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Power Plant Research Program Environmental Radionuclide Concentrations in the Vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station: 2004-2005
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom, 05200016  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/30/2008
From: Hood B, Jones T, Mclean R
State of MD, Dept of Natural Resources, Versar
Office of New Reactors
+reviewedjr, PPRP-R-30 DNR 12-422008-296
Download: ML091350081 (92)







Martin O'Malley, Governor Anthony G. Brown, Lt. Governor The Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) seeks to preserve, protect and enhance the living resources of the State. Working in partnership with the citizens of Maryland, this worthwhile goal will become a reality. This publication provides information that will increase your understanding of how DN R strives to reach that goal through its many diverse programs.

John R. Griffin, Secretary Maryland Department of Natural Resources I


.I I




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Maryland Department of Natural Resources Tawes State Ol1ice Building 580 Taylor Avenue Annapolis. Maryland 21401-2397 Toll Free in Maryland: 1-877-620-8DNR %8660 Outside Nlarylaud: 1-410-260-8660 TTY users call via the MNlaryland Relay I



9200 Rumsey Road Columbia, Maryland 21045 and Richard I. McLean Power Plant Research Program Maryland Department of Natural Resources Tawes State Office Building Annapolis, Maryland 21401 April 2008

Foreword FOREWORD This report, Environmental Radionuclide Concentrations in the Vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and The Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station:

2004-2005, contains the results of monitoring and research programs conducted by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Power Plant Research Program (PPRP), to evaluate the fate and effects of radionuclides released from the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station in 2004 and 2005. This is the 17th in a series of radiological assessment reports detailing PPRP's monitoring efforts since 1975. This report was prepared under Contract Numbers K00B0200109 and KOOB5200176 between the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Power Plant Research Program, and Versar, Inc.

The authors thank Captain Rick Younger and Jake Hollinger of the R/V Kerhin (Maryland Geological Survey) for assistance with the collection of sediments for radiological analysis.

We thank Mr. George R. Abbe and staff (Morgan State University, Estuarine Research Center) for designing equipment and collecting oyster samples.

We also thank Craig Bruce, Martin Berlett, Megen McBride, J. Peyton Emerson, and Katherine Dillow of Versar, Inc. for collecting samples of sediment and biota.

We also thank Constellation Energy Group for providing radionuclide-release data for the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and Exelon Nuclear for providing radionuclide-release data for the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station.

Brent Hood and Bradford Johnson provided assistance with sediment and biological sample collection, sample preparation, sediment particle size analysis, and reduction of radiological data for incorporation into a computer database. Brent Hood prepared tables and graphics from accumulated data.

Jodi Dew provided assistance with data quality control, results calculation, and management of the long-term database.

Carol DeLisle provided technical editing, and Sherian George supervised the production of this report.

The preferred citation for this report is:

Jones, T.S. et al.

Environmental radionuclide concentrations in the vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station: 2004-2005.

PPRP-R-30. April 2008. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Power Plant Research Program, Annapolis, MD.


Foreword iv

Abstract ABSTRACT The Maryland Power Plant Research Program monitors concentrations of natural, weapons-related, and power plant-produced radionuclides in environmental samples collected from Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (CCNPP) and from the Susquehanna River-Chesapeake Bay system in the vicinity of Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS). The purpose of this monitoring is to determine the fate, transport, and potential effects of radionuclides released from power plants.

This report describes monitoring activities and data collected during the 2004 and 2005 calendar years and is the 1 7th in a series that documents results of monitoring studies conducted at CCNPP since 1975 and at PBAPS since 1979.

Radionuclide concentrations in shellfish, finfish, aquatic vegetation, and sediment were measured using high-resolution gamma spectrometry. Radionuclides in environmental samples originated from natural sources, historic atmospheric testing of weapons, and normal operations of CCNPP and PBAPS.

Naturally occurring radioactive isotope of potassium (40K) and decay products of uranium and thorium were detected in most samples of biota and all samples of sediment collected during the monitoring period.

Concentrations of naturally occurring radionuclides were typically orders of magnitude greater than those of radionuclides released from power plants. Cesium-1 37 was the only radionuclide associated with the fallout from weapons testing detected in environmental samples collected in 2004 and 2005.

Small concentrations of radionuclides originating from CCNPP and PBAPS were detected in many of the sediment samples collected in the vicinity of the plants.

The principal plant-related radionuclide was an isotope of cobalt (6"Co) detected in sediments at PBAPS.

Radionuclides attributable to CCNPP and PBAPS represented a small fraction of the total radionuclides detected in the sediments and biota collected near CCNPP and PBAPS.

The estimated dose of radiation that biota near power plants could deliver to humans did not exceed any of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission's action levels.

The concentrations of radionuclides found in sediments and biota during this monitoring period do not represent a risk to the ecological health of Chesapeake Bay or Susquehanna River.

The incremental contribution of radioactivity and the corresponding dose of radiation attributable to the operation of CCNPP and PBAPS are minimal when compared with natural levels of radioactivity and the associated natural dose of radiation.

The concentrations of radionuclides in sediments and biota would increase the radiological dose to humans by no more than 0.001 %.





Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Page FOREW ORD........................................................................................................

iiii ABSTRACT.............................................................................................................

v ACRONYMS, CHEMICAL ABBREVIATIONS, AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT................ xiii RADIOLOGICAL DEFINITIONS..................................................................................



1-1 1.1 MONITORING OBJECTIVES................................................................ 1-1


OF PLANTS AND STUDY SITES..................................... 1-2 1.2.1 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant............................................. 1-2 1.2.2 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station....................................... 1-3 2.0 METHODS AND MATERIALS........................................................................ 2-1 2.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION....................................................................... 2-1 2.1.1 Sediments.............................................................................. 2-4 2.1.2 Biota..................................................................................... 2-4 2.2 MEASUREMENT OF GAMMA-EMITTING RADIONUCLIDES IN BIOTA AND SEDIMENTS.............................................................................. 2-4 2.2.1 Sample Preparation................................................................. 2-4 2.2.2 Gamma Spectrometry.............................................................. 2-5 2.3 DETERMINATION OF SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS............................ 2-6 2.4 DATA ANALYSIS.............................................................................. 2-6 2.5 DETERMINATION OF POW ER PLANT CESIUM-1 37............................... 2-6 2.6 DATA PRESENTATION...................................................................... 2-8 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION........................................................................ 3-1 3.1 SOURCES OF RADIONUCLIDES.......................................................... 3-1 3.1.1 Radionuclides from CCNPP and PBAPS...................................... 3-1 3.1.2 Natural Radionuclides.............................................................. 3-8 3.1.3 Radionuclides from W eapons Tests........................................... 3-9 3.2 RADIONUCLIDES IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAM PLES................................. 3-9 3.2.1 Sediments.............................................................................. 3-9 3.2.2 Biota................................................................................... 3-16 3.3 RADIOLOGICAL EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND HUMAN HEALTH........................................................................................ 3-18 3.3.1 Effect on the Environment...................................................... 3-18 3.3.2 Effect on Human Health......................................................... 3-18 vii

Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) 4.0 5.0 Page CONCLUSIONS.......................................................................................... 4-1 REFERENCES............................................................................................. 5-1 APPENDICES A

COORDINATES OF SAMPLING STATIONS................................................ A-1 B


List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page-2-1 Transects and stations for samples collected from Chesapeake Bay................... 2-2 2-2 Transects and stations for samples collected from lower Susquehanna River and upper Chesapeake Bay.................................................................. 2-3 3-1 Relative contributions of noble gases, tritium, and environmentally significant radionuclides released from CCNPP, 2004-2005............................................. 3-2 3-2 Relative contributions of noble gases, tritium, and environmentally significant radionuclides released from PBAPS, 2004-2005.............................................. 3-3 3-3 Releases of noble gases, tritium, and environmentally significant radionuclides from CCNPP and PBAPS, 2004-2005............................................................ 3-4 3-4 Annual aqueous releases of 137Cs from CCNPP, 1996-2005............................. 3-6 3-5 Annual aqueous releases of 137Cs from PBAPS, 1996-2005.............................. 3-6 3-6 Annual aqueous releases of 60Co from CCNPP, 1996-2005.............................. 3-7 3-7 Annual aqueous releases of 6"Co from PBAPS, 1996-2005............................... 3-7 3-8 Mean particle size values for sediments collected from the vicinity of CC NPP, 2004-2005.................................................................................. 3-10 3-9 Mean particle size values for sediments collected from the vicinity of PBA PS, 2004-2005.................................................................................. 3-11 3-10 Geographical distribution of average activity of 60Co near CCNPP, 20 0 4 -20 0 5..............................................................................................

3 -12 3-11 Proportion of gamma-emitting radionuclides in sediment samples.................... 3-13 3-12 Proportion of gamma-emitting radionuclides in sediment samples.................... 3-13 3-13 Total annual release of 137Cs from CCNPP and average annual activity of 137Cs in CCNPP sediments, Flag Ponds transect, 1983-2005.................................. 3-1 5 3-14 Total annual release of 137Cs from PBAPS and average annual activity of 137Cs in PBAPS sediments, Broad Creek transect, 1983-2005......................... 3-15 ix

List of Figures LIST OF FIGURES (Continued)



Figure Number Page 3-15 Concentration of ilomAg in aqueous effluent from CCNPP and in 3-month tray oysters, 1994-200 5.................................................................................. 3-17 x


List of Tables LIST OF TABLES Table-Number Page 2-1 Environmental samples for radiological analysis collected in 2004-2005 from Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of CCNPP............................................... 2-1 2-2 Environmental samples for radiological analysis collected in 2004-2005 from lower Susquehanna River and upper Chesapeake Bay............................... 2-1 2-3 Determ ination of the lower limit of detection.................................................. 2-7 2-4 Approximate lower limits (99%) of detection for selected counting geom etries (pC i/kg)..................................................................................... 2-8 3-1 Annual releases (curies) from all pathways of noble gases, tritium, iodines and particulates from CCNPP and PBAPS, 2004-2005..................................... 3-4 3-2 Total environmentally significant releases from CCNPP and PBAPS to the aqueous pathw ay, 1996-2005...................................................................

3-5 3-3 Quantities of environmentally significant radionuclides released from CCNPP and PBAPS via the aqueous pathway during 2004-2005.................................. 3-8 3-4 Percent detection frequency of 60Co in CCNPP and PBAPS sediments, 19 9 6 -20 0 5..............................................................................................

3-12 3-5 Comparison of 137Cs released from CCNPP and PBAPS and sediment activities at representative transects, 1981 and 2005.................................... 3-16 3-6 Estimated maximum dose commitments in millirem per year to individuals who consume finfish from Conowingo Pond, 2004-2005....................................... 3-19 xi

List of Tables xii

Acronyms, Chemical Abbreviations, and Units of Measurements ACRONYMS, CHEMICAL ABBREVIATIONS, AND UNITS OF MEASUREMENT ACRONYMS BGE BWR CCNPP DNR LLD MDE NIST PBAPS PECO PPRP PWR USAEC USEPA USGS USNRC Baltimore Gas and Electric Company Boiling Water Reactor Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Maryland Department of Natural Resources Lower Limit of Detection Maryland Department of the Environment National Institute of Science of Technology Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Philadelphia Electric Company Power Plant Research Program Pressurized Water Reactor United States Atomic Energy Commission United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Geological Survey United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission CHEMICALS Ag Ac Be Bi C

Ce Co Cr Cs Cu Fe Ge H

.3H I

K La silver actinium beryllium bismuth carbon cerium cobalt chromium cesium copper iron germanium hydrogen tritium iodine potassium lanthanum Li Na Nb P

Pb Ra Ru Sb Se Sr Th TI U

Xe Zn Zr lithium sodium niobium phosphorus lead radium ruthenium antimony selenium strontium thorium thallium uranium xenon zinc zirconium xiii

I II Acronyms, Chemical Abbreviations, and Units of Measurements UNITS OF MEASUREMENT Ci cm dpm ft3/s ha keV kg km I

m curies centimeters disintegrations per minute cubic feet per second hectares thousand electron volts kilograms kilometers liters meters m 3/s mi2 min mm mrem MW pCi ppm ppt kim yr cubic meters per second square miles minutes millimeters millirem megawatts picocuries parts per million parts per thousand micrometers years I



xiv I

Radiological Definitions RADIOLOGICAL DEFINITIONS Activity. The quantification of the rate of radioactive decay of radioactive material.


A unit of radioactivity.

One becquerel is defined as 1 disintegration per second.

Curie (Ci).

A unit of radioactivity. One curie is defined as 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second.

Dose. The energy imparted to matter by ionizing radiation. The unit of absorbed dose is the rad, equal to 0.01 joules per kilogram for irradiated material in any medium.

Dose commitment.

The dose that an organ or tissue would receive during a specified period of time (i.e., a 50-year period is used in dose calculations in this report) as a result of intake (as by ingestion or inhalation) of one or more radionuclides from one year's release.

Environmentally significant. As used in this report, refers to radionuclides that are known to be assimilated by biological organisms and are discharged in detectable amounts.

Not included are aqueous release of noble gases, tritium, or very short-lived radionuclides.

Half-life. The time required for a radioactive substance to lose one-half of its activity by decay. Each radionuclide has a unique half-life.

Ionizing radiation.

Any electromagnetic or particulate radiation capable of producing ions (electrically charged atoms or atomic particles), directly or indirectly, in its passage through matter.

Maximally exposed individual.

A hypothetical individual who remains in an uncontrolled area and would, when all potential routes of exposure from a facility's operations are considered, receive the greatest possible dose.

Radioactive decay.

The spontaneous transformation of one nuclide into a different radioactive or nonradioactive nuclide, or into a different energy state of the same nuclide.


An unstable nuclide capable of spontaneous transformation into other nuclides by changing its nuclear configuration or energy level.

This transformation is accompanied by the emission of photons or particles.

Rem. The effective dose equivalent (i.e., the absorbed dose multiplied by the quality factor associated with the type of radiation).

Stable. Not radioactive or not easily decomposed or otherwise modified chemically.


Radiological Definitions xvi



The Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (CCNPP) and the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station (PBAPS) generate gaseous and liquid radioactive wastes that are discharged into the atmosphere, and Chesapeake Bay and lower Susquehanna River, respectively.

Although atmospheric releases consist mainly of radioactive noble gases, which have little environmental significance, aqueous discharges to Chesapeake Bay and lower Susquehanna River contain radionuclides that can be accumulated by biota and can become associated with sediments.

Ultimately, these radionuclides may contribute to a radiation dose to humans by being transported through the food chain.

This report examines and summarizes the results of monitoring and research programs conducted in the vicinity of CCNPP, lower Susquehanna River, and upper Chesapeake Bay in 2004 and 2005 by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR), Power Plant Research Program (PPRP). The report includes:

quantities of environmentally significant radionuclides discharged from the nuclear power plants to Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River; descriptions of procedures for collecting, preparing, and analyzing environmental samples; concentrations of radionuclides measured in approximately 400 samples of aquatic vegetation, shellfish, finfish, and sediment collected from lower Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay; and an assessment of the environmental and health-related effects of radioactive discharges from CCNPP and PBAPS that were detected in Susquehanna River and Chesapeake Bay.

1.1 MONITORING OBJECTIVES PPRP has conducted research and monitoring to assess the effects of radioactive material released from CCNPP (since 1975) and PBAPS (since 1979) on Maryland's ecological resources. These programs evaluate radiological effects within individual trophic levels of the ecosystems of Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River and provide information concerning the behavior and fate of radionuclides released to Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River. These monitoring data are also used to estimate the radiological dose to human populations resulting from the discharge of radionuclides from these power plants.

As part of these monitoring efforts, PPRP conducts or sponsors projects that involve exposing shellfish to discharges from CCNPP for a variety of predefined exposure periods to determine the mechanisms that regulate uptake and elimination of radionuclides in specific estuarine organisms.

Oysters are important biological indicators of 1-1

I Introduction environmental radionuclide concentrations. Because they are sessile, oysters in the vicinity of CCNPP are more likely to be exposed to aqueous releases of radioactive material than mobile biota such as finfish and crabs.. Oysters filter large amounts of particulate material and plankton that may have adsorbed radionuclides and accumulated heavy metals and radionuclides (McLean et al. 1987). Despite the decline in the commercial oyster fishery in recent years, oysters are still an important indicator of potential radionclide uptake in humans. Other organisms, such as mussels, may also be used to estimate potential plant-related radiation dose commitment.

The radionuclide monitoring conducted by PPRP is focused primarily on discharges to water and transfers within aqueous pathways; however, atmospheric releases of.

radioactive material are also assessed using data collected by Constellation Energy Group, Exelon Nuclear, and Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE 2005, 2006).

PPRP biannually publishes the results of these assessments in its Cumulative Environmental I

Impact Report for Power Plants in Maryland (CEIR 1975-1991, 1993-2008).



OF PLANTS AND STUDY SITES 1.2.1 Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant I

Constellation Generation Group owns and operates CCNPP. The plant is in Calvert County, Maryland, on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay.

Each of CCNPP's two units is a pressurized water reactor (PWR) with an operating capacity of 845 megawatts. Unit 1 is licensed to operate until 2034, and Unit 2 until 2036.

Controlled releases of radionuclides via the heat dissipation system are permitted at levels defined in CCNPP's license (issued July 31, 1974 for Unit 1 and November 30, 1976 for Unit 2, renewed March 23, 2000) from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B; USNRC 1991).

CCNPP withdraws cooling water from Chesapeake Bay at a I

rate of approximately 2.3 million gallons per minute (CEIR 2008), which is approximately four times the withdrawal rate of PBAPS.

The western shore of Chesapeake Bay is scoured by tides, wind, and waves. The Bay in this area is approximately 4.5 km wide and relatively shallow.

Water depth gradually increases to 10 to 15 m about 0.8 km from the shoreline.

This depth extends I

approximately 3 km and increases to 20 m at mid-bay. The area is tidally influenced and has a mean tidal range of 0.3 to 0.6 m. The velocity of the current in the vicinity ranges between 5 and 60 cm/sec (Lacy and Zeger 1979).

Salinity varies seasonally and normally I

ranges from 7 to 17 ppt. Bottom sediments are characterized by medium coarse sands at depths ranging between 0 to 6 m, fine sands and clays at depths of 6 to 9 m, and clays and organic silt at depths greater than 10 m (Domotor and McLean 1988).

A detailed I

description of the Calvert Cliffs area can be found in the Final Environmental Statement Related to the Operation of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Units 1 and 2 (USAEC 1973) and in Baltimore Gas and Electric's license renewal application (BGE 1998).

I The Calvert Cliffs region of Chesapeake Bay supports an abundant and diverse macrobenthic assemblage (Ranasinghe et al.

1996) and populations of commercially 1-2

Introduction important finfish and shellfish (Lippson and Lippson 1997).

Oysters are present near CCNPP and are commercially harvested from the area.

Blue crabs are also abundant throughout the site and are harvested both commercially and recreationally.

This area of Chesapeake Bay also supports a diverse finfish community, including forage species (e.g.,

menhaden, anchovies, and silversides) and commercially important predatory species (e.g.,

weakfish, striped bass, and bluefish).

1.2.2 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Exelon Generation Company, a subsidiary of Exelon Corporation, operates PBAPS, which began operations in 1974.

The plant is jointly owned by Exelon Generation and Public Service Electric and Gas of New Jersey.

The plant is located in York County, Pennsylvania, approximately 5 km north of the Pennsylvania-Maryland border, on the western shore of Conowingo Pond. Each of PBAPS's two units is a boiling water reactor (BWR) with a capacity of 1098 megawatts.

Controlled releases of radionuclides are permitted at levels defined in PBAPS's license (issued October 25, 1973 for Unit 2 and July 2, 1974 for Unit 3) from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (10 CFR Part 20, Appendix B; USNRC 1991).

Exelon Generation Company applied for a 20-year extension of its operating license on July 2, 2001 (Exelon Nuclear 2001) and received USNRC approval on May 7, 2003. The current licenses for Unit 2 and Unit 3 will expire in 2033 and 2034, respectively (Exelon Nuclear 2003).

PBAPS withdraws cooling water from the portion of Susquehanna River known as Conowingo Pond at an average rate of about 625,000 gal/min (PBAPS Communications Office 1997). Conowingo Pond also receives radionuclides in aqueous discharges from the plant during normal operations.

Conowingo Pond is an impoundment created by Conowingo hydroelectric dam (13 km downstream from PBAPS) and Holtwood Dam (10 krn upstream of PBAPS).

It has an average surface area of approximately 3700 ha (14 mi 2) and ranges in depth from about 3 m in upriver sections to a maximum of about 27 m at the face of Conowingo Dam. The annual average river flow at the dam is approximately 1000 m3/s (35,000 ft 3/s; James et al. 1996).

Downriver flow may be perturbed by withdrawal and discharge of cooling water for PBAPS; periodic cycling of water at the Muddy Run Pumped Storage Facility on the eastern shore, north of the plant; and operation of the turbines at Conowingo Dam.

The Susquehanna River enters the tidal portion of Chesapeake Bay approximately 6 krn downstream from Conowingo Dam.

The location of the resulting interface between fresh and salt water fluctuates at the river mouth (Susquehanna Flats) or upper Chesapeake Bay and is controlled principally by river volume. The transition from fresh to brackish water is accompanied by changes in physical and chemical factors that affect the degree to which metals and radionuclides become or remain associated with particles suspended in the water column (Olsen et al. 1989). These factors influence the dispersion and distribution of radionuclides in the Susquehanna-Chesapeake Bay system.

The Susquehanna-Chesapeake Bay system supports an abundant and diverse macrobenthic assemblage as well as populations of recreationally and commercially 1-3

I Introduction important finfish (Martin Marietta 1985).

Conowingo Pond contains largemouth and smallmouth bass, walleye, sunfish, channel catfish, carp, and hybrids of white and striped bass, which are principal components of the recreational fishery below Conowingo Dam.

Further downstream, white perch, channel catfish, blueback herring, American shad, and American eels are commercially fished on Susquehanna Flats. The Susquehanna Flats area supports seasonal stands of submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV), primarily Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spictum), and is an important early wintering ground for migratory waterfowl (Lippson 1973).






Methods and Materials 2.0 METHODS AND MATERIALS 2.1 SAMPLE COLLECTION Tables 2-1 and 2-2 list the environmental samples collected from Chesapeake Bay, Conowingo Pond, and Susquehanna Flats for radiological analysis.

Figures 2-1 and 2-2 present the Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River study areas and sampling sites for monitoring releases from CCNPP and PBAPS.

In the CCNPP study area, both "plant site" and "nearfield" refer to the sampling area in the immediate vicinity of CCNPP. "Kenwood Beach" and "farfield" refer to the sampling area 12 km north of CCNPP.

Table 2-1.

Environmental samples for radiological analysis collected in 2004-2005 from Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of CCNPP.

Sample Collection Number of Description of Media Frequency Sampling LocationsJ Sampling Locations Sediments Spring 28 Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of Summer 28 CCNPP along 8 transects Fall 28 Winter 28 Oysters Quarterly 2

Plant site and Kenwood Beach Semi-annually 2

Tri-quarterly 2

Annually 2

Table 2-2.

Environmental samples for radiological analysis collected in 2004-2005 from lower Susquehanna River and upper Chesapeake Bay.

Sample Collection Number of Description of Media Frequency Sampling LocationsJ Sampling Locations Sediments Spring and Fall 19 Conowingo Pond (12 stations);

Susquehanna Flats (6 stations); upper Chesapeake Bay (1 station)

Forage finfish Spring and Fall 1

Conowingo Pond (on the western shore downstream of the PBAPS discharge at station LYH-1)*

Edible finfish Spring and Fall 1

Conowingo Pond (LYH-1)*

SAV Spring and Fall 3

Susquehanna River (on the shores below the Rt. 95 bridge), Susquehanna Flats (near fishing battery), and Conowingo Pond (LYH-1)*

  • LYH = Little Yellow House, see Figure 2-2.


Methods and Materials Figure 2-1. Transects and stations for samples collected from Chesapeake Bay. Appendix A contains a list of coordinates for all stations.


Methods and Materials Figure 2-2.

Transects and stations for samples collected from lower Susquehanna River and upper Chesapeake Bay. Appendix A contains a list of coordinates for all stations.


I Methods and Materials 2.1.1 Sediments I

Sediments were collected periodically from the series of transects shown in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2. A hydraulic box-grab was used to collect sediments in the vicinity of CCNPP (quarterly), whereas a hand-operated Young grab was used to collect sediments at I

stations surrounding PBAPS (semi-annually).

The top 10 cm (or less) of sediment were recovered from each grab, and grabs were repeated until approximately 3000 cc of sediment were collected at each station.

2.1.2 Biota '

For the tray-oyster study at CCNPP, mature oysters were placed into partitioned trays (Abbe 1981) and submerged for a variety of exposure periods.

Trays were placed 0.4 km north of the CCNPP cooling-water outfall and were supported by a platform resting approximately 0.5 m from the bottom (approximately 5 to 5.5 m from the surface).

Each tray had four compartments designed to hold 50 oysters each.

Oysters from individual I

compartments (50 per group) were retrieved and restocked on a schedule designed to evaluate radionuclide concentrations in oysters exposed to CCNPP discharges for 3, 6, 9, and 12 months.

Biota for radiological analysis collected from the PBAPS study site included forage finfish, recreationally and commercially important finfish, and SAV.

Edible and forage I

finfish were collected by electrofishing or by gill net (1-, 2-, and 4-inch experimental mesh). Samples of SAV were collected by hand.

2.2 MEASUREMENT OF GAMMA-EMITTING RADIONUCLIDES IN BIOTA AND SEDIMENTS 2.2.1 Sample Preparation Sediment samples were placed in a 2-liter Marinelli beaker and analyzed for radionuclide content using gamma spectrometry. After being counted, dried, and weighed, sediment samples were analyzed for particle size (Section 2.3) to determine their I

composition (e.g., sand, silt, or clay).

Some forage finfish (e.g., shiners and silversides) and juveniles of other species (e.g., sunfish and gizzard shad) are important food sources for predatory finfish (e.g.,

smallmouth bass, largemouth bass, and striped bass) that are consumed by humans.

These forage fish were analyzed whole (i.e., viscera and bone were not removed) to detect I

radioactivity that could be transferred through the food chain and potentially contribute to a radiation dose to humans. Edible finfish were filleted, and samples of flesh and gut were analyzed for gamma-emitting radionuclides.

I 2-4n

Methods and Materials Biological samples were prepared for analysis as follows:

Oyster flesh: Samples were homogenized in a blender, diluted to 1 or 2 liters with deionized water, and preserved in a 10% solution of formaldehyde.

Edible finfish flesh and forage finfish: Samples were diced into 3-cm cubes, packed to a volume of 1 or 2 liters, and preserved in a 10% formaldehyde solution.

Edible finfish gut: Samples were wet-digested in nitric acid and diluted to 1 or 2 liters with deionized water.

Submerged aquatic vegetation: Samples were packed to a volume of 1 or 2 liters and preserved in a 10% solution of formaldehyde.

The biota samples, prepared as described above, were placed in a 1-or 2-liter Marinelli beaker and analyzed for radionuclide content using gamma spectrometry.

2.2.2 Gamma Spectrometry The gamma-ray counting system consisted of two high-resolution, intrinsic germanium detectors, one manufactured by Ortec (Ortec, Inc., Oak Ridge, TN) and the other by Canberra (Canberra, Inc., Meriden, CT).

The detectors were 25% and 23%

efficient (relative to Nal), respectively, and were coupled to a Canberra Genie-2000 spectrum acquisition and analysis system (Stanek et al. 1 996a).

Electronic files containing appropriate nuclide library data and counting efficiency curves by sample were used to produce reports of the concentrations of radionuclides in the samples. Gamma-ray energy and intensity values used in energy-to-channel calibration and in data reduction were based on library data incorporated into the Genie-2000 software, which were referenced to the National Nuclear Data Center of the Brookhaven National Laboratory (Stanek et al. 1996b).

Counting efficiency curves were determined using custom multi-gamma standards commercially purchased from Analytics, Inc., Atlanta, GA, which were traceable to NIST.

All spectra were acquired for 1000 minutes. Radionuclide concentrations were corrected to collection date and time. Spectra for all samples were stored electronically for future reference.

Radionuclide concentrations and pertinent sample-collection information and analysis parameters were entered into a SAS (Statistical Analysis System, Cary, NC.)

computer database according to established procedures (Frithsen et al. 1996).

SAS software was used to analyze and interpret radiological data and to generate reports.


I Methods and Materials 2.3 DETERMINATION OF SEDIMENT CHARACTERISTICS The-size of sediment particles was measured to provide a basis for comparing radionuclide concentrations detected in sediments of different composition (i.e., sand versus clay).

Sediment particle size analysis accounts for composition changes that may affect measured radionuclide concentrations at a collection site. Sediments were classified as silt-clay if the mean grain size was less than 63 Ipm (Wentworth scale as published in Buchanan and Kain 1971). Sediments were classified as sand if the mean grain size was I

greater than 63 pIm.

Mean grain size was determined by wet-or dry-sieving 50-g (dry weight) aliquots through 250-1pm, 1 25-p.m, and 63-pLm mesh. Each fraction was dried and weighed.

That portion that passed through the 63-p[m screen was determined by I

subtraction from the original 50g.

Particle-size index values were calculated for each sample by multiplying the fraction of the total weight retained on the 250-pIm mesh by 4, the fraction retained on 1 25-pLm mesh by 5, the fraction retained on the 63-pIm mesh by 6, I

and the fraction that passed through the 63-pLm screen by 7. The sum of these products is the relative particle-size index for the sediment sample and ranges from the coarsest (400),

in which all material was retained on the 250-ptm screen, to the finest (700) in which all I

material passed through the 63-pLm screen.

I 2.4 DATA ANALYSIS Raw analytical results were calculated using gamma spectrum analysis software i

Photopeaks distinguished from background were matched to radionuclide species and quantified based on factors such as instrument conditions, volume of sample, and radioactive decay. The concentration of a radionuclide of interest was reported as a value I

with a 2o uncertainty.

The lower limit of detection (LLD) was calculated for radionuclides of interest that I

were not detected. The equation given in Table 2-3 defines the LLD for data included in this report. Common LLD quantities produced by sample analyses are given in Table 2-4.

LLD quantities were disregarded when summarizing yearly averages of activity values.

2.5 DETERMINATION OF POWER PLANT CESIUM-137 Cesium-137 is a constituent of both fallout from historic weapons tests and aqueous effluent from nuclear power plants. The increment of "37Cs that is attributable to I

power plants was estimated by determining the activity of Cesium-134 in the environmental samples. Cesium-134 is chemically identical to 137Cs, and both are released in a generally consistent ratio over time. Following a correction for decay of 134Cs since I

the time of release, the 134Cs activity was multiplied by the release ratio of 137Cs to 134Cs in aqueous effluent to estimate the concentration of 137Cs from power plants in a sample.

If 134CS was not present in the sample, then the entire concentration of 1 3 7Cs was assumed i

to be the result of fallout from weapons tests.

The LLD of 137Cs from power plants is higher than the LLD of 137Cs from fallout because its concentration is dependent on the detection of 1 3 4Cs, which has a higher LLD due to its shorter half-life.

The concentration i


Methods and Materials 1 3 7 Cs from power plants is likely to be under-estimated because of the high probability of false-negatives in this analysis.

Table 2-3.

Determination of the lower limit of detection. Source: Canberra 1998.

Lower limit of detection is given by:


= The mass or volume of sample E

= The counting efficiency for the peak of interest B

= The branching ratio of the gamma ray peak T

= The sample counting time (live) in seconds Kw = The decay correction factor In(2)t.

Kwv = e T,/2 T1/2

= The half life of the nuclide tw

= The elapsed clock time from the time the sample was taken to the beginning of the measurement LD = The uncertainty in the continuum count rate at the peak of interest L, = K2 + 2Lc 2 +

T2 Lc=KO"= K lF +PII+

UF+U Lc = Critical level, below which a net signal cannot reliably be detected a*0 = Variance of a null net signal K

= 2.327 (based on a Poisson distribution at a confidence level of 99%)


= The "true" calculated continuum under the peak Fi

= The "true" measured background interference -- net peak area e3F = The variance of F (calculated continuum under the peak due to Compton scattering) cy

= The variance of I (measured background interference -- net peak area) 2-7

Methods and Materials Table 2-4.

Approximate lower limits (99%) of detection for selected counting geometries (pCi/kg).

Radionuclide Energy Biota (1L)

Biota (2L)

Sand (21)

Clay (2L)


(1 kg wet)

(2 kg wet)

(3 kg dry)

(1.5 kg dry) 7Be 478 27 17 15 56 58Co 811 3

2 3

6 60 Co 1333 4

2 3

7 65Zn 1116 7

6 8

19 95Nb 766 3

3 3

8 95Zr 757 5

4 5

12 103Ru 497 3

2 3

6 106Ru 622 28 21 23 55 11omAg 885 3

2 3

8 125_Sb 601 8

6 7

17 134Cs 605 3

2 3

8 137Cs 662 3

2 2

5 144Ce 134 19 13 26 52

  • keV = thousand electron-volts.

Note: A seven-day decay period between sample collection and counting is assumed.

2.6 DATA PRESENTATION Appendix B contains radionuclide concentration data for samples collected in the vicinity of CCNPP and PBAPS in the 2004-2005 monitoring period.

The radionuclides reported in these tables include the naturally occurring radionuclides, 7Be and 40K; the radionuclide from fallout, 137Cs; and the radionuclides released from power plants, 5 8Co,

60Co, 11°omAg,
1311, and 6 5Zn.

Separate tables are provided for sediments, oysters (Crassostrea virginica), finfish (various species), and SAV.

Within each table, specific sample stations are arranged approximately north to south, and data are presented by date along with the yearly and overall means for the monitoring period.

Radionuclide concentration data are decay-corrected to the date of sample collection. The counting uncertainty is reported as +/- 2a. Concentrations for radionuclides of interest that were not detected in specific samples were recorded as less than (<) the lower limit of detection for that sample.

2-8 I



I i






Results and Discussion 3.0 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Plant discharge and monitoring data collected in 2004-2005 were used to complete assessments to identify and quantify sources of radionuclides, determine the concentration of radionuclides in environmental samples, and estimate potential radiological risks to ecological resources and humans.

The results of these assessments are presented in separate sections below.

The origins of the more commonly observed radionuclides in environmental samples were identified to assess the magnitude of the contribution of 'radionuclides from power plants relative to those from fallout and natural source.

The quantities of individual radionuclides released from CCNPP and PBAPS during 2004-2005 are provided to compare to quantities observed in environmental samples collected during the same period.

Curie and millicurie levels of environmentally significant radionuclides discharged from power plants into the aqueous pathway generally translate into nanocurie and picocurie quantities of plant-related radionuclides in the environmental samples collected for this monitoring program.

3.1 SOURCES OF RADIONUCLIDES Nature, past atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons, and discharges from nuclear power plants are the three primary sources of radioactive material in Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River.

Radionuclides attributable to each of these sources were detected in samples of biota and sediment collected in 2004-2005.

3.1.1 Radionuclides from CCNPP and PBAPS Summary Radionuclide releases from nuclear power plants generally fall into three classes:

noble gases, tritium, and iodines and particulates. The quantities and proportions of these three classes of radionuclides released into the atmosphere and into waterways vary based on plant design (Figure 3-1, Figure 3-2, and Table 3-1).

PBAPS uses boiling water reactors, whereas CCNPP uses pressurized water reactors.

In the 2004-2005 monitoring period, most radioactive effluent from CCNPP was in the form of tritium released to the aqueous pathway (88%), whereas most radioactive effluent from PBAPS was in the form of noble gases released to the atmosphere (97%;

Figure 3-3).

Noble gases are chemically inert, are not readily incorporated into biological tissues, and are not bioconcentrated.

They are dispersed in the environment and generally have short half-lives, decaying rapidly to stable forms.

Tritium is also readily dispersed in the environment and reduced rapidly to background levels.


Results and Discussion CCNPP Total Releases Tritium 87.15%

Noble Gases 12.35%

Env. Signif.









i I


i CCNPP Environmentally Significant Releases Fe-55 69.94%

Figure 3-1.

Relative contributions of noble gases, tritium, and radionuclides released from CCNPP, 2004-2005.

atmospheric and dissolved gases.

3-2 environmentally significant Noble gases include

Results and Discussion PBAPS Total Releases Noble Gases 97.48%

Tritium 2.50%

Env. Sig 0.01%

PBAPS Environmentally Significant Releases Fe-55 14.88%

Mn-54 10.90%

z 1-131 10.18%


Co-60 28.17%

Cr-51 6.99%

Other 2.56%


Fe-59 /


1-135 Co-58 \\

Zn-65 na o/o 3.44%

Figure 3-2. Relative contributions of noble gases, tritium, and environmentally significant radionuclides released from PBAPS, 2004-2005. Noble gases include atmospheric and dissolved gases.


Results and Discussion Table 3-1.

Annual releases (curies) from all pathways of noble gases, tritium, iodines and particulates from CCNPP and PBAPS, 2004-2005. Source: Constellation Energy 2005, 2006 and Exelon 2005, 2006.

CCNPP PBAPS Type air j


total air liq.

total lodines and Particulates 0.0077 0.14 0.15 0.087 0.18 0.27 Tritium 12.35 2,451.00 2,463.35 0.00 45.62 45.62 Noble Gases 348.66 0.49 349.15 1,775.71 0.0016 1,775.71 Total 361.01 2,451.63 2,812.64 1,775.80 45.80 1,821.60 SCCNPP C


2500 2000 U)

E 1500-1000 500 0

Noble Gases Tritium Env. Sig I







I Figure 3-3.

Releases of noble gases, tritium, and environmentally significant radionuclides from CCNPP and PBAPS, 2004-2005. Noble gases include atmospheric and dissolved gases. Environmentally significant radionuclides include iodines and particulates.


Results and Discussion Certain radioiodines and radioactive particulates (which are composed of metal isotopes) are considered environmentally significant.

Environmentally significant radio-nuclides are those that have a strong tendency to adsorb onto particles, can accumulate in biological tissues, and can be concentrated through trophic transfer (Section

Releases of environmentally significant radionuclides into the aqueous pathway from both CCNPP and PBAPS were very low.

CCNPP and PBAPS released 0.81 mCi and 1.0 mCi of 137Cs, respectively.

CCNPP and PBAPS released 2.4 mCi and 76 mCi of 6°Co, respectively (Figures 3-4 through 3-7).

All releases of radionuclides from PBAPS and CCNPP were the result of normal plant operation and maintenance procedures and were within regulatory limits established by,he USNRC and USEPA. Quantities of releases from CCNPP and PBAPS were obtained from Conrstellation Energy Group's and Exelon Nuclear's semi-annual reports to the USNRC, respectively (Constellation Energy Group 2005, 2006; Exelon Nuclear 2005, 2006). Radionuclides of Interest In 2004-2005, CCNPP released approximately 138 mCi (0.0049% of total) of environmentally significant radionuclides to Chesapeake Bay; PBAPS released approximately 182 mCi (0.010% of total) of environmentally significant radionuclides to Susquehanna River during the same period.

Releases of environmentally significant radionuclides (Table 3-2) vary annually due to changes in power plant maintenance, operating conditions, and waste filtration technology (Conatser 2005).

Table 3-2.

Total environmentally significant releases (mCi) from CCNPP and PBAPS to the aqueous pathway, 1996-2005.

CCNPP PBAPS 1996-1997 1028 13 1998-1999 958 25 2000-2001 990 57 2002-2003 342 324 2004-2005 138 182 3-5

Results and Discussion CCNPP IUM Cs-1 37 251 20-1 E 15 O0

4) 10 ZO cc-7:!

54 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3-4.

Annual aqueous releases of 137Cs from CCNPP, 1996-2005. Sources: BGE 1997-2000; Constellation Energy 2001-2006.








PBAPS 1.6 1.4 1.2 1,

E 0.8 "a 0.6 cc:

  • Cs-137, 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3-5.

Annual aqueous releases of 137Cs from PBAPS, 1996-2005. Sources: PECO 1997-2000; Exelon 2001-2006.


Results and Discussion cc NPP E


Cu a) a)

1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3-6.

Annual aqueous releases of 60Co from CCNPP, 1996-2005. Sources: BGE 1997-2000; Constellation Energy 2001-2006.

PBAPS 120 03 Co-601 100-Z 80 w 60F Z I

40 60 1996 1997 1998 1999 '2000' 2001 2002* 2003 '2004 '2005 Year Figure 3-7.

Annual aqueous releases of 6°Co from PBAPS, 1996-2005. Sources: PECO 1997-2000; Exelon 2001-2006.


Results and Discussion At CCNPP, liquid radioactive wastes are discharged through the cooling-water outfall approximately 0.3 km offshore and are diluted in the receiving water. At PBAPS, the cooling-water outfall is located at the extreme downstream end of the power plant site, along the western shore (near Station LYH-1).

Gaseous radioactive effluent is captured and stored on site until lower levels.

Air monitoring in the vicinity of PBAPS indicates that the and dispersed to less than detectable levels in the environment (CEIR radioiodines and particulates released to the atmosphere are environmentally significant.

it has decayed to effluent is diluted 2008); therefore, not considered Table 3-3 lists the q~uantities of the principal environmentally significant radionuclides released via the aqueous pathway in 2004-2005. Table 3-3 also identifies which of these radionuclides were found in sediment samples (Section 3.2).

Table 3-3.

Quantities of environmentally significant radionuclides released from CCNPP and PBAPS via the aqueous pathway during 2004-2005. Sources:

Constellation Energy 2005, 2006; Exelon 2005, 2006.

Radionuclide Quantity Released (Ci)

Detected in Sediment CCNPP PBAPS CCNPP PBAPS lo°mAg 0.00027 0.00049 no no 58Co 0.00829 0.00263 no no 6 0Co 0.00236 0.07517 no yes 5 1Cr 0.00108 0.0188 no no 134 Cs 0.00035 0.00016 no no l37Cs*

0.00081 0.00092 no no 55Fe 0.1018 0.04004 no no 5 9Fe 0.000022 0.00218 no yes 1311 0.00045 0.00118 no no 54Mn 0.00022 0.02933 yes yes 95Nb 0.00047 0.00019 no no 12 5 mTe 0.0127 0

no no 6 5Zn 0

0.00895 no no 95Zr 0.00028 0.00011 no no other 0.00915 0.00168 no no Note:

  • = also present in environment as fallout product (see Section 3.1.3) 3.1.2 Natural Radionuclides Naturally occurring radionuclides are present everywhere in the environment.

The principal naturally occurring radionuclides that result in measurable radiological doses to 3-8 I









Results and Discussion human populations include 40 K and those radionuclides in the 232Th, 235U, and 238U decay series.

Potassium-40 was detected in all samples; specific gamma-emitting daughter radionuclides from the uranium and thorium decay series were detected less frequently.

Interactions between cosmic rays and oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere produce several radionuclides (Whicker and Schultz 1982). One of these, 7Be, was detected frequently in sediments from both CCNPP and PBAPS and in SAV from PBAPS; however, the natural production of 7Be (half-life = 53 days) in the atmosphere contributes only a small portion of the total radiation dose from natural background.

3.1.3 Radionuclides from Weapons Tests Atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons conducted until 1980 have introduced a variety of manmade radionuclides into the environment.

Cesium-137 was the only radionuclide attributable to weapons testing detected during the monitoring period. Due to its very long half-life (approx. 30 years), 137Cs has persisted in the environment long after other testing-related radionuclides have decayed to stable states.

3.2 RADIONUCLIDES IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES The environmentally significant radionuclides detected in samples from the study area consisted principally of 6°Co, 137Cs, and 1311 (SAV only). This has been the trend since the early 1 990s, when reductions in radionuclide releases from both power plants resulted in a

parallel decline in detection frequency and concentrations of plant-related radionuclides. The reductions in release rates are due, in part, to improved ion-exchange technologies at the cooling water intake and more efficient use of existing methods for reducing radioactive waste.

3.2.1 Sediments Sediments serve as sinks for both stable and radioactive metals.

Suspended particulate material can scavenge metals through flocculation and adsorption, or the surface layer of bottom sediments may adsorb metals directly from the water column (Santschi et al. 1983).

Because of these processes, sediments can accumulate metal radionuclides over time.

Measurements of spatial and temporal patterns in the concentrations of radionuclides in sediments collected from Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River have been used to track the physical transport of radionuclides and intra-annual variability in the release of radionuclides from the two nuclear power plants since 1975.

PPRP's monitoring results for sediment collected during 2004-2005 are summarized below.

Appendix B presents concentrations of selected environmentally significant radionuclides detected in all of the sediment samples collected during 2004-2005.


Results and Discussion A variety of factors influence the concentrations of radionuclides in sediments, including rate of input; geographic location in relation to the power plant (e.g., distance, if applicable);

half-life of the radionuclide; natural processes such as sedimentation, circulation, and bioturbation; and physical factors such as depth of the sediment layer from the water surface and sediment grain size. Sediment grain size was the only factor specifically analyzed for this report. Sediments collected at inshore stations of Chesapeake Bay and at Susquehanna Flats were composed predominantly of sand (particle size index values between 400 and 500). Sediments from Conowingo Pond and offshore stations of Chesapeake Bay, which were collected from depths greater than 8 m, were mostly clay (particle size index values between 600 and 700). Figures 3-8 and 3-9 show mean particle size values for sediments collected from Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River in 2004-2005.

A detailed statistical exploration of physical factors that can determine spatial and temporal variability in measured radionuclide concentrations in sediment can be found in Whalen and Jones 2000.

Radionuclides of natural origin (7Be, 40K, Th and U decay series), from weapons tests (137Cs),

and from power plants (6°Co) were generally detected at higher concentrations in clay sediments than in sand sediments during 2004-2005.

Metal radionuclides have a greater affinity for clay than for sand, due to the fine crystalline structure, greater surface area, and the higher cation exchange capacity of clay particles (Eisenbud 1987).

Sandy sediments are coarser and less able to adsorb radionuclides (Olsen et al. 1989).










I 1

2 3

4 (U



LFP LCC RL WS FP CCO RP LNG CP LCP DP Transect Figure 3-8.

Mean particle size values for sediments collected from the vicinity of CCNPP, 2004-2005. Horizontal axis arranged from North to South.


Results and Discussion PBAPS 0 Station 1 E Station 2

  • Station 3 700 600-N) 1:

A?500tmm ii.. III LYH COC SR3 SF6 SF8 UB10 Transect Figure 3-9.

Mean particle size values for sediments collected from the vicinity of PBAPS, 2004-2005. Horizontal axis arranged from north to south. Radionuclides from CCNPP and PBAPS in Sediment Most of the environmentally significant radionuclides found in sediment in both study areas was 137Cs from weapons tests and 6"Co from power plants.

Manganese-54 was found in three samples from downstream of PBAPS in Conowingo Pond and in one sediment sample down-Bay of CCNPP.

Iron-59 was detected once in the PBAPS study area, and 141Ce was detected twice near CCNPP. Cesium-137 was found in most sediment samples and is discussed in Section

All 137Cs detected during this monitoring period is assumed to be from fallout because no 134Cs was detected in samples collected during the period.

Cobalt-60 was notably absent from all CCNPP-related sediment samples for the first time since long-term monitoring began more than 30 years ago (Table 3-4).

It was detected in 18.4% of sediment samples collected from the vicinity of PBAPS, which represents a slight increase over the 2002-2003 monitoring period. The recent increase in 6 0Co detection rates at PBAPS generally reflects increased aqueous discharges of 6"Co from PBAPS during 2001-2005 (265 mCi) in contrast to 1996-2000 (16 mCi).

At PBAPS, maximum 60Co concentrations were observed at Station LYH-1 (the station located closest to the outfall); lesser amounts were detected at downstream deposits near the western shore of Conowingo Pond (Figure 3-10).

No 60Co was detected at distant stations below the dam, where sediments have a greater proportion of coarse particles.


Results and Discussion Table 3-4.

Percent detection frequency of 60Co in CCNPP and PBAPS sediments, 1996-2005.

Monitoring Period CCNPP PBAPS 1996-1997 25 5

1998-1999 12.5 2.6 2000-2001 6.3 6.6 2002-2003 3.6 15.8 2004-2005 0

18.4 SPBAPS 250"

_ 200 150-Z 100 I









I LYH BC COC DAM SR3 SF1 SF6 SF7 SF8 SF9 UB10 Transect Geographical distribution of average activity of 60Co near PBAPS, 2004-2005. Horizontal axis arranged from North to South.

Figure 3-10. Natural Radionuclides in Sediment Generally, the major components of sediment radioactivity were the naturally occurring radionuclides of the thorium and uranium decay chains, 40K, and 7Be.

Naturally occurring radionuclides were responsible for more than 99% of the gamma-emitting radionuclides found in most sediment samples (Figure 3-1 1 and Figure 3-1 2).

Thorium and Uranium.

Nuclear decay of naturally occurring thorium (232Th) and natural uranium (238U) produces gamma-emitting daughter species (e.g., thorium:

228Ac, 208TI, 2 12Pb; uranium:

2 26Ra, 2 14Bi, 2 14 Pb) that accounted for most radionuclides present in sediments. The highest concentrations of these daughter radionuclides were observed at offshore stations with fine-grained sediment.


Results and Discussion CCNPP U-235 chain 2.8%

U-238 chain 27.0%

Th-232 chain 19.6%

K-40 50.3%

I Cs-1 37 0.4%

Figure 3-11.

Proportion of gamma-emitting radionuclides in sediment samples. Example data from the Cove Point transect, station 2.

PBAPS U-238 chain 26.4%

Th-232 chainX 22.9%

U-235 chain 0.5%

K-40 49.9%


Cs-1 37 0.3%

Figure 3-12. Proportion of gamma-emitting radionuclides in sediment samples. Example data from the Little Yellow House transect, station 1.


I Results and Discussion Potassium-40 is a primordial, naturally occurring radionuclide that was present in 100% of sediment samples collected during the monitoring period.

Potassium-40 concentrations in nature are proportional to stable potassium content (0.0118%; CRC 1979).

Potassium-40 concentrations were highest in predominantly fine-grained sediments.

Beryllium-7 is a natural radionuclide produced by the interaction of cosmic rays with atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen.

It is deposited on water and soil surfaces through precipitation scavenging and may enter water systems through runoff from land. Particles suspended in the water column adsorb it rapidly, and it appears in sediments as a result of particulate deposition.- Beryllium-7 was detected in 63% and 19% of sediment samples collected at PBAPS and CCNPP, respectively. Concentrations of 7Be were generally less at CCNPP than at PBAPS.

Beryllium-7 concentrations near PBAPS were generally higher in samples with greater proportions of clay particles, particularly those collected from stations in Conowingo Pond near Conowingo Dam (Conowingo Creek and Conowingo Dam transects). Concentrations at sampling stations below Conowingo Dam tended to be lower due to the dominance of sandy sediment, except in clayey sediments at SF-9 and UB-10 stations. Concentrations of 7Be at CCNPP were generally highest (when detected) in near-shore sediments where most particles were silt-sized (e.g., Cove Point 1 and Cove Point 2 stations. Beryllium-7 was rarely detected at off-shore stations with clay sediments.

This contrast with results for clay sediments from the PBAPS study area may be due to high settlement time at the off-shore stations in relation to half-life. Radionuclides from Weapons Tests in Sediment The presence of 137Cs in sediments is assumed to be from the fallout from atmospheric atomic weapons testing, which ended approximately three decades ago.

Cesium-137 continued to be present in nearly all (91.1% at CCNPP, 96.1% at PBAPS) sediment samples from Chesapeake Bay and Susquehanna River. Because new weapons inputs to the local ecosystem continue to be nil, 137Cs is likely to be the only fallout-related, gamma ray-emitting radionuclide to be considered in the future.

Concentrations of 137Cs were less in sediments composed primarily of sand than in those composed primarily of clay. The concentrations of 137Cs in sediments collected near PBAPS and CCNPP generally have decreased gradually since 1981 due to reductions in discharges, decay of the inventory of 137Cs present in the sediment, and dilution by sedimentation (Figures 3-13 and 3-14).

At representative transects (e.g., Flag Ponds at CCNPP and Broad Creek at PBAPS), average 137Cs concentrations have decreased, in most cases, by more than 50% since the initiation of the monitoring program. Concentrations at Broad Creek have decreased by at least 75% over the past 24 years, demonstrating the effect of sedimentation for reducing 137Cs concentrations and its apparent half-life (Table 3-5).

The greater rate of decrease of 137Cs concentrations over time in Conowingo Pond reflects the greater sedimentation rate compared to Chesapeake Bay.

I 3-14

Results and Discussion cCNPP]

1400 1200 4-4-

0n 1000 800 600 400

-FP-1 (pCi/kg)

FP-2 (pCi/kg)

FP-3 (pCilkg)

-Cs-137 release (mCi) 200 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 Year Figure 3-13. Total annual release of 137Cs from CCNPP and average annual activity of 137Cs in CCNPP sediments, Flag Ponds transect, 1983-2005.

PBAPS 4-4-

0 1000 800 600 400 200 0

1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 Year Figure 3-14. Total annual release of 137Cs from PBAPS and average annual activity of 137Cs in PBAPS sediments, Broad Creek transect, 1983-2005.


Results and Discussion Table 3-5. Comparison of 137Cs released from CCNPP and PBAPS and sediment activities at representative transects, 1981 and 2005.



% Reduction CCNPP 137Cs release (mCi) 103 0.0807 99.9 Flag Ponds 1 (pCi/kg) 7 1.59 77.3 Flag Ponds 2 (pCi/kg) 98 32 67.3 Flag Ponds 3 (pCi/kg) 522 298 42.9 Flag Ponds 4 (pCi/kg) 361 153 57.6 PBAPS 137Cs release (mCi) 170 0.441 99.7 Broad Creek 1 (pCi/kg) 707 87 87.7 Broad Creek 2 (pCi/kg) 232 49 78.9 Broad Creek 3 (pCi/kg) 243 42 82.7 3.2.2 Biota No radionuclides from power plants were detected in any biological samples from the vicinity of CCNPP or PBAPS.

The only radionuclide detected in finfish at PBAPS was 137Cs (2%) from weapons tests. lodine-131 from medical sources was detected in samples of Eurasian milfoil collected from Susquehanna Flats and Conowingo Pond.

The ability of biota to absorb environmentally significant radionuclides differs by species, habitat, availability of radionuclides, and sensitivity of biota to radionuclides. Test oysters are confined to trays in the immediate vicinity of the discharge and remain there for periods of three months to one year. Conversely, finfish in Conowingo Pond are mobile and reside near the PBAPS outfall for only short periods of time.

Finfish tend to absorb radionuclides from fallout and PBAPS, such as '37Cs, 6 0Co, and 6"Zn, whose availability via sediment has been at or near zero levels since 1989-1990.

PPRP's monitoring results for biota collected in 2004-2005 are summarized below. Radionuclides from CCNPP in Tray-oysters No IOmAg was detected in tray-oysters placed in the vicinity of the cooling water discharge or in continually exposed oysters at the farfield (control) location (Kenwood Beach) during the monitoring period (Figure 3-15).

The inability to detect 11°mAg since spring, 2001, reflects a recent downward trend in liomAg releases from CCNPP.

Uptake of radionuclides, particularly ilo°Ag, by tray-oysters is governed by physical, chemical, and environmental conditions (e.g., plant releases, water temperature, season of 3-16 I










Results and Discussion exposure).

A detailed discussion of the tray-oyster study and statistical modeling of radionuclide concentrations in tray-oysters can be found in McLean et al. 1 987 and Rose et al. 1988, 1989.

CCNPP Release (mCi) -------

Oysters (pCi/kg) -et 100 80" 60 O

40 20 0

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Year Figure 3-15. Concentration of 11°mAg in aqueous effluent from CCNPP and in 3-month tray oysters, 1994-2005. Radionuclides from PBAPS in Finfish In 2004-2005, no radionuclides from PBAPS were detected in the samples of finfish collected from Conowingo Pond.

The power plant discharges minuscule amounts of environmentally significant radionuclides; hence, very limited amounts of plant-related radionuclides are present in the sediment for potential uptake.

Cobalt-60 has been detected in only one finfish sample since 1995. Fallout-related 137Cs was detected in one sample of walleye flesh collected from Conowingo Pond in 2005. The concentration of 137Cs in that sample was not significantly different from concentrations in the prior several years of monitoring data; moreover, the frequency of detection in the current monitoring period was the least since the initiation of monitoring. Radionuclides from PBAPS in Submerged Aquatic Vegetation (SAV)

Sixty-seven percent of samples of Eurasian milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) collected from the Susquehanna River-Chesapeake Bay system in 2004-2005 contained detectable concentrations of 1311.

Releases of medical wastewater generally are regarded as the source of concentrations of 1311 found in SAV. Therapeutic doses of 1311 administered in nuclear medicine typically range as high as several hundred mCi (NCRPM 1996). PBAPS released approximately 10 mCi of 1311 during the monitoring period; consequently, PBAPS cannot be ruled out as the source of an incremental contribution of the observed concentrations of 1311.



3.3.1 Effect on the Environment Although small concentrations of radionuclides attributable to weapons test fallout were detected in biota collected in 2004-2005, the maximum detected concentrations were orders of magnitude smaller than concentrations of natural radionuclides.

Radiation doses to aquatic organisms attributable to discharges from power plants are an insignificant proportion of doses derived from natural radionuclides (Whicker and Schultz 1982).

Living organisms normally receive most of their external and internal doses of radiation from naturally occurring radionuclides such as 40K. Adverse effects on sensitive aquatic vertebrates have been detected at dose rates as low as 0.4 mGy/h (40 mrad/h or approximately 350 rem in one year).

Adverse effects on mollusks appear at doses of 87,660 rem in one year (Eisler 1994).

Doses that cause adverse effects in these organisms are far above what ingestion of finfish from Conowingo Pond and oysters from Chesapeake Bay may deliver to humans in given monitoring years (see Section 3.3.2).

3.3.2 Effect on Human Health Potential radiation doses to human consumers of oysters and finfish were estimated based upon measured concentrations of radionuclides in edible fish. Doses were expressed as "dose commitment," which refers to the total dose to a tissue or organ during a period of 50 years following ingestion, after allowing for the metabolic processes of excretion and radioactive decay. The dose commitment calculations are based on three variables.

The first variable is the maximum, or worst-case, estimated concentration of plant-related radionuclides in finfish collected from Conowingo Pond or oysters collected from the vicinity of CCNPP. The second variable is an estimate of the maximum quantity of finfish or oysters consumed by an individual according to age (i.e., child = 6.9 kg/yr; teen = 16 kg/yr; adult = 21 kg/yr; USNRC 1977). The third variable is the dose from the intake of a radionuclide (USNRC 1977).

Table 3-6 presents estimated dose commitments for adults, teenagers, and children based on a diet of finfish (no dose estimate based on oyster consumption is presented due to the absence of detectable concentrations of radionuclides from power plants in oyster tissue samples). The estimated maximum dose from consumption of finfish during 2004-2005 was 0.007 mrem/yr to a teenager's liver. The estimated maximum total body dose to an adult was 0.004 mrem/yr.

The promulgated maximum annual effective dose equivalent to the general population as a result of a licensee's activities involving the use of radioactive material is I

100 mrem above background levels, exclusive of the dose contribution from the licensee's disposal of radioactive material (USNRC 1991).

Plant design objectives to maintain effective dose equivalent resulting from release of radioactive material as part of normal operations to levels "as low as reasonably achievable" are stated in 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix I (USNRC 1996):


Results and Discussion "The calculated annual total quantity of all radioactive material above background to be released from each light-water-cooled nuclear power reactor to unrestricted areas will not result in an estimated annual dose or dose commitment from liquid effluents for any individual in an unrestricted area from all pathways of exposure in excess of 3 millirems to the total body or 10 millirems to any organ."

Table 3-6. Estimated maximum dose commitments* in millirem per year to individuals who consume finfish from Conowingo Pond, 2004-2005. Recommended consumption values and conversion factors derived from USNRC 1977.

Age Group 2004-2005 Adult Teen Child Total Body 65Zn 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 134Cs 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 137Cs 0.0044 0.0024 0.0009 TOTAL 0.0044 0.0024 0.0009 Bone 65Zn 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 134Cs 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 137 Cs 0.0049 0.0053 0.0066 TOTAL 0.0049 0.0053 0.0066 Liver 65Zn 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 3 4 Cs 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 3 7 cs 0.0067 0.0070 0.0063 TOTAL 0.0067 0.0070 0.0063 Kidney 6 5Zn 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1 34 CS 0.0000 1

0.0000 1

0.0000 137Cs 0.0023 0.0024 0.0021 TOTAL 0.0023 0.0024 0.0021 Gastrointestinal tract - lower large intestine 6 5Zn 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 134Cs 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 137Cs 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000 TOTAL 0.0001 0.0001 0.0000

  • Dose commitment:

kg mrem X

pCi yr pCi kg 3-19

Results and Discussion The USEPA has set maximum permissible dose rules as part of the regulation of the uranium fuel cycle, which includes the mining of ore in addition to the operation of nuclear power plants (40 CFR Part 190 Subpart B; USEPA 1979):

"Operations covered by this subpart shall be conducted in such a manner as to provide reasonable assurance that: A) The annual dose equivalent does not exceed 25 millirems to the whole body, 75 millirems to the thyroid, and 25 millirems to any other organ of any member of the public as the result of exposures to planned discharges of radioactive materials, radon and its daughters excepted, to the general environment from uranium fuel cycle operations and to radiation from-these operations.

B) The total quantity of radioactive materials entering the general-environment from the entire uranium fuel cycle, per gigawatt-year of electrical energy produced by the fuel cycle, contains less than 50,000 curies of krypton-85, 5 millicuries of iodine-129 and 0.5 millicuries combined of plutonium-239 and other alpha-emitting transuranic radionuclides with half-lives greater than one year."

The dose commitment estimates given above show that the quantities of radionuclides found in sediment and biota do not pose a threat to human health as measured by their consequent effective dose equivalent as they migrate through trophic layers to humans.




S During the 2004-2005 monitoring period, CCNPP and PBAPS released radionuclides to the environment as a normal consequence of routine operations, and all quantities released resulted in estimated doses that were much less than regulatory limits set by the USNRC.

Radionuclides released from CCNPP were detected in isolated samples collected from Chesapeake Bay.

In the PBAPS study area, most plant-produced radionuclides were detected in sediment samples collected upstream of Conowingo Dam, especially at the station nearest to the cooling water discharge.

No finfish samples collected near the PBAPS outfall contained detectable plant-related radionuclides.

Radionuclides from nuclear power plants, nuclear weapons testing, and natural sources contributed to the total radioactivity measured in environmental samples.

Generally, radionuclides from natural sources (primarily radionuclides from the uranium and thorium decay series, 40K, and 7Be) contributed most to the total radioactivity of environmental samples.

Concentrations of radionuclides in sediments and biota do not represent a risk to the ecological health of Chesapeake Bay or Susquehanna River. The additional increment of radioactivity and radiation dose attributable to the operation of CCNPP and PBAPS is minimal when compared with natural levels of radioactivity and the associated natural radioactive dose.

The incremental increase in the dose to humans resulting from the consumption of biota that contain plant-related radionuclides is no more than 0.001% (NCRPM 1987).

This increase is insignificant when compared to the total dose attributable to natural background and other sources, which varies according to geographic region and elevation, habitat type (i.e., construction material used in residences), personal choices (e.g.,

smoking, occupation), and routine medical procedures.


Conclusions 4-2



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I 5-6


Appendix A A-2

Appendix A Transects and Stations for Sediments Collected from Chesapeake Bay in the Vicinity of Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant Station North Latitude West Longitude Western Shores WS-1 380 29.321' 760 29.336' WS-2 380 29.460' 760 29.239' WS-3 380 29.752' 760 28.272' WS-4 380 30.975' 76° 25.897' Flag Ponds FP-1 380 27.254' 760 26.873' FP-2 380 27.302' 760 26.820' FP-3 380 27.402' 760 26.476' FP-4 380 29.211' 760 24.790' Calvert Cliffs Outfall CCO-1 380 26.316' 760 26.412' CCO-2 380 26.455' 760 26.266' CCO-3 380 26.795' 760 25.753' CCO-4 380 28.245' 760 24.055' Rocky Point RP-1 380 25.074' 760 24.949' RP-2 380 28.356' 760 24.490' RP-3 380 25.327' 760 24.300' RP-4 380 26.068' 760 22.896' Liquid Natural Gas Terminal LNG-1 380 22.625' 760 23.083' LNG-2 380 23.652' 760 22.882' LNG-3 380 23.745' 760 22.495' LNG-4 380 23.997' 760 21.431' Cove Point CP-1 380 22.500' 760 22.859' CP-2 380 22.541' 760 22.446' CP-3 380 22.601' 760 21.934' CP-4 380 22.635' 760 20.725' Little Cove Point LCP-1 380 21.292' 760 21.490' LCP-2 380 21.368' 760 20.180' Drum Point DP-1 380 19.553' 760 22.354' DP-2 380 19.574' 760 19.757' A-3

Appendix A Susquehanna River/Upper Bay Sediment Network Station Name/Location North Latitude West Longitude LYH-1 Little Yellow House 39044.592' 76015.120' LYH-2 39044.929' 76014.635' LYH-3 39045.242' 76014.082' BC-1 Broad Creek 39041.909' 76014.017' BC-2 39042.044' 76013.657' BC-3 39o42.280' 76013.063' CONCK-1 Conowingo Creek 39040.690' 76012.327' CONCK-2 39040.848' 76012.124' CONCK-3 39o40.997' 76011.996' CONDAM-1 Conowingo Dam 39039.475' 76010.591' CONDAM-2 39039.675' 76010.546' CONDAM-3 39040.026' 76010.383' SR-3 Susquehanna River 39034.858' 76006.127' (Rt. 95 Bridge)

SF-1 Susquehanna Flats 39032.827' 76004.467' (River Mouth (40'))

SF-6 Buoy R "14" 39031.027' 76°05.007' SF-7 Buoy N "12" 39030.274' 76005.216' SF-8 Buoy N "8" 39029.215' 76004.955' SF-9 Buoy N "2" 39028.294' 76003.261' UB-10 Buoy RB "A" 39o26.555' 76001.997' Note:

Station #1 West Station #2 Center of Reservoir Station #3 East I












Appendix B B-2

Appendix B INTRODUCTION This appendix contains data for most of the radionuclides detected in the environmental samples collected in the vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and the Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station during the 2004-2005 monitoring period.

The radionuclides reported in these tables include the naturally occurring radionuclides 7Be and 40K, the weapons test fallout radionuclide 137Cs, and the power plant produced radionuclides 1OmAg, 58Co, 6 0Co, 1311, and 6 5Zn.

Radionuclide concentrations in sediments and biological samples are reported as pCi/kg dry weight, except for finfish gut samples which are reported as pCi/kg wet weight. Data are organized in the following tables:

Page Table 1.

Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (CCNPP)

B-5 Table 2.

Radionuclide concentrations in oysters (Crassostrea virginica)

B-1 9 Table 3.

Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (PBAPS)

B-21 Table 4.

Radionuclide concentrations in finfish B-28 Table 5.

Radionuclide concentrations in submerged aquatic vegetation B-31 Within each table, specific sample stations are arranged approximately north to south and data are presented by date along with the mean for the monitoring period. Data are decay corrected to the date of sample collection.

Counting error is reported as +/- 20 error.

Concentrations for radionuclides that were not detected in specific samples are recorded as less than (<) the lower level of detection for that sample as determined by spectrum analysis programs.

Annual means were calculated as a simple arithmetic average of concentrations and variability was expressed as 2 standard deviation units. Lower limits of detection were excluded from mean calculations.


Appendix B B-4

Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCWES010 - Calvert Cliffs Western Shores Station 1 02/24/04 139 983


62 11 3



1 05/27/04 75 940 57 6

2 2.9 0.4 08/30/04 107 990 62 9

3 4

1 11/22/04 100 1055 64 8

2 3.5


0.4 Yearly 992


95 3


1 03/04/05 146 1310


70 11 4



1 05/20/05 78 1036


56 7

3 3.3


0.5 08/30/05 61


16 1025


55 4

3 3.1


0.5 12/22/05 50 1229


65 5

3 4

1 0,

Yearly 61


16 1150


284 4


2 Overall 61


16 1071


224 4


1 Station CCWES020 - Calvert Cliffs Western Shores Station 2 02/24/04 79 1020


62 7

3 6


1 05/27/04 131 3224 192 11 5



2 08/30/04 87 2188


130 7

3 21


1 11/22/04 131 51 3006 179 11 4



1 Yearly 131


51 2360


1997 19


18 03/04/05 169 3453 179 14 5

29 2

05/20/05 66


31 2241 118 9

4 12


1 08/30/05 89


34 3889 200 7

5 27 2

12/22/05 37 879 47 4

2 5


1 Yearly 78


32 2615


2702 18


23 Overall 104


75 2488


362 18.5



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCWES030 - Calvert Cliffs Western Shores Station 3 02/24/04 527 17381 1023 42 16 369


23 05/27/04 269 14996 877 22 10 402


24 08/30/04 377 16091 947 33 14 403


24 11/22/04 384 15942 932 28 11 396


23 Yearly 16103


1961 393


32 03/04/05 512 17934


906 40 15 354 20 05/20/05 102 3038


156 9

4 43


2 08/30/05 174 19106


964 18 15 491 27 12/22/05 215 18959


969 22 19 311 17 Yearly 14759


15662 300


375 Overall 15431


1900 346


131 Station CCWES040 - Calvert Cliffs Western Shores Station 4 02/24/04 297 17265


1010 30 13 199 12 05/27/04 294 15208


895 27 13 167


11 08/30/04 306 16911


988 26 11 211


13 11/22/04 371 16308


958 32 13 214


13 Yearly 16423


1803 198


43 03/04/05 440 16639


846 37 15 174


11 05/20/05 333 17542


892 30 15 228


13 08/30/05 154 16162


825 17 15 131


10 12/22/05 198 18718


947 20 16 154


9 Yearly 17265


2250 172


83 Overall 16844


1191 185


37 m


-m-n m-m

-m -m m

-m m-m-m-

Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCFLP010 - Calvert Cliffs Flag Ponds Station 1 02/24/04 68 785


49 7

3 2

05/27/04 66 494 33 6

3 3

08/30/04 66 812


50 6

2 2.1


0.4 11/22/04 71 416 28 6

2 2

Yearly 627


402 2.1


0.4 03/04/05 82 577


34 7

3 3

05/20/05 65 603 35 6

3 1.6


0.4 08/30/05 27

+/-8 639


38 3

3 3

co 12/22/05 27 11 744


41 4

2 1.6


0.4 Yearly 26.8


0.2 641


147 1.59


0.01 Overall 26.8


0.2 634


20 2


1 Station CCFLP020 - Calvert Cliffs Flag Ponds Station 2 02/24/04 199 5693


335 16 6

39 3

05/27/04 90 4547


266 8

4 30


2 08/30/04 153


23 5408


319 12 6



2 11/22/04 238


53 4898


287 11 4



2 Yearly 195


120 5137


1025 33


11 03/04/05 1.65 4777


242 13 5



2 05/20/05 144


51 5686


287 11 5



2 08/30/05 101


11 6162


311 7

5 36


2 12/22/05 80


26 5971


304 7

6 35


2 Yearly 109 65 5649


1227 32


11 Overall 152


123 5393


724 32



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCFLP030 - Calvert Cliffs Flag Ponds Station 3 02/24/04 236 12719


744 23 10 319


19 05/27/04 259 13334


784 23 12 265 16 08/30/04 258 14438


844 22 10 298


18 11/22/04 355 13738


808 29 12 305


19 Yearly 13557


1443 297


46 03/04/05 463 15749 803 38 15 253


14 05/20/05 336 16022


816 30 15 320


17 08/30/05 1`51 16265


828 16 15 349


19 12/22/05 159 15732 794 16 13 270 16 Yearly 15942


506 298


88 Overall 14749 3373 297


2 Station CCFLP040 - Calvert Cliffs Flag Ponds Station 4 02/24/04 381 13395


788 32 12 113


7 05/27/04 246 14888


871 22 10 132 8

08/30/04 334 15630


920 30 14 146 9

11/22/04 352 16659 973 27 10 366


22 Yearly 15143


2746 189


237 03/04/05 486 19374 978 39 15 164


9 05/20/05 379 19140 968 33 16 171


12 08/30/05 175 19237 975 19 17 138 8

12/22/05 193 18073 924 21 17 140


9 Yearly 18956


1193 153


33 Overall 17049


5393 171


51 M









Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCCCO010 - Calvert Cliffs Outfall Station 1 02/24/04 514 4420 275 41 15 14


2 05/27/04 305 4415 267 26 12 11 2

08/30/04 46 29 1041 63 7

3 2.6


0.4 11/22/04 105 1272


77 8

3 2.5


0.4 Yearly 46


29 2787


3770 7


12 03/04/05 136 1362


72 11 4

4 05/20/05 91 1431


76 8

3 2.3


0.5 08/30/05 16 7



75 4

3 2.9


0.5 12/22/05 48 1309


72 5

4 3


1 Yearly 16


7 1381


115 3


1 Overall 31


41 2084


1988 5


7 Station CCCCO020 - Calvert Cliffs Outfall Station 2 02/24/04 212 5266


313 22 9



2 05/27/04 217 4124


251 20 10 15


2 08/30/04 71 1428


86 6

3 6


1 11/22/04 83 1359


83 7

3 5


1 Yearly 3044


3926 12


17 03/04/05 128 1276


71 11 4



1 05/20/05 74 1581


84 7

3 7


1 08/30/05 55


15 1636


87 4

3 8


1 12/22/05 91


18 1950


101 4

3 8


1 Yearly 73 52 1611


552 7

1 Overall 73


52 2328


2028 10



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCCCO030 - Calvert Cliffs Outfall Station 3 02/24/04 95 3877 228 8

3 69


4 05/27/04 58 3946


231 5

3 73


4 08/30/04 282 16676


976 24 12 404


24 11/22/04 258 13868


810 21 9



22 Yearly 9592


13317 229


366 03/04/05 380 16689 841 30 13 223 12 05/20/05 298 15368 777 26 13 205


12 08/30/05 146 18089 913 15 14 390 22 12/22/05 172 16786 856 18 17 229 13 0

Yearly 16733


2223 262


172 Overall 13162


10099 246


46 Station CCCCO040 - Calvert Cliffs Outfall Station 4 02/24/04 90 4100


241 8

3 58


4 05/27/04 56 3470 204 5

3 47


3 08/30/04 278 16649


978 25 13 288 17 11/22/04 277 15506


910 24 12 301


18 Yearly 9931


14234 173


280 03/04/05 493 19572


996 42 18 359


20 05/20/05 309 17457


889 30 16 169


.10 08/30/05

144 18252


929 17 16 248


14 12/22/05 157 17762


896 17 13 160


9 Yearly 18261


1866 234


184 Overall 14096


11780 204


86 m-m m



-m n

-m n

-m m-m m-m m-

Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCROP010 - Calvert Cliffs Rocky Point Station 1 02/24/04 74 720


45 6

3 1.4


0.3 05/27/04 59 602 39 5

3 3

08/30/04 27


14 726


47 6

3 3

11/22/04 65 1213


74 6

3 3

Yearly 27


14 815


543 1.4


0.3 03/04/05 101 772 44 9

4 4

05/20/05 70 1020


56 6

3 2.0 0.5 08/30/05 27


8 629 37 3

3 3

12/22/05 36 875


49 4

3 3

1 Yearly 27


8 824


331 2


1 Overall 26.7


0.3 820


12 2


1 Station CCROP020 - Calvert Cliffs Rocky Point Station 2 02/24/04 47 601 37 3

1 2

05/27/04 39 468 29 4

2 1.3


0.3 08/30/04 123 6762


396 11 6

82 5

11/22/04 53 515


33 4

2 1.4 0.3 Yearly 2086


6235 28


93 03/04/05 82 551


31 7

2 1.9 0.4 05/20/05 58 886


48 5

2 2.5


0.4 08/30/05 67


11 1313


69 3

3 6


1 12/22/05 31 611


35 3

2 2.1


0.4 Yearly 67


11 840


694 3


4 Overall 67


11 1463


1762 16



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCROP030 - Calvert Cliffs Rocky Point Station 3 02/24/04 334 14405


849 28 14 160


10 05/27/04 197 12325


725 19 11 131


9 08/30/04 323 17464


1029 30 17 257


16 11/22/04 299 15662


922 27 15 179


12 Yearly 14964


4322 182


108 03/04/05 369 14804


753 32 14 172


10 05/20/05 289 14243


729 28 15 154


10 08/30/05 122


62 16178 827 17 16 201


11 co 12/22/05 153 15617


799 17 16 157


11 Yearly 122 62 15210


1714 171


43 Overall 122


62 15087


348 176


15 Station CCROP040 - Calvert Cliffs Rocky Point Station 4 02/24/04 187 13743 802 14 6



11 05/27/04 168 14152


826 15 8



7 08/30/04 238 17319


1012 22 11 201


12 11/22/04 240 16331


954 20 9



15 Yearly 15386


3436 186


119 03/04/05 332 17621


885 27 11 235


13 05/20/05 276 17550


884 25 13 166


9 08/30/05 122 18392


926 14 12 162


9 12/22/05

.133 16492


835 15 13 256


14 Yearly 17514


1560 205


96 Overall 16450


3009 195


26 m----m-mm-m--m--m-mm-m


- m-

Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCLNG010 - Calvert Cliffs LNG Plant Pipeline Station 1 02/24/04 49 673


42 4

2 1.4


0.3 05/27/04 45 889 54 4

2 3.1


0.4 08/30/04 37


19 760


47 4

2 2

11/22/04 49 999


60 4

2 1.8


0.3 Yearly 37


19 830


287 2


2 03/04/05 85 586 34 7

2 3

05/20/05 53


9 1272


67 6

3 2.4 0.4 08/30/05 17 7

828 45 3

2 1.9 0.4 co 12/22/05 37


10 1048


57 3

3 1.6


0.3 w

Yearly 35


36 933


588 2


1 Overall 36


2 882


146 2.0


0.2 Station CCLNG020 - Calvert Cliffs LNG Plant Pipeline Station 2 02/24/04 182 8073


476 16 8



4 05/27/04 89


36 7604


448 12 8



3 08/30/04 442


56 7431


437 12 7



3 11/22/04 243


39 6623 390 11 6



3 Yearly 258


353 7433


1209 49


11 03/04/05 259


69 8387 426 18 8

52 3

05/20/05 391


81 8881


451 15 8



4 08/30/05 70 8038


409 8

8 58


4 12/22/05 341


51 11086


567 12 11 80 5

Yearly 330


133 9098


2740 62


25 Overall 294


102 8265


2355 55



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCLNG030 - Calvert Cliffs LNG Plant Pipeline Station 3 02/24/04 180 13493 790 14 8



7 05/27/04 183 12718


745 17 9



7 08/30/04 247 16091


943 23 12 138


9 11/22/04 143 11216


661 15 10 98 6

Yearly 13379


4080 113


36 03/04/05 425 17317


876 36 15 147


9 05/20/05 298 17045


862 27 14 157


9 08/30/05 209 60 18658 944 16 16 161 9

12/22/05 294


71 17991 913 19 17 145 9

Yearly 251 121 17753


1445 153


15 Overall 251


121 15566


6185 133


56 Station CCLNG040 - Calvert Cliffs LNG Plant Pipeline Station 4 02/24/04 190 17367


1014 18 10 14 2

05/27/04 146 15719 918 15 9



1 08/30/04 209 18137


1061 21 12 33


3 11/22/04 107 13944 815 12 8

9 1

Yearly 16292


3724 16


24 03/04/05 274 18653


938 26 11 14 2

05/20/05 222 18808 947 22 12 16


2 08/30/05 91 18709


941 11 12 12 12/22/05 98 18311


922 11 11 17


2 Yearly 18620


432 16


3 Overall 17456


3293 15.8


0.5 m-m

-m -m m-m-


-m m

-m --



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCCOV010 - Calvert Cliffs Cove Point Station 1 02/24/04 122 5433 321 11 6

24 2

05/27/04 88 4661


274 8

5 23 2

08/30/04 433 52 5243 309 10 6

25 2

11/22/04 215 39 5187 306 8

5 24


2 Yearly 324


308 5131


662 24


2 03/04/05 172 5271 269 15 6



2 05/20/05 181


44 4954 253 12 6

23 2

08/30/05 106 22 5361 273 6

6 27 2

12/13/05 50


9 5241


267 7

6 23


2 01 Yearly 112


132 5207


352 24


3 Overall 218


300 5169


107 24.0


0.5 Station CCCOV020 - Calvert Cliffs Cove Point Station 2 02/24/04 60 5142


301 5

3 31


2 05/27/04 84 6396 374 8

5 39 3

08/30/04 255


51 7367 431 10 6



3 11/22/04 65 7349


430 5

4 29 3

Yearly 255


51 6564


2102 36


15 03/04/05 188 7766


391 15 6



3 05/20/05 153


49 8094


408 13 7



3 08/30/05 108


22 7346


370 6

6 46


3 12/13/05 262


43 9474


477 9

7 65


4 Yearly 174


159 8170


1843 53


17 Overall 215


115 7367


2271 44



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCCOV030 - Calvert Cliffs Cove Point Station 3 02/24/04 315 17196


1016 28 17 158


10 05/27/04 181 13163


774 18 12 123


8 08/30/04 257 15357 906 24 15 137 9

11/22/04 176 14348 845 18 13 132


9 Yearly 15016


3415 138


30 03/04/05 396 15742 805 35 17 146 10 05/20/05 312 16472


845 31 18 141 10 08/30/05 142 17092 876 17 18 151 9

12/13/05 155 16124 823 17 16 141


9 Yearly 16357


1147 145


10 Overall 15687


1897 141


10 Station CCCOV040 - Calvert Cliffs Cove Point Station 4 02/24/04 140 18145 1057 12 6

7 05/27/04 140 17053


993 14 8

8 08/30/04 169 18387 1071 16 9

17 2

11/22/04 77 17635 1027 8

7 6

Yearly 17805


1182 17


2 03/04/05 249 17847


893 22 9

11 1

05/20/05 283 26422


1325 26 15 16 2

08/30/05 92 19143 959 10 11 11 12/22/05 97 18741


938 11 10 10 Yearly 20538


7920 14


7 Overall 19172


3865 15


4 M M M








Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCLCP010 - Calvert Cliffs Little Cove Point Station 1 02/24/04 103 6587


388 9

6 86


6 05/27/04 152 13347


781 15 9



13 08/30/04 225 17061


999 21 12 199


12 11/22/04 T03 11113


652 11 9



6 Yearly 12027


8757 149


142 03/04/05 398 17097


865 32 14 167


9 05/20/05 334 19128


969 30 17 282


18 08/30/05 74 12627


635 8

8 190


10 12/13/05 136 15295


774 15 13 146


8 Yearly 16037


5520 196


120 Overall 14032


5670 173


66 Station CCLCP020 - Calvert Cliffs Little Cove Point Station 2 02/24/04 235 18733


1095 21 13 273


16 05/27/04 190 15364


904 19 13 164


11 08/30/04 271 19212


1131 27 17 176


13 11/22/04 162 16552


975 18 15 146


9 Yearly 17465


3635 190


114 03/04/05 420 16357


840 36 18 136


8 05/20/05 309 18607


948 30 18 323


19 08/30/05 90 17522


884 11 12 19


5 12/13/05 155 19400


987 18 17 208


12 Yearly 17971


2647 172


255 Overall 17718


715 181



Table 1. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-58 Co-60 Cs-137 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCDRP010 - Calvert Cliffs Drum Point Station 1 02/24/04 233 17564


1030 22 15 142 9

05/27/04 92 7282


427 9

6 79


5 08/30/04 368


39 11925


701 16 11 107


7 11/22/04 128


39 10161 597 11 9

96 6

Yearly 248


339 11733


8665 106


53 03/04/05 203 9398


476 18 8

70 4

05/20/05 185 10890


554 18 10 125


7 08/30/05 94 13632


693 11 12 163


9 12/13/05 104 12443 632 12 11 146 8

0o Yearly 11591


3686 126


81 Overall 248


339 11662


201 116


29 Station CCDRP020 - Calvert Cliffs Drum Point Station 2 02/24/04 222 14939 880 21 14 128


8 05/27/04 156 14224


832 15 9



10 08/30/04 244 19721 1155 23 14 247 15 11/22/04 142 16752 980 15 11 176


12 Yearly 16409


4902 177


102 03/04/05 428 20078


1016 36 15 157


11 05/20/05 291 19161 967 26 15 255


14 08/30/05 118 18627


940 13 14 258


14 12/13/05 155 19081 963 17 15 183


10 Yearly 19237


1216 213


102 Overall 17823


3999 195


51 n-m-m n-m

-m m-m-m-m

-m n-m-n-


Table 2. Radionuclide concentrations in oysters (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Ag-110m Co-60 Cs-137 DATE EXPOSURE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCKEBOOO - Calvert Cliffs Kenwood Beach Station 03/29/04 119 1014 19852

+/- 1424

< 97 112 104 07/02/04 95 745 16715

+/- 1183

< 76

< 93 78 09/23/04 83 1020 18359

+/- 1452

< 122 139 140 12/03/04 71 510 18539

+/- 1174

< 39

< 43 37 Yearly 18366

+/- 2573 03/30/05 117 1130 14978

+/- 956

< 73

< 82 70 06/28/05 90 731 19504

+/- 1128

< 72

< 76 74 09/19/05 83 1018 17191

+/- 1099

< 81

< 89 81 12/01/05 74 838 14375

+/- 917

< 65

< 69 61 Yearly 16512

+/- 4666 oW Overall 17439

+/- 2622 CD

Table 2. Radionuclide concentrations in oysters (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Ag-110m Co-60 Cs-137 DATE EXPOSURE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station CCPLSOOO - Calvert Cliffs Plant Site Station 03/29/04 119 1134 28228

+/- 1826 99 105 103 07/02/04 95 602 22031

+/- 1397 57 64 62 07/02/04 214 573 15689

+/- 1070 59 67 61 07/02/04 389 606 19730

+/- 1272 61 72 64 09/23/04 297 896 23618

+/- 1611 104 121 115 12/03/04 71

< 434 11533

+/- 745

< 35 38 33 12/03/04 154 219 10177

+/- 628 15 18 15 Yearly 18715

+/- 13170 03/30/05 117 851 18256

+ 1032

< 54 55 53 06/28/05 90 291 11650

+ 681

< 31 36 35 06/28/05 207 300 11950

+ 690

< 30 35 33 06/28/05 278

< 404 15025

+ 847

< 43 47 46 06/28/05 361 314 13052

_ 720

< 33 35 36 09/19/05 83 1260 25986

_ 1471

< 92 86 91 12/01/05 74 555 13890

+ 770

< 40 40 39 12/01/05 157 558 14287

_ 795

< 41 41 40 Yearly 15512 t 9419 Overall 17113

+/- 4530 M










Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 ERR Co-60 Cs-137 Zn-65 DATE CONC ERR CONC CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR 06/11/04 10/21/04 Yearly 06/22/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall 482










Co i~

06/11/04 10/21/04 Yearly 06/22/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall 438










Station PBLYHO10 - Peach Bottom Little Yellow House Station 1 120 11195


656 237


12 56


4 502 8615


502 5



2 120 9905


3648 237


12 44


33 104 18859


942 9

10 41 12943


650 239


11 74


4 41 15901


8366 239


11 74


4 482 12903


8479 238


3 59


43 Station PBLYH020 - Peach Bottom Little Yellow House Station 2 157 13225


775 10 79


5 730 11082


648 8



4 157 12153


3031 72


18 112 15178


765 11 96


6 37 11112


558 18


2 58


3 37 13145


5750 18


2 77


53 453 12649


1402 18


2 75


7 Station PBLYH030 - Peach Bottom Little Yellow House Station 3 409 13277


779 11 81


5 485 7980


465 5



2 10628


7491 51


83 108 15347


770 10 107


6 28 8156


409 6


1 29


2 28 11751


10170 6


1 68


111 28 11190


1588 6


1 60


23 221

+/- 14 27 221

+/- 14

< 31 38

+/- 4 38

+/- 4 130

+/- 258 48 44 35 26 48 28 32 20 06/11/04 10/21/04 Yearly 06/22/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall K




90 90 90

Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 CONC Co-60 CONC Cs-137 ERR CONC ERR Zn-65 CONC DATE CONC ERR ERR ERR 06/11/04 10/21/04 Yearly 06/22/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall Station PBBRC010 - Peach Bottom Broad Creek Station 1

< i 563 22329


1303 21


3 180


11 1075 17080


997 7


3 111


7 19704


7424 14


20 146


97 293


46 14025


708 8


3 91


5 150 13495


684 28


3 82


5 293


46 13760


750 18


28 87


14 293


46 16732


8406 16


6 116


83 58 60 33 41 co 06/11/04 10/21/04 Yearly 06/22/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall 201 146 173 173



662 505 17 37 78

.78 235 552 235 29 18 25 130" Station PBBRC020 - Peach Bottom Broad Creek Station 2 21364


1254 19 170


11 6490


381 6



2 13927


21035 101


197 9192


462 6



3 8752


440 29


2 47


3 8972


623 29


2 49


5 11449


7007 29


2 75


73 Station PBBRC030 - Peach Bottom Broad Creek Station 3 18575


1087 14 130


8 6360


375 7



2 12467


17274 81


138 6815


346 6



2 8308


423 10


2 52


3 7561


2111 10


2 42


29 3



6938 10


2 62


55 79 31 21 23 56 34 22 29 06/11/04 10/21/04 Yearly 06/22/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall 1053












n-m m-m-m

-m -m m-m-m-m-m

Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-60 Cs-137 Zn-65 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station PBCOC010 - Peach Bottom Conowingo Creek Station 1 06/11/04 1634


264 21591


1268 17


5 174



< 80 10/21/04 1091


338 11067


651 11 69


5 51 Yearly 1362


768 16329


14883 17


5 122


147 06/22/05 226


44 13802


695 10 94



< 33 10/14/05 177


42 11126 559 8




< 27 Yearly 202


70 12464


3785 88


17 Overall 782


1641 14396


5466 17


5 105


47 Station PBCOC020 - Peach Bottom Conowingo Creek Station 2 06/11/04 889 99 20029


1170 13 149


9 54 10/21/04 1146 20931


1221 13 130



< 65 Yearly 889


99 20480


1275 139


27 06/22/05 370 47 14217


717 11 103



< 33 10/14/05 136 49 20600


1039 16 147


8 53 Yearly 253


330 17408


9027 125


62 Overall 571


900 18944


4344 132

+/- 20 Station PBCOC030 - Peach Bottom Conowingo Creek Station 3 06/11/04 1420


325 20827


1224 18 145



< 78 10/21/04 677


297 7648


455 11 51


4 52 Yearly 1048


1050 14238


18638 98


132 06/22/05 490 34 14891


751 11 113



< 36 10/14/05 265


32 15740


796 13 118



< 44 Yearly 378


318 15315


1200 116


8 Overall 713


948 14777


1524 107



Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-60 Cs-137 Zn-65 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station PBCOD010 - Peach Bottom Conowingo Dam Station 1

.06/11/04 323 15920


929 9




< 37 10/21/04 857


154 19731


1152 13 146



< 63 Yearly 857


154 17825


5390 138


21 06/22/05 602 56 16153


812 11 122



< 36 10/14/05 231 45 15385


773 7


2 111



< 36 Yearly 417


524 15769


1087 7


2 116


16 Overall 637


623 16797


2908 7


2 127


31 Station PBCOD020 - Peach Bottom Conowingo Dam Station 2 06/11/04 1545 285 21926


1290 20 183



< 86 10/21/04 1132 18886


1107 16 134



< 74 Yearly 1545


285 20406 4299 159


69 06/22/05 51


27 19464


984 15 157



< 48 10/14/05 256


52 18747


947 11


3 156



< 44 Yearly 154


289 19106


1013 11


3 157


2 Overall 849


1967 19756


1839 11


3 158


3 Station PBCOD030 - Peach Bottom Conowingo Dam Station 3 06/11/04 832


191 23717


1384 25


4 177


11 56 10/21/04 1164 22104


1289 14 148



< 69 Yearly 832


191 22911


2282 25


4 163


41 06/22/05 790


64 18346


918 10 136


7 32 10/14/05 334 55 17891


897 10 137


7 33 Yearly 562


644 18119


644 137 2

Overall 697


382 20515


6777 25 4

150 37 m-m-m-m

-m m-m-m-

m m-n m-m m

Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-60 Cs-137 Zn-65 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station PBSRV030 - Peach Bottom Susquehanna River Station 3 06/11/04 93 2677


158 3



1 12 10/14/04 229 2527


150 3



1 15 Yearly 2602


212 6


1 06/08/05 42


9 3111


158 3




< 9 10/04/05 31


13 2832


146 3



1 10 Yearly 36


15 2972


396 7


2 Overall 36


15 2787


522 6


2 Station PBSFLO10 - Peach Bottom Susquehanna Flats Station 1 06/11/04 93


39 4833


283 4



1 13 10/14/04 705 18102


1054 9


< 45 Yearly 93


39 11468


18766 16


1 06/08/05 100 13913


700 9


< 30 10/04/05 85 13123


657 8




< 25 Yearly 13518


1117 6


1 Overall 93


39 12493


2900 11


14 Station PBSFL060 - Peach Bottom Susquehanna Flat Station 6 06/11/04 115 3056


181 4



1 16 10/14/04 336 3930


233 5




< 23 Yearly 3493


1236 8


6 06/08/05 48


16 3758


193 4



1 15 10/04/05 121


24 3958


203 5



1 15 Yearly 84


104 3858


283 10.7


0.4 Overall 84


104 3675


516 9



Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 Co-60 Cs-137 Zn-65 DATE CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR Station PBSFL070 - Peach Bottom Susquehanna Flat Station 7 06/11/04 45


22 2452


145 3




< 10 10/14/04 220 2893


170 3



1 14 Yearly 45


22 2673


624 5


1 06/08/05 28


12 2950+/-

151 3



1 11 10/04/05 58


17 3735


189 3

12 1

11 Yearly 43


43 3343


1110 8


9 Overall 44


2 3008


948 7


4 Station PBSFL080 - Peach Bottom Susquehanna Flat Station 8 06/11/04 149


52 4818


284 5




< 22

0) 10/14/04 574 10322


605 9




< 42 Yearly 149


52 7570


7783 41


55 06/08/05 140


27 6863


348 6



3 21 10/04/05 151


14 7189


364 6




< 20 Yearly 145


16 7026


461 41.8


0.2 Overall 147


6 7298


769 41


1 Station PBSFL090 - Peach Bottom Susquehanna Flat Station 9 06/11/04 189 11025


643 7



4 28 10/14/04 862


268 15294


893 10 95



< 49 Yearly 862


268 13159


6036 83


34 06/08/05 507


50 14703


738 10 98



< 31 10/04/05 436


54 12748


640 9




< 28 Yearly 472


100 13725


2764 92


17 Overall 667


552 13442


801 87


13 M-m M--- M-M- M mM---



-m -

-m -




-m-Table 3. Radionuclide concentrations in sediments (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 K-40 CONC Co-60 CONC Cs-137 ERR CONC ERR Zn-65 CONC DATE CONC ERR ERR ERR 06/11/04 10/14/04 Yearly 06/08/05 10/04/05 Yearly Overall 143


30 547


262 345


571 101 75


17 75


17 210


382 Station PBUPB100 - Peach Bottom Upper Bay Station 10 10770


632 10 81


5 15424


905 14 106


7 13097


6583 93


35 12648


639 10 88


5 14021


708 11 95


6 13334


1941 92


9 13216


336 93



< 41

< 65

< 31

< 35

Table 4. Radionuclide concentrations in finfish (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 TYPE.

DATE CONC ERR K-40 CONC Co-60 ERR CONC Cs-137 ERR CONC Zn-65 ERR CONC ERR SPECIES ERR CONC ERR Station PBLYHO10 - Peach Bottom Little Yellow House Station 1 flesh 10/13/04 17897 16367

+/- 868 27 00 M. salmoides & M.

dolomieui Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carpio Ictalurus sp.

Micropterus salmoides Mixed freshwater fish Mixed freshwater fish Porosoma cepedianum Porosoma cepedianum Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carpio Ictalurus punctatus Ictalurus sp.

Ictalurus sp.

Mixed freshwater fish Porosoma cepedianum Stizostedion vitreum Stizostedion vitreum Stizostedion vitreum 22 flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh flesh 10/13/04 10/13/04 06/21/04 06/21/04 06/21/04 10/13/04 06/21/04 10/13/04 Yearly 06/22/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 10/14/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 10/14/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 10/14/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall K










6011 7045 167500 32986 72656 23926 33907 23493 1119 1102 1081 1726 1985 3679 1273 5210 3306 4390 1932 2716 13442 15805 27464 20937 18913 16052 20344 14887 18246 15702 15959 15758 16603 16812 21379 17293 19131 15742 19763 18143 22708 17916 18081

  • 727
  • 827
  • 1639
  • 1116
  • 1108

+ 880

+ 1059

+ 791

+/- 8536

  • 850
  • 834
  • 847

+ 880

  • 916
  • 1160
  • 926
  • 1014
  • 854
  • 1053
  • 987
  • 1202

+/- 4723

+/- 466 26 26 135 38 70 38 32 29 30 25 26 31 36 52 30 36 32 35 39 43 K



K K=









23 22 1 24 31 59 29 27 27 26 23 24 28 30 48 27 33 27 27 7

39 7

7 121 117 796 229 452 218 197 177 101 76 95 101 133 177 106 145 131 148 133 142 170


M-1 M


Table 4. Radionuclide concentrations in finfish (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)


dolomieui Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carplo Ictalurus sp.

Ictalurus sp.

Micropterus dolomieui Micropterus salmoides Moxostama spp.

Porosoma cepedianum Porosoma cepedianum M. salmoides & M.

dolomieui Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carpio Cyprinus carpio Ictalurus punctatus Ictalurus sp.

Ictalurus sp.

Moxostama spp.

Porosoma cepedianum Stizostedion vitreum Stizostedion vitreum Stizostedion vitreum gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut 10/13/04 10/13/04 10/,13/04 06/21/04 10/13/04 06/21/04 06/21/04 06/21/04 06/21/04 10/13/04 Yearly 75517 15326 18554

  • 230952
  • 67231
  • 215484 K

107000 K


  • 56747
  • 57952 8510

+/- 560 64 3988 6651 19019 4579 15962 5301 9548 4992 6803 8535

  • 308
  • 424
  • 1303
  • 378

+ 1050

  • 438
  • 858

+ 372

  • 430

+/- 1015 44 46 176 64 125 74 157 50 49 CD 4

< 22000 14497

+/- 1011 gut 06/22/05 127 59 38 42 166 55 K

112 57 128 43 44 K 125 67 58 K

58 47 50 46 46 K 45 50 65 42 364 K 200 204 K

1005 K 343 761 423 985 K 289 K 269 478 229 185 K

182 K

177 158 K

164 K

201 198 K

190 K

237 137 gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut gut 06/22/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 10/14/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 06/22/05 10/14/05 10/14/05 Yearly Overall K 2769 K 2780 K 2579

  • 3282 3514 K 2726 K 7218 6337 9042 4769 K 3386 5686 8498 4948 4684 8311 4106 4745 6336 6504 5259 5851 6619 7577

+ 492

+ 553

  • 437
  • 376
  • 523
  • 339
  • 372
  • 438
  • 439
  • 462
  • 386

+/- 5664

+/- 2710 75 59 68 55 49 56 52 51 52 79 43

Table 4. Radionuclide concentrations in finfish (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)


Lepomis spp.

Lepomis spp.

Lepomis spp.

Lepomis spp.

Lepomis spp.

whole 06/21/04 whole 06/21/04 whole 10/13/04 whole 10/13/04 whole Yearly whole 06/22/05 whole 06/22/05 whole Yearly whole Overall 30956 35036 22568 15636 4752 4763 13278

+/- 744 12873

+/- 696 13605

+/- 820 14479

+/- 789 13559

+/- 1365 16512

+/- 881 15516

+/- 828 16014

+/- 1409 14786

+/- 3472 35 32 61 38 33 33 28 28 51 34 31 30 222 188 292 181 137 131 0


=m m

n M-- M M-M M



Table 5. Radionuclide concentrations in submerged aquatic vegetation (pCi/kg +/- 2 sigma error)

Be-7 DATE CONC K-40 ERR CONC Co-60 Cs-137 1-131 ERR CONC ERR CONC ERR CONC SPECIES ERR ERR Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum spicatum Vallisneria americana Vallisneria americana Vallisneria americana Station PBLYHO10 - Peach Bottom Little Yellow House 1 10/04/05 349


212 25686

+/- 1527 91 10/04/05 795 39972

+/- 2179 98 10/04/05 482


169 19342

+/- 1118 58 Yearly 416


189 28333

+/- 21133 Overall 416


189 28333

+/- 21133 Station PBFBTOOO - Peach Bottom Fishing Battery Station 06/08/05 2054


294 23498

+/- 1477 120 06/08/05 1269


190 20494

+/- 1183 74 10/04/05 397


154 24192

+/- 1327 68 Yearly 1240


1658 22728

+/- 3931 Overall 1240


1658 22728

+/- 3931 10/04/05 728 57391

+/- 3089 102 Yearly 57391

+/-- 3089 Overall 57391

+/-- 3089 90 108 64 111 77 77 97 76


22 112 75


25 76


1 76


1 675


55 345


34 116 510

+/- 467 510


467 141
