MONTHYEARML21362A4472022-01-26026 January 2022 EA-21-041: Enclosure to January 26, 2022, Letter to Mr. Kelly Trice, President, Holtec NRC Investigation Report & NRC Inspection Confirmatory Order; Issuance. Holtec Decommissioning International, LLC, Oyster Creek Nuclear Generating ML19169A1062019-06-18018 June 2019 Commission Memorandum and Order (CLI-19-06) ML19149A6412019-05-29029 May 2019 Letter from Commission Secretary Annette Vietti-Cook to Congressman Andy Kim ML0909307002009-03-31031 March 2009 Nj Dept of Environmental Protection, Petitioner V. USNRC, Respondent; No. 07-2271 - Judgment ML0833003812008-11-25025 November 2008 2008/11-25-LB Order (Denying Citizens Motion Seeking Clarification and Other Appropriate Relief)-Oyster Creek ML0824907952008-09-0505 September 2008 Order of the Secretary (Extending the Time for Commission Review) ML0824607052008-09-0202 September 2008 LB Notice of Conference Call (Conference Call to Discuss Matters Relating to Scheduling Oral Argument) ML0824019322008-08-27027 August 2008 Commission Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employees (Oyster Creek) ML0823410512008-08-21021 August 2008 Commission Order - Oyster Creek ML0814903082008-05-28028 May 2008 Commission Order (Requesting Additional Briefs) (CLI-08-10) ML0814204422008-05-21021 May 2008 LB Order (Directing Parties to Submit Explanatory Pleadings and Affidavits) ML0813007542008-05-0909 May 2008 Commission Order Responding to Motion by Nirs; Jersey Shore Nuclear Watch, Inc.; Grandmothers, Mothers and More for Energy Safety Et Al. to Reopen the Record and for Leave to File a New Contention, and Petition to Add a New Contention ML0805003812008-02-19019 February 2008 Commission Notice of Appointment of Adjudicatory Employee ML0808104572008-02-0707 February 2008 Nj Department of Environmental Protection V. USNRC, No. 07-2271 - Order Granting Motion of NEI to Proceed as Amicus Curiae ML0801102842008-01-11011 January 2008 Commission Order Setting Date for Answers to Suspension Petitions ML0800906552008-01-0909 January 2008 Commission Order Denying Citizens Emergency Motion for Additional Pages to Appeal the Boards Final Decision ML0735407802007-12-20020 December 2007 Commission Extension Order ML0735304942007-12-19019 December 2007 LB Notice (Transmission of Proposed Questions to Office of the Secretary) ML0730205912007-10-29029 October 2007 LB Order (Adopting Transcript Corrections) ML0727604742007-10-0303 October 2007 LB Order (Ruling on Joint Motion for an Extension of Time to File Transcript Corrections) ML0724200872007-08-30030 August 2007 LB Notice of Conference Call ML0724003122007-08-28028 August 2007 LB Order (Ruling on Citizens Motion for an Extension of Time) ML0709505212007-04-0505 April 2007 LB Order (Granting Citizens Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Amergens Motion for Summary Disposition and Request to File an Overlength Answer) ML0708904602007-03-30030 March 2007 LB Notice of Conference Call (Conference Call to Discuss Matters Relating to Case Scheduling and Management) ML0706007672007-03-0101 March 2007 LB Order (Protective Order and Nondisclosure Affidavit) ML0705901322007-02-22022 February 2007 Proposed Protective Order and Nondisclosure Affidavit ML0707303142007-01-29029 January 2007 1/29/2007 - Case No. 07-0324-ag; Petition the Court for Review of an Order of the NRC Dated 12/2/06 (Docket No. PRM-54-02) ML0633102802006-11-27027 November 2006 LB Order (Granting Joint Unopposed Motion Regarding Mandatory Disclosures) ML0618605682006-07-0505 July 2006 LB Order (Granting Nirss Motion for Leave to Submit a Supplement to Its Petition) ML0610204662006-04-12012 April 2006 LB Order (Extending Time to File Motions Relating to Initial Mandatory Disclosures) ML0609501582006-04-0505 April 2006 LB Notice of Conference Call (Conference Call to Discuss Matters Relating to Case Scheduling and Management) ML0606905192006-03-10010 March 2006 Commission Extension Order ML0602302972006-01-23023 January 2006 LB Order (Directing Supplemental Briefing on Hearing Request) ML0601003282006-01-10010 January 2006 LB Order (Directing Supplemental Briefing on Hearing Requests) ML0600604432006-01-0606 January 2006 LB Order (Granting Petitioners Unopposed Request for Extension to Respond to Amergens Motion to Strike) RS-04-137, Letter to Office of the Secretary from Jeffrey A. Benjamin, Listed Npps; Answer to Issuance of Order to Modify License Associated with Access Authorization2004-09-0707 September 2004 Letter to Office of the Secretary from Jeffrey A. Benjamin, Listed Npps; Answer to Issuance of Order to Modify License Associated with Access Authorization 2022-01-26
[Table view] |
UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE THIRD CIRCUIT February 7, 2008 BCO-57 No. 07-2271 New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Petitioner V.
Nuclear Regulatory Commission; Amergen Energy Company, LLC, Respondents (Agency No. 50-0219-LR)
SMITH, Circuit Judge
- 1)
Motion by Nuclear Energy Institute for Leave to Proceed as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondents.
/s/ Michael C. Williams Briefing Specialist (267)299-4940 Response Due: 2/8/08.
ORDER The foregoing motion is GRANTED.
By the Court,
/s/ D. Brooks Smith Circuit Judge Dated: February 20, 2008 MCW/cc: EBB,JAC,EPK,JFC,CEM,TNR,ELS,BF,MAB