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Engineering Report ER-ESP-001, Revision 2, Generic Letter 2004-02 Supplemental Response, Attachment D, Page 21 of 99 Through Page 56 of 99
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 10/13/2009
Luminant Generation Co, Luminant Power
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
CP-200901403, ENR-2007-002743-20-02, GL-04-002, TXX-09128 ER-ESP-001, Rev 2
Download: ML093080007 (36)


Attachment Attachment D Page 21 of 99 of99 Series 1000 Electromark Electromark labels - 6"x6" white vinyl I

Test 3 Labels Labels ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 22 22 of 99 of99 1000 Electromark Series 1000 wh ite vinyl Electromark labels - 6"x6" white


Labels Test 3 Labels ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 23 of 99 of99 Series 1000 Electromark labels - 6"x6" white vinyl 1000 Electromark I

Test 3 Labels Labels ENR-2007-002743-20-02 E~-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 24 of99 of 99 Precipitate only bypass - 6 mil chips chips 2 minutes 25 pool after turnovers after Test 3 Particulate Particulate Only Only ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02 .

Attachment D 25 of 99 Page 250[99 LDFG (Nukon) large (0.660 Ibm) and lead blanket large (O.660 blanket cover (O.97 (0.97 Ibm)

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 26 of99 of 99 LDFG (Nukon) smalls (3.24.1bm) and Min-K Min-K fiber fines (0.025 Ibm)

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 27 of99 of 99 Coatings Y4 inch (6.54 Ibm) 118 inch to 1/4 Coatings chips 1/8 I

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 28 of99 of 99 surrogate for inorganic Tin Powder - surrogate inorganic zinc coatings coatings (510 Ibm)

Headloss Test 4 Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743 02

Attachment Attachment D Page 290[99 29 of 99 Nukon LDFG fines - from chipper to blender, stirred in water water 0.701 Ibm latent fiber O.7011bm fiber Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 30 of 99 of99 Min-K fiber and particulate, particulate, Coatings Coatings fines - pulverized pulverized acrylic chips chips I  %  %

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment D Attachment D Page 31 of99 of 99 Paint chips - 1/64 inch (69.96 Ibm)

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment DD

....-_ Page 32 of 99 99 Paint chips - 1/64 inch Headloss Test 4 Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 33 of99 of 99 Head loss data - increase Head increase from fines fines v

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 34 of 99 of99 LDFG (Nukon) Large Pieces Pieces

  • The upper picture picture illustrates the dry fibrous large fibrous debris debris r .
    • The lower picture picture
  • illustrates the the "soaked" "soaked" large large fibrous debris debris ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743 02

Attachment D of 99 Page 35 of99 increase from large Head loss data - increase large t

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D

......-- Page 36 of 99 WCAP surrogate surrogate production production - particulate particulate generator generator used to create prototypical solid chemical products products (precipitates) for sump screen performance testing screen performance r -- -- I/2 47 Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D of 99 Page 37 of99 oxyhydroxide precipitate, aluminum nitrate For aluminum oxyhydroxide nitrate (AI(NO3)3,9H20)

(AI(N03)3-9H20) is combined combined with sodium hydroxide hydroxide (NaOH)_


Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 38 of 99 of99 oxyhydroxide also used in lieu of sodium aluminum Aluminum oxyhydroxide aluminum silicate which avoids use of sodium silicate, which may be be considered hazardous.

considered I

Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 39 of 99 of99 WCAP surrogate surrogate characteristics verified prior to use characteristics verified Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 40 0[99 of 99 WCAP surrogate surrogate insertion - batched to maintain maintain ppm Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 41 of 99 of99 Chemical precipitate precipitate introduction introduction every 2 pool turnovers turnovers Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 42 of99 of 99 maintained for 15 pool turnovers I aCidition, full debris load maintained turnovers Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 43 of 99 of99 Headloss completion Headloss test - near completion Test Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 44 of99 of 99 Headloss test - completion Headloss completion flow sweep sweep relationship between flow and dp Test Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02 D

Page 45 of of9999 Headloss test - Debris head loss stable at approximately approximately 0.6 ft Test 44 Design Basis Test Head Loss Loss 0 .7 -

0.7 0 .6 -

0.6 0.5 0 .5 I1 0.4 0.4 ~


!:. --+-

- Loss I Head Loss


~ 0.3 0.3 -

I Flow sweep 0.2 0 .2 * - -

shows direct relationship relationship 0.1 0 .1 between flow and dp dp o0 . -..,---- --- ~ , - - --~

0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 300.00 400.00 500.00 500 .00 600.00 700.00 700.00 Time Time (min)

ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 46 of of99 99 Test 4 Head Loss Extrapolation Extrapolation Curve Curve Exponential - 0.7497 ft.

Exponential Head lLoss H@ad oss (H) Vs. Time {T)

(H) \Is. (T):: CP CP fl Flumeume 2 2 0,65 1

,-1-- - r ..........




- +

  • T .. - , f"

. '1 I

  • t .. *
  • Ll .::\

0./; --

0o5 g

. ~

Ll "



.....~ O.Gj



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C") = :). Mq~ 1\

-= n ,:: ;).111 (i:t I\, ,,;r ,':

1.111:7 C1"=0,7-197 11 I 31 11e (l ' ls"t~ *m .; I E~<:I'I' :~ ".~ . '!J. ~

i 1

L. . I Tim* 3 C std Tn :: (

I VI.:;,1- gl'.:w#::1'1 n:=:'i 1/ ' :; ~ ~

0,45 I

~ ~ ttO  : ~OLl .! '.' iJtI l~I)U j : DLJ  :>: UU 4000 4':tlU Tirre (s*.)

ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment of99 Page 47 of 99 Test 4 Head Head Loss Extrapolation Extrapolation Curve Curve Linear - 4.2552 ft.*

Head Loss Head Loss (")(H) Vs. Vs. Time Time (T) (T} : CP Flume 2 0 SE5 c'e 0 ,8 Ii !'1 IJ ~


07 J t

  • A I O'E rpmanw, Now- _. IMF9ý- . Jý - A, -L,46ý_ jP..Ww Tr- - 'ýV - ,--;nr, FiT

.3 I


0 I5 Ine!!r Fit


.. ),'>4/1 + (1. ~L I)b t '


I) ,'00

,( Ill "UOCl

  • INXI 1 14"'1  ; IC: " ))IP00

' ,0\) "q#XXI moo 4.1 AI ' II C: ,ý

'1[1[;: 1',lll.

Thnme [6ec.)

Time (sec.)

    • Not used in analysis analysis ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D of99 Page 48 of 99 Head Head *Loss Loss Margins Margins

  • " Exponential Exponential - Net Positive Suction Head margin margin 5 Ft. at 30 days days
    • Linear Linear Days OaY_$ Extrapolation NPSH Extrapolation Margin Margin Non-Non- 14 2.331 ft 3.63 ft Harsh Ambient 25 3.654 ft 2.306 2.306 ft ft /

ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment D of 99 Page 49 of99 test-- drain down with flow Headloss test Headloss Test 4 Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 0 2 2743 2 ENR-2007-00

Attachment D Page 50 of 99 of99 Headloss test - drain down with flow Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment Attachment D Page 51 of 99 of99 Headloss test - drain down with flow Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Attachment Page 52 of 99 of99 Headloss test - drain down with flow Headloss Test 4 Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 53 of 99 of99 Headloss test - drain down with flow Headloss Headloss Test 4 Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 54 of99 of 99 Headloss test - drain down after pump stop Headloss Headloss Test 4 Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 55 of99 of 99 Headloss test - drain down without flow Headloss Test 4 Headloss Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02

Attachment D Page 56 of 99 of99 Headloss Headloss test - drain down without flow I est 4 Headloss Test Headloss ENR-2007-002743-20-02 ENR-2007-002743-20-02