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Vermont Yankee July 2008 Evidentiary Hearing - Intervenor Exhibit NEC-UW_20, Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station, PP7028: Piping FAC Inspection Program - FAC Inspection Program Records for 2005 Refueling Outage. (Corrected)
Person / Time
Site: Vermont Yankee File:NorthStar Vermont Yankee icon.png
Issue date: 08/12/2008
Entergy Nuclear Operations
06-849-03-LR, 50-271-LR, Entergy-Intervenor-NEC-UW_20, RAS M-253
Download: ML082340734 (50)


CORRECTED PP7028 Piping FACinspectiori Program FAG INSPECTION PROGRAM RECORDS FOR 2005 REFUELING OUTAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS TAB Pages I FAC 2004-2005 Program EWC Program Scoping Memo & Level 3 Fragnet 2-5 (4 pages) 2 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets! 6-19 Methods and Reasons for Component Selection (14 pages) 3 VYM 2004/007a Design Engineering - MiS Memo: J.C.Fitzpatrick to 20-37 S. D.Goodwin subject, Piping FAC Inspection Scope for the 2005 Refueling Outage (Revision I a), dated 5/5/05. (18 pages) 4 VYPPF 7102.01 VY Scope Management Review Form for deletion of FAC 38-43 Large Bore Inspection Nos. 2005-24 through 2005-35 from RF025, dated 11/1106 (6 pages) 5 2005 RFO FAC Piping Inspections Scope Challenge Meeting Presentation, 44 -46 5/4/05 (3 pages) 6 ENN Engineering Standard Review and Approval Form from VY for: "Flow 47-48 Accelerated Corrosion Component Scanning and Gridding Standard",

ENN-EP-S-005, Rev. 0. dated 9/22/05 (2 pages) 7 ENN Engineering Standard Review and Approval Form from VY for: "Pipe 49-50 Wall Thinning Structural Evaluation" ENN-CS-S-008, Rev. 0. dated 9/22/05 & VY Email: Communication of Approved Engineering Standard date 9/27/05 ( 2 pages) 8 EN-DC-147 Engineering Report No. VY-RPT-06-00002, Rev.0, "VY Piping 51 -69 Flow Accelerated Corrosion Inspection Program (PP 7028) - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Report (RFQ25 - Fall 2005) (19 pages) 9 Large Bore Component Inspections: Index and Evaluation Worksheets 70 - 327 (258 pages) 10 Small Bore Component Inspections: Index and Evaluation Worksheets 328 - 347 (20 pages)


No. A~&2 O=FB D by: Apr:,'*:." .-,,.

DOCKETED Page 1 of 347 USNRC August 12, 2008 (11:00am) WITNDR N E C03 70 9 9 I;W_ M * -_--

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ENN Nuclear Management Manual Non QA Administrative Procedure ENN-DC-183 Rev.11 Facsimile of Attachment 9.10 ThM Program or Component Scoping Memorandum 2004-2005 Program Scope Memo Vermont Yankee - Eingineering Department WBS Element: "FAG Inspection Program Project Number 1


Piping Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAC) Inspection Program 2004 &

2005 Program Related Efforts Deprtjment esn Engineerin--Mechanical I Structural Owner: James Fitzpatrick Backup: I Thomas O'Connor Procedure No. PP 7 0 2 8*", Vermont Yankee Piping Flow Accelerated Corrosion


Inspection Prog~ra Detailed Scope of Project (Explanation): Engineering actMties to support ongoing Inspection Program to provide a systematic approach to insure that Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAG) does not lead to degradation of plant piping systems. Currently** Program Procedure PP 7028 controls engineering and inspection activities to predict, detect, monitor, and evaluate pipe wall thinning due to FAC. Activities include modeling of plant piping using the EPRI CHECWORKS code to predict susceptibility to FAG damage, selection of components for inspection, UT inspections of piping components, evaluation of data, trending, monitoring of industry events and best practices, participation in industry groups, and recommending future repairs and /or replacements prior to component failure.

Expected to adopt a new ENN Standard Program Procedure ENN-DC-315 (which is currently under development with an accelerated development date of 6130104).

Expected Benefits (Justification): VY committed to have an effective piping FAC inspection program in response to OL 89 Con*sequences of Deferral: Possible hazards to plant personnel, Loss of plant availability, unscheduled repairs, and deviation from previous regulatory commitments.

iDurat*n.,of Progim- Life of plant 2004 Key Deliverables or Milestones: Completion Estimate Complete Focused SA write up & generate appropriate corrective 6/18/04 actions (coordinate activities with program standardization efforts).

Completion of RFO 24 documentation, write and issue RFO 2004 7/23/04 Inspection Report Software QA on XP platform for CHECWORKS FAC module Version 8/13/04 1.0G Issue 2005 RFO Outage Inspection Scope. Including Scoping 911/04 worksheets.

Update Piping FAC susceptibility screening to account for piping and 8/13/04 drawing updates- Include effects from NMWC, power uprate, & life extension.

Update piping Small Bore piping database and develop new priority 10/01/04 logic for inspection scheduling.

Page I of 2 NEG037100

ENN Nuclear Management Manual Non QA Administrative Procedure ENN-DC-183 Rev,1 Facsimile of Attachment 9.10 Program or Component Scoping Memorandum 2004 Key Deliverables or Milestones: - continued Completion Estimate Update CHECWORKS models using Version 1.0G with latest 2002 ti231t04 RFO & 2004 RFO Inspection data (Note ideally results are to be used in determiningthe 2005 inspection scope, however schedule milestones override pr.oqgr_.amioqiqc),.

Adoption of ENN-DC-315 ENN Standard FAC program 10/31/04 Procedure to include all previous improvements identified Self Assessments-Ongoing Program Maintenance. Includes: procedure revision$, 12/31/04 program improvements, benchmarking, attendance at industry (EPRE CHUG) meetings, evaluation of industry events (industry awareness) for effects on VY, license renewal project input, and fleet support.

2005 Key Deliverables or Milestones:- "

Perform Prgmram Self Assessment (minimum once per cycle). 4/1/05 Conversion of CHECHWORKSI.OG models to SFA Version 2,1x 911105 RFO 25 support 11/15/05 Completion of RFO 25 documentation, develop RFO 25 Outage 12/31/05 lnspection Report Ongoing Program Maintenance. Includes; procedure revisions. 1231/031 program improvements, benchmarking, attendance at industry (EPRI CHUG) meetings, evaluation of industry events (industry awareness) for effects on VY, and fleet support.

2006 Key Deliverables or Milestones:

Issue 2005 Outage Inspection Report 1/15/06 Update SFA Predictive Models with 2005 RFO data. 4/15/06 Ongoing Program Maintenance. Includes: procedure revisions, 12/31/06 program improvements, benchrnarking, attendance at industry (EPRI CHUG) meetings, evaluation of industry events (industry awareness) for effects on VY, and fleet support.

Estimated Budget or Expenses: AmountfHrs Captured in DE Mech./$tructural Base Bud et NIA Others Impacted By Project, Estimated Hours System Engineering 40

-Engineering Support Reactor Engineering

.Design Engineering - - - - - - -

Fluid Systems Engineering 40 Electrical I I&C Engineering ---..------............................ . .

Mechanical / Structuraf Design Level 3 Fragnet: (Attached)

Performance Indicators for FAC Program are contained in the Program Health Report (Attached)

Page 2 of 2 NEC037 101

2004-2005 Piping FAC Inspe. >n Program Level 3 Fragnet YEAR 2004 (2 nd half) (Time Line from 6101104 to 12/31104)

- Preparer Reviewer TOTAL E- Est. Delivery Task No. Task Description (HRS} (HRS) (HRS) Start / Completion Estimated Estimated, Estimated. Date Complete Focused SA write up &generate appropriate corrective 04-1 actgons (coordinate actIvities M*. program standardization 20 10 30 611/04 6/18104 eforts).

Completion of RIO 24 documentation, write and issue RFO 2004 04-2 Inspection Report 60 30 90 6114/04 7123M04 Software OA on XP platform for CHEOWORKS FAC module 04-3 Version 1.0G 20 10 30 714104 8/13/04 Update Piping FAG susceptibility screening to account for piping 1 04-4 and drawing updates. Include effects from NMWC, power up-ate, i 40 20 60 7/12/04 8/13/04

& life extension.

Update piping Small bore piping database and develop new 04-5 priority logic for inspection scheduling. 40 20 60 916104 10/01/04 04-6 Update CHEOWORKS models using Version 1,.G with latestl 2Q02 RFO &2004 RFO Inspection data 460 80 240 8V23104 12/31/04 Issue 2005 RFO Outage Inspection Scope. Including Scoping 04-7 worksheets. 40 20 60 812104 9/1/04 04-8 Developmentadoption of ENN-DC-315 ENN Standard FAC program Procedure to include all 80 40 120 602104 10/31/04 previous improvements identifed Self Assessments.

04-9 Ongoing Program Maintenance. Includes: procedure revisions. 160 40 200 612/04 12/31/04 program improvements, benchmarking, attendance at industry (EPRI CHUG) meetings, evaluation of industry events (industry


_ effects on VY, LR project input, and fleet supp*ort._.

TOTAL (From end of RFO 24 to December 31, 2004} 620 270 890 HIRS Page 1 of 2 NEC037102

2004-2005 Piping FAC Inspe,.....on Program Level 3 Fragnet YEAR 2005 (11105 TO 12131105)

Preparer Reviewer TOTAL Est. Est.

Task No. Task Description (HRS) (HRS) (HRS) Start Delivery Estimated Estimated. Estimated. Completion Date Perfortm Program Self Assessmernt (minimum once W ycle).

05-1 40 20 60 3/1/05 4/01/05 0....... Conversion of CHECHWORKS 1.00 models to SFA Version 2.Ix 30154.../ 0 05-2 360 180 -540 4/1/05 9/01/05 RFO 25 Preparation &Outage Support 06-3 160 80 240 9/1/05 11/15/0504 05-4 Completion:of RFO 25 documentation, develop RFO 25 Outage Inspection Report 60 30 90 11/15/05 12/31/05 05"5 Ongoing Program Maintentsance. Includes: procedure revisfons. ..

program improvements, benchmarking, a'tendance at industry 40 20 60 1/01/05 '12/31/05 (EPRI CHUG) meetings, evaluatlon of industry events (industry awvarenessý for effects on V, and fleet support ...


Page 2 of 2 NEC037103

MY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 71028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets / Methods and Reasons for Component Selection Note: Rev1sd for VY and IndustryEvents and Operating ggeienoe on 311/05 Piping components are selected for inspection during the 2004 refueling outage based on the following groupings and/or criteria.

LaMe Bore Piping.

LA: Components selected from measured or apparent wear found in previous inspection results.

LB: Compoaents ranked high fot susceptibility from current CHECWORKS evaluation.

LC: Components identified by industry-events/experience via the Nuclear Network or through the EPRI CHUG.

LD: Components selected to calibrate the GHECWORKS models.

LE; Components subjected to off normal flow conditions. Primarily isolated lines to the condenser in which leakapje is thdMtated from the turbine pdrformance monitoring system. (through the Systems Engineering Group).

LF: Engineering judgment I Other LG: Piping ld~htifiýd fromh EM*,P* Work Orders (malffunctioning equip., leaking valves. etc.)

Small. Rlbr Flbin SA; Suscepjibtb piping loe,.tions (groups of components) contained in the Small Bore Piping data base which haVe nrt ro6qive6 art initial inspirrbn.

SB: Components Wledoed from measured or apparent wear found in previous inspection results.

SC: Compbhen.ta-fd.ititiediy indust*y eventdfelri~ce via (he Nuclear Netwotk or this.h the" PRI CHUG" 9D: CoMpont-r. 'subj~4.tWd

.. to,. of norMal flow. conditions. Orimarily iolaIed lines to the con'dienser in which ldak0e Is Indýcted from tho tulbirt% grfbriana69e monitohing-system. (through the(Syhteins 2ttoiW6hg.


SE: Engineering Judgment J Other.

SG: Piping identifiled from EMPAC Work Orders (maffunctioning equip., leaking valves, etc.)

FeeodWter Heater Shells No feedwalwr heater ,hell Inspections will be performed during the 2005 RFO. All 10 of the leedwater heater shells have been replaced with FAC resistant materials.

Page1 of 14 NECO37104

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueiing Outage Inspection Location Worksheets f Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LA: Large Bore Components selected(identified) from previous Inspection Results From the 19951199611998/1999/2001/2002/2004 Refueling Outage Inspections (Large Bore Piping) these components were identified as requiring future monitoring. The foLlowing components have either yet to be inspected as recommended, or the recommended inspection is in a future outage.

Inspect. Loc. Component IDI Notes /Comments / Conclusions.

tdo.. SK.

0 I*D- IICLQ 1996 Report: calculated time to Trmin is 11.5 & 12 cycles based on a 96-19 FI13SPO6 single measurement- The 2005 RFO is 6 cycles since the inspectron.

.UTins.pot ettiow ond doWbsaream PIp. in 200.

96-36 002 FD02SP05 1996 Report: calculated time to Trnin is 9.5 cycles based on a single measurement. The 2005 fFO isf6cycles since the inspection.

_____ ____________UT Is tt S1lb anti OwbAtream 1 e in 2.0G7 96-57 005 FDO-7SPoI tn~u~eent, hie 260 Ure I1ý96- Report calculated NFO *toisTrai is9.6s/fle~the 6 oyle~i oylc:10 based on a iNgle inspection, 06-39 605 FDOVSPO2IJS lqua"Reor caciawd~

jweýsurement. The tetd1_Hi 29W5 RFO t&isTnii6 6 lh 1I0'5`4tclos cyo*lb,s since-th~e base d on a singl e in~spection.

9$-OS 005 FooZTELOG 1.9vo Rpod: c'alcltd.tjI4W n-rt-1m in is7.5 &6.7cce bsdon a 98W07 FDOEL07 s~rigl. measuremrnt, the 2.05 FO is s cycles since tha ieift ctimn,

-Given noegsigntutcant `.wear found [n adjaiceht componentsý (SL -d14.3 cy.0eg n FDO7SP.7) dofer insý.ction until RFO2..6, U" i*p'e.t 011 F1DVELO 4 Train L 62-12' 'os as t 99360N-NP0.- single UTispecint. The 2C05:RFQ is 4 dyoteq since the ifrhpictzon.

019 F06*E0 (pip cap)t 9O' MpenSrt ,*ciaknaed6tiv.e 'to Tirai Is 79, & 12.-5 cy les b6sted dn a 0,000-2 FDI4SP03* 2004.rGiven thatithe only low readinspe wr . atae 1 ih bdeatweiare 02-09 1FD*9P02US hratefs lof0cat undtheelbow.

meaUremn~ent,1i a*,ns.e edow I"pt~ n4breduct

~t w~tebowppetnm.( re14a03&

99-18 99-32 011 017 FDO&TPOS (pipe cap)

FD04TEOI Ii9$iO repormndt:io 0b.Ropowt: uJto n time caldulated inispto tee Tin ifisO;108bas is 6.2 & 6.8 cyclesee4ohe d on based i~eia a

FbdbýS04 T2020&1, 99-33 CNU-NozS2-A single measurement. The 2005 RFO is 4 cycles sInce the inspoolt[on.

UT iinspec~t wear elbow andt dpwrstreemn thrateoflda.005 lnch/yce.

Rlpnst pipe In2905oucertbowadteIn qpstream 99-35 0619 FIJo6TEo I (pipe cap) 19 Faeport: calculatedl time to Th1i is 9.6 &8.6 Cycles bas~ed on a 996 ND-Noz32_-C single measurement. The 2005 ARC)0 is4 cycles since the inispection.

_____________UT lngisp& egho.t? as dwownstrempip i 206 02.08 1016. FVi) ELO1 20tia recomimerirlbron to lnspdct the elbow in2007 based on a~sirrgle 02-09 F0188P02U3 measurement. Ito4lfsf8ct elbow and downstreaým pipeb in 2t&(3

_____ cyles fromn P-0Q2J 04.03 001 FODI0TEOS 2004 recommendation to inspect tee in 2008 base on the default wear rate of 0,005 inch/cycle. Re-Inspect upstream elbow sod tie in


404-06 002 FDO2RDOI1 2004 recommendation to re-inspect in 2011 based on the default wear rate of 0.005 inch/cycle. Re-finspect reducer with down-streamn L.__ elbow artd te~e In 2007.

Page 2 of 14 NE0037105

VY Piping FAG inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Retueling Outage inspeclion Location Worksheets I Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LA: Large Bore Components selected(identified) trom previous Inspection Results -continued Inspect, Loc. Component ID Notes /Comments / Conclusions SK.+

04-08006 01 2004 retommendation o i specttei1 07 based on the default wear rate of 0.005 inch/cycle. Actual point to poini measurements from 1999 to 2004 indicate i.o wear. Given EPU operation, re-inspeot with up$ptreamn elbow and reducer In 2007.

04-09 001 F.DSwSPi 20b4$r*comm-a'daio'n to iridpt pipe section in 2011 based on a single inspection and the default wear rate of 0.005 inch/cycle. Re-inspect in 2011.

04-10 001 FD07SP02DS 2004 recommendation to inspect pipe section In 2008 based on a single inspectBon. Re-inspect with downstream e3 iwn2eft.8, 04-13 001 F[13t 4E03 2'004 rocdlm'ndtfkn to intpeot Row 13 pup piece to 1DS ýIve In 20,08 is based on a sin9le UT inspection. Re-Inspect in 2000, 04-23 001 M D-TtE01 to .. 200-4 reoomnlendetioh to ins"Pt pipe secion in 2010 dud tb lbcalized As_.$.D.TE08 weAr directly under 2 lines. Be-Inr W. i. 2010.

04-23 001 MSD9ELO5 2004 raoorinýrnndtion to i!* Ip*e section in 2010 base on a single fnspea-fon, fle-*'t in 2Id. -A Previous Internal Visual UT & Repair History:

ILine Moat. Ytar p


Ac[rw17 D

V J-- Is '-T t I =V. ntiela Thsness =tJT, ReairsPerfoirmed 41 WF- FiFro.0' FO-9 V0F21 RFCF22 RF-F23 - .004

-!:k :I . s."

. s " .. .. . F SAI*. 0*18

  • . i*. v [V- WV v v v _v-

%-,-.C Q~ - 1W

$~-*,.- W VV V V V _ _ _

... . '~1 - .* V V V V

-s.'.-* W~7 alg"na- .JU*Tlfi Wt*fY VUTI VAST V V V

  • etin replacedI wth GIE .B024g.*.4 5 elbows pn th~e * & , lines are originta[ GE sp'ectric~t*'on DeQ l7p.D. ell~ow& on A:&I~) ns are DSOA6TE (Tnom 40.625 inch).

30 A,8,C

  • 8 repfaded with AS9t CL22 (2-1/4Cr), Fittings A234 WP22. (mom. 0-625 inch) 30"' B remains GE 850A242D, fittings and GE D5OAS7D carbon steel (Tnoam= 0.50 inch).

NOTE: Reference Dwg, Na. 5920-6841 Sh. I at 2 needs to be updated with correct inform~ation. This will b~e performed duirinig the EPU design change effort, m

  • The HP 1urE~ine ro~tor was repiace~d in 2-004. Internal visual inspection of all four S6 cdiameter lines was performed. An Internal visual Inspection of the 30"C line (first inspection since the 1993 replacement ) and the 3QW D line w*s performed.

2005 RFO based on increased flows and the possibility of different flow regimes in both the 38 & 30 inch piping1 perform a visual inspection. LP' turbine work in 2005 RFO may provide opportunity for access to the 30" lines. As a

-minimum inspect (2) 36 inch lines and the carbon steel 30" B line.

Page 3 of 14 NE7C037106

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2004 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets / Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LB: Large Bore Components Ranked High for Susceptibility from CHECWORKS Evaluation The current CHECWORKS wear rate calculations contain inspection data up to the 1999 RFO and wear rate predictions are current to the 2001 AFO. The.2001 and 2002 9AFO inspection data has been entered into the CHECWORKS database. However, updated wear rate calculations are not corbplete, and won't be in time to support the schedule date for issufng the inspection scope for the 2005 outage. Dased on a review of the 2001 and 2002 AFO inspection data for components on.the Feedwater, Condensate, and Heater Drain Systems, the CHECWORKS models still appear to over-predict actual wear. Nothing new or unanticipated was observed in either 2002 or 2004.

Feedwater System.

Listed beWow are components which meet the following criteria:

a) nfeative titne to Tmin from the predictive CH5CWORKS runs which include Inspection data up to the 1999 RFO.

b) no inspections have been performed on these components or the corresponding components in a parallel train since the 1999 RFO.

arhP~nent I Location Location Notes

________ 005av TB 41 ý COMPAOftis -an othk train weeiospaoteýd FOM* -0i 006 . .: Heater BayIEfevs 228 Corridenerits on dther train were irfnjc."ted EnIS98.

FDO7EL1 I - & 248 Results indipate minimal Wear. After updating the CHSCWO.$_Ks model with newer dcta., assess n*eed

_ or. .d~*(.*n~.i *ip ins irn Zf.7 RFQ.

FD0YEL12 06.6 T.B Heater Bay Elev. 248 FeedwM.r heater ieplacemernt occurred in 2M04 RFO.

Inforinha v.isuaJ jnspections of internals and cut pipe pr6fil1 inificated a stabte red oxide and no distinguishable

_ _ _ _w . r Atterh..."

FD8T.E.1 ... 012 T--B Heater Bqy .,levs 228 Ihtir**d ftb compohehls FD0EL06 & FDMOWSP0* wer FP6'BELO! & 248 irisjeoted ib 1098- kesults irndicte minimal weri-. Aftr updatin*g GOtC.WOlKs.model with niewer data, ass'ess neled for inspeeting components on thi traIn rD08ELOý 012 T.B3 Heater Bay gflav. 248 MW2 khM.'~ týtaýl)b t &eotdihaoo4ý'r~o.

.nfor 6ýi s.u~l ies~pbqflns of internals ahd ctt lpipe pro.le Indita6d a st0le red oxide.and~nb djstihfltUhable wear p.W*trns; FO15*:L0O8 013 AX Steam Tunnel El. 2S6 Interneft.s.a.l Ofeilb&Wgerrm d if m4 dtiti~obe& i .

valve .iOplacsment, no irdioaton of wall ro.s at1Thdt,tiae.

Corresponding component on line 16"- FDW-14 Wias inspected in RFO24. After updating CHECWORks model with newer data, assess need for inspecting

.this cOmponentt in 2007 RFO, Page 4 of 14 NEC037107

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets / Methods and Reasons for Component Selection L; Large Bore Components Ranked High for Susceptibility from CHEOWORKS Evaluation - continued Condensate System Only one component was Identified as having a negative time to Tmin. This was OD30TE02DS, the downstream side of a 24x24x20 tee on the condensate header in the teed pump room. The CHECWORKS prediction for the downstream side of the tee has a small negative hrs relative to the remainder of the components inthe sysi!m and relative to the upstream side of the saine tee. Other tees on the same header have been previously inspedted ahd show no significant wear. The CHECWORKS model includes UT data up to the 1999 RFO. The inspections on this system pertormed in 2001 indicate minimal wear. Components CD30TE02 and CD3OSP04 were ijnspect4ed in 2004. This data along with the 2001 inspection data will be input to CHECWORKS to better cafibrnte the model, Moiltijre Saearatotr Drains &Heater Drain SYýsem Nd componehts idehtififed as having negative times to Tmin. No components wete selected for inspection in 2001, 2092, or 2004 bnsed on high susceptibility. However future operation under HWC will change dissolved oxygen in sWysth. Aseparate evaluation has been performed and components were selected for ihspection in 2002. See Section LD betow.

Extraction Staeam Systerm TKhre components on this system with negative time to code min, wall: The piping is Chrome-Moly. ES4ATE01 &

Eg4ATI-2, 30inch diameter tees inside the condenser have neggtie prediction (-3426frs.j for time to r.dtb The hll reqg.ti times t6 trinn may be conservative based oh the modeling .%Ihn[luds use, Reffnemnt ofthe rnedl of this sýýt~fn-ist.h pmogtess. The ilegethre 11i6telde tLt4*n iost likely'a funotidn- 6f Ilotk of inispection Adat vs; ctri e Dto.-.6*eihai lagq1ng on thts pipriJ and the-leaiion inside the condeniser, nO:.ornoi~ents are,s,'letd.f. 6ektnl UT'iripectidn in 2004 based oti high susoeptibiity. Hover, en opirtinity to ab Ierfo.ii trnal'visalnsbto Of aol tiW Eklrabtion stbarn lilies Inside the condenser duwring planed LP turbine work in the 2b05R:FOm pbrWsyelfl tsýIif. 849 Section 15 beldw.

Nola the short section of straight pipe or! line 12"-ES-1A at the connection to the 36 inch Across around is*ass!umed to be A1*.6 Qr. Bcarbon steel is not noodeledIn CHECWORMKS. This compbrentwas inspected in 204 by external UT arid ath internal visual inspeitiob from 1h6 36" cro:ssaround line.-

Page5 of 14 NEC037100

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage inspection Location Worksheets I Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LC: Large Bore Components Ideýntified by Industry Events/Experience.

Review of FAC related Large Bore Operating Expeience (OE) and/or piping failures reported since April 2003 Date Plant - Type Description & Re-commended Actions at VY 8/9=2004 Miham a 3- OE19368tOEi 8895: Rupture of Condensate fine downstream of restriction oriic7.

PWR PWR system highly susceptible to single phase FAC due to low DO. Similar region of system as 1986 Surry event (5 fatalhties). Based on info gathered by INPO/CHUG/FACnet the location was omitted ftrm previous inspectidns due to clerical error, once discovered rmnagmgement missed opportunity to insliect and deferred inspection until 9/04. TOo late. Lesson: mnake sure all highly susceptible locations get inspected. PWR Condensateffeedwater piping is much more susceptible to single phase FAG than BWR with 02 injectinh. GiVen that, previous inspection history, and condensate CH5CWORKS modelig; iný,s9ct piplo OS of all flow orifices in the higher temperature condenr.ate system Mat have ihot b.0en previously inspected in RFQ25. Inspect C*I EOIE0 I C bE),I / OL- 0SP`002 in pfip- (e-p6Atjn.fs0etton from 1gSQ). Also, inspebtCD3flfl Itn-&I.LN0 /

10/17/03 Duane Arn'old - 017300" Through Wall leak In 4" diar chrorne-moly Hzjtet*.Dripn Syst'em BWR bypatss line to the condenrer. The line-wAs a temofasry instd'1,laion doe-to dlayed FWD heater installation; The cause of the leak.appears to be droplsetimpingerient erosion due to use Of a bIyp.ass control yIplvo. The.quiy.a.n.t lie6s.t Y ar*.the He1aler D*rain byjpass lines-t. the oondo .r .ie. hihiet . vdoihslrtam chtiol valves. ThQse line havye ATD&-tattaehied't-o mt.onitor lka.. itil& ".f 0r (TOM' stm). So iapcions e have been ritdtidi ite osdar 40xafor 12/3 Siouth Texas MOSV/aýa: PIin",irih &Intmjwerfud nd &&iihoO dn, Projec - PWR Poliship Stegni. Pipe . caSrbon.teoel.lCww4.

  • tbititre.( i ), neutral p1-,

ndiiloity of 12*-2" FIt/5 Tortuous foplbadonoveaswrmay-be lenpinqemtei. PWR:system Low. dIssolved.o' oyge.. Equilvatq.Unty.6st .at-'Cfis Cortdpnsate DemineGrallizer ystem which, is low,temp Bdsrdi 'rI~C2 1/07/03/3 ClintVVod 2Qi6s*.

2-W further fOuse attrisbuem ireteat 0Fi7412$"WdI! has Tfhttt4tfh-w\t.0.0 *le$'L) 00.t¢~

imig tw ea0P.O.*-

Pnrowt ".

4 The.Q e*:.......

Verit414a4'uv*. t "... nt ffO os ti.

VY' dts~tbsnle dottagpr hase F-AG ssume t"han $W kteWoreplpi6 g;ý AtirtbtilfiaOPr pipring t . F[Sprer pufiiip bo eolines disdh4r"O.r102We nzls g 40W anpd ive~rlips74&iono alkn Mlst rb aM.f 9ppl~ii We~9 rinast4hi~btuii Uti~b M-hu

_______ ~ ~ a. .ute at' a ... teP fr~othti E

.on lQ'I/03 Clinton ýflWR OE1 74121 OE1U47a: Thrtbuh-w;lI leak.& in 2A/ B hoonter -veriflhiia he~ bldtie (Jager bore lines assume~d given dmecdiption of backing rings in~ piping). Aj~pairerit cause attributed to steam let impingement from wetl steam. Equivalent line at VY is common 4 inch feedwater heater vent line for No.4 FDW heaters. This line is included in the SSB database since it conneots to (2) 2-1I2" lines. lhspection priority wilt be determined in the small bore ranki!W ano pdoritizatcn.,

11119103 Hope creek - OEl7ZdO: Pinholetektdwaltinnin8incro tl xminfer BWR supply Vine to Steam Seat Evaporator. Location of wear is d6vwnstre.ast of pressure salety valves. Apparent Cause of teak & wear is due to liquid dro*pl6 iripinqeribht due to high flows from failure of pressure safety relief valve!, No e~tuivalent configuraton at VY.

1124104 LaSalle 1 - BWR OE17199 I OE1 8381: Tough-wall holes in extraction steam piping inside conden~er.

Location of holes at inlet nozzles to No.2 FDW heaters located in the neck of the condensers (2 d lowest stage). All 12 rozzle are O.S. with A335-P 11 upstream piping. VY has only the No. 5 FDW heaters in the neck of the condenser. The No.

5 FDW heaters were replaced with Chromo-moly shells. ES piping is A335-Pi 1 or equivalent which is FAC resis.ant. No further.actions are anticiated from this OE, Page 6-of 14 NE 0037109

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7020 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets f Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LCz Large Bore Components Identified by Industry Events/Experience - contin4oed Date Plant -- Type Description & Recommended Actions at VY 2/17/04 Peach Bottom 2 OE- 8637: On fine- leak in 10 inch main steam drain line header to the condenser.

BWR Hole was located directly below the connection of I" main steam lead drain. The header was replaced with 1-4/4 Chrome material approx. 5 years before the leak.

Also, FiO, in steam drains were modified. The cause was attributed to stearn impingement. Additional information to follow alter next RFO. The only large bore drain collector at VY is the 8 inch diameter low point drain header, line 8"MSD-9.

Flow is through steam traps and LCVs vs. a continuous flow through a restriction orifice, This line is now part of the AST ALT boundary. Inspections of the entire bottom of this header were performed during RF024 with recommendations for erepeat insredtions in 2010.

3- E2O 6: Through wall leak found on a 10 inch flashing tee cap on the LP OVerde PWR feedwater-hedter dmins. Problams with inspertien of flashing tees in praram. Only 14 out of 153 susceptible locations have UT data at Palo-verde 1,2,3. Thee are no flashing tees a., ofLOVe on the heater drain system at VY'. The only flashing toes at VY ari located on the FWD pump min flow lines at the cond'ser. I 'eodflbn at all I3.1jne. "F.W6 is scheduled for RFO25.

W/24104 Palisades- PWR Mit 9'44: Waltinn nAh te xrcinSempip~ging.loraýýd localized wear downstream of Bleeder trip vafve.- Equivalent piping at VY is E.... .x.....t.RS]t4m pipjng-d~wnstreaM df the reveirse current valves. ES piping at VY 9/181l,4 Ca0tawai 2- OEiS30: W*ll-tihil~ifouqid *t.r diffdierdt areas .b FOW piping. Tw:d dteas are P'WR not considered specific to Oatawba l)Ar4 a WO.*h*4 iain f~e latibr b& rdg valve. rentirs the f.edwater .heýcdrand 2) dbwvsnwre;n of the main tee.wter reg valvds. PWR feeciwat'r system chemistry.has

  • D-.C, therefo e more Susceptible to waloss. due to single phase :FAC than BWR. feedwater piping. At ( area. 1) do,*.ýnot exist (bypass linels-dump to the onden0s*r 2) insbections ha.vie bien pr. upstream arid downtream of both main-Tfd valves. Of 111/3/0-4 Dupan Arnold - thf~iirb0dWntcri

' 'Of T6 iruoo-111g T1st R,6turtH~ioo-lf soltion 4eT SWR Valve. Apparent cause was cav"ilpn -er. on due to yalve db*iug MPoG)I

&FI*GIC .tebing. At VY, the."ui-albtVaWdes are Vi0-b4A &.38. thede Of oavittidon present Is diý *hdfl.t 61 the syslehi design and may var from-plant to plant. Prevlous UT inspeotifns wmre performed o*n valve bodies and dbwhs'treamt reducei.s in early 90s. No signifioant wear was found- Consider insoection of downstream piping in RFO26 if additional OE warrants It.

2/6/05 Calvert Cliffs - OE201 27: Through-wall leak in 6 inch steam vent header for MSR rain tank, VY PWR does not.have same confl.guraion... Np Moigture Separator 21.7105 Clinton ,BWR OE20246; Catastrophic faiilure of turbine extraction steam line bellows inside condenser. Found through-wall holes ES piping DSof bellows due to FAC.

Apparent cause was attributed to the steam jet from the holes induoing vibration of the expansion joi*nt that led to high cycle fatigue failure. At WVextradtion steam piping inside the condenser is A335-PI 1 or equivalent which is FAG r6sistanf. No furher actions are anticipated from this OE.

5/9/(01 Grand Gulf- Pin Hole Leak in 4 inch carbon steel elbow in RHR min flow line. System has low BWR use at VY (<2% of time). ( Perry also found thinning at elbow per GSurton at CHUG meeting.) A review of VY drawings VYI-RHR-Part 14 Shtl /1 and VYI-RHR Part 15 Sht.1 /1 show elbows downstream of restricton orifices. Previous VY Inspections downstream of orifices on HPCI/and CS systems found no problems. Keep OE

_ j llsýted for futureO consideration.

Page 7 of 14 NEC037110

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets I Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LC: Large Bore Components identified by Industry Events/Experience . continued Date Plant - Typ Description A& Recommended Actions at VY 9/2410Ž IP2 - PWR Pin hole leak on 261/2 cross-under piping (HP to MSR) in vicnity of dog bones at expansion joint under location of weld overlay localized wear under/around a previous weld overlay repair. VY has solid piping (no expansion joints). Visual Inspections of 3W' B CAR carbon steel , ingi will be performed In 2Q05.

1/15/02 Surry1-PWR Leak in 8 inch Condenser drain hoader for 3*14 pt. FOW Heater vents. Also CHUG thinning in Gland Steam Piping inside the condenser and thei2" Condnser Drain Meetins header from MS Drain trbp lines, The only large bore drain collector at VY is the a inch diameter low point drain header, line 0WMSD-9. This tfine is now part of tho AST ALT boundary. Inspections of seiected components on this line performed during FIFO24 with recommendations for repeat inspections in 2010 (Section LB above). Given :this line is part of the ALT Boundary Inspect approx. 2 ft. long setilon at condese"r wall durinig WQ2t6 (.200) or RFO2t (2008).

ELD: Large Bore Components Selected to Calibrate CHECWORKS The CHECWORKS models have been upgraded to include the 96, 98, & 99 RFO inspection data. The 2001 and 2002 ingpWotion data has been loaded however wear rate analyses have not been completed at this time.

In 2001 cormponhents 6n the higher temperature end of the Conden.sate System. were risp0ted to calibrate the 6

CNEOR'**KS-rn6deIC. The ihspiction data indicate minimal wear ard should reinforce the ass.s&1rt of ii, wiear in6the Conde"sate . Additional compon~nts selected for iospkction in 2004 in S',ctbon LB above will Ire used to czilibnte-the C"IE*CW'ORKS modeL He~br.Dbist.giftreSebarator Drains inspection ot The new current CHECWORKS Pr.io2r t (l{sb m* .**.02 "I antd RFO .te Pass Corfle was2)limited indicate low weardata for the rates. During 2.002Drain Heater system.

a number inspectIons wdre.

rrafote on the* cb r t lpiping upstreamof the level controlvalves (CV) to obtain a be irle:Ttpo'ratlon 6M19dN'hFh w'*rI chetthlafry. Piking down stieam of the LOVa is FAC resistant niaterial excptftor ihlet 1o W6.$

Fecd~Vatvr heaters No additional components on the Heater Drain system will be inspected in2005.


No inspections on line 18"-FOW-12 have been inspected: Inspect FD12ELO6 and FID2SPOSUS in 2005 M.ain.Steam Only 2 components In the Main Steam system on line 18'MS-7A in the drywell have been inspected to date. Inspect MSt ME-07 and MfS11 SP13US in 2005. (Note this also addresses a license renewal consideration for monitoring of Main Steam Piping).

Page-8 of 14 NEG037111

VY Piping FAG Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets ! Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LE: Large Bore Components subjected to off normal flow conditions identified by turbine perforwari~e monitoring system (Systems Engineering Group). '

The Systems Engineefing Production Variance Reports for 2003 listed the 'VB and "0- leedwater pump min flow valves"as leaking into the condenser. There are sections on carbon steel piping at the connection to the condenser on all three lines. As a minimum Inspect the "B" and "C" lines In 2005, There have been concerns with cavitation at condensate miri flow valve F1CV-4. An internal inspection of the valve performed in RFO 24 showed some damage to the varve internals. However, due to a leaking isolation valve the conheodtinO piping was flooded and an internal visual inspection could not be performed. UT Inspect the upstreamlJf nlddovwn§strearm piping during RF025. The valve is operated during outages and startup at relatively low temperatures for FAC to occur. The piping is un-insulated and close to the floor. No insukition removal or scatolding Will be r~quired.

Since startUp from 2004 (RF024). no other leaking valves or steam traps have been identifled (to date) using the TubinO Pe.Oferm ance Monitoring (TPM) system. However, if new data indicates leaking valves then, additions to the outage scooe may be required, LF: EAigin*ering Judgment / Other Ninh AS ME Section XI Class 1 Category B-J welds are to be inspected by the FAG program per Code Case I"iof..&..*.eolin XI votumetric weld inspection. The VY !$1 Frogr~m Interval 4.soheduie for inepe;iýfNn 6? the-e Wtlds is as fdlioWs:

FU-R$bfOutage Section XI Description FAC Program Components IS!-Pmogarm Weld rWe-FSST~ tipiýtrijain-.pipe toee "A" ewaranStc00 bs4)

FWISF3C teeito reducer FiDTEtOi, l[rvia14 FW14-F4 reducer to pipe FrDI*RO.1 PS&.tM 1, FW21-F1 tee to pipe FD198t#64 Outage 1. S:D21SPOI rall 2011 (R0629) PW 1-3A up'stream pipe to tee WB3 Feedwter on Sketch 016 interval 4 FW20-3A tee to reducer FD18TEOI Period 3, FW20-F1 reducer to pipe FD20RDO1 Outage 6, FW20-FS1 horizontal pipe to pipe FD.08P01 FWIB-F4 .te'to.pipe FD1#5SP04 Continued Page 9 of 14 NEC037112

VY Piping FAC inspection Program PP 7028 - 2006 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets / Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LF: Engineering Judgment/ Other -continued Extended Power Uprate (EPU)

Feedwater system:

EPU evaluation for Feed water System: The primary focus of Work to date (for PUSAR and RAls ) was on velocity changes given only.slight increases ih temps and no chemistry changes. With all 3 FDW pumps running the 16 inch diameter lines to the 24 inch FDW header have approx. (1.2(2/3) = 0.80120% reduction in velocity. Veldeities in the remainder of the system increase approx. 205%. The highest veloifties are at the 10 inch reducers upstream and downstreaM of the FDW REG valves. The expander and downstream piping have multiple inspection data With FD07Rb03FDO7SP.03 last inspected in 2001 and FD08DO3FDOBSP02 last inspected in 1999. BOth of th',ent segments shouid be re- inspected after soie time of operation at EPU flows. Assuming EPU startIna early in 2002C inspect coMponents FDOB"IiIOS & FDPS$P02 In 2005 to obtain an up to date pre-EI'U measuredfte't.

Inspect FDIC7FIDOS I FDYOSPO3 In 2007 for a post EPU measurement.

Conden3sate .Syste:

Given the /04 Mihama event: consider additional component in the condensate system for inspection:

downstream of flow orifices &venturies:

FE-lb2-4 and downstream pipe on 24'0-8 venturi type (TB condensate pump room overhead) Given low opejwtirg tprgot.utores and upstream of oxygen injection point, scope out and evaluate for in~spectfo* .In Rrt36n 2007 FE-524-A to FE-,2.1E EeonCondensate rnlneifaizer System ( Restriction Orifices). Glvdn low orrtfg teroer.tures and upstream of dxyderi injection poit,y scope out antd evaluate for FE-i 02-7and doWnstieArh pipe on 14'C-21 venturi type TB Heater.Bay El 237.5 Given low operating tetbperatures and used Ifr start-up, scope eutiandeVýigtior iflSP0OtiOh in RF0S6 in 20?

FE-1O2-2A~~~~~~~~~~~~ P4b6eNW iplA (ve~nturi type) Previbcay olŽC-,l&fdnteT ispectd rn1~9~~setF ~d downstreom plpkafin RO FE-=102-4 on .- C-,31, locat* in the TB'FPR above F--1/4 pnr p I B (venturi type) No previous inspection datta.' l'nspeot FC ard dwowttreaim piing In *FO25 FE-1 02-2C on 20"C-32, located in the TB FPR above FDW pump IC (venturi type) Previously inspected in 2001 All Extraction Steam piping is A335-PI 1. a 1-1/4 chrome material, except for a short carbon steel stub piece in line 12-1ES-1A at the connection to the 36"' A cross around line. An internal visual inspection of this stub piece WAs performed with the cross around inspection in RF024. Also an UT inspection of ESI ASPOI was performed in RFO24, Extraction Steam piping in the condenser has external lagging which requires significant effort for removal when performing external UT inspections (plus there are significant staging costs). The piping is A335-P1 1. However an ipportunity to perform an internal visual inspection of all the Extraction Steam lines inside the condenser during

- planed LP turbine work in the 2005 RFO may present itself.

Page 10 of 14 NEG037113

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets / Methods and Reasons for Component Selection LG: Piping Identified from EMPAC Work Orders (malfunctioning equip., leaking valves, etc.)

Word searches of open work orders on EMPAC were performed for the following keywords, trap, leak. valve, replace, repair, erosion, corrosion, steam, FAC, wear, hole, drain, and inspet. No previpsly unidentified components or piping were identified as r*uqiring monitoring during the Fall 2005 RFO.

Note: the internal baffle plate in Condenser B for the AOG train tank return line to the condenser is to be replaced in RFO 25 (ER 04-1454/ ER 05-2a2 /ER 05-0274). Erosion on baffle plate is from condenser side (not piping side).

Internal visual inspection of LCV-1 03-3A-2 during RFO 24 indicated some type of casting flaw. The System Engineer suspects possible leaking by the norrmally closed valve. The downstream piping was last inspected in 1990. The line typicailly has no flow. Re-evaluate using the Thermal Performance Monitoring System Data and consider inspeotidn of downstream piping in RFPO2S.

Through wall leak in the steam seal header supply line 1 SSH4 discovered on 9/24/04 (OR-VTY-2004AY2985). A temporary leak enclosure was installed and a planned permanent repair is scheduled for RF025. The Leaks are on the bottoh of un-insulated piping upstream of the gland seal. Field inspeotion of the leak location shows that the piping at the leak sloping d6wn to-th gland seal, not slo'ing up to the seal a shown on the design drawings. UT data on the top of the piping near the leak shows hil wall thickness. At this lirne, the exact uf'iechanism which causeld the leak Fsnot known.- Additional inspections t6cdeternine the extent of condition on the 3 other gland seal Mteari sUpply lines are required nliftpt the 90 deoree elbow and apprWx. 2ft. of downstream piping on lines ISSH3j 1SSH4, 1 SSH5, and 1M" durihn-g6#25. Also 1baed on industry GE and sirhfiar piping geomitry, inspect 2 of the ,PE lInes Page 11 of 14 NEG037114

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets / Methods and Reasons for Component Selection

§,g.. Bore Piping SA, Susceptible piping locations (groups of components) contained in the Small Bore Piping data base which have not received an Initial inspection.

Locations on the continuous FDW heater vents to the condense"r on The No. 3 heaters were inspected in 2002. The continuous vents on the No. 4 heater were installed new in 1995. The start up vents operate less than 2% of opgrating titre. No wear was found in previous inspectkons on Heater Vent !iping from the No.1 &2 heaters. Given that and the lower pressure in the No. 4, shells a complete inspection of the remainder of the No. 4 heater vent piping can be deferred. The existing small bore date base and the piping susceptibilityanalysis is under revision. No adclitfonal corMponewts from Revision I of the data base will be inspected.

SB:Cofnpd*h*fts selected from measured or apparent wear found in previous inspection results.

Small Bore Point No. 20. 2-1/2' MSD-6 @ connection to condenser A at Nozzle 33 (Inspection No. 96-SBO1 idebnified a low weld on stub to condenser). Upstream valves are normally closed- TPM system does not indicate any abnormial flow. inspect this piping In RFO 26 A through wall Teak in the turbine bypass valve qhest 1f seal te$k-otf line ftrm the No. I bypass vales occurred in 2d0$.. (VY Event Re'ort 26. a-044). A tesfporaiy teak enclosure wds lst*fled (T.M,2003-0O2) to contain the le6A).

W.O. 03-Q*0 Was w*iflen to inspect/repaikr-ptace/line. A locali*z*i 4ifoK-like (.1/4rbonsteel) replacotnbtit f tihe leak lodatione W6 perf6rmred in RFO 24. Additional inspfctibns on -this Une iderontfiffa 1lajizd Wall loss andtine addiio6r6ik like-for-like r6palr was performed. Engineering Request ER 04-0063 was writieh to completely replace this pfpfig With dbhlom n-moly piping. (Dtesden has alreAdy done this). The rejimceft.ent (ERI3 04,0964) is cutipeflly s&thdaled 1&0 R0b 24. if this actiVity gets fdem4scpued" the, additionillinspl6o.ns wWil be ?equired to *s*4r* the:pif6ifl acO~pjib for coritbi0ae1pbYAti0t1.

Is Page 12 of 1.4 NEC037115

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worklsheets! Methods and Reasons for Component Selection

,Small Bore Pip!ng SC: Components identilled by industry eventslexperience via the Nuclear Network or through the EPRI CHUG.

Date Plant - Type. Desorition & .Lecornqmended Actions at VY 1l1/7'2003 Limerick 1, OEl 7818: Through wall leak in 1 inch drain line back to condenser off ES piping BWR at the connection to the large bore line. Normally no flow in line due to NXCX valve. Piping downstream of valves to condenser on all 3 lines was scheduled for replacement. Location US of valve was thought not to be susceptible.

ES piping at VY is FAC resistant A335-P1 I with no drains back to the condenser. Lesson from this event is any carbon steel line in a Wet steam system is susceptible & should be monitored. Also full line reptacement insures all susceptible pping is replaced.

1116104 Clinton - BWR GEl 7654: Pofeti6al tetid for advbrse equipment condiflon downstream of orifices. (Ref. Previous experience a Clinton with CRD~pump min flow 9Os)

________ __________Inspect ORD pump min flow orifices also pipirit 0$ of A6-0 4-2 in 1Fý0_26 1-008/04 V.C. Summer - 0E 9et faildb of-a 1 ir.b FES line at th6 It. ofl61 %ntvidly PWR installed Fermarite clamp repair. Previous feak at weld intstslled in MAY2004.

See presentation at January 2a)5 CHUG meeting. (They did hot do UT on the pip.p. to a~pure.sructural interity prior to.intaf.theclamp.

3/1/05 McGuire 2- Though-wall o in a 2 irnh cdarbbn ste vent lite on the-MSR healing steam PWR vent line. Ca.u..dby FAG when fipshing'ocourred upstream of Rd (rf*ig iocgflki No,.1R08 ore1.i8v4elt .6 i 66 at VY.

4/29/99 Darlington I-Ie -t A6 fedio...,

st1earn tr7p -t threaded connedtion. EýuW'afiht to PHWR H-S "sys.tem at VY, (IaP0 Event 9311990429-1) Threaaedecconnoctinfis*ypically oee6oid*.nsate gide of HHS.ISpiing, Low"r e.drgy/consequebce 61 6kA. In*dode KHS piAprig inFAG Sus.pibýlty-Review ahnd in the Small Bore fat "aie.

lrIn1udttrnigarfon0o P of flr~e.

6/14/-699 Datljrlgtori oal< oh' steami tr4p dici~paa berfdCneto.EtuivWlett lb HH-S PHWR syst6m at V, (INPO E.ventD :ý.90-641) Same a*sbbov .

9/lA~l Pach BotM (Fro 111.4/02 CHUG. Mpe"tr}la on1 lhSb80lpfoni-'off G--ii1.8-3 -BW cmkiner pre hatefr d',fri 104aQdel0 P01 Woryi 4t6ý. l*r~via6w%'i-Ad ttf41 sply ay m and'.Erj~pxeita t0SueibiyRvwupdal f~/IQ0- Hatchi!? -SWR Cotkl6h~brih d4~kdge duek td:tlGtoUh Waiorosft*(&trng of' 1-12 lh "slop CHUG Mtg. drain.-llnes ine5ktINGondgn*et. L"nes Ineach unit waeri cut: aind .'d similar evernt at yron Unit 1 OEe 12609) 4'd Goolumbi6 (OE121i5). 'Leriýk&

Dresden. VY slop drain lines inside condenser were walked down during FF024. Some external e jo*sn on piping and supports was found.

1115/02 Catawba 2 - Leak in HP turbine pocket shell drain 1 inch dia. OEM showed pipe as P-l 1.

CHUG Mtg. PWR However, A-10 Gr. B was installed. Inspections were be performed on this line in2004 to base line condition prior to IP turbine rotor replacemoet.

1/15/02 Dresden 2 Thinning found in Bypass vaive lpak-off, Ine to the 7'i stage extf(aticn st*em CHUG Mtg. BWR line, Line is 2"Sch, 80, GE S14A39B. Lowest reading was 0.070' found using Pho*phor Plate radiodraphy. Line was replaced withA'335 P-11. Same line as 2003 VY through wall leak. Partial CS replacement was performed in RF024.

Piping is scheduled to be replaced with A335-P1I1 in R5025 (ER 04-0965).

Page 13 of 14 NEG037116

VY Piping FAC Inspection Program PP 7028 - 2005 Refueling Outage Inspection Location Worksheets I Methods and Reasons for Component Selection Small Bore Piping SD:Co~rponents subjected to off normal flow condItions, as Indicated frocrthe turbine performance monitoring system (Systems Engineering Group).

No small bore lines have been identified by Systems Engineering on or before 3/1/05.

SE: Engineering judgment Look at piping DS of orifices based on BWR OE Condensate: Given the 8/04 Mihama event: consider additional componerit in the condensate system for inspection downstream of flow orifices & venturies.

FE- 102-6 and downstream, pipe on 2112"C-43 venturi type (TB heater bay elev. 230+1- Given low operating twiiperatures and upstream of oxygen injection point, scope out and evaluate for Ih.pptibot in R2,6 in 2007 -1 SG: Piping Identied from RMPAC Wor Orders (malfunctioning equip., leaking valves, etc.)

See LG above. The EMPAC search pedormed'in LG above is applicable to both Large and Small compdhnets.

Page 14 of 14 NE0037117

MEMORANDUM Vermont Yankee Design Engineering To SD.Goodwin Date May 5, 2005 From James Fitzpatrick File # VYM 2004/007a Subject Piping FAC Inspection Scope for the 2005 Refueling Outage (Revision 1a)

REFERENCES (a) PP 7028 Piping Flow Accelerated Corrosiion Inspection Program, LPC 1, 121612001.


(c) VXY.

V.Y. Piping Piping F.A.G.

F.A.C. Inspection Inspection Program Program -- 1996 1998 Refueling Refueling 0O'utago Outage Inspection Inspeotion Report, March2,1999.

Report, April 23,1999.

(d) V.Y. Piping F.A.C. Inspection Program - 1999 Refueling Outage Inspection Report, February 11, 2000.

(d) VNY. Piping FA.C. Inspection Program - 2001 Refueling Outage Inspection Report, August 1,2001.

(f) V.Y. Piping F.A.C. Inspection Program - 2002 Refueling Outage Inspection Report, January 20,2003, (g) V.Y. Piping F.A.C. Inspection Program - 2004 Ref'ueling Outage Inspection Report, Febauary 15, 2005 (h) DISCUSSION Attached please find the Piping FAC Inspection Scope for the 2005 Refueling Outage. The scope includes locations identified using: previous inspection results, theCHECWORKS models, industry and plant operating experience, input from the Turbine Performance Monitoring System, the CHECWORKS study performed to postulate affects omHydrogen Water Chemistry operation on FAC wear rates in plant piping, and engineering judgment.

The planned 2005 RFO inspection scope consists of 37 large bore components at 16 locations, internal, inspection of three legs of the turbine cross around piping, and 5 sections of small bore piping.

Also, any indus'try or plant events that occur in the interim may necessitate an Increase in the planned scope.

wivl be available to support planning and inspections as necessary. If you have any questions or need additional information please contact me.

(Revision I identifies Small Bore Inspections due to industry OF).

  • (Revision la adds component Nos. to SSH & SPE piping & corrects inor typos in Attachment)

%t m* s  ; Fitzpatrick Dean Engineering MechanicaVtStructural Group ATTA.HIMENT: 2005 RFQ FAC Inspection Scope 3/11/05 (3 Pgs) Revised 515/05 CO L.Luke*ns Code Programs Supervisor DKlng (181)

T.M.Oonnor (Design Engineering)

Neil Fales (Systems Engineering)



ATTACHMENT tv. dYM 2004/007a VERMONT YANKEE PIPING FAC INSPECTION PROGRAM 2005 INSPECTION SCOPE (5/5/05) Page t of 3 LARGE BORE PIPING: External UT Inspectfons Point Component ID Location Location Previous Reason / Comments / Notes No. Sketch Inspections 2005-01 FDI14EL0 f 008 T.B. Htr. Bay Elev, 267. 1999 1999 recommendation for repeat inspection.

2005-02 FDI4SPO3US 008 .. .. " 1999 2005-03 FD04RD01 .. 017 T.B. Htr. Bay Elev. 245. 1999 Inspect per 1999 calculated wear rate.

2005-04 FD04TE01 017 1999 2005-05 Cond Noz 32A 017 " 1999 1

2-005-06 FD05RDO1 018 T.B. Htr, Bay Elev, 245. 1993 TPM system indicated leakage by normally 2005-07 FD05 TE01 018 . 1993 closed valve.

2005-08 Cond Noz 32B 018 1993 ,

2005-09 FD06R.DOI 019 T.B. Htr. Bay Elev. 245. 1999 Inspect per 1999 calculated wear rate, Also, 2005-10 ED0TEOI 019 " " 1999 TPM system indicated leakage by normally 2005-11 Cond Noz 32C 019 to .. 1999 closed valve.

2005-12 FD08RDROS 011 T.B. FPR Elev. 231 1999 EPU flows increase 2005-13 FDO8SPO2 011 t . " 1999 2005-14 FD12EL06 007 TBý.Htr. Bay EIev. 264. NO Cheoworks Model Calibration. Asbestos 2005-15 FD12SP08US 007 .. NO removal required.

2005-16 CD30FE01 037 T.B. FPR Elev. 241 1989 FE-102-2A (Mihama Event) 2005-17 CD30ELt 1 037 above "A" FDW pump 1989 2005-18 CD30SP12 037 . .. . .. ....---. 9.8.9,,

A NEC037119

ATTACHMENT t& I/YM 20041007a Point Component 1i Locaton Location Previous Reason / Comments I Notes No. Sketch Inspections 2005-19 0031FF01 . 038 TB. FPR Elev. 241 NO FE-i102-2B (Mihama Event) 2005-20 co31 EL04 038 above "B" FDW pump NO Asbestos removal required.

I 2005-21 CD31SP04 038 .. ........... .. NO .

2005-22 CD21 RD02 040 LTB. Htr, Bay Elev. 230. NO Inspect piping upstream and downstream of 2005-23 CD21 RD01 040 " . NO FCV-102-4 (piping is not insulated).

2005-24 ISSHSELOS Turbine deck at packing NO LP Turbine Steam Seal supply lines dlue to 2005-26 1SSHSP U. .. 3 Htr, Bay Elev. 254. through wall leak at elbow on line 1SSH4, 2005-26 ISSH4EL01 Turbine deck at packing NO 2005-27 ISSH4SP02US 4 Htr. Bay Elev. 254. *See markup of Dwg. 5920-1239 2005-28 1SSHSEL01 Turbine deck at packing NO 2005-29 1SSHSSPO2US 5 Htr. Bay Elev. 254.

2005-30 1SSH6EL06 Turbine deck at packing NQ 2005-31 iSSH6SPO8US 6 Htr. .Bay Elev. 254.

2005-32 2SPE3EL01 r Turbine deck at packing NO LP Turbine SteamPacking Exhaust at packing 3 2005-33 2SPE3SPO1US 3 Htr. Bay E2ev, 254, and 5 due to through wall leak at elbow on line 2005-34 2SPE5EL01 r Turbine deck at packing NO 1SSH4.

2005-35 2SPESSP01US

  • 5 Htr. Bay Elev, 254. Markup of Dwg. 5920-1239

_________________*See 2005-36 MSI-DEL07 080 RX Stm Tunnel Elev, NO EPU and LR data required for Main Stearn lines 2005-37 MSIDSP13US 080 254 to 260 NO LARGE BORE UT NOTES:

1. Coordinate minimum extent of insulation to be removea wW~ JFitzpatriok or T.M. O'Connor Irom DE-MJS
2. A =Nor in the previous inspection 0column indloates asbestos abatement may be required.

Page 2 of 3 NE0037120

ATTACHMENT tv VYM 2004/O07a LARGE BORE PIPING: Internal Visual Inspections (with supplemental UT as required Ineroction Point No. DescplDtion 2005-38 36"CARA ( 36 inch diameter Line A Turbine Cross Around under HP turbine)

'2005-39 36" CAR C (36 inch diameter Line C Turbine Cross Around under HP turbine) 2005-40 30" CAR B (30 inch diameter Line B Turbine Cross Around uy per east side of heater bay)

SMALL BORE PIPING Small Bore " .. System Description Location Drawings Reason /Conmments Inspection Data Number Base No . _ ....... . . . -. . . . .. . . . ..

0,5-$01 . 19 COndensate. 1"piping DS of R-0. 64-2 TB. Heater Bay 0131157 Sht.. Industry 0E17654 5920- FSI - 17 05-SB02 128 CRD 1" Piping D,S, of R0..-3-24A .. x. SW Eev, 2325 G191170 0G912-12 Industry OE17654 P3M-IA /G191215 O5-SBO3 129 CRD D.S, of R.O.-3-25A j"-Piping Rx. SW Elev. 232.5 G191.170/0191212 Industry O E7*71554 P38-1A /G1912,15 05-8504 130 CR0 1" Piping DS. of R,0.-3-24B Rx. SW EIev. 232.5 3191170/G191212 Inddustry OE27654 P38-1B / G191215 05-S806 131 CR0 1" Piping D.S, 0i R.-3-25B Rx. SW Etev. 232,5 0191170 / (191212 Induslry oE17654

.. ......... .. ... ....... P 3 8 -1,I, / G19 121 5 ...................... . .

Page 3 of 3 NE0037121



  • OFEEDWAThR LINE 6"-FDWIV*1 cC' TURBINE BUILDPI4EA1-TR 8AY REFERENCES 0191 157I 191 182,I911183,5922-FS-I25 COMPONENT LOCATION SKETCH No,8BB" Appendix A PP 7028 Original Pagc 13 of 102 NEC037122


COMPONENT LOCATION SKETCH No.0 17 App=dix A PPR70280rginal Pa-e Z2off 102 NEC037123

C ;t;.


--5 S-1SH24,5-20-FS-1"5 COMPONENT LOCAT[ON SKETCH Nqo.O8 Appenx A PP7020Qginal Paý 23 of 102 NEC037124

z D

AppdiAx A PP 7028 Origin4? Fpa. 34 d 102

Appendix A PP 7028 Oftnl Page16 of 102 NE0037126


qc Appendix A P 7028 Oxiginal Pag 42 of 102 NEG037128

EL 2418-0t 3/4, *~'




' TURBNE BitDlNG4-FEWATER PUMP ROOM REFERENCE& 19117.G 181180.0191 I87922-FS-1 1§ COMPONENT LOCATION SKETCH No. 038 Appendix A PP 7028 Original Page 43 of 102 NEC037129

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Appedx A PP 702M O Inal Page 45 of 102

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VERMONT YANKEE rvM3,Lv SCOPE MANAGEMENT REVIEW FORNM Date: tIlII g ... . Trackiag Number: - -------

(Assigned by Work Scope Control Coordinator)

Work Order Number:. fl4z-O AA ktl Refe-rencev Do ctni=et C&V-V-\TvY-cwA -

I Location of Work to be Performed;:hh1A *...

ADDITIONQ DELETIO CHANGE Description Tustification for Request T~WI W&!iJa Z~b4-flI~.- LSVktXWSD L ,

Review Process Additional Cost:

Duration and Schediling Impact.-__ _ _

Assigned Dept./Mbthlnours to Complete:- - -

Source of Manpower/Other Scope Impacted:

Dose, Chemistry, Safety Implication:

Engineering Impact - Man-Hours/Engineering Dept.

Optional Ways to Address:

Approval Process

_Pease provide a brief iustification Sc'ope Review Gomnutee Recommendation/Planning Priority:-PPfaNn"&

Priority "C' WO Responsible Dept Approval General Managur, Plant Operations: I.rIraVVý/% isaPProve Date: -6.

BMPAC Change Made for Ene9 e & Priority / Date SCC Log Updated:-

CopiCs toWork Control, Outag Suheduliu.  :. ...

VYPPP' 7102.01 PP 7102 Rev. 2 Page I of I NEG037136

Prepared By: James Fitzpatrick Date: 11/1/05 AFO 25 FAC Program inspections location nos, 2005-25 through 2005-35


Work Order 04-004983-000, FAC Inspections Work Order 04-004983-010, Surface Preparation on SSH piping TM 04-031 Work Order 04-004884-006 ER-05-0190 CR-V-tY-04-2985 CA3


CR-VTY-2004-02925 documents a steam/water leak on the turbine steam seal piping, line I SSH4 to the No.4 packing. TM 2004-031 installed a temporary leak enclosure on this line.

Inspections on Turbine Steam Seal Piping were included in the scope of the FAC program for RFO 25 per CA3 of CR-VTY-2004-02925. The purpose of these inspections is to determine the extent of condition on the remaining steam seal piping.

Work Soope These inspections require access to the SSH & SPE piping on elevation 272 of the Turbine Building. The piping is located under the LP turbine appearance lagging deck plates and requires removal of section of the plates to access the piping for surface preparation and inspection. It was intended that these inspections be performed along with restoration of Temp Mod 2004-031 (W.O.


Discussion Restoration of TM 2004-031 was removed from the outage scope on 10/24/05 due to interference with critical path work planned on the LP turbines. A detailed rationale for delaying restoration of the TM from RF025 was developed by George Benedict on 9/98105 and is attached here. The same reasoning and technical basis applies to these inspections.

In addition these inspections are not programmatically required under PP 7028 (Piping FAC Inspection Program). The inspections were added to the RFO 25 scope to determine the condition of the piping at parallel and similar locations on the Steam Seal piping as the 2004 through wall leak.

The system is a low pressure system with piping located in the heater bay or under the turbine deck plating. Delerral of these inspections does not pose a significant personal safety hazard as exposure to these lines during operation is minimal. The possibilfty of a leak at another location on the Steam Seal piping still exists. However, the low operating pressures and the results of UT measurements made on the 1SSH4 line at the location of the existing leak indicate that any failure would be a pinhole type leak vs. a catastrophic failure of the pipe.


Af Prepared By: G.Benedkct Date: 9W28105

-fE ntergy Replacement of N4 Steam Supply Piping Woxk Order 04-4884-06 TM 2004-031 ER 05-0190 The steam seal supply line to TB-I -IA, N4 packing developed a leak from what appears to be the result of pipe erosion on one of the pipe radiuses. Team Inc. was contacted to develop on-line repair options and determined that the most appropriate long term repair would be to install a pre-fabricated clamping device. The clamp was fabricated as recommended and successfully installed per the above referenced Temporary Modification (TM 2004-03 1).

Work -SCOp The permanent repair for the N4 steam seal supply line is currently scheduled to be implemented during RFO 25. The pipe clamp and the degraded section of pipe will be removed and new piping will be field fit and installed, To facilitate this work, it will be necessary to remove sections of the LP turbine appearance lagging deck plates to gain access to the piping. Use of the overhead crane will also be requred to remove/install piping and deck plates.

UPTubie aMd team Seal PipARpW Itraio During RFO 25 a significant amount of work will he performed on the LP turbines which are located in the immediate area of the degraded N4 steam seal suyply line. The LP turbines will be completely dismantled to facilitate the installation of the new 81 stage diaphragms and to perform the required ton year inspection. The location of the degraded steam seal line is directly between both LP turbines and implementing the LP inspection in conjunction with the steam seal line repair will create personnel safety hazards, potential equipment damage, and logistical complications.


Prepared By; G-Benjedctj Date: 9/29105.


The following represents the specific issues that will be present during the implementation of the N4 steam seal line replacement aud the L? turbine inspection:

Personnel Safety:

> Fall and drop hazards will be created by both work crews in proximity to both work areas. Open holes will exit on the turbine deck appea'rance lagging deck plates and in the area between the LP inner casings and exhaust hoods. Although, personnel protection barriers and equipment will be utilized to mitigate fall and drop hazards, personnel awareness, focus, and goal will be on each individuals own task. The drop and fall hazards will be continually changirig as each work activity progresses and although personnel are required to communicate changes to safety hazards these types of changes will be extremely difficult to manage due to the pace of the LP turbine inspection activity.

> The crew working on the steam seal piping will continually be interrupted due to overhead hazards from materials being removed and returned to lhe LP turbine centerline. Once again due to the pace of the LP turbine inspection and the fact that the steam seal piping replacement crew will be in and out of the work area which is not visible from the turbine floor only increases the potential to inadvertently transfer a load over the piping replacement crew.

Equipment Safety and Quality:

The removal and installation of the steam seal piping will involve welding and grinding activities. Shielding can and must be installed to prevent inadvertent weld flash, slag, and grinding dust, however, performing these types of activities in the vicinity of open bearing oil sunmps, exposed shaft journals, and bearing babbitt surfaces increases the risk for accidental damage.

Schedule and Logistics

> The LP turbine work is the primary critical path activity for the Outage and any delays encountered by the implementation of the N4 steam seal supply line repair will most likely result in an increase in duration. The repair of the steam seal line will require a moderate use of the turbine building crane-to remove/install deck plates, piping, and appearance lagging. In addition, crane support will be required to remove damaged pipe..-install and fit-up new pipe sections.. remove new section to perform non-field welds..,and permanent installation. There is zero turbine building crane availability during RFQ 25.

)> The open hole caused by the removal of deck pliting will cause the "A" LP to be logistically separated from the "B" LP on the right side of the centerline which NEG037139

A fyt Prepared .Benedict

.' .En.. .... Dae:9/28/05

wil create a delay in the transfer of tooling and materials between LP "A" and

> Asbestos concern: There is a potential that the steam sea] tine being repaired contains asbestos insulation. Any asbestos insulation issues could shutdown work on the turbine deck.

Maintenance resources: Maintenance crews assigned to the steam seal line repair have 7 shifts available to perform this repair. If there arc any delays in pertbrming the repair (e.g. coordination issues or emergent issues during the work), the maintenance crew would be required to leave the steam seal pipe repair and return to the refuel floor.

T eam Inc. was contacted to determine the feasibility of operating the unit for anx additional cycle with the Team clamp in place. The response from Team Inc. was very favorable with regard to operating an additional cycle with the clamp in place. According to Jim Savoy (Team Inc.

District Manager) many commercial industrial facilities that have utilized clamps similar to the one installed on. the N4 steam seal supply line have operated for extended periods much greater than the requested 18 months.

The steam teal supply is approximately 2 - 5 lbs. of pressure with a maximum temperature of 255 degrees F. This is considered very low in comparison to many of the applications that Team Tne. has installed similar long term clamps on. If the clamp is left installed for an additional operating cycle there is a risk that the clamp will leak once the plant is placed back on-libe.

Although considered a low probability, the risk is due to the thermal cycling of dissimilar materials that are utilized in the clamping and sealing process. If a leak were to occur Team Inc.

would rc-iinject the clamp with sealant which has been successfully performed at other locations.


VER -MONT YANKEE SCOPE MANAGEMENT REVtEW FORM EDate4 */'*.. ...... . Trac"king Number:__________________

(Assigned by Work Scope Control Coordinator)

Work OrderNumb*r: C> 9<?'-C'6 Reference Document I-M -200q- 6 3 1 MPR, MM, TM, 0028, etc.)

initiatof: Zre-e 4 fo r Approved By:

Dept_ Mgr.

Location of Work to be Performed: tS lce ADDITION IDELETION CHAGEC Description

?1 se'a/ ,, -- ....-

0. .. a/

Justification for Request

... e 4

-dA/Aa14 *o, e di on......

Rezview Pcocess Additional Cost:

Dw-adion and Scheduling Impact:

Assigned DeptiMan-Hours to Complete:

Source of MvlanpoweuOther Scope Impacted:

Dose, Chemnistry, Safety Implication:

Engineering Impact - Man-Hoursflngineering Dept._

Optional Ways to Address_

Approval Process Please provide a bt.*fjts.ifa.tion Scope Review Cummitte. RecommendationlPlanning Priority _ .

Priority "C"W' e nsib Dept Approval_

Plant Ma

  • Approve*--* Disapprove Date,:J'*,Q-O' EMPAC Chire-aQor Evenc Cota. riry~-

.XC Date Log Upda*:...  :.......

Copies to Work Control, Outage Scheduling, VYPPP 7102.01 PP 7102 Rev. I Page I of I LPC #15 NE0037141

RFO-25 Piping FAC Inspections Outage Scope Challenge Meeting 5/4105 ,% 5-Short or crytic summar of what the proiect involves and why we need to comrlete the ro'ect in RFO 25 (eg. reaulatory reguirement, dsk to generation, o r. rarn requirement, appropriate management of the asset.

In response to USNRC Generic letter 89-08, inspections of piping components susceptible to damage from Flow Accelerated Corrosion (FAG) are performed each refueling outage.

The planning, inspection, and evaluation activities are currently defined in program procedure PP 7028, "Piping Flow Accelerated Corrosion fnspection Program". Before the start of RFQ25, VY will transition to a new Entergy procedure "Flow Accelerated Corrosion Program", ENN-DC-315.

Des,,iption of the scope of thie roiect. what it encompasses, options that have been considered (identify minimal requiredvs., discretioniary - could be deferred sconge...)ther outag.e sco;pe that interfa.seWith or can be included in this project; Impacts on others.

The scope of the inspections for each refueling outage is based on previous inspection results, predictive modeling, industry and plant operating experience, postulated power uprate effects, and engineering judgment. The scope for the Fall 2005 RFO is defined in Design Engineering-MIS Memo VYM 2004/007, Revision 1. The 2005 RFO Scope includes:

External Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) Inspection of 37 large bore components at '6 locations.


  • 5 components recommended for repeat inspections based on prior UT data b 2 components for CHECWORKS model calibration
  • 6 components based on Operating Experience (Mihama Event) b 6 components downstream of leaking N.C. valves (identified from TPM)
  • 4 components based on increased EPU flows

% 2 components P.S of FCV -104-4 (suspected cavitation)

% 12 components based on current through wall leak in SSH at LP turbines External Ultrasonic Thickness (UT) Inspection of 5 sections of small bore piping based on industry experience. Includes 4 sections of piping downstream of restriction orifices at the CRD pumps.

Internal Visual Inspection of two 36 inch CAR lines to assess changes in flows from HP turbine modifications installed in RFO 24. Internal Visual inspection of the only remaining carbon steel 30 inch diameter line 30"-B.

Pre-outagqe scope and lon lead-time parts*contracts that have been identified.

None Page 1 of 3 NE0037142

RFO-25 Piping FAC Inspections Outage Scope Challenge Meeting 514105 Initiatives$ creative opportunities, unigue problems associated with the goiect.

None The inspection process used is the industry standard. Removal of insulation and surface preparation are required for the UT equipment. Remote methods which do not require insulation removal are still in the development stage, and do not currently have the accuracy required to trend low wear rates (EPRI CHUG), Phosphor Plate Radiography which is currently being adopted to screen small bore components without insulation removal is primarily applicable to PWR plants. Limited use on BWRs, Design Engineering -M/S has minimized the number of Inspections performed each RFQ.

VY has traditionally trended well below industry average number of components inspected each RFO. This is primarily due the original design of the plant and replacements with Chrome-Moly piping- Recent trends in numbers of components inspected at other plants show reduced numbers of inspections based on piping replacements.

identifv additional organizational support required, and _specifically, managementsupport 9cssa.,

Inspections will be performed by the ISI personnel. Scheduling and staffing will be coordinated with other ISI activities. Inspections are performed using approved NDE procedures. Training on inspection procedures is performed under the 181 program, Grid marking per new ENN Standard ENN-EP-S-005 Primary DE-M/S interface is the ISI Level Ill and/or 181 Program Engineer for coordination in review and approval of inspection data. Interface with craft & other plant groups is normally through established links in the ISI program. Unusual .situations which require additional support will be raised to management level as required.

Two DE-M/S engineers (J.Fitzpatrick & T.O'Connor) currently trained in evaluation procedures and have prior VY FAC Program Experience. Other DE-M/S engineers with pipe stress experience can be trained on short notice. The number of inspections Is silghtly higher than the last two outages. Coverage will be provided 7 days a week (or as required) to evaluate UT data.

The FAC Program Coordinator (J.Fitzpatricl) is responsible to insure that inspections are performed and the data is evaluated in accordance with the program requirements, Activities will be coordinated with the 181 coordinator (Dave King), Any problems that arise that can not be handled at the engineer level, will be elevated per outage management guidelines (30 minute rule, etc.).

Page 2 of 3 NEGO37143


/" RFO-25 Piping FAC Inspections Outage Scope Challenge Meeting 5(4/05

."9 Identify any preparation issues necessary to meet upcoming outage milestones.

  • Coordination with L.P Turbine work for inspection of SSH components (physical space)
  • Coordination with LIP TurbinelCondenser work for ventilation path (opening) for the 30" S Cross Around Line and for a window to perform inspections (noise issue).

ER for Design Engineering - Fluid Systems to develop a (paper) Design Change to reduce the piping design pressure in the Feedwater Pump Bypass Lines at the condenser. Current design pressure for the piping attached directly to the condenser is 1900 PSI. Local sections of carbon steel piping remain at the condenser. Leaking valves during past operation cycles may have resulted in increased wear in carbon steel section of line.

IdentifT if all necessay outage and pre-owtage WO's for the proisecprocram scope aregnerated.

Work Orders to for support activities and inspections (04-4983-000 series) ',/ 4e-4w

.*entify if any, opportunities to performi any part of this scope could be completed pre-outage?

The only components which are not high temperature and are in an accessible location during plant operation are 4 sections of small bore piping downstream of restriction orifices at the CRD pumps. These may be inspected during operation., However, this is a high noise area.(1 vIJLiS Page 3 of 3 NEC037144

Engineering Standard Review & Approval Form r Englneerln 9 Standard Change ClassIfication Lu ri 0.

  • Revised El Cancel E Editorial T -Temporary Engineering Standard Title Doc. No. Rev No. TON No.--

Flow Accelerated Corrosion Component Scanning and ENN-EP-S-005 '0 WA Gridding Standard Functional Discipline Engineedng Standard Owner Engineegrin Standard Preparer .

Engineering Programs Jeffery Goldstein fan Mew 4 SSite Conducting Reviews ANO El ECH El CN B l WES JAF I PNPS nReViewType Yes No Reviewer Na... .ture Date Technical Review (See Note below for Design Change Standards) ' James C. Fitz eatri independent Design Verification (See Note below for Design Change Standards) 100FR50.59/Process Applicability Review -p (attach sciwening and evaluation docnents) 0 1 James C. Fitzpatdc (See Note belowi for Design Change Standardsl _____ "_"_

R&eiewS forER.

Note; appkiable OesigAChange Stan~drdsaW Domened withinta h , ER Num.

ER N_ ..

An ER Number fs mquiredfor Oes ._ Change StAndards, on..

'p Cross Disclpline Reviews 0Reviewer Name I Sgnature Date N/A 2

Site Engineeringj Stmadard Champion Scott D3.Goodwin.. ___

Editorial Change I TON Approval Name: *Signature: Date:

Comments made Below t M Comments.Aeola.

Tenlw E TON Ohrag~eAttached IE T N Ef cive /Ex p~irati on D ate ..... I -

Comme ts/TGN..qh*8 *qez This standard replaces VY specific 'Component Gridding Guidelines" previously contained inAppendix Aof VY NDE procedure NEOOS. NE-8053 has been superseded by ENN-NDE-9-05 All VY.comments were resolved during dvetoprtent of this standard.

  • b NEG037145


/. .


ENTERGY ENN ENGINEERING STANDARD ENN-EP-S-O05 Rev. 0 Effective Date: JAFWPO - 911104 PI) - B)/t08 IPECA 011104 Flow Ar.rzsls.rste~d Cnrrmainn Cnmnonnnt Snannhin and* Griddion Stsndsrd FIOW Ancelarated Corrng;inn Comnnnnnt Scannina and Gridding Standard Applicable Site(s):

=if F IP2 IP3 M JAF 0 PNPS M- VY E Safety Related: _ Yes x No Prepared by:

Print NaC-m i hDtte Approved by:

Engineering G e Own&r NEC037146

Engineering Standard Review & Approval Form 2Wd 16W S Engineering Standard Change Classification New 0 Ried Cancel C] Editorial j eprrF Enqineering Standard Title Doc- P. Iev N-. TON No.

r unct-konal Disaipli",e Eng a~ring Standard owner i *n~Eel tadr Perr[

Site Conducting Reviews

- Ei PNP$4:o 1 0y I 0n-r w 1o m Review Type Yes No Reviewer Nav)08$J UFe Date

  • Tecbnlcal Review 0 r'*....- (

(See NoteaWow for Design Change Standards) - James -wFit Natno*k ___...

  • Independlent Design Voriticallon (See Note below for Design Change Standarda) fzptiok 1ross50.59/Proiess AppRe cabfity Review -I (attachtscreeningme 9evaluation d i M 0 James C. Fittpatreok -'(

2 Note. Revews for Vesign Change Sia*mpon d eomnt wwthin d"e"*

applicabLe FR. IERlNune

'An ER Numbeor mq5fre gfocltofo Des ign Chancea Stana' c eW o_____

a___k Cross Discipline Reviews 2 0Rvee aeISgaueDt (Dpadmenl01? Name) lieeNaeISgto De Site Engineering Standard Chamnpi-on Sjotto. Goodwin ~~&~+/-) ~ C Editorial Change I TCN Approval Name: Signature: J ate:

____Comments Setion Comments Madte Be]. M-'6 Comment Attached TON Change Bellow f4l1 TON change Atached 1 TON EflectivefExpirat]on Date Comments4TCN Changie:

All VY comments resolved during development o0this stardarc.


Page 1 of 1 Fitzpatrick, Jim

.. Tom: Fitzpatrick, Jim

.'ant: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:45 AM To, VTYEngineering-Mechanical Structural; V-Yi .EFIN_DL


RN: Communication of Approved Engineering Standard FYI This is a new fleet standard for evaluation of thinned wail piping components whch will replace ENN-DC-1 33. ENN-DC-133 will be superseded.

VY Department Procedure DP 0072, "Structural Evaluation of Thinned Wail Piping Components wilt be revised or superseded as required when ENN-DC-315 is adopted.


Entry Conditions for this Standard will be in ENN -DC-315 "Flow Accelerated Corrosion Program" and ENN-DC-185 "Through wall leaks in ASME Section XI Class 3 Moderate Energy Piping Systems". WPO has the responsibility to revise the references to ENN-DC-133 in these procedures.

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At present there is no ENN QUAL CARD for use of this Engineering Standard. Calculations performed using standard are documented per ENN-DC-126&Based on the scope of this standard, only Design Engineering - Civil/ Structural personnel and the Mechanical types in EFIN with previous pipe stress experience have the charter and background to apply this standard.

Summary ot Changes from ENN-DC-1 33 as applicable to VY.

  • More formalized ties to ENN-DC-3116, Wear rate determination for FAC program inspections is the responsibility of the FAC Program Engineer
  • Calculation of component Wear, Wear Rate and Predicted Thicýmass is consistent the same as DPO072. The only change from OP0072 is a reduction on the Safety Factor (SF) from 1.2 to 1.1.

TThe methods used to calculate the code required thickness for pressure and moment loads are consistent with DP0072, but presented in a different format.

  • Added attachment for guidance in calculation of component wear rates.

0 Excel spreadsheet templates are available to facilitate calculations.

From: Ettlinger, Alan Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 9:33 AM To. Casella, Richard; Fitzpatrick, Jim; Lo, Kai; Pace, Raymond Cc: Unsal, Ahmet


Communication of Approved Engineering Standard In accordance with EN-DC-146, as the Site Procedure Champion (SPC) at your site, please infomi and communicate to applicable site personnel, the issuance of the following fleet NMM Engineering Standard.

ENN-CS-S-008, revision 0 Pipe Wall Thinning Structural Evaluation This standard supersedes ENN-DC-133. The standard can be accessed in IDEAS on the Citrix server, The standard becomes effective, and will be posted on September 28, 2005.

If you have any questions, please give me a call.

I0)22/2005 NEC037148