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Final Report for the November 19, 2008, Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Partial Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 02/24/2009
From: Odeshoo J
US Dept of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML090641109 (69)


'U.S. Department of Homeland Security Region V 536 South Clark Street, Floor 6 Chicago, IL 60605

. t ND S~

FEMA 12 .4 2000~

NRC Headquarters Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001 To Whom It May Concern:

Enclosed is one copy of the Final Report for the November 19, 2008, Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Partial Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise for the Braidwood Station. The State of Illinois, Grundy County, Kankakee County, Will County, and the utility owner/operator, Exelon Nuclear, participated in this exercise.

No Deficiencies were identified for any jurisdiction during this exercise.

There were no Areas Requiring Corrective Action (ARCAs) identified during this exercise for any of the jurisdictions.

There were no ARCAs from a previous exercise for the State of Illinois or Grundy, Kankakee or Will Counties.

There was one criterion Not Demonstrated for the State of Illinois under Criterion 3.d.2 -

Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved, wherebyan exercise Controller submitted an exercise inject ahead of schedule which created a confused response amongst the players resulting in the inject being withdrawn from play.

Based on the results of the November 19, 2008, exercise, the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Illinois and affected local jurisdictions, site-specific to the Braidwood Station, can be implemented and are adequate to provide reasonable assurance that appropriate measures can be taken offsite to protect the health and safety of the public in the event of a radiological emergency at the site.

Therefore, the Title 44 CFR, Part 350, approval of the offsite radiological emergency response plans and preparedness for the State of Illinois site-specific to the Braidwood Station, granted on April 15, 1988, remains in effect.

Copies of this Report were transmitted to the DHS/FEMA National Office, Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Region III, and the State of Illinois.

If you have any questions, please contact William E. King, Chairman, Regional Assistance Committee, DHS/FEMA Region V, at (312) 408-5575.

Sincerely, Janet M. Odeshoo Acting Regional Administrator Enclosure (1)

Braidwood Station Exercise Report - 2008-11-19 Final Report - Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program 2009-02-17 SFEMA

Exercise Report Braidwood Station Exercise Date: 2008-11-19 ReportDate: 2009-02-17 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Federal Emergency Management Agency REP Program 536 S. Clark St. 6th floor Chicago, IL 60605

Table of Contents Chapter 1 Executive Summary Chapter 2 Introduction Chapter 3 Exercise Overview Section 3.1 EPZ Description Section 3.2 Exercise Participants Section 3.3 Exercise Timeline Chapter 4 Exercise Evaluation and Results Section 4.1 Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation Section 4.2 Status of Jurisdictions Evaluated 4.2.1 Illinois Jurisdictions State Initial Warning Point State Emergency Operations Center/State of Illinois Response Center Radiological Emergency Assessment Center Unified Area Command Emergency Operations Facility Joint Information Center Illinois State Liaison - Grundy County Illinois State Radiological Advisor - Grundy County Illinois State Liaison - Kankakee County Illinois State Radiological Advisor- Kankakee County Illinois State Liaison - Will County Illinois State Radiological Advisor - Will County Dosimetry Control Officer's Briefing - Illinois State Police District 5 Headquarters Traffic and Access Control Point at the Illinois State Police District 5 Headquarters Medical Services (MS-I) Transportation - Silver Cross Hospital Medical Services (MS-i) Hospital - Silver Cross Hospital 4.2.2 Risk Jurisdictions Grundy County - Initial Warning Point Grundy County - Emergency Operations Center Grundy County - Emergency Broadcast System Station -


I Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - Braceville Elementary School Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - Gardner-Wilmington High School Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - South Wilmington Grade School Kankakee County Inital Warning Point Kankakee County - Emergency Operations Center Kankakee County Traffic and Access Control Point Kankakee County Emergency Alert System - WVLI/WIVR Will County - Initial Warning Point Will County - Emergency Operations Center Will County Traffic and Access Control Point Will County - Emergency Alert System Station -

WJOL/WSSR/WCCQ/WRXQ Appendices Appendix 1 - Acronyms and Abbreviations Appendix 2 - Exercise Evaluators and Team Leaders Appendix 3 - Exercise Evaluation Areas and Extent of Play Agreement Appendix 4 - Exercise Scenario and Timeline I




I k


1 Executive Summary On November 19, 2008, a partial participation exercise was conducted in the plume exposure pathway emergency planning zone (EPZ) around the Braidwood Station by the U.S. Department of Honmeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency (DHS/FEMA). The purpose of the exercise was to assess the level of State and local preparedness in responding to a radiological emergency. This exercise was held in accordance with DHS/FEMA policies and guidance concerning the exercise of State and local radiological emergency response plans (RERPs) and procedures.

The most recent exercise at this site was conducted on August 8 and 9, 2006. The qualifying emergency preparedness exercise was conducted on November 6, 1985.

The DHS/FEMA wishes to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who participated in this exercise. In the State of Illinois the risk counties of Grundy, Kankakee, and Will participated along with the State Government. The State of Indiana did not participate in the exercise since it was not a full participation/ingestion exercise.

Protecting the public health and safety is the full-time job of some of the exercise participants and an additional assigned responsibility for others. Still others have willingly sought this responsibility by volunteering to provide vital emergency services to their communities. Cooperation and teamwork on the part of all the participants were evident during this exercise.

This Report contains the evaluation of the biennial exercise and the evaluation of the following out-of-sequence activities: Illinois State Police Dosimetry Control Officers Briefing, Monitoring and Decontamination of Evacuees and Emergency Workers (EWs),

Monitoring and Decontamination of EWs' Equipment, Public Registration, Congregate Care Center Interview, Medical Services (MS-i) Transportation and Hospital drills, and Protective Actions for Schools (EV-2) Interviews. The State and Local organizations.

except where noted in this report demonstrated knowledge of their emergency response plans and procedures and adequately implemented them There were no Deficiencies for any jurisdiction during this exercise.

There were no Areas Requiring Corrective Action (ARCAs) identified during this exercise for the State of Illinois, .Grundy, Kankakee and Will Counties.


I There were no ARCAs from previous exercises for the State of Illinois, Grundy, I Kankakee, and Will Counties that were required to be demonstrated during this exercise.

There was one criterion .(3.d.2, Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved) not demonstrated by the State of Illinois at the Unified Area Command (UAC) during this exercise. The Controller prematurely submitted an inject involving a major traffic accident involving three cars and an overturned semi-trailer truck (spilling its load of cinder blocks) on one of the major evacuation routes west of Wilmington, IL. The jurisdictions (Illinois State Police and Illinois Department of Transportation) coordi.nated the dispatch of available resources from the UAC. Because local evacuations had not been implemented prior to the inject being submitted, the Controller retracted the inject prior to the complete resolve of the impediment situation. A second attempt to input the same inject at the proper time resulted in confusion of the responding jurisdictions thinking that the impediment inject had already been satisfied, when in fact it had not.

This eventually resulted in the withdrawal of the inject by the Controller without resolution.




I 2 I I


2. Introduction On December 7, 1979, the President directed FEMA to assume the lead responsibility for all offsite nuclear planning and response. FEMA's activities are conducted pursuant to 44 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Parts 350, 351, and 352. These regulations are a key element in the Radiological Emergency Preparedness (REP) Program that was established following the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station accident in March 1979.

FEMA Rule 44 CFR 350 establishes the policies and procedures for FEMA's initial and continued approval of State and local governments' radiological emergency planning and preparedness for commercial nuclear power plants. This approval is contingent, in part, on State and local governments' participation in joint exercises with licensees.

FEMA's responsibilities in radiological emergency planning for fixed nuclear facilities include the following:

- Taking the lead in off-site emergency planning and in the review and evaluation of RERPs and procedures developed by State and local governments;

  • Determining whether such plans and procedures can be implemented on the basis of observation and evaluation of exercises of the plans and procedures conducted by State and local governments;
  • Responding to requests by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) pursuant to the Memorandum of Understanding between the NRC and FEMA dated June 17, 1993 (Federal Register, Vol. 58, No. 176, September 14, 1993) and

- Coordinating the activities of Federal agencies with responsibilities in the radiological

.emergency planning process:

- U.S. Department of Agriculture;

- U.S. Department of Energy;

- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services;

- U.S. Department of the Interior;

- U.S. Department of Transportation;

- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;

- U.S. Food and Drug Administration and 3

- U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

Representatives of these agencies serve on the DHS Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee (RPCC), which is chaired by DHS.

Formal submission of the RERPs for the Braidwood Station to DHS/FEMA by the State of Illinois and involved local jurisdictions occurred on January 9, 1987. Formal approval of these RERPs was granted by FEMA on April 15, 1988, under 44 CFR 350.

A REP Plume partial exercise was conducted on November 19, 2008, by FEMA to assess the capabilities of State and local offsite emergency preparedness organizations in implementing their RERPs and procedures to protect the public health and safety during a radiological emergency involving the Braidwood Station. The purpose of this exercise report is to present the exercise results and findings on the performance of the offsite response organizations (ORO) during a simulated radiological emergency.

The findings presented in this report are based on the evaluations of the Federal evaluation team. Final determinations are made by the DHS/FEMA - Region V Office with Headquarters concurrence.

The criteria utilized in the DHS/FEMA evaluation process are contained in:

  • NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Rev. 1, "Criteria for Preparation and Evaluation of I Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980;
  • FEMA "Radiological Emergency Preparedness: Exercise Evaluation Methodology; I Notice" as published in the Federal Register Notice, Vol. 67, No. 80, dated April 25, 2002.

Section III of this report, entitled "Exercise Overview", presents basic information and data relevant to the exercise. This section of the report contains a description of the plume pathway EPZ, a listing of all participating jurisdictions and functional entities, which were evaluated, and a tabular presentation of the time of actual occurrence of key I exercise events and activities.

4 I

Section IV of this report, entitled "Exercise EValuation and Results," presents detailed information on the demonstration of applicable exercise criteria at each jurisdiction or functional entity evaluated in a jurisdiction-based, issues-only format. This section also contains: (1) descriptions of all Deficiencies and ARCAs assessed during this exercise, recommended corrective actions, and the State and local governments' schedule of corrective actions, if applicable, for each identified exercise issue and (2) descriptions of unresolved ARCAs assessed during previous exercises, if applicable, and the status of the OROs' efforts to resolve them.












3. Exercise Overview Contained in this section are data and basic information relevant to the November 19, 2008, REP Plume exercise to test the offsite emergency response capabilities in the area surrounding the Braidwood Station. This section of the exercise report includes a description of the plume pathway EPZ, a listing of all participating jurisdictions and functional entities which were evaluated, and a tabular presentation of the time of actual occurrence of key exercise events and activities.

3.1. EPZ Description The Braidwood Station is located on a 4,162 acre site in Reed Township in southwest Will County, two miles south of Braidwood, Illinois, and three miles west of the Kankakee River. The station site is relatively flat with an elevation of 589 feet above sea level.

The population distribution in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) surrounding the Braidwood Station is relatively low. The year 2000 total population data is 36,493 persons living in the following protective action sub-areas 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 included within the 10-mile EPZ.

The primary land use around the Braidwood Station is agriculture, with cash grain crops of corn and soybeans. The closest industries are located in the communities of Wilmington, Gardner and Coal City. There are six recreational facilities in the EPZ which can accommodate between 1,000 and 3,000 people each.

Major transportation facilities in the Braidwood Station EPZ are limited to Inter-State 55, which passes one and one-half (11/2) miles west of the Station itself, and five railroads.

The Railroads are: the Union Pacific Company (SPCSL) which is one (1) mile west of the Station; the Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway Company which is four (4) miles northwest of the Station; the Norfolk Southern Railway Company which is nine and on-half (91/2) miles south of the Station; the Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway Company which is ten (10) miles northwest of the Station; and the CSX Transportation, Inc. which is fourteen (14) miles northwest of the Braidwood Station.


3.2. Exercise Participants I Agencies and organizations of the following jurisdictions participated in the Braidwood Station exercise:

State Jurisdictions Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois Department of Natural Resources Illinois Department of Transportation Illinois Emergency Management Agency Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Illinois National Guard Illinois State Police Risk Jurisdictions .

Grundy County Board Grundy County Emergency Medical Services-Morris Hospital Grundy County Emergency Management Agency Grundy County Health Department Grundy County Highway Department Grundy County Public Information Officer Grundy County Regional Office of Education Grundy County Sheriffs Department Braceville Elementary School Gardner/South Wilmington High School South Wilmington Consolidated Community School District 74 Kankakee County Board Kankakee County Coroner Office Kankakee County Emergency Services and Disaster Agency I Kankakee County Health Department Kankakee County Highway Department Kankakee County Public Information Officer Kankakee County Sheriffs Department ,

Regional Office of Education KANCOMM Will County Assistant Regional Superintendent of Schools Will County Coroner Office Will County Executive 8  !

Will County Emergency Management Agency Will County Fire Department and Rescue Service Will County Forest Preserve Will County Health Department Will County Highway Department Will County Public Information Officer Will County Sheriffs Department Bolingbrook Fire Department New Lenox Police Department Private Jurisdictions Amateur Radio Emergency Services American Red Cross Chicagoland Speedway Emergency Broadcast System Station (WCSJ/WJDK)

Emergency Broadcast System Station (WVLI/WIVR)

Emergency Broadcast System Station (WJOL/WSSR/WCCQ/WRXQ)

Exelon Nuclear Kurtz Ambulance Silver Cross Hospital 3.3. Exercise Timeline Table 1, on the following page, presents the times at which key events and activities occurred during the REP Plume exercise conducted on November 19, 2008, for the Braidwood Station.


Table 1. Exercise Timeline DATE AND SITE: November 19, 2008, BraidwvoodStation Tine That Notification 'Was Received*o*oAtion WasiTakeiih 9

[ [

Emreny Tie Radiological Classlficattion Utilitv State of Emergency Grundy Kankakee Will Joinin Jno Level or Event Declared Illinois Assessment County County County

________J Center-______ _____ Cene Unusual Event N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Alert 0758 0810 0825 0827 0830 0827 0825 Site Area Emergency 0936 0945 0947 0958 0958 0959 0952 General Emergency 1100 1112 1112 1125 1122 1125 1112 Release of Radioactive Material Started 1056 1112 1056 1125 1122 1125 1112 Release of Radioactive Material Terminated N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Facility Declared Operational 0829 0841 0931 0928 0908 0850 Declaration of Local Emergency N/A N/A 0952 N/A 1024 N/A C Declaration of State of Disaster Emergency 1125 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Exercise Termination 1245 1245 1300 1257 1255 1244 Early Precautionary Action Decision: The State issued a Livestock Advisory:,

All livestock are to be sheltered and placed on stored feed and water within the 1023 N/A N/A 1042 N/A N/A 10-mile EPZ.

Siren Activation: N/A N/A N/A 1045 N/A N/A EBS Message: N/A N/A N/A 1046 N/A N/A General infommation Message: N/A N/A 1025 1003 0959 N/A Public advised of Braidwood Alert N/AN/A 0 1003 0959 N/A Siren Activation: N/A N/A N/A 1005 1005 N/A EBS Message: N/A N/A .1035 1006 J 1006 N/A Protective Action Recommendation/Decision: PAR PAR PAD PAD PAD Evacuation of nine Sub-Areas: 1,2, 3, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13 and 14. 1120 1119 1133 1132 1126. N/A Siren Activation: N/A N/A 1145 1140 1140 N/A EBS Message: N/A N/A 1148 1141 1141 N/A KI Administration Decision: Emergency Workers and Immobile Populations ][ 1143 ] 1136 1144 1 -1157 1147 1141 M -M -M M M M M 1M- M M M

4. Exercise Evaluation and Results Contained in this section are the results and findings of the evaluation of all jurisdictions and functional entities that participated in the November 19, 2008, REP Partial Plume Exercises to test the off-site emergency response capabilities of State and local governments in the 10-mile EPZ surrounding the Braidwood Station.

Each jurisdiction and functional entity was evaluated based on its demonstration of exercise criteria delineated in Federal Register Notice: Vol. 67, No. 80, dated April 25, 2002. Detailed information on the exercise criteria and the extent-of-play agreement used in this exercise are found in Appendix 3 of this report.

4.1. Summary Results of Exercise Evaluation The matrix presented in Table 2, on the following page(s), presents the status of all exercise criteria from Federal Register Notice: Vol. 67, No. 80, dated April 25, 2002, which were scheduled for demonstration during this exercise by all participating jurisdictions and functional entities. Exercise criteria are listed by number and the demonstration status of those criteria are indicated by the use of the following letters:

M - Met (No Deficiency or ARCA assessed and no unresolved ARCAs from prior exercises)

D - Deficiency assessed A - ARCA(s) assessed or unresolved ARCA(s) from prior exercise(s)

N - Not Demonstrated (Reason explained in Section IV.B.)

Blank - Not scheduled for demonstration 11

I Table 2 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation (3 pages)

I DATE: 2008-11-19 SITE: Braidwood Station, IL U M


> I A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, M: Met Cn C


C)ý C/

CIO *(n 'CC)

I Mobilization lal M M M M MM M M I

Facilities IbI Direction and Control Communications Equipment Equip & Supplies to support operations lcl 1d]

lel M M M M M



I Emergency Worker Exposure Control Radiological Assessment and PARs 2al 2bl M


Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 M M M M M PADs for protection of special populations 2c! M M Rad Assessment and Decision making for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway 2d]

Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Relocation, Reentry, and 2el Return Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3al I

Implementation of KI decision Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3b]

3cd 3c2 I

Implementation of traffic and access control I

3d1 M Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved 3d2 inplementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3e]

Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are available 3e2 Implementation of relocation. re-entry, and return decisions Field McWerivinet-and Aiialysis I,.,.

Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 3f1 4al

. '2~

I Field Teams obtain sufficient information Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately Post plume phase field measurements and sampling 4a2 4a3 4b]

I Laboratory operations Enwrgency,46uificatiun and PUbliýAlnf6>',ii Activation of the prompt alert and notification system 4c_1 5a] M M M I

Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Exception areas Emergency infornmation and instructions for the public and the media 5a3 5bl M M M M M M I

Mon / decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees Mon / decon of emergency worker equipment Temporary care of evacuees 6al 6b]

6c I I

Transportation and treatment of contaminated injured individuals 6d]

I 12 I I

Table 2 - Summary of Exercise Evaluation (Continued. page 2/3) 2 DATE: 2008-11-19 . * -

SITE: Braidwood Station, IL.

A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, M: Met < ', ' * > .)* *>

= 7:) 72 -0 "oz

  • - a r-genc y 6Y cr I L g.errint. . . .. ..

Mobilization lal M M M Facilities 1b1 Direction and Control dlc M M _ M Communications Equipment 1d] M M M M M Equip & Supplies to support operations' lel M M M *M M M M PlOW  :,VC

Ac*: D::, :,

ci: i 2;:  : ..

Emergency Worker Exposure.Control 2al Radiological Assessment and PARs 2bl Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 M M PADs for protection of special populations 2c] M Rad Assessment and Decision making for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway 2d1 Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Relocation, Reentry, and 2el Return Piotect ve Actidn llnPlementation ... . .>. -  : . .... ,.. .

Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3al M M M M M Implementation of KI decision 3b] M M M M Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs 3c] M Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3c2 M M Implementation of traffic and access control 3d] M Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved 3d2 M hIplementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3el Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are available 3e2 Implementation of relocation, re-entry. and return decisions 3f1 Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 4al Field Teams obtain sufficient information 4a2 Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately 4a3 Post plume phase field measurements and sampling 4bI Laboratory operations 4c 1 Eih~eijebey Nutifttion Iand Public Info . .

Activation of the prompt alert and notification system 5a1 M M M Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Exception areas 5a3 Emergency information and.instructions for the public and the media 5b] M M

,SupprFt]Opeations/Faclhties ., . . . >>*, .>. 1/2 Mon / decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees 6a]

Mon / decon of emergency worker equipment . 6b]

Temporary care of evacuees 6c]

Transportation and treatment of contaminated injured individuals 6d] M M 13

I Table 2 - Summnay of Exercise Evaluation (Continued. page 3/3)



X' I

VO CI DATE: 2008-11-19 UO' SITE: Braidwood Station, IL A: ARCA, D: Deficiency, M: Met ;01 70 C-)

0 A

C, I

0 0


C-a C-)

0 0U I I

&gen-.ý(-IcyO i

Mobilization Facilities aiins NManagemnent ~ ~

lal INbi M M im M M I

Direction and Control Communications Equipment Eqcuip & Supplies to support operations lcl Idt lel M M M M M M





  • Emergency Worker Exposure Control Radiological Assessment and PARs 2al 2bl I


Decisions for the Plume Phase -PADs 2b2 M PADs for protection of special populations 2c]. M M Rad Assessment and Decision making for the Ingestion Exposure Pathway 2d]

Rad Assessment and Decision making concerning Relocation, Reentry, and 2el Return ProtectiveAcihmlictio Implementation of emergency worker exposure control 3al M M M M M M I

I Implementation of K! decision 3bl M M M M I M M Implementation of protective actions for special populations - EOCs 3cl M M Implementation of protective actions for Schools 3c2 M M M M Implementation of traffic and access control 3d] M M M M Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved Implementation of ingestion pathway decisions - availability/use of info 3d2 3el M M I

Materials for Ingestion Pathway PADs are available 3e2 Implementation of relocation, re-entry, and return decisions Adequate Equipment for Plume Phase Field Measurements 3fl 4a]

I Field Teams obtain sufficient information Field Teams Manage Sample Collection Appropriately Post plume phase field measurements and sampling 4a2 4a3 4bl I

I Laboratory operations 4c ]

EmerencyTNotIfileatUn LaniPublc nto Activation of the prompt alert and notification s.stem 5al M M M M Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Fast Breaker 5a2 Activation of the prompt alert and notification system - Exception areas Emergency information and instructions for the public and the media

,Support Operatons/FacLi ei 5a3 5b]

I M M ___

I Mon / decon of evacuees and emergency workers, and registration of evacuees Mon / decon of emergency worker equipment Temporary care of evacuees 6al 6bl 6c I I

14 I I

Trans ortation and treatment of contaminated in'ured individuals 6dl 15

4.2. Status of Jurisdictions Evaluated 4.2.1. Illinois Jurisdictions State Initial Warning Point

a. MET: 1.a.1,1.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None State Emergency Operations Center/State of Illinois Response Center
a. MET: .1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.6.1,2.a.1,2.b.1,2.b.2,2.c.1,5.a.1,5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Radiological Emergency Assessment Center I
a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1,2.a.1,2.b.1,2.b.2,2.c.1,5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Unified Area Command 16 U
a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1,2.b.2,3.d.1,5.b.1.
d. NOT DEMONSTRATED: 3.d.2, see Executive Summary
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Emergency Operations Facility
a. MET: 1.a.1,1.c.1,1.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Joint Information Center
a. MET: 1.a.1,1.c.1,1.d.1,1.e.1,5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Illinois State Liaison - Grundy County
a. MET: 1.c.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Illinois State Radiological Advisor.- Grundy County 17
a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.e.1,2.b.2,5.a.1,5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Illinois State Liaison - Kankakee County
a. MET: 1.c.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Illinois State Radiological Advisor -

Kankakee County

a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.e.1,2.b.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Illinois State Liaison - Will County
a. MET: 1.C.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES- UNRESOLVED: None Illinois State Radiological Advisor - Will County 18
a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.e.1,2.b.2,5.a.1,5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Dosimetry Control Officer's Briefing -

Illinois State Police District 5 Headquarters

a. MET: 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Traffic and Access Control Point at the Illinois State Police District 5 Headquarters
a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1, 3.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Medical Services (MS-1) Transportation -

Silver Cross Hospital

a. MET: 1.e.1,6.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None 19 Medical Services (MS-I) Hospital - Silver I Cross Hospital

a. MET: 1.e.1,3.a.1,6.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None 4.2.2. Risk Jurisdictions I I Grundy County - Initial Warning Point

a. MET: 1.a.1,1.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None I Grundy County - Emergency Operations Center

a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 2.b.2, 2.c.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1, 3.c.1, 3.c.2, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Grundy County - Emergency Broadcast System Station - WCSJ/WJDK I 20 I
a. MET: 1.d.1, 5.a.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - Braceville Elementary School
a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1,3.a.1,3.b.1,3.c.2.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - Gardner-Wilmington High School
a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1, 3.c.2.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - South Wilmington Grade School
a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1, 3.c.2.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None 21 Kankakee County Inital Warning Point I

a. MET: 1.a.1,1.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES- UNRESOLVED: None Kankakee County - Emergency Operations Center
a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 2.b.2, 2.c.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1, 3.c.1, 3.c.2, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None I Kankakee County Traffic and Access Control Point I

a. MET: 1.d.1, 1.e.1,3.a.1,3.b.1,3.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Kankakee County Emergency Alert System


a. MET: 1.d.1, 5.a.1.
c. DEFICIENCY: None 22 I I
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Will County - Initial Warning Point
a. MET: 1.a.1,1.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Will County - Emergency Operations Center
a. MET: 1.a.1, 1.c.1, 1.d.1, 1.e.1, 2.b.2, 2.c.1, 3.a.1, 3.b.1, 3.c.1, 3.c.2, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 5.a.1, 5.b.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Will County Traffic and Access Control Point
a. MET: 1.d.1,1.e.1,3.a.1,3.b.1,3.d.1.
f. PRIOR ISSUES - UNRESOLVED: None Will County - Emergency Alert System Station - WJOL/WSSR/WCCQ/WRXQ.



a. MET: 1.d.1,5.a.1.







24 II I

APPENDIX 1 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACP Access Control Point ALARA As Low As Reasonable Achievable ARC American Red Cross ARCA Area Requiring Corrective Action ARES Amateur Radio Emergency Services ATG Office of the Illinois Attorney General BES Braceville Elementary School CAP Civil Air Patrol CB Citizen Band CCC Congregate Care Center CD-V Civil Defense-Category V CDE Committed Dose Equivalent CMP Crisis Management Plan DCO Dosimetry Control Officer DRD Direct Reading Dosimeter EAL Emergency Action Level EAS Emergency Alert System EBS Emergency Broadcast System ECL Emergency Classification Level EMA Emergency Management Agency EMD Emergency Management Director EMS Emergency Medical Services EMT Emergency Medical Technicians EOC Emergency Operations Center EOF Emergency Operations Facility EPA Environmental Protection Agency EPZ Emergency Planning Zone ESDA Emergency Service Disaster Agency EV-2 Protective Actions for School Children EW Emergency Worker FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FTC Field Team Center GC Grundy County GE General Emergency GEMS Gaseous Effluent Monitoring System HD Health Department HDL Health Department Liaison HP Health Physics or Health Physicist HS High School IC Incident Commander ICC Illinois Commerce Commission ICF ICF Consulting ICP Illinois Conservation Police 25

I ICS Incident Command System ICSB IDA Illinois Central School Bus Illinois Department of Agriculture I IDHS Illinois Department of Human Services IDMA IDNR Illinois Illinois Department Department of Military Affairs of Natural Resources I IDOT-A Illinois Department of Transportation-Division of Aeronautics IDOT-H IDPH Illinois Illinois Department Department of Transportation-Divisionof Highways of Public Health I IEMA Illinois Emergency Management Agency IEPA IERT Illinois Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Response Telecommunicator I IPRA Illinois Plan for Radiological Accidents IREACH ISP ISPERN Illinois Radio Emergency Aid Channel Illinois State Police I Illinois State Police Emergency Radio Network IWP JIC Initial Warning Point Joint InformationCenter U JJC Joliet Junior College KI LD LEIRS Potassium Iodide Luminescent Dosimeter I Local Emergency Information Radio Station M&D mR Monitoring and Decontamination milliRoentgen I mR/hr milliRoentgen per hour MS-1 NARS NRC Medical Services Drill Nuclear Accident Reporting System Nuclear Regulatory Commission I

NTRC NWS ORO Northern Technical Response Center National Weather Service Off-site Response Organization I

OSD PA PAD Optically Stimulated Dosimeter Protective Actions Protective Action Decision I

PAG PAO PAR Protective Action Guide Public Affairs Official Protective Action Recommendation I

PEO PIB PIO Principal Executive Officer Public Information Brochure Public Information Officer I


Prompt Notification System Permanent Record Dosimeter Roentgen I

R/hr RACES RAFT Roentgen per hour Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Services Radiological Assessment Field Team I

RASCAL RCA RCO Radiological Assessment System for Consequence Analysis Radiation Controlled Area lRadiological Control Officer I

26 I I

RCP Reactor Coolant Pump RCS Reactor Coolant System RDO Radiological Defense Officer REA Radiation Emergency Area REAC Radiological Emergency Assessment Center rem Roentgen Equivalent Man REP Radiological Emergency Preparedness RERP Radiological Emergency Response Plan RO Radiological Officer RPCC Radiological Preparedness Coordinating Committee SAE Site Area Emergency SEOC State Emergency Operations Center SGTS Standby Gas Treatment System SIRC State of Illinois Response Center SOP Standard Operation Procedures or Standard Operating Procedure T/L Team Leader TACP Traffic and Access Control Point TCP Traffic Control Point TLD Thermoluminescent Dosimeter TSC Technical Support Center UAC Unified Area Command UHF Ultra High Frequency VHF Very High Frequency WARN Wide Area Radio Network 27


I 28

APPENDIX 2 EXERCISE EVALUATORS AND TEAM LEADERS The following is a list of the personnel who evaluated the Braidwood Station REP Partial Participation Plume Exposure Pathway exercise on November 19, 2008. Evaluator Team Leaders are indicated by an asterisk (*) before their names. The organization which each evaluator represents is indicated by the following abbreviations DHS/FEMA Department of Homeland Security/Federal Emergency Management Agency ICF ICF Consulting TITLE NAME ORGANIZATION Radiological Assistance Committee, Chairman William E. King DHS/FEMA Exercise Director Stephen Tulley DHS/FEMA Site Specialist William Sulinckas DHS/FEMA 29


LOCATION DATE: 2008-11-19, SITE: Braidwood Station, IL


I State Initial Warning Point State Emergency Operations Center/State of Illinois Response Center Mark E. Dalton Mark E. Dalton William McCance ICF ICF ICF I

Radiological Emergency Assessment Center Marcy Campbell ICF Unified Area Command Paul Cormier Onalee Grady-Erickson ICF ICF I

Mike Hammond DHS/FEMA Emergency Operations Facility Joint Information Center Dennis Wilford Gary Bolender ICF ICF I Illinois State Liaison - Grundy County Robert Rospenda ICF Illinois State Radiological Advisor - Grundy County Illinois State Liaison - Kankakee County .

Robert Rospenda Robert Duggleby ICF ICF I Illinois State Radiological Advisor - Kankakee County Robert Duggleby ICF Illinois State Liaison - Will County Illinois State Radiological Advisor - Will County Michael Meshenberg Michael Meshenberg ICF ICF I Dosimetry Control. Officer's Briefing - Illinois State Police District Onalee Grady-Erickson ICF 5 Headquarters Traffic and'Access Control Point at the Illinois State Police District 5 Headquarters Michael Burriss ICF I Medical Services (MS-i) Transportation - Silver Cross Hospital Dennis Wilford ICF Medical Services (MS-i) Hospital - Silver Cross Hospital Grundy County - Initial Warning Point Richard Grundstrom Michael Burriss ICF ICF I

Grundy County - Emergency Operations Center Robert Rospenda ICF Grundy County - Emergency Broadcast System Station -

WCSJ/WJDK Roy Smith David Petta ICF ICF I

Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - Braceville Elementary School Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - Gardner-Wilmington High School David Petta Don Calsyn ICF ICF I Grundy County - EV-2 Interview - South Wilmington Grade Michael Petullo ICF School Kankakee County Inital Warning Point Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa DHS/FEMA I

Kankakee County - Emergency Operations Center Robert Duggleby ICF Kankakee County Traffic and Access Control Point Patrick Taylor Janet Hlavaty-LaPosa ICF DHS/FEMA I Kankakee County Emergency Alert System - WVLI/WIVR Don Calsyn ICF Will County - Initial Warning Point Will County - Emergency Operations Center Bruce Swiren Gregg Dawkins Michael Meshenberg ICF ICF ICF I

William Sulinckas DHS/FEMA Will County Traffic and Access Control Point Will County - Emergency Alert System Station -

Bruce Swiren Michael Petullo ICF ICF I


  • Team Lead~er _____ _____


APPENDIX 3 EXERCISE CRITERIA AND EXTENT-OF-PLAY AGREEMENT This appendix lists the exercise criteria, which were scheduled for demonstration in the Braidwood Station REP Partial Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise on November 19, 2008, and the off-site extent-of-play agreement approved by DHS/FEMA Region V on October 13, 2008.

The exercise criteria, contained in the FEMA "Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Evaluation Methodology; Notice," as published in the Federal Register Notice/Vol 67, dated April 25, 2002, represent a functional translation of the planning standards and evaluation criteria of NUREG-0654/FEMA-REP-1, Revl, "Criteria for the Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Preparedness in Support of Nuclear Power Plants," November 1980.

Because the exercise criteria are intended for use at all nuclear power plant sites, and because of variations among offsite plans and procedures, an extent-of-play agreement is prepared by the State and approved by DHS/FEMA to provide evaluators with guidance on expected actual demonstration of the criteria.

A. Exercise Criteria Listed on the following pages are the specific radiological emergency preparedness criteria scheduled for demonstration during this exercise.


I STATE OF ILLINOIS EXTENT OF PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BRAIDWOOD STATION EXERCISE November 19, 2008 Criteria that can be re-demonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.1, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 6.a.1, 6.b.1, 6.c.1 and 6.d.1. Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as I approved on a case-by-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.1, 2.b.1, 2.b.2, 5.a.1 and 5.b.1. I EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner. .

The State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC), which houses the IEMA Communications Center (Initial Warning Point), the State of Illinois Response Center (SIRC) and the Radiological Emergency Assessment Center (REAC), will be activated. The IEMA Emergency Response Telecommunicator will implement procedures for notification of IEMA staff as defined in IEMA SOPs. The SIRC will be partially activated with IEMA personnel. REAC will be fully activated.

Rosters will be provided to demonstrate 24-hour staffing of the SIRC and REAC. The evaluator will not be allowed to remove the rosters.

I The Unified Area Command (UAC) will be activated at the Chicagoland, Speedway in Joliet with State district and regional personnel. The Radiological Assessment Field Team (RAFT)

Command Center and mobile lab will be staffed in Mazon for training purposes. IEMA personnel will be pre-positioned in the local area and dispatched to the Will County EOC, Grundy County EOC, Kankakee County EOC, UAC, Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), Technical Support Center (TSC) and the Joint Information Center (JIC). FEMA will not evaluate the TSC.

I The pre-positioned State staff will begin exercise play no earlier than the Alert. I Criterion i.b.1: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 1.c.1: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

The ability to direct and control emergency response activities will be demonstrated at the SIRC, REAC, the UAC and the JIC. Coordination will be demonstrated between the SIRC,the REAC, the UAC, the JIC, the EOF and the County EOCs.

Criterion 1.d.1: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations. Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.

IEMA will use a variety of communication systems [Nu)clear Accident Reporting System (NARS),

telefax, commercial telephone, cellular phone, radio] to communicate with other organizations and locations.

Criterion 1.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.

32 I I

The State of Illinois will demonstrate the use of equipment, maps and displays to support emergency operations. DCO logs will be available from an IEMA Radiological Advisors in the County EOCs.

A DCO briefing/traffic and access control (TAC) interview will be conducted by Illinois State Police on November 18, 2 p.m., at the District 5 Headquarters in Lockport. During this event, the availability of dosimetry will be demonstrated. No more than 10% of ISP District 5 dosimetry kits will be inspected during the interview to confirm serial numbers.

EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.1: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to ensure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

The ability to make the decision to recommend the use of KI to emergency workers will be demonstrated in.REAC. A message will be injected in the Will County EOC to drive the decision to authorize exposure in excess of administrative limits.

Criterion 2.b.1: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

The REAC will evaluate the licensee information and complete independent dose projections based on that information and simulated field monitoring data. REAC will make an evaluation of the data and make a protective action recommendation (PAR) to the SIRC.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (PADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).

The coordination to determine PARs based upon available shelters, evacuation time estimates and other relevant factors will be demonstrated between the SIRC and REAC. The State PAR will be transmitted to the EPZ counties via NARS.

The capability to determine which centers should be activated for monitoring, decontamination, registration reception and congregate care will be demonstrated at UAC, with input from the SIRC and REAC.

Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for special population groups.

The coordination to determine PARs based upon available shelters, evacuation time estimates and other relevant factors will be demonstrated between the SIRC and REAC. The State PAR will be transmitted to the EPZ counties via NARS.

The ability to make the decision to recommend the use of KI to institutionalized persons will be demonstrated in REAC.

Criterion 2.d.1: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.


I Criterion 2.e.1: Timely re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures, and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures. Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the I

appropriate exposure record or chart.

This will be demonstrated during the DCO briefing/TAC interview on November 18, 2 p.m., at the n ISP District 5 Headquarters.

Criterion 3.b.1: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers and institutionalized individuals (not the general public) is maintained.

This will be demonstrated during the DCO briefing/TAC interview on November 18, 2 p.m., at the n ISP District 5 Headquarters.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for special population groups within areas subject to protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.

This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 3.d.1: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel.

This will be demonstrated by the State through coordination between the UAC and the County U EOCs, in accordance with the Braidwood Station EPZ Traffic and Access Control procedures.

The staffing of the State posts will be simulated during the exercise. A TAC interview will be conducted on November 18, 2 p.m., at ISP District 5 Headquarters. I Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved.

This will be demonstrated through discussions at the UAC between the ISP and Illinois Department of Transportation. A message will be injected to the ISP representative at the Unified I

Area Command that will drive this demonstration. State personnel will deal with the impediment by discussing the need for equipment, and its estimated time of arrival, etc. Actual contacts with resource providers will be made and logged.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

I This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.


Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural production.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 3.f.1: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry of emergency workers and relocation and return of the public are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 4 - FIELD MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS Criterion 4.a.1: The field teams are equipped to perform field measurements of direct radiation exposure (cloud and ground shine) and to sample airborne radioiodine and particulates.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 4.a.2: Field teams are managed to obtain sufficient information to help characterize the release and to control radiation exposure.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 4.a.3: Ambient radiation measurements are made and recorded at appropriate locations, and radioiodine and particulate samples are collected. Teams will move to an appropriate low background location to determine whether any significant (as specified in the plan and/or procedures) amount of radioactivity has been collected on the sampling media.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 4.b.1: The field teams demonstrate the capability to make appropriate measurements and to collect appropriate samples (e.g., food crops; milk, water, vegetation, and soil) to support adequate assessments and protective action decision-making.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 4.c.1: The laboratory is capable of performing required radiological analyses to support protective action decisions.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current FEMA REP guidance.

The State's role in demonstrating this criterion is limited to transmitting the State's PAR to the counties and monitoring the instructional messages provided to the public by the counties. This monitoring will be accomplished by IEMA representatives in the County EOCs.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED]

Criterion 5.a.3: Activities associated with FEMA approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to 35

I notify the public of an emergency situation. Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within 45 minutes following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

This criterion does not apply to the State of Illinois.

Criterion 5.b.1: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

This will be demonstrated at the JIC in coordination with the SIRC, REAC, UAC and the County EOCs. IEMA personnel will be present at the JIC to coordinate with the Exelon staff. Media briefings will be conducted at the JIC. A livestock advisory will be issued to the media from the JIC or the SIRC when appropriate.

A rumor control phone bank for public inquiries will not be operated by the State during the exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES Criterion 6&a.1: The reception center/emergency worker facility has appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel to provide monitoring, decontamination, and registration of evacuees and/or emergency workers. U All of the facilities designated as reception and congregate care centers in IPRA-Braidwood have been evaluated since 2003. For this reason, an interview and inspections will not be conducted during the week of the Braidwood exercise.

Criterion 6.b.1: The facility/ORO has adequate procedures and resources for the accomplishment of monitoring and decontamination of emergency worker equipment including vehicles. I All of the facilities designated as reception and congregate care centers in IPRA-Braidwood have been evaluated since 2003. For this'reason, an interview and inspections will not be conducted during the week of the Braidwood exercise.

Criterion 6.c.1: Managers of congregate care facilities demonstrate that the centers have resources to provide services and accommodations consistent with American Red Cross planning guidelines.

Managers demonstrate the procedures to assure that evacuees have bee'n monitored for contamination and have been decontaminated as appropriate prior to entering congregate care facilities.

All of the facilities designated as reception and congregate care centers in IPRA-Braidwood have been evaluated since 2003. For this reason, an interview and inspections will not be conducted during the week of the Braidwood exercise.

Criterion 6.d.1: The facility/ORO has the appropriate space, adequate resources, and trained personnel n to provide transport, monitoring, decontamination, and medical services to contaminated injured individuals.

This criterion will be demonstrated during a drill at Silver Cross Hospital in Joliet on November 18, at 9 a.m.

I 36 36I

GRUNDY COUNTY EXTENT OF PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BRAIDWOOD NUCLEAR POWER STATION EXERCISE November 19, 2008 Criteria that can be re-demonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.1, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 6.a.1, 6.b.1, 6.c.1 and 6.d.1. Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as approved on a case-by-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.1, 2.b.1, 2.b.2, 5.a.1 and 5.b.1.

EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner.

Grundy County intends to fully activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in. Morris, Illinois. The County will implement notification procedures as defined in IPRA-Braidwood.

Representatives from IEMA and Exelon will staff the County EOC but will not be pre-positioned in the EOC. A roster will be provided to demonstrate 24-hour staffing of the EOC. Evaluators will not be allowed to remove the roster from the EOC.

The Grundy County Sheriff's Department will allow an evaluator to observe and evaluate the initial NARS message and notification at the Sheriffs Communications Center. The following conditions apply:

Telecommunicators shift change takes place at 7 a.m. There is an exchange of information between shifts, usually from 6:50 a.m. to 7:10 a.m. Evaluators are asked not to be disruptive to this process.

If major events occur or are occurring, evaluators will be asked to leave.

Evaluators are expected to observe~an.d evaluate without creating additional disruptions.

Criterion 1.b.1: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response.

It will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 1.c.1: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

Decision making will be demonstrated at the State of Illinois Response Center (SIRC) and Grundy County EOC. Coordination of decisions and emergency activities will be demonstrated between Grundy County, the SIRC, UAC and the JIC, and between the County and municipalities within the EPZ. Coordination between Grundy County, Will County and Kankakee County will be demonstrated.

Criterion 1.d.1: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations. Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.

Grundy County will use NARS, commercial telephone, radio and telefax to communicate with departments and agencies at other locations.

Criterion 1.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are.

sufficient to support emergency operations.

Grundy County will adequately demonstrate the ability to support operations through the use of maps, status boards and other displays as appropriate. Dosimetry Control Logs will be available 37

from the IEMA Radiological Advisor in the County EOC. The availability of dosimetry and KI will be demonstrated at the County EOC and during the school interviews.

EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.1: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to insure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County.

Criterion 2.b.1: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (PADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Grundy County officials in the County EOC. The Grundy County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended to the public.

Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for special population groups.

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Grundy County officials in the County EOC. The Grundy County officials will make the final, decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended for special population groups. ,1 Criterion 2.d.1: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County.

Criterion 2.e.1: Timely re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures. Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart.

Grundy County will demonstrate this criterion by close coordination with the IEMA Radiological Advisor and timely dissemination and exchange of information within the County Dosimetry Control Officer (DCO) network. Exercise messages will be injected which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion in the County EOC. This criterion will also be demonstrated during the school interviews.


Criterion 3.b.l:'KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers and institutionalized individuals (not the general public) is maintained.

When notified by the State of Illinois to distribute and administer KI, Grundy County officials will discuss the issuance of KI to emergency workers and immobile populations, as a voluntary measure, and will notify the municipalities of the State's recommendation. This criterion will also be demonstrated at the school interviews.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for special population groups within areas subject to protective actions.

This will be demonstrated by Grundy County through the simulated implementation of the appropriate. task assignments. The appropriate officials will coordinate transportation and receiving facilities for special populations. One of each type of special facility will be contacted during the exercise. One of each type of transportation provider (ambulance/bus) will be contacted during the exercise. The public will not be involved in the demonstration.

The Mobility Impaired List will be available for inspection in the County EOC during the exercise.

The evaluator will not be allowed to remove the list from the EOC.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.

Grundy County officials will demonstrate this capability through the simulated implementation of the appropriate task assignment in the County EOC. The EPZ schools and transportation providers will be contacted during the exercise.

Interviews will be conducted at three EPZ school districts on November 18 as follows:

Gardner/South Wilmington High School at 11 a.m.

South Wilmington CCSD 74 at 1 p.m.

Braceville Elementary School at 1'p.m.

The District Superintendent, Principal, a Teacher, the transportation coordinator (DCO), the maintenance supervisor and a bus driver will be present at each interview.

Criterion 3.d.1: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County. Grundy County is not responsible for staffinrg any of the designated traffic and access control posts.

Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved.

The Grundy County EOC staff will demonstrate the capability to identify and take appropriate actions concerning impediments to evacuation. A message will be injected by the Controller that will drive this demonstration. County personnel will deal with the impediment by identifying the equipment needed, discussing its estimated time of arrival, etc. Actual contacts with resource providers will be made and logged.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County.


I Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural production.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County.

Criterion 3.f.M: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry of emergency workers and relocation and return of the public are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 4 - FIELD MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS This evaluation area does not apply to Grundy County. i EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current FEMA REP guidance. l Grundy County will demonstrate the capability to provide both an alert signal and an initial instructional message to populated areas throughout the 10-mile plume pathway EPZ in a timely manner after their decision to activate the alert and notification system to implement protective action recommendations (PAR).

This capability will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the Braidwood Station EPZ Prompt Notification System as defined in IPRA-Braidwood. The Prompt Notification System (outdoor warning sirens) will not be activated during the exercise.

The ability to provide instructions to the public will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the local radio station (WCSJ/WJDK). The local radio station will be contacted

.during the first, and possibly the second, alert and notification sequence. An evaluator and controller will be positioned at the radio station during the exercise to monitor the initial message.

If the initial message does not contain a protective action recommendation, the evaluator and controller will stay at the radio station for a second message.

Coordination between Grundy County, Will County and Kankakee County will be demonstrated.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED]

Criterion 5.a.3: Activities associated with FEMA approved exception areas (where applicable) are i completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergencysituation. Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within 45 minutes following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

This criterion does not apply to Grundy County.

Criterion 5.b.i: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

Grundy County will demonstrate this criterion by using pre-scripted messages as indicated in IPRA-Braidwood or ad hoc messages will be developed. Contact with the radio station will be simulated for each alert and notification sequence following the sequence issuing the initial

,protective action recommendation.


The ability to provide information to the media will be demonstrated by Grundy County through a briefing held at the Grundy County media briefing location. If real media are not present for the briefing, the controller and observers will serve as mock media. Evaluators will not serve as mock media.

The ability to deal with rumors will be demonstrated by Grundy County through coordination between the County EOC and the JIC. The Grundy County EOC controller will inject exercise messages which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion. County officials will investigate and address rumors. If appropriate, the rumors will be coordinated between State and County officials in the County EOC and the JIC.

County emergency broadcast messages and news releases, if issued, will be faxed to the JIC.

EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES This evaluation area does not apply to Grundy County.


I KANKAKEE COUNTY EXTENT OF PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BRAIDWOOD NUCLEAR POWER STATION EXERCISE November 19, 2008 Criteria that can be re-demonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.1, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 6.a.1, 6.b.1, 6.c.1 and 6.d.1. Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as approved on a case-by-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.1, 2.b.1, 2.b.2, 5.a.1 and 5.b.1.

EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner.

Kankakee County intends to fully activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Kankakee, Illincis. The County will implement notification procedures as defined in IPRA-Braidwood.

Representatives'from IEMA and Exelon will staff the County EOC but will not be pre-positioned in I

the EOC. A roster will be provided to demonstrate 24-hour staffing of the EOC. Evaluators will not be allowed to remove the roster from the EOC.

An evaluator will be positioned at the Sheriff's Communications Center (initial warning point) at the start of the exercise.

Criterion 1.b.1: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response. I This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 1.c.1: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

Decision making will be demonstrated at the State of Illinois Response Center (SIRC) and I Kankakee County EOC. Coordination of decisions and emergency activities will be demonstrated between Kankakee County, the SIRC, UAC and the JIC. Coordination between Kankakee County, Grundy County and Will County will be demonstrated.

Criterion 1.d.1: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations. Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.

Kankakee County will use NARS, commercial telephone, radio and telefax to communicate with departments and agencies at other locations.

Criterion i.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.

Kankakee County will adequately demonstrate the ability to support operations through the use of maps, status boards and other displays as appropriate. Dosimetry Control Logs will be available I

from the IEMA Radiological Advisor in the County EOC. The availability of dosimetry and KI will be demonstrated at the County EOC, and during the traffic and access control demonstration. I EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.1: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to ensure that an exposure control system, including the use of KI, is in place for emergency 42 I

workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

This criterion does not apply to Kankakee County.

Criterion 2.b.1: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

This criterion does not apply to Kankakee County.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (PADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Kankakee County officials in

.the County EOC. The Kankakee County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended to the public.

Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for special population groups.

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Kankakee County officials in the County EOC. The Kankakee County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended for special population groups.

Criterion 2.d.1: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion does not apply to Kankakee County.

Criterion - 2.e.1: Timely re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion will be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and. procedures, and manage radiological exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures. Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart.

Kankakee County will demonstrate this criterion by close coordination with the IEMA Radiological Advisor and timely dissemination and exchange of information within the County Dosimetry' Control Officer (DCO) network. Exercise messages will be injected which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion in the County EOC.

This criterion will also be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration. The DCO briefing for the Sheriff's deputy demonstrating traffic and access control will be conducted at the Kankakee County EOC.

Criterion 3.b.1: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers and institutionalized individuals (not the general public) is maintained.


I When notified by the State of Illinois to distribute and administer KI, Kankakee County officials will discuss the issuance of KI to emergency workers and immobile populations, as a voluntary measure. This criterion will also be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for special population groups within areas subject to protective actions.

This will be demonstrated by Kankakee County through the simulated implementation of the appropriate procedures. The appropriate officials will coordinate transportation and receiving facilities for special populations. One of each type of special facility will be contacted during the exercise. One of each type of transportation provider. (ambulance/bus) will be contacted during the exercise. The public will not be involved in the demonstration.

The Mobility Impaired List will be available for inspection in the County EOC during the exercise.

The evaluator will not be allowed to remove the list from the EOC.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.

Kankakee County officials will demonstrate this capability through the simulated implementation of the appropriate procedures in the County EOC. The EPZ school and transportation provider will be contacted during the exercise.

A successful interview with Reddick Grade School staff was conducted in 2006. Therefore, an interview will not be conducted this year.

Criterion 3.d.1: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel. l Coordination between Kankakee County agencies designated to provide traffic and access control will be exhibited in the County EOC. A Sheriff's deputy will be available during the exercise to demonstrate the staffing of one post. The post for the demonstration will be selected by Kankakee County during the exercise based on exercise play. The deputy will drive to the i

selected post location for the demonstration. The staffing of the remaining posts will be simulated.

Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved.

The Kankakee County EOC staff will demonstrate the capability to identify and take appropriate actions concerning impediments to evacuation. A message will be injected by the Controller that will drive this demonstration. County personnel will deal with the impediment by identifying the equipment needed, discussing its estimated time of arrival, etc. Actual contacts with resource providers will be made and logged.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

This criterion does not apply to Kankakee County.

Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural production.

This criterion does not apply to Kankakee County.

44 i I

.Criterion 3.f.1: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry of emergency workers and relocation and return of the public are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 4 -FIELD MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS This evaluation area does not apply to Kankakee County.

EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized cffsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must include as a minimum the elements required by current FEMA REP guidance.

Kankakee County will demonstrate the capability to provide both an alert signal and an initial instructional message to populated areas throughout the 10-mile plume pathway EPZ in a timely manner after their decision to activate the alert and notification system to implement protective action recommendations (PAR).

This capability will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the Braidwood Station EPZ Prompt Notification System as defined in IPRA-Braidwood. The Prompt Notification System (outdoor warning sirens) will not be activated during the exercise.

The ability to provide instructions to the public will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the local radio station (WVLI/WIVR). The local radio station will be contacted during the first, and possibly the second, alert and notification sequence. An evaluator and controller will be positioned at the radio station during the exercise to monitor the initial message. If the initial message does not contain a protective action recommendation, the evaluator and controller will stay at the radio station for a second message.

Coordination between Kankakee County, Grundy County and Will County will be demonstrated.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED]

Criterion 5.a.3: Activities associated with FEMA approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within 45 minutes following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

This criterion does not apply to Kankakee County.

Criterion 5.b.1: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

Kankakee County will demonstrate this criterion by using pre-scripted messages as indicated in IPRA-Braidwood. Contact with the radio station will be simulated for each alert and notification sequence following the sequence issuing the initial protective action recommendation.

The ability to provide information to the media will be Kankakee County through a briefing held at the Kankakee County media briefing location. If real media are not present for the briefing, the controller and observers will serve as mock media. Evaluators will not serve as mock media.



The ability to deal with rumors will be demonstrated by Kankakee County through coordination between the County EOC and the JIC. The Kankakee County EOC controller will inject exercise messages which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion. County officials will investigate and address rumors. If appropriate, the rumors will be coordinated between State and County officials in the County EOC and the JIC.

County emergency broadcast messages and news releases, -ifissued, will be faxed to the JIC.

EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES I This evaluation area does not apply to Kankakee County.







46 II I

WILL COUNTY EXTENT OF PLAY AGREEMENT FOR THE BRAIDWOOD NUCLEAR POWER STATION EXERCISE November 19, 2008 Criteria that can be re-demonstrated immediately for credit, at the discretion of the evaluator, include the following: 3.a.1, 3.d.1, 3.d.2, 6.a.1, 6.b.1, 6.c.1 and 6.d.1. Criteria that may be re-demonstrated, as approved on a case-by-case basis by the Chairperson of the Regional Assistance Committee, include the following: 2.a.1, 2.b.1, 2.b.2, 5.a.1 and 5.b.1.

EVALUATION AREA 1 - EMERGENCY OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Criterion 1.a.1: OROs use effective procedures to alert, notify and mobilize emergency personnel and activate facilities in a timely manner.

Will County intends to fully activate the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) in Joliet, Illinois.

The County will implement notification procedures as defined in IPRA-Braidwood.

Representatives from IEMA and Exelon will staff the County EOC but will not be pre-positioned in the EOC. A roster will be provided to demonstrate 24-hour staffing of the EOC. Evaluators will not be allowed to remove the roster from the EOC.

An evaluator will be positioned at the County Sheriff's Communications Center (initial warning point) at the start of the exercise.

Criterion 1.b.1: Facilities are sufficient to support the emergency response.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

Criterion 1.c.l: Key personnel with leadership roles for the ORO provide direction and control to that part of the overall response effort for which they are responsible.

Decision making will be demonstrated at the State of Illinois Response Center (SIRC) and Will County EOC. Coordination of decisions and emergency activities will be demonstrated between Will County, the SIRC, UAC and the JIC, and between the County and municipalities within the EPZ. Coordination between Will County, Grundy County and Kankakee County will be demonstrated.

Criterion 1.d.1: At least two communication systems are available, at least one operates properly, and communication links are established and maintained with appropriate locations. Communications capabilities are managed in support of emergency operations.

Will County will use NARS, commercial telephone, radio and telefax to communicate with departments and agencies at other locations.

Criterion 1.e.1: Equipment, maps, displays, dosimetry, potassium iodide (KI) and other supplies are sufficient to support emergency operations.

Will County will demonstrate the ability to support operations through the use of maps, status boards and other displays as appropriate. Dosimetry Control Logs will be available from the IEMA Radiological Advisor in the Will County EOC. The availability of dosimetry and KI will be demonstrated at the County EOC and during the traffic and access control demonstration.

EVALUATION AREA 2 - PROTECTIVE ACTION DECISION MAKING Criterion 2.a.I: OROs use a decision-making process, considering relevant factors and appropriate coordination, to ensure that an exposure control system, the use of KI, is in place for emergency 47

I workers including provisions to authorize radiation exposure in excess of administrative limits or protective action guides.

This criterion does not apply to Will County.

Criterion 2.b.1: Appropriate protective action recommendations are based on available information on plant conditions, field monitoring data and licensee and ORO dose projections, as well as knowledge of i

on-site and off-site environmental conditions.

This criterion does not apply to Will County.

Criterion 2.b.2: A decision-making process involving consideration of appropriate factors and necessary coordination is used to make protective action decisions (PADs) for the general public (including the recommendation for the use of KI, if ORO policy).

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Will County officials in the County EOC. The Will County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended to the public.

l Criterion 2.c.1: Protective action decisions are made, as appropriate, for special population groups.

The State of Illinois will make protective action recommendations to Will County officials in the County EOC. The Will County officials will make the final decision regarding what protective actions will be recommended for special population groups.

Criterion 2.d.1: Radiological consequences for the ingestion pathway are assessed and appropriate protective action decisions are made based on the ORO's planning criteria.

This criterion does not apply to Will County.

Criterion 2.e.1: Timely re-location, re-entry and return decisions are made and coordinated as appropriate, based on assessments of the radiological conditions and criteria in the OROs plan and/or procedures.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 3 - PROTECTIVE ACTION IMPLEMENTATION Criterion 3.a.1: The OROs issue appropriate dosimetry and procedures, and manage radiologicali exposure to emergency workers in accordance with the plan and procedures. Emergency workers periodically and at the end of each mission read their dosimeters and record the readings on the appropriate exposure record or chart. I Will County will demonstrate this criterion by close coordination with the IEMA Radiological Advisor and timely dissemination and exchange of information within the County Dosimetry Control Officer (DCO) network. Exercise messages will be injected which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion in the County EOC.

This criterion will also be demonstrated during the traffic.and access control demonstration. The DCO briefing for the Sheriff's deputy demonstrating traffic and access control will be conducted at the Will County EOC.

I Criterion 3.b.1: KI and appropriate instructions are available should a decision to recommend use of KI be made. Appropriate record keeping of the administration of KI for emergency workers and institutionalized individuals (not the general public) is maintained.

48 i

When notified by the State of Illinois to distribute and administer KI, Will County officials will discuss the issuance of KI to emergency workers and immobile populations, as a voluntary measure, and will notify the municipalities of the State's recommendation. This criterion will also be demonstrated during the traffic and access control demonstration.

Criterion 3.c.1: Protective action decisions are implemented for special population groups within areas subject to protective actions.

This will be demonstrated by Will County through the simulated implementation of the appropriate procedures. The appropriate officials will coordinate transportation and receiving facilities for special populations. One of each type of special facility will be contacted during the exercise. One of each type of transportation provider (ambulance/bus) will be contacted during the exercise.

The public will not be involved in the demonstration.

The Mobility Impaired List will be available for inspection in the County EOC during the exercise.

The evaluator will not be allowed to remove the list from the EOC.

Criterion 3.c.2: OROs/School officials decide upon and implement protective actions for schools.

Will County officials will demonstrate this capability through the simulated implementation of the appropriate procedures in the County EOC. The EPZ schools and transportation providers will be contacted during the exercise.

Both school districts in the Will County portion of the Braidwood EPZ have participated in interviews since 2004. Therefore, an interview will not be conducted this year.

Criterion 3.d.1: Appropriate traffic and access control is established. Accurate instructions are provided to traffic and access control personnel.

Coordination between Will County agencies designated to provide traffic and access control will be exhibited in the County EOC. A Sheriff's deputy will be available during the exercise to demonstrate the staffing of one post: The post for the demonstration will be selected by Will County during the exercise based on exercise play. The deputy will drive to the selected post location for the demonstration. The staffing of the remaining posts will be simulated.

Criterion 3.d.2: Impediments to evacuation are identified and resolved.

The Will County EOC staff will demonstrate the capability to identify and take appropriate actions concerning impediments to evacuation. A message will be injected by the Controller that will drive this demonstration. County personnel will deal with the impediment by identifying the equipment needed, discussing its estimated time of arrival, etc. Actual contacts with resource providers will be made and logged.

Criterion 3.e.1: The ORO demonstrates the availability and appropriate use of adequate information regarding water, food supplies, milk and agricultural production within the ingestion exposure pathway emergency planning zone for implementation of protective actions.

This criterion'does not apply to Will County.

Criterion 3.e.2: Appropriate measures, strategies and pre-printed instructional material are developed for implementing protective action decisions for contaminated water, food products, milk and agricultural

  • production.

This criterion does not apply to Will County.


U Criterion 3.f.1: Decisions regarding controlled re-entry of emergency workers and relocation and return of the public are coordinated with appropriate organizations and implemented.

This criterion will not be demonstrated during this exercise.

EVALUATION AREA 4 - FIELD MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS This evaluation area does not apply to Will County.

EVALUATION AREA 5 - EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION AND PUBLIC INFORMATION i Criterion 5.a.1: Activities associated with primary alerting and notification of the public are completed in a timely manner following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. The initial instructional message to the public must. include as a minimum the elements required by current FEMA REP guidance.

Will County will demonstrate the capability to provide both an alert signal and an initial instructional message to populated areas throughout the 10-mile plume pathway EPZ in a timely manner after their decision to activate the alert and notification system to. implement protective action recommendations (PAR).

This capability will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the Braidwood Station EPZ Prompt Notification System as defined in IPRA-Braidwood. The Prompt Notification System (outdoor warning sirens) will not be activated during the exercise.

The ability to provide instructions to the public will be demonstrated through the simulated activation of the local radio station (WJOL/WSSR/WCCQ/WRXQ). The local radio station will be contacted during the first, and possibly the second, alert and notification sequence. An evaluator and controller will be positioned at the radio station during the exercise to monitor the initial I

message. If the initial message does not contain a protective action recommendation, the evaluator and controller will stay at the radio station for a second message..

Coordination between Will County, Grundy County and Kankakee County will be demonstrated.

Criterion 5.a.2: [RESERVED] I Criterion 5.a.3: Activities associated with FEMA approved exception areas (where applicable) are completed within 45 minutes following the initial decision by authorized offsite emergency officials to notify the public of an emergency situation. Backup alert and notification of the public is completed within 45 minutes following the detection by the ORO of a failure of the primary alert and notification system.

i This criterion does not apply to Will County.

Criterion 5.b.1: OROs provide accurate emergency information and instructions to the public and the news media in a timely manner.

Will County will demonstrate this criterion by using pre-scripted messages as indicated in IPRA-Braidwood will be developed. Contact with the radio station will be simulated for each alert and notification sequence following the sequence issuing the initial protective action recommendation.

The ability to provide information to the media will be demonstrated by Will County through a briefing held at the Will County media briefing location. If real media are not present for the briefing, the controller and observers will serve as mock media. Evaluators will not serve as mock media.


The ability to deal with rumors will be demonstrated by Will County through coordination between the County EOC and the JIC. The Will County EOC controller will inject exercise messages which will ensure the opportunity to demonstrate this criterion. County officials will investigate and address rumors. If appropriate, the rumors will be coordinated between State and County officials in the County EOC and the JIC.

County emergency broadcast messages and news releases, if issued, will be faxed to the JIC.

EVALUATION AREA 6 - SUPPORT OPERATION/FACILITIES This evaluation area does not apply to Will County.










52 I

APPENDIX 4 EXERCISE SCENARIO AND TIMELINE This appendix contains a summary of the simulated sequence of events - Exercise Scenario - which was used as the basis for invoking emergency response actions by Offsite Response Organizations (ORO) in the Braidwood Station REP Partial Participation Plume Exposure Pathway Exercise that was conducted on November 19, 2008.

This exercise scenario was submitted by the State of Illinois and Exelon Nuclear and approved by DHS/FEMA Region V on September 30, 2008.

During the exercise, controllers from the State of Illinois gave "inject messages,"

containing scenario events and/or relevant data to those persons or locations who would normally receive notification of such events. These inject messages were the method used for invoking response actions by OROs.




NORMAL OPERATIONS 0745- 0754 The Operating Crew will be briefed at 0715 and is expected to take the shift by 0745.

Their turnover will include instructions to continue operations at full power. EO is in field performing surveillance 1BWOSR on the 1 B AFW Pump.(per BwOP-AF07).

ALERT 0755 - 0924 FIRE or EXPLOSION affecting the operability of plant safety systems required to establish or maintain safe shutdown - ALERT, HA6 (HA6.1 AND 6.2.b) {OR HA7 due to C02 discharge)

At 0755: m

" 1 B Diesel Driven AFW Pump trips

" Control Room receives Trip Annunciator

" Control Room receives Fire Alarm/Annunciators for the AFW Pump Area - OPM01J 37-A4, Unit 1 Area Fire Annunciator LIT (Fire Zone 11.4A-1 Alarming)

[ EO performing 1 B AFW pump surveillance reports that the Diesel Engine has thrown a rod through the engine casing and pump is inoperable

" Auto-actuation of CO 2 (1 S-41) in the 1 B AF Pump room Expected Response I The Shift Manager should declare ALERT, HA6. This is: 6.1 FIRE or EXPLOSION in any Table H2 area (Auxiliary Building), AND 6.2.a Affected safety systems parameter indications show degraded performance, OR 6.2.b Plant personnel report VISIBLE DAMAGE to permanent structures or safety system equipment within the specified area.

[T=O for HA6 is when the CR receives the report from the field - need to check on Fire typer and MCB C0 2 annunciation]

An alternative declaration could be made of HA7, Release of toxic or flammable gases i within or restricting access to a VITAL AREA, which jeopardizes operation of systems required to maintain safe operations or establish or maintain safe shutdown. HA7.1 -

Report or detection or toxic or asphyxiant gases within a Table H2 area (Auxiliary =

Building) in concentrations that result in an atmosphere IMMEDIATELY DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND HEALTH (DLH) due to the C0 2 actuation to the 1 B AF Pump room.

On an auto-actuation of C02 (1 S-41) in the 1 B AF Pump room, the crew will meet entry conditions for a reportable fire per OP-AA-201-003. The actuation of 1S-41 will be accompanied by a number MCR annunciators including Unit 1 Area Fire, (BwAR 0 A4), which will require the MCR to dispatch personnel to investigate/verify a fire per I

BwAP1000-16, Fire/Hazardous Materials Spill And/Or Injury Response. As directed by 54

the BwAR, the MCR will also refer to BwOP FP-1 00, Fire Response Guidelines. [Fire Marshal/Ops Support may perform an out of sequence Fire Drill that will run during the EP exercise scenario - refer to CM-3]

All appropriate notifications (PA, Dialogic, Station Duty manager, NDO, etc.) will be made. The TSC, OSC, EOF and JIC will be staffed and activated.

Command and Control will be transferred in accordance with procedures to the EOF.

Non-delegable responsibilities will be addressed. during this turnover process.

County Liaisons will be requested and dispatched.

The Field Monitoring Teams may be dispatched (TSC/EOF).

Failure of Power Range Instrument Channel N-41 Low 0840 At approximately 0835, Power Range Instrument Channel N-41 fails low. No automatic actions should occur.

Expected Response Ops crew will respond per i BwOA INST-1 Attachment A to bypass/defeat the failed channel, but will not be able to trip OTAT bistables TB41 1C and TB41 1D because these actions would result in ah inadvertent reactor trip due to the prior failure of Pressurizer Pressure Channel 1PT-457. LCO 3.0.3 will require shutdown within 7 hours8.101852e-5 days <br />0.00194 hours <br />1.157407e-5 weeks <br />2.6635e-6 months <br /> due to 2 nd inoperable OTAT channel.

Ops crew should take actions for channel restoration (Pressurizer Pressure Channel 1PT-457) and make preparations for unit shutdown.

SITE ARE EMERGENCY 0925- 1054 Fuel Clad and RCS loss or Potential Loss - SITE AREA EMERGENCY, FSI The 1B Main Feedwater Pump (MFW) will trip and the 1A Motor drive MFW Pp, if started by Ops Crew, will indicate flow and les then 1 minute later the 1A MFW Pp will trip. The Ops Crew should perform a Main Turbine runback, if the crew is successful in stabilizing the unit a spurious Main Turbine Trip due to unknown causes will be initiated (by the simulator operator) that will result in a reactor trip.

Expected Actions The crew takes action per 1BwEP-0, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection" and will transition to 1 BwEP-0.1 and then 1BwFR H.1, "response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink." The 55

I Ops Crew will attempt to start the 1A Aux Feedwater (AFW) Pump per 1BwEP-0. The 1A AFW Pump will NOT start. When the level in all four SGs < 10% (31% for Adverse Containment) AND total feedwater flow to the SGs < 500 GPM the entry conditions for 1BwFR-H.1 will be met [RED Path procedure]. This should occur at approximately 0930 to 0940. [T=O for the FS1]

The TSC will declare a SITE AREA EMERGENCY - FS1 - Fuel Clad and RCS Loss or Potential Loss due to FC1.2 & RC1.2 RED PATH. The TSC will initiate Site Assembly and Accountability (simulated). Preparations should be made for site evacuation of 3

non-essential personnel.

At approximately 0940, Containment Radiation (AR020 [21]) will begin to slowly increase.

Restoration of Feedwater Flow Via the Start Up Feedwater

-0945 Pump U

At approximately 0945, actions to establish feedwater flow via the Start Up Feedwater Pump per 1BwFR-H.1 will be successful.

Expected Actions I The SSD EO will be dispatched to start SU FW Pump Lube Oil Pump - At approximately 0940, the Lube Oil Pump starts.

Initial attempt to start SU FW Pump fails due to dual indication of 1FW076. At approximately 0945, EO will adjust limit switches on 1FW076. The SU Feedwater Pump Start/Restart will be successful and will be supplying > 130 gpm to each SG.

After establishing feedwater flow per 1BwFR-H.1, Attachment B the Ops Crew will transition to the procedure BwEP ES 0.1, "Reactor Trip Recovery."

RCS LOCA to Containment I 1040 RCS pressure and Pressurizer Level indication will indicate that a LOCA (Reactor I Coolant to Containment) has occurred. Safety Injection and Phase A isolation should occur. 3 Containment Radiation (AR020 [21]) increases rapidly.

Containment parameters worsen (Radiation increases, Pressure increases). As a result of this transient, fuel damage has occurred. Containment Radiation (AR020 [21]) will U

increase to -2320 R/hr 1055 (per Table F! Loss of FC limit 1.95 E3 R/hr) resulting in a concurrent Loss of Fuel Clad (FC8). This event does NOT result in a change to the EAL Classification.

56 lI

Expected Response The Ops Crew will respond per 1 BwEP-0 and transition to 1 BwEP-1.

GENERAL EMERGENCY 1055-1300 Containment Penetration Failure: Loss of All Three Fission Product Barriers -

GENERAL EMERGENCY, FG1 - Maximum Protective Action Recommendations (PARs)

This Containment penetration failure is the loss of the third fission product barrier, and combined with the previous loss of the Fuel Clad and RCS FPBs results in the loss of all three fission product barriers: Loss of Fuel Clad (FC8), Loss of RCS (RC8), and Loss of Containment (CT3.1 or CT3.2). [T=0 for FG1 is when the penetrationfailure is revealed by inconsistent containmentpressure changes or vent stack monitor increase.]

Release to environment is in Progress - Failed Containment Penetration into Auxiliary Building has resulted in a monitored release via Ul and U2 Vent Sack Monitors.

Expected Actions The ERO in all ERFs should recognize that a release is in progress, and that all fission product barriers are lost. Using the Ul and U2 Vent Stack Monitors, a Monitored Release patch exists: <RCS><CONT><AB><STACK><ENV> (DAPAR path E).

The TSC will declare a GENERAL EMERGENCY -. FG1 due to the loss of ALL 3 fission product barriers - Loss of Clad FC8 (Containment Radiation > 1950 R/hr), Loss of RCS RC8 (Containment Radiation >25 R/hr), and Loss of Containment CT3.1 (Rapid unexplained drop in Containment pressure following initial pressure rise) OR CT3.2 (Containment pressure or water level response not consistent with LOCA conditions).

The EOF will identify maximum plant based protective action recommendations (Max PARs - evacuate 0-5 mile radius, 10 miles downwind) for a wind direction from 255 degrees, 4 mph, Stability Class E resulting in PAR for Sub-areas: Will 1,2, 3, 13; Kankakee 6; and Grundy 7, 10, 11, 14.

The Ops Crew should continue efforts to cool down and depressurize the RCS to minimize the driving force out the break. If manual action is taken to start the Containment.Spray system - CS Pump will NOT start.


-1120 57"

Loss of All Three Fission Product Barriers (FG1) Dose assessment will show a Concurrent RGI when the release peaks @ -1120.

Expected Actions The EOF will identify that the Maximum plant based protective action recommendations encompass the Dose Based PARs. No additional recommendation required.

Wind Shift - GENERAL EMERGENCY 1155-11245 Change in Protective Action Recommendations (PARs)

At -1155, based on a shift in the wind direction from 2550 to 2910 an additional sub-area 9 should be added to the PARs when direction exceeds 2740. [T=O for change in PAR]

Expected Actions Notification to State and local authorities recommending evacuation to 5 miles and 10 miles downwind for additional sub-area 9 for Kankakee County (NARs form to include 1, 1

2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13 and14.,

EXERCISE TERMINATION 1245 3 Exercise termination will occur by - 1245 when the Lead Scenario Controller and State Controller determine that all exercise objectives have been appropriately completed. 3 58

OFFSITE EXERCISE TIMELINE November 19, 2008 Approx.

Time Event/Anticipated Response 0745 Initial conditions/weather forecast message to players.

0755 An Alert is declared at Braidwood Station.

0810 Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the ALERT via NARS.

IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message.

An IEMA Duty Officer contacts the Braidwood Station Shift Engineer.

IEMA Telecommunicator notifies IEMA personnel of the ALERT per SOP.

IEMA may activate the State of Illinois Response Center (SIRC) and Radiological Emergency Assessment Center (REAC), if appropriate.

IEMA may dispatch liaisons to the County EOCs, Unified Area Command (UAC), Radiological Assessment Field Team (RAFT) Staging Area, Joint Information Center (JIC), Technical Support Center (TSC) and Emergency Operations Facility (EOF), if appropriate.

IEMA notifies Governor's Office of the ALERT. (Simulated)

IEMA Telecommunicator notifies appropriate State agencies of the ALERT.

IEMA notifies DHS/FEMA of the ALERT. (Simulated) 0825 IEMA Telecommunicator notifies the counties of the ALERT via NARS.

County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

County telecommunicators notify County officials and municipalities of the ALERT per SOP.

The counties may activate the EOCs, if appropriate.

Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

Municipal telecommunicators notify officials of the ALERT per SOP.



Time Event/Anticipated Response 0925 A SITE AREA EMERGENCY is declared at Braidwood Station.

0940 Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY via NARS.

IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message.

REAC contacts the Braidwood Station Shift Engineer.

SIRC is activated if not previously activated.

SIRC notifies the Governor's Office and requests that a representative report to the State EOC. (Simulated)

State dispatches liaisons to the County EOCs, UAC, RAFT, JIC, TSC and EOF, if not previously dispatched.

SIRC notifies DHS/FEMA of conditions. (Simulated)

IEMA notifies State agencies (Simulated):

- Illinois State Police

- IDOT/Division of Highways

- IDOT/Division of Aeronautics


- Illinois National Guard


- American Red Cross




- Office of the State Fire Marshal

- others as appropriate REAC contacts Federal agencies. (Simulated)

REAC provides an update to the SIRC and County EOC Liaisons.

REAC provides an update to the JIC.



Time Event/Anticipated Response 0955 IEMA notifies the counties of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY via NARS.

County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

County telecommunicators notify County officials and municipalities of the SITE AREA EMERGENCY per SOP.

County EOCs are activated if not previously activated.

Counties implement public notification procedures, if appropriate.


Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

Municipal telecommunicators notify officials per SOP.

Dosimetry is issued to emergency personnel, EOC staff and exposure records are completed.

1055 A GENERAL EMERGENCY is declared at Braidwood Station.

1110 Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the GENERAL EMERGENCY via NARS. Protective actions are recommended.

IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message.

The SIRC and REAC evaluate the protective action recommendation.

A recommendation is made to the Governor. The Governor recommends that protective actions be implemented.

SIRC staff is advised of the situation.

SIRC advises UAC, the County EOC liaisons and JIC staff of the situation.

SIRC notifies FEMA of conditions. (Simulated)

REAC provides an update to the SIRC and County EOC liaisons.

REAC provides an update to the JIC.



Time Event/Anticipated Response 1125 SIRC notifies the counties of the GENERAL EMERGENCY and the recommended protective actions via NARS.

County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

County telecommunicators notify County officials and municipalities per SOP.

Counties implement public notification procedures and traffic and access control per SOPs, as applicable.

Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify and the NARS message.

Municipal telecommunicators notify EOC staff.

1155 The GENERAL EMERGENCY continues at Braidwood Station. A wind shift has occurred.

1210 Exelon notifies the IEMA Telecommunicator of the wind shift via NARS.

Additional protective action are recommended.

IEMA Telecommunicator verifies the NARS message-The SIRC and REAC evaluate the protective action recommendation.

A recommendation is made to the Governor. The Governor recommends that protective actions be implemented.

SIRC staff is advised of the situation.

SIRC advises UAC, the County EOC liaisons and JIC staff of the situation.

SIRC notifies FEMA of conditions. (Simulated)

REAC provides an update to the SIRC and County EOC liaisons.

REAC provides an update to the JIC.

1225 SIRC notifies EPZ counties of the wind shift and the recommended protective actions via NARS.



Time Event/Anticipated Response County telecommunicators complete and verify the NARS message.

County telecommunicators advise county officials and municipalities per


Counties implement public notification procedures and traffic and access control per SOPs, as applicable.

Municipal telecommunicators complete and verify and the NARS message.

1245 Terminate exercise play.