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ES-401-9 - Written Examination Review Worksheet for Braidwood Initial Examination - July 2004
Person / Time
Site: Braidwood  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/12/2004
From: Lanksbury R
Exelon Generation Co
50-456/04-301, 50-457/04-301
Download: ML042180324 (9)


ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet The first 15 questions from the RO portion of the examination and the first 15 questions from the SRO examination comprised the sample reviewed.

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only Bank. Distractor B is NOT plausible (to trip the MFW Pumps when at 1 H 2 X T ES 35% power). RESOLUTION: 2nd action after tripping turbine - left as is.

2 H 2 T E New. (First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. Rework distractors.)

RESOLUTION: Removed first half of 1/2 taken twice.

3 F 2 T E New. (First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. Rework distractors.)

RESOLUTION: Removed first half of 1/2 taken twice.


[Refer to Section D of ES-401 and Appendix B for additional information regarding each of the following concepts.]

1. Enter the level of knowledge (LOK) of each question as either (F)undamental or (H)igher cognitive level.
2. Enter the level of difficulty (LOD) of each question using a 1 - 5 (easy - difficult) rating scale (questions in the 2 - 4 range are acceptable).
3. Check the appropriate box if a psychometric flaw is identified:

@ The stem lacks sufficient focus to elicit the correct answer (e.g., unclear intent, more information is needed, or too much needless information).

@ The stem or distractors contain cues (i.e., clues, specific determiners, phrasing, length, etc).

@ The answer choices are a collection of unrelated true/false statements.

@ One or more distractors is not credible.

@ One or more distractors is (are) partially correct (e.g., if the applicant can make unstated assumptions that are not contradicted by stem).

4. Check the appropriate box if a job content error is identified:

@ The question is not linked to the job requirements (i.e., the question has a valid K/A but, as written, is not operational in content).

@ The question requires the recall of knowledge that is too specific for the closed reference test mode (i.e., it is not required to be known from memory).

@ The question contains data with an unrealistic level of accuracy or inconsistent units (e.g., panel meter in percent with question in gallons).

@ The question requires reverse logic or application compared to the job requirements.

5. Check questions that are sampled for conformance with the approved K/A and those that are designated SRO-only (K/A and license level mismatches are unacceptable).
6. Based on the reviewers judgment, is the question as written (U)nacceptable (requiring repair or replacement), in need of (E)ditorial enhancement, or (S)atisfactory?
7. At a minimum, explain any U ratings (e.g., how the Appendix B psychometric attributes are not being met).

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only Bank. To make distractor A more plausible, change the 1A RCP Lower 4 F 3 T E Radial Bearing Temperature at time 10:00 from 196 to 201°F, and change the 1A RCP Seal Outlet Temperature at 10:00 from 197 to 211°F. RESOLUTION: Enhancement made.

5 H 12 T ES New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. Rework distractors. (may be ok as written - dm) RESOLUTION: Left as is. Acceptable as written 6 H 3 T E New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. Rework distractors. (may be ok as written - dm) RESOLUTION: Reworked question.

7 H 3 T S New. RO required knowledge? RESOLUTION: Procedure requires ROs to evaluate tech spec, also no ROs taking exam. Left as is.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that a failure high instead of 8 H 2 X T E low has occurred on the PZR pressure channel). RESOLUTION:

Reworked first half.

9 H 2 T S Modified.

10 H 2 T S Modified. Need to see original question to verify this question is Modified. RESOLUTION: Reclassified as BANK.

New. Distractor D could also be correct, since the Main Steamline 11 H 2 X T US radiation monitors may (or may NOT) fail high on elevated area temperatures. (look at all.) RESOLUTION: Not all equipment is in steam filled spaces. Left as is.

12 H 2 T S New.

13 F 2 T S Bank.

14 H 3 T S New. Correct grammar errors in stem. "is de-energizes." Corrected.

15 F 2 T S Bank.

16 F 2 T S New.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that a Unit 1 SI will occur on 17 F 2 X T E Low PZR pressure instead of Low PZR Level) RESOLUTION:

Reworked, deleted first half.

New. 1) Editorial. In the question stem, change the first sentence to:

18 F 2 T E Given the following conditions on Unit 1: (i.e., add the word on). With a level lo-3, I would automatically choose the lowest level. can this be enhanced? RESOLUTION: Grammar corrected, fixed question.

19 H 2 X T E New. Distractor D is NOT plausible (to stop the RCPs due to slowly lowering RCS temperature). RESOLUTION: Replaced distractor d.

20 H 2 X T E New. 1) In distractor C, change the word should to must.

RESOLUTION: Made correction.

New. If the Main Control Room can NOT verify that valve 0WX896 has 21 H 2 T E closed, then delete the sentence in the question stem that states:

0WX896 does NOT automatically close. RESOLUTION: Made suggested change.

New. 1) Delete the words the crew should in the question stem, and state that the required actions are to:. 2) Reverse the order of steps 1 22 F 3 T E and 2, since step 2 to notify personnel in the Area is an Immediate Operator Action and step 1 is a Subsequent Operator Action. 2nd half of 1/2 taken twice is LOD =1. RESOLUTION: Reworked the question to make suggested fixes.

23 F 3 T E New. It is NOT clear that the fire has been put out. Add this information to the question stem. RESOLUTION: Added info, reworked distractors.

New. To make a judgment whether a SG level is rising in an uncontrolled manner, one needs to look at a trend of SG level -- NOT 24 H 3 T UE just one point in time. Thus, this question can have several correct answers or NO correct answer. RESOLUTION: Not unsat as written.

Applicant could reasonable get to the correct answer, but enhancement made to add trend material.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only Modified. 1) Q ú K/A. The K/A is related to a question on a Westinghouse EOP on SG overpressure (FR-H.2, Response to Steam 25 H 3 T U Generator Overpressure). However, the question is associated with Tech Spec SG safety valve settings and its effect during a normal at power condition. RO Knowledge? RESOLUTION: Reworked question to match K/A. RO Knowledge at Braidwood 26 F 3 T S New.

27 F 2 T S New. The information supplied does not support distractor D as the correct answer. RESOLUTION: Added correct reference material.

28 H 2 T S New.

New. First second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that taking control 29 H 2 X T E switch 1CVLCV112A out of AUTO to either the VCT or HUT position will override the 1LK-112 output). RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that adjusting the 1RH606 30 H 3 X T E controller will have NO effect on CC water flow). RESOLUTION:

Reworked distractors.

Modified. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the shutoff head on 31 H 2 X T E the SI pumps is approximately 1450 psig instead of 950 psig).

RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

32 F 2 T S New.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. The operators should know that 33 F 2 X T E the PRT drain and fill valves do NOT cycle automatically, which makes distractors A and C NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only New. 1) Have the CC pump curves been reviewed to verify that CC system pressure would reach 150 psig if a second CC pump is started with initial CC system pressure at 140 psig? 2) Since there are many CC system relief valves that lift at 150 psig, how does one know that the 34 H 2 T UE RCP Motor Bearing Return Header relief valves would lift (it seems more likely that a 150 psig relief valve closest to the CC pump discharge would lift before a 150 psig relief valve on a CC system return header would lift). Thus there could be NO correct answer. RESOLUTION:

The answer was correct as written, however, to make the question cleaner, the question was reworked.

New. 1) Make one of the distractors (Cor D) state that small holes are in the discs of the PZR spray valves to ensure approximately 1 GPM (each) through the PZR spray valve when closed (this is true at some 35 F 2 X T E plants). 2) Make the other distractor state that the manual throttle valves around BOTH spray valves are normally closed, since the design leak-through of the PZR spray valves (when closed) ensures that the PZR spray nozzle is kept warm. RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

New. 1) What makes the 308°F in distractors A and C plausible? For saturated steam the maximum enthalpy is 1204.8 BTU/lbm (whereas it is stated that 308 deg F corresponds to 1206 BTU/lbm). Change 308 deg 36 H 4 X T E F to 338 deg F (which corresponds to the final expected tailpipe temperature when the PRT rupture disc blows at 100 psig). 2) In the question stem, fully capitalize the word initial, since it is expected that the tailpipe temperature would increase as PRT pressure builds up with a relief/safety valve lifting. RESOLUTION: Modified as requested.

37 F 2 T S Modified.

New. 1) Change distractor B from 0.5 to 0.8 µCi/gm. 2) Change 38 F 2 T E distractor D from a CST level of 75% to 68%. RESOLUTION: 0.8

µCi/gm inserted, 72% used instead of 75% because of instrument inaccuracies.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only New. 1) In the question stem, change the word should to is expected to. 2) To make distractors A and B more plausible, change 1910 psig 39 F 2 X T E (which has NO basis for any setpoint) to 1885 psig (which corresponds to the PZR pressure low pressure reactor trip setpoint). RESOLUTION:

Modified as requested.

New. 1) Distractors A and B are NOT plausible (that SX pump amps would lower with increasing SX flow). 2) In addition, distractors A and C 40 H 2 X T E are NOT plausible (that a rupture of SX water would cause RCFC SX outlet rad monitor reading to rise). RESOLUTION: After review &

attempt to fix, replaced with Bank question.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the 2A SC pump will 41 H 2 X T E cavitate instead of runout on low level in the RWST) distractors A and D NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Reworked the distractors.

42 H 2 T E New. Editorial. In the question stem, delete the colon (:) after the word OPEN. RESOLUTION: Deleted colon.

New. To make distractors A and D more plausible, change the first part of the question stem to ask whether the Gland Steam Condenser 43 F 2 X T E Bypass Valves will automatically open (for distractors A and C) or whether the Low Pressure FW Heaters Bypass Valve will automatically open (for distractors B and D). RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

New. 1) Change the second part of distractor C to make it similar to that of distractor B (i.e., Reduce AFW flow to 45 gpm to the 1C S/G).

44 H 2 T E

2) Is the value of 45 gpm AFW flow used in other EOPs (i.e., change the value to that of AFW flow used in ECA -2.1 when throttling AFW flow). RESOLUTION: Made suggested change. 45 gpm is used other places, making distractor plausible.

45 H 3 T S New.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. In the question stem, add the 46 F 2 T E word closed after While time stroking. RESOLUTION: Made suggested change, reworked distractors.

47 H 3 T S New.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 48 H 3 T S New.

49 H 2 T S New. Capitalize oil in Fuel oil Storage Tank. Capitalized Oil.

50 H 3 T S New.

New. Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the 0A VC Makeup Fan 51 H 2 X T E is running instead of the MCR Office Fans) makes distractors C and D NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

52 H 3 T S New.

53 H 3 T S New.

54 H 2 T S Bank.

New. LOD = 1? Distractors A, B, and C are NOT plausible.

55 H 2 X T US RESOLUTION: Determined distractors were plausible based on Braidwood plant configuration. LOD = 2.

56 F 2 T S New.

New. LOD = 1? Direct lookup and incorrect distractors are NOT 57 H 2 X T UE plausible. RO Task? RESOLUTION: Determined to be an RO task at Braidwood. Reworked distractors, LOD determined to be 2.

New. 1) In distractor A, change approaches 70EF to drops below 58 F 3 T E 50EF. 2) In distractor D, change approaches 1200EF to exceeds 1200EF. RESOLUTION: Changed 50°F, suggested change of "exceeds 1200°F" is a correct answer - not implemented.

59 F 3 T S Modified.

60 F 1 X T U New. LOD = 1. RESOLUTION: Reworked question to correct LOD.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1 (that the Post LOCA Purge Fan 61 F 2 X T E Exhaust Discharge Damper 1VQ013Y is controlled locally instead of in the Control Room) which makes distractors B and C NOT plausible.

RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only 62 F 2 T S Bank.

63 H 1 X T U New. LOD = 1. RESOLUTION: Reworked distractors to correct LOD.

64 F 2 T S New.

65 H 3 T S New.

66 H 2 T S New.

67 F 2 T E Bank. Change distractor A from a PZR level of 72% to a level of 82%.

RESOLUTION: Change made.

68 F 2 T S New.

69 F 2 T S Modified.

70 F 2 T S Bank. Consider changing this to get rid of 1/2 taken twice.

RESOLUTION: Question modified.

New. LOD = 1. RESOLUTION: Determined by validation process to be 71 F 12 X T US a station weakness. left as is, question is LOD = 2 for Braidwood and is sat.

New. 1) To make the first part of the question more plausible, change Unit 1 Aux to Lab HVAC Fume Hood in distractors A and B. 2)

Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the U1 Mini Purge Supply Fan 72 F 2 X T E control switch must be held in the start position until the U1 Mini Purge Supply Fan suction damper is fully OPEN, instead of when the Purge Supply containment isolation valves are fully OPEN) which makes distractors A and D NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Distractors modified.

73 H 1 X T U New. LOD = 1. RESOLUTION: Distractors modified to correct LOD.

New. Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that a loss of offsite power 74 H 2 X T UE has occurred instead of a loss of Aux Feed), which makes distractors B and D NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Distractors modified.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only New. Question appears to be LOD = 1. 1) The first part of the question (that the intent of FR-P.1 is to stop the RCS cooldown instead of raise the RCS cooldown rate) is a low level of difficulty, which makes distractors A and D NOT plausible. 2) The second part of the question 75 F 12 X T UE (that the intent of FR-P.1 is to lower RCS pressure instead of maintain RCS pressure stable) is a low level of difficulty, which makes distractors A and C NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Previously NRC approved with LOD = 2. Requested exam writer modify distractors to increase LOD, which he did.

New. 1) To make distractor C more plausible, change ES-0.1, Reactor Trip Response to FR-I.1, Response to Pressurizer Flooding. 2) In the 76 H 2 X T T E question stem, change the second part of the question to state ... will be the next procedure entered to respond to this event, since FR-I.1 could be entered later after SI has been terminated. RESOLUTION:

Modified as suggested.

77 H 2 T T S New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. RESOLUTION: No valid changed available. Left as is.

New. First half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. 1) In the question stem, it states that ES-1.3 has been completed to step 6. A description of this step should be inserted, since the applicants should NOT have to know from memory what action is associated with step 6 of ES-1.3. 2) The 78 H 1 X T T U question stem states that there is a leak in the CC piping. How bad is the leak? Is the leak a drip or is CC Surge Tank level decreasing at rate that it would empty in a short period of time? 3) Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that train separation of the U1 CC system requires local valve manipulations), which makes distractors A and B NOT plausible.

RESOLUTION: Modified to correct question, LOD, and distractors.

79 F 2 T T S New.

80 H 2 T T S New.

81 H 3 T T E New. Editorial. In the question stem, correct the typo Soure to Source. RESOLUTION: Corrected typo.

82 H 3 T T S New.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only New. 1) Since the Tref signal comes from a Turbine Impulse Pressure channel, it is confusing as to why a Turbine Impulse Channel would NOT indicate a failure high (a Turbine Impulse Channel failure is covered by INST-2, Operation with a Failed Instrument Channel, Attachment D).

2) The second part of the question (that the Control Bank D rods stop 83 F 1 X T T U moving out at 223 steps instead of when they begin ratcheting at the top of the core) is a low level of difficulty, which makes distractors C and D NOT plausible. (LOD = 1) 3) This question should be classified at the Higher Cognitive Level instead of the Fundamental Level.

RESOLUTION: Modified as suggested. Corrected LOD. Classification should have been higher.

New. 1) Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the procedure to be 84 H 2 X T T E entered is ELEC-3, Loss of 4KV ESF Bus instead of ECA-0.0, Loss of All AC Power), which makes distractors B and C NOT plausible.

RESOLUTION: Modified distractors.

85 F 3 T T US New. Shouldnt an RO know this? Braidwood does not use ROs on the refuel platform. SRO Only question.

86 F 3 T T S New.

New. This question should be classified at the Higher Cognitive Level 87 F 3 T T US instead of at the Fundamental Level. RESOLUTION: Information is expected to be memorized by SROs at Braidwood. Question is sat.

Modified. 1) To make distractor B more plausible, change distractor B to state that 1RH618 fails CLOSED and must be able to be opened to ensure a flow path is available during ECCS injection. 2) To make 88 H 3 X T T E distractor B more plausible, change distractor D to state that 1RH618 fails OPEN on loss of air and must be able to be closed to ensure ECCS cooling during the recirculation phase. RESOLUTION: Modified to make distractors more plausible.

New. Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the procedure to be entered is FR-C.2, Response to Degraded Core Cooling instead of 89 H 2 X T T E ECA-1.1, Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation), which makes distractors A and B NOT plausible. RESOLUTION: Modified to correct LOD.

ES-401 Written Examination Form ES-401-9 Braidwood July 2004 Exam Review Worksheet

3. Psychometric Flaws 4. Job Content Flaws 5. Other 7.
1. 2. 6.

LOK LOD Q# Stem Cred. Job- #/ Back- Q= SRO Explanation (F/H) (1-5) Cues T/F Partial Minutia U/E/S Focus Dist. Link units ward K/A Only New. This question should be classified at the Higher Cognitive Level 90 F 3 T T U instead of at the Fundamental Level. Synchronized is misspelled.

RESOLUTION: Corrected spelling. reclassified to correct LOK.

New. 1) In the distractors in column (2), change should to is required 91 F 3 T T E to. 2) In the distractors in column (2), change should NOT to is NOT required to. RESOLUTION: Inserted requested changes.

92 H 2 T T S New.

New. Second half of 1/2 taken twice LOD 1. (that the operators should place and hold both Bypass Interlock switches in BYPASS instead of 93 F 2 X T T E placing and holding the 1PK-507, Main Steam Header Pressure Controller in MANUAL), which makes distractors A and D NOT plausible.

RESOLUTION: Modified distractors to correct LOD.

94 H 2 T T S New.

New. Not SRO ONLY, an RO is required to know this information.

95 F 2 T T US RESOLUTION: ROs dont handle fuel at Braidwood. SRO Only question.

96 F 3 T T S New.

97 F 2 T T S New.

New. In the question stem, change MINIMUM to MAXIMUM. LOD =

98 H 2 T T U 1, Not SRO ONLY RESOLUTION: Placed K/A on discarded K/A list, selected new K/A, wrote new question.

99 F 2 T T S New.

100 F 2 T T S New.