ML090970958 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | South Texas |
Issue date: | 03/25/2009 |
From: | US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency |
To: | Collins E Region 4 Administrator |
Shared Package | |
ML090970942 | List: |
References | |
Download: ML090970958 (54) | |
South Texas Project Drill Report - 2009-02-25 Final Report - Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program 2009-03-25
Drill Report South Texas Project Drill Date: 2009-02-25 Report Date: 2009-03-25 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency REP Program 800 North Loop 288 Denton, TX 76209
Table of Contents Chapter 1 Executive Summary Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 Drill Overview Section 3.1 EPZ Description Section 3.2 Drill Participants Chapter 4 Drill Evaluation and Results Section 4.1 Summary Results of Drill Evaluation Section 4.2 Status of Jurisdictions Evaluated 4.2.1 Support Jurisdictions Matagorda General Hospital 4.2.2 Private Jurisdictions Matagorda County EMS Appendices Appendix 1 - Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix 2 - Drill Evaluators and Team Leaders Appendix 3 - Drill Evaluation Areas and Extent of Play Agreement Appendix 4 - Drill Scenario and Timeline
- 1. Executive Summary On February 25, 2009, out-of-sequence medical drill was conducted for the South Texas Project (STP) located near Wadsworth, Matagorda County, Texas. Personnel from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA), Region VI, evaluated the drills. The purpose was to assess the level of preparedness of state and local responders to react to a simulated radiological emergency at STP. The previous medical drill at this site was conducted on June 6 and 7, 2007. Personnel from Matagorda County Emergency Medical Services, Matagorda County Hospital District and Matagorda General Hospital, the Department of State Health Services-Radiation Control Program, and STP participated in the drills.
Evaluation Areas demonstrated included: Support Operations, Emergency Worker Exposure Control, and Transportation and Treatment of Contaminated Injured Individual. Cooperation and teamwork of all the participants was evident during these drills, and DHS/FEMA wishes to acknowledge these efforts.
This report contains the final written evaluation of this out-of-sequence drill. The participants demonstrated knowledge of their emergency response plans and procedures and adequately implemented them. There were no Deficiencies, one Areas Requiring Corrective Actions (ARCA), no Areas Recommended for Improvement (ARFI), and no Plan Issues identified during these drills.
- 2. Introduction On December 7, 1979, the President directed the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite nuclear planning and response. FEMA's activities under the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP)
Program are conducted pursuant to 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350, 351 and 352. These regulations are a key element in the REP Program that was established following the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979.
Rule 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for FEMA's initial and continued approval of tribal, state and local governments radiological emergency planning and preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants. This approval is contingent, in part, on state and local government participation in joint exercises with licensees.
DHS/FEMA Region VI's responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following:
Taking the lead in off-site emergency planning and in the review and evaluation of radiological emergency response plans (RERPs) and procedures developed by state and local governments; Determining whether such plans and procedures can be implemented on the basis of observation and evaluation of exercises of the plans and procedures conducted by state and local governments; Responding to requests by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the NRC and FEMA dated June 17, 1993 (Federal Register, Vol. 58, No. 176, September 14, 1993); and Coordinating the activities of Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological emergency planning process:
- U.S. Department of Commerce
- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Department of Energy 2
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security
- U.S. Department of Transportation
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department of the Interior
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Representatives of these agencies serve on the Regional Assistance Committee (RAC),
which is chaired by the Branch Chief of DHS/FEMA Region VI-REP. Formal approval of the RERPs was granted by FEMA on April 25, 1988 under 44 CFR 350.
DHS/FEMA Region VI evaluated a medical drill on February 25, 2009 to assess the capabilities of state and local emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the South Texas Project (STP). The purpose of this report is to present the results and findings on the performance of the offsite response organizations (OROs) during a simulated radiological emergency. The findings presented in this report are based on the evaluations of the federal evaluation team, with final determinations made by the DHS/FEMA Region VI RAC Chair.
The criteria utilized in the evaluation process are contained in:
NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants, November 1980; and Interim REP Program Manual, including the Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology (August 2002).
Section 3 of this report, entitled "Drill Overview," presents basic information and data relevant to the drills. This section of the report contains a description of the plume emergency planning zone (EPZ) and a listing of all participating jurisdictions and functional entities that were evaluated.
Section 4 of this report, entitled "Drill Evaluation and Results," presents detailed information on the demonstration of applicable exercise evaluation areas at each jurisdiction or functional entity. If applicable, this section also contains: (1) descriptions of all Deficiencies and Areas Requiring Corrective Actions (ARCAs) assessed during 3
the drills and recommended corrective actions and (2) descriptions of unresolved ARCAs assessed during previous drills and the status of the OROs' efforts to resolve them.
- 3. Drill Overview This section contains data and basic information relevant to the February 25, 2009, drills to test the offsite emergency response capabilities in the area surrounding the South Texas Project (STP). This section of the drill report includes a description of the emergency planning zone (EPZ) and a listing of all participating jurisdictions and functional entities that were evaluated.
3.1. EPZ Description The area within a 10-mile radius of the South Texas Project (STP) is located in the State of Texas, entirely within Matagorda County. The plant site is located approximately 14 miles southwest of Bay City and 75 miles southwest of Houston.
There are no incorporated jurisdictions within the 10-mile radius of the facility. The EPZ includes several unincorporated towns and subdivisions. The remainder of the EPZ consists of unincorporated farmland and fields. Industrial facilities within the EPZ include the Celanese Chemical Plant, Lyondell, and oil or gas pipelines. Based on the 2000 Census, the total population of the EPZ is 2,875, a decrease from the 1990 census.
The Colorado River runs north to south through the EPZ and forms the eastern boundary of the site. A public wharf, located at the Port of Bay City, 4.8 miles to the north-northeast of the Station, is used for loading and unloading gasoline and diesel oil from barges on the Colorado River. The Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad runs north to south through the EPZ, about 8 miles east of the Station. The Union Pacific Railroad runs east to west through the northern part of the EPZ, approximately 7 miles from STP. Various railroad spurs run off these rails to support industrial locations. Two state highways are within the EPZ. State Highway 35 forms the northwestern and western boundary of the EPZ. State Highway 60 runs north to south through the EPZ, about 7 miles from STP.
There are three schools within the 10-mile radius. Matagorda Elementary is located 8 miles south-southeast of STP. Tidehaven High School and Junior High School are also within the EPZ at 8 to 8.5 miles north-northwest of the Station. FM-521 River Park is located about 3 miles from the plant. Recreational facilities, Riverside Park and Rio Colorado Golf Course, are located 9 miles from the Station. Another recreational area, Matagorda Beach, is about 15 miles south of the Station. Evacuation of the beach area 5
is north on State Highway 60, through the EPZ. There are no other public institutions or commercial recreational areas in the EPZ.
The EPZ is divided into 11 zones, based primarily on natural boundaries, for the purpose of emergency response planning and the implementation of protective actions.
3.2. Drill Participants Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the South Texas Project drill:
State Jurisdictions Department of State Health Services - Radiation Control Program Support Jurisdictions Matagorda County Hospital District Private Jurisdictions Matagorda County Emergency Medical Services South Texas Project 6
- 4. Drill Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities that participated in the February 25, 2009 drill to test the offsite emergency response capabilities of state and local governments in the 10-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) surrounding the South Texas Project (STP).
Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated on its demonstration of criteria contained in the exercise evaluation areas as outlined in the Federal Register, Vol. 67, No. 80, "FEMA-Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Evaluation Methodology" (April 25, 2002). Detailed information on the exercise evaluation area criteria and the extent of play agreements used in these drills is included as an appendix to this report.
4.1. Summary Results of Drill Evaluation The matrix presented in Table 2, on the following page, presents the status of all exercise evaluation area criteria that were scheduled for demonstration during the drills by all participating jurisdictions and functional entities. Exercise criteria are listed by number and the demonstration status is indicated by the use of the following letters:
M - Met (No Deficiency or Areas Requiring Corrective Actions [ARCAs] assessed and no unresolved ARCAs from prior exercises)
D - Deficiency assessed A - ARCA(s) assessed or unresolved ARCA(s) from prior exercise(s)
N - Not Demonstrated (Reason explained in Subsection B) 7
Table 1 - Summary of Drill Evaluation Matagorda County EMS Matagorda General DATE: 2009-02-25 SITE: South Texas Project, TX A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, M: Met Emergency Operations Management Mobilization 1a1 Facilities 1b1 Direction and Control 1c1 Communications Equipment 1d1 Equip & Supplies to support operations 1e1 M A Protective Action Decision Making Emergency Worker Exposure Control 2a1 Radiological Assessment and PARs 2b1 Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 PADs for protection of special populations 2c1 Rad Assessment and Decision making for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway 2d1 Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Relocation, Reentry, and Return 2e1 Protective Action Implementation Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3a1 M M Implementation of KI decision 3b1 Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs 3c1 Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3c2 Implementation of traffic and access control 3d1 Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved 3d2 Implementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3e1 Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are available 3e2 Implementation of relocation, re-entry, and return decisions. 3f1 Field Measurement and Analysis Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 4a1 Field Teams obtain sufficient information 4a2 Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately 4a3 Post plume phase field measurements and sampling 4b1 Laboratory operations 4c1 Emergency Notification and Public Info Activation of the prompt alert and notification system 5a1 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Exception areas 5a3 Emergency information and instructions for the public and the media 5b1 Support Operations/Facilities Mon / decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees 6a1 Mon / decon of emergency worker equipment 6b1 Temporary care of evacuees 6c1 Transportation and treatment of contaminated injured individuals 6d1 M M 8
4.2. Status of Jurisdictions Evaluated This subsection provides information on the evaluation of each participating jurisdiction and functional entity, in a jurisdiction based, issues only format. Presented below is a definition of the terms used in this subsection relative to demonstration status.
Met - Listing of the demonstrated exercise evaluation area criteria under which no Deficiencies or Areas Requiring Corrective Actions (ARCAs) were assessed during this exercise and under which no ARCAs assessed during prior exercises remain unresolved.
Deficiency - Listing of the demonstrated exercise evaluation area criteria under which a Deficiency was assessed during the drills. Included is a description of each Deficiency and recommended corrective actions.
Area Requiring Corrective Actions (ARCAs) - Listing of the demonstrated exercise evaluation area criteria under which one or more ARCAs were assessed during the current drills or ARCAs assessed during prior exercises that remain unresolved.
Included is a description of the ARCAs assessed during the drills and the recommended corrective action to be demonstrated before or during the next biennial exercise.
Not Demonstrated - Listing of the exercise evaluation area criteria which were not demonstrated as scheduled during the drills and the reason they were not demonstrated.
Prior Issues - Resolved - Descriptions of ARCAs assessed during previous exercises which were resolved in the drills and the corrective actions demonstrated.
Prior Issues - Unresolved - Descriptions of ARCAs assessed during prior exercises that were not resolved in the drills. Included is the reason the ARCA remains unresolved and recommended corrective actions to be demonstrated before or during the next biennial exercise.
The following are definitions of the two types of exercise issues that are discussed in this report:
A Deficiency is defined in the Interim REP Program Manual as " observed or 9
identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that could cause a finding that offsite emergency preparedness is not adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate protective measures can be taken in the event of a radiological emergency to protect the health and safety of the public living in the vicinity of a nuclear power plant."
An ARCA is defined in the Interim REP Program Manual as " observed or identified inadequacy of organizational performance in an exercise that is not considered, by itself, to adversely impact public health and safety."
FEMA has developed a standardized system for numbering exercise issues (Deficiencies and ARCAs). This system is used to achieve consistency in numbering exercise issues among FEMA Regional Offices and site-specific exercise reports within each office. It is also used to expedite tracking of exercise issues on a nationwide basis.
The identifying number for Deficiencies and ARCAs includes the following elements, with each element separated by a hyphen (-):
Plant Site Identifier - A two-digit number corresponding to the Utility Billable Plant Site Codes.
Exercise Year - The last two digits of the year the exercise was conducted.
Criterion - A letter and number corresponding to the Evaluation Area criterion.
Issue Classification Identifier - (D = Deficiency, A = ARCA).
Exercise Issue Identification Number - A separate two (or three) digit indexing number assigned to each issue identified in the exercise.
4.2.1. Support Jurisdictions Matagorda General Hospital
- a. MET: 3.a.1, 6.d.1.
ISSUE NO.: 60-09-1e1-A-01 10
CRITERION: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI),
and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.
CONDITION: The survey meters staged for use did not have a range of readings sticker affixed indicating the appropriate range of readings to be observed during source check of the meters. The range of readings sticker is required to verify that the meters were measuring correctly prior to use.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Unfamiliarity with the requirement for a range of readings sticker on instruments used to measure activity.
Criterion 1.e.1, Interim REP Program Manual, August 2002.
EFFECT: The requirement for a range of readings sticker applies specifically to instruments that are used to measure activity and it specifically applies (by the criterion) to instuments used in ambulance and medical facilities. These instruments would be used by procedure to document contamination levels before and after decontamination on Attachment G of the Matagorda County Hospital District Radiological Emergency Plan. The inability to verify that the meter is measuring correctly (within its range of readings to a known source) would have the potential to invalidate the readings taken.
RECOMMENDATION: Provide a known source for checking these survey meters. Determine the appropriate range of readings for the source check based on the instrument efficiency and apply a range of readings sticker to the instruments as required. Ensure that personnel are trained on verifying response within the range of readings provided prior to instrument use.
- f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None 4.2.2. Private Jurisdictions 11 Matagorda County EMS
- a. MET: 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 6.d.1.
APPENDIX 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ARCA Areas Requiring Corrective Actions EMS Emergency Medical Services ER Emergency Room FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission RAC Regional Assistance Committee REA Radiological Emergency Area REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness STP South Texas Project 13
- Scott Flowerday DHS/FEMA Matagorda County EMS *Nan Calhoun DHS/FEMA
- Team Leader 14
EXERCISE EVALUATION AREAS AND EXTENT OF PLAY The Evaluation Areas applicable to this Exercise is taken from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Evaluation Area Criterion for Medical Exercises. The extent of play follows the criterion in these documents. Any exception to the Evaluation Area is noted with the Evaluation Area and extent of play.
EVALUATION AREA 1.e.1 - EQUIPMENT, MAPS, DISPLAYS, DOSIMETRY, POTASIUM IODIDE (KI), AND OTHER SUPPLIES ARE SUFFICIENT TO SUPPORT EMERGENCY OPERATIONS Instruments are operationally checked before use. Instruments are calibrated in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
A label indicating calibration is on each instrument. Sufficient quantities of appropriate electronic personal dosimeters and permanent record dosimetry are available for issuance to all categories of emergency workers deployed by that facility.
Extent of Play No exceptions are requested for this evaluation area.
EVALUATION AREA 3.a.1 - IMPLEMENTATION OF EMERGENCY WORKER EXPOSURE CONTROL The Offsite Response Organizations (OROs) issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures and manage radiological exposure. Emergency Workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimetry and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart.
Extent of Play Correction on the spot is permitted with issues related to dosimetry use, reading dosimetry, alarm set points and record keeping. Correction on the spot is requested.*
EVALUATION AREA 6.d.1 - TRANSPORTATION AND TREATMENT OF CONTAMINATED INJURED INDIVIDUALS The facility/ORO has the appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide transport, monitoring, decontamination, and medical services to contaminated, injured individuals.
Extent of Play Correction on the spot is permitted with issues related to the adequacy of vehicles, equipment, and procedures, decontamination techniques, cross contamination issues for personnel transporting and treating contaminated injured or exposed individuals. Correction on the spot is requested.*
- MGH requests the option to correct issues immediately as defined in FEMA Policy Paper, Strategic Review Steering Committee, Initiative 1.5, Correct Issues Immediately, effective March 31, 2000, signed by Kay C. Goss, CEM, Associate Director for Preparedness, Training and Exercises.
Onsite Extent of Play Matagorda County EMS will be notified of the need to transport and treat a contaminated injured individual. Onsite medical responders will simulate initial treatment of the injured individual providing emergency care until the ambulance arrives to transport the injured individual to the hospital.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Scope and Participants .........................................................................................................3 2.0 Evaluation Area and Extent of Play.....................................................................................3 3.0 Conduct and Evaluation.......................................................................................................5 4.0 Definitions ...........................................................................................................................6 5.0 References............................................................................................................................7 6.0 Controller Instructions .........................................................................................................7 7.0 Schedule of Events...............................................................................................................8 8.0 Exercise Props......................................................................................................................8 9.0 Narrative Summary and Event Timeline .............................................................................9 10.0 Controller Data and Messages ...........................................................................................13 Figure 10.0-1, Patients Contamination - With Clothing..................................................14 Figure 10.0-2, Patients Skin Contamination.....................................................................15 Figure 10.0-3, Patients Skin Contamination After Decontamination...............................16 Figure 10.0-4, Hospital Radiological Survey ....................................................................17 Figure 10.0-5, Ambulance Radiological Survey ...............................................................18 Table 10.0-1, Patient Performance Paths...........................................................................19 Table 10.0-2, Patient Vital Signs .......................................................................................20 Scenario Messages .............................................................................................................21 11.0 Controller and Evaluator Organization and Assignments .................................................26 12.0 Exercise Telephone List.....................................................................................................27 Attachment A - Controller/Evaluator Logs and Forms .....................................................28 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 19 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
1.0 Scope and Participants The 2009 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station (STPEGS), Matagorda General Hospital and Matagorda County Emergency Medical Services radiological emergency medical exercise will test and provide the opportunity to evaluate the plans and procedures utilized to respond to contaminated injuries. It will demonstrate the utilization of hospital, ambulance, and station procedures supporting emergency medical services.
Whenever practical, the exercise incorporates provisions for free play by the participants.
The scenario simulates a sequence of events, which results in a medical accident with contaminated injuries. The degree of the simulated injuries requires immediate response by onsite and offsite emergency medical teams with offsite hospital support.
The scenario is sufficiently difficult to challenge participants; however, responses will be controlled to ensure the safety of personnel and plant equipment.
The exercise will be conducted with the following participants:
Exercise Participants
- STPEGS Unit 1 Control Room (Simulated via phone cell)
- STPEGS Radiation Protection
- STPEGS Plant Protection
- STPEGS Emergency Response Division
- Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service
- Matagorda General Hospital
- Matagorda County Hospital District 2.0 Evaluation Area and Extent of Play The Evaluation Area applicable to this Exercise is taken from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Evaluation Area Criterion for Medical Exercises. The extent of play follows the criterion in these documents. Any exception to the Evaluation Area is noted with the Evaluation Area and extent of play.
A label indicating calibration is on each instrument. Sufficient quantities of appropriate electronic personal dosimeters and permanent record dosimetry are available for issuance to all categories of emergency workers deployed by that facility.
South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 20 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
Extent of Play No exceptions are requested for this evaluation area.
EVALUATION AREA 3.a.1 - IMPLEMEMTATION OF EMERGENCY WORKER EXPOSURE CONTROL The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures and manage radiological exposure. Emergency Workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimetry and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart.
Extent of Play Correction on the spot is permitted with issues related to dosimetry use, reading dosimetry, alarm set points and record keeping. Correction on the spot is requested.*
EVALUATION AREA 6.d.1 - TRANSPORTATION AND TREATMENT OF CONTAMINATED INJURED INDIVIDUALS The facility/ORO has the appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide transport, monitoring, decontamination, and medical services to contaminated, injured individuals.
Extent of Play Correction on the spot is permitted with issues related to the adequacy of vehicles, equipment, and procedures, decontamination techniques, cross contamination issues for personnel transporting and treating contaminated injured or exposed individuals.
Correction on the spot is requested.*
- MGH requests the option to correct issues immediately as defined in FEMA Policy Paper, Strategic Review Steering Committee, Initiative 1.5, Correct Issues Immediately, effective March 31, 2000, signed by Kay C. Goss, CEM, Associate Director for Preparedness, Training and Exercises.
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Onsite Extent of Play Matagorda County EMS will be notified of the need to transport and treat a contaminated injured individual. Onsite medical responders will simulate initial treatment of the injured individual providing emergency care until the ambulance arrives to transport the injured individual to the hospital.
3.0 Conduct and Evaluation The Exercise will simulate a medical emergency at the South Texas Project, which will demonstrate the effectiveness of communications with offsite organizations, personnel, and activities to support the Emergency Plan and associated procedures.
Controllers may provide clarification that is necessary for participants to understand the intent of or the message given by the controller or on a message sheet.
The medical emergency response at the South Texas Project will be situated at a simulated location. The patient will be packaged for transportation by the on-scene EMT(s) and moved to just outside the East Gate Entrapment Area where the site ambulance breaks down. Matagorda County EMS is then contacted to respond onsite for patient transfer of the patient.
A controller will be on the ambulance, to provide patient performance paths (vital signs) and contamination levels during the trip to the hospital.
The organization for this Exercise will consist of the Exercise Coordinator, Controllers, Evaluators, Participants, and Observers, as follows:
- The Exercise Coordinator is responsible for the coordination and the safe conduct of the exercise. This individual will provide resolution to scenario-related questions and ensure that the conduct of the exercise does not adversely impact the operation of the station and/or offsite agencies actual emergency response activities.
- The Controllers will deliver event condition messages to designated participants at specified times and places during the Exercise, including contingency messages, as required, to keep the Exercise moving according to the scenario timeline.
- Controllers will also observe the scenario actions and prepare written evaluations of the Participants' performance. Controllers will be identified by wearing red badges labeled CONTROLLER.
- The Evaluators will judge the effectiveness of participating organizations, personnel, and activities. Evaluators will be identified by wearing blue EVALUATOR badges.
- The Observers will be authorized, on a limited basis, to watch Exercise activities for the purpose of personal education. Observers will be identified by wearing white OBSERVER badges.
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In the event of an actual emergency during the conduct of the exercise, all exercise activities will be immediately halted and response directed to the actual event.
The Controller is responsible for immediately intervening and terminating any action during the conduct of the exercise that would place either an individual or a plant component in an unsafe condition.
All telephone communications, radio transmissions and public address announcements related to the exercise will begin and end with the statement THIS IS A DRILL.
While participants are expected to inject as much realism into their response actions as possible, safety of personnel and plant equipment shall not be jeopardized.
After the Exercise is complete, the Exercise Coordinator will conduct a critique session.
Potential issues with the emergency plan, procedures, training program, facilities, equipment, and/or other areas will be identified through the critique and evaluation process. The issues will be documented by the Exercise Coordinator and corrected by the individuals/organizations who have responsibility for the area of the identified issue(s).
4.0 Definitions Definitions:
Controller: A member of the exercise organization assigned to one or more activities for the purpose of keeping the action going according to a scenario, resolving scenario discrepancies, and ensuring the safe deliberation of actions by the participants. A controller evaluates and makes recommendations for improvement and recognizes above average performance.
Evaluator: A member of the exercise organization assigned to one or more activities to evaluate and make recommendations for improvement or recognition of above average performance.
Exercise: An event which tests the overall functions and capabilities of organizations responding to an emergency situation.
Observer: An individual who is authorized to observe the exercise, but is not authorized to interact with the participants.
All individuals assigned to perform functions of the emergency response organization as a participant in the exercise.
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- 1. Title 10, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Appendix E
- 3. Matagorda County Hospital District Radiological Emergency Plan
- 4. NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Criteria For The Preparation And Evaluation Of Radiological Emergency Response Plans And Preparedness In Support Of Nuclear Power Plants
- 5. FEMA Evaluation Area Criterion for Medical Exercises
- 6. STP Plant procedure, Emergency Medical Response Plan (0PGP03-ZA-0106)
- 7. FEMA General Memorandum MS-1, Medical Services 6.0 Controller Instructions Instructions:
Each Controller and Evaluator should be familiar with the following:
- 1. The applicable evaluation area and extent of play of the exercise.
- 2. The exercise conduct and evaluation guidelines and precautions.
- 3. The exercise scenario, including initiating events and expected course of action.
- 4. The facilities and locations that will be involved and the specific actions to be observed.
- 5. The evaluation checklists provided to document participant actions.
Controllers should be positioned at assigned locations at least 15 minutes prior to the activation of the facility or location.
Message sheet information should be delivered in sequence and as written, unless the Exercise Coordinator authorizes change.
Controllers may provide information to the participants regarding scenario progression or the resolution of problems encountered in the course of the simulated emergency.
Each Controller/Evaluator shall take detailed notes regarding the progress of the Exercise (i.e., a chronology) and the response of the participants.
Controllers/Evaluators should carefully note the arrival and departure times of participants. Controllers/Evaluators should carefully note problem areas encountered and good practices. The chronology can be used to corroborate critique items that are questioned by participants. Refer to Attachment A for the Controller/Evaluator Forms.
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Controllers for this Exercise shall include:
- Exercise Coordinator
- STP Control Room Controller
- Matagorda General Hospital Controller
- STP Scene Controller
- Radiation Protection Controller - Plant/Ambulance
- Radiation Protection Controller - Hospital 7.0 Schedule of Events DATE TIME LOCATION EVENT DESCRIPTION 02/18/09 9:00 - 12:00 MGH - Taylor Conference Room STP Training for MGH staff 02/18/09 1:00 - 5:00 MGH - Taylor Conference Room STP Training for MGH staff 02/20/09 9:00 - 11:30 MCEMS - EMS Training Room STP Training for MCEMS staff 02/25/09 9:00 - 2:00 MGH/MCEMS FEMA Graded Exercise MCEMS = Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service MGH= Matagorda General Hospital STP = South Texas Project Electric Generating Station FEMA= Federal Emergency Management Agency 8.0 Exercise Props Plant employee with simulated injuries dressed in full protective clothing, and mulaged per the accident scenario.
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9.0 Narrative Summary and Event Timeline The onsite narrative is provided as a storyboard for information to be used by controllers.
Actual onsite response will occur at the South Texas Project on a limited basis. However, station EMTs and Radiation Protection personnel will be available to support offsite agency responses to the simulated medical emergency.
This medical emergency exercise scenario consists of a plant employee working in a radiologically contaminated area. The employee is simulated to have tripped and sustained a head injury from hitting a beam, and a laceration on the left arm from a lid removed from a barrel. Onsite EMTs respond and administer appropriate medical care.
As the EMTs assess the injured workers medical needs, they determine the patient is unstable and requires hospital care. The EMT requests the Control Room to call an ambulance to respond for transfer offsite.
The Control Room contacts Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service to request ambulance service to transport the potentially contaminated injured worker.
Once monitored by Radiation Protection, the injured worker is found to have 200 - 800 cpm
() on clothing and exposed skin (refer to Figure 10.0-1.) If the patients contaminated clothing is removed, skin contamination remains (refer to Figure 10.0-2.).
The unconscious worker is packaged, loaded on the site ambulance, and driven out of the protected area. Once the ambulance leaves the East Gate the vehicle breaks down.
The Unit One Control Room contacts Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service to redirect the ambulance to the east gate. Upon arrival of the ambulance, STP EMTs provide a briefing to Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service crew regarding patient condition. A Radiation Protection technician accompanies the patient and provides radiological information and contamination control. A second Radiation Protection technician is called out, from home, to the Matagorda General Hospital.
In route, the hospital is appraised of the patient's physical and radiological condition.
Upon hospital arrival, the Radiation Protection technician and ambulance attendants brief the emergency room staff. Upon completion of the briefing, the attendants turn the injured worker over to emergency room staff care. The Radiation Protection technician, who travels with the ambulance stays with the vehicle to monitor, and decontaminate, if required.
(Refer to 10.0-5, Ambulance Radiological Survey.) Prior to the release of the ambulance, the Radiation Protection technician will survey the crew and their equipment. Results of the survey are in accordance with Figure 10.0-5, Ambulance Radiological Survey. A brief decontamination demonstration will be performed prior to releasing the ambulance.
The Radiation Protection technician, who responds from home, monitors the decontamination room and performs contamination control duties and assists with South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 26 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
decontamination, as necessary. (Refer to Figure 10.0-4 for Matagorda General Hospital Radiological Survey and layout).
The hospital staff provides initial treatment and decontamination. Medical treatment will take priority over contamination. Decontamination will be achieved with the assistance of the Radiation Protection technician. Once the patient is stabilized, treated, and decontaminated, the patient will be transferred out of the decontamination area using recognized transfer techniques for standard admittance to the hospital.
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MESSAGE O SEQUENCE OF EVENTS NUMBER 9:00 Initial conditions established. 1 9:05 The telephone cell implements storyboard information. 2 CONTROLLER NOTE Communications with offsite for support will be made to Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service.
9:06 Unit 1 Control Room (telephone cell) performs call-out of medical response team.
CONTROLLER NOTE For purposes of this exercise, one EMT will respond to perform turnover of the patient with MCEMS Ambulance.
9:10 Unit 1 Control Room contacts Matagorda County Emergency Medical 3 Service at (979) 323-9020 and requests they respond for an offsite transfer.
9:11 Control Room contacts Radiation Protection supervisor at extension 6347 and informs the supervisor that a contaminated injured patient is being sent to the Matagorda General Hospital (MGH).
For more information on the injured workers vital signs, refer to Table 10.0-1, Patient Performance Paths.
9:20 STP ambulance breaks down just outside the east gate near the entrapment 4 area.
For more information on the injured workers radiological conditions, refer to 10.0-1, Patients Contamination-with Clothing, and 10.0-2, Patients Skin Contamination.
9:25 Upon being notified, the control room contacts Matagorda County EMS and requests the ambulance report to the site. Check Point Alpha (Security) will direct the ambulance to the scene.
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MESSAGE O SEQUENCE OF EVENTS NUMBER 9:30 Matagorda County EMS arrives at the site and is escorted to the east gate just outside the entrapment area.
9:40 Site EMT(s) provide patient status and turn over care to Matagorda County EMS.
10:05 Matagorda County EMS arrives at hospital with patient.
10:10 Patient is met by medical staff at the unloading area for medical briefing, initial treatment and decontamination.
10:15 Stabilization and decontamination of patient begins.
For more information on patient contamination, refer to Figure 10.0-3, Patients Skin Contamination After Decontamination.
10:35 Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service personnel, vehicle, and equipment are monitored, decontaminated as needed, and released.
For more information on ambulance radiological conditions, refer to Figure 10.0-5, Ambulance Radiological Survey.
10:45 Patient decontamination is complete.
10:50 Patient is moved from emergency room area for final treatment and hospital admittance.
For more information on hospital radiological conditions, refer to Figure 10.0-4 11:00 Hospital personnel exit decontamination room.
11:00 Medical Exercise is terminated. 5 11:15 Critique begins.
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10.0 Controller Data and Messages This section provides Controllers with patient data and messages that will be needed to relay injured worker data to participants who are responding to the medical emergency.
Patient contamination levels are provided based on clothes on or off, and if decontamination attempts have been made. Refer to Patient Contamination Information (10.0-1 through 10.0-3).
The patient medical information is as if full treatment is provided and the patient is responding well.
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Figure 10.0-1, Patients Contamination - With Clothing CPM 400 500 800 600 800 400 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 31 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
Figure 10.0-2, Patients Skin Contamination CPM 400 400 400 400 800 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 32 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
Figure 10.0-3, Patients Skin Contamination Before and After Decontamination VICTIM CONDITION RAD DATA IN CPM Clothes Survey - Before Decon Face 400 Back 800 L Arm 600 L Hand 800 Chest 500 Skin Survey - Before Decon Face 400 Back 400 L Arm 400 L Hand 800 Chest 400 After first decon attempt at Face As Read hospital Back As Read L Arm As Read L Hand 100 Chest 350 After Second decon attempt at hospital All meter readings are as read NO DETECTABLE CONTAMINATION AFTER SECOND DECON ATTEMPT South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 33 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
Figure 10.0-4, Matagorda General Hospital Decontamination Room Radiological Survey 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
Location Activity CPM/100cm2 1 As Read 2 As Read 3 300 4 150 5 200 6 100 7 As Read South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 34 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
Figure 10.0-5, Matagorda County EMS Radiological Survey AMBULANCE ATTENDANTS ARE FOUND TO HAVE NO CONTAMINATION.
Discuss with the evaluator, how much monitoring and decontamination will be required to be demonstrated. The numbers are based on a direct frisk. This survey is assumed to have been completed after patient transfer.
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Table 10.0-1, Patient Performance Paths Approx. PATH A PATH B PATH C Time Treat for shock and Injuries treated, but is Victim is not treated for injuries not treated for shock shock or injuries 9:10 Initial assessment - Initial assessment - Initial assessment -
Site Unconscious, Unconscious, unresponsive. Unconscious, unresponsive.
unresponsive. Large Large forehead bruise, and a Large forehead bruise, and forehead bruise, and a laceration to the left arm. a laceration to the left arm.
laceration to the left arm.
9:20 ABCs completed. Omission of oxygen & No treatment. Patient is Site Pressure dressing applied warming blanket - patient unconscious.
to the left arm. Oxygen remains unconscious.
administered. Inline Pressure dressing applied to cervical spine subligation the left arm.
with application of cervical collar. Patient log-rolled to place on backboard; patient is awake but groggy, slowly responding to commands.
Patient is warmed with a blanket.
9:40 Patient is more alert, Patient is awake but groggy. Patient remains Turnover complaining of pain on unconscious. Skin is cool left arm, and head. and clammy.
9:50 Patient is stable, alert and Patient is awake but groggy Ambulance oriented complaining of pain on left arm, and head.
10:00 Patient calm; but EMS personnel begin Ambulance complains of pain left treating patient for shock.
arm, and head.
10:10 Patient calm; but Patient feels better, more Patient is stabilized.
Turnover complains of pain on left alert.
arm, and head.
10:15 Patient calm, but Patient is alert. Patient is responsive and Hospital complains of pain on left becoming alert.
arm, and head.
10:30 Patient complaining of Patient complaining of pain Patient complaining of pain Hospital pain during during decontamination during decontamination decontamination efforts. efforts. efforts.
10:45 Patient complains of pain Patient complains of pain, on Patient complains of pain Hospital on left arm, and head. left arm, and head. on, left arm, and head.
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Table 10.0-2, Patient Vital Signs PATH A PATH B PATH C Approx. Treat for shock and Injuries treated, but is Victim is not treated for Time injuries not treated for shock shock or injuries 9:10 RESP - 18 B/P - 138/78 Same as Path A. Same as Path A.
Site PULSE - 100, Regular/Strong SKIN - Warm/Moist GCS 13-14 PUPILS - Equal/Reactive 9:20 RESP - 17 B/P - 136/78 RESP - 22 B/P - 128/80 RESP - 24 B/P - 118/72 Site PULSE - 92, Regular/Strong PULSE - 126, PULSE - 128, SKIN - Warm/Moist Regular/Strong Regular/Strong PUPILS - Equal/Reactive SKIN - Warm/Moist SKIN - Warm/Moist PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive 9:30 RESP - 17 B/P - 128/76 RESP - 28 B/P - 116/72 RESP - 29 B/P - 98/60 Site PULSE - 80, Regular/Strong PULSE - 90, Regular/Strong Pulse - 134, Regular SKIN - Normal SKIN - Warm/Moist SKIN - Cool/A little PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive clammy Distal pulse is present, PUPILS - Equal/Reactive capillary refill is immediate.
9:40 Same as above. Same as above. Same as above.
Turnover GCS 14 9:50 RESP - 17 B/P - 130/80 RESP - 24 B/P - 120/75 RESP - 32 B/P - 90/55 Ambulance PULSE - 88, Regular/Strong PULSE - 90, Regular PULSE - 150, Weak SKIN - Normal SKIN - Warm Moist SKIN - Cool/Clammy PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS- Equal/Reactive 10:10 RESP - 17 B/P - 130/80 RESP - 24 B/P - 120/75 RESP - 32 B/P - 90/55 Turnover PULSE - 88, Regular/Strong PULSE - 90, Regular PULSE - 140, Weak SKIN - Normal SKIN - Warm/Moist SKIN - Cool/Clammy PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS- Equal/Reactive 10:15 RESP - 16 B/P - 125/90 RESP - 24 B/P - 125/70 RESP - 26 B/P - 100/60 Hospital PULSE - 95, Regular/Strong PULSE -90, Regular PULSE - 120, Regular SKIN - Normal SKIN - Warm/Moist SKIN - Cool/Clammy GCS 15 PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS- Equal/Reactive 10:30 RESP - 14 B/P - 120/80 RESP - 18 B/P - 120/80 RESP - 20 B/P - 120/80 Hospital PULSE - 90, Regular/Strong PULSE - 90, Regular/Strong PULSE - 90, Regular SKIN - Normal SKIN - Normal SKIN - Cool A little clammy PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive PUPILS - Equal/Reactive 10:45 Same as above. Same as Path A. Same as Path A.
GCS - Glasco Coma Scale South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 37 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
MESSAGE NO: 1 Page 1 of 1 THIS IS A DRILL To: All Participants and Controllers From: Exercise Coordinator Location: Unit 1 Control Room (Simulated)
Time: 9:00 Initial conditions establish that the weather is as found on the day of the Exercise. Unit 1 and 2 are as found.
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MESSAGE NO: 2 Page 1 of 1 THIS IS A DRILL To: All Controllers From: Exercise Coordinator Location: All Time: 9:05 Controller Note: Notify the simulated control room that the site ambulance will break down just outside the entrapment area. The transport vehicle is in Bay City for mechanical service. Communications with offsite support will be made to Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service.
A call has been made to the Unit 1 Control Room indicating a plant employee has been injured.
Control Room staff in Unit 1 should implement procedure 0POP04-ZO-0004, Personnel Emergencies. STP medical responders should be called out to assess the scene and offer care to the patient. When they get to the scene, they find an injured female, with multiple injuries suffered in a trip and fall in a contaminated area. The STP EMT(s) should note that the injuries are severe enough to call Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service.
In the meantime, the patient will be packaged and transported to the east gate house just outside the entrapment area for pickup. Station Radiation Protection and EMT personnel will need to be briefed on the current status of the patient and historical data for turnover to the offsite medical responders.
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MESSAGE NO: 3 Page 1 of 1 THIS IS A DRILL To: Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service From: Control Room Phone Cell Controller Location: Phone Cell Time: 0910 THIS IS A DRILL. This is STP Unit One Control Room. We have a female who has suffered injuries in a trip and fall which requires immediate transfer to Matagorda General Hospital. She is potentially contaminated. If asked, tell them she has a laceration on the left arm. She also has a bump on her head. THIS IS A DRILL.
Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service- (979) 323-9020 Dispatcher Controller note: Provide the Dispatcher with your phone cell callback number to prevent actual contact with the Units.
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MESSAGE NO: 4 Page 1 of 1 THIS IS A DRILL To: Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service (979) 323-9020 From: Onsite EMT Location: STP Unit 1 Control Room Time: As patient information is known Contact the Matagorda County Emergency Medical Service and provide them with known patient information.
+ 10 Patient Information as provided by the EMT at the scene.
RESP: 18 B/P: 138/78 Pulse: 100, Regular/Strong Skin: Warm/Moist Pupils: Equa/Reactive Symptoms/injuries: trip and fall sustaining head and arm injuries.
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MESSAGE NO: 5 Page 1 of 1 THIS IS A DRILL To: All Players From: Lead Controllers Location: All Facilities Time: When medical emergency activities are concluded CONTROLLER NOTE Upon completion of medical emergency activities in your area/facility, read the following message.
The medical Exercise is now terminated.
Please organize the documentation generated by the Exercise and fill out a player comment sheet.
Ensure your name is recorded on a player attendance sheet.
Restore the facilities to their original condition.
There will be a player critique beginning in the Taylor Conference Room at _______ (~ 20 minutes after the conclusion of the Exercise.)
Have hospital emergency room contact Matagorda County EMS and tell them where and when the critique will begin.
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11.0 Controller and Evaluator Organization and Assignments CONTROLLERS LOCATION NAME EXT MOBILE PAG ER*
Lead Controller/Exercise Joseph Enoch 8767 979-216-6348 0761 Coordinator Controller-Hospital Lurinda Barton 7695 979-216-6363 0663 Radiation Protection-Ambulance Delfina Garza Radiation Protection-Hospital Craig Kingman STP Controller - Scene Scott Korenek 7152 979-318-9902 1253 Hospital-Medical Response Renee Griffith 979-241-1164 Hospital Buffer Zone Steve Horak 7661 979-318-9904 0617 Accident Scene - Security/ EMT Latham Meier 4339 0666
Unit 1 Control Room Max Keys 8545 979-318-9917 0469
- To reach an STP pager, dial 361-972-8367, pager number, then your telephone number EVALUATION AREA ASSIGNMENTS 6.d.1 Transportation
& Treatment Barton-MGH 9 Meier-STP 9 Garza RP-STP 9 Kingman RP- 9 MGH Griffith - MGH 9 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 43 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
12.0 Exercise Telephone List EXERCISE TELEPHONE NUMBERS STP Unit 1 Control Room - Simulated 361-972-8545 Matagorda County Emergency Medical 979-323-9020 Service Matagorda General Hospital - Operator 979-245-6383 Emergency Room 979-241-6615 South Texas Project Electric Generating Station 44 February 25, 2009 R:\EMERGENCY_RESPONSE\ shared documents \Medical \ Medical Scenario-MGH 2009.doc
Appendix 4 ATTACHMENT A Controller/Evaluator Forms 45
CONTROLLER/EVALUATOR NAME: ____________________________________________
EXERCISE DATE: Matagorda General Hospital Exercise, February 25, 2009 AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY: ____________________________________________________
CONTROLLER/EVALUATOR NAME: ____________________________________________
EXERCISE DATE: Matagorda General Hospital Exercise, February 25, 2009 AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY: ____________________________________________________
CONTROLLER/EVALUATOR NAME: ____________________________________________
EXERCISE DATE: Matagorda General Hospital Exercise, February 25 , 2009 AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY: ____________________________________________________
AMBULANCE/MEDICAL FACILITY -EVALUATION FORM Controller/Evaluator: ___________________________________________ Date: February 25, 2009 Location: _______________________________________________________________________
EVALUATION AREA 1.e.1 - Equipment and dosimetry are sufficient to support the emergency operations.
Instruments are operationally checked before use.
Instruments are calibrated in accordance with manufacturers recommendations.
A label indicating calibration is on each instrument.
Sufficient quantities of appropriate direct-reading and permanent record dosimetry and dosimeter chargers are available for issuance to all categories of emergency workers deployed by that facility.
Dosimetry should be inspected annually for electrical leakage.
AMBULANCE/MEDICAL FACILITY -EVALUATION FORM Controller/Evaluator: ___________________________________________ Date: February 25, 2009 Location: _______________________________________________________________________
EVALUATION AREA 3.a.1 - Implementation of emergency worker exposure control.
The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures and manage radiological exposure Emergency Workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimetry and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart.
AMBULANCE/MEDICAL FACILITY -EVALUATION FORM Controller/Evaluator: ___________________________________________ Date: February 25, 2009 Location: _______________________________________________________________________
EVALUATION AREA 6.d.1 - Transportation and Treatment of Contaminated Injured Individuals The facility/ORO has the appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide transport, monitoring, decontamination, and medical services to contaminated injured individuals.