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V. C. Summer April 2004 Exam 50-395/2004-301 Draft Written Exam
Person / Time
Site: Summer South Carolina Electric & Gas Company icon.png
Issue date: 04/28/2004
- No Known Affiliation
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Download: ML041410406 (76)


Draft Submittal V. C. SUMMER EXAM 50-395/2004-301 APRIL 19 23,2004 April 28, 2004 (written)

1. 003AK1.01 1

. The Unit has experienced a dropped rod event and Tavg has stabilized 6OF below Tref .

Which ONE of the folowing methods is used to restore Tavg to within 5oF of Tref in accordance with AOP-403.6 "Dropped Control Rod".

A. Dilute the RCS to displace boron adding positive reactivity.

B. Withdraw control rods in manual, to add positive reactivity.

C. increase turbine load to allow xenon to adjust temperature.

D. Reduce turbine load to allow power defect to add positive reactivity.

Bank Question from Turkey Point. Similar to Summer Bank Question.

Summer AOP 403-6 Enabling Objective # 2436, 2437, and 2438.

A. Incorrect, the procedure does not direct diluting the RCS.

B. Incorrect, the procedure does not direct using control rods to adjust temperature.

C. Incorrect, increasing turbine load would lower Tavg.

D. Correct, reducing turbine load to raise Tavg is directed by AOP 403.6.

Answer: D

2. 003K6.14 1

-The Unit is in Mode 3.

-Reactor Coolant Pump ' A was started at 0000.

-At 0300 RGP 'A' was secured due to an oil leak.

-Maintenance has completed repairs and at 0325 request that the pump be restarked.

Which ONE of the following actions should be taken foliowing the request from maintenance personnel to start 'A' RCP?

A. The pump can be started with the present conditions at 0335.

B. The pump can be started immediately with the present conditions.

C. The pump can be started at 0325 provided RCS temperature is 275QF greater than seal injection temperature.

D. The pump can be started immediately provided PCV-145, LO PRESS LVBN is placed in MAN.

Modified from Bank question 318. Summer Objective # AB-2-07.

A. Correct, at least 30 minutes have elapsed since the pump was secured.

B. Incorrect, at least 30 minutes between start attempts is a precaution and limitation.

C. Incorrect, this time is too soon.

D. Incorrect, the time is too soon and PCV-145 does not have to be in manual.

Answer: A

3. 004K6.14 4

-. Which ONE of the following describes the effect of having to close MVG-87 09A "CHG PP MINI FLU to isolate a leak?

A. The ' A charging pump will not have miniflow protection and could overheat during low flow conditions.

B. With MVG-8109 closed, the 'A' charging would have to be secured to prevent lifting the seal return line relief.

C. The 'A'Charging pump running without miniflow could cause the seal return pressure to increase affecting RCP seals.

D. With MVG 8109 closed, the ' A charging pump may not develop the required flow if a safety injection and loss of offsite power occurred.

New Question. Summer Objective AB-3-15 A. Correct, this is the function of the chg pump miniflows.

B. incorrect, the miniflow being closed would not cause this pressure to increase.

C. Incorrect, with the miniflow closed this pump running would have no effect on RCP seals.

5. Incorrect, the charging pump is designed to operate with the valves closed during a safety injection.

Answer: A

4. 005A4.01 1

-The Plant is solid with temperature being controlled via RHR in auto.

-Due to maintenance problems RCS pressure is being controlled by the operator by using PCV-145, and FCV-122 in MANUAL.

-The Running RHR pump trips.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of RCS pressure, and the action the operator should take to return RCS Pressure to its pre-event value?

A. RCS pressure will increase and the operator should open FCV-122 to reduce RCS pressure to the pre-event value.

B. RCS pressure Will decrease and the operator should close PCV-145 to raise RCS pressure to the pre-event value.

C. RCS pressure will increase and the operator should open PCV-145 to reduce RCS pressure to the pre-event value.

D. RCS pressure will decrease and the operator should close FCV-122 to raise RCS pressure to the pre-event value.

New question based on combining Summer Bank question #677,and Farley bank question 852101K16001. OBJ # AB-7-26, AB-7-12, and AB-7-03.

A. Incorrect, RCS pressure will decrease when the RHR pump trips, and opening FCV-122 will raise pressure.

B. Correct, RCS pressure will decrease, and closing PCV-I45 will raise RCS pressure.

C. incorrect, RCS pressure will decrease, and opening PCV 145 will lower RCS Pressure.

D. Incorrect, RCS Pressure will decrease, However closing FCV-122 will lower RCS pressure.

Answer: B

5. 005AK3.06 1

-The plant was operating at 50% power.

-The reactor tripped due to a feedwater control prob!em.

-The crew is performing their immediate actions and stabiiizing the plant at no-load conditions.

-A check of rod bottom lights and rod position indicators show that control bank "8" rod B8 is stuck fully withdrawn.

Which ONE of the following describes the action to be taken and the reason for the action?

A. Immediately commence an emergency boration, to ensure that shutdown margin is adequate.

B. Continue with actions as directed by the EOQs,the core is designed for adequate shutdown margin with on@rod stuck out.

C. Immediately comence an emergency boration, because the rod is from a control bank and they are all normally on the bottom after a reactor trip.

D. Continue with actions as directed by the EO!+, Xenon peaking will ensure that shutdown margin is always adequate for the first 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br />.

Original WA was 005AK3.05, changed to 005AK3.06 due to inability to write a question at the RO lever for the topic. Modified from a Summer Bank question #


Summer Objective # AOP-220.1 # 4 and EOP-1.O #1676.

A. Incorrect, an emergency bosatisn is not required.

B. Correct, the core is designed to have adequate shutdown margin with the most active rod stuck out.

C. Incorrect, An emergency boration is not required.

D. Incorrect, this is the correct action, but not the reason for the action.

Answer: B

6. 006K6.18 I

-The Unit has experienced a Faulted S/G.

-The Crew has completed S/G isolation, and are in EOQ-2.0 "LOSS of Primary or Secondary Coolant."

-At the step for verifying SI termination Criteria, the Crew notices that PT-403 "RCS Pressur@"has failed low.

-RCS Temperature is 50QOF.

Which ONE of the following describes the train of subcooling margin monitor that should be used to make the determination that SI be terminated, and what indication will be displayed on the Core Subcooling Monitor.

A. Train " A subcooling monitor should be used to determine subcooling, it wili indicate actual subcooling.

B. Train "B"subcooling monitor should be used to determine subcooling, it will indicate actual subcooling.

C. Train " A subcoolhg monitor should be used to determine subcooling, it will indicate greater than 20QOF.

D. Train "B"subcooling monitor should be used to determine subcooling, it wili indicate greater than 200oF.

New Question. Used Summer Bank question 2255 as a guide.

Objective # IC-12-12.

A. Incorrect, PT-403 is an Input to A train, with it being failed low the indication is not correct, and it should not be used.

B. Correct, Train B will not be affected and will read actual subcooling.

C. Incorrect, PT-403 is an Input to A train, with it being failed low the indication is not correct, and it should not be used.

D. Incorrect, this is the correct train to use but this is the indication of a failed subcooling margin monitor.

Answer: B

7. 007A1.01 1 L . -RCS is in Solid Plant Operations.

-Tavg is being maintained at 16QoF,with "B" RCP in Operation.

-RHR train "A" is in service with "A" RHR pump running in the cool down mode.

-Low Pressure letdown is established on "A" train via XVT-8720A.

-Seal Injection is established to all three RCPs at 8 gpm/pump.

-Letdown flow is 90 gpm.

-Charging flow is 85 gprn.

Which ONE of the following would be the result of placing letdown pressure control valve PCV-145 in manual with no further operator action?

A. VCT level would increase until VCT level control valve 115A diverls.

B. PRT level would increase, potentially damaging the rupture disc.

C. RCS pressure would remain stabse.

D. "B" WCP minimum W1 seal differential pressure would be lost.

Bank question from Farley exam bank. Summer Objective AB-2-10.

.. A. Incorrect, VCT level will decrease.

B. Correct, RCS Pressure would increase until RHR relief's lift causing PRT level to rise and pressure to increase.

C. Incorrect, RCS pressure would increase.

D. Incorrect, Seal differential pressure would increase.

Answer: B

8. 008K3.03 1 The plant is at 100% power when CCW is lost to the Reactor Coolant Pumps.

Which ONE of the following describes the condition that would require the operator to secure the RCPs, assuming that CCW cannot be restored?

A. Motor Bearing Temperature exceeds 195oF.

Lower Seal water bearing temperature reaches 205°F.

C. CCW Flow is not regained within 5 minutes.

D. RCPs can continue to run as long as seal injection flow is maintained.

Modified from Summer Bank Questions # 3998 and 5037.

Objectives AB4-04 and AB 4-24.

A. Correct, a precaution and limitation requires the pumps to be tripped any time Motor bearing temperature exceeds 1950F.

B. Incorrect, bower Seal water bearing temperature can rise to 2XOF prior to being secured.

~ _-

C. Incorrect, the time limit is ten minutes.

D.Incorrect, in this case the pump must be secured even if seal injection is maintained.

Answer: A

9. 009EG2.1.20 1

-A Small Break LOCA coincident with a Loss of Offsite Power has occurred.

-Operators are at the step in EOP2.1, "Post i O C A Cooldown and Depressurization", to depressurize the RCS and Refill the PZR.

Which ONE of the following describes the actions the operator shouk! perform to initiate the RCS depressurization?

A. Open PCV 444D, PZR SPRAY and Close PCV 444C, PZR SPRAY.

B. Open PVT-8145 PZR Auxiliary Spray valve.

C. Open PCV 444C, PZW SPRAY and Close PCV 444D, PZR SPRAY.

D. Open ONE PZR PORV, PCV-4458, or PCV-445B, or PCV-444B.

Bank Question from Farley Bank # 052531 F09008 adapted to Summer.

OBJ #'s 1844 and 1845 EOP2.1 Lesson Plan.

A. Incorrect, there are no RCPs running.

B. Incorrect, the procedure does not direct this because normal charging is not in service.

C. Incorrect, there are no RCPs running.

D. Correct, the procedure directs the operator to open ONE PORV.

Answer: D

10. 01OK1.08 1

-The Unit is at 100% with all systems in Automatic.

-The Pressurizer level control switch is selected to 459/460, Which ONE of the following describes the system response if LP-459 failed high?

A. Pressurizer Heaters will de-energize, and letdown will isolate.

B. Letdown will isolate, pressurizer heaters wiil remain energized.

6.Pressurizer Heaters and letdown will remain unaffected.

D. Letdown will remain in service, but pressurizer heaters will de-energize.

Used Summer bank questions 2429 and 2808 to write question.

Summer obj #lC3-22.

A. Correct, with 459 failed high and selected charging flow will decrease to min, and pressurizer heaters will turn off and letdown will isolate.

B. Incorrect, the pressurizer heaters will de-energize.

C.Incorrect, both will be affected.

D. Incorrect, letdown will be affected.

Answer: A

11. 011A3.03 1

-The Unit is at 100% power

-Pressurizer !eve1 channel selector switch is in the 461/460 position

-The sensing line to pressurizer transmitter 460 develops a reference leg leak near the connection point to the D/P cell.

Which one of the foliowing correctly describes the expected plant response? (assume no operator action)

A. LT-460 indication will fall, charging flow will rise, actual pressurizer ievel will rise, LCV 460 will isolate letdown.

5. LT-468 indication wiii rise, charging flow will fall, actual pressurizer level will fall, pressurizer deviation alarm will come in.

C. LT-460 indication will fall, charging flow will rise, actual pressurizer level will fall, LCV 461 will isolate letdown.

D. LT-460 indication will rise, charging flow will rise, actual pressurizer level will fall, pressurizer heaters will energize.

Modified bank questions Summer question 1161, and Farley bank question.

A. Incorrect, LT-460 indication will rise, chg flow will fail, actual pressurizer level will fall, and 460 will not isolate letdown.

5. Correct.

6.Incorrect, LT-460 indication will rise, chg flow will fall, actual pressurizer level will fail. but 461 could isolate letdown.

D. Incorrect, LT 460 indication will rise, chg flow will lower, actual pressurizer level will lower, the pressurizer heaters will not energize.

Answer: B

12. 01 1 EK3.04 1

.. Which ONE of the following describes the operation of the Reactor Building Cooling Units during a Large Break LOCA?

A. Running units will trip off, one unit on each train will restart in slow speed, reactor building air will enter through the bypass damper.

B. A11 running units will shift to slow speed, reactor building air will enter through the bypass damper.

C. Running units will trip off, one unit on each train will restart in slow speed, the bypass damper will close and reactor building air will enter through the demister and HEPA filter.

D. All running units will shift to slow speed, one unit on each train will restart in slow speed, the bypass damper will close and reactor building air will enter through the demister and HEPA filter.

New question. Summer Objective # AB-1 7-16 Reactor Building Ventilation.

A. Incorrect, air does not enter through the bypass damper.

B. Incorrect, the fans do not shift to slow speed, and the air does not enter through the bypass damper.

C. Correct the running units will trip off and start in slow speed and the air will enter through the demister and HEPA filter.

D. Incorrect, all running units will not shift to slow speed.

Answer: C

13. 012A1.01 1

-The Reactor is operating at 75% power.

-Normal Delta I at 75% power is 0.

-Undamped Xenon Oscillations are occurring.

-No Operator Actions are taken.

Which ONE of the following describes how the OT delta T. trip setpoints will change it the core xenon fluctuations cause the output currents from all Power Range NI detectors to change as follows:

-Upper detector currents decrease from normal 75% value to normal 50 % value.

-bower detector currents increase from normal 75% value to normal 100% value.

A. INCREASE because Delta I will be excessively POSITIVE.

5. DECREASE because Delta I wili be excessively NEGATIVE.

C. INCREASE because Delta I will be excessively NEGATIVE.

D. DECREASE because Delta I will be excessively POSITIVE.

Summer Bank question ?# 41 13. Objectives ?# IC-9-15,16,and 41.

- A. Incorrect, Deita I will not be excessively positive, and the setpoint will not increase.

B. Correct, Delta I will be excessively negative and the setpoint will decrease.

C. Incorrect, Delta will be excessively negative: but the setpoint will decrease.

D. Incorrect, Delta will be excessively negative.

Answer: B

14. 013K3.02 1

_- -A barge Break LOCA has occurred coincident with a boss of Off-site power.

-The 'N Diesel generator stafled, but failed due to a mechanical problem.

-Eight hours after going to cold leg recirculation the crew is implementing EOP-2.3 "Transfer to Hot beg Recirculation."

-MVG-8886 trips on overload when placed in the open position.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect that this malfunction will have on the RCS?

A. Hot Leg Recirculation will only be established from one train, however this will provide enough flow to prevent fuel damage.

B. Hot Leg Recirculationwill only be established from one train, fuel damage could occur due to boron plating out decreasing heat transfer.

6.Hot beg Recirculation cannot be established from either train, however, reflux cooiing will provide enough flow to prevent boron plate out.

D. Hot Leg Recirculation cannot be established from either train, fuel damage could occur due to boron plating out decreasing heat transfer.

New question. Ref: EOP-2.3 "Transfer to Hot leg Recirculation" objectives 1864

- .- and 1865.

A. Incorrect, with no A train power and MVG-8886 not opening neither train of Hot leg recirc will be established.

B. Incorrect, neither train of Hot leg recirc will be established.

C. Incorrect, reflux cooling will not prevent boron plate out.

D. Correct, neither train can be established, and this is the effect of the malfunction.

Answer: B

15. 014K3.02 I

-The Unit is operating at 100% power.

-Annunciator XCP-620(2-5) CMPTfl ROD DEV illuminates.

Which ONE of %hefollowing is a condition that could cause the above alarm?

A. A Bank step counter malfunction has occurred.

5. A flux tilt of greater than 2%.

C. An error or failure from both DRPl data cabinets.

B. An lPCS computer failure.

Used Summer Bank Question 2122 for idea.

Summer Objective IC-4-1&and 17.

A. Incorrect, this would cause a CMPTR ROD SEQ alarm.

3. Incorrect, this would not cause the above alarm.

C. Incorrect, this would cause a DRPl Alarm Urgent failure.

D. Correct, if the IPCS computer failed this alarm would come in Answer: B

16. 015AK2.08 1 The following annunciators are received:

-RCP A (B) (C)CCW FbO LO (XCP-603 1-3/2-3/3-3)



Which ONE of the following by itself would cause the above annunciators to alarm?

A. A High flow condition causes MVG-9593A,B, and C to close.

B. A high flow condition has caused MVG-9625 and 9626 to close.

C. A high flow condition has caused MVG-9568 to close.

D. The running booster pump has tripped.

Summer Bank Question # 58.

Objective #s A M - 0 4 and 4-24.

A. Incorrect. these valves would not isolate flow to all areas in alarm.

B. Correct, these valves going closed would cause these alarms to come in.

C. Incorrect, these valves would not isolate flow to all areas in alarm.

D. Incorrect, the booster pump does not supply the WCP coo1ers.

hswer: B

17. 017612.4.49 1

-A Total Loss of A11 ESF power has occurred.

Core Exit Thermocouples read approximately 690oF.

Steam Generator pressure is stable at 815 psig.

Which ONE of the following describes the current plant conditions?

A. The steam generators have boiled dry.

B. Natural circulation cooling has been interrupted.

6. The reactor core has uncovered and core melt is imminent.

R. Natural circulation coolng has increased.

Changed WA from (32.2.22. Very difficult to ask an RO level question on this subject.

Changed to 2.4.49 Surry Bank Question, Slightly modified. Steam tables allowed as reference.

Summer objectives BS-12-23, 1'2-12-11, and EOP-1.1 # 1776.

A. Incorrect, the S/Gs have not boiled dry as indicated by 815 psig pressure.

-- B. Correct, these indications shew that there is no evidence of heat being transferred to the steam generators.

C.Incorrect, there are no indications that the core has uncovered and that core melt is imminent.

D. Incorrect, Natural Circulation flow is not increasing, at 815 psig the temp in the WCS should be about 525 degrees.

Answer: 3

18. 022A2.03 1

-The Unit was operating at 1OQ% power.

-1A, 2A, and 1B Reactor Building Cooling Units (RBCUs) are running in high speed with 1A and 1B selected on MCB selector switches.

-A Safety Injection occurs due to a Main Steam bine Break inside containment.

-The NROATC reports that Annunciator XCP-607 (I-I), "RBCII 1W2B Fan Trip" is in alarm.

Which ONE of the following describes the WBGUs that are now running and what actions are required to be taken?

A. 1A, and 2B RBCUs are running, verify Service Water is supplying cooling water.

B. 1A and 2A RBCUs are running, verify Industrial Cooling Water is aligned for cooling and Start 2 8 RBCU.

C. l A RBCU is running, verify that Industrial Cooling Water is supplying cooling water and start 2 8 WBCU.

D. 18 RBGU is running, verify Service Water cooling is aligned for cooling and start 28 RBCU. of EOP-1.0, AWP 001 XCP-607 (1-7) RBCU 1B/2B.

Summer Objectives 88-17-07 and 1 6 ~

A. Incorrect, %Awill not be running and the annunciator informs the operator that 1t3 has tripped.

3. Incorrect, 2A will not be running, and ICW will be isolated C. Incorrect 2A and 2 8 will not be running, and ICW will be isolated B. Correct 1A will be running and with 1B tripped, 2B should be started after cooiing water is verified.

Answer: D

19. 022AA1.02 I

-Weactor Power is 90%.

-Pressurizer level is decreasing.

-VCT level is increasing.

-RCP A (B) (C)# f SL BNJ FLO LO annunciators are lit.

-REGEN HX LTDN OUT TEMP HI annunciator is lit.

-CHG LINE FbO HVLO annunciator is fit.

Which ONE of the following is an event that could cause these indications, and what action would mitigate this event?

A. The RCP seal injection filter is clogged, swap to the other seal injection filter.

B. Letdown has isolated, establish excess letdown until norma! letdown can be established.

C. A Pressurizer PORV has failed open, close the appropriate block valve.

D. The running charging pump has tripped, start the standby charging pump.

Summer bank question# 2045 slightly modified to match WA.

Summer Objective # AB-3-15. XCP-614 point 5-1.

.- . A. Incorrect, an RCP seal injection filter clogged would cause one of the indications. however not the rest.

5. Incorrect, the above indications indicate that letdown is still in service.

C. Incorrect a failed open pressurizer PORV would not give these conditions.

B. Correct, if the running charging pump tripped these indications would be received, and this would be the correct action to take.

Answer: B

20. 025AA2.02 I

-A Plant shutdown and cooldown is in progress.

-RCS temperature is 2400F, and Both trains of RHR have been placed in cooldown mode.

-Pressurizer level begins decreasing rapidly.

-VCT level begins decreasing.


-AB SUMP LVL HI (XCP-631 6-1) Alarms.

-AOP-112.1 Shutdown LQCA has been entered.

Which ONE of the following describes the location of the Beak and the major action required to mitigate the event?

A. The leak is from the A RHR pump, into the Auxiliary Building, isolate A train of RHR from the WCS.

B. The Beak is from the 5 RHR pump, into the Auxiliary Building, isolate B train of RHR from the RCS.

C. The leak is from the discharge relief on RHR, isolate both trains of RHR, initiate SI, control RCS pressure with one POW.

D. The leak is from a combined portion of RHR to the Auxiliary Building, isolate both trains of RHW, initiate SI, control RCS pressure with one PORV.

New Question developed to cover WA. Summer Objective LP-112.1 # 5661.

A. Incorrect, Only the B WHR Pump room sump level feeds XCP-631 6-1 ~

5. Correct, a leak on the 3 RHR pump would cause these indications.

C.Incorrect, this relief discharges to the PRT.

D. Incorrect, Only the 3 RHR Pump room sump level feeds XCP-631 6-7.and these are not the correct actions to take, Answer: 5

27. Q26A4.05 1

-A Steamline Break has occurred in the Reactor Building.

-Weactor Building Pressure peaked at 18 psig, and is now at 1 psig.

-Both Reactor Building Spray Pumps have been running for greater than two hours.

-TSC requests that the Control Room secure the RB spray pumps.

Which ONE of the foliowing correctly describes the actions the operator &take to secure the Reactor Building Spray pumps?

A. Reset the Phase A isolation, then place the spray pump hand switches to stop.

B. Reset The Safety Injection signal, then place the spray pump hand switches to stop.

C. Place the train oriented manual reset switches to reset, then place the spray pump hand switches to stop.

B. Place the train oriented Phase B reset switches to reset, then place the spray pump hand switches to stop.

New Question. Summer Objective AB-08-12, A. Incorrect, Resetting the phase A will give control of the NAOH tank outlet valve and spray injection valve.

B. Incorrect, Resetting the SI signal will not allow the operator to stop the RB spray pumps.

C.Correct, Resetting the train oriented manual reset switches allows the operator to stop the FIB spray pumps.

D. Incorrect, Resetting the phase B signal does not give the operator control of the RB spray pumps.

Answer: C

22. 026K2.02 I

-The Unit was at 100%.

-B B/G is tagged out for maintenance.

-A LOCA occurs in conjunction with a loss of off-site power.

-EOP-lO. "Reactor Trip or Safety injection Actuation" is in progress.

-Reactor Building Pressure is 13 psig and rising.

Which ONE of the following describes the Row the NAOH suction valves wiil respond to these conditions and why?

A. MVG-3002B will be open, because it is powered from 1DB2Y.

B. MVG-3002A will be open, because it is powered from 1DB2Y.

C. MVG-3002B will be open, because it is powered from 1BA2Y.

D. MVG-3002A will be open, because it is powered from 1DA2Y.

New question. Summer objective AB-08-23, A. incorrect, the B train does not have power to the MQV B. Incorrect, this is the correct valve that wiil he open but not the correct power supply.

C. Incorrect, the B train does not have power to the MOV.

D.Correct, this valve will be open and it is powered from 1BA2Y.

Answer: D

23. 027AK3.03 1 An RCS Cooldown is in progress in accordance with EOP-1.3, "Natural Circulation Cooldown."

Which QNE of the following describes the reason for maintaining pressure within the limits of Attachment I "WCSP/T LIMITS DURING NATURAL CIRCULATION COOLDOWN WITH CRDM FANS?"

A. This curve is designed to prevent DNB limits from being exceeded.

B. This curve maintains RCS pressure at an acceptable value to allow a restart of an WCP.

6. This curve is designed to maintain the RCS at a temperature and pressure to prevent an SI.

D. This curve maintains RGS temperature and pressure limits to prevent upper head voiding.

K/A changed from AK3.01 due to not having spray isolation valves. Bank question from old Surry Exam. (Spray vaives not being available is the PCS system malfunction).

Summer Objective EOP-1.3 Lesson Plan # 1798.

A, E!, and C, Incorrect, these are not the reasons for this attachment.

D. Correct the curve is designed to limit upper head voiding.

Answer: D

24. 029EK2.06 1

-Initial Reactor Power was 47%.

-An Anticipated Transient Without Scram, (ATWS), occurs.

-Tavg-Tref deviation = 25oF.

-Main Steamline pressures are at 1150 psig.

-At step 4 of EOP 13.Q(with reactor trip breakers still closed), the BOP operator reports that Bank 1 and 2 of steam dumps AND all steamline PORVs are open.

WRich ONE of the following correctly describes the response of the steam dump system with the current plant conditions?

A. The steam dump system is NOT operating properly. The atmospheric steam dump valves should also be open due to the C-7B circuit being energized along with the Tavg-Tref deviation of 25oF.

B. The steam dump s y s t e m s working properly. Banks 1 and 2 steam dump vaives are open due to the C-7A circuit being energized along with the Tavg-Tref deviation of 25oF while the PQRVs are responding to high steamline pressure.

C. The steam dump system is NOT operating properly. Only Bank 1 and 2 steam dump valves should be open due to the C-7A circuit being energized along with the Tavg-Tref deviation of 25oF.

D. The steam dump systemE working properly. Banks I and 2 steam dump valves and the steamline PQRVs are open due to the C-7A circuit being energized along with the Pavg-Tref deviation of 25oF.

Bank question 3136.

A. Incorrect, Requires the operator to analyze that the C-iB circuit is not energized due to less than a 50% load rejection occurring because the plant was initially at 45% power.

B. Correct, The steam dump valves are open due to 6-7A circuitry since the reactor trip breakers are still closed and the load rejection controller is in control, while the PORVs are responding to high steamline pressure of greater than 1133 psig.

C. Incorrect, requires the operator to analyze that the PORVs are open due to high steam line pressure.

B. Incorrect, Requires the operator to analyze that the PORVs do not receive an open signal from the C-78circuitry. Signats are only received from steamline pressure greater than I 133 psig or from the M/A station when in PORV mode or from the C-75 circuitry.

Answer: B

25. 032AK2.01 1 The Unit is in mode 3.

During preparations for plant startup the control power fuses for N-32 blow.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect this will have on the instrurnent(s)?

A. The Reactor Protection and Logic system will see this as a trip signal and the bistables for N-32 will indicate tripped.

E. The Reactor Protection and Logic system will see this as a minimum signal and the bistables for N-32 will have bo be tripped manually.

C. The power supply for the detectors high voltage will be lost, and the indication will fail high.

5. The power supply for the detectors low voltage electronics will be lost, and the indication will fail low.

New Question. Summer Objectives IC-8-7,8,and t 1.

A. Correct, loss of control power will result in the bistables tripping.

--- E. Incorrect, this is what would be seen if Instrument power was lost.

C. Incorrect, this is a part of what would happen if instrument power was lost but the indication would be low.

D. Incorrect, this is a pari of what would happen if instrument power was lost.

Answer: A

26. C34K6.02 1

-The Unit is in the process of refueling.

-RM-G8, "FHB Refueling Bridge" Area radiation monitor is out of service.

-A spent fuel assembly is dropped and damaged in the spent fuel pool.

Which ONE of the following radiation monitors would indicate an increase in radiation level in accordance with AQP-123.3 "Potential Fuel Assembly Damage While Handling Fuel?"

A. RM-A6, "FHB Exh Particulate Atmos Monitor" and RM-A3, "Main Plant Vent Exh Particulate Atmos Monitor."

B. RM-G17A(B), "RB Manip Crane Area Gamma" and RM-A3, "Main Plant Vent Exh Particulate Atmos Monitor."

C. RM-G6, "RB Refuel Bridge Area Gamma" and RM-A6 FHB, "Exh Particulate Atmos Monitor."

D. RM-G17A(B), "RB Manip Crane Area Gamma" and RM-G6 RB, "Refuel Bridge Area Gamma."

Modified Summer Bank Question 2369, and AOP-123.3"Potential Fuel Assembly Damage While Handling Fuel". Summer Objective AOQ-123.3 2359.

A. Correct, these are the radiation monitors that would be used.

B. Incorrect, the RM-17 monitor is in the RB and with refueling in process this monitor will not see any effects of a fuel element dropped in the Fuel Building.

C. Incorrect, RM-G6 is in the RE3 and with refueling in process this monitor will not see any effects of a fuel element dropped in the Fuel Building.

D. Incorrect, Both are in the WB and with refueling in process this monitor will not see any effects of a fuel element dropped in the Fuel Building.

Answer: A

27. 035K1.141

-The Plant is operating at 100% power with no equipment out of sewice.

-Busses 1A and 1B lose power and an SI signal is simultaneously generated.

-Control Room operators enter EOP-1.0 "Reactor Trip and Safety Injection Actuation" and perform immediate operator actions.

-Both 1DA and 1 DB have voltage.

-The crew verifies FW isolation and containment phase A.

-ONE minute after the SI initiation the crew observes only the TDEFP running.

Which ONE of the following describes the expected condition of the EFW system to this event?

A. Only the TBEFP should be running, The Emergency Safeguards Features Loading Sequencer (ESFLS) does not start the Motor Driven Emergency Feedwater Pumps (MBEFPs) for a loss of offsite power with SI.

5. The MBEFPs should have been started by the Emergency Safeguards Features Loading Sequencer (ESFLS), and all EFW pumps should be running.
6. Only the PDEFP should be running, the Emergency Safeguards Features Loading sequencer (ESFLS)will not start the MBEFPs for another 10 seconds on an SI.

D. Only the MBEFP should have started due to the under voltage conditions on the 1A and I 5 service busses.

Summer bank question # 353, modified slightly from the original.

Summer objective # 18-03-19.

A. Incorrect, the MBEFPs should be running.

5.Correct. the MDEFPs should stabt in 28 sec after SI load block # 5.

C. Incorrect, the MBEFPs should be running.

D. Incorrect, the MDEFPS will not start on a loss of service busses.

Answer: E3

28. 039K4.05 1 Which ONE of the following conditions will cause the Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIVs) to isolate automatically?

A. One out of Three (1/3)Steam Generators 97 psig less than the other layo steam generators.

5. One out of three (1/3) Containment Pressure indicators at 6.5 psig.

C. WCS Tavg on one out of three (1/3) WCS loops a 540QF and P-4 present.

B. Stearnline Pressure on one out of three (1/3) steam lines less than 675 psig.

Summer learning objective IC-9-31. Modified from summer Exam bank questions 889 and 1913.

A. Incorrect, One steamline 97 psig less than the other two will cause a safety injection.

B. Incorrect, the containment pressure coincidence is 2 sut of 3 greater than 6.35 psig.

C. Incorrect, A reactor trip and Tavg, 540 OF will not cause a Main steamline isolation.

B. Correct One out of three steamlines less than 675 psig will actuate a main steamline isolation.

Answer: B

29. 040AK7.05 1

-The Piant is operating at 90% power with a cycle burn-up of 20,000 MWD/MIU.

-Tavg on all three loops is 584OF.

-One "A" Steam Generator safety valve GRADUALLY fails open; after 15 seconds, the safety sticks in the full open position.

-Rod Control is in Auto with control rods at 220 steps.

Which one of the following describes the response of median Tavg in response to the stuck open safety valve? (assume no operator action)

A. Median Tavg would remain the same.

5. Median Tavg would decrease to approximately 557OF
c. Median Tavg would increase to approximately 587OF B. Median Tavg would decrease to approximately 576OF Summer system bank question # 4329. Can use curves if required.(may want to change MWD/MTU if it will change the answer)

A. Incorrect, all three loop Tavg would decrease.

B. Incorrect, temperature will decrease, but not to the post trip value.

C. Incorrect, all three loop Tavg would decrease (Temperature may increase if rods stepped out.

D. Correct, for these conditions and no rod motion Tavg must decrease enough to add positive reactivity to offset power defect for added power of open safety valve, which is about 8 % power.

Answer: B

30. 041A4.08 1 Given the following plant conditions:

-100% reactor power.

-Steam dumps in Tavg mode.

-A load rejection occurs resulting in a Tavg-Tref mismatch of 15OF.

Which ONE OB the following is the MAXIMUM number of steam dump banks that will modulate open?

A. One

8. Two C. Three D. Four Summer Bank Question # 3039 modified to 15 OF mismatch.

Summer Objectives IC-1-12 and 4 9.

A. Incorrect, with a mismatch of greater than 6oF two dump banks will open.

8. Correct, with a mismatch of 15oF two dump banks will open.

C. Incorrect, with a mismatch of >16.9OF;three dump banks will open.

B. Incorrect, with a mismatch of >22.4oF four dump banks will open.

Answer: 5

31. 045A3.87 1

-The Unit was at 55% power.

-A loss of Service Busses has occurred.

-The reactor has tripped.

-The NROATC reports that all main turbine stop valves indicate open.

Which ONE of the following describes the actions that the crew should take IAW EOP-1.O,"Reactor Trip and Safety injection Actuation?"

A. Trip the main generator EXC FIELD BKR.

E3. Set LOAD LMT SET fully clockwise, and place Both EHC pumps to stop.

C. Press the decrease load pushbutton until load s6t equals zero (0).

D. Set LOAD LMT SET fully counterclockwise, and place Both EH6 pumps to PBL.

Modified from Summer Bank Questions 3277 and 3218.

Objective # 1673 from EOP-I .O Lesson Plan.

A. Incorrect, this action will occur 30 secs after turbine trip.

B. Incorrect, Load limit should be counter clockwise and the EH pumps must be in Pull to bock.

6. Incorrect, this is not directed by the procedure.

B. Correct, these are the actions to be taken if the turbine does not trip IAW EOQ-1.o Answer: D

32. 051AA2.02 1

.. -The Piant is operating at 65% power.

CNBSW A Vacuum LO annunciator comes in.

-Condenser Vacuum is 7.5 " Hg absolute, and increasing.

Which ONE of the following describes the operator actions that should be taken?

A. Reduce turbine load to compensate for the vacuum loss.

B. Ensure the turbine trips and enter AOP-214.1, "Turbine Trip."

C. Start the standby condenser vacuum pump.

B. Trip the reactor and enter EOP-I .0 "Reactor Trip and Safety injection actuation.

Modified from Summer Question 2029. Objective 16-9-37.

Cheek and Make sure D is the correct choice (refer to wording)

A. Incorrect, vacuum is at the turbine trip setpoint B. Incorrect, the turbine and reactor should trip and EQP-1.O should be entered.

G.Incorrect, condenser vacuum is at the trip setpoint.

B. Correct, the reactor and turbine should be tripped and EOP-1.O should be entered.

Answer: D

33. 054AA4.02 1

-The Unit is starting up in accordance with GO$-4.0 "Power Operation Mode 1."

-Reactor Power is currently 20% power.

-The B Main Feed pump is in sewice.

-Feedwater control is being transferred from the Bypass Valves to the Main Feed Regulating Valves in accordance with SQP-210, Section H.

-The operator becomes distracted and all S/Gs are overfed, with the 'C' S/G reaching 80%.

Which ONE of the following describes the expected status and operator actions for the Emergency Feedwater System to mitigate the event?

A. No E W pumps will auto start, the operator should manually start all E M pumps when high level condition resets.

B. The Turbine Driven EFW pump delivering flow, manualiy starl Motor Driven E W pumps when high level condition resets.

6. Both Motor Driven EFW pumps delivering flow, manually start the Turbine Driven EFW pump if needed.

D. Turbine Driven E ! W pump delivering flow, immediately manually start both Motor Driven EFW pumps.

._ From Sur9 NRC exam.

Summer Objectives IC-9-32, 16-9-33,34,35,AOQ-210.3 # 5 and AOP-214.1 #

3046 AOP-210.3 and AOP 214.1.

A. Incorrect, the MDEFW pumps will auto-statl and deliver Blow.

8. Incorrect, the PDEFW will not auto start on a trip of all MFPs.

C. Correct, the M B E W pumps will auto start and deliver flow, the P D E M pump would have to be manually started if needed.

B. Incorrect, the TDEFW will riot auto start, and the MDAFW pumps will auto start.

Answer: C

34. 055EA2.04 1

-The Unit is at power with a normal electrical lineup.

-A Station Blackout occurs.

Which ONE of the following describes the loads that will still be available to the operating crew?

A. B/G field flash; Reactor trip breaker UV coils, Controi room emergency lighting.

B. Safety Related Inverters, Control Room emergency lighting, Pressurizer PORVs.

C. ESF control power, D/6 control power, circuit breaker closing and tripping power.

D. Control room emergency lighting, Main feed reg valve control, D/G field flash.

Summer objectives # GS-3-03 and 04. Modified from a summer question #1419.

A. Incorrect, Reactor trip breaker UV coils are not powered from the DC buses.

B. Incorrect, the pressurizer PORVs will not be available due to power loss.

C. Correct, all of these loads will have BC power.

D. Incorrect, the MFWV will not be available.

Answer: C

35. 055K1 .Q61 Which ONE of the following describes indications that would be expected on a 50 gpm primary to secondary leak into the 'C' steam generator.

A. Charging flow increasing, 'C' feed regulating valve (FCV-498)opening and 'C' steam generator level increasing.

i3. 'C' feed regulating valve (FCV-498) opening, 'C'steam generator level increasing.

and RM-A9 condenser air ejector exhaust monitor alarming.

C. Charging flow increasing, RM-A9 condenser air ejector exhaust monitor alarming, and 'C' steam generator level increasing.

8.'C' feed regulating valve (FCV-498) opening, 'C' steam generator level increasing.

and charging flow increasing.

Summer Bank Question # 1678.

Objective GS-9-04.

A. Incorrect, 'C' feed regulating valve opening is not an indication of a SGB Leak.

B. Incorrect, 'C' feed regulating valve opening is not an indication of a SGT Leak.

C. Correct. all of these indications are associated with a SGT Leak D. Incorrect, 'C' feed regulating valve opening [snot an indication of a SGT Leak.

Answer: 6

36. Q56AK1.03 1

'\. -The plant is operating at 100% power.

-A loss of Offsite (ESF and BOP) electrical power occurs.

-The D/Gs start and energize the ESF emergency buses, all emergency equipment starts as required.

-An SI k not required.

-RCS pressure stabilizes out at the P-11 setpoint.

-Highest RCS Phot is 55QOF.

-Five highest reading T/Cs are 547oF, 545oF, 552oF,551oF, and 549OF.

Which ONE of the following correctly describes the subcooling margin that would be displayed on the subcooling monitor?

Modified Question, based on Exam bank question 527.

A. Correct, auctioneering unit selects highest T/C Applicant must first determine saturation temperature from steam tables and calculate using highest T/C.

3. Incorrect, This would be the result if RCS Thot was used.

C. Incorrect, This would be the resuit if average T/C temperature was used.

D. Incorrect, This would be the result if the lowest temperature was used.

Answer: A

37. 056G2.f 3 0 1

-Unit was at 45% power.

-AOP-206.1 "Decreasing Main Condenser Vacuum" has been entered, due to lowering vacuum.

-Directions have been given to Check XVB-101 "Main Condenser Vacuum Breaker" locally, due to MCB indication being lost.

Which ONE of the following describes the normal position, and the location of XVB-7 Ol?

A. Normally open, located 436' Turbine building, north side of the condenser.

5. Normally open, located 436' Turbine building, south side of the condenser.

C. Normally closed, located 436' Turbine building, south side of the condenser.

D. Normally closed, located 436 Turbine building, north side of the condenser.

Modified from Summer Bank Question #1344. ObjectiveTB-6-10 (21)

AOQ-206.1 Step 1.

A. Incorrect, the valve should be normally closed, this is the correct location.

__ B. Incorrect, the valve should be normally closed, and this is the wrong location C. Incorrect, correct valve position but wrong location.

13.Correct, both valve position and location are correct.

Answer: B

38. 057AG2.1.32 1

-The Plant is at 100% power during an At maintenance week.

-APN-5901 has been transferred to APN-1 FA while work is in progress on XIT-5901~

-The Normal feeder breaker for APN-1 FA trips open due to a fault.

Which ONE of the following describes the effect that this will have on the ESFLS system?

A. "A" Train loads will be shed and an ESFbS will be initiated.

3. "B"Train loads will be shed and an ESFLS will be initiated.

C. " A Train loads will remain connected and ESFLS will be disabled.

D. "B"Train loads will remain connected and ESFLS will be disabled Modified from Summer Bank questions 2032,and 4305.

Objective # GS-2-20.

A. incorrect, this is the correct train, however the loads will not be shed and ESFLS will not be initiated.

B. Incorrect, this is not the correct train, and the loads will not be shed and ESFLS will not be initiated.

C. Correct, this is the correct train and the loads will not shed and SFLS will be disabled.

D. Incorrect, this is the wrong train.

Answer: C

39. O5%AK1.011

-The Unit is at 100% Power.

-Battery Charger XGBIA is out of service due to a failed supply breaker.

-Battery Charger XBC1A-l B is aligned bo DPN1HA.

-Preparations are complete to remove the 1B Battery from service to replace several damaged cells.

When the battery breaker is opened the following annunciators actuate on panel XCP-637:



-"DC SYS OVWVOLT/UNDRVOLT Which ONE of the following describes a possible cause for the annunciators listed above?

A. Battery Charger XCBIA-15 has ceased to produce voltage.

B. Battery Charger XCBl E3 has ceased to produce voltage.

C. Excessive Voltage is being delivered from Battery Charger XCBlA-t B.

D. Excessive Voltage is being delivered from Battery Charger XBC1B.

Summer Bank Question # 4918 for B train.

Summer Objective # GS-3-04 and GS-3-20.

A. Incorrect, this charger is on the opposite train.

B. Correct, this could cause these indications.

C. Incorrect, this would not cause all of the indications and is on the wrong train.

D. Incorrect, this would not cause all of the indications.

Answer: 3

40. 059Kf.02 1

.- -The Unit is operating at 30% power.

-The 'B' DiG is tagged out for maintenance.

-A transformer fault causes a loss of 1DB power.

-Ail Main Feed Water pumps trip.

-S/G narrow range levels are 'A' 28%, '5' 35%, 'C' 15%

Which ONE of the following describes the EFW pump that will be running?

A. 'A' EFW and BBEFW pumps B. 'A' & 'B' E M pumps.

C. 'B' EFW and BDEFW pumps.

D. 'A' EFW pump only.

Similar to old NRC bank question used on Farley Exam 2000.

Summer Objectives IB-3-12, IB-3-19.

A. Correct, the A pump will stari as a result of all three feed pumps being tripped, and the T D E W will start as a result of UV on 1 DB.

B. Incorrect, the B E W pump does not have power.

C. Incorrect, the 3 EFW pump does not have power.

B. Incorrect the A EFW and TDEFW pump will be running.

Answer: A

41. (361A3.04 I

-The unit is responding to an emergency event.

-Annunciator XCP-622 point 1-1 "Eto "A" SG Flow HI," is in alarm.

I Which One of the following describes how the TDEFW pump is protected from going into runout conditions under these conditions?

A. The TDEFWP FCV to "A" SIG will close immediately if EFW flow exceeds 730 gpm.

B. The T D E W P recirculation flow path to the Condensate Storage Tank (CST will isolate if Flow to the "A" S/G is greater than 515 gpm for 30 seconds).

6. The TDEFWP FCV to "A" SIG will close if ERN flow exceeds 730 gpm for 30 seconds.

D. The combined EFW flow control valve to "A" S/G will close immediately if combined ENV flow exceeds 515 gpm.

Need to verify ARP numbers. New question developed from bank question #


A. Incorrect, this is the correct flow rate, but it must be present for 30 seconds.

B. Incorrect, the recirculation valve does not close at this flowrate C. Correct, ARP XCP-622 point 1-1 describes the setpoint of 730 gpm for 30 seconds, the FCV will isolate.

D. Incorrect, this is not the correct setpoint and the combined isolation valve does not isolate at this flow rate.

Answer: 6

42. 061K5.05 1

-. -The Unit is at 100% power.

-The "B" M D E W pump has been run for the quarterly STP.

-2 hours after the pump is secured, it is reported that pump discharge temperature is 155OF.

Which ONE of the following describes the condition that exists and its operational implications?

A. "5" EF'W pump FCV was inadvertently closed, this would cause a delay in EFW flow if an auto start condition occurred.

5. "B"EFW pump outlet check valve failed to reseat, this could result BPI steam binding of the pump.

C. "B" E W miniflow valve was closed causing temperature to rise, this could result in the pump overheating when the pump is restarted.

D. "B"EFW pump outlet check valve failed to reseat, this could result in pump run-out if an auto start occurs.

New Question. Summer objective 18-3-20. pages 13 and 32.

A. Incorrect, the FCV being closed would not cause the dischare temperature to rise.

B.Correct, this would cause these indications, and this is the correct concern.

6. Incorrect, the mini flow valve being c10sed should not cause the temperature to remain this high after two hours of the pump being secured.

D. incorrect, this is the correct cause, but pump runout is not a concern.

Answer: 5

43. 062AA2.Qf 1

-.. -A Safety Injection has occurred.

-The following annunciators are received on Panel XCP-604:

SWBP A(B) SUCT DlSCH PRESS LO SW FW WBCU I N 2 A FLO LO SW FR RSCU 1/4/28 PRESS LO SWBP A discharge flow rate indicates 3800 gptn on Fl-4466 Which ONE of the following describes a condition that could cause these indications?

A. A piping failure has occurred downstream of the train A RBCU SW backpressure orifices.

B. A piping failure has occurred upstream of the 1A RBCU.

6. The "A" Service Water booster pump has failed, D. The "A" Service Water booster pump discharge isolation valve has failed closed.

Summer Bank Question # 4956.

-- Summer Objective # IB-1-13, A. Incorrect, a failure downstream of the train A RBCU would not give these indications.

8. Correct, this could cause these indications.

C. Incorrect, flow on F8-4466 would not be this high.

D. Incorrect, flow on Fi-4466 would not be this high.

Answer: B

44. 062K1.02 1

-The Plant is operating at 80% power.

-A Fault occurs OR XTF-31, "Emergency Auxiliary Transformer" causing its associated 86 lockout relay to energize.

-Eight (8)seconds after the fault a Start Failure is received on the "B" Diesel Generator.

Which ONE of the following describes the status of the 7.2 KV buses, 1DA and 1DB?

(assume no operator actions taken)

A. 1DA energized from offsite, 1DB energized from 16 D/G.

B. 1 DA energized from offsite, 1DB de-energized.

C. 1DA energized by "A" D/G, 1 DB energized from offsite.

D. 1DA energized by "A" D/G, 1 DB energized from 1E3 B/G.

Modified from Summer bank question # 1868.

Summer Objectives GS-2-06 and 20.

A. Incorrect, 4 DE3 will not be energized from 1B D/G with a start failure.

B. Correct, 1DA will be energized from offsite and 1BB will be de-energized.

C. Incorrect, 1 DA will not be energized from A D/G and 4 D6 will not be energized from offsite.

D. Incorrect, 1DA will not be energized from A BIG and 1DB will not be energized from 1B D/G with a start failure.

Answer: B

45. 063A2.01 f

-The Unit is at 100% power.

-Annunciator XCP-637 ( 4 9 , "DC SYS TKAIN B GNB TRBL" illuminates.

-Ammeter IAM 5491 indicates 5.5 MA.

Which ONE of the following describes the probable cause of the ground, and the action that should be taken?

A. Due to a ground on both legs of DPN1HB, begin isolating loads one at a time to find the ground.

B. There is a blown fuse in the ground detector circuit, write an MWR to have electrical maintenance replace.

C. Due to a ground on either the positive or negative leg of DPNl HB, dispatch an operator to determine if ground is still present.

D. The probable cause cannot be determined, write an MWR to have electrical maintenance investigate the alarm.

New Question. Ref: Panel XCP-637 (4-5) annunciator response procedure.

Summer Objective GS-3-20.

A. Incorrect, the high MA setpoint has been reached, this indicates that the I

ground is either on a positive or negative leg, these actions wouBd be taken by electrical maint.

B. Incorrect, this would be a probable cause if the alarm was due to low MA.

C. Correct, this is the probable cause, and the actions to take as directed by the ARP.

B. incorrect, there is enough information to determine a probable cause, and the action to take would be to see if the alarm is still present before writing an MWR.

Answer: C

46. 063A4.03 1 The plant has experienced a loss of All AC power. Which ONE of the following describes when the operator wouBd have to reduce load on the I25 VDC batteries in accordance with EOP-6.0, "boss of All ESF AC Power?"

A. DC roads should be reduced as necessary to maintain battery bus voltage greater than 14 1 VDC.

B. D e loads should be reduced as necessary upon receipt of the "BC SYS OVflVOLT/UNDRVOLT annunciator XCP-636 (3-6).

6. BC loads should be reduced as necessaty to maintain battery bus voltage greater than 108 VDC.

D. BC leads should be reduced as necessary upon receipt of the "BG A LOSS OF DC" annunciator XCP-636 (4-3).

Summer Bank Question # 48. Slightly modified using question 4918.

Objective # GS-3-20, A. Incorrect, this voltage is the minimum voltage for pes SYPBOI . O M Battery Capacity Test.

B. Incorrect, this alarm comes in at 126 VDC, and EOP-6.0 has the operator maintain voltage above 108 VDC.

C. Correct, this is the direction given in the reference page of EOP-6.0.

D. Incorrect, this annunciator is received upon the opening of breakers not voltage.

Answer: C

47. 064A1.03 1 The 'A' D/G is being tested IAW STP-125.002 and is operating in parallel with off-site power.

Which ONE of the following describes how to reduce reactive load while maintaining D/G real load constant?

A. Go to raise on the Voltage controller.

B. Go to raise on the Governor controller.

C. Go to lower on the Voltage controller.

B. Go to lower on the GOVeFnOf' controller.

Summer Bank question 1054.

Objective # IB-5-19 A. Incorrect, this would increase amps.

B. Incorrect this would raise amps and increase load.

C.Correct this would decrease amps, and would not effect load.

B. Incorrect. this would lower real load.

Answer: C

48. 064A4.09 1

-A Loss of off site power has occurred.

-The 1"A" 5/G is supplying the 1DA bus.

-A Recovery of the Normal Off Site power is in progress.

Which ONE of the following describes actions that must he completed to parallel the Off Site source to the 1DA bus?

A. 1"A" DIG Test Start switch is placed in start, the D/G " A sync switch is placed in NORM, and the synchroscope should be rotating slow in the fast direction.

B. 1 " A B/G Test Start switch is placed in start, the B/G "K sync switch is placed in NORM, and the synchroscope shouid be rotating slow in the slow direction.

C. 1°KD/G Test Start switch is placed in stop, the D/G " A sync switch is placed in DSL, and the synchroscope should be rotating slow in the fast direction.

B. 1"A" D/G Test Start switch is placed in stop, the 5/G"A" sync switch is placed in DSL, and the synchroscope should be rotating slow in the slow direction.

New question developed from Summer question 11 14, to meet WA.

Summer Objective # GS-2-06.

A. Incorrect, the synchroscope skouid be rotating in the slow direction B. Correct.

C. Incorrect, the test start switch should be in the test position and sync scope should rotate in the slow direction.

5. Incorrect, the test start switch should be in the test position.

Answer: B

49. 065AA1.03 1

-The plant is operation at 4 00% power.

-The "B" Reactor Building and the "E)" Station Air cornpressors are in operation.

-An Inadvertent Train Phase "A" isolation occurs.

Which ONE of the following describes the response of the Instrument Air System with NO operator action?

A. The RB instrument air header would be supplied from the "B" Reactor Building Instrument Air compressor.

B. Valves 2262A and 2660 will be close, RB Instrument Air compressors will trip, and isolate the RB IA header.

C. The RB instrument air header will be supplied by the "B" Station Instrument Air compressor.

B. Valves 2262B and 2660 will close, the Station Air compressor wile trip and isolate the RB 18 header.

Modified from Summer Bank question # 3628.

Summer objective A B 14-06, and 17.

A. Incorrect the RB IA compressor will be tripped B. Incorrect, the RB IA compressor will be tripped but the RB IA heater will still be supplied by the station air compressor.

C. Correct, the RB instrument air header will be supplied when IPV-2659 auto opens.

D. incorrect, the station air compressor will not trip and the RB 6A header will not isolate.

Answer: C

50. 067AA1.08 1

-The Unit is operating at 100% power with all control systems normally aligned.

-A sustained loss of offsite power occurs.

Which ONE of the following ensures that the water extinguishing fire protection system is available during this time?

A. The diesel driven fire pump will start automatically 15 seconds after the loss of AC power occurs provided a low system pressure condition exists.

B. The electric fire pump wilt be manually aligned to a vital bus and will be started locally if required.

C. The diesel driven fire pump will start automatically 15 seconds after a loss of AC regardless of system pressure.

D. The electric fire pump will be sequenced onto a vital bus after step 8 of the ESFbS blackout sequence.

Summer Bank Question # 4922.

Summer Objective GS-11-05, A. Incorrect, a low pressure conditon is not required.

B. Incorrect, the electric driven fire pump is not started by procedure.

C. Correct, the diesel driven fire pump will auto start 15 seconds after a loss of AC occurs.

D. Incorrect, the electric fire pump does not sequence on to a bus.

Answer: C

51. 072G2.l .I41

-The Plant is in Mode 5 conducting a core offload.

-The level in the refueling cavity has started decreasing rapidly due to an unknown cause.

-AOQ-l23.7 "Decreasing Level in the Spent Fuel Pool or Refueling Cavity During Refueling" has been entered.

Which ONE of the following is the minimum dose rate on the refueling bridge (RM-G17NB) that requires immediate evacuation of a!l personnel from the Reactor Building and Fuel Handling Building?

A. 5WHR B. 10WHR

c. 20WHR
8. 25WHR Summer Bank Question #4206. Objective AOP-123.1 Lesson Plan # 2337.

A. incorrect, the evacuation should have started at 20 WHR on RM-G-17NB.

3. Incorrect, the evacuation should start at 20 WHR on RM-G-17NB.

C.Correct. this is when the evacuation should occur.

D. Incorrect, the evacuation should start at 20 WHR on RM-G-17NB.

Answer: C

52. 073K5.01 1 Which ONE of the following Process fladiation Monitors uses a Geiger-Muller detector?

A. RM-bl Primary Coolant Letdown Monitor.

B. RWL5 Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor.

C. RM-k7 Nuclear Blowdown Waste Effluent Monitor.

D. flM-Ll i Condensate Polishing Monitor.

New Question. Summer Objective GS-9-06.

A. Correct, the high range monitor on the RM-Ll uses a GM detector.

3. Incorrect, the RM-W uses a scintillation detector.

C. Incorrect, the RM-L7 uses a scintillation detector.

B. Incorrect. the RM-L11 uses a scintillation detector.

Answer: A

53. 076AK2.01 f Which ONE of the following would provide the earliest indication of a gross fuel failure in the control room?

A. RM-A73, Main Plant Vent Hi Range.

B. Reactor Coolant Dose Equivalent Iodine sample.

C. RM-L1 Primary Coolant Letdown Monitor.

D. Reactor Coolant -Bar calculation.

Bank Question from Vogtle Exam, Modified for Summer.

Objective GS-9-05.

A. Incorrect, the main plant vent Hi range may see some activity but it would require another leak and it would not be the earliest.

B. Incorrect, this is a method of obtaining specific activity, but it will not be the earliest.

C. Correct, this is the function of this radiation monitor.

8.Incorrect, this is a calculation taken from data obtained on an RCS sampke and will not be the earliest indication.

Answer: C

54. 076G2.1.30 1

-FEP-4.0, "Control Room Evacuation" has been entered due to fire.

-The crew is at the step for initiating Reactor Building Cooling.

Which ONE of the foilowing describes which service water booster pump should be started and where the pump will be started from?

A. The " A SW Booster Pump should be started from the " A CREP.

B. The "B" SW Booster Pump should be started from the "B" CREP.

C. The " A SW Booster Pump should be started locally from XSWI DAl.

D. The "B" SW Booster Pump should be started locally from XSW1 DB1.

FEQ-4.0 and IB-07 Service water system.

Summer Objective # 18-1-12, and 18-1-17, A. Incorrect, according to the lesson plan only B train SW is used during a fire (appendix R).

B. Incorrect, this is the correct SW booster pump but it is not controlled from the CREP.

C. Incorrect, according to the lesson plan only B train SW is used during a fire (appendix a).

D. Correct, this is the correct SW booster pump and location.

Answer: D

55. 076K4.02 1 Which ONE of the following describes the Auto-Start feature of the "A" Sewice Water pump?

A. E f W low suction pressure (2/4) and no SI/Blackout.

B. MVG-40398, EF SERVICE WATER HDI? A XCONN ISOL VALVE, open and no SI/Blackout.

C. E M low suction pressure (2/4) and SVBlackout.


Summer Bank Question # 225. Summer Objective # IB-1-16 A. Incorrect, the low pressure only opens the valves, does not auto start the Pump.

B. Correct, this will cause the A SW pump to auto start.

C. Incorrect, the low pressure only opens the valves, does not auto start the j d Pump.

B. Incorrect, the auto start on 1037A open is locked out by the sequencer.

Answer: B

56. 078K2.02 1

-A Reactor trip has occurred due to a Smail break LBCA.

-A Safety Injection is in progress.

-All electrical buses are energized as designed.

Which ONE of the foliowing air compressor is supplying the Instrument air system and from which AC source is it being powered from?

A. Instrument Air Comp "B" (XAC-36) powered from XSWl DB1.

B. lnstrument Air Comp "6" (XAC-36) powered from XSWIAI.

C. Supp instrument Air Compressor (XAC-12) powered from XSWIBB1.

D. Supp lnstrument Air Compressor (XAC-12) powered from XSWIA1.

Summer Bank Question # 1840. objective # AB14-12, TB-12-03,05, and 19 A. Incorrect, this is not the correct power supply.

B.Correct, this is the correct air compressor and correct power supply.

C. Incorrect, incorrect air comp and power supply.

D. Incorrect, incorrect air comp.

Answer: El

57. 078K3.01 1 A Loss of Reactor Building Instrument Air has occurred.

Which ONE of the following describes the effects this will have on the Reactor Coolant System, if air to the Reactor Building cannot be restored? (assume no operator action)

A. Pressurizer level will decrease due to FCV-122 failing closed.

B. RCS Pressure will decrease due to a PZR P O W failing open.

C. Pressurizer level will increase due to PCV-145 failing closed.

D. RCS Pressure will increase due to the spray valves failing closed.

Modified Bank Question 316 from requal bank. Summer Objective # AB-14-17.

A. Incorrect, FCV-122 tails open on a loss of air, this would cause pressurizer level to increase.

B. incorrect, PZR PQRVs fail closed on a loss of air, however if they were open RCS pressure would decrease.

C. Incorrect, PCV-145 fails open on a loss of air, this would cause pressurizer

__ level to decrease. (assumption made from comments on question 316, PCV-145 may fail open if it does this needs to be revised).

B. Correct, pressurizes sprays will fail closed, with continued charging flow and heaters on RCS pressure will increase.

Answer: D

58. 086K5.83 1

-The Unit was operating at 100% power.

-An electrical fire started inside the CB Cable Spreading Room.

Which ONE of the following describes the type of fire suppression system that is installed inside of the CB Cable Spreading Room and what are the effects of fighting this type of fire with the extinguishing agent?

A. An automatic wet pipe sprinkler system is installed. An electrical shock hazard exists due to the use of water to combat an electrical fire.

B. An automatic low pressure C02 system is installed. An asphyxiation hazard exists due to the presence of C02 gas.

C. An automatic pre-action sprinkler system is installed. An electrical shock hazard exists due to the use of water to combat an electrical fire.

D. An automatic Halon 1301 system is installed. An asphyxiation hazard exists due to the presence of Halon gas.

Modified from a recent NRC exam.

Summer objective # 61%-4 4 -04 and 07.

L A. Incorrect, the cable spreading room is protected by a pie-action sprinkler system.

B. Incorrect, the cable spreading room is protected by a pre-action sprinkler system.

C. Correct, this is the type of protection that is used on the CB Cable spreading room and an effect of using water to fight an electrical fire.

D. Incorrect, the cable spreading room is protected by a pre-action sprinkler system.

Answer: 6

59. 10362.4.4 1 Which ONE of the foliowing combinations of signals is required for Automatic Reactor Building Spray Actuation?

A. A Phase "B" Containment Isolation and Containment Pressure at 6.5 psig.

3. A Phase '"A" Containment Isolation and Containment Pressure at 6.5 psig.

C. A Phase "B" Containment Isolation and Containment Pressure at 13 psig.

D. A Phase "A" Containment Isolation and Containment Pressure at 13 psig.

Summer Bank Question 3012.

Summer Objective AB-8-19.

A. Incorrect, a phase ' A is required along with containment pressure greater than 52.05 psig.

B. Incorrect, a phase 'A' is required along with containment pressure greater than 12.05 psig.

C. Incorrect, a phase ' A is required along with containment pressure greater than 12.05 psig.

D. Correct, a phase A with containment pressure greater than 12.05 psig is required for actuation.

Answer: D

60. 621.19 1 After starting a pump from the MCB the operator checks the IPCS to determine system status and observes the following:

The pump indicates solid RED.

The discharge valve indicates solid GREEN.

Which ONE of the following describes the status of the components?

A. The pump is running and could be approaching runout conditions.

B. The pump has tripped and the discharge valve is closed.

C. The pump is running and pumping against a shutoff head.

D. The pump has tripped and the discharge valve is open.

Summer objective GS-13-04, Combined two bank questions.4266 and 4269.

A. Incorrect, the pump is running but the discharge valve indicates closed.

B. Incorrect, the pump is running and the discharge valve indicates closed.

C. Correct, The pump is running and the discharge valve is closed therefore the pump is at shut-off head.

D. Incorrect the pump is running and the discharge valve is closed Answer: C

61. G2.7.28 1

- Which ONE of the following is an ESSENTIAL function of the component cooling water system during the injection phase of a safety injection actuation?

A. Remove heat from the letdown heat exchanger.

B. Remove heat from the RHR heat exchanger.

C. Provide cooling to the reactor coolant pump thermal barriers.

D. Provide cooling to the charging/SI pump gear and pump oil coolers.

Summer Objectives 1B-2-01, 02,03,and 05.

Modified from Bank question 2012.

A. Incorrect, this is not an essential load and is not required during the injection phase.

b. Incorrect, this is not required during the injection phase.

C. Incorrect, this is not an essential load.

B. Correct, this is an essential load during the injection phase of an SI Answer: D

62. G2.1.3 1

-You are the NWOACT on shift.

-The Shift supervisor and CRS are in the Shift Supervisors office planning the days work.

-A Loss of letdown has occurred.

-AOP-102.1 "Loss of Letdown has been entered.

-Charging flow has been maximized.

-Pressurizer level is 16% and decreasing.

Which ONE of the following describes the NROATC responsibilities during this event in accordance with SAP-200, "Conduct of Operations?"

A. An Automatic Trip should have occurred, wait to inform the CRS, then trip the reactor manually.

B. Trip the reactor and turbine, upon completion of immediate operator actions direct a safety injection.

C. Call the Shift Supervisor to the control room, take the actions required to raise pressurizer level and wait for supervision to direct further actions.

D. Call the CRS to the control room, trip the reactor and ensure that the turbine is tripped, initiate a safety injection when directed by the CRS.

New question. REF: SAP-200, 6.7.8(B), and AOP-102.1. objective 3007.

A. [ncorrect, an automatic trip would not have occurred.

B. Correct, IAW SAP-208 Conduct of Operation this is the responsibility of the NROATC.

C. Incorrect, the conditions are calling for a reactor trip and SI.

D.Incorrect, the SAP assigns this responsibility to the NROATC.

Answer: B

63. G2.2.22 1

-The Unit is in mode 2, starting up %hemain feed system.

-An event occurred that has caused RCS pressure to rise to 2785 psig before it was stabilized.

Which ONE of the following describes the correct actions to take in accordance with Technical Specifications?

A. The Unit must be cooled down to cold shutdown to evaluate the effect the transient had on the RCS pressure boundary.

B. The Unit must be placed in Hot Shutdown within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />, with pressure at 2235 psig within 5 minutes.

C. RCS pressure must be reduced to less than 2735 psig, and the unit placed in Hot Standby within 1 hour1.157407e-5 days <br />2.777778e-4 hours <br />1.653439e-6 weeks <br />3.805e-7 months <br />.

D. RCS pressure must be reduced to less than 2935 psig within 5 minutes.

Original used on Last Summer SRO exam. Modified by changing mode.

Summer Objective AB-2-25.

A. Incorrect, the T/S does not direct this.

B. Incorrect, the T/S does not direct this.

C. Correct, this is the action in the LCO of T/S, for this mode.

D. Incorrect, this is tor mode 3, 4. and 5.

Answer: C

64. G2.2.251 Which ONE of the following is the Technical Specification bases for the pressurizer water level reactor trip?

A. Protects against loss of pressure control due to the spray nozzle being submerged.

B. Protects the pressurizer safety valves against water relief.

C. Prevents exceeding containment design pressure in the event of a LOCA.

D. Prevents solid plant operation while the reactor is critical.

Bank Question from farley exam bank.

Objective IC-9-38.

A. Incorrect, this is not the bases for the trip.

B. Correct this is the bases for the High Pressurizer level trip.

C. Incorrect, mass in the secondary side (S/G) is limited to prevent this.

D. Incorrect, the RCS could be solid with the reactor critical if power was less than P-IO.

Answer: B

65. G2.2.28 1 Which ONE of the following describes the minimum water cover for shielding of irradiated fuel assemblies during all handling operations, and the expected dose rate at the water surface?

A. 9.5 feet above the fuel assembly being moved, 2.5 mr/hr.

B. 9.5feet above the racks, 0.5 mr/hr.

C. 23 feet above the fuel assembly being moved, 2.5 mr/hr.

D. 23 feet above the racks, 0.5 mr/hr.

Summer Bank Question. # 4098 (Old NRC RO exam question) need to verify Did not send fuel handling Procedures.

Answer: A

66. G2.3.10 2

-A Large Break LOCA has occurred.

Which ONE of the following should have the least impact on Auxiliary Building Radiation Levels?

A. Shifting RHR Pump suction to the RB Sump in accordance with EOP-2.2, "Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation."

B. Performing Post Accident Sampling in accordance with EOP-2.0, "boss of ReactoF of Secondary Coolant."

C. Initiating Cold Leg Safety Injection in accordance with EOP-I .O, "Reactor Trip or Safety Injection."

D. Shifting Charging Pump Suction to RHR in accordance with EOP-2.2, "Transfer to Cold Leg Recirculation."

Summer Bank Question # 963, added procedures.

A. Incorrect, this will bring primary coolant into the Aux bldg and rake radiation levels.

B. Incorrect, this will bring primary coolant into the Aux bldg and raise radiation levels.

C. Correct, this water comes from the RWST to the RCS and should have the least effect on radiation tevels.

D. Incorrect, this will bring primary coolant into the Aux bldg and raise radiation levels.

Answer: C

67. G2.3.11 1 Which ONE of the following radiation monitor signais/actions ensures that liquid effluent releases do not inadvertently exceed desired quantities of radionuclides?

A. A high radiation signal on RM-L9 will close PVD-6910, Liquid waste discharge header isolation valve.

B. A high radiation signal on RMI-L9 will close RCV-07 8, Liquid Radioactive waste controi valve.

C. A high radiation level sensed by RMI-L5 will close PVD-6910, Liquid waste discharge header isolation valve.

D. A high radiation level on RM-L11 will close the Back Wash transfer pumps discharge valves.

Combination of several Summer bank questions.

Objectives GS-9-16 and 18.

A. Correct, a high radiation signal on RM-LS will close PVD-6940.

B. Incorrect, this signal comes from RM-L5.

C. Incorrect, this signal comes from RM-L9.

B. Incorrect, this monitor will secure the Back wash transfer pumps.

Answer: A

68. G2.4.1 1

... Which ONE of the following describes how EOP Immediate Operator Actions are to be performed?

A. EOP Immediate action steps SHALL be performed from memory, the immediate action steps of EOP-1.0, "Reactor Trip/Safety Injection Actuation" and EOP-13.0, "Response to Abnormal Nuclear Power Generation" shall be performed sequentially, and are denoted by a circle around the step number.

B. EOP Immediate action steps SHOULD be performed from memory, the immediate action steps of all EOPs must be performed sequentially, and are denoted by a circle around the step number.

C. EOP Immediate action steps SHOULD be performed from memory, the immediate action steps of EOP-1.0, EOP-6.0, "Loss of All ESF AC Power" and EOP-13.0 shall be performed sequentially, and are denoted by a bracket around the step number.

B. EOP Immediate action steps SHALL be performed from memory, the immediate action steps of EOP-1.0, and EOP-2.0, "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant" shall be performed sequentially, and are denoted by a circle around the step number.

From a Bank Question (used at North Anna). Needs to be verified.


Used OAP-103.4 as a reference.

A. Correct, BAW OAP-1103.4 EOP immediate operator actions shall be committed to memory. Steps that are to be performed in order are numbered. and Immediate operator action steps are circled.

B, C , and D do not meet these criteria.

Answer: A

69. G2.4.35 1
l i -A Plant Fire has occurred.

-FEP-2.0, " A Train Plant Shutdown to Hot Standby due to Fire has been entered.

Which ONE of the following describes the duties of the Intermediate Building Operator in response to this event?

A. Place the LOCAUREMOTWMAINT switch for the ' "A Diesel Generator in MAlNT within 30 minutes to disable the diesel.

B. Place the LOCAUREMOTEIIMAINT switch for the "B"Diesel Generator in MAlNT within 30 minutes to disable the diesel.

C. Place the LOCAUREMOTUMAINT switch for the "A" Diesel Generator in LOCAL immediately to allow the NROATC to start the diesel.

D. Place the LOCAUREMBTVMAINT switch for the "B" Diesel Generator in LOCAL immediately to ailow the NROATC to start the diesel.

new question, developed from 2 Summer bank questions. Need objective when FEP lesson plans are sent.

A. Incorrect, it is not desired to disable the A train Diesel in this procedure.

B. Correct, it is an action for the Intermediate operator to perform this with in 30 minutes.

C. Incorrect, the procedure does not have the Intermediate building operator perform actions to prepare the diesel for local start in this procedure.

8.Incorrect this would be the correct action if FEP-4.Qwas being implemented.

Answer: B

70. WE01 EG2.4.24 1 b -A Reactor Trip and Safety Injection has occurred.

-EOP-I .8, "Reactor TriplSafety Injection Actuation" has been completed and the crew could not diagnose the event.

-A Transition to EOP-1.5, "Rediagnosis" has been made.

Which ON of the following correctly describes the major actions that will be taken in EOP-I .5?

A. Verify that a primary LOCA does not exist, then transition to EOP-4.0, "Steam Generator Tube Rupture".

5. Verify that a SGTR does not exist, then transition to EOP 3.0, "Faulted Steam Generator Isolation."

C. Verify that a Faulted S/G or SGTR does not exist, then transition to EOP-2.0, "boss of Reactor or Secondaty Coolant."

D. Verify that a SGTR or LOCA does not exist, then transition to EOP-1.2, "SI Termination."

Summer Objective I819 and 1824 of eOP-1.5 Lesson Plan.

A. Incorrect, the procedure checks for a Faulted S/G, SGTR, and if these are not present directs transition to EOP-2.0 "Loss of Reactor of Secondaty Coolanr'.

6.Incorrect, the procedure checks for a Faulted S/G, SGTR, and if these are not present directs transition to EOP-2.0 "Loss of Reactor of Secondary Coolant".

C. Correct, the procedure checks for a Faulted S/G, SGTR, and if these are not present directs transition to EOP-2.0 "Loss of Reactor of Secondary Coolant".

D. Incorrect, the procedure checks for a Faulted S/G, SGTR, and if these are not present directs transition to EOP-2.0 "Loss of Reactor of Secondary Coolant".

Answer: C

71. WEQ2EK32 1

\. -The crew is responding to a Faulted S/G.

-The S/G has blown dry.

-The crew has transitioned to EOP-1.2, "SI Termination."

-The crew has just aligned for operation with only one Charging pump running.

Which ONE of the following describes the reason for verifying RCS Pressure Stable Or increasing at this point of the procedure?

A. RCS pressure stable or increasing ensures that a heat sink still exists.

B. To confirm that SI flow from one charging pump is adequate to maintain control.

6. To determine if the low head safety injection pumps should be secured.

D. To verify that natural circulation flow is adequate to maintain RCS temperature.

New Question, used summer bank question # 3038 as a guide.

Objective #1787 of EOP-2.1 Lesson Plan.

A. Incorrect, RCS pressure would increase if the heat sink was lost B. Correct, according to lesson material and WOG background document.

C. Incorrect, This may be done at some point during the procedure, but not at this point. (Should have already been secured).

D. Adequate Natural circulation flow would lower RCS pressure.

Answer: B

72. WE04EK1.3 1 1 -The Unit has had a LOCA.

-Actions of EOP-1.O, "Reactor Trip f Safety Injection" have been completed.

-The crew is performing Actions in EOP-2.0 "Loss of Reactor or Secondary Coolant."

-The following indications/alarms are observed:


RM-13, PLANT VENT HI RANGE is trending up.

Annunciator XCP-GQ6 3-4, "LD TRBL AB SMP" and XCP-607 3-4, "FLDRN LVL HI" are lit.

Which ONE of the fallowing describes the actions that the crew should take to mitigate this event?

A. Remain is EOQ-2.0, transition to EOP-2.2, "Transfer to Cold Leg flecirculation" when RWST level reaches 18%.

3. Transition directly to EOP-2.4, "Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation" to minimize SI flow.

C. Remain in EOP-2.0 continue actions, then transition to EOP2.1, "Post LOCA Cooldown and Depressurization" and perform a cooldown.

D. Transition directly to EQP-2.5 "LOCA Outside of Containment," and attempt to isolate the leak.

Developed from several bank questions.

Summer Objective # 1883 and 1885 of EOP-2.5 Lesson Plan.

A. Incorrect, the indications given those of a LOCA outside sf containment. there may not be enough water in the surnp to go on recirc.

B. EQP 2.0 directs the crew to transition to ECP-2.5 to isolate the leak, a transition to EOP-2.4 may occur if the leak cannot be isolated.

C. Incorrect, EOP 2.0 directs the crew to transition to ECP-2.5 to isolate the leak.

D. Correct with the current indications EOP 2.0 directs the crew to transition to ECP-2.5 to isolate the leak.

Answer: D

73. WEOEiEA2.2 1

-- Which ONE of the following describes the sequence of actions required to establish bleed and feed heat removal, in accordance with, EQP-15.0, "Response to Loss of Secondary Heat Sink?"

A. "Feed" is established first by initiating Main Feed to a S/G,then "Bleed" is established by depressurizing a S/G with an atmospheric steam dump.

B. "Bleed is established first by opening Both Pressurizer PORVs, then "Feed" is established by initiating Safety Injection.

C. "Feed" is established first by initiating Safety Injection, then "Bleed" is established by opening All Pressurizer PORVs.

D. "Bleed is established first by depressurizing a S/G with an atmospheric steam dump, then "Feed" is established by initiating Main Feed to a S/G.

Summer Bank Question # 3076.

A. Incorrect, feed is established first, however it is with SI flow, and Bleed is with pressurizer PORVs.

B. Incorrect, bleed is established after Feed is established.

C. Correct, Feed by initiating an SI is established first, and then the Pressurizer PQRVs are opened to establish a bleed path.

D. Incorrect, bleed is established after Feed is established, and not from these sources.

Answer: 6

74. WE1 1 EG2.4.7 1 L -The crew is responding to a Primary LOCA outside of the Reactor Building.

-The Reactor was tripped and an SI was manually actuated.

-EOP-2.5, "LOCA Outside Containment" has been completed and the leak was not isolated.

-EOF-2.4, "Loss of Emergency Coolant Recirculation" has been entered.

Which ONE of the following correctly describes the strateaies that will be used to mitigate these conditions?

A. initiate an RCS cooldown at the maximum rate, maximize ECCS flow, and begin efforts to makeup to the RWST.

B. Initiate an RCS cooldown at the maximum rats, establish only one train of ECCS flow and maintain subcooling > 80 O F and begin efforts to makeup to the RWST.

C. Begin efforts to makeup to the RWST, initiate a cooldown to cord shutdown at e 1000F/HR, ensure RBCUs are in slow speed.

D. Begin efforts to makeup to the RWST, establish only one train of ECCS flow and maintain subcooling > 8OoF, verify both RB spray pumps in operation.

Bank Question, modified for Summer. (Farley question #1494).

A. Incorrect, makeup to the RWST is the first concern for these conditions, and the cooldown should be limited to less than 100oNHR.

B. Incorrect cooldown should be 100°F/HR and the RWST makeup should be done first.

C. Correct, these are the strategies that are used in EOP-2.4 D. Incorrect, a cooldown must be started and RB sprays should be minimized.

Answer: C

75. WE15EA1.1 1 L Which ONE of the following is a MAJOR action performed in EOP-17.1 "Reactor Building Flooding?"

A. Check for a Feed line break inside Reactor Building (RB).

B. Verify a Containment Isolation has occurred.

C. Identify and lsolate unexpected sources of water in the RB.

D. Check for Reactor Building Spray Actuation.

Summer Objective # 2182.

A. Incorrect, the procedure looks for unexpected sources of leakage, this is designed for.

B. Incorrect, the procedure does not direct the operator to verify containment isolation, it is assumed that this has already taken place.

C. Correct, the procedure directs the crew to identify and isolate unexpected leakage.

D.Incorrect, the procedure does not direct the operator to check for this, RB spray, along with water from the RCS is assumed to already be in the sump.

Answer: c