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Final Outlines (Folder 3)
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/24/2005
From: Olive H
AmerGen Energy Co
To: D'Antonio J
Operations Branch I
Conte R
Download: ML051890094 (9)


March 24,2005 Joe DAntonio US NRC Region I 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia PA 19406 Attached are the applicable pages for the sample plan items that have been revised since the original submittal along with a summary page.

Sincerely, HowardK Olive II TMI Facility Representative

TMI 2005 NRC EXAMINATION SAMPLE PLAN CHANGES 0 Change Simulator JPM ES-301-2.d to: Initiate a natural circulation cooldown using the OTSG Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADV). Reason:

The original JPM (take corrective action for a failure of the Main Generator to trip) could not be validated. A plant design change provides a backup method to reverse power sensing in order to ensure the generator breakers open following a turbine trip. There is no simulator malfunction that can prevent the generator breakers from opening.

0 Minor change to Simulator JPM ES-301-2.f: Change voltage malfunction to frequency malfunction. Reason: Avoid leaving then returning to the control room to complete the JPM. SBO Diesel Generator voltage must be adjusted locally but frequency can be adjusted from the control room.

Written Examination WA 073 K5.03 changed to 073 K3.01. Reason: A question with an answer that is verifiable against plant references could not be developed using the original WA.

0 Written examination WA 022 A2.01 changed to 022 A2.06. Reason: An RO-level question could not be developed using the original WA.

ES-301 Control Room/ln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 Facility: Three Mile Island Date of Examination: 05/09/2005 Exam Level (circle one): RO / SRO(I)ISRO (U) Operating Test No.:

Control Room Systems@(8 for RO; 7 for SRO-I; 2 or 3 for SRO-U)

Type Code* Safety Function System / JPM Title Transfer the Group 6 control rods from the Auxiliary Power p, s 1 Supply to the Normal Power Supply in accordance with (IAW)

OP-TM-622-451, Transferring Rods to Auxiliary Power Supply.

APE 003 AA1.02 (3.613.4) I Initiate HPllLPl IAW OP-TM-EOP-010, Emergency Rules Guides 2 and Graphs, Guide 2 - HPVLPI initiation.

006 A4.07 (4.4 14.4) I Place the Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System in operation and 4P establish a cooldown in accordancewith OP-TM-212-111, Shifting DHR Train A from DHR Standby to DHR Operating Mode.

005 A4.01 (3.6 / 3.4)

d. Initiate a natural circulation cooldown using the OTSG A, N, S 4s Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADV).

041 A4.06 (2.913.1)

Initiate RB Emergency Cooling with RR-P-1A and the A Cooler A, D, s 5 IAW 1104-38, Reactor Building Emergency Cooling Water System.

022 A4.04 (3.113.2)

Energize 1C 4160V Bus using the SBO Diesel IAW A, D, S 6 OP-TM 864-901, Loss of Station Power.

APE 056 AA2.37 (3.7 13.3)

Reset RPS Channel A IAW OP-TM-641-421, Tripping and 7 Resetting RPS Channels.

012 A4.04 (3.3 13.3)

NIA (SRO-I Candidates)

NUREG-I021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/ln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2 In-Plant Systems* (3 for RO; 3 for SRO-I; 3 or 2 for SRO-U)

i. I Respond to a loss of "A" DC Distribution IAW 1202-9A, Loss of

" A DC. I P,E 6 System 063 KIA 2.1.30 (3.9 13.4)

. Terminate an approved waste gas release IAW 1102-27, Waste Disposal- Gaseous, due to an unexplained pressure drop in a N, R 9 tank not being released.

System 071 WA2.1.30 (3.9 13.4)

k. Establish 81hstage heating following a reactor trip IAW 4s OP-TM-421-102, Placing 8thStage Feedwater String A In Service.

System 071 K/A 2.1.30 (3.9 13.4)

All control room (and in-plant) systems must be different and serve different safety functions; in-plant systems and functions may overlap those tested in the control room. I Type Codes Criteria for RO I SRO-I I SRO-U (A)lternate path 4-6 14-6 12-3 (C)ontrolroom (D)irectfrom bank 91 a / 4 (E)mergencyor abnormal in-plant 11 I/ 1 (L)ow-Power 11 1/ 1 (N)ew or (M)odified from bank including 1(A) 21 21 1 (P)revious 2 exams 3 I 3 I 2 (randomly selected)

(R)CA 11 11 1 (S)imulator NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-301 Control Room/ln-Plant Systems Outline Form ES-301-2

a. Transfer the Group 6 control rods from the Auxiliary Power Supply to the Normal Power Supply in accordance with (IAW) OP-TM-622-451, Transferring Rods to Auxiliary Power Supply. Randomly selected repeat from the 2001 NRC Examination (B.l .c). (BANK JPM 013)
b. Initiate HPVLPI IAW OP-TM-EOP-010, Emergency Rules Guides and Graphs, Guide 2 HPVLPI initiation. Alternate Path: ESAS actuation required at the component level.

(BANK JPM 165)

c. Place the Decay Heat Removal (DHR) System in operation and establish a cooldown IAW OP-TM-212-111, Shifting DHR Train A from DHR Standby to DHR Operating Mode.

Candidate will place one loop of DHR in service for a normal plant cooldown. (Modified BANK JPM 015 to include cooldown initiation)

d. Initiate a natural circulation cooldown using the OTSG Atmospheric Dump Valves (ADV).

Alternate Path: ADV fails to respond to signals from normal control - candidate must utilize backup loader controller. (NEW JPM)

e. Initiate RB Emergency Cooling with RR-P-1A and the A Cooler IAW 1104-38, Reactor Building Emergency Cooling Water System. Respond to rising containment temperature caused by a small steam leak. Alternate Path: MANUAL control of cooling water pressure. (BANK JPM 079)
f. Energize 1C 4160V Bus using the SBO Diesel Generator (DG) IAW OP-TM 864-901, Loss of Station Power. Initial conditions place the candidate at the point for energizing 1C 4160V Bus. The candidate must open major load breakers, start the SBO DG, energize 1C 4160V Bus, energize 1J 480V Bus and start GN-P-1 (Seal Oil Pump).

Alternate Path: MANUAL control of the SBO DG frequencyktart GN-P-1. (BANK JPM 131)

g. Reset RPS Channel A IAW OP-TM-641-421, Tripping and Resetting RPS Channels.

Given the plant in a stable condition following a reactor trip, the candidate will reset RPS Channel A. (BANK JPM 124)

h. Not required - only SRO(I) candidates on this examination.
i. Respond to a loss of A DC Distribution IAW 1202-9A, Loss of A DC. Perform the immediate actions of 1202-9A at the Emergency Diesel Generator. Randomly selected repeat from the 2001 NRC Examination (B.2.b). (BANK JPM 067)
j. Terminate an approved waste gas release IAW 1104-27, Waste Disposal - Gaseous, due to an unexplained pressure drop in a tank not being released. While completing Enclosure 2 for a waste gas release, the candidate will be cued that pressure is lowering in a tank not being released. (NEW JPM)
k. Establish 8 stage heating following a reactor trip IAW OP-TM-421-102, Placing 8h Stage Feedwater String A In Service. Perform the local actions to place 8h Stage Feedwater String A in service. (BANK JPM 099)

NUREG-1021, Revision 9

ES-401 PWR Examination Outline Form ES-401-2

~ ~

Note: 1 Ensure that at least two topics from every applicable WA category are sampled within each tier of the RO and SRO-only outlines (i.e., except for one category in Tier 3 of the SRO-only outline, the Tier Totals in each K/A category shall not be less than two).

2. The point total for each group and tier in the proposed outline must match that specified in the table. The final point total for each group and tier may deviate by +1 from that specified in the table based on NRC revisions. The final RO exam must total 75 points and the SRO-only exam must total 25 points.
3. Systems/evolutions within each group are identified on the associated outline; systems or evolutions that do not apply at the facility should be deleted and justified; operationally important, site-specific systems that are not included on the outline should be added. Refer to ES-401, Attachment 2, for guidance regarding elimination of inappropriate K/A statements.
4. Select topics from as many systems and evolutions as possible; sample every system or evolution in the group before selecting a second topic for any system or evolution.
5. Absent a plant specific priority, only those KAs having an importance rating (IR) of 2.5 or higher shall be selected. Use the RO and SRO ratings for the RO and SRO-only portions, respectively.

I I 6. I Select SRO toDics for Tiers 1 and 2 from the shaded svstems and K/A categories.

The generic (G) WAS in Tiers 1 and 2 shall be selected from Section 2 of the WA Catalog, but the topics must be relevant to the applicable evolution or system.

On the following pages, enter the K/A numbers, a brief description of each topic, the topics importance ratings (IR) for the applicable license level, and the point totals (#) for each system and category. Enter the group and tier totals for each category in the table above. Use dudicate Daaes for RO and SRO-onlv exams.

9 For Tier 3, select topics from Section 2 of the WA Catalog, and enter the WA numbers, descriptions, IRs, and point totals (#) on Form ES-401-3. Limit SRO selections to WAS that are linked to 10CFR55.43 NUREG-1021 1

I ES-401 Three Mile Island PWR Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 2 Group 1

- System #/Name


Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the CCWS, and (b) based 008 Component Cooling Water on those predictions, use procedures to correct. control, 3.2 9 or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Highllow surge tank level


Knowledge of the operational implications of the 010 Pressurizer Pressure Control X following concepts as the apply to the PZR PCS: 2.6 10 Constant enthalpy expansion through a valve Knowledge of RPS design feature(s) andlor interlock(s) 012 Reactor Protection X 2,8 11 Separation of control and protection circuits Knowledge of ESFAS design feature(s) andlor 013 Engineered Safety Features X interlock(s) which provide for the following MFW 3.7 12 Actuation isolationlreset Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the CCS; and (b) based 022 Containment Cooling on those predictions, use proceduresto correct, control, 2.8 or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or ooerations: Loss of CCS PumD Ability to predict andlor monitor changes in parameters (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with 022 Containment Cooling Al.02 3.6 14 operating the CCS controls including: Containment pressure Ability to monitor automatic operation of the CSS.

026 Containment Spray A3.01 including: Pump starts and correct MOV positioning Knowledge of the physical connections andlor cause-026 Containment Spray X K1.01 effect relationships between the CSS and the following systems: ECCS 1


Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following mal-functions or operations on the MRSS; and (b) based on 039 Main and Reheat Steam X A2 01 predictions, use procedures to correct, control, or 3.1 17 mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Flow paths of steam during a LOCA E

Conduct of Operations: Ability to perform specific 059 Main Feedwater X 2.1.23 system and integrated plant procedures during all 3.9 18 modes of plant operation.

Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the AFW; and (b) based 061 AuxillarylEmergency on those predictions, use procedures to corred, control, 2.5 19 A2.01 Feedwater or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Startup of MFW pump during AFW operation NUREG-1021 7

ES-401 Three Mile Island Form ES-401-2 PWR Written Examination Outline Emergency and Abnormal Plant Evolutions - Tier 2 Group 1 Ability to predict andlor monitor changes in parameters Al.01 (to prevent exceeding design limits) associated with 3.9 20 operating the ANV controls including: SlG level Knowledge of ac distribution system design feature(s)

K4.03 andlor interlock(s)which provide for the following: 2.8 21 Interlocks between automatic bus transfer and breakers Abiltty to monitor automatic operation of the dc electrical A3.01 system, including: Meters, annunciators, dials, 2.7 22 recorders. and indicatina liahts Abillty to predict and/or monitor changes in parameters associated with operating the dc electrical system A

l .ol controls including: Battery capactty as it is affected by 2.5 23 discharge rate Knowledge of the effect of a loss or malfunction of the 2.7 K6.07 24 following will have on the EDlG system: Air receivers Knowledge of the effect that a loss or malfunction of the K3.01 PRM system will have on the following: Radioactive 3.6 effluent releases.


Ability to (a) predict the impacts of the following malfunctions or operations on the SWS; and (b) based A2.01 on those predictions, use procedures to correct, control, 3.5 26 or mitigate the consequences of those malfunctions or operations: Loss of SWS Knowledge of the physical connections andlor cause-Kl.04 effect relationshipsbetween the IAS and the following 2.6 27 systems: Cooling water to compressor Ability to manually operate andlor monitor in the control 28 A4 04 3.5 room: Phase A and phase B resets Group Point Total: 1 2815 NUREG-I021 8

I ES-401 Record of Rejected WAS [ Form ES-401-4 1 Tier / Randomly Reason for Rejection Group Selected K/A It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 2/ 1 059 12.4.30 subiect WA.

I 2/ 1 I 003 / K4.11 I The subject WA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

2/ 1 004 / K2.07 The subject KIA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

2/ 1 006 / K4.02 Double jeopardy with audit exam item r

2/ 1 007 / A4.01 The subject WA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

2/ 1 026 / A3.02 The subject WA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

2/ 1 059 / 2.1.30 Topic better suited for In-Plant JPM 2/ 1 061 / Al.03 The subject WA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

2I 1 073 / A2.01 Double Jeopardy with audit exam question 2/ 1 078 / K1.03 The subject WA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

2/ 1 001 / K2.02 Double jeopardy with question 29.

211 086 12.4.6 The subject KIA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

I 2/2 I 028 / K1F l T h e s u b j e Z WA isn't relevant at the subject facility.

3I3 I G3 12.3.6 I Double jeopardy with audit exam JPM It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 314 G4 2.4'21 subject K/A.

It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 111 025 2'4.4 subject K/A.

1/ 1 I 027 I AA2.13 1 The subject KIA isn't relevant at the subject facility 1/ 1 I 025 / AK2.01 I Double jeopardy with question 5 It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 1 12 028 I AA2.06 sub.ect K/A, It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 1 12 059 I AA2.03 sub.ect K/A.

It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 1I 2 A07 I 2.1.23


sub.ect K/A.

It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 1/ 2 103 / 2.4.49 sub.ect K/A, 2 12 1 071 I A2.03 I System over sampled It isn't possible to prepare a psychometrically sound question related to the 073 IK5.03 sub.ect K/A, (2/ 1 1I 022 I A2.01 I Question matching K/A could not be written for the RO level.

NUREG-1021 11