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AIT 2004.xis
Person / Time
Site: Palo Verde  Arizona Public Service icon.png
Issue date: 10/08/2004
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML042960379 (12)


1qrr 07Oo'Y. XI 5%

Action # NRC PV Respondent Request Closed With Request Status Requester Date (-6 13-1 Gody Straka Phone list of Entrance Attendance roster Phone numbers provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED 2 Gody Oakes Provide Copies of documents requested by N. Copies provided 6/15/2004 @3:30 PM by 06/15/2004 CLOSED Salgado Raw Data Vogt 3 Gody STA- D. Fan Trip time lines for all three units(Taylor) and Drafts Provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED offisite activities (Mueller) 4 Gody Taylor Names of crews on shift inall three Units and All crew members are available until 06/15/2004 CLOSED their availability for being interviewed Thursday 5 Gody Leake Copy of the Electric ISO both hard copy and Closed to #12 06/15/2004 CLOSED electronic 6 Gody Crozier Timeline for e-plan activities Provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED 7 Gody Straka 90DP-0IP06 - provide copy Copy provided 6/15/2004 06/15/2004 CLOSED 8 Gody & Leake Preliminary briefing of Olfsite failure Briefing held 6t15@ 12:30 pm 06/15/2004 CLOSED Team 9 Skinner Paramithas Digital pictures of the failed bell string insulator pictures provide hard copy and 06/15/2004 CLOSED string, especially any failure areas. It potential electronically -6/16/2004 sabotage is suspected (or is obvious) such as a 10 Skinner Paramithas Digital pictures of the failed AR relay, especially pictures provide hard copy and 06/15/2004 CLOSED any failure areas (the open contacts, etc.). Any electronically *6/16/2004 apparent cause and past maintenance, etc.

11 Skinner Paramithas Traces showing time steps of failures Not Needed 06115/2004 CLOSED 12 Gody Leake Copies of switch yard and connecting systems Copies provided 6/15/2004 hard copy 06/15/2004 CLOSED schematics- Electronic Copies Provided

13 Skinner Paramithas 3 line diagram for switchyard and Need Switchyard copies provided -6/16/2004 & 06115/2004 CLOSED Hassayampa liberty line/WestWing Dwg G 33417 sheet 2 14 Skinner Paramithas Breaker Schematic Package Provided 06/1512004 CLOSED Hassayampa/LibertyN lestwing Typical is OK 15 Skinner Paramithas Breaker Schematic Switchyard Typical is OK copies provided - 6116/2004 Electronic 06/15/2004 CLOSED Need Electronic Copy Copy Provided 16 Skinner Paramithas Graph(s) of the current flowing through each of NotNeeded 06/15/2004 CLOSED the main lines and (hopefully, if available) each phase. West Wing, etc. In other words current vs. time info for the lines out of Palo Verde.-

17 Skinner Paramithas The time of the Bay 7 mod implementation. provided e-mail 06/15/2004 CLOSED 18 Skinner Paramithas How many lines and distribution of estimated Not Needed 06/15/2004 CLOSED fault current feeds on Westwing 19 Gody Paramithas Ownership, interface, and maintenance Not Needed 06/15/2004 CLOSED agreements on PVNGS Switch Yard 20 Skinner Leake Any 50.59s on the lines & Isophase negative Eval 00-00097 Modify Breaker Switches 06/15/2004 CLOSED sequence modification provided 21 Koshy Kesler NRC meeting with APS Electric System Load Meeting Held 6/18/2004 06/15/2004 CLOSED Dispatcher Follow Up Meeting 6/18/2004

'22 Gody Taylor Apparent cause for Unit 2 DG A see #38 06/15/2004 CLOSED 23 Gody Taylor List of quarantined equipment Unit 1 ADV-185 06/1512004 CLOSED Unit 2 'E" Charging Pump (Released)

Diesel A' Unit 3 Steam Bypass Control Valve 1003 Steam Bypass Control System Cabinet 24 Gody Winsor Product justifying UI startup with the initiating NRC phone calls and data provided 0611512004 CLOSED offsite electrical power lost apparent cause

25 Skinner Straka Electronic copy of Time Line Still need final copy see #60 06/15/2004 CLOSED 26 Skinner Cooper Main Generator 3 line meter and relaying 2 copies provided & Electronics 06/15/2004 CLOSED drawing Schematics for trips/alarms 27 Paulk Vogt Sequence of Events for unit trip does not go far Provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED enough back. Backup time line for grid issues.

Negative Phase sequences sensed in house as a starting point 28 Skinner Leake Output from digital fault recorder for switch yard Provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED See RFI 11. This could be the same.

29 Gody Kidd Copies of all CRDRs written since & just before Copies provided to AIT 6/16/2004 06/15/2004 CLOSED the trip.

30 Alter Lee Copy of E-Plan table 1 for time to activate ERO. Provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED Include who is required to activate. Lee 31 Alter Lee TSC Diesel operating procedure and PM task Provided 06/15/2004 CLOSED with last 2 PM's documentation. Lee 32 Alter Leavitt Security Diesel operating procedure and PM Item complete, PM not required due to 06/15/2004 CLOSED task with last 2 PM's documentation. (Larry successful test run of DG Leavitt) 33 Alter Leavitt Security Plan for description of Security Diesel Documents provided, discussions held to 06/15/2004 CLOSED and drawing. Leavitt close questions -6/16/2004 34 Alter Leavitt Security procedure for LOP. Leavitt Procedure provided and discussion held to 06/15/2004 CLOSED cover questions - 6/16/2004.

35 McConnell Straka Copies of 13-EMAA 001 Copies provided 6/16/2004 06/16/2004 CLOSED 36 Alter Leavitt/Lee Walkdown Diesels Security & TSC Walkdown 6/16/2004 AM 06/1512004 CLOSED 37 Gody Straka e-mail Status Report - WAPA Liberty/Westwing Copy provided 6/16/2004 06/1612004 CLOSED and SRP Agua Fria/Westwing 230KV lines


38 Paulk Holmes Briefing on U2 DGA trouble shooting. Was Meeting with Holmes/Payne. Failed diode. 06/16/2004 CLOSED components recently replaced. Provious First time @ PVNGS. OE 1 1996 @ Grand failures. Gulf. Question on whether EWA pump that was sequenced on @ failure time was cause. Jim Moreland stated pump was sequenced on about 3 hours3.472222e-5 days <br />8.333333e-4 hours <br />4.960317e-6 weeks <br />1.1415e-6 months <br /> after plant trips and operated satisfactorily.

39 Paulk Boll Meeting to discuss CH pump E U2 failure. See new questions # 49 06/16/2004 CLOSED Scheduled @ 12:30 40 McConnell Banks Numerous questions on UI & 3 trip data. Questions answered during several 06/16/2004 CLOSED interviews 41 Paulk Oakes Numerous questions on U2 trip data. Include Information provided. New RFIs for 06/16/2004 CLOSED pressure plots for primary and secondary to additional information was opened determine if safeties lifted.

42 Skinner Leake Walk through 3 line diagrams provided in item Meeting Holmes 6/17/2004 06/1612004 CLOSED 26 above. This will satisfy both Skinner and Negative Sequencing crktltrip function questions

__ from McConnell 43 Skinner Leake - Kessler Interconnection agreements &/or Letters of 2 Copies provided. 06/1612004 CLOSED Understanding for managing electric loads in the PV area References 15 & 16 from 50.59 EOO-00097 44 Skinner Straka - Gregoire Provide any pending changes to the UFSAR Provided copy 06116/2004 CLOSED chapter 8 45 McConnell Vogt Scan frequency for PC alarm typer-printer Provided 06/1612004 CLOSED 46 McConnell Vogt Provide Primary Pressure Plots for all 3 units Provided 06/16/2004 CLOSED 47 McConnell Leake See Item 42 above regarding negative Meeting Holmes 6/17/2004 06/16/2004 CLOSED sequencing l 48 Paulk Straka Unit logs 0700-1000 hrs 6114/2004 copies of all three units provided - 06/1612004 CLOSED 6/15/2004 49 Paulk Bolf Effects of LOOP on CH Pump cooling system, Four question response provided by B. 06/1612004 CLOSED Time pump was run with suction isolated, How Bolf.

long can pump run without suction, &

performance testing performed to ensure pump is operable.

50 Alter Crozier 1/2 hour delay @security headquarters during Issue discussed 06/16/2004 CLOSED event. Delayed NRC and Operator response?

51 Gody Withers Did all three unit generators trip on negative Meeting Holmes 6/17/2004 06/16/2004 CLOSED sequence signals? Design of system and role in plant trips. ._l __

52 Skinner Paramithas 4ODP-9OP34 Switchyard Administrative Control Copy provided 06/16/2004 CLOSED 53 McConnell Henry LOOP EOP & Gas Turbine emergency Copy provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED operation 54 Paulk Bolf Operation of Charging pump cooling and Meetings with STA, Boef & Radspinner 06/16/2004 CLOSED l__ _ suction line up during this typo of event .

55 Paulk Grigsby Why was the CH Pump E U2 removed from Meetings with STA, Boef & Radspinner 06117/2004 CLOSED quarantine list without an operability test or ST?

56 Paulk Samuels/Gouvier DG Sequencer loading discussion and DG Meeting held 12:30 6/17 06/17/2004 CLOSED loading calcs 57 Paulk Payne DG A U2 total run time 2325 hours0.0269 days <br />0.646 hours <br />0.00384 weeks <br />8.846625e-4 months <br /> 06/17/2004 CLOSED 58 McConnell Bolf Letdown fumes U1, fire? Source of fumes Post walkdown package provided See 06/17/2004 CLOSED new 83 & 74 59 McConnell Smyers Game Plan and any results for UI ADV 185 Game plan provided. Results and 06/17/2004 OPEN

_ _ apparent cause needed. Residents 60 Skinner Paramithas Updated time line for off site events electronic Due Monday or Tuesday AIT Team 06/17/2004 CLOSED Word Coov update electronic timeline provided 61 McConnell Vogt Current bus voltages for all three units values provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED 62 Paulk Grigsby CRDR initiated on log entry on evaluation for not CRDR 2716562 provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED securing RCPs on low amps 6/15/2004 4:00 am 63 Gody Taylor Complete Post Trip data packages for all three Duo Monday or Tuesday AIT Team - 06/17/2004 CLOSED units. Copies of all three units sent 6/23/2004 by e-mail Straka to Gody 64 Paulk Vogt Time line of specified equipment in U2 copies provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED 65 McConnell Vogt Time line of specified equipment in Ul & 3 Information provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED 66 McConnell Shanker LOCV Chapter 15 event numbers vs. UI & U3 Copies provided. 06/17/2004 CLOSED l_ _ _actuals

  • 67 Paulk Straka What recording systems do we use for Post Trip Data Provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED Data 68 Paulk Grigsby Why didn't OPS follow 40EP-9EO07 when lining Per Jim Taylor this will be evaluated under 06/17/2004 CLOSED up U2 CH pumps CRDR 2716521 69 Paulk Gaflney 10 minutes hold up of AO on CH pump U2 Tim Heir RP CRDR 2716806 provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED recovery Why ? CRDR 2716521 70 Koshy Kesler Meeting on operations interface with APS SRP meetings held on 6/17/ and 6/18 06/17/2004 CLOSED Transmission

71 McConnell Coppock Basis of GT starting for switch yard batteries, Information Provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED dwgs, 72 Gody Kidd CRDRs for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday CRDRs provided 06/17/2004 CLOSED 73 McConnell BoIf Letdown line isolation failure 201 P/Q Radspinner held meeting with McConnell 06/17/2004 OPEN on 6/17/2004 Need evaluation of softparts subjected to high temperatures.

Residents 74 Alter Crozier Potential for Fire response team to be held up Meeting held 6/18/2004 with L Leavitt 06/17/2004 CLOSED during LOOPs in sally port 75 McConnell Radspinner Potential for RCP Thermal Trip for lift pump Custudio held meeting Thermal Curve 06/17/2004 CLOSED motor provided 76 McConnell Clifton LPSI check valve V217 failure Meeting Held 6/17/2004 06/17/2004 CLOSED 77 McConnell Holmes Magna Blast Breakers S05D/SO6K Apparent Schroeder Residents 06/17/2004 OPEN cause of failure 78 McConnell Coppock U3 SBCV 1003 & Cabinet failure Apparent Coppock briefed McConnel On 6/17/2004. 06/17/2004 CLOSED Cause Residents.

79 Alter Crozier interviews results for security access team Meeting on 6/17/2004 06/17/2004 CLOSED 80 Alter Crozier System description of TSC diesel Meeting on 6/17/2004 06/17/2004 CLOSED 81 Alter Crozier Unit 2 Emergency coordinator procedures used Meeting on 6/17/2004 06/17/2004 CLOSED on 6/14/2004- need copy 82 Alter Crozier Copy of Instructions for SallyPort vehicle arm Meeting on 6117/2004 06/17/2004 CLOSED operations both old and New 83 Alter Crozier Response report on Smoke seen on the 134 See 74 also. Information provided. 06117/2004 CLOSED foot valve gallery Scott Dodd to provide 84 Alter Crozier Copy of the revised Auto Dialer procedure Meeting on 6/17/2004 06/17/2004 CLOSED 85 Skinner Cooper copies of one line diagrams of Dll & D12 back Copies Provided by Cooper 06/17/2004 CLOSED to power source and what are power sources to DI1 &D12andpaneldrawingsforD1l &D12 86 Paulk Oakes Unit 2 PMS typer printout 0730 to 0930 Documents provided, discussions held to 06/18/2004 CLOSED 4/14/2004 close questions - 6/18/2004 87 Paulk Oakes ERFDADS Unit 2 neg Sequencer Provided 06/18/2004 CLOSED 88 Paulk Oakes U2 VCT Level Provided 06/18/2004 CLOSED 89 Paulk Coxon Did AO performing CH Pump U2 alternate Yes, # 68 covers procedure issue 06/18/2004 CLOSED suction actions have pages 1&2 of Appendix 10 See #68 _

90 Paulk Oakes MAYS14 ERFDADS Reports Copy provided 06/18/2004 CLOSED 91 Gody Brutcher Effect of overflow condition of RCPs on core Residents - Copy of Westinghouse letter 06/18/2004 CLOSED components dated 6/18/2004 "PV04-107' provided to N. Salgado via e-mail

92 Paulk Glover U3 Turbine overspeed Trip: Set points Mech & Meeting held 6/18/2004 06/1812004 CLOSED Electrical overspeed trips, last time overspeed ST performed (E&M), Testing time intervals, Copy of ST 93 Paulk Schroeder Effect and evaluation of components that were AIT Team 06/18/2004 OPEN connected & subjected to 67 Hz and plan to evaluate the equipment 94 Paulk Vogt Did we have a DNBR trip on Unit 3 versus Meeting held FlodinNogt/Coppock Had 06/18/2004 CLOSED VOPT VOPT trip 95 Paulk Schroeder/ Flodin Data that determined 67 hz & the 100 RPM RCP DFR data for Frequency plot provided 06/18/2004 CLOSED speed over nominal CPC Buffer Data for Unit 3 provided for RCP speed 96 McConnell Vogt Magna blast breakers failed to shut from the S06K 5 attemps to cycle remotely S05D 06/18/2004 CLOSED control room. How many attempts were made to 3 attemps to cycle remotely close 97 McConnell Holmes Magna blast breakers- Last maintenance See Engineering White Paper Rev. 1 06/18/2004 CLOSED performed 98 McConnell Smyers 5 A/B RK panels in unit 2 were all lite. Apparent Maner & Reynolds Unregulated power 06/18/2004 CLOSED cause trouble shooting results supply caused spiking. Readjust the power supply and possibly do a permanent mod.

99 McConnell Flodin Graph of Plant Power vs RCP RPM Copy provided 06/18/2004 CLOSED 100 Koshy Kesler AITTEAM Electronic version sent via e- 06/22/2004 CLOSED Could also provide me the frequency and mail from Kesler on 6/22/2004 voltage plot of the 500 KV system at the palo verde switchyard. (you gave me hard copy)

Please give me an electronic version.

101 McConnell Clifton Provide CRDR 2715768 Copy provided 6/23/2004 06/23/2004 CLOSED

,102 McConnell Clifton Provide Alarm Response procedure 40AL- Copy provided 6/23/2004 06/23/2004 CLOSED 9RK2B 103 Gody Straka Provide copies of the Standard Post Trip reports Copies e-mailed to Gody on 6/23/2004 06/22/2004 CLOSED for all three Units l 104 Gody Straka Teleconference for 6/24/2004 topics, Unit 3 Conference set for 0830 on 6/24/2004 Call 06/23/2004 CLOSED SOE up to VOPT Trip and Borg Wamer SI completed- additional action RRI to follow check valve seating quesitons 105 Gody Straka Determine if 7/13/2004 is an acceptable date to APS finds 7/13/2004 acceptable. 06/24/2004 CLOSED hold Public Exit of AIT, location TBD 106 Gody Straka Need copy of unit trips timelines - e-mail to Tony Sent via e-mail 6/24/2004 06/24/2004 CLOSED

__ Gody

107 Gody Straka Provide latest version of RFI List to AlTTeam, called AIT - Gody on 6/28/2004 left voice 06/24/2004 OPEN conduct call to re-zero list of action items mail Review @1230 6129/2004 108 Gody Straka Set up teleconference call with Gary Andrews Call held on 6/24/2004 at 8:30 06124/2004 CLOSED and Dan Holland to discuss Steam Bypass response in Unit 3 - would like call to be held

._ 6/24/2004 109 McConnell Hypse FSAR Power/Load Unbalance. 06/24/2004 OPEN Associated with the load control unit is a rate sensitive power/load unbalance circuit whose purpose is to initiate control valve fast closing action under load rejection conditions that might lead to rapid rotor acceleration and consequent over speed.

I am curious to find out if a power/load unbalance signal occurred, and if the system reacted as exected per the FSAR.

110 Paulk Hypse 1. In the original (initial) plant configuration E-mail sent 6/25/20041. The NORMAL 06/24/2004 I CLOSED what were the power sources for Steam Bypass power source at NNNDI1 (D12) has Control for the preferred (non-vital) power to always been from NHNM13 (M10) and the alternate, and was the alternate power source EMERGENCY from PHAM31 (M32). At vital (class) or another non-vital bus? one time there was confusion as to which source was more reliable and the units

2. Under the Plant mod, the SBCS was were aligning the panels differently. Some changed from ABTs to static switches, were the were units had the ABT aligned to the power sources for the preferred and the Emergency source while others were alternate changed as woll? aligned to the Normal. After the Ring-Tailed cat' event in Unit 1 we decided to
3. Are all three Units SBCS configurations the replace the switches and to align them to same, provide dates when the SBCS the Normal source since PVNGS had ABTs/static switches were installed in all three experienced several loss of off-site power units? events to either S05 or S06.
2. The sources remained the same but the alignment changed. The Normal source was now the preferred source and the Emergency was the back-up. This change came out of the ring-tailed cat event in Unit 1.
3. All the NNND11 and D12 switches have been replaced under DMWO 740601.

1ENNND1 1 DIWO 740602 03/98 1ENNND12 DIWO 740603 03/98 2ENNND11 DIWO 740604 09/97 2ENNND12 DIWO 740605 09/97 3ENNND1 1 DIWO 740606 03/97 3ENNND12 DIWO 740607 03/97

.111 Skinner Straka e-mail GEORGESGics.COM system e-mail George a copy of the STM on 06/24/2004 OPEN I description of main generator protective relaying 6/24/2004 -waiting to see If this meets I scheme his needs

I-112 McConnell Straka - (1) it became apparent that the lift oil pumps e-mail sent reference FSAR section 06/25/2204 CLOSED Powlikowski were replaced with a different model than the and included elementary diagaram original manufacturer. 02-E-RCB-001 date sent is 6/25/2004 Can you have someone track down the date of the modification?

(2)are the lub oil lift pumps to be running to enable the starting of the RCP?

more clearly: is the lube oil lift pump an enabling system for the RCP start circuit?

113 Koshy Kesler (1)What I requested was the voltage during the E-mail sent 6/25/2004 06/2512004 CLOSED event. Could you got me that?

Frequency and the voltage?

(2) Second subject:

Any progress on APS decision to install Zone 2 or ground fault protection between 230 and 500kv at West Wing ?

114 Mconl Liollan 114 McConnell Holt requesting information with regards to the Unit 2 Mark Brutcher, Doug Berg and myself 06/23/2004 l CLOSED letdown line. conducted a conference call with Mr.

McConnel to discuss the stress analysis allowables and the max stress that was identified during the analysis for the increased letdown temperature. Mr.

McConnell requested, and has been faxed a copy of the current CRDR (#2715667),

the applicable pages of the stress calculation, and the ISI inspection reports for the subsequent inspection of the purification filter cask.

Mark Bwutcher, Doug Berg and myself conducted a conference call with Mr.

McConnel to discuss the stress analysis allowables and the max stress that was identified during the analysis for the increased letdown temperature. Mr.

McConnell requested, and has been faxed a copy of the current CRDR (#2715667),

the applicable pages of the stress calculation, and the ISI inspection reports for the subsequent inspection of the purification filter cask.

Date 6/2312004 115 Paulk Payne DG run time/diode clarification e-mail forwared to Gody on 6/25/2004 06/24/2004 CLOSED 116 McConnell Holmes Do PVNGS strip loads on the PK bus to

  • No, PVNGS do not strip loads on the PK 06/25/2004 CLOSED meet/extend capacity of the batteries? bus to meet/extend capacity. The batteries are sized to adequately perform the load profile (2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br />) of the worst case scenario for the batteries, provided answer 6125/2004 _

117 McConnell Holmes - Samuels Procedure 40EP-9EO10, Appendix 52, page 3 After researching various documents and 06/2512004 OPEN of 23, states 'The GTGs can not supply Units 2 then talking to John Holmes I was and 3 simultaneously but can supply Units 1 prepared to give my answer to Dave and 2 or Units 1 and 3. Tim requested Loveless, however, I was unable to clarification of this statement. contact him. I left him a voicemail with my name and phone number and that I will contact him on Tuesday(6/29/2004) with the answer to this question.


l 120 l l l l l l