L-07-006, Technical Specification 6.9.7 - Steam Generator Inspection Report

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Technical Specification 6.9.7 - Steam Generator Inspection Report
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 02/02/2007
From: Lash J
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML070360529 (37)


FIENOC FirstEnergyNuclear OperatingCompany James H. Lash 724-682-5234 Site Vice President Fax: 724-643-8069 February 2, 2007 L-07-006 ATTN: Document Control Desk U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555-0001


Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2 BV-2 Docket No. 50-412, License No. NPF-73 Technical Specification 6.9.7 - Steam Generator Inspection Report In accordance with Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 2 Technical Specification (TS) 6.9.7, information related to steam generator inspections is attached. Attachment A provides the main body of the report. Refer to Attachment B for tabulations of steam generator examination results for tubes in the A, B and C steam generators.

There are no regulatory commitments contained in this letter. If there are any questions or if additional information is required, please contact Mr. Henry L. Hegrat, Supervisor -

FENOC Fleet Licensing, at (330) 315-6944.

Sincerely, Ir James H. Lash 0oo

Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit No. 2 Technical Specification 6.9.7 - Steam Generator Inspection Report L-07-006 Page 2 Attachment A - TechnicalSpecification 6.9.7 Steam GeneratorInspection Report Attachment B - Steam GeneratorExaminationResults c: Ms. N. S. Morgan, NRR Project Manager Mr. P. C. Cataldo, NRC Senior Resident Inspector Mr. S. J. Collins, NRC Region I Administrator

Letter L-07-006 Attachment A Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 2 Technical Specification 6.9.7 - Steam Generator Inspection Report The following information satisfies the reporting requirement of Beaver Valley Power Station Unit No. 2 Technical Specification (TS) 6.9.7. Refer to the tables on Page A-8 of this attachment which define abbreviations, codes and other terms used throughout this report.

Information required by Technical Specification Technical Specification requires reporting of the following after completion of an inspection performed in accordance with the TS 6.19, Steam Generator (SG) Program.

Information required by TS .a through TS .i is provided below for the recent maintenance and refueling outage in the fall of 2006 (2R12).

a. The scope of inspections performed on each SG Primary side inspection scope involved the following:
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of TSP DSI/DNI signals
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of TSP (bobbin coil 400/100 kHz) mix residual signals with phase angles < 550 and > 1.25 volts
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of TSP mix residual signals > 2.0 volts
  • 25% Plus PointTM inspection of TSP mix residual signals > 1.5 volts but < 2.0 volts
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of the H/L TTS from 6.0" above to 3.0" below TTS
  • 20% Plus PointTM inspection of the C/L TTS (SG 'B' only) from 6.0" above to 3.0" below TTS
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of dented H/L TSPs > 5.0 volts
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of dents > 2.0 but < 5.0 volts at the 1st, 2 nd, 3rdand 4 th H/L TSPs
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of the Row 1 and Row 2 U-bends
  • 30% Plus PointTM inspection of Row 3 through 8 U-bends using a Plus PointTM mid-range coil
  • High frequency Plus PointTMTMinspection of Row 1 U-bends with excessive noise values
  • High frequency Plus Point inspection of U-bend PWSCC indications reported with a Plus PointTM mid-range coil
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of dents at AVB locations (within +/- 1.0" of an AVB location)
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of free span (TSH to TSC) dings > 5.0 volts
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of free span paired dings (Dings located - 1800 apart)


Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of free span signals that are not resolved as MBMs or without a historical review that determined the signal is not degradation related
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of BLG and OXP bobbin coil signals in H/L tubesheet below the F* distance but above the tubesheet neutral axis
  • 100% Plus PointTM inspection of bobbin coil special interest I-codes, such as freespan differential signals meeting change criteria (Phase: > 100 and/or Voltage: > 0.5 volts)
  • "As-found" and "as-left" tube plug video inspections Secondary side inspection scope involved the following:

" Secondary side FOSAR of the annulus and tube lane

" In-bundle FOSAR of PLP locations

  • Secondary side visual inspections of the SG 'B' and 'C' moisture separation equipment, feedwater header and selected J nozzles
b. Active degradation mechanisms found The following active degradation mechanisms were observed during the 2R12 inspections:

" Axial ODSCC at non-dented H/L TSPs

  • Axial ODSCC in the H/L sludge pile and expansion transitions

" Circumferential ODSCC in the H/L expansion transitions

" Axial PWSCC below the H/L expansion transitions

" Wear at AVB locations

" Volumetric indications in the free span region (historical manufacturing artifacts)

c. Nondestructive examination techniques utilized for each degradation mechanism For the degradation mechanisms observed during 2R12, bobbin coil probes were used as the primary method of detection except in those areas where bobbin probes are not qualified, such as at or below TTS and low row U-bends. In those areas, Plus PointTM Probes were employed. Plus PointTM Probes were also used to re-examine any ambiguous bobbin coil signals.

All examination techniques utilized during the 2R12 inspections were qualified for detection of the degradation mechanisms listed in the 2R12 degradation assessment in accordance with Appendix H of the EPRI SG Examination Guidelines, Revision 6. These techniques are tabulated below.


Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued)


Examination Techniques Used for Active Degradation Degradation Mode Tube Location Probe EPRI ETSS*

H/L sludge pile, Bobbin 96008.1 Axial ODSCC expansion transitions 3 Coil Plus Point'M 21409.1 Circumferential H/L expansion 3 Coil Plus Point'M 21410.1 ODSCC transitions H/L expansion 3 Coil Plus PointiM 20511.1 transitions/tubesheet 3 Coil Plus PointM 20510.1 Circumferential H/L expansion 3 Coil Plus PointiM 21410.1 PWSCC transitions/tubesheet Non-dented & dented Bobbin 96007.1 H/L TSPs 3 Coil Plus Point'M 21409.1/22401.1 Axial PWSCC Dented TSPs 3 Coil Plus Point' M 96703.1 Axial ODSCC Free span dings 3 Coil Plus PointiM 20511.1 AVB locations Bobbin 96004.3 Tube Wear 1 Coil Plus PointTM 21409.1 Bobbin 96008.1/96101.1 MBMs 3 Coil Plus Point' 21409.1 Full length Bobbin 96008.1 Volumetric Volumetric _ Fulllength 3 Coil Plus PointTM 21998.1

  • The applicable EPRI ETSS is listed for reference only. Site-specific examination technique sheets are developed prior to each inspection in accordance with Appendix H of the EPRI SG Examination Guidelines, Revision 6.

The examination techniques utilized during 2R12 are considered "Site Validated" as defined in the EPRI SG Examination Guidelines, Revision 6 for all damage mechanisms listed in the 2R12 degradation assessment.

d. Location, orientation (if linear), and measured sizes (if available) of service-induced indications Refer to Attachments C through E for a listing of this information for SGs 'A' through 'C',


e. Number of tubes plugged or repaired during the inspection outage for each active degradation mechanism The following table lists the number of tubes in each steam generator that were plugged during 2R12 for each active degradation mechanism. This table lists only degradation modes detected during 2R12. Therefore, zero tubes were plugged or repaired for degradation modes not listed in the table. To date, no tubes have been repaired (sleeved).


Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

Tubes Plugged During 2R12 2RUS-SG21 A Degradation H/L Sludge H/L H/L TSP Free U-Bend Total Mode Pile1 Expansion2 span Transition Axial ODSCC I1 Circ ODSCC 6 6 Data Quality' 1 1 Sub Total 1 6 0 0 1 8 2RCS-SG21B Degradation H/L Sludge H/L H/L TSP Free U-Bend Total Mode Pile' Expansion2 span Transition Axial ODSCC 1 2 3 Circ ODSCC 3 3 Volumetric 1 1 Data Quality" 1 1 Sub Total 0 4 2 1 1 8 2RCS-SG21C Degradation H/L Sludge H/L H/L TSP Free U-Bend Total Mode Pile' Expansion 2 span Transition Axial ODSCC 1 1 Axial PWSCC 1 1 Circ ODSCC 7 7 Sub Total 0 8 1 0 0 9

1. Indications located above top-of-tubesheet
2. Indications located at expansion transition and below
3. Tubes administratively plugged are included to show total number of tubes plugged during 2R12
f. Total number and percentage of tubes plugged or repaired to date The total number of tubes plugged as of the end of 2R12 is 465 (4.59%). To date, no tubes have been repaired (sleeved).
g. The results of condition monitoring, including the results of tube pulls and in-situ testing During the 2R12 SG tube inspections, no indications were observed that failed to satisfy the structural integrity limits for either axial or circumferential degradation (i.e., burst integrity

> 3 times normal operating primary to secondary pressure differential). Therefore, no tubes contained indications that could potentially challenge the tube integrity recommendations of A-4

Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

NEI 97-06, Revision 2, "Steam Generator Program Guidelines." The relative severity levels of the degradation observed during 2R12 was consistent with or bounded by the levels associated with the previous six maintenance and refueling outage inspection results.

It is expected that all operational structural and leakage integrity requirements will be satisfied at end-of-cycle 13 for the degradation mechanisms observed during 2R12. Based on the indications observed at 2R12, the SG tubing is expected to meet all structural and leakage integrity requirements at 2R13. As such, in situ proof or leakage testing was not required and no tubes were removed (pulled) during 2R12. None of the indications reported during 2R12 represented a leakage potential at postulated main steam line break conditions.

h. The effective plugging percentage for all plugging and tube repairs in each SG The following table provides the plugging percentages for each SG as of the end of 2R12.

Since no sleeves have been installed, the effective plugging percentage is not applicable.

Percentage of Tubes Plugged During 2R12 SG Tubes Plugged  % Plugged 2RCS-SG21A 159 4.71 2RCS-SG21B 168 4.98 2RCS-SG21C 138 4.09

i. Repair method utilized and the number of tubes repaired by each repair method As of the end of 2R12, no tubes have been repaired (sleeved).

Information required by Technical Specification Technical Specification requires reporting of certain information when voltage-based alternate repair criteria have been applied. No information is provided in this report because voltage-based alternate repair criteria were not applied during 2R12.

Information required by Technical Specification Technical Specification requires reporting of certain information if specified conditions are identified while applying voltage-based alternate repair criteria. No information has been reported because voltage-based alternate repair criteria were not applied during 2R 12.

Information required by Technical Specification Technical Specification requires reporting of the following information to the NRC following an outage in which the F* methodology was applied:

a. Total number of indications, location of each indication, orientation of each indication, severity of each indication, and whether the indications initiated from the inside or outside surface.


Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

b. The cumulative number of indications detected in the tubesheet region as a function of elevation within the tubesheet.
c. The projected end-of-cycle accident-induced leakage from tubesheet indications.

In addition to information previously discussed in this report that satisfies Technical Specification, the following table provides information associated with indications found during inspection of the top of tubesheet region of the steam generators (SGs). These inspections were performed using a Plus PointTM probe during 2R12. Twenty-two indications were found within this scope. The elevations where indications were detected are specified in the following table at the point of maximum voltage amplitude. The elevation values are relative to the top of the tubesheet. One of these indications was above the tubesheet and the remainder were below the top of the tubesheet. Of the 21 indications below the top of the tubesheet, 20 were located at an elevation within 0.23 inches of the top of the tubesheet. The only indication below this point was in SG C at Row 40 and Column 55, 3.16 inches below the top of tubesheet.

Severity has been interpreted as size and is described in the table by signal voltage (related to depth) and either an axial length (for axially oriented indications) or an arc length (for circumferentially oriented indications). The surface where each indication initiated (inside or outside surface) is specified in the table. Projected leakage at main steam line break conditions for all of these indications is zero because predicted growth rates would be insufficient to result in through-wall degradation or structural failure assuming that the tube was allowed to remain in service through end-of-cycle with no credit for plugging.

2R12 Tubesheet Indications Indication Location Severity Orientation VlsAxial Volts Arc Surface Initiation Leakage Projected SG Row Column Elevation @300 Length Length kHz A 5 54 -0.12" MCI 0.11 480 Outside 0 A 5 54 -0.11" MCI 0.07 330 Outside 0 A 6 46 +0.71" SAI 0.13 0.30" Outside 0 A 9 48 -0.08" SCI 0.13 88° Outside 0 A 20 32 -0.14" SCI 0.11 77" Outside 0 A 22 35 -0.10" SCI 0.12 95" Outside 0 A 22 39 -0.13" MCI 0.21 38G Outside 0 A 22 39 -0.13" MCI 0.16 457 Outside 0 A 29 70 -0.05" SCI 0.21 57" Outside 0 B 22 58 -0.12" SAI 0.25 0.22" Outside 0 B 32 39 -0.07" SCI 0.14 41 3 Outside 0 B 33 43 -0.04" SCI 0.14 30° Outside 0 B 34 49 -0.04" MCI 0.09 30U__ Outside 0 A-6

Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 Tubesheet Indications (continued)

Indication Location Severity Orientation Volts Axial Arc Initiation Projected SG Row Column Elevation @300 Length Surface Leakage kHz C 10 49 -0.06" SCI 0.16 380 Outside 0 C 25 48 -0.07" MCI 0.12 1150 Outside 0 C 26 56 -0.07" SCI 0.18 480- Outside 0 C 30 67 -0.13" SCI 0.12 80° -Outside 0 C 31 71 -0.11" SCI 0.09 420 Outside 0 C '32 70 -0.10" SCI 0.07 63U Outside 0 C 34 62 -0.02" MCI 0.06 45u- Outside 0 C 34 62 -0.06" MCI 0.07 22g- Outside 0 C 40 55 -3.16" SAI 0.66 0.89" Inside 0 Note: For SG "C" Row 40 Column 55, a historical review of this indication was performed using Plus PointTM inspection data from the previous six outages. The review showed no signal change in either amplitude or phase. Based on this observation, it has been concluded that this signal is not representative of true PWSCC degradation.


Attachment A to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

Definitions of Abbreviations, Codes and Reporting Terminology 3 Letter Code Definitions Term Bobbin Coil Definitions BLG Bulge DNI Dent/Ding with an Indication DSI Distorted Support Plate Signal with Possible Indication DTI Distorted Tubesheet Signal with Possible Indication MBM Manufacture's Burnish Mark NQI Non-Quantifiable Indication OXP Over-Expansion PCT Percent Through Wall PSI Possible Tube Support Plate (Ligament) Indication Term Plus Point Definitions CSI Confirmed Tube Support Plate (Ligament) Indication MCI Multiple Circumferential Indications SAI Single Axial Indication SCI Single Circumferential Indication SVI Single Volumetric Indication Additional Definitions Term Definition AVB Anti-Vibration Bar C/L Cold Leg DENT Observed within Tube Support Plate DING Observed in Free-Span Region EPRI Electric Power Research Institute ETSS Examination Technique Specification Sheet FOSAR Foreign Object Search and Retrieval H/L Hot Leg PWSCC Primary Water Stress Corrosion Cracking ODSCC Outside Diameter Stress Corrosion Cracking PLP Possible Loose Part SG Steam Generator TSC Tubesheet - Cold Leg TSH Tubesheet - Hot Leg TSP Tube Support Plate TTS Top of Tubesheet A-8

Letter L-07-006 Attachment B 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A The following tabulation provides SG examination results for tubes in SG 'A' with service-induced degradation. Refer to the tables on Page B-27 of this attachment for a description of terms used in this tabulation.

Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 1 53 DSI 0.31 88 P1 06H 0.00 08H TEH 1 91 NQI 1.43 73 3 07C 48.07 08C TEC 2 57 DNI 1.33 43 P1 05H 0.11 08H TEH 2 78 DNI 1.27 38 P1 03H 0.13 08H TEH 2 88 DSI 0.39 101 P1 02H -0.03 08H TEH 2 92 DS1 0.52 88 P1 03H -0.11 08H TEH 3 15 DS1 0.88 73 P1 03H 0.07 08H TEH 3 24 DS1 1.03 71 P1 03H -0.14 08H TEH 3 59 DSI 0.41 130 P1 02H -0.03 08H TEH 3 59 DNI 1.28 40 P1 05H 0.08 08H TEH 3 65 DNI 1.44 43 P1 06H 0.15 08H TEH 3 66 DNI 1.30 48 P1 05H 0.06 08H TEH 3 79 DNI 1.42 47 P1 07H -0.11 08H TEH 3 81 DSI 1.09 90 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 3 84 DSI 0.76 64 P1 03H -0.04 08H TEH 3 85 DSI 0.61 66 P1 04H 0.01 08H TEH 3 91 DNI 1.49 30 P1 04H -0.07 08H TEH 3 92 DSI 0.72 107 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 4 9 DSI 0.52 58 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 4 9 DSI 0.38 100 P1 04H 0.07 08H TEH 4 18 DSI 0.71 50 P1 05H 0.06 08H TEH 4 21 DSI 0.59 70 P1 03H 0.03 08H TEH 4 26 DSI 0.59 55 P1 02H 0.07 08H TEH 4 30 DSI 0.37 112 P1 04H -0.03 08H TEH 4 34 DSI 1.10 32 P1 03H 0.04 08H TEH 4 39 DSI 0.31 61 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 4 50 DS1 0.41 61 P1 02H 0.11 08H TEH 4 50 DSI 0.67 55 P1 03H -0.03 08H TEH 4 50 DSI 0.64 55 P1 04H 0.00 08H TEH 4 54 DSI 0.67 71 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 4 54 DSI 0.34 77 P1 04H 0.03 08H TEH 4 54 DSI 0.53 82 P1 05H 0.01 08H TEH 4 58 DSI 0.77 37 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 4 60 DSI 0.42 106 P1 02H 0.01 08H TEH 4 60 DSI 0.37 60 P1 06H 0.00 08H TEH 4 62 DNI 1.52 39 P1 02H 0.08 08H TEH 4 62 DNI 2.00 40 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 4 63 DSI 0.57 61 P1 02H -0.04 08H TEH 4 72 DNI 1.32 53 P1 05H -0.01 08H TEH B-1

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 4 76 DNI 1.43 49 P1 07H -0.01 08H TEH 4 78 DSI 0.29 107 P1 05H 0.00 08H TEH 4 85 DSI 0.26 53 P1 08C 0.00 08C TEC 5 10 DSI 1.56 61 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 10 DSI 0.71 96 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 10 DSI 0.40 88 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 5 11 DSI 0.35 51 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 5 23 DSI 0.48 133 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 25 DSI 0.46 63 P1 05H 0.14 TEH TEC 5 26 DSI 0.68 72 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 30 DSI 0.33 44 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 5 53 DS1 0.21 59 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 5 54 DSI 0.42 97 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 5 54 MCI 0.10 90 P2 TSH -0.11 29 TSH TSH 5 54 MCI 0.19 115 P2 TSH -0.12 40 TSH TSH 5 71 DSI 0.52 114 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 5 80 DSI 0.45 37 P1 05H 0.10 TEH TEC 5 82 DSI 0.42 101 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 5 89 DNI 1.26 40 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 6 17 DSI 1.37 51 P1 04H 0.17 TEH TEC 6 27 DNI 1.43 46 P1 04H 0.17 TEH TEC 6 32 DSI 0.35 118 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 6 33 DNI 1.36 35 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 6 34 DS1 0.49 122 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 6 35 DS, 1.02 95 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 6 35 DSI 0.53 74 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 6 35 DSI 0.53 74 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 6 40 DSI 0.55 82 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 6 40 DSI 0.47 70 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 6 43 DSI 0.92 68 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 6 46 SAI 0.14 59 6 TSH 0.71 0.32 TSH TSH 6 50 DNI 1.42 38 P1 04H 0.17 TEH TEC 6 68 DNI 1.27 50 P1 06H 0.14 TEH TEC 7 6 DNI 1.44 57 P1 02H -0.14 TEH TEC 7 6 DNI 1.68 51 P1 04H -0.09 TEH TEC 7 14 DS1 0.40 97 P1 03H 0.23 TEH TEC 7 18 DS1 0.56 78 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 7 18 DS1 0.36 127 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 7 19 DSI 0.46 62 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 7 27 DSI 0.37 152 P1 05H 0.18 TEH TEC 7 49 DS1 0.29 121 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 7 51 DS! 0.45 46 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 7 55 DNI 1.34 28 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 7 57 DNI 1.46 24 P1 04H 0.17 TEH TEC 7 57 DNI 1.66 32 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 7 58 DS0 0.61 68 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC B-2

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

I 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 7 67 DNI 1.27 52 P1 02H -0.15 TEH TEC 7 69 DNI 1.43 27 P1 02H -0.18 TEH TEC 7 71 DSI 0.28 125 P1 03H -0.08 TEH TEC 7 71 DNI 1.42 30 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 7 73 DNI 1.36 53 P1 05H 0.15 TEH TEC 7 84 DNI 1.27 44 P1 05H 0.15 TEH TEC 7 94 DSI 0.17 90 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 8 2 DSI 0.50 79 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 8 6 DNI 1.33 32 P1 04H 0.23 TEH TEC 8 9 DNI 1.33 22 P1 06H -0.06 TEH TEC 8 13 DNI 1.61 24 P1 06H -0.06 TEH TEC 8 19 DSI 0.52 70 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 19 DNI 1.46 32 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 19 DNI 1.34 48 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 8 29 DSI 0.34 104 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 34 DSI 0.88 52 P1 03H -0.12 TEH TEC 8 42 DSI 0.23 91 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 56 DNI 1.86 47 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 59 DNI 1.35 44 P1 05H 0.20 TEH TEC 8 74 DNI 1.74 53 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 85 DSI 0.27 48 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 4 DNI 1.40 46 P1 02H -0.14 TEH TEC 9 10 DSI 0.75 93 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 9 10 DNI 1.26 36 P1 06H -0.06 TEH TEC 9 13 DSI 0.47 65 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 9 14 DS1 0.44 40 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 9 16 DSI 0.35 103 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 16 DSI 0.51 57 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 16 DSI 0.49 122 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 22 DSi 0.64 87 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 27 DNI 1.66 49 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 29 DNI 1.29 50 P1 05H 0.23 TEH TEC 9 35 DSI 0.37 109 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 9 38 DSI 0.72 64 P1 05H 0.29 TEH TEC 9 40 DSI 0.65 97 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 48 SCI 0.20 110 P2 TSH -0.08 88 TSH TSH 9 49 DNI 1.29 53 P1 04H -0.11 TEH TEC 9 56 DSI 0.52 65 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 56 DSI 0.32 84 P1 04H 0.12 TEH TEC 9 57 DSI 0.24 91 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 9 57 DSI 0.75 68 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 9 57 DSI 0.80 44 P1 04H 0.11 TEH TEC 9 63 DNI 1.75 55 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 10 7 DSI 0.63 62 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 7 DSI 0.51 101 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 7 DNI 1.73 41 P1 06H 0.03 TEH TEC B-3

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 10 8 DSI 1.31 61 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 10 10 DNI 1.52 53 P1 03H -0.09 TEH TEC 10 19 DSI 0.68 70 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 26 DSI 0.35 78 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 37 DSI 0.39 77 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 51 DNI 1.45 51 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 56 DNI 1.36 37 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 11 2 DSI 0.76 99 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 3 DNI 2.42 41 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 5 DNI 2.17 46 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 11 5 DNI 1.96 47 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 20 DNI 1.44 48 P1 08C 0.00 TEH TEC 11 29 DNI 1.50 25 P1 06H 0.15 TEH TEC 11 48 DSI 1.25 43 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 11 49 NQI 0.64 112 3 TSC 20.92 TEH TEC 11 76 DNI 1.55 50 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 11 77 DNI 1.45 52 P1 03H 0.15 TEH TEC 11 77 DSI 0.59 71 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 11 89 DNI 1.29 54 P1 02H 0.14 TEH TEC 12 15 DSI 0.27 125 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 20 DNI 1.33 49 P1 05H 0.15 TEH TEC 12 23 DNI 1.86 57 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 30 DNI 1.56 28 P1 05H 0.23 TEH TEC 12 32 DNI 1.51 54 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 12 34 DSI 0.40 84 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 12 58 DNI 1.28 49 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 69 DSI 0.74 80 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 70 DSI 0.81 72 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 72 DSI 0.48 77 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 73 DNI 1.80 43 P1 07H -0.03 TEH TEC 12 74 DSI 1.07 60 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 12 75 DNI 1.62 43 P1 06H 0.09 TEH TEC 12 78 DNI 1.40 51 P1 04H -0.17 TEH TEC 12 86 DNI 1.31 40 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 13 4 DNI 1.54 55 P1 02H -0.11 TEH TEC 13 4 DNI 1.57 20 P1 03H 0.38 TEH TEC 13 29 DNI 1.25 45 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 13 32 DSI 0.38 38 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 13 34 DNI 1.63 16 P1 04H -0.17 TEH TEC 13 39 DSI 0.42 83 P1 05H 0.17 TEH TEC 13 49 DSI 0.29 54 P1 04H 0.11 TEH TEC 13 57 DNI 1.51 55 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 13 59 DNI 1.27 55 P1 04H -0.03 TEH TEC 13 84 DSI 0.65 50 P1 02H 0.05 TEH TEC 13 85 DS1 0.81 68 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 13 85 DNI 1.63 53 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC B-4

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 13 92 DSI 0.49 82 P1 04H 0.12 TEH TEC 14 3 DNI 1.34 32 P1 04H 0.12 TEH TEC 14 4 DNI 1.29 23 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 14 15 DNI 1.63 23 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 14 15 DSI 0.45 129 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 14 19 DNI 1.38 35 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 14 20 DSI 0.45 71 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 14 25 DSI 0.49 92 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 14 27 DSI 0.38 145 P1 05H 0.17 TEH TEC 14 48 DSI 0.46 125 P1 05H 0.06 TEH TEC 14 53 DSI 0.48 64 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 14 68 DSI 0.56 72 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 14 70 DSI 0.84 132 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 14 73 DNI 1.98 42 P1 06H 0.09 TEH TEC 14 77 DNI 1.39 53 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 15 28 DNI 1.31 24 P1 02H 0.12 TEH TEC 15 52 DNI 1.31 35 P1 03H -0.11 TEH TEC 15 66 DNI 1.40 52 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 15 74 DSI 0.76 47 P1 03H -0.11 TEH TEC 15 74 DNI 1.53 45 P1 05H 0.18 TEH TEC 15 82 DS1 0.93 55 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 16 7 DNI 1.43 29 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 16 8 DSI 0.54 61 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 13 DNI 1.50 33 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 18 DNI 1.44 27 P1 070 -0.03 TEH TEC 16 53 DSI 0.28 57 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 59 DSI 0.97 53 P1 04H -0.23 TEH TEC 16 72 DSI 0.39 43 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 16 72 DNI 1.79 30 P1 05H 0.23 TEH TEC 16 76 DSI 0.57 57 P1 02H -0.09 TEH TEC 17 23 DNI 1.43 22 P1 05H -0.15 TEH TEC 17 23 DNI 1.37 21 P1 070 -0.18 TEH TEC 17 27 DSI 0.31 59 P1 04H 0.15 TEH TEC 17 32 DS1 0.49 37 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 17 35 DNI 1.78 30 P1 06H 0.09 TEH TEC 17 46 DSI 0.71 27 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 17 59 DSI 0.57 114 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 17 66 DNI 1.72 47 P1 03H 0.12 TEH TEC 17 76 DNI 1.69 50 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 18 7 DSI 0.40 119 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 18 47 DSI 0.29 43 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 18 47 DSI 0.63 57 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 18 57 DNI 1.34 51 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 19 7 DSI 0.94 83 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 19 7 DNI 1.85 53 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 19 8 DSI 0.77 88 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC B-5

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 19 8 DNI 1.55 52 P1 04H -0.03 TEH TEC 19 15 DNI 1.27 53 P1 04H 0.24 TEH TEC 19 20 DNI 1.30 55 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 19 56 DSI 1.07 50 P1 03H -0.09 TEH TEC 19 56 DNI 1.52 45 P1 04H -0.17 TEH TEC 19 60 DSI 0.53 77 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 19 60 DNI 1.37 49 P1 03H -0.14 TEH TEC 19 70 DNI 1.37 52 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 20 9 DSI 0.39 112 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 20 32 SCI 0.20 69 P2 TSH -0.14 70 TSH TSH 20 40 DNI 1.38 29 P1 04H -0.03 TEH TEC 20 62 DSI 0.51 133 P1 05H -0.06 TEH TEC 20 64 PCT 1.54 0 20 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 20 64 PCT 2.05 0 24 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 20 64 PCT 1.63 0 20 P2 AV3 -0.03 TEH TEC 20 78 DSI 0.22 67 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 20 85 DSI 0.49 56 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 21 18 DSI 0.39 138 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 21 26 DSI 0.64 97 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 21 34 DSI 0.39 96 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 21 43 DSI 0.23 124 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 21 46 DSI 0.20 106 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 21 72 DSI 0.53 64 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 22 7 DSI 0.49 66 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 22 21 DSI 0.25 140 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 22 35 SCI 0.14 95 P2 TSH -0.10 92 TSH TSH 22 39 MCI 0.20 126 P2 TSH -0.13 35 TSH TSH 22 39 MCI 0.31 59 P2 TSH -0.13 45 TSH TSH 22 69 NQI 0.39 63 3 02H 12.94 TEH TEC 23 11 DSI 0.99 36 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 23 11 DSI 0.31 84 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 23 19 DSI 0.75 54 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 23 20 DSI 0.42 93 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 24 16 DSI 0.28 153 P1 02H 0.10 TEH TEC 24 16 DSI 0.27 96 P1 03H 0.05 TEH TEC 24 24 DSI 0.33 154 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 24 33 DSI 0.45 82 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 24 51 DNI 1.56 30 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 25 21 DSI 0.26 99 P1 02H 0.23 TEH TEC 26 15 DSI 0.36 115 P1 03H 0.10 TEH TEC 26 40 DNI 1.25 42 P1 03H -0.08 TEH TEC 26 42 DSI 0.55 82 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 26 43 DNI 1.65 43 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 26 56 DNI 1.29 33 P1 03H -0.11 TEH TEC 26 80 DSI 0.24 55 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 27 21 DSI 0.91 62 P1 02H -0.11 TEH TEC B-6

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 27 32 DSI 0.40 74 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 27 58 DNI 1.04 31 P1 03H -0.14 TEH TEC 27 64 DSI 0.20 57 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 27 71 PCT 0.99 0 16 P2 AV2 -0.09 TEH TEC 27 71 PCT 1.25 0 17 P2 AV3 0.03 TEH TEC 27 71 PCT 0.62 0 11 P2 AV4 -0.27 TEH TEC 27 72 PCT 2.03 0 25 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 27 72 PCT 1.00 0 15 P2 AV4 0.63 TEH TEC 27 75 DSI 0.38 149 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 28 13 DSI 0.39 125 P1 03H 0.10 TEH TEC 28 23 DNI 1.51 24 P1 05H -0.03 TEH TEC 28 26 DNI 1.35 42 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 28 26 DSI 0.64 59 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 28 41 DSI 0.39 75 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 28 46 DSI 0.39 54 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 28 54 DSI 0.35 111 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 28 56 DSI 0.32 64 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 29 19 DSI 0.65 53 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 29 24 DNI 1.45 52 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 29 24 DNI 1.42 48 P1 04H 0.18 TEH TEC 29 29 DNI 1.33 35 P1 04H -0.09 TEH TEC 29 33 NQI 0.53 84 3 01H 2.58 TEH TEC 29 65 DSI 0.74 22 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 29 70 SCI 0.19 113 P2 TSH -0.05 57 TSH TSH 29 72 PCT 1.02 0 16 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 30 19 DSI 0.58 45 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 30 21 DNI 1.33 47 P1 06H 0.12 TEH TEC 30 22 DSI 0.58 59 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 30 28 DSI 0.39 125 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 30 38 DNI 1.66 20 P1 06H -0.11 TEH TEC 30 58 DSI 0.38 58 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 30 68 DSI 0.35 51 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 31 14 DSI 0.43 135 P1 04H 0.15 TEH TEC 31 18 DSI 1.18 49 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 31 18 DSI 0.59 64 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 31 23 DNI 1.53 50 P1 06H 0.12 TEH TEC 31 68 PCT 0.85 0 14 P2 AV2 -0.47 TEH TEC 31 68 PCT 1.81 0 23 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 31 69 PCT 0.99 0 14 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 32 22 DSI 0.40 70 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 32 27 DSI 0.31 51 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 32 44 NQI 0.34 115 3 01C 10.41 TEH TEC 32 45 DSI 0.68 57 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 32 69 DNI 1.25 44 P1 03H -0.14 TEH TEC 33 18 DS1 0.90 93 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 33 18 DSI 0.93 51 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC B-7

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 33 27 DNI 1.32 46 P1 07H 0.12 TEH TEC 33 42 DSI 0.46 67 P1 05H 0.06 TEH TEC 33 66 DSI 0.33 30 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 33 69 PCT 0.52 0 10 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 33 70 PCT 1.67 0 22 P2 AV1 0.15 TEH TEC 34 26 DNI 1.28 31 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 34 48 PCT 2.68 0 30 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 34 49 PSI 8.46 156 8 03H -0.20 TEH TEC 34 52 DSI 0.20 40 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 34 56 DSI 0.82 21 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 34 69 PCT 1.09 0 15 P2 AV3 0.09 TEH TEC 34 70 PCT 1.12 0 17 P2 AV2 -0.09 TEH TEC 34 70 PCT 1.65 0 22 P2 AV3 0.26 TEH TEC 35 36 DSI 0.65 43 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 35 45 DSI 0.78 39 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 35 70 PCT 1.15 0 17 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 35 72 PCT 1.55 0 22 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 35 72 PCT 1.14 0 18 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 36 18 DNI 1.46 28 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 36 23 DNI 1.40 35 P1 06H 0.24 TEH TEC 36 28 DSI 0.50 61 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 36 28 DSI 0.34 44 P1 04H 0.15 TEH TEC 36 40 DSI 1.21 71 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 36 44 DSI 0.75 68 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 37 39 DSI 0.75 53 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 37 42 DSI 1.12 48 P1 03H -0.20 TEH TEC 37 56 DSI 0.56 61 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 38 26 DNI 1.88 25 P1 05H 0.24 TEH TEC 38 37 DNI 1.85 33 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 38 44 DSI 0.76 29 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 39 23 DSI 1.15 30 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 39 42 DSI 0.47 78 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 39 44 DSI 1.15 31 P1 05H 0.17 TEH TEC 39 55 PSI 5.50 130 8 01H -0.17 TEH TEC 39 55 CSI 0.44 164 9 01H 0.25 01H 01H 39 57 DSI 0.28 91 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 40 37 DSI 0.98 70 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 40 66 PCT 0.64 0 11 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 40 69 PCT 1.25 0 19 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 41 28 DNI 1.28 36 P1 08H -0.12 TEH TEC 42 44 NQI 0.35 117 3 02H 43.45 TEH TEC 42 64 DS0 0.33 61 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 43 42 PCT 1.18 0 19 P2 AV1 0.03 TEH TEC 43 54 PSI 5.95 125 8 01C 0.17 TEH TEC 43 54 CS0 0.40 161 9 01C 0.05 01C 01C 43 57 PCT 0.80 0 12 P2 AVl 0.00 TEH TEC B-8

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21A Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 44 42 PCT 1.37 0 21 P2 AV2 -0.17 TEH TEC 44 46 NQI 0.83 117 3 07C 34.93 TEH TEC 44 48 PCT 0.73 0 13 P2 AV1 0.35 TEH TEC 44 48 PCT 0.66 0 12 P2 AV2 -0.20 TEH TEC 44 55 PCT 1.36 0 21 P2 AV4 0.00 TEH TEC 44 58 DSI 0.82 70 P1 06H 0.00 TEH TEC 44 59 DNI 1.63 21 P1 07H 0.18 TEH TEC 45 55 PSI 5.75 123 8 01C 0.12 TEH TEC B-9

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B The following tabulation provides SG examination results for tubes in SG 'B' with service induced degradation. Refer to the tables on Page B-27 of this attachment for a description of terms used in this tabulation.

Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 1 52 DSI 0.35 79 P1 02H -0.06 08H TEH 1 56 DSI 0.43 45 P1 02H 0.06 08H TEH 1 57 DSI 0.69 48 P1 04H -0.08' 08H TEH 2 20 DSI 0.63 60 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 2 24 DS1 0.35 89 P1 02H -0.06 08H TEH 2 28 DSI 0.87 43 P1 02H 0.03 08H TEH 2 54 DSI 0.35 68 P1 04H -0.03 08H TEH 2 58 DSI 0.31 92 P1 02H 0.06 08H TEH 2 62 DSI 0.80 47 P1 03H -0.03 08H TEH 2 63 DSI 0.57 58 P1 04H -0.03 08H TEH 2 67 DSI 0.35 83 P1 06H 0.09 08H TEH 2 70 DSI 0.89 64 P1 05H 0.17 08H TEH 3 54 DSI 0.55 102 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 3 60 DSI 0.74 79 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 3 60 DSI 0.69 96 P1 03H 0.08 08H TEH 3 61 DSI 1.43 40 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 3 63 DSI 0.86 68 P1 02H -0.06 08H TEH 3 63 DS1 0.59 69 P1 03H -0.08 08H TEH 3 72 DSI 0.60 38 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 3 88 DSI 0.65 61 P1 04H -0.03 08H TEH 3 89 DSI 0.46 60 P1 04H 0.15 08H TEH 4 23 DSI 0.62 124 P1 02H 0.12 08H TEH 4 41 DSI 0.62 65 P1 04H 0.00 08H TEH 4 43 DSI 0.24 96 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 4 48 DSI 0.56 66 P1 03H -0.03 08H TEH 4 52 DSI 0.61 59 P1 03H 0.03 08H TEH 4 54 DSI 0.60 89 P1 02H -0.08 08H TEH 4 56 DSI 0.46 102 P1 04H -0.30 08H TEH 4 57 DSI 0.52 96 P1 02H 0.06 08H TEH 4 57 DSI 0.33 108 P1 04H -0.03 08H TEH 4 58 DSI 0.64 105 P1 02H 0.03 08H TEH 4 63 DSI 0.50 59 P1 04H 0.03 08H TEH 4 93 NQI 0.38 118 3 02H 9.65 08H TEH 5 12 DSI 0.29 106 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 5 20 DS1 0.71 61 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 5 22 DSI 0.67 64 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 28 DSI 0.82 68 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 52 DSI 1.05 81 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 5 56 DSI 0.82 43 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 5 58 DSI 0.35 77 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 5 60 DSI 0.27 69 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC B-10

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 5 68 DS1 0.51 88 P1 02H -0.06 TEC TEH 5 73 DSI 0.49 74 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 5 93 DS1 0.45 63 P1 03H 0.12 TEC TEH 6 16 DSI 0.37 66 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 6 23 DS1 0.55 109 P1 04H 0.14 TEH TEC 6 26 DSI 0.25 54 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 6 27 DSI 0.45 55 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 6 31 DSI 0.18 89 P1 03H 0.12 TEH TEC 6 52 DSl 0.44 97 P1 02H 0.05 TEH TEC 6 53 DS1 1.15 42 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 6 58 DS1 0.76 78 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 7 52 DSI 1.11 55 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 7 54 DS1 0.30 50 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 7 56 DS1 0.90 102 P1 02H 0.17 TEH TEC 8 2 DSI 0.54 53 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 9 DS1 0.46 110 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 18 DS1 0.59 58 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 18 DSI 0.42 61 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 20 DS1 0.56 124 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 8 22 DS1 0.36 126 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 8 32 DS1 0.25 48 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 43 DNI 1.69 35 P1 05H -0.09 TEH TEC 8 44 NQI 0.35 98 3 02C 20.09 TEH TEC 8 44 NQI 0.41 109 3 06H 39.88 TEH TEC 8 53 DSI 1.07 83 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 8 56 DSI 0.46 86 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 8 59 DSI 0.54 89 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 11 DS1 0.70 83 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 9 11 DSI 0.53 56 P1 03H 0.12 TEH TEC 9 16 DSI 0.54 78 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 9 16 DNI 1.40 46 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 17 DSI 0.74 84 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 9 17 DSI 0.55 73 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 18 DSI 0.47 94 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 9 18 DSI 0.77 43 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 26 DS0 0.89 73 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 9 26 DS1 1.04 53 P1 03H 0.12 TEH TEC 9 52 DS1 0.44 47 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 9 52 DS1 0.47 41 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 59 DS1 0.69 58 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 9 72 NQI 0.69 118 3 02C 21.04 TEC TEH 9 92 DS1 0.59 100 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 10 6 DS1 0.77 93 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 10 14 DS1 0.70 79 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 10 15 DS1 0.56 112 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 10 17 DS1 0.73 105 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC B-1I

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 10 18 DSI 0.85 66 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 26 DS1 0.94 47 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 10 32 DS1 0.42 110 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 10 37 DSI 0.51 150 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 10 41 DSI 0.26 52 P1 07H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 52 DS1 0.74 81 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 10 52 DS1 0.45 42 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 53 DS1 1.54 95 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 10 54 DS1 0.65 84 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 10 56 DSI 0.45 99 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 10 58 DSI 0.26 74 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 63 DSI 0.48 89 P1 02H 0.18 TEC TEH 10 71 DSI 0.42 84 P1 05H 0.09 TEC TEH 10 78 DSI 0.37 76 P1 04H -0.06 TEC TEH 10 89 DS1 0.66 63 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 11 8 DS1 0.70 69 P1 03H 0.15 TEH TEC 11 18 DS1 0.63 62 P1 02H 0.12 TEH TEC 11 19 DS1 0.65 63 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 20 DS1 0.76 81 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 11 21 DS1 0.48 89 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 23 DS1 0.34 80 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 23 SAI 0.26 91 6 02H 0.06 0.24 02H 02H 11 35 DS1 0.48 65 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 42 DS1 0.31 43 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 11 48 DS1 0.27 105 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 11 53 DS1 0.42 70 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 55 DSI 0.76 56 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 55 DSI 0.53 48 P1 08H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 58 DSI 0.42 69 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 11 59 DSI 0.49 102 P1 02H 0.14 TEH TEC 11 59 DSI 0.88 63 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 11 59 D0S 0.32 105 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 60 DSI 0.47 113 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 60 DSI 0.50 115 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 11 61 DSI 0.96 58 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 11 61 DSI 0.44 71 P1 03H 0.15 TEC TEH 11 75 DSI 0.94 70 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 11 83 DS1 0.58 63 P1 03H 0.12 TEC TEH 11 83 DS1 0.79 51 P1 04H 0.12 TEC TEH 12 10 DS1 0.52 115 P1 02H 0.12 TEH TEC 12 15 DS1 0.47 105 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 12 15 DS1 0.62 84 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 12 22 DS1 0.52 128 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 12 22 DNI 1.14 19 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 12 24 DS1 0.41 121 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 12 52 DS1 0.64 73 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC B-12

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 12 52 DSI 0.68 52 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 12 61 DS1 0.95 34 P1 03H 0.06 TEC TEH 13 16 DSI 0.97 108 P1 02H -0.09 TEH TEC 13 16 DS1 0.33 79 P1 03H 0.12 TEH TEC 13 37 DS1 0.51 76 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 13 39 DS1 0.46 50 P1 07H 0.09 TEH TEC 13 56 DSI 0.30 78 P1 03H 0.15 TEC TEH 13 73 DSI 0.42 88 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 13 78 DSI 0.37 91 P1 02H -0.09 TEC TEH 13 85 DS1 0.56 74 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 13 86 DSI 0.40 57 P1 02H 0.09 TEC TEH 14 8 DSI 0.52 106 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 14 15 DSI 0.52 50 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 14 25 DSI 0.56 71 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 14 27 DSI 0.45 53 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 14 32 DSI 0.46 94 P1 02H 0.17 TEH TEC 14 36 DSI 0.38 75 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 14 39 DSI 0.29 148 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 14 54 DSI 0.40 54 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 14 54 DSI 0.48 98 P1 03H -0.03 TEC TEH 14 55 DSI 0.34 122 P1 02H 0.11 TEC TEH 14 57 DSI 0.60 85 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 14 61 DSI 0.40 112 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 14 61 DSI 0.80 61 P1 03H 0.00 TEC TEH 14 63 DS1 0.33 42 P1 03H 0.09 TEC TEH 14 70 DS1 0.52 89 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 14 83 NQI 0.64 94 3 01C 16.56 TEC TEH 14 84 DSI 0.28 72 P1 04H -0.06 TEC TEH 14 88 DS! 0.42 40 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 14 91 NQI 0.33 91 3 03H 5.75 TEC TEH 15 12 DS! 0.42 79 P1 03H 0.15 TEH TEC 15 25 NQI 0.46 89 3 02H 35.21 TEH TEC 15 26 DSI 0.52 103 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 15 27 DSI 0.43 50 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 15 36 DSI 0.39 72 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 15 36 DS1 1.15 33 P1 03H -0.09 TEH TEC 15 52 DS1 0.70 66 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 15 66 DS1 0.43 69 P1 02H -0.11 TEC TEH 15 66 DS1 0.74 48 P1 03H 0.00 TEC TEH 15 75 DS1 0.27 62 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 15 75 DS1 0.53 48 P1 04H 0.12 TEC TEH 15 87 DS1 0.44 88 P1 02H 0.11 TEC TEH 16 27 DS1 0.48 56 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 30 PCT 0.47 0 9 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 16 31 DSI 0.47 72 P1 02H 0.17 TEH TEC 16 32 DNI 1.38 26 P1 06H 0.03 TEH TEC B-13

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 16 37 DSI 0.57 37 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 16 55 DSI 0.25 86 P1 05H 0.00 TEC TEH 16 61 DSI 0.52 45 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 16 71 DSI 0.57 90 P1 02H 0.09 TEC TEH 17 25 DSI 0.78 59 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 17 25 SAI 0.12 94 6 03H 0.01 0.36 03H 03H 17 30 DSI 0.43 67 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 17 33 DSI 0.72 96 P1 02H 0.12 TEH TEC 17 34 DSI 0.51 74 P1 02H 0.14 TEH TEC 17 35 DSI 0.65 55 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 17 38 DS1 0.28 56 P1 07H 0.03 TEH TEC 17 39 DSI 0.85 70 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 17 42 DSI 0.57 67 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 17 48 DSI 0.45 65 P1 03H 0.09 TEC TEH 17 64 DS1 0.26 113 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 17 68 DSI 0.45 88 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 17 68 DS1 0.55 29 P1 03H 0.00 TEC TEH 18 12 DS1 0.48 55 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 18 18 DS1 0.62 61 P1 02H 0.12 TEH TEC 18 21 DNI 1.74 27 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 18 28 DSI 1.12 49 P1 04H -0.17 TEH TEC 18 29 DSI 0.74 76 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 18 30 DSI 0.26 84 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 18 31 DSI 0.57 111 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 18 36 DSI 0.95 69 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 18 37 DSI 0.91 63 P1 03H -0.09 TEH TEC 18 38 DSI 0.31 76 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 18 53 DSI 0.47 49 P1 03H 0.03 TEC TEH 18 58 DSI 0.65 101 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 18 61 DSI 0.30 60 P1 03H 0.12 TEC TEH 18 64 DS1 0.60 79 P1 03H 0.09 TEC TEH 18 69 DSI 0.40 33 P1 05H -0.06 TEC TEH 18 76 DS1 0.67 46 P1 03H 0.00 TEC TEH 19 15 DSI 0.82 82 P1 02H 0.14 TEH TEC 19 15 DSI 0.40 35 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 19 29 DSI 1.52 42 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 19 29 DSI 1.08 51 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 19 36 DSI 0.81 95 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 19 39 DSI 0.59 56 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 19 39 DSI 0.68 75 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 19 50 DSI 0.60 58 P1 03H 0.12 TEC TEH 19 51 DS1 0.41 47 P1 03H -0.03 TEC TEH 19 71 DSI 0.27 75 P1 05H -0.06 TEC TEH 19 74 DSI 0.18 106 P1 02H -0.11 TEC TEH 19 76 DSI 0.50 52 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 19 78 DSI 0.30 80 P1 02H -0.09 TEC TEH B-14

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 19 85 DSI 0.40 83 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 20 11 DSI 1.40 51 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 20 16 DSI 0.62 67 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 20 19 DNI 1.25 21 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 20 23 DSI 0.32 59 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 20 81 DSI 0.50 115 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 21 53 DSI 0.62 62 P1 03H 0.11 TEC TEH 21 53 DSI 0.34 89 P1 05H 0.03 TEC TEH 21 54 DSI 0.69 72 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 21 75 DSI 0.60 64 P1 02H 0.15 TEC TEH 22 52 DSI 0.25 59 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 22 52 DSI 0.30 39 P1 03H 0.03 TEC TEH 22 53 DSI 0.36 118 P1 02H -0.06 TEC TEH 22 58 SAI 0.31 51 6 TSH -0.12 0.33 TSH TSH 22 58 DSI 0.42 140 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 22 62 DSI 0.35 61 P1 03H 0.03 TEC TEH 22 64 DSI 0.55 75 P1 02H -0.11 TEC TEH 23 19 NQI 0.35 112 3 04C 34.70 TEH TEC 23 19 NQI 0.23 92 3 04C 42.98 TEH TEC 23 33 DSI 0.54 27 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 23 56 DSI 0.51 83 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 23 61 DSI 0.40 50 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 24 30 DSI 0.25 113 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 24 32 DSI 0.50 45 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 24 42 DSI 0.70 73 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 24 52 DSI 0.69 66 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 24 56 DSI 0.30 44 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 24 62 DSI 0.74 40 P1 03H 0.06 TEC TEH 24 63 DSI 0.54 53 P1 03H 0.12 TEC TEH 24 71 DSI 0.38 47 P1 05H 0.06 TEC TEH 25 17 DSI 0.37 62 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 25 21 DNI 1.44 25 P1 04H 0.03 TEH TEC 25 23 PCT 0.85 0 16 P2 AV3 0.21 TEH TEC 25 29 DSI 0.48 61 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 25 64 DSI 0.46 42 P1 06H 0.03 TEC TEH 25 82 NQI 0.52 103 3 05C 42.67 TEC TEH 26 30 DSI 0.85 64 P1 03H -0.17 TEH TEC 26 37 DNI 1.28 44 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 26 78 DSI 0.53 62 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 27 46 DSI 0.59 69 P1 06H 0.06 TEH TEC 27 68 DSI 0.38 81 P1 02H 0.11 TEC TEH 27 74 NQI 1.56 110 3 02C 27.45 TEC TEH 28 30 DNI 1.37 28 P1 07H -0.12 TEH TEC 28 40 NQI 0.41 110 3 02C 28.93 TEH TEC 28 41 DSI 0.57 56 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 28 70 PCT 2.36 0 27 P2 AV3 -0.03 TEC TEH B-15

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 28 70 PCT 1.62 0 21 P2 AV4 0.03 TEC TEH 28 81 DSI 0.45 50 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 29 20 DSI 0.89 55 P1 03H 0.15 TEH TEC 29 27 DSI 0.84 66 P1 03H 0.15 TEH TEC 29 31 DSI 0.46 64 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 29 32 DSI 0.23 78 P1 03H 0.12 TEH TEC 29 32 DSI 0.52 40 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 29 34 DSI 0.50 73 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 29 37 DSI 0.81 36 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 29 38 DSI 0.25 110 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 29 40 DSI 0.91 62 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 29 41 DSI 0.60 54 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 29 57 DSI 0.48 49 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 30 20 DSI 0.29 74 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 30 27 DS1 0.58 76 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 30 32 DSI 0.37 122 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 30 50 DSI 0.67 49 P1 04H 0.00 TEC TEH 30 78 DSI 0.49 38 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 30 78 DS1 0.48 37 P1 04H 0.03 TEC TEH 30 79 DSI 0.61 35 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 30 81 DS1 0.57 99 P1 03H 0.09 TEC TEH 31 17 NQI 0.31 75 3 03H 7.97 TEH TEC 31 31 DNI 1.30 55 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 31 32 DSI 0.69 41 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 31 32 DSI 0.37 54 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 31 37 DSI 0.69 57 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 31 39 DS1 0.27 57 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 31 39 DSI 0.75 49 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 31 41 PCT 1.02 0 16 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 31 52 DS1 0.62 69 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 31 59 PCT 1.99 0 25 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 31 59 PCT 1.24 0 19 P2 AV4 0.00 TEC TEH 31 71 DSl 0.19 97 P1 05H 0.12 TEC TEH 31 76 DS! 0.87 92 P1 02H -0.06 TEC TEH 31 78 DSl 0.67 77 P1 02H -0.06 TEC TEH 31 78 DSI 1.18 56 P1 03H 0.26 TEC TEH 32 29 DSI 0.35 49 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 32 33 DNI 1.53 50 P1 03H -0.08 TEH TEC 32 39 SCI 0.17 124 P2 TSH -0.07 41 TSH TSH 32 50 PCT 2.01 0 26 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 32 53 DSl 0.76 41 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 32 55 DSI 0.46 69 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 32 55 PCT 2.25 0 27 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 32 55 PCT 1.63 0 22 P2 AV4 0.00 TEC TEH 32 57 PCT 0.81 0 14 P2 AVl 0.00 TEC TEH 32 57 PCT 1.01 0 16 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH B-16

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 32 59 PCT 1.91 0 25 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 32 61 DSI 0.34 79 P1 02H 0.03 TEC TEH 32 77 DSI 0.48 68 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 33 32 DSI 0.44 124 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 33 37 DSI 0.26 145 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 33 40 PCT 1.03 0 16 P2 AV2 -0.21 TEH TEC 33 40 PCT 1.29 0 19 P2 AV3 -0.06 TEH TEC 33 41 PCT 2.15 0 26 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 33 41 PCT 1.10 0 17 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 33 43 SCI 0.17 104 P2 TSH -0.04 30 TSH TSH 33 43 PCT 1.46 0 21 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 33 44 DSI 0.54 75 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 33 57 PCT 1.00 0 16 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 33 57 PCT 1.24 0 19 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 33 58 NQI 0.43 110 3 02C 7.61 TEC TEH 33 58 NQI 0.50 114 3 02C 10.86 TEC TEH 33 62 DSI 0.72 63 P1 02H -0.03 TEC TEH 33 63 PCT 2.61 0 29 P2 AV2 -0.23 TEC TEH 34 22 PCT 0.85 0 14 P2 AV4 0.00 TEH TEC 34 26 DNI 1.53 26 P1 07H 0.12 TEH TEC 34 32 IDS 0.36 93 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 34 35 DS0 0.41 59 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 34 37 DSI 0.37 44 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 34 48 DS1 0.64 83 P1 02H 0.09 TEC TEH 34 48 DS1 0.77 66 P1 03H -0.03 TEC TEH 34 49 MCI 0.14 105 P2 TSH -0.05 26 TSH TSH 34 49 MCI 0.14 63 P2 TSH -0.04 38 TSH TSH 34 50 PCT 1.50 0 22 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 34 50 PCT 1.34 0 21 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 34 51 DSI 1.16 31 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 34 51 DSI 0.65 60 P1 03H 0.00 TEC TEH 34 55 PCT 0.81 0 14 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 34 55 PCT 3.23 0 32 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 34 57 PCT 1.71 0 23 P2 AV2 0.09 TEC TEH 35 19 PCT 0.90 0 16 P2 AV4 -0.12 TEH TEC 35 21 PCT 1.27 0 21 P2 AV3 0.12 TEH TEC 35 25 PCT 1.63 0 24 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 35 25 PCT 1.83 0 25 P2 AV3 -0.06 TEH TEC 35 40 DSI 0.48 58 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 35 41 PCT 1.26 0 19 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 35 41 PCT 2.56 0 28 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 35 41 PCT 1.03 0 16 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 35 41 PCT 2.70 0 29 P2 AV4 0.00 TEH TEC 35 50 PCT 0.99 0 15 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 35 50 PCT 1.72 0 22 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 35 50 PCT 1.68 0 22 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH B-17

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 35 50 PCT 1.40 0 19 P2 AV4 0.00 TEC TEH 35 54 PCT 1.06 0 16 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 35 58 DSI 0.50 148 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 35 63 PCT 1.11 0 18 P2 AV2 0.21 TEC TEH 35 63 PCT 1.52 0 22 P2 AV3 0.18 TEC TEH 35 71 PCT 0.91 0 15 P2 AV4 0.00 TEC TEH 36 18 PSI 8.37 161 8 06H -0.18 TEH TEC 36 18 SVI 0.19 91 6 06H 2.73 0.4 53 06H 06H 36 18 CSI 0.13 86 11 06H 0.01 06H 06H 36 19 NQI 0.63 116 3 06H 17.45 TEH TEC 36 19 PSI 7.22 150 8 06H 0.00 TEH TEC 36 19 CSI 0.70 144 9 06H 0.05 06H 06H 36 41 PCT 2.89 0 30 P2 AVI 0.00 TEH TEC 36 41 PCT 1.61 0 22 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 36 41 PCT 4.12 0 35 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 36 42 DSI 0.31 101 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 36 50 PCT 0.98 0 15 P2 AV1 0.03 TEC TEH 36 50 PCT 1.35 0 19 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 36 55 PCT 0.44 0 9 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 36 55 PCT 1.08 0 17 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 36 56 DSI 0.57 65 P1 02H 0.00 TEC TEH 36 56 PCT 1.99 0 26 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 36 56 PCT 2.14 0 25 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 36 63 PCT 1.43 0 21 P2 AV2 0.36 TEC TEH 36 63 PCT 2.63 0 29 P2 AV3 0.21 TEC TEH 37 29 PCT 1.12 0 17 P2 AV1 0.00 TEH TEC 37 29 PCT 1.75 0 23 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 37 32 DSI 1.04 47 P1 03H 0.23 TEH TEC 37 41 PCT 0.90 0 15 P2 AV2 0.00 TEH TEC 37 57 DSI 0.39 64 P1 02H 0.06 TEC TEH 37 57 PCT 1.11 0 18 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 37 57 PCT 1.31 0 20 P2 AV4 0.00 TEC TEH 38 35 DSI 0.56 42 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 39 31 DSI 0.54 44 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 39 33 DSI 0.38 73 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 39 45 PCT 0.84 0 14 P2 AV4 0.00 TEH TEC 39 48 PCT 0.87 0 14 P2 AV3 0.00 TEC TEH 39 70 PCT 2.96 0 30 P2 AV3 0.03 TEC TEH 40 42 DSI 0.45 151 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 41 31 DSI 0.41 87 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 41 68 PCT 0.74 0 12 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH 42 28 PCT 1.38 0 20 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 42 29 PCT 1.19 0 18 P2 AVI 0.00 TEH TEC 42 47 PCT 1.09 0 19 P2 AVI 0.00 TEH TEC 42 51 DSI 0.29 57 P1 04H 0.15 TEC TEH 42 55 PCT 1.49 0 21 P2 AV1 0.00 TEC TEH B-18

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21B Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 42 55 PCT 1.07 0 17 P2 AV2 0.00 TEC TEH 44 48 DSI 0.31 123 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 44 59 DTI 2.12 155 P1 TEC 4.86 TEC TEH 45 54 PSI 9.12 253 8 02H 0.52 TEC TEH 45 54 CSI 0.33 143 9 02H -0.06 02H 02H B-19

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C The following tabulation provides SG examination results for tubes in SG 'C' with service induced degradation. Refer to the tables on Page B-27 of this attachment for a description of terms used in this tabulation.

Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 2 78 DSI 0.37 52 P1 03H 0.03 08H TEH 2 85 DSI 0.53 47 P1 03H -0.03 08H TEH 3 9 DSI 0.21 118 P1 06H 0.03 08H TEH 3 18 DSI 0.37 97 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 3 39 DS1 0.45 61 P1 07H 0.03 08H TEH 3 58 DSI 0.44 76 P1 02H 0.00 08H TEH 3 60 DSI 0.85 74 P1 02H 0.07 08H TEH 3 60 DSI 0.46 29 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 3 64 DSI 0.42 89 P1 02H -0.01 08H TEH 3 64 DSI 0.51 55 P1 03H 0.00 08H TEH 4 39 DSI 0.49 54 P1 07H 0.05 08H TEH 4 48 DSI 0.32 47 P1 02H -0.07 08H TEH 4 49 DSI 0.67 79 P1 03H 0.07 08H TEH 4 69 DSI 0.59 84 P1 03H 0.03 08H TEH 4 76 DSI 0.39 59 P1 03H 0.04 08H TEH 5 10 NQI 0.49 117 3 07H 36.27 TEH TEC 5 13 DNI 1.57 68 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 5 15 DSI 0.48 56 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 5 19 DSI 0.68 77 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 5 34 DNI 1.73 31 P1 04H 0.08 TEH TEC 5 34 DNI 1.48 29 P1 05H -0.08 TEH TEC 5 62 DSI 0.51 83 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 5 68 DNI 1.34 47 P1 07H 0.03 TEH TEC 5 70 DNI 1.30 54 P1 05H 0.11 TEH TEC 5 76 DS! 0.63 43 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 5 77 DNI 1.47 45 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 5 86 DNI 1.29 30 P1 08H -0.06 TEH TEC 6 17 DNI 1.35 30 P1 03H -0.17 TEH TEC 6 23 DSI 0.37 94 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 6 50 DNI 1.33 49 P1 05H 0.14 TEH TEC 6 54 DSI 0.71 71 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 6 55 DSI 0.54 121 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 6 63 DSI 0.64 92 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 6 78 DS! 0.58 72 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 6 92 DSI 0.32 37 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 7 9 DNI 1.53 48 P1 02H -0.11 TEH TEC 7 34 DNI 1.29 31 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 7 40 DS! 0.53 83 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 7 40 DSI 0.64 53 P1 04H -0.14 TEH TEC 7 49 DSI 0.56 85 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 7 49 DS1 0.64 60 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC B-20

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 7 57 DNI 1.50 40 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 7 67 DSI 0.74 21 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 7 80 DSI 0.39 77 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 2 NQI 0.42 113 3 03H 48.59 TEH TEC 8 12 DNI 1.28 49 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 8 15 DSI 1.30 47 P1 03H 0.20 TEH TEC 8 15 NQI 0.64 90 3 05H 15.84 TEH TEC 8 19 NQI 0.69 97 3 03H 35.83 TEH TEC 8 19 NQI 0.61 106 3 06H 16.92 TEH TEC 8 19 NQI 1.10 114 3 07H 1.25 TEH TEC 8 23 DSI 0.92 78 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 23 DNI 1.52 46 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 8 43 DSI 0.41 84 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 8 63 DSI 0.28 65 P1 06H -0.03 TEH TEC 8 72 DSI 0.28 50 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 8 84 DSI 0.21 105 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 8 85 DNI 1.37 35 P1 06H 0.11 TEH TEC 8 92 DNI 1.36 32 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 9 20 DSI 0.36 145 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 30 DSI 0.51 105 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 9 32 DSI 1.03 55 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 9 35 DSI 0.58 80 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 9 37 DSI 0.50 90 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 9 38 DSI 0.39 102 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 41 DS1 0.66 92 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 9 45 DSI 0.62 80 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 9 47 DSI 0.93 80 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 9 54 DSI 0.44 77 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 9 59 NQI 0.41 82 3 03C 41.90 TEH TEC 9 59 DNI 1.31 40 P1 06H -0.09 TEH TEC 9 65 DSI 0.53 32 P1 06H 0.11 TEH TEC 9 91 DNI 1.61 37 P1 04H 0.14 TEH TEC 10 9 DSI 0.47 77 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 10 10 DSI 0.74 84 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 10 DSI 0.64 57 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 10 24 DSI 0.49 65 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 10 37 DSI 0.73 87 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 10 43 DSI 0.37 75 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 49 SCI 0.16 111 P2 TSH -0.06 38 TSH TSH 10 49 SOC 0.08 101 4 TSH -0.07 38 TSH TSH 10 51 DSI 1.35 38 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 51 DSI 1.85 37 P1 05H -0.17 TEH TEC 10 54 NQI 0.41 87 3 02H 24.06 TEH TEC 10 54 DSI 1.02 70 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 54 DSI 0.34 76 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 10 72 DS1 0.53 86 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC B-21

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 10 72 DSI 0.29 57 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 75 DNI 1.68 32 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 10 78 DS! 0.40 27 P1 03H 0.10 TEH TEC 10 80 DNI 1.27 52 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 10 92 DNI 1.27 24 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 11 7 DS1 0.62 72 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 15 DSI 0.93 54 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 11 15 DSI 0.48 71 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 42 DSI 1.25 64 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 11 44 DSI 0.96 52 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 11 44 DS! 0.40 46 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 48 DNI 1.56 16 P1 04H -0.14 TEH TEC 11 49 DS! 0.72 40 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 49 DSI 0.61 53 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 11 55 DNI 1.31 26 P1 06H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 62 DSI 0.63 34 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 70 DS! 0.72 40 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 11 72 DS! 0.75 51 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 11 89 DNI 1.72 37 P1 05H 0.06 TEH TEC 12 26 DNI 1.26 38 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 12 30 DSI 0.57 84 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 12 46 DNI 1.29 44 P1 02H 0.14 TEH TEC 12 57 DNI 1.28 44 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 12 70 DS1 0.31 79 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 12 70 DSI 0.38 67 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 12 83 DSI 0.29 58 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 13 6 NQ! 0.42 98 3 02C 5.18 TEH TEC 13 23 DNI 1.35 34 P1 02H -0.20 TEH TEC 13 23 DNI 1.42 42 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 13 31 DNI 1.38 49 P1 04H 0.14 TEH TEC 13 32 DS! 0.34 66 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 13 43 DS! 0.35 69 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 13 43 DS! 0.38 96 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 13 59 DS! 0.40 60 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 13 63 DSI 0.54 46 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 13 64 DS! 0.69 63 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 14 36 DNI 1.43 28 P1 05H 0.06 TEH TEC 14 38 DS! 0.66 60 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 14 39 DS! 0.52 54 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 14 43 DNI 1.54 52 P1 03H 0.08 TEH TEC 14 50 DS0 0.53 89 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 14 54 DS0 0.40 75 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 14 58 NQI 0.52 106 3 01C 21.19 TEH TEC 15 5 DS0 0.69 49 P1 04H 0.09 TEH TEC 15 14 DS0 0.54 69 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 15 21 DS! 0.35 106 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC B-22

4 Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 15 35 DSI 0.19 101 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 15 35 DSI 0.83 50 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 15 39 DS1 0.54 97 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 15 41 DSI 0.57 74 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 15 61 DSI 0.44 55 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 15 62 DSI 0.38 62 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 15 80 DSI 0.55 93 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 15 87 DSI 0.47 118 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 15 92 DNI 1.37 48 P1 05H 0.06 TEH TEC 16 34 DNI 1.44 50 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 35 DNI 1.28 38 P1 05H 0.17 TEH TEC 16 39 DNI 1.25 32 P1 08H -0.06 TEH TEC 16 45 DNI 1.26 25 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 16 46 DSI 0.73 51 P1 04H 0.14 TEH TEC 16 55 DS1 0.39 127 P1 06H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 57 DSI 0.74 64 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 16 63 DS1 0.35 56 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 16 73 DSI 0.51 62 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 17 35 DNI 1.40 54 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 17 37 DNI 1.41 33 P1 07H 0.00 TEH TEC 17 43 DNI 1.34 45 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 17 44 DNI 1.49 42 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 17 44 SAI 0.19 35 6 03H -0.05 0.24 03H 03H 17 44 SAI 0.30 39 3 03H 0.00 0.21 03H 03H 17 58 DNI 1.36 51 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 17 61 DS0 0.95 44 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 17 61 DS1 0.50 85 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 17 63 DS1 0.47 50 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 17 67 DS1 0.68 100 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 18 15 DS1 0.32 105 P1 06H 0.09 TEH TEC 18 37 DNI 1.36 27 P1 04H -0.08 TEH TEC 18 38 DS1 0.48 108 P1 02H -0.06 TEH TEC 18 47 DS1 0.55 62 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 18 48 DS1 0.74 58 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 18 48 DS1 0.84 62 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 18 48 DS1 0.69 55 P1 04H 0.11 TEH TEC 18 50 DNI 1.31 52 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 18 51 DS1 0.87 72 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 18 53 DSI 0.69 59 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 18 54 DSI 0.64 54 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 18 54 DSI 0.57 88 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 18 55 DSI 0.48 92 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 18 62 DSI 0.77 70 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 18 67 DS0 0.74 81 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 18 67 DSI 0.71 46 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 18 73 DSI 0.35 44 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC B-23

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 4 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 19 20 DNI 2.06 33 P1 02H -0.11 TEH TEC 19 25 DNI 1.39 39 P1 04H -0.17 TEH TEC 19 35 DSI 0.84 47 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 19 38 DSI 1.03 39 P1 05H 0.00 TEH TEC 19 48 DSI 0.80 68 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 19 57 DSI 0.75 60 P1 04H -0.09 TEH TEC 19 57 DSI 0.63 56 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 19 79 DSI 0.59 117 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 20 12 DNI 1.43 38 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 20 47 DNI 1.23 36 P1 04H -0.03 TEH TEC 20 75 DSI 0.60 81 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 20 85 DSI 0.32 110 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 21 18 DSI 0.57 98 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 21 62 DSI 0.59 79 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 22 12 DNI 1.24 41 P1 05H 0.12 TEH TEC 22 18 DSI 0.58 83 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 22 20 DSI 0.91 74 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 22 24 DSI 0.31 94 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 22 30 DNI 1.49 52 P1 03H -0.06 TEH TEC 22 33 DSI 0.67 46 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 22 61 DSI 0.44 76 P1 03H 0.14 TEH TEC 22 64 DSI 0.18 134 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 23 10 DSi 1.06 34 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 23 13 DNI 1.28 53 P1 02H -0.14 TEH TEC 23 28 DSI 0.49 78 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 23 35 DNI 1.28 35 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 23 37 DS1 0.47 53 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 23 39 DSI 0.63 86 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 23 39 DSI 0.70 45 P1 05H 0.03 TEH TEC 23 42 DS1 0.62 88 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 23 42 DS1 0.60 92 P1 03H -0.03 TEH TEC 23 60 DSI 0.57 92 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 23 69 DS1 0.44 36 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 24 11 DNI 1.58 54 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 24 24 PCT 1.07 0 18 P2 AV3 0.00 TEH TEC 24 41 DSI 0.53 66 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 24 48 DSI 1.28 52 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 24 50 DSI 0.50 68 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 24 53 DNI 1.32 52 P1 06H 0.23 TEH TEC 24 57 DSI 0.36 42 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 24 57 DNI 1.35 46 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 24 61 DSI 0.57 79 P1 02H 0.17 TEH TEC 24 63 DSI 0.30 71 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 24 64 DNI 1.34 39 P1 05H 0.20 TEH TEC 24 78 DNI 1.24 43 P1 05H 0.14 TEH TEC 25 17 DSl 0.44 71 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC B-24

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C Row Col Ind Volts Phase  % TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 25 26 DSI 0.23 77 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 25 29 DSI 0.51 69 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 25 31 DSI 0.55 81 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 25 32 DNI 1.41 25 P1 04H -0.06 TEH TEC 25 34 DSI 0.73 68 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 25 47 DS1 0.72 35 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 25 48 MCI 0.17 91 P2 TSH -0.07 252 TSH TSH 25 48 MCI 0.10 126 4 TSH -0.11 253 TSH TSH 25 54 DS1 0.37 73 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 25 65 DSI 0.77 82 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 25 76 DSI 0.71 69 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 25 79 DS! 0.48 87 P1 02H 0.06 TEH TEC 26 17 DNI 1.63 33 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 26 26 DT1 5.11 157 P1 TEC 15.86 TEH TEC 26 39 DSI 0.52 38 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 26 42 DSI 0.64 44 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 26 56 SCI 0.26 79 P2 TSH -0.07 48 TSH TSH 26 56 SCI 0.10 84 4 TSH -0.06 50 TSH TSH 26 70 DS1 0.68 83 P1 03H 0.10 TEH TEC 27 20 DSI 0.74 76 P1 02H 0.03 TEH TEC 27 20 DNI 1.46 55 P1 05H 0.11 TEH TEC 27 30 DNI 1.32 51 P1 02H -0.03 TEH TEC 27 30 DNI 1.37 36 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 27 31 DNI 1.41 53 P1 05H 0.14 TEH TEC 27 60 DSI 0.62 74 P1 02H 0.17 TEH TEC 27 76 DSI 0.42 36 P1 03H 0.00 TEH TEC 28 29 DNI 1.31 45 P1 04H 0.11 TEH TEC 28 42 DSI 0.51 66 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 28 44 DSI 0.41 105 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 28 44 DNI 1.31 39 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 28 73 DS0 0.90 71 P1 03H 0.17 TEH TEC 28 85 DSI 0.13 122 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 29 37 DSI 0.58 50 P1 02H 0.11 TEH TEC 29 47 DSI 0.62 77 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 29 51 DNI 1.27 41 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 29 57 DS! 0.37 43 P1 05H 0.09 TEH TEC 29 63 DSI 0.65 70 P1 05H 0.29 TEH TEC 30 31 DS! 0.46 77 P1 03H 0.06 TEH TEC 30 41 DSI 0.33 79 P1 02H 0.09 TEH TEC 30 60 DSI 0.69 57 P1 02H 0.00 TEH TEC 30 61 DSI 0.79 74 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 30 63 DSI 0.62 44 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC 30 67 SCI 0.17 127 P2 TSH -0.13 68 TSH TSH 31 22 DSI 0.39 78 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 31 29 DSI 0.35 124 P1 04H 0.00 TEH TEC 31 49 DSI 0.37 58 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC B-25

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued) 2R12 SG Examination Results For SG 2RCS-SG21C Row Col Ind Volts Phase %TW Chan Loc Inch1 Length Angle From To 31 71 SCI 0.16 91 P2 TSH -0.16 38 TSH TSH 31 71 SCI 0.16 38 4 TSH -0.11 61 TSH TSH 32 25 DSI 0.41 57 P1 03H 0.11 TEH TEC 32 70 SCI 0.11 82 P2 TSH -0.10 56 TSH TSH 33 34 DSI 0.34 28 P1 06H 0.06 TEH TEC 34 58 DSI 0.53 70 P1 02H 0.08 TEH TEC 34 58 DSI 0.44 59 P1 05H 0.14 TEH TEC 34 59 DSI 0.91 68 P1 02H 0.14 TEH TEC 34 62 MCI 0.09 116 P2 TSH -0.06 26 TSH TSH 34 62 MCI 0.14 59 P2 TSH -0.02 52 TSH TSH 34 62 SCI 0.05 78 4 TSH -0.07 57 TSH TSH 35 34 DSI 0.26 92 P1 04H -0.03 TEH TEC 35 38 DSI 0.47 40 P1 07H 0.00 TEH TEC 36 20 DSI 0.45 58 P1 03H 0.09 TEH TEC 36 25 NQI 0.36 101 3 03C 8.88 TEH TEC 37 23 DNI 1.41 26 P1 03H 0.23 TEH TEC 37 67 PCT 1.17 0 19 P2 AV2 -0.03 TEH TEC 37 67 PCT 2.35 0 28 P2 AV3 -0.06 TEH TEC 40 53 DSI 0.43 127 P1 04H 0.11 TEH TEC 40 55 SAI 0.69 4 6 TSH -3.14 0.28 TSH TSH 41 26 DNI 1.53 47 P1 03H 0.03 TEH TEC 41 27 DSI 0.21 59 P1 04H 0.06 TEH TEC B-26

Attachment B to Letter L-07-006 (continued)

Description of Column Headings and Data Abbreviations Used in Attachments C, D and E Report Header Definitions Term Definition Row/Col Row & Column of tube location Ind Type of indication (See data analysis acronyms below)

Volts Voltage amplitude of an indication Phase Angular rotation of indication

%TW Percent through wall of indication Chan Frequency channel from which indication was recorded Loc Location of nearest support structure Inchl Indication distance from nearest support structure Length Field measured crack length Angle Field measured crack phase angle From Starting point of examination To End point of examination Examination Extent Definitions (From - To)

Term 1 Definition TEH Tube End - Hot Leg TSH Hot Leg Tubesheet TEC Tube End Cold Leg TSC Cold Leg Tubesheet O1H 1st Tube Support Plate on Hot Leg Side O0C 1st Tube Support Plate on Cold Leg Side AVB 1 1st Anti-Vibration Bar (Numbered hot leg to cold leg)
