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Handouts to Applicants for Susquehanna Operator Licensing Retake Examination, SSES LOR 22R Candidate Reference List - 05/16/08 (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Susquehanna  Talen Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/16/2008
From: Peal R
To: Caruso J
Operations Branch I
Shared Package
ML080390056 List:
50-387/08-302, 50-388/08-302
Download: ML081770499 (1)


SSES LOC 22R Candidate Reference List - 5/16/08 23 36 54 59 64 67 70 74 Ref e re n ce ON-145-004, RPV Anomaly rev. 14 ON-I 45-004, RPV Anomaly rev.14 EO-100-114, RPV Flooding rev. 5 Tech Spec LCO EO-100-103, PC Control, rev. 9 EO-100-103, PC Control, rev. 9 EO-100-104, SC Control, rev. 3 EO-100-104, SC Control, rev. 3 EO-100-105, Rad Release, rev. 4 Reactor Building Survey Map ON-I 00-003, Chemistry Anomaly, rev.

18 TOTAL REFERENCES PROVIDED Comment Candidate is provided pages 1-1 5 only.

This reference is required to evaluate the failed transmitters and their function.

This is not a direct lookup.

This question requires ON-145-004 Attachment A only. This is included in the reference provided in Question # I 0 above.

Candidate provided flowchart only to evaluate ATWS condition for adequate core cooling.

Candidate provided LCO only (no bases) to evaluate the SRM Signal to Noise Ratio.

Candidate provided flowchart only to evaluate containment conditions. This flowchart has been edited to remove certain key numbers and information.

Candidate provided flowchart to evaluate containment gas control mitigation actions. Flowchart edited to remove key numbers and information.

Candidate provided flowchart to evaluate Reactor Building conditions.

Flowchart edited to remove key numbers and information.

Candidate provided flowcharts to evaluate rad release conditions. Both flowcharts have been edited to remove key numbers and information.

Survey map provided for candidate to evaluate the location of the work and to establish the area inside the shield wall for ALARA blocking. This is not considered a candidate reference.

Candidate provide reference to evaluate the chemistry actions required based on conditions provided. Pages 1-10 only are provided.

Only 7 Reference documents are provided for this exam.