revocation, or violation of a license, permit, order, or regulation subject to the requirements requirements of 10 CFR 2.390 regarding regarding restrictions restrictions on public public information has been identified as proprietary disclosure to the extent such information proprietruy by Westinghouse, copyright copyright protection protection notwithstanding.

nOlwithstanding. With respect to the non-proprietary non-proprietary versions ofthese of these reports, the NRC is permitted to make the number of copies beyond those necessary necessary for its internal use which are necessary necessary in order order to have one copy available available for public viewing in the appropriate appropriate docket files in the public document document room in Washington, Washington, DC mld and in local public document document rooms as may be required required by NRC regulations regulations if the number of copies copies submitted is insufficient for this purpose. Copies made by the NRC must include include the copyright copyright notice in all instances and the proprietary proprietruy notice if the original original was identified as proprietary.