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E-mail from M. Mclaughlin of USNRC to T. Rice of Department of Environmental Conservation, Regarding Invitation to Another Indian Point Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 04/10/2007
From: Marjorie Mclaughlin
NRC Region 1
To: Rice T
State of NY, Dept of Environmental Conservation
Download: ML072950444 (3)


Frý-ariorie McLaughlin - Re: Invitation to another Indian Point Meeting Page 11 Page 1 I Marjorie McLaughlin Re: invitation to another Indian Pohit Meeting From: Marjorie McLaughlin To: Timothy Rice Date: 04/10/2007 11:12:23 AM


Re: Invitation to another Indian Point Meeting Tim:

My latest understanding of the meeting is that we will have the posterboard sessions before and after the formal meeting presentation. If you are able to be there the whole time, to support both posterboard sessions, we would welcome that. I don't believe that we will be manning the posterboards during the business portion of the meeting, so you shouldn't have to think about coverage during that time. I will ask if this has changed, though.

I believe that John will be manning the groundwater table, and I have not heard that he will have either Jim Noggle or Jim Kottan available. I will ask him, and let you know if that is correct or not.

We will certainly arrange for a separate table for DEC, which we will set up next to (but apart from) the NRC groundwater table. We can put the posters in the middle so that you can refer to them as well.

I will verify the above two items, and get back to you ASAP.

In the meantime, let me know if you require any additional assistance.

VR, Marjorie Marjorie McLaughlin Regional State Liaison Officer USNRC Region I 610-337-5240 (Office)


>>> "Timothy Rice" <> 04/10/2007 11:01 AM >>>

Marjorie, I just got the formal meeting notification sent through our Agreement State coordinator, NYSERDA.

The schedule states that there will be an information session both prior to and during the business meeting.

For logistical purposes I just wanted to confirm that I would need to make sure we can cover the whole time from 2:30 to 9:30. I would like to see the main meeting if I can swing coverage for the table.

Also, will John White be manning the NRC Groundwater station by himself, or will he have Jim Noggle, Jim Kottan, or both there with him?

Finally, given the very limited amount of time available to prepare (I'm in D.C. next week for West Valley mtg's and just got a Riverkeeper FOIA request for IP) we won't be able to prepare a completely separate presentation as I had hoped. At present I am considering a table immediately adjacent to John's with an informational handout. That way we can use the NRC Poster material and still provide our own information. Let me know if that works for you.

Thanks, Tim CC: Daniel Orr; Eugene Cobey; John White Information inthis record w%.vs dclated in accordance With tie Freedln of information Act.

Exemptions -, .


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Re: Invitation to another Indian Point Meeting Creation Date 04/10/2007 11:12:23 AM From: Marjorie McLaughlin Created By: Recipients Action Date & Time Transferred 04/10/2007 11:12:49 AM tbrice (Timothy Rice) kplpo.KPDO Delivered 04/10/2007 11:12:26 AM EWC CC (Eugene Cobey) Emptied 05/02/2007 5:32:52 PM JDO CC (Daniel Orr) Opened 04/11/2007 7:18:43 AM Replied 04/11/2007 7:21:12 AM Deleted, 08/01/2007 3:47:05 PM Emptied 08/09/2007 1:15:54 AM JRW1 CC (John White) Opened 04/10/2007 11:57:15 AM Deleted 07/30/2007 10:58:38 AM Emptied 08/07/2007 1:23:11 AM Post Office Delivered Route gw.dec.state.ny. us kplpo.KPDO 04/10/2007 11:12:26 AM Files Size Date & Time MESSAGE 3404 04/10/2007 11:12:2"3 AM Options Auto Delete: No Expiration Date: None Notify Recipients: Yes

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