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Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-Radiological) 01/01/2001 Through 12/31/2001
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 04/24/2002
From: Doering J
Exelon Nuclear
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML021330465 (4)



Exelon Nuclear Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station 1848 Lay Road Delta, PA 17314-9032 Telephone 717.456.7014 Nuclear April 24, 2002 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk Washington, DC 20555 Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Facility Operating License No. DPR-44, DPR-56 NRC Dockets Nos. 50-277, 50-278


Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-Radiological)

January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001 Enclosed is a copy of the Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-Radiological),

January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2001.

This report is being submitted in compliance with Appendix B Technical Specification.

Sincerely, John Doering, Jr.

Vice President, Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station JD/GIJ/IWS:tlm Enclosure CCN: 02-14032 cc:

H. J. Miller, Administrator, Region I, USNRC A. C. McMurtray, USNRC Senior Resident Inspector, PBAPS

Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Units 2 & 3 2001 Annual Environmental Operating Report (Non-Radiological)

January 1, 2001 - December 31, 2001 Facility Operating License No. DPR-44, DPR-56 Docket Nos. 50-277, 50-278 Exelon Corporation



This report provides the information required by Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station Appendix B Technical Specification, from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001.

2.0 Special Study Programs:

The annual fish out-migration study was conducted during the fall of 2001.

This study characterizes the number and species of fish collected by the intake screens. The results of this study are in Table 1. This data collection fulfills two objectives. It supports the Susquehanna River American Shad restoration program and also provides American Shad specimens to the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission for otolith analysis to compare contribution of hatchery and wild fish.

The adult American shad movement study was conducted in the spring of 2001. The purpose of the study was to estimate the proportion of American shad released at Conowingo that reach the Holtwood tailrace and eventually enter the Holtwood fish lift. Of the 204 radio tagged fish leaving the Conowingo fish lift exit flume, 136 (67%) reached Holtwood tailrace. Of these, 85 (62.5%) entered the Holtwood fish lift and 46 of the 136 (33.8%)

subsequently passed Holtwood.

3.0 Plant Changes:

There were no changes to the plant or plant operations, which affected the environmental impact of the facility.

4.0 Environmental Permit Changes:

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permit PA0009733 was amended in October 2001 to incorporate a chemical name change. The chemical, formerly named PEC03, a sodium salt of methyl benzotriazole was renamed Inhibitor AZ81 00. This was a name change only.

5.0 The Title V Operating Permit 67-05020 was revised in December 2001. The revision changed the compliance monitoring for the Auxiliary Boilers from an annual 3500 hours0.0405 days <br />0.972 hours <br />0.00579 weeks <br />0.00133 months <br /> of operational time per boiler to a fuel use limit of 2,580,300 gallons total fuel use for both boilers on a 12-month rolling average.

Table 1 Number of fish collected during intake screen sampling by unit at Peach Bottom Atomic Power Station in fall, 2001.

Species Unit 2 Unit 3 Total American shad 26 39 65*

Blueback herring 50 55 105 Alewife 1

0 1

Gizzard shad 346 935 1,281 Common carp 0

4 4

Channel catfish 407 919 1,326 Largemouth bass 5

12 17 Comely shiner 3

2 5

Bluegill 42 29 71 Rock bass 2

1 3

Smallmouth bass 11 29 40 White crappie 5

10 15 Black crappie 1

3 4

Yellow perch 7

4 11 Spotfin Shiner 3

1 4

Redbreast 1

1 2

Walleye 2

4 6

Spottail Shiner 1

6 7

Pumpkinseed 3

6 9

Striped Bass 1

0 1

Green Sunfish 2

1 3

Mummichog 0

1 1

Golden Shriner 1

2 3

TOTAL 920 2064 2984

  • Includes 2 adult American shad