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E-mail from K. Mcmullin of Entergy to Various, Regarding IPEC Status Report for November 8
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/2005
From: Mcmullin K
Entergy Nuclear Operations
To: Boska J, Brian Holian, David Lew, Noggle J, Diane Screnci, Neil Sheehan, Jason White
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML061000444 (5)


I John White - IPEC status report for November 8 Page 1 tn John;~.m White-- IPE status reor frNoeme - 8. Pae1 From: "McMullin, Kathy" <KMcMull>

To: "(I Promise ©" <IPromise ©>,n (" <>, " Baranski, James" <james.baranski@semo.state.ny.Ls>,

" Eddy, Paul" <>, " Greeley, Dan" <>, " Gross, Steve - Orange PIO" <>, " Meyer, Sue-Rockland Alt. POIO"

<>, " Sutton, Tony" <awsl>, Adam Stiebeling

<abspct es ©>, "Albanese, Raymond" <rlal>, "Anthony Sutton (awsl" <awsl>, "Baker Nancy (bakerna©" <bakerna©>, "Benjamin, Liz"

<>, "Bentley, Robyn" <rbentle>, "Blizard, Andrea"

<ablizar,>, "Bob Outhouse (rjO4" <rjO4©>, "Bob Outhouse (" <rjo4©>, "Bordewich Jean (" <>, "Boska John (jpb1" <jpbl>, Brian Holian <bjm©>, "Brian Holian (beh©" <beh©>, "Bridges Jeff (" <JBridges>, Chief Tubbs

<>, Chris Schwarz <>, "Comiotes, Jim"

<JComiot ©>, "Cooper Linda (lindac" <lindac ©>, "Curran, Nick"

<Nick.curran>, "Dacimo, Fred" <FDacimoC©>, "DeGasperis, Edward"

<edegas pO>, "Dirocco, Anthony" <ADirocc©>, "Don Maurer (" <>, "Dowling, Adele"

<amd2 ©>, "Drew Barney ("

<Barney.Drew@>, "Elisa Gwilliam (elisagwilliam ©" <elisagwilliam ©msn.corn>,

"Fay, Deborah" <DFayl ©>, "Feeney Andrew ("

<Andrew.Feeney@>, "Feroe Peter (peter.feroe"

<peter.feroe©>, Geri Shapiro <>, "Gibbons Emily (Emily.Gibbons ©" <Emily.Gibbons ©>, "Giguere, Kathleen"

<KGiguer@>, "Glenn Troester (grtroes" <grtroes>, uGottlieb, Larry"

<LGottli>, "Greene, Dominick" <dgreene ©>, "Grosjean, Alain"

<AGrosje ©>, "Guiao Frank (Frank.Guiao ©"

<Frank.Guiao ©>, "Huber, John T." <jhube90 ©>, "Inzirillo, Frank"

<finziri ©>, "Jeff Tkacs (" <>, "Jensen, Chris" <jensenc ©>, JES <JES1>, "Jim Seymour aseymour©" <jseymour©>, "Jones, T. R."

<tjones2 ©>, "Kansler, Michael" <MKansle ©>, "Keegan Pat (Pat.keegan" <Pat.keegan ©>, "Kopy Mike (MKopy(" <>, "Kraus Kevin (kevin.kraus ©" <kevin.kraus ©>, "Leach, Don"

<>, "Leon, Pete" <Pete.Leon>, "Lew David ("

<>, "Longo, Nick" <>, "Mayer, Don" <DMayerl>,

"McCann, John" <jmccanl>, "McCannell, Chris" <>,

"McConaghy, Ryan" <>, "McGillicuddy, Maura"

<MMcGi>, "McGuire Ray (leibell ©" <leibell>,

"McKay, Mike" <>, "McMahon, Bob - Putman County"

<cdrbob31 ©>, "McMullin, Kathy" <KMcMull©>, "Miller CJ (MillerC" <>, "Mitchell, Frank" <FMitche ©,

Neil Sheahan <>, "Neveloff Rand (rand©" <rand©>,

"Noggle .Jim (" <jdn>, "Paulson, Adam" <adam.paulson>,

"Phillips, Frank" <fphilli>, "Pillors, Brenda" <Brenda.pillors ©>, "Poquette, Thomas' <thomas.poquette©>, "PRIDE, ANN L" <APRIDE©>, "Realmuto M.

(MRealrnut©" <MRealmut©>

Date: 11/8/05 4:24PM


IPEC status report for November 8 Indian Point Energy Center

John White - IPEC status report for November 8_ Page 211 J ht Ev r8 P Daily Status Report November 8, 2005 Operational Status Indian Point Unit 2 is operating at 100% and has been online 339 days.

Indian Point Unit 3 is operating at 100% reactor power and has been on-line for 35 days.

Spent Fuel Pool Investigation Entergy is continuing the investigation into a leak from a small hairline crack in the IP2 spent fuel pool.

This week, new monitoring wells are scheduled to be dug near the spent fuel building as part of the hydrology investigation and divers will be in the spent fuel pool to install a vacuum box over two areas where potential flaws were identified as part of the spent fuel pool liner inspection.

The NRC is continuing its special inspection on the spent fuel pool issue and is continuing conference calls to brief stakeholders.

Emergercy Plan Exercise Schedule for November 30 Entergy, the New York State Emergency Management Office and the four counties in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone around Indian Point will conduct an emergency response exercise on November. 30. The exercise will include the new Joint News Center at the DOT Traffic Control Center, in Hawthorne, N.Y.

BM_401 54Updated Dry Cask Storage Factsheets Available Entergy has produced an updated informational brochure, available in electronic and hardcopy format that explains the details of dry cask storage. Contact Andrea Blizard at 914-271-7081 or by return email at kmcmull( <mailto:kmcmull©> for a copy.

Entergy Nuclear Northeast provides customized outreach education programs for schools, youth groups, and civic organizations. The topics we cover include Emergency Planning, Understanding Radiation, Nuclear Fuel and a general overview of the operations of Indian Point Energy Center. If you would like a brochure or are interested in scheduling a program, contact IPEC Communications at 914-271-7441.

If you have any questions or need clarification of the information provided, please contact Kathy McMullin,

Iioh-n, -W-hit-e,-I-PEC stat-u s re'Dort for-Nov-emb-e-r 8 p.q n p 'I

.- C7_

-- :.- ,,I manager of communications, Indian Point Energy Center, at 914-271-7132.

[ John White - TEXT~htin Page Paie 1 11l John White TEXT.htrn Indian Point Energy Center Daily Status Report November 8, 2005 Operational Status Indian Point Unit 2 is operating at 100% and has been online 339 days.

Indian Point Unit 3 is operating at 100% reactor power and has been on-line for 35 days.

Spent Fuel Pool Investigation Entergy is continuing the investigation into a leak from a small hairline crack in the IP2 spent fuel pool. This week, new monitoring wells are scheduled to be dug near the spent fuel building as part of the hydrology investigation and divers will be in the spent fuel pool to install a vacuum box over two areas where potential flaws were identified as part of the spent fuel pool liner inspection.

The NRC is continuing its special inspection on the spent fuel pool issue and is continuing conference calls to brief stakeholders.

Emergency Plan Exercise Schedule for November 30 Entergy, the New York State Emergency Management Office and the four counties in the 10-mile Emergency Planning Zone around Indian Point will conduct an emergency response exercise on November. 30. The exercise will include the new Joint News Center at the DOT Traffic Control Center, in Hawthorne, N.Y.

[Joh n -W-hit'e'-TEXT.-h'tin- - Page--2[I liJonWie EThtnPa Updated Dry Cask Storage Factsheets Available Entergy has produced an updated informational brochure, available in electronic and hardcopy format that explains the details of dry cask storage. Contact Andrea Blizard at 914*-271-7081 or by return email at kmcmull B for a copy.

Entergy Nuclear Northeast provides customized outreach education programs for schools, youth groups, and civic organizations. The topics we cover include Emergency Planning, Understanding Radiation, Nuclear Fuel and a general overview of the operations of Indian Point Energy Center. Ifyou would like a brochure or are interested in scheduling a program, contact IPEC Communications at 914-271-7441.

If you have any questions or need clarification of the information provided, please contact Kathy McMullin, manager of communications, Indian Point Energy Center, at 914-271-7132.