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Comment Submitted During Lee Scoping Meeting 05/01/08 - Section K Oconee Nuclear
Person / Time
Site: Oconee, Lee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/01/2008
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, Office of New Reactors
Download: ML081350293 (1)


Section K - Oconee Nuclear Plant Duke Power Company Plant Oconee is a three-unit Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) facility located adjacent to Lake Keowee, near Senaca, South Carolina, approximately 20 miles northeast of Toccoa, Georgia. It discharges into the headwaters of the Savannah River upstream of Lake Hartwell.

Babcock and Wilcox Company supplied this facility, which has been in operation since 1974.

Several land and aquatic sample locations (Figures K-3 and K-4) are included in DNR's network, which includes the northeast comer of Georgia, around and including Lake Hartwell. DNR has monitored Plant Oconee since approximately 1978, with no detectable Site-related activity except for Figure K-1 (Oconee Nuclear Plant) periodic low-level H-3 insurface water collected from Lake Hartwell (near the Hartwell Dam). However, several global fallout-related radionuclides (Nb-95, Zr-95, Ru-103, Ru-106, Ce-141, Ce-144, and Cs-137) were detected many years ago (1981) during the Chinese weapons testing period. Cs-137 is the only one of these fallout-related gamma-emitting radionuclides that is still detectable.

Surface Water: Low-level H-3 (up to 2x Bkg.) in surface water (Table K-5) was the only Site-related radionuclide detected during the current monitoring period, with the maximum concentration (400 pCi/I) equal to two percent of the Safe Drinking Water MCL (Figure K-2). Results were generally non-detectable for other tests (alpha, beta, and gamma-isotopic including Cs- 137 and 1-131).

Figure K-2: H-3 Results (pCi/L) in Lake Hartwell Water Near Hartwell Dam Downstream of Oconee Nuclear Plant (CY 2000-2002) pCi/L M;M 20,000 MCL_- _

%mSeant 15,000 400 (pCilL) .... Expanded

  • View 300 -_0 10,000 200 -_--

100 i 0 ... . '  ; ' '. ;. '. '.,'l ' i 07/01 10101 01102 04102 07/02 5,000 200 300 200 400 200 0

01/00 04100 07/00 10001/01 04101 07/01 `10/01 01102 04102 07102 10102 01103 Georgia Environmental Radiation Surveillance Report 2000 - 2002 Section K - Oconee Nuclear Plant K-I