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Initial Submittal of the Scenarios for the LaSalle Initial Examination - March 2005
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/07/2005
From: Ross J
Exelon Generation Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML050900103 List:
50-373/05-301, 50-374/05-301 50-373/05-301, 50-374/05-301
Download: ML051240473 (81)



Nuclear LaSalle County Station Initial License Training Simulator Exercise Guide 2003-01 NRC Exam Scenario-01 Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Exam Author: I (Signature / Date)

Ops Facility Rep: I (Signature / Date)

Ops Trng Mngr: /

(Signature / Date)

Exelan,. Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 Facility: LaSalle County Station Scenario No.: Scenario-01 O p Test No.: 2003-01 NRC Exam Examiners: Operators:

I Initial Conditions:

Ramping to full power following a load drop Rated Rod Line with core flow at -85 Mlbmhour Turnover:

Continue the power ramp per the approved load profile


Event Description

. I NA I I I (R)


RO SRO Increase Power per the Unit Supervisor, using RR Flow Control Supervises crew activities 2.


1 kln24bnm r0563 mrd280 I I I (C)


SRO RO RCIC Drain Pot Failure Technical Specification Determination CRD Pump tripdstart standby CRD pump SRO Directs actions per the annunciator and normal procedures

4. rll48 Loss of heat tracing to Division 2 Post LOCA Monitors SRO Technical Specification Determination
5. 1-0912 (C) RO 1B RR FCV HPU Isolation Valve fails closed (C) SRO Directs crew activities per the annunciator procedures
6. mrc04 1 (M) RO LOCA in the Drywell, with loss of High Pressure Injection sources.

(M) SRO Automatic Scram Failure, manual scram works. LGA Entry Conditions

  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstruement, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient Page 2 of 26

Exelan I, Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Narrative Summary NRC Scenario-01:

Event Description

1. Initial conditions have the plant returning to full power following a load drop. Power is approximately 93% RTP. The examinees are directed to continue ramping power to 100% using Reactor Recirculation Flow Control Valves.
2. The RCIC drain pot high level alarm will annunciate. The examinees will recognize that the drain bypass valve 1E5 1-F054 has automatically opened. Following the annunciator procedure, when the high level alarm does NOT clear, they will have to close the RCIC Trip and Throttle Valve 1E5 1-F360. This will render the RCIC system inoperable and the Unit Supervisor will have to make a Technical Specification determination.
3. The running CRD Pump will trip. Per the annunciator procedure, the NSO will verify that Charging Water Pressure is greater than 500 psig, and then start the standby CRD pump, and follow up with normal operating procedure.
4. This event is a Technical Specification for the Unit Supervisor. The event starts with an annunciator indicating trouble at a heat-tracing panel. When sent to investigate, the NLO discovers that the breaker is tripped and will NOT reset. This makes both the Hydrogen and Oxygen Post-LOCA monitors inoperable. The Unit Supervisor will enter the appropriate time clock to restore the monitors to operable.
5. This event simulates a blow fuse the causes an outboard RR HPU hydraulic isolation valve to fail closed. The RO is expected to follow the annunciator procedures and lockup the associated flow control valve.
6. For this event a Reactor Recirculation line will break causing LOCA conditions in the Drywell. Automatic RPS Scram will fail however manual actions to scram will be successful. The Unit Supervisor will enter the EOPs and take actions to control Reactor Water Level and Drywell Pressure. The MDRFP trips shortly after starting. Bus 143 trips on overcurrent. RCIC is not available from an earlier event. This will require a blowdown for level control. MSIVs close when Mode Switch contacts fail such that the 854 psig interlock is not bypassed.

Termination The scenario can be terminated when the examinees have RPV and Containment parameters stable and under control.

Critical Steps:

1. Manually scram the reactor when or before the automatic setpoint is exceeded.
2. Perform a blowdown per the EOPs when level cannot be restored and maintained above -1 50 inches.

Page 3 of 26

ExeIon sy Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 124 3/2004 Revision Synopsis:

Revision 00 Scenario created for use on 2003-01 ILT NRC Exam scheduled to be given the week of 03/07/2005.

Page 4 of 26

ExeItl,n,. Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear W

Shift Turnover Information:

3 Day of week and shift

+ Today, Day Shift s Weather Conditions

+ Cool, Sunny, Winds light 5 to 10 mph s (Plant Power Levels)

+ Unit 1 - 93% Power, 107.5% FCL + Unit 2 - 100% Power, 106 % FCL

+ 1058 MWe + 1171 MWe

+ 3199MWt + 3488MWt

+ 85 Mlb& CORE FLOW + 100 Mlb& CORE FLOW j Thermal Limit Problems/Power Evolutions

+ Ramping to full power following a + None drop for load following. Ramp is 300 M W e h

+ +

I Existing LCOs, Date of Next Surveillance

+ None + None

+ +

+ +

s LOSS in Progress or Major Maintenance

+ None + None

+ +

s Equipment to be Taken Out of or Returned to Service This ShiftMaintenance on Major Plant Equipment

+ None + None

+ +

+ +

s Comments, Evolutions, Problems, etc.

+ Online Risk - Green + Online Risk - Green

+ Grid Status - Green + Grid Status - Green

+ +

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Exelan,. Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 6 of26

Exelan., Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Setup Instructions A. Reset the Simulator:

0 Use the current Full Power IC created for L 1C 1 1.

0 Lower RR Flow to 85 M # h .

0 Perform APRM AGAF Adjustments.

B. Run the setup CAEP:

0 From the exam floppy disk, load caep a: NRC-Scenario-01 .O.cae.

C. Cardsmags to be Hung:

None D. Miscellaneous Setup:

0 None E. Turnover Instructions:

0 Verify the following available for the students:

REMA LOP-RR-07 LGP-3-1 0 Brief sheet for load drop.

0 SM Permission has been given to continue the ramp at 300 M W e h .

Page 7 of 26

Exelan2.b Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 1 Increase power using RR Flow RO When directed, increase power using RR Flow.

Per LOP-RR-07 step E.4.1.4, adjust RR flow by depressing the Ganged Flow Setpoint Station RAISE pushbutton as required.

MONITORS and MAINTAINS the power ramp rate less than 300 MWe per hour.

SRO Direct RO to commence ramp to full power.

Provide oversight for the reactivity maneuver.

Page 8 of 26

Exelan,. Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 1 Continuing startup per the shift turnover.

Role Play: As Power Team, when called acknowledge LaSalle Unit 1 ramping to full power.

Role Play: Respond as appropriate to any in-plant calls.

NOTE: Allow examinees to increase power by at least 50 MWe before inserting the next event.

I Page 9 of 26

Exelan,. Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 Key Events I Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 2 RCIC Drain Pot Failure BOP Reports and takes actions per annunciator H13-P601-D502, RCIC TURB STM LINE DRN POT LVL HI:

0 Verify 1E5 1-F054opens 0 If the alarm does not clear within approximately two minutes, CLOSE 1E5 1-F360, RCIC Trip and Throttle Valve.

(NOTE - alarm does NOT clear)

SRO When the RCIC Trip & Throttle valve is closed, declare RCIC inoperable.

T.S. 3.5.3, Condition A B Verify HPCS operable immediately B Restore RCIC to operable within 14 days.

Page I O of 26

Exelc!m,\. Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 2 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator. See NOTE.

  • Trigger 2 Manual Trigger 2 starts the event.

Role-Play: If directed, as NLO, report no obvious problems with RCIC

  • NOTE: The crew may stop the load ramp while addressing this event. Make sure the evaluator has seen adequate reactivity maneuvering before starting this event.

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ExeIan ~

Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Nucl ear Date: 124 3/2004 Key Events /

Timeline Event No. 3 11A CRD Pump Auto Trip Expected Crew Response RO Reports and takes actions per annunciator 1H13-P603-A103, 1A CRD PUMP TRIP:

If CRD Header Pressure is greater than 500 psig in Mode 1, immediately starts 1 B CRD pump and has it checked for proper operation. (Pressure is > 500 psig)

SRO Directs RO actions to start standby CRD pump.

Refers to Tech Spec 3.1.5 and 3.9.5 @o actions required)

B T.S. 3.1.5 is for CRD Accumulators T.S. 3.9.5 is for Refueling Operations Page I2 of 26

Exebn ,r Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 3 As directed by the lead evaluator, start this event when the Unit Supervisor has addressed the appropriate Technical Specifications for the previous event.

Trigger 3 Manual Trigger 3 starts the event.

Role Play: As NLO dispatched to CRD Pump Room, 1 B CRD pump post-start checks are sat. 1A CRD pump has a very hot bearing.

Page 13 of 26

Exelan,. ~~

Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 .

Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 4 Division 2 Post-LOCA, Panel 1HTO2E Trouble RO Responds to panel 1HT02E trouble per LOR- 1PM 13J-B 104:

DISPATCHES an operator to panel 1HT02E 0 Has NLO check for condensate in the sample line Tell Unit Supervisor to refer to T/S Directs NLO to attempt to reset the trouble alarm BOP Assists the NSO as requested.

SRO Refers to Technical Specification :

Determines Condition A is applicable for Oxygen monitor, 30 day time clock to restore, and Determines Condition A is also applicable for the Hydrogen Monitor, 30 day time clock to restore.

Page 14 of 26

Exelan,. Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 4 As directed by the lead evaluator, start this event when the crew has started the standby CRD pump.

Trigger 16 Manual Trigger 16 starts the event. Also - use the Remote Function to enable the PowerPlex Out of Range Abort.

Role Play: As the NLO dispatched to lHT02E in Unit-2, Division 2 switchgear room, make the following reports when asked:

No visible condensation in the sample lines Under temperature alarm LEDs are lit Sample line temperature is approximately 220°F and slowly decreasing The temperature alarms will not reset Breaker at MCC 136X-1 Compartment El for heat tracing circuits 32 and 34 are tripped and will not reset Page 15 of26

Exelan,, Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response


Event No. 5 Blown Fuse (1B33-FUlBA) for HPU isolation valve lB33-F339B.

RO Responds to annunciator per LOR- 1H 13-P602-B408:

0 Announces the annunciator to the Crew 0 Lockup 1 B FCV by depressing the 1 B HPU trip pushbutton 0 CHECKS 1B RR FCV Stable (yes) 0 ENTERS LOA-RR-101 (no actions to take) 0 DETERMINES that a Group 2 PCIS Isolation does NOT exist 0 Dispatches an NLO to the AEER to check for blown fuses RO Responds to annunciator per LOR- 1H 13-P602-B101:

Announces annunciator to the Crew Verifies annunciator due to R-point R1108, (yes) w Announces that lH13-P602-B101 is an expected alarm for locking up the 1B RR HPU SRO Supervises crew response to the above annunciators Page 16 of 26

Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 1211312004 Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 5 Start this event after the Unit Supervisor has had an opportunity to make a Technical Specification determination in the previous event, and with the concurrence of the lead evaluator.

Trigger 18 Initiate this event using Manual Event Trigger 18.

Role Play: When dispatched to panel 1H13-P644, then report that valve 1B33-F339B Outboard HPU Isolation Valve is CLOSED.

Role Play: As the NLO at panel 1H13-P644, if asked to check fuses, wait 2 minutes then report that fuse 1B33-FUlBA is blown.

Simulator Operator: When directed to replace the fuse, then wait 2 minutes and delete malfunction 1-0912.Call and report the fuse 1B33-FU 1BA was replaced like-for-like per the procedure.

Page 17 of 26

ExeIon >...

Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 1 2 1 3/2004 Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew ResDonse Events No. 6 RR Line Break with Auto SCRAM Failure.

RO Manually scrams the reactor and takes actions per LGP-3-2, Reactor Scram Hard Card:

Critical Task *:e Arm & Depress SCRAM pushbuttons.

Mode Switch to Shutdown.

0 Report all rods in.

0 Operate Feedwater per listed steps.

SRO Direct NSO to manually SCRAM Enter LGA-00 1 on High Drywell Pressure or Reactor Power above 3% when SCRAM required.

Direct actions per LGA-00 1 :

Critical Task *:* SCRAM, Mode Switch to Shutdown.

Stabilize pressure below 1059 psig.

Control level between 11 in. and 59.5 in.

BOP Take SCRAM actions:

Silence annunciators until level & pressure reports are made.

Take actions as directed by SRO.

Page 18 of 26

Exelc!m,. Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Events No. 6 Start this event after the NLO reports that fuse 1B33-FU 1 BA is blown OR as directed by the Lead Evaluator.

Trigger 5 Manual Trigger 5 starts the event.

Page 19 of 26

Exelon ,v Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 6 RR Line Break with Auto SCRAM Failure.

RO Control Level in band directed by SRO.

Report failure of MDRFP, inability to maintain level band.

Report level below -1 50 in.

Critical Task *:e When directed by SRO, Initiate ADS.

BOP Attempt to inject using HPCS.

Report failure of HPCS / Bus 143.

SRO Directs Actions per LGA-001:

0 Maintain level above -1 50 in.

0 When level can not be maintained above -1 50 inches, enter LGA-004.

Directs actions per LGA-004:

0 Prevent LPCS/LPCI not needed for core cooling. (BOP)

Critical Task *:* Initiate ADS. (NSO)

Directs actions per LGA-003:

Suppression Chamber Sprays before reaching 12 psig. (BOP) 0 Drywell Sprays when Chamber pressure is above 12 psig.


BOP As directed by SRO:

0 Prevent LPCS/LPCI not needed for core cooling.

0 Initiate Suppression Chamber Sprays.

0 Initiate Drywell Sprays.

Page 20 of26

Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 6 Role Play: Respond as requested.

Termination 0 RPV level under control Conditions 0 Containment Parameters under control 0 Lead Evaluator Concurrence Page 2 1 of 26

Exelan.. Scenario-01 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear OSG Validation Checklist Scenario Number: Scenario-01 Verify that if not run from a protected IC that setup information is provided to reproduce the stated initial conditions.

Verify that all stated objectives are identified in the body of the OSG.

Verify that turnover sheets are completed, and are in agreement with both the narrative summary and shift turnover information sheet. Turnover sheets are not required for initial license scenarios.

4-. Verify that if the scenario requires documents to be provided to the crew, they are filled out as appropriate (Le., if an LOS is used, it is filled out).

5.- If this is the initial validation of the revision affects ramp times, event triggers, malfunctions, overrides, remote fhctions or procedure changes that could affect the scenario, then validate the scenario for proper response using a crew. It is preferable to use a crew unfamiliar with the scenario when ever possible. Verify the following while running the scenario:

0 The scenario runs as written and all tasks are performed.

The stated time line agrees with actual times.

0 Critical task statements clearly define the expected plant and student response. They should also be written so that they are achievable as written. If any questions exist, it is preferable to have operations management participate in the validation.

0 Anticipate instructor role-play / cues are identified.

0 Management expectations are captured and re-enforced.

Verify administrative documentation requirements (;.e., ARs) are identified.

Verify Technical Specifications items / LCO declarations are correct.

Verify soft skills expectations are captured and are re-enforced.

0 If procedure steps may cause confusion or disagreement between higher level procedures and LOPS / LORs that operations management is consulted.

Shutdown scenarios include shutdown risk assessment, time to boil calculations and shutdown status board information.

QNE review if needed.

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME 1 Instructor Date Page 22 of 26

Exelc!m,, Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear


Reference Title Revision

4. 1~13-p603-~103 1A CRD FEED PMP AUTO TRIP 03
6. lH13-P602-B408 ~~


~ ~~

I 02


Exelan Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Computer Aided Exercise Programs (CAEPs)

Initial Scenario Setup CAEP (a:2003ESGl.O.cae)

  1. Setup for 2003-01 ILT NRC Exam Scenario-01
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 25, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-0l.O.cae
  1. Revision: 01
  1. Revision Date: January 27, 2005
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP sets the initial conditions and events
  1. associated with the ILT Class 2003-01 NRC Exam Scenario-01. This
  1. CAEP sets up the following events:
  1. 1.
  1. Cleanup IC-118 - Simulator problems are causing spurious alarms, the
  1. following malfunctions and overrides prevent these alarms.
  1. Malfunction to override RB Radiation Monitor Downscale Alarm imf r0485 0
  1. Malfunction to override Fuel Pool Radiation Monitor Downscale Alarm imf r0483 0
  1. Malfunction to override EHC 400 Hz PMG Malfunction Alarm
  1. imf r0799 0
  1. Override EHC 400 Hz PMG Malfunction amber light on aprin section
  1. ior q5k35sw6 0
  1. Initial Conditions Setup
  1. SRV lB21-FO13C 00s with fuses removed
  1. irf isrvfusel2 removed
  1. Manual Event Trigger 2
  1. Open lE51-FO54 and give RCIC Drain Pot High Level Alarm ior kln24bnm(2) open imf r0563(2) on
  1. Manual Event Trigger 3
  1. Trips the 1A CRD pump imf mrd280 (3)
  1. Manual Event Trigger 4
  1. Insert insturment line reference leg break
  1. imf mnb059(4) 5000 5:OO
  1. Manual Event Trigger 5 Page 24 of 26

Exelt!m,\ Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004

  1. 1A RR Loop s u c t i o n r u p t u r e imf m r c 0 4 1 ( 5 ) 1 . 0 1 2 0 0 . 5
  1. Manual E v e n t T r i g g e r 16
  1. D i v i s i o n 2 P o s t LOCA h e a t t r a c i n g t r o u b l e irnf r 1 1 4 8 ( 1 6 ) 1
  1. A u t o m a t i c Event T r i g g e r 8
  1. T r i p s Bus 1 4 3 and t r i p s MDRFP w i t h t i m e d e l a y t r g s e t 8 "q4k004by . G E . 0 . 9 "

imf m e e O Z l ( 8 )

imf m c f 1 1 3 ( 8 6 0 )

  1. Auto SCRAM F a i l u r e imf mrp005
  1. MSIVs c l o s e on p r e s s d r o p :

i o r k3g09w17 f a l s e i o r k3g09w47 r u n

  1. End o f CAEP f i l e .

Page 25 of26

Exelan,.. Scenario-0 1 Revision: 00 Date: 12/1Y2004 Nuclear This page intentionally blank.

Page 26 of 26


Nuclear LaSalle County Station Initial License Training Simulator Exercise Guide 2003-01 NRC Exam Scenario-02 Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Exam Author: /

(Signature / Date)

Ops Facility Rep: /

(Signature / Date)

Ops Trng Mngr: /

(Signature / Date)

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Facility: LaSalle County Station Scenario No.: Scenario-02 O p Test No.: 2003-01 NRC Exam Examiners: Operators:

lnitial Conditions:

Full power rurnover:

Start the 1B CRD, shutdown 1A CRD for oil change Event Malf. Event Event No. Description

1. RO Swap running CRD pumps SRO 2.

3 ro601 various 1 (C)


RO SRO RO Low ADS Bottle Bank Nitrogen Pressure Technical Specification Determination 1 B TDRFP Seal Injection Pump trips and standby fails to start overrides (c) SRO

4. RO CRD Accumulator Trouble Alarm (low pressure)

SRO Technical specification Determination

5. RO Loss of A Heater Drain Pump SRO I ;;
6. RO Reduced of Heater Drain Pump Forward SRO
7. RO Recirculation loop rupture - LOCA conditions in the Drywell mrc033 SRO
8. mrpO 18 RO B RPS Fails to scram (Electrical ATWS)


  • (N)ormal, (R)eactivity, (I)nstruement, (C)omponent, (M)ajor Transient Page 2 of 30

Exelan,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nucl ear Date: 12/13/2004 Narrative Summary NRC Scenario-02:

Event Description

1. This event is a normal swap of the running CRD pump (from 1A to 1B) per the procedure.
2. Drywell pneumatic trouble alarm is received, an NLO is send to investigate. The NLO reports back to the control room that the South Bottle bank pressure is actually below the alarm setpoint. The Unit Supervisor is expected to make a Technical Specification determination.
3. The running TDRFP Seal Injection Pump will trip and the standby pump will fail to automatically start. The NSO will take actions per the annunciator procedure.
4. Next a CRD HCU Accumulator will alarm. The examinees are expected to dispatch an NLO to the effected HCU. The NLO reports that the accumulator has low pressure. The Unit Supervisor is expected to declare the accumulator inoperable and make a Technical Specification determination.
5. A Heater Drain Pump trips. The RO starts the standby Heater Drain pump.
6. The second Heater Drain Pump trips. The examinees are expected to enter LOA-HD-10 1 and reduce power. If this is not done before Heater Drain Tank level increases to 9-feet the HD Flushing valves will fully open and the Feedwater Pumps will trip on low suction pressure.
7. Next a LOCA will develop in the Drywell. The event is entered when directed by the lead examiner or immediately if the reactor automatically scrams due to loss of Feedwater. The examinees are expected to enter the EOP based on RPV Level and Containment Pressure.
8. This event is an electrical ATWS when RPS B fails to trip when required.

The examinees are expected to enter LGA-010 and LGA-NB-01 and take actions to shutdown the reactor. When the first fuse is pulled rods will start to move however the SDV will fill and they will have to reset the scram, drain the SDV and re-scram reactor to get rods to go full-in.

Termination Scenario can be terminated when the examinees have Control Rods inserted and Containment parameters stable and under control.

Critical Steps:

1. Reduce power per the abnormal operating procedure following the loss of HD pump forward.
2. Use multiple methods per LGA-NB-01 to insert control rods during an ATWS.
3. Initiate Suppression Chamber and Drywell sprays for containment control.

Page 3 of 30

Exelan,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Revision Synopsis:

Revision 00 0 Scenario created for use on 2003-01 ILT NRC Exam scheduled to be given the week of 03/07/2005.

Page 4 of 30

Exelan., Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear

- Shift Turnover Information:

=, Day of week and shift

+ Today, Day Shift s Weather Conditions

+ Cool, Sunny, Winds light 5 to 10 mph a (Plant Power Levels)

+ Unit 1 - 100% Power, 107% FCL + Unit 2 - 100% Power, 106 YOFCL

+ 1165MWe + 1171 MWe

+ 3488MWt + 3488MWt

+ 99 Mlb& CORE FLOW + 100 Mlb& CORE FLOW

=, Thermal Limit ProblemslPower Evolutions

+ None + None

+ +

s Existing LCOs, Date of Next Surveillance

- + None + None

+ +

+ +

3 LOSS in Progress or Major Maintenance

+ None + None


Equipment to be Taken Out of or Returned to Service This ShiftMaintenance on Major Plant Equipment

+ Swap to 1B CRD pump for run + None prior to taking 1A CRD pump 00s.

+ +

+ +

=, Comments, Evolutions, Problems, etc.

+ Online Risk - Green + Online Risk - Green

+ Grid Status - Green + Grid Status - Green

+ +

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Exelan.. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/ 13/2004 Nuclear This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 6 of 30

Exelan,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12113/2004 Nuclear Simulator Setup Instructions A. Reset the Simulator:

0 Use the current Full Power IC created for L1C11.

B. Run the setup CAEP:

0 From the exam floppy disk, load caep a: NRC-Scenario-02.O.cae.

C. Cardsmags to be Hung:

0 None D. Miscellaneous Setup:

0 None E. Turnover Instructions:

0 The crew is to swap CRD pumps.

0 Make sure LOP-RD-03 is available.

0 The Simulator Operator will also need a copy of LOP-RD-03.

Page 7 of 30

ExeIen Scenario-02

,y Revision: 00 Date: 12/ 1 3/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 1 CRD Pump Swap RO When directed, takes actions per LOP-RD-03:

0 Have NLO perform pre-start checks.

0 May shutdown CRD ventilation to aid communication.

0 Have NLO close B CRD Pump discharge valve.

0 Start B CRD Pump 0 Take BOTH pump control switches to Start and hold.

0 When B CRD pump starts, release both switches.

0 Have NLO slowly open B discharge valve.

0 Have NLO slowly close A discharge valve.

SRO Direct RO to swap CRD pumps per LOP-RD-03.

Page 8 of 30

Exelan Iy Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 1 Per Shift Turnover.

Simulator Operator: Follow along in LOP-RD-03 to perform actions as directed by the crew.

Role Play: Take local actions as requested by the crew using Instructor Station simulator drawing RD1. (Ramp CRD pump discharge valves opedclosed over 1 minute.)

Role Play: As NLO, if asked, request securing CRD ventilation to aid communications. (Securing CRD ventilation is not required for this event)

Page 9 of 30

Exelan ,>

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 1 2 4 3/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 2 Low ADS Bottle Bank Pressure RO Report and take actions per annunciator 1 PM 13J-A404, INSTRUMENT NITROGEN SYS TROUBLE:

0 If alarm is due to R0601, refer to LOP-IN-05.

Actions per LOP-IN-05:

Direct bottles replaced when pressure is less than 600 psig.

NOTE that 4 bottles should be replaced when PMl3J-A404 alarms.

SRO Direct RO Actions Refer to T.S. 3.5.1 Condition D is applicable if Bottle Bank pressure drops to less than 500 psig.

Page 10 of 30

Exelan,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12113/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 2 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Trigger 2 Manual Trigger 2 starts the event.

Role-Play: As the NLO, report that the South Bottle pressure is 490 psig.

Page 1 1 of 30

ExeIon ,.

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/1Y2004 Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 3 1B TDRFP Seal Injection Pump trips and Standby Pump fails to start.

RO Reports and takes action per annunciators LOR-1 PM03J-A207 and -A208:

Verify both TDRFP Seal Injection Pumps operating.

Manually starts 1A TDRFP Seal Injection Pump.

SRO Directs RO actions to start the 1A TDRFP Seal Injection Pump.

Page 12 of 30

Exelan,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nucl ear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 3 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Trigger 3 Manual Trigger 3 starts the event.

Role Play: 1B Pump motor is very hot.

Role Play: If asked, seal leakoff temperature is 160'F.

Page 13 of 30

Exelan,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12113/2004 Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 4 Rod 14-51 Accumulator Trouble RO Reports and takes actions per annunciator 1H13-P603-A503, CRD HYD ACCUM TROUBLE:

0 Determine the cause of the alarm.

Direct NLO to recharge the accumulator per LOP-RD-20.

SRO Direct RO actions.

Refer to T.S. 3.1.5 Enter Condition A and declare the control rod slow or inoperable within 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Page 14 of 30

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 4 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Trigger 4 Manual Trigger 4 starts the event.

Role Play: As NLO, report that accumulator pressure is 920 psig on rod 14-5 1.

Role Play: If contacted as QNE / System Engineer, there are no slow control rods.

Page 15 of30

Exelan. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 1 2 4 3/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Events No. 5 and 6 Heater Drain Pump Trip, Reduced HD Pump Forward RO Reports trip of A HD pump Takes actions per LOR 1PM03J-B504, HTR DRN PMP AUTO TRIP 0 Starts standby HD pump.

RO Reports trip of second HD pump, decreasing RFP suction pressure and increasing HD Tank Level.

Takes actions per LOR 1 PM03J-B503, HTR DFW TANK LVL HI/LO

    • Lower reactor power as necessary while maintaining:

Critical Task 0 RPV Level greater than 3 1.5 inches 0 CP Differential Pressure less than 60 psid, and 0 FWP Suction Pressure greater than 250 psig Takes action per LOA-HD- 10 1 :

Critical Task *: Lower reactor power by reducing RR Flow as necessary without entering Region B SRO Directs crew actions:

Critical Task *:e Directs power reduction. (NSO)

Page I6 of 30

Exelan:.. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Events No. 5 and 6 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Trigger 5 Manual Trigger 5 starts the event.

Role Play: As NLO, make reports as requested.

Simulator Operator Information: If the RO does not reduce power, (with the concurrence of the lead evaluator) trip the 1D HD pump (imfmcflI7). This event is designed to give the RO both a reactivity maneuver 4 a component failure.

Page 17 of 30

Scenario-02 Exelt!m. Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nucl ear

~ ~~

Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 7 and 8 RR Line Rupture with failure of B RPS to trip.

RO Takes actions per LGP-3-2 Hard Card and LGA-0 10:

Inform SRO no rod motion, power > 3%

0 Initiate SBLC Attempt to initiate AM (AM fails)

Critical Task *:* Insert control rods per LGA-NB-01 0 Method 1, Pull SCRAM fuses. (Phone call to Simulator Operator) 0 Method 3, Drive rods using normal means (as time permits).

0 Rapidly lower level to -60 in.

SRO Directs ROBOP actions.

Enters LGA-001 on Low Level or Hi DW Pressure.

0 Determines LGA-0 10 entry is required.

Exits LGA-001, enters and directs actions per LGA-010:

0 Inhibit ADS, prevent ECCS injection. (BOP) 0 Bypass isolations per LGA-MS-01 Rapidly lower level to at least -60 in. (NSO) 0 Stabilize pressure below 1059 psig.

Initiate SBLC. (NSO)

Trip RR Pumps. (BOP)

Critical Task *:* Insert control rods per LGA-NB-0 1 BOP As directed:

0 Inhibits ADS, Prevents ECCS Injection.

Trips RR Pumps 0 Bypass isolations per LGA-MS-01 (Phone call to Simulator Operator)

Page 18 of 30

Exebn,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 7 and 8 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Trigger 7 Manual Trigger 7 starts the event.

Simulator Operator Actions: Pull fuses for LGA-NB-01 Method 1 as requested.

Trg 8 to pull fuses Trg 9 to reinstall fuses Simulator Operator Actions: Defeat isolations per LGA-MS-01 as requested.

Page 19 of 30

Exelan ,,.

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 7 and 8 RR Line Rupture with ATWS (CONTINUED)

RO/BOP Continue actions per LGA-0 10:

Critical Task +:* Insert control rods per LGA-NB-0 1 :

Method 4, Reset SCRAM / Drain SDV / RE-SCRAM.

(Phone call to Simulator Operator for jumpers)

Method 3, Drive rods using normal means (as time permits).

Control level between -1 50 in to -60 in.

SRO Directs actions per LGA-010:

Critical Task *:* Continue with LGA-NB-01 Method 4 after Method 1 is partially successful.

Enters and directs actions per LGA-003:

Critical Task *: Suppression Chamber Sprays before reaching 12 psig.


Critical Task *:* Drywell Sprays when Chamber pressure is above 12 psig.

BOP Operates ECCS as directed by SRO.

Crirical Task *:* Suppression Chamber Sprays.

Critical Task +:* Drywell Sprays.

Page 20 of 30

Exelan.. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Continued Simulator Operator Actions: Re-insert fuses for LGA-NB-0 1 Method 1 and install jumpers for LGA-NB-01 Method 4 as requested.

Trg 9 reinstalls the fuses. If only part of the fuses are directed to be reinstalled, use the individual Remote Functions.

Termination 0 Adequate progress on control rod insertion.

Conditions 0 Containment parameters under control.

0 Lead Evaluator Concurrence.

Page 2 1 of 30

ExeI6n,. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 OSG Validation Checklist Scenario Number: Scenario-02 Verify that if not run from a protected IC that setup information is provided to reproduce the stated initial conditions.

Verify that all stated objectives are identified in the body of the OSG.

Verify that turnover sheets are completed, and are in agreement with both the narrative summary and shift turnover information sheet. Turnover sheets are not required for initial license scenarios.

Verify that if the scenario requires documents to be provided to the crew, they are filled out as appropriate (Le., if an LOS is used, it is filled out).

If this is the initial validation of the revision affects ramp times, event triggers, malfunctions, overrides, remote fimctions or procedure changes that could affect the scenario, then validate the scenario for proper response using a crew. It is preferable to use a crew unfamiliar with the scenario when ever possible. Verify the following while running the scenario:

The scenario runs as written and all tasks are performed.

The stated time line agrees with actual times.

Critical task statements clearly define the expected plant and student response. They should also be written so that they are achievable as written. If any questions exist, it is preferable to have operations management participate in the validation.

Anticipate instructor role-play / cues are identified.

Management expectations are captured and re-enforced.

Verify administrative documentation requirements (i.e., ARs) are identified.

Verify Technical Specifications items / LCO declarations are correct.

Verify soft skills expectations are captured and are re-enforced.

If procedure steps may cause confusion or disagreement between higher level procedures and LOPS / LORs that operations management is consulted.

Shutdown scenarios include shutdown risk assessment, time to boil calculations and shutdown status board information.

QNE review if needed.

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 22 of 30

ExeIon.. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004


Reference I Title 1 Revision


_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ ~ ~~

11. LGA-001 RPV CONTROL 06

Exelan Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 121132004 Nuclear Computer Aided Exercise Programs (CAEPs)

Initial Scenario Setup CAEP (a:2003ESG2.0.cae):

  1. Setup for 2003-01 ILT NRC Exam Scenario-02
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 25, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-OZ.O.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 25, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP sets the initial conditions and events
  1. associated with the ILT Class 2003-01 NRC Exam Scenario-02.
  1. Cleanup IC-118 - Simulator problems are causing spurious alarms, the
  1. following malfunctions and overrides prevent these alarms.
  1. Malfunction to override RB Radiation Monitor Downscale Alarm imf r0485 0
  1. Malfunction to override Fuel Pool Radiation Monitor Downscale Alarm imf r0483 0
  1. Malfunction to override EHC 400 Hz PMG Malfunction Alarm
  1. imf r0799 0
  1. Override EHC 400 Hz PMG Malfunction amber light on apron section
  1. ior q5k35sw6 0
  1. Initial Setup
  1. Pull fuse to make lB21-FO13C SRV inoperable
    1. irf isrvfusel2 removed
  1. Electrical ATWS, 1B RPS fails to trip imf mrpOl8
  1. Prevent ARI irf iaaribp bypass
  1. Manual Event Trigger 1
  1. Setpoint Drift on lB21-FO13V
    1. imf mnb039(1) 0
  1. Manual Event Trigger 2
  1. Pull fuses for 1B21-FO13V
    1. irf isrvfusel8(2) removed imf r0601 (2) on
  1. Manual Event Trigger 3
  1. Prevent auto start of the 1A TDRFP Seal Injection pump
  1. Trip the 1B TDRFP Seal Injection Pump ior k4103wpy (3) stop Page 24 of 30

Exelam Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 1211 3/2004 Nuclear ior k4106wpy (3) stop ior k4106wby(3) false ior q4106may(3) on

  1. Automatic Event Trigger 26
  1. Allow manual start of 1A Seal Injection Pump trgset 26 "k4103wby .GE. 0.9"
  1. cae a:NRC-Scenario-02.6.cae /trig 26 trg 26 "dor k4103wpy"
  1. Manual Event Trigger 4
  1. Cause HCU Accumulator low pressure alarm on rod 14-51 by changing
  1. the alarm setpoint to 1600 psig trg 4 "set zc11025 = 1600"
  1. Manual Event Trigger 5
  1. Loss of 141X
    1. ior k6k07wt8 (5) trip
    1. trg 5 "dor k6k07wt8"
  1. No overcurrent imf r0193 off # #
  1. i m f meeOl7 (5)
  1. Trip "A" HD pump:

imf mcfll4 (5)

  1. Manual Event Trigger 7
  1. RR suction rupture, LOCA in the Drywell imf mrc033(7) 0.5 5:OO
  1. Manual Event Trigger 8
  1. Pull 1B RPS Fuses cae a:NRC-Scenario-02.1.cae /trig 8
  1. Manual Event Trigger 9
  1. Install RPS Fuses cae a:NRC-Scenario-02.2.cae /trig 9
  1. Manual Event Trigger 10
  1. Install Jumpers per LGA-NB-01 method 4 cae a:NRC-Scenario-02.3.cae /trig 10
  1. Manual Event Trigger 11
  1. De-energize ARI per LGA-NB-01 method 4
    1. cae a:NRC-Scenario-02.4.cae /trig 1 1
  1. Manual Event Trigger 12
  1. Install Temp Configuration Changes per LGA-MS-01
    1. cae a:NRC-Scenario-02.5.cae /trig 12
  1. Manual Event Trigger 16
  1. Simulate closing 1Cll-F385, 1B CRD Discharge Valve by closing
  1. lCll-FO14B.

irf vhrd14b116) 0 60

  1. Manual Event Trigger 17 4 # Simulate opening 1Cll-F385, 1B CRD Discharge Valve by opening Page 25 of30

Exelan ,>

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear

  1. lCll-FO14B.

trg 17 "irf vhrdl4b 100 60"

  1. Manual Event Trigger 18
  1. Simulate closing 1Cll-F386, 1A CRD glscharge Valve by closing
  1. lCll-FO14A.

irf vhrdl4a(l8) 0 60

  1. Manual Event Trigger 19
  1. Simulate opening 1Cll-F386, 1A CRD Discharge Valve by opening
  1. lCll-FO14A.

trg 19 "irf vhrdl4a 100 60"

  1. Manual Event Trigger 3
  1. Install fuses for lB21-FO13V
    1. trg 3 "irf isrvfusel8 installed"
    1. See Below
  1. Manual Event Trigger 4
  1. Pull fuses for lB21-FO13V again
    1. trg 4 "irf isrvfusel8 removed"
  1. End of CAEP file.

Addition CAEP (a:2003ESG2.1.cae):

  1. Pull RPS Fuses per LGA-NB-01 Method 4
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-02.1.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-02 by pulling RPS fuses per
  1. LGA-NB-01 Method 4. Bravo RPS fuses are pulled first.
  1. Remove 1B RPS Group Scram Fuses irf iasffl8b removed I 60 I 1 irf iasffl8d removed 80 I 2 irf iasffl8f removed 100 3 irf iasffl8h removed 120 4
  1. Remove 1A RPS Group Scram Fuses irf iasffl8a removed 130 6 irf iasffl8c removed 140 7 irf iasffl8e removed 150 8 Page 26 of 30

Exel6n ,r Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear irf iasffl8g removed I 160 I 9

  1. Remove Scram Discharge Volume V V and DV Fuses irf isdvfl8a removed I 180 I 11 irf isdvfl8b removed I 200 I 12
  1. End of CAEP file.

Addition CAEP (a:2003ESG2.2.cae):

  1. Install RPS Fuses per LGA-NB-01
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-02.2.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-02 by pulling RPS fuses per
  1. LGA-NB-01 Method 4 . Bravo RPS fuses are pulled first.
  1. Remove 1B RPS Group Scram Fuses irf iasffl8b installed I 30 I 1 irf iasffl8d installed I 40 I 2 irf iasffl8f installed I 50 I 3 irf iasffl8h installed I 60 I 4
  1. Remove 1A RPS Group Scram Fuses irf iasffl8a installed I 70 I 6 irf iasffl8c installed I 80 I 7 irf iasffl8e installed I 90 I 8 irf iasffl8g installed I 100 I 9
  1. Remove Scram Discharge Volume VV and DV Fuses irf isdvfl8a installed I 110 I 11 irf isdvfl8b installed I 120 I 12
  1. End of CAEP file.

Addition CAEP (a:2003ESG2.3.cae):

  1. Install RPS jumpers per LGA-NB-01
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-02.2.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004 Page 27 of 30

Exelan;. Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nucl ear

  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-02 by installing RPS jumpers per
  1. LGA-NB-01 Method 4.
  1. Install RPS Jumpers irf ianbljpm installed
  1. End of CAEP file.

Addition CAEP (a:2003ESG2.4.cae):

  1. De-energize ARI per LGA-NB-01
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-02.4.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-02 by de-energizing Division 1 and
  1. Division 2 ARI per LGA-NB-01 Method 4.
  1. De-energize Division 1 ARI irf iaaridel de-energize I 30 I 1
  1. De-energize Division 2 ARI irf iaaride2 de-energize 1 60 I 3
  1. End of CAEP file.

Addition CAEP (a:2003ESG2.5.cae):

  1. Install Temp Changes per LGA-MS-01
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-02.5.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-02 by Installing Temporary Changes
  1. per LGA-MS-01, including control roon back panel manipulations. Each
  1. step takes 10 seconds to run therefore this CAEP will take Page 28 of 30

ExeI0n ,.

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004

  1. Attachment 1A - Jumper to defeat Off-Gas Isolation Logic irf iamsogjp installed I 10 I 1
  1. Bypass Division 1 Steam Tunnel Differential Temperature Logic
  1. Key 04 and Key 86 on panel 1H13-P632 ior km203bew bypass 12013 ior km204bew bypass 13014
  1. Bypass Division 2 Steam Tunnel Differential Temperature Logic
  1. Key 85 and Key 87 on panel 1H13-P642 ior kkl03bew bypass 14016 ior kkl04bew bypass 15017
  1. Defeat -129 inch 1IN017 Isolation irf iamsljmp installed I 60 I 9
  1. Bypass Condenser Low Vacuum Trip by placing key 23 and key 14 on
  1. panel 1H13-P609 in bypass ior kr305bg7 bypass I 70 I 11 ior kr315bg7 bypass I 80 I 12
  1. Bypass Condenser Low Vacuum Trip by placing key 40 and key 32 on
  1. panel 1H13-P611 in bypass ior kt205ge7 bypass I 90 I 14 ior kt214ge7 bypass I 100 I 15
  1. End of CAEP file.

Addition CAEP (a:2003ESG2.6.cae):

  1. Allow manual start of 1A TDRFP Seal Injection Pump
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-02.1.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-02 by removing overrides that were
  1. inserted to prevent automatic start of the 1A TDRFP Seal Injection
  1. pump. Deleting override on handswitch will allow the pump to
  1. automatically start.
  1. Delete override handswitch to STOP dor k4103wpy
  1. End of CAEP file.

Page 29 of 30

ExeI6n ,.

Scenario-02 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 This page intentionally left blank.

Page 30 of 30

Nuclear LaSalle County Station Initial License Training Simulator Exercise Guide 2003-01 NRC Exam Scenario-03 Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Exam Author: /

(Signature / Date)

Ops Facility Rep: 1 (Signature / Date)

Ops Trng Mngr: /

(Signature / Date)

Exelan, Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Examiners: Operators:

Initial Conditions:

0 Startup in progress per LGP 1 at step E.5.1 0 Pulling rods to 1 %-bypass valves open in preparation to roll the main turbine.

0 Reactor Power is <20%


0 Continue to pull rods per the sequence package Event Malf. Event Event No. No. Type* Description

1. N/A (R) RO Continue pulling control rods per the sequence package (N) SRO
2. mrd207 (C) RO Stuck control rod, ( 1 8-1 9) moves after increasing Drive Water (C) SRO Pressure Rod 26-23 starts to drift in, must be fully inserted.

Technical Specification Determination Failure of 1C VR Fuel Pool Exhaust Radiation Monitor upscale Technical Specification Determination

5. mcn002 (M) RO Off-Gas suction rupture and loss of vacuum and manual scram, 3 mrd212 (M) SRO stuck rods (ATWS), manually drive rods in mrd2 18 mrd2 13
6. mnbl05 (M) RO Small Steam LOCA with containment bypass path ma015 (M) SRO 1

ExelanV Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nucl ear Narrative Summary NRC Scenario-03:

Event Description

1. The RO will continue to pull control rods per the startup sequence package.
2. One control rod is determined to be stuck. Several attempts to free the rod using the normal operating procedure (LOP) will fail. The LOP will direct the operator to take actions per the abnormal operating procedure. When drive water pressure is increased sufficiently, the rod will free itself. And the startup can continue.
3. One control rod will start to drift in. The crew will take actions per the abnormal operating procedure and the SRO will make a Technical Specification determination.
4. One of the four Reactor Building Ventilation Fuel Pool Exhaust Radiation Monitors fails upscale. This will cause an annunciator to alarm in the control room. The Unit Supervisor is expected to make a Technical Specification determination.
5. A rupture in the Off-Gas 2dStage Air Ejector line will cause a slow loss of vacuum. The crew will have time to dispatch operators to look for air leakage into the main condenser. The size of the leak continues to increase until the crew is forced to manually scram the reactor. When the reactor is scrammed, 3 control rods will stick full-out rendering a low power ATWS.

The RO will be able to close the Drive Water Pressure control valve and then manually drive the three control rods full-in.

6. Next a steam leak LOCA will develop with a containment bypass path.

Termination The scenario can be terminated when the examinees have RPV and Containment Parameters stable and under control.

Critical Steps:

1. Initiate Suppression Chamber Sprays and Drywell Sprays to control containment parameters
2. Use EOP Support Procedures to insert control rods following the scram.

Page 3 of24

Exetan,. Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 Revision Synopsis:

Revision 00 Scenario created for use on 2003-01 ILT NRC Exam scheduled to be given the week of 03/07/2005.

Page 4 of 24

Exelon,>. Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear


Shift Turnover Information:

j Day of week and shift

+ Today, Day Shift z Weather Conditions

+ Cool, Sunny, Winds light 5 to 10 mph j (Plant Power Levels)

+ Unit 1 - 7% Power + Unit 2 - 100% Power, 106 YOFCL

+ OMWe + 1171 MWe

+ 245MWt + 3488MWt

+ 30 Mlb& CORE FLOW + 100 Mlbm/hr CORE FLOW z Thermal Limit Problems/Power Evolutions

+ Startup in progress + None

+ +

+ +

3 Existing LCOs, Date of Next Surveillance v + None + None

+ +

+ +

3 LOSS in Progress or Major Maintenance

+ None + None

+ +

a Equipment to be Taken Out of or Returned to Th is Shiftmaintenance on Major Plant Equipment

+ None + None

+ +

+ +

j Comments, Evolutions, Problems, etc.

+ Rod Step 17 in progress + Online Risk - Green

+ 26-35,26-27,34-27,34-35 pulled + Grid Status - Green

+ 18-43 next rod to move +

+ +

Page 5 of 24

Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/ 1 3/2004 Nuclear This Page Intentionally Left Blank Page 6 of 24

Exelon,, Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Setup Instructions A. Reset the Simulator:

Recall saved IC 110 B. Run the setup CAEP:

From the exam floppy disk, load caep a: NRC-Scenario-03.O.cae.

C. Cardsmags to be Hung:

0 None D. Miscellaneous Setup:

VERIFY the startup sequence is loaded (remasu.CD8D)

As required, REINITIALIZE the RWM.

Verify RWM sequence on Step 17, with rods 26-35,26-27, 34-27, and 34-35 withdrawn. Rod 18-43 should be next.

Verify sequence book steps signed off to reflect the above lineup.

- E. Turnover Instructions:

0 Verify the crew has the following available:

0 LGP-1-1 marked up to step E.5.1 0 StartupREMA LOP-RM-01 Page 7 of24

ExeI6n ,.

Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12113/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 1 Withdraw Control Rods for Startup RO Continues Startup per LGP-1-1 Withdraws Control Rods per LOP-RM-01 0 Makes appropriate communications with verifier.

0 Withdraws control rod (Continuously or single notch as determined by SRO.)

0 At position 48, performs Coupling Check.

0 Push both Continuous Withdraw and Withdraw buttons.

Verify no Overtravel alarm.

BOP Performs duties to verify Control Rod moves.

SRO Directs NSOs to continue Startup.

Monitors reactivity maneuver.

Page 8 of 24

Exelan,. Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 1 Continuing startup per shift turnover.

Role Play: Respond to any crew requests. At this point there are no abnormalities.

Page 9 of 24

Exelan ri Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear

~~ ~

Key Events I Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 2 Stuck Control Rod RO Withdraws Control Rods per LOP-RM-01:

0 Attempts to Withdraw control rod.

0 Raises Drive Pressure by no more than 100 psid.

0 Attempts to Withdraw control rod.

0 Attempts to Double Clutch control rod (apply Continuous Insert signal until the rod lifts) (Will not be successful)

Raises drive pressure up to 450 psid.

0 Repeats actions to withdraw rod. (Will not be successful) 0 Enters LOA-RD-101 Performs actions per LOA-RD- 10 1:

0 Check control rod position indication normal 0 Verifies normal CRD parameters.

0 Flows, Pressures.

0 Insert/Withdraw/Settle light indications.

Raises Drive pressure to 500 psid.

0 Attempts to withdraw Control Rod.

When rod moves, return Drive pressure to normal.

SRO Directs actions per LOA-RD- 101 Page I O o f 2 4

Exelan.. Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 2 This event automatically occurs when rod 18-19 is moved.

Simulator Operator: Manually actuate Trigger 20 when the crew raises pressure to 500 psig per the LOA. (478# on P603 Panel Drawing or Monitor variable g3f02gld 2 0.79)

NOTE: Automatic Trigger 20 deletes the stuck rod when pressure is increased above 550 psid.

Role-Play: As NLO, if dispatched to CRD area, report nothing abnormal. If asked for local drive pressure, make the report using the Instructor Station drawings.

Page 1 1 of 24

ExeIOn ,*.

Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 3 Rod 26-23 Drifts In RO Reports and responds to annunciator 1H13-P603-A504.

Takes action per LOA-RD- 10 1.

e Verify only one rod moving - yes e Verify rod not moving - no 0 Select rod 0 If Required - bypass RWM e Insert rod to position 00 (Second Verifier required with RWMbypassed) e Verify CRD parameters 0 Run PPC printouts e Notify QNE e Notify SRO to refer to T.S. 3.1.3 and 3.1.6 e Restore RWM SRO Directs RO actions of LOA-RD-101 Verifies compliance with T.S. 3.1.3 Condition C 0 C.l Fully insert rod within 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br />.

C.2 Disarm the CRD within 4 hours4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br />.

Verifies compliance with T.S. 3.1.6 Condition A e Return to in-sequence position or declare inoperable in 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br />.

Exelonsv Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 3 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Initiate Event Initiate with Manual Trigger 3.

Simulator Operator: Verify automatic trigger #30 goes true when rod 26-23 is driven full in.

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Exelan.. Scenari 0-03 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2003 Key Events I Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 4 One FC Radiation Monitor Fails Upscale BOP Report and respond per annunciator 1H 13-P601-E205 Check Channel C and D monitors at H13-P636.

Report only one channel tripped, no other indications of high radiation.

SRO Directs operator actions.

Refers to T.S. and Condition A, place the inoperable channel in the tripped condition within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Page 14 O f 2 4

Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 4 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator. (Wait until RWM is returned to service before continuing)

Trigger 4 Manual Trigger 4 starts the event.

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Exelan,. Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/ 13/2004 Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Events No. 5 SJAE Suction Rupture, Loss of Vacuum, 3 Rod ATWS.

BOP Reports and responds to annunciator lN62-P600-B204, OFF GAS OUTLET FLOW ABNORMAL.

Dispatch NLO to perform in-plant actions RO Reports and responds to annunciator 1PM03J-BS 1 1, CNDSR VAC LO Manually Scrams reactor when directed by SRO.

Takes actions per LGP-3-2 Hard Card:

Inform SRO 3 rods out, power < 3%

Critical Task *:* Insert control rods per LGA-NB-01 Method 3, Drive rods using normal means.

OK to increase drive water pressure.

SRO Directs RO/BOP actions.

Directs manual SCRAM.

Enters LGA-001 on Low Level or Hi DW Pressure (later)

Determines LGA-010 entry is required.

Exits LGA-00 1, enters and directs actions per LGA-0 10:

B Inhibit ADS and prevent ECCS injection.

B Bypass isolations per LGA-MS-0 1 B Control level between -1 50 in. and 59.5 in.

B Stabilize pressure below 1059 psig.

Critical Task Q Insert control rods per LGA-NB-0 1 Page 16 of 24

Exelam Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear

~~ ~

Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information


Events No. 5 Start this event as directed by the Lead Evaluator Trigger 5 Manual Trigger 5 starts the event.

Role Play: Perform in-plant actions as requested by the crew.

NOTE The crew may anticipate a blowdown and rapidly depressurize if they quickly insert rods and exit LGA-010.

Simulator Operator: If the Off-Gas filter differential pressure alarm cycles (N62-P600-B105) override it on. (imfrl4.51 on)

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ExeI6n Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 Key Events /

Timeline Expected Crew Response Event No. 6 Small MSL Break with Bypass Path RO Monitors & Controls level and pressure as directed.

Continues efforts to manually drive in Control Rods.

BOP Operates ECCS as directed by SRO.

0 Inhibits ADS, Prevents ECCS injection Critical Tusk *: Suppression Chamber Sprays.

Critical Tusk *: Drywell Sprays.

SRO Enters LGA-003 on High Drywell Pressure.

Determines that a bypass path exists.

Directs actions per LGA-003:

Critical Tusk *:* Suppression Chamber Sprays before reaching 12 psig.

Critical Task *: Drywell Sprays when Chamber pressure is above 12 psig.

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Exelan Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/1m 0 0 4 Nuclear


Simulator Commands Instructor Role Play and Information Event No. 6 This event automatically starts on the SCRAM.

Automatic Trigger 9 starts the event.

NOTE The crew may determine that with a bypass path present they will not be able to hold Suppression Chamber Pressure within PSP and therefore enter LGA-004 to blowdown (if in LGA-001).

T rmination 0 Adequate progress on control rod insertion.

Conditions 0 Containment parameters under control.

0 Lead Evaluator Concurrence.

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Exelan Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear OSG Validation Checklist Scenario Number: Scenario-03 1.- Verify that if not run from a protected IC that setup information is provided to reproduce the stated initial conditions.

2. Verify that all stated objectives are identified in the body of the OSG.

3.- Verify that turnover sheets are completed, and are in agreement with both the narrative summary and shift turnover information sheet. Turnover sheets are not required for initial license scenarios.

4.- Verify that if the scenario requires documents to be provided to the crew, they are filled out as appropriate (i.e., if an LOS is used, it is tilled out).

5.- If this is the initial validation of the revision affects ramp times, event triggers, malfunctions, overrides, remote functions or procedure changes that could affect the scenario, then validate the scenario for proper response using a crew. It is preferable to use a crew unfamiliar with the scenario when ever possible. Verify the following while running the scenario:

The scenario runs as written and all tasks are performed.

The stated time line agrees with actual times.

Critical task statements clearly define the expected plant and student response. They should also be written so that they are achievable as written. If any questions exist, it is preferable to have operations management participate in the validation.

Anticipate instructor role-play / cues are identified.

Management expectations are captured and re-enforced.

Verify administrative documentation requirements (Le., ARs) are identified.

Verify Technical Specifications items / LCO declarations are correct.

Verify soft skills expectations are captured and are re-enforced.

If procedure steps may cause confusion or disagreement between higher level procedures and LOPS / LORs that operations management is consulted.

6.- Shutdown scenarios include shutdown risk assessment. time to boil calculations and shutdown status board information.

7. QNE review if needed.

SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date SME / Instructor Date Page 20 of 24

Exelan Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Date: 12/13/2004 Nuclear


Reference 1 Title 1 Revision

4. 1H13-P603-A504 1 CRDDRIFT I 3
6. lH13-P601-E205 I DIV 2 FUEL POOL RAD HI-HI l 2
7. 1~62-p600-~204 1 OFF GAS OUTLET FLOW ABNORMAL l 6
8. lPM03J-B511 1 CNDSR VAC LO 1 2

ExeIan ,\.

Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/1Y2004 Computer Aided Exercise Programs (CAEPs)

Initial Scenario Setup CAEP (a:2003ESGl.O.cae):

  1. Setup for 2003-01 ILT NRC Exam Scenario-03
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 29, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-03.0.cae
  1. Revision: 00
  1. Revision Date: October 25, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
        1. t##############################################################
  1. This CAEF sets the initial conditions and events
  1. associated with the I L T Class 2003-01 NRC Exam Scenario-03.
  1. Cleanup IC-118 - Simulator problems are causing spurious alarms, the
  1. following malfunctions and overrides prevent these alarms.
  1. Malfunction to override RB Radiation Monitor Downscale Alarm imf r0485 0
  1. Malfunction to override Fuel Fool Radiation Monitor Downscale Alarm imf r0483 0
  1. Malfunction to override EHC 400 Hz PMG Malfunction Alarm
  1. imf r0799 0
  1. Override EHC 400 Hz FMG Malfunction amber light on apron section
  1. ior q5k35sw6 0
  1. Initial Setup
  1. Stick 3 Rods (18-15, 22-11, and 26-15) Full-Out (ATWS - < 3 % )

irnf mrd212 100 irnf mrd218 100 imf mrd213 100

  1. prevent automatic start of 1B GC pump
  1. ior k5e23wp8 stop
  1. Stick 1 Rod (18-19) during withdrawal irnf mrd207
  1. Notch 12 Reed switch stuck closed for rod 42-43
  1. imf mrd122 12
  1. Containment Bypass path (1C Vacuum Breaker Stuck OPEN)
    1. imf d1891 1
    1. imf d1893 1
    1. ior qlhl8lgp on
    1. ior qlhl8rrp off
    1. ior qlh221gp on
    1. ior qlh22rrp off
    1. imf mca008 imf mcaOl5 100
  1. Manual Event Trigger 1 Page 22 of 24

ExeIan Scenario-03 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004

  1. Trip of 1A GC pump with failure of 1B to automatically start
    1. imf mgcOOl(1)
  1. Manual trigger 3 imf mrd078 (3) trgset 30 "rdzdisps (122) .It. 12" trg 30 "dmf mrd078"
  1. Manual Event Trigger 4
  1. Failed FC Radiation Monitor imf mrmOl7 ( 4 )
  1. Manual Event Trigger 5
  1. Off-Gas rupture and loss of vacuum imf mcn002 (5) 25 300
  1. Automatic Event Trigger 2 0
  1. Reduce Rod friction on 18-19 when Drive Pressure >490 psid trgset 20 "g3f02gld .GE. 0.89" trg 20 "dmf mrd207"
  1. Automatic Event Trigger 17
  1. Allow manual start of 1B GC pump
    1. trgset 17 "k5e23wb8 .GE. 0.9"
    1. trg 17 "dor k5e23wp8"
  1. Automatic Event Trigger 18
  1. Reduce rod friction allowing manual insertion trgset 18 "k3g09w17 .GE. 0.9" cae a:\NRC-Scenario-03.1.cae /trig 18
  1. Automatic Event Trigger 19
  1. Small steam leak LOCA with a bypass path trgset 19 "k3g09w17 .GE. 0.9" imf mnb105(19) 200 5:OO
  1. End of CAEP file.

Additional CAEP (a:2003ESG3.l.cae):

  1. Reduce Rod Friction to allow manually driving rods in
  1. Author: John E. Ross
  1. Date Written: October 26, 2004
  1. Filename: A:\NRC-Scenario-03.1.cae
  1. Revision: 0 0
  1. Revision Date: October 26, 2004
  1. Revised By: jer
  1. This CAEP supports NRC-Scenario-03 by ...

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Exelan, Scenario43 Revision: 00 Nuclear Date: 12/13/2004 k Reduce Rod F r i c t i o n mmf mrd212 10 60 I 1 mmf mrd218 10 CC 1 2 mf mrd213 10 I 6C 3

  1. End of CAEP file.

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