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E-mail from K. Mcmullin of Entergy to Various, Regarding Invitation to Stakeholder Meeting
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 03/10/2006
From: Mcmullin K
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Brian Mcdermott, Jason White
Download: ML061320266 (5)


- A IJohn F.- ----

White - Invitation to Stakeholder Meeting - - - -

Page 1 1 From: "McMullin, Kathy" <KMcMull>

To: "'Brian McDermott"' <>, "White John arwl" <jrwl>,

"Hipschman, Thomas" <>, "Cox, Mark R" <>, "Bowman, Greg

" <>, "Wittick, Brian" <>

Date: 3/10/06 2:47PM


Invitation to Stakeholder Meeting Gentlemen:

Attached below is the text of the invitation to stakeholders for the March 16th meeting. I have also attached a copy of the invitee list thus far. <<List of Invitees to March 16 Stakeholder Meeting.doc>>

Please accept this invitation to an informational meeting at the Indian Point Energy Center regarding our tritium investigation and siren upgrade project. The meeting will be held at the Indian Point Energy Center's Generation Support Building on March 16, 2006.

As we have in previous meetings, we will recap the steps Entergy has taken to determine the source of the tritium leak and the results of the water sampling program. Mr. Don Mayer, director special projects, will summarize the results of the investigation thus far and highlight the next steps to be taken.

We are extending this invitation to local, state and federal officials and emergency management professionals in the four county Emergency Planning Zone. Representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will also be attending.

While Entergy has used a number of means to let citizens know what is happening at the site, we recognize that there is no substitute for a face-to-face discussion.

The program will begin at 9:00 a.m. in Room 133-134 located on the first floor of the Generation Support Building. You will need to obtain an Owner Controlled Area badge at the access office located in the Emergency Operations Facility near the main entrance to Indian Point before coming on site.

Our security procedures require all our visitors to complete an access authorization form. A copy of the form is attached and should be returned to Kathleen McMullin via fax at 914-827-7779 by March 14.

I hope you will be able to attend and I look forward to answering your questions.

Fred Dacimo Vice President Indian Point Energy Center Kathleen McMullin Manager, Communications Indian Point Energy Center 914-271-7132 work 914-827-7779 fax 914-275-3141 cell

John White - TEXT.htm Page 1 :


Attached below is the text of the invitation to stakeholders for the March 16h meeting. I have also attached a copy of the invitee list thus far. <<List of Invitees to March 16 Stakeholder Meeting.doc>>

Please accept this invitation to an informational meeting at the Indian Point Energy Center regarding our tritium investigation and siren upgrade project. The meeting will be held at the Indian Point Energy Center's Generation Support Building on March 16, 2006.

As we have in previous meetings, we will recap the steps Entergy has taken to determine the source of the tritium leak and the results of the water sampling program. Mr. Don Mayer, director special projects, will summarize the results of the investigation thus far and highlight the next steps to be taken.

We are extending this invitation to local, state and federal officials and emergency management professionals in the four county Emergency Planning Zone. Representatives from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will also be attending.

While Entergy has used a number of means to let citizens know what is happening at the site, we recognize that there is no substitute for a face-to-face discussion.

The program will begin at 9:00 a.m. in Room 133-134 located on the first floor of the Generation Support Building. You will need to obtain an Owner Controlled Area badge at the access office located in the Emergency Operations Facility near the main entrance to Indian Point before coming on site.

Our security procedures require all our visitors to complete an access authorization form. A copy of the form is attached and should be returned to Kathleen McMullin via fax at 914-827-7779 by March 14.

I hope you will be able to attend and I look forward to answering your questions.

Fred Dacimo Vice President Indian Point Energy Center Kathleen McMullin Manager, Communications Indian Point Energy Center 914-271-7132 work 914-827-7779 fax

I John White - TEXT.htm Pia-e-fl 914-275-3141 cell

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Last Name First Name Organization Benjamin Liz Rockland County Bondi Robert Putnam County Executive Bordewich Jean Senator Schumer's Office Borgia Catherine Assemblywoman Sandra Galef's Office Bradley Adam NYS Assembly Casey Maura Giuliani Partners Cooper Linda Town of Yorktown Davis Sam Town of Putnam Valley Decampo Frank Putnam County Diana Ed Orange County Executive Eddy Paul Public Service Commission Engel Elliot U. S. Congress Espaillat Adriano NYS Legislature Feeney Andrew State Emergency Management Office Feroe Peter Congresswoman Nita Lowey Fienemann William NYS Assembly/ Galef Fitzpatrick Thomas Giuliani Partners Galef Sandra NYS Assembly Giannoulis Harry The Parkside Group Gibb John State Emergency Management Office Greeley Dan Rockland County Greene Dominick Orange County Emergency Management Howard John Assembly Energy Committee/Majority Hu Dennis Environment Health & Safety Johnson Stephen Westchester County Executive Karben Ryan NYS Legislature Kelly Susan U. S. Congress Klein Thomas Boilermakers Local 5 Kopy Michael NYS Police Kraus Kevin State Emergency Management Office Kutzy Paul Westchester County Lawrence Laurent New York Area Affordable Eletric Leibell Vincent NYS Legislature Lipsman Joshua Westcher County Health Lowey Nita U.S. Congress McCarthy l Frank Congresswoman Sue Kelly Miller Andrea NYS Assembly Program and Counsel Miller __ _ C.J. _ Rockland County Murphy Marybeth Town of Somers Murray Cheryl. Governors Regional Office Nap Jr u elyOfc Nappi_____ _ Jerry Sue Kelly Office

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Steidler Paul Effective Comminication Stiebling Adam Putnam County Emergency Services Sutton Tony Westchester County Department of Emergency Management Testa John City of Peekskill Tkacs Jeffery Town of Cortlandt Tolchin Susan Westchester County Tonko Paul New York State Assembly Tramontana Carl Westchester County OEM Tubbs Brian Village of Buchanan Tumulo Eugene City of Peekskill Utech Dan Senator Clinton's Office Vanderhoff Scott Rockland County Executive Vitale Paul Business Council of Westchester Brown _M hUb t Weishaus Enid Senator Clinton's Office Wright James New York State Senate K$,7 = g j > a e -- 0;l