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E-mail from K. Mcmullin of Entergy to Various, Regarding IPEC Status Report for December 16
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/16/2005
From: Mcmullin K
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Boska J, Brian Holian, David Lew
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML061000581 (5)


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- I C status_epqttqr December 16.i9e f Deeme 16~ ~~~~~ s-c---I


From: "McMullin, Kathy" <KMcMull>

To: " (" <Popopeek)>, Baranski, James"

<>, " Eddy, Paul" <>, " Greeley, Dan"

<greelevd@?>, " Gross, Steve - Orange PIO" <>, " Meyer, Sue-Rockland Alt. POIO" <>, " Sutton, Tony" <awsl @westchestergov.corn>,

Adam Stiebeling <>, "Albanese, Raymond" <rlal>, Alfredo Vidal <>, "Anthony Sutton (awsl"

<awsl>, "Baker Nancy ("

<bakerna ©>, "Barry, Terrence" <>, "Benjamin, Liz"

<BenjarniL©>, "Bentley, Robyn" <rbentle ©>, "Bergmann Ken (ken.beigmann" <ken.bergmann>, Bernie McGarry

<>, "Blizard, Andrea" <>, "Bob Outhouse (rjO4 ©w" <rjO4>, "Bob Outhouse (rjo4©"

<rjo4>, "Bordewich Jean aean-bordewich ©"

<jeanbDrdewich©>, "Bordewich Jean ("

<>, "Boska John (jpb1 ©" <jpbl>, "Bowman, Gregory"

<GBowrn9O©>, Brian Holian <bjm©>, "Brian Holian (beh©"

<beh ©>, "Bridges Jeff (JBridges ©" <JBridges ©>, Chief Tubbs <ChiefBTubbs©>, Chris Schwarz <>, "Comiotes, Jim"

<>, "Conroy, Pat" <>, "Cooper Linda (lindac @!" <lindac ©>, "Cox, Mark R" <mcox9O ©>, "Crawford Garnesha (Gcrawford©" <Gcrawford©>, "Curran, Nick"

<Nick.curran©>, "Dacimo, Fred" <>, David Brand

<>, David Greene <>, David Weinraub

<DWeinraubO>, "DeGasperis, Edward" <edegasp ©>, "Dirocco, Anthony"

<ADiroco ©>, "Don Maurer ("

<>, "Dowling, Adele" <>, "Drew Barney (Barney.Drew@" <Barney.Drew@>, "Elisa Gwilliam (elisagwilliam" <elisagwilliam>, "Fay, Deborah" <DFayl ©>, Feathers

<jdf ©>, "Feeney Andrew ("

<>, "Feroe Peter (peter.feroe"

<peter.foroe ©>, Geri Shapiro <gerishapiro>, "Gibbons Emily (Emily.G ibbons@" <Emily.Gibbons>, "Giguere, Kathleen"

<KGiguEr©>, "Glenn Troester (grtroes ©" <grtroes>, "Gottlieb, Larry"

<LGottli>, "Greene, Dominick" <dgreene ©>, "Grosjean, Alain"

<AGrosj a ©>, "Guiao Frank (Frank.Guiao"

<Frank.Guiao©>, Harry Giannoulis <>, "Hipschman, Thomas' <>, "Huber, John T." <jhube9O©>, "Inzirillo, Frank"

<>, Ira Promisel <>, Jack Spath <jps©>-,

"Jeff TkEacs (efft@?" <>, "Jensen, Chris"

<jensenc>, JES <JES1 ©>, Jim Cunningham

<jim-curmningham ©>, "Jim Seymour"

<jseymour©>, Jim Wright <wright>, John Cordo

<>, "Jones, T. R." <>, "Kansler, Michael"

<MKansle>, Kathleen Wood <>, "Keegan Pat (Pat.keegan" <Pat.keegan>, "Kopy Mike (MKopy(" <>, "Kraus Kevin (kevin.kraus" <kevin.kraus ©>, "Leach, Don"

<DLeach ©>, "Leon, Pete" <Pete.Leon ©>, "Lew David ("

<>, "Longo, Nick" <>, Mark Serrano

<serranc>, Martin Brennan <Martin_Brennan>

Date: 12/16/05 1:58PM


IPEC status report for December 16 A Indian Point Energy Center 41/ -D

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I J6hri White IPEC status report for December 16 Page 2 Daily Status Report December 16, 2005 Operational Status Indian Foint Unit 2 is operating at 100% and has been online 377 days.

Indian Point Unit 3 is operating at 100% reactor power and has been on-line for 73 days.

Energy Information Administration Sees Increased Nuclear Capacity U. S. nuclear generating capacity is expected to hit 109 gigawatts by 2030 according to DOE's Energy Information Administration. EIA attributed 6 GWs of the additional capacity to newly built power reactors, the construction of which it said would be stimulated by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and the remain ng 3 GWs of new power to uprates at existing nuclear plants. New reactors expected to be added to the U.S.

grid in 2 14 and beyond will be the first new power reactors ordered in the country in more than 30 years, EIA saic. This is the first time that EIA has projected in its annual outlook that there will be construction of new U.S. nuclear plants.

The report is at <>

Entergy Adds New Feature to Website Entergy has added an e-mail update feature to its safesecurevital website. You can sign up for updates on a variety of topics including siren tests, security upgrades and environmental issues.

To receive these updates go to <> and provide an email acdress.

BM_401 54Updated Dry Cask Storage Factsheets Available Entergy has produced an updated informational brochure, available in electronic and hardcopy format that explains the details of dry cask storage. Contact Andrea Blizard at 914-271-7081 or by return email at <> for a copy.

Entergy Nuclear Northeast provides customized outreach education programs for schools, youth groups, and civic: organizations. The topics we cover include Emergency Planning, Understanding Radiation, Nuclear Fuel and a general overview of the operations of Indian Point Energy Center. If you would like a brochures or are interested in scheduling a program, contact IPEC Communications at 914-271-7441.

John White - IPEC-status report for December 16 Page3 Pae If you have any questions or need clarification of the information provided, please contact Kathy McMullin, manage r of communications, Indian Point Energy Center, at 914-271-7132.

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IJioh~nWh ie_ -JEXt~ht~n Page 1 IJohn White TEXT.htrn Indian Point Energy Center Daily Status Report December 16, 2005 Operational Status Indian Point Unit 2 is operating at 100% and has been online 377 days.

Indian Point Unit 3 is operating at 100% reactor power and has been on-line for 73 day;s.

Energy Information Administration Sees Increased Nuclear Capacity U. c;. nuclear generating capacity is expected to hit 109 gigawatts by 2030 according to DOE's Energy Information Administration. EIA attributed 6 GWs of the additional capacity to newly built power reactors, the construction of which it said would be stimulated by the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and the remaining 3 GWs of new power to uprates at existing nuclear plants. New reactors expected to be added to the U.S. grid in 2014 and beyond will be the first new power reactors ordered in the country in more than 30 years, EIA said. This is the first time that EIA has projected in its annual outlook that there will be construction of new U.S. nuclear plants.

The report is at http://www.eia.doe.qov.

Entorgy Adds New Feature to Website Entergy has added an e-mail update feature to its safesecurevital website. You can sign up for updates on a variety of topics including siren tests, security upgrades and environmental issues.

To receive these updates go to www.safesecurevital.orq and provide an email address.

I t

John White-- - TEXT.htin Joh White TEThr Page 21a Pa Updated Dry Cask Storage Factsheets Available Entergy has produced an updated informational brochure, available in electronic and harccopy format that explains the details of dry cask storage. Contact Andrea Blizard at 914-271-7081 or by return email at kmcmullO for a copy.

EntErgy Nuclear Northeast provides customized outreach education programs for schools, youth groups, and civic organizations. The topics we cover include Emergency Planning, Understanding Radiation, Nuclear Fuel and a general overview of the operations of Indian Point Energy Center. Ifyou would like a brochure or are interested in scheduling a program, contact IPEC Communications at 914-271-7441.

If you have any questions or need clarification of the information provided, please contact Kathy McMullin, manager of communications, Indian Point Energy Center, at 914-271-7132.