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TMI Unit 1 Draft - Section a Operating Exam (Folder 2)
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/09/2007
AmerGen Energy Co
To: D'Antonio J
Operations Branch I
Sykes, Marvin D.
Shared Package
ML060800145 List:
Download: ML071360151 (60)



Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-7 Worksheet Facility: Three Mile Island Unit 1 Task No.:



Perform a batch calculation in JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM accordance with OP 1103-4, RO-SRO A I -1 SOLUBLE BORON CONCENTRATION CONTROL, Enclosure 1.



2.1.25 (2.813.1) New JPM Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testina:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 0 The unit has been in COLD SHUTDOWN for 13 days.

0 Core Burnup is 530 EFPD.

0 Current RCS Boron concentration is 1950 ppmB.

0 RCS level is being maintained at Elevation 321.

0 The crew will be filling the RCS to 220 in the PZR this shift.

Task Standard: All critical calculations within acceptance criteria.

Required Materials: 0 Calculator 0 Straightedge General


OP-I 103-4, SOLUBLE POISON CONCENTRATION CONTROL, Revision 61 Handout: OP-1103-4, step 3.1.Isigned off 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: You have been assigned to perform OP-I 103-4, SOLUBLE POISON CONCENTRATIONCONTROL, Step 3.1.2, to determine if DM Water can be used for the fill.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 25 Minutes.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO Al-1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP NIA 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A I - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain procedure.

Standard: Review Step 3.1.2.

Evaluator Cue@): 0 Provide handout.

0 Assume that the handout is the current revision of the procedure.

0 Concern yourself only with Step 3.1.2; not the fill evolution.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-I 103-4, Step

.I Performance Step: 2 0 Determine volume of DW required for filling. Enclosure 1 Page 1 of 3.

0 Calculate the final boron concentration from Enclosure 1 Page 1 of 3. If it is determined that the final boron concentration will be greater or equal to that required for 1 percent shutdown margin at 70 "F (see Figure I ) , proceed with fill using demineralized water. If adding demin water only to fill the RCS would reduce RCS Boron Concentration below that required to maintain 1 percent cold shutdown boron (per Figure I ) , then the method outlined in 3.1.3 must be used for fill.

Standard: Determines RC System Initial Volume (Vri) from Table 1:

54413 Performs Enclosure 1, Page 1 calculation for final boron concentration (Crf) after fill with DM Water:

1950 ppmB(60397/91353) = 1289 (2 1276 ppmB but 5 1302 ppmB) (4)

Signs and dates Enclosure 1, Page 1.

Compares calculated Crf to 1103-4 Figure 1, Cycle 16 1%

Shutdown Boron Concentration.

Determines Crf would be below the minimum (1400 ppmB) if only DM Water is used for the fill. The method in Step 3.1.3 is required. (4)

Evaluator Cue: After it has been determined that the method in Step 3.1.3 is required: Continue to Step 3.1.3. Perform the calculation for using the BAMT and DM Water.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-1103-4, Step 3.1.3 Performance Step: 3 Discussion:

The RCS can be filled to its total cold volume of 91,353 gallons, (which includes the MUT and MU and P piping) by either using 7 percent Boric Acid and demineralized water (Normally "AI RCBT) or 7 percent Boric Acid and Boric Acid solution (Normally "B" RCBT or "C" RCBT). The equations for using 7 percent BAMT and demineralized water for fill are outlined in Enclosure 1 Page 2 of 3 while the equations for using 7 percent BAMT and borated water for fill are outlined in Enclosure IPage 3 of 3.

Standard: Determines Enclosure I, Page 2 of 3 calculation is required.


OP-1103-4, Step Performance Step: 4 Determine initial volume of RC System (see Table No. 1).

Standard: Determines RC System Initial Volume (Vri) from Table 1: 54413 Comment:

OP-1103-4, Step Performance Step: 5 Determine final concentration of boron required for the RCS (see Figure No. 1).

Standard: Determines 1400-1425 ppm B from Figure 1.


OP-1103-4, Step Performance Step: 6 Determine initial boron concentration of RCS.

Standard: Determines 1950 ppm B per Initial Conditions.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - 1 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OP-I 103-4, Step 4 Performance Step: 7 Determine the volume of boron (7 percent) required for fill.

Standard: Performs Enclosure 1, Page 2 calculation:

[(91353)(1400) - 60397(1950)]/18000 = 1 560 but .s 689 gallons Evaluator Cue: The concentration in the BAMT is 18,000 ppmB.

Evaluator Note: The acceptable calculation range accounts for reading 1400-1425 ppmB from Figure 1.


Enclosure 2, Page 2 Performance Step: 8 B= Gals. of concentrated BA solution required.

Standard: Enters a value 1560 but 5 689 gallons in the blank indicating the Gals. of BA solution required.


Enclosure 2, Page 2 4 Performance Step: 9 Demineralized water = Gal. for fill from Table 1 minus B =


Standard: Determines Volume to Fill from Table 1 as 30,956.

Subtracts gallons of BA solution required from Volume to Fill:

30956 - (1560 but I 6 8 9 gallons) = I30396 but 2 30267.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Enclosure 2, Page 2 Performance Step: 10 Completes Enclosure 2, Page 2 Standard: Signs and dates Enclosure 2, Page 2.


Terminating Cue: After Enclosure 2, Page 2 is signed and dated: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A I - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 9 of I O Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 The unit has been in COLD SHUTDOWN for 13 days.

0 Core Burnup is 530 EFPD.

0 Current RCS Boron concentration is 1950 ppmB.

0 RCS level is being maintained at Elevation 321.

0 The crew will be filling the RCS to 220 in the PZR this shift.

INITIATING CUE: You have been assigned to perform OP-I 103-4, SOLUBLE POISON CONCENTRATION CONTROL, Step 3.1.2, to determine if DM Water can be used for the fill.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A l - I NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Three Mile Island Unit 1 Task No.: 0028010401 Task


Perform a transient RCS leak rate JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM calculation in accordance with OS- RO A1-2 24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, ATTACHMENT F.



2.1.19 (3.0) JPM, Modified Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 0 The unit is at 100% power.

0 Makeup flow has been slowly rising for the past hour.

There is no indication of Steam Generator tube leakage.

0 RCDT level has been constant.

Task Standard: All critical tasks evaluated as SAT.

Required Materials: Calculator General


0 OS-24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, Revision 13 0 Technical Specifications, Section 3.1.6 (LEAKAGE)

Handout: OS-24, ATTACHMENT F 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

ooo(BQbQ; Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: The CRS has directed you to perform and report the results of a Transient RCS Leak Rate Calculation in accordance with 05-24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, ATTACHMENT F. The PPC leakrate calculation function is not available but the Plant Computer is available to gather data. For the purpose of the JPM, gather initial and final data at 5 minute intervals.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 12 Minutes 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP 0 100% power IC 16 0 MALF for RCS leak approximately 7.5 gpm to RB atmosphere. THO6 = 0.001 0 Set up Plant Computer so that all OS-24 Attachment F related computer points must be added to scan/displayed.

0 Ensure initial MUT level is such that no makeup will be required in the next 15 minutes.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000006 Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain procedure.

Standard: Reviews OS-24, Attachment F.

Evaluator Cue: Provide handout after the procedure is located.


OS-24, ATTACHMENT F Performance Step: 2 Set up Plant Computer to gather data.

OR Uses computer group and console indications to gather data.

Standard: Adds the following points to a group:

0 Pressurizer Level (PL): Computer Point C4017 0 Makeup Tank Level (MTL): Computer Point A0498 RCS Average Temperature (Tavg): Computer Point A5066 Comment:

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO AI-2 NUREG 1021 Revision 9


Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OS-24, ATTACHMENT F Performance Step: 3 Gather Initial Data.

Standard: PL =


Tavg =

Marks the time:


OS-24, ATTACHMENT F Performance Step: 4 Gather Final Data.

Standard : Waits at least 5 minutes.

PL =


Tavg =

Marks the time:


OS-24, ATTACHMENT F d Performance Step: 5 Calculate RCS leak rate.

Standard: 0 Plugs A values into ATTACHMENT F formula and performs calculation.

0 Determines RCS leakage 1 5 gpm I 10 gpm.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 6 Inform CRS.

Standard: Oral report and/or provides form to the CRS.

Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge report.


Terminating Cue: After RCS leak rate is provided to the CRS: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~ ~ ~ O O E ,

Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 The unit is at 100% power.

0 Makeup flow has been slowly rising for the past hour.

0 There is no indication of Steam Generator tube leakage.

0 RCDT level has been constant.

INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform and report the results of a Transient RCS Leak Rate Calculation in accordance with OS-24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, ATTACHMENT F. The PPC leakrate calculation function is not available but the Plant Computer is available to gather data. For the purpose of the JPM, gather initial and final data at 5 minute intervals.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Three Mile Island Unit 1 Task No.: 0028010401 Task


Perform a transient RCS leak rate JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM calculation in accordance with OS- SRO A1-2 24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, ATTACHMENT F, and apply the Technical Specification/procedural requirements to the calculation.



2.1.12 (4.0) JPM, Modified Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testing:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 0 The unit is at 100% power.

0 Makeup flow has been slowly rising for the past hour.

0 There is no indication of Steam Generator tube leakage.

0 RCDT level has been constant.

Task Standard: All critical tasks evaluated as SAT.

Required Materials: 0 Calculator 0 Technical Specifications General


OS-24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS D JRI BF ORMA.-, ,ND EMERGENCY EVENTS, Revision 13 0 Technical Specifications, Section 3.1.6 (LEAKAGE) 0 OP-TM-AOP-050, REACTOR COOLANT LEAKAGE, Revision 0 Handout: OS-24, ATTACHMENT F 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000088; Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: The CRS has directed you to perform and report the results of a Transient RCS Leak Rate Calculation in accordance with OS-24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, ATTACHMENT F. The PPC leak rate calculation function is not available but the Plant Computer is available to gather data. For the purpose of the JPM, gather initial and final data at 5 minute intervals.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 19 Minutes 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9


Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP Same setup as for ADM JPM RO A I -2 100% power IC 16 0 MALF for RCS leak approximately 7.5 gpm to RE3 atmosphere. THO6 = 0.001 0 Set up Plant Computer so that all OS-24 Attachment F related computer points must be added to scan/displayed.

0 Ensure initial MUT level is such that no makeup will be required in the next 15 minutes.

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain procedure.

Standard: Reviews OS-24, Attachment F.

Evaluator Cue: Provide handout after the procedure is located.


OS-24, AlTACHMENT F Performance Step: 2 Set up Plant Computer to gather data.

OR Uses computer group and console indications to gather data.

Standard: Adds the following points to a group:

0 Pressurizer Level (PL): Computer Point C4017 0 Makeup Tank Level (MTL): Computer Point A0498 RCS Average Temperature (Tavg): Computer Point A5066 Comment:

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION OS-24, ATTACHMENT F Performance Step: 3 Gather Initial Data.

Standard: PL =


Tavg =

Marks the time:


OS-24, ATTACHMENT F Performance Step: 4 Gather Final Data.

Standard: Waits at least 5 minutes.

PL =


Tavg =

Marks the time:


OS-24, ATTACHMENT F d Performance Step: 5 Calculate RCS leak rate.

Standard: 0 Plugs A values into ATTACHMENT F formula and performs calculation.

0 Determines RCS leakage 1 5 gpm 5 10 gpm.


2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

ooa0 0G Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 6 Inform CRS Standard: Oral report and/or provides form to the CRS.

Evaluator Cue: Acknowledge report.

Assume that you are now the CRS who has received this report. Specify actions required by this rate of RCS leakage.


Technical Specifications/AOP d Performance Step: 7 Evaluate RCS leakage rate and apply facility requirements.

Standard: 0 Enter TS Action Statement (4)

If unidentified reactor coolant leakage (excluding normal evaporative losses) exceeds one gpm or if any reactor coolant leakage is evaluated as unsafe, the reactor shall be placed in hot shutdown within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> of detection.

Enter TS Action Statement Action to evaluate the safety implication of reactor coolant leakage shall be initiated within four hours of detection. The nature, as well as the magnitude, of the leak shall be considered in this evaluation. The safety evaluation shall assure that the exposure of offsite personnel to radiation is within the dose rate limits of the ODCM. 1 Entry Conditions for AOP-050, REACTOR C.OOLANT LEAKAGE, are met.


Terminating Cue: After at least the critical TS Action Statement has been entered: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO AI-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

4) c9 0b 4b (ta Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 The unit is at 100% power.

0 Makeup flow has been slowly rising for the past hour.

0 There is no indication of Steam Generator tube leakage.

0 RCDT level has been constant.

INITIATING CUE: The CRS has directed you to perform and report the results of a Transient RCS Leak Rate Calculation in accordance with OS-24, CONDUCT OF OPERATIONS DURING ABNORMAL AND EMERGENCY EVENTS, ATTACHMENT F. The PPC leakrate calculation function is not available but the Plant Computer is available to gather data. For the purpose of the JPM, gather initial and final data at 5 minute intervals.

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A1-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Number TMI -Unit 1 Operations Department Administrative Procedure OS-24 Title Revision No.

Conduct of O D e r a t i o n s Durina Abnormal and Emeraencv Events 13 ATTACHMENT F Page 1 of 2 Transient RCS Leakrate Calculation Methodology

a. This method should a b e relied upon for leakrate determinations at 5 GPM. The uncertainty in the result will vary greatly based on the stability of RCS conditions.
b. The longer the time interval between collecting data points, the more reliable the leakrate estimate will be. At a minimum leak rates should not be calculated for time intervals of c 5 minutes.

C. In order to collect data points at the same time, the required plant parameters should be put on the same computer group so they can be printed out and then used in the calculation.

RCS leakrate (GPM) =

[(APL)(I 2) + (AMTLr(30) - (ATavg)(COEFF) + GAL ADD] I ATIME APL = change in Pressurizer Level (Computer Point C4017) (initial -final inches)

AMTL = change in Makeup Tank Level (Computer Point A0498) (initial -final inches)

ATavg = change in RCS Average Temperature (Computer Point A5066) (initial - final O F )

GAL ADD = gallons added to the MU/RCS systems during the observation period ATIME = change in time (final - initial minutes)

COEFF = 95 gal/OF if Tavg is 579 OF otherwise use the table below I Average RCS temperature I COEFF I period of evaluation over Deriod I IGAUOF)



579 95 555 90 532 84 510 78 485

~~ 72


450 66 385 54 350 48 305 42 270 38 38

Number TMI -Unit 1 Operations Department Administrative Procedure OS-24 Title Revision No.

Conduct of Operations During Abnormal and Emergency Events 13 PPC Tools for estimating RCS leakrate and the limitations of these tools

1. FLOBAL (C40541 AND MASBAL (C4053)

Calculation is updated each minute based on data from last 5 or 6 minutes.

Feed or bleed operations are not accounted for in either the MASBAL or FLOBAL calculation.

Flow inputs for each HPI line flow will be zero GPM if flow is < 65 GPM


PPC Guide Section 27.0.

C4053 and C4054 are set to BAD (no value displayed) if any of the following conditions exist:

0 Cooldown rate (5 min avg) > 100°F /HR SCM c 25°F RCS pressure < 350 psig Reactor power A > 25% in 5 minutes

2. RB Sump Accumulation Rate (C4038)

Evaluated every two minutes, and a new value is calculated if RB sump level increased by at least one inch.


PPC Guide Section 16.2.14

3. Primarv Secondarv Leakrate (C4042) 10 minute average of calculation based on current RM-A-5 counts and previous chemistry analysis of RCS and OFF-Gas activity.


PPC Guide Section 16.2.15 C4042 will not be calculated if:

RM-L-1 Lo (C4022) changes by 100% from value when last correction factor was entered RM-A5 < 200 CPM Correction factor is older than 7 days Condenser vacuum c 23 Hg Vac 39

000006 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Three Mile Island Unit 1 Task No.:



Perform Shiftly Checks of Decay JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM Heat Removal Capability in RO A-2 accordance with SurveiIlance Procedure 1301-1, SHIFT AND DAILY CHECKS, Data Sheet 3 -

Section (2.2.



2.2.12 (3.0) New JPM Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testinzl:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom Simulator X Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 0 DHR Train A is in service for cooling.

The RCS is drained down to 14 inches of water above centerline of the 28 inch pipe.

0 DHR Pump Bis under clearance due to increasing vibration during the previous shift.

0 Plant is in Plant Condition PC 5 All lncore Thermocouples are operable Task Standard: All critical tasks evaluated as SAT.

Required Materials: None General


0 1301-1, SHIFT AND DAILY CHECKS, Revision 154 0 OP-TM-212-000, DECAY HEAT REMOVAL SYSTEM, Revision 7 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

080006 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Handout: 1301-1, DATA SHEET 3, Section C Mark up the final statement to read:

If in PC 13, are a, byc, d operable? In all other Plant Conditions at least 2 of a, b, c, or d operable or at least one of a, bycyor d, operable and e applies. (If the exceptions of T.S. exist, then NA this step). Indicate this is an Interim Change.

0 OP-TM-212-000, Attachment 7.2 Initiating Cue: Perform 1301-1, SHIFT AND DAILY CHECKS, DATA SHEET 3, Section C.2 - DECAY HEAT REMOVAL CAPABILITY.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 17 Minutes 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

O(BO006 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP Cold Shutdown IC-I (Modifications below saved under IC-210) 0 RCS drained down per Initial Conditions or at a level with DHR flow such that conditions are in the UNACCEPTABLE region of OP-TM-212-000, Attachment 7.2.

0 DHR cooling Train Ain service 0 Place DHR Pump B under clearance.

FREEZE and SNAP When run reset into IC-210 and leave in freeze.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

OOOOQ6 Appendix C Page 4 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Obtain procedure.

Standard: Reviews applicable section.

Evaluator Cue: Provide 1301-1, DATA SHEET 3, Pages 1-3.


1301-1, C.2.1 Performance Step: 2 Required RCS temperature band (120 +/- 20°F)

Standard: Logs120 +/- 2OoFas Required RCS temperature band.


1301-1, C.2.2 Performance Step: 3 Are at least two incore TIC operable? (NA if Fuel Transfer Canal is flooded)

Record average of 5 highest or Two incore temps I1 LOC "F LOC "F Standard: 0 Circles "Y"for at least two incore TIC operable.

0 Logs the value of C4006 on PPC for average of 5 highest.

Comment: Was I 13.5 during validation, may be located at Area 12 Group 30.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1301-1, (2.2.3 Performance Step: 4 Decay heat suction temperature A / B Standard: 0 Circles Aas the train.

Logs DH-6 TI-I for Decay heat suction temperature.

Comment: Was 102°F at validation, acceptable range +/- 1°F.

1301-1, C.2.4 Performance Step: 5 Decay heat cooler outlet temperature A I 6 Standard: 0 Circles Aas the train.

0 Logs DH-2 TI-I for Decay heat cooler outlet temperature.

Comment: Was 90°F at validation, acceptable range +/- 1°F.

1301-1, C.2.5 Performance Step: 6 Decay Closed temperature out of DC-C-2 A (computer point A I 08)

Standard: 0 Circles Aas the train.

Logs As read on computer point A108 for Decay Closed temperature out of DC-C-2 A.

Comment: Was 69.7F at validation.

1301-1, C.2.6 Performance Step: 7 If using Decay Heat Removal, is a RCS Pressure indicator operable?

Standard: Verifies at least one RCS Pressure indicator operable and circles Y .


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 10 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1301-1, C.2.7 Performance Step: 8 If using OTSG for heat removal, are 2 RCS Pressure Indicators operable?

Standard: 0 Determines OTSG not being used for heat removal due to RCS drained-down condition.

Circles NIA.


1301-1, C.2.8 Performance Step: 9 Decay heat flow A / B (Circle A or B and record flow)

Standard: 0 Circles A for train.

0 Logs FI-802A value =/- 20 gpm for Decay heat flow A.

Comment: Was 3002 at validation 1301-1, C.2.9 4 Performance Step: 10 Decay heat flow is < vortex formation limit (OP-TM-212-000, Attachment 7.3)? (NA if RCS level is =.319 feet or DH system is secured).

Standard: 0 Applies RCS level and DHR flow to Attachment 7.2.

0 Determines DHR flow is in the UNACCEPTABLE region of the curve and circles N.

Evaluator Cue: Provide OP-TM-212-000, Attachment 7.2.and state: The Vortex Formation Limit Curve is actually Attachment 7.2.

A procedure change request has been submitted.

After the applicant determines DHR flow is in the UNACCEPTABLE region of the curve: For the purpose of the JPM, do NOT correct the problem at this time.

Complete the readings and then inform the CRS.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 7 of 10 FormW ES-QV

&MJ 806 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION 1301-1, C.2.10 4 Performance Step: 11 Tech. Spec. 3.4.2

a. Decay Heat Removal System A I and all necessary support equipment. (4if operable)
b. Decay Heat Removal System B and all necessary support equipment. (4if operable)
c. Reactor Coolant System, AI OTSG and its associated Emergency FW Flowpath, MS-V-4A. (4if operable)
d. Reactor Coolant System, B OTSG and its associated Emergency FW Flowpath, MS-V4B. (4if operable)
e. Reactor is in refueling shutdown (RCS boron >2450 ppmB, RCS Temp. 140 OF) and FTC level >23 above reactor vessel flange (alarm PLB-4-9 is clear, and measured FTC level is e2 Ft. below floor). (4if applicable)

If in PC 13 are a, b, c, d operable in all other Plant Conditions. at least 2 of a, b, c, or d operable or at least one of a, b, c, or d, operable and e applies. (If the exceptions of T.S. exist, then NA this step)

Standard: 0 Checks only a. Decay Heat Removal System AI and all necessary support equipment as operable Mav determine DH-P-1A not operable either based on beinn below vortex, this is conservative, result below would still be N as 2 operable and e does not apply.

0 Determines from Initial Conditions that the unit is NOT in PC 13.

0 Circles N because only one condition is checked.

Evaluator Notes: b. DHR System 6is inoperable because the pump is tagged.

e., d. A and B OTSG are inoperable due to RCS in a drained-down condition.

e. is NIA Evaluator Cue:


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~OOPltO6 Appendix C Page 8 of 10 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Performance Step: 12 Reports non-conforming conditions to CRS.

Standard: Reports unacceptable results:

C.2. 9 - DHR flow is in the UNACCEPTABLE region of the curve.

C.2.10 - Conditions for satisfying TS 3.4.2 are NOT met.

Evaluator Cue: When the applicant proceeds to Step C.2.11: Report any current findings to the CRS.


Terminating Cue: After findings are reported: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9


Appendix C Page 9 of 10 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 10 of 10 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 DHR Train Ais in service for cooling.

0 The RCS is drained down to 14 inches of water above centerline of the 28 inch pipe.

0 DHR Pump B is under clearance due to increasing vibration during the previous shift.

0 Plant is in Plant Condition PC 5 0 All lncore Thermocouples are operable INITIATING CUE: Perform 1301-1, SHIFT AND DAILY CHECKS, DATA SHEET 3, Section C.2 - DECAY HEAT REMOVAL CAPABILITY.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Three Mile Island Unit 1 Task No.:



Evaluate a proposed temporary JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM procedure change. SRO A-2 K/A


2.2.6 (3.3)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testins:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 0 RCS temperature is 140 F. Preparations for heating up following a refueling outage are underway. The Pressurizer is solid.

0 Post-maintenance testing is required on MU-V-16A.

0 An outage coordinator has prepared a temporary procedure change intended to allow MU-V-16A testing during the heatup.

Task Standard: All critical tasks evaluated as SAT.

Required Materials: Technical Specifications General


AD-AA-101, PROCESSING OF PROCEDURES AND T&RMs, Revision 17 OP-TM-211-212, IST OF MU-V-16A AND MU-V-16B, Revision 0 Technical Specification 3.1.12 Handout: 0 OP-TM-211-212 with the following:

0 Revision number crossed out and TC 12345 inserted.

0 Line out or Shutdown Mode in Prerequisite 3.3.1.

Line out Prerequisite 3.3.2.

AD-AA-101-1002 Attachment 1 completed for a Temporary Change with errors matching the JPM.

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000006 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: The Shift Manager has assigned you to do the SRO review to authorize the temporary change.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 15 Minutes 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

61p(PO(PO6 Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP NIA 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000006 Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-I PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Review completed AD-AA-101-1002 Attachment 1, Procedure Approval Form Standard: Determines procedure number and title are mismatched:

Procedure number should be OP-TM-211-212.

Evaluator Cue: Provide handout.

If the error is discovered: Correct the error and initial the change. Continue your review.


4 Performance Step: 2 Evaluate technical merit.

Standard: Determines lining out or Shutdown Mode in Prerequisite 3.3.1 results in the HPI Pumps being energized.

Evaluator Cue: The applicant may address Performance Step: 2 and Performance Step: 3 as a combined issue.


2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION d Performance Step: 3 Evaluate technical merit.

Standard: 0 Determines that Temporary Change acceptance criteria (no change of intent) are NOT met. In conjunction with the change to Prerequisite 3.3.1, eliminating Prerequisite 3.3.2 results in an inadvertent TS 3.1.12 violation when MU-V-16A is energized.

0 Returns document unapproved and/or informs Shift Manager that it cannot be approved.


Terminating Cue: After both the form and the proposed procedure change have been reviewed: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1

~~ ~ ~

VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~ ~ 0 0 0 s Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 RCS temperature is 140 "F. Preparations for heating up following a refueling outage are underway. The Pressurizer is solid.

0 Post-maintenance testing is required on MU-V-16A.

0 An outage coordinator has prepared a temporary procedure change intended to allow MU-V-16A testing during the heatup.

INITIATING CUE: The Shift Manager has assigned you to do the SRO review to authorize the temporary change.

2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A-2 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: Three Mile Island Unit 1 Task No.:



Given a set of conditions, determine JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM and apply the facility dose limits. RO-SRO A3 K/A


2.3.1 (2.6/3.0)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testinq:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied.

Initial Conditions: 0 A reactor trip and ESAS actuation has occurred.

0 The operating crew is performing in the EOP network.

0 DH-V-I2A, RCS Drop Line To DH-P-?A Suct Hdr Isol, needs to be unlocked and closed.

Task Standard: All critical tasks evaluated as SAT.

Required Materials: Calculator General


0 RP-AA-203, EXPOSURE CONTROL AND AUTHORIZATION, Revision 2 0 RWP Number 00050, OPERATIONS WORK GROUP ROUTINE RWP, Revision 00 Handout: RWP00050 0 Survey Map with DH-V-12A valve location identified.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

~~~~ ~ ~~~

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Initiating Cue: You have been assigned to operate DH-V-12A. This is not an emergency evolution. Your accumulated TEDE dose for this year is 1600 mr. You will be performing the task under the OPERATIONS WORK GROUP ROUTINE RWP. Determine the maximum permissible stay time before the first facility limit requires you to exit the area.

Assume that no dose is received in transit.

Time Critical Task: No Validation Time: 10 Minutes 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

eOOood Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP N/A 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 4 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION (Denote Critical Steps with a check mark)


Performance Step: 1 Determine the valve location on the survey map.

Standard: Locates DH-V-12A on Survey Map.

Evaluator Cue: 0 Provide the handout.

Inform applicant: The radiation levels on the survey map were written in for the purpose of this JPM and are not representative of the actual, current values in that area.


Performance Step: 2 Determine the radiation level in the area of the valve.

Standard: Determines general radiation level in the area to be 90 mrlhr.


Performance Step: 3 Review the RWP.

Standard: Determines exit required when Alarming Dosimeter actuates:

15 mr accumulated dose or 150 mr/hr dose rate.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SROA3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 5 of 7 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION

.I Performance Step: 4 Calculate maximum stay time.

Standard: (1 5 mr)(l hr/90 mr)(60 minutedl hour) = 10 minutes Comment:

Terminating Cue: After stay time is reported: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.


2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Page 6 of 7 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



ResuIt : SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

OOOcEQ6 Appendix C Page 7 of 7 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 A reactor trip and ESAS actuation has occurred.

0 The operating crew is performing in the EOP network.

DH-V-I2A, RCS Drop Line To DH-P-1A Suct Hdr Isol, needs to be unlocked and closed.

INITIATING CUE: You have been assigned to operate DH-V-12A. This is not an emergency evolution. Your accumulated TEDE dose for this year is 1600 mr. You will be performing the task under the OPERATIONS WORK GROUP ROUTINE RWP. Determine the maximum permissible stay time before the first facility limit requires you to exit the area. Assume that no dose is received in transit.

2007 NRC ADM JPM RO-SRO A3 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Facility: TMI Unit 1 Task No.: 5001045008 Task


Given a set of conditions, determine JPM No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM the Emergency Action Level (EAL) SRO A4 and make a Protective Action Recommendation (PAR) IAW the facility Emergency Plan.



2.4.44 (4.0)

Examinee: NRC Examiner:

Facility Evaluator: Date:

Method of testinq:

Simulated Performance: Actual Performance: X Classroom X Simulator Plant READ TO THE EXAMINEE I will explain the initial conditions, which steps to simulate or discuss, and provide initiating cues. When you complete the task successfully, the objective for this Job Performance Measure will be satisfied Initial Conditions: a A large break LOCA caused an ESAS actuation and reactor trip.

0 Reactor Building Pressure peaked at 30 psig.

a Subcooling Margin is ZERO "F.

a RM-G-22 reads 1.2 E+03 R/hr, rising slowly.

a RM-G-23 reads 1.28 E+03 R/hr, rising slowly.

a RM-G-24 (RB Purge) has failed.

0 A SITE AREA EMERGENCY (FSI - SAE) was declared 10 minutes ago.

a Accountability is in progress.

a The Technical Support Center (TSC) is manning but not activated.

0 EP-AA-112-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST, has been implemented.

a Outside temperature is 49 OF.

a The wind is from 120" at 8 MPH.

a The CRS just reported that closed indication has been lost on the containment purge valves and efforts to re-close them have been unsuccessful. Reactor Building Pressure is lowering more rapidly with no change in running equipment.

Task Standard: Critical facility requirements for upgrading to a GE and making a PAR completed within the required time limit.

2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

UOOWOO Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet Required Materials: Perform in a location with:

e EAL Matrix e Shift Emergency Director Book General


e EP-AA-111, EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATIONAND PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS, Revision 11 e EP-AA-111-F-09, TMI PLANT BASED PAR FLOWCHART, Revision C e EP-AA-112-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST, Revision F e EP-AA-112-F-09, EMERGENCY PUBLIC ADDRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS, Revision B e EP-MA-114-100-F-01,STATE/LOCAL EVENT NOTIFICATION FORM, Revision D e EAL Matrix Handouts: e EP-AA-112-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST, completed for an SAE e EAL Matrix marked up for FS1 SAE Declaration Initiating Cue: You are the Shift Manager. Respond in accordance with the EP-AA-112-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST.

Time Critical Task: Yes Validation Time: 12 minutes 2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000004; Appendix C Job Performance Measure Form ES-C-1 Worksheet SIMULATOR SETUP NIA 2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000006 Appendix C Page 4 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION Start Time:

(Denote Critical Steps with a check)

Performance Step: 1 Compare current conditions to the EAL Table.

Standard: 0 Determines Primary Containment Barrier has been lost.

0 Determines conditions are met for upgrading EAL to a GENERAL EMERGENCY (GE).

Evaluator Cue: Provide handout listed on the cover page.


EP-AA-I 12-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST Performance Step: 2 Implement EP-AA-112-100-F-01for GE.

Standard: Refers to Section 1.4.


EP-AA-I 12-100-F-01, Section 1.4.A 4 Performance Step: 3 Announce Event Classification to the facility staff.

Standard: Discusses announcement of upgrade to GE.

Evaluator NOTE: 0 Mark the time ofthe announcement:

0 JPM Start Time - Announcement Time must be < 15 minutes to satisfy critical task.


2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

009086 Appendix C Page 5 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION EP-AA-I 12-100-F-01, Section 1.4.B Performance Step: 4 Use the Emergency Public Address Announcements form to select and direct the appropriate public address announcement for a GE.

Standard: Simulates announcement IAW with Tab 1, EMERGENCY PUBLIC ADDRESS ANNOUNCEMENTS.


EP-AA-112-100-F-01,Section 1.4.C Performance Step: 5 If the ERO has not been activated - - -

Standard: N/A - activated at SAE declaration.


EP-AA-112-100-F-01,Section 1.4.D Performance Step: 6 Determine the correct plant-based PAR per the Emergency Classification and Protective Action Recommendations procedure and the appropriate site specific PAR flowchart.

Standard: 0 Refers to Tab 6 - EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION AND PROTECTIVE ACTION RECOMMENDATIONS Refers to Tab 7 - TMI PLANT BASED PAR FLOWCHART Evaluator Note: Applicant may go directly to Tab 7.


2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

000006 Appendix C Page 6 of 8 Form ES-C-1 PERFORMANCE INFORMATION EP-AA-112-100-F-01,Section 1.4.E d Performance Step: 7 Initiate required State/Local notifications within 15 minutes of the event classification as required per notifications procedure.

Standard: Completes, approves and hands STATEILOCAL EVENT EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION FORM to Communicator within 15 minutes.

Evaluator Note: Minimum requirements on ENF to meet critical task:

3.a EMERGENCY CLASSIFICATION - GE 3.d ESCALATION 4.a EMERGENCY ACTION LEVEL NO. is - FGI 5.b AIRBORNE non-routine radiological release in-progress 7.b PAR in the TMI Block: EVACUATE 360 DEGREES FROM 0 TO 10 MILES AND - - - -

0 Mark the time that the notification form is provided to the communicator:

Announcement Time - ENF Handover Time must be c 15 minutes to satisfy critical task.


Terminating Cue: When the candidate hands the completed Emergency Notification Form to the Communicator: Evaluation on this JPM is complete.

2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

oooocbc Appendix C Page 7 of 8 Form ES-C-1 VERIFICATION OF COMPLETION Job Performance Measure No.: 2007 NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 Examinees Name:

Date Performed:

Facility Evaluator:

Number of Attempts:

Time to Complete:

Question Documentation:



Result: SAT UNSAT Examiners Signature: Date:

2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9

OOOOOG Appendix C Page 8 of 8 Form ES-C-1 JPM CUE SHEET INITIAL CONDITIONS: 0 A large break LOCA caused an ESAS actuation and reactor trip.

Reactor Building Pressure peaked at 30 psig.

Subcooling Margin is ZERO "F.

RM-G-22 reads 1.2 E+03 R/hr, rising slowly.

RM-G-23 reads 1.28 E+03 R/hr, rising slowly.

RM-G-24 (RB Purge Monitor) has failed.

A SITE AREA EMERGENCY (FSI - SAE) was declared 10 minutes ago.

e Accountability is in progress.

e The Technical Support Center (TSC) is manning but not activated.

e EP-AA-112-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST, has been implemented.

Outside temperature is 49 "F.

The wind is from 120" at 8 MPH.

The CRS just reported that closed indication has been lost on the containment purge valves and efforts to re-close them have been unsuccessful. Reactor Building Pressure is lowering more rapidly with no change in running equipment.

INITIATING CUE: You are the Shift Manager. Respond in accordance with the EP-AA-I 12-100-F-01, SHIFT EMERGENCY DIRECTOR CHECKLIST.

2007 TMI NRC ADM JPM SRO A4 NUREG 1021, Revision 9