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Partially Withheld Citizens Correspondence Regarding Restart of Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 11/18/2003
From: Hyde J
- No Known Affiliation
Download: ML033460256 (257)


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe October 13,2003 Michele Keller Jim Caldwell, RegionalAdministrator U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell:

Living downwind from a nuclear power plant was not something I was concerned about until learning of the gross negligence at the Davis Bessie power plant. Knowing that there were leaks in the plant officials assumed that these leaks were harmless and never verified this assumption.

I had always believed that safety was a priority to the commission and those in the industry, but I was shocked further to learn that the proposed fix for the problem was to weld a piece of metal into the hole. This untested solution seems more like the equivalent of duct tape on a 747.

First Energy's only concern is making the repair as cheaply as possible without any regard for the possible consequences; therefore, I am appealing to you to insure that this power plant remains closed until its safety can be certain and to also hold First Energy accountable for its reckless endangerment of the millions of residents in the Lake Erie watershed.

Sincerely, Michele Keller

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Dear Mr. Caldwell,

I am writing in regards to Davis-Besse nuclear power plant. I live i w

% m just outside offillllll) I love my neighborhood and lifestyle but Im concerned that it will all end if another near-disaster at the power plant turns into a real disaster. Youve heard the phrase third times the charm? I dont think I want to take i that chance. Ive heard that dying fiom radiation poison is very painful. I dont think I want to experience that. Im sure you wouldnt either.

Its always been my understanding that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission was dedicated to the safety of the public so why would you want to reopen the Davis-Besse plant? I would think the lives of thousands of people would be more important than the schedule of First Energy. If there was another accident, who would be responsible for the damage to the communities, the lake, and especially the people? Would the NRC take responsibility or would First Energy take responsibility? Or would everyone merely say Im sorry? Not exactly comforting for a mother who lost her child or a son who lost his father, is it?

Please keep the reactor closed. Its obvious that the safety of the community should far outweigh the benefits for First Energy. Id like to think that we are coming back to a time when people were more important, not money or big business.

Id like a response to this letter so that Ill know my family and I will continue to be safe.

Thank you for your time, Ms. Judy Przeneslo

Look me in the eye Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye

- and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U. S Nuclear Regulatory Commission 80 1 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-435 1

Dear Mi. Jim Caldwell,

I am a citizen o power plant in L and currently reside with my family near the Davis-Besse nuclear It has come to my knowledge that this nuclear plant is threatening to re-open and operate under potentially dangerous conditions. This is why I am writing you today.

I would like you to be aware of the situation and of its detrimental consequences if the Davis-Besse power plant is reopened under its current conditions. I feel it is my duty as an Ohio citizen to urge you to remember that it is the NRCs up most priority is to base its decisions upon public safety, not First Energys schedule. I can not be more beseeching in expressing to you the dangers that could result from premature reopening of the Davis-Besse power plant. 1advise you to make the right decision for our families and environment and keep the Davis-Besse power plant closed.

As you may already know the reopening of a power plant that is not operating under safe standards can have negative effects on the health of thousands of people. Including a rise in cancer and leukemia rates. I deploy you to make the right decision and keep the Davis-Besse power plant closed.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding this issue.

c n .

Jenine Ridella

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe lo 3-03 J

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S Nuclear Regulatoy Commission 80 1 WarrenVille Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Jim Caldwell,

I am a citizea o m a n d currently reside with my f d y near the Davis-Besse nmea.r power plant-ni 4% has come to my knowledge that this nuclear plant is threatening to re-open and operate under potentially dangerous conditions. This is why I am writing you today.

E would like you to be aware of the situation and of its detrimental consequences if the Davis-Besse power plant is reopened under its current conditions. I feel it is my duty as an Ohio citizen to urge you to remember that it is the NRCs up most priority is to base its decisions upon public safety, not First Energys schedule. I can not be more beseeching in expressing to you the dangers that could result fiom premature reopening ofthe Davis-Besse power plant. I advise you to make the right decision for our families and environment and keep the Davis-Besse power plant closed.

As you may already know the reopening of a power plant that is not operating under safe standards can have negative effects on the health of thousands of people. Including a rise in cancer and leukemia rates. I deploy you to make the right decision and keep the Davis-Besse power plant closed.

Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing fiom you soon regarding this issue.

Rebecca Ridella

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look m'e"inthe eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe . .

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


Mardi Vogel Don Crozier October 9,2003 Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commisssion 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, Illinois 605324351

Dear Mr. Caldwell:

We have lived 5 i -ar over *years and believe ourselves to be in danger should the Davis-kse Nuclear plant respen. We have seen and heard of too many deaths and development of cancer that we believe is a direct result of the Perry Nuclear plant. Your institution's top priority and responsibility must be public safety.

We want to keep our Great Lake Erie clean and free of contamination. If First Energy can come up with a healthier method of energy, than so be it. We are not concerned with their schedule, but their supplying the public with safe energy.

We implore you to keep the Davis-Besse nuclear reactor closed.

Mardi Vogel Don Crozier

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Ochber 16,do03

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 4

Look me in the eye and tefl me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe



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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe I 0 -)3 3


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Paul & Beckv Ferrell Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Sir,

My wife and I live aboutl) minutes east of the Davis-Besse nuclear reactor. I am concerned with the reopening of this plant with the present management team. We pray there will never be a problem but has no confidence in the present owners and management. An accident happened once and will happen again. There is an old DuPont safety program that states that there is no such thing as an accident - only human error that can and should be prevented! As residents in this area we would personally pay for another human error accident. At present we are constantly having brown outs and power outages. We lost our power twice last week. From

  • 30 on Monday night and I requite electric power to sleep. My aunt that live in the hills of West Virginia has fewer problems. Just replaced my refrigerator

%&to the low voltages! So why have any confidence in First Energy! Can you guarantee our safety? Actually that is your personal responsibility to us and other citizens in the area.

I actually believe in nuclear energy but risks are high with First Energy. Please tell us why you think it is safe for Davis-Besse to go back on line? If it is not safe then it should not be on line. First Energy is in trouble financially so will they cut corners and will you let them?

Paul Ferrell

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 80 1 Warrenville Road Lisle, I1 60532 - 4351 ole and a leak that can cause our children Sickness and maybe cost their Life and you want to open it up again.

I would like to say I am all for keeping the Davis - Besse plant closed until it is, all repaired and safe .

Mi. Jim Caldwell Regional Administrato U.S. Nuclear Regulatdzydlormai31;ridPheeye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe uear m. Caldwell:

I am currently living in pproximatelymiles east of Davis- Besse. F m v e d- i where a greater "risk" existed in living closer to Dyvis - Besse.

For the past 12 years I have been employed as a Manager of Hazardous Materials for a Class 1 railroad. For this reason I, unlike many residents, have a better understanding of Davis -

Besse and its risks. I know that you as a Regional Administrator for the US. Nuclear Regulatory Commission have a charge. That charge is, to keep the public safety as number one priority and a clean and clear environment as your number two priority.

This letter is to ask you to continue to do the fine job that you and your commission have been doing and continue to maintain the same priorities as you have had in the past. If you and your commission feel it is safe to return Davis - Besse to normal usage, then I support you. However, if there be ANY percentage of doubt that Davis - Besse should not be put back to normal service it is your job to see that it is not returned to service.

Again, thank you for your service to the public.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell m e Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe November 10,2003 James Caldwell U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532

Dear Mr. Cddwell:

As a concerned citizen, I would like to voice my opinion about the energy issue. Please see to it that the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio orders First Energy to refund all past overcharges back to customers. Also, I have concerns about First Energy demanding

$3 billion.

It concerns me that Davis-Besse is not safe. There are too many issues at hand and too many safety concerns. Please be wise in your decision-making.

Thank you,

Look me in the eve and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, I1 60532 - 4351 I live in Iamwo le and a leak that can cause our children Sickness and maybe cost their Life and you want to open it up again.

I would like to say I am all for keeping the Davis - Besse plant closed until it is, all repaired and safe .

I Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, I1 60532 - 4351 e and a leak that can cause our children Sickness and maybe cost their Life and you want to open it up again.

I would like to say I am all for keeping the Davis - Besse plant closed until it is, all repaired and safe .

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

n Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe November 11,2003 Clarence Ferguson Dear Sir I Hydrogen fuel offers the potential for abundant, affordable, clean and safe energy, but its promise is thwarted if tied to hazardous nuclear power. It is both fiscally and environmentally irresponsible to use the most expensive and potentially most lethal energy source to develop benign alternatives Americans deserve safe, clean, affordable energy.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

October 22,2003 Mr. Jim Caldwell Nuclear Regulatory Commission Dear Mr. Caldwell I am a resident of w a n d a native also due to the nature of my husbands occupation I have also live in the states of Virginia, West Virginia, and Texas. I would like to take this opportunity to express my concern for my home and particularly my safety in my home state. I need to emphasize how there is really no place like home especially when it is Ohio! I have all of my extended family here and particularly a young son and nieces and nephews whose future and well being is quite important to me (more than mere words can express) I am sure you are familiar with that concern of family arent you? In you position at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission it is my understandingthat you have the authority to keep my family safe and continuing for future generations. The safety for the public and your family has to be monumental on the list of why the plant should not open. The schedule of First energy should not even be a consideration Ohio has recently been blamed for the major bIackout can you even begin to imagine what it would be like if a nuclear disaster would occur? Honestly you know the potential is more likely than not. PLEASE KEEP THE REACTOR CLOSED!!!! We need preventable measures taken for our safety and they are preventable. Save and protect the great fish of lake Erie which you cannot get anywhere else Ive tried and I know save our crops and the farmers livelihood my dad owned a Ohio farm, save tourism but most of all save our fanzilies HELP!!!!! Please respond immediately at the address given beIow Thank You and God Bless You!

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe October 20,2003 Jim Caldwell Regional Administrator U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 80 1 Warrensville Rd.

Lisle, IL. 60532-4351


Davis-Besse Nuclear Reactor

Dear Jim Caldwell,

I live in the -ea and I am concerned about the negative environmental impact ofre-opening the Davis-Besse nuclear reactor. My family is deeply concerned about our health and safety and that of the environment around us.

NRCs priority must be public safety and not FirstEnergys schedule.

I strongly urge you to keep the Davis-Besse nuclear reactor closed.

Sincerely, Kimberley Orr -OM0 0

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe October 20,2003 Jim Caldwell Regional Administrator U.S.Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrensville Rd.

Lisle, IL. 60532-4351


Davis-Besse Nuclear Reactor

Dear Jim Caldwell,

I live in the -area and I am concerned about the negative environmental impact of re-opening the Davis-Besse nuclear reactor. My family is deeply concerned about our health and safety and that of the environment around us.

NRCs priority must be public safety and not FirstEnergys schedule.

I strongly urge you to keep the Davis-Besse nuclear reactor closed.

Sincerely, Y ! d +

Vernon On L1

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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James Caldwell us NRC 801 Warrenville Rd Lisle, E 60532

Dear Mr. Caldwell:

Im writing to inform you that I am very concerned with safety at the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant and believe the best solution does not include simply flipping the on switch. When nuclear power became more widespread and became increasingly expensive and potentially dangerous, my father reminded us of how the energy companies sold us on the idea of nuclear power by saying how it would be almost free. Well, whether company spokespersons were intentionally misleading US or not is not ctear, but tkywerehonibly-wong.Pfmse, do the right thing now atliidont alliiw the deception and potential danger fo continue.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe n /

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe JimCaldwell, Regional A d m i n i s t r ~ e r U.S.Nudear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell,

10/-10/03 I a m writing this letter to ask your cooperation in keeping the Davis-Besse Nuclear power plant closed. My family and millions of others in the- area depend on Lake Erie for our drinking water and an accident at Besse-Davis would put that in jeopardy. There are implications far beyond that. Not only would Lake Erie be devastated, but surrounding estuaries and millions of acres of famnland, as would Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence region.

The direct impact to human health in the event of a disaster would overwhelm the already overtaxed health care system. The suffering of millions would be unacceptable.

Please put the interest of the public and the environment over the interest of First Energy.

I look forward to hearing a response fkom you and the good news of an unsafe nuclear power plants closing.

WilliamJ McGowan R N

and tell me Davis=Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

took me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look m.e"inthe eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me 'ln t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 70 fld'cIH&&J e u.

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Mr. Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U S Nudear Regulatory Commission 801 Wanenville Rd Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell:


I am writing t o beseech you t o please keep the Davis-Besse nuclear plant closed.

The history of neglect at the plant and the dangers should be self-evident. I have never understood how nuclear energy can be considered safe when the byproduct is a toxic substance, which lasts for years. To me this is not onfy unwise but also irresponsible and immoral, Because I am a sailor and live near Lake Erie, I also feel that it is wrong t o jeopardize the safety of our wonderful Great Lakes both for safe drinking water and for recreational purposes.

I hope you will give this matter serious consideration. Please keep the Davis-Besse reactor closed and let me know what actions you have taken.

George J Gecik

Look me in the eye a n d tell me Davis-Besse is safe

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

took me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 0- J $ - 03

and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Sir:

As residents of family and I are concerned with the thought that a nuclear accident could happen so close to where we live.

Please keep in mind that purpose of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission is to rermlate the nuclear energy industry in order to protect the public safety. It is your agency that must ensure that FWnergy does not put p f i t before the public good.

Keeping in mind the gross violations that FirstEnergy has had in the past and their failure to correct their poor safety record, we feel that the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant should remain &&

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Look me 'in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe,

Look m e in the eye and tell m e Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

\ A Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in t h e eye ell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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and tell me Davis-Besseis safe . .

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

took me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe


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Look m'e.inthe eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 7 4

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look m'e in the eye and tell me safe

took me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe October 14,2003 I

Mr. Jim Caldwell US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell,

e shutdown of the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Plant. I live in a suburb of L n d am concerned about the potential for plant. How is it possible that a hole in the reactor wasnt detected until the hole reached 5 x 7 inches in size?Just how much closer to disaster do we need to be?

Lake Erie is a great natural resource and provides our drinking water and many recreational activities. Please do whatever is necessaryto keep this power plant closed and protect us from any further potential disaster or until something can be done to absohtely ensure that we will never be this close to a meltdown or other potential disaster.

Thank you for you time.



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October 14,2003 Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle. IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell:

My family and 1 live in the ,ll. area and we are very concerned about the safety of the D a v i s - B e c e r plant. After the latest incident with the hole in the reactor lid, everything that I read points to poor safety procedures. It appears that the NRC is more concerned about FirstEnergys bottom dollar than about public safety. Given FirstEnergys poor commitment to safety, I feel it is in the publics best interest to keep Davis-Besse closed. Could you please tell me what the NRCs position is on this issue and given Davis-Besses track record, how can you guarantee my familys safety if you let them re-open?

Sincerely, n

Mark A. R a m a c h -

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe O Q m flu.-


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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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  • Look me in the eye, . L and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe 0

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe w - -f

October 15,2003 Mr. James Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4251

Dear Mr. Caldwell:

I am a residence ofl-hd I am concerned for my safety and that of my family. I say this because I have received information stating the Davis-Besse power plant is not d e . As your may know, on March 6,2002, a 5-by-7 inch hole was discovered on the reactor. Had the hole burst, the emergency cooling system would not have worked which would have led to a meltdown.

I encourage you to keep this facility closed until its owner, First Energy Co., can guarantee its safety. First Energys bottom line is not as important as the safety of the people of northern Ohio.

Sincerely yours, L. J. Muzik

Look m d n the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe v 0

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Raymond Chow Home Phon%-

November 13,2003 James Caldwell U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Rd Lisle, IL 60532

Dear James,

I am writing you today because I feel that it would be a mistake to let First Energy to resume operations at the Davis-Besse plant. First Energy has not placed public safety as their highest priority in the past. How can they assure that they will in the future.

Sincerely, Raymond Chown

S.D. Gokhale November 20,2003 Jim Cadwell, Regional Administrator, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 801, Warrenville Road, Lisle, IL 60532-4351


Davis Besse

Dear Sir:

I came to live in th-rea in 1977. Since that time I have always heard about the Devis-Besse reactor and its troubles of one kind or another. I was not surprised when I heard about the pineapple size hole in the steel shield. But I was shocked when the First Energy proposed to repair the hole by welding.

One can understand why First energy was negligent about the operation of the reactor. Nobody should be surprised if one hears that a tiger or a lion killed a cow. First Energy is in the business of making money for mostly for the upper management who never live near the reactor, and a little bit for the shareholders. Government appointed a commission to supelvise that business so that the greed factor does not get in the way of residents safety. But I was deeply disappointed to find that the commission let the First Energy have its way most of time until this recent episode.

The statements made by the spokesperson of the First Energy from time to time do not give me the confidence that they have genuinely changed their attitude towards the importance of safe guarding public health from radio active material. They are now doing improvements not because they think they are essential but because they have been mandated.

First Energy is incorrigible. Allowing them to operate the reactor is like giving them another free ride until another homble sloppy maintanace shortfall is accidentally discovered. You are aware of the situation in Europe. Except for France, other countries are winding down the operation of the existing reactors and have decided to stop building new reactors for good reasons.

My question is how the commission is going to monitor in the future this incorrigible companys attitude and operation of the reactor? The company has completely lost credibility. What steps is the commission taking to have confidence in the commissions ability to monitor diligently?

It is now well known that the First Energy does not comply with the voluntary reliability standards.

The unprecedented blackout could have been prevented and that the First Energy and MISO are blamed for that massive blackout. MISO acceptedthe Government Task Force Report but the First Energy does not want to own the responsibility. They have never accepted responsibility for any thing at any time. They honestly believe that they are constantly being picked on!

That is the reason I will never rely on them to be a good corporate citizen.

They will rather spend money on lobbying in Washington or on a consultancy for PR jobs than on trimming trees, training their operators, or updating the computer system. I can show you the proof of that. Big limbs from toll trees on our streets are hanging dangerously on the power cables, waiting for a disaster to happen. Knowinq now, how the First Enerov manaaement behaved in the past. is the commission aoina to monitor them more strictlv here after?

November 18, 2003 Mr. Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351

Dear Mr. Caldwell,

As residents of the -

w e are writing to ask you to keep the Davis Besse nuclear power plant closed permanently. The unsafe operation of this plant threaten our health, our safety, and our environment.

The problems at Davis Besse go far beyond the hole found in the reactor's lid. Design flaws and a clear disregard for "safety culture" at Davis Besse give you more reasons than you need to justify a permanent shut-down of this reactor.

Furthermore, the NRC's Office of Investigations is still in the midst of their probe to determine what criminal actions First Energy engaged in when they with held information from federal regulators.

Please write us back and let us know what you will do to protect us.


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

November 10,2003

Dear James Caldwell,

This letter is t o express concern over the proposed powering o f the nuclear power piant at Davis Besse. While energy sources are needed, I would certainly hope that the powers that be would research and develop alternative powering sources. The ratnifications of a technological breech are so far-reaching, that the positives are far outweighed by the negatives.

Considering that there have already been so many troubles with the system f o r such a period of time, is it wise t o 'fire up a system' with potentially unknownproblems crt the cost o f our environment and water? I think not.

Our children think not! Please reconsider.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and teff me Davis-Besse is safe J-tn 1 '


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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

James CaIdwdI us NRC 801 Warrenville Rd Lisle, IL 60532 Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Im writing to inform you that I am very concerned with safety at the Davis-Besse nuclear power plant and believe the best solution does not include simply flipping the on switch. When nuclear power became more widespread and became increasingly expensive and potentially dangerous, my father rsminded us sfhow the energy companies sold us on the idea of nuclear power by saying how it would be almost free. Well, whether company spokespersons were intentionally misleadingus or not is not clear, b~lrheywere hortiblywrong. Please, do the right thing now and dont allow the deception and potential danger to continue


Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

\ 1- 11.-03

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe d

Look me in t h e eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe rlm b\p-.MLD\dCLL )

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

n I Look me in the eye and-tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jimr -

US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351 Mr. Caldwell, I'm writing to you because I am concerned about the Davis-Besse power plant. The discovery of the hole in March of 2002 left me feeling open to disaster if the plant is not closed for good. While I live outside t h e m i l e radius noted in most disaster studies, I do have family that lives much closer.

The NRC's main responsibility is to the public and our safety, not First Energy (or any other power company for that matter). Please do the responsible thing and keep the plant closed.

I look forward to your reply detailing your plans for the facility.


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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe ro-27-05

Look me in the eye and tefl me Davis-Besse is safe / d / /

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Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

took me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe Jim Caldwell, Regional Administrator US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 801 Warrenville Road Lisle, IL 60532-4351 Mr. Caldwell, I'm writing to you because I am concerned about the Davis-Besse power plant. The discovery of the hole in March of 2002 left me feeling open to disaster if the plant is not closed for good. While Ilive outside the 25mile radius noted in most disaster studies, I do have family that lives much closer.

The NRC's main responsibility is to the public and our safety, not First Energy (or any other power company for that matter). Please do the responsible thing and keep the plant closed.

I look forward to your reply detailing your plans for the facility.

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe

Look me in the eye and tell me Davis-Besse is safe