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Authorization to Discharge Under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity
Person / Time
Site: Vogtle  Southern Nuclear icon.png
Issue date: 06/16/2006
From: Couch C A
State of GA, Dept of Natural Resources, State of GA, Environmental Protection Div
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML073240643 (57)


General Permit No.GAROOOOOO State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Authorization To Discharge Under The NationalPollutantDischarge Elimination System Storm Water Discharges Associated With Industrial Activity In compliance with the proVISions of the Georgia Water Quality Control Act (Georgia Laws 1964, p.416, as amended), hereinafter called the"State Act,*the Federal Clean Water Act, as amended (33 U.S.C.1251 et seq.), hereinafter called the"Clean Water Act," and the Rules and Regulations promulgated to each of these Acts, new and existing stonn water point sources within the State of Georgia that are required to have a permit, upon submittal of a Notice of Intent, are authorized to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity to the waters of the State of Georgia in accordance with the limitations, monitoring requirements and other conditions set forth in Parts I through VIII hereof.This pennit shall become effective on August 1, 2006.This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight, July 31, 2011.Signed this 16th day of June, 2006.CJA0-L DirectOr:" Environmental Protection Division State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Part I.Coverage Under This Permit A.Permit Area B.Eligibility C.Authorization D.Definitions Part II.Notice of Intent Requirements A.Deadlines for Notification B.Contents of Notice of Intent C.Where to Submit D.Additional l\Iohflcation E.Renotification F.Change of Information Part III.Special Conditions Page 2 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO Page 5 5 6 7 7 8 10 10 10 10 A.Prohibitions on Non-Storm Water Discharges 10 B.Releases in Excess of Reportable Quantities 12 C.Discharges Into, or Within One Mile Upstream of and Within 12 the Same Watershed as, Any Portion of an Impaired Stream Segment 1.Discharges Into, or Within One Mile Upstream of and 13 Within the Same Watershed as, Any Portion of an Impaired Stream Segment Impaired by Substances Other than Fecal Coliform 2.Discharges Into, or Within One Mile Upstream of and 16 Within the Same Watershed as, Any Portion of an Impaired Stream Segment Impaired by Fecal Coliform Part IV.Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3)A.Deadlines for SWP3 Preparation and Compliance B.Signature and SWP3 Review C.Keeping the SWP3 Current D.Contents of the SWP3 1.Pollution Prevention Team 2.Description of Potential Pollutant Sources 3.Measures and Controls (BMPs)4.Comprehensive Site Evaluation I Inspection 5.Additional Requirements for Discharge to MS4 26 20 21 21 21 21 22 23 28 State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 3 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 6.Consistency with Other Plans 28 7.Additional Requirements for Salt Storage 28 8.Additional Requirements for Storm Water Discharges Associated 29 with Industrial Activity from Facilities Subject to EPCRA Section 313 Reporting Requirements 9.Requirements for Facilities with Industrial Sources of Fecal Coliform 29 Part V.Numeric Effluent Limitations A.Coal Pile Runoff 29 B.Runoff from Asphalt Emulsion Facilities 29 C.Runoff from Material Storage Piles at Cement Manufacuting Facilities 30 D.Discharges Resulting from Spray Down or Intentional Wetting of 30 Logs at Wet Deck Storage Areas E.Runoff From Landfills 30 Part VI.Annual Sampling and Reporting Requirements A.Annual Sampling Requirements B.Reporting C.Retention of Records Part VII.Standard Permit Conditions A.Duty to Comply B.Continuation of the Expired General Permit C.Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense D.Duty to Mitigate E.Duty to Provide Information F.Other Information G.SignatoryRequirements H.Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability I.Property Rights J.Severability K.Requiring an Individual Permit or Alternative General Permit L.State/Environmental Laws M.Proper Operation and Maintenance N.Monitoring and Records O.Inspection and Entry P.Permit Actions 31 37 37 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 41 41 41 41 41 41 42 42 43 State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Part VIII.Termination of Coverage Page 4 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO A.Notice of Termination 43 B.Where to Submit 44 Appendix A: Definitions 45 Appendix B: Annual Report 50 Appendix C: BMP List for Fecal Coliform Control at Animal Processing Plants 53 State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Part I.COVERAGE UNDER THIS PERMIT A.Permit Area.Page 5 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO This permit regulates all point source discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity, as defined in this permit, to the waters of the State of Georgia.B.Eligibility.

1.This permit authorizes all point source discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity to waters of the State of Georgia, except for storm water discharges identified under Part 1.8.2.Municipally owned or operated industrial facilities and military installations must comply with the permit and monitoring requirements for all types ofindustrialactivities that such installations perform.2.Limitations on coverage.The following storm water discharges associated with industrial activity are not authorized by this permit: a.storm water discharges associated with industrial activity to waters of the State for which a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)has been approved, unless the facility develops and implements a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)that is consistent with the TMDL.b.storm water discharges associated with industrial activity that are mixed with sources of non-storm water other than non-storm water discharges that are: (1).in compliance with a different I\IPDES permit;or (2).identified by and in compliance with Part 111.A.2 of this permit.c.storm water discharges associated with industrial activity which are subject to an existing effluent limitation guideline addressing storm water (or a combination of storm water and process water), unless the effluent limitation is contained in this permit.d.stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity that are covered by an existing NPDES individual or general permit, except for individual NPDES permits which authorize storm water discharges under Part 11.8.16 of the individual permit.Storm water discharges may be authorized under this permit after an existing individual I\lPDES permit expires provided the existing permit did not establish numeric limitations for such discharges unless the numeric effluent limitation in the individual permit is no more stringent than the corresponding limitation contained in this General Permit and the State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 6 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO discharge is composed only of storm water and any non-storm water authorized by PartIII.A.2 of the General Permit).e.stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity from construction sites, except stormwaterdischarges that can be classified as an industrial activity under 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i) through (ix)or (xi)(including storm water discharges from mobile asphalt plants, and mobile concrete plants).f.storm water discharges associated with industrial activity that, on or before seven (7)days after submittal of the Notice of Intent (NOI)for the discharge under this permit, the Director has determined to be causing, or that may reasonably be expected to be causing or contributing to, a violation of a water quality standard.g.storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from inactive mining, inactive landfills, or inactive oil and gas operations occurring on Federal lands where an operator cannot be identified.

h.storm water discharges associated with industrial activity denied coverage under Part I.C.3 of this permit.3.Storm water discharges associated with industrial activity which are authorized by this permit may be combined with other sources of storm water which are not classified as associated with industrial activity pursuant to 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14), so long as the discharger is in compliance with this permit, the unclassified storm water is identified in the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan, and appropriate best management practices are employed.C.Authorization.

1.Dischargers of storm water associated with industrial activity must submit a Notice of Intent-Version 2006 (NOI)in accordance with the requirements of Part II of this permit, using the appropriate NOI form supplied by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD), to be authorized to discharge under this general permit.2.Unless notified by the EPD to the contrary, owners or operators who submit such notification are authorized to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity under the terms and conditions of this permit one (1)week after the date that the NOI is postmarked.

Those facilities that were covered by the 1998-2003 permit are authorized to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity under the terms and conditions of this permit immediately upon submittal of the NOI to EPD (e.g.on the day the NOI is postmarked).

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 7 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 3.The Director may deny coverage under this permit and require submittal of an application for an individual I\lPDES permit based on a review of the NOI or other information.

Should the Director deny coverage under this permit, coverage under this permit is authorized until the date of receipt of the notice of denial or a later date established by the Director.Coverage under the General Permit will cease before the individual NPDES permit is issued if a facility owner or operator that has been directed to apply for such an individual permit does not submit a timely application for that permit (i.e., within sixty (60)days of EPD notice that an individual permit is required)or file a timely administrative appeal of the Director's decision.D.Definitions.

The definitions are set forth in Appendix A of this permit.Part II.NOTICE OF INTENT REQUIREMENTS A.Deadlines for Notification.

1.Except as provided in Parts ILAA and ILA.5, operators who intend to obtain coverage for an existing storm water discharge associated with industrial activity under this general permit shall submit a Notice of Intent-Version 2006 (NOI)in accordance with the requirements of this Part within thirty (30)days after the effective date of this permit.Any permittee of the previous (1998-2003) general permit will remain covered by that permit until a NOI for coverage under this permit is submitted to EPD, provided that the NOI is submitted no later than thirty (30)days after the effective date of the permit.2.Except as provided in Parts 11.A.3, ILAA, and ILA.5, operators of facilities which begin industrial activity after issuance of this permit shall submit a NOI in accordance with the requirements of this Part at least one (1)week prior to the commencement of the industrial activity at the facility.3.Operators of oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations or transmission facilities, that were not required to submit a permit application as of October 1, 1992 in accordance with 40 CFR 122.26(c)(1

)(iii), but that after October 1, 1992 have or have had a discharge of a reportable quantity of oil or a hazardous substance for which notification is required pursuant to either Georgia's Oil or Hazardous Material Spills or Releases Act (O.C.G.A.14-2), 40 CFR 110.6, 40 CFR 117.21 or 40 CFR 302.6 must submit a NOI in accordance with the requirements of Part II.C of this permit within 14 calendar days of the first knowledge of such release.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 80f57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 4.Where the operator of a facility with a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity which is covered by this permit changes, the new operator of the facility must submit a new NOI in accordance with this Part no later than thirty (30)days after the change of the operator.5.An operator of a facility with a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity is not precluded from submitting a NOI in accordance with the requirements of this Part after more than thirty (30)days after the effective date of this permit, or as otherwise required in Parts II.A.2, 3, or 4 of this permit.In such instances, the EPD may bring an enforcement action for failure to submit a NOI in a timely manner or for any unauthorized discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity that have occurred on or after the dates or periods oftime specified in Parts 11.A.1, 2, 3, or 4 of this permit.6.Industrial No Exposure Exclusion.

Those facilities that have certified to a condition of No Exposure by submitting the Industrial No Exposure Exclusion (NEE)Certification form (available on EPD's website)are exempt from storm water permitting as long as the condition of No Exposure is maintained and, therefore, are not required to submit a NOI.Permitted facilities that are able to meet the requirements for the No Exposure Exclusion at a later date will, after submitting the Industrial No Exposure Exclusion Certification form, no longer be authorized by or required to comply with this permit.Submittal of a Notice of Termination is not required prior to submittal of the Industrial No Exposure Exclusion Certification form.Owners and operators of facilities for which a No Exposure Exclusion Certification form is submitted (NEE facilities) shall conduct quarterly inspections each year after the effective date of this permit to ensure that a condition of No Exposure is maintained at the facility.Results of each such inspection shall be maintained at the NEE facility and available to EPD upon request.If an inspection shows that a condition of No Exposure does not exist, then the NEE facility must be restored to a condition of No Exposure by implementing appropriate remedial measures within thirty (30)days of the inspection, or the facility owner or operator must submit a NOI by the end of that thirty (30)day period to obtain coverage under this permit and must thereafter comply with the conditions of this permit.The Director may revoke NEE status for any facility that does not adequately demonstrate that it complied or continues to comply with the NEE requirements.

B.Contents of Notice of Intent.The Notice of Intent shall be signed in accordance with Part VII.G of this permit and shall include the following information:

1.Name, mailing address, street address (provide a descriptive or narrative location if no address is available), and county of the facility for which the notification is submitted; State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 9 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 2.Up to four 4-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)codes that best represent the principal manufacturing process or activity and a statement of whether the facility is a hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facility, a land disposal facility that receives or has received any hazardous waste, a steam electric power generating facility, or a treatment works treating domestic sewage;3.The legal name, address, and telephone number of the operator of the facility and a statement of whether the facility is publicly or privately operated.For publicly operated facilities, state whether the facility is operated by local, state, or federal government; 4.The permit number of any additional NPDES permits for any discharges (including non-stormwaterdischarges) from the site;5.The name of the receiving water(s), or if the discharge is through a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), the name of the MS4 operator and the receiving water for the discharge from the MS4;6.A statement of whether the owner or operator has existing quantitative data describing the concentration of pollutants in storm water discharges (do not attach or include existing data when submitting the NOI);7.The latitude and longitude, in degrees minutes and seconds, of the approximate center of the facility to the nearest fifteen (15)seconds;8.The name and title of the individual at the facility who will serve as the point of contact for storm water and permit-related issues.Include a telephone number for the site contact;9.A statement of whether a current Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)for the facility has been developed and implemented.

Facilities with an existing storm water discharge associated with industrial activity prior to the effective date of this permit shall implement and maintain a SWP3 in compliance with Part IV of this permit within ninety (90)days after the effective date of this permit.Facilities that begin industrial operations after the effective date of this permit are required to implement and maintain a SWP3 in compliance with Part IV of this permit on or before the day industrial operations commence at the facility.10.A statement of whether the facility is discharging storm water associated with industrial activity to, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an impaired stream segment listed as supporting" or"not supporting" designated uses on Georgia's most current 303(d)list.Georgia's 303(d)list can be viewed on EPD's website at www.qaepd.orq.

11.For those facilities that answered"Yes" to#10 above, a statement of whether the pollutant(s) of concern for the impaired stream segment may be exposed to State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 100f57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO storm water, as a result of current or previous industrial activity at the facility, during the term of the this permit.C.Where to Submit.Facilities that discharge storm water associated with industrial activity must use a NOI form provided by the EPD.Forms are available on EPD's web site at www.qaepd.orqorbycallingEPDat(404)675-6240.NOI forms must be signed in accordance with Part VII.G of this permit.NOI forms must be submitted by return receipt certified mail (or a similar service)to the EPD at the following address: Georgia Environmental Protection Division 4220 International Parkway, Suite 101 Atlanta, Georgia 30354 A copy of the NOI form with the return receipt attached should be filed at the facility with the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3).D.Additional Notification.

Facilities that discharge storm water associated with industrial activity through a permitted municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), or when required by local ordinance, shall, in addition to filing the NOI in accordance with Part II.C, also submit signed copies of the NOI to the city or county in accordance with the deadlines in Part II.A.E.Renotification.

Upon issuance of a new or different general permit for some or all of the discharges of storm water covered by this permit, the permittee is required to notify the EPD of its intent to be covered by the new or different permit.The permittee is required to submit a new NOI in accordance with the notification requirements of the new or different permit at that time.F.Change of Information.

If any of the information supplied on the NOI form changes during the term of this permit, with the exception of the statementregardingexisting quantitative data (see Part 11.8.6 above)and the name of the site contact (see Part 11.8.8 above), the permittee must submit an updated NOI, with the"Change of Information" box marked at the top of the form, within thirty (30)days after the change.Part III.SPECIAL CONDITIONS A.Prohibition on Non-Storm Water Discharges.

1.Except as provided in PartIII.A.2, all discharges covered by this permit shall be composed entirely of storm water.This permit does not authorize the discharge of any type of process wastewater.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 11 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 2.a.Except as provided in Parts 111.A.2.b, c, and d, discharges of pollutants or wastewater other than storm water must be in compliance with a NPDES permit (other than this permit)issued for the discharge.

b.The following non-stormwaterdischarges may be authorized by this permit provided the non-storm water component of the discharge does not contain pollutants that would adversely affect the quality of stormwaterdischarges from the site or have a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to a water quality violation in a water of the State: discharges from fire fighting activities; fire hydrant flushing;potable water sources including water line flushing;irrigation drainage;lawn watering;uncontaminated air conditioning or compressor condensate and other uncontaminated condensate resulting from the condensing of atmospheric moisture onto cool or cold surfaces (such as uncontaminated discharges of melted condensate from the surface of liquid argon, nitrogen, or oxygen tanks);springs;uncontaminated ground water, foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials; incidental windblown mist from cooling towers that collects on rooftops or adjacent portions of the facility (this does not include intentional discharges from cooling towers (e.g."piped" cooling tower blowdown or drains));and exterior building washdown water where no detergents or other chemicals are used in conjunction with the cleaning activities.

c.Pavement wash water from containment zones will not be authorized by this permit.Pavement washwater from areas outside containment zones where pollutants have been previously removed (using appropriate best management practices as specified in Part IV.D.3 of this permit)and where spills and/or leaks of toxic or hazardous material have not occurred (unless all spilled materials and residuals have been removed)and where no detergents or chemicals are used in conjunction with the cleaning activities may be authorized provided the non-storm water component of the discharge is in compliance with the measures, controls, and best management practices (BMPs)for the non-storm water discharge section (Part IV.D.3.g)of the SWP3.Containment zones must be delineated in the SWP3 and shall include, but are not limited to, all loading areas, unloading areas, and designated live animal holding areas.A record of the date, time, location, and potential pollutants being discharged for each cleaning activity must be maintained as part of the SWP3.d.Discharges containing leachate from waste piles or landfills are not authorized by this permit.Storm water discharges from such waste piles or landfills may be authorized by this permit provided that the storm water is not commingled with leachate.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division B.Releases in Excess of Reportable Quantities.

Page 12 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 1.The discharge of hazardous substances or oil in the storm water discharge(s) from a facility covered by this permit shall be prevented, if at all possible, or minimized in accordance with the applicable SWP3 for the facility.This permit does not relieve the permittee of the reporting requirements of Georgia's Oil or Hazardous Materials Spills or Releases Act (O.C.G.A 12-14-2), 40 CFR 110.6, 40 CFR 117, and 40 CFR 302.2.The Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)required under Part IV of this permit must be modified within fourteen (14)calendar days of knowledge of a release equal to or in excess of a reportable quantity under the Georgia Oil or Hazardous Materials Spills or Releases Act, 40 CFR 110.6, 40 CFR 117 or 40 CFR 302 to: provide a description of the release, the circumstances leading to the release, and the date of the release.In addition, the SWP3 must be reviewed and amended to identify measures needed to prevent the reoccurrence of such release and to respond to such releases.The SWP3 must be amended and updated, where appropriate, within thirty (30)days of the release.3.Spills.This permit does not authorize the discharge of hazardous substances or oil resulting from an on-site spill except in de minimis amounts after removal and proper disposal of the spilled material has been completed in accordance with State and Federal requirements.

C.Discharges Into, Or Within One Mile Upstream Of And Within The Same Watershed As, Any Portion Of An Impaired Stream Segment.An operator is not eligible for coverage under this permit for discharges of storm water associated with industrial activity to waters of the State for which a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)is approved prior to or during the term of this permit, unless the facility develops, implements, and maintains a SWP3 that is consistent with the TMDL.The SWP3 must specifically address any conditions or requirements included in the TMDL that are applicable to the operator's discharge within the timeframe specified in the TMDL.If the TMDL establishes a specific numeric wasteload allocation that applies to an operator's discharge, or to storm water discharges associated with industrial activity in general, then the operator must incorporate that allocation into the facility's SWP3 and implement all necessary measures to meet that allocation.

Any operator who intends to obtain coverage under this permit for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity into an Impaired Stream Segment, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment, identified as"partially-supporting" or"not supporting" designated uses on Georgia's most current 303(d)list, must satisfy the requirements of Part III.C of this permit if the pollutant(s) of concern for which the Impaired Stream Segment has been listed may be exposed to storm water as State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 13 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO a result of current or previous industrial activity at the facility.Those discharges that are within one (1)linear mile of an Impaired Stream Segment, but are not located within the watershed of any portion of that stream segment are excluded from this requirement.

Georgia's 303(d)list can be viewed on EPD's website at

1.Discharges into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment Impaired by substances other than fecal coliform.a.Sampling schedule.Regulated industrial facilities that are subject to the requirements in Part III.C.1.of this permit must conduct storm water discharge sampling for the pollutant(s) of concern two times per quarter for a period of twelve (12)months.The pollutant(s) of concern for each impaired stream segment are identified on Georgia's 303(d)list.The sampling will only be required for those outfalls at the facility that have the potential to discharge the pollutant(s) of concern.The sampling must be conducted in accordance with Parts VI.A.3, 4, and 5 of this permit, except that composite samples may be collected in lieu of grab samples at the permittee's discretion.

The Director may require composite or grab sampling where deemed appropriate in order to ensure that representative samples are collected.

Except as provided below, the sampling must begin no later than ninety (90)days after the later of the effective date of the permit or the date the facility becomes subject to the sampling requirements in Part III.C.However, if a facility with an existing storm water discharge associated with industrial activity determines that additional time is needed to design and implement new or improved BMPs specifically for the pollutant(s) of concern, then that facility may delay commencement of the sampling program under this section of the permit for no more than twelve (12)months after the effective date of the permit in order to design and implement those BMPs.Facilities choosing this option must, no later than the date on which the Part III.C sampling would otherwise begin, provide a written notification, signed in accordance with Part VII.G of this permit, to EPD that they have elected to delay sampling and provide a schedule for BMP implementation.

The Part III.C sampling program must begin immediately aftertheBMPs are required to have been implemented according to the schedule provided to EPD.A summary of the sampling results must be submitted to EPD's Watershed Protection Branch with the Annual Report (see Appendix B of this permit).The report must also identify the applicable benchmark value(s)and state whether the facility has passed or failed the benchmark requirement for the twelve (12)month sampling period.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 140f57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO If a facility is unable to conduct one or both of the Part III.C sampling event(s)during a certain quarter due to adverse climatic conditions ( qualifying rainfall event occurs), then the facility shall include a written explanation for the absence of the sampling event in the next Annual Report submitted to EPD.b.Applicable Benchmark Values.The applicable benchmark values for discharges into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment shall be the same numeric value as the Instream Water Quality Criterion for the pollutant(s) of concern as specified in Georgia's Rules and Regulations for Water Quality Control (Georgia Rule 391-3-6-.03) unless otherwise established in Part III.C of this permit.The benchmark values are designed to assist permittees in determining if the BMPs established in a facility's SWP3 are effective in minimizing the concentration of the pollutant(s) of concern in storm water discharge(s) from their facility.These benchmark values are intended to be guideline concentrations rather than numeric effluent limitations or permit conditions.

The exceedance of a benchmark value established in Part III.C of this permit is not a permit violation and does not of itself indicate a violation of instream water quality standards.

However, an exceedance of a benchmark value may be used in conjunction with other information to demonstrate a violation of this permit or a violation of water quality standards.

(1).Specific requirements for discharges into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment impaired for DO (Dissolved Oxygen).Facilities discharging into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment for which the listing criterion is identified as DO (Dissolved Oxygen)will only be required to conduct sampling under Part III.C if industrial materials that may contributeDay Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD 5)or ammonia (NH3)may be exposed to storm water as a result of current or previous industrial activity at the facility.These facilities must sample for Five-Day Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand (CBOD 5)and NH 3.The applicable benchmark value for these discharges shall be an Ultimate Oxygen Demand (UOD)of 125 mg/I.The UOD shall be calculated as[(CBOD 5 x 1.5)+(NH 3 x 4.57)].(2).Specific requirements for discharges into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment impaired by non-pollutant-specific criteria.(i).Facilities discharging into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment for which the listing criterion is identified as"Biota or Sediment" are required to conduct State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 15 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO sampling for Total Suspended Solids (TSS)unless a TMDL has identified a different pollutant from nonpoint sources as causing the impairment, in which case sampling should be conducted for the pollutant(s) identified in the TMDL.The applicable TSS benchmark value for these discharges shall be 100 mg/I.(ii).Facilities discharging into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment for which the listing criterion is toxicity, FCG (fish consumption gUidelines), SB (shellfishing ban), CFB (commercial fishing ban)or TWR(trophicweighted residue value of mercury in fish tissue)" will only be required to conduct sampling under Part III.C if a TMDL identifying a specific water quality parameter has been approved for the stream segment.c.Evaluation of Part/II.C sampling data The Part III.C storm water discharge sampling is intended to measure the effectiveness of the Best Management Practices (BMPs)implemented at those facilities.

If benchmark values are exceeded using the pass/fail determination provided below, then improved or additional BMPs are required at the facility.The sampling data for the twelve (12)month period must be evaluated using one of the following criteria.This shall constitute the passlfail determination for evaluating BMP effectiveness:

(1).At least seventy-five (75)percent of the samples collected during the twelve (12)month period do not exceed the applicable benchmark value(s);or (2).The average of the samples collected during the twelve (12)month period does not exceed the applicable benchmark value(s).If a facility meets at least one of the above criteria then that facility has passed the benchmark requirement and may discontinue the Part III.C sampling but must thereafter properly maintain all of the BMPs that enabled the facility to meet the benchmark requirement.

If a facility does not meet at least one of the above criteria, then that facility has failed the benchmark requirement.

Those facilities that do not pass the benchmark requirement for the first twelve (12)month sampling period may take up to one year to budget, select, design and construct/implement additional supplemental BMPs at the facility.Once the supplemental BI\IIPs have been implemented, an additional twelve (12)month (two samples per quarter)period of sampling must be conducted as described in Part III.C.1.a above.Those facilities that pass the benchmark requirement, using the above pass/fail determination, after implementing supplemental BMPs may discontinue the Part State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 160f57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO III.C sampling but must thereafter properly maintain all of the BMPs that enabled the facility to meet the benchmark requirement.

Facilities that are not able to pass the benchmark requirement, using the above pass/fail determination, after implementing supplemental BMPs must continue the process of implementing additional supplemental BMPs at the facility and conducting a subsequent twelve month (two samples per quarter)period of sampling until the facility meets the benchmark requirement using the pass/fail determination provided above.If a facility is unable to pass the benchmark requirement after the twelve (12)month sampling period following a second round of implementing supplemental BMPs, then EPD will determine what further action is required, which may include, but is not limited to, applying for an individual NPDES permit.d.Written justification to cease Part I/I.e sampling.If a facility provides a written justification after the first twelve (12)month period of sampling (or after any subsequent twelve (12)month period of sampling)and EPD concurs that the facility's storm water discharges associated with industrial activity do not have a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to a violation of an instream water quality standard, then EPD may conclude that additional sampling under Part III.C is not required.Facilities that have passed the benchmark requirement are not required to submit a written justification in order to cease Part III.C sampling.2.Discharges into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment impaired for fecal coliform.Facilities discharging into, or within one (1)linear mile upstream of and within the same watershed as, any portion of an Impaired Stream Segment for which the listing criterion is identified as fecal coliform must adhere to the following conditions if industrial materials or activities that are potential sources of fecal coliform (as defined in Part IV.D.9 of this permit)are, or may be, exposed to storm water at the facility during the term of this permit.a.List of BMPs for animal processing plants that may be potential sources of fecal coliform.A list of BMPs designed to reduce fecal coliform levels in storm water runoff has been developed for animal processing plants that may be potential sources of fecal coliform.Other facilities may find this list to be useful as well.The list is provided in Appendix C of this permit.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division b.Sampling schedule.Page 17 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO Regulated industrial facilities that are subject to the requirements in Part III.C.2 of this permit must conduct storm water discharge sampling for TSS two times per quarter for a period of twelve (12)months.Two of the sampling events must include simultaneous testing of TSS and fecal coliform.The sampling will only be required for those outfalls at the facility that have the potential to discharge storm water associated with industrial activity where industrial materials or activities that are potential sources of fecal coliform (as defined in Part IV.D.9 of this permit)are, or may be, exposed to storm water at the facility during the term of this permit.The sampling must be conducted in accordance with Parts VI.A.3, 4, and 5 of this permit.Except as provided below, the sampling must begin no later than ninety (90)days after the later of the effective date of the permit or the date the facility becomes subject to the sampling requirements in Part III.C.However, if a facility with an existing storm water discharge associated with industrial activity determines that additional time is needed to design and implement new or improved BMPs specifically for the pollutant(s) of concern, then that facility may delay commencement of the sampling program under this section of the permit for no more than twelve (12)months after the effective date of the permit in order to design and implement those BMPs.Facilities choosing this option must, no later than the date on which the Part III.C sampling would otherwise begin, provide a written notification, signed in accordance with Part VII.G of this permit, to EPDthatthey have elected to delay sampling and provide a schedule for BMP implementation.

The Part III.C sampling program must begin immediately after the BMPs are required to have been implemented according to the schedule provided to EPD.A summary of the sampling results for TSS and fecal coliform must be submitted to EPD's Watershed Protection Branch with the Annual Report (see Appendix B of this permit).The report must also identify the applicable benchmark value(s)and state whether the facility has passed or failed the benchmark requirement for the twelve (12)month sampling period.If a facility is unable to conduct one or both of the Part III.C sampling event(s)during a certain quarter due to adverse climatic conditions ( qualifying rainfall event occurs), then the facility shall include a written explanation for the absence of the sampling event in the next Annual Report submitted to EPD.c.Applicable Benchmark Value A Total Suspended Solids (TSS)benchmark value of 100 mg/I will be used as a surrogate for evaluating fecal coliform levels in storm water discharges associated with industrial activity.Fecal coliform sampling data collected State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 18 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO simultaneously with TSS sampling data (as required in Part III.C.2.b) is not subject to the pass/fail determination for benchmark sampling as established in Part III.C.2.d below.The TSS benchmark value is designed to assist permittees in determining if the implementation of the BMPs (as established in a facility's SWP3)is minimizing the concentration of the pollutant(s) of concern in storm water discharge(s) from their facility.These benchmark values are intended to be guideline concentrations rather than numeric effluent limitations or permit conditions.

The exceedance of a benchmark value established in Part III.C of this permit is not a permit violation and does not of itself indicate a violation of instream water quality standards.

However, an exceedance of a benchmark value may be used in conjunction with other information to demonstrate a violation of this permit or a violation of water quality standards.

d.Evaluation of Part//I.C sampling data.The Part"I.C storm water discharge sampling is intended to measure the effectiveness of the Best Management Practices (BMPs)implemented at those facilities.

If benchmark values are exceeded using the pass/fail determination provided below, then improved or additional BMPs are required at the facility.The TSS sampling data for the twelve (12)month period must be evaluated using one of the following criteria.This shall constitute the pass/fail determination for evaluating BMP effectiveness.

(1).At least seventy-five (75)percent of the samples collected during the twelve (12)month period do not exceed the TSS benchmark value;or (2).The average of the samples collected during the twelve (12)month period does not exceed the TSS benchmark value.If a facility meets at least one of the above criteria then that facility has passed the TSS benchmark requirement and may discontinue the Part III.C sampling but must thereafter properly maintain all of the BMPs that enabled the facility to pass the TSS benchmark requirement.

If a facility does not meet at least one of the above criteria, then that facility has failed the TSS benchmark requirement.

If a facility does not pass the TSS benchmark requirement for the first twelve (12)month sampling period then the facility may take up to one year to budget, select, design and construct/implement additional supplemental BMPs from the list provided in Appendix C, or other appropriate BMPs.Once the supplemental BMPs have been implemented at the facility, an additional twelve (12)month (two samples per quarter)period of sampling must be conducted as described in Part III.C.2.b State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 19 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO above.Those facilities that pass the benchmark requirement, using the above pass/fail determination, after implementing supplemental BMPs may discontinue the Part"I.C sampling but must thereafter properly maintain aI/of the BMPs that enabled the facility to pass the TSS benchmark requirement.

Facilities that are not able to pass the TSS benchmark requirement after implementing supplemental BMPs must continue the process of implementing additional supplemental BMPs from the Appendix C list, or other appropriate BMPs, (within twelve (12)months after the end of the previous twelve (12)month sampling period)and conducting a subsequent twelve month (two samples per quarter)period of sampling until the facility passes thebenchmarkrequirement using the pass/fail criteria provided above.e.Written justification to cease Part//I.e monitoring.

If a facility provides a written justification, after the first twelve (12)month period of sampling (or after any subsequent twelve (12)month period of sampling), and EPD concurs that the facility's storm water discharges associated with industrial activity do not have a reasonable potential to cause or contribute to a violation of an instream water quality standard, then EPD may conclude that additional sampling under Part III.C is not required.Facilities that have passed the benchmark requirement are not required to submit a written justification in order to cease Part III.C sampling.f.Demonstration of appropriate BMPs.If a facility with a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity that may be a potential source of fecal coliform has implemented aI/technologically and economically feasible BMPs in the Appendix C list (for animal processing facilities), or other appropriate BMPs (for other facilities), and is still unable to pass the TSS benchmark requirement, the owner or operator of that facility may submit a demonstration to EPD that the facility has properly designed, instal/ed and maintained aI/of the BMPs that are technologically and economically feasible for the facilityandstill cannot meet the benchmark.

If, after reviewing the demonstration and conducting a site inspection, EPD concurs with the facility's determination, then the facility will not be required to implement additional supplemental BMPs in order to comply with the permit.However, if new BMPs become technologically and economically feasible for the facility at a later date, then EPD may require the implementation of such BMPs at that time.EPD may also require an individual NPDES permit for a facility if that facility does not properly design, install and maintain technologically and economically feasible BMPs in a timely manner.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Part IV.STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLANS Page 20 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)shall be developed for each facility covered by this permit.The SWP3 shall be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices and certified by an individual with the education, experience, and accountability necessary for its implementation.

The SWP3 shall identify potential sources of pollution which may reasonably be expected to affect the quality of storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from the facility.In addition, the SWP3 shall describe and ensure the implementation of best management practices (BMPs)which are to be used to reduce the pollutants in stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity at the facility and to assure compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit.Facilities must implement the provisions of the SWP3 under this Part as a condition of this permit.The SWP3 may be included as a separate element of an overall plan for the facility such as an Integrated Contingency Plan (ICP).A.Deadlines for SWP3 Preparation and Compliance.

1.Existing facilities.

Facilities with an existing storm water discharge associated with industrial activity prior to the effective date of this permit shall implement and maintain a current SWP3 in compliance with Part IV of this permit within ninety (90)days after the effective date of this permit.2.New facilities.

The SWP3 for any facility where industrial activity commences after the effective date of this permit shall be prepared and shall provide for compliance with the terms of the SWP3 and this permit on or before the date of commencement of industrial activity at the facility.3.The SWP3 for stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity from an oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operation or transmission facility, that was not required to submit a permit application as of October 1,1992 in accordance with 40 CFR 122.26(c)(1)(iii), that has had or has a discharge of a reportable quantity of oil or a hazardous substance after October 1, 1992 for which notification was or is required pursuant to either Georgia's Oil or Hazardous Material Spills or Releases Act (O.C.G.A.12-14-2), 40 CFR 110.6, 40 CFR 117.21 or 40 CFR 302.6 shall be prepared and, except as provided elsewhere in this permit, shall provide for compliance with the terms of the SWP3 and this permit on or before the sixtieth (60 th)calendar day after the first knowledge of such release.4.Upon a showing of good cause, EPD may establish a later date in writing for the preparation of and compliance with a SWP3 when a permittee submits a NOI in accordance with Parts 1I.A.1 and A.2.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division B.Signature and SWP3 Review.Page 21 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 1.The SWP3 shall be signed in accordance with Part VII.G of this permit and be retained on-site at the facility that generates the storm water discharges associated with industrial activity in accordance with Part VI.C.2.The permittee shall make the SWP3 available upon request to EPD within fifteen (15)days of the request and, in the case of storm water associated with industrial activity that discharges through a permitted municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), to the operator of the MS4.Failure to do so is a violation of the permit.EPD may request a copy of the complete SWP3 or a version of the SWP3 that would be publicly available.

The publicly available version would not contain any information that is exempt from public disclosure under the Georgia Open Records Act or other applicable law.3.The EPD may notify the permittee at any time that the SWP3 does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements of this Part.Within thirty (30)days of such notification from the EPD (or as otherwise provided), the permittee shall make the required changes to the SWP3 and shall submit to EPD a written certification that the requested changes have been made.EPD may also require the SWP3 to be prepared, reviewed, or certified by a Georgia Registered Professional with the education, experience and accountability necessary for developing and implementing a SWP3 and who is authorized by State law to perform design work required by this permit if the Director concludes, based upon reliable evidence, that the SWP3 is not in substantial compliance with this permit.C.Keeping the SWP3 Current.The permittee shall amend the SWP3 within thirty (30)days whenever there is a change in design, construction, operation, or maintenance, which has a significant effect on the potential for the discharge of pollutants to the waters of the State of Georgia, or if the SWP3 proves to be ineffective in eliminating or significantly minimizing pollutants from sources identified in this SWP3, or in otherwise achieving the general objectives of controlling pollutants in stormwaterdischarges associated with industrial activity.Amendments to the SWP3 may be reviewed by EPD in the same manner as Part IV.B.The SWP3 must be updated at least annually as specified in Part IVDA.D.Contents of the SWP3.The SWP3 shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of this permit.The SWP3 shall include, at a minimum, the following items: 1.Pollution prevention team.The SWP3 shall identify a specific individual or individuals within the facility organization as members of a storm water Pollution Prevention Team that are responsible for developing the SWP3 and assisting the facility or plant manager in it's implementation, maintenance, and revision.The SWP3 shall clearly identify the responsibilities of each team member.The activities and responsibilities of the team shall address all aspects of the facility's State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 22 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO SWP3.One person must be designated as the"Team Leader" and serve as the facility's primary contact for storm water-related issues.2.Description of potential pollutant sources.The SWP3 shall provide a description of potential sources that may reasonably be expected to add significant amounts of pollutants to stormwaterdischarges or that may result in the discharge of pollutants during dry weather from separate storm sewers draining the facility.The SWP3 shall identify all activities and significant materials that may potentially be significant pollutant sources.The SWP3 shall include, at a minimum: a.Drainage.(1)A site map indicating the outline of the portions of the drainage area of each storm water outfall that are within the facility boundaries, each existing structural control measure to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff, surface water bodies, locations where significant materials are exposed to precipitation, locations where major spills or leaks identified under IV.D.2.c have occurred, and the locations of the following activities are exposed to precipitation:

fueling stations, vehicle and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning areas, loading/unloading areas, locations used for the treatment, storage, or disposal of wastes, liquid storage tanks, processing areas, and storage areas.(2)For each area of the facility that generates storm water discharges associated with industrial activity with a reasonable potential for containing pollutants, a prediction of the direction of storm water flow, and an identification of the types of pollutants that are likely to be present in storm water discharges associated with industrial activity.Factors to consider include the chemical toxicity;quantity of chemicals used, produced, or discharged; the likelihood of contact with storm water;the history of significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants.

Flows with a significant potential for causing erosion shall be identified as well.(3)The site map shall be of sufficient scale and quality to be legible and readable.b.Inventory of exposed materials.

The SWP3 must include an inventory of the types of materials handled at the site that may potentially be exposed to precipitation.

Such inventory shall include a narrative description of significant materials that have been handled, treated, stored, or disposed of in a manner that may allow exposure to storm water between the time of three years prior to the issuance of this permit and the present;the method and location of on-site storage and disposal activities; material management practices employed to minimize contact of materials with storm water runoff water between the time of three years prior to the issuance of this permit and the present;the location and description of State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 23 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in storm water runoff;and a description of any treatment the storm water receives (e.g., oil/water separator, detention pond, etc.).c.Spills and leaks.The SWP3 shall include a list of significant spills and leaks of toxic or hazardous pollutants that occurred in areas that are exposed to precipitation, or that otherwise drain to a storm water conveyance at the facility, after the date of three years prior to the effective date of this permit.Such list shall be updated as appropriate during the term of the permit.d.Sampling data.The SWP3 shall include a summary of existing discharge sampling data describing pollutants in storm water discharges from the facility, including a summary of sampling data collected during the term of this permit.e.Risk identification and summary of potential pollutant sources.The SWP3 shall include a narrative description of potential pollutant sources at the following areas: loading and unloading operations; outdoor storage activities; outdoor manufacturing or processing activities; significant dust or particulate generating processes; and on-site waste disposal practices.

The description shall specifically identify any significant potential source of pollutants at the site and, for each potential source, any pollutant or pollutant parameter (e.g., biochemical oxygen demand, etc.)of concern shall be identified.

3.Measures and controls.Each facility covered by this permit shall develop a description of storm water management controls (i.e., Best Management Practices or BMPs)appropriate for the facility.Such measures and controls must be implemented as a requirement of this permit.The appropriateness and priorities of BMPs in the SWP3 shall reflect identioFied potential sources of pollutants at the facility.The description of storm water BMPs shall address the following minimum components, including a schedule for implementing such controls: a.Good housekeeping.

Good housekeeping requires the maintenance of areas that may contribute pollutants to storm water discharges in a clean, orderly manner.b.Preventive maintenance.

A preventive maintenance program shall involve timely inspection and maintenance of storm water management devices and other BMPs (e.g., cleaning oil/water separators, catch basins, etc.)as well as inspecting and testing equipment and systems to identify conditions that could cause breakdowns or failures resulting in discharges of pollutants to surface waters (e.g., hydraulic leaks in motors State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 24 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO and pumps, etc.), and ensuring appropriate maintenance of such equipment and systems.c.Spill prevention and response procedures.

Areas where potential spills which contribute pollutants to storm water discharges can occur, and their accompanying drainage points shall be identified clearly in the SWP3.Where appropriate, the SWP3 should specify material handling procedures, storage requirements, and the use of equipment, such as diversion valves.Procedures for cleaning up spills shall be identified in the SWP3 and made available to the appropriate personnel.

The necessary equipment to implement proper cleanup of a spill should be made readily available to facility personnel.


(1)In addition to, and as part of, the Comprehensive Site Evaluation required under Part IVDA and the Monitoring and Reporting Requirements specified in Part VI, the Team Leader, or their designee, shall inspect designated equipment and areas of the facility for BMP deficiencies or other incidences of non-compliance at appropriate intervals specified in the SWP3, but no less than once per calendar quarter.A set of tracking or follow-up procedures shall be used to ensure that appropriate actions are taken in response to the inspections.

Records of inspections and corrective actions taken shall be maintained in the SWP3.(2)The permittee shall perform and document visual examinations of the storm water discharged from each outfall.The examination(s) must be made during normal facility operation at a frequency appropriate to the size and type of industrial activity conducted but no less than once each calendar quarter.Examination reports must be maintainedsite with the SWP3.Examinations shall be made of samples collected within the first 30 minutes (or as soon thereafter as practical, but not to exceed one hour)of when the runoff begins discharging.

The examinations shall document obvious indicators of storm water pollution such as color, odor, clarity, floating solids, settled solids, suspended solids, foam, oil, scum, turbidity, materials associated with municipal or domestic sewage and industrial waste, and other objectionable conditions.

The examination of the collected samples must be conducted in a well-lighted area.No analytical tests are required to be performed on these samples.All such samples shall be collected from the discharge resulting from a storm event that is greater than 0.1 inches in magnitude and that occurs at least 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> from the preViously measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall)storm event.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 25 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO (3)When the permittee is unable to collect samples over the course of the visual examination period as a result of adverse climatic conditions, the permittee must document the reason for not performing the visual examination and retain this documentation onsite with the records of the visual examinations.

Adverse weather conditions which may prohibit the collection of samples include weather conditions that create dangerous conditions for personnel (such as local flooding, high winds, hurricanes, tornadoes, electrical storms, etc.)or otherwise make the collection of a sample impracticable (drought, extended frozen conditions, etc.)(4)When a facility has four or more outfalls that the permittee reasonably believes (based on a consideration of industrial activity, significant materials, and management practices and activities within the area drained by an outfall)discharge substantially identical effluents, the permittee may perform the visual inspections and examinations of at least three outfalls and report that the observations also apply to the other substantially identical outfalls.The permittee must keep a record of which outfalls are substantially the same andtherationale for this decision.The permittee must examine and inspect the substantially identical outfalls on a rotational basis.e.Employee training.Employee training programs shall inform personnel responsible for implementing activities identified in the SWP3 or otherwise responsible for storm water management at all levels of responsibility of the components and goals of the SWP3.Training should address topics such as spill response, good housekeeping and material management practices.

The SWP3 shall identify periodic dates for such training.f.Record keeping and internal reporting procedures.

A record keeping system must be established and implemented for the documents required to be kept by this permit.A description of incidents such as spills, or other discharges, along with other information describing the quality and quantity of storm water discharges shall be included in the SWP3.Inspections and maintenance activities shall be documented and records of such activities shall be incorporated into the SWP3.g.Non-storm water discharges.

(1)The SWP3 shall include a certi"f1cation that all discharge points have been tested or evaluated at least once each year for the presence of non-storm water discharges other than the allowable non-storm water discharges currently identified under Part 111.A.2 of this permit and in compliance with Part 111.A.2.b of this permit.The certification shall include the identification of potential significant sources of non-storm water at the site, a description of the results of any test and/or evaluation for the presence of non-storm State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 26 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO water discharges, the evaluation criteria or testing method used, the date of any testing and/or evaluation, and the on-site drainage points that were directly observed during the test.Certifications shall be signed in accordance with Part VII.G.Such certification may not be feasible if the facility operating the storm water discharge associated with industrial activity does not have access to an outfall, manhole, or other point of access to the ultimate conduit which receives the discharge.

In such cases, the source identification section of the SWP3 shall indicate why the certification required by this Part was not feasible, along with the identification of potential significant sources of non-storm water at the site other than the allowable non-storm water discharges currently identified under Part 111.A.2 of this permit and in compliance with Part 111.A.2.b of this permit.(2)Except for flows from fire fighting activities, sources of non-storm water listed in Part 111.A.2 that are combined with storm water discharges associated with industrial activity must be identified in the SWP3.The SWP3 shall identify and ensure the implementation of appropriate pollution prevention measures for the non-storm water component(s) of the discharge.

h.Sediment and erosion control.The SWP3 shall identify areas that, due to topography, activities, or other factors, have a high potential for significant soil erosion, and identify structural, vegetative, and/or stabilization BMPs to be used to limit erosion.i.Management of runoff.The SWP3 shall contain a narrative review of traditional storm water management practices (practices other than those which control the generation or source(s)of pollutants) that will be used to divert, infiltrate, reuse, or otherwise manage storm water runoff in a manner that reduces pollutants in storm water discharges from the facility.The SWP3 shall ensure that measures determined to be reasonable and appropriate will be implemented and maintained.

The potential of various sources at the facility to contribute pollutants to storm water discharges (see Part IV.D.2)shall be considered when determining reasonable and appropriate measures.Appropriate measures may include: vegetative swales and practices, reuse of collected storm water (such as for a process or as an irrigation source), inlet controls (such as oil/water separators), snow management activities, infiltration devices, and wet detention/retention devices.4.Comprehensive site evaluation/inspection.

The Team Leader or his/her designee shall conduct site compliance evaluations and inspections at least once per year or at more frequent intervals as specified in the SWP3 except as provided in Part IVDA.e.This comprehensive site evaluation and inspection is in addition to the quarterly inspections required by Part IVD.3.d.Such evaluations shall provide:

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 27 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO a.Areas contributing to a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity shall be visually inspected for evidence of, or the potential for,pollutantsentering the drainage system.Measures to reduce pollutant loadings shall be evaluated to determine whether they are adequate and properly implemented in accordance with the terms of the permit or whether additional control measures are needed.Structural storm water management measures, sediment and erosion control measures, or other structural pollution prevention measures identified in the SWP3 shall be observed to ensure that they are operating correctly.

A visual inspection of equipment needed to implement the SWP3, such as spill response equipment, shall be made.b.Based on the results of the inspection, the description of potential pollutant sources and BMPs identified in the SWP3 shall be revised as appropriate within thirty (30)days of such inspection and shall provide for implementation of any changes to the SWP3 in a timely manner, but in no case more than three (3)months after the inspection.

A narrative summary identifying the scope of the inspection, the personnel making the inspection, the date(s)of the inspection, major observations relating to the implementation of the SWP3, actions taken in accordance with Part IV.D.4.b, and a yearly summary of the quarterly inspections required by Part IV.D.3.d shall be made and retained as part of the SWP3 in accordance with Part VI.C.1 of the permit.The summary shall identify any instances of noncompliance and include a description of corrective actions taken in response.Where the summary does not identify any instances of noncompliance, the summary shall contain a certification that the facility is in compliance with the SWP3 and this permit.c.Annual Report Facilities sampling under Part III.C of this permit and facilities subject to a numeric effluent limitation in Part V of this permit must submit the Annual Report contained in Appendix B by the end of the fourteenth (14 th)month after the beginning of the first quarter in which sampling is required under Part III.C and/or Part V (and on an annual basis thereafter).

All other facilities must submit the Annual Report by the end of the twenty-sixth (26 th)month after the effective date of the permit (and on an annual basis thereafter).

The Annual Report must be certified in accordance with Part VII.G of this permit and a copy of the report must be kept with the SWP3.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division d.Noncompliance with the Permit Page 28 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO When violations of the permit are determined by the permittee, a written report of all instances of noncompliance must be submitted to the EPD within thirty (30)days of becoming aware of such noncompliance.

Any noncompliance with this permit that would endanger health or the environment must be reported to EPD, including an oral report within twenty-four (24)hours of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances (by calling4113 or 404-656-4300), followed by a written report within five (5)days of becoming aware of such circumstances.

e.Where annual site inspections are shown to be impractical for inactive mining sites due to the remote location and inaccessibility of the site, the site inspections required under this Part shall be conducted at appropriate intervals specified in the SWP3, but in no case less than once every three years.5.Additional requirements for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity through permitted municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).a.In addition to the applicable requirements of this permit, the permittee must comply with applicable requirements in municipal storm water management programs developed under NPDES permits issued for the discharge of the MS4 that receives thefacility'sdischarge.

b.Permittees that discharge storm water associated with industrial activity through a permitted MS4 or when required by local ordinance shall make SWP3s available to the city or county upon request.6.Consistency with other plans.Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans may incorporate best management practices (BMPs)for the control of pollutants in storm water discharges which are summarized in Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC)plans developed for the facility under Section 311 of the CWA or Best Management Practices (BMP)Plans otherwise required by another NPDES permit for the facility, as long as such requirements are incorporated into the SWP3 by reference and copies of these other plans are kept with the SWP3.7.Additional requirements for salt storage.Storage piles of salt used for deicing or other commercial or industrial purposes and which generate a storm water discharge associated with industrial activity that is discharged to the waters of Georgia shall be enclosed or covered to prevent exposure to precipitation, except for exposure resulting from adding or removing materials from the pile.Dischargers shall demonstrate compliance with this provision as expeditiously as State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 29 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO practicable.

Salt storage piles do not need to be enclosed or covered where storm water from the pile is not discharged to the waters of Georgia.8.Additional requirements for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from facilities subject to EPCRA Section 313 reporting requirements.

Facilities with potential pollutant sources that are subject to the release reporting requirements under EPCRA Section 313 (SARA Title III)must identify any substances for which releases are required to be reported that are, or may be, exposed to precipitation in the SWP3.The SWP3 must include a narrative description of BMPs used to minimize contact of such substances with storm water runoff.9.Requirements for facilities with industrial sources of fecal coliform.All industrial materials or activities that are potential sources of fecal coliform and that may be exposed to storm water at the facility must be identified in the SWP3.Such potential sources include, but are not limited to, any areas that contain or may contain live animals, animal matter, animal wastes, or human wastes that are directly related to current or previous industrial activity at the facility, within the current operator's knowledge, or that the current operator should have known about.The SWP3 must include, for each potential industrial source of fecal coliform, a detailed description of the installation and maintenance of BMPs used to minimize exposure and otherwise reduce and control fecal coliform in storm water discharges from the facility.Part V.NUMERIC EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS Facilities subject to numeric effluent limitations established in this section of the permit must include a summary of the sampling results for the applicable parameters along with the Annual Report submitted for each year of coverage under this permit.The failure to meet an applicable numeric effluent limitation is a violation of this permit.A.Coal Pile Runoff.Any discharge composed of coal pile runoff shall not exceed a maximum concentration at any time of 50 mg/I Total Suspended Solids (TSS).Coal pile runoff shall not be diluted with storm water or other flows in order to meet this limitation.

The pH of such discharges shall be within the range of 6.08.5.Any untreated overflow from the facilities designed, constructed and operated to treat the volume of coal pile runoff which is associated with a 10 year, 24 hour2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> rainfall event shall not be subject to the 50 mg/I limitation for Total Suspended Solids (TSS).B.Runoff from Asphalt Emulsion Facilities (40 CFR Part 443 Subpart A).Any storm water discharge from asphalt emulsion facilities shall not exceed a daily State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 30 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO maximum concentration of 23.0 mg/I and a thirty (30)day average concentration of 15.0 mg/I for Total Suspended Solids (TSS)and a daily maximum concentration of 15.0 mg/I and a thirty (30)day average concentration of 10.0 mg/I for Oil and Grease.The pH of such discharges shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.C.Runoff from Material Storage Piles at Cement Manufacturing Facilities (40 CFR Part 411 Subpart C).Any discharge composed of runoff that derives from the storage of materials including raw materials, intermediate products, finished products, and waste materials that are used in or derived from the manufacture of cement shall not exceed a daily maximum concentration of 50 mg/I for Total Suspended Solids (TSS).The pH of such discharges shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.D.Discharges Resulting from Spray Down or Intentional Wetting of Logs at Wet Deck Storage Areas (40 CFR Part 429, Subpart I).The pH of such discharges shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.No discharge may contain debris that will not pass through a 2.54 cm (1")diameter round opening.E.Runoff from Landfills.

1.Landfills subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart A.Runoff from landfills which are subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 445, Subpart A shall not exceed daily maximum of 220 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 56 mg/I for Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), a daily maximum of 88 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 27 mg/I for Total Suspended Solids (TSS), a daily maximum of 10 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 4.9 mg/I for Ammonia, a daily maximum of 0.042 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.019 mg/I for Alpha Terpineol, a daily maximum of 0.024 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.015 mg/I for Aniline, a daily maximum of 0.119 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.073 mg/I for Benzoic Acid, a daily maximum of 0.059 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.022 mg/I for Naphthalene, a daily maximum of 0.024 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.015 mg/I for p-Cresol, a daily maximum of 0.048 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.029 mg/I for Phenol, a daily maximum of 0.072 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.025 mg/I for Pyridine, a daily maximum of 1.1 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.54 mg/I for Total Recoverable Arsenic, a daily maximum of 1.1 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.46 mg/I for Total Recoverable Chromium and a daily maximum of 0.535 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.296 mg/I for Total Recoverable Zinc.The pH of such discharges shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 31 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 2.Landfills subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart B.Runoff from landfills which are subject to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 445, Subpart B, shall not exceed a daily maximum of 140 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 37 mg/I for Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), a daily maximum of 88 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 27 mg/I for Total Suspended Solids (TSS), a daily maximum of 10 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 4.9 mg/I for Ammonia, a daily maximum of 0.033 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.016 mg/I for Alpha Terpineol, a daily maximum of 0.12 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.071 mg/I for Benzoic Acid, a daily maximum of 0.025 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.014 mg/I forCresol, a daily maximum of 0.026 mg/l and a monthly average maximum of 0.015 mg/I for Phenol, and adailymaximum of 0.20 mg/I and a monthly average maximum of 0.11 mg/I for Total Recoverable Zinc.The pH of such discharges shall be within the range of 6.0 to 9.0.Part VI.ANNUAL SAMPLING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS A.Annual Sampling Requirements.

1.Limitations on sampling requirements.

a.Those facilities identified in Parts VI.A.2.a.through t.of this permit are required to conduct annual sampling and analytical testing of their storm water discharges associated with industrial activity.Facilities are subject to the applicable numeric effluent limitations contained in Part V of this permit.Facilities other than those identified in Parts"I.C.and VI.A.2.a.through 1.are not required to perform analytical testing on their storm water discharges associated with industrial activity unless specifically required in writing by EPD.The EPD can provide written notice to any facility with coverage under this permit to conduct analytical testing of their storm water discharges associated with industrial activity on a schedule specified by EPD.b.When a facility has industrial activities being conducted on-site that meet the description(s) of the sampling requirements shown in Parts VI.A.2.a.through t, the facility shall comply with any and all applicable sampling requirements.

The sampling requirements and conditions of this permit are additive for industrial activities being conducted at the same industrial facility (co-located industrial activities).

The operator of the facility shall determine which sampling requirements of this permit (if any)are applicable to the facility.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 32 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 2.Sampling requirements.

During the period beginning on the effective date and lasting through the expiration date of this permit, a permittee with a facility identified in Part VI.A.2.a.through t.must sample at least annually (once per calendar year), except as provided in Parts VI.A.4, and VI.A.5, those storm water discharges identified below to document the presence of any pollutants.

The permittee is not to submit sampling results to EPD, unless specifically required by Parts III.C or V of this permit or otherwise in writing by the EPD.However, the permittee must retain sampling results in accordance with Part VI.C.In addition to the parameters listed below, the permittee shall record the date and duration (in hours)of the storm event(s)sampled;rainfall measurements or estimates (in inches)of the storm event which generated the sampled runoff;the duration between the storm event sampled and the end oftheprevious measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall)storm event;and an estimate of the total volume (in gallons)of the discharge sampled;a.Primary metal industries.

Facilities with storm water discharges classified as Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)major group 33 (Primary Metal Industry)are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;Dissolved Lead (mg/I);Dissolved Cadmium (mg/I);Dissolved Copper (mg/I);Dissolved Arsenic (mg/I);Dissolved Chromium (mg/I);and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject.b.Landfills.

(1).Landfills subject to 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart A.Facilities with storm water discharges from any active or inactive landfill subject to 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart A that have received any industrial wastes (other than wastes from a construction site)are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);Ammonia,AlphaTerpineol; Aniline;Benzoic Acid;Naphthalene;Cresol;Phenol;Pyridine;TotalRecoverableArsenic; Total Recoverable Chromium;Total Recoverable Zinc;and pH.(2).Landfills subject to 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart B.Facilities with storm water discharges from any active or inactive landfill subject to 40 CFR Part 445 Subpart B that have received any industrial wastes (other than wastes from a construction site)are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Five-Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODS);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);TotalRecoverable Zinc;Ammonia;Alpha Terpineol; Benzoic Acid;p-Cresol;Phenol;and pH.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 33 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO c.Incinerators, boilers and industrial furnaces.Facilities with storm water discharges from incinerators (including boilers and industrial furnaces)that burn hazardous waste and operate under interim status or a permit under Subtitle C of RCRA, are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Total Recoverable Magnesium (mg/I);Magnesium (dissolved)(mg/I);Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)(mg/I);day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS);Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)(l11g/I);Total Organic Carbon (TOC)(mg/I);Oil and Grease (mg/I);pH;Dissolved Arsenic (mg/I);Total Recoverable Barium (mg/I);Dissolved Cadmium (mg/I);Dissolved Chromium (mg/I);Total Cyanide (mg/I);Dissolved Lead (mg/I);Mercury (mg/I);Dissolved Selenium (mg/I);and Silver (mg/I).d.Wood waste and wood waste landfills.

Facilities with storm water discharges from areas that are used to store wood waste, active and inactive wood waste landfills, and open dumps for wood waste are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the site for: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(l11g/I);and Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I).e.Wood treatment.

Facilities with storm water discharges from areas that are used for wood treatment, wood surface application or storage of treated or surface protected wood at any wood preserving or wood surface facilities arerequiredto sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);pH;Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);and Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I).In addition to the above, facilities that use chlorophenolic formulations shall measure pentachlorophenol (mg/I).In addition to the above, facilities that use chromium-arsenic formulations shall measure Dissolved Arsenic (mg/I);Dissolved Chromium (mg/I);and Dissolved Copper (mg/I).f.Coal pile runoff.Facilities with storm water discharges from coal pile runoff are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);pH;Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);Dissolved Copper (mg/I);Dissolved Nickel (mg/I);and Dissolved Zinc (mg/I).g.Battery reclaimers.

Facilities that reclaim lead acid batteries with stormwaterdischarges from areas used for storage of lead acid batteries, reclamation products, or waste products;and areas used for lead acid battery reclamation (including material handling activities) are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;Dissolved Copper (mg/I);and Dissolved Lead (mg/I).

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 34 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO h.Airports.At airports with over 50,000 flight operations per year, facilities with stormwaterdischarges from areas where aircraft or airport deicing operations occur (including runways, taxiways, ramps, and dedicated aircraft deicing stations)are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility when deicing activities are occurring for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Five Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODs)(mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and the primary ingredient used in the deicing materials used at the site (e.g.ethylene glycol, urea, etc.).i.Coal-fired steam electric facilities.

Facilities with storm water discharges from coal handling sites at coal fired steam electric power generating facilities are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);pH;Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);Dissolved Copper (mg/I);Dissolved Nickel (mg/I);and Dissolved Zinc (mg/I).j.Animal handling/meat packing.Facilities with storm water discharges from animal handling areas, manure management (or storage)areas, and production waste management (or storage)areas that are exposed to precipitation at meat packing plants, poultry packing plants, and facilities that manufacture animal and marine fats and oils, are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Five Day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BODs)(mg/I);Oil and Grease (mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen (TKN)(mg/I);Total Phosphorus (mg/I);pH;and Fecal Coliform (counts per 100 ml).k.SIC 28/30 facilities.

Facilities classified as SIC major group 30 (Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastics Products)or SIC major group 28 (Chemicals and Allied Products)with storm water discharges from storage piles for solid chemicals used as raw materials are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an eflluent guideline to which the facility is subject.I.Automobile salvage yards.Automobile salvage yards with any of the following: (A)over 250 auto/truck bodies with drivelines (engine, transmission, axles, and wheels), 250 drivelines, or any combination thereof (in whole or in parts)that are exposed to storm water;(B)over 500 auto/truck units (bodies with or without drivelines in whole or in parts)that are exposed to storm water;or (C)over 100 units per year are dismantled and automotive fluids are drained or stored in areas exposed to storm water are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 35 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject.m.Lime manufacturing facilities.

Lime manufacturing facilities (SIC 3274)with lime storage piles that are exposed to storm water are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject.n.Oil-fired steam electric power generating facilities.

Facilities with oil handling sites at oil fired steam electric power generating facilities are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject.o.Cement manufacturing/cement kilns.Cement manufacturing facilities and cement kilns with storm water discharges are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject.p.Ready-mixed concrete facilities.

Ready-mixed concrete facilities with storm water discharges are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject.q.Ship buildinglrepairing facilities.

Ship building and repairing facilities with storm water discharges are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Oil and Grease (mg/I);Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);pH;and any pollutant limited in an effluent guideline to which the facility is subject;r.Asphalt emulsion facilities.

Asphalt emulsion facilities with storm water discharges are required to sample such storm water that is discharged from the facility for: Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I), Oil and Grease (mg/I), and pH.s.Discharges resulting from spray down or intentional wetting of logs at wet deck storage areas.Facilities with discharges resulting from spray down or intentional wetting of logs at wet deck storage areas are required to sample storm water discharges for pH.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 36 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO t.Scrap metal recycling facilities.

Scrap metal recycling facilities with storm water discharges are required to sample such storm water discharged from the facility for: Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)(mg/I);Total Suspended Solids (TSS)(mg/I);Aluminum (mg/l);Dissolved Copper (mg/L);Iron (mg//);Dissolved Lead (mg/l);Dissolved Zinc (mg/l).These requirements do not apply to recycling facilities that only receiveseparatedrecyclablematerials primarily from non-industrial and residential sources (i.e., common consumer products inclUding paper, newspaper, glass, cardboard, plastic containers, aluminum and tin cans).This includes recycling facilities commonly referred to as material recovery facilities (MRFs).3.Sample type.a.For all discharges data shall be reported for a grab sample.All such samples shall be collected from the discharge resulting from a storm event that is greater than 0.1 inches in magnitude and that occurs at least 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> from the previously measurable (greater than 0.1 inch rainfall)storm event.The required 72 hour8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> storm event interval is waived where the preceding measurable storm event did not result in a measurable discharge from the facility.The grab sample shall be taken during the first thirty minutes of the discharge.

If the collection of a grab sample during thefirstthirty minutes is impracticable, a grab sample can be taken during the first hour of the discharge, and the discharger shall keep with the monitoring report a description of why a grab sample during the"first thirty minutes was impracticable.

In the case where an insufficient quantity of sample is collected to perform all required analysis, it will be necessary to perform additional sampling during a different rainfall event.The permittee must ensure that the appropriate sample collection and analytical methods are used.All storm water sampling and analysis must be conducted in accordance with the requirements set forth in 40 CFR 136.b.If storm water discharges commingle with process or non-process water, then where practicable, the permittee must attempt to sample the storm water discharge before it mixes with the non-storm water discharge.

Where it is not practicable to sample the storm water separately, an explanation as to why it was not practicable must be made with the sampling report.4.Representative discharge.

When a facility has two or more outfalls that, based on a consideration of industrial activity, significant materials, and management practices and activities within the area drained by the outfalls, the permittee reasonably believes discharge substantially identical effluents, the permittee may test the effluent of one of these outfalls and report that the quantitative data also applies to the substantially identical outfall(s).

In addition, for each outfall that the permittee believes is identical, an estimate of the size of the drainage area (in State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 37 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO square feet)and an estimate of the runoff coefficient of the drainage area, low (under 40 percent), medium (40 to 65 percent)or high (above 65 percent)shall be provided.5.Sampling waiver.When the permittee is unable to collect samples due to adverse climatic conditions, the discharger must record, in lieu of sampling data, a description of why samples could not be collected, including available documentation of the event.Adverse weather conditions which may prohibit the collection of samples includes weather conditions that create dangerous conditions for personnel (such as local flooding, high winds, hurricane, tornadoes, electrical storms, etc.)or otherwise make the collection of a sample impracticable (drought, extended frozen conditions, etc).6.Alternative certification.

The permittee is not subject to the sampling requirements of Part VI.A.2 provided the permittee makes a certification for a given outfall, on an annual basis, under penalty of law, signed in accordance with Part VII.G, that material handling equipment or activities, raw materials, intermediate products, final products, waste materials, by-products, industrial machinery or operations, significant materials from industrial activity, or in the case of airports, deicing activities, that are located in the areas of the facility that are within the drainage area of the outfall are not presently exposed to storm water and will not be exposed to storm water for the certification period.Such certification must be retained with the SWP3, and must be submitted to the EPD upon request.B.Reporting.

1.Except as provided in Part III.C, Part IVDA.c, Part IVDA.d, Part V and Part VI.C.2, the permittee is not to submit sampling results or certifications to the EPD, unless required in writing by the EPD.2.Facilities with at least one storm water discharge associated with industrial activity through a permitted municipal separate storm sewer system must submit signed copies of any sampling reports, certifications, and data to the city or county upon request.C.Retention of Records.1.The permittee shall retain the Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan developed in accordance with Part IV until at least one year after coverage under this permit terminates.

The permittee shall retain all records of all visual monitoring information, copies of all reports required by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the Notice of Intent to be covered by this permit, until at least one year after coverage under this permit terminates.

This period may be explicitly modified by other provisions of this permit or extended by request of the EPD at any time.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 38 of 57 Pem1it No.GAROOOOOO 2.For discharges subject to sampling and analytical testing requirements pursuant to Parts III.C and VI.A, in addition to the requirements of Part VI.C.1, the permittee is required to retain for a three year period from the date of sample collection or for the term of this permit, which ever is greater, records of all monitoring information collected during the term of this permit.The permittee must submit such monitoring results to the EPD as required by the permit or upon written request by EPD.Part VII.STANDARD PERMIT CONDITIONS A.Duty to Comply.1.The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit.Any permit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Georgia Water Quality Control Act (D.C.G.A.§12-5-20 et.seq.)and is grounds for enforcement action;for permit termination; revocation and reissuance, or modification; or for denial of a permit renewal application.

Any instances of noncompliance must be reported to EPD as specified in Part IV.DA.d of this permit.2.Penalties for violations of permit conditions.

The Federal Clean Water Act and the Georgia Water Quality Control Act (D.C.G.A.§12-5-20 et.seq.)provide that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required under this permit, makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance shall, upon conviction be punished by a fine or by imprisonment, or by both.The Georgia Water Quality Control Act (Act)also provides procedures for imposing civil penalties which may be levied for violations of the Act, any permit condition or limitation established pursuant to the Act, or negligently or intentionally failing or refusing to comply with any final or emergency order of the Director.B.Continuation of the Expired General Permit.This permit will continue in effect until the date five (5)years after the effective date and will expire on the date shown on the cover page.However, an expired general permit continues in force and effect until a new general permit is issued.Any permittee who submitted a properly-completed Notice of Intent-Version 2006 form to obtain coverage under this permit prior to the expiration date will automatically remain covered under the continued permit until one of the following occurs: 1.Reissuance of this permit, at which time a new Notice of Intent (NOI)form will be required under the terms of the new permit in order to maintain authorization to discharge; or State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 39 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 2.Submittal of a properly completed Notice of Termination for thefacility;or 3.An individual NPDES permit authorizing storm water discharges associated with industrial activity is issued for all of the permittee's discharges formerly covered by the continued permit;or 4.A formal permit decision is made by the Director not to reissue this general permit, at which time coverage under an individual permit or an alternate general permit will be required.C.Need to Halt or Reduce Activity not a Defense.It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt orreducethe permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit.D.Duty to Mitigate.The permittee shall take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge in violation of this permit which has a reasonable likelihood of adversely affecting human health or the environment.

E.Duty to Provide Information.

The permittee shall furnish to the EPD, within a specified time, any requested information which may be used to determine compliance with this permit.The permittee shall also furnish to the EPD upon request copies of recordsrequiredto be kept by this permit.When the facility discharges storm water associated with industrial activity through a permitted municipal separate storm sewer system, the permittee shall also furnish to the city or county any information which is requested to determine compliance with this permit and other NPDES permits.In the case of information submitted to the EPD, such information shall be considered public information and available under the Georgia Open Records Act.The failure to provide information requested by EPD in accordance with this permit is a violation of this permit.F.Other Information.

When the permittee becomes aware of a failure to submit any relevant facts or of the submittal of incorrect information in the Notice of Intent or in any other report to the EPD, the permittee shall promptly submit such facts or information.

G.Signatory Requirements.

All records and information such as Notices of Intent, Notices of Termination, Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans, reports, certifications which are required to be kept by this permit, to be submitted to the EPD or to be submitted to the operator of a permitted municipal separate storm sewer system, shall be signed as follows: 1.All Notices of Intent shall be signed as follows: a.For a corporation:

by a responsible corporate officer.For the purpose of this permit, a responsible corporate officer means: (1)a president, State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 40 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO secretary, treasurer, or vice-president of the corporation in charge of a principal business function, or any other person who performs similar policy-or decision-making functions for the corporation; or (2)the manager of one or more manufacturing, production or operating facilities, provided the manager is authorized to make management decisions which govern the operation of the regulated facility including having the explicit or implicit duty of making major capital investment recommendations, and initiating and directing other comprehensive measures to assure long term environmental compliance with environmental laws and regulations; the manager can ensure that the necessary systems are established or actions taken to gather complete and accurate information for permit application requirements; and where authority to sign documents has been assigned or delegated to the manager in accordance with corporate procedures; b.For a partnership or sole proprietorship:

by a general partner or the proprietor, respectively; or c.For a municipality, State, Federal, or other public agency: by either a principal executive officer or ranking elected official.2.All reports required by the permit and other information requested by the EPD shall be signed by a person described above or by a duly authorized representative of that person.A person is a duly authorized representative only if: a.The authorization is made in writing by a person described above and submitted to the EPD.b.The authorization specifies either an individual or a position having responsibility for the overall operation of the regulated facility or activity, such as the position of manager, operator, superintendent, or position of equivalent responsibility or an individual or position having overall responsibility for environmental matters for the company.(A duly authorized representative may thus be either a named individual or any individual occupying a named position.)

c.Changes in authorization.

If an authorization under Part VII.G.2 is no longer accurate because a different individual or position has responsibility for the overall operation of the facility, a new authorization satisfying the requirements of this Part must be submitted to the EPD prior to or together with any reports, information, or applications to be signed by an authorized representative.


Any person signing documents under this section shall make the following certification:

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 41 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO"I certify under penalty of law that this document and allattachmentswere prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.

Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledgeandbelief, true, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations." H.Oil and Hazardous Substance Liability.

Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, liabilities, or penalties to which the permittee is or may be subject under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (CWA)or Section 106 of Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA).I.Property Rights.The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, nor any exclusive privileges, nor does it authorize any injury to private property nor any invasion of personal rights, nor any infringement of Federal, State or local laws or regulations.


The provisions of this permit are severable, and if any provision of this permit, or the application of any provision of this permit to any circumstance, is held invalid, the application of such provision to other circumstances, and the remainder of this permit shall not be affected thereby.K.Requiring an Individual Permit or an Alternative General Permit.The EPD may require any permittee or person authorized by this permit to apply for and/or obtain either an individual NPDES permit or an alternative NPDES general permit.L.State/Environmental Laws.1.Nothing in this permit shall be construed to preclude the institution of any legal action or relieve the permittee from any responsibilities, or penalties established pursuant to any applicable State law or regulation under authority preserved by Section 510 of the Clean Water Act.2.No condition of this permit shall release the permittee from any responsibility or requirements under other environmental statutes or regulations.

M.Proper Operation and Maintenance.

The permittee shall at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances), which are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit and with the requirements of the State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 42 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO SWP3.Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures.

Proper operation and maintenance requires the operation of backup or auxiliary facilities or similar systems, installed by a permittee only when necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit.N.Monitoring and Records.1.Samples and measurements taken for the purpose of monitoring shall be representative of the monitored activity.2.The permittee shall retain records of all monitoring information including all calibration and maintenance records and all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of the reports required by this permit, and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit, for a period as specified in Part VI.C of this permit.This period may be extended by request of the EPD at any time.3.Records Contents.Records of monitoring information shall include: a.The date, exact place, and time of sampling;b.The initials or name(s)of the individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements; c.The date(s)analyses were performed; d.The time(s)analyses were initiated; e.The initials or name(s)of the individual(s) who performed the analyses;f.References and written procedures, when available, for the analytical techniques or methods used;and g.The results of such analyses, including the bench sheets, instrument readouts, computer disks or tapes, etc., used to determine these results.4.Sampling must be conducted according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR 136, unless other test procedures have been specified in this permit.O.Inspection and Entry.The permittee shall allow the EPD or an authorized representative of EPA, the State, or, in the case of a facility which discharges through a municipal separate storm sewer system, an authorized representative of the municipal operator of the separate storm sewer system receiving the discharge, upon the presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, to:

State of Georgia Department ofN atural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 43 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO 1.Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted or where records must be kept under the conditions of this permit;2.Have access to and copy at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit;and 3.Inspect at reasonable times any facilities or equipment (including monitoring and control equipment).

P.Permit Actions.The permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause, including but not limited to changes in the law or regulations.

Part VIII.TERMINATION OF COVERAGE A.Notice of Termination.

Where all storm water discharges associated with industrial activity that are authorized by this permit are eliminated, the operator of the facility changes, or the facility closes, the permittee must submit a Notice of Termination (NOT)that is signed in accordance with PartVII.G.The NOT shall be submitted to the EPD no later than thirty (30)days after the discharge is eliminated, the facility closes, or the operator changes.The Notice of Termination shall include the following information:

1.Name, mailing address, street address (provide descriptive or narrative location if no address is available) and county of the facility for which the notification is submitted; 2.Up to four 4-digit SIC codes that best represent the principal manufacturing process or activity and an indication of whether the facility is a hazardous waste treatment, storage or disposal facility, a land disposal facility that receives or has received any industrial waste, a steam electric power generating facility, or a treatment works treating domestic sewage;3.The legal name, address, telephone number of the operator of the facility.Indicate whether the facility is publicly or privately operated.Further indicate for a publicly operated facility if the facility is operated by a local, state or federal government; 4.The following certification signed in accordance with Part VII.G: "I certify under penalty of law that all storm water discharges associated with industrial activity from (the identified facility)that are authorized by the General NPDES Permit No.GAROOOOOO have been eliminated, the identified facility has closed or the operator of the identified facility has changed.I understand that by submitting this Notice of Termination, this facility is no longer authorized to State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 44 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO discharge storm water associated with industrial activity under this general permit, and that discharging pollutants in storm water associated with industrial activity to waters of the State of Georgia is unlawful under the Georgia Water Quality Control Act and the Clean Water Act where the discharge is not authorized by a NPDES permit.";5.The latitude and longitude, in degrees, minutes, and seconds, of the approximate center of the facility to nearest fifteen (15)seconds;6.The name, title and telephone of the individual who will serve as the point of contact regarding this NOT;and 7.Any other information determined by the EPD to be necessary.

B.Where to Submit.All NOTs are to be sent, using the form provided by the EPD, to the EPD at the address shown in Part II.C.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division APPENDIX A DEFINITIONS Page 45 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO"Associated with Industrial Activity" means any industrial activity or industrial facility identified in 40 CFR Part 122.26(b)(14)(i) through (ix)and (xi)."Best Management Practices" (BMPs)means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the State of Georgia.BMPs also include treatment requirements, operating procedures, and practices to control facility site runoff, spillage or leaks, sludge or waste disposal, or drainage from raw material storage."Coal pile runoff'means the rainfall runoff from or through any coal storage pile."Co-located industrial activity" means when a facility has industrial activities being conducted on-site that are described by more than one type of industrial activity.Facilities with co-located industrial activities shall comply with all applicable monitoring and pollution prevention plan requirements in which a co-located industrial activity is described."Commercial Treatment and Disposal Facilities" means facilities that receive, on a commercial basis, any produced hazardous waste (not their own)and treat or dispose of those wastes as a service to the generators.

Such facilities treating and/or disposing exclusively residential hazardous wastes are not included in this definition."Commencement of Operations" means the date on which any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product or waste product is first brought onto the facility and exposed to storm water."Construction Activity" means the disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, or excavating activities and exposed to storm water."CWA" means Clean Water Act (formerly referred to as the Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972)."Director" means the Director of the Georgia Environmental Protection Division or an authorized representative."EPD" or"Division" means the Environmental Protection Division of the Department of Natural Resources."Impaired Stream Segment" means any stream segment that is identified as supporting" or"not supporting" designated uses on Georgia's most current 303(d)list.Georgia's 303(d)list can be viewed on EPD's website at

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 46 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO"Landfill" means an area of land or an excavation in which wastes are placed for permanent disposal, and which is not a land application unit, surface impoundment, injection well, or waste pile."Land application site or unit" means an area where wastes are applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface (excluding agricultural manure spreading operations) for treatment or disposal."NOI" means Notice of Intent as defined in Part II of this permit."NOT" means Notice of Termination as defined in Part VIII of this permit."Operator" means the entity that has the primary day-to-day operational control of those activities at the facility necessary to ensure compliance with the SWP3 requirements and permit conditions.

Normally, the operator is the legal owner of the corporation or company, but in limited cases an individual."Owner" means the legal owner of the facility where an industrial activity takes place."Permitted municipal separate storm sewer system" means either a large, medium, or small municipal storm sewer system, or a municipal separate storm sewer system owned or operated by a city, county or authority which is regulated by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit."Permittee" means the entity that has submitted a Notice of Intent and that is the owner or operator of an industrial activity."Point Source" means any discernible, confined, and discrete conveyance, including but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, landfill leachate collection system, vessel or other floating craft from which pollutants are or may be discharged.

This term does not include return flows from irrigated agriculture or agricultural storm water runoff."Pollutant of Concern" means a water quality parameter associated with the impairment of a stream segment, or other specified portion of a water of the State, that is identified on either Georgia's 303(d)list and/or in an approved TMDL."Receiving Waters" means waters of the State into which the runoff of storm water from a facility will actually discharge, either directly or indirectly."Section 313 water priority chemical" means a chemical or chemical categories which: 1)are listed at 40 CFR 372.65 pursuant to Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)(also known as Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)of 1986);2)are present at or above threshold levels at a facility subject to EPCRA Section 313 reporting requirements; and 3)meet at least one of the following criteria: (i)are listed in Appendix D of 40 CFR 122 on either Table II (organic priority pollutants), Table III (certain metals, cyanides, and State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 47 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO phenols)or Table V (certain toxic pollutants and hazardous substances;(ii)are listed as a hazardous substance pursuant to Section 311 (b)(2)(A)of the CWA at 40 CFR 116.4;or (iii)are pollutants for which EPA has published acute or chronic water quality criteria."Significant materials" includes, but is not limited to: raw materials; fuels, materials such as solvents, detergents, and plastic pellets;finished materials such as metallic products;raw materials used in food processing or production; hazardous substances designated under Section 101(14)of CERCLA;any chemical the facility is required to report pursuant to EPCRA Section 313;fertilizers; pesticides; and waste products such as ashes, slag and sludge that have the potential to be released with storm water discharges."Significant spills" includes, but is not limited to: releases of oil or hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (see 40 CFR 110.10 and CFR 117.21)or Section 102 ofCERCLA (see 40 CFR 302.4)."Storm Water" means storm water runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage."Storm Water Associated with Industrial Activity" means the discharge from any conveyance which is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to manufacturing, processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant.The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program.For the categories of industries identified in paragraphs (i)through (x)of this definition, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm water discharges from industrial plant yards;immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, orproducts used or created by the facility;material handling sites;refuse sites;sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at 40 CFR 401);sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, ordisposal;shipping and receiving areas;manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms)for raw materials, and intermediate and finished products;and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water.For the purposes of this paragraph, material handling activities include the storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, finished product, by-product or waste product.The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm water drained from the above described areas.Industrial facilities (including industrial facilities that are Federally, State or municipally owned or operated that meet the description of the facilities listed in this paragraph (i)-(x)of this definition) include those facilities designated under 40 CFR 122.26(b)(14)(i)-(ix) and (xi).The following categories of facilities are considered to be engaging in"industrial activity" for purposes of this permit:

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 48 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO (i)Facilities subject to stormwatereffluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, or toxic pollutant effluent standards under 40 CFR subchapter N;(ii)Facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 24 (except 2434), 26 (except 265 and 267), 28 (except 283),29,311, 32 (except 323), 33, 3441, and 373: (iii)Facilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 10 through 14 (mineral industry)including active or inactive mining operations (except for areas of coal mining operations no longer meeting the definition of a reclamation area under 40 CFR 434.11 (1)because the performance bond issued to the facility by the appropriateSMCRAauthority has been released, or except for areas of non-coal mining operations which have been released from applicable State or Federal reclamation requirements after December 17, 1990)and oil and gas exploration, production, processing, or treatment operations, or transmission facilities that discharge storm water contaminated by contact with or that has come into contact with, any overburden, raw material, intermediate products, finished products, byproducts or waste products located on the site of such operations; inactive mining operations are mining sites that are not being actively mined, but which have an identifiable owner/operator: (iv)Hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal facilities, including those that are operating under interim status or a permit under Subtitle C of RCRA;(v)Landfills, land application sites, and open dumps that have received any industrial wastes (waste that is received from any of the facilities described under this subsection) including those that are subject to regulation under Subtitle D of RCRA;(vi)Facilities involved in the recycling of materials, including metal scrapyards, battery reclaimers, salvage yards, and automobile junkyards, including but limited to those classified as Standard Industrial Classification 5015 and 5093: (vii)Steam electric power generating facilities, including coal handling sites: (viii)Transportationfacilities classified as Standard Industrial Classifications 40, 41, 42 (except 4221-25),43,44, 45 and 5171 which have vehicle maintenance shops, equipment cleaning operations, or airport deicing operations.

Only those portions of the facility that are either involved in vehicle maintenance (including vehicle rehabilitation, mechanical repairs, painting, fueling, and lubrication), equipment cleaning operations, airport deicing operations, or which are otherwise identified under (i)-(vii)or (ix)-(x)of this definition are associated with industrial activity.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 49 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO (ix)Treatment works treating domestic sewage or any other sewage sludge or wastewater treatment device or system, used in the storage treatment, recycling, and reclamation of municipal or domestic sewage, including land dedicated to the disposal of sewage sludge that are located within the confines of the facility, with a design flow of 1.0 mgd or more, or those required to have an approved pretreatment program under 40 CFR 403.Not included are farm lands, domestic gardens or lands used for sludge management where sludge is beneficially reused and which are not physically located in the confines of the facility, or areas that are in compliance with 40 CFR 503;(x)Facilities under Standard Industrial Classifications 20, 21,22,23, 2434, 25, 265, 267,27,283,285,30,31 (except 311),323,34 (except 3441),35,36,37 (except 373),38,39, 4221-25, (and which are not otherwise included within categories (i)-(ix)."Storm water point source" means a conveyance, a system of conveyances (including pipes, conduits, ditches, and channels)or sheet flow which is later conveyed via a point source to waters of the State."Waste pile" means any noncontainerized accumulation of solid, nonflowing waste that is used for treatment or storage."Watershed" means a geographic area draining to a stream or stream segment.All of the land area that drains to a stream or stream segment is considered to be within the"watershed" of that stream or stream segment."Waters of Georgia" or"Waters of the State" means any and all rivers, streams, creeks, branches, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, drainage systems, springs, wells, wetlands, and all other bodies of surface or subsurface water, natural orartificial,lying within or forming a part of the boundaries of the State which are not confined and retained completely upon the property of a single individual, partnership, or corporation.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division APPENDIX B Page 50 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO Annual Report NPDES General Permit No.GAROOOOOO For Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity Instructions:

Complete the following checklist using the records compiled during the inspections required by Parts IY.D.3.d and IV.DA of NPDES General Permit No.GAROOOOOO (Permit), effective on.This form must be properly certified in accordance with Part VII.G of the Permit, and submitted to the Storm Water Unit, EPD Watershed Protection Branch, 4220 International Parkway, Suite 101, Atlanta, GA 30354.Facilities sampling under Part m.c of the permit and facilities subject to a numeric effluent limitation in Part V of the permit must submit the Annual Report by the end of the fourteenth (14 th)month after the beginning of the first quarter in which sampling is required under Part III.C and/or PartV(and on an annual basis thereafter).

All other facilities must submit the Annual Report by the end of the twenty-sixth (26 th)month after the effective date of the permit (and on an annual basis thereafter).

Report for Reporting year:_1.Facility name and address:_2.Title and telephone number of Storm Water Pollution Prevention Team Leader: 3.Does the facility have a current Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3)that includes all elements required by the Permit?YES__NO__4.Were the quarterly inspections and the Annual Comprehensive Site Evaluation (as required by Part IV.D.3.d of Permit)conducted?

YES__NO__5.Are all elements of the SWP3 presently in place and in good repair and functioning properly, including all BMPs and any spill response equipment?

YES NO 6.Based on inspection results was the SWP3 adequate to meet applicable Permit requirements?

YES__NO__.Ifnot, were necessary revisions made to the SWP3 within 30 days of the inspection?

YES NO IfSWP3 revisions were State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 51 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO necessary, were they implemented at the facility within three (3)months ofthe inspection?

YES__NO N/A 7.Describe any BMP additions or modifications planned, and those completed, during the prior calendar year (attach additional sheets ifnecessary).



_8.Is the facility required to conduct sampling in compliance with Part m.c of the Permit?YES__NO__.If"YES" provide a summary of the sampling results for the reporting year for which this report is being submitted (as required in Part III.e).Identify the applicable benchmark value for each parameter monitored and state whether the facility has passed or failed the benchmark requirement for the twelve (12)month sampling period.Is the facility subject to a numeric effluent limitation in Part V of the permit?YES__NO__If"YES" provide a summary of the sampling results for the reporting year for which this report is being submitted, and the applicable effluent limitation for each parameter monitored.

_Is the facility required to conduct annual sampling under Part VI of the Permit?YES__NO__If"YES", was such sampling conducted for the reporting year for which this report is being submitted?

YES__NO__9.Provide any additional comments and/or explanations of any of the above answers (use a separate sheet if needed):

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 52 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO Certification I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted.

Based upon my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, tme, accurate, and complete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fme and imprisonment for knowing violations.


The following best management practices (BMPs)have been developed as consensus BMPs for animal processing plants under the"animal handling/meat packing facilities" classification defined in, and regulated by, the General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity in the State of Georgia ("general permit").All BMPs contained in this document are accepted by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division under the terms of the general permit as appropriate BMPs for this industrial classification andmaybe appropriate and beneficial for other facilities that are potential sources of fecal coliform.Each permittee must decide which BMP, or combination of BMPs (whether operational, structural, Tier 1, Tier II or Tier III), is most appropriate to achieve the surrogate benchmark for fecal coliform, which has been set at 100 mg/l TSS.An iterative process has been established in the general permit that allows permittees to implement new BMPs and test the performance of these BMPs against the benchmark.

If the benchmark is not achieved, then another round of BMPs must be implemented as provided in the general permit.If all technologically and economically feasible BMPs have been implemented after rounds of BMP implementation as provided in the general permit, and a facility is still unable to meet the TSS benchmark, then the facility may submit a demonstration to EPD under the general permit that allows the facility to rely on the BMPs implemented to date for compliance with the general permit, if EPD accepts the demonstration.

In the event of any conflict between this document and the general permit, the general permit shall control.I.OPERATIONAL BMPs TIERIBMPs*Perform dry cleanup of live animal holding, staging, storage, etc.areas according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.*Park loaded live haul trailers under cover or in live holding sheds to mInImIZe exposure to storm water.If loaded live haul trailers cannot be parked under cover, the areas where these trailers are parked shall discharge to process sewer systems.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 54 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO*Perform dry cleanup of paved driveways, parking areas, etc.where live animal and animal bypro ducts transport vehicles are staged, stored, moved across, etc.according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.*Collect escaped animals on a daily basis.*Properly maintain air pollution control systems to prevent excessive dust emissions from rendering equipment, bypro ducts handling systems, etc.*Properly maintain exposed animal bypro ducts and feed meal handling systems (screw conveyors, elevators, etc.)to ensure these systems are free of leaks, etc.*Inspect storm water collection and discharge systems (manholes, underground storm sewers, sediment ponds/traps, etc.)and remove accumulated silt, sediment, organic materials, etc.according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part ofthe facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.*Store animals dead on arrival (DOAs)in a manner which prevents the entry and release of stom1 water.*Store refrigerated trailers with the potential for drainage of water contaminated with animal blood (red water)in containment areas with discharge to process sewer system.*Perform equipment and vehicle washing activities III containment areas with discharge to process sewer system.*Clean containment areas and remove accumulation of solids and organic materials (blood, litter, feed meal, animal byproducts, etc.)according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.*Remove solids and other contaminants on vehicles and equipment prior to long-term storage in outdoor areas (e.g., bone yards).*Properly maintain (or ensure third party rendering companies properly maintain)gates and drain valves on offal trailers to prevent leakage.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division TIER II BMPs Page 55 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO*Perform wash down of live animal holding, staging, storage, etc.areas according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.Resulting wash water shall be collected and discharged to process sewer systems.*Rinse live animal trailers, offal trailers, cages, etc.before long-term storage in outdoor areas (e.g., bone yards).Resulting rinse water shall be collected and discharged to process sewer systems.*Implement and maintain operational measures which minimize/prevent attraction of excessive numbers of feral animals and birds to facility grounds.TIER III BMPs*Perform wash down of paved driveways, parking areas, etc.where live animal and animal byproduct transport vehicles are staged, stored, moved across, etc.paved driveways, parking areas, etc.according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.Resulting wash water shall be collected and discharged to process sewer systems.This BMP may not be practical for all facilities due to sewer access.II.STRUCTURAL BMPs TIERIBMPs*Provide containment areas and/or sewer connection for the following operations:

o Loaded refrigerated trailer parking areas o Live Holding Sheds o Live Receiving Areas o Fresh product shipping docks o Exposed offal storage and handling systems o Exposed DOA storage areas o Vehicle and equipment washing areas Incidental spillage, wash down water, and storm water from these areas should be collected and discharged to process sewer systems.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division Page 56 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO*Install and maintain pavement and curbing, the areas identified above to allow routine dry cleanup and/or wash down.*Cover Live Animal Holding/Staging areas and Live Receiving areas.*Install silt fencing or other sediment barriers (storm drain catchment filter inserts, sediment traps, etc.)around, or in, drop inlets, above outfalls, impede the migration of silt, sediment and litter materials into stoml water drainage systems.These systems shall be inspected and maintained as needed to remove collected materials (silt, sediment, trash, etc.)and according to a schedule to be developed as appropriate for the particular facility, taking into account significant rain events and production schedules.

Such schedule and a log demonstrating compliance with such schedule shall be maintained as part of the facility's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.*Install and maintain collection and diversion structures (gutters, separate storm water drainage systems, etc.)to segregate"clean" storm water runoff from"sensitive" areas.Sensitive areas are defmed as areas where live animals, litter materials, animal manures, animal bypro ducts, and other potential sources of fecal coliform may be present on surfaces.*Install and maintain netting, curtains, etc.around Live Holding Sheds and Live Receiving Areas to contain feathers, litter material and associated dusts in containment areas.TIER II BMPs*Provide containment areas and/or sewer connection for the following operations:

o Loaded offal trailer parking areas o Live haul trailer parking areas o Dirty cage storage areas o Trash compactor/dumpster areas, which can contain animal byproducts, litter/manure and other potential sources of fecal coliform*Install and maintain pavement and curbing, the areas identified above to allow routine dry cleanup and/or wash down.*Where allowed and appropriate, install filter strips adjacent to paved areastotreat sheet flow runoff from areas.*Where allowed and appropriate,installand maintain grass buffer strips up gradient of drainage ways.*Purchase mechanical pavement sweepers or vacuums, or contract with associated third party contractor for service, and clean applicable paved areas on an as needed basis.

State of Georgia Department of Natural Resources Environmental Protection Division TIER III BMPs Page 57 of 57 Permit No.GAROOOOOO*Where allowed and appropriate, install first flush systems in other sensitive areas where incidental releases of manure, litter, red water, animal byproducts, etc.can occur.These systems should collect the first inch of rainfall and wash down water from areas.The fIrst inch of rainfall and wash down water collected by these systems shall be discharged to process sewer.This BMP may not be practical for all facilities due to sewer access and/or limitations on storm water flow entry in sewer systems.*If feasible, install air pollution control devices on ventilation exhaust from Live Hang areas.