Category:- No Document Type Applies
MONTHYEARML22041B1072022-02-10010 February 2022 LTR-22-0033-1 Oedo Tom Gurdziel, E-mail Event Number 55734 at Davis Besse, a Matter of Interpretation ML20177A4932020-06-25025 June 2020 Enclosure a - Redacted Owners, Officers, Directors, and Executive Personnel Forms for Energy Harbor Corp., Energy Harbor Nuclear Corp., and Energy Harbor Nuclear Generation LLC ML20008D2232020-01-0808 January 2020 NRC Region I Twitter Feeds 10-1 to 12-31-2019 ML18145A2232018-05-25025 May 2018 LTR-18-0215-1-Ticket - Tom Gurdziel, E-mail Licensee Event Report 2016-008-001 ML18144A1432018-05-22022 May 2018 LTR-18-0215-Ticket Tom Gurdziel, E-mail Licensee Event Report 2016-008-001 ML16221A7122016-08-0808 August 2016 LTR-16-0367-1 - Oedo Ticket - Tom Gurdziel, E-mail Control Room Performance at FirstEntergy/Davis-Besse, Event Number 52079 ML16193A4762016-07-11011 July 2016 LTR-16-0367 - Secy Ticket - Tom Gurdziel, E-mail Control Room Performance at FirstEntergy/Davis-Besse, Event Number 52079 ML16132A3952016-04-22022 April 2016 Information Pertaining to Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence. Part 4 of 6 L-16-092, Information Pertaining to Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence. Part 5 of 62016-04-22022 April 2016 Information Pertaining to Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence. Part 5 of 6 ML16132A3932016-04-22022 April 2016 Information Pertaining to Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence. Part 2 of 6 ML16132A3942016-04-22022 April 2016 Information Pertaining to Foreign Ownership, Control, or Influence. Part 3 of 6 ML15231A3642015-05-27027 May 2015 FOIA/PA-2014-0204 - Resp 1 - Final, Group a ML12167A0622012-07-16016 July 2012 Enclosure - Davis-Besse 17RFO SG Tube Inspection Tables ML12170B1052012-06-18018 June 2012 0772 - G105 - Conducting Inspections - Workshop 5 Scenario ML12170B1042012-06-18018 June 2012 0772 - G105 - Conducting Inspections - Workshop 4 Scenario ML12200A1832012-06-12012 June 2012 Unit Licensing Basis Seismic Ground Motion Concern ML12056A0522012-03-12012 March 2012 Enclosure 6 - List of Power Reactor Licensees and Holders of Construction Permits in Active or Deferred Status ML11348A0432011-12-12012 December 2011 Email -- Davis-Besse SB Crack Rc Investigation RFI ML12213A3532011-11-15015 November 2011 Shield Building Laminar Cracking ML12213A3512011-11-10010 November 2011 Containment Shield Building Issue ML12200A1952011-11-0707 November 2011 Shield Building Issue NRC Technical Reviewer Focus Questions ML11301A2352011-10-31031 October 2011 References: Concentrating Solar Resources of the United States ML11301A2392011-10-31031 October 2011 Reference: Wind Resource Estimates Developed by Aws Truepower LLC for Windnavigator ML1126601882011-09-23023 September 2011 NRC 2011 Davis-Besse L-11-165, Enclosure C - Binder 1 of 2, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS) References. (Tab a 8 Through T 30)2011-05-27027 May 2011 Enclosure C - Binder 1 of 2, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS) References. (Tab a 8 Through T 30) ML11193A1332011-05-27027 May 2011 Enclosure C - Binder 2 of 2, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS) References. (Tab H 1 Through Tab H 16) ML11227A1962011-05-27027 May 2011 Enclosure C - Binder 1 of 2, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS) References. (Tab Am 1 Through a 7) ML11193A1042011-05-27027 May 2011 Enclosure C - Binder 2 of 2, Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1 (DBNPS) References. (Tab H 17 to Tab C 2) ML11109A0842011-04-15015 April 2011 Attachments B-D, to L-11-107, Reply to Request for Additional Information for the Review of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station, Unit No. 1, License Renewal Application ML1029200812010-10-28028 October 2010 How Things Fail - New Seminar Series ML1016006942010-06-10010 June 2010 G20100238/EDATS: OEDO-2010-0305 - Ltr. Tom Gurdziel, 2.206 - Firstenergy - Davis-Besse - T. Gurdziel Questions ML1017301232010-06-0909 June 2010 Green Ticket Tritium Releases ML1019304602010-03-25025 March 2010 List of Historical Leaks and Spills at Us Commercial Nuclear Power Plants ML0933507512010-01-14014 January 2010 Temporary Instruction 2515/180, Managing Fatigue ML0922300422009-08-11011 August 2009 Plants Transitioning to NFPA 805 ML0906500232009-03-0606 March 2009 Safety Culture Policy Statement (Safety & Security) Comments ML0904800182009-02-17017 February 2009 Public Comments Regarding the Safety Culture Policy Statement ML0906404392009-01-28028 January 2009 Enclosure 5: Case Study 1: Structure of TS for Ultrasonic Flow Meters - Meeting Summary of the January 27 & 28 Meeting with Nrc/Tstf ML0829101252008-11-20020 November 2008 ITSB R-Relocated Specifications - to Davis Besse Amendment Beyond Scope Issues ML0829101122008-11-20020 November 2008 ITSB M - More Restrictive Changes - to Davis Besse Amendment Beyond Scope Issues ML0829006302008-11-20020 November 2008 List of Acronyms to Davis-Besse Amend. Re; ITS with Beyond Scope Issues ML0829006832008-11-20020 November 2008 Table A-DOC Attachment - Administrative Changes - to Davis-Besse Amend. ITS with Beyond Scope Issues ML0829007802008-11-20020 November 2008 ITSB L-Less Restrictive Changes - Attachment to Davis-Besse Amendment Beyond Scope Issues ML0824902712008-10-0202 October 2008 List of Acronyms to Davis Besse Draft Amend. ITS Conversion L-08-241, Attachment 1, Applicable Portions of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS) Improved. Technical Specification (ITS) Conversion Website, Section 3.5 RAIs2008-08-26026 August 2008 Attachment 1, Applicable Portions of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Station (DBNPS) Improved. Technical Specification (ITS) Conversion Website, Section 3.5 RAIs ML0803600792008-02-0101 February 2008 Attachment 1- DBNPS Steam Generator Inspections Data ML0802800442008-01-25025 January 2008 Special Inspection Evaluation, Basis for Investigatory Response Decision for a Significant Operational Power Reactor Event ML0732400242007-10-25025 October 2007 Examples of Max Thermal Power License Conditions ML0726301142007-09-14014 September 2007 / P. Paquin Ltr Amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 9208 for the Model No. 10-142B Package (TAC L24117)/S121170 ML0726303192007-09-14014 September 2007 P. Paquin Ltr Amendment to Certificate of Compliance No. 6574 for the Model No. 3-82B Package (TAC L24116)/ Register User List 2022-02-10
[Table view] |
- 1.
Geoff Wright's report (GW/JAG)
- 2.
CATI report (Julio/CAL/JAG)
- 3.
RAM rewrites (GW/NRR/
- 4.
Open RAMs (DHills/NRR/CLipa)
mve t
oc bks to _ *E*
- 6.
Date for Caldwell brief/logistics (JAG)
- 7.
Slides for Caldwell brief and talking points (CAL)
- 8.
New questions on Brown's Ferry
- 9.
Two Comm plans - Restart and draft order
- 10.
Restart letter - Green Tickets
- 11.
Inspection schedule letter
- 12.
RAM notebook - closed (RB/KG)
- 13.
Quicklook letters (GW/TM/ST)
- 14. 9Service water allegation (JR)_,
- 15.
CATI report may need quick look
- 16.
Brief Caldwell on other topics
- 17.
Preps for upcoming panels (RB/CAL)
- 18.
Backlog of panel minutes (RB/TN)
- 19.
Weekly stats reports/daily bullets (RB)
- 20. {Steve Longanemo (NRR)
- 21.
Punch List updates (RB)
- 22.
Process plan updates (RB/DP)
- 23.
Tammy/Pat Buckley - all team lead briefs for Caldwell (TN)
- 24.
GCakdVwell memfoi, - upIlt aBlDW
- 25.
Comm matrix and memo - current open
- 26.
White paper on saietv culture (JAG
- 27.
Checkw/EICS oin 1
- 28.
RR) 763
- 29.
- 30.
Caldwell brief Appx R - Julio
- 31.
Brief Caldwell on internal staff concerns (CAL)
- 32.
Round-the-clock coverage (TK)
- 33.
FEMA Letter - Ruland
- 34.
New Appx R procedure followup Done 2/20/04 RDB Done 2/20/04 RDB 7 c 7C.
.. Ijfl
fri a.:
.i r2li1f UCiIA-_____
1 V1
- 1.
Restart checklist closure notebook (TT)
- 2.
eion closure (MP)
- 3.
.. -1_AG
.54f white pap r - ask JJ for emo
- 5.
Monday 2/23
- 6.
= es
.ns lette
- 8.
Po o-up report (W)
- 9.
RATI follow-up report (Skokowski)
- 10.
AOVs (Sonia)
- 11.
HPI min flow (Julio) risk assessment
- 12.
AITS items (CAL)
- 13.
Public meeting in March (CAL)
- 14.
IN on TSP (Hills)
- 15.
Generic communication on pump degradation/fiber matting (JJ)
- 16.
Gunter - Appx RIresponse (Julio)
- 17.
Gurdzie;ecuritAdoor (DP)
- 18.
Creed - NSIR coordinate on Comm Plan
- 19.
Post Restart Draft document clean-up
- 20.
Revisit Panel Membership - G. Wright rather than D. Hills?
- 21.
Revise Charter
- 22.
Respond to items on comm matrix
- 23.
Work with Strasma to revise letter to 1 000s
- 24.
HPI final SDP letter & NOV issuance (JJ)
)11-l 2