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E-mail from D. Mayer of Entergy to J. White of USNRC, Regarding Indian Point LAR Info
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/28/2007
From: Mayer D
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Jason White
Download: ML071570573 (1)


Indain Point LAR info John White - Indain Point LAR info Page 1 of 1 From:




"M4,,fer, Donald M" <dmayerl>

<jr/wi @>

03/28/2007 1:53 PM Indain Point LAR info John Contact name info -

Holtec LAR (LAR5) Docket #1014. This amendment to the Holtec cask design is to allow for the shorter height Ul casks. The NRC person on this is Chris Reagan.

The Indian Point LAR is Docket # 50-3 and relates to the Unit 1 fuel building crane. This LAR can not be approved by NRC until the Holtec LAR is approved.

Ted Smith is the NRC person on this.

Ted asked us to cite the ground water issue as an item for NRC too consider as part of NRC's process to prioritize their workload. I do not know if Chris Reagan is aware of the relationship of the Holtec LAR and the IP ground water issue relative to Ul fuel removal.

,Don Don Mayer, CHP Dir Unit 1 Indian Point Energy Center 914 734-7716 W (M] L/(ý (b)(6) lftormatWo in fth 'eaD't W eee in. accrh a 6b 00d Act-, owmpuonj ul 19M WR~l~~

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