NLS2009037, Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Additional Information Alternative Source Term

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Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Additional Information Alternative Source Term
Person / Time
Site: Cooper Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 05/29/2009
From: Minahan S
Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD)
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NLS2009037, TAC MD9921
Download: ML091530354 (227)


Nebraska Public Power District "Always there when you need us" 50.90 NLS2009037 May 29, 2009 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attention: Document Control Desk Washington, D.C. 20555-0001


Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Additional Information Re: Alternative Source Term (TAC No. MD9921)

Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46


1. Letter from Carl F. Lyon, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, to Stewart B. Minahan, Nebraska Public Power District, dated April 21, 2009, "Cooper Nuclear Station - Request for Additional Information Re:

Alternative Source Term (TAC No. MD9921)"

2. Letter from Stewart B. Minahan, Nebraska Public Power District, to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, dated October 13, 2008, "License Amendment Request for Application of the Alternative Source Term for Calculating Loss-of-Coolant Accident Dose Consequences"

Dear Sir or Madam:

The purpose of this letter is for Nebraska Public Power District to submit a response to requests for additional information (RAI) from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) (Reference 1). The RAI requested information in support of NRC's review of a license amendment request for the Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) facility operating license and technical specifications to adopt the Alternative Source Term for use in calculating the Loss-of-Coolant Accident dose consequences (Reference 2).

Responses to the specific RAI questions are provided in the Attachment to this letter. CNS Calculation NEDC 05-045 is provided in the Enclosure. No regulatory commitments are made in this submittal.

The information submitted by this response to the RAI does not change the conclusions or the basis of the no significant hazards consideration evaluation provided with Reference 2.

COOPER NUCLEAR STATION Ax061 P.O. Box 98 / Brownville, NE 68321-0098 825-3811 / Fax: (402) 825-5211 Telephone: (402)

NLS2009037 Page 2 of 2 If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact David Van Der Kamp, Licensing Manager, at (402) 825-2904.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed onq 10061 Sincerely, Stewart B. Minahan Vice President - Nuclear and Chief Nuclear Officer

/em Attachment Enclosure cc: Regional Administrator w/ attachment, w/o enclosure USNRC - Region IV Cooper Project Manager w/ attachment, w/o enclosure USNRC - NRR Project Directorate IV-1 Senior Resident Inspector w/ attachment, w/o enclosure USNRC - CNS Nebraska Health and Human Services w/ attachment, w/o enclosure Department of Regulation and Licensure NPG Distribution w/o attachment, w/o enclosure CNS Records w/ attachment, w/o enclosure

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 1 of8 Attachment Response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission Request for Additional Information Re: Alternative Source Term (TAC No. MD9921)

Cooper Nuclear Station, Docket No. 50-298, DPR-46 NRC Meteorological Question #1 With respect to statements in Section 4.2 (pages14 and 15) of Attachment I to the license amendment request (LAR) for Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) dated October 13, 2008 (Agencywide Documents Access and Management System (ADAMS) Accession No. ML082910768), concerning the control room atmospheric dispersionfactors (x/Q values), pleaseprovide reference citationsfor:

the hourly meteorologicaldatafiles, by name, previously submitted andfound acceptable by the U.S. NuclearRegulatory Commission (NRC) and 0 documents confirming the acceptabilityof the specific x/Q values presentedin Table 1 of the October 13, 2008, LAR.

Otherwise, NRC staff notes that Section 3.1.2 of the safety evaluation (SE) associatedwith CNS Amendment No. 196 (ADAMS Accession No. ML030560804) dated February21, 2003, states that the NRC staff had concerns about the quality of the data collectedfrom 1994 through 1998.

The x/Q values presented in Table 3 of the SE associatedwith Amendment No. 196 were based upon the single year of meteorologicaldata resulting in the limiting x/Q values ratherthan the entire 5-year period.In the SE, the NRC staff remarked that the licensee stated that a series of measures were initiatedin 1998 to improve the meteorologicalmeasurementsprogram and the NRC staff recommended that datafrom the improvedprogram be consideredfor use in any future calculations.Therefore,please explain how the hourly datafrom the upgraded meteorologicalprogram compare with meteorologicaldata measuredfrom 1994 through 1998, and demonstrate that use of the 1994 through 1998 data is acceptable.


The Control Room Chi-Over-Q (X/Q) values used in the October 13, 2008 License Amendment Request (LAR) are from Calculation NEDC 99-031, Rev. 4, which was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) on September 14, 2001 (NLS2001085) in support of the LAR related to the Design Basis Accident Radiological Assessment Calculational Methodology. This revision used five years of meteorological data for each run (previous revisions used one year of meteorological data for each run and selected the run for the year resulting in the highest values of x/Q). The submittal supported the issuance of License Amendment 187 by the NRC on October 23, 2001.

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 2 of 8 The X/Q values derived from this meteorological data are the basis for the LAR dated September 29, 2005 (NLS2005075) for Application of the Alternative Source Term (AST) for Reevaluation of the Fuel Handling Accident (FHA) Dose Consequences, which was approved by the NRC on September 5, 2006 as Amendment 222. The Control Room x/Q value for the Reactor Building ground level release during the first five minutes is the same as that used in the application approved in Amendment 222.

Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183, Section 5.3, Meteorology Assumptions, states, "Atmospheric

  • dispersion values (x/Q) for the Exclusion Area Boundary (EAB), the Low Population Zone (LPZ), and the Control Room that were approved by the staff during initial facility licensing or in subsequent licensing proceedings may be used in performing the radiological analyses identified by this guide." Use of the current X/Q values was based on this provision of the RG, and the X/Q values submitted previously, as stated in Section 4.2 of the LAR.

NRC Meteorological Question #2 Section 3.1.2 of the SE associatedwith Amendment No. 196 states that use of the diffuse source x/Q values for the CNS turbine building is acceptable on a case-specific basisfor modeling the dispersion of low level (i.e., 10 standardcubic feet per hour) main steam line isolationvalve leakage during a loss-of-coolant accident (LOCA) andfor modeling the dispersion of the 1 percent volume per day leakagefrom the condenserfor the control rod drop accident. Will these and other applicable criteriastill be met in the proposed license amendment? Will the set ofx/Q valuesfor the loss of offsite power (LOOP)case still bound the set ofx/Q valuesfor the non-LOOP case?


Yes, the total Main Steam Isolation Valve (MSIV) leakage in the proposed license amendment

(< 212 scfh total for the Main Steam pathway when tested at > 29 psig) is greater than the total MSIV leakage used in the Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) dose assessment methodology approved by Amendment 196 (> 46 scfh combined main steam leakage). However, the increased MSIV leakage is still a small amount compared to the large free volume of the Turbine Building (less than 1 percent of the Turbine Building volume per day) and is still many orders of magnitude less than the release for a Main Steam Line Break (MSLB) accident. Therefore, the reasoning used in the Amendment 196 Safety Evaluation (SE) to justify the diffuse release from the Turbine Building remains valid even with the higher MSIV leakage in this proposed license amendment.

The Cooper Nuclear Station (CNS) response to the NRC request for additional information provided in Attachment 1 of Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) letter NLS2002094 dated September 13, 2002, which is referenced in the Amendment 196 SE, provides a qualitative response explaining why the X/Q values for the Loss of Offsite Power (LOOP) case bound the X/Q values for the non-LOOP case. The X/Q values from the proposed license amendment for the diffuse release from the Turbine Building are only slightly smaller than those listed in Table 3 of the Amendment 196 SE. Therefore, the reasoning provided in the previous respohse

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 3 of 8 remains valid and the set of X/Q values for the LOOP case still bound the set of X/Q values for the non-LOOP case.

NRC Meteorological Question #3 The October 13, 2008, LAR requests approvalfor changes to the CNS technical specificationsto establish a higher leakage limitfor the newly defined main steam pathway and to credit the standby liquid control system for LOCA mitigation. Do changesproposed in the October 13, 2008, LAR introduce any new releasepathways or other changes in the dose scenario that would affect use of the currentlicensing basis x/Q values? If so, please provide the following information or cite references where the information has been previously docketed.

  • Inputfiles (electronicfiles for data input into the ARCON96 computer code) and a discussion of assumptions used to generate the x/Q values and summary outputfiles.

These inputfiles should clearly indicate the release height, receptorheight, distance, and direction (with respect to true north)for each release/receptorpairanalyzed.

Figures which support the selection of the inputs and assumptions used to calculate all of the onsite x/Q values. Include a figure of the generalarrangementofplant structures, drawn approximately to scale and showing true north, sufficient to enable the NRC staff to make confirmatory estimates of the selected inputs and assumptions and resultantx/Q values. Highlight the postulatedrelease and receptor locations including control room locations that may experience unfiltered inleakage.


No, the proposed changes in this LAR to increase the main steam leakage limit and credit Standby Liquid Control (SLC) for LOCA mitigation do not introduce any new release pathways or changes that would affect the use of the current licensing basis X/Q values. As stated in the response to meteorological question 2, use of a diffuse release from the Turbine Building is acceptable with the higher leakage for the main steam pathway in the proposed LAR. Crediting SLC for LOCA mitigation affects the suppression pool pH and has no effect on the X/Q values.

The EAB and LPZ X/Q values used in the proposed license amendment are essentially the same as the current CNS licensing basis values for a LOCA listed in Table 3 of the Amendment 196 SE for a stack release and the AST FHA values listed in Table 1 of the Amendment 222 SE for a ground level release. The only difference is that the fumigation period for the Standby Gas Treatment system elevated release was changed from the first half hour to the half hour period between 1.3 and 1.8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />, which is the first half hour of the worst 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> exposure in accordance with RG 1.183. However, the fumigation x/Q value used in the AST LOCA analysis is the same as the current licensing basis value. The Control Room X/Q values are different than the current licensing basis values for a LOCA that are listed in Table 3 of the Amendment 196 SE. However, as stated in Section 4.2 of the LAR and the response to meteorological question 1, the revised calculation with these new Control Room x/Q values was previously submitted to the NRC on September 14, 2001. The meteorological data, release points, and receptor locations used in this revised calculation are the same as were reviewed and accepted by the NRC in

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 4 of 8 Amendments 196 and 222. As stated in Sections 4.1.3 and 4.2 of the LAR, the proposed AST LOCA dose consequence methodology includes an unfiltered Reactor Building ground level release during the first five minutes to account for the period of positive reactor building pressurization. The Control Room X/Q value used in this LAR for the ground level release from the reactor building is the same as the current licensing basis X/Q listed in Table 1 of the Amendment 222 SE for the first two hours of the AST FHA.

NRC Meteorological Question #4 Which x/Q values were used for assumed unfiltered inleakage into the control room and why are those x/Q values appropriate?


The Control Room x/Q values used for the unfiltered in-leakage are the same as those used for the filtered intake. This is consistent with Section 3.2.1 of the Amendment 222 SE for the AST FHA radiological dose consequences, which states that a single receptor point at the Control Room air intake is used for both unfiltered and filtered inflow and unfiltered in-leakage. The response to question 3 on page 49 of Attachment 1 to the CNS AST FHA submittal dated September 29, 2005 (NLS2005075) provides additional information on the unfiltered Control Room in-leakage and the relationship to the Reactor Building release points. The AST LOCA dose consequences methodology uses the same total unfiltered leakage and the same Control Room XQ for the Reactor Building release, during the first five minutes, as the AST FHA.

Although the AST LOCA also uses Control Room X/Q values for the elevated and Turbine Building release points, the same reasoning applies to these as was used for the Reactor Building release points in the CNS AST FHA submittal. Therefore, use of a single receptor point at the Control Room air intake for both unfiltered and filtered inflow and unfiltered in-leakage is also acceptable for the AST LOCA radiological dose consequences.

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 5 of 8 NRC Accident Dose Consequence Question #1 Page I of the LAR dated October 13, 2008 (ADAMS Accession No. ML082910768) states that the requested license amendment represents a "selective scope" applicationof the alternative source term (AST) at CNS," however, the LAR includes a reanalysisof the design basis LOCA using the AST, commensurate with the regulatoryposition 1.2.1, "FullImplementation," of, Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.183, "AlternativeRadiologicalSource Terms for EvaluatingDesign BasisAccidents at NuclearPower Reactors." Therefore, please explain why selective implementation, as opposed to full implementation, of the AST is requestedfor CNS.


CNS used RG 1.183 Regulatory Position 1.2.2 (2), selective scope, because we are only requesting implementation of AST-LOCA. We are not requesting implementation of the Main Steam Line Break or Control Rod Drop accidents at this time. Regulatory position 1.2.2 of RG 1.183, "Selective Implementation" states, in part, "Selective implementation is a modification of the facility design basis that" ... "or (2) entails re-evaluation of a limited subset of the design basis radiological analyses." (Emphasis added). This is consistent with our previous LAR for Application of the AST to Reevaluation of the FHA Dose Consequences, NLS2005075, dated September 29, 2005.

NRC Accident Dose Consequence Question #2 Analysis ALION-CAL-NPPD-3236-002, Rev. 1, as included in Enclosure I to the October 13, 2008, submittal, states that dose to the control room occupants due to direct shine was not calculated in the submitted analysis; instead it was calculated in the analysis NEDC 05-045, "LOCA Shine." Therefore, please eitherprovide NEDC 05-045, or thoroughly explain how the Rev. 1 direct shine dose to the CNS control room of 0. 319 rem total effective dose equivalent was calculated,as reportedon page 8 of Enclosure 1 to the October 13, 2008, LAR, NEDC 0 7-082, Rev. 2. Also, please provide all additionalinformation needed to characterizethe direct shine dose sourcesfollowing the postulatedLOCA, includingplume location, concentration,and orientationwith respect to the CNS control room.


A copy of Calculation NEDC 05-045, LOCA Shine, is included as an enclosure to this response.

No other additional information is needed.

NRC Accident Dose Consequence Question #3 Page 16 of analysisALION-CAL-NPPD-3236-002, Rev. 1, states the following.

The no holdup (no mixing) assumption is included in the input by setting the fraction retained,Frac, within the volume in a unit of time at less than 0.1% and then solving for the reactorbuilding volume from the transientexhaust equation shown below.

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 6 of 8 Please explain how it was determined that a retentionfraction of 0. 1 percent was sufficiently low enough to model, or accuratelysimulate, no mixing.


In calculation NEDC 05-045, the value of 0.06% was actually used, so that a rounded value for the Reactor Building volume of 200 ft3 could be used. The analysis examined the effect on the EAB Total Effective Dose Equivalent (TEDE) dose. As shown in Table 6-1 of the report, the EAB TEDE dose is dominated by the leakage from containment to the Reactor Building and the MSIV leakage directly to the environment. The latter effect is not a function of the no holdup assumption for the Reactor Building. As shown in the figure below, even with a 5% retention for the worst two hour EAB TEDE dose due to leakage through the containment to the Reactor Building to the environment, the dose only varies in the third significant figure. By using the 0.1%, the change, in dose estimate was in the fourth significant figure. The figure below illustrates that a higher value such as 1% could have been utilized; however to be more conservative the lower value of 0.1% was used. Note that the no mixing assumption does affect the EAB dose due to Engineered Safety Feature (ESF) leakage as it passes through the Reactor Building. However, ESF leakage would be in proportion to the containment leakage pathway which is approximately three times larger.

EA B Leakage Dose V ariation w it h Re ta n tio n Fraction 0 .45 85 0.4 587 0.00 1% 0 .01 0  % 0 .10 0% 1.0 0O0 % 1 0 . 00 0 %

Re te ntio n Fraction (% )

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 7 of 8 NRC Accident Dose Consequence Question #4 Page 26 of analysis ALION-CAL-NPPD-3236-002, Rev. 1, states that the lower bound of the uncertainty in the ControlRoom Emergency FiltrationSystem intake flow was used to minimize the removal rate of radionuclidesfrom the control room following isolation. Please explain how it was determined that this treatment was indeed conservative, and that doing this does not inadvertentlyslow the buildup of activity in the control room, thereby reducing the accumulated dose.


This issue concerns the choice of the lower bound for the Control Room filtered inflow, and the potential for radionuclide buildup. In order to assess this concern, cases were run and plots were made by varying the Control Room filtered inflow rate and checking this against the TEDE doses for the lower, nominal and upper bound filtered intake flows. Table 6-1 of the report shows that the MSIV leakage path is the most important component of the Control Room dose, hence that path was chosen for examination. The table below illustrates the effect of changing the intake flow on the control room TEDE dose. It can be seen that the lower bound value yielded the highest calculated doses for the Control Room TEDE. Based on the flowrate comparison, the lower bound flowrate was selected as the most appropriate for maximizing the estimated dose.

Inflow (cfm) 810 900 990 TEDE (rem) 2.401 2.275 2.165 Control Room TEDE Dose Variation with Inflow 2.500 2.400 -

' 2.300 0

0' 2.200 "

2.100 2.000 800 850 900 950 1000 C_Room Inflow (cfm)

NLS2009037 Attachment Page 8 of 8 This can also be explained through the use of the iodine protection factor formulation of Murphy-Campe (13th Atomic Energy Commision Air Cleaning Conference, 1974);

IPF = F1 +)72F 2 +F 3 F,(I - 77) +

where F Flowrate (cfm)

Efficiency 1 = Filtered Inflow path 2= Recirculated flow path 3= Unfiltered inflow path and F1 = 810, 900, or 990 cfm F2 = 0.0 F3 = 400 cfm 0.98 (aerosol retention) hence IPF = 2.9, 3.1, 3.3 or more protection with more filtered flow.

NRC Accident Dose Consequence Ouestion #5 Pleaseprovide a direct comparison of the elemental iodine removal efficiencies calculatedfor a condenser in NEDC-31858P-A, Rev. 2, and those calculatedfor CNS condenser.Also, please explain andjustify any deviations or extrapolationsfrom the methodology presented to calculate elemental iodine removal in the condenser in NEDC-31858P-A, Rev. 2.


NEDC-31858P-A Rev.2, Appendix C does not contain calculated values of the elemental iodine removal efficiencies. No deviations or extrapolations from the methodology presented in NEDC-31858P-A Rev. 2, Appendix C for the calculation of elemental iodine removal efficiency have been taken. The main condenser effective filter efficiencies (1-C/Cm) are summarized in Alion Calculation ALION-CAL-NPPD-3236-002, revision 1, on page A36, as shown below.

The elemental iodine removal efficiencies vary with time and the MSIV leakage rate.

MSIV Leakage Rate 24 Hours Post LOCA 720 Hours Post LOCA 200/100 scfh Case 96.55% 98.24%

300/150 scfh Case 400/200 scfh Case t 94.91%




NLS2009037 Enclosure Enclosure NEDC 05-045, LOCA Shine


ATTACHMENT 3 LIST OF REGULATORY COMMITMENTS© Correspondence Number: NLS2009037 The following table identifies those actions committed to by Nebraska Public Power District (NPPD) in this document. Any other actions discussed in the submittal represent intended or planned actions by NPPD. They are described for information only and are not regulatory commitments. Please notify the Licensing Manager at Cooper Nuclear Station of any questions regarding this document or any associated regulatory commitments.


- 4. 4 I. I

4. 4
4. 4

NLS2009037 Enclosure Enclosure NEDC 05-045, LOCA Shine

Page 1 of 7


LOCA Shine Calculation Number: NEDC 05-045 System/Structure: HV, Control Room, Core Spray, CED/EE Number: N.A" 4j P V/ 0- Y-

",REFSFilter, Reactor Building, Drywell Setpoint Change/Part Eval Number: N/A Component: N/A Discipline: Mechanical Design Classification: [X] Essential; [ ] Non-Essential SQAP Requirements Met? [X] Yes; [ ] N/A Proprietary Information Included? [ ] Yes; [X] No




Phe purpose of this calculation is to determine the 30-day shine dose to a control room (CR) operator following a design

)asis LOCA. The following shine contributors are addressed: Outside Cloud, Reactor Building, Core Spray Line, JREFS Filter, and Drywell. The analysis is performed based on Alternate Source Term (AST) methodology. The results will be fed back into the AST LOCA calculation (NEDC 07-082) to give total TEDE dose. This calculation has been 3repared as Status 3 and will be as-built upon NRC approval of the AST methodology.


Phe 30 day control room exposure results (from Attachments 1 to 5) are as follows:

1. Outside Cloud 15.9 millirem
2. Reactor Building 0.004 millirem I
3. Core Spray Line 28.4 millirem
4. CREFS Filter 245.7 millirem
5. Drywell Total 0.0005 millirem 290.1 millirem (without equilibrium daughters)

I Total 319.1 millirem (adds 10% for equilibrium daughters) USE THIS TOTAL Phe radiation exposure predominantly comes from the CREFS filter. The total exposure is a small fraction of the limits

,iven in 10 CFR 50.67(b)(2)(iii). Results are to be fed back into the AST LOCA calculation (NEDC 07-082) to give total PEDE dose.


1. Outside Cloud Shine, 2. Reactor Building Shine, 3. Core Spray Line Shine, 4. CREFS Filter Shine, 5. Drywell Shine

.1i Michael Bennett CofyKelsey Cory Kelsey tan V15y,,p _-_____ Domikaitis 0 3 Jim Drasler Cory Kelsey Cory Kelseyj, Jerry Horn 8/29/07 8/f/47 8I1707 7ld,,6 9/13/07 Rev. " ' Approved Rev. Status Prepared By/Date Reviewed By/Date IDVed By/Date By/Date Number By/Date Status Codes

1. Active 4. Superseded or Deleted 7. PRA/PSA
2. Information Only 5. OD/OE Support Only
3. Pending. 6. Maintenance Activity Support Only

ý 1, 't-'ý' "-

Page: 2 of 7 NEDC: 05-045 Rev. Number: 1 Nebraska Public Power District DESIGN CALCULATION CROSS-REFERENCE INDEX ITEM PENDING CHANGES NO. DESIGN INPUTS REV. NO. TO DESIGN INPUTS 1 APA Dwg. 117.15M02 N03 None 2 B&R Dwg. 2019 (Sheet 1) N41 05-1819 3 B&R Dwg. 2061 N09 06-0627 4 B&R Dwg. 2066 N04 None 5 B&R Dwg. 4171 N01 None 6 B&R Dwg. 4172 N02 None 7 B&R Dwg. 4173 N01 None 8 B&R Dwg. 4174 N05 None 9 B&R Dwg. 4175 N02 None 10 B&R Dwg. 4176 14 None 11 B&R Dwg. 4219 N05 None 12 B&R Dwg. 4220 (Sheet 2) N01 None 13 B&R Dwg. 4221 N03 None 14 B&R Dwg. 4222 N01 None 15 B&R Dwg. 4223 N02 None 16 B&R Dwg. 4239 16 None 17 B&R Dwg. 4240 N01 None 18 Calculation NEDC 98-042 0 None 19 Calculation NEDC 07-082 1* concurrent approval 20 CBI Dwg. 1 N03 None 21 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-432 0 None 22 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-433 0 None 23 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-434 N01 None 24 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-435 N01 None 25 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-440 0 None 26 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-442 N02 None 27 CNS Dwg. CNS-BLDG-456 N02 None 28 Jelco Dwg. 2501-1 N14 None 29 Jelco Dwg. 2602-2 N13 None 2

Page: 3 of 7 NEDC: 05-045 Rev. Number: 1 1 Nebraska Public Power District DESIGN CALCULATION CROSS-REFERENCE INDEX ITEM NO. AFFECTED DOCUMENTS REV. NUMBER 1 NEDC 94-070 3 2 NEDC 94-072 3

+ +


4 4 4


+ 4

  • 1*

4 1 4 1 4 I

.1 I 4 I 3

Page: 4 of 7 NEDC: 05-045 Rev. Number: 1 I The purpose of this form is to assist the Preparer in screening new and revised design 1

calculations to determine potential impacts to procedures and plant operations.


1. Doesý it involve the addition, deletion, or manipulation of II]

a component or components which could impact a system lineup and/or checklist for valves, power supplies [] [x]

(breakers), process control switches, HVAC dampers, or instruments?

[I rxI

2. Could it impact system operating parameters (e.g., []

temperatures, flowrates, pressures, voltage, or fluid [] x chemistry)?

3. Does it impact equipment operation or response such as []

valve closure time?

4. Does it involve assumptions or necessitate changes to the II] 1X] II]

sequencing of operational steps?

5. Does it transfer an electrical load to a different circuit, or [] EX] [I impact when electrical loads are added to or removed from the system during an event?
6. Does it influence fuse, breaker, or relay coordination? II 1X] []
7. Does it have the potential to affect the analyzed II EX] II]

conditions of the environment for any part of the Reactor Building, Containment, or Control Room?

8. Does it affect TS/TS Bases, USAR, or other Licensing II EX] [I Basis documents?
9. Does it affect DCDs? II 1X] []
10. Does it have the potential to affect procedures in any way not already mentioned (refer to review checklists in I[] [xl []

Procedure EDP-06)? If so, identify:

If all answers are NO, then additional review or assistance is not required.

If any answers are YES or UNCERTAIN, then the Preparer shall obtain assistance from the System Engineer and other departments, as appropriate, to determine impacts to procedures and plant operations. Affected documents shall be listed on Attachment 2.


Page: 5 of 7 NEDC: 05-045 Rev. Number: 1 Nebraska Public Power District DESIGN CALCULATIONS SHEET PURPOSE:

The purpose of this calculation is to determine the 30-day gamma shine dose to a control room (CR) operator following a design basis LOCA. The following shine contributors are addressed: Outside Cloud, Reactor Building, Core Spray Line, CREFS Filter, and Drywell. The analysis is performed based on Alternate Source Term (AST) methodology.

The results will be fed back into the AST LOCA calculation (NEDC 07-082) to give total TEDE dose. This calculation has been prepared as Status 3 and will be as-built to Status 1 upon NRC approval of the AST methodology.


Each of the shine contributors is described in its own attachment to this calculation, and the assumptions applicable to each contributor are identified in that particular attachment. In general, the dose point location in the, control room from all shine sources is taken to be the center of the Reactor Operator desk, as shown on drawing CNS-BLDG-442, because it is closer to the reactor building compared to the BOP station. In the case of CREFS shine, which is the largest shine contributor, the distance used was verified to not be unconservative with respect to where a BOP station operator would sit. Another general assumption that is very conservative is Occupancy Factor. Regulatory Guide 1.183 allows use of a 0.6 factor between 1 and 4 days, and a 0.4 factor after 4 days, to account for control room personnel changes. In cases where the source term is developed by directly using control room X/Qs, as in the case of CREFS shine, the source term already contains implicitly reduced occupancy factors because they are contained in the X/Qs. For other shine sources, this calculation conservatively imposes no reduced Occupancy Factors. As discussed in Attachment 4 (MAIN), equilibrium daughters will increase the shine dose by 8%. Since doses from shine sources were calculated without equilibrium daughters, the total "un-daughtered" dose is increased by 10% to conservatively account for this effect.


Each of the shine contributors is described in its own attachment to this calculation. In general, each attachment is organized into five parts: 1) General Notes, 2) RadTrad Output, 3) MicroShield Input, 4) Main (geometry and dose results), and 5) MicroShield Output. The specific methodology applicable to each shine contributor is described in each attachment. In general, the AST LOCA calculation (NEDC 07-082) determines post-LOCA control room dose from inhalation and control room cloud shine. The calculation also develops isotopic source terms for the five additional shine contributors mentioned above.

The LOCA shine calculation (NEDC 05-045) applies the source terms, develops a conservative model, and computes the shine doses to the control room from each shine contributor using the computer code Microshield v5.05. This code is classified Level 2 (for use in critical applications), as shown on the CNS IT website, and has received a completed Level 2 Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP) review (reference 1), in accordance with CNS procedure 11.4.2. Design inputs whose status is not "as built" have 5

Page: 6 of 7 NEDC: 05-045 Rev. Number: 1 been verified to not be calculation-critical to the information it contains, have been substantiated by other "as-built" information, and/or verified to have not substantially changed since original plant construction.


NEDC 05-045, Revision 0, was based on NEDC 07-082, Revision 0, "Radiological Dose Analysis for a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) at Cooper Nuclear Station. NEDC 07-082 assumed an aggregate MSIV leakage rate of 200 scfh, and took credit for particulate and elemental deposition in the Main Steam Line. NEDC 05-045, Revision 1, is based on NEDC 07-082, Revision 1, which assumed an aggregate MSIV leakage rate of 300 scfh, removed credit for particulate and elemental deposition in the Main'Steam Line, and developed a condenser model based on NEDC 31858P-A (reference 2).

As a result of these changes to the, the corresponding changes to the individual Control Room shine contributors are as follows:

NEDC 05-045 CR Shine Contributor Revision 0 Revision 1

1. Outside Cloud 15.1 millirem 15.9 millirem
2. Reactor Building 0.004 millirem 0.004 millirem
3. Core Spray Line 28.4 millirem 28.4 millirem
4. CREFS Filter 95.9 millirem 245.7 millirem
5. Drywell 0.0005 millirem 0.0005 millirem Total (without equilibrium daughters) 139.4 millirem 290.1 millirem Total (with 10% for equil. daughters) 153.3 millirem 319.1 millirem The Outside Cloud contributor increased slightly, as expected. The Reactor Building and Drywell contributors increased slightly, but below the number of significant digits reported in this calculation. The Core Spray Line contributor did not change from NEDC 05-045 Revision 0, because in the RADTRAD AST LOCA model (NEDC 07-082), the entire accident source term is conservatively assumed to be transported to the Suppression Chamber and not affected (or reduced) by MSIV leakage. Therefore, the AST LOCA RADTRAD compartment inventory output for the Suppression Chamber, used as input for the Core Spray Line case did not change. The CREFS Filter shine contributor was the most significant change.


Page: __ofA NEDC: 05-045 Rev. Number: 1-CONCLUSION:

The 30 day control room exposure results (from Attachments 1 to 5) are as follows:

1. Outside Cloud 15.9 millirem
2. Reactor Building 0.004 millirem
3. Core Spray Line 28.4 millirem
4. CREFS Filter 245.7 millirem
5. Drywell 0.0005 millirem Total 290.1 millirem (without equilibrium daughters)

Total 319.1 millirem (adds 10% for equilibrium daughters)

USE THIS TOTAL The radiation exposure predominantly comes from the CREFS filter. The total exposure is a small fraction of the limits given in 10 CFR 50.67(b)(2)(iii) (reference 3), which states:

Adequate radiationprotection is provided to permit access to and occupancy of the control room under accident conditions without personnel receiving radiationexposures in excess of 0.05 Sv (5 rem) total effective dose equivalent (TEDE)for the durationof the accident.


1. Supplier Quality Assurance Plan review for Microshield v5.05, 004-003-001, dated 1/10/2003.
2. NEDC 31858P-A, "BWROG Report for Increasing MSIV Leakage Rate Limits and Elimination of Leakage Control Systems, August, 1999.
3. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 50.67, Accident Source Term.


1. Outside Cloud
2. Reactor Building
3. Core Spray Line
4. CREFS Filter
5. Drywell 7

ýPr :4- iý . W"t,


[__] ,For Non-IDV Reviews REVIEWER REVIEWER REVIEWER PREPARER PREPARER ACCEPT COMMENTS INIT/DATE RESPONSE INIT/DATE INIT/DATE CODE1 Page 7- Minor comment- Correct page # CK MJB CK 6-at top of page to 7. 9/10/08 Change Made 9/10/08 9/10/08 Pg 6, REVISION 1: Complete sentence CK MJB CK in 2 nd paragraph.' 9/10/08 Change Made 9/10/08 9/10/08 CREFS Filter shine calcs on Att 4 If the number of decimal places is provide Exp Mr of 2.46E+02 (no CK increased in the Microshield daughters) and 2.61 E+02 with 9/10/08 program, the correct value is 245.7 daughters. The calc summary gives Mrem. Therefore, no change is MJB CK 245.7 mrem. How? required. 9/10/08 9/10/08 1 See Step Error! Reference source not found. for code definitions. Note that this column is N/A for non-IDV reviews PROCEDURE 3.4.8 REVISION 16 PAGE 5 OF 12




_ Original Issue v/ Individual Review (Lead)

Amendment _ Interdisciplinary Review Revision _ Qualification Testing

_ Change Notice Alternate Calculation Design Document(s) Reviewed (Attach Additional Sheet(s) If Needed):

See Design Inputs this calculation Procedure 3.4.7 Rev. 29 NEDC 31858P-A Summary Of Design Verification (Attach Additional Sheet(s) If Needed):

The only changes to this calculation from Rev 0 was due to an increase in the aggregate

.leakage rate of the MSIV from 200 to 300scfh and eliminated the credit for deposition in the Main Steam Line. This also included a condenser model for filter deposition based on NEDC 31858P-A. This calculation meets the requirements of the current revision of Procedure 3.4.5 for revising design calculations. Microshield values changed based on the changes to MSIV leak rate and changes of in assumptions on deposition previously credited in the main steam lines and condenser.

Conclusions (Attach Additional Sheet(s) If Needed):

The changes to the calculation provide higher doses than Rev 0 and this calculation met the requirements for implementation of the revision. Therefore, it should be implemented.

Independent Design Verifier: Cory Kelsey/ t zLZ-7/ - /,. Date: 9/10/08 Engineering Supervisor: S.,\e-* £-_- -*, L Date: c//o,*

CR Number (if applicable):

Signature confirms:

  • IDVer(s) meet the qualification requirements.
  • Category D CR exists for any missed procedural requirements or technical errors documented in the IDV Comments, Attachment 1.


ATTACHMENT 3 DESIGN VERIFICATION ELEMENTS ATTACHMENT 3 DESIGN VERIFICATION ELEMENTS The following basic questions shall be addressed, as applicable, during the performance of any IDV. These Design Verification Elements are based on the requirements of ANSI N45.2.11-1974. Other Design Verification Elements have been added based on specific requirements.


1. Were the design inputs, per Procedure EDP-06, correctly selected [P] II [1 and incorporated into the design?
2. Are all applicable design inputs documented as design inputs? [,,] [] []
3. Are all applicable design inputs clearly substantiated by retrievable

[/,] [] []

support document(s)?

4. Are the latest applicable revisions (including pending data) of design [,,] [] []

12 input documents utilized?© '

5. Are assumptions necessary to perform the design activity adequately [,,] [] [1 described and reasonable? When necessary, are the assumptions identified for subsequent re-verification when the detailed design activities are complete?
6. Are the appropriate quality and quality assurance requirements [/,] [] [1 specified?
7. Are the applicable codes, standards and regulatory requirements, [,/] [I] []I including issue and addenda, properly identified and are their requirements and design met?
8. Have applicable construction and operating experience been [] [] ["3]


9. Have the design interface requirements been satisfied? [] [] [,,]
10. Was an appropriate design method used? [] [] [,,]
11. Is the output reasonable compared to inputs? [/,] [] [1
12. Are the specified parts, equipment, and processes suitable for the [. ] I K][,]

required application?



13. Are the specified materials compatible with each other and the design I[I [I [I]

environmental conditions to which the material will be exposed?

14. Have adequate maintenance features and requirements been [] [] [/,]


15. Are accessibility and other design provisions adequate for [I] [] [v,']

performances of needed maintenance and repair?

16. Has adequate accessibility been provided to perform inservice [] [] [/,]

inspection expected to be required during plant life? Does this design provide adequate access to other components that require inserVice inspection and testing?

17. Has the design properly considered radiation exposure to the public

[v"] [] H]

and plant personnel? Include review of USAR Section XII, Subsection 3.0, for affects to plant radiation zones during operation and shutdown conditions.

18. Are the acceptability criteria incorporated in the design documents

-[,,' [] H]

sufficient to allow verification that design requirements have been satisfactorily accomplished?

19. Have adequate pre-operational and subsequent periodic test [] [] [,,/]

requirements been appropriately specified?

a. Are air-operated components that have been added or affected by this change, tested for fail position on loss of air, or loss of electrical power.
b. Is adequate qualification testing specified for new or unproven equipment designs?
20. Are adequate handling, storage, cleaning, shipping, and Receipt

[] H] [,,]

Inspection requirements specified?

21. Are adequate identification requirements specified?

[] []I [V]

22. Are requirements for record preparation, review, approval, retention, etc., adequately specified?

PROCEDURE 3.4.8 REVISION 16 PAGE 8OF 12 1 tVýqýý-'!ý -4 .1- .1-1. z".. , . 1ý :.-.,,----,, ý__


23. Has this design adequately considered hazards such as missiles, jet I[] [I [,'1 impingement, etc.?
24. Has the design adequately considered seismic requirements, barge []I [1 [,,']

impact, and Mark I loadings as appropriate?

25. If this change involves a modification to a containment isolation [] []I [,,J boundary or function, have the following documents been checked for possible impact?
a. USAR Table V-2-2.
b. USAR Section V.
26. Has this design adequately addressed internal flooding vulnerability? [I I] [1,/]
a. Does the configuration change increase potential for internal flooding?
b. Does the configuration change reduce capability to isolate or cope with flooding?
c. Does the design locate Essential equipment where it would be susceptible to flooding?
27. Has the design adequately considered CNS Computer System I] [] [1]

interfaces (PMIS, Annunciator, Security, Simulator)?

28. Has the design adequately addressed its impact on CNS Emergency I] [1 [V]

Operating Procedures and the Emergency Procedure Guidelines?

29. For electrical and I&C changes, the results of the point-to-point (I1 11I 1/

analysis indicate the design satisfies the specified design requirements and fully satisfies applicable topics listed on this attachment?

30. Do all drawings affected by the modification have pending DCNs I1 11 11/]

1 2 reserved and the information is properly documented?© '



31. If applicable, has the Classification Evaluation (CE) been reviewed for [ ] [] P]

completeness and technical accuracy with regard to the Structure, System, or Component (SSC) design licensing requirements?

a. Are all question responses and required information correct with regard to the design basis?
b. Is justification to each Equipment Application Data Sheet YES/NO answer documented on the Equipment Application Analysis Sheet and is it comprehensive and sensible?
c. Are all CE equipment applications properly classified?
32. Did this IDV include a review of all calculations affected and/or [ ]I [] [,,']

implemented by the package?

33. Did this IDV review all SAP Notifications written for document [] [] [H' changes to ensure consistency with the proposed design?
34. Have all CNS Computer support, software QA, and other [/,] [] []

considerations been adequately addressed?

35. Have all design and configuration documents which were required to [] [1 [,H be created or revised as a result of this activity been reviewed?

Document Number: NEDC 05-045 Rev 0 has been reviewed for the above Design Verification Elements and the appropriate Design Verification Elements have been adequately addressed.

Independent Design Verifier: Cory Kelsey Date: 9/10/08 0


NEDC 05-045 Rev. I Attachment 1 Page 1l 1 - Outside Cloud Shine - General Notes 1 Table 1-1 input is taken from Attachment I within Attachment 1 of calculation NEDC 07-082 (LOCA calc).

2 Table 1-2 manipulates input data from Table 1-1 to fit the geometry of the specific situation being considered.

Cumulative isotopic activities (Ci) released at various times are given in the Alion results. This table combines three separate computations. The first is the computation of isotopic release rate (Ci/sec). For each time interval, the average release rate is computed by taking delta isotopic activity released (Ci) and dividing by delta time (h) and dividing by 3600 (sec/h) to give Ci/sec.

The second computation takes the X/Q (sec/m3) (see Table 2-13 in the LOCA calc) for that time interval and multiplies it by the release rate (Ci/sec) to give concentration in Ci/m3. X/Q's are very conservatively selected by time, by release location, and by position. By time, the worst X/Q for the time interval is selected. By location, the worst X/Q at the CR is taken, irrespective of actual release point.

By position, X/Qs are themselves computed to represent cloud centerline concentration. In actuality, the concentration falls off exponentially from plume centerline (RG 1.145). This analysis conservatively uses the cloud centerline concentration at the CR intake.

The third computation takes the concentration and multiplies it by the volume (m3) being modeled, to give total Curies occupying that volume. This ensures a conservatively large cloud inventory, for example, by not placing curies that have been released too far away (as in a semi infinite cloud), when, in fact, cloud geometry could preclude that from happening.

800 feet is selected as cloud radius and cloud height because a sensitivity study on radius showed that 99% of the maximum dose is reached as the radius is increased to 740 feet. The 800 foot values used correspond to between 1 and 4 mean free paths distance for 0.2 to 2 MeV gammas in air, which technically validates this assumption. The volume of a cylinder whose radius and height are 800 feet is 4.555E7 m3. As a check on conservation of curies, the total cloud inventory (Curies) just computed is compared against the total inventory that has been released up until now. It shows that the computed cloud inventory is high by a factor of 200 at 0.5h and 35 at 2h. The reason for the conservatism is that the cloud is assumed to be at the centerline concentration throughout, rather than at an exponentially average concentration. However, this conservatism is being retained.

All three computations are done as one, but have been described here separately to facilitate understanding. Let's see an example to see how it all works. Take the 0.5h time interval and the Cs-134 isotope. From Table 1-1 the inventory at 0.5h is 2.455 curies, so during the first time interval the average release rate is 2.455 Ci / 0.5h x 1h/3600s. The example chooses to not simplify until the end in order to show all the factors used in the computation. The cloud concenrtation is obtained by multiplying the release rate by the X/Q (sec/m3), which is given in Table 2 as 4.15E-3. So, then the cloud concentration.= 2.455 Ci / 0.5h x 1h/3600sec x 4.15E-3 sec/m3.

Finally, multiplying the cloud concentration by the cloud volume gives the cloud inventory. So, the cloud inventory = 2.455 Ci / 0.5h x 1h/3600sec x 4.15E-3 sec/m3 x 4.555E7 m3 = 2.58E+02 Ci. This matches Table 1-2.

3 Table 1-1 is sorted by RadTrad sort #. Table 1-2 is sorted by MicroShield iso # by re-sorting Table 1-1.

Attachment 1 Page 2 1 NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Rad Micro 1 - Outside Cloud Shine - RadTrad Output Trad Shield time Table 1-1 ENVIRONMENT - Cumul. Curies Released Sort Iso# (hrs) > 0.0006 0.5 1 2 8 24 96 720 58 13 Am-241 1.41E-06 1.21E-05 4.21E-05 7.78E-05 1.12E-04 2.31E-04 43 41 Ba-I39 6.53E-01 4.08E+00 7.77E+00 7.83E+00 7.83E+00 7.83E+00 44 42 Ba-140 9.63E-01 8.24E+00 2,86E+01 5.21E+01 7.23E+01 1.11E+02 48 81 Ce-141 2.29E-02 1.96E-01 6 84E-01 1.25E+00 1.78E+00 3-12E+00 49 82 Ce-143 2.07E-02 1.75E-01 5.87E-01 9.69E-01 1 13E+00 1. 16E+00 50 .83 Ce-144 1.87E-02 1.61 E-O1 5.60E-01 1.03E+00 1.48E+00 2.86E+00 59 93 Cm-242 3.54E-04 3.04E-03 1.06E-02 1.95E-02 2.79E-02 5.34E-02 60 95 Cm-244 2.27E-05 1.95E-04 6.80E-04 1.25E-03 1.80E-03 3.52E-03 1 104 Co-58 3.91E-04 3.35E-03 1.17E-02 2.15E-02 3.07E-02 5.69E-02 2 106 Co-60 4.68E-04 4.02E-03 1.40E-02 2.58E-02 3.70E-02 7.24E-02 40 115 Cs-134 6.69E-05 2.46E+00 5.65E+00 1.93E+01 5+56E+01 1.01E+02 1.43E+02 2.78E+02 41 118 Cs-136 2.14E-05 785E-01 1.81E+00 6.16E+00 1.77E+01 3.16E+01 4.36E+01 6.71E+01 42 119 Cs-137 4.02E-05 1.47E+00 3.39E+00 1.16E+01 3.34E+01 6.03E+01 8.61E+01 1.67E+02 33 175 1-131 2.70E-04 1.83E+01 637E+01 2.39E+02 1.35E+03 4.06E+03 1.32E+04 4.18E+04 34 176 1-132 3.90E-04 2.53E+01 8.40E+01 2.95E+02 1.04E+03 1.65E+03 2.96E+03 4.39E+03 35 177 1-133 5.46E-04 3.68E+01 1.26E+02 4.65E+02 2.41E+03 5.85E+03 9.71E+03 1.01E+04 36 178 1-134 5.99E-04 3.33E+01 8.68E+01 2.01E+02 3.18E+02 3.18E+02 3.18E+02 3.18E+02 37 179 1-135 5.12E-04 3.39E+01 1.13E+02 3.96E+02 1. 70E+03 2683E+03 3.05E+03 3.05E+03 3 203 Kr-85 3.63E-06 2.94E+00 2.75E+01 1,91E+02 1.76E+03 7.07E+03 2.41 E+04 2,74E+05 4 204 Kr-85m 6.75E-05 5,18E+01 4.54E+02 2.83E+03 1.65E+04 2.65E+04 2.71E+04 2.71E+04 5 205 Kr-87 1.29E-04 8.62E+01 6.41E+02 3.09E+03 8.32E+03 8.56E+03 856E+03 8.56E+03 6 206 Kr-88 1.81E-04 1.35E+02 1.14E+03 6.67E+03 3.13E+04 3.99E+04 4.00E+04 4.00E+04 45 209 La-140 1.34E-02 1.59E-01 1.33E+00 6.78E+00 1.97E+01 6.16E+01 46 210 La-141 7.85E-03 6+01E-02 1.59E-01 1.78E-01 1.79E-01 1.79E-01 47 211 La-142 6.B00E-03 3.87E-02 7.69E-02 7.78E-02 7.78E-02 7.78E-02 19 224 Mo-99 1.30E-01 1.11E+00 3.79E+00 6.59E+00 8.32E+00 9,33E+00 18 238 Nb-95 9.17E-03 7.87E-02 2.74E-01 5.06E-01 7.25E-01 1.41E+00 52 243 Nd-147 9.19E-03 7.676-02 2.73E-01 4.96E-01 6.86E-01 1.03E+00 53 255 Np-239 2.97E-01 2.53E+00 8.62E+00 1.49E+01 1.85E+01 2.02E+01 51 302 Pr-143 8-24E-03 7.07E-02 2.48E-01 4.62E-01 6.68E-01 1.11E+00 54 313 Pu-238 6.55E-05 5.62E-74 1.96E-03 3.61E-03 5.18E-03 1.02E-02 55 314 Pu-239 6.60E-06 5.66E-05 1.98E-04 3.64E-04 5.24E-04 1.03E-03 56 315 Pu-240 9.06E-06 7.77E-05 2.71E-04 4.99E-04 7.17E-04 1.40E-03 57 316 Pu-241 2.73E-03 2.34E-02 8.18E-02 1.51E-01 2.16E-01 4-23E-01 7 332 Rb-86 2.54E-02 5.85E-02 1.99E-01 5+73E-01 1.03E+00 1.43E+00 2.34E+00 24 347 Rh-105 7.09E-02 6.07E-01 2. 10E+00 3.59E+00 4.26E+00 4.42E+00 21 355 Ru-1 03 1.10E-01 9.43E-01 3.29E+00 6.03E+00 8.55E+00 1.53E+01 22 356 Ru-105 6.79E-02 5.26E-01 1.43E+00 1.64E+00 1.65E+00 1.65E+00 23 357 Ru-106 4.45E-02 3.82E-01 1.33E+00 2.45E+00 3.52E+00 6.82E+00 25 365 Sb-I 27 1.54E-01 1.31E+00 4.51E+00 7.97E+00 1.04E+01 1.24E+01 26 366 Sb-129 3,99E-01 3.08E+00 8.34E+00 9.51E+00 9.54E+00 9.54E+00 8 391 Sr-89 4,996-01 4.28E+00 1.49E+01 2.74E+01 3.90E+01 7.10E+01 9 392 Sr-90 5,94E-02 5.09E-01 1.78E+00 3.27E+00 4.70E+00 9.20E+00 10 393 Sr-91 5,96E-01 4.87E+00 1.50E+01 2.03E+01 2.09E+01 2.09E+01 11 394 Sr-92 5,56E-01 4.04E+00 9.72E+00 1.03E+01 1.03E+01 1.03E+01 20 408 Tc-99m 1.16E-01 9.91E-01 3.44E+00 6. 1OE+00 7.80E+00 8.78E+00 27 415 Te-127 1.56E-01 1.33E+00 4,60E+00 8.24E+00 1.09E+01 1.43E+01 28 416 Te-127m 2.08E-02 1.78E-01 6.22E-01 1.15E+00 1.65E+00 3.16E+00 29 417 Te-129 4.20E-01 3.37E+00 9.70E+00 1.21E+01 1.31E+01 1.59E+01 30 418 Te-129m 6.66E-02 5.71E-01 1.99E+00 3.66E+00 5.19E+00 9.14E+00 31 420 Te-131m 1.99E-01 1.68E+00 5.62E+00 9.18E+00 1.06E+01 1.08E+01 32 421 Te-132 1.96E+00 1.67E+01 5.73E+01 1.00E+02 1.29E+02 1.49E+02 38 471 Xe-1 33 5.22E-04 4.23E+02 3,96E+03 2,74E+04 2.51E+05 9,73E+05 2.84E+06 8.69E+06 39 473 Xe-135 1 84E-04 1.61E+02 1.53E+03 1.09E+04 9.70E+04 2.69E+05 3.34E+05 3.35E+05 12 480 Y-90 7T49E-04 8.14E-03 5.92E-02 2.91E-01 9.41E-01 5.02E+00 13 482 Y-91 6.52E-03 5.62E-02 2.01E-01 3.90E-01 5.78E-01 1.11 E+00 14 484 Y-92 2.98E-02 4.70E-01 3.29E+00 4.97E+00 4,99E+00 4.99E+00 15 485 Y-93 7.65E-03 6.27E-02 1.94E-01 2.67E-01 2.75E-01 2.75E-01 16 496 Zr-95 9.11 E-03 7.81E-02 2.72E-01 5.00E-01 7.13E-01 1.32E+00 17 497 Zr-97 8.92E-03 I 7.44E-02 2.42E-01 3.65E-01 3.93E-01 3.94E-01

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 1 Page 31 I - Outside Cloud Shine - MicroShield Input Table 1-2 Outside Cloud Inventory (Curies) t= X/Q = t= X/Q= t= XfQ = t= X/Q = t-- X/Q = t= XJQ=

0.5 4.15E-03 2 8.6400E-04 8 4.660000E-04 24 2.320000E-04 96 1.530000E-04 720 1.250000E-04 Cylindrical Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies IsO Iso # Curies IsO Iso # Curies Iso Iso__# Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Volume 13 0.OOOOE+00 Am-241 13 8.7940E-05 Am-241 13 2.954422E-05 Am-241 13 6.536695E-06 Am-241 13 9.255667E-07 Am-241 13 2.999802E-07 Am-241 1.61 E+09 cuft 41 0.0000E+00 Ba-139 41 2.9738E+01 Ba-139 41 3.628812E+00 Ba-139 41 1.093393E-02 Ba-139 41 0.000000E+00 Ba-139 41 0.000000E+00 Ba-139 4.55E+07 m3 42 O.00000E+0 8a-140 42 6.0064E+01 Ba-140 42 2.004499E+01 Ba-140 42 4.300742E+00 Ba-140 42 5.447309E-01 Ba-140 42 9.878108E-02 Ba-140 81 0.0000E+00 Ce-141 81 1.4295E+00 Ce-141 81 4.790200E-01 Ce-141 81 1.045273E-01 Ce-141 81 1.403971E-02 Ce-1 41 81 3.399995E-03 Ce-141 82 0.0000E+00 Ce-143 82 1.2737E+00 Ce-143 82 4.054002E-01 Ce-143 82 7.006524E-02 Ce-143 82 4.324563E-03 Ce-143 82 8.490484E-05 Ce-143 83 0.OOOOE+00 Ce-144 83 1.1707E+00 Ce-144 83 3.928617E-01 Ce-144 83 8.645514E-02 Ce-144 83 1.200715E-02 Ce-144 83 31495798E-03 Ce-144 93 O.0000E+O0 Cm-242 93 2.2132E-02 Cm-242 93 7.425951 E-03 Cm-242 93 1.632569E-03 Cm-242 93 2.260011E-04 Cm-242 93 6.460371E-05 Cm-242 95 0.0000E+00 Cm-244 95 1.4204E-03 Cm-244 95 4.767698E-04 Cm-244 95 1.050465E-04 Cm-244 95 1.464732E-05 Cm-244 95 4.368164E-06 Cm-244 104 0.0000E+00 Co-58 104 2.4442E-02 Co-58 104 8.196345E-03 Co-58 104 1.797128E-03 Co-58 104 2.462998E-04 Co-58 104 6.664143E-05 Co-58 106 0.0000E+00 Co-60 106 2.9271E-02 Co-60 106 9.824883E-03 Co-60 106 2.164405E-03 Co-60 106 3.0168432-04 Co-60 106 8.972794E-05 Co-60 115 2.5782E+02 Cs-134 115 1.2272E+02 Cs-1 34 115 3.565922E+01 Cs-134 115 8.249434E+00 Cs-134 115 1.149901E+00 Cs-134 115 3.401009E-01 Cs-134 118 8.2468E+01 Cs-136 118 3.9147E+01 Cs-136 118 1.131025E+01 Cs-136 118 2.550946E+00 Cs-136 118 3.242952E-01 Cs-136 118 5.953984E-02 Cs-136 119 1.5469E+02 Cs-137 119 7.3633E+01 Cs-137 119 2.139907E+01 Cs-137 119 4.952375E+00 Cs-137 119 6.914461E-01 Cs-137 119 2.062883E-01 Cs-137 175 1.9245E+03 1-131 175 1,6083E+03 1-131 175 1.089744E+03 1-131 175 4.968519E+02 1-131 175 2.468563E+02 1-131 175 7.226796E+01 1-131 176 2.6560E+03 1-132 176 1.9642E+03 1-132 176 7.321495E+02 1-132 176 1.121462E+02 1-132 176 3.519605E+01 1-132 176 3.612638E+00 1-132 177 3.8679E+03 1-133 177 3.1216E+03 1-133 177 1.910381E+03 1-133 177 6.303157E+02 1-133 177 1.038460E+02 1-133 177 9.970616E-01 1-133 178 3.5016E+03 1-134 178 1,2227E+03 1-134 178 1.144684E+02 1-134 178 1.596061E-01 1-134 178 0.000000E+00 1-134 178 0.000000E+00 1-134 179 3.5549E+03 1-135 179 2.6414E+03 1-135 179 1.279404E+03 1-135 179 2.0701098+02 1-135 179 5.955180E+00 1-135 179 2.534473E-04 1-135 203 3.0883E+02 Kr-85 203 1.3684E+03 Kr-85 203 1.540287E+03 Kr-85 203 9.739091E+02 Kr-85 203 4.573551E+02 Kr-85 203 6.323560E+02 Kr-85 204 5.4382E+03 Kr-85m 204 2,0210E+04 Kr-85m 204 1.348583E+04 Kr-85m 204 1.823912E+03 Kr-85m 204 1.505599E+01 Kr-85m 204 0.000000E00 Kr-85m 205 9.0475E+03 Kr-87 205 2.1872E+04 Kr-87 205 5.141595E+03 Kr-87 205 4.404761E+01 Kr-87 205 2.688569E-03 Kr-87 205 0.000000E+00 Kr-87 206 1.4158E+04 Kr-88 206 417601E+04 Kr-88 208 2.420983E+04 Kr-88 206 1.582302E+03 Kr-88 206 2.876769E+00 Kr-88 206 0.0000002+00 Kr-88 209 0.O000E+00 La-140 209 1,1603E+00 La-140 209 1.152427E+00 La-140 209 9.985655E-01 La-140 209 3.484358E-01 La-1 40 209 1.062198E-01 La-140 210 0.0000E+00 La-141 210 4.3767E-01 La-141 210 9.738312E-02 La-141 210 3.533349E-03 La-141 210 6.990279E-06 La-141 210 0.000000E+00 La-141 211 0.0000E+00 La-142 211 2.8197E-01 La-142 211 3.755966E-02 La-142 211 .1.636421E-04 La-142 211 0.000000E+00 La-142 211 0.000000E+00 La-142 224 0.0000E+00 Mo-99 224 8.0601E+00 Mo-99 224 2.634276E+00 Mo-99 224 5.135280E-01 Mo-99 224 4.664129E-02 Mo-99 224 2.551707E-03 Mo-99 238 O.OOOOE+00 Nb-95 238 5.7327E-01 Nb-95 238 1.924177E-01 Nb-95 238 4.238734E-02 Nb-95 238 5.904904E-03 Nb-95 238 1.727345E-03 Nb-95 243 0.OOOOE+00 Nd-147 243 5.7355E-01 Nd-1 47 243 1.912307E-01 Nd-147 243 4.085366E-02 Nd-147 243 5.096451E-03 Nd-147 243 8.618221E-04 Nd-147 255 0.0000E+00 Np-239 255 1.8402E+01 Np-239 255 5.987161E+00 Np-239 255 1.143660E+00 Np-239 255 9.708422E-02 Np-239 255 4.374500E-03 Np-239 302 0.0000E+00 Pr-143 302 5.1529E-01 Pr-143 302 1.741366E-01 Pr-143 302 3.934932E-02 Pr-143 302 5.532537E-03 Pr-143 302 1.112152E-03 Pr-143 313 0.OOOOE+00 Pu-238 313 4.0949E-03 Pu-238 313 1.374525E-03 Pu-238 313 3.028847E-04 Pu-238 313 4.224817E-05 Pu-238 313 1.262396E-05 Pu-238 314 0.OOOOE+00 Pu-239 314 4.1278E-04 Pu-239 314 1.386110E-04 Pu-239 314 3.058566E-05 Pu-239 314 4.282890E-06 Pu-239 314 1.285180E-06 Pu-239 315 0.OOOOE+00 Pu-240 315 5.6625E-04 Pu-240 315 1.900731E-04 Pu-240 315 4.187734E-05 Pu-240 315 5.840916E-06 Pu-240 315 1.743591E-06 Pu-240 316 0.0000E+00 Pu-241 316 1.7083E-01 Pu-241 316 5.734228E-02 Pu-241 316 1.263346E-02 Pu-241 316 1.761550E-03 Pu-241 316 5.251935E-04 Pu-241 332 2.6691 E+00 Rb-86 332 1.2680E+00 Rb-86 332 3.669886E-01 Rb-86 332 8.342079E-02 Rb-86 332 1.090215E-02 Rb-86 332 2.288122E-03 Rb-86 347 0.0000E+00 Rh-105 347 4,4266E+00 Rh-105 347 1.461862E+00 Rh-105 347 2.736052E-01 Rh-105 347 1.808600E-02 Rh-105 347 4.022208E-04 Rh-105 355 0.OOOOE+00 Ru-103 355 6.8705E+00 Ru-103 355 2.301788E+00 Ru-103 355 5.028142E-01 Ru-103 355 6.795627E-02 Ru-1 03 355 1.704027E-02 Ru-103 356 0.0000E+00 Ru-105 356 3,8310E+00 Ru-105 356 8.902867E-01 Ru-105. 356 3.878245E-02 Ru-105 356 1.102313E-04 Ru-105 356 0.0000002+00 Ru-105 357 0.0000E+00 Ru-106 357 237829E+00 Ru-106 357 9.339358E-01 Ru-106 357 2.055800E-01 Ru-106 357 2.857949E-02 Ru-106 357 8.368576E-03 Ru-106 365 0.0000E+00 Sb-127 365 9.5519E+00 Sb-127 365 3.145645E+00 Sb-127 365 6.349020E-01 Sb-1 27 365 6.488323E-02 Sb-127 365 5.119635E-03 Sb-127 366 0.OOOOE+00 Sb-129 366 2,2436E+01 Sb-129 366 5.165276E+00 Sb-129 366 2.162204E-01 Sb-129 366 5,753537E-04 Sb-1 29 366 0.000000E+00 Sb-129 391 0.0000E+00 Sr-89 391 3.1196E+01 Sr-89 391 1.045663E+01 Sr-89 391 2.288421E+00 Sr-89 391 3.114438E-01 Sr-89 391 8.108792E-02 Sr-89 392 0.0000E+00 Sr-90 392 3,7110E+00 Sr-90 392 1.245582E+00 Sr-90 392 2.744491E-01 Sr-90 392 3.827447E-02 Sr-90 392 1.141805E-02 Sr-90 393 0.OOOOE+00 Sr-91 393 3,5526E+01 Sr-91 393 9.966089E+00 Sr-91 393 9.778167E-01 Sr-91 393 1.422253E-02 Sr-91 393 5.068946E-06 Sr-91 394 0.OOOOE+00 Sr-92 394 2,9472E+01 Sr-92 394 5.576219E+00 Sr-92 394 1.033220E-01 Sr-92 394 5.377138E-05 Sr-92 394 0.000000E+00 Sr-92 408 0.0000E+00 Tc-99rn 408 7.2196E+00 Tc-99m 408 2.403482E+00 Tc-99m 408 4.892569E-01 Tc-99m 408 4.553629E-02 Tc-99m 408 2.496963E-03 Tc-99m 415 0.OOOOE+00 Te-1 27 415 9,6940E+00 Te-127 415 3.216002E+00 Te-127 415 6.665481E-01 Te-127 415 7.263706E-02 Te-127 415 8.500622E-03 Te-127 416 0.OOOOE+00 Te-127m 416 1.2990E+00 Te-127m 416 4.361276E-01 Te-127m 416 9.617093E-02 Te-127m 416 1.340789E-02 Te-127m 416 3.839726E-03 Te-127m 417 0.OOOOE+00 Te-129 417 2.4580E+01 Te-129 417 6.215430E+00 Te-129 417 4.358898E-01 Te-129 417 2.887523E-02 Te-129 417 6.891232E-03 Te-129 418 0.0000E+00 Te-129m 418 4.1606E+00 Te-129m 418 1.396320E+00 Te-129m 418 3.056365E-01 Te-129m 418 4.112435E-02 Te-129m 418 1.002485E-02 Te-129m 420 0.OOOOE+00 Te-131m 420 1.2233E+01 Te-131m 420 3.873196E+00 Te-131m 420 6.536512E-01 Te-131m 420 3.752704E-02 Te-131m 420 6.158769E-04 Te- 131 m 421 0.OOOOE+00 Te-132 421 1.2152E802 Te-132 421 3.988067E+01 Te-132 421 7.923434r+00 Te-132 421 7.670487E-01 Te-I132 421 5.091756E-02 Te- 132 471 4.4449E+04 Xe-133 471 1.9660E+05 Xe-133 471 2.192272E+05 Xe-133 471 1.324804E+05 Xe-133 471 5.014880E+04 Xe-133 471 1.482464E+04 Xe-133 473 1.6958E+04 Xe-135 473 7.7966E+04 Xe-135 473 8.460578E804 Xe-135 473 3.149744E+04 Xe-135 473 1,762357E+03 Xe-135 473 1.064479E+00 Xe-135 480 0.0000E+00 Y-90 480 5.9308E-02 Y-90 480 5.015010E-02 Y-90 480 4.243981E-02 Y-90 480 1.748323E-02 Y-90 480 1.033383E-02 Y-90 482 0.O000E+00 Y-91 482 4.0939E-01 Y-91 482 1.422124E-01 Y-91 482 3.463269E-02 Y-91 482 5.070372E-03 Y-91 482 1.355259E-03 Y-91 484 O.0008E+00 Y-92 484 3.4221E+00 Y-92 484 2.769311E+00 Y-92 484 3.078308E-01 Y-92 484 7.554878E-04 Y-92 484 0.000000E+00 Y-92 485 0.OOOOE+00 Y-93 485 4.5679E-01 Y-93 485 1.294626E-01 Y-93 485 1.329317E-02 Y-93 485 2.137412E-04 Y-93 485 1.013789E-07 Y-93 496 0.0000E+00 Zr-95 496 5.6905E-01 Zr-95 496 1.907954E-01 Zr-95 496 4.181496E-02 Zr-95 496 5.720199E-03 Zr-95 496 1.531987E-03 Zr-95 497 0.0000E+00 Zr-97 497 5.4238E-01 Zr-97 497 1.642934E-01 Zr-97 497 2.270443E-02 Zr-97 497 7.439270E-04 Zr-97 497 2.990678E-06 Zr-97

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 1 Page 4 A 1 - Outside Cloud Shine - MAIN CtO. Bldg. Dim. ft Ref.

N-S 73.5 Dwg 4175 E-W 68.1 Dwg 4175 Vert 16.6 Dwg 4175, 4176 Room height, for info only, not used.

North Roof Area (sqft) 1131.9 5004.1 A = pi d^

A2/4 eqv dia (ft) 38.0 79.8 d = sqrt (4A / pi) eqv rad (ft) 19.0 39.9

1. For extreme conservatism, the Outside Cloud is modeled as a large cylinder extending upward from the control building roof. Use a cylinder radius approximately 20 times the largest above equivalent radius (i.e., roof), say 800 feet, and a height of also 800 feet. This begins to substantially approach an infinite cloud in size. A sensitivity study on radius showed that 99% of the maximum dose is reached as the radius is increased to 740 feet. The 800 foot values used correspond to between 1 and 4 mean free paths distance for 0.2 to 2 MeV gammas in air, which technically validates this assumption.
2. Conservatively use an end cyl model to put source nearest the dose point.
3. Conservatively assume that the dose point is on the cylinder axis.
4. Assume a uniform cloud concentration within the cloud itself within a given time period, based on the highest CR X/Q for that time period. This is extremely conservative because plume centerline concentrations are used to specify the X/Q factors used in typical dose analyses, whereas, actual concentration falls off exponentially from plume centerline (RG 1.145).
5. MicroShield calculates a constant dose rate (mR/hr) for each time interval from concentrations that based on the average release (Ci/sec) for that interval and the highest X/Q for that interval (sec/m3). For time intervals before the time at which the peak dose rate occurs, a bounding approach is used which selects the highest dose rate for the interval. This is conservative because it takes the bounding value for the entire interval. For time intervals after the peak dose rate, a linear average is used, which is conservative since the dose rate drops off exponentially, rather than linearly.

Thickness Shielding Dim. ft Ref.

concrete 2 Dwg 4175, 4176 air 9.6 Dose point is 5 feet up from CR floor, making the air distance 9.5 feet.

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 1 Page 4 eý I Dose Results Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time (h) mR/hr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 0 0.5 5.455E-01 0 to 0.5 5.455E-01 0.5 2.73E-01 2 1.492E+00 PEAK 0.5 to 2 1.492E+00 1.5 2.24E+00 8 6.471E-01 2 to 8 1.070E+00 6 6.42E+00 24 3.891E-02 8 to 24 3.430E-01 16 5.49E+00 96 3.361 E-04 24 to 96 1.962E-02 72 1.41E+00 720 2.019E-05 96 to 720 1.781E-04 624 1.11E-01 1.59E+01 I1.59E*0I Total Cloud Shine

NEDC 05-045 Rev. I Attachment. I Page 5 1

Outside Cloud Shine 1.4 -_,

1.2 ._

E 1-0 0O.8 - -- __

0 x 0.6 w

0.4 -

0 .2 -

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time (h)

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 1CLP5R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 3:03:09 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Outside Cloud Shine 0.5h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Radius 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 24734.52 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 811 ft 6.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density 3

Source 1.61e+09 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 9.5 ft Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups: 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library :Grove Nuclide curies becquerels .Ci/cm 3 Bqicm3 Am-241 Ba-1 39 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 2.5782e+002 9.5392e+012 5.6604e-006 2.0943e-001 Cs-136 8.2468e+001 3.0513e+012 1.8106e-006 6.6992e-002 Cs-1 37 1.5469e+002 5.7237e+012 3.3963e-006 1.2566e-001 1-131 1.9245e+003 7.1205e+013 4.2252e-005 1.5633e+000 1-132 2.6560e+003 9.8271e+013 5.8312e-005 2.1575e+000 1-133 3.8679e+003 1.4311 e+014 8.4921 e-005 3.1421e+000 1-134 3.5016e+003 1.2956e+014 7.6879e-005 2.8445e+000

Page :2 DOS File: 1CLP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:03:09 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uC i/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 1-135 3.5549e+003 1.3153e+014 7.8048e-005 2.8878e+000 Kr-85 3.0883e+002 1.1427e+013 6.7804e-006 2.5088e-001 Kr-85m 5.4382e+003 2.0121e+014 1.1 940e-004 4.4176e+000 Kr-87 9.0475e+003 3.3476e+014 1.9864e-004 7.3497e+000 Kr-88 1.4158e+004 5.2384e+014 3.1083e-004 1.1501e+001 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 2.6691 e+000 9.8757e+010 5.8600e-008 2.1682e-003 Rh-1 05 Ru-1 03 Ru-1 05 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-1 31 m Te-132 Xe-133 4.4449e+004 1.6446e+015 9.7587e-004 3.6107e+001 Xe-135 1.6958e+004 6.2746e+014 3.7232e-004 1.3776e+001 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page :3 DOS File: 1CLP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:03:09 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activit Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.03 8.391e+14 3.418e-71 1.206e-22 3.387e-73 1 .195e-24 0.04 1.151e+11 8.652e-39 4.385e-26 3.826e-41 1.939e-28 0.06 3.803e+1 1 2.134e-19 5.965e-1 8 4.239e-22 1 .185e-20 0.08 6.056e+14 2.936e-1 1 1.669e-09 4.646e-14 2.641e-12 0.1 1.046e+12 5.720e-12 6.083e-i0 8.751e-15 9.306e-1 3 0.15 1.770e+14 1.549e-07 2.855e-05 2.550e-1 0 4.701 e-08 0.2 7.099e+14 8.345e-06 1.643e-03 1.473e-08 2.900e-06 0.3- 4.482e+13 1.309e-05 1.874e-03 2.482e-08 3.555e-06 0.4 2.692e+14 6.627e-04 6.439e-02 1.291e-06 1.255e-04 0.5 1.815e+14 2.198e-03 1.517e-01 4.315e-06 2.977e-04 0.6 2.161e+14 9.216e-03 4.745e-01 1.799e-05 9.262e-04 0.8 4.590e+14 1.328e-01 4.303e+00 2.525e-04 8.185e-03 1.0 1.855e+14 2.224e-01 5.087e+00 4.099e-04 9.377e-03 1.5 2.136e+14 2.855e+00 3.639e+01 4.804e-03 6.123e-02 2.0 3.574e+14 2.201e+01 1.972e+02 3.404e-02 3.049e-01 3.0 5.085e+13 2.033e+01 1.183e+02 2.758e-02 1.605e-01 TOTALS: 4.311 e+1 5 4.556e+01 3.619e+02 6.711 e-02 5.455e-01

Page :4 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 DOS File: 1CLP5R1.MS5 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:03:09 PM Duration : 00:00:01

-T, tdiý W'11:Mý-. . ýJ -!ýý ý-,

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 1CL02R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 3:06:21 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Outside Cloud Shine 2h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Radius 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 24734.52 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 811 ft 6.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 1.61e+09 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 9.5ft Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 8.7940e-005 3.2538e+006 1.9307e-012 7.1437e-008 Ba-1 39 2.9738e+001 1.1003e+012 6.5290e-007 2.4157e-002 Ba-140 6.0064e+001 2.2224e+012 1.3187e-006 4.8793e-002 Ce-141 1.4295e+000 5.2890e+010 3.1384e-008 1 .1612e-003 Ce-143 1.2737e+000 4.7125e+01 0 2.7963e-008 1.0346e-003 Ce-144 1.1707e+000 4.3315e+010 2.5702e-008 9.5099e-004 Cm-242 2.2132e-002 8.1887e+008 4.8590e-010 1.7978e-005 Cm-244 1.4204e-003 5.2556e+007 3.1186e-0 11 1.1 539e-006 Co-58 2.4442e-002 9.0435e+008 5.3662e-010 1.9855e-005 Co-60 2.9271 e-002 1.0830e+009 6.4266e-010 2.3778e-005 Cs-1 34 1.2272e+002 4.5405e+012 2.6942e-006 9.9686e-002 Cs-136 3.9147e+001 1.4484e+012 8.5947e-007 3.1800e-002 Cs-137 7.3633e+001 2.7244e+012 1.6166e-006 5.9815e-002 1-131 1.6083e+003 5.9506e+013 3.5309e-005 1.3064e+000 1-132 1.9642e+003 7.2676e+013 4.3124e-005 1.5956e+000 1-133 3.1216e+003 1.1550e+014 6.8536e-005 2.5358e+000 1-134 1.2227e+003 4.5239e+013 2.6844e-005 9.9323e-001

Page :2 DOS File: 1CL02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:06:21 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-135 2.6414e+003 9.7731e+013 5.7992e-005 2.1457e+000 Kr-85 1.3684e+003 5.0630e+013 3.0043e-005 1.11 16e+000 Kr-85m 2.021 Oe+004 7.4777e+014 4.4371 e-004 1.6417e+001 Kr-87 2.1872e+004 8.0926e+014 4.8020e-004 1.7767e+001 Kr-88 4.7601 e+004 1.7612e+015 1.0451e-003 3.8668e+001 La-140 1.1603e+000 4.2932e+010 2.5475e-008 9.4258e-004 La-141 4.3767e-001 1.6194e+010 9.6091 e-009 3.5554e-004 La-142 2.8197e-001 1.0433e+010 6.1907e-009 2.2906e-004 Mo-99 8.0601 e+000 2.9822e+01 1 1.7696e-007 6.5475e-003 Nb-95 5.7327e-001 2.1211 e+010 1.2586e-008 4.6569e-004 Nd-147 5.7355e-001 2.1221e+010 i.2592e-008 4.6592e-004 Np-239 1.8402e+001 6.8087e+01 1 4.0402e-007 1.4949e-002 Pr-143 5.1529e-001 1.9066e+010 1 .1313e-008 4.1859e-004 Pu-238 4.0949e-003 1.5151e+008 8.9904e-01 1 3.3264e-006 Pu-239 4.1278e-004 1.5273e+007 9.0626e-0 12 3.3531 e-007 Pu-240 5.6625e-004 2.0951 e+007 1.2432e-01 1 4.5998e-007 Pu-241 1.7083e-001 6.3207e+009 3.7506e-009 1.3877e-004 Rb-86 1.2680e+000 4.6916e+010 2.7839e-008 1.0300e-003 Rh-105 4.4266e+000 1.6379e+011 9.7187e-008 3.5959e-003 Ru-1 03 6.8705e+000 2.5421e+01 1 1.5084e-007 5.5811 e-003 Ru-105 3.831 Oe+000 1.4175e+01 1 8.411 Oe-008 3.1121e-003 Ru-106 2.7829e+000 1.0297e+01 1 6.1099e-008 2.2607e-003 Sb-127 9.5519e+000 3.5342e+01 1 2.0971 e-007 7.7593e-003 Sb-129 2.2436e+001 8.3012e+01 1 4.9258e-007 1.8225e-002 Sr-89 3.1196e+001 1.1543e+012 6.8491e-007 2.5342e-002 Sr-90 3.711 Oe+000 1.3731e+011 8.1475e-008 3.0146e-003 Sr-91 3.5526e+001 1.3145e+012 7.7998e-007 2.8859e-002 Sr-92 2.9472e+001 1.0905e+012 6.4706e-007 2.3941e-002 Tc-99m 7.2196e+000 2.6713e+01 1 1.5851e-007 5.8648e-003 Te-127 9.6940e+000 3.5868e+01 1 2.1283e-007 7.8748e-003 Te-127m 1.2990e+000 4.8064e+010 2.8520e-008 1.0552e-003 Te-129 2.4580e+001 9.0945e+01 1 5.3965e-007 1.9967e-002 Te-129m 4.1606e+000 1"5394e+011 9.1347e-008 3.3798e-003 Te-131m 1.2233e+001 4.5262e+01 1 2.6858e-007 9.9373e-003 Te-132 1.2152e+002 4.4963e+012 2.6680e-006 9.8716e-002 Xe-1 33 1.9660e+005 7.2743e+015 4.3164e-003 1.5971e+002 Xe-135 7.7966e+004 2.8848e+015 1.7118e-003 6.3335e+001 Y-90 5.9308e-002 2.1944e+009 1.3021e-009 4.8178e-005 Y-91 4.0939e-001 1.5147e+010 8.9882e-009 3.3256e-004 Y-92 3.4221 e+000 1.2662e+01 1 7.5133e-008 2.7799e-003 Y-93 4.5679e-001 1.6901e+010 1.0029e-008 3.7107e-004 Zr-95 5.6905e-001 2.1055e+010 1.2494e-008 4.6226e-004 Zr-97 5.4238e-001 2.0068e+010 1.1 908e-008 4.4060e-004 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page :3 DOS File: 1CL02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:06:21 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Enercqy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 3.304e+07 0.000e+00 1.365e-30 0.000e+00 1.171 e-31 0.02 3.260e+10 4.517e-224 2.119e-27 1.565e-225 7.340e-29 0.03 3.681e+15 1.499e-70 5.291e-22 1.486e-72 5.243e-24.

0.04 1.243e+1 1 9.349e-39 4.738e-26 4.135e-41. 2.096e-28 0.05 5.912e+1 1 4.607e-25 5.348e-24 1.227e-27 1.425e-26 0.06 1.989e+ 11 1.11 6e- 19 3.120e-18 2.217e-22 6.196e-21 0.08 2.671e+15 1.295e-10 7.360e-09 2.049e-13 1.165e-1 1 0.1 4.189e+12 2.292e-1 1 2.437e-09 3.506e-14 3.728e-12 0.15 6.313e+14 5.524e-07 1.01 8e-04 9.096e-1 0 1.677e-07 0.2 3.069e+15 3.607e-05 7.104e-03 6.367e-08 1.254e-05 0.3 1.206e+14 3.521e-05 5.043e-03 6.678e-08 9.565e-06 0.4 5.321e+14 1.310e-03 1.273e-01 2.553e-06 2.480e-04 0.5 1.476e+14 1.787e-03 1.233e-01 3.507e-06 2.420e-04 0.6 2.300e+14 9.809e-03 5.051e-01 1.915e-05 9.859e-04 0.8 4.946e+14 1.431e-01 4.637e+00 2.721 e-04 8.821 e-03 1.0 2.337e+14 2.801e-01 6.409e+00 5.164e-04 1.181e-02 1.5 4.170e+14 5.575e+00 7.105e+01 9.379e-03 1.195e-01 2.0 1.114e+15 6.859e+01 6.145e+02 1.061e-01 9.502e-01 3.0 1.268e+14 5.067e+01 2.948e+02 6.875e-02 4.000e-01 4.0 2.739e+08 3.390e-04 1.514e-03 4.194e-07 1.872e-06 TOTALS: 1.347e+16 1.253e+02 9.921 e+02 1.850e-01 1.492e+00

Page :4 DOS File: 1CL02RI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:06:21 PM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 1CL08R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 3:07:02 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Outside Cloud Shine 8h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Radius 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 24734.52 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 811 ft 6.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 1.61 e+09 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 9.5 ft Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove 3

Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm Bq/cm3 Am-241 2.9544e-005 1.0931e+006 6.4865e-013 2.4000e-008 Ba-1 39 3.6288e+000 1.3427e+011 7.9671 e-008 2.9478e-003 Ba-140 2.0045e+001 7.4166e+01 1 4.4009e-007 1.6283e-002 Ce-141 4.7902e-001 1.7724e+010 1.0517e-008 3.8913e-004 Ce-143 4.0540e-001 1.5000e+010 8.9006e-009 3.2932e-004 Ce-144 3.9286e-001 1.4536e+010 8.6253e-009 3.1914e-004 Cm-242 7.4260e-003 2.7476e+008 1.6304e-010 6.0324e-006 Cm-244 4.7677e-004 1.7640e+007 1.0468e-01 1 3.8730e-007 Co-58 8.1963e-003 3.0326e+008 1.7995e-010 6.6582e-006 Co-60 9.8249e-003 3.6352e+008 2.1571e-010 7.9811 e-006 Cs-1 34 3.5659e+001 1.3194e+012 7.8290e-007 2.8967e-002 Cs-1 36 1.1310e+001 4.1848e+01 1 2.4832e-007 9.18786-003 Cs-1 37 2.1399e+001 7.9177e+01 1 4.6982e-007 1.7383e-002 1-131 1.0897e+003 4.0321e+013 2.3925e-005 8.8524e-001 1-132 7.3215e+002 2.7090e+013 1.6074e-005 5.9475e-001 1-133 1.9104e+003 7.0684e+0 13 4.1943e-005 1.5519e+000 1-134 1.1447e+002 4.2353e+012 2.5132e-006 9.2987e-002

Page :2 DOS File: 1CL08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008\

Run Time: 3:07:02 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 1-135, .1.2794e+003 4.7338e+013 2.8089e-005 1.0393e+000 Kr-85 1.5403e+003 5.6991e+013 3.3817e-005 1.2512e+000 Kr-85m 1.3486e+004 4.9898e+014 2.9608e-004 1.0955e+001 Kr-87 5.1416e+003 1.9024e+014 1.1288e-004 4.1767e+000 Kr-88 2.421 Oe+004 8.9576e+014 5.3153e-004 1.9667e+001 La-140 1.1 524e+000 4.2640e+010 2.5302e-008 9.3616e-004 La-141 9.7383e-002 3.6032e+009 2.1381e-009 7.9108e-005 La-142 3.7560e-002 1.3897e+009 8.2463e-010 3.0511 e-005 Mo-99 2.6343e+000 9.7468e+010 5.7836e-008 2.1399e-003 Nb-95 1.9242e-001 7.1195e+009 4.2245e-009, 1.5631e-004 Nd-147 1.9123e-001 7.0755e+009 4.1985e-009 1.5534e-004 Np-239 5.9872e+000 2.2152e+01 1 1.3145e-007 4.8636e-003 Pr-143 1.7414e-001 6.4431 e+009 3.8232e-009 1.4146e-004 Pu-238 1.3745e-003 5.0857e+007 3.0178e-01 1 1.1 166e-006 Pu-239 1.3861e-004 5.1286e+006 3.0432e-012 1 .1260e-007 Pu-240 1.9007e-004 7.0327e+006 4.1731e-012 1.5440e-007 Pu-241 5.7342e-002 2.1217e+009 1.2590e-009 4.6581 e-005 Rb-86 3.6699e-001 1.3579e+010 8.0573e-009 2.9812e-004 Rh-1 05 1.4619e+000 5.4089e+010 3.2095e-008 1.1875e-003 Ru-103 2.3018e+000 8.5166e+010 5.0536e-008 1.8698e-003 Ru-105 8.9029e-001 3.2941e+010 1.9546e-008 7.2321 e-004 Ru-106 9.3394e-001 3.4556e+010 2.0505e-008 7.5867e-004 Sb-127 3.1456e+000 1.1639e+011 6.9063e-008 2.5553e-003 Sb-129 5.1653e+000 1.9112e+01 1 1.1 340e-007 4.1960e-003 Sr-89 1.0457e+001 3.8690e+01 1 2.2958e-007 8.4943e-003 Sr-90 1.2456e+000 4.6087e+010 2.7347e-008 1.01 18e-003 Sr-91 9.9661 e+000 3.6875e+01 1 2.1881 e-007 8.0958e-003 Sr-92 5.5762e+000 2.0632e+01 1 1.2243e-007 4.5298e-003 Tc-99m 2.4035e+000 8.8929e+010 5.2769e-008 1.9524e-003 Te-127 3.2160e+000 1.1899e+011 7.0608e-008 2.6125e-003 Te-127m 4.3613e-001 1.6137e+010 9.5752e-009 3.5428e-004 Te-129 6.2154e+000 2.2997e+01 1 1.3646e-007 5.0490e-003 Te-129m 1.3963e+000 5.1664e+010 3.0656e-008 1.1343e-003 Te-1 31 m 3.8732e+000 1,4331e+011 8.5036e-008 3.1463e-003 Te-132 3.9881e+001 1.4756e+012 8.7558e-007 3.2397e-002 Xe-133 2.1923e+005 8.1114e+015 4.8132e-003 1.7809e+002 Xe-1 35 8.4606e+004 3.1304e+015 1.8575e-003 6.8729e+001 Y-90 5.0150e-002 1.8556e+009 1.10 11e-009 4.0739e-005 Y-91 1.4221e-001 5.2619e+009 3.1223e-009 1.1 552e-004 Y-92 2.7693e+000 1.0246e+011 6.0800e-008 2.2496e-003 Y-93 1.2946e-001 4.7901 e+009 2.8424e-009 1.0517e-004 Zr-95 1.9080e-001 7.0594e+009 4.1889e-009 1.5499e-004 Zr-97 1.6429e-001 6.0789e+009 3.6071 e-009 1.3346e-004 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page :3 DOS File: 1CL08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:07:02 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activit Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.027e+07 0.000e+00 4.243e-31 0.000e+00 3.639e-32 0.02 1.072e+10 1.485e-224 6.965e-28 5.144e-226 2.413e-29 0.03 4.072e+15 1.659e-70 5.853e-22 1.644e-72 5.801e-24 0.04 3.722e+10 2.799e-39 1.418e-26 1.238e-41 6.273e-29 0.05 1.940e+1 1 1.512e-25 1.755e-24 4.028e-28 4.676e-27 0.06 5.81 1e+10 3.261e-20 9.116e-19 6.478e-23 1.811 e-21 0.08 2.978e+1 5 1.444e-10 8.205e-09 2.285e-1 3 1.298e-11 0.1 1.999e+12 1.094e-1 1 1.163e-09 1.673e-14 1.779e-12 0.15 4.145e+14 3.626e-07 6.684e-05 5.971e-10 1.10le-07 0.2 3.058e+15 3.595e-05 7.079e-03 6.344e-08 1.249e-05 0.3 7.792e+13 2.275e-05 3.258e-03 4.315e-08 6.181e-06 0.4 1.761e+14 4.336e-04 4.214e-02 8.449e-07 8.210e-05 0.5 8.056e+13 9.755e-04 6.731e-02 1.915e-06 1.321e-04 0.6 1.450e+14 6.183e-03 3.184e-01 1.207e-05 6.214e-04 0.8 1.904e+14 5.507e-02 1.785e+00 1.047e-04 3.395e-03 1.0 1.046e+14 1.254e-01 2.869e+00 2.312e-04 5.289e-03 1.5 1.971e+14 2.634e+00 3.358e+01 4.432e-03 5.649e-02 2.0 5.572e+14 3.431e+01 3.074e+02 5.306e-02 4.753e-01 3.0 3.352e+13 1.340e+01 7.795e+01 1.818e-02 1.058e-01 4.0 3.648e+07 4.516e-05 2.016e-04 5.587e-08 2.494e-07 TOTALS: 1.209e+16 5.053e+01 4.240e+02 7.602e-02 6.471e-01

-"M ý41- W"t *liý ylý ,

Page :4 DOS File: 1CL08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:07:02 PM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 1CL24R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 3:13:40 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Outside Cloud Shine 24h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Radius 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 24734.52 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 811 ft 6.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 1.61e+09 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 9.5 ft Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels i.Cilcm3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 6.5367e-006 2.4186e+005 1.4351e-013 5.31 OOe-009 Ba-1 39 1.0934e-002 4.0456e+008 2.4006e-010 8.8821 e-006 Ba-140 4.3007e+000 1.5913e+011 9.4423e-008 3.4937e-003 Ce-141 1.0453e-001 3.8675e+009 2.2949e-009 8.4912e-005 Ce-143 7.0065e-002 2.5924e+009 1.5383e-009 5.6917e-005 Ce-144 8.6455e-002 3.1988e+009 1.8981e-009 7.0231 e-005 Cm-242 1.6326e-003 6.0405e+007 3.5843e-01 1 1.3262e-006 Cm-244 1.0505e-004 3.8867e+006 2.3063e-012 8.5333e-008 Co-58 1.7971e-003 6.6494e+007 3.9456e-01 1 1.4599e-006 Co-60 2.1644e-003 8.0083e+007 4.7520e-01 1 1.7582e-006 Cs-1 34 8.2494e+000 3.0523e+01 1 1.8112e-007 6.7013e-003 Cs-1 36 2.5509e+000 9.4385e+010 5.6006e-008 2.0722e-003 Cs-1 37 4.9524e+000 1.8324e+011 1.0873e-007 4.0230e-003 1-131 4.9685e+002 1.8384e+013 1.0908e-005 4.0361e-001 1-132 1.1215e+002 4.1494e+012 2.4622e-006 9.1101 e-002 1-133 6.3032e+002 2.3322e+013 1.3839e-005 5.1203e-001 1-134 1.5961e-001 5.9054e+009 3.5042e-009 1.2965e-004


Page :2 DOS File: 1CL24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:13:40 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 1-135 2.0701 e+002 7.6594e+012 4.5449e-006 1.6816e-001 Kr-85 9.7391e+002 3.6035e+01.3 2.1382e-005 7.9114e-001 Kr-85m 1.8239e+003 6.7485e+013 4.0044e-005 1.4816e+000 Kr-87 4.4048e+001 1.6298e+012 9.6707e-007 3.5782e-002 Kr-88 1.5823e+003 5.8545e+013 3.4740e-005 1.2854e+000 La-140 9.9857e-001 3.6947e+010 2.1924e-008 8.1117e-004 La-141 3.5333e-003 1.3073e+008 7.7575e-01 1 2.8703e-006 La-142 1.6364e-004 6.0548e+006 3.5928e-012 1.3293e-007 Mo-99 5.1353e-001 1.9001e+010 1.1275e-008 4.1716e-004 Nb-95 4.2387e-002 1.5683e+009 9.3062e-010 3.4433e-005 Nd-147 4.0854e-002 1.5116e+009 8.9695e-010 3.3187e-005 Np-239 1.1437e+000 4.2315e+010 2.5109e-008 9.2904e-004 Pr-143 3.9349e-002 1.4559e+009 8.6392e-010 3.1965e-005 Pu-238 3.0288e-004 1.1207e+007 6.6499e-012 2.4604e-007 Pu-239 3.0586e-005 1.1317e+006 6.715le-013 2.4846e-008 Pu-240 4.1877e-005 1.5495e+006 9.1942e-013 3.4019e-008 Pu-241 1.2633e-002 4.6744e+008 2.7737e-010 1.0263e-005 Rb-86 8.3421 e-002 3.0866e+009 1.8315e-009 6.7766e-005 Rh-1 05 2.7361e-001 1.0123e+010 6.0070e-009 2.2226e-004 Ru-103 5.0281e-001 1.8604e+010 1.1 039e-008 4.0846e-004 Ru-105 3.8782e-002 1.4350e+009 8.5147e-010 3.1504e-005 Ru-106 2.0558e-001 7.6065e+009 4.5135e-009 1.6700e-004 Sb-127 6.3490e-001 2.3491e+010 1.3939e-008 5.1576e-004 Sb-129 2.1622e-001 8.0002e+009 4.7471 e-009 1.7564e-004 Sr-89 2.2884e+000 8.4672e+010 5.0242e-008 1.8590e-003 Sr-90 2.7445e-001 1.0155e+010 6.0256e-009 2.2295e-004 Sr-91 9.7782e-001 3.6179e+010 2.1468e-008 7.9432e-004 Sr-92 1.0332e-001 3.8229e+009 2.2684e-009 8.3932e-005 Tc-99m 4.8926e-001 1.8103e+010 1.0742e-008 3.9744e-004 Te-127 6.6655e-001 2.4662e+010 1.4634e-008 5.4146e-004 Te-127m 9.6171e-002 3.5583e+009 2.1114e-009 7.8123e-005 Te-129 4.3589e-001 1.6128e+010 9.5700e-009 3.5409e-004 Te-129m 3.0564e-001 1.1309e+010 6.7103e-009 2.4828e-004 Te-131m 6.5365e-001 2.4185e+010 1.4351e-008 5.3099e-004 Te-1 32 7.9234e+000 2.9317e+01 1 1.7396e-007 6.4365e-003 Xe-133 1.3248e+005 4.9018e+015 2.9086e-003 1.0762e+002 Xe-135 3.1497e+004 1.1654e+015 6.9153e-004 2.5587e+001 Y-90 4.2440e-002 1.5703e+009 9.3177e-0 10 3.4475e-005 Y-91 3.4633e-002 1.2814e+009 7.6036e-010 2.8133e-005 Y-92 3.0784e-001 1.1390e+010 6.7586e-009 2.5007e-004 Y-93 1.3293e-002 4.9185e+008 2.9185e-010 1.0799e-005 Zr-95 4.1815e-002 1.5472e+009 9.1805e-010 3.3968e-005 Zr-97 2.2704e-002 8.4006e+008 4.9848e-010 1.8444e-005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page :3 DOS File: 1CL24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:13:40 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.740e+06 0.000e+00 7.186e-32 0.000e+00 6.164e-33 0.02 2.133e+09 2.955e-225 1.386e-28 1.024e-226 4.801 e-30 0.03 2.413e+15 9.830e-71 3.468e-22 9.742e-73 3.437e-24 0.04 7.688e+09 5.781 e-40 2.930e-27 2.557e-42 1.296e-29 0.05 3.855e+10 3.004e-26 3.488e-25 8.003e-29 9.291 e-28 0.06 1.289e+1 0 7.234e-21 2.022e-19 1.437e-23 4.016e-22 0.08 1.799e+15 8.724e-1 1 4.958e-09 1.380e-13 7.846e-12 0.1 1.601e+1 1 8.759e-1 3 9.314e-1 1 1.340e-15 1.425e-1 3 0.15 5.624e+13 4.920e-08 9.070e-06 8.102e-1 1 1.494e-08 0.2 1.067e+15 1.254e-05 2.470e-03 2.214e-08 4.360e-06 0.3 1.139e+13 3.326e-06 4.764e-04 6.31 Oe-09 9.038e-07 0.4 2.487e+1 3 6.123e-05 5.950e-03 1.193e-07 1.159e-05 0.5 2.299e+13 2.784e-04 1.921e-02 5.464e-07 3.771 e-05 0.6 4.376e+1 3 1.866e-03 9.608e-02 3.642e-06 1.875e-04 0.8 1.573e+ 13 4.552e-03 1.475e-01 8.658e-06 2.806e-04 1.0 9.715e+12 1.165e-02 2.665e-0 1 2.147e-05 4.912e-04 1.5 1.571e+13 2.1 Oe-01 2.676e+00 3.533e-04 4.503e-03 2.0 3.663e+13 2.255e+00 2.021e+01 3.488e-03 3.125e-02 3.0 6.809e+1 1 2.722e-01 1.584e+00 3.693e-04 2.149e-03 4.0 1.589e+05 1.968e-07 8.784e-07 2.434e-10 1.087e-09 TOTALS: 5.517e+15 2.756e+00 2.500e+01 4.245e-03 3.891e-02

Page :4 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 DOS File::CL24R1.MS5 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:13:40 PM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 1CL96R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 3:15:47 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Outside Cloud Shine 96h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Radius 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 24734.52 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 811 ft 6.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 1.61e+09 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 9.5ft Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 9.2557e-007 3.4246e+004 2.0321e-014 7.5187e-010 Ba-1 39 Ba-140 5.4473e-001 2.0155e+010 1.1960e-008 4.4251 e-004 Ce-141 1.4040e-002 5.1947e+008 3.0824e-010 1.1405e-005 Ce-143 4.3246e-003 1.6001e+008 9.4946e-01 1 3.5130e-006 Ce-144 1.2007e-002 4.4426e+008 2.6362e-01 0 9.7539e-006 Cm-242 2.2600e-004 8.3620e+006 4.9619e-012 1.8359e-007 Cm-244 1.4647e-005 5.4195e+005 3.2158e-013 1 .1899e-008 Co-58 2.4630e-004 9.1131e+006 5.4075e-012 2.0008e-007 Co-60 3.0168e-004 1.1162e+007 6.6235e-012 2.4507e-007 Cs-1 34 1.1499e+000 4'2546e+010 2.5246e-008 9.3411 e-004 Cs-1 36 3.2430e-001 1.1999e+010 7.1199e-009 2.6344e-004 Cs-137 6.9145e-001 2.5584e+010 1.5181e-008 5.6169e-004 1-131 2.4686e+002 9.1337e+012 5.4198e-006 2.0053e-001 1-132 3.5196e+001 1.3023e+012 7.7273e-007 2.8591 e-002 1-133 1.0385e+002 3.8423e+012 2.2799e-006 8.4358e-002 1-134

Page :2 DOS File: 1CL96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:15:47 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-135 5.9552e+000 2,2034e+01 1 1.3075e-007 4.8376e-003 Kr-85 4.5736e+002 1.6922e+013 1.0041e-005 3.7153e-001 Kr-85m 1.5056e+001 5.5707e+01 1 3.3056e-007 1.2231e-002 Kr-87 2.6886e-003 9.9477e+007 5.9028e-01 1 2.1840e-006 Kr-88 2.8768e+000 1.0644e+011 6.3160e-008 2.3369e-003 La-140 3.4844e-001 1.2892e+010 7.6499e-009 2.8305e-004 La-141 6.9903e-006 2.5864e+005 1.5347e-013 5.6785e-009 La-142 Mo-99 4.6641 e-002 1.7257e+009 1.0240e-009 3.7889e-005 Nb-95 5.9049e-003 2.1848e+008 1.2964e-010 4.7968e-006 Nd-147 5.0965e-003 1.8857e+008 1.1189e-010 4.1400e-006 Np-239 9.7084e-002 3.5921 e+009 2.1315e-009 7.8865e-005 Pr-143 5.5325e-003 2.0470e+008 1.2147e-010 4.4943e-006 Pu-238 4.2248e-005 1.5632e+006 9.2756e-013 3.4320e-008 Pu-239 4.2829e-006 1.5847e+005 9.4031e-014 3.4792e-009 Pu-240 5.8409e-006 2.1611 e+005 1.2824e-013 4.7448e-009 Pu-241 1.7616e-003 6.5177e+007 3.8675e-01 1 1.431 Oe-006 Rb-86 1.0902e-002 4.0338e+008 2.3936e-010 8.8562e-006 Rh-105 1.8086e-002 6.6918e+008 3.9708e-0 10 1.4692e-005 Ru-103 6.7956e-002 2.5144e+009 1.4920e-009 5.5203e-005 Ru-105 1 .1023e-004 4.0786e+006 2.4201e-012 8.9545e-008 Ru-1 06 2.8579e-002 1.0574e+009 6.2747e-010 2.3216e-005 Sb-127 6.4883e-002 2,4007e+009 1.4245e-009 5.2707e-005 Sb-129 5.7535e-004 2.1288e+007 1.2632e-0 1I 4.6738e-007 Sr-89 3.1144e-001 1.1523e+010 6.8378e-009 2.5300e-004 Sr-90 3.8274e-002 1.4162e+009 8.4032e-01 0 3.1092e-005 Sr-91 1.4223e-002 5.2623e+008 3.1226e-010 1 .1554e-005 Sr-92 5.3771 e-005 1.9895e+006 1.1806e-012 4.3681e-008 Tc-99m 4.5536e-002 1.6848e+009 9.9975e-010 3.6991 e-005 Te-127 7.2637e-002 2.6876e+009 1.5948e-009 5.9006e-005 Te-127m 1.3408e-002 4.9609e+008 2.9437e-010 1.0892e-005 Te-129 2.8875e-002 1.0684e+009 6.3396e-010 2.3456e-005 Te-129m 4.1124e-002 1.5216e+009 9.0289e-010 3.3407e-005 Te-131m 3.7527e-002 1.3885e+009 8.2391e-010 3.0485e-005 Te-132 7.6705e-001 2.8381e+010 1.6841e-008 6.231 Oe-004 Xe-133 5.0149e+004 1.8555e+015 1.1010e-003 4.0738e+001 Xe-135 1.7624e+003 6.5207e+013 3.8693e-005 1.4316e+000 Y-90 1.7483e-002 6.4688e+008 3.8385e-010 1.4202e-005 Y-91 5.0704e-003 1.8760e+008 1.1132e-010 4.1189e-006 Y-92 7.5549e-004 2.7953e+007 1.6587e-01 1 6.1371e-007 Y-93 2.1374e-004 7.9084e+006 4.6927e-012 1.7363e-007 Zr-95 5.7202e-003 2.1165e+008 1.2559e-01 0 4.6467e-006 Zr-97 7.4393e-004 2.7525e+007 1.6333e-01 1 6.0432e-007 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page :3 DOS File: 1CL96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:15:47 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm2 /sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.861e+05 0.000e+00 7.687e-33 0.000e+00 6.593e-34 0.02 2.023e+08 2.803e-226 1.315e-29 9.711 e-228 4.555e-31 0.03 8.938e+14 3.641e-71 1.285e-22 3.609e-73 1.273e-24 0.04 9.035e+08 6.794e-41 3.444e-28 3.005e-43 1.523e-30 0.05 3.734e+09 2.91 Oe-27 3.378e-26 7.752e-30 8.999e-29 0.06 1.591e+09 8.928e-22 2.495e-20 1.773e-24 4.956e-23 0.08 6.812e+14 3.302e-1 1 1.877e-09 5.226e-14 2.970e-12 0.1 4.134e+09 2.261e-14 2.405e-12 3.460e-17 3.679e-15 0.15 6.206e+11 5.429e-10 1.00le-07 8.941 e-1 3 1.648e-10 0.2 6.003e+13 7.057e-07 1.390e-04 1.245e-09 2.453e-07 0.3 7.498e+11 2.189e-07 3.135e-05 4.153e-10 5.948e-08 0.4 7.859e+12 1.935e-05 1.880e-03 3.770e-08 3.664e-06 0.5 3.857e+12 4.671e-05 3.223e-03 9.168e-08 6.326e-06 0.6 4.472e+12 1.907e-04 9.818e-03 3.722e-07 1.916e-05 0.8 1.791e+12 5.180e-04 1.679e-02 9.853e-07 3.194e-05 1.0 5.885e+11 7.056e-04 1.614e-02 1.301e-06 2.975e-05 1.5 4.477e+11 5.984e-03 7.627e-02 1.007e-05 1.283e-04 2.0 1.319e+11 8.124e-03 7.278e-02 1.256e-05 1.125e-04 3.0 1.294e+09 5.174e-04 3.01 Oe-03 7.020e-07 4.084e-06 TOTALS: 1.656e+15 1.611 e-02 2.001e-01 2.612e-05 3.361e-04

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Page :4 DOS File: 1CL96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:15:47 PM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 1CL720R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 3:16:22 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Outside Cloud Shine 720h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Radius 2.4e+4 cm 800 ft Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 24734.52 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 811 ft 6.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 1.61e+09 ft3 Air 0.00122 Shield 1 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 9.5ft Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library
  • Grove Nuclide curies becquerels lCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 2.9998e-007 1.1099e+004 6.5861e-015 2.4369e-010 Ba-139 Ba-140 9.8781 e-002 3.6549e+009 2.1687e-009 8.0244e-005 Ce-141 3.4000e-003 1.2580e+008 7.4647e-01 1 2.7619e-006 Ce-143 8.4905e-005 3.1415e+006 1.8641e-012 6.8971 e-008 Ce-144 3.4958e-003 1.2934e+008 7.6751e-01 1 2.8398e-006 Cm-242 6.4604e-005 2.3903e+006 1.4184e-012 5.2480e-008 Cm-244 4.3682e-006 1.6162e+005 9.5903e-014 3.5484e-009 Co-58 6.6641e-005 2.4657e+006 1.4631e-012 5.4135e-008 Co-60 8.9728e-005 3.3199e+006 1.9700e-012 7.2889e-008 Cs-134 3.4010e-001 1.2584e+010 7.4669e-009 2.7628e-004 Cs-136 5.9540e-002 2.2030e+009 1.3072e-009 4.8366e-005 Cs-1 37 2.0629e-001 7.6327e+009 4.5291 e-009 1.6758e-004 1-131 7.2268e+001 2.6739e+012 1.5866e-006 5.8706e-002 1-132 3.6126e+000 1.3367e+011 7.9316e-008 2.9347e-003 1-133 9.9706e-001 3.6891e+010 2,1891e-008 8.0995e-004 1-134

Page. :2 DOS File: 1CL720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:16:22 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels ICCi/cm 3 Bg/cm 3 1-135 Kr-85 Kr-85m 2.5345e-004 6.3236e+002 9.3776e+006 2.3397e+013 5.5645e-012 1.3883e-005 2.0588e-007 5.1369e-001 I Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 1.0622e-001 3.9301 e+009 2.3321e-009 8.6286e-005 I

La-142 Mo-99 2.5517e-003 9.4413e+007 5.6023e-01 1 2.0728e-006 Nb-95 1.7273e-003 6.3912e+007 3.7924e-01 1 1.4032e-006 Nd-147 8.6182e-004 3.1887e+007 1.8921e-01 1 7.0009e-007 Np-239 4.3745e-003 1.61,86e+008 9.6043e-01 1 3.5536e-006 Pr-143 1.1 122e-003 4.1150e+007 2.4417e-01 1 9.0344e-007 Pu-238 1.2624e-005 4.6709e+005 2.7716e-0 13 1.0255e-008 Pu-239 1.2852e-006 4.7552e+004 2.8216e-014 1.0440e-009 Pu-240 1.7436e-006 6.4513e+004 3.8281e-014 1.4164e-009 Pu-241 5.2519e-004 1.9432e+007 1.1531e-01 1 4.2663e-007 Rb-86 2.2881e-003 8.4661 e+007 5.0236e-01 1 1.8587e-006 Rh-1 05 4.0222e-004 1.4882e+007 8.8308e-012 3.2674e-007 Ru-103 1.7040e-002 6.3049e+008 3.7412e-010 1.3842e-005 Ru-1 05 Ru-106 8.3686e-003 3.0964e+008 1.8373e-010 6.7981 e-006 Sb-127 5.1196e-003 1.8943e+008 1.1240e-010 4.1589e-006 I Sb-129 Sr-89 8.1088e-002 3.0003e+009 1.7803e-009 6.5871 e-005 Sr-90 1.1418e-002 4.2247e+008 2.5068e-010 9.2753e-006 Sr-91 5.0689e-006 1.8755e+005 1.1129e-013 4.1177e-009 Sr-92 Tc-99m 2.4970e-003 9.2388e+007 5.4821e-0 11 2.0284e-006 Te-127 8.5006e-003 3.1452e+008 1.8663e-010 6.9054e-006 Te-127m 3.8397e-003 1.4207e+008 8.4302e-01 1 3.1192e-006 Te-129 6.8912e-003 2.5498e+008 1.5130e-010 5.5980e-006 Te-129m 1.0025e-002 3.7092e+008 2.2010e-010 8.1436e-006 Te-131m 6.1588e-004 2.2787e+007 1.3522e-0 11 5.0030e-007 Te-1 32 5.0918e-002 1.8839e+009 1.1 179e-009 4.1362e-005 Xe-133 1.4825e+004 5.4851e+014 3.2548e-004 1.2043e+001 Xe-135 1.0645e+000 3.9386e+010 2.3371e-008 8.6472e-004 Y-90 1.0334e-002 3.8235e+008 2.2688e-01 0 8.3946e-006 Y-91 1.3553e-003 5.0145e+007 2.9755e-01 1 1.1009e-006 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 1.0138e-007 1.5320e-003 2.9907e-006 3.751 Oe+003 5.6684e+007 1.1066e+005

, Buildup 2.2258e-01 5 3.3635e-01 1 6.5661e-014 8.2354e-01 1 1.2445e-006 2.4294e-009 I The material reference is : Shield I

Page :3 DOS File: 1CL720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:16:22 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 5.229e+04 0.000e+00 2.160e-33 0.000e+00 1.853e-34 0.02 1.534e+07 2.125e-227 9.969e-31 7.362e-229 3.453e-32 0.03 2.632e+14 1.072e-71 3.783e-23 1.063e-73 3.750e-25 0.04 1.676e+08 1.260e-41 6.387e-29 5.573e-44 2.825e-31 0.05 2.495e+08 1.945e-28 2.258e-27 5.180e-31 6.014e-30 0.06 2.801e+08 1.572e-22 4.394e-21 3.123e-25 8.728e-24 0.08 2.014e+14 9.762e-12 5.548e-10 1.545e-14 8.780e-1 3 0.1 2.187e+08 1.196e-15 1.272e-13 1.830e-18 1.947e-16 0.15 1 .154e+09 1.009e-12 1.861e-10 1.662e-1 5 3.064e-1 3 0.2 4.351e+ 11 5.115e-09 1.007e-06 9.028e-12 1.778e-09 0.3 1.806e+11 5.274e-08 7.555e-06 1.00le-10 1.433e-08 0.4 2.174e+12 5.353e-06 5.202e-04 1.043e-08 1.014e-06 0.5 1.792e+1 1 2.170e-06 1.498e-04 4.260e-09 2.940e-07 0.6 3.879e+11 1.654e-05 8.516e-04 3.228e-08 1.662e-06 0.8 1.934e+11 5.594e-05 1.813e-03 1.064e-07 3.449e-06 1.0 4.304e+10 5.161e-05 1.181 e-03 9.513e-08 2.176e-06 1.5 2.568e+10 3.432e-04 4.374e-03 5.775e-07 7.360e-06 2.0 4.429e+09 2.727e-04 2.443e-03 4.217e-07 3.778e-06 3.0 1.399e+08 5.595e-05 3.255e-04 7.590e-08 4.416e-07 TOTALS: 4.682e+14 8.035e-04 1. 167e-02 1.324e-06 2.019e-05

Page :4 DOS File: 1CL720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 3:16:22 PM Duration : 00:00:01

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 2 Page 1 2 - Reactor Building Shine - General Notes 1 Table 2-1 input is taken from Attachment I within Attachment 1 of calculation NEDC 07-082 (LOCA calc).

2 Table 2-2 manipulates input data from Table 2-1 to fit the geometry of the specific situation being considered.

No special manipulations are involved.

3 Table 2-1 is sorted by RadTrad sort #. Table 2-2 is sorted by MicroShield iso # by re-sorting Table 2-1.

. NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 2 Page 2

-Y Rad Micro 2 - Reactor Building Shine - RadTrad Output Trad Shield time Table 2-1 RX. BUILDING - Cumul. Curies Released Sort Iso# (hrs) > 0.0006 0.5 1 2 8 24 96 720 1 104 Co-58 845E-05 3.82E-04 6.25E-06 7.65E-09 2.63E-12 1.02E-39 2 106 Co-60 1,01E-04 4.57E-04 7.50E-06 9.24E-09 3.27E-12 162E-39 3 203 Kr-85 1.31E-02 9.61E-02 4,39E-01 4.36E-01 4.26E-01 202E-01 1.27E-01 4 204 Kr-85m 2.26E-01 1.53E+00 6.O0E+00 2.35E+00 1.93E-01 1.33E-06 9.88E-49 5 205 Kr-87 3.54E-01 1.98E+00 5 25E+00 1.98E-01 3.15E-05 1.35E-22 6 206 Kr-88 5.80E-01 3.76E+00 1.35E+01 3.09E+00 6.09E-02 6.74E-10 3.06E-76 7 332 Rb-86 2.19E-03 4.95E-03 1.63E-02 2.66E-04 3.19E-07 1.01E-10 1.93E-38 8 391 Sr-89 1.08E-01 4.87E-01 7.97E-03 9 73E-06 3.30E-09 1.16E-36 9 392 Sr-90 1.26E-02 5.79E-02 9.52E-04 1.1727-06 4.15E-10 2.076-37 10 393 Sr-91 1.28E-01 5.35E-01 5.67E-03 2.17E-06 4.02E-12 3.40E-59 11 394 Sr-92 1.16E-01 4.05E-01 1.43E-03 2.95E-08 1.05E-19 12 480 Y-90 1.70E-04 1.05E-03 7.60E-05 2.65E-07 2.68E-10 2.07E-37 13 482 Y-91 1.41E-03 6.41E-03 1.14E-04 1.53E-07 5.43E-11 2.00E-38 14 484 Y-92 7.60E-03 6.52E-02 2.37E-03 2.83E-07 1.01E-16 4.41E-97 15 485 Y-93 1.64E-03 6.90E-03 7.50E-05 3.08E-08 7.79E-14 9.84E-60 16 496 Zr-95 1.97E-03 8.88E-03 1.45E-04 1.78E-07 6.09E-11 2.30E-38 17 497 Zr-97 1.92E-03 8.30E-03 1.07E-04 6.81E-08 1.26E-12 4.83E-51 18 238 Nb-95 1.98E-03 8.95E-03 1.47E-04 1.81E-07 6.39E-11 2.96E-38 19 224 Mo-99 2.80E-02 1.25E-01 1.93E-03 2.01E-06 3.34E-10 2.38E-40 20 408 Tc-99m _250E-02 1,13E-01 1M60E-03 1,94E-06 3.27E-10 2.33E-40 21 355 Ru-103 238E-02 1.07E-01 1.75E-03 2.13E-06 7.16E-10 2.27E-37 22 356 Ru-105 1+43E-02 5.54E-02 3.56E-04 3.61E-08 1.68E-16 4.15E-86 23 357 Ru-106 962E-03 4.34E-02 7.13E-04 6.77E-07 3.09E-10 1.47E-37 24 347 Rh-105 1.53E-02 6.90E-02 1+072-03 1.01E-06 8.73E-11 2.13E-43 25 365 Sb-127 3.32E-02 1.49E-01 2.33E-03 2.55E-06 5.25E-10 2.44E-39 26 366 Sb-129 8.41E-02 3.24E-01 2.03E-03 1.92E-07 6.52E-16 1.086-86 27 415 Te-127 3.36E-02 1.51E-01 2,41E-03 2.72E-06 6.26E-10 6.46E-38 28 416 Te-127m 4.49E-03 2.03E-02 3.336-04 4.11 E-07 1.45E-10 6.30E-38 29 417 Te-129 8,96E-02 3.64E-01 .2.86E-03 1.08E-06 2.96E-10 8668E-38 30 418 Te-1 29m 1.44E-02 6.50E-02 1.07E-03 1.30E-06 4.312 -10 1.26E-37 31 420 Te-131m 4.28E-02 1.89E-01 2.70E-03 2.30E-06 1.54E-10 4.23E-44 32 421 Te-132 4.22E-01 1.89E+00 2.94E-02 3.14E-05 5.88E-09 1.17E-38 33 175 1-131 1.01E-04 1,22E+00 3.21 E+00 1.14E+01 4.16E+00 3.80E+00 2.74E+00 2.696-01 34 176 1-132 1.46E-04 163E+00 4.12E+00 1.34E+01 1.54E+00 7.15E-01 3.82E-01 1.42E-03 35 177 1-133 2.04E-04 244E+00 6.31E+00 2.18E+01 6.63E+00 3.77E+00 3.19E-01 2.74E-10 36 178 1-134 2.24E-04 1.83E+00 3.24E+00 5.26E+00 1.70E-02 5.27E-08 9.31 E-33 37 179 1-135 1.91E-04 2,20E+00 5.50E+00 1.77E+01 3.50E+00 6.34E-01 3.11E-04 1.10E-32 38 471 Xe-1 33 1.88E+00 1.38E+01 6.30E+01 6.12E+01 5.60E+01 1.89E+01 3.95E-01 39 473 Xe-135 7.09E-01 5.24E+00 2.44E+01 2.00+E01 8.46E+00 2.96E-02 4.93E-23 40 115 Cs-134 2.12E-01 4.79E-01 1.58E+00 2.60E-02 3.20E-05 1.13E-08 5.52E-36 41 118 Cs-136 6.76E-02 1.53E-01 5.04E-01 6. 17E-03 9.72E-06 2.93E-09 3.71E-37 42 119 Cs-137 1.27E-01 2.87E-01 9.506-01 1.56E-02 1.92E-05 6.79E-09 3.40E-36 43 41 8a-139 1.31E-01 3.58E-01 2.886-04 1.14E-10 7.572-30 44 42 Ba-140 2.08E-01 9.37E-01 1.52E-02 1.80E-05 5.42E-09 6.60E-37 45 209 La-140 3.10E-03 212E-02 1.81E-03 6.12E-06 4.75E-09 7.61E-37 46 210 La-141 1.65E-03 6.26E-03 3.576-05 2.62E-09 2.83E-18 2.262-93 47 211 La-142 1.21E-03 3.50E-03 3.87E-06 3.58E-12 1.11E-29 48 81 Ce-141 4,94E-03 2.23E-02 3.65E-04 4.43E-07 1.47E-10 4.23E-38 49 82 Ce-143 4.45E-03 1.97E-02 2.85E-04 2,51E-07 1.96E-11 1.99E-44 50 83 Ce-144 4.05E-03 1.83E-02 3.00=-04 3.69E-07 1.30E-10 6.09E-38 51 302 Pr-1 43 1.78E-03 8.05E-03 1.34E-04 1.70E-07 5.80E-11 7.98E-39 52 243 Nd-147 1.99E-03 8.94E-03 1.45E-04 1.71E-07 5.00E-11 4.85E-39 53 255 Np-239 6.40E-02 2.86E-01 4.36E-03 4.41E-06 6.45E-10 1.54E-40 54 313 Pu-238 1.42E-05 6.39E-05 1,05E-06 1 29E-09 4.58E-13 2.30-40 55 314 Pu-239 1.43E-06 6.44E-06 1.06E-07 1.31E-10 4.65E-14 2.34E-41 56 315 Pu-240 1.96E-06 8.84E-06 1.45E-07 1.79E-10 6.33E-14 3.17E-41 57 316 Pu-241 5.91E-04 2.67E-03 4.38E-05 5.40E-08 1.91E-11 9,52E-39 58 13 Am-241 I 1.37E-06 2.26E-08 2.802-11 102E-14 6162-42 59 93 Cm-242 7.65E-05 3.45E-04 5.67E-06 6.96E-09 2.43E-12 1.09E-39 60 95 Cm-244 4.91E-06 2.22E-05 3.64E-07 4.49E-10 1.592-13 7.93E-41

-~ k.W I;'. X¶C.MN. ~w., ..

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 2 Page 3 2 - Reactor Building Shine - MicroShield Input Table 2-2 Reactor Building Inventory (Curies) t= t= t-- t-- t=

0.5 2 8 24 96 720 Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies ISO Iso # Curies Iso 104 0.000O00E+00 Co-58 104 3.8150OOE-04 Co-58 104 6.250700E-06 Co-58 104 7.649700E-09 Co-58 104 2.627800E-12 Co-58 104 1.020600E-39 Co-58 106 0.000000E+00 Co-60 106 4.569600E-04 Co-60 106 7.504800E-06 Co-60 106 9.242300E-09 Co-60 106 3.266000E-12 Co-60 106 1.620900E-39 Co-60 203 1.310200E-02 Kr-85 203 4.393900E-01 Kr-85 203 4.360400E-01 Kr-85 203 4.258200E-01 Kr-85 203 2.017700E-01 Kr-85 203 1.266600E-01 Kr-85 204 2.256200E-01 Kr-85m 204 5.999400E+00 Kr-85m 204 2.352900E+00 Kr-85m 204 1.933000E-01 Kr-85m 204 1.330800E-06 Kr-85m 204 9.878800E-49 Kr-85m 205 3.543400E-01 Kr-87 205 5.246300E+00 Kr-87 205 1.977800E-01 Kr-87 205 3.150600E-05 Kr-87 205 1.350100E-22 Kr-87 205 0.000000E+00 Kr-87 206 5.798209E-O1 Kr-88 206 1.348400E+01 Kr-88 206 3.093800E+00 Kr-88 206 6.085300E-02 Kr-88 206 6.736000E-10 Kr-88 206 3.064500E-76 Kr-88 332 2.193400E-03 Rb-86 332 1.634100E-02 Rb-86 332 2.658500E-04 Rb-86 332 3.194700E-07 Rb-86 332 1.011000E-10 Rb-86 332 1.927900E-38 Rb-86 391 0.000000E+00 Sr-89 391 4.868800E-01 Sr-89 391 7.969500E-03 Sr-89 391 9.727600E-06 Sr-89 391 3.302400E-09 Sr-89 391 1.157800E-36 Sr-89 392 0.000000E+00 Sr-90 392 5.793200E-02 Sr-90 392 9.515200E-04 Sr-90 392 1.172100E-06 Sr-90 392 4.145400E-10 Sr-90 392 2.073100E-37 Sr-90 393 0.000000E+00 Sr-91 393 5.352000&-01 Sr-91 393 5.674000E-03 Sr-91 393 2.174900E-06 Sr-91 393 4.024000E-12 Sr-91 393 3.400400E-59 Sr-91 394 0.000000E+00 Sr-92 394 4.048400E-01 Sr-92 394 1.433200E-03 Sr-92 394 2.9481 OOE-08 Sr-92 394 1.048100E-19 Sr-92 394 0.OOOOOOE+00 Sr-92 480 0.OOOOOOE+00 Y-90 480 1.047400E-03 Y-90 480 7.599400E-05 Y-90 480 2.652900E-07 Y-90 480 2,677500E-10 Y-90 480 2.074800E-37 Y-90 482 0,000000E+00 Y-91 482 6.411400E-03 Y-91 482 1.138300E-04 Y-91 482 1.527400E-07 Y-91 482 5.425900E-11 Y-91 482 1.997900E-38 Y-91 484 0.000000E+00 Y-92 484 6.522300E-02 Y-92 484 2.366900E-03 Y-92 484 2.834200E-07 Y-92 484 1.013900E-16 Y-92 484 4.409300E-97 Y-92 485 0.000000E+00 Y-93 485 6.896200E-03 Y-93 485 7.503900E-05 Y-93 485 3.082900E-08 Y-93 485 7.793000E-14 Y-93 485 9.844800E-60 Y-93 496 0.000000E+00 Zr-95 496 8.881700E-03 Zr-95 496 1.454900E-04 Zr-95 496 1.779200E-07 Zr-95 496 6.092900E-11 Zr-95 496 2.303000E-38 Zr-95 497 0.000000E+00 Zr-97 497 8.300000E-03 Zr-97 497 1.065900E-04 Zr-97 497 6.811700E-08 Zr-97 497 1.257400E-12 Zr-97 497 4.834000E-51 Zr-97 238 0.000000+E00 Nb-95 238 8.949400E-03 Nb-95 238 1.469800E-04 Nb-95 238 1.810000E-07 Nb-95 238 6.387300E-11 Nb-95 238 2.960000E-38 Nb-95 224 0.000000E+00 Mo-99 224 1.251900E-01 Mo-99 224 1.930700E-03 Mo-99 224 2.010400E-06 Mo-99 224 3.338900E-10 Mo-99 224 2.3839006-40 Mo-99 408 0.000000E+00 Tc-99m 408 1.126100E-01 Tc-99m 408 1.801100E-03 Tc-99m 408 1.942100E-06 Tc-99m 408 3.267200E-10 Tc-99m 408 2.332800E-40 Tc-99m 355 0.000000E+00 Ru-1 03 355 1.072200E-01 Ru-1 03 355 1.753300E-03 Ru-103 355 2.134500E-06 Ru-103 355 7.161600E-10 Ru-103 355 2.267500E-37 Ru-103 356 0.000000E+00 Ru-105 356 5.537100E-02 Ru-105 356 3.564400E-04 Ru-1 05 356 3.611900E-08 Ru-105 356 1.678400E-16 Ru-105 356 4.147200E-86 Ru-1 05 357 0.000000E+00 Ru-106 357 4.344300E-02 Ru-106 357 7.132100E-04 Ru-106 357 8,774400E-07 Ru-106 357 3.086600E-10 Ru-106 357 1.472300E-37 Ru-106 347 0.000000E+00 Rh-105 347 6.900800E-02 Rh-105 347 1.072600E-03 Rh-105 347 1.006500E-06 Rh-1 05 347 8.725700E-11 Rh-105 347 2.129600E-43 Rh-105 365 0.000000E+00 Sb-127 365 1.485806E-01 Sb-127 365 2.333000E-03 Sb-127 365 2.548800E-06 Sb-127 365 5.253800E-10 Sb-127 365 2.439700E-39 Sb-127 366 0.000000E+00 Sb-129 366 3.235600E-01 Sb-129 366 2.029400E-03 Sb-1 29 366 1.918600E-07 Sb-129 366 6.524100E-16 Sb-1 29 366 1.077000E-86 Sb-129 415 0.000000E+00 Te-1 27 415 1.510200E-01 Te-127 415 2.41OOOOE-03 Te-127 415 2.717100E-06 Te-127 415 6.256800E-10 Te-127 415 6.462500E-38 Te-1 27 416 0.000000E+00 Te-1 27m 416 2.028000E-02 Te-127m 416 3.332500E-04 Te-127m 416 4.108300E-07 Te-127m 416 1.449600E-10 Te-127m 416 6.300400E-38 Te-127m 417 0.O00000E+00 Te-129 417 3.641500E-01 Te-129 417 2.860500E-03 Te-129 417 1.077700E-06 Te-1 29.. 417 2.961200E-10 Te-129 417 8,676000E-38 Te-129 418 0.OOOOOOE+00Te-1 29m 418 6.495700E-02 Te-129m 418 1.065300E-03 Te-129m 418 1.297000E-06 Te-1 29m 418 4,313700E-10 Te-129m 418 1.263900E-37 Te-129m 420 0.000000E+00 Te-131m 420 1.888400E-01 Te-131 m 420 2.700200E-03 Te-131m 420 2.298200E-06 Te-131m 420 1.540400E-10 Te-131m 420 4.226600E-44 Te-131m 421 0.00O000E+00 Te-132 421 1.889000E+00 Te-1 32 421 2.941900E-02 Te-132 421 3.144800E-05 Te-132 421 5.876700E-09 Te-132 421 1.166400E-38 Te-132 175 il.222200E+00 1-131 175 1.143000E+01 1-131 175 4.157300E+00 1-131 175 3.801300E+00 1-131 175 2.743800E+00 1-131 175 2.691000E-01 1-131 176 1.632900E+00 1-132 176 1.335100E+01 1-132 176 1.542400E+00 1-132 176 7.151800E-01 1-132 176 3.823400E-01 1-132 176 1.424200E-03 1-132 177 2.439100E+00 1-133 177 2.180600E+01 1-133 177 6.633300E+00 1-133 177 3.766600E+00 1-133 177 3.191400E-01 1-133 177 2.740700E-1 0 1-133 178 1.830900E+00 1-134 178 5.255900E+00 1-134 178 1.699600E-02 1-134 178 5.272900E-08 1-134 178 9.305300E-33 1-134 178 0.000000E+00 1-134 179 2.203900E+00 1-135 179 1.769800E+01 1-135 179 3.504900E+00 1-135 179 6.335600E-01 1-135 179 3.110600E-04 1-135 179 1.095600E-32 1-135 471 1.883900E+00 Xe-1 33 471 6.298500E+01 Xe-133 471 6.119500E+01 Xe-133 471 5.603200E+01 Xe-1 33 471 1.892000E+01 Xe-1 33 471 3.949600E-01 Xe-1 33 473 7.091600E-01 Xe-1 35 473 2.442800E+01 Xe-135 473 1.999700E+01 Xe-1 35 473 8.460400E+00 Xe-1 35 473 2.959500E-02 Xe-135 473 4.930700E-23 Xe-135 115 2.119600E-01 Cs-134 115 1.582700E+00 Cs-1 34 115 2.598400E-02 Cs-134 115 3.198800E-05 Cs-134 115 1.128500E-08 Cs-134 115 5.519500E-36 Cs-1 34 118 6.775500E-02 Cs-1 36 118 5.042800E-01 Cs-136 118 8.172100E-03 Cs-136 118 9.717600E-06 Cs-136 118 2.933100E-09 Cs-1 36 118 3.712400E-37 Cs-136 119 1.271800E-01 Cs-137 119 9.497000E-01 Cs-137 119 1.559500E-02 Cs-137 119 1.920900E-05 Cs-137 119 6.794300E-09 Cs-1 37 119 3.398000E-36 Cs-137 41 0.000000E+00 Ba-1 39 41 3.580300E-01 Ba-139 41 2.877500E-04 Ba-139 41 1.135400E-10 Ba-139 41 7.567400E-30 Ba-1 39 41 0.OOOOOOE+00 Ba-1 39 42 0.OOOOOOE+00Ba-140 42 9.366500E-01 Ba-140 42 1.517700E-02 Ba-140 42 1.802900E-05 Ba-140 42 5.417400E-09 Ba-140 42 6.595300E-37 Ba-1 40 209 0.000000E+00 La-1 40 209 2.122100E-02 La-140 209 1.813800E-03 La-140 209 6.115800E-06 La-140 209 4.745000E-09 La-1 40 209 7.607600E-37 La-140 210 0.000000E+00 La-1 41 210 6.261300E-03 La-141 210 3.569300E-05 La-141 210 2.615500E-09 La-141 210 2.826300E-18 La-141 210 2.258800E-93 La-1 41 211 0.000000E+00 La-1 42 211 3.495200E-03 La-142 211 3.867200E-06 La-142 211 3.578800E-12 La-1 42 211 1.105400E-29 La-142 211 0.000000E+00 La-142 81 0.OOOOOOE+00Ce-141 81 2.231100E-02 Ce-141 81 3.648500E-04 Ce-141 81 4.432900E-07 Ce-141 81 1.471000E-10 Ce-141 81 4.232500E-38 Ce-1 41 82 O.000000E+00 Ce-143 82 1.968200E-02 Ce-143 82 2.849900E-04 Ce-143 82 2.508600E-07 Ce-1 43 82 1.955900E-11 Ce-143 82 1.990400E-44 Ce-143 83 0.000000E+00 Ce-1 44 83 1.827500E-02 Ce-144 83 2.999800E-04 Ce-144 83 3.689300E-07 Ce-144 83 1.295600E-10 Ce-144 83 6.091600E-38 Ce-1 44 302 0.000000E+00 Pr-143 302 8.049200E-03 Pr-143 302 1.343800E-04 Pr-143 302 1.699700E-07 Pr-143 302 5.796500E-11 Pr-143 302 7.979800E-39 Pr-1 43 243 O.OOOOOOE+00Nd-t47 243 8.942400E-03 Nd-1 47 243 1.445800E-04 Nd-147 243 1.707600E-07 Nd-1 47 243 4.998400E-11 Nd-147 243 4.850700E-39 Nd-147 255 0.OOOOOOE+00Np-239 255 2.855700E-01 Np-239 255 4.357700E-03 Np-239 255 4.411500E-06 Np-239 255 6.453900E-10 Np-239 255 1.535100E-40 Np-239 313 0.OOOOOOE+00Pu-238 313 6.392700E-05 Pu-238 313 1.050000E-06 Pu-238 313 1.293500E-09 Pu-238 313 4.577200E-13 Pu-238 313 2.298100E-40 Pu-238 314 0.OOOOOOE+00Pu-239 314 6.444400E-06 Pu-239 314 1.059400E-07 Pu-239 314 1.307500E-10 Pu-239 314 4.650100E-14 Pu-239 314 2.338100E-41 Pu-239 315 0,000000E+00 Pu-240 315 8.839700E-06 Pu-240 315 1.451900E-07 Pu-240 315 1.788500E-10 Pu-240 315 6.327000E-14 Pu-240 315 3.1695006-41 Pu-240 316 0.000000E+00 Pu-241 316 2.666900E-03 Pu-241 316 4.380200E-05 Pu-241 316 5.395100E-08 Pu-241 316 1.907800O-11 Pu-241 316 9.524500E-39 Pu-241 13 0.000000E+00 Am-241 13 1.373000E-06 Am-241 13 2.260000E-08 Am-241 13 2,799700E-11 Am-241 13 1.015500E-14 Am-241 13 6.175800E-42 Am-241 93 0.000000E+00 Cm-242 93 3.454800E-04 Cm-242 93 5.668400E-06. Cm-242 93 6.962600E-09 Cm-242 93 2.431800E-12 Cm-242 93 1.090600E-39 Cm-242 95 0.000000E+00 Cm-244 95 2.217400E-05 Cm-244 95 3.642000E-07 Cm-244 95 4.486000E-10 Cm-244 95 1.586500E-13 Cm-244 95 7.925600E-41 Cm-244

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 2 Page 4 2 - Reactor Building Shine - MAIN Rx Bldg Dim. ft Ref.

N-S 138.5 Dwg CNS-BLDG-435 (Cols. 6 to 12.7)

E-W 138.5 Dwg CNS-BLDG-434 and 435 (Cols. J to Q)

Vert 189.1 Dwg 2066 (Elev. 859'-9" to 1048'-10")

Face Area 26188.0 Face Area = RB E-Wx RB Vertical (i.e., RB area facing CR)

Eqv. A = pi dA2 / 4 = Face Area eqv dia (ft) 182.6 d = sqrt (4A / pi) eqv rad (ft) 91.3

1. Model the RxB as a cylinder having equal volume.
2. Use an end cyl model to put source nearest the dose point; in this configuration the cylinder turned on it's side. It's equivalent diameter is based on equal face area (see above). Cylinder "height" is RB N-S dimension.
3. Conservatively assume that the dose point is on the cylinder axis.
4. The North RxB wall is 1.5 feet thick (about half) and 3.0 feet thick (about half). For conservatism, use 1.5 feet.
5. In order to simplify the model, all the floors between RxB basemat and El 1001 do not credit horizontal shielding from the floors. This counts off-axis elevations, which is very conservative. Same thing for vertical shielding (e.g., walls, including drywell), which very conservatively counts off-axis locations. It also very conservatively counts distant souces that would otherwise be shielded.
6. CB south wall between 903 and 918 is modeled as 2 feet instead of 1.5 feet in order to simplify the model. This is acceptable because the contributions would be from Source that is off-axis and would contribute only a small amount, due to floor and wall shielding.
7. For time intervals before the peak dose rate (see graph), a bounding approach is used, selecting the highest dose rate for the interval. For time intervals after the peak dose rate, a linear average is used, which is conservative since the dose rate drops off exponentially.

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 2 Page 4b I Position Position Thickness Shielding Dim. ft Dim. ft Dim. ft concrete 138.5 140 Dwg 4219 to 4223 1.5 NRB Wall air 140 161.5 CNS-BLDG-440, 442, 456 21.5 Controlled Corridor concrete 161.5 163.5 Dwg 4171 to 4175 2 S CB Wall dose pt. 196.25 CNS-BLDG-442 32.75 To RO Desk (use Col. 15.4)

Dose Results Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time (h) mR/hr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 not compu.

0.5 4.518E-05 0 to 0.5 4.518E-05 0.5 2.26E-05 2 5.873E-04 PEAK 0.5 to 2 5.873E-04 1.5 8.81 E-04 8 9.280E-05 2 to 8 3.401 E-04 6 2.04E-03 24 6.901 E-06 8 to 24 4.985E-05 16 7.98E-04 96 7.675E-07 24 to 96 3.834E-06 72 2.76E-04 720 3.1 OOE-09 96 to 720 3.853E-07 624 2.40E-04 4.26E-03 Total Reactor Building Shine I 4.26E-03 j I

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachement 2 Page 5 1 Reactor Building Shine 7.E-04 6.E-04 5.E wI 4.E-04 0

13.E-04 1 x


2. E-04 -
1. E-04 _-_ - - -

0.E+00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time (h)

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 2RBP5R1.MS5 Date: ,

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 5:12:49 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Reactor Building Shine 0.5h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 4.2e+3 cm 138 ft 6.0 in Radius 2.8e+3 cm 91 ft 3.6 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0 cm 5981.7 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 196 ft 3.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3

Material Density Source 3.63e+06 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove 3 Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm Bq/cm 3 Am-241 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 2.1196e-001 7.8425e+009 2.0638e-006 7.6361 e-002 Cs-136 6.7755e-002 2.5069e+009 6.5971e-007 2.4409e-002 Cs-1 37 1.2718e-001 4.7057e+009 1.2383e-006 4.5818e-002 1-131 1.2222e+000 4.5221e+010 1.1900e-005 4.4031e-001 1-132 1.6329e+000 6.0417e+010 1.5899e-005 5.8827e-001 1-133 2.4391 e+000 9.0247e+010 2.3749e-005 8.7871e-001 I


Page :2 DOS File : 2RBP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:12:49 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 1-134 1.8309e+000 6.7743e+010 1.7827e-005 6.5960e-001 1-135 2.2039e+000 8.1544e+010 2.1459e-005 7.9398e-001 Kr-85 1.3102e-002 4.8477e+008 1.2757e-007 4.7201 e-003 Kr-85m 2.2562e-001 8.3479e+009 2.1968e-006 8.1282e-002 Kr-87 3.5434e-001 1.3111e+010 3.4501 e-006 1.2765e-001 Kr-88 5.7982e-001 2.1453e+010 5.6456e-006 2.0889e-001 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 2.1934e-003 8.1156e+007 2.1357e-008 7.9019e-004 Rh-1 05 Ru-103 Ru-1 05 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te- 129 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132 Xe-133 1.8839e+000 6.9704e+010 1.8343e-005 6.7869e-001 Xe-135 7.0916e-001 2.6239e+010 6.9049e-006 2.5548e-001 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Buildup The material reference is : Shield I

Page 3 DOS File: 2RBP5RI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:12:49 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energv Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.03 3.982e+10 9.885e-127 1.065e-25 9.797e-129 1.056e-27 0.04 9.453e+07 2.633e-66 6.707e-28 1 .165e-68 2.966e-30 0.06 3.124e+08 3.145e-33 5.202e-26 6.246e-36 1.033e-28 0.08 2.692e+10 6.851 e-23 6.849e-21 1.084e-25 1.084e-23 0.1 5.256e+07 3.683e-22 9.371 e-20 5.634e-25 1.434e-22 0.15 1.077e+10 3.080e-16 1.676e-13 5.072e- 19 2.760e-16 0.2 3.342e+ 10 6.097e-14 3.833e-11 1.076e-16 6.764e-14 0.3 1.110e+10 3.187e-12 1.382e-09 6.045e-15 2.622e-12 0.4 5.865e+10 4.656e-10 1.243e-07 9.072e-13 2.423e-10 0.5 1.099e+11 1.022e-08 1.790e-06 2.006e-1 1 3.513e-09 0.6 1.158e+11 7.434e-08 9.081 e-06 1.451e-10 1.772e-08 0.8 2.046e+1 1 2.426e-06 1.683e-04 4.615e-09 3.202e-07 1.0 8.433e+10 8.539e-06 3.861e-04 1.574e-08 7.117e-07 1.5 6.936e+10 2.543e-04 5.662e-03 4.278e-07 9.526e-06 2.0 2.986e+10 1.017e-03 1.488e-02 1.573e-06 2.301e-05 3.0 1.999e+09 9.796e-04 8.545e-03 1.329e-06 1.159e-05 TOTALS: 7.971e+ 11 2.262e-03 2.965e-02 3.351e-06 4.518e-05 "r~~

Page :4 DOS File: 2RBP5RI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:12:49 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Mc, ;-Tý If, V:Irý il,"Xv fr_-_. -4; ::."X fCrV1-

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 2RB02R1.MS5 I-.*-By:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:__ _ _ _

Run Time: 5:19:13 PM Check Duration : 00:00:01

. Case




AST LOCA Reactor Building Shine 2h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 4.2e+3 cm 138 ft 6.0 in Radius 2.8e+3 cm 91 ft 3,6 in Dose Points x Y z

  1. 1 0 cm 5981.7 cm 0cm 0.0 in 196 ft 3.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 3.63e+06 f Air 0.00122 Shield 1 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 1.3730e-006 5.0801 e+004 1.3369e-01 1 4.9464e-007 Ba-1 39 3.5803e-001 1.3247e+010 3.4860e-006 1.2898e-001 Ba-140 9.3665e-001 3.4656e+010 9.1199e-006 3.3744e-00 I Ce-141 2.2311 e-002 8.2551 e+008 2.1724e-007 8.0378e-003 Ce-143 1.9682e-002 7.2823e+008 1.9164e-007 7.0906e-003 Ce-144 1.8275e-002 6.7618e+008 1.7794e-007 6.5837e-003 Cm-242 3.4548e-004 1.2783e+007 3.3639e-009 1.2446e-004 Cm-244 2.2174e-005 8.2044e+005 2.1590e-010 7.9884e-006 Co-58 3.8150e-004 1.4116e+007 3.7146e-009 1.3744e-004 Co-60 4.5696e-004 1.6908e+007 4.4493e-009 1.6462e-004 Cs-1 34 1.5827e+000 5.8560e+010 1.5410e-005 5.7018e-001 Cs-136 5.0428e-001 1.8658e+010 4.91 OOe-006 1.8167e-001 Cs-1 37 9.4970e-001 3.5139e+010 9.2470e-006 3.4214e-001 1-131 1.1430e+001 4.2291e+011 1.1 129e-004 4.1178e+000 1-132 1.3351e+001 4.9399e+01 1 1.3000e-004 4.8098e+000 1-133 2.1806e+001 8.0682e+01 1 2.1232e-004 7.8558e+000

Page :2 DOS File: 2RB02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:19:13 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels lCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 1-134 5.2559e+000 1.9447e+01 1 5.1175e-005 1.8935e+000 1-135 1.7698e+001 6.5483e+01 1 1.7232e-004 6.3759e+000 Kr-85 4.3939e-001 1.6257e+010 4.2782e-006 1.5829e-001 Kr-85m 5.9994e+000 2.2198e+01 1 5.8415e-005 2.1613e+000 Kr-87 5.2463e+000 1.941 1e+01 1 5.1082e-005 1.8900e+000 Kr-88 1.3484e+001 4.9891e+011 1.3129e-004 4.8577e+000 La-140 2.1221e-002 7.8518e+008 2.0662e-007 7.6451e-003 La-141 6.2613e-003 2.3167e+008 6.0965e-008 2.2557e-003 La-142 3.4952e-003 1.2932e+008 3.4032e-008 1.2592e-003 Mo-99 1.2519e-001 4.6320e+009 1.2189e-006 4.5101 e-002 Nb-95 8.9494e-003 3.3113e+008 8.7138e-008 3.2241 e-003 Nd-147 8.9424e-003 3.3087e+008 8.7070e-008 3.2216e-003 Np-239 2.8557e-001 1.0566e+010 2.7805e-006 1.0288e-001 Pr-143 8.0492e-003 2.9782e+008 7.8373e-008 2.8998e-003 Pu-238 6.3927e-005 2.3653e+006 6.2244e-0 10 2.3030e-005 Pu-239 6.4444e-006 2.3844e+005 6.2747e-01 1 2.3217e-006 Pu-240 8.8397e-006 3.2707e+005 8.6070e-01 1 3.1846e-006 Pu-241 2.6669e-003 9.8675e+007 2.5967e-008 9.6078e-004 Rb-86 1'.6341e-002 6.0462e+008 1.5911 e-007 5.8870e-003 Rh-105 6.9008e-002 2.5533e+009 6.7191e-007 2.4861e-002 Ru-1 03 1.0722e-001 3.9671 e+009 1.0440e-006 3.8627e-002 Ru-1 05 5.5371 e-002 2.0487e+009 5.3913e-007 1.9948e-002 Ru-106 4.3443e-002 1.6074e+009 4.2299e-007 1.5651e-002 Sb-127 1.4858e-001 5.4975e+009 1.4467e-006 5.3527e-002 Sb-129 3.2356e-001 1.1972e+010 3.1504e-006 1.1657e-001 Sr-89 4.8688e-001 1.8015e+010 4.7406e-006 1.7540e-001 Sr-90 5.7932e-002 2.1435e+009 5.6407e-007 2.0871 e-002 Sr-91 5.3520e-001 1.9802e+010 5.2111 e-006 1.9281e-001 Sr-92 4.0484e-001 1.4979e+010 3.9418e-006 1.4585e-001 Tc-99m 1.1261e-001 4.1666e+009 1.0965e-006 4.0569e-002 Te-127 1.5102e-001 5.5877e+009 1.4704e-006 5.4406e-002 Te-127m 2.0280e-002 7.5036e+008 1.9746e-007 7.3061 e-003 Te-129 3.6415e-001 1.3474e+010 3.5456e-006 1.3119e-001 Te-129m 6.4957e-002 2.4034e+009 6.3247e-007 2.3401 e-002 Te-131m 1.8884e-001 6.9871 e+009 1.8387e-006 6.8031 e-002 Te-132 1.8890e+000 6.9893e+010 1.8393e-005 6.8053e-001 Xe-133 6.2985e+001 2.3304e+012 6.1327e-004 2.2691e+001 Xe-135 2.4428e+001 9.0384e+011 2.3785e-004 8.8004e+000 Y-90 1.0474e-003 3.8754e+007 1.0198e-008 3.7734e-004 Y-91 6.4114e-003 2.3722e+008 6.2426e-008 2.3098e-003 Y-92 6.5223e-002 2.4133e+009 6.3506e-007 2.3497e-002 Y-93 6.8962e-003 2.5516e+008 6.7147e-008 2.4844e-003 Zr-95 8.8817e-003 3.2862e+008 8.6479e-008 3.1997e-003 Zr-97 8.3000e-003 3.071 Oe+008 8.0815e-008 2.9902e-003 Buildup The material reference is : Shield I T'Trý-7T --y, Ip ý, -41ý !-PKý.fiý ,V-

Page :3 DOS File: 2RB02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:19:13 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 5.078e+05 0.000e+00 3.905e-31 0.000e+00 3.349e-32 0.02 5.069e+08 0.000e+00 6.134e-28 0.000e+00 2.125e-29 0.03 1.265e+12 3.139e-125 3.383e-24 3.11 le-127 3.353e-26 0.04 1.762e+09 4.908e-65 1.250e-26 2.171e-67 5.529e-29 0.05 9.190e+09 7.997e-42 2.132e-25 2.130e-44 5.678e-28 0.06 2,.610e+09 2.627e-32 4.345e-25 5.218e-35 8.631e-28 0.08 8.678e+11 2.208e-21 2.208e-19 3.494e-24 3.494e-22 0.1 1.207e+10 8.455e-20 2.152e-17 1.294e-22 3.292e-20 0.15 2.084e+ 11 5.959e-1 5 3.242e-12 9.813e-1 8 5.339e-1 5 0.2 1.034e+12 1.886e-12 1.185e-09 3.328e-1 5 2.092e-12 0.3 1.205e+11 3.460e-1 1 1.501e-08 6.563e-14 2.847e-1 1 0.4 5.378e+11 4.270e-09 1.140e-06 8.319e-12 2.222e-09 0.5 9.330e+11 8.675e-08 1.519e-05 1.703e-10 2.982e-08 0.6 8.555e+11 5.491 e-07 6.708e-05 1.072e-09 1.309e-07 0.8 1.115e+12 1.322e-05 9.175e-04 2.515e-08 1.745e-06 1.0 5.890e+11 5.964e-05 2.697e-03 1.099e-07 4.971e-06 1.5 5.911e+11 2.167e-03 4.826e-02 3.646e-06 8.119e-05 2.0 4.141e+11 1.41 le-02 2.063e-01 2.182e-05 3.191e-04 3.0 3.106e+10 1.522e-02 1.328e-01 2.065e-05 1.801e-04 4.0 3.395e+06 7.977e-06 5.076e-05 9.868e-09 6.279e-08 TOTALS: 8.588e+12 3.158e-02 3.91 le-01 4.626e-05 5.873e-04

ý1 AýZ T AE AR,::MP.

C, Page :4 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 DOS File: 2RB02R1.MS5 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:19:13 PM Duration : 00:00:01 1~.-


MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 2RB08R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 5:25:12 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Reactor Building Shine 8h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 4.2e+3 cm 138 ft 6.0 in Radius 2.8e+3 cm 91 ft 3.6 in Dose Points X Y Z

  1. 1 0 cm 5981.7 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 196 ft 3.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 3.63e+06 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 21.5 ft Air. 0.00122 Shield 3 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uCifcm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 2.2600e-008 8.3620e+002 2.2005e-013 8.1419e-009 Ba-139 2.8775e-004 1.0647e+007 2.8017e-009 1.0366e-004 Ba-140 1.5177e-002 5.6155e+008 1.4777e-007 5.4677e-003 Ce-141 3.6485e-004 1.3499e+007 3.5525e-009 1.3144e-004 Ce-143 2.8499e-004 1.0545e+007 2.7749e-009 1.0267e-004 Ce-144 2.9998e-004 1.1099e+007 2.9208e-009 1.0807e-004 Cm-242 5.6684e-006 2.0973e+005 5.5192e-01 1 2.0421 e-006 Cm-244 3.6420e-007 1.3475e+004 3.5461e-012 1.3121e-007 Co-58 6.2507e-006 2.3128e+005 6.0861e-0 11 2.2519e-006 Co-60 7.5048e-006 2.7768e+005 7.3072e-01 1 2.7037e-006 Cs-134 2.5984e-002 9.6141e+008 2.5300e-007 9.361 Oe-003 Cs-1 36 8.1721e-003 3.0237e+008 7.9570e-008 2.9441 e-003 Cs-1 37 1.5595e-002 5.7702e+008 1.5184e-007 5.6182e-003 1-131 4.1573e+000 1.5382e+011 4.0479e-005 1.4977e+000 1-132 1.5424e+000 5.7069e+010 1.5018e-005 5.5566e-001 1-133 6.6333e+000 2.4543e+01 1 6.4587e-005 2.3897e+000

Page :2 DOS File : 2RB08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:25:12 PM Duration : 00:00:01 3

Nuclide curies becquerels UCi/cm Bq/cm 3 1-134 1.6996e-002 6.2885e+008 1.6549e-007 6.1230e-003 1-135 3.5049e+000 1.2968e+011 3.4126e-005 1.2627e+000 Kr-85 4.3604e-001 1.6133e+010 4.2456e-006 1.5709e-001 Kr-85m 2.3529e+000 8.7057e+010 2.291 0e-005 8.4765e-001 Kr-87 1.9778e-001 7.3179e+009 1.9257e-006 7.1252e-002 Kr-88 3.0938e+000 1.1447e+011 3.0124e-005 1.1 146e+000 La-140 1.8138e-003 6.7111 e+007 1.7661e-008 6.5344e-004 La-141 3.5693e-005 1.3206e+006 3.4753e-010 1.2859e-005 La-142 3.8672e-006 1.4309e+005 3.7654e-01 1 1.3932e-006 Mo-99 1.9307e-003 7.1436e+007 1.8799e-008 6.9555e-004 Nb-95 1.4698e-004 5.4383e+006 1.4311 e-009 5.2951 e-005 Nd-147 1.4458e-004 5.3495e+006 1.4077e-009 5.2086e-005 Np-239 4.3577e-003 1.6123e+008 4.2430e-008 1.5699e-003 Pr-143 1.3438e-004 4.9721e+006 1.3084e-009 4.8412e-005 Pu-238 1.0500e-006 3.8850e+004 1.0224e-01 1 3.7827e-007 Pu-239 1.0594e-007 3.9198e+003 1.0315e-012 3.8166e-008 Pu-240 1.4519e-007 5.3720e+003 1.4137e-012 5.2306e-008 Pu-241 4.3802e-005 1.6207e+006 4.2649e-0 10 1.5780e-005 Rb-86 2.6585e-004 9.8365e+006 2.5885e-009 9.5775e-005 Rh-105 1.0726e-003 3.9686e+007 1.0444e-008 3.8641 e-004 Ru-103 1.7533e-003 6.4872e+007 1.7071e-008 6.3164e-004 Ru-105 3.5644e-004 1.3188e+007 3.4706e-009 1.2841e-004 Ru-106 7.1321e-004 2.6389e+007 6.9443e-009 2.5694e-004 Sb-127 2.3330e-003 8.6321 e+007 2.2716e-008 8.4049e-004 Sb-129 2.0294e-003 7.5088e+007 1.9760e-008 7.3111 e-004 Sr-89 7.9695e-003 2.9487e+008 7.7597e-008 2.8711 e-003 Sr-90 9.5152e-004 3.5206e+007 9.2647e-009 3.4279e-004 Sr-91 5.6740e-003 2.0994e+008 5.5246e-008 2.0441 e-003 Sr-92 1.4332e-003 5.3028e+007 1.3955e-008 5.1632e-004 Tc-99m 1.8011 e-003 6.6641 e+007 1.7537e-008 6.4886e-004 Te-127 2.41 OOe-003 8.9170e+007 2.3466e-008 8.6823e-004 Te-127m 3.3325e-004 1.2330e+007 3.2448e-009 1.2006e-004 Te-129 2.8605e-003 1.0584e+008 2.7852e-008 1.0305e-003 Te-129m 1.0653e-003 3.9416e+007 1.0373e-008 3.8378e-004 Te-131m 2.7002e-003 9.9907e+007 2.6291 e-008 9.7277e-004 Te-1 32 2.9419e-002 1.0885e+009 2.8645e-007 1.0598e-002 Xe-133 6.1195e+001 2.2642e+012 5.9584e-004 2.2046e+001 Xe-1 35 1.9997e+001 7.3989e+01 1 1.9471e-004 7.2041e+000 Y-90 7.5994e-005 2.8118e+006 7.3993e-010 2.7378e-005 Y-91 1.1383e-004 4.2117e+006 1.1083e-009 4.1008e-005 Y-92 2.3669e-003 8.7575e+007 2.3046e-008 8.5270e-004 Y-93 7.5039e-005 2.7764e+006 7.3064e-010 2.7034e-005 Zr-95 1.4549e-004 5.3831 e+006 1.4166e-009 5.2414e-005 Zr-97 1.0659e-004 3.9438e+006 1.0378e-009 3.8400e-005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield I

Page :3 DOS File: 2RB08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:25:12 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 7.027e+03 0.000e+00 5.403e-33 0.000e+00 4.634e-34 0.02 7.920e+06 0.000e+00 9.582e-30 0.000e+00 3.319e-31 0.03 1.136e+12 2.820e-125 3.040e-24 2.795e-127 3.013e-26 0.04 2.667e+07 7.429e-67 1.892e-28 3.286e-69 8.369e-31 0.05 1.431e+08 1.245e-43 3.320e-27 3.318e-46 8.844e-30 0.06 4.200e+07 4.228e-34 6.992e-27 8.397e-37 1.389e-29 0.08 8.350e+1 1 2.125e-21 2.124e-19 3.362e-24 3.362e-22 0.1 3.951e+08 2.768e-2.1 7.044e-19 4.235e-24 1.078e-21 0.15 7.181 e+ 10 2.054e-15 1.1 17e-12 3.382e-1 8 1.840e-15 0.2 7.009e+1 1 1.279e-12 8.038e-10 2.257e-15 1.419e-12 0.3 3.030e+10 8.695e-12 3.772e-09 1.649e-14 7.155e-12 0.4 1.457e+1 1 1.157e-09 3.089e-07 2.254e-1 2 6.019e-10 0.5 2.428e+1 1 2.258e-08 3.954e-06 4.432e-1 1 7.762e-09 0.6 1.131e+11 7.261e-08 8.869e-06 1.417e-10 1.731e-08 0.8 1.057e+11 1.253e-06 8.695e-05 2.384e-09 1.654e-07 1.0 8.615e+10 8.723e-06 3.944e-04 1.608e-08 7.271e-07 1.5 1.057e+1 1 3.874e-04 8.625e-03 6.517e-07 1.451e-05 2.0 8.604e+ 10 2.932e-03 4.287e-02 4.534e-06 6.630e-05 3.0 1.909e+09 9.356e-04 8.160e-03 1.269e-06 1.107e-05 4.0 3.756e+03 8.826e-09 5.616e-08 1.092e-11 6.948e-1l TOTALS: 3.662e+12 4.265e-03 . 6.015e-02 6.473e-06 9.280e-05

Page :4 DOS File : 2RB08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:25:12 PM Duration - 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 2RB24R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 5:29:31 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Reactor Building Shine 24h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields w?

Source Dimensions Height 4.2e+3 cm 138 ft 6.0 in Radius .2.8e+3 cm 91 ft 3.6 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0 cm 5981.7 cm 0cm 0.0 in 196 ft 3.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 3.63e+06 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups: 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove 3 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm Bq/cm 3 Am-241 2.7997e-01 1 1.0359e+000 2.7260e-016 1.0086e-01 1 Ba-1 39 1.1354e-010 4.201 Oe+000 1.1055e-015 4.0904e-01 1 Ba-1 40 1.8029e-005 6,6707e+005 1.7554e-010 6.4951 e-006 Ce-141 4.4329e-007 1.6402e+004 4.3162e-012 1.5970e-007 Ce-143 2.5086e-007 9.2818e+003 2.4426e-012 9.0375e-008 Ce-144 3.6893e-007 1.3650e+004 3.5922e-012 1.3291e-007 Cm-242 6.9626e-009 2.5762e+002 6.7793e-014 2.5083e-009 Cm-244 4.4860e-010 1.6598e+001 4.3679e-015 1.6161e-010 Co-58 7.6497e-009 2.8304e+002 7.4483e-014 2.7559e-009 Co-60 9.2423e-009 3.4197e+002 8.9990e-014 3.3296e-009 Cs-1 34 3.1988e-005 1.1836e+006 3.1146e-010 1.1 524e-005 Cs-136 9.7176e-006 3.5955e+005 9.4618e-01 1 3.5009e-006 Cs-137 1.9209e-005 7.1073e+005 1.8703e-010 6.9202e-006 1-131 3.8013e+000 1.4065e+011 3.7012e-005 1.3695e+000 1-132 7.1518e-001 2.6462e+010 6.9635e-006 2.5765e-001 1-133 3.7666e+000 1.3936e+011 3.6674e-005 1.3570e+000

Page :2 DOS File : 2RB24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:29:31 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels UCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 1-134 5.2729e-008 1.9510e+003 5.1341e-013 1.8996e-008 1-135 6.3356e-001 2.3442e+010 6.1688e-006 2.2825e-001 Kr-85 4.2582e-001 1.5755e+010 4.1461e-006 1.5341e-001 Kr-85m 1.9330e-001 7.1521e+009 1.8821e-006 6.9638e-002 Kr-87 3.1 506e-005 1.1657e+006 3.0677e-010 1.1350e-005 Kr-88 6.0853e-002 2.2516e+009 5.9251 e-007 2.1923e-002 La-140 6.1158e-006 2.2628e+005 5.9548e-01 1 2.2033e-006 La-141 2.6155e-009 9.6774e+001 2.5466e-014 9.4226e-010 La-142 3.5788e-012 1.3242e-001 3.4846e-017 1.2893e-012 Mo-99 2.0104e-006 7.4385e+004 1.9575e-01 1 7.2427e-007 Nb-95 1.8100e-007 6.6970e+003 1.7624e-012 6.5207e-008 Nd-147 1.7076e-007 6.3181e+003 1.6626e-012 6.1518e-008 Np-239 4.4115e-006 1.6323e+005 4.2954e-01 1 1.5893e-006 Pr-143 1.6997e-007 6.2889e+003 1.6550e-012 6.1233e-008 Pu-238 1.2935e-009 4.7860e+001 1.2594e-014 4.6600e-010 Pu-239 1 .3075e-010 4.8378e+000 1.2731e-015 4.7104e-01 1 Pu-240 1.7885e-010 6.6175e+000 1.7414e-015 6.4432e-01 1 Pu-241 5.3951 e-008 1.9962e+003 5.2531e-013 1.9436e-008 Rb-86 3.1947e-007 1.1820e+004 3.1106e-012 1.1 509e-007 Rh-1 05 1.0065e-006 3.7241 e+004 9.8000e-012 3.6260e-007 Ru-1 03 2.1345e-006 7.8977e+004 2.0783e-01 1 7.6897e-007 Ru-1 05 3.6119e-008 1.3364e+003 3.5168e-013 1.3012e-008 Ru-1 06 8.7744e-007 3.2465e+004 8.5434e-0 12 3.1611 e-007 Sb-127 2.5488e-006 9.4306e+004 2.4817e-01 1 9.1823e-007 Sb-1 29 1.9186e-007 7.0988e+003 1.8681e-012 6.9119e-008 Sr-89 9.7276e-006 3.5992e+005 9.471 5e-011 3.5045e-006 Sr-90 1.1721e-006 4.3368e+004 1.1412e-0 11 4.2226e-007 Sr-91 2.1749e-006 8.0471 e+004 2.1176e-01 1 7.8353e-007 Sr-92 2.9481 e-008 1.0908e+003 2.8705e-013 1.0621e-008 Tc-99m 1.9421e-006 7.1858e+004 1.891 0e-01 1 6.9966e-007 Te-127 2.7171e-006 1.0053e+005 2.6456e-01 1 9.7886e-007 Te-127m 4.1083e-007 1.5201e+004 4.000le-012 1.4801e-007 Te-129 1.0777e-006 3.9875e+004 1.0493e-01 1 3.8825e-007 Te-129m 1.2970e-006 4.7989e+004 1.2629e-01 1 4.6726e-007 Te-131m 2.2982e-006 8.5033e+004 2.2377e-01 1 8.2795e-007 Te-132 3.1448e-005 1.1636e+006 3.0620e-010 1.1 329e-005 Xe-1 33 5.6032e+001 2.0732e+012 5.4557e-004 2.0186e+001 Xe-1 35 8.4604e+000 3.1303e+01 1 8.2377e-005 3.0479e+000 Y-90 2.6529e-007 9.8157e+003 2.5831e-012 9.5573e-008 Y-91 1.5274e-007 5.6514e+003 1.4872e-012 5.5026e-008 Y-92 2.8342e-007 1.0487e+004 2.7596e-012 1.0210e-007 Y-93 3.0829e-008 1.1407e+003 3.0017e-013 1.1 106e-008 Zr-95 1.7792e-007 6.5830e+003 1.7324e-012 6.4097e-008 Zr-97 6.8117e-008 2.5203e+003 6.6324e-013 2.4540e-008 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1 I. R.-!rz.1 Uzz

Page :3 DOS File: 2RB24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:29:31 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm'/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 6.538e+00 0.000e+00 5.027e-36 0.000e+00 4.312e-37 0.02 8.442e+03 0.000e+00 1.021e-32 0.000e+00 3.538e-34 0.03 1.018e+12 2.527e-1 25 2.724e-24 2.504e-127 2.699e-26 0.04 3.012e+04 8.391e-70 2.137e-31 3.711 e-72 9.453e-34 0.05 1.530e+05 1.332e-46 3.549e-30 3.547e-49 9.455e-33 0.06 4.913e+04 4.945e-37 8.179e-30 9.822e-40 1.625e-32 0.08 7.645e+1 1 1.945e-21 1.945e-19 3.079e-24 3.078e-22 0.1 4.614e+06 3.233e-23 8.226e-21 4.946e-26 1.258e-23 0.15 6.442e+09 1.842e-16 1.002e-13 3.034e-19 1.651e-16 0.2 2.844e+ 11 5.187e-13 3.261e-1 0 9.155e-16 5.755e-1 3 0.3 1.250e+10 3.586e-12 1.556e-09 6.803e-1 5 2.951e-12 0.4 1.186e+11 9.419e-1 0 2.516e-07 1.835e-12 4.902e-10 0.5 1.323e+11 1.230e-08 2.154e-06 2.415e-ll 4.228e-09 0.6 5.587e+10 3.586e-08 4.381e-06 7.000e-1 1 8.550e-09 0.8 4.063e+10 4.81 6e-07 3.342e-05 9.161e-10 6.356e-08 1.0 2.098e+10 2.124e-06 9.604e-05 3.915e-09 1.770e-07 1.5 2.062e+10 7.561e-05 1.684e-03 1.272e-07 2.832e-06 2.0 4.818e+09 1.642e-04 2.401 e-03 2.539e-07 3.713e-06 3.0 1.754e+07 8.598e-06 7.499e-05 1 .166e-08 1.017e-07 4.0 3.476e-03 8.167e-15 5.197e-14 1.010e-17 6.430e-17 TOTALS: 2.480e+12 2.51 Oe-04 4.296e-03 3.977e-07 6.901e-06

Page :4 DOS File: 2RB24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:29:31 PM Duration : 00:00:01

-~I ~W~-

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 2RB96R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 5:35:57 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Reactor Building Shine 96h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 4.2e+3 cm 138 :6.0 in Radius 2.8e+3 cm 91 t3.6 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 5981.7 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 196 ft 3.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 3.63e+06 ft3 Air 0.00122 Shield 1 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 1.0155e-014 3.7574e-004 9.8877e-020 3.6584e-015 Ba-1 39 7.5674e-030 2.7999e-019 7.3682e-035 2.7262e-030 Ba-140 5.4174e-009 2.0044e+002 5.2748e-014 1.9517e-009 Ce-141 1.4710e-010 5.4427e+000 1.4323e-015 5.2994e-01 1 Ce-143 1.9559e-01 1 7.2368e-001 I .9044e-016 7.0463e-012 Ce-144 1.2956e-010 4.7937e+000 1.2615e-015 4.6675e-01 I Cm-242 2.4318e-012 8.9977e-002 2.3678e-017 8.7608e-013 Cm-244 1.5865e-013 5.8701e-003 1.5447e-018 5.7155e-014 Co-58 2.6278e-012 9.7229e-002 2.5586e-017 9.4669e-01 3 Co-60 3.2660e-012 1.2084e-001 3.1800e-017 1.1766e-012 Cs-134 1.1285e-008 4.1755e+002 1.0988e-013 4.0655e-009 Cs-136 2.9331 e-009 1.0852e+002 2.8559e-014 1.0567e-009 Cs-1 37 6.7943e-009 2.5139e+002 6.6154e-014 2.4477e-009 1-131 2.7438e+000 1.0152e+011 2.6716e-005 9.8848e-001 1-132 3.8234e-001 1.4147e+010 3.7227e-006 1.3774e-001 1-133 3.1914e-001 1.1808e+010 3.1074e-006 1.1497e-001

Page :2 DOS File : 2RB96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. !

Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:35:57 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-134 9.3053e-033 3.4430e-022 9.0603e-038 3.3523e-033 1-135 3.1106e-004 1.1509e+007 3.0287e-009 1 .1206e-004 Kr-85 2.0177e-001 7.4655e+009 1.9646e-006 7.2690e-002 Kr-85m 1.3308e-006 4.9240e+004 1.2958e-01 1 4.7943e-007 Kr-87 1.3501e-022 4.9954e-012 1.3146e-027 4.8639e-023 Kr-88 6.7360e-010 2.4923e+001 6.5587e-015 2.4267e-0 10 La-140 4.7450e-009 1.7557e+002 4.6201e-014 1.7094e-009 La-141 2.8263e-018 1.0457e-007 2.7519e-023 1.0182e-018 La-142 1.1054e-029 4.0900e-019 1.0763e-034 3.9823e-030 Mo-99 3.3389e-010 1.2354e+001 3.2510e-015 1.2029e-010 Nb-95 6.3873e-01 1 2.3633e+000 6.2192e-016 2.3011 e-0 11 Nd-147 4.9984e-01 1 1.8494e+000 4.8668e-016 1.8007e-01 1 Np-239 6.4539e-010 2.3879e+001 6.2840e-015 2.3251e-010 Pr-143 5.7965e-01 I 2.1447e+000 5.6439e-016 2.0882e-01 1 Pu-238 4.5772e-013 1.6936e-002 4.4567e-018 1.6490e-013 Pu-239 4.6501e-014 1.7205e-003 4.5277e-019 1.6752e-014 Pu-240 6.3270e-014 2.341 Oe-003 6.1604e-019 2.2794e-014 Pu-241 1.9078e-01 1 7.0589e-001 1.8576e-016 6.8730e-012 Rb-86 1.0110e-010 3.7407e+000 9.8439e-016 3.6422e-0 11 Rh-1 05 8.7257e-01 1 3.2285e+000 8.4960e-016 3.1435e-01 1 Ru-103 7.1616e-010 2.6498e+001 6.9731e-0 15 2.5800e-010 Ru-1 05 1.6784e-016 6.2101 e-006 1.6342e-021 6.0466e-0 17 Ru-1 06 3.0866e-010 1.1420e+001 3.0053e-015 1.1 120e-010 Sb-127 5.2538e-01 0 1.9439e+001 5.1155e-016 1.8927e-010 Sb-129 6.5241 e-0 16 2.4139e-005 6.3524e-021 2.3504e-016 Sr-89 3.3024e-009 1.2219e+002 3.2155e-014 1.1 897e-009 Sr-90 4.1454e-010 1.5338e+001 4.0363e-015 1.4934e-010 Sr-91 4.0240e-012 1.4889e-001 3.9181e-017 1.4497e-012 Sr-92 1.0481e-019 3.8780e-009 1.0205e-024 3.7759e-020 Tc-99m 3.2672e-0 10 1.2089e+001 3.1812e-015 1.1770e-010 Te-127 6.2568e-010 2.3150e+001 6.0921e-015 2.2541e-010 Te-127m 1.4496e-010 5.3635e+000 1.4114e-015 5.2223e-01 1 Te-129 2.9612e-010 1.0956e+001 2.8832e-01 5 1.0668e-010 Te-129m 4.3137e-010 1.5961e+001 4.2001e-015 1.5541e-010 Te-131 m 1.5404e-010 5.6995e+000 1.4998e-015 5.5494e-01 1 Te-132 5.8767e-009 2.1744e+002 5.7220e-014 2.1171e-009 Xe-1 33 1.8920e+001 7.0004e+01 1 1.8422e-004 6.8161e+000 Xe-135 2.9595e-002 1.0950e+009 2.8816e-007 1.0662e-002 Y-90 2.6775e-010 9.9067e+000 2.6070e-015 9.6460e-01 1 Y-91 5.4259e-01 I 2.0076e+000 5.2831e-016 1.9547e-01 1 Y-92 1.0139e-016 3.7514e-006 9.8721e-022 3.6527e-017 Y-93 7.7930e-014 2.8834e-003 7.5878e-019 2.8075e-014 Zr-95 6.0929e-01 1 2.2544e+000 5.9325e-016 2.1950e-01 1 Zr-97 1.2574e-012 4.6524e-002 1.2243e-017 4.5299e-013 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page 3 DOS File: 2RB96R1 .MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:35:57 PM Duration: 00:00:0,1 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Enerqy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.936e-03 0.000e+00 1.489e-39 0.000e+00 1.277e-40 0.02 1.519e+00 0.000e+00 1.838e-36 0.000e+00 6.368e-38 0.03 3.408e+11 8.459e-126 9.118e-25 8.384e-128 9.037e-27 0.04 8.258e+00 2.300e-73 5.859e-35 1.017e-75 2.591e-37 0.05 2.863e+01 2.492e-50 6.641 e-34 6.637e-53 1.769e-36 0.06 1.418e+01 1.427e-40 2.360e-33 2.835e-43 4.688e-36 0.08 2.596e+11 6.605e-22 6.604e-20 1.045e-24 1.045e-22 0.1 2.745e+01 1.923e-28 4.894e-26 2.942e-31 7.488e-29 0.15 3.671 e+07 1.050e- 18 5.712e-16 1.729e-21 9.407e-1 9 0.2 1.771e+09 3.23le-15 2.031e-12 5.703e-1 8 3.585e-15 0.3 7.053e+09 2.024e-12 8.780e-1 0 3.840e-1 5 1.666e-12 0.4 8.281e+10 6.574e-1 0 1,756e-07 1.281e-12 3.421e-1 0 0.5 1.424e+10 I .324e-09 2.318e-07 2.599e-1 2 4.551e-10 0.6 2.584e+10 1.659e-08 2.026e-06 3.237e-1 1 3.955e-09 0.8 1.617e+10 1.916e-07 1.330e-05 3.645e-10 2.529e-08 1.0 4.433e+09 4.488e-07 2.029e-05 8.273e-10 3.741e-08.

1.5 2.481e+09 9.096e-06 2.025e-04 1.530e-08 3.407e-07 2.0 4.662e+08 1.589e-05 2.323e-04 2.457e-08 3.593e-07 3.0 6.444e+00 3.158e-12 2.754e-11 4.284e-1 5 3.737e-14 4.0 1.074e-20 2.523e-32 1.605e-31 3.121e-35 1.986e-34 TOTALS: 7.557e+11 2.564e-05 4.709e-04 4.11 Oe-08 7.675e-07 CIV,"'T, IV Mi 's

Page :4 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 DOS File: 2RB96R1.MS5 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:35:57 PM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 2RB720R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 7, 2008 By:

Run Time: 5:40:13 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA Reactor Building Shine 720h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 4.2e+3 cm 138 ft 6.0 in Radius 2.8e+3 cm 91 ft 3.6 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1, 0cm 5981.7 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 196 ft 3.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 3.63e+06 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 2 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 6.1758e-042 2.2850e-031 6.0132e-047 2.2249e-042 I Ba-139 Ba-140 6.5953e-037 2.4403e-026 6.4217e-042 2.3760e-037 Ce-141 4.2325e-038 1.5660e-027 4.1211 e-043 1.5248e-038 Ce-143 1.9904e-044 7.3645e-034 1.9380e-049 7.1 706e-045 Ce-144 6.0916e-038 2.2539e-027 5.9312e-043 2.1946e-038 Cm-242 1.0906e-039 4.0352e-029 1.0619e-044 3.9290e-040 Cm-244 7.9256e-041 2.9325e-030 7.7170e-046 2.8553e-041 Co-58 1.0206e-039 3.7762e-029 9.9373e-045 3.6768e-040 Co-60 1.6209e-039 5.9973e-029 1.5782e-044 5.8394e-040 Cs-1 34 5.5195e-036 2.0422e-025 5.3742e-041 1.9885e-036 Cs-1 36 3.7124e-037 1.3736e-026 3.6147e-042 1.3374e-037 Cs-137 3.3980e-036 1.2573e-025 3.3085e-041 1 .2242e-036 1-131 2.6910e-001 9.9567e+009 2.6202e-006 9.6946e-002 1-132 1.4242e-003 5.2695e+007 1.3867e-008 5.1308e-004 1-133 2.7407e-010 1.0141e+001 2.6686e-015 9.8736e-01 1

Page :2 DOS File: 2RB720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:40:13 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels 3 Bq/cm3 WCi/cm 1-134 1-135 1.0956e-032 4.0537e-022 1.0668e-037 3.9470e-033 Kr-85 1.2666e-001 4.6864e+009 1.2333e-006 4.5630e-002 Kr-85m 9.8788e-049 3.6552e-038 9.6187e-054 3.5589e-049 Kr-87 Kr-88 3.0645e-076 1 1339e-065 2.9838e-081 1.1040e-076 La-140 7.6076e-037 2.8148e-026 7.4073e-042 2.7407e-037 La-141 2.2588e-093 8.3576e-083 2.1993e-098 8.1375e-094 La-142 Mo-99 2.3839e-040 8.8204e-030 2.3211 e-045 8.5882e-041 Nb-95 2.9600e-038 1.0952e-027 2.8821 e-043 1.0664e-038 Nd-147 4.8507e-039 1.7948e-028 4.7230e-044 1.7475e-039 Np-239 1.5351e-040 5.6799e-030 1.4947e-045 5.5303e-041 Pr-143 7.9798e-039 2.9525e-028 7.7697e-044 2.8748e-039 Pu-238 2.2981 e-040 8.5030e-030 2.2376e-045 8.2791 e-041 Pu-239 2.3381e-041 8.651 0e-031 2.2765e-046 8.4232e-042 Pu-240 3.1695e-041 1.1 727e-030 3.0861 e-046 1.1418e-041 Pu-241 9.5245e-039 3.5241 e-028 9.2738e-044 3.4313e-039 Rb-86 1.9279e-038 7.1332e-028 1.8771e-043 6.9454e-039 Rh-1 05 2.1296e-043 7.8795e-033 2.0735e-048 7.6721 e-044 Ru-103 2.2675e-037 8.3898e-027 2.2078e-042 8.1689e-038 Ru-1 05 4.1472e-086 1.5345e-075 4.0380e-091 1.4941e-086 Ru-106 1.4723e-037 5.4475e-027 1.4335e-042 5.3041 e-038 Sb-127 2.4397e-039 9.0269e-029 2.3755e-044 8.7893e-040 Sb-129 1.0770e-086 3.9849e-076 1.0486e-091 3.8800e-087 Sr-89 1 .1578e-036 4.2839e-026 1 .1273e-041 4.1711 e-037 Sr-90 2.0731 e-037 7.6705e-027 2.0185e-042 7.4685e-038 Sr-91 3.4004e-059 1.2581e-048 3.3109e-064 1.2250e-059 Sr-92 Tc-99m 2.3328e-040 8.6314e-030 2.2714e-045 8.4041 e-041 Te-127 6.4625e-038 2.3911 e-027 6.2924e-043 2.3282e-038 Te-127m 6.3004e-038 2.3311 e-027 6.1345e-043 2.2698e-038 Te-129 8.6760e-038 3.2101e-027 8.4476e-043 3.1256e-038 Te-129m 1.2639e-037 4.6764e-027 1.2306e-042 4.5533e-038 Te-131m 4.2266e-044 1.5638e-033 4.1153e-049 1.5227e-044 Te-132 1.1 664e-038 4.3157e-028 1.1 357e-043 4.2021 e-039 Xe-133 3.9496e-001 1.4614e+010 3.8456e-006 1.4229e-001 Xe-135 4.9307e-023 1.8244e-012 4.8009e-028 1.7763e-023 Y-90 2.0748e-037 7.6768e-027 2.0202e-042 7.4747e-038 Y-91 1.9979e-038 7.3922e-028 1.9453e-043 7.1976e-039 Y-92 4.4093e-097 1.6314e-086 4.2932e-1 02 1.5885e-097 Y-93 9.8448e-060 3.6426e-049 9.5856e-065 3.5467e-060 Zr-95 2.3030e-038 8.5211 e-028 2.2424e-043 8.2968e-039 Zr-97 4.8340e-051 1.7886e-040 4.7067e-056 1.7415e-051 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 1

Page :3 DOS File: 2RB720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:40:13 PM Duration : 00:00:01 Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 8.960e-31 0.000e+00 6.890e-67 0.000e+00 5.91 Oe-68 0.02 7.466e-29 0.000e+00 9.033e-65 0.000e+00 3.129e-66 0.03 7.481e+09 1.857e-127 2.002e-26 1.840e-129 1.984e-28 0.04 1.481e-27 4.126e-101 1.051e-62 1.825e-103 4.648e-65 0.05 8.792e-29 7.651 e-80 2.039e-63 2.038e-82 5.432e-66 0.06 1.725e-27 1.736e-68 2.872e-61 3.449e-71 5.705e-64 0.08 5.624e+09 1.431e-23 1.431e-21 2.265e-26 2.264e-24 0.1 2.056e-28 1.441 e-57 .3.666e-55 2.204e-60 5.609e-58 0.15 1.248e+05 3.570e-21 1.942e-18 5.879e-24 3.199e-21 0.2 3.684e+07 6.721e-17 4.225e-1 4 1.186e-19 7.457e-17 0.3 6.518e+08 1.871e-13 8.114e-11 3.548e-16 1.539e-13 0.4. 8.082e+09 6.416e-1 1 1.714e-08 1.250e- 13 3.339e-1 1 0.5 6.875e+07 6.392e-12 1.1 19e-09 1.255e-14 2.197e-12 0.6 8.121e+08 5.213e-10 .6.367e-08 1.017e-12 1.243e- 10 0.8 2.294e+08 2.720e-09 1.887e-07 5.173e-12 3.589e-10 1.0 1.544e+07 1.563e-09 7.069e-08 2.882e-1 2 1.303e-10 1.5 8.128e+06 2.980e-08 6.635e-07 5.013e-1 1 1.1 16e-09 2.0 1.732e+06 5.902e-08 8.631 e-07 9.126e-1 1 1.335e-09 3.0 1.002e-27 4.912e-40 4.284e-39 6.664e-43 5.813e-42 TOTALS: 2.301e+10 9.369e-08 1.868e-06 1.506e- 10 3.1 OOe-09

Page :4 DOS File: 2RB720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 7, 2008 Run Time: 5:40:13. PM Duration : 00:00:01 L

7V, *LI ~ 1fWirttt

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Page 1 3 - Core Spray Line Shine - General Notes 1 Table 3-1 input is taken from Attachment I within Attachment 1 of calculation NEDC 07-082 (LOCA calc).

2 Table 3-2 manipulates input data from Table 3-1 to fit the geometry of the specific situation being considered.

Since Table 3-1 gives activity inventories (Curies) to the suppression pool, the average activity concentrations (Ci/ft3) are conservatively computed by dividing the inventories by the minimum suppression pool volume less 5%, given in the MAIN section (page 5) as 83,485 ft3.

Table 3-2 takes these concentrations and applies them to CS Line Segment #1, which is located between RB floor elevations 903'-6" and 931'-6". From the MAIN section (page 5), the pipe ID is 1 ft and the pipe length is 30 ft, which gives a volume (computed here) of 23.56 ft3. To obtain activity inventories (Curies) of CS Line Segment #1, the concentrations are multiplied by the pipe volume just calculated.

In summary, Table 3-2 activity inventories (Curies) in CS Line Segment #1 are computed by taking the suppression pool inventories from Table 3-1, dividing them by 83,485, and multiplying them by 23.56 Similarly, Table 3-3 focuses on CS Line Segment #2, which is located between RB floor elevations 931'-6" and 958'-3". The activity concentrations are the same as described earlier for Segment #1, however, the length is different. From the MAIN section (page 5),

the pipe ID is 1 ft and the pipe length is 50 ft, which gives a volume (computed here) of 39.27 ft3. In summary, Table 3-3 activity inventories (Curies) in CS Line Segment #2 are computed by taking the suppression pool inventories from Table 3-1, dividing them by 83,485, and multiplying them by 39.27 3 Table 3-1 is sorted by RadTrad sort #. Table 3-2 is sorted by MicroShield iso # by re-sorting Table 3-1.

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Page 2 Rad Micro 3 - Core Spray Line Shine - RadTrad Output Trad Shield time Table 3-1 SUPP. POOL - Cumul. Curies Released Sort Iso# (hrs) > 0.0006 0.5 1 2 8 24 96 720 1 104 Co-58 3.09E+02 9.28E+02 9.25E+02 9.17E+02 5.84E+02 6.45E+02 2 106 Co-60 3.70E+02 1.11E+03 I.IIE+03 1.11E+03 1.10E+03 1.02E+03 3 203 Kr-85 4 204 Kr-85m 5 205 Kr-87 6 206 Kr-88 7 332 Rb-86 9.43E+00 8.48E+03 1.98E+04 4.23E+04 4.19E+04 4.05E+04 3.62E+04 1.30E+04 8 391 Sr-89 3.95E+05 1.18E+06 1.18E+06 1.17E+06 1.11E+06 7.31E+05 9 392 Sr-90 4.70E+04 1.41E+05 1.41E+05 1.41E+05 1.40E+05 1.31E+05 10 393 Sr-91 4.67E+05 1.30E+06 8.39E+05 2.61E+05 1.35E+03 2.15E-17 11 394 Sr-92 4.24E+05 9.84E+05 2.12E+05 3.53E+03 3.53E-05 1.61E-74 12 480 Y-90 6.24E+02 2.62E+03 1.13E+04 3.19E+04 9.01E+04 1.31E+05 13 482 Y-91 5.16E+03 1.56E+04 1.69E+04 1.83E+04 1.83E+04 1.26E+04 14 484 Y-92 2.83E+04 1.65E+05 3.53E+05 3.41 E+04 3.42E-02 2.79E-55 15 485 Y-93 5.99E+03 1.68E+04 1.11E+04 3.70E+03 2.62E+01 6.22E-18 16 496 Zr-95 7.20E+03 2.165E+04 2.15E+04 2.13E+04 2.05E+04 1.45E+04 17 497 Zr-97 7.01E+03 2.02E+04 1.58E+04 8.17E+03 4.23E+02 3.05E-09 18 238 Nb-95 7.25E+03 2.1SE+04 2.17E+04 2.17E+04 2.15E+04 1.87E+04 19 224 Mo-99 1.03E+05 3.04E+05 2.86E+05 2.41E+05 1.12E+05 1.51E+02 20 408 Tc-99m 9.14E+04 2.74E+05 2.66E+05 2.33E+05 1.10E+05 1.47E+02 21 355 Ru-103 8.70E+04 2.61E+05 2.59E+05 2.56E+05 2.41E+05 1.43E+05 22 356 Ru-105 5.25E+04 1.35E+05 5.27E+04 4.33E+03 5.65E-02 2.62E-44 23 357 Ru-106 3.52E+04 1.06E+05 1.06E+05 1.05E+05 1.04E+05 9.30E+04 24 347 Rh-105 5.61E+04 1.68E+05 1.59E+05 1.21E+05 2.94E+04 1.35E-01 25 365 Sb-127 1.21E+05 3.61E+05 3.45E+05 3.06E+05 1.77E+05 1.54E+03 26 366 Sb-129 3.08E+05 7.87E+05 3.00E+05 2.30E+04 2.20E-01 6.80E-45 27 415 Te-127 1.23E+05 3.67E+05 3.57E+05 3.26E+05 2.11E+05 4.08E+04 28 416 Te-127m 1.64E+04 4.93E+04 4.93E+04 4.93E+04 4.88E+04 3.958E+04 29 417 Te-129 3.28E+05 8.85E+05 4.23E+05 1,29E+05 9.97E+04 5.48E+04 30 418 Te-129m 5.26E+04 1.58E+05 1.58E+05 1.56E+05 1.45E+05 7.98E+04 31 420 Te-131m 1.57E+05 4.59E+05 3.99E+05 2.76E+05 5.18E+04 2.67E-02 32 421 Te-132 1.54E+06 4.59E+06 4.35E+06 3.77E+06 1.98E+06 7.37E+03 33 175 1-131 3.67E+03 3.30E+06 8.78E+06 1.97E+07 1.93E+07 1.82E+07 1.40E+07 1.40E+05 34 176 1-132 5.30E+03 4.40E+06 1.12E+07 2.27E+07 7.45E+06 3.97E+06 2.09E+06 7.80E+03 35 177 1-133 7.43E+03 6.58E+06 1.73E+07 3.76E+07 3.07E+07 1.80E+07 1.62E+06 1.42E-03 36 178 1-134 8,15E+03 4.94E+06 8.87E+06 9.05E+06 7.87E+04 2.52E-01 4.73E-26 0.OOE+00 37 179 1-135 6.96E+03 5.95E+06 1.50E+07. 3.05E+07 1.62E+07 3.03E+06 1.58E+03 5.68E-26 38 471 Xe-133 2.21E-02 9.58E+03 4.29E+04 1.B2E+05 1.26E+06 3.O9E+06 4.06E+06 1.32E+05 39 473 Xe-135 2.51E-01 1.05E+05 4.55E+05 1.90E+06 8.10E+06 6.35E+06 5.09E+04 1.11E-16 40 115 Cs-134 9.11E+02 8.20E+05 1.91E+06 4.10E+06 4.09E+06 4.09E+06 4.05E+06 3.71E+06 41 118 Cs-136 2.91E+02 2.62E+05 6.11E+05 1.31E+06 1.29E+06 1.24E+06 1.05E+06 2.50E+05 42 119 Cs-137 5.46E+02 4.92E+05 1.15E+06 2.46E+06 2.46E+06 2.45E+06 2.44E+06 2.29E+06 43 41 Ba-139 4.80E+05 8.70E+05 4.26E+04 1.36E+01 2.55E-15 0.00E+00 44 42 Ba-140 7.61E+05 2.28E+06 2.25E+06 2.16E+06 1.82E+06 4.17E+05 45 209 La-140 1.14E+04 5.35E+04 2.70E+05 7.35E+05 1.60E+06 4.80E+05 46 210 La-141 6.05E+03 1.52E+04 5,28E+03 3.14E+02 9.51E-04 1.43E-51 47 211 La-142 4.44E+03 8.50E+03 5.72E+02 4.29E-01 3.72E-15 0.00E+00 48 81 Ce-141 1.81 E+04 5.42E+04 5.40E+04 5.32E+04 4.95E+04 2.67E+04 49 82 Ce-143 1.63E+04 4.79E+04 4.22E+04 3.01E+04 6.585E+03 1.26E-02 50 83 Ce-144 1.48E+04 4.44E+04 4.44E+04 4.42E+04 4.36E+04 3.85E+04 51 302 Pr-143 6.51 E+03 1.96E+04 1.99E+04 2.04E+04 1.95E+04 5.04E+03 52 243 Nd-147 7.27E+03 2.17E+04 2.i4E+04 2.05E+04 1.68E+04 3.06E+03 53 255 Np-239 2.34E+05 6.94E+05 6.45E+05 5.29E+05 2.17E+05 9.70E+01 54 313 Pu-238 5.18E+01 1.55E+02 1.55E+02 1.55E+02 1.54E+02 1.45E+02 55 314 Pu-239 5.22E+00 1.57E+01 1.57E+01 1.57E+01 1.56E+01 1.48E+01 56 315 Pu-240 7.16E+00 2.15E+01 2.15E+01 2.14E+01 2.13E+01 2.00E+01 57 316 Pu-241 2.16E+03 6.48E+03 6.48E+03 6.47E+03 6.42E+03 6.02E+03 58 13 Am-241 1.11E+00 3.34E+00 3.34E+00 3.36E+00 3.42E+00 3.90E+00 59 93 Cm-242 2.80E+02 8.40E+02 8.39E+02 8.35E+02 8.18E+02 6.89E+02 60 95 Cm-244 1.80E+01 5.39E+01 5.39E+01 5.38E+01 5.34E+01 5.01 E+01 I I I I S S S S 1 5 ww ii- i~*.:~ii~s~ T4

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Page 3 3 - Core Spray Line Shine - MicroShield Input Table 3-2 Core Spray Line Inventory (Curies) - Line Segment #1 t= t= t=

0.5 2 8 24 96 720 Iso # Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso Iso# Curies iso Iso# Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso 13 0.OOE+00 Am-241 13 9.42E-04 Am-241 13 9.44E-04 Am-241 13 9.47E-04 Am-241 13 9.64E-04 Am-241 13 1.10E-03 Am-241 41 0.00E+00 Ba-139 41 2.46E+02 Ba-139 41 1.20E+01 Ba-139 41 3.84E-03 Ba-139 41 7.19E-19 Ba-139 41 0.00E+00 Ba-139 42 0.OOE+00 Ba-140 42 6.43E+02 Ba-140 42 6.34E+02 Ba-140 42 6.109+02 Ba-140 42 5.14E+02 Ba-140 42 1.18E+02 Ba-140 81 0.00E+00 Ce-141 81 1.53E+01 Ce-141 81 1.52E+01 Ce-141 81 1.50E+01 Ce-141 81 1.40E+01 Ce-141 81 7.54E+00 Ce-141 82 0.OOE+00 Ce-143 82 1.35E+01 Ce-143 82 1.19E+01 Ce-143 82 8.49E+00 Ce-143 82 1.86E+00 Ce-143 82 3.55E-06 Ce-143 83 0.00E+00 Ce-144 83 1.25E+01 Ce-144 83 1.25E+01 Ce-144 83 1.25E+01 Ce-144 83 1.23E+01 Ce-144 83 1.09E+01 Ce-144 93 0.OOE+00 Cm-242 93 2.37E-01 Cm-242 93 2.37E-01 Cm-242 93 2.36E-01 Cm-242 93 2.31E-01 Cm-242 93 1.94E-01 Cm-242 95 0.OOE+00 Cm-244 95 1.52E-02 Cm-244 95 1.52E-02 Cm-244 95 1.52E-02 Cm-244 95 1.51E-02 Cm-244 95 1.41 E-02 Cm-244 104 0.00E+00 Co-58 104 2.62E-01 Co-58 104 2.61E-01 Co-58 104 2.59E-01 Co-58 104 2.50E-01 Co-58 104 1.82E-01 Co-58 106 0.OOE+00 Co-60 106 3.14E-01 Co-60 106 3.13E-01 Co-60 106 3.13E-01 Co-60 106 3.10E-01 Co-60 106 2.89E-01 Co-60 115 2.31E+02 Cs-134 115 1.16E+03 Cs-134 115 1.16E+03 Cs-134 115 1.15E+03 Cs-134 115 1.14E+03 Cs-134 115 1.05E+03 Cs-134 118 7.39E+01 Cs-136 118 3.68E+02 Cs-136 118 3.63E+02 Cs-136 118 3.50E+02 Cs-136 118 2.97E+02 Cs-136 118 7.05E+01 Cs-136 119 1.39E+02 Cs-137 119 6.94E+02 Cs-137 119 6.93E+02 Cs-137 119 6.92E+02 Cs-137 119 6.87E+02 Cs-137 119 6.45E+02 Cs-137 175 9.30E+02 1-131 175 5.55E+03 1-131 175 5.44E+03 1-131 175 5.13E+03 1-131 175 3.94E+03 1-131 175 3.94E+02 1-131 176 1.24E+03 1-132 176 6.40E+03 1-132 176 2.1OE+03 1-132 176 1.12E+03 1-132 176 5.91 E+02 1-132 176 2.20E+00 1-132 177 1.86E+03 1-133 177 1.06E+04 1-133 177 8.67E+03 1-133 177 5.08E+03 1-133 177 4.58E+02 1-133 177 4.01E-07 1-133 178 1.39E+03 1-134 178 2.55E+03 1-134 1786 2.22E+01 1-134 178 7.11E-05 1-134 178 1.34E-29 1-134 178 0.00E+00 1-134 179 1.68E+03 1-135 179 8.60E+03 1-135 179 4.58E+03 1-135 179 8.54E+02 1-135 179 4.46E-01 1-135 179 1.60E-29 1-135 203 0.00E+00 Kr-85 203 0.00E+00 Kr-85 203 0.OOE+00 Kr-85 203 0.OOE+00 Kr-85 203 0.00E+00 Kr-85 203 0.00E+00 Kr-85 204 0.OOE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.OOE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.OOE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.00E+00 Kr-85m 204 0.OOE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.00E+00 Kr-85m 205 0.OOE+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 206 0.OOE+00 Kr-88 206 0.OOE+00 Kr-88 206 0.00E+00 Kr-88 206 0.00E+00 Kr-88 206 0.00E+00 Kr-88 206 0.00E+00 Kr-88 209 0.OOE+00 La-140 209 1.51E+01 La-140 209 7.62E+01 La-140 209 2.07E+02 La-1 40 209 4.51E+02 La-140 209 1.36E+02 La-140 210 O.OOE+00 La-141 210 4.30E+00 La-141 210 1.49E+00 La-141 210 8.85E-02 La-141 210 2.68E-07 La-141 210 4.03E-55 La-141 211 0.OOE+00 La-1 42 211 2.40E+00 La-142 211 1.61E-01 La-142 211 1.21E-04 La-142 211 1.05E-18 La-142 211 O.00E+00 La-142 224 0.OOE+00 Mo-99 224 8.59E+01 Mo-99 224 8.06E+01 Mo-99 224 6.80E+01 Mo-99 224 3.17E+01 Mo-99 224 4.25E-02 Mo-99 238 0.00E+00 Nb-95 238 6.14E+00 Nb-95 238 6.14E+00 Nb-95 238 6.12E+00 Nb-95 238 6.07E+00 Nb-95 238 5.28E+00 Nb-95 243 0.OOE+00 Nd-147 243 6.14E+00 Nd-147 243 6.04E+00 Nd-147 243 5.78E+00 Nd-1 47 243 4.75E+00 Nd-147 243 8.65E-01 Nd-147 255 0.00E+00 Np-239 255 1.96E+02 Np-239 255 1.82E+02 Np-239 255 1.49E+02 Np-239 255 6.13E+01 Np-239 255 2.74E-02 Np-239 302 0.00E+00 Pr-143 302 5.52E+00 Pr-143 302 5.61E+00 Pr-143 302 5.75E+00 Pr-143 302 5.51E+00 Pr-143 302 1.42E+00 Pr-143 313 0.O0E+00 Pu-238 313 4.39E-02 Pu-238 313 4.38E-02 Pu-238 313 4.38E-02 Pu-238 313 4.35E-02 Pu-238 313 4.10E-02 Pu-238 314 0.00E+00 Pu-239 314 4.42E-03 Pu-239 314 4.42E-03 Pu-239 314 4.42E-03 Pu-239 314 4.42E-03 Pu-239 314 4.17E-03 Pu-239 315 0.OOE+00 Pu-240 315 6.07E-03 Pu-240 315 6.06E-03 Pu-240 315 6.05E-03 Pu-240 315 6.01E-03 Pu-240 315 5.65E-03 Pu-240 316 0.00E+00 Pu-241 316 1.83E+00 Pu-241 316 1.83E+00 Pu-241 316 1.83E+00 Pu-241 316 1.81E+00 Pu-241 316 1.70E+00 Pu-241

-332 2.39E+00 Rb-86 332 1.19E+01 Rb-86 332 1.18E+01 Rb-86 332 1.15E+01 Rb-86 332 1.02E+01 Rb-86 332 3.66E+00 Rb-86 347 0.OOE+00 Rh-105 347 4.73E+01 Rh-105 347 4.48E+01 Rh-105 347 3.41E+01 Rh-1 05 347 8.29E+00 Rh-105 347 3.80E-05 Rh-105 355 0.00E+00 Ru-103 355 7.36E+01 Ru-103 355 7.32E+01 Ru-103 355 7.22E+01 Ru-103 355 6.80E+01 Ru-103 355 4.04E+01 Ru-103 356 0.00E+00 Ru-105 356 3.80E+01 Ru-105 356 1.49E+01 Ru-105 356 1.22E+00 Ru-105 356 1.59E-05 Ru-105 356 7.39E-48 Ru-105 357 0.OOE+00 Ru-106 357 2.98E+01 Ru-106 357 2.98E+01 Ru-106 357 2.97E+01 Ru-106 357 2.93E+01 Ru-106 357 2.62E+01 Ru-106 365 0.OOE+00 Sb-127 365 1.02E+02 Sb-127 365 9.74E+01 Sb-127 365 8.62E+01 Sb-127 365 4.99E+01 Sb-127 365 4.35E-01 Sb-127 366 0.OOE+00 Sb-129 366 2.22E+02 Sb-129 366 8.47E+01 Sb-129 366 6.49E+00 Sb-129 366 6.20E-05 Sb-129 366 1.92E-48 Sb-129 391 0.00E+00 Sr-89 391 3.34E+02 Sr-89 391 3.33E+02 Sr-89 391 3.29E+02 Sr-89 391 3.14E+02 Sr-89 391 2.06E+02 Sr-89 392 0.00E+00 Sr-90 392 3.97E+01 Sr-90 392 3.97E+01 Sr-90 392 3.97E+01 Sr-90 392 3.94E+01 Sr-90 392 3.70E+01 Sr-90 393 0.OOE+00 Sr-91 393 3.67E+02 Sr-91 393 2.37E+02 Sr-91 393 7.36E+01 Sr-91 393 3.82E-01 Sr-91 393 6.06E-21 Sr-91 394 0.00E+00 Sr-92 394 2.78E+02 Sr-92 394 5.98E+01 Sr-92 394 9.98E-01 Sr-92 394 9.95E-09 Sr-92 394 4.53E-78 Sr-92 408 0.OOE+00 Tc-99m 408 7.73E+01 Tc-99m 408 7.52E+01 Tc-99m 408 6.57E+01 Tc-99m 408 3.10E+01 Tc-99m 408 4.16E-02 Tc-99m 415 O.00E+00 Te-127 415 1.04E+02 Te-127 415 1.01E+02 Te-127 415 9.19E+01 Te-127 415 5.94E+01 Te-127 415 1.15E+01 Te-127 416 0.00E+00 Te-127m 416 1.39E+01 Te-127m 416 1.39E+01 Te-127m 416 1.39E+01 Te-127m 416 1.38E+01 Te-127m 416 1.12E+01 Te-127m 417 0.00E+00 Te-129 417 2.50E+02 Te-129 417 1.19E+02 Te-129 417 3.65E+01 Te-129 417 2.81E+01 Te-129 417 1.55E+01 Te-1 29 418 O.00E+00 Te-129m 418 4.46E+01 Te-129m 418 4.45E+01 Te-129m 418 4.39E+01 Te-129m 418 4.10E+01 Te-129m 418 2.25E+01 Te-129m 420 0.00E+00 Te-131m 420 1.30E+02 Te-131m 420 1.13E+02 Te-131m 420 7.78E+01 Te-131m 420 1.46E+01 Te-131m 420 7.53E-06 Te-131m 421 0.OOE+00 Te-132 421 1.30E+03 Te-132 421 1.23E+03 Te-132 421 1.06E+03 Te-132 421 5.58E+02 Te-132 421 2.08E+00 Te-132 471 2.70E+00 Xe-133 471 5.42E+01 Xe-133 471 3.55E+02 Xe-133 471 8.71E+02 Xe-133 471 1.15E+03 Xe-133 471 3.73E+01 Xe-133 473 2.97E+01 Xe-135 473 5.35E+02 Xe-135 473 2.29E+03 Xe-135 473 1.80E+03 Xe-135 473 1.44E+01 Xe-135 473 3.13E-20 Xe-135 480 0.OOE+00 Y-90 480 7.39E-01 Y-90 480 3.19E+00 Y-90 480 8.99E+00 Y-90 480 2.54E+01 Y-90 480 3.70E+01 Y-90 482 0.OOE+00 Y-91 482 4.40E+00 Y-91 482 4.76E+00 Y-91 482 5.17E+00 Y-91 482 5.16E+00 Y-91 482 3.56E+00 Y-91 484 0.00E+00 Y-92 484 4.75E+01 Y-92 484 9.97E+01 Y-92 484 9.63E+00 Y-92 484 9.66E-06 Y-92 484 7.88E Y-92 485 O.OOE+00 Y-93 485 4.73E+00 Y-93 485 3.13E+00 Y-93 485 1.04E+00 Y-93 485 7.40E-03 Y-93 485 1.75E-21 Y-93 496 0.OOE+00 Zr-95 496 6.09E+00 Zr-95 496 6.07E+00 Zr-95 496 6.02E+00 Zr-95 496 5.79E+00 Zr-95 496 4.10E+00 Zr-95 497 0.00E+00 Zr-97 497 5.69E+00 Zr-97 497 4.45E+00 Zr-97 497 2.30E+00 Zr-97 497 1.19E-01 Zr-97 497 8.62E-13 Zr-97

Attachmment 3 Page 4 NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 3 - Core Spray Line Shine - MicroShield Input Table 3-3 Core Spray Line Inventory (Curies) - Line Segment #2 t= t= t=

8 24 96 720 0.5 Iso# Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso 13 1.57E-03 Am-241 13 1.57E-03 Am-241 13 1.58E-03 Am-241 13 1.61 E-03 Am-241 13 1.83E-03 Am-241 13 O.OOE+00 Am-241 41 4.09E+02 Ba-139 41 2.00E+01 Ba-1 39 41 6.40E-03 Ba-139 41 1.20E-18 Ba-1 39 41 0.00E+00 Ba-139 41 0.00E+00 Ba-139 42 1.07E+03 Ba-140 42 1.06E+03 Ba-140 42 1.02E+03 Ba-140 42 8.58E+02 Ba-1 40 42 1.96E+02 Ba-140 42 0.OOE+00 Ba-140 81 0.OOE+00 Ce-141 81 2.55E+01 Ce-141 81 2.54E+01 Ce-141 81 2.50E+01 Ce-141 81 2.33E+01 Ce-141 81 1.26E+01 Ce-141 82 0.OOE+00 Ce-143 82 2.25E+01 Ce-143 82 1.98E+01 Ce-143 82 1.41E+01 Ce-143 82 3.10E+00 Ce-143 82 5.91 E-06 Ce-143 83 2.09E+01 Ce-144 83 2.09E+01 Ce-144 83 2.08E+01 Ce-144 83 2.05E+01 Ce-144 83 1.81E+01 Ce-144 83 0.00E+00 Ce-144 93 3.95E-01 Cm-242 93 3.94E-01 Cm-242 93 3.93E-01 Cm-242 93 3.85E-01 Cm-242 93 3.24E-01 Cm-242 93 0.00E+00 Cm-242 95 2.54E-02 Cm-244 95 2.53E-02 Cm-244 95 2.53E-02 Cm-244 95 2.51 E-02 Cm-244 95 2.35E-02 Cm-244 95 0.00E+00 Cm-244 104 0.00E+00 Co-58 104 4.36E-01 Co-58 104 4.35E-01 Co-58 104 4.31E-01 Co-58 104 4.16E-01 Co-58 104 3.03E-01 Co-58 106 0.OOE+00 Co-6O 106 5.23E-01 Co-60 106 5.22E-01 Co-60 106 5.21E-01 Co-60 106 5.17E-01 Co-60 106 4.82E-01 Co-60 115 3.86E+02 Cs-134 115 1.93E+03 Cs-134 115 1.93E+03 Cs-134 115 1.92E+03 Cs-134 115 1.90E+03 Cs-134 115 1.75E+03 Cs-134 118 6.14E+02 Cs-136 118 6.06E+02 Cs-136 118 5.84E+02 Cs-136 118 4.95E+02 Cs-136 118 1.17E+02 Cs-1 36 118 1.23E+02 Cs-136 119 1.16E+03 Cs-137 119 1.16E+03 Cs-137 119 1.15E+03 Cs-137 119 1.15E+03 Cs-137 119 1.08E+03 Cs-1 37 119 2.31E+02 Cs-137 175 9.26E+03 1-131 175 9.06E+03 1-131 175 8.55E+03 1-131 175 6.56E+03 1-131 175 6.56E+02 1-131 175 1.55E+03 1-131 176 1.07E+04 1-132 176 3.50E+03 1-132 176 1.87E+03 1-132 176 9.85E+02 1-132 176 3.67E+00 1-132 176 2.07E+03 1-132 177 1.77E+04 1-133 177 1.45E+04 1-133 177 8.47E+03 1-133 177 7.63E+02 1-133 177 6.68E-07 1-133 177 3.10E+03 1-133 178 4.26E+03 1-134 178 3.70E+01 1-134 178 1.19E-04 1-134 178 2.23E-29 1-134 178 0.00E+00 1-134 178 2.32E+03 1-134 179 2.80E+03 1-135 179 1.43E+04 1-135 179 7.64E+03 1-135 179 1.42E+03 1-135 179 7.44E-01 1-135 179 2.67E-29 1-135 203 0.OOE+00 Kr-85 203 0.OOE+00 Kr-85 203 0.00E+00 Kr-85 203 0.O0E+00 Kr-85 203 0.0OE+00 Kr-85 203 0.00E+00 Kr-85 204 0.00E+00 Kr-85m 204 O.00E+00 Kr-85m 204 0.OOE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.00E+00 Kr-85m 204 0.0OE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.00E+00 Kr-85m 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.OOE+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 206 O.OOE+00 Kr-88 206 O.OOE+00 Kr-88 206 0.0OE+00 Kr-88 206 O.00E+00 Kr-88 206 0.00E+00 Kr-88 206 0.OOE+00 Kr-88 209 0.OOE+00 La-140 209 2.52E+01 La-140 209 1.27E+02 La-1 40 209 3.46E+02 La-140 209 7.51E+02 La-140 209 2.26E+02 La-140 210 0.OOE+00 La-141 210 7.16E+00 La-141 210 2.48E+00 La-141 210 1.48E-01 La-141 210 4.47E-07 La-141 210 6.71E-55 La-141 211 4.00E+00 La-142 211 2.69E-01 La-142 211 2.02E-04 La-142 211 1.75E-18 La-142 211 0.00E+00 La-1 42 211 0.00E+00 La-142 224 1.43E+02 Mo-99 224 1.34E+02 Mo-99 224 1.13E+02 Mo-99 224 5.29E+01 Mo-99 224 7.08E-02 Mo-99 224 0.OOE+00 Mo-99 238 1.02E+01 Nb-95 238 1.02E+01 Nb-95 238 1.02E+01 Nb-95 238 1.01E+01 Nb-95 238 8.79E+00 Nb-95 238 0.OOE+00 Nb-95 243 1.02E+01 Nd-147 243 1.01E+01 Nd-147 243 9.63E+00 Nd-147 243 7.91E+00 Nd-147 243 1.44E+00 Nd-1 47 243 0.00E+00 Nd-147 255 3.27E+02 Np-239 255 3.03E+02 Np-239 255 2.49E+02 Np-239 255 1.02E+02 Np-239 255 4.56E-02 Np-239 255 O.00E+00 Np-239 302 9.21E+00 Pr-143 302 9.35E+00 Pr-143 302 9.59E+00 Pr-143 302 9.18E+00 Pr-143 302 2.37E+00 Pr-143 302 0.00E+00 Pr-143 313 7.31E-02 Pu-238 313 7.31E-02 Pu-238 313 7.30E-02 Pu-238 313 7.25E-02 Pu-238 313 6.83E-02 Pu-238 313 0.00E+00 Pu-238 314 7.37E-03 Pu-239 314 7.37E-03 Pu-239 314 7.37E-03 Pu-239 314 7.36E-03 Pu-239 314 6.95E-03 Pu-239 314 O.00E+00 Pu-239 315 1.01E-02 Pu-240 315 1.01E-02 Pu-240 315 1.01E-02 Pu-240 315 1.00E-02 Pu-240 315 9.42E-03 Pu-240 315 0.OOE+00 Pu-240 316 3.05E+00 Pu-241 316 3.05E+00 Pu-241 316 3.04E+00 Pu-241 316 3.02E+00 Pu-241 316 2.83E+00 Pu-241 316 0.00E+00 Pu-241 332 1.99E+01 Rb-86 332 1.97E+01 Rb-86 332 1.92E+01 Rb-86 332 1.70E+01 Rb-86 332 6.10E+00 Rb-86 332 3.99E+00 Rb-86 347 7.89E+01 Rh-105 347 7.46E+01 Rh-105 347 5.68E+01 Rh-105 347 1.38E+01 Rh-105 347 6.33E-05 Rh-105 347 0.00E+00 Rh-105 355 1.23E+02 Ru-103 355 1.22E+02 Ru-103 355 1.20E+02 Ru-103 355 1.13E+02 Ru-103 355 6.74E+01 Ru-103 355 0.00E+00 Ru-103 356 6.33E+01 Ru-105 356 2.48E+01 Ru-1O5 356 2.04E+00 Ru-105 356 2.66E-05 Ru-105 356 1.23E-47 Ru-1O5 356 0.00E+00 Ru-105 357 4.97E+01 Ru-106 357 4.96E+01 Ru-106 357 4.95E+01 Ru-106 357 4.89E+01 Ru-106 357 4.37E+01 Ru-106 357 0.OOE+00 Ru-106 1.70E+02 Sb-127 365 1.62E+02 Sb-127 365 1.44E+02 Sb-127 365 8.32E+01 Sb-127 365 7.25E-01 Sb-127 365 0.OOE+00 Sb-127 365 366 3.70E+02 Sb-129 366 1.41E+02 Sb-129 366 1.08E+01 Sb-129 366 1.03E-04 Sb-129 366 3.20E-48 Sb-129 366 0.OOE+00 Sb-129 391 5.55E+02 Sr-89 391 5.49E+02 Sr-89 391 5.23E+02 Sr-89 391 3.44E+02 Sr-89 391 0.OOE+00 Sr-89 391 5.57E+02 Sr-89 392 6.63E+01 Sr-90 392 6.62E+01 Sr-90 392 6.61E+01 Sr-90 392 6.56E+01 Sr-90 392 6.16E+01 Sr-90 392 0.OOE+00 Sr-90 6.12E+02 Sr-91 393 3.95E+02 Sr-91 393 1.23E+02 Sr-91 393 6.37E-01 Sr-91 393 1.01E-20 Sr-91 393 0.00E+00 Sr-91 393 4.63E+02 Sr-92 394 9.97E+01 Sr-92 394 1.66E+00 Sr-92 394 1.66E-08 Sr-92 394 7.56E-78 Sr-92 394 0.00E+00 Sr-92 394 1.29E+02 Tc-99m 408 1.25E+02 Tc-99m 408 1.10E+02 Tc-99m 408 5.17E+01 Tc-99m 408 6.93E-02 Tc-99m 408 0.00E+00 Tc-99m 408 415 1.68E+02 Te-127 415 1.53E+02 Te-127 415 9.90E+01 Te-127 415 1.92E+01 Te-127 415 0.OOE+00 Te-127 415 1.73E+02 Te-127 416 2.32E+01 Te-127m 416 2.32E+01 Te-127m 416 2.32E+01 Te-127m 416 2.29E+01 Te-127m 416 1.87E+01 Te-127m 416 0.00E+00 Te-127m 417 1.99E+02 Te-129 417 6.08E+01 Te-129 417 4.69E+01 Te-129 417 2.58E+01 Te-129 417 0.00E+00 Te-129 417 4.16E+02 Te-129 418 7.43E+01 Te-129m 418 7.41E+01 Te-129m 418 7.32E+01 Te-129m 418 6.83E+01 Te-129m 418 3.75E+01 Te-129m 418 0.00E+00 Te-129m 420 1.88E+02 Te-131m 420 1.30E+02 Te-131m 420 2.44E+01 Te-131m 420 1.26E-05 Te-131m 420 0.008Ei00 Te-131m 420 2.16E+02 Te-131m Te-132 421 2.05E+03 Te-132 421 1.77E+03 Te-132 421 9.30E+02 Te-132 421 3.47E+00 Te-132 421 0.00E+00 Te-132 421 2.16E+03 471 9.04E+01 Xe-133 471 5.92E+02 Xe-133 471 1.45E+03 Xe-133 471 1.91E+03 Xe-133 471 6.22E+01 Xe-133 471 4.51E+00 Xe-133 Xe-135 473 3.81E+03 Xe-135 473 3.00E+03 Xe-135 473 2.39E+01 Xe-135 473 5.21E-20 Xe-135 473 4.95E+01 Xe-1 35 473 8.92E+02 480 1.23E+00 Y-90 480 5.32E+00 Y-90 480 1.50E+01 Y-90 480 4.24E+01 Y-90 480 6.16E+01 Y-90 480 0.OOE+00 Y-90 Y-91 482 7.93E+00 Y-91 482 8.62E+00 Y-91 482 8.60E+00 Y-91 482 5.94E+00 Y-91 482 0.00E+00 Y-91 482 7.34E+00 484 1.66E+02 Y-92 484 1.60E+01 Y-92 484 1.61 E-05 Y-92 484 1.31E-58 Y-92 484 0.OOE+00 Y-92 484 7.92E+01 Y-92 Y-93 485 5.22E+00 Y-93 485 1.74E+00 Y-93 485 1.23E-02 Y-93 485 2.92E-21 Y-93 485 0.OOE+00 Y-93 485 7.89E+00 496 1.01E+01 Zr-95 496 1.00E+01 Zr-95 496 9.65E+00 Zr-95 496 6.84E+00 Zr-95 496 0.OOE+00 Zr-95 496 1.02E+01 Zr-95 9.49E+00 Zr-97 497 7.42E+00 Zr-97 497 3.84E+00 Zr-97 497 1.99E-01 Zr-97 497 1.44E-12 Zr-97 497 0.00E+00 Zr-97 497

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Page 4,.A 3 - Core Spray Line Shine - MAIN Value Units Ref.

Sup Pool Water Vol.. 87,879 cu ft NEDC 98-042 (minimum level) 83,485 cu ft NEDC 98-042 (minimum less 5%).

2364 cu m

1. Assume the radionuclides released to the suppression pool. are evenly distributed in the pool.
2. Maximize the concentration in the water by conservatively neglecting the volume of the reactor coolant in the RPV, reactor coolant piping, and CS piping. Conservatively use the low suppression pool water level at lowest of uncertainty band. This is much less than the minimum value in USAR Table V-2-1 (or XIV-5-4), so is therefore very conservative.
3. No credit is taken for radioactive decay from the suppression pool to to CS line in question.
4. CS line routing is given on isometric drawing 2602-2. The portion of CS piping below RxB elevation 903'-6" is assumed to contribute neglegibly to the CR dose because of two factors. First, the north reactor building wall below elevation 903'-6" is greater than 4 feet thick (CNS-BLDG-432, 433), which is significantly greater than the 1'-6" thick wall that conservatively will be used in the model above 903'-6". Second, the floor slab thickness at elevation 903'-6" is.1'-9" thick (4239), which reduces the dose contribution from piping below 903'-6" to a small fraction of the dose from piping above 903'-6", due to the greater attentuation and greater distance.
5. The North RxB wall is 1.5 feet thick (about half) and 3.0 feet thick (about half). For conservatism, use 1.5 feet.
6. For CS Line Segment #1 (between El. 903'-6" and 931'-6"), conservatively assume that the line is the full floor-to-floor slab distance long and the dose point is on the cylinder end plane. No credt is taken for shielding from the floor slab at El. 931'-6".
7. For CS Line Segment #2 (between El. 931'-6" and 958'-3"), assume that the line is a straight horizontal pipe 45 feet long (full run length) in E-W direction (conservatively neglects self-shielding due to skewed angle), and the dose point is on the cylinder midplane and at the same elevation (conservatively neglects additional shielding thickness due to skewed angle).
8. Conservatively neglect CR floor slabs.
9. For time intervals before the peak dose rate (see graph), a bounding approach is used, selecting the highest dose rate for the interval. For time intervals after the peak dose rate, a linear average is used, which is conservative since the dose rate drops off exponentially.

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Paget4r,&

CS Line Piping nominal diameter 12 in Dwg 2602-2 Pipe Schedule Standard Dwg 2602-2, Contract E69-4 pipe wall thickness 0.375 in Tioga pipe guide id 12 in Tioga pipe guide pipe radius 6 in CS Line Segment #1 (between floor slabs at El. 903'-6" and 931'-6") (closest) top of slab 931.5 ft top of slab 903.5 ft less floor th (931'-6") 1 ft Dwg 4239, 4221(minimum slab thickness).

conservative length 27 ft Use 30 ft. The pipe is much longer; however, that part is also much farther away.

CS Line Segment #2 (between floor slabs at El. 931'-6" and 958'-3") (farthest) top of slab 958.33 ft top of slab 931.5 ft less floor th (958'-3") 1 ft Dwg 4222 (minimum slab thickness) 25.83 ft Actual Pipe Length segment 2-1 (vert) 14.83 ft Dwg 2602-2 segment 2-2 (horiz) 10.33 ft Dwg 2602-2 segment 2-3 (horiz) 20.85 ft Dwg 2602-2 total length 46.02 ft Use 50 ft for CS Line Segment #2 length.

N-S Distance of CS Line Segment #2 from Segment #1 (south of Segment #1) farthest point 47.00 ft Dwg 2602-2 closest point 36.77 ft Dwg 2602-2 average 41.89 ft Use this value to locate Segment #2 relative to Segment #1 Shielding Segment #1 Segment #2 water (pipe radius) 0.5000 ft 0.5000 ft carbon steel 0.0313 ft pipe wall 0.0313 ft air (to RB N wall) 2.5833 ft Dwg 2602-2, CNS-BLDG-442, 456 44.4706 ft concrete (RB N wall) 1.5 ft Dwg 4221 1.5 ft air (Control Corridor) 21.5 ft Dwg CNS-BLDG-442, 456 21.5 ft concrete (CB S wall) 2.0 ft Dwg 4171 to 4175 2.0 ft air (to RO, Col. 15.4) 32.75 ft Dwg 4171 to 4175 32.75 ft SUM 60.8646 ft 102.7518 ft

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Page A'ýY-(f Dose Results - CS Line Segment #1 (between elev. 903'-6" to 931'-6")

Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time (h) mR/hr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 not compu.

0.5 7.037E-02 0 to 0.5 7.037E-02 0.5 3.52E-02 2 3.108E-01 PEAK 0.5 to 2 3.108E-01 1.5 4.66E-01 8 1.423E-01 2 to 8 2.266E-01 6 1.36E+00 24 4.564E-02 8 to 24 9.397E-02 16 1.50E+00 96 3.058E-02 24 to 96 3.811E-02 72 2.74E+00 720 8.359E-03 96 to 720 1.947E-02 624 1.21 E+01 1.83E+01 Dose Results - CS Line Seament #2 (between elev. 931'-6" to 958'-3")

Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time (h) mR/hr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 not compu.

0.5 3.914E-02 0 to 0.5 3.914E-02 0.5 1.96E-02 2 1.726E-01 PEAK 0.5 to 2 1.726E-01 1.5 2.59E-01 8 7.912E-02 2 to 8 1.259E-01 6 7.55E-01 24 2.539E-02 8 to 24 5.226E-02 16 8.36E-01 96 1.707E-02 24 to 96 2.123E-02 72 1.53E+00 720 4.657E-03 96 to 720 1.086E-02 624 6.78E+00 1.02E+01 Total Core Sorav Line Shine F 12184-E-+

_01- I

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 0 Attachment 3 Page 6 Core Spray Line #1 Shine 0.35 0.3 0.25 E0.2 ci 4

'i 0.15 0

x wU 0.1 0.05 0

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time (h)

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS1P5.MS5 Date:

, Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 2:44:51 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:03 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #1 Shine 0.5h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 914.4 cm 30 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. .1 1.86e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 60 ft 10.4 in 0.0 in 0.0 in ex Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density 3

Source 23.562 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 2.583 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library :.Grove Nuclide curies becquerels i Ci/cm3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 2.31 00e+002 8.5470e+012 3.4622e+002 1.2810e+007 Cs-1 36 7.3900e+001 2.7343e+012 1.1076e+002 4.0982e+006 Cs-137 1.3900e+002 5.1430e+012 2.0833e+002 7.7083e+006

Page :2 DOS File: 3CS1P5.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:44:51 PM Duration : 00:00:03 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-131 9.3000e+002 3.4410e+013 1.3939e+003 5.1574e+007 1-132 1.2400e+003 4.5880e+01 3 1.8585e+003 6.8765e+007 1-133 1.8600e+003 6.8820e+01 3 2.7878e+003 1.0315e+008 1-134 1.3900e+003 5.1430e+01 3 2.0833e+003 7.7083e+007 1-135 1.6800e+003 6.2160e+01 3 2.5180e+003 9.3165e+007 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 2.3900e+000 8.8430e+01 0 3.5821 e+000 1.3254e+005 Rh-105 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-1 31 m Te- 132 Xe-133 2.7000e+000 9.9900e+01 0 4.0468e+000 1.4973e+005 Xe-135 2.9700e+001 1.0989e+012 4.4514e+001 1.6470e+006 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95

[I-!', -1

-- v ý4 .It- z-=-::-, ':

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS1P5.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:44:51 PM Duration : 00:00:03 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Zr-97 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.03 3.744e+12 2.653e-1 50 4.080e-23 2.629e-1 52 4.044e-25 0.04 1.031e+11 2.902e-74 2.980e-24 1.283e-76 1.318e-26 0.06 3.408e+11 2.010e-33 2.311 e-22 3.992e-36 4.590e-25 0.08 1.109e+12 1.523e-22 1.660e-20 2.411 e-25 2.626e-23 0.1 1.118e+10 2.269e-20 6.432e-18 3.472e-23 9.840e-21 0.15 2.932e+12 '9.292e-14 5.599e-1 1 1.530e-16 9.220e-14 0.2 4.265e+12 1.279e-11 8.864e-09 2.257e-14 1.564e-1 1 0.3 8.032e+12 5.094e-09 2.409e-06 9.662e-12 4.570e-09 0.4 3.907e+13 7.889e-07 2.275e-04 1.537e-09 4.432e-07 0.5 8.367e+13 2.167e-05 4.066e-03 4.253e-08 7.981 e-06 0.6 9.029e+13 1.725e-04 2.244e-02 3.366e-07 4.380e-05 0.8 1.555e+14 6.032e-03 4.420e-01 1.147e-05 8.406e-04 1.0 6.363e+13 2.251 e-02 1.067e+00 4.148e-05 1.968e-03 1.5 4.961e+13 7.016e-01 1.621e+01 1.180e-03 2.727e-02 2.0 1.247e+13 1.726e+00 2.602e+01 2.669e-03 4.024e-02 TOTALS: 5.148e+14 2.456e+00 4.376e+01 3.903e-03 7.037e-02

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS1P5.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:44:51 PM Duration : 00:00:03 4

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS102.MS5 Date:

r ,Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 2:56:05 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #1 Shine 2h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 914.4 cm 30 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 1.86e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 60 ft 10.4 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density 23.562 ft3 z Source Shield 1 .031 ft Water Iron 1

7.86 Shield 2 2.583 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.Oft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 9.4200e-004 3.4854e+007 1.4119e-003 5.2239e+001 Ba-139 2.4600e+002 9.1020e+012 3.6871e+002 1.3642e+007 Ba-140 6.4300e+002 2.3791e+013 9.6373e+002 3.5658e+007 Ce-141 1.5300e+001 5.661 0e+01 1 2.2932e+001 8.4847e+005 Ce-143 1.3500e+001 4.9950e+01 1 2.0234e+001 7.4865e+005 Ce-144 1.2500e+001 4.6250e+01 1 1.8735e+001 6.9320e+005 Cm-242 2.3700e-001 8.7690e+009 3.5522e-001 1.3143e+004 Cm-244 1.5200e-002 5.6240e+008 2.2782e-002 8.4293e+002 Co-58 2.6200e-001 9.6940e+009 3.9269e-001 1.4529e+004 Co-60 3.1400e-001 1.1618e+010 4.7062e-001 1.7413e+004 Cs-1 34 1 .1600e+003 4.2920e+01 3 1.7386e+003 6.4329e+007 Cs-136 3.6800e+002 1.3616e+013 5.5156e+002 2.0408e+007 Cs-137 6.9400e+002 2.5678e+013 1.0402e+003 3.8486e+007 7

Page :2 DOS File: 3CS102.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:56:05 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 1-131 5.5500e+003 2.0535e+014 8.3183e+003 3.0778e+008 1-132 6.4000e+003 2.3680e+014 9.5923e+003 3.5492e+008 1-133 1.0600e+004 3.9220e+014 1.5887e+004 5.8783e+008 1-134 2.5500e+003 9.4350e+01 3 3.8219e+003 1.4141e+008 1-135 8.6000e+003 3.1820e+014 1.2890e+004 4.7692e+008 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.5100e+001 5.5870e+01 1 2.2632e+001 8.3738e+005 La-141 4.3000e+000 1.591 Oe+0 11 6.4448e+000 2.3846e+005 La-142 2.4000e+000 8.8800e+010 3.5971 e+000 1.3309e+005 Mo-99 8.5900e+001 3.1783e+012 1.2875e+002 4.7636e+006 Nb-95 6.1400e+000 2.2718e+01 1 9.2026e+000 3.4050e+005 Nd-147 6.1400e+000 2.2718e+01 1 9.2026e+000 3.4050e+005 Np-239 1.9600e+002 7.2520e+012 2.9376e+002 1.0869e+007 Pr-143 5.5200e+000 2.0424e+011 8.2734e+000 3.0612e+005 Pu-238 4.3900e-002 1.6243e+009 6.5797e-002 2.4345e+003 Pu-239 4.4200e-003 1.6354e+008 6.6247e-003 2.4511 e+002 Pu-240 6.0700e-003 2.2459e+008 9.0977e-003 3.3662e+002 Pu-241 1.8300e+000 6.771 Oe+010 2.7428e+000 1.0148e+005 Rb-86 1.1 900e+001 4.4030e+01 1 1.7836e+001 6.5992e+005 Rh-1 05 4.7300e+001 1.7501e+012 7.0893e+001 2.6231 e+006 Ru-1 03 7.3600e+001 2.7232e+012 1.1031e+002 4.0815e+006 Ru-1 05 3.8000e+001 1.4060e+012 5.6954e+001 2.1073e+006 Ru-106 2.9800e+001 1.1026e+012 4.4664e+001 1.6526e+006 Sb-127 1.0200e+002 3.7740e+012 1.5288e+002 5.6565e+006 Sb-129 2.2200e+002 8.2140e+012 3.3273e+002 1.2311e+007 Sr-89 3.3400e+002 1.2358e+013 5.0060e+002 1.8522e+007 Sr-90 3.9700e+001 1.4689e+012 5.9502e+001 2.2016e+006 Sr-91 3.6700e+002 1.3579e+013 5.5006e+002 2.0352e+007 Sr-92 2.7800e+002 1.0286e+013 4.1667e+002 1.5417e+007 Tc-99m 7.7300e+001 2.8601e+012 1.1586e+002 4.2867e+006 Te- 127 1.0400e+002 3.8480e+012 1.5588e+002 5.7674e+006 Te-127m 1.3900e+001 5.1430e+01 1 2.0833e+001 7.7083e+005 Te-129 2.5000e+002 9.2500e+012 3.7470e+002 1.3864e+007 Te-129m 4.4600e+001 1.6502e+012 6.6847e+001 2.4733e+006 Te-131m 1.3000e+002 4.81 00e+012 1.9484e+002 7.2092e+006 Te-132 1.3000e+003 4.8100e+013 1.9484e+003 7.2092e+007 Xe-133 5.4200e+001 2.0054e+012 8.1235e+001 3.0057e+006 Xe-135 5.3500e+002 1.9795e+013 8.0186e+002 2.9669e+007 Y-90 7.3900e-001 2.7343e+010 1.1076e+000 4.0982e+004 Y-91 4.4000e+000 1.6280e+011 6.5947e+000 2.4400e+005 Y-92 4.7500e+001 1.7575e+012 7.1193e+001 2.6341 e+006 Y-93 4.7300e+000 1.7501e+011 7.0893e+000 2.6231 e+005 Zr-95 6.0900e+000 2.2533e+01 1 9.1277e+000 3.3772e+005 IF A~' ~

4, W1 1 N,

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS102.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:56:05 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becciuerels uCi/cm3 Bg/cm 3 Zr-97 5.6900e+000 2.1053e+01 1 8.5282e+000 3.1554e+005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 3.483e+08 0.000e+00 1.091e-27 0.000e+00 9.359e-29 0.02 3.479e+11 0.000e+00 1.715e-24 0.000e+00 5.940e-26 0.03 5.789e+13 4.102e-149 6.309e-22 4.065e-1 51 6.252e-24 0.04 1.240e+12 3.490e-73 3.584e-23 1.543e-75 1.585e-25 0.05 6.324e+12 1.267e-44 5.975e-22 3.375e-47 1.592e-24 0.06 1.892e+12 1.116e-32 1.283e-21 2.217e-35 2.549e-24 0.08 7.189e+12 9.872e-22 1.075e-19 1.562e-24 1.702e-22 0.1 7.617e+12 1.547e- 17 4.383e-1 5 2.366e-20 6.706e-1 8 0.15 1.348e+13 4.272e-13 2.574e-1 0 7.034e- 16 4.238e-1 3 0.2 7.471e+13 2.241 e-1 0 1.553e-07 3.954e-13 2.740e-1 0 0.3 4.710e+13 2.987e-08 1.413e-05 5.666e-11 2.680e-08 0.4 2.055e+14 4.149e-06 1.196e-03 8.084e-09 2.331 e-06 0.5 4.550e+14 1 .178e-04 2.211 e-02 2.312e-07 4.340e-05 0.6 4.154e+14 7.935e-04 1.032e-01 1.549e-06 2.015e-04 0.8 5.185e+14 2.01 le-02 1.474e+00 3.825e-05 2.803e-03 1.0 2.732e+14 9.664e-02 4.584e+00 1.781e-04 8.449e-03.

1.5 2.442e+14 3.454e+00 7.978e+01 5.81 le-03 1.342e-01 2.0 5.074e+13 7.023e+00 1.059e+02 1.086e-02 1.637e-01 3.0 4.423e+10 9.236e-02 8.237e-01 1.253e-04 1.117e-03 4.0 2.331e+09 2.378e-02 1.541 e-0 1 2.942e-05 1.906e-04 TOTALS: 2.380e+15 1.071e+01 1.928e+02 1.704e-02 3.1 08e-01

Page :4 1 DOS File: 3CS102.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:56:05 PM Duration : 00:00:04 7T ILL~

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS108.MS5 Date:

r i Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 2:48:22 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #1 Shine 8h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 914.4 cm 30 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 1.86e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 60 ft 10.4 in 0.0 in 0.0 in I

Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density ft3 Source 23.562 Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 2.583 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 9.4400e-004 3.4928e+007 1.4149e-003 5.2350e+001 Ba-139 1.2000e+001 4.4400e+01 1 1.7986e+001 6.6547e+005 Ba-140 6.3400e+002 2.3458e+013 9.5024e+002, 3.5159e+007 Ce-141 1.5200e+001 5.6240e+01 1 2.2782e+001 8.4293e+005 Ce-143 1.1900e+001 4.4030e+01 1 1.7836e+001 6.5992e+005 Ce-144 1.2500e+001 4.6250e+01 1 1.8735e+001 6.9320e+005 Cm-242 2.3700e-001 8.7690e+009 3.5522e-001 1.3143e+004 Cm-244 1.5200e-002 5.6240e+008 2.2782e-002 8.4293e+002 Co-58 2.610 0e-001 9.6570e+009 3.9119e-001 1.4474e+004 Co-60 3.1300e-001 1.1581e+010 4.6912e-001 1.7358e+004 Cs-134 1 .1600e+003 4.2920e+013 1.7386e+003 6.4329e+007 Cs-136 3.6300e+002 1.3431e+013 5.4406e+002 2.0130e+007 Cs-137 6.9300e+002 2.5641e+013 1.0387e+003 3.8431 e+007


Page :2 DOS File: 3CS108.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:48:22 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels UCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-131 5.4400e+003 2.0128e+014 8.1535e+003 3.0168e+008 1-132 2.1 000e+003 7.7700e+01 3 3.1475e+003 1.1646e+008 1-133 8.6700e+003 3.2079e+014 1.2995e+004 4.8080e+008 1-134 2.2200e+001 8.2140e+01 1 3.3273e+001 1.2311 e+006 1-135 4.5800e+003 1.6946e+014 6.8645e+003 2.5399e+008 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 7.6200e+001 2.8194e+012 1.1421e+002 4.2257e+006 La-141 1.4900e+000 5.5130e+01 0 2.2332e+000 8.2629e+004 La-142 1.61OOe-001 5.9570e+009 2.4131e-001 8.9284e+003 Mo-99 8.0600e+001 2.9822e+012 1.2080e+002 4.4697e+006 Nb-95 6.1400e+000 2.2718e+01 1 9.2026e+000 3.4050e+005 Nd-147 6.0400e+000 2.2348e+01 1 9.0528e+000 3.3495e+005 Np-239 1.8200e+002 6.7340e+012 2.7278e+002 1.0093e+007 Pr-143 5.61 00e+000 2.0757e+01 1 8.4083e+000 3.1111 e+005 Pu-238 4.3800e-002 1.6206e+009 6.5647e-002 2.4290e+003 Pu-239 4.4200e-003 1.6354e+008 6.6247e-003 2.4511 e+002 Pu-240 6.0600e-003 2.2422e+008 9.0827e-003 3.3606e+002 Pu-241 1.8300e+000 6.7710e+010 2.7428e+000 1.0148e+005 Rb-86 1.1800e+001 4.3660e+01 1 1.7686e+001 6.5438e+005 Rh-105 4.4800e+001 1.6576e+012 6.7146e+001 2.4844e+006 Ru-103 7.3200e+001 2.7084e+012 1.0971e+002 4.0594e+006 Ru-105 1.4900e+001 5.5130e+01 1 2.2332e+001 8.2629e+005 Ru-106 2.9800e+001 1.1026e+012 4.4664e+001 1.6526e+006 Sb-127 9.7400e+001 3.6038e+012 1.4598e+002 5.4014e+006 Sb-129 8.4700e+001 3.1339e+012 1.2695e+002 4.6971 e+006 Sr-89 3.3300e+002 1.2321e+013 4.991 Oe+002 1.8467e+007 Sr-90 3.9700e+001 1.4689e+012 5.9502e+001 2.2016e+006 Sr-91 2.3700e+002 8.7690e+012 3.5522e+002 1.3143e+007 Sr-92 5.9800e+001 2.2126e+012 8.9628e+001 3.3162e+006 Tc-99m 7.5200e+001 2.7824e+012 1.1271e+002 4.1703e+006 Te-127 1.0100e+002 3.7370e+012 1.5138e+002 5.601 Oe+006 Te-127m 1.3900e+001 5.1430e+01 1 2.0833e+001 7.7083e+005 Te-129 1.1900e+002 4.4030e+012 1.7836e+002 6.5992e+006 Te-129m 4.4500e+001 1.6465e+012 6.6697e+001 2.4678e+006 Te-1 31 m 1.1300e+002 4.1810e+012 1.6936e+002 6.2665e+006 Te-132 1.2300e+003 4.551 Oe+01 3 1.8435e+003 6.821 Oe+007 Xe-1 33 3.5500e+002 1.3135e+013 5.3207e+002 1.9687e+007 Xe-1 35 2.2900e+003 8.4730e+01 3 3.4323e+003 1.2699e+008 Y-90 3.1900e+000 1.1803e+011 4.7812e+000 1.7690e+005 Y-91 4.7600e+000 1.7612e+01 1 7.1343e+000 2.6397e+005 Y-92 9.9700e+001 3.6889e+012 1.4943e+002 5.5289e+006 Y-93 3.1300e+000 1.1581e+011 4.6912e+000 1.7358e+005 Zr-95 6.0700e+000 2.2459e+01 1 9.0977e+000 3.3662e+005

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS108.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:48:22 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bg/cm3 Zr-97 4.4500e+000 1.6465e+011 6.6697e+000 2.4678e+005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2 /sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.934e+08 0.000e+00 9.189e-28 0.000e+00 7.882e-29 0.02 3.307e+1 1 0.000e+00 1.630e-24 0.000e+00 5.645e-26 0.03 6.032e+1 3 4.274e-149 6.574e-22 4.235e-1 51 6.515e-24 0.04 1.144e+12 3.221e-73 3.307e-23 1.424e-75 1.463e-25 0.05 5.984e+12 1.199e-44 5.654e-22 3.193e-47 1.506e-24 0.06 1.854e+12 1.093e-32 1.257e-21 2.172e-35 2.498e-24 0.08 1.113e+13 1.528e-21 1.664e-19 2.418e-24 2.634e-22 0.1 7.077e+12 1.437e-17 4.073e-1 5 2.198e-20 6.231e-18 0.15 7.113e+12 2.254e-1 3 1.358e-1 0 3.712e-16 2.236e-13 0.2 1.243e+14 3.727e-1 0 2.583e-07 6.578e-1 3 4.558e-1 0 0.3 3.619e+13 2.295e-08 1.086e-05 4.353e-11 2.059e-08 0.4 1.785e+14 3.604e-06 1.039e-03 7.022e-09 2.025e-06 0.5 3.295e+14 8.532e-05 1.601e-02 1.675e-07 3.143e-05 0.6 1.785e+14 3.41 Oe-04 4.437e-02 6.656e-07 8.661e-05 0.8 1.814e+14 7.035e-03 5.155e-01 1.338e-05 9.805e-04 1.0 1.227e+14 4.338e-02 2.058e+00 7.997e-05 3.793e-03 1.5 1.188e+14 1.680e+00 3.882e+01 2.827e-03 6.531e-02 2.0 2.153e+13 2.980e+00 4.493e+01 4.608e-03 6.948e-02 3.0 1.020e+ 11 2.130e-01 1.900e+00 2.890e-04 2.578e-03 4.0 1.564e+08 1.596e-03 1.034e-02 1.974e-06 1.279e-05 TOTALS: 1.386e+15 4.926e+00 8.829e+01 7.820e-03 i il;1 '7 1 11- 11. ~

Page :4 DOS File : 3CS108.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:48:22 PM Duration : 00:00:04 ii: I~7~

  • li~'*-. h* ~

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS124.MS5 Date:

r " Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 2:49:33 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #1 Shine 24h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 914.4 cm 30 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 1.86e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 60 ft 10.4 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Material Density Source 23.562 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 2.583 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 B q/cm3 Am-241 9.4700e-004 3.5039e+007 1.4194e-003 5.2516e+001 Ba-139 3.8400e-003 1.4208e+008 5.7554e-003 2.1295e+002 Ba-140 6.1 000e+002 2.2570e+013 9.1427e+002 3.3828e+007 Ce-141 1.5000e+001 5.5500e+01 1 2.2482e+001 8.3183e+005 Ce-143 8.4900e+000 3.1413e+011 1.2725e+001 4.7082e+005 Ce-144 1.2500e+001 4.6250e+01 1 1.8735e+001 6.9320e+005 Cm-242 2.3600e-001 8.7320e+009 3.5372e-001 1.3088e+004 Cm-244 1.5200e-002 5.6240e+008 2.2782e-002 8.4293e+002 Co- 58. 2.5900e-001 9.5830e+009 3.8819e-001 1.4363e+004 Co-60 3.1300e-001 1.1581e+010 4.6912e-001 1.7358e+004 Cs-134 1.1500e+003 4.2550e+013 1.7236e+003 6.3774e+007 Cs-136 3.5000e+002 1.2950e+013 5.2458e+002 1.9409e+007 Cs-137 6.9200e+002 2.5604e+013 1.0372e+003 3.8375e+007 T liý

Page :2 DOS File  : 3CS124.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:49:33 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 1-131 5.1300e+003 1.8981e+014 7.6888e+003 2.8449e+008 1-132 1.1200e+003 4.1440e+013 1.6787e+003 6.211 Oe+007 1-133 5.0800e+003 1.8796e+014 7.6139e+003 2.8171e+008 1-134 7.11 OOe-005 2.6307e+006 1.0656e-004 3.9429e+000 1-135 8.5400e+002 3.1598e+013 1.2800e+003 4.7359e+007 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 2.0700e+002 7.6590e+012 3.1025e+002 1.1479e+007 La-141 8.8500e-002 3.2745e+009 1,3264e-001 4.9078e+003 La-142 1.21 OOe-004 4.4770e+006 1,8135e-004 6.7101 e+000 Mo-99 6.8000e+001 2.5160e+012 1.0192e+002 3.771 Oe+006 Nb-95 6.1200e+000 2.2644e+01 1 9.1727e+000 3.3939e+005 Nd-147 5.7800e+000 2.1386e+01 1 8.6631 e+000 3.2053e+005 Np-239 1.4900e+002 5.5130e+012 2.2332e+002 8.2629e+006 Pr-143 5.7500e+000 2.1275e+01i1 8.6181e+000 3.1887e+005 Pu-238 4.3800e-002 1.6206e+009 6.5647e-002 2.4290e+003 Pu-239 4.4200e-003 1.6354e+008 6.6247e-003 2.4511 e+002 Pu-240 6.0500e-003 2.2385e+008 9.0677e-003 3.3551 e+002 Pu-241 1.8300e+000 6.7710e+010 2.7428e+000 1.0148e+005 Rb-86 1.1500e+001 4.2550e+01 1 1.7236e+001 6.3774e+005 Rh-105 3.4100e+001 1.2617e+012 5.1109e+001 1.8910e+006 Ru-103 7.2200e+001 2.6714e+012 1.0821e+002 4.0039e+006 Ru-1 05 1.2200e+000 4.5140e+010 1.8285e+000 6.7656e+004 Ru-106 2.9700e+001 1.0989e+012 4.4514e+001 1.6470e+006 Sb-127 8.6200e+001 3.1894e+012 1.2920e+002 4.7803e+006 Sb-129 6.4900e+000 2.4013e01+/-1 9.7272e+000 3.5991e+005 Sr-89 3.2900e+002 1.2173e+013 4.9311 e+002 1.8245e+007 Sr-90 3.9700e+001 1.4689e+012 5.9502e+001 2.2016e+006 Sr-91 7.3600e+001 2.7232e+012 1.1031e+002 4.0815e+006 Sr-92 9.9800e-001 3.6926e+010 1.4958e+000 5.5345e+004 Tc-99m 6.5700e+001 2.4309e+012 9.8471e+001 3.6434e+006 Te-127 9.1900e+001 3.4003e+012 1.3774e+002 5.0964e+006 Te-127m 1.3900e+001 5.1430e+01 1 2.0833e+001 7.7083e+005 Te-129 3.6500e+001 1.3505e+012 5.4706e+001 2.0241 e+006 Te-129m 4.3900e+001 1.6243e+012 6.5797e+001 2.4345e+006 Te-131m 7.7800e+001 2.8786e+012 1.1661e+002 4.3144e+006 Te-132 1.0600e+003 3.9220e+013 1.5887e+003 5.8783e+007 Xe-133 8.71 00e+002 3.2227e+013 1.3055e+003 4.8302e+007 Xe-1 35 1.8000e+003 6.6600e+01 3 2.6978e+003 9.9820e+007 Y-90 8.9900e+000 3.3263e+01 1 1.3474e+001 4.9855e+005 Y-91 5.1700e+000 1.9129e+01 1 7.7488e+000 2.8671e+005 Y-92 9.6300e+000 3.5631e+011 1.4433e+001 5.3404e+005 Y-93 1.0400e+000 3.8480e+010 1.5588e+000 5.7674e+004 Zr-95 6.0200e+000 2.2274e+01 1 9.0228e+000 3.3384e+005 11!"r- ""T "it: ff-hý W-1, 111ý-- 4

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS124.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:49:33 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becauerels uCilcm3 Bq/cm 3 Zr-97 2.3000e+000 8.5100e+010 3.4472e+000 1.2755e+005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup, No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.21 Oe+08 0.000e+00 6.922e-28 0.000e+00 5.937e-29 0.02 2.856e+1 1 0.000e+00 1.407e-24 0.000e+00 4.875e-26 0.03 6.171e+13 4.373e-149 6.726e-22 4.334e-1 51 6.666e-24 0.04 1.049e+12 2.953e-73 3.032e-23 1.306e-75 1.34le-25 0.05 5.158e+12 1.033e-44 4.873e-22 2.752e-47 1.298e-24 0.06 1.760e+12 1.038e-32 1.194e-21 2.062e-35 2.371 e-24 0.08 1.774e+ 13 2.436e-21 2.654e-1 9 3.856e-24 4.200e-22 0.1 5.845e+12 1.187e-17 3.364e-1 5 1.816e-20 5.146e-18 0.15 6.336e+12 2.008e-1 3 1.21 Oe-10 3.306e-16 1.992e-13 0.2 9.896e+13 2.968e-1 0 2.057e-07 5.238e-13 3.630e-10 0.3 2.859e+1 3 1.813e-08 8.576e-06 3.439e-1 1 1.627e-08 0.4 1.600e+14 3.230e-06 9.315e-04 6.294e-09 1.815e-06 0.5 1.933e+14 5.006e-05 9.395e-03 9.826e-08 1.844e-05 0.6 1.258e+14 2.402e-04 3.126e-02 4.689e-07 6.101 e-05 0.8 1.204e+14 4.668e-03 3.421 e-01 8.879e-06 6.506e-04 1.0 4.682e+13 1.656e-02 7.854e-01 3.052e-05 1.448e-03 1.5 3.701e+13 5.235e-01 1.209e+01 8.807e-04 2.035e-02 2.0 5.029e+12 6.961e-01 1.049e+01 1.076e-03 1.623e-02 3.0 2.727e+1 1 5.695e-01 5.079e+00 7.726e-04 6.890e-03 4.0 1 .175e+05 1.199e-06 7.769e-06 1.483e-09 9.611 e-09 TOTALS: 9.160e+14 1.811 e+00 2.884e+01 2.770e-03 ii ~

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS124.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:49:33 PM Duration : 00:00:04

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File 3CS196.MS5 Date:

i Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Kun Time: 2:50:37 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #1 Shine 96h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 914.4 cm 30 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 1.86e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 60 ft 10.4 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Material Density Source 23.562 ft Water 1 z

Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 2.583 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 9.6400e-004 3.5668e+007 1.4448e-003 5.3459e+001 Ba-1 39 7.1 900e-0 19 2.6603e-008 1.0776e-018 3.9873e-0 14 Ba-140 5.1400e+002 1.9018e+01 3 7.7038e+002 2.8504e+007 Ce-141 1.4000e+001 5.1800e+01 1 2.0983e+001 7.7638e+005 Ce-143 1.8600e+000 6.8820e+01 0 2.7878e+000 1.0315e+005 Ce-144 1.2300e+001 4.5510e+011 1.8435e+001 6.821 Oe+005 Cm-242 2.31OOe-001 8.5470e+009 3.4622e-001 1.2810e+004 Cm-244 1.5100e-002 5.5870e+008 2.2632e-002 8.3738e+002 Co-58 2.5000e-001 9.2500e+009 3.7470e-001 1.3864e+004 Co-60 3.1 OOOe-001 1.1470e+010 4.6463e-001 1.7191e+004 Cs-134 1.1400e+003 4.2180e+013 1.7086e+003 6.3219e+007 Cs-136 2.9700e+002 1.0989e+013 4.4514e+002 1.6470e+007 Cs-137 6.8700e+002 2.5419e+013 1.0297e+003 3.8098e+007


Page :2 DOS File: 3CS196.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:50:37 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 1-131 3.9400e+003 1.4578e+014 5.9053e+003 2.1850e+008 1-132 5.91 00e+002 2.1867e+013 8.8579e+002 3.2774e+007 1-133 4.5800e+002 1.6946e+013 6.8645e+002 2.5399e+007 1-134 1.3400e-029 4.9580e-019 2.0084e-029 7.4311 e-025 1-135 4.4600e-001 1.6502e+010 6.6847e-001 2.4733e+004 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 4.51 00e+002 1.6687e+01 3 6.7596e+002 2.501 Oe+007 La-141 2.6800e-007 9.9160e+003 4.0168e-007 1.4862e-002 La-142 1.0500e-018 3.8850e-008 1.5737e-01 8 5.8228e-014 Mo-99 3.1700e+001 1.1729e+012 4.7512e+001 1.7579e+006 Nb-95 6.0700e+000 2.2459e+01 1 9.0977e+000 3.3662e+005 Nd-147 4.7500e+000 1.7575e+011 7.1193e+000 2.6341 e+005 Np-239 6.1300e+001 2.2681e+012 9.1877e+001 3.3994e+006 Pr-143 5.51 00e+000 2.0387e+01 1 8.2584e+000 3.0556e+005 Pu-238 4.3500e-002 1.6095e+009 6.5198e-002 2.4123e+003 Pu-239 4.4200e-003 1.6354e+008 6.6247e-003 2.4511 e+002 Pu-240 6.01OOe-003 2.2237e+008 9.0078e-003 3.3329e+002 Pu-241 1.8100e+000 6.6970e+010 2.7128e+000 1.0037e+005 Rb-86 1.0200e+001 3.7740e+01 1 1.5288e+001 5.6565e+005 Rh-105 8.2900e+000 3.0673e+01 1 1.2425e+001 4.5973e+005 Ru-103 6.8000e+001 2.5160e+012 1.0192e+002 3.771 Oe+006 Ru-105 1.5900e-005 5.8830e+005 2.3831e-005 8.8174e-001 Ru-106 2.9300e+001 1.0841e+012 4.3915e+001 1.6249e+006 Sb-127 4.9900e+001 1.8463e+012 7.4790e+001 2.7672e+006 Sb-129 6.2000e-005 2.2940e+006 9.2926e-005 3.4382e+000 Sr-89 3.1400e+002 1.1618e+013 4.7062e+002 1.7413e+007 Sr-90 3.9400e+001 1.4578e+012 5.9053e+001 2.1850e+006 Sr-91 3.8200e-001 1.4134e+010 5.7254e-001 2.1184e+004 Sr-92 9.9500e-009 3.6815e+002 1.4913e-008 5.51,78e-004 Tc-99m 3.1000e+001 1.1470e+012 4.6463e+001 1.7191e+006 Te-127 5.9400e+001 2.1978e+012 8.9029e+001 3.2941 e+006 Te-127m 1.3800e+001 5.1060e+01 1 2.0683e+001 7.6529e+005 Te-129 2.8100e+001 1.0397e+012 4.2116e+001 1.5583e+006 Te-129m 4.1000e+001 1.5170e+012 6.1451e+001 2.2737e+006 Te-131m 1.4600e+001 5.4020e+01 1 2.1882e+001 8.0965e+005 Te-132 5.5800e+002 2.0646e+013 8.3633e+002 3.0944e+007 Xe-133 1.1500e+003 4.2550e+013 1.7236e+003 6.3774e+007 Xe-135 1.4400e+001 5.3280e+01 1 2.1583e+001 7.9856e+005 Y-90 2.5400e+001 9.3980e+01 1 3.8070e+001 1.4086e+006 Y-91 5.1600e+000 1.9092e+011 7.7338e+000 2.8615e+005 Y-92 9.6600e-006 3.5742e+005 1.4478e-005 5.3570e-001 Y-93 7.4000e-003 2.7380e+008 1.1091e-002 4.1037e+002 Zr-95 5.7900e+000 2.1423e+01 1 8.6781 e+000 3.2109e+005 i'~h. ~'"W ff

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS196.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:50:37 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becciuerels wCi/cm 3 Bci/cm3 Zr-97 1.1900e-001 4.4030e+009 1.7836e-001 6.5992e+003 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Enercy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup- With Buildup 0.015 1.840e+08 0.000e+00 5.763e-28 0.000e+00 4.943e-29 0.02 1.442e+11 0.000e+00 7.107e-25 0.000e+00 2.462e-26 0.03 4.680e+13 3.316e-149 5.1 OOe-22 3.286e-1 51 5.055e-24 0.04 8.108e+11 2.282e-73 2.343e-23 1.009e-75 1.036e-25 0.05 2.719e+12 5.446e-45 2.569e-22 1.451e-47 6.843e-25 0.06 1.432e+12 8.443e-33 9.709e-22 1.677e-35 1.928e-24 0.08 2.015e+13 2.767e-21 3.015e-19 4.379e-24 4.771e-22 0.1 2.605e+12 5.289e-1 8 1.499e-15 8.092e-21 2.293e-18 0.15 4.294e+12 1.361e-13 8.199e-1 1 2.241 e-16 1.350e-1 3 0.2 2.122e+13 6.365e-11 4.411 e-08 1.123e-13 7.785e-1 1 0.3 2.216e+13 1.405e-08 6.646e-06 2.665e-1 1 1.261e-08 0.4 1.207e+14 2.436e-06 7.024e-04 4.746e-09 1.369e-06 0.5 3.687e+13 9.546e-06 1.792e-03 1.874e-08 3.517e-06 0.6 9.139e+13 1.746e-04 2.271 e-02 3.407e-07 4.434e-05 0.8 8.247e+13 3.198e-03 2.344e-01 6.084e-06 4.458e-04 1.0 2.099e+13 7.423e-03 3.521 e-01 1.368e-05 6.490e-04 1.5 2.105e+13 2.977e-01 6.877e+00 5.009e-04 1.157e-02 2.0 8.847e+11 1.225e-01 1.846e+00 1.894e-04 2.855e-03 3.0 5.942e+11 1.241e+00 1.107e+01 1.683e-03 1.501e-02 4.0 1.020e-09 1.041e-20 6.741 e-20 1.287e-23 8.340e-23 TOTALS: 4.972e+14 1.672e+00 2.040e+01 2.394e-03 3.Q58e-02 ff"fz - ! '4 . it. -J .'z

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS196.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:50:37 PM Duration : 00:00:04 If T~ jJ

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS1720.MS5 Date:

r , Date: July 18, 2007 By:

R, i Time: 2:51:40 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #1 Shine 720h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 914.4 cm 30 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 1.86e+03 cm 0cm 0 cm 60 ft 10.4 in 0.0 in 0.0 in

..-x Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Material Density Source 23.562 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86, Shield 2 2.583 ft - Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 1.1OOOe-003 4.0700e+007 1.6487e-003 6.1001e+001 Ba-139 Ba-140 1.1800e+002 4.3660e+012 1.7686e+002 6.5438e+006 Ce-141 7.5400e+000 2.7898e+01 1 1.1301e+001 4.1814e+005 Ce-143 3.5500e-006 1.3135e+005 5.3207e-006 1.9687e-001 Ce-144 1.0900e+001 4.0330e+01 1 1.6337e+001 6.0447e+005 Cm-242 1,9400e-001 7.1780e+009 2.9077e-001 1.0758e+004 Cm-244 1.41 OOe-002 5.2170e+008 2.1133e-002 7.8192e+002 Co-58 1.8200e-001 6.7340e+009 2.7278e-001 1.0093e+004 Co-60 2.8900e-001 1.0693e+010 4.3315e-001 1.6027e+004 Cs-134 1.0500e+003 3.8850e+013 1.5737e+003 5.8228e+007 Cs-1 36 7.0500e+001 2.6085e+012 1.0567e+002 3.9096e+006 Cs-137 6.4500e+002 2.3865e+013 9.6673e+002 3.5769e+007 AL

Page :2 DOS File: 3CS1720.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:51:40 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-131 3.9400e+002 1.4578e+013 5.9053e+002 2.1850e+007 1-132 2.2000e+000 8.1400e+01 0 3.2974e+000 1.2200e+005 1-133 4.01OOe-007 1.4837e+004 6.0102e-007 2.2238e-002 1-134 1-135 1.6000e-029 5.9200e-01 9 2.3981 e-029 8.8729e-025 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.3600e+002 5.0320e+012 2.0384e+002 7.5420e+006 La-141 4.0300e-055 1.4911 e-044 6.0402e-055 2.2349e-050 La-142 Mo-99 4.2500e-002 1.5725e+009 6.3699e-002 2.3569e+003 Nb-95 5.2800e+000 1.9536e+011 7.9137e+000 2.9281e+005 Nd-147 8.6500e-001 3.2005e+01 0 1.2965e+000 4.7969e+004 Np-239 2.7400e-002 1.0138e+009 4.1067e-002 1.5195e+003 Pr-143 1.4200e+000 5.2540e+01 0 2.1283e+000 7.8747e+004 Pu-238 4.1 000e-002 1.5170e+009 6.1451e-002 2.2737e+003 Pu-239 4.1700e-003 1.5429e+008 6.2500e-003 2.3125e+002 Pu-240 5.6500e-003 2.0905e+008 8.4682e-003 3.1332e+002 Pu-241 1.7000e+000 6.2900e+01 0 2.5480e+000 9.4275e+004 Rb-86 3.6600e+000 1.3542e+011 5.4856e+000 2.0297e+005 Rh-105 3.8000e-005 1.4060e+006 5.6954e-005 2.1073e+000 Ru-103 4.0400e+001 1.4948e+012 6.0552e+001 2.2404e+006 Ru-105 7.3900e-048 2.7343e-037 1.1 076e-047 4.0982e-043 Ru-106 2.6200e+001 9.6940e+01 1 3.9269e+001 1.4529e+006 Sb-127 4.3500e-001 1.6095e+010 6.5198e-001 2.4123e+004 Sb-129 1.9200e-048 7.1040e-038 2.8777e-048 1.0647e-043 Sr-89 2.0600e+002 7.6220e+012 3.0875e+002 1.1424e+007 Sr-90 3.7000e+001 1.3690e+012 5.5456e+001 2.0519e+006 Sr-91 6.0600e-021 2.2422e-010 9.0827e-021 3.3606e-016 Sr-92 4.5300e-078 1.6761e-067 6.7896e-078 2.5121e-073 Tc-99m 4.1600e-002 1.5392e+009 6.2350e-002 2.3070e+003 Te-127 1.1500e+001 4.2550e+01 1 1.7236e+001 6.3774e+005 Te-127m 1.1200e+001 4.1440e+01 1 1.6787e+001 6.211 Oe+005 Te-129 1.5500e+001 5.7350e+01 1 2.3231e+001 8.5956e+005 Te-129m 2.2500e+001 8.3250e+01 1 3.3723e+001 1.2478e+006 Te-131m 7.5300e-006 2.7861 e+005 1.1286e-005 4.1758e-001 Te-132 2.0800e+000 7.6960e+010 3.1175e+000 1.1535e+005 Xe-1 33 3.7300e+001 1.3801e+012 5.5905e+001 2.0685e+006 Xe-135 3.1300e-020 1.1581e-009 4.6912e-020 1.7358e-015 Y-90 3.7000e+001 1.3690e+012 5.5456e+001 2.0519e+006 Y-91 3.5600e+000 1.3172e+011 5.3357e+000 1.9742e+005 Y-92 7.8800e-059 2.9156e-048 1.1811e-058 4.3699e-054 Y-93 1.7500e-021 6.4750e-01 1 2.6229e-021 9.7047e-0 17 Zr-95 4.1 000e+000 1.5170e+01 1 6.1451e+000 2.2737e+005

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS1720.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:51:40 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Zr-97 8.6200e-01 3 3.1894e-002 1.2920e-012 4.7803e-008 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.598e+08 0.000e+00 5.006e-28 0.000e+00 4.294e-29 0.02 1.330e+10 0.000e+00 6.556e-26 0.000e+00 2.271e-27 0.03 3.233e+12 2.291 e-1 50 3.524e-23 2.270e-152 3.492e-25 0.04 2.731e+ 11 7.686e-74 7.892e-24 3.399e-76 3.490e-26 0.05 1.567e+ 10 3.139e-47 1.481e-24 8.363e-50 3.945e-27 0.06 3.275e+1 1 1.931e-33 2.221 e-22 3.836e-36 4.411 e-25 0.08 1.059e+12 1.454e-22 1.584e-20 2.301 e-25 2.507e-23 0.1 3.735e+10 7.583e-20 2.149e-17 1 .160e-22 3.288e-20 0.15 8.492e+1 1 2.691e-14 1.621e-1 1 4.431 e-1 7 2.670e-14 0.2 4.996e+1 1 1.498e-12 1.038e-09 2.644e-1 5 1.833e-12 0.3 3.845e+12 2.438e-09 1 .153e-06 4.625e-1 2 2.188e-09 0.4 1.222e+1 3 2.468e-07 7.115e-05 4.808e-1 0 1.386e-07 0.5 5.466e+ 12 1.415e-06 2.657e-04 2.778e-09 5.214e-07 0.6 4.850e+1 3 9.263e-05 1.205e-02 1.808e-07 2.353e-05 0.8 4.157e+13 1.612e-03 1.181e-01 3.067e-06 2.247e-04 1.0 4.279e+ 12 1.514e-03 7.179e-02 2.790e-06 1.323e-04 1.5 6.009e+12 8.500e-02 1.963e+00 1.430e-04 3.304e-03 2.0 4.549e+10 6.296e-03 9.493e-02 9.736e-06 1.468e-04 3.0 1.792e+1 1 3.742e-01 3.337e+00 5.076e-04 4.527e-03 TOTALS: 1.284e+14 4.687e-01 5.597e+00 6.664e-04 8.359e-03

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Page 4 DOS File: 3CS1720.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 2:51:40 PM Duration: 00:00:04 .

W,44:-  :-,1ý'In- r.5 Im, r1 1, U, ; - -

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 3CS2P5.MS5 Date:

Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 4:06:50 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:03 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #2 Shine 0.5h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.5e+3 cm 50 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 102 ft 9.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 39.27 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 44.471 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded

. Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels iiCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 3.8600e+002 1.4282e+013 3.4712e+002 1.2844e+007 Cs-136 1.2300e+002 4.5510e+012 1.1061e+002 4.0926e+006 Cs-137 2.31 00e+002 8.5470e+012 2.0773e+002 7.6862e+006 U,

Page :2 DOS File : 3CS2P5.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:06:50 PM Duration : 00:00:03 3

Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm Bq/cm3 1-131 1.5500e+003 5.7350e+013 1.3939e+003 5.1574e+007 1-132 2.0700e+003 7.6590e+013 1.8615e+003 6.8876e+007 1-133 3.1 000e+003 1.1470e+014 2.7878e+003 1.0315e+008 1-134 2.3200e+003 8.5840e+01 3 2.0863e+003 7.7194e+007 1-135 2.8000e+003 1.0360e+014 2.5180e+003 9.3165e+007 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 3.9900e+000 1.4763e+011 3.5881e+000 1.3276e+005 Rh-105 Ru-103 Ru-105 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-131m Te-132 Xe-133 4.51 00e+000 1.6687e+011 4.0558e+000 1.5006e+005 Xe-135 4.9500e+001 1.8315e+012 4.4514e+001 1.6470e+006 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 W::::.T, Cii n1 ..

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS2P5.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:06:50 PM Dwration : 00:00:03 Nuclide curies becciuerels liCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 -

Zr-97 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.03 6.242e+12 9.316e-1 51 2.391e-23 9.233e-1 53 2.370e-25 0.04 1.717e+11 1.217e-74 1.744e-24 5.381e-77 7.712e-27 0.06 5.672e+1 1 9.172e-34 1.352e-22 1.822e-36 2.685e-25 0.08 1.849e+12 7.170e-23 7.917e-21. 1 .135e-25 1.253e-23 0.1 1.860e+ 10 1.087e-20 3.103e-18 1.663e-23 4.748e-21 0.15 4.893e+12 4.584e-14 2.792e-1 1 7.548e-1 7 4.597e-14 0.2 7.111e+12 6.412e-12 4.496e-09 1.132e-14 7.936e-12 0.3 1.339e+ 13 2.61 Oe-09 1.249e-06 4.952e-12 2.369e-09 0.4 6.514e+ 13 4.104e-07 1 .196e-04 7.997e-10 2.330e-07 0.5 1.395e+14 1.140e-05 2.159e-03 2.237e-08 4*238e-06 0.6 1.507e+14 9.162e-05 1.202e-02 1.788e-07 2.347e-05 0.8 2.596e+14 3.245e-03 2.396e-01 6.171e-06 4.557e-04 1.0 1.061e+14 1.221e-02 5.831e-01 2.251e-05 1.075e-03 1.5 8.271e+13 3.863e-01 8.975e+00 6.500e-04 1.51 Oe-02 2.0 2.080e+13 9.592e-01 1.454e+01 1.483e-03 2.248e-02 TOTALS: 8.588e+14 1.361e+00 2.435e+01 2.162eý03

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS2P5.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:06:50 PM Duration : 00:00:03

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS202.MS5 Date:

Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 4:07:54 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #2 Shine 2h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.5e+3 cm 50 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 102 ft 9.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density 3

Source 39.27 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 44.471 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grovi Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 1.5700e-003 5.8090e+007 1.4119e-003 5.2239e+001 Ba-1 39 4.0900e+002 1.5133e+013 3.6781 e+002 1.3609e+007 Ba-140 1.0700e+003 3.9590e+013 9.6223e+002 3.5603e+007 Ce-141 2.5500e+001 9.4350e+01 1 2.2932e+001 8.4847e+005 Ce-143 2.2500e+001 8.3250e+01 1 2.0234e+001 7.4865e+005 Ce-144 2.0900e+001 7.7330e+01 1 1.8795e+001 6.9541 e+005 Cm-242 3.9500e-001 1.4615e+010 3.5522e-001 1.3143e+004 Cm-244 2.5400e-002 9.3980e+008 2.2842e-002 8.4514e+002 Co-58 4.3600e-001 1.6132e+010 3.9209e-001 1.4507e+004 Co-60 5.2300e-001 1.9351e+010 4.7032e-001 1.7402e+004 Cs-1 34 1.9300e+003 7.1410e+013 1.7356e+003 6.4218e+007 Cs-136 6.1400e+002 2.2718e+013 5.5216e+002 2.0430e+007 Cs-137 1.1600e+003 4.2920e+013 1.0432e+003 3.8597e+007 Wýý ~rni-'t

~ ~ ~;ýt'=ý 4. -. p

Page :2 DOS File: 3CS202.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:07:54 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 1-131 9.2600e+003 3.4262e+014 8.3273e+003 3.0811 e+008 1-132 1.0700e+004 3.9590e+014 9.6223e+003 3.5603e+008 1-133 1.7700e+004 6.5490e+014 1.5917e+004 5.8894e+008 1-134 4.2600e+003 1.5762e+014 3.8309e+003 1.4174e+008 1-135 1.4300e+004 5.2910e+014 1.2860e+004 4.7581 e+008 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 2.5200e+001 9.3240e+01 1 2.2662e+001 8.3849e+005 La-141 7.1600e+000 2.6492e+01 1 6.4388e+000 2.3824e+005 La-142 4.0000e+000 11.4800e+011 3.5971 e+000 1.3309e+005 Mo-99 1.4300e+002 5.2910e+012 1.2860e+002 4.7581 e+006 Nb-95 1.0200e+001 3.7740e+01 1 9.1727e+000 3.3939e+005 Nd-147 1.0200e+001 3.7740e+01 1 9.1727e+000 3.3939e+005 Np-239 3.2700e+002 1.2099e+013 2.9406e+002 1.0880e+007 Pr-143 9.21 00e+000 3.4077e+01 1 8.2824e+000 3.0645e+005 Pu-238 7.31 OOe-002 2.7047e+009 6.5737e-002 2.4323e+003 Pu-239 7.3700e-003 2.7269e+008 6.6277e-003 2.4522e+002 Pu-240 1.01OOe-002 3.7370e+008 9.0827e-003 3.3606e+002 Pu-241 3.0500e+000 1.1285e+011 2.7428e+000 1.0148e+005 Rb-86 1.9900e+001 7.3630e+01 1 1.7896e+001 6.6214e+005 Rh-105 7.8900e+001 2.9193e+012 7.0953e+001 2.6253e+006 Ru-103 1.2300e+002 4.5510e+012 1.1061e+002 4.0926e+006 Ru-105 6.3300e+001 2.3421e+012 5.6924e+001 2.1062e+006 Ru-106 4.9700e+001 1.8389e+012 4.4694e+001 1.6537e+006 Sb-127 1.7000e+002 6.2900e+012 1.5288e+002 5.6565e+006 Sb-129 3.7000e+002 1.3690e+013 3.3273e+002 1.2311e+007 Sr-89 5.5700e+002 2.0609e+013 5.0090e+002 1.8533e+007 Sr-90 6.6300e+001 2.4531e+012 5.9622e+001 2.2060e+006 Sr-91 6.1200e+002 2.2644e+013 5,5036e+002 2.0363e+007 Sr-92 4.6300e+002 1.7131e+013 4.1637e+002 1.5406e+007 Tc-99m 1.2900e+002 4.7730e+012 1.1601e+002 4.2923e+006 Te-127 1.7300e+002 6.4010e+012 1.5558e+002 5.7563e+006 Te-127m 2.3200e+001 8.5840e+01 1 2.0863e+001 7.7194e+005 Te-129 4.1600e+002 1.5392e+013 3.741 Oe+002 1.3842e+007 Te-129m 7.4300e+001 2.7491e+012 6.6817e+001 2.4722e+006 Te-131m 2.1600e+002 7.9920e+012 1.9424e+002 7.1871 e+006 Te-132 2.1600e+003 7.9920e+013 1.9424e+003 7.1871e+007 Xe-133 9.0400e+001 3.3448e+012 8.1295e+001 3.0079e+006 Xe-1 35 8.9200e+002 3.3004e+013 8.0216e+002 2.9680e+007 Y-90 1.2300e+000 4.5510e+010 1.1061e+000 4.0926e+004 Y-91 7.3400e+000 2.7158e+01 1 6.6007e+000 2.4423e+005 Y-92 7.9200e+001 2.9304e+012 7.1223e+001 2.6353e+006 Y-93 7.8900e+000 2.9193e+01 1 7.0953e+000 2.6253e+005 Zr-95 1.0200e+001 3.7740e+01 1 9.1727e+000 3.3939e+005 1~

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Page :3 DOS File: 3CS202.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:07:54 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Zr-97 9.4900e+000 3.5113e+01 1 8.5342e+000 3.1576e+005 Buildup The material reference is-: Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm2 /sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 5.798e+08 0.000e+00 6.383e-28 0.000e+00 5.475e-29 0.02 5.803e+11 0.000e+00 1.005e-24 0.000e+00 3.482e-26 0.03 9.634e+13 1.438e-149 3.690e-22 1.425e-151 3.657e-24 0.04 2.066e+12 1.464e-73 2.099e-23 6.476e-76 9.283e-26 0.05 1.051e+13 5.618e-45 3.489e-22 1.497e-47 9.296e-25 0.06 3.157e+12 5.106e-33 7.525e-22 1*014e-35 1.495e-24 0.08 1.199e+13 4.651 e-22 5.136e-20 7.361e-25 8.127e-23 0.1 1.269e+13 7.41 5e- 18 2.117e-15 1 .134e-20 3.239e-18 0.15 2.249e+13 2,107e-13 1.283e-10 3.469e-16 2.113e-13 0.2 1.243e+14 1.121e-10 7.859e-08 1.978e-13 1.387e-10 0.3 7.853e+13 1.531e-08 7.325e-06 2.905e-11 1.389e-08 0.4 3.428e+14 2.160e-06 6.292e-04 4.209e-09 1.226e-06 0.5 7.596e+14 6.206e-05 1.176e-02 1.218e-07 2.308e-05 0.6 6.939e+14 4.218e-04 5.536e-02 8.233e-07 1.081e-04 0.8 8.659e+14 1.082e-02 7.992e-01 2.059e-05 1.520e-03 1.0 4.554e+14 5.240e-02 2.502e+00 9.659e-05 4.612e-03 1.5 4.066e+14 1.899e+00 4.411 e+01 3.195e-03 7.422e-02 2.0 8.450e+13 3.897e+00 5.906e+01 6.027e-03 9.133e-02 3.0 7.376e+10 5.189e-02 4.647e-01 7.040e-05 6.304e-04 4.0 3.885e+09 1.344e-02 8.738e-02 1.662e-05 1.081e-04 TOTALS: 3.971e+15 5.925e+00 1.071e+02 9.427e-03 1.726e-01

Page 4 DOS File: 3CS202.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:07:54 PM Duration : 00:00:04

.41. t Q.

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS208.MS5 Date:

r , Date:July 18, 2007 By:

kun Time: 4:08:43 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #2 Shine 8h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.5e+3 cm 50 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 02 ft 9.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3

Material Density Source 39.27 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 44.471 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 1.5700e-003 5.8090e+007 1.4119e-003 5.2239e+001 Ba-139 2.0000e+001 7.4000e+01 1 1.7986e+001 6.6547e+005 Ba-140 1.0600e+003 3.9220e+013 9.5324e+002 3.5270e+007 Ce-141 2.5400e+001 9.3980e+01 1 2.2842e+001 8.4514e+005 Ce-143 1.9800e+001 7.3260e+01 1 1.7806e+001 6.5881e+005 Ce-144 2.0900e+001 7.7330e+01 1 1.8795e+001 6.9541e+005 Cm-242 3.9400e-001 1.4578e+010 3.5432e-001 1.3110e+004 Cm-244 2.5300e-002 9.361 Oe+008 2.2752e-002 8.4182e+002 Co-58 4.3500e-001 1.6095e+010 3.9119e-001 1.4474e+004 Co-60 5.2200e-001 1.9314e+010 4.6942e-001 1.7369e+004 Cs-134 1.9300e+003 7.1410e+013 1.7356e+003 6.4218e+007 Cs-136 6.0600e+002 2.2422e+01 3 5.4496e+002 2.0164e+007 Cs-137 1.1600e+003 4.2920e+01 3 1.0432e+003 3.8597e+007 ii> ~ t:4~

Page  :.2 DOS File: 3CS208.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:08:43 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 1-131 9.0600e+003 3.3522e+014 8.1475e+003 3.0146e+008 1-132 3.5000e+003 1.2950e+014 3.1475e+003 1.1646e+008 1-133 1.4500e+004 5.3650e+014 1.3040e+004 4.8246e+008 1-134 3.7000e+001 1.3690e+012 3.3273e+001 1.2311e+006 1-135 7.6400e+003 2.8268e+014 6.8705e+003 2.5421 e+008 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.2700e+002 4.6990e+012 1.1421e+002 4.2257e+006 La-141 2.4800e+000 9.1760e+010 2.2302e+000 8.2518e+004 La-142 2.6900e-001 9.9530e+009 2.4191e-001 8.9505e+003 Mo-99 1.3400e+002 4.9580e+012 1.2050e+002 4.4586e+006 Nb-95 1.0200e+001 3.7740e+01 1 9.1727e+000 3.3939e+005 Nd-147 1.0100e+001 3.7370e+01 1 9.0827e+000 3.3606e+005 Np-239 3.0300e+002 1.1211e+013 2.7248e+002 1.0082e+007 Pr-143 9.3500e+000 3.4595e+01 1 8.4083e+000 3.11lle+005 Pu-238 7.31 OOe-002 2.7047e+009 6.5737e-002 2.4323e+003 Pu-239 7.3700e-003 2.7269e+008 6.6277e-003 2.4522e+002 Pu-240 1.01OOe-002 3.7370e+008 9.0827e-003 3.3606e+002 Pu-241 3.0500e+000 1.1285e+011 2.7428e+000 1.0148e+005 Rb-86 1.9700e+001 7.2890e+01 1 1.7716e+001 6.5549e+005 Rh-105 7.4600e+001 2.7602e+012 6.7086e+001 2.4822e+006 Ru-103 1.2200e+002 4.5140e+012 1.0971e+002 4.0594e+006 Ru-105 2.4800e+001 9.1760e+01 1 2.2302e+001 8.2518e+005 Ru-106 4.9600e+001 1.8352e+012 4.4604e+001 1.6504e+006 Sb-127 1.6200e+002 5.9940e+012 1.4568e+002 5.3903e+006 Sb-129 1.4100e+002 5.2170e+012 1.2680e+002 4.6915e+006 Sr-89 5.5500e+002 2.0535e+01 3 4.991 Oe+002 1.8467e+007 Sr-90 6.6200e+001 2.4494e+012 5.9532e+001 2.2027e+006 Sr-91 3.9500e+002 1.4615e+013 3.5522e+002 1.3143e+007 Sr-92 9.9700e+001 3.6889e+012 8.9658e+001 3.3174e+006 Tc-99m 1.2500e+002 4.6250e+012 1.1241e+002 4.1592e+006 Te-127 1.6800e+002 6.2160e+012 1.5108e+002 5.5899e+006 Te-127m 2.3200e+001 8.5840e+011 2.0863e+001 7.7194e+005 Te-129 1.9900e+002 7.3630e+012 1.7896e+002 6.6214e+006 Te-129m 7.4100e+001 2.7417e+012 6.6637e+001 2.4656e+006 Te-1 31m 1.8800e+002 6.9560e+012 1.6906e+002 6.2554e+006 Te-132 2.0500e+003 7.5850e+013 1.8435e+003 6.821 Oe+007 Xe-133 5.9200e+002 2.1904e+013 5.3237e+002 1.9698e+007 Xe-135 3.81 00e+003 1.4097e+014 3.4263e+003 1.2677e+008 Y-90 5.3200e+000 1.9684e+011 4.7842e+000 1.7701e+005 Y-91 7.9300e+000 2.9341e+011 7.1313e+000 2.6386e+005 Y-92 1.6600e+002 6.1420e+012 1.4928e+002 5.5234e+006 Y-93 5.2200e+000 1.9314e+011 4.6942e+000 1.7369e+005 Zr-95 1.0100e+001 3.7370e+01 1 9.0827e+000 3.3606e+005

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS208.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:08:43 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels .. Bq/cm3 Zr-97 7.4200e+000 2.7454e+01 1 6.6727e+000 2.4689e+005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Eneryr Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 4.881e+08 0.000e+00 5.373e-28 0.000e+00 4.609e-29 0.02 5.498e+1 1 0.000e+00 9.524e-25 0.000e+00 3.299e-26 0.03 1.005e+14 1.501e-149 3.851e-22 1.487e-151 3.817e-24 0.04 1.909e+12 1.353e-73 1.939e-23 5.983e-76 8.576e-26 0.05 9.974e+12 5.332e-45 3.312e-22 1.421e-47 8.823e-25 0.06 3.094e+12 5.004e-33 7.376e-22 9.940e-36 1.465e-24 0.08 1.854e+13 7.192e-22 7.940e-20 1.138e-24 1.257e-22 0.1 1.179e+13 6.886e-18 1.966e-15 1.053e 720 3.008e-18 0.15 1.186e+13 1.11le-13 6.766e-11 1.829e-16 1.114e-13 0.2 2.069e+14 1.866e-10 1.308e-07 3.293e-13 2.309e-1 0 0.3 6.034e+13 1.177e-08 5.629e-06 2.232e-11 1.068e-08 0.4 2.973e+14 1.873e-06 5.457e-04 3.650e-09 1.063e-06 0.5 5.508e+14 4.500e-05 8.526e-03 8.834e-08 1.673e-05 0.6 2.974e+14 1.808e-04 2.373e-02 3.529e-07 4.631e-05 0.8 3.024e+14 3.780e-03 2.791e-01 7.190e-06 5.309e-04 1.0 2.046e+14 2.354e-02 1.124e+00 4.339e-05 2.072e-03 1.5 1.982e+14 9.256e-01 2.150e+01 1.557e-03 3.618e-02 2.0 3.591 e+1 3 1.656e+00 2.510e+01 2.561e-03 3.881e-02 3.0 1.700e+1 1 1.196e-01 1.071e+00 1.623e-04 1.453e-03 4.0 2.613e+08 9.037e-04 5.876e-03 1.1 18e-06 7.270e-06 TOTALS: 2.312e+15 2.730e+00 4.912e+01 4.333e-03 7.9D12e-02

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS208.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:08:43 PM Dwration : 00:00:04 fit 1,

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS224.MS5 Date:

r ýDate: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 4:09:45 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #2 Shine 24h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.5e+3 cm 50 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 102 ft 9.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 39.27 ft3 Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 44.471 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels UCi/cm 3 B q/cm 3 Am-241 1.5800e-003 5.8460e+007 1.4209e-003 5.2572e+001 Ba-139 6.4000e-003 2.3680e+008 5.7554e-003 2.1295e+002 Ba-140 1.0200e+003 3.7740e+01 3 9.1727e+002 3.3939e+007 Ce-141 2.5000e+001 9.2500e+01 1 2.2482e+001 8.3183e+005 Ce-143 1.4100e+001 5.2170e+01 1 1.2680e+001 4.6915e+005 Ce-144 2.0800e+001 7.6960e+01 1 1.8705e+001 6.9209e+005 Cm-242 3.9300e-001 1.4541e+010 3.5342e-001 1.3076e+004 Cm-244 2.5300e-002 19.361 Oe+008 2.2752e-002 8.4182e+002 Co-58 4.31OOe-001 1.5947e+010 3.8759e-001 1.4341e+004 Co-60 5.21OOe-001 1.9277e+010 4.6853e-001 1.7335e+004 Cs-134 1.9200e+003 7.1040e+013 1.7266e+003 6.3885e+007 Cs-136 5.8400e+002 2.1608e+013 5.2518e+002 1.9432e+007 Cs-137 1.1500e+003 4.2550e+013 1.0342e+003 3.8264e+007

- Z-; - .1-. ".-N W.",

Page :2 DOS File : 3CS224.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:09:45 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels iCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-131 8.5500e+003 3.1635e+014 7.6888e+003 2.8449e+008 1-132 1.8700e+003 6.9190e+01 3 1.6817e+003 6.2221 e+007 1-133 8.4700e+003 3.1339e+014 7.6169e+003 2.8183e+008 1-134 1 .1900e-004 4.4030e+006 1.0701e-004 3.9595e+000 1-135 1.4200e+003 5.2540e+013 1.2770e+003 4.7248e+007 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 3.4600e+002 1.2802e+013 3.1115e+002 1.1513e+007 La-141 1.4800e-001 5.4760e+009 1.3309e-001 4.9245e+003 La-142 2.0200e-004 7.4740e+006 1.8165e-004 6.7212e+000 Mo-99 1.1300e+002 4.1810e+012 1.0162e+002 3.7599e+006 Nb-95 1.0200e+001 3.7740e+01 1 9.1727e+000 3.3939e+005 Nd-147 9.6300e+000 3.5631e+011 8.6601e+000 3.2042e+005 Np-239 2.4900e+002 9.2130e+012 2.2392e+002 8.2851e+006 Pr-143 9.5900e+000 3.5483e+01 1 8.6241e+000 3.1909e+005 Pu-238 7.3000e-002 2.701 Oe+009 6.5647e-002 2.4290e+003 Pu-239 7.3700e-003 2.7269e+008 6.6277e-003 2.4522e+002 Pu-240 1.01OOe-002 3.7370e+008 9.0827e-003 3.3606e+002 Pu-241 3.0400e+000 1.1248e+011 2.7338e+000 1.0115e+005 Rb-86 1.9200e+001 7.1040e+01 1 1.7266e+001 6.3885e+005 Rh-105 5.6800e+001 2.1016e+012 5.1079e+001 1.8899e+006 Ru-103 1.2000e+002 4.4400e+012 1.0791e+002 3.9928e+006 Ru-105 2.0400e+000 7.5480e+01 0 1.8345e+000 6.7878e+004 Ru-106 4.9500e+001 1.8315e+012 4.4514e+001 1.6470e+006 Sb-127 1.4400e+002 5.3280e+012 1.2950e+002 4.7914e+006 Sb-129 1.0800e+001 3.9960e+01 1 9.7122e+000 3.5935e+005 Sr-89 5.4900e+002 2.0313e+01 3 4.9371 e+002 1.8267e+007 Sr-90 6.61 00e+001 2.4457e+012 5.9442e+001 2.1994e+006 Sr-91 1.2300e+002 4.5510e+012 1.1061e+002 4.0926e+006 Sr-92 1.6600e+000 6.1420e+01 0 1.4928e+000 5.5234e+004 Tc-99m 1.1000e+002 4.0700e+012 9.8921e+001 3.6601 e+006 Te-127 1.5300e+002 5.6610e+012 1.3759e+002 5.0908e+006 Te-127m 2.3200e+001 8.5840e+01 1 2.0863e+001 7.7194e+005 Te-129 6.0800e+001 2.2496e+012 5.4676e+001 2.0230e+006 Te-129m 7.3200e+001 2.7084e+012 6.5827e+001 2.4356e+006 Te-131m 1.3000e+002 4.8100e+012 1.1691e+002 4.3255e+006 Te-132 1.7700e+003 6.5490e+01 3 1.5917e+003 5.8894e+007 Xe-133 1.4500e+003 5.3650e+01 3 1.3040e+003 4.8246e+007 Xe-135 3.0000e+003 1.1100e+014 2.6978e+003 9.9820e+007 Y-90 1.5000e+001 5.5500e+01 1 1.3489e+001 4.991 Oe+005 Y-91 8.6200e+000 3.1894e+01 1 7.7518e+000 2.8682e+005 Y-92 1.6000e+001 5.9200e+01 1 1.4388e+001 5.3237e+005 Y-93 1.7400e+000 6.4380e+01 0 1.5647e+000 5.7896e+004 Zr-95 1.0000e+001 3.7000e+01 1 8.9928e+000 3.3273e+005 II~ ~

Page :3 DOS File : 3CS224.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:09:45 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Zr-97 3.8400e+000 1.4208e+011 3.4532e+000 1.2777e+005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 3.685e+08 0.000e+00 4.057e-28 0.000e+00 3.480e-29 0.02 4.768e+1 1 0.000e+00 8.259e-25 0.000e+00 2.861 e-26 0.03 1.029e+14 1.536e-149 3.943e-22 1.523e-1 51 3.908e-24 0.04 1.749e+12 1.239e-73 1.776e-23 5.480e-76 7.855e-26 0.05 8.613e+12 4.605e-45 2.860e-22 1.227e-47 7.619e-25 0.06 2.937e+12 4.749e-33 6.999e-22 9.433e-36 1.390e-24 0.08 2.955e+13 1 .146e-21 1.266e-19 1.814e-24 2.003e-22 0.1 9.766e+12 5.705e-18 1.629e-15 8.729e-21 2.492e-1 8 0.15 1.059e+13 9.919e-14 6.041e-1 1 1.633e-16 9.949e-14 0.2 1.650e+14 1.488e-1 0 1.044e-07 2.627e-13 1.842e-10 0.3 4.769e+13 9.299e-09 4.448e-06 1.764e-1 1 8.438e-09 0.4 2.667e+14 1.680e-06 4.895e-04 3.274e-09 9.537e-07 0.5 3.224e+14 2.634e-05 4.990e-03 5.170e-08 9.794e-06 0.6 2.099e+14 1.276e-04 1.675e-02 2.491 e-07 3.269e-05 0.8 2.009e+14 2.51 le-03 1.854e-01 4.777e-06 3.527e-04 1.0 7.806e+13 8.981 e-03 4.289e-01 1.655e-05 7.905e-04 1.5 6.168e+13 2.881e-01 6.693e+00 4.847e-04 1.126e-02 2.0 8.373e+12 3.862e-01 5.852e+00 5.972e-04 9.050e-03 3.0 4.559e+1 1 3.207e-01 2.872e+00 4.351e-04 3.896e-03 4.0 1.962e+05 6.786e-07 4.413e-06 8.395e-1 0 5.459e-09 TOTALS: 1.528e+15 1.007e+00 1.605e+01 1.539e-03 N-

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS224.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:09:45 PM Duration : 00:00:04

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS296.MS5- Date:

F Date: July 18, 2007 By:

kun Time: 4:10:53 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #2 Shine 96h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.5e+3 cm 50 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 .3.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 102 ft 9.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density 3

Source 39.27 ft Water 1 Shield 1 .031 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 44.471 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 3 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 5 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grovi Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 1.61 OOe-003 5.9570e+007 1.4478e-003 5.3570e+001 Ba-139 1.2000e-018 4.4400e-008 1.0791e-018 3.9928e-014 Ba-140 8.5800e+002 3.1746e+013 7.7158e+002 2.8549e+007 Ce-141 2.3300e+001 8.6210e+011 2.0953e+001 7.7527e+005 Ce-143 3.1 000e+000 1.1470e+011 2.7878e+000 1.0315e+005 Ce-144 2.0500e+001 7.5850e+01 1 1.8435e+001 6.821 Oe+005 Cm-242 3.8500e-001 1.4245e+010 3.4622e-001 1.2810e+004 Cm-244 2.51 OOe-002 9.2870e+008 2.2572e-002 8.3516e+002 Co-58 4.1600e-001 1.5392e+010 3.741 Oe-001 1.3842e+004 Co-60 5.1700e-001 1.9129e+010 4.6493e-001 1.7202e+004 Cs-134 1.9000e+003 7.0300e+013 1.7086e+003 6.3219e+007 Cs-136 4.9500e+002 1.8315e+013 4.4514e+002 1.6470e+007 Cs-1 37 1.1500e+003 4.2550e+013 1.0342e+003 3.8264e+007

'ILiLAIL 'ft *Mi.

Page :2 DOS File: 3CS296.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:10:53 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 1-131 6.5600e+003 2.4272e+014 5.8993e+003 2.1827e+008 1-132 9.8500e+002 3.6445e+013 8.8579e+002 3.2774e+007 1-133 7.6300e+002 2.8231e+013 6.8615e+002 2.5388e+007 1-134 2.2300e-029 8.2510e-019 2.0054e-029 7.4200e-025 1-135 7.4400e-001 2.7528e+010 6.6906e-001 2.4755e+004 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 7.51 00e+002 2.7787e+013 6.7536e+002 2.4988e+007 La-141 4.4700e-007 1.6539e+004 4.0198e-007 1.4873e-002 La-142 1.7500e-018 6.4750e-008 1.5737e-018 5.8228e-014 Mo-99 5.2900e+001 1.9573e+012 4.7572e+001 1.7602e+006 Nb-95 1.0100e+001 3.7370e+01 1 9.0827e+000 3.3606e+005 Nd-147 7.91 00e+000 2.9267e+01 1 7.1133e+000 2.6319e+005 Np-239 1.0200e+002 3.7740e+012 9.1727e+001 3.3939e+006 Pr-143 9.1800e+000 3.3966e+01 1 8.2554e+000 3.0545e+005 Pu-238 7.2500e-002 2.6825e+009 6.5198e-002 2.4123e+003 Pu-239 7.3600e-003 2.7232e+008 6.6187e-003 2.4489e+002 Pu-240 1.00OOe-002 3.7000e+008 8.9928e-003 3.3273e+002 Pu-241 3.0200e+000 1.1174e+011 2.7158e+000 1.0049e+005 Rb-86 1.7000e+001 6.2900e+01 1 1.5288e+001 5.6565e+005 Rh-105 1.3800e+001 5.1060e+01 1 1.2410e+001 4.5917e+005 Ru-103 1.1300e+002 4.1810e+012 1.0162e+002 3.7599e+006 Ru-105 2.6600e-005 9.8420e+005 2.3921 e-005 8.8507e-001 Ru-106 4.8900e+001 1.8093e+012 4.3975e+001 1.6271e+006 Sb-127 8.3200e+001 3.0784e+012 7.4820e+001 2.7683e+006 Sb-129 1.0300e-004 3.811 Oe+006 9.2626e-005 3.4272e+000 Sr-89 5.2300e+002 1.9351e+013 4.7032e+002 1.7402e+007 Sr-90 6.5600e+001 2.4272e+012 5.8993e+001 2.1827e+006 Sr-91 6.3700e-001 2.3569e+01 0 5.7284e-001 2.1195e+004 Sr-92 1.6600e-008 6.1420e+002 1.4928e-008 5.5234e-004 Tc-99m 5.1700e+001 1.9129e+012 4.6493e+001 1.7202e+006 Te-127 9.9000e+001 3.6630e+012 8.9029e+001 3.2941e+006 Te-127m 2.2900e+001 8.4730e+01 1 2.0594e+001 7.6196e+005 Te-129 4.6900e+001 1.7353e+012 4.2176e+001 1.5605e+006 Te-129m 6.8300e+001 2.5271e+012 6.1421e+001 2.2726e+006 Te-1 31 m 2.4400e+001 9.0280e+01 1 2.1942e+001 8.1187e+005 Te-132 9.3000e+002 3.4410e+013 8.3633e+002 3.0944e+007 Xe-133 1.9100e+003 7.0670e+013 1.7176e+003 6.3552e+007 Xe-135 2.3900e+001 8.8430e+01 1 2.1493e+001 7.9523e+005 Y-90 4.2400e+001 1.5688e+012 3.8129e+001 1.4108e+006 Y-91 8.6000e+000 3.1820e+01 1 7.7338e+000 2.8615e+005 Y-92 1.61 OOe-005 5.9570e+005 1.4478e-005 5.3570e-001 Y-93 1.2300e-002 4.551 Oe+008 1.1061e-002 4.0926e+002 Zr-95 9.6500e+000 3.5705e+01 1 8.6781 e+000 3.2109e+005

Page :3 DOS File: 3CS296.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:10:53 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Zr-97 1.9900e-001 7.3630e+009 1.7896e-001 6.6214e+003 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energry Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 3.062e+08 0.000e+00 3.370e-28 0.000e+00 2.891e-29 0.02 2.404e+1 1 0.000e+00 4.164e-25 0.000e+00 1.442e-26 0.03 7.787e+13 1.162e-149 2.983e-22 1.152e-151 2.956e-24 0.04 1.351e+12 9.575e-74 1.372e-23 4.235e-76 6.070e-26 0.05 4.531e+12 2.423e-45 1.505e-22 6.454e-48 4.008e-25 0.06 2.386e+12 3.858e-33 5.687e-22 7.664e-36 1.130e-24 0.08 3.349e+13 1.299e-21 1.434e-1 9 2.056e-24 2.270e-22 0.1 4.337e+12 2.534e-18 7.235e-16 3.877e-21 1.107e-18 0.15 7.161e+12 6.709e-14 4.086e-11 1.105e-16 6.729e-14 0.2 3.537e+ 13 3.189e-11 2.236e-08 5.629e-14 3.947e-1 1 0.3 3.691e+13 7.197e-09 3.443e-06 1.365e-11 6.531e-09 0.4 2.009e+14 1.266e-06 3.687e-04 2.466e-09 7.184e-07 0.5 6.142e+13 5.018e-06 9.507e-04 9.850e-09 1.866e-06 0.6 1.523e+14 9.258e-05 1.215e-02 1.807e-07 2.372e-05 0.8 1.374e+14 1.718e-03 1.268e-01 3.268e-06 2.413e-04 1.0 3.498e+13 4.024e-03 1.922e-01 7.418e-06 3.542e-04 1.5 3.506e+13 1.637e-01 3.804e+00 2.755e-04 6.400e-03 2.0 1.474e+12 6.801e-02 1.031e+00 1.052e-04 1.594e-03 3.0 9.894e+1 1 6.960e-01 6.233e+00 9.443e-04 8.457e-03 4.0 1.700e-09 5.879e-21 3.823e-20 7.273e-24 4.729e-23 TOTALS: 8.282e+14 9.336e-01 1.140e+01 1.336e-03

~. WI!

Page 4 DOS File: 3CS296.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:10:53 PM Duration: 00:00:04 ilL ~~~[i1

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408)

Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 3CS2720.MS5 Date:

Date: July 18, 2007 By:

Run Time: 4:28:15 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Core Spray Line #2 Shine 720h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.5e+3 cm 50 ft Radius 15.24 cm 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0 cm 102 ft 9.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 1.11 e+06 cm Water 1 Shield 1 .953 cm Iron 7.86 Shield 2 1355.464 cm Air 0.00122 Shield 3 45.72 cm Concrete 2.35 Shield 4 655.32 cm Air 0.00122 Shield 5 60.96 cm Concrete 2.35 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 1.8300e-003 6.771 Oe+007 1.6457e-003 6.0890e+001 Ba-1 39 Ba-140 1.9600e+002 7.2520e+012 1.7626e+002 6.5216e+006 Ce-141 1.2600e+001 4.6620e+01 1 1.1331e+001 4.1924e+005 Ce-143 5.91 OOe-006 2.1867e+005 5.3147e-006 1.9665e-001 Ce-144, 1.8100e+001 6.6970e+01 1 1.6277e+001 6.0225e+005 Cm-242 3.2400e-001 1.1 988e+010 2.9137e-001 1.0781e+004 Cm-244 2.3500e-002 8.6950e+008 2.1133e-002 7.8192e+002 Co-58 3.0300e-001 1.1211e+010 2.7248e-001 1.0082e+004 Co-60 4.8200e-001 1.7834e+010 4.3345e-001 1.6038e+004 Cs-1 34 1.7500e+003 6.4750e+01 3 1.5737e+003 5.8228e+007 Cs-136 1.1700e+002 4.3290e+012 1.0522e+002 3.8930e+006 Cs-137 1.0800e+003 3.9960e+01 3 9.7122e+002 3.5935e+007

Page :2 DOS File: 3CS2720.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:28:15 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq /cm 3 1-131 6.5600e+002 2.4272e+013 5.8993e+002 2.1827e+007 1-132 3.6700e+000 1.3579e+011 3.3004e+000 1.2211e+005 1-133 6.6800e-007 2.4716e+004 6.0072e-007 2.2227e-002 1-134 1-135 2.6700e-029 9.8790e-01 9 2.4011 e-029 8.8840e-025 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 2.2600e+002 8.3620e+012 2.0324e+002 7.5198e+006 La-141 6.71 OOe-055 2.4827e-044 6.0342e-055 2.2326e-050 La-142 Mo-99 7.0800e-002 2.6196e+009 6.3669e-002 2.3558e+003 Nb-95 8.7900e+000 3.2523e+01 1 7.9047e+000 2.9247e+005 Nd-147 1.4400e+000 5.3280e+01 0 1.2950e+000 4.7914e+004 Np-239 4.5600e-002 1.6872e+009 4.1007e-002 1.5173e+003 Pr-143 2.3700e+000 8.7690e+010 2.1313e+000 7.8858e+004 Pu-238 6.8300e-002 2.5271e+009 6.1421e-002 2.2726e+003 Pu-239 6.9500e-003 2.5715e+008 6.2500e-003 2.3125e+002 Pu-240 9.4200e-003 3.4854e+008 8.4712e-003 3.1344e+002 Pu-241 2.8300e+000 1.0471e+011 2.5450e+000 9.4164e+004 Rb-86 6.1 000e+000 2.2570e+01 1 5.4856e+000 2.0297e+005 Rh-105 6.3300e-005 2.3421 e+006 5.6924e-005 2.1062e+000 Ru-103 6.7400e+001 2.4938e+012 6.0612e+001 2.2426e+006 Ru-105 1.2300e-047 4.551 Oe-037 1.1061e-047 4.0926e-043 Ru-106 4.3700e+001 1.6169e+012 3.9299e+001 1.4540e+006 Sb-127 7.2500e-001 2.6825e+01 0 6.5198e-001 2.4123e+004 Sb-129 3.2000e-048 1.1840e-037 2.8777e-048 1.0647e-043 Sr-89 3.4400e+002 1.2728e+013 3.0935e+002 1.1446e+007 Sr-90 6.1600e+001 2.2792e+012 5.5396e+001 2.0496e+006 Sr-91 1.01OOe-020 3.7370e-01 0 9.0827e-021 3.3606e-016 Sr-92 7.5600e-078 2.7972e-067 6.7986e-078 2.5155e-073 Tc-99m 6.9300e-002 2.5641 e+009 6.2320e-002 2.3058e+003 Te-127 1.9200e+001 7.1040e+01 1 1.7266e+001 6.3885e+005 Te-127m 1.8700e+001 6.9190e+01 1 1.6817e+001 6.2221e+005 Te-129 2.5800e+001 9.5460e+01 1 2.3201e+001 8.5845e+005 Te-129m 3.7500e+001 1.3875e+012 3.3723e+001 1.2478e+006 Te-131m 1.2600e-005 4.6620e+005 1.1331e-005 4.1924e-001 Te-132 3.4700e+000 1.2839e+011 3.1205e+000 1.1546e+005 Xe-1 33 6.2200e+001 2.3014e+012 5.5935e+001 2.0696e+006 Xe-1 35 5.21 OOe-020 1.9277e-009 4.6853e-020 1.7335e-015 Y-90 6.1600e+001 2.2792e+012 5.5396e+001 2.0496e+006 Y-91 5.9400e+000 2.1978e+01 1 5.3417e+000 1.9764e+005 Y-92 1.31OOe-058 4.8470e-048 1.1781e-058 4.3588e-054 Y-93 2.9200e-021 1.0804e-010 2.6259e-021 9.7158e-017 Zr-95 6.8400e+000 2.5308e+01 1 6.1511 e+000 2.2759e+005

Page :3

  • DOS File : 3CS2720.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:28:15 PM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels ijpci/cm3 Bq/cm3 Zr-97 1.4400e-012 5.3280e-002 1.2950e-012 4.7914e-008 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 3 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.661e+08 0.000e+00 2.929e-28 0.000e+00 2.512e-29 0.02 2.219e+10 0.000e+00 3.844e-26 0.000e+00 1.332e-27 0.03 5.382e+12 8.032e-1 51 2.061e-23 7.960e-153 2.043e-25 0.04 4.543e+11 3.219e-74 4.615e-24 1.424e-76 2.041e-26 0.05 2.615e+10 1.398e-47 8.683e-25 3.724e-50 2.313e-27 0.06 5.435e+1 1 8.789e-34 1.295e-22 1.746e-36 2.573e-25 0.08 1.763e+12 6.839e-23 7.551e-21 1.082e-25 1.195e-23 0.1 6.209e+10 3.628e-20 1.036e-17 5.550e-23 1.585e-20 0.15 1.411e+12 1.322e-14 8.054e-12 2.178e-17 1.326e-14 0.2 8.300e+1 1 7.484e-1 3 5.248e-10 1.321e-15 9.262e-13 0.3 6.389e+12 1.246e-09 5.959e-07 2.363e-12 1.130e-09 0.4 2.035e+13 1.282e-07 3.735e-05 2.498e-10 7.277e-08 0.5 9.095e+12 7.431 e-07 1.408e-04 1.459e-09 2.763e-07 0.6 8.083e+1 3 4.913e-05 6.448e-03 9.590e-08 1.259e-05 0.8 6.926e+1 3 8.657e-04 6.392e-02 1.647e-06 1.216e-04 1.0 7.11le+12 8.18le-04 3.907e-02 1.508e-06 7.202e-05 1.5 9.992e+12 4.667e-02 1.084e+00 7.852e-05 1.824e-03 2.0 7.561 e+ 10 3.487e-03 5.285e-02 5.393e-06 8.172e-05 3.0 2.978e+1 1 2.095e-01 1.876e+00 2.842e-04 2.545e-03 TOTALS: 2.139e+14 2.613e-01 3.122e+00 3.713e-04

Page :4 DOS File: 3CS2720.MS5 Run Date: July 18, 2007 Run Time: 4:28:15 PM Duration : 00:00:04 1.~ ~*


NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 4 Page 1I 4 - CREFS Filter Shine - General Notes I Table 4-1 input is taken from Attachment I within Attachment 1 of calculation NEDC 07-082 (LOCA calc).

2 Table 4-2 manipulates input data from Table 4-1 to fit the geometry of the specific situation being considered.

No special manipulations are involved.

3 Table 4-1 is sorted by RadTrad sort #. Table 4-2 is sorted by MicroShield iso # by re-sorting Table 4-1.

4 The MAIN section computes a conservative adjustment factor of 10% to cover equilibrium daughters, to be applied to all sources and all times.

NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Attachment 4 Page 2 1 Rad Micro 4 - CREFS Filter Shine - RadTrad Output Trad Shield time Table 4-1 CREFS FILTER - Cumul. Curies Sort Iso# (hrs) - 0.0006 05 1 2 8 24 96 720 1 104 Co-58 1.91E-09 2.17E-07 8.03E-07 1.63E-06 2.10E-06 2.67E-06 2 106 Co-60 2.28E-09 2.60E-07 9,65E-07 1.97E-06 2.61E-06 4.24E-06 3 203 Kr-85 4 204 Kr-85m 5 205 Kr-87

6. 206 Kr-88 7 332 Rb-86 2.87E-05 2.90E-05 3.96E-05 6.72E-05 1.04E-04 1.15E-04 6.53E-05 8 391 Sr-89 2,43E-06 2.77E-04 1.02E-03 2.08E-03 2.64E-03 3.03E-03 9 392 Sr-90 2.89E-07 3.30E-05 1.22E-04 2.50E-04 3.32E-04 5.42E-04 10 393 Sr-91 2.88E-06 3.05E-04 729E-04 4.65E-04 3.22E-06 8.89E-26 11 394 Sr-92 2.61E-06 2.31E-04 1.84E-04 6.30E-06 8.39E-14 6.65E-83 12 480 Y-90 4.21E-09 6.89E-07 9.97E-06 5.69E-05 2.14E-04 5.42E-04 13 482 Y-91 3.19E-08 3.67E-06 1.47E-05 3.27E-05 4.35E-05 5.23E-05 14 484 Y-92 2.35E-07 4.95E-05 3.13E-04 612E-05 8.18E-11 1.16E-63 15 485 Y-93 3.69E-08 3.93E-06 9.64E-06 6.59E-06 6,24E-08 2.57E-26 16 496 Zr-95 4.44E-08 5.06E-06 1.87E-05 3.80E-05 4.88E-05 6.02E-05 17 497 Zr-97 4.32E-08 4.73E-06 1.37E-05 1.46E-05 1.01E-06 1.26E-17 18 238 Nb-95 4.47E-08 5.10E-06 1.89E-05 387E-05 5.11E-05 7.74E-05 19 224 Mo-99 6.32E-07 7.13E-05 2,48E-04 4.29E-04 2.67E-04 6.23E-07 20 408 Tc-99m 5.63E-07 641E-05 2.31E-04 4.15E-04 2.62E-04 6.10E-07 21 355 Ru-103 5.36E-07 6.11E-05 2.25E-04 4.56604 5.73E-04 5.93E-04 22 356 Ru-105 3.23E-07 3.15E-05 4.58E-05 7.72E-06 1.34E-10 1.08E-52 23 357 Ru-106 2.17E-07 2.47E-05 9.17E-05 1.87E-04 2.47E-04 3.85E-04 24 347 Rh-i 05 3.46E-07 3.93E-05 1.38E-04 2.15E-04 6.98E-05 5.57E-10 25 365 Sb-127 746E-07 8.46E-05 3.00E-04 5.44E-04 4.21E-04 6.38E-06 26 366 Sb-129 1.90E-06 1.84E-04 2.61E-04 4,10E-05 5.22E-10 2.81E-53 27 415 Te-127 7.58E-07 8.60E-05 3.10E-04 5.80E-04 5.01E-04 1.69E-04 28 416 Te-127m 1.01 E-07 1.16E-05 4.28E-05 8.78E-05 1.16E-04 1.65E-04 29 417 Te-129 2.02E-06 2.07E-04 3.68E-04 2.30E-04 2.37E-04 2.27E-04 30 418 Te-129m 3.24E-07 370E-05 1.37E-04 2.77E-04 3.45E-04 3.30E-04 31 420 Te-131rm 9.65E-07 1.08E-04 3.47E-04 4.91E-04 1.23E-04 1.10E-10 32 421 Te-132 9.52E-06 1.08E-03 3.78E-03 6.72E-03 4.70E-03 305E-05 33 175 1-131 111E-02 1.12E-02 2.21E-02 3.60E-02 6.08E-02 7.56E-02 4.90E-02 34 176 1-132 1.39E-02 1.22E-02 2.07E-02 9.44E-03 7.23E-03 5.01E-03 3.23E-05 35 177 1-133 2.22E-02 2.216E-02 4.22E-02 575E-02 6.03E-02 8.80E-03 5.00E-11 36 178 1-134 1.67E-02 1.14E-02 1.02E-02 1.47E-04 8.44E-10 2.57E-34 37 179 1-135 2.01E-02 1.93E-02 3.42E-02 3.04E-02 1.01E-02 8.58E-06 2,00E-33 38 471 Xe-133 39 473 Xe-1 35 40 115 Cs-134 2.77E-03 2.81E-03 3.83E-03 6.56E-03 1.04E-02 1.28E-02 1.87E-02 41 118 Cs-136 8.87E-04 8.96E-04 1.22E-03 2.06E-03 3.16E-03 3.33E-03 1.26E-03 42 119 Cs-137 1.66E-03 1 68E-03 2.30E-03 3.94E-03 6.25E-03 7.72E-03 1.15 E-02 43 41 Ba-139 2.96E-06 2.04E-04 3.70E-05 2.43E-08 6.06E-24 44 42 Ba-140' 4.69E-06 5.34E-04 1.95E-03 3.85E-03 4.34E-03 1.72E-03 45 209 La-140 7.98E-08 1.45E-05 2.38E-04 1. 31 E-03 3.80E-03 1.99E-03 46 210 La-141 3.73E-08 3.57E-06 4.59E-06 5.596-07 2.26E-12 5.90E-60 47 211 La-i 42 2.74E-08 1.99E-06 4.97E-07 7.64E-10 8.85E-24 48 81 Ce-141 1.11E-07 1.27E-05 4.69E-05 9.47E-05 1.18E-04 1.11E-04 49 82 Ce-143 1.00E-07 1.12E-05 3.66E-05 5,36E-05 1.57E-05 5.20E-11 50 83 Ce-144 9.13E-08 1.04E-05 3,86E-05 788E-05 104E-04 1.59E-04 51 302 Pr-143 402E-08 4.59E-06 1.73E-05 3.63E-05 4.64E-05 2.09E-05 52 243 Nd-147 4.48E-08 5.09E-06 1.86E-05 3.65E-05 4.00E-05 127E05 53 255 Np-239 1.44E-06 1.63E-04 5.60E-04 9.42E-04 5.17E-04 4.01E-07 54 313 Pu-238 3.19E-10 3.64E-08 1.35E-07 2.76E-07 3.66E-07 6.01E-07 55 314 Pu-239 3.22E-11 3.67E-09 1.36E-08 2.79E-08 3.72E-08 6.11E-08 56 315 Pu-240 4.42E-11 5.04E-09 1.87E-08 3.82E-08 5.06E-08 8.28E-08 57 316 Pu-241 1.33E-08 1.52E-06 5.63E-06 1.15E-05 1.53E-05 2.49E-05 58 13 Am-241 6.86E-12 7.82E-10 2.90E-09 5986-09 8.13E-09 1.61E-08 59 93 Cm-242 1.73E-09 1.97E-07 7.29E-07 1 49E-06 1.95E-06 2 856-06 60 95 Cm-244 1.11E-10 I 1.26E-08 I 4.68E-08 I 9.58E-08 I 1.27E-07 I 2.07E-07

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 4 Page 3 4 - CREFS Filter Shine - MicroShield Input Table 4-2 CREFS Filter Inventory (Curies) t= t= t= t= t= t-=

0.5 2 8 24 96 720 Iso N Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso # Curies Isoo Iso # Curies Lsao Iso#B Curies Iso 104 0.000000E+00 Co-58 104 2.173200E-07 Co-58 104 8.033900E-07 Co-58 104 1.634000E-06 Co-58 104 0.000210% Co-58 104 2.667000E-06 Co-58 106 0.000000E+00 Co-60 106 2.603000E-07 Co-60 106 9.645800E-07 Co-60 106 1.974200E-06 Co-60 106 0.000261% Co-60 106 4.235800E-06 Co-60 203 0.000000E+00 Kr-85 203 0.000000E+00 Kr-85 203 0.OOOOOOE+00 Kr-85 203 0.000000E+00 Kr-85 203 0.000000% Kr-85S 203 0.000000E+00 Kr-85 204 0.000000E+00 Kr-85m 204 0.OOOOOOE+00 Kr-85m 204 0.000000E+00 Kr-85m 204 0.0000006+0 Kr-85m 204 0.000000% Kr-85m 204 0.000000E+00 Kr-85m 205 O.000000E+00 Kr-87 205 0.000000E+00 Kr-87 205 0.000000E+00 Kr-87 205 0.000000E+00 Kr-87 205 0.000000% Kr-87 205 O.000000E+00 Kr-87 206 0.000000E+00 Kr-88 206 0.OOOOOOE+00 Kr-88 206 0.000000E+00 Kr-88 206 0.OOOOOOE+00 Kr-88 206 0.000000% Kr-88 206 0.OOOOOOE+00 Kr-88 332 2.870700E-05 Rb-86 332 3.959100E-05 Rb-86 332 6.715200E-05 Rb-86 332 1.039900E-04 Rb-86 332 0.011494% Rb-86 332 6.533500E-05 Rb-86 391 0.000000E+00 Sr-89 391 2.773500E-04 Sr-89 391 1.024300E-03 Sr-89 391 2.077800E-03 Sr-89 391 0.264320% Sr-89 391 3.025700E-03 Sr-89 392 0.000000E+00 Sr-90 392 3.300100E-05 Sr-90 392 1.223000E-04 Sr-90 392 2.503500E-04 Sr-90 392 0.033180% Sr-90 392 5.417700E-04 Sr-90 393 0.OOOOOOE+00 Sr-91 393 3.048700E-04 Sr-91 393 7.292700E-04 Sr-91 393 4.645600E-04 Sr-91 393 0,000322% Sr-91 393 8.886400E-26 Sr-91 394 0.000000E+00 Sr-92 394 2.306100E-04 Sr-92 394 1.842000E-04 Sr-92 394 6.297200E-06 Sr-92 394 0.000000% Sr-92 394 6.648700E-83 Sr-92 480 0.000000E+00 Y-90 480 6.890900E-07 Y-90 480 9.966200E-06 Y-90 480 5.694900E-05 Y-90 480 0.021447% Y-90 480 5.422200E-04 Y-90 482 0.OOOOOOE+00 Y-91 482 3.669600E-06 Y-91 482 1.467100E-05 Y-91 482 3.269200E-05 Y-91 482 0.004351% Y-91 482 5.230400E-05 Y-91 484 0.00000OE+00 Y-92 484 4.949500E-05 Y-92 484 3.129800E-04 Y-92 484 6.118700E-05 Y-92 484 0.000000% Y-92 484 1.160500D-63 Y-92 485 0.000000E+00 Y-93 485 3.928400E-06 Y-93 485 9.644600E-06 Y-93 485 6.585000E-06 Y-93 485 0.000006% Y-93 485 2.572800E-26 Y-93 496 0.000000E+00 Zr-95 496 5.059400E-06 Zr-95 496 1.869900E-05 Zr-95 496 3.800400E-05 Zr-95 496 0.004877% Zr-95 496 6,018300E-05 Zr-95 497 0.OOOOOOE+00 Zr-97 497 4.728000E-06 Zr-97 497 1.369900E-05 Zr-97 497 1,455000E-05 Zr-97 497 0.000101% Zr-97 497 1.263300E-17 Zr-97 238 0.000000E+00 Nb-95 238 5.097900E-06 Nb-95 238 1.889100E-05 Nb-95 238 3.866100E-05 Nb-95 238 0.005112% Nb-95 238 7.735400E-05 Nb-95 224 0.000000E+00 Mo-99 224 7.131600E-05 Mo-99 224 2.481500E-04 Mo-99 224 4.294300E-04 Mo-99 224 0.026724% Mo-99 224 6.230000E-07 Mo-99 408 0.000000E+00 Tc-99m 408 6.414700E-05 Tc-99m 408 2.314900E-04 Tc-99m 408 4.1483006-04 Tc-99m 408 0.026151% Tc-99m 408 6.096300E-07 Tc-99m 355 0.000000E+00 Ru-103 355 6.107600E-05 Ru-103 355 2.253500E-04 Ru-1 03 355 4.559300E-04 Ru-103 355 0.057321% Ru-103 355 5,925600E-04 Ru-103 356 0.000000E+00 Ru-1 05 356 3.154200E-05 Ru-1 05 356 4.581200E-05 Ru-1 05 356 7,715100E-06 Ru-105 356 0.000000% Ru-1 05 356 1.083800E-52 Ru-1 05 357 0.000000E+00 Ru-1 06 357 2.474700E-05 Ru-106 357 9.166700E-05 Ru-106 357 1.874200E-04 Ru-106 357 0.024705% Ru-106 357 3.847700E-04 Ru-1 06 347 0.OOOOOOE+00 Rh-105 347 3.931000E-05 Rh-105 347 1.378600E-04 Rh-105 347 2.149900E-04 Rh-105 347 0.006984% Rh-1 05 347 5.565300E-10 Rh-1 05 365 0,000000E+00 Sb-127 365 8.463700E-05 Sb-1 27 365 2.998500E-04 Sb-127 365 5.444200E-04 Sb-127 365 0.042051% Sb-127 365 6.375700E-06 Sb-127 366 0.000000E+00 Sb-129 366 1.843100E-04 Sb-129 366 2.608300E-04 Sb-129 366 4.098100E-05 Sb-129 366 0.000000% Sb-1 29 366 2.814500E-53 Sb-129 415 0.000000E+00 Te-1 27 415 8.602700E-05 Te-127 415 3.097600E-04 Te-127 415 5.803700E-04 Te-127 415 0.050079% Te-127 415 1.688900-E04 Te-1 27 416 0.000000E+00 Te-127m 416 1.155200E-05 Te-127m 416 4.283200E-05 Te-127m 416 8.775400E-05 Te-127m 416 0.011602% Te-127m 416 1.646500E-04 Te-127m 417 0.000000E+00 Te-129 417 2.074400E-04 Te-129 417 3.676500E-04 Te-129 417 2,301900E-04 Te-129 417 0,023701% Te-129 417 2.267300E-04 Te-129 418 0.OOOOOOE+00 Te-129m 418 3.700300E-05 Te-129m 418 1.369200E-04 Te-129m 418 2.770400E-04 Te-129m 418 0.034527% Te-129m 416 3.302900E-04 Te-1 29m 420 0.000000E+00 Te-131m 420 1.075700E-04 Te-131m 420 3.470500E-04 Te-131m 420 4.909000E-04 Te-131m 420 0.012329% Te-131m 420 1.104500E-10 Te-131m 421 0.000000E+00 Te-132 421 1.076000E-03 Te-132 421 3.781200E-03 Te-132 421 6.717300E-03 Te-132 421 0.470370% Te-132 421 3.048200E-05 Te-1 32 175 1,111800E-02 1-131 175 2.209300E-02 1-131 175 3.604600E-02 1-131 175 6.079300E-02 1-131 175 7.560400% 1-131 175 4.898200E-02 1-131 176 1.394100E-02 1-132 176 2.072300E-02 J-132 176 9.438900E-03 1-132 176 7.225600E-03 1-132 176 0.500950% 1-132 176 3.228900E-05 1-132 177 2.219000E-02 1-133 177 4.216100-02 1-133 177 5.753600E-02 1-133 177 6.026600E-02 1-133 177 0.880480% 1-133 177 5.001000E-11 1-133 178 1.665700E-02 1-134 178 1.016200E-02 1-134 178 1.474200E-04 1-134 178 8.436800E-10 1-134 178 0.000000% 1-134 178 0.000000E+00 1-134 179 2.005000E-02 1-135 179 3.422000E-02 1-135 179 3.040100E-02 1-135 179 1.013700E-02 1-135 179 0.000858% 1-135 179 1.999300E-33 1-135 471 0.OOOOOOE+00 Xe-133 471 0.000000E+00 Xe-133 471 0,000000E+00 Xe-1 33 471 0.OOOOOOE+00 Xe-133 471 0.000000% Xe-133 471 0.000000E+00 Xe-1 33 473 0.000000E+00 Xe-135 473 0.O00000E+00 Xe-135 473 0.000000E+00 Xe-135 473 0.OOOOOOE+00 Xe-135 473 0.000000% Xe-135 473 0.000000E+00 Xe-135 115 2.774200E-03 Cs-134 115 3.834700E-03 Cs-134 115 6.563400E-03 Cs-134 115 1.041300E-02 Cs-134 115 1.283000% Cs-134 115 1.870500E-02 Cs-134 118 8,868000E-04 Cs-136 118 1.221800E-03 Cs-136 118 2.064200E-03 Cs-136 118 3.163300E-03 Cs-136 118 0.333460% Cs-136 118 1.258106&-03 Cs-136 119 1.664600E-03 Cs-137 119 2.301000E-03 Cs-137 119 3.939200E-03 Cs-137 119 6.253100E-03 Cs-137 119 0.772420% Cs-137 119 1.151500E-02 Cs-137 41 0.00000E+00. Ba-139 41 2.039500E-04 Ba-139 41 3.698400E-05 Ba-139 41 2.425200E-08 Ba-139 41 0.000000% Ba-139 41 0.000000E+00 Ba-139 42 0.OOOOOOE+00 Ba-140 42 5.335600E-04 Ba-140 42 1.950600E-03 Ba-140 42 3.851000E-03 Ba-140 42 0.433610% Ba-140 42 1.723600E-03 Ba-140 209 0.OOOOOOE+00 La-140 209 1.445700E-05 La-140 209 2.380300E-04 La-140 209 1.312600E-03 La-140 209 0.380020% La-140 209 1.988100E-03 La-140 210 0.000000E+00 La-141 210 3.566700E-06 La-141 210 4.587500E-06 La-141 210 5.586800E-07 La-141 210 0.000000% La-141 210 5.903000E-60 La-141 211 0.000000E+00 La-1 42 211 1.991000E-06 La-142 211 4.970400E-07 La-142 211 7.644400E-10 La-142 211 0.000000% La-142 211 O.000000E+00 La-1 42 81 0O000006E+00 Ce-141 81 1.270800E-05 Ce-141 81 4.689000E-05 Ce-141 81 9.468100E-05 Ce-141 81 0.011773% Ce-141 81 1. 106000E-04 Ce-141 82 0.000000E+00 Ce-143 62 1.121200E-05 Ce-143 82 3.663000E-05 Ce-143 82 5.358300E-05 Ce-143 82 0.001566% Ce-143 82 5.201400E-11 Ce-143 83 0.000000E+00 Ce-144 83 1.041000E-05 Ce-144 83 3.855600E-05 Ce-144 83 7.880300E-05 Ce-144 83 0.010370% Ce-144 83 1.591900E-04 Ce-144 302 0.OOOOOOE+00 Pr-143 302 4.589000E-06 Pr-143 302 1.728100E-05 Pr-143 302 3.632000E-05 Pr-1 43 302 0.004641% Pr-143 302 2.086000E-05 Pr-143 243 0.000000E+00 Nd-147 243 5.094000E-06 Nd-1 47 243 1.858200E-05 Nd-147 243 3.647300-O5 Nd-147 243 0.004001% Nd-147 243 1.267600E-05 Nd-147 255 0.000000E+00 Np-239 255 1.626700E-04 Np-239 255 5.600900E-04 Np-239 255 9.423000E-04 Np-239 255 0.051656% Np-239 255 4.011700E-07 Np-239 313 0.000000E+00 Pu-238 313 3,641500E-08 Pu-238 313 1.349600E-07 Pu-238 313 2.763000E-07 Pu-238 313 0.000037% Pu-238 313 6.005800E-07 Pu-238 314 0.000000E+00 Pu-239 314 3.671000E-09 Pu-239 314 1.361600E-08 Pu-239 314 2.792900E-08 Pu-239 314 0.000004% Pu-239 314 6.110100E-08 Pu-239 315 0.000000E+00 Pu-240 315 5.035500E-09 Pu-240 315 1.866100E-08 Pu-240 315 3.820300E-08 Pu-240 315 0.000005% Pu-240 315 8.283000E-08 Pu-240 316 0.OOOOOOE+00 Pu-241 316 1.519200E-06 Pu-241 316 5,629800E-06 Pu-241 316 1.152400E-05 Pu-241 316 0.001527% Pu-241 316 2.489000E-05 Pu-241 13 0.000000E+00 Am-241 13 7.821700E-10 Am-241 13 2.904800E-09 Am-241 13 5.980300E-09 Am-241 13 0.000001% Am-241 13 1.614000E-08 Am-241 93 0.OOOOOOE+00 Cm-242 93 1.9680006-07 Cm-242 93 7.285500E-07 Cm-242 93 1.487200E-06 Cm-242 93 0.000195% Cm-242 93 2.850000E-06 Cm-242 95 0.000000E+00 Cm-244 95 1.263100E-08 Cm-244 95 4.681000E-08 Cm-244 95 9.582000E-08 Cm-244 95 0.000013% Cm-244 95 2.071200E-07 Cm-244

NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Attachment 4 Page 4 A\ i 4 - CREFS Filter Shine Shielding Parameters value units Ref.

CL distance from CREFS to 36.24 ft Dwgs. 2019, 117.15M02, CNS-BLDG-442 (scaled)

RO desk, centerline to Fraction of CREFS that is charcoal 0.6 VM 1682 (conservative assumption)

Density of charcoal 0.5 g/cc VM 1682 (conservative of .5 to .54 range)

Density of air 0.0122 g/cc Standard in MicroShield Homogenized filter density 0.305 g/cc CREFS filter dimension 1 25.75 in VM 1682 (4UA-921-02)

CREFS filter dimension 2 26.50 in VM 1682 (4UA-921-02)

CREFS filter dimension 3 7.75 in VM 1682 (4UA-921-02)

CREFS volume 5288.4 cu in CREFS volume 3.06 cu ft Vol=pidA2/4*h 4V/pio=hdA2 Equiv cylinder h = d 1.5736 ft Equiv cylinder radius 0.7868 ft

1. Use RO desk as dose point. The distance to the BOP station (position behind the BOP desk) is about 5 inches closer than the distance tothe RO station (position behind the RO desk); however, it is exactly equal to the distance to the-RO desk (center).

Therefore, for conservatism, the RO desk (center) is used for the dose point for this source, since the RO station is used as the dose point for the remaining shine sources due to its greater proximity to each of the sources.

2. Assume that radionuclides are uniformly distributed in CREFS filter.
3. Assume that the CREFS filter is a homogeneous composition of charcoal and air. Conservatively assume that it is 60% air, based on VM 1682 (see Filter worksheet).
4. Assume that the CREFS filter is just a single (not stacked) NUCELL module. This is conservative because it allows for less self.

shielding due to the charcoal itself, yet is not overly conservative since amount of self-shielding from charcoal and air is small.

5. Assume that CREFS filter can be approximated as a square cylinder having equal volume. Use an end cyl model with dose point on axis for conservatism.
6. Conservatively neglect shielding from structural steel members in the adsorber tray and CREFS filter housing.
7. Conservatively neglect shielding from structural steel members in the control consoles and cabinets.

NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Attachment 4 Page 4 G I Shielding filter (cyl half length) 0.7868 ft Coordinate system uses cylinder face farthest from dose point as zero. Full cylinder dimensions are used in the computations.

air gap 35.4564 ft For information only; front face distance to Dose Point position of dose point 37.0300 ft Used as input to MicroShield; back face distance to DP Dose Results Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time Nh) mR/hr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 not compu.

0.5 5.231 E-01 0 to 0.5 5.231E-01 0.5 2.62E-01 2 6.949E-01 PEAK 0.5 to 2 6.949E-01 1.5 1.04E+00 8 5.704E-01 2 to 8 6.327E-01 6 3.80E+00 24 5.356E-01 8 to 24 5.530E-01 16 8.85E+00 96 3.827E-01 24 to 96 4.592E-01 72 3.31 E+01 720 2.541E-01 96 to 720 3.184E-01 624 1.99E+02 2.46E+02 Total CREFS Filter Shine (no Daughters) I 2.46E+02 The above dose was computed without considering equilibrium daughter products. For example, a radionuclide in the source term list may not simply decay and disappear, but decay into another radionuclide that decays and contributes to dose. This is the case for four daughter radionuclides (Ba-1 37m, Pr-144, Rh-1 03m, Rh-1 06) in the source term list used for AST LOCA shine. To exclude or include daughters is a user-selected option in MicroShield. The following results include equilibrium daughters.

NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Attachment 4 Page 4C I Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time (h) mRlhr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 not compu.

0.5 5.270E-01 0 to 0.5 5.270E-01 0.5 '2.64E-01 2 7.003E-01 PEAK 0.5 to 2 7.003E-01 1.5 1.05E+00 8 5.798E-01 2 to 8 6.401E-01 6 3.84E+00 24 5.505E-01 8 to 24 5.652E-01 16 9.04E+00 96 4.010E-01 24 to 96 4.758E-01 72 3.43E+01 720 2.815E-01 96 to 720 3.413E-01 624 2.13E+02 2.61 E+02 Total CREFS Filter Shine (with Daughters) 2.61E+02 Adiustment Factor 1.064 I The above tables show that the CREFS shine computed without equilibrium daughters needs to be increased by 6.4% to include the effect of equilbrium daughters.

NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Attach ment 4 Page 5 1 CREFS Filter Shine 0.80 ---

0.70 0.60 _ _

0.50 , ,' ___

S0.40 0

0.20 0.10-0.020 .06 0.0 2 020 40 60 80 100 120 time (h)

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CRP5R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:34:32 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 0.5h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in IMz Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Materi al Density Source 3.06 ft Carbo n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uci/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-134 2.7742e-003 1.0265e+008 3.2013e-002 1.1845e+003 Cs-136 8.8680e-004 3.2812e+007 1.0233e-002 3.7863e+002 Cs-1 37 1.6646e-003 6.1590e+007 1.9208e-002 7.1071e+002 1-131 1.1118e-002 4.1137e+008 1.2829e-001 4.7469e+003 1-132 1.3941e-002 5.1582e+008 1.6087e-001 5.9522e+003 1-133 2.2190e-002 8.2103e+008 2.5606e-001 9.4742e+003 1-134 1.6657e-002 6.1631 e+008 1.9221e-001 7.1118e+003 1-135 2.0050e-002 7.4185e+008 2.3136e-001 8.5605e+003 Kr-85

Page :2 DOS File : 4CRP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:34:32 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uiCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 2.8707e-005 1.0622e+006 3.3126e-004 1.2257e+001 Rh-105 Ru-103 Ru-1 05 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-1 31 m Te-132 Xe-133 Xe-135 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20

Page :3 DOS File: 4CRP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:34:32 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results EnerQy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.03 4.335e+07 1.578e-02 6.921e-02 1.564e-04 6.859e-04 0.04 1.237e+06 7.965e-04 5.134e-03 3.523e-06 2.271e-05 0.06 4.089e+06 4.732e-03 3.956e-02 9.399e-06 7.857e-05 0.08 1.283e+07 2.140e-02 1.597e-0.1 3.386e-05 2.527e-04 0.1 1.341e+05 2.950e-04 1.829e-03 4.513e-07 2.798e-06 0.15 3.503e+07 1.274e-01 5.274e-01 2.097e-04 8.686e-04 0.2 3.917e+07 2.043e-01 6.687e-01 3.606e-04 1.180e-03 0.3 9.524e+07 8.282e-01 2.079e+00 1.571e-03 3.944e-03 0.4 4.664e+08 5.828e+00 1.244e+01 1 .136e-02 2.424e-02 0.5 9.911 e+08 1.640e+01 3.166e+01 3.218e-02 6.214e-02 0.6 1.038e+09 2.158e+01 3.889e+01 4.213e-02 7.591e-02 0.8 1.831e+09 5.446e+01 8.565e+01 1.036e-01 1.629e-01 1.0 7.513e+08 2.944e+01 4.323e+01 5.426e-02 7.968e-02 1.5 5.875e+08 3.774e+01 5.045e+01 6.350e-02 8.488e-02 2.0 1.480e+08 1.341e+01 1.699e+01 2.073e-02 2.627e-02 TOTALS: 6.045e+09 1.801e+02 2.829e+02 3.301e-01 5.231e-01 d"I, 11-.Iw txw iiý%ý .ý- . -- 14ý - -ýV' .- --1,

Page :4 DOS File: 4CRP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:34:32 AM Duration : 00:00:01 tI2 I4

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045; Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CR02R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:40:33 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 2h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields 4

Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points x Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in x Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 3.06 ft Carbon 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm .

Am-241 7.8217e-010 2.8940e+001 9.0258e-009 3.3395e-004 Ba-1 39 2.0395e-004 7.5462e+006 2.3535e-003 8.7078e+001 Ba-140 5.3356e-004 1.9742e+007 6.1569e-003 2.2781 e+002 Ce-141 1.2708e-005 4.7020e+005 1.4664e-004 5.4258e+000 Ce-143 1.1212e-005 4.1484e+005 1.2938e-004 4.7870e+000 Ce-144 1.0410e-005 3.8517e+005 1.2012e-004 4.4446e+000 Cm-242 1.9680e-007 7.2816e+003 2.2709e-006 8.4025e-002 Cm-244 1.2631e-008 4.6735e+002 1.4575e-007 5.3929e-003 Co-58 2.1732e-007 8.0408e+003 2.5077e-006 9.2786e-002 Co-60 2.6030e-007 9.6311e+003 3.0037e-006 1.11 14e-001 Cs-134 3.8347e-003 1.4188e+008 4.4250e-002 1.6373e+003 Cs-1 36 1.2218e-003 4.5207e+007 1.4099e-002 5.2166e+002 Cs-137 2.301 Oe-003 8.5137e+007 2.6552e-002 9.8243e+002 1-131 2.2093e-002 8.1744e+008 2.5494e-001 9.4328e+003 1-132 2.0723e-002 7.6675e+008 2.3913e-001 8.8478e+003 1-133 4.2161 e-002 1.5600e+009 4.8651e-001 1.8001e+004 1-134. 1.0162e-002 3.7599e+008 1.1726e-001 4.3387e+003 1-135 3.4220e-002 1.2661e+009 3.9488e-001 1.4610e+004 Kr-85 ft"T T, -1f, - tff-,ý iaý---

Page :2 DOS File: 4CR02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:40:33 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.4457e-005 5.3491e+005 1.6682e-004 6.1725e+000 La-141 3.5667e-006 1.3197e+005 4.1157e-005 1.5228e+000 La-142 1.9910e-006 7.3667e+004 2.2975e-005 8.5007e-001 Mo-99 7.1316e-005 2.6387e+006 8.2294e-004 3.0449e+001 Nb-95 5.0979e-006 1.8862e+005 5.8827e-005 2.1766e+000 Nd-147 5.0940e-006 1.8848e+005 5.8782e-005 2.1749e+000 Np-239 1.6267e-004 6.0188e+006 1.8771e-003 6.9453e+00 1 Pr-143 4.5890e-006 1.6979e+005 5.2954e-005 1.9593e+000 Pu-238 3.6415e-008 1.3474e+003 4.2021e-007 1.5548e-002 Pu-239 3.671 Oe-009 1.3583e+002 4.2361 e-008 1.5674e-003 Pu-240 5.0355e-009 1.8631e+002 5.8107e-008 2.1499e-003 Pu-241 1.5192e-006 5.621 Oe+004 1.7531e-005 6.4863e-001 Rb-86 3.9591 e-005 1.4649e+006 4.5686e-004 1.6904e+001 Rh-105 3.931 Oe-005 1.4545e+006 4.5361 e-004 1.6784e+001 Ru-103 6.1076e-005 2.2598e+006 7.0478e-004 2.6077e+001 Ru-105 3.1542e-005 1.1671e+006 3.6397e-004 1.3467e+001 Ru-106 2.4747e-005 9.1564e+005 2.8556e-004 1.0566e+001 Sb-127 8.4637e-005 3.1316e+006 9.7666e-004 3.6136e+001 Sb-129 1.8431e-004 6.8195e+006 2.1268e-003 7.8692e+001 Sr-89 2.7735e-004 1.0262e+007 3.2004e-003 1.1842e+002 Sr-90 3.3001 e-005 1.2210e+006 3.8081 e-004 1.4090e+001 Sr-91 3.0487e-004 1.1280e+007 3.5180e-003 1.3017e+002 Sr-92 2.3061 e-004 8.5326e+006 2.6611 e-003 9.8461e+001 Tc-99m 6.4147e-005 2.3734e+006 7.4022e-004 2.7388e+001 Te-127 8.6027e-005 3.1830e+006 9.9270e-004 3.6730e+001 Te-127m 1.1552e-005 4.2742e+005 1.3330e-004 4.9322e+000 Te-129 2.0744e-004 7.6753e+006 2.3937e-003 8.8568e+001 Te-129m 3.7003e-005 1.3691e+006 4.2699e-004 1.5799e+001 Te-131m 1.0757e-004 3.9801 e+006 1.2413e-003 4.5928e+001 Te-132 1.0760e-003 3.9812e+007 1.2416e-002 4.5941e+002 Xe-133 Xe-135 Y-90 6.8909e-007 2.5496e+004 7.9517e-006 2.9421e-001 Y-91 3.6696e-006 1.3578e+005 4.2345e-005 1.5668e+000 Y-92 4.9495e-005 1.8313e+006 5.7114e-004 2.1132e+001 Y-93 3.9284e-006 1.4535e+005 4.5331e-005 1.6773e+000 Zr-95 5.0594e-006 1.8720e+005 5.8382e-005 2.1601e+000 Zr-97 4.7280e-006 1.7494e+005 5.4558e-005 2.0187e+000 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters '

Radial 20

Page :3 DOS File: 4CR02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:40:33 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Enermy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm-/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.893e+02 3.608e-09 6.342e-09 3.095e-10 5.440e-10 0.02 2.888e+05 2.540e-05 6.259e-05 8.797e-07 2.168e-06 0.03 9.933e+07 3.617e-02 1.586e-01 3.585e-04 1.572e-03 0.04 2.308e+06 1.486e-03 9.580e-03 6.573e-06 4.237e-05 0.05 5.235e+06 4.730e-03 3.757e-02 1.260e-05 1.001e-04 0.06 5.796e+06 6.707e-03 5.607e-02 1.332e-05 1.1 14e-04 0.08 2.442e+07 4.073e-02 3.040e-01 6.446e-05 4.81 Oe-04 0.1 6.455e+06 1.420e-02 8.803e-02 2.172e-05 1.347e-04 0.15 3.111e+07 1.131e-01 4.685e-01 1.863e-04 7.714e-04 0.2 8.297e+07 4.328e-01 1.417e+00 7.639e-04 2.500e-03 0.3 1.614e+08 1.404e+00 3.523e+00 2.662e-03 6.683e-03 0.4 8.048e+08 1.006e+01 2.147e+01 1.959e-02 4.182e-02 0.5 1.727e+09 2.856e+01 5.515e+01 5.607e-02 1.083e-01 0.6 1.373e+09 2.854e+01 5.142e+01 5.571e-02 1.004e-01 0.8 1.813e+09 5.393e+01 8.482e+01 1.026e-01 1.613e-01 1.0 9.900e+08 3.879e+01 5.696e+01 7.151e-02 1.050e-01 1.5 9.071e+08 5.827e+01 7.789e+01 9.804e-02 1.311 e-01 2.0 1.950e+08 1.766e+01 2.239e+01 2.732e-02 3.462e-02 3.0 3.924e+04 5.711 e-03 6.785e-03 7.748e-06 9.205e-06 4.0 1.934e+03 3.909e-04 4.485e-04 4.835e-07 5.548e-07 TOTALS: 8.229e+09 2.379e+02 3.762e+02 4.349e-01 6.949e-01 VIC -',V :if w',Ký -If- -,;;-ý.111

Page :4 -

DOS File: 4CR02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:40:33 AM Duration : 00:00:01

'I"I . .1

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CR08R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:48:02 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 8h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in kX Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Materi al Density Source 3.06 ft Carbc*n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 2.9048e-009 1.0748e+002 3.3520e-008 1.2402e-003 Ba-1 39 3.6984e-005 1.3684e+006 4.2677e-004 1.5791e+001 Ba-140 1.9506e-003 7.2172e+007 2.2509e-002 8.3282e+002 Ce-141 4.6890e-005 1.7349e+006 5.4108e-004 2.0020e+001 Ce-143 3.6630e-005 1.3553e+006 4.2269e-004 1.5639e+001 Ce-144 3.8556e-005 1.4266e+006 4.4491 e-004 1.6462e+001 Cm-242 7.2855e-007 2.6956e+004 8.4070e-006 3.1106e-001 Cm-244 4.681 Oe-008 1.7320e+003 5.4016e-007 1.9986e-002 Co-58 8.0339e-007 2.9725e+004 9.2706e-006 3.4301e-001 Co-60 9.6458e-007 3.5689e+004 1. 1131e-005 4.1183e-001 Cs-1 34 6.5634e-003 2.4285e+008 7.5738e-002 2.8023e+003 Cs-136 2.0642e-003 7.6375e+007 2.3820e-002 8.8132e+002 Cs-137 3.9392e-003 1.4575e+008 4.5456e-002 1.6819e+003 1-131 3.6046e-002 1.3337e+009 4.1595e-001 1.5390e+004 1-132\ 9.4389e-003 3.4924e+008 1.0892e-001 4.0300e+003 1-133 5.7536e-002 2.1288e+009 6.6393e-001 2.4565e+004 1-134 1.4742e-004 5.4545e+006 1.7011 e-003 6.2942e+001 1-135 3.0401 e-002 1.1248e+009 3.5081e-001 1.2980e+004 Kr-85 0ý-T"P" -1:1 ;C-M. W-n,ME-

Page :2 DOS File : 4CR08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:48:02 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 2.3803e-004 8.8071 e+006 2.7467e-003 1..0163e+002 La-141 4.5875e-006 1.6974e+005 5.2937e-005 1.9587e+000 La-142 4.9704e-007 1.8390e+004 5.7355e-006 2.1221e-001 Mo-99 2.4815e-004 9.1816e+006 2.8635e-003 1.0595e+002 Nb-95 1.8891e-005 6.9897e+005 2.1799e-004 8.0656e+000 Nd-147 1.8582e-005 6.8753e+005 2.1442e-004 7.9337e+000 Np-239 5.6009e-004 2.0723e+007 6.4631e-003 2.3913e+002 Pr-143 1.7281e-005 6.3940e+005 1.9941e-004 7.3782e+000 Pu-238 1.3496e-007 4.9935e+003 1.5574e-006 5.7622e-002 Pu-239 1.3616e-008 5.0379e+002 1.5712e-007 5.8134e-003 Pu-240 1.8661e-008 6.9046e+002 2.1534e-007 7.9674e-003 Pu-241 5.6298e-006 2.0830e+005 6.4964e-005 2.4037e+000 Rb-86 6.7152e-005 2.4846e+006 7.7489e-004 2.8671e+001 Rh-105 1.3786e-004 5.1008e+006 1.5908e-003 5.8860e+001 Ru-103 2.2535e-004 8.3380e+006 2.6004e-003 9.6215e+001 Ru-1 05 4.5812e-005 1.6950e+006 5.2864e-004 1.9560e+001 Ru-106 9.1667e-005 3.3917e+006 1.0578e-003 3.9138e+001 Sb-127 2.9985e-004 1.1094e+007 3.4601 e-003 1.2802e+002 Sb-129 2.6083e-004 9.6507e+006 3.0098e-003 1.1136e+002 Sr-89 1.0243e-003 3.7899e+007 1.1 820e-002 4.3733e+002 Sr-90 1.2230e-004 4.5251e+006 1.4113e-003 5.2217e+001 Sr-91 7.2927e-004 2.6983e+007 8.4153e-003 3.1137e+002 Sr-92 1.8420e-004 6.8154e+006 2.1256e-003 7.8645e+001 Tc-99m 2.3149e-004 8.5651 e+006 2.6712e-003 9.8836e+001 Te-127 3.0976e-004 1.1461e+007 3.5744e-003 1.3225e+002 Te-1.27m 4.2832e-005 1.5848e+006 4.9425e-004 1.8287e+001 Te-129 3.6765e-004 1.3603e+007 4.2425e-003 1.5697e+002 Te-129m 1.3692e-004 5.0660e+006 1.5800e-003 5.8459e+001 Te-131m 3.4705e-004 1.2841e+007 4.0047e-003 1.4818e+002 Te- 132 3.7812e-003 1.3990e+008 4.3633e-002 1.6144e+003 Xe-1 33 Xe-135 Y-90 9.9662e-006 3.6875e+005 1.1500e-004 4.2551 e+000 Y-91 1.4671 e-005 5.4283e+005. 1.6929e-004 6.2639e+000 Y-92 3.1298e-004 1.1580e+007 3.6116e-003 1.3363e+002 Y-93 9.6446e-006 3.5685e+005 1.1 129e-004 4.1178e+000 Zr-95 1.8699e-005 6.9186e+005 2.1577e-004 7.9837e+000 Zr-97 1.3699e-005 5.0686e+005 1.5808e-004 5.8489e+000 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20

Page :3 DOS File: 4CR08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:48:02 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 9.031e+02 1.127e-08 1.980e-08 9.663e-10 1.698e-09 0.02 1.018e+06 8.952e-05 2.206e-04 3.101e-06 7.643e-06 0.03 2.005e+08 7.302e-02 3.201e-01 7.236e-04 3.173e-03 0.04 4.846e+06 3.120e-03 2.011 e-02 1.380e-05 8.894e-05 0.05 1.840e+07 1.662e-02 1.320e-01 4.428e-05 3.517e-04 0.06 1.007e+07 1 .166e-02 9.745e-02 2.315e-05 1.936e-04 0.08 4.030e+07 6.721e-02 5.016e-01 1.064e-04 7.938e-04 0.1 2.192e+07 4.820e-02 2.989e-01 7.374e-05 4.572e-04 0.15 2.599e+07 9.451 e-02 3.914e-01 1.556e-04 6.445e-04 0.2 1.669e+08 8.705e-01 2.849e+00 1.536e-03 5.028e-03 0.3 2.106e+08 1.832e+00 4.598e+00 3.475e-03 8.722e-03 0.4 1.168e+09 1.459e+01 3.115e+01 2.843e-02 6.069e-02 0.5 2.103e+09 3.479e+01 6.718e+01 6.829e-02 1.319e-01 0.6 8.887e+08 1.848e+01 3.329e+01 3.606e-02 6.498e-02 0.8 9.553e+08 2.841e+01 4.468e+01 5.404e-02 8.499e-02 1.0 7.261 e+08 2.845e+01 4.178e+01 5.244e-02 7.701e-02 1.5 7.415e+08 4.763e+01 6.367e+01 8.014e-02 1.071e-01 2.0 1.365e+08 1.237e+01 1.567e+01 1.912e-02 2.424e-02 3.0 3.186e+05 4.638e-02 5.510e-02 6.292e-05 7.475e-05 4.0 4.828e+02 9.757e-05 1.120e-04 1.207e-07 1.385e-07 TOTALS: 7.420e+09 1.878e+02 3.067e+02 3.448e-01 5.704e-01

Page :4 DOS File: 4CR08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:48:02 AM Duration : 00:00:01 V1. 11ýn

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 4CR24R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:54:39 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 24h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height *47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points x Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in X Shields z

Shield Name Dimension MatE.rial Density Source 3.06 ft3 Cart )o n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels lCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 5.9803e-009 2.2127e+002 6.9009e-008 2.5533e-003 Ba-1 39 2.4252e-008 8.9732e+002 2.7985e-007 1.0355e-002 Ba-140 3.851 Oe-003 1.4249e+008 4.4438e-002 1.6442e+003 Ce-141 9.4681 e-005 3.5032e+006 1.0926e-003 4.0425e+001 Ce-143 5.3583e-005 1.9826e+006 6.1831e-004 2.2878e+001 Ce-144 7.8803e-005 2.9157e+006 9.0934e-004 3.3645e+001 Cm-242 1.4872e-006 5.5026e+004 1.7161e-005 6.3497e-001 Cm-244 9.5820e-008 3.5453e+003 1 1i057e-006 4.0911 e-002 Co-58 1.6340e-006 6.0458e+004 1.8855e-005 6.9765e-001 Co-60 1.9742e-006 7.3045e+004 2.2781 e-005 8.4290e-001 Cs-134 1.0413e-002 3.8528e+008 1.2016e-001 4,4459e+003 Cs-1 36 3.1633e-003 1.1704e+008 3.6502e-002 1.3506e+003 Cs-1 37 6.2531e-003 2.3136e+008 7.2157e-002 2.6698e+003 1-131 6.0793e-002 2.2493e+009 7.0151e-001 2.5956e+004 1-132 7.2256e-003 2.6735e+008 8.3379e-002 3.0850e+003 1-133 6.0266e-002 2.2298e+009 6.9543e-001 2.5731 e+004 1-134 8.4368e-010 3.1216e+001 9.7355e-009 3.6021 e-004 1-135 1.0137e-002 3.7507e+008 1.1697e-001 4.3281e+003 Kr-85 I~

Page :2 DOS File : 4CR24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:54:39 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Kr-85m Kr-87 V..

Kr-88 La-140 1.3126e-003 4.8566e+007 1.5147e-002 5.6042e+002 La-141 5.5868e-007 2.0671 e+004 6.4468e-006 2.3853e-001 La-142 7.6444e-0 10 2.8284e+001 8.8212e-009 3.2638e-004 Mo-99 4.2943e-004 1.5889e+007 4.9554e-003 1.8335e+002 Nb-95 3.8661e-005 1.4305e+006 4.4612e-004 1.6507e+001 Nd-147 3.6473e-005 1.3495e+006 4.2088e-004 1.5572e+001 Np-239 9.4230e-004 3.4865e+007 1.0874e-002 4.0232e+002 Pr-143 3.6320e-005 1.3438e+006 4.1911 e-004 1.5507e+001 Pu-238 2.7630e-007 1.0223e+004 3.1883e-006 1 .1797e-001 Pu-239 2.7929e-008 1.0334e+003 3.2228e-007 1.1 924e-002 Pu-240 3.8203e-008 1.4135e+003 4..4084e-007 1.6311 e-002 Pu-241 1.1524e-005 4.2639e+005 1.3298e-004 4.9202e+000 Rb-86 1.0399e-004 3.8476e+006 1.2000e-003 4.4399e+001 Rh-1 05 2.1499e-004 7.9546e+006 2.4808e-003 9.1791e+001 Ru-1 03 4.5593e-004 1.6869e+007 5.2611 e-003 1.9466e+002 Ru-1 05 7.7151e-006 2.8546e+005 8.9027e-005 3.2940e+000 Ru-106 1.8742e-004 6.9345e+006 2.1627e-003 8.0020e+001 Sb-127 5.4442e-004 2.0144e+007 6.2823e-003 2.3244e+002 Sb-1 29 4.0981e-005 1.5163e+006 4.7290e-004 1.7497e+001 Sr-89 2.0778e-003 7.6879e+007 2.3977e-002 8.8713e+002 Sr-90 ' 2.5035e-004 9.2630e+006 2.8889e-003 1.0689e+002 Sr-91 4.6456e-004 1.7189e+007 5.3607e-003 1.9835e+002 Sr-92 6.2972e-006 2.3300e+005 7.2666e-005 2.6886e+000 Tc-99m 4.1483e-004 1.5349e+007 4.7869e-003 1.7711e+002 Te-127 5.8037e-004 2.1474e+007 6.6971 e-003 2.4779e+002 Te-127m 8.7754e-005 3.2469e+006 1.0126e-003 3.7467e+001 Te-129 2.3019e-004 8.5170e+006 2.6562e-003 9.8281e+001 Te-129m 2.7704e-004 1.0250e+007 3.1969e-003 1.1828e+002 Te-1 31 m 4.9090e-004 1.8163e+007 5.6647e-003 2.0959e+002 Te-132 6.7173e-003 2.4854e+008 7.7513e-002 2.8680e+003 Xe-1 33 Xe-135 Y-90 5.6949e-005 2.1071e+006 6.5716e-004 2.4315e+001 Y-91 3.2692e-005 1.2096e+006 3.7725e-004 1.3958e+001 Y-92 6.1187e-005 2.2639e+006 7.0606e-004 2.6124e+001 Y-93 6.5850e-006 2.4365e+005 7.5987e-005 2.8115e+000 Zr-95 3.8004e-005 1.4061e+006 4.3854e-004 1.6226e+001 Zr-97 1.4550e-005 5.3835e+005 1.6790e-004 6.2122e+000 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20

Page :3 DOS File : 4CR24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:54:39 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.397e+03 1.742e-08 3.062e-08 1.494e-09 2.626e-09 0.02 1.803e+06 1.586e-04 3.908e-04 5.493e-06 1.354e-05 0.03 3.327e+08 1.211 e-01 5.311 e-01 1.201e-03 5.264e-03 0.04 7.962e+06 5.126e-03 3.304e-02 2.267e-05 1.461e-04 0.05 3.269e+07 2.954e-02 2.346e-01 7.868e-05 6.249e-04 0.06 1.551e+07 1.795e-02 1.500e-01 3.565e-05 2.980e-04 0.08 6.708e+07 1.1 19e-01 8.349e-01 1.770e-04 1.321e-03 0.1 3.713e+07 8.165e-02 5.063e-01 1.249e-04 7.746e-04 0.15 4.328e+07 1.574e-01 6.517e-01 2.591e-04 1.073e-03 0.2 2.587e+08 1.350e+00 4.417e+00 2.382e-03 7.795e-03 0.3 2.835e+08 2.465e+00 6.188e+00 4.676e-03 1 .174e-02 0.4 1.876e+09 2.344e+01 5.003e+01 4.567e-02 9.749e-02 0.5 2.167e+09 3.584e+01 6.921e+01 7.036e-02 1.358e-01 0.6 1.022e+09 2.125e+01 3.828e+01 4.147e-02 7.472e-02 0.8 1.024e+09 3.046e+01 4.791e+01 5.794e-02 9.114e-02 1.0 4.334e+08 1.698e+01 2.494e+01 3.130e-02 4.596e-02 1.5 3.592e+08 2.308e+01 3.085e+01 3.883e-02 5.190e-02 2.0 5.126e+07 4.644e+00 5.885e+00 7.182e-03 9.101e-03 3.0 1.729e+06 2.517e-01 2.990e-01 3.415e-04 4.057e-04 4.0 7.425e-01 1.501e-07 1.722e-07 1.857e-10 2.130e-10 TOTALS: 8.015e+09 1.603e+02 2.81 Oe+02 3.021e-01 5.356e-01 4~. j~

Page :4 DOS File: 4CR24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 RunTime: 9:54:39 AM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 4CR96R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:59:34 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 96h Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points x Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in x Shields z

Shield Name Dimension Materidal Density Source 3.06 W Carbo n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becguerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 8.1284e-009 3.0075e+002 9.3797e-008 3.4705e-003 Ba-1 39 6.0568e-024 2.2410e-013 6.9892e-023 2.5860e-018 Ba-140 4.3361 e-003 1.6044e+008 5.0036e-002 1.8513e+003 Ce-141 1.1773e-004 4.3560e+006 1.3585e-003 5.0266e+001 Ce-143 1.5655e-005 5.7923e+005 1.8065e-004 6.6840e+000 Ce-1 44 1.0370e-004 3.8369e+006 1 .1966e-003 4.4275e+001 Cm-242 1.9464e-006 7.2017e+004 2.2460e-005 8.3103e-001 Cm-244 1.2698e-007 4.6983e+003 1.4653e-006 5.4215e-002 Co-58 2.1033e-006 7.7822e+004 2.4271e-005 8.9802e-001 Co-60 2.6141e-006 9.6722e+004 3.0165e-005 1.1161e+000 Cs-1 34 1.2830e-002 4.7471 e+008 1.4805e-001 5.4779e+003 Cs-1 36 3.3346e-003 1.2338e+008 3.8479e-002 1.4237e+003 Cs-137 7.7242e-003 2.8580e+008 8.9132e-002 3.2979e+003 1-131 7.5604e-002 2.7973e+009 8.7242e-001 3.2280e+004 1-132 5.0095e-003 1.8535e+008 5.7806e-002 2.1388e+003 1-133 8.8048e-003 3.2578e+008 1.0160e-001 3.7593e+003 1-134 2.5673e-034 9.4990e-024 2.9625e-033 1.0961e-028 1-135 8.5821 e-006 3.1754e+005 9.9032e-005 3.6642e+000 Kr-85

Page :2 DOS File: 4CR96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:59:34 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCCi/cm 3 Bg/cm 3 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 3.8002e-003 1.4061e+008 4.3852e-002 1.6225e+003 La-141 2.2621e-012 8.3698e-002 2.6103e-01 1 9.6582e-007 La-142 8.8479e-024 3.2737e-013 1.021 Oe-022 3.7777e-0 18 Mo-99 2.6724e-004 9.8879e+006 3.0838e-003 1.1410e+002 Nb-95 5.1123e-005 1.8916e+006 5.8993e-004 2.1827e+001 Nd-147 4.0007e-005 1.4803e+006 4.6166e-004 1.7081e+001 Np-239 5.1656e-004 1.9113e+007 5.9608e-003 2.2055e+002 Pr-143 4.641 0e-005 1.7172e+006 5.3554e-004 1.9815e+001 Pu-238 3.6636e-007 1.3555e+004 4.2276e-006 1.5642e-001 Pu-239 3.7219e-008 1.3771e+003 4.2948e-007 1.5891e-002 Pu-240 5.0641 e-008 1.8737e+003 5.8437e-007 2.1622e-002 Pu-241 1.5270e-005 5.6499e+005 1.7621e-004 6.5196e+000 Rb-86 1.1494e-004 4.2528e+006 1.3263e-003 4.9074e+001 Rh-1 05 6.9839e-005 2.5840e+006 8.0590e-004 2.9818e+001 Ru-103 5.7321 e-004 2.1209e+007 6.6145e-003 2.4474e+002 Ru-105 1.3433e-010 4.9702e+000 1.5501e-009 5.7353e-005 Ru-106 2.4705e-004 9.1409e+006 2.8508e-003 1.0548e+002 Sb-127 4.2051 e-004 1.5559e+007 4.8524e-003 1.7954e+002 Sb-1i29 5.2219e-010 1.9321e+001 6.0257e-009 2.2295e-004 Sr-89 2.6432e-003 9.7798e+007 3.0501e-002 1.1285e+003 Sr-90 3.3180e-004 1.2277e+007 3.8288e-003 1.4166e+002 Sr-91 3.2208e-006 1 .1917e+005 3.7166e-005 1.3751e+000 Sr-92 8.3890e-0 14 3.1039e-003 9.6804e-0 13 3.5817e-008 Tc-99m 2.6151e-004 9.6759e+006 3.0177e-003 1.1165e+002 Te-127 5.0079e-004 1.8529e+007 5.7788e-003 2.1382e+002 Te-127m 1.1602e-004 4.2927e+006 1.3388e-003 4.9536e+00 1 Te-129 2.3701e-004 8.7694e+006 2.7349e-003 1.0119e+002 Te-129m 3.4527e-004 1.2775e+007 3.9842e-003 1.4742e+002 Te-131m 1.2329e-004 4.5617e+006 1.4227e-003 5.2640e+001 Te-132 4.7037e-003 1.7404e+008 5.4278e-002 2.0083e+003 Xe-1 33 Xe-1 35 Y-90 2.1447e-004 7.9354e+006 2.4748e-003 9.1569e+001 Y-91 4.3509e-005 1.6098e+006 5.0207e-004 1.8576e+001 Y-92 8.1769e-01 1 3.0255e+000 9.4356e-010 3.4912e-005 Y-93 6.2375e-008 2.3079e+003 7.1977e-007 2.6631 e-002 Zr-95 4.8767e-005 1.8044e+006 5.6274e-004 2.0821e+001 Zr-97 1.0064e-006 3.7237e+004 1.1613e-005 4.2969e-001 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20

Page :3 DOS File: 4CR96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:59:34 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Enerqy Activit Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm'/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.550e+03 1.933e-08 3.398e-08 1.658e-09 2.914e-09 0.02 1.216e+06 1.069e-04 2.636e-04 3.705e-06 9.130e-06 0.03 3.025e+08 1.10le-01 4.830e-01 1.092e-03 4.786e-03 0.04 8.025e+06 5.166e-03 3.330e-02 2.285e-05 1.473e-04 0.05 2.292e+07 2.071e-02 1.645e-01 5.517e-05 4.382e-04 0.06 1.590e+07 1.840e-02 1.538e-01 3.654e-05 3.055e-04 0.08 8.125e+07 1.355e-01 1.01 le+00 2.144e-04 1.600e-03 0.1 2,208e+07 4.856e-02 3.011 e-01 7.430e-05 4.607e-04 0.15 4.01 Oe+07 1.458e-01 6.038e-01 2.401 e-04 9.944e-04 0.2 1.831e+08 9.554e-01 3.127e+00 1.686e-03 5.518e-03 0.3 3.093e+08 2.690e+00 6.752e+00 5.103e-03 1.281e-02 0.4 2.291e+09 2.863e+01 6.111e+01 5.578e-02 1.19le-01 0.5 4.81 Oe+08 7.958e+00 1.537e+01 1.562e-02 3,016e-02 0.6 1.036e+09 2.153e+01 3.879e+01 4.203e-02 7.572e-02 0.8 8.816e+08 2.622e+01 4.124e+01 4.987e-02 7.844e-02 1.0 2.156e+08 8.449e+00 1.241e+01 1.557e-02 2.287e-02 1.5 1.858e+08 1.194e+01 1.595e+01 2.008e-02 2.684e-02 2.0 7.511 e+06 6.805e-01 8.624e-01 1.052e-03 1.334e-03 3.0 5.007e+06 7.287e-01 8.658e-01 9.886e-04 1 .175e-03 4.0 8.594e- 15 1.737e-21 1.993e-21 2.149e-24 2.466e-24 TOTALS: 6.090e+09 1 .103e+02 1.992e+02 2.095e-01 3.827e-01


Page 4 DOS File: 4CR96R1 .MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:59:34 AM Duration: 00:00:01 I

'i-IT , "'I-al j-", Wn- X'W!"%3I:iY.!,

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CR720R1.MS5 Date:-

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 10:08:30 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 720h i Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields m

Source uDmensions Height 47.963 cm, 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in z Shields Shield Name Dimension 3

Materi al Density Source 3.06 ft Carbo n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 Ba-1 39 1.6140e-008 5.9718e+002 1.8625e-007 6.8911 e-003 I Ba-140 1.7236e-003 6.3773e+007 1.9889e-002 7.3590e+002 Ce-141 1.1060e-004 4.0922e+006 1.2763e-003 4.7221e+001 Ce-143 5.2014e-01 1 1.9245e+000 6.0021e-010 2.2208e-005 Ce-144 1.5919e-004 5.8900e+006 1.8370e-003 6.7967e+001 Cm-242 2.8500e-006 1.0545e+005 3.2887e-005 1.2168e+000 Cm-244 2.0712e-007 7.6634e+003 2.3900e-006 8.8431e-002 Co-58 2.6670e-006 9.8679e+004 3.0776e-005 1.1387e+000 Co-60 4.2358e-006 1.5672e+005 4.8878e-005 1.8085e+000 Cs-134 1.8705e-002 6.9209e+008 2.1584e-001 7.9862e+003 Cs-1 36 1.2581e-003 4.6550e+007 1.4518e-002 5.3715e+002 Cs-137 1.1515e-002 4.2606e+008 1.3288e-001 4.9164e+003 1-131 4.8982e-002 1.8123e+009 5.6522e-001 2.0913e+004 1-132 3.2289e-005 1.1947e+006 3.7259e-004 1.3786e+001 1-133 5.0010e-0 11 1.8504e+000 5.7708e-010 2.1352e-005 1-134 1-135 1.9993e-033 7.3974e-023 2.3071 e-032 8.5361 e-028 Kr-85 I

Page :2 DOS File: 4CR720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:08:30 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.9881e-003 7,3560e+007 2.2941e-002 8.4883e+002 La-141 5.9030e-060 2.1841e-049 6.8117e-059 2.5203e-054 La-142 Mo-99 6.2300e-007 2.3051 e+004 7.1890e-006 2.6599e-001 Nb-95 7.7354e-005 2.8621e+006 8.9262e-004 3.3027e+001 Nd-147 1.2676e-005 4.6901 e+005 1.4627e-004 5.4121e+000 Np-239 4.0117e-007 1.4843e+004 4.6292e-006 1.7128e-001 Pr-143 2.0860e-005 7.7182e+005 2.4071e-004 8.9063e+000 Pu-238 6.0058e-007 2.2221 e+004 6.9303e-006 2.5642e-001 Pu-239 6.1101 e-008 2.2607e+003 7.0507e-007 2.6087e-002 Pu-240 8.2830e-008 3.0647e+003 9.5581 e-007 3.5365e-002 Pu-241 2.4890e-005 9.2093e+005 2.8721 e-004 1.0627e+001 Rb-86 6.5335e-005 2.4174e+006 7.5392e-004 2.7895e+001 Rh-105 5.5653e-010 2.0592e+001 6.4220e-009 2.3761e-004 Ru-103 5.9256e-004 2.1925e+007 6.8378e-003 2.5300e+002 Ru-105 1.0838e-052 4.010le-042 1.2506e-051 4.6274e-047 Ru-106 3.8477e-004 1.4236e+007 4.4400e-003 1.6428e+002 Sb-127 6.3757e-006 2.3590e+005 7.3572e-005 2.7221 e+000 Sb-129 2.8145e-053 1.0414e-042 3.2478e-052 1.2017e-047 Sr-89 3.0257e-003 1.1195e+008 3.4915e-002 1.2918e+003 Sr-90 5.4177e-004 2.0045e+007 6.2517e-003 2.3131e+002 Sr-91 8.8864e-026 3.2880e-015 1.0254e-024 3.7941 e-020 Sr-92 6.6487e-083 2.4600e-072 7.6722e-082 2.8387e-077 Tc-99m 6.0963e-007 2.2556e+004 7.0347e-006 2.6029e-001 Te-127 1.6889e-004 6.2489e+006 1.9489e-003 7.2109e+001 Te-127m 1.6465e-004 6.0921e+006 1.9000e-003 7.0298e+001 Te-129 2.2673e-004 8.3890e+006 2.6163e-003 9.6804e+001 Te-129m 3.3029e-004 1.2221e+007 3.8113e-003 1.4102e+002 Te-131m 1.1045e-010 4.0867e+000 1.2745e-009 4.7157e-005 Te-132 3.0482e-005 1.1278e+006 3.5174e-004 1.3014e+001 Xe-133 Xe-135 Y-90 5.4222e-004 2.0062e+007 6.2569e-003 2.3150e+002 Y-91 5.2304e-005 1.9352e+006 6.0356e-004 2.2332e+001 Y-92 1.1605e-063 4.2939e-053 1.3391e-062 4.9548e-058 Y-93 2.5728e-026 9.5194e-016 2.9688e-025 1.0985e-020 Zr-95 6.0183e-005 2.2268e+006 6.9447e-004 2.5696e+001 Zr-97 1.2633e-017 4.6742e-007 1.4578e-016 5.3937e-012 Buildup The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20

~i w~

Page :3 DOS File: 4CR720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:08:30 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate .Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.342e+03 2.921e-08 5.134e-08 2.505e-09 4.404e-09 0.02 1.951e+05 1.716e-05 4.229e-05 5.944e-07 1.465e-06 0.03 1.153e+08 4.197e-02 1.840e-01 4.159e-04 1.824e-03 0.04 4.452e+06 2.866e-03 1.848e-02 1.268e-05 8.172e-05 0.05 2.298e+05 2.076e-04 1.649e-03 5.531e-07 4.393e-06 0.06 5.836e+06 6.753e-03 5.645e-02 1.341e-05 1.12 1e-04 0.08 5.047e+07 8.417e-02 6.282e-01 1.332e-04 9.941e-04 0.1 5.809e+05 1.278e-03 7.922e-03 1.954e-06 1.212e-05 0.15 1.349e+07 4.903e-02 2.031e-01 8.075e-05 3.344e-04 0.2 1.272e+07 6.635e-02 2.171e-01 1.171 e-04 3.833e-04 0.3 1.659e+08 1.443e+00 3.622e+00 2.737e-03 6.870e-03 0.4 1.477e+09 1.845e+01 3.939e+01 3.595e-02 7.674e-02 0.5 8.762e+07 1.450e+00 2.799e+00 2.845e-03 5.494e-03 0.6 9.793e+08 2.036e+01 3.668e+0 1 3.974e-02 7.160e-02 0.8 7.618e+08 2.266e+01 3.563e+01 4.309e-02 6.778e-02 1.0 7.443e+07 2.917e+00 4.283e+00 5.376e-03 7.,894e-03 1.5 9.162e+07' 5.886e+00 7.868e+00 9.903e-03 1.324e-02 2.0 6.651 e+05 6.026e-02 7.637e-02 9.318e-05 1. 181e-04 3.0 2.619e+06 3.812e-01 4.529e-01 5.172e-04 6.145e-04 TOTALS: 3.844e+09 7.386e+01 1.321e+02 1.410e-01 2.541 e-0 1

Page :4 DOS File : 4CR720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:08:30 AM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CRP5DR1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:35:24 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 0.5h With Daughters Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in ex z Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Material Density Source 3.06 ft Carbo n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 Ba-137m 1.5747e-003 5.8264e+007 1.8171e-002 6.7233e+002 I Ba-1 39 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 2.7742e-003 1.0265e+008 3.2013e-002 1.1845e+003 Cs-1 36 8.8680e-004 3.2812e+007 1.0233e-002 3.7863e+002 Cs-137 1.6646e-003 6.1590e+007 1.9208e-002 7.1071e+002 1-131 1.1118e-002 4.1137e+008 1.2829e-001 4.7469e+003 1-132 1.3941e-002 5.1582e+008 1.6087e-001 5.9522e+003 1-133 2.2190e-002 8.2103e+008 2.5606e-001 9.4742e+003 1-134 1.6657e-002 6.1631e+008 1.9221e-001 7.1118e+003 1-135 2.0050e-002 7.4185e+008 2.3136e-001 8.5605e+003

Page :2 DOS File: 4CRP5DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:35:24 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pr-144 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 2.8707e-005 1.0622e+006 3.3126e-004 1.2257e+001 Rh-1 03m Rh-105 Rh-1 06 Ru-1 03 Ru-1 05 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-131m Te-1 32 Xe-133 Xe-135 Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Buildup t~ U.

Page :3 DOS File : 4CRP5DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:35:24 AM Duration : 00:00:01 The. material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup .With Buildup 0.03 4.678e+07 1.703e-02 7.469e-02 1.688e-04 7.402e-04 0.04 2.047e+06 1.318e-03 8.495e-03 5.829e-06 3.757e-05 0.06 4.089e+06 4.732e-03 3.956e-02 9.399e-06 7.857e-05 0.08 1.283e+07 2.140e-02 1.597e-01 3.386e-05 2.527e-04 0.1 1.341e+05 2.950e-04 1.829e-03 4.513e-07 2.798e-06 0.15 3.503e+07 S1.274e-01 5.274e-01 2.097e-04 8.686e-04 0.2 3.917e+07 2.043e-01 6.687e-01 3.606e-04 1 .180e-03 0.3 9.524e+07 8.282e-01 2.079e+00 1.571e-03 3.944e-03 0.4 4.664e+08 5.828e+00 1.244e+01 1 .136e-02 2.424e-02 0.5 9.911e+08 1.640e+01 3.166e+01 3.218e-02 6.214e-02 0.6 1.091e+09 2.267e+01 4.085e+01 4.426e-02 7.974e-02 0.8 1.831e+09 5.446e+01 8.565e+01 1.036e-01 1.629e-01 1.0 7.513e+08 2.944e+01 4.323e+01 5.426e-02 7.968e-02 1.5 5.875e+08 3.774e+01 5.045e+01 6.350e-02 8.488e-02 2.0 1.480e+08 1.341e+01 1.699e+01 2.073e-02 2.627e-02 TOTALS: 6.101e+09 1.811 e+02 2.848e+02 3.322e-01 5.270e-01 VV-vi "7' 1- amf

Page :4 DOS File: 4CRP5DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:35:24 AM Duration : 00:00:01 l-i-"'I~f*"F '4 w.'r witti,-wi lir

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 4CR02DR1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:42:15 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 2h with Daughters Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in ox Z Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Materi al Density Source 3.06 ft Carbo:n 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups :25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 7.8217e-010 2.8940e+001 9.0258e-009 3.3395e-004 Ba-1 37m 2.1767e-003 8.0540e+007 2.5118e-002 9.2938e+002 Ba-1 39 2.0395e-004 7.5462e+006 2.3535e-003 8.7078e+001 Ba-140 5.3356e-004 1.9742e+007 6.1569e-003 2.2781 e+002 Ce-141 1.2708e-005 4.7020e+005 1.4664e-004 5.4258e+000 Ce-143 1 .1212e-005 4.1484e+005 1.2938e-004 4.7870e+000 Ce-144 1.0410e-005 3.8517e+005 1.2012e-004 4.4446e+000 Cm-242 1.9680e-007 7.2816e+003 2.2709e-006 8.4025e-002 Cm-244 1.2631e-008 4.6735e+002 1.4575e-007 5.3929e-003 Co-58 2.1732e-007 8.0408e+003 2.5077e-006 9.2786e-002 Co-60 2.6030e-007 9.6311 e+003 3.0037e-006 1.1114e-001 Cs-1 34 3.8347e-003 1.4188e+008 4.4250e-002 1.6373e+003 Cs-136 1.2218e-003 4.5207e+007 1.4099e-002 5.2166e+002 Cs-137 2.301 Oe-003 8.5137e+007 2.6552e-002 9.8243e+002 1-131 2.2093e-002 8.1744e+008 2.5494e-001 9.4328e+003 1-132 2.0723e-002 7.6675e+008 2.3913e-001 8.8478e+003 1-133 4.2161e-002 1.5600e+009 4.8651e-001 1.8001e+004 1-134 1.0162e-002 3.7599e+008 1.1726e-001 4.3387e+003 1-135 3.4220e-002 1.2661e+009 3.9488e-001 1.4610e+004

Page :2 DOS File: 4CR02DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:42:15 AM Duration : 00:00:01 3

Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm Bq/cm 3 -

Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.4457e-005 5.3491e+005 1.6682e-004 6.1725e+000 La-141 3.5667e-006 1.3197e+005 4.1157e-005 1.5228e+000 La-142 1.9910e-006 7.3667e+004 2.2975e-005 8.5007e-001 Mo-99 7.1316e-005 2.6387e+006 8.2294e-004 3.0449e+001 Nb-95 5.0979e-006 1.8862e+005 5.8827e-005 2.1766e+000 Nd-147 5.0940e-006 1.8848e+005 5.8782e-005 2.1749e+000 Np-239 1.6267e-004 6.0188e+006 1.8771e-003 6.9453e+001 Pr-143 4.5890e-006 1.6979e+005 5.2954e-005 1.9593e+000 Pr- 144 1.0261e-005 3.7966e+005 1.1841e-004 4.381 le+000 Pu-238 3.6415e-008 1.3474e+003 4.2021 e-007 1.5548e-002 Pu-239 3.671 Oe-009 1.3583e+002 4.2361 e-008 1.5674e-003 Pu-240 5.0355e-009 1.8631e+002 5.8107e-008 2.1499e-003 Pu-241 1.5192e-006 5.621 Oe+004 1.7531e-005 6.4863e-001 Rb-86 3.9591 e-005 1.4649e+006 4.5686e-004 1.6904e+001 Rh-1 03m 6.0915e-005 2.2539e+006 7.0293e-004 2.6008e+001 Rh-105 3.931 0e-005 1.4545e+006 4.5361 e-004 1.6784e+001 Rh-1 06 2.4747e-005 9.1564e+005 2.8556e-004 1.0566e+001 Ru-1 03 6.1076e-005 2.2598e+006 7.0478e-004 2.6077e+001 Ru-1 05 3.1542e-005 1.1671e+006 3.6397e-004 1.3467e+001 Ru-106 2.4747e-005 9.1564e+005 2.8556e-004 1.0566e+001 Sb-127 8.4637e-005 3.1316e+006 9.7666e-004 3.6136e+001 Sb-129 1.8431e-004 6.8195e+006 2.1268e-003 7.8692e+001 Sr-89 2.7735e-004 1.0262e+007 3.2004e-003 1.1842e+002 Sr-90 3.3001 e-005 1.2210e+006 3.8081 e-004 1.4090e+001 Sr-91 3.0487e-004 1.1280e+007 3.5180e-003 1.3017e+002 Sr-92 2.3061e-004 8.5326e+006 2.6611 e-003 9.8461e+001 Tc-99m 6.4147e-005 2.3734e+006 7.4022e-004 2.7388e+001 Te-127 8.6027e-005 3.1830e+006 9.9270e-004 3.6730e+001 Te-127m 1 .1552e-005 4.2742e+005 1.3330e-004 4.9322e+000 Te-129 2.0744e-004 7.6753e+006 2.3937e-003 8.8568e+001 Te-129m 3.7003e-005 1.3691e+006 4.2699e-004 1.5799e+001 Te-131m 1.0757e-004 3.9801 e+006 1.2413e-003 4.5928e+001 Te-132 1.0760e-003 3.9812e+007 1.2416e-002 4.5941 e+002 Xe-133 Xe-1 35 Y-90 6.8909e-007 2.5496e+004 7.9517e-006 2.9421e-001 Y-91 3.6696e-006 1.3578e+005 4.2345e-005 1.5668e+000 Y-92 4.9495e-005 1.8313e+006 5.7114e-004 2.1132e+001 Y-93 3.9284e-006 1.4535e+005 4.5331 e-005 1.6773e+000 Zr-95 5.0594e-006 1.8720e+005 5.8382e-005 2.1601e+000 Zr-97 4.7280e-006 1.7494e+005 5.4558e-005 2.0187e+000 Buildup A -'h.~W

Page :3 DOS File : 4CR02DRI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:42:15 AM Duration : 00:00:01 The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.893e+02 3.608e-09 6.342e-09 3.095e-1 0 5.440e-10 0.02 4.619e+05 4.063e-05 1.00le-04 1.407e-06 3.468e-06 0.03 1.041e+08 3.790e-02 1.662e-01 3.756e-04 1.647e-03 0.04 3.430e+06 2.208e-03 1.423e-02 9.764e-06 6.294e-05 0.05 5.235e+06 4.730e-03 3.757e-02 1.260e-05 1.00le-04 0.06 5.796e+06 6.707e-03 5.607e-02 1.332e-05 1.1 14e-04 0.08 2.442e+07 4.073e-02 3.040e-01 6.446e-05 4.810e-04 0.1 6.455e+06 1.420e-02 8.803e-02 2.172e-05 1.347e-04 0.15 3.111e+07 1.131e-01 4.685e-01 1.863e-04 7.714e-04 0.2 8.297e+07 4.328e-01 1.417e+00 7.639e-04 2.500e-03 0.3 1.614e+08 1.404e+00 3.523e+00 2.662e-03 6.683e-03 0.4 8.048e+08 1.006e+01 2.147e+01 1.959e-02 4.182e-02 0.5 1.727e+09 2.857e+01 5.516e+01 5.608e-02 1.083e-01 0.6 1.445e+09 3.005e+01 5.414e+01 5.865e-02 1.057e-01 0.8 1.81 3e+09 5.393e+01 8.482e+01 1.026e-01 1.613e-01 1.0 9.900e+08 3.879e+01 5.696e+01 7.151e-02 1.050e-01 1.5 9.071e+08 5.827e+01 7.790e+01 9.804e-02 1.311 e-01 2.0 1.950e+08 1.766e+01 2.239e+01 2.732e-02 3.462e-02 3.0 3.924e+04 5.711 e-03 6.785e-03 7.748e-06 9.205e-06 4.0 1.934e+03 3.909e-04 4.485e-04 4.835e-07 5.548e-07 TOTALS: 8.308e+09 2.394e+02 3.789e+02 4.379e-01 7.003e-01

Page :4 DOS File: 4CR02DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:42:15 AM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 4CR08DR1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:49:34 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 8h with Daughters Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in z Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Material Density Source 3.06 ft Carbon 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 2.9048e-009 1.0748e+002 3.3520e-008 1.2402e-003 Ba-1 37m 3.7265e-003 1.3788e+008 4.3001 e-002 1.5910e+003 Ba-139 3.6984e-005 1.3684e+006 4.2677e-004 1.5791e+001 Ba-140 1.9506e-003 7.2172e+007 2.2509e-002 8.3282e+002 Ce-141 4.6890e-,005 1.7349e+006 5.4108e-004 2.0020e+001 Ce-143 3.6630e-005 1.3553e+006 4.2269e-004 1.5639e+001 Ce-144 3.8556e-005 1.4266e+006 4.4491 e-004 1.6462e+001 Cm-242 7.2855e-007 2.6956e+004 8.4070e-006 3.1106e-001 Cm-244 4.681 Oe-008 1.7320e+003 5.4016e-007 1.9986e-002 Co-58 8.0339e-007 2.9725e+004 9.2706e-006 3.4301e-001 Co-60 9.6458e-007 3.5689e+004 1. 1131e-005 4.1183e-001 Cs-134 6.5634e-003 2.4285e+008 7.5738e-002 2.8023e+003 Cs-136 2. 0642e-003 7.6375e+007 2.3820e-002 8.8132e+002 Cs-1 37 3.9392e-003 1.4575e+008 4.5456e-002 1.6819e+003 1-131 3.6046e-002 1.3337e+009 4.1595e-001 1.5390e+004 1-132 9.4389e-003 3.4924e+008 1.0892e-001 4.0300e+003 1-133 5.7536e-002 2.1288e+009 6.6393e-001 2.4565e+004 1-134 1.4742e-004 5.4545e+006 1.7011 e-003 6.2942e+001 1-135 3.0401 e-002 1.1248e+009 3.5081e-001 1.2980e+004
  • {*"*,"'";* 'fi!!.*.*..I*.$*m iv.,*""

Page :2 DOS File : 4CR08DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:49:34 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies I becquerels lCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 2.3803e-004 8.8071 e+006 2.7467e-003 1.0163e+002 La-141 4.5875e-006 1.6974e+005 5.2937e-005 1.9587e+000 La-142 4.9704e-007 1.8390e+004 5.7355e-006 2.1221e-001 Mo-99 2.4815e-004 9.1816e+006 2.8635e-003 1.0595e+002 Nb-95 1.889ie-005 6.9897e+005 2.1799e-004 8.0656e+000 Nd-147 1.8582e-005 6.8753e+005 2.1442e-004 7.9337e+000 Np-239 5.6009e-004 2.0723e+007 6.4631 e-003 2.3913e+002 Pr-143 1.728ie-005 6.3940e+005 1.9941e-004 7.3782e+000 Pr- 144 3.8005e-005 1.4062e+006 4.3855e-004 1.6226e+001 Pu-238 1.3496e-007 4.9935e+003 1.5574e-006 5.7622e-002 Pu-239 1.3616e-008 5.0379e+002 1.5712e-007 5.8134e-003 Pu-240 1.866ie-008 6.9046e+002 2.1534e-007 7.9674e-003 Pu-241 5.6298e-006 2.0830e+005 6.4964e-005 2.4037e+000 Rb-86 6.7152e-005 2.4846e+006 7.7489e-004 2.8671e+001 Rh-103m 2.2476e-004 8.3160e+006 2.5936e-003 9.5962e+001 Rh-1 05 1.3786e-004 5.1008e+006 1.5908e-003 5.8860e+001 Rh-1 06 9.1667e-005 3.3917e+006 1.0578e-003 3.9138e+001 Ru-103 2.2535e-004 8.3380e+006 2.6004e-003 9.6215e+001 Ru-1 05 4.5812e-005 1.6950e+006 5.2864e-004 1.9560e+001 Ru-1 06 9.1667e-005 3.3917e+006 1.0578e-003 3.9138e+001 Sb-127 2.9985e-004 1.1094e+007 3.4601 e-003 1.2802e+002 Sb-129 2.6083e-004 9.6507e+006 3.0098e-003 1.1136e+002 Sr-89 1.0243e-003 3.7899e+007 1.1820e-002 4.3733e+002 Sr-90 1.2230e-004 -4.5251e+006 1.4113e-003 5.2217e+001 Sr-91 7.2927e-004 2.6983e+007 8.4153e-003 3.1137e+002 Sr-92 1.8420e-004 6.8154e+006 2.1256e-003 7.8645e+001 Tc-99m 2.3149e-004 8.5651e+006 2.6712e-003 9.8836e+001 Te-127 3.0976e-004 1.1461e+007 3.5744e-003 1.3225e+002 Te-127m 4.2832e-005 1.5848e+006 4.9425e-004 1.8287e+001 Te-129 3.6765e-004 1.3603e+007 4.2425e-003 1.5697e+002 Te-129m 1.3692e-004 5.0660e+006 1.5800e-003 5.8459e+001 Te-131m 3.4705e-004 1.2841e+007 4.0047e-003 1.4818e+002 Te-132 3.7812e-003 1.3990e+008 4.3633e-002 1.6144e+003 Xe-133 Xe-1 35 Y-90 9.9662e-006 3.6875e+005 1.1 500e-004 4.2551 e+000 Y-91 1.4671 e-005 5.4283e+005 1.6929e-004 6.2639e+000 Y-92 3.1298e-004 1.1580e+007 3.6116e-003 1.3363e+002 Y-93 9.6446e-006 3.5685e+005 1.1 129e-004 4.1178e+000 Zr-95 1.8699e-005 6.9186e+005 2.1577e-004 7.9837e+000 Zr-97 1.3699e-005 5.0686e+005 1.5808e-004 5.8489e+000 Buildup

Page :3 DOS File : 4CR08DRI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:49:34 AM Duration : 00:00:01 The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With'Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 9.031e+02 1.127e-08 1. 980e-08 9.663e-10 1.698e-09 0.02 1.657e+06 1.457e-04 3.591 e-04 5.047e-06 1.244e-05 0.03 2.087e+08 7.597e-02 3.331e-01 7.529e-04 3.301 e-03 0.04 6.768e+06 4.357e-03 2.809e-02 1.927e-05 1.242e-04 0.05 1.840e+07 1.662e-02 1.320e-01 4.428e-05 3.517e-04 0.06 1.007e+07 1.166e-02 9.745e-02 2.315e-05 1.936e-04 0.08 4.030e+07 6.721e-02 5.016e-01 1.064e-04 7.938e-04 0.1 2.192e+07 4.820e-02 2.989e-01 7.374e-05 4.572e-04

,0.15 2.599e+07 9.451e-02 3.914e-01 1.556e-04 6.445e-04 0.2 1.669e+08 8.705e-01 2.849e+00 1.536e-03 5.028e-03 0.3 2.106e+08 1.832e+00 4.598e+00 3.475e-03 8.722e-03 0.4 1.168e+09 1.459e+01 3.115e+01 2.843e-02 6.069e-02 0.5 2.104e+09 3.480e+01 6.720e+01 6.832e-02 1.319e-01 0.6 1.013e+09 2.106e+01 3.795e+01 4.111 e-02 7.408e-02 0.8 9.553e+08 2.841e+01 4.469e+01 5.404e-02 8.499e-02 1.0 7.261 e+08 2.845e+01 4.178e+01 5.245e-02 7.702e-02 1.5 7.415e+08 4.764e+01 6.368e+01 8.015e-02 I.071e-01 2.0 1.365e+08 1.237e+01 1.567e+01 1.913e-02 2.424e-02 3.0 3.186e+05 4.638e-02 5.51 Oe-02. 6.292e-05 7.475e-05 4.0 4.828e+02 9.757e-05 1. 120e-04 1.207e-07 1.385e-07 TOTALS: 7.556e+09 1.904e+02- - 3.114e+02 3.499e-01 5.798e-01

Page :4 DOS File : 4CR08DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:49:34 AM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CR24DR1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 9:55:59 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 24h with Daughters Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension ME *terial Density Source 8.67e+04 cm 3 CEirbon 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 5.9803e-009 2.2127e+002 6.9009e-008 2.5533e-003 Ba-1 37m 5.9154e-003 2.1887e+008 6.8260e-002 2.5256e+003 Ba-1 39 2.4252e-008 8.9732e+002 2.7985e-007 1.0355e-002 Ba-140 3.851 Oe-003 1.4249e+008 4.4438e-002 1.6442e+003 Ce-141 9.4681 e-005 3.5032e+006 1.0926e-003 4.0425e+001 Ce-143 5.3583e-005 1.9826e+006 6.1831e-004 2.2878e+001 Ce-144 7.8803e-005 2.9157e+006 9.0934e-004 3.3645e+001 Cm-242 1.4872e-006 5.5026e+004 1.7161e-005 6.3497e-001 Cm-244 9.5820e-008 3.5453e+003 1.1057e-006 4.0911 e-002 Co-58 1.6340e-006 6.0458e+004 1.8855e-005 6.9765e-001 Co-60 1.9742e-006 7.3045e+004 2.2781e-005 8.4290e-001 Cs-1 34 1.0413e-002 3.8528e+008 1.2016e-001 4.4459e+003 Cs-1 36 3.1633e-003 1.1704e+008 3.6502e-002 1.3506e+003 Cs-137 6.2531e-003 2.3136e+008 7.2157e-002 2.6698e+003 1-131 6.0793e-002 2.2493e+009 7.0151e-001 2.5956e+004 1-132 7.2256e-003 2.6735e+008 8.3379e-002 3.0850e+003 1-133 6.0266e-002 2.2298e+009 6.9543e-001 2.5731e+004 1-134 8.4368e-010 3.1216e+001 9.7355e-009 3.6021 e-004 1-135 1.0137e-002 3.7507e+008 1.1697e-001 4.3281e+003

Page :2 DOS File: 4CR24DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:55:59 AM Duration : 00:00:01 3

Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm Bq/cm 3 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.3126e-003 4.8566e+007 1.5147e-002 5.6042e+002 La-141 5.5868e-007 2.0671 e+004 6.4468e-006 2.3853e-001 La-142 7.6444e-010 2.8284e+001 8.8212e-009 3.2638e-004 Mo-99 4.2943e-004 1.5889e+007 4.9554e-003 1.8335e+002 Nb-95 3.8661 e-005 1.4305e+006 4.4612e-004 1.6507e+001 Nd-147 3.6473e-005 1.3495e+006 4.2088e-004 1.5572e+001 Np-239 9.4230e-004 3.4865e+007 1.0874e-002 4.0232e+002 Pr-143 3.6320e-005 1.3438e+006 4.1911 e-004 1.5507e+001 Pr-144 7.7676e-005 2.8740e+006 8.9633e-004 3.3164e+001 Pu-238 2.7630e-007 1.0223e+004 3.1883e-006 1.1797e-001 Pu-239 2.7929e-008 1.0334e+003 3.2228e-007 1.1 924e-002 Pu-240 3.8203e-008 1.4135e+003 4.4084e-007 1.6311 e-002 Pu-241 1.1 524e-005 4.2639e+005 1.3298e-004 4.9202e+000 Rb-86 1.0399e-004 3.8476e+006 1.2000e-003 4.4399e+00.1 Rh-1 03m 4.5473e-004 1.6825e+007 5.2473e-003 1.9415e+002 Rh-105 2.1499e-004 7.9546e+006 2.4808e-003 9.1791e+001 Rh- 106 1.8742e-004 6.9345e+006 2.1627e-003 8.0020e+001 Ru-1 03 4.5593e-004 1.6869e+007 5.2611 e-003 1.9466e+002 Ru-105 7.7151e-006 2.8546e+005 8.9027e-005 3.2940e+000 Ru-106 1.8742e-004 6.9345e+006 2.1627e-003 8.0020e+001 Sb-127 5.4442e-004 2.0144e+007 6.2823e-003 2.3244e+002 Sb-129 4.0981 e-005 1.5163e+006 4.7290e-004 1.7497e+001 Sr-89 2.0778e-003 7.6879e+007 2.3977e-002 8.8713e+002 Sr-90 2.5035e-004 9.2630e+006 2.8889e-003 1.0689e+002 Sr-91 4.6456e-004 1.7189e+007 5.3607e-003 1.9835e+002 Sr-92 6.2972e-006 2.3300e+005 7.2666e-005 2.6886e+000 Tc-99m 4.1483e-004 1.5349e+007 4.7869e-003 1.7711e+002 Te-127 5.8037e-004 2.1474e+007 6.6971 e-003 2.4779e+002 Te-127m 8.7754e-005 3.2469e+006 1.0126e-003 3.7467e+001 Te-129 2.3019e-004 8.5170e+006 2.6562e-003 9.8281e+001 Te-129m 2.7704e-004 1.0250e+007 3.1969e-003 1.1828e+002 Te-1 31 m 4.9090e-004 1.8163e+007 5.6647e-003 2.0959e+002 Te-132 6.7173e-003 2.4854e+008 7.7513e-002 2.8680e+003 Xe-133 Xe-1 35 Y-90 5.6949e-005 2.1071e+006 6.5716e-004 2.4315e+001 Y-91 3.2692e-005 1.2096e+006 3.7725e-004 1.3958e+001 Y-92 6.1187e-005 2.2639e+006 7.0606e-004 2.6124e+001 Y-93 6.5850e-006 2.4365e+005 7.5987e-005 2.8115e+000 Zr-95 3.8004e-005 1.4061e+006 4.3854e-004 1.6226e+001 Zr-97 1.4550e-005 5.3835e+005 1.6790e-004 6.2122e+000 Buildup Htt -

Page :3 DOS File :4CR24DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:55:59 AM Duration : 00:00:01 The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.397e+03 1.742e-08 3.062e-08 1.494e-09 2.626e-09 0.02 3.096e+06 2.723e-04 6.71 Oe-04 9.431 e-06 2.324e-05 0.03 3.456e+08 1.258e-01 5.517e-01 1.247e-03 5.468e-03 0.04 1.102e+07 7.092e-03 4.572e-02 3.137e-05 2.022e-04 0.05 3.269e+07 2.954e-02 2.346e-01 7.868e-05 6.249e-04 0.06 1.551e+07 1.795e-02 1.500e-01 3.565e-05 2.980e-04 0.08 6.708e+07 1.11 9e-0 1 8.349e-01 1.770e-04 1.321e-03 0.1 3.713e+07 8.165e-02 5.063e-01 1.249e-04 7.746e-04 0.15 4.328e+07 1.574e-01 6.517e-01 2.591e-04 1.073e-03 0.2 2.587e+08 1.350e+00 4.417e+00 2.382e-03 7.795e'03 0.3 2.835e+08 2.465e+00 6.188e+00 4.676e-03 1.1 74e-02 0.4 1.876e+09 2.344e+01 5.003e+01 4.567e-02 9.749e-02 0.5 2.168e+09 3.587e+01 6.925e+01 7.040e-02 1.359e-01 0.6 1.220e+09 2.536e+01 4.569e+01 4.950e-02 8.918e-02 0.8 1.024e+09 3.046e+01 4.792e+01 5.794e-02 9.114e-02 1.0 4.335e+08 1.699e+01 2.494e+01 3.131e-02 4.598e-02 1.5 3.593e+08 2.308e+01 3.085e+01 3.883e-02 5.191e-02 2.0 5.128e+07 4.646e+00 5.888e+00 7.185e-03 9.105e-03 3.0 1.729e+06 2.517e-01 2.990e-01 3.415e-04 4.057e-04 4.0 7.425e-01 1.501e-07 1.722e-07 1.857e-10 2.130e-10 TOTALS: 8.231 e+09 1.644e+02 2.885e+02 3.102e-01 5.505e-01 W11t; -,;F -9; Ir!-tv - 1.

Page :4 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 DOS File: 4CR24DR1..MS5 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 9:55:59 AM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File : 4CR96DR1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 10:00:41 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 96h with Daughters

, Geometry: 8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Uimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in zý Shields Shield Name Dimension Material Density Source 8.67e+04'cm3 Carbon 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels uC i/cm3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 8.1284e-009 3.0075e+002 9.3797e-008 3.4705e-003 Ba-137m 7.3071 e-003 2.7036e+008 8.4319e-002 3.1198e+003 Ba-1 39 6.0568e-024 2.241 0e-0 13 6.9892e-023 2.5860e-01 8 Ba-140 4.3361 e-003 1.6044e+008 5.0036e-002 1.8513e+003 Ce-141 1.1 773e-004 4.3560e+006 1.3585e-003 5.0266e+001 Ce-143 1.5655e-005 5.7923e+005 1.8065e-004 6.6840e+000 Ce-1 44 1.0370e-004 3.8369e+006 1.1 966e-003 4.4275e+001 Cm-242 1.9464e-006 7.2017e+004 2.2460e-005 8.3103e-001 Cm-244 1.2698e-007 4.6983e+003 1.4653e-006 5.4215e-002 Co-58 2.1033e-006 7.7822e+004 2.4271e-005 8.9802e-001 Co-60 2.6141e-006 9.6722e+004 3.0165e-005 1.1161e+000 Cs-134 1.2830e-002 4.7471 e+008 1.4805e-001 5.4779e+003 Cs-136 3.3346e-003 1.2338e+008 3.8479e-002 1.4237e+003 Cs-137 7.7242e-003 2.8580e+008 8.9132e-002 3.2979e+003 1-131 7.5604e-002 2.7973e+009 8.7242e-001 3.2280e+004 1-132 5.0095e-003- 1.8535e+008 5.7806e-002 2.1388e+003 1-133 8.8048e-003 3.2578e+008 1.0160e-001 3.7593e+003 1-134 2.5673e-034 9.4990e-024 2.9625e-033 1.0961e-028 1-135 8.5821 e-006 3.1754e+005 9.9032e-005 3.6642e+000

Page :2 DOS File: 4CR96DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:00:41 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 3.8002e-003 1.4061e+008 4.3852e-002 1.6225e+003 La-141 2.2621e-0 12 8.3698e-002 2.6103e-01 1 9.6582e-007 La-142 8.8479e-024 3.2737e-0 13 1.0210e-022 3.7777e-018 Mo-99 2.6724e-004 9.8879e+006 3.0838e-003 1.1410e+002 Nb-95 5.1123e-005 1.8916e+006 5.8993e-004 2.1827e+001 Nd-147 4.0007e-005 1.4803e+006 4.6166e-004 1.7081e+001 Np-239 5.1656e-004 1.9113e+007 5.9608e-003 2.2055e+002 Pr-143 4.641 Oe-005 1.7172e+006 5.3554e-004 1.9815e+001 Pr-144 1.0222e-004 3.7820e+006 1 .1795e-003 4.3642e+001 Pu-238 3.6636e-007 1.3555e+004 4.2276e-006 1.5642e-001 Pu-239 3.7219e-008 1.3771e+003 4.2948e-007 1.5891e-002 Pu-240 5.0641 e-008 1.8737e+003 5.8437e-007 2.1622e-002 Pu-241 1.5270e-005 5.6499e+005 1.7621e-004 6.5196e+000 Rb-86 1.1494e-004 4.2528e+006 1.3263e-003 4.9074e+001 Rh-103m 5.7170e-004 2.1153e+007 6.5971 e-003 2.4409e+002 Rh-1 05 6.9839e-005 2.5840e+006 8.0590e-004 2.9818e+001 Rh-106 2.4705e-004 9.1409e+006 2.8508e-003 1.0548e+002 Ru-103 5.7321e-004 2.1209e+007 6.6145e-003 2.4474e+002 Ru-105 1.3433e-010 4.9702e+000 1.5501e-009 5.7353e-005 Ru-106 2.4705e-004 9.1409e+006 2.8508e-003 1.0548e+002 Sb-127 4.2051 e-004 1.5559e+007 4.8524e-003 1.7954e+002 Sb-129 5.2219e-010 1.9321e+001 6.0257e-009 2.2295e-004 Sr-89 2.6432e-003 9.7798e+007 3.0501 e-002 1.1285e+003 Sr-90 3.3180e-004 1.2277e+007 3.8288e-003 1.4166e+002 Sr-91 3.2208e-006 1.1917e+005 3.7166e-005 1.3751e+000 Sr-92 8.3890e-014 3.1039e-003 9.6804e-01 3 3.5817e-008 Tc-99m 2.6151e-004 9.6759e+006 3.0177e-003 1.1 165e+002 Te-127 5.0079e-004 1.8529e+007 5.7788e-003 2.1382e+002 Te-127m 1.1602e-004 4.2927e+006 1.3388e-003 4.9536e+001 Te-129 2.3701 e-004 8.7694e+006 2.7349e-003 1.0119e+002 Te-129m 3.4527e-004 1.2775e+007 3.9842e-003 1.4742e+002 Te-131m 1.2329e-004 4.5617e+006 1.4227e-003 5.2640e+001 Te-132 4.7037e-003 1.7404e+008 5.4278e-002 2.0083e+003 Xe-i 33 Xe-135 Y-90 2.1447e-004 7.9354e+006 2.4748e-003 9.1569e+001 Y-91 4.3509e-005 1.6098e+006 5.0207e-004 1.8576e+001 Y-92 8.1769e-011 3.0255e+000 9.4356e-010 3.4912e-005 Y-93 6.2375e-008 2.3079e+003 7.1977e-007 2.6631 e-002 Zr-95 4.8767e-005 1.8044e+006 5.6274e-004 2.0821e+001 Zr-97 1.0064e-006 3.7237e+004 1.1613e-005 4.2969e-001 Buildup

Page :3 DOS File :4CR96DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:00:41 AM Duration : 00:00:01 The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.550e+03 1.933e-08 3.398e-08 1.658e-09 2.914e-09 0.02 2.841e+06 2.499e-04 6.158e-04 8.655e-06 2.133e-05 0.03 3.184e+08 1.159e-01 5.084e-01 1 .149e-03 5.038e-03 0.04 1.180e+07 7.595e-03 4.896e-02 3.359e-05 2.165e-04 0.05 2.292e+07 2.071 e-02 1.645e-01 5.517e-05 4.382e-04 0.06 1.590e+07 1.840e-02 1.538e-01 3.654e-05 3.055e-04 0.08 8.125e+07 1.355e-01 1.01 le+00 2.144e-04 1.600e-03 0.1 2.208e+07 4.856e-02 3.011 e-01 7.430e-05 4.607e-04 0.15 4.010e+07 1.458e-01 6.038e-01 2.401e-04 9.944e-04 0.2 1.831e+08 9.554e-01 3.127e+00 1.686e-03 5.518e-03 0.3 3.093e+08 2.690e+00 6.752e+00 5.103e-03 1.281e-02 0.4 2.291e+09 2.863e+01 6.111e+01 5.578e-02 1.191e-01 0.5 4.829e+08 7.989e+00 1.543e+01 1.568e-02 3.028e-02 0.6 1.280e+09 2.661e+01 4.795e+01 5.194e-02 9.358e-02 0.8 8.817e+08 2.622e+01 4.124e+01 4.987e-02 7.844e-02 1.0 2.158e+08 8.457e+00 1.242e+01 1.559e-02 2.289e-02 1.5 1.859e+08 1.194e+01 1.596e+01 2.009e-02 2.685e-02 2.0 7.540e+06 6.831e-01 8.658e-01 1.056e-03 1.339e-03 3.0 5.007e+06 7.287e-01 8.658e-01 9.886e-04 1.175e-03 4.0 8.594e-15 1.737e-21 1.993e-21 2.149e-24 2.466e-24 TOTALS: 6.358e+09 1.1 54e+02 2.085e+02 2.196e-01 4.010e-01 WIP -IV, -4. Wllrviifý:ýýa--

Page :4 DOS File : 4CR96DR1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:00:41 AM Duration : 00:00:01

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 4CR720-1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 10:09:56 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:01 Case




AST LOCA CREFS Filter Shine 720h with Daughters

8 - Cylinder Volume - End Shields Source Dimensions Height 47.963 cm 1 ft 6.9 in Radius 23.982 cm 9.4 in Dose Points X Y z
  1. 1 0cm 1.13e+03 cm 0 cm 0.0 in 37 ft 0.4 in 0.0 in 9oxZ Shields Shield Name Dimension3 Material Density Source 3.06 ft Carbon 0.305 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups: 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels MCi/cm 3 Ba/cm 3 Am-241 1.6140e-008 5.9718e+002 1.8625e-007 6.8911 e-003 Ba-1 37m 1.0893e-002 4.0305e+008 1.2570e-001 4.6509e+003 Ba-139 Ba-140 1.7236e-003 6.3773e+007 1.9889e-002 7.3590e+002 Ce-141 1 .1060e-004 4.0922e+006 1.2763e-003 4.7221e+001 Ce-143 5.2014e-01 1 1.9245e+000 6.0021e-010 2.2208e-005 Ce-144 1.5919e-004 5.8900e+006 1.8370e-003 6.7967e+001 Cm-242 2.8500e-006 1.0545e+005 3.2887e-005 1.2168e+000 Cm-244 2.0712e-007 7.6634e+003 2.3900e-006 8.8431e-002 Co-58'. 2.6670e-006 9.8679e+004 3.0776e-005 1.1387e+000 Co-60 4.2358e-006 1.5672e+005 4.8878e-005 1.8085e+000 Cs-1 34 1.8705e-002 6.9209e+008 2.1584e-001 7.9862e+003 Cs-136 1.2581e-003 4.6550e+007 1.4518e-002 5.3715e+002 Cs-137 1.1515e-002 4.2606e+008 1.3288e-001 4.9164e+003 1-131 4.8982e-002 1.8123e+009 5.6522e-001 2.0913e+004 1-132 3.2289e-005 1.1947e+006 3.7259e-004 1.3786e+001 1-133 5.0010e-0 11 1.8504e+000 5.7708e-010 2.1352e-005 1-134 1-135 1.9993e-033 7.3974e-023 2.3071 e-032 8.5361 e-028 I

'W"Ir -'- I -ý qne

Page :2 DOS File : 4CR720-1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:09:56 AM Duration : 00:00:01 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Kr-85 Kr-85m Kr-87 Kr-88 La-140 1.9881e-003 7.3560e+007 2.2941 e-002 8.4883e+002 La-141 5.9030e-060 2.1841e-049 6.8117e-059 2.5203e-054 La-142 Mo-99 6.2300e-007 2.3051 e+004 7.1890e-006 2.6599e-001 Nb-95 7.7354e-005 2.8621e+006 8.9262e-004 3.3027e+001 Nd-147 1.2676e-005 4.6901 e+005 1.4627e-004 5.4121 e+000 Np-239 4.0117e-007 1.4843e+004 4.6292e-006 1.7128e-001 Pr-143 2.0860e-005 7.7182e+005 2.4071 e-004 8.9063e+000 Pr-144 1.5691e-004 5.8058e+006 1.8107e-003 6.6995e+001 Pu-238 6.0058e-007 2.2221 e+004 6.9303e-006 2.5642e-001 Pu-239 6.1101 e-008 2.2607e+003 7.0507e-007 2.6087e-002 Pu-240 8.2830e-008 3.0647e+003 9.5581 e-007 3.5365e-002 Pu-241 2.4890e-005 9.2093e+005 2.8721 e-004 1.0627e+001 Rb-86 6.5335e-005 2.4174e+006 7.5392e-004 2.7895e+001 Rh-1 03m 5.91 OOe-004 2.1867e+007 6.8198e-003 2.5233e+002 Rh-105 5.5653e-010 2.0592e+001 6.4220e-009 2.3761 e-004 Rh-1 06 3.8477e-004 1.4236e+007 4.4400e-003 1.6428e+002 Ru-103 5.9256e-004 2.1925e+007 6.8378e-003 2.5300e+002 Ru-1 05 1.0838e-052 4.0101e-042 1.2506e-051 4.6274e-047 Ru-106 3.8477e-004 1.4236e+007 4.4400e-003 1.6428e+002 Sb-127 6.3757e-006 2.3590e+005 7.3572e-005 2.7221 e+000 Sb-129 2.8145e-053 1.0414e-042 3.2478e-052 1.2017e-047 Sr-89 3.0257e-003 1.1 195e+008 3.4915e-002 1.2918e+003 Sr-90 5.4177e-004 2.0045e+007 6.2517e-003 2.3131e+002 Sr-91 8.8864e-026 3.2880e-015 1.0254e-024 3.7941 e-020 Sr-92 6.6487e-083 2.4600e-072 7.6722e-082 2.8387e-077 Tc-99m 6.0963e-007 2.2556e+004 7.0347e-006 2.6029e-001 Te-127 1.6889e-004 6.2489e+006 1.9489e-003 7.2109e+001 Te-127m 1.6465e-004 6.0921 e+006 1.9000e-003 7.0298e+001 Te-129 2.2673e-004 8.3890e+006 2.6163e-003 9.6804e+001 Te-129m 3.3029e-004 1.2221e+007 3.8113e-003 1.4102e+002 Te-1 31 m 1.1045e-010 4.0867e+000 .1.2745e-009 4.7157e-005 Te-132 3.0482e-005 1.1278e+006 3.5174e-004 1.3014e+001 Xe-133 Xe-1 35 Y-90 5.4222e-004 2.0062e+007 6.2569e-003 2.3150e+002 Y-91 5.2304e-005 1.9352e+006 6.0356e-004 2.2332e+001 Y-92 1.1605e-063 4.2939e-053 1.3391e-062 4.9548e-058 Y-93 2.5728e-026 9.5194e-016 2.9688e-025 1.0985e-020 Zr-95 6.0183e-005 2.2268e+006 6.9447e-004 2.5696e+001 Zr-97 1.2633e-017 4.6742e-007 1.4578e-016 5.3937e-012 Buildup

Page :3 DOS File : 4CR720-1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:09:56 AM Duration : 00:00:01 The material reference is : Source Integration Parameters Radial 20 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 10 Results Enerqy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 2.342e+03 2.921e-08 5.134e-08 2.505e-09 4.404e-09 0.02 1.875e+06 1.649e-04 4.064e-04 5.712e-06 1.408e-05 0.03 1.390e+08 5.061 e-02 2.219e-01 5.016e-04 2.1,99e-03 0.04 1.007e+07 6.483e-03 4.179e-02 2.867e-05 1.848e-04 0.05 2.298e+05 2.076e-04 1.649e-03 5.531 e-07 4.393e-06 0.06 5.836e+06 6.753e-03 5.645e-02 1.341e-05 1.121 e-04 0.08 5.047e+07 8.417e-02 6.282e-01 1.332e-04 9.941e-04 0.1 5.809e+05 1.278e-03 7.922e-03 1.954e-06 1.212e-05 0.15 1.349e+07 4.903e-02 2.031 e-01 8.075e-05 3.344e-04 0.2 1.272e+07 6.635e-02 2.17le-01 1.171e-04 3.833e-04 0.3 1.659e+08 1.443e+00 3.622e+00 2.737e-03 6.870e-03 0.4 1.477e+09 1.845e+01 3.939e+01 3.595e-02 7.674e-02 0.5 9.056e+07 1.498e+00 2.893e+00 2.941e-03 5.678e-03 0.6 1.344e+09 2.793e+01 5.033e+01 5.452e-02 9.823e-02 0.8 7.619e+08 2.266e+01 3.564e+01 4.31 Oe-02 6.778e-02 1.0 7.474e+07 2.929e+00 4.300e+00 5.398e-03 7.927e-03 1.5 9.175e+07 5.894e+00 7.878e+00 9.916e-03 1.326e-02 2.0 7.101e+05 6.433e-02 8.153e-02 9.948e-05 1.261e-04 3.0 2.619e+06 3.812e-01 4.529e-01 5.172e-04 6.145e-04 TOTALS: 4.243e+09 8.152e+01 1.460e+02 1.56le-01 2.815e-01

Page :4 DOS File : 4CR720-1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 10:09:56 AM Duration : 00:00:01

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 5 Page 1 5 - Drywell - General Notes 1 Table 5-1 input is taken from Attachment I within Attachment 1 of calculation NEDC 07-082 (LOCA caic).

2 Table 5-2 manipulates input data from Table 5-1 to fit the geometry of the specific situation being considered.

No special manipulations are involved.

3 Table 5-1 is sorted by RadTrad sort #. Table 5-2 is sorted by MicroShield iso # by re-sorting Table 5-1.

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 5 Page 2 1 Rad Micro 5 - Drywell Shine - RadTrad Output Trad Shield time Table 5-1 DRYWELL - Cumul. Curies Released Sort Iso# (hrs)> 0.0006 0.5 1 2 B 24 96 720 1 104 Co-58 2.87E+02 7.71E+02 1.26E+01 1.54E-02 1.06E-05 4.12E-33 2 106 Co-60 3.43E+02 9.23E+02 1.51E+01 1.86E-02 1:32E-05 6.54E-33 3 203 Kr-85 4.94E+01 4.44E+04 3.26E+05 8.88E+05 8.80E+05 8.59E+05 8.14E+05 5.11E+05 4 204 Kr-85m 9.19E+02 7.65E+05 5+19E+06 1.21E+07 4.75E+06 3.90E+05 5.37E+00 3.99E-42 5 205 Kr-87 1.75E+03 1.20E+06 6,71E+06 1.06E+07 3.99E+05 6.36E+01 5.45E-16 6 206 Kr-88 2.47E+03 1.97E+06 1.28E+07 2.72E+07 6.24E+06 1.23E+05 2.72E-03 1.24E-69 7 332 Rb-86 9.43E+00 7.44E+03 1w68E+04 3.30E+04 5.36E+02 6.44E-01 4.08E-04 7.78E-32 8 391 Sr-89 3.66E+05 9.84E+05 1.61 E+04 1.96E+01 1.33E-02 4.67E-30 9 392 Sr-90 4,35E+04 1.17E+05 1.92E+03 2.36E+00 1.67E-03 8.37E-31 10 393 Sr-91 4,32E+05 1.08E+06 1.14E+04 4.39E+00 1.62E-05 1.37E-52 11 394 Sr-92 3,93E+05 8.18E+05 2.89E+03 5.95E-02 4.23E-13 12 480 Y-90 5.75E+02 2.11E+03 1.53E+02 5.35E-01 1.08E-03 8.37E-31 13 482 Y-91 4.78E+03 1.30E+04 2.30E+02 3.08E-01 2.19E-04 8.06E-32 14 484 Y-92 2.57E+04 1432E+05 4.77E+03 5.72E-01 4.09E-10 1.78E-90 15 485 Y-93 5.55E+03 1.39E+04 1.51E+02 6.22E-02 3.15E-07 3.97E-53 16 496 Zr-95 6.67E+03 1.79E+04 2.93E+02 3.59E-01 2.46E-04 9.29E-32 17 497 Zr-97 6A49E+03 1468E+04 2.15E+02 1.37E-01 5.07E-06 1.95E-44 18 238 Nb-95 6.72E+03 1.81E+04 2.96E+02 3,65E-01 2.58E-04 1.19E-31 19 224 Mo-99 9.50E+04 2.53E+05 3.89E+03 4.05E+00 1.35E-03 9.62E-34 20 408 Tc-99m 8.47E+04 2.28E+05 3.63E+03 3.92E+00 1.32E-03 9.4iE-34 21 355 Ru-103 8.O6E+04 2.17E+05 3.54E+03 4,30E+00 2,89E-03 9.15E-31 22 356 Ru-105 4w86E+04 1.12E+05 7.19E+02 7.28E-02 6.77E-10 1.67E-79 23 357 Ru-106 3.26E+04 8.78E+04 1.44E+03 1.77E+00 1.25E-03 5.94E-31 24 347 Rh-1 05 5.20E+04 1.39E+05 2.16E+03 2.03E+00 3.52E-04 8.59E-37 25 365 Sb-1 27 1.12E+05 3.00E+05 4.70E+03 5.14E+00 2.12E-03 9485E-33 26 366 Sb-1 29 2.85E+05 6454E+05 4.09E+03 3.87E-01 2.63E-09 4.35E-80 27 415 Te-127 1.14E+05 3405E+05 4.86E+03 5.48E+00 2.53E-03 2.61E-31 28 416 Te-127m 1.52E+04 410E+04 6472E+02 829E-01 5.85E-04 2.54E-31 29 417 Te-129 3.04E+05 7.36E+05 5477E+03 2.17E+00 1.20E-03 3.50E-31 30 418 Te-129m 4488E+04 1.31E+05 2.15E+03 2.62E+00 1.74E-03 5.10E-31 31 420 Te-131m 1445E+05 3682E+05 5.44E+03 4.64E+00 6.22E-04 1.71E-37 32 421 Te-132 1.43E+06 3.82E+06 5w93E+04 6.34E+01 2.37E-02 4.71E-32 33 175 1-131 3w67E+03 2.91E+06 7.59E+06 1.57E+07 1.19E+06 8479E+05 6.44E+05 4.31E+04 34 176 1-132 5.30E+03 3.89E+06 9w79E+06 1.85E+07 3.52E+05 3.04E+03 3.72E-02 7.37E-32 35 177 1-133 7.43E+03 5.81E+06 1w49E+07 3.00E+07 1.90E+06 8.72E+05 7.50E+04 4.41E-05 36 178 1-134 8.14E+03 4.36E+06 7.67E+06 7.23E+06 4.87E+03 1.22E-02 2.19E-27 37 179 1-135 6.96E+03 5425E+06 1.30E+07 2.44E+07 1.00E+06 1.47E+05 7,31E+01 1.769-27 38 471 Xe-1 33 7.10E+03 6.39E+06 4.68E+07 1427E+08 1.23E+08 1.12E+08 7.33E+07 1.50E+06 39 473 Xe-1 35 2.51E+03 2437E+06 1.76E+07 4687E+07 3.74E+07 1.47E+07 8,14E+04 1.16E-16 40 115 Cs-134 9.11E+02 7.19E+05 1.62E+06 3.20E+06 5.24E+04 6.45E+01 4.55E-02 2.23E-29 41 118 Cs-136 2.91E+02 2w30E+05 5418E+05 1.02E+06 1.65E+04 1.96E+01 1.18E-02 1.50E-30 42 119 Cs-137 5.46E+02 4.31E+05 9.73E+05 1.92E+06 3.14E+04 3.87E+01 2.74E-02 1w37E-29 43 41 Ba-139 4.45E+05 7.23E+05 5.80E+02 2.29E-04 3.05E-23 44 42 Ba-140 7.05E+05 1.89E+06 3.06E+04 3.64E+01 2.19E-02 2.66E-30 45 209 La-140 1.05E+04 4.28E+04 3.66E+03 1.23E+01 1.92E-02 3.079-30 46 210 La-141 5.61E+03 1.27E+04 7.20E+01 5.28E-03 1.14E-11 9,12E-87 47 211 La-142 4.12E+03 7.06E+03 7.60E+00 7.22E-06 4.46E-23 48 81 Ce-141 1.68E+04 4.51E+04 7.36E+02 8.94E-01 5,94E-04 1.71E-31 49 82 Ce-143 1.51E+04 3w98E+04 5.75E+02 5.06E-01 7.89E-05 8.03E-38 50 83 Ce-144 1.37E+04 3,69E+04 6.05E+02 7.44E-01 5.23E-04 2.46E-31 51 302 Pr-143 6.04E+03 1.63E+04 2.71E+02 3.43E-01 2.34E-04 3.22E-32 52 243 Nd-147 6,73E+03 1.81E+04 2.92E+02 3.44E-01 2.02E-04 1.969-32 53 255 Np-239 2,17E+05 5.77E+05 8.79E+03. 8.90E+00 2.60E-03 6.20E-34 54 313 Pu-238 4.60E+01. 1.29E+02 2.12E+00 2.61E-03 1.85E-06 9.27E-34 55 314 Pu-239 4.84E+00 1.30E+01 2.14E-01 2.64E-04 1.66E-07 9.44E-35 56 315 Pu-240 6.64E+00 1.79E+01 2.93E-01 3.61E-04 2.55E-07 1.28E-34 57 316 Pu-241 2400E+03 5.39E+03 8.83E+01 1.09E-01 7.70E-05 3.84E-32 58 13 Am-241 1.03E+00 2.779+00 4.56E-02 5.65E-05 4.10E-08 2.49E-35 59 93 Cm-242 2w60E+02 6.98E+02 1.14E+01 1.40E-02 9.81E-06 4.40E-33 60 95 Cm-244 1.67E+01 I 4.48E+01 I 7.34E-01 I 9.05E-04 I 6.40E-07 I 3.20E-34

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 5 Page 3 5 - Drywell Shine - MicroShield Input Table 5-2 Drywell Inventory (Curies) t= t= t= t= t-=

0.5 2 8 24 96 720 Iso # Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso Iso# Curies Iso Iso # Curies Iso Iso# Curies ISo Iso# Curies Iso 104 0.00E+00 Co-58 104 7.71E+02 Co-58 104 1.26E+01 Co-58 104 1.54E-02 Co-58 104 1.06E-05 Co-58 104 4.12E-33 Co-58 106 0.00E+00 Co-60 106 9.23E+02 Co-60 106 1.51E+01 Co-60 106 1.86E-02 Co-60 106 1.32E-05 Co-60 106 6.54E-33 Co-60 203 4.44E+04 Kr-85 203 8.88E+05 Kr-85 203 8.80E+05 Kr-85 203 8.59E+05 Kr-85 203 8.14E+05 Kr-85 203 5.11E+05 Kr-85 204 7.65E+05 Kr-85m 204 1.21 E+07 Kr-85m 204 4.75E+06 Kr-85m 204 3.90E+05 Kr-85m 204 5.37E+00 Kr-88m 204 3.99E-42 Kr-85m 205 1.20E+06 Kr-87 205 1.06E+07 Kr-87 205 3.99E+05 Kr-87 205 6.36E+01 Kr-87 205 5.45E-16 Kr-87 205 0.00E+00 Kr-87 206 1.97E+06 Kr-88 206 2.72E+07 Kr-88 206 6.24E+06 Kr-88 206 1.23E+05 Kr-88 206 2.72E-03 Kr-88 206 1,24E-69 Kr-88 332 7.44E+03 Rb-86 332 3.30E+04 Rb-86 332 5.36E+02 Rb-86 332 6.44E-01 Rb-86 332 4.08E-04 Rb-86 332 7.78E-32 Rb-86 391 0.00E+00 Sr-89 391 9.84E+05 Sr-89 391 1.61E+04 Sr-89 391 1.96E+01 Sr-89 391 1.33E-02 Sr-89 391 4.67E-30 Sr-89 392 0.00E+00 Sr-90 392 1.17E+05 Sr-90 392 1.92E+03 Sr-90 392 2.36E+00 Sr-90 392 1.67E-03 Sr-90 392 8.37E-31 Sr-90 393 0.00E+00 Sr-91 393 1.08E+06 Sr-91 393 1.14E+04 Sr-91 393 4.39E+00 Sr-91 393 1.62E-05 Sr-91 393 1.37E-52 Sr-91 394 0.00E+00 Sr-92 394 8.18E+05 Sr-92 394 2.89E+03 Sr-92 394 5.95E-02 Sr-92 394 4.23E-13 Sr-92 394 0.00E+00 Sr-92 480 0.00E+00 Y-90 480 2.11E+03 Y-90 480 1.53E+02 Y-90 480 5.35E-01 Y-90 480 1.08E-03 Y-90 480 8.37E-31 Y-90 482 0.OOE+00 Y-91 482 1.30E+04 Y-91 482 2.30E+02 Y-91 482 3.08E-01 Y-91 482 2.19E-04 Y-91 482 8.06E-32 Y-91 484 O.00E+00 Y-92 484 1.32E+05 Y-92 484 4.77E+03 Y-92 484 5.72E-01 Y-92 484 4.09E-10 Y-92 484 1.78E-90 Y-92 485 0.00E+00 Y-93 485 1.39E+04 Y-93 485 1.51 E+02 Y-93 485 6.22E-02 Y-93 485 3.15E-07 Y-93 485 3.97E-53 Y-93 496 0.OOE+00 Zr-95 496 1.79E+04 Zr-95 496 2.93E+02 Zr-95 496 3.59E-01 Zr-95 496 2.46E-04 Zr-95 496 9.29E-32 Zr-95 497 0.OOE+00 Zr-97 497 1.68E+04 Zr-97 497 2.15E+02 Zr-97 497 1.37E-01 Zr-97 497 5.07E-06 Zr-97 497 1.95E-44 Zr-97 238 O.OOE+00 Nb-95 238 1.81E+04 Nb-95 238 2.96E+02 Nb-95 238 3.65E-01 Nb-95 238 2.58E-04 Nb-95 238 1.19E-31 Nb-9S 224 0.00E+00 Mo-99 224 2.53E÷05 Mo-99 224 3.89E+03 Mo-99 224 4.05E+00 Mo-99 224 1.35E-03 Mo-99 224 9.62E-34 Mo-99 408 0.00E+00 Tc-99m 408 2.28E+05 Tc-99m 408 3.63E+03 Tc-99m 408 3.92E+00 Tc-99m 408 1.32E-03 Tc-99m 408 9.41E-34 Tc-99m 355 0.00E+00 Ru-103 355 2.17E+05 Ru-103 355 3.54E+03 Ru-103 355 4.30E+00 Ru-103 355 2.89E-03 Ru-103 355 9.15E-31 Ru-103 356 0.00E+00 Ru-105 356 1.12E+05 Ru-105 356 7.19E+02 Ru-105 356 7.28E-02 Ru-1O5 356 6.77E-10 Ru-105 356 1.67E-79 Ru-10O 357 0.09E+00 Ru-106 357 8.78E+04 Ru-106 357 1.44E+03 Ru-106 357 1.77E+00 Ru-106 357 1.25E-03 Ru-106 357 5.94E-31 Ru-106 347 0.00E+00 Rh-1 05 347 1.39E+05 Rh-1 05 347 2.16E+03 Rh-105 347 2.03E+00 Rh-105 347 3.52E-04 Rh-105 347 8.59E-37 Rh-105 365 0.00E+00 Sb-127 365 3.00E+05 Sb-127 365 4.70E+03 Sb-127 365 5.14E+00 Sb-127 365 2.12E-03 Sb-127 365 9.85E-33 Sb-127 366 0.00E+00 Sb-129 366 6,54E+05 Sb-129 366 4.09E+03 Sb-129 366 3.87E-01 Sb-129 366 2.63E-09 Sb-129 366 4.35E-80 Sb-1 29 415 0.00E+00 Te-127 415 3.05E+05 Te-127 415 4.86E+03 Te-127 415 5.48E+00 Te-127 415 2.53E-03 Te-127 415 2.61E-31 Te-127 416 0.00E+00 Te-127m 416 4,10E+04 Te-127m 416 6.72E+02 Te-127m 416 8.29E-01 Te-127m 416 5.85E-04 Te-127m 416 2.54E-31 Te-127m 417 0.OOE+00 Te-129 417 7.36E+05 Te-129 417 5.77E+03 Te-129 417 2.17E+00 Te-129 417 1.20E-03 Te-129 417 3.50E-31 Te-129 418 0.00E+00 Te-129m 418 1.31E+05 Te-129m 418 2.152E+03 Te-129m 418 2.62E+00 Te-129m 418 1.74E-03 Te-129m 418 5.10E-31 Te-129m 420 0.00E+00 Te-131m 420 3.82E+05 Te-131m 420 5.44E+03 Te-131m 420 4.64E+00 Te-131m 420 6.22E-04 Te-131m 420 1.71E-37 Te-131m 421 0.00E+00 Te-132 421 *3.82E+06 Te-132 421 5.93E+04 Te-132 421 6.34E+01 Te-132 421 2.37E-02 Te-132 421 4.71E-32 Te-132 175 2.91E+06 1-131 175 1.57E+07 1-131 175 1.19E+06 1-131 175 8.79E+05 1-131 175 6.44E+05 1-131 175 4.31E+04 f-131 176 3.89E+06 1-132 176 1.85E+07 1-132 176 3.52E+05 1-132 176 3.04E+03 1-132 176 3.72E-02 1-132 176 7.37E-32 1-132 177 5.81E+06 1-133 177 3.00E+07 1-133 177 1.90E+06 1-133 177 8.72E+05 1-133 177 7.50E+04 1-133 177 4.41E-05 1-133 178 4.36E+06 1-134 178 7.23E+06 1-134 178 4.87Et03 1-134 178 1.22E-02 1-134 178 2.19E-27 1-134 178 0.00E+00 1-134 179 5.25E+06 1-135 179 2.44E+07 1-135 179 1.0OE+06 1-135 179 1.47E+05 1-135 179 7.31E+01 1-135 179 1.76E-27 1-135 471 6.39E+06 Xe-133 471 1.27E+08 Xe-133 471 1.23E+08 Xe-133 471 1.12E+08 Xe-133 471 7.33E+07 Xe-133 471 1.50E+06 Xe-1 33 473 2.37E+06 Xe-135 473 4.87E+07 Xe-135 473 3.74E+07 Xe-1 35 473 1.47E+07 Xe-135 473 8.14E+04 Xe-135 473 1.16E-16 Xe-135 115 7.19E+05 Cs-134 115 3.20E+06 Cs-134 115 5.24E+04 Cs-134 115 6.45E+01 Cs-134 115 4.55E-02 Cs-134 115 2.23E-29 Cs-134 118 2.30E+05 Cs-136 118 1.02E+06 Cs-136 118 1.65E+04 Cs-136 118 1.96E+01 Cs-136 118 1.18E-02 Cs-136 118 1.50E-30 Cs-136 119 431E+05 Cs-137 119 1.92E+06 Cs-137 119 3.14E+04 Cs-137 119 3.87E+01 Cs-137 119 2.74E-02 Cs-137 119 1.37E-29 Cs-137 41 0.00E+00 Ba-139 41 7.23E+05 Ba-139 41 5.80E+02 Ba-139 41 2.29E-04 Ba-139 41 3.05E-23 Ba-139 41 0.0OE+00 Ba-139 42 0.00E+00 Ba-140 42 1.89E+06 Ba-140 42 3.06E+04 Ba-140 42 3.64E+01 Ba-140 42 2.19E-02 Ba-140 42 2.66E-30 Ba-140 209 0.00E+00 La-140 209 4.28E+04 La-140 209 3.66E+03 La-140 209 1.23E+01 La-140 209 1.92E-02 La-140 209 3.07E-30 La-140 210 0.OOE+00 La-141 210 1.27E+04 La-141 210 7.20E+01 La-141 210 5.28E-03 La-141 210 1.14E-11 La-141 210 9.12E-87 La-141 211 0.OOE+00 La-142 211 7.06E+03 La-142 211 7.80E+00 La-142 211 7.22E-06 La-142 211 4.46E-23 La-142 211 0.00E+00 La-142 81 0.00E+00 Ce-141 81 4.51E+04 Ce-141 81 7.36E+02 Ce-141 81 8.94E-01 Ce-141 81 5.94E-04 Ce-141 81 1.71E-31 Ce-141 82 0.00E+00 Ce-143 82 3.98E+04 Ce-143 82 5.75E+02 Ce-143 82 5.06E-01 Ce-143 82 7.89E-05 Ce-143 82 8.03E-38 Ce-143 83 0.00E+00 Ce-144 83 3.69E+04 Ce-144 83 6.05E+02 Ce-144 83 7.44E-01 Ce-144 83 5.23E-04 Ce- 144 83 2.46E-31 Ce-144 302 0.00E+00 Pr-143 302 1.63E+04 Pr-143 302 2.71E+02 Pr-143 302 3.43E-01 Pr-143 302 2.34E-04 Pr-143 302 3.22E-32 Pr-143 243 0.00E+00 Nd-147 243 1.81E+04 Nd-147 243 2.92E+02 Nd-1 47 243 3.44E-01 Nd-147 243 2.02E-04 Nd-147 243 1.96E-32 Nd-147 255 0.00E+00 Np-239 255 5.77E+05 Np-239 255 8.79E+03 Np-239 255 8.90E+00 Np-239 255 2.60E-03 Np-239 255 6.20E-34 Np-239 313 O.00E+00 Pu-238 313 1.29E+02 Pu-238 313 2.12E+00 Pu-238 313 2.61E-03 Pu-238 313 1.85E-06 Pu-238 313 9.27E-34 Pu-238 314 0.00E+00 Pu-239 314 1.30E+01 Pu-239 314 2.14E-01 Pu-239 314 2.64E-04 Pu-239 314 1.88E-07 Pu-239 314 9.44E-35 Pu-239 315 0.00E+00 Pu-240 315 1.79E+01 Pu-240 315 2.93E-01 Pu-240 315 3.61E-04 Pu-240 315 2.55E-07 Pu-240 315 1.28E-34 Pu-240 316 0.00E+00 Pu-241 316 5.39E+03 Pu-241 316 8.83E+01 Pu-241 316 1.09E-01 Pu-241 316 7.70E-05 Pu-241 316 3.84E-32 Pu-241 13 0.00E+00 Am-241 13 2.77E+00 Am-241 13 4.56E-02 Am-241 13 5.65E-05 Am-241 13 4.10E-08 Am-241 13 2.49E-35 Am-241 93 0.OOE+00 Cm-242 93 6.98E+02 Cm-242 93 1.14E+01 Cm-242 93 1.40E-02 Cm-242 93 9.81E-06 Cm-242 93 4.40E-33 Cm-242 95 0.O0E+00 Cm-244 95 4.48E+01 Cm-244 95 7.34E-01 Cm-244 95 9.05E-04 Cm-244 95 6.40E-07 Cm-244 95 3.20E-34 Cm-244

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 5 Page 4 A I

5 - Drywell Shine - MAIN

1. Model the drywell as a cylinder whose bottom face is at elevation 931'-6" (dwgs 2061, 2066) and whose top face is approximately at elevation 991'-6" (dwg 2066), for a length of 60 feet; and whose diameter is 35'-1" (CBI dwg 1); for simplicity use 35 feet. The reason that the bottom face is set at 931'-6" is because the floor extends all the way to the control room, providing considerable "double' shielding compared to just the RxB wall. This makes contributions from sources below 931'-

6" negligible by comparison to those above. Furthermore, since total curie inventory is used in the dose analysis, placing the entire inventory above El 931'-6" is very conservative.

2. For simplicity, the shielding afforded by the reactor vessel is conservatively neglected.
3. Between these elevations the drywell shell ranges in thickness between 3/4 inch and 2-5/8 inches. For conservatism use 3/4 inch. The air gap is neglected, which conservatively moves the dose point closer by 2 inches.
4. Conservatively assume that the dose point is on the cylinder midplane.
5. The North RxB wall is 1.5 feet thick (about half) and 3.0 feet thick (other half). For conservatism, use 1.5 feet.
6. In order to simplify the model, all RxB floors between El 903'-6" and El 976'-0", inclusive, are very conservatively assumed to not provide any shielding. This credits sources far off of midplane elevations, which is very conservative. Same thing for RxB walls, which very conservatively credits distant souces. Same thing for drywell floors, walls, and structures. This is an extremely conservative, but simplifying assumption.

Dimensional Information air 35 ft CBI dwg 1 - drywell internal diameter air 17.5 ft drywell radius steel 0.75 in CBI dwg 1 - drywell wall thickness steel 0.0625 ft concrete 6 ft Dwg 4240 - drywell wall thickness air 45.6875 ft CNS-BLDG-435 - distance to column 12.7 concrete 1.5 ft CNS-BLDG-442 - reactor building wall air 21.5 ft CNS-BLDG-442 concrete 2 ft CNS-BLDG-442 air 32.75 ft CNS-BLDG-442 (RO Desk) dose pt. 127.00 ft

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 5 Page 4 Dose Results Micro- bounding Shield time or average time Exposure time (h) mR/hr period h mR/hr interval h mR 0 not compu.

0.5 9.747E-06 0 to 0.5 9.747E-06 0.5 4.87E-06 2 9.034E-05 PEAK 0.5 to 2 9.034E-05 1.5 1.36E-04 8 6.076E-06 2 to 8 4.821 E-05 6 2.89E-04 24 6.722E-08 8 to 24 3.072E-06 16 4.91E-05 96 5.002E-12 24 to 96 3.361 E-08 72 2.42E-06 720 4.984E-18 96 to 720 2.501E-12 624 1.56E-09 4.81E-04 Total Drywell Shine 4.81 E-041

NEDC 05-045 Rev. 1 Attachment 5 Page 5 Drywell Shine 1.OE-04 9.OE-05 8.OE-05 7.OE-05 6.OE-05 i2 5.0E-05 0)

0. 4.OE-05 x

w 3.OE-05 2.OE-05 1.OE-05 0.OE+00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 time (h)

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 5DWP5R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 11:16:27 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:04 Case




AST LOCA Drywell Shine 0.5h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.8e+3 cm 60 ft Radius 533.4 cm 17 ft 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3870.96 cm 914.4 c m 0 cm 127 ft 30 ft 0.0 in Shield, Shield Name Dimension Mate rial Density Source 5.77e+04 f Ai r 0.00122 Shield 1 .063 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 6.0ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 3 45.688 ft Ai r 0.00122 Shield 4 1.5ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 5 21.5 ft Ai r 0.00122 Shield 6 2.0ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 7 32.75 ft Air 0.00122 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels UCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 Ba-139 Ba-140 Ce-141 Ce-143 Ce-144 Cm-242 Cm-244 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-1 34 7.1857e+005 2.6587e+016 4.3959e+002 1.6265e+007 i

Page :2 DOS File : 5DWP5RI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:16:27 AM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Cs-1 36 2.2969e+005 8.4985e+015 1.4051e+002 5.1990e+006 Cs-137 4.3115e+005 1.5953e+016 2.6376e+002 9.7591 e+006 1-131 2.9110e+006 1.0771e+017 1.7808e+003 6.5890e+007 1-132 3.8932e+006 1.4405e+017 2.3817e+003 8.8122e+007 1-133 5.8093e+006 2.1494e+017 3.5539e+003 1.3149e+008 1-134 4.3607e+006 1.6135e+017 2.6677e+003 9.8704e+007 1-135 5.2491e+006 1.9422e+017 3.2112e+003 1.1881e+008 Kr-85 4.4427e+004 1.6438e+015 2.7178e+001 1.0056e+006 Kr-85m 7.6510e+005 2.8309e+016 4.6805e+002 1.7318e+007 Kr-87 1.2016e+006 4.4459e+016 7.3509e+002 2.7198e+007 Kr-88 1.9662e+006 7.2749e+016 1.2028e+003 4.4505e+007 La-140 La-141 La-142 Mo-99 Nb-95 Nd-147 Np-239 Pr-143 Pu-238 Pu-239 Pu-240 Pu-241 Rb-86 Rh-1 05 7.4356e+003 2.7512e+014 4.5488e+000 1.6830e+005 I Ru-103 Ru-1 05 Ru-106 Sb-127 Sb-129 Sr-89 Sr-90 Sr-91 Sr-92 Tc-99m Te-127 Te-127m Te-129 Te-129m Te-1 31 m Te-132 xe-1 33 Xe-135 6.3850e+006 2.3676e+006 2.3625e+017 8.7601e+016 3.9061 e+003 1.4484e+003 1.4452e+008 5.3591 e+007

.I Y-90 Y-91 Y-92 ik"

- -l, lt- t W - W!'

Page :3 DOS File: 5DWP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:16:27 AM Duration : 00:00:04 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Y-93 Zr-95 Zr-97 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 4 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.03 1.307e+17 0.000e+00 3.488e-19 0.000e+00 3.457e-21 0.04 3.205e+14 1.279e-1 88 2.269e-21 5.656e-1 91 1.003e-23 0.06 1.059e+15 2.084e-85 1.760e-19 4.139e-88 3.495e-22 0.08 9.005e+16 2.285e-57 3.559e-17 3.616e-60 5.632e-20 0.1 1.782e+14 1.120e-49 3.256e-19 1.714e-52 4.981e-22 0.15 3.309e+16 4.765e-37 3.312e-16 7.847e-40 5.454e-1 9 0.2 1.083e+17 1.141e-31 2.520e-15 2.013e-34 4.448e- 18 0.3 2.925e+16 1.596e-26 8.993e-16 3.027e-29 1.706e-18 0.4 1.470e+17 3.853e-22 4.130e-15 7.507e-25 8.048e-1 8 0.5 2.621e+17 3.487e-1 9 6.152e-15 6.845e-22 1.208e-17 0.6 2.867e+17 4.936e-17 3.687e-14 9.635e-20 7.196e-17 0.8 5.018e+17 1.275e-1 3 4.452e-1 1 2.425e-16 8.467e-14 1.0 2.055e+17 1.078e-1 1 2.117e-09 1.987e-14 3.903e-12 1.5 1.698e+17 6.065e-08 4.768e-06 1.020e- 10 8.022e-09 2.0 8.471e+16 6.625e-06 3.024e-04 1-.024e-08 4.676e-07 3.0 6.778e+15 2.891 e-04 6.834e-03 3.922e-07 9.272e-06 TOTALS: 2.057e+18 2.958e-04 7.141e-03 4.025e-07 9.747e-06 riV T1t, I ci.

Page :4 DOS File: 5DWP5R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:16:27 AM Duration : 00:00:04

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 5DW02R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8', 2008 By:

Run Time: 11:20:39 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:05 Case




AST LOCA Drywell Shine 2h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.8e+3 cm 60 ft Radius 533.4 cm 17 ft 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3870.96 cm 914.4 c "m 0 cm 127 ft 30 )ft 0.0 in Shieldi Shield Name Dimension MatEerial Density Source 5.77e+04 ft 3 Aiir 0.00122 Shield 1 .063 ft Iro)n 7.86 Shield 2 6.0ft Conc,rete 2.35 Shield 3 45.688 ft A ir 0.00122 Shield 4 1.5ft Concsrete 2.35 Shield 5 21.5 ft Aiir 0.00122 Shield 6 2.0ft Concsrete 2.35 Shield 7 32.75 ft Air 0.00122 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Ba/cm3 Am-241 2.7740e+000 1.0264e+011 1.6970e-003 6.2789e+001 Ba-1 39 7.2337e+005 2.6765e+016 4.4253e+002 1.6373e+007 Ba-140 1.8924e+006 7.0019e+016 1.1577e+003 4.2834e+007 Ce-141 4.5078e+004 1.6679e+015 2.7577e+001 1.0203e+006 Ce-143 3.9765e+004 1.4713e+015 2.4326e+001 9.0008e+005 Ce-144 3.6923e+004 1.3662e+015 2.2588e+001 8.3575e+005 Cm-242 6.9800e+002 2.5826e+013 4.2701e-001 1.5799e+004 Cm-244 4.4801e+001 1.6576e+012 2.7407e-002 1.0141e+003 Co-58 7.7078e+002 2.8519e+013 4.7153e-001 1.7447e+004 Co-60 9.2324e+002 3.4160e+013 5.6480e-001 2.0897e+004 Cs-134 3.1970e+006 1.1829e+017 1.9558e+003 7.2364e+007

Page :2 DOS File: 5DW02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:20:39 AM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Cs-1 36 1.0186e+006 3.7688e+016 6.2313e+002 2.3056e+007 Cs-137 1.9183e+006 7.0977e+016 1.1735e+003 4.3421e+007 1-131 1.5731e+007 5.8205e+017 9.6235e+003 3.5607e+008 1-132 1.8530e+007 6.8561e+017 1.1336e+004 4.1943e+008 1-133 3.0012e+007 1.1 104e+018 1.8360e+004 6.7932e+008 1-134 7.2338e+006 2.6765e+017 4.4253e+003 1.6374e+008 1-135 2.4359e+007 9.0128e+017 1.4902e+004 5.5136e+008 Kr-85 8.8785e+005 3.2850e+016 5.4315e+002 2.0096e+007 Kr-85m 1.2123e+007 4.4855e+017 7.4163e+003 2.7440e+008 Kr-87 1.0601e+007 3.9224e+017 6.4852e+003 2.3995e+008 Kr-88 2.7246e+007 1.0081e+018 1.6668e+004 6.1671e+008 La-140 4.2842e+004 1.5852e+015 2.6209e+001 9.6973e+005 La-141 1.2650e+004 4.6805e+014 7.7387e+000 2.8633e+005 La-142 7.0617e+003 2.6128e+014 4.3200e+000 1.5984e+005 Mo-99 2.5294e+005 9.3588e+015 1.5474e+002 5.7253e+006 Nb-95 1.8081e+004 6.6900e+014 1.1061e+001 4.0926e+005 Nd-147 1.8067e+004 6.6848e+014 1.1053e+001 4.0895e+005 Np-239 5.7697e+005 2.1348e+016 3.5296e+002 1.3060e+007 Pr-143 1.6263e+004 6.0173e+014 9.9490e+000 3.6811 e+005 Pu-238 1.2916e+002 4.7789e+012 7.9014e-002 2.9235e+003 Pu-239 1.3020e+001 4.8174e+011 7.9651 e-003 2.9471 e+002 Pu-240 1.7860e+001 6.6082e+01 I 1.0926e-002 4.0426e+002 Pu-241 5.3882e+003 1.9936e+014 3.2963e+000 1.2196e+005 Rb-86 3.3007e+004 1.2213e+015 2.0192e+001 7.4711 e+005 Rh-105 1.3942e+005 5.1585e+015 8.5291e+001 3.1558e+006 Ru-103 2.1662e+005 8.0149e+015 1.3252e+002 4.9032e+006 Ru-105 1.1187e+005 4.1392e+015 6.8437e+001 2.5322e+006 Ru-106 8.7772e+004 3.2476e+015 5.3695e+001 1.9867e+006 Sb-127 3.0019e+005 1.1 107e+016 1.8364e+002 6.7948e+006 Sb-129 6,5372e+005 2.4188e+016 3.9992e+002 1.4797e+007 Sr-89 9,8369e+005 3.6397e+016 6.0178e+002 2.2266e+007 Sr-90 1.1705e+005 4.3309e+015 7.1606e+001 2.6494e+006 Sr-91 1.0813e+006 4.0008e+016 6.6149e+002 2.4475e+007 Sr-92 8.1794e+005 3.0264e+016 5.0038e+002 1.8514e+007 Tc-99m 2.2751e+005 8.4179e+015 1.3918e+002 5.1497e+006 Te-127 3.0512e+005 1.1289e+016 1.8666e+002 6.9064e+006 Te-127m 4.0974e+004 1.5160e+015 2.5066e+001 9.2744e+005 Te-129 7.3574e+005 2.7222e+016 4.5009e+002 1.6653e+007 Te-129m 1.3124e+005 4.8559e+015 8.0287e+001 2.9706e+006 Te-131m 3.8153e+005 1.4117e+016 2.3340e+002 8.6359e+006 Te-132 3.8165e+006 1.4121e+017 2.3348e+003 8.6386e+007 Xe-133 1.2720e+008 4.7064e+018 7.7815e+004 2.8792e+009 Xe-1 35 4.8674e+007 1..8009e+018 2.9777e+004 1.1017e+009 Y-90 2.1149e+003 7.8251e+013 1.2938e+000 4.7871 e+004 Y-91 1,2953e+004 4.7926e+014 7.9241 e+000 2.9319e+005 Y-92 1.3161e+005 4.8696e+01 5 8.0513e+001 2.9790e+006 "ii. ~

Page :3 DOS File : 5DW02R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:20:39 AM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Y-93 1.3933e+004 5.1552e+014 8.5236e+000 3.1537e+005 Zr-95 1.7945e+004 6.6397e+014 1.0978e+001 4.0618e+005 Zr-97 1.6769e+004 6.2045e+014 1.0259e+001 3.7957e+005 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 4 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm2 /sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.026e+12 0.000e+00 7.872e-25 0.000e+00 6.752e-26 0.02 1.024e+15 0.000e+00 1.237e-21 0.000e+00 4.283e-23 0.03 2.532e+18 0.000e+00 6.760e-18 0.000e+00 6.700e-20 0.04 3.560e+15 1.420e-187 2.520e-20 6.282e-190 1.115e-22 0.05 1.857e+16 8.340e-1 16 4.297e-19 2.222e-1 18 1.145e-21 0.06 5.272e+ 15 1.037e-84 8.759e-19 2.060e-87 1.740e-21 0.08 1.745e+18 4.428e-56 6.899e-16 7.008e-59 1.092e-18 0.1 2.438e+16 1.533e-47 4.454e-17 2.345e-50 6.814e-20 0.15 4.142e+17 5.965e-36 4.146e-15 9.823e-39 6.828e- 18 0.2 2.053e+18 2.163e-30 4.778e-14 3.817e-33 8.433e-1 7 0.3 1.991e+17 1.086e-25 6.122e-15 2.061e-28 1.161e-17 0.4 8.178e+17 2.143e-21 2.297e-14 4.175e-24 4.476e-17 0.5 1.301e+18 1.730e-18 3.053e-14 3.396e-21 5.992e-17 0.6 1.257e+18 2.163e-16 1.616e-13 4.222e-19 3.153e-16 0.8 1.659e+18 4.216e-1 3 1.472e-10 8.019e-16 2.800e-1 3 1.0 8.631e+17 4.527e-1 1 8.892e-09 8.344e-14 1.639e-11 1.5 8.881e+17 3.172e-07 2.494e-05 5.337e-10 4.195e-08 2.0 7.699e+17 6.022e-05 2.748e-03 9.312e-08 4.250e-06 3.0 6.276e+16 2.676e-03 6.327e-02 3.631 e-06 8.584e-05 4.0 6.859e+12 1.070e-05 1.704e-04 1.323e-08 2.108e-07 TOTALS: 1.461e+19 2.748e-03 6.62 1e-02 3.738e-06 9.034e-05

4NEDC Run Date: September Run Time: 11:20:39 8, 2008 05-045, Rev, Duration :00:00:05 AM

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 5DW08R1.MS5 Date:____ __

Run Date: September 8, 2008 IBy:__ _ _ _

Run Time: 11:23:54 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:05 Case




AST LOCA Drywell Shine 8h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.8e+3 cm 60 ft Radius 533.4 cm 17 ft 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3870.96 cm 914.4 cm 0 cm 127 ft 30 ft 0.0 in Shields Shield Name Dimension 3 Material Density Source 5.77e+04 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 1 .063 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 6.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 3 45.688 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 4 1.5 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 5 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 6 2.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 7 32.75 ft Air 0.00122 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library :,Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 4.5566e-002 1.6859e+009 2.7875e-005 1.0314e+000 Ba-1 39 5.8017e+002 2.1466e+013 3.5492e-001 1.3132e+004 Ba-140 3.0600e+004 1.1322e+015 1.8720e+001 6.9263e+005 Ce-141 7.3562e+002 2.7218e+013 4.5002e-001 1.6651e+004 Ce-143 5.7462e+002 2.1261e+013 3.5153e-001 1.3006e+004 Ce-144 6.0484e+002 2.2379e+013 3.7001e-001 1.3691e+004 Cm-242 1.1429e+001 4.2287e+01 1 6.9918e-003 2.5869e+002 Cm-244 7.3431e-001 2.7169e+010 4.4922e-004 1.6621e+001 Co-58 1.2603e+001 4.6631e+011 7.71 OOe-003 2.8527e+002 Co-60 1.5131e+001 5.5985e+01 1 9.2565e-003 3.4249e+002 Cs-1 34 5.2391 e+004 1.9385e+015 3.2050e+001 1.1859e+006

Page :2 DOS File: 5DW08R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:23:54 AM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Cs-1 36 1.6477e+004 6.0965e+014 1.0080e+001 3.7296e+005 Cs-137 3.1443e+004 1.1634e+015 1.9235e+001 7.1171e+005 1-131 1.1901e+006 4.4034e+016 7.2805e+002 2.6938e+007 1-132 3.5207e+005 1.3027e+016 2.1538e+002 7.9691 e+006 1-133 1.8991e+006 7.0267e+016 1.1618e+003 4.2986e+007 1-134 4.8659e+003 1.8004e+014 2.9767e+000 1.1014e+005 1-135 1.0034e+006 3.7126e+016 6.1384e+002 2.2712e+007 Kr-85 8.8005e+005 3.2562e+016 5.3838e+002 1.9920e+007 Kr-85m 4.7488e+006 1.7571e+017 2.9051 e+003 1.0749e+008 Kr-87 3.9918e+005 1.4770e+016 2.4420e+002 9.0354e+006 Kr-88 6.2441 e+006 2.3103e+017 3.8199e+003 1.4133e+008 La-140 3.6571 e+003 1.3531e+014 2.2373e+000 8.2778e+004 La-141 7.1965e+001 2.6627e+012 4.4025e-002 1.6289e+003 La-142 7.7972e+000 2.8850e+01 I 4.7700e-003 1.7649e+002 Mo-99 3.8928e+003 1.4403e+014 2.3814e+000 8.8113e+004 Nb-95 2.9635e+002 1.0965e+013 1.8129e-001 6.7079e+003 Nd-147 2.9151e+002 1.0786e+013 1.7833e-001 6.5983e+003 Np-239 8.7862e+003 3.2509e+014 5.3750e+000 1.9888e+005 Pr-143 2.7095e+002 1.0025e+013 1.6576e-001 6.1329e+003 Pu-238 2.1171ie+000 7.8333e+010 1 .2951e-003 4.7920e+001 Pu-239 2.1360e-001 7.9032e+009 1.3067e-004 4.8348e+000 Pu-240 2.9274e-001 1.0831e+010 1.7909e-004 6.6262e+000 Pu-241 8.8,315e+001 3.2677e+012 5.4027e-002 1.9990e+003 Rb-86 5.3602e+002 1.9833e+013 3.2791e-001 1.2133e+004 Rh-1 05 2.1627e+003 8.0020e+013 1.3230e+000 4.8953e+004 Ru-1 03 3.5351 e+003 1.3080e+014 2.1626e+000 8.0017e+004 Ru-105 7.1867e+002 2.6591e+013 4.3965e-001 1.6267e+004 Ru-1 06 1.4380e+003 5.3206e+013 8.7970e-001 3.2549e+004 Sb-127 4.7039e+003 1.7404e+014 2.8776e+000 1.0647e+005 Sb-129 4.0917e+003 1.5139e+014 2.5031e+000 9.2615e+004 Sr-89 1.6068e+004 5.9452e+014 9.8297e+000 3.6370e+005 Sr-90 1.9185e+003 7.0985e+013 1.1737e+000 4.3425e+004 Sr-91 1.1440e+004 4.2328e+014 6.9985e+000 2.5894e+005 Sr-92 2.8896e+003 1.0692e+014 1.7677e+000 6.5406e+004 Tc-99m 3.6315e+003 1.3437e+014 2.2216e+000 8.2199e+004 Te-127 4.8592e+003 1.7979e+014 2.9726e+000 1.0999e+005 Te-127m 6.7191e+002 2.4861e+013 4.1104e-001 1.5209e+004 Te-129 5.7674e+003 2.1339e+014 3.5282e+000 1.3054e+005 Te-129m 2.1479e+003 7.9472e+013 1.3140e+000 4.8618e+004 Te-131 m 5.4442e+003 2.0144e+014 3.3305e+000 1.2323e+005 Te- 132 5.9317e+004 2.1947e+015 3.6288e+001 1.3426e+006 Xe-133 1.2305e+008 4.5529e+018 7.5277e+004 2.7852e+009 Xe-1 35 3.7379e+007 1.3830e+018 2.2867e+004 8.4607e+008 Y-90 1.5322e+002 5.6691e+012 9.3733e-002 3.4681 e+003 Y-91 2.2952e+002 8.4922e+012 1.4041e-001 5.1952e+003 Y-92 4.7723e+003 1.7658e+014 2.9195e+000 1.0802e+005 W-1;1 -*ýtl -Qý IF!,ft

Page :3 DOS File: 5DW08RI.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:23:54 AM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Y-93 1.5130e+002 5.5981e+012 9.2559e-002 3.4247e+003 Zr-95 2.9334e+002 1.0854e+013 1.7945e-001 6.6397e+003 Zr-97 2.1491e+002 7.9517e+012 1.3147e-001 4.8645e+003 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 4 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.417e+10 0.000e+00 1.087e-26 0.000e+00 9.324e-28 0.02 1.597e+13 0.000e+00 1.928e-23 0.000e+00 6.678e-25 0.03 2.263e+18 0.000e+00 6.043e-18 0.000e+00 5.989e-20 0.04 5.378e+13 2.146e-189 3.807e-22 9.491e-192 1.684e-24 0.05 2.886e+14 1-.296e-1 17 6.679e-21 3.453e-120 1.779e-23 0.06 8.469e+13 1.666e-86 1.407e-20 3.309e-89 2.794e-23 0.08 1.672e+18 4.242e-56 6.609e-16 6.713e-59 1.046e-18 0.1 7.970e+14 5.010e-49 1.456e-18 7.665e-52 2.227e-21 0.15 1.443e+17 2.078e-36 1.445e-1 5 3.423e-39 2.379e-1 8 0.2 1.31 Oe+18 1.380e-30 3.050e-14 2.436e-33 5.383e-17 0.3 3.071e+16 1.676e-26 9.444e-16 3.179e-29 1.791e-18 0.4 6.075e+16 1.592e-22 1.707e-15 3.102e-25 3.325e-18 0.5 7.083e+16 9.422e-20 1.662e-15 1.849e-22 3.263e-18 0.6 6.744e+16 1.161,e-17 8.671e-15 2.266e-20 1.693e-17 0.8 5.940e+16 1.509e-14 5.270e-12 2.871e-17 1.002e-14 1.0 4.034e+16 2.115e-12 4.156e-10 3.899e-1 5 7.660e-1 3 1.5 6.518e+16 2.328e-08 1.830e-06 3.917e-1 1 3.079e-09 2.0 1.455e+17 1.138e-05 5.193e-04 1.760e-08 8.031e-07 3.0 3.853e+15 1.643e-04 3.884e-03 2.229e-07 5.270e-06 4.0 7.573e+09 1.181e-08 1.881e-07 1.461e-1 1 2.327e-10 TOTALS: 5.935e+18 1.757e-04 4.406e-03 2.406e-07 6.076e-06

5DW08RI.MS5 Run Date: September NEDC 05-045, Run Time: 11:23:54 8, 2008 Rev. i Duration : 00:00*05 AM

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 5DW24R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 11:27:07 AM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:05 Case




AST LOCA Drywell Shine 24h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.8e+3 cm 60 ft Radius 533.4 cm 17 ft 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3870.96 cm 914.4 c m 0 cm 127 ft 30 ft 0.0 in Shield.,

Shield Name Dimension3 MatE.rial Density Source 5.77e+04 ft Ai r 0.00122 Shield 1 .063 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 6.0 ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 3 45.688 ft IAi r 0.00122 Shield 4 1.5 ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 5 21.5 ft Ai r 0.00122 Shield 6 2.0 ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 7 32.75 ft Ai r 0.00122 Transition Ai r 0.00122 Air Gap Ai r 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015: Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels WCi/cm 3 Bq/cm 3 Am-241 5.6463e-005 2.0891 e+006 3.4542e-008 1.2780e-003 Ba-1 39 2.2898e-004 8.4723e+006 1.4008e-007 5.1830e-003 Ba-140 3.6361e+001 1.3454e+012 2.2244e-002 8.2303e+002 Ce-141 8.9402e-001 3.3079e+010 5.4692e-004 2.0236e+001 Ce-143 5.0593e-001 1.8719e+010 3.0951 e-004 1.1452e+001 Ce-144 7.4405e-001 2.7530e+010 4.5518e-004 1.6842e+001 Cm-242 1.4042e-002 5.1955e+008 8.5903e-006 3.1784e-001 Cm-244 9.0472e-004 3.3475e+007 5.5347e-007 2.0478e-002 Co-58 1.5428e-002 5.7084e+008 9.4382e-006 3.4921e-001 Co-60 1.8640e-002 6.8968e+008 1.1403e-005 4.2192e-001 Cs-134 6.4514e+001 2.3870e+012 3.9467e-002 1.4603e+003

Page :2 DOS File: 5DW24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev.

Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:27:07 AM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Cs-136 1.9598e+001 7.2513e+01 1 1.1989e-002 4.4360e+002 Cs-137 3.8741e+001 1.4334e+012 2.3700e-002 8.7690e+002 1-131 8.7946e+005 3.2540e+016 5.3801 e+002 1.9907e+007 1-132 3.0374e+003 1.1238e+014 1.8581e+000 6.8751 e+004 1-133 8.7209e+005 3.2267e+016 5.3351e+002 1.9740e+007 1-134 1.2209e-002 4.5173e+008 7.4689e-006 2.7635e-001 1-135 1.4669e+005 5.4275e+015 8.9738e+001 3.3203e+006 Kr-85 8.5942e+005 3.1799e+016 5.2575e+002 1.9453e+007 Kr-85m 3.9013e+005 1.4435e+016 2.3866e+002 8.8306e+006 Kr-87 6.3587e+001 2.3527e+012 3.8900e-002 1.4393e+003 Kr-88 1.2282e+005 4.5443e+015 7.5136e+001 2.7800e+006 La-140 1.2334e+001 4.5636e+01 1 7.5454e-003 2.7918e+002 La-141 5.2750e-003 1.9518e+008 3.2270e-006 1.1940e-001 La-142 7.2177e-006 2.6705e+005 4.4155e-009 1.6337e-004 Mo-99 4.0546e+000 1.5002e+01 1 2.4804e-003 9.1776e+001 Nb-95 3.6503e-001 1.3506e+010 2.2331 e-004 8.2624e+000 Nd-147 3.4438e-001 1.2742e+010 2.1068e-004 7.7950e+000 Np-239 8.8971 e+000 3.2919e+01 1 5.4428e-003 2.0139e+002 Pr-143 3.4280e-001 1.2684e+010 2.0971 e-004 7.7593e+000 Pu-238 2.6088e-003 9.6526e+007 1.5959e-006 5.9050e-002 Pu-239 2.6370e-004 9.7569e+006 1.6132e-007 5.9688e-003 Pu-240 3.6070e-004 1.3346e+007 2.2066e-007 8.1644e-003 Pu-241 1.0881e-001 4.0260e+009 6.6565e-005 2.4629e+000 Rb-86 6.4431e-001 2.3839e+010 3.9416e-004 1.4584e+001 Rh-105 2.0299e+000 7.5106e+010 1.2418e-003 4.5947e+001 Ru-1 03 4.3048e+000 1.5928e+011 2.6335e-003 9.7439e+001 Ru-1 05 7.2845e-002 2.6953e+009 4.4563e-005 1.6488e+000 Ru-1 06 1.7696e+000 6.5475e+010 1.0826e-003 4.0055e+001 Sb-127 5.1404e+000 1.9019e+01 1 3.1447e-003 1.1635e+002 Sb-129 3.8694e-001 1.4317e+010 2.3671 e-004 8.7584e+000 Sr-89 1.9619e+001 7.2590e+01 1 1.2002e-002 4.4408e+002 Sr-90 2.3638e+000 8.7461e+O 10 1.4461e-003 5.3505e+001 Sr-91 4.3863e+000 1.6229e+011 2.6833e-003 9.9284e+001 Sr-92 5.9457e-002 2.1999e+009 3.6373e-005 1.3458e+000 Tc-99m 3.9167e+000 1.4492e+01 1 2.3961e-003 8.8654e+001 Te-127 5.4798e+000 2.0275e+01 1 3.3523e-003 1.2404e+002 Te-127m 8.2856e-001 3.0657e+010 5.0688e-004 1.8754e+001 Te-129 2.1735e+000 8.0420e+010 1.3297e-003 4.9197e+001 Te-129m 2.6158e+000 9.6785e+010 1.6002e-003 5.9209e+001 Te-131m 4.6350e+000 1.7150e+011 2.8355e-003 1.0491e+002 Te-1 32 6.3424e+001 2.3467e+012 3.8800e-002 1.4356e+003 Xe-1 33 1.1194e+008 4.1418e+018 6.8480e+004 2.5338e+009 Xe-135 1.4707e+007 5.4416e+017 8.9971 e+003 3.3289e+008 Y-90 5.3504e-001 1.9796e+010 3.2731e-004 1.2111 e+001 Y-91 3.0804e-001 1.1397e+010 1.8845e-004 6.9725e+000 Y-92 5.7160e-001 2.1149e+010 3.4968e-004 1.2938e+001

Page :3 DOS File: 5DW24R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 11:27:07 AM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels uCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Y-93 6.2175e-002 2.3005e+009 3.8036e-005 1.4073e+000 Zr-95 3.5883e-001 1.3277e+010 2.1952e-004 8.1221e+000 Zr-97 1.3738e-001 5.0831 e+009 8.4043e-005 3.1096e+000 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 4 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 1.319e+07 0.000e+00 1.012e-29 0.000e+00 8.678e-31 0.02 1.702e+10 0.000e+00 2.055e-26 0.000e+00 7.120e-28 0.03 2.016e+18 0.000e+00 5.383e-18 0.000e+00 5.335e-20 0.04 6.075e+10 2.424e-1 92 4.301e-25 1.072e-194 1.902e-27 0.05 3.086e+1 1 1.386e-120 7.143e-24 3.693e-123 1.903e-26 0.06 9.908e+10 1.949e-89 1.646e-23 3.872e-92 3.269e-26 0.08 1.521e+18 3.858e-56 6.011 e-16 6.106e-59 9.512e-19 0.1 9.311 e+12 5.853e-51 1.701e-20 8.955e-54 2.602e-23 0.15 1.262e+16 1.818e-37 1.263e-16 2.993e-40 2.081e-19 0.2 4.935e+17 5.199e-31 1.149e-14 9.177e-34 2.028e-17 0.3 4.540e+15 2.477e-27 1.396e-16 4.699e-30 2.648e-19 0.4 3.016e+16 7.902e-23 8.472e-16 1.540e-25 1.651e-18 0.5 2.935e+16 3.905e-20 6.889e-16 7.664e-23 1.352e-18 0.6 1.991e+16 3.427e-18 2.559e-15 6.689e-21 4.996e-18 0.8 4.290e+15 1.090e-15 3.806e-1 3 2.073e-1 8 7.239e-16 1.0 3.412e÷15 1.790e-13 3.515e-11 3.299e-16 6.480e-14 1.5 4.550e+15 1.625e-09 1.278e-07 2.734e-12 2.149e-1 0 2.0 3.364e+15 2.63le-07 1.201e-05 4.068e-10 1.857e-08 3.0 3.541e+13 1.51 Oe-06 3.570e-05 2.049e-09 4.843e-08 4.0 7.010e+03 1.093e-14 1.741e-13 1.353e-17 2.154e-16 TOTALS: 4.143e+18 1.775e-06 4.783e-05 2.458e-09 6.722e-08

Run Date: September  : 4NEDC Run Time- 11:27"07 8, 2008 AM 05-045, Rev-Duration " 00:00:05

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref: I DOS File: 5DW96R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 12:33:06 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:05 Case




AST LOCA Drywell Shine 96h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.8e+3 cm 60 ft Radius 533.4 cm 17 ft 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3870.96 cm 914.4 c m 0 cm 127 ft 30 ft 0.0 in Shield.,

Shield Name Dimension Mate.rial Density Source 5.77e+04 f Ai r 0.00122 Shield 1 .063 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 6.0ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 3 45.688 ft Ai r 0.00122 Shield 4 1.5 ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 5 21.5 ft Ai r 0.00122 Shield 6 2.0 ft Conc rete 2.35 Shield 7 32.75 ft Ai r 0.00122 Transition Ai r 0.00122 Air Gap Ai r 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff: 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Am-241 4.0985e-008 1.5164e+003 2.5073e-01 1 9.2769e-007 Ba-139 3.0540e-023 1.1300e-012 1.8683e-026 6.9127e-022 Ba-140 2.1863e-002 8.0893e+008 1.3375e-005 4.9487e-001 Ce-141 5.9368e-004 2.1966e+007 3.6319e-007 1.3438e-002 Ce-143 7.8935e-005 2.9206e+006 4.8289e-008 1.7867e-003 Ce-144 5.2288e-004 1.9347e+007 3.1987e-007 1 .1835e-002 Cm-242 9.8144e-006 3.6313e+005 6.0040e-009 2.2215e-004 Cm-244 6.4026e-007 2.3690e+004 3.9168e-010 1.4492e-005 Co-58 1.0605e-005 3.9239e+005 6.4877e-009 2.4004e-004 Co-60 1.3181e-005 4.8770e+005 8.0635e-009 2.9835e-004 Cs-134 4.5544e-002 1.6851e+009 2.7862e-005 1.0309e+000 d.l.-M.11-T -Aiý, lfl',WýW-f-,, [W-1 Zjjý , '71ý ý4ý': 4-ýz

Page :2 DOS File: 5DW96R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 12:33:06 PM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Cs-1 36 1.1 837e-002 4.3797e+008 7.2413e-006 2.6793e-001 Cs-137 2.7420e-002 1.0145e+009 1.6774e-005 6.2065e-001 1-131 6.4365e+005 2.3815e+016 3.9376e+002 1.4569e+007 1-132 3.7155e-002 1.3747e+009 2.2730e-005 8.41OOe-001 1-133 7.5040e+004 2.7765e+015 4.5906e+001 1.6985e+006 1-134 2.1880e-027 8.0956e-017 1.3385e-030 4.9525e-026 1-135 7.3142e+001 2.7063e+012 4.4745e-002' 1.6556e+003 Kr-85 8.1447e+005 3.0135e+016 4.9826e+002 1.8435e+007 Kr-85m 5.3719e+000 1.9876e+011 3.2863e-003 1.2159e+002 Kr-87 5.4496e-016 2.0164e-005 3.3338e-019 1.2335e-014 Kr-88 2.7190e-003 1.0060e+008 1.6634e-006 6.1544e-002 La-140 1.9150e-002 7.0855e+008 1 .1715e-005 4.3346e-001 La-141 1.1406e-01 1 4.2202e-001 6.9777e-015 2.5817e-010 La-142 4.4613e-023 1.6507e-012 2.7292e-026 1.0098e-021 Mo-99 1.3475e-003 4.9858e+007 8.2434e-007 3.0501e-002 Nb-95 2.5778e-004 9.5379e+006 1.5770e-007 5.8348e-003 Nd-147 2.0173e-004 7.4640e+006 1.2341e-007 4.5661 e-003 Np-239 2.6046e-003 9.6370e+007 1.5934e-006 5.8955e-002 Pr-143 2.3393e-004 8.6554e+006 1.4311 e-007 5.2950e-003 Pu-238 1.8473e-006 6.8350e+004 1.1301e-009 4.1814e-005 Pu-239 1.8767e-007 6.9438e+003 1.1481e-010 4.2479e-006 Pu-240 2.5535e-007 9.4480e+003 1.5621e-010 5.7798e-006 Pu-241 7.6996e-005 2.8489e+006 4.7103e-008 1.7428e-003 Rb-86 4.0801 e-004 1.5096e+007 2.4960e-007 9.2353e-003 Rh-1 05 3.5215e-004 1.3030e+007 2.1543e-007 7.9709e-003 Ru-103 2.8903e-003 1.0694e+008 1.7682e-006 6.5422e-002 Ru-1 05 6.7734e-010 2.5062e+001 4.1437e-013 1.5332e-008 Ru-i 06 1.2457e-003 4.6091e+007 7.6206e-007 2.8196e-002 Sb-127 2.1203e-003 7.8451e+007 1.2971e-006 4.7993e-002 Sb-1 29 2.6330e-009 9.7421e+001 1.6108e-012 5.9598e-008 Sr-89 1.3328e-002 4.9314e+008 8.1535e-006 3.0168e-001 Sr-90 1.6730e-003 6.1901e+007 1.0235e-006 3.7868e-002 Sr-91 1.6240e-005 6.0088e+005 9.9349e-009 3.6759e-004 Sr-92 4.2300e-013 1.5651e-002 2.5877e-016 9.5746e-0 12 Tc-99m 1.3186e-003 4.8788e+007 8.0666e-007 2.9846e-002 Te-127 2.5251 e-003 9.3429e+007 1.5447e-006 5.7156e-002 Te-127m 5.8501 e-004 2.1645e+007 3.5788e-007 1.3242e-002 Te-129 1.1951e-003 4.4219e+007 7.3111 e-007 2.7051 e-002 Te-129m 1.7409e-003 6.4413e+007 1.0650e-006 3.9405e-002 Te-131m 6.2166e-004 2.3001e+007 3.8030e-007 1.4071e-002 Te-132 2.3717e-002 8.7753e+008 1.4509e-005 5.3683e-001 Xe-1 33 7.3336e+007 2.7134e+018 4.4864e+004 1.6600e+009 Xe-135 8.1444e+004 3.0134e+015 4.9824e+001 1.8435e+006 Y-90 1.0806e-003 3.9982e+007 6.6106e-007 2.4459e-002 Y-91 2.1898e-004 8.1023e+006 1.3396e-007 4.9566e-003 Y-92 4.0920e-010 1.5140e+001 2.5033e-013 9.2622e-009 U- it: ý 7' .-W C-11,qý7v,

Page 3 DOS File: 5DW96R1 .MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 12:33:06 PM Duration: 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels pCi/cm3 Bq/cm 3 Y-93 3.1451e-007 1.1637e+004 1.9240e-010 7.1189e-006 Zr-95 2.4590e-004 9.0983e+006 1.5043e-007 5.5659e-003 Zr-97 5.0745e-006 1.8776e+005 3.1044e-009 1.1486e-004 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 4 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2isec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 7.814e+03 0.000e+00 5.995e-33 0.000e+00 5.143e-34 0.02 6.132e+06 0.000e+00 7.403e-30 0.000e+00 2.564e-31 0.03 1.303e+18 0.000e+00 3.478e-18 0.000e+00 3.447e-20 0.04 3.333e+07 1.330e-195 2.359e-28 5.882e-1 98 1.044e-30 0.05 1.156e+08 5.191e-124 2.675e-27 1.383e-126 7.125e-30 0.06 5.722e+07 1 .126e-92 9.505e-27 2.236e-95 1.888e-29 0.08 9.964e+17 2.528e-56 3.938e-16 4.000e-59 6.232e-1 9 0.1 1.108e+08 6.964e-56 2.024e-25 1.065e-58 3.096e-28 0.15 8.847e+12 1.274e-40 8.856e-20 2.098e-43 1.458e-22 0.2 4.704e+15 4.955e-33 1.095e-16 8.746e-36 1.932e-19 0.3 1.572e+15 8.578e-28 4.834e-17 1.627e-30 9.170e-20 0.4 1.936e+16 5.073e-23 5.439e-16 9.885e-26 1.060e-18 0.5 2.681e+15 3.566e-21 6.291e-17 6.999e-24 1.235e-19 0.6 1.908e+15 3.285e-19 2.453e-16 6.411 e-22 4.788e-19 0.8 6.463e+14 1.642e-16 5.734e-14 3.123e-19 1.091e-16 1.0 6.760e+13 3.546e-15 6.965e- 13 6.536e-18 1.284e-15 1.5 7.030e+13 2.511 e-1 1 1.974e-09 4.224e-14 3.321e-12 2.0 2.979e+11 2.330e-1 1 1.063e-09 3.603e-14 1.644e-12 3.0 2.601e+07 1.109e-12 2.622e-1 1 1.505e-15 3.557e-14 4.0 4.333e-14 6.758e-32 1.076e-30 8.361e-35 1.332e-33 TOTALS: 2.330e+18 4.952e-1 1 3.064e-09 7.978e-14 5.002e-12

Page :4 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 DOS File: 5DW96R1.MS5 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 12:33:06 PM Duration : 00:00:05

MicroShield v5.05 (5.05-00408) NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Nebraska Public Power District Page :1 File Ref:

DOS File: 5DW720R1.MS5 Date:

Run Date: September 8, 2008 By:

Run Time: 12:37:32 PM Checked:

Duration : 00:00:05 Case




AST LOCA Drywell Shine 720h Geometry: 7 - Cylinder Volume - Side Shields Source Dimensions Height 1.8e+3 cm 60 ft Radius 533.4 cm 17 ft 6.0 in Dose Points X Y z

  1. 1 3870.96 cm 914.4 cm 0 cm 127 ft 30 ft 0.0 in Shields Shield Name E)imension Material Density Source 5. 77e+04 ft3 Air 0.00122 Shield 1 .063 ft Iron 7.86 Shield 2 6.0 ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 3 45.688 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 4 1.5ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 5 21.5 ft Air 0.00122 Shield 6 2.0ft Concrete 2.35 Shield 7 32.75 ft Air 0.00122 Transition Air 0.00122 Air Gap Air 0.00122 Source Input Grouping Method : Standard Indices Number of Groups : 25 Lower Energy Cutoff : 0.015 Photons < 0.015 : Excluded Library : Grove 3 Nuclide cur ies becquerels WCi/cm Bq/cm 3 Am-241 2.4924,e-035 9.2219e-025 1.5247e-03 8 5.6415e-034 I Ba-139 Ba-140 2.6617e-030 9.8483e-020 1.6283e-033 6.0247e-029 Ce-141 1.7081 e-031 6.3200e-021 1.0449e-034 3.8663e-030 Ce-143 8.0326e-038 2.9721 e-027 4.9140e-041 1.8182e-036 Ce-144 2.4584e-031 9.0961 e-021 1.5039e-034 5.5646e-030 Cm-242 4.4013e-033 1.6285e-022 2.6925e-036 9.9623e-032 Cm-244 3.1986e-034 1 .1835e-023 1.9568e-037 7.2400e-033 Co-58 4.1188e-033 1.5240e-022 2.5197e-036 9.3229e-032 Co-60 6.5415e-033 2.4204e-022 4.0018e-036 1.4807e-031 Cs-1 34 2.2275e-029 8.2418e-019 1.3627e-032 5.0419e-028 A

Page :2 DOS File: 5DW720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. 1 Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 12:37:32 PM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels wCi/cm 3 Bq/cm3 Cs-1 36 1.4983e-030 5.5437e-020 9.1659e-034 3.3914e-029 Cs-137 1.3713e-029 5.0738e-019 8.3890e-033 3.1039e-028 1-131 4.3146e+004 1.5964e+015 2.6395e+001 9.7661e+005 1-132 7.3742e-032 2.7285e-021 4.5112e-035 1.6691e-030 1-133 4.4072e-005 1.6307e+006 2.6961 e-008 9.9757e-004 1-134 1-135 1.7619e-027 6.5190e-017 1.0779e-030 3.9881 e-026 Kr-85 5.1126e+005 1.8917e+016 3.1277e+002 1.1572e+007 Kr-85m 3.9876e-042 1.4754e-031 2.4394e-045 9.0259e-041 Kr-87 Kr-88 1.2370e-069 4.5769e-059 7.5674e-073 2.7999e-068 La-140 3.0703e-030 1.1360e-019 1.8783e-033 6.9496e-029 La-141 9.1160e-087 3.3729e-076 5.5768e-090 2.0634e-085 La-142 Mo-99 9.621 Oe-034 3.5598e-023 5.8857e-037 2.1777e-032 Nb-95 1.1 946e-031 4.42OOe-021 7.3080e-035 2.7040e-030 Nd-147 1.9576e-032 7.2431 e-022 1.1976e-035 4.431 Oe-031 Np-239 6.1953e-034 2.2923e-023 3.7900e-037 1.4023e-032 Pr-143 3.2205e-032 1.1916e-021 1.9702e-035 7.2896e-031 Pu-238 9.2748e-034 3.4317e-023 5.6739e-037 2.0993e-032 Pu-239 9.4360e-035 3.4913e-024 5.7725e-038 2.1358e-033 Pu-240 1.2792e-034 4.7330e-024 7.8256e-038 2.8955e-033 Pu-241 3.8439e-032 1.4222e-021 2.3515e-035 8.7006e-031 Rb-86 7.7807e-032 2.8789e-021 4.7599e-035 1.7612e-030 Rh-1 05 8.5945e-037 3.1800e-026 5.2577e-040 1.9454e-035 Ru-103 9.1511 e-031 3.3859e-020 5.5982e-034 2.0713e-029 Ru-1 05 1.6737e-079 6.1927e-069 1.0239e-082 3.7884e-078 Ru-106 5.9420e-031 2.1985e-020 3.6351 e-034 1.3450e-029 Sb-127 9.8461e-033 3.6431 e-022 6.0234e-036 2.2287e-031 Sb-129 4.3464e-080 1.6082e-069 2.6589e-083 9.8381 e-079 Sr-89 4.6727e-030 1.7289e-019 2.8585e-033 1.0577e-028 Sr-90 8.3667e-03 1 3.0957e-020 5.1184e-034 1.8938e-029 Sr-91 1.3723e-052 5.0775e-042 8.3951 e-056 3.1062e-051 Sr-92 Tc-99m 9.4146e-034 3.4834e-023 5.7594e-037 2.1310e-032 Te-127 2.6081 e-031 9.6500e-021 1.5955e-034 5.9034e-030 Te-127m 2.5427e-031 9.4080e-021 1.5555e-034 5.7554e-030 Te-1 29 3.5015e-031 1.2956e-020 2.1421e-034 7.9256e-030 Te-129m 5.1007e-031 1.8873e-020 3.1204e-034 1.1 545e-029 Te-1 31 m 1.7058e-037 6.3115e-027 1.0435e-040 3.8611 e-036 Te-132 4.7073e-032 1.7417e-021 2.8797e-035 1.0655e-030 Xe-133 1.4953e+006 5.5326e+016 9.1476e+002 3.3846e+007 Xe-1 35 1.1619e-016 4.2990e-006 7.1080e-020 2.6300e-015 Y-90 8.3736e-031 3.0982e-020 5.1226e-034 1.8954e-029 Y-91 8.0633e-032 2.9834e-021 4.9328e-035 1.8251e-030 Y-92 1.7795e-090 6.5842e-080 1.0886e-093 4.0279e-089 A

Page :3 DOS File : 5DW720R1.MS5 NEDC 05-045, Rev. I Run Date: September 8, 2008 Run Time: 12:37:32 PM Duration : 00:00:05 Nuclide curies becquerels lCi/cm3 Bq/cm3 Y-93 3.9732e-053 1.4701e-042 2.4306e-056 8.9933e-052 Zr-95 9.2942e-032 3.4389e-021 5.6858e-035 2.1037e-030 Zr-97 1.9509e-044 7.2183e-034 1.1935e-047 4.4159e-043 Buildup The material reference is : Shield 4 Integration Parameters Radial 10 Circumferential 10 Y Direction (axial) 20 Results Energy Activity Fluence Rate Fluence Rate Exposure Rate Exposure Rate MeV photons/sec MeV/cm 2/sec MeV/cm 2/sec mR/hr mR/hr No Buildup With Buildup No Buildup With Buildup 0.015 3.616e-24 0.000e+00 2.775e-60 0.000e+00 2.380e-61 0.02 3.013e-22 0.000e+00 3.638e-58 0.000e+00 1.260e-59 0.03 2.661ee+ 16 0.000e+00- 7.105e-20 0.000e+00 7.042e-22 0.04 5.978e-21 2.385e-223 4.232e-56 1.055e-225 1.872e-58 0.05 3:548e-22 1.594e-153 8.212e-57 4.246e-1 56 2.188e-59 0.06 6.963e-21 1.370e-120 1.157e-54 2.721e-123 2.297e-57 0.08 2.035e+16 5.162e-58 8.041e-18 8.169e-61 1.273e-20 0.1 8.298e-22 5.216e-85 1.516e-54 7.980e-88 2.319e-57 0.15 1.241e-08 1.787e-61 1.242e-40 2.942e-64 2.045e-43 0.2 4.361e+13 4.594e-35 1.015e-18 8.109e-38 1.792e-21 0.3 1.043e+14 5.691e-29 3.207e-18 1.079e-31 6.084e-21 0.4 1.296e+15 3.395e-24 3.640e-17 6.615e-27 7.092e-20 0.5 8.785e+13 1.169e-22 2.062e-1 8 2.294e-25 4.047e-21 0.6 1.194e+14 2.056e-20 1.535e-17 4.013e-23 2.997e-20 0.8 2.878e+13 7.311 e-18 2.553e-15 1.391e-20 4.856e-18 1.0 3.905e+04 2.048e-24 4.023e-22 3.775e-27 7.415e-25 1.5 4.043e+04 1.444e-20 1.135e-18 2.429e-23 1.910e-21 2.0 7.174e-18 5.611 e-40 2.561 e-38 8.677e-43 3.960e-41 3.0 4.045e-21 1.725e-40 4.078e-39 2.341e-43 5.533e-42 TOTALS: 4.864e+16 7.346e-18 2.620e-1 5 1.397e-20 4.984e-1 8 A

Run Date: September  : 4NEDC Run Time: 12:37:32 8, 2008 05-045, Rev.1 Duration : 00:00:05 PM