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Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 2003-1
Person / Time
Site: Oyster Creek
Issue date: 10/13/2003
From: Massaro M
AmerGen Energy Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
2120-032-2786, 2130-03-20253
Download: ML032950553 (4)


_I'Z-l AmerGeaSh AmerGen Energy Company, LIC An Exelon/British Energy Company Oyster Creek US Route 9 South P.O. Box 388 Forked River. NJ 08731-0388 OCT i 2003 2130-03-20253 2120-032-2786 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Document Control Desk - NRC Washington, DC 20555


Oyster Creek Generating Station Docket 50-219 Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 2003-1 This report provides detailed information regarding the recent incidental capture of a juvenile Kemp's ridley sea turtle at the Oyster.Creek Generating Station. The turtle was captured alive during the fiftemoon of September 24, 2003 after it was removed from the dilution water intake structure.trash bars. As indicated on the attached incident report, the turtle was taken to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center in Brigantine, NJ for examination, care, and eventual safe release.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact Mr. Malcolm Browne at (609) 971-4124.

Very truly yours, Michael J. Massaro Plant Manager MJM/MEB/dl Enclosure cc: . Ms. Carrie Upite U.S. Department of Commerce

'National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration . -r. 11-National Marine Fisheries Service Northeast Region ,I Protected Resources Division One Blackburn Drive


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Gloucester, MA 01930

Page 2 of 2 cc: Mr. Hubert Miller,Administrator, Region 1 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission 475 Allendale Road King of Prussia, PA 19406 Mr. Peter Tam US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Senior Project Manager

- Washington,-DC 20555-Mr. James Wilson, Mailstop 0-11-F1 US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 Senior Resident Inspector Oyster Creek Generating Station PO Box 388 Forked River, NJ 08731 Mr. Dave Jenkins NJ Department of Environmental Protection Division of Fish, Game, and Wildlife P.O. Box 400 Trenton, NJ 08625-0400 File 03085

OYSTER CREEK GENERATING STATION Sea Turtle Incidental Capture Report 2003-1 At approximately 1455 hours0.0168 days <br />0.404 hours <br />0.00241 weeks <br />5.536275e-4 months <br /> on Wednesday September 24, 2003, an Oyster Creek Generating Station (OCGS) operator performing a routine cleaning of the trash racks noticed a sea turtle among the vegetation and debris removed from Bay # 6 of the dilution water intake structure.

The turtle was found to be apparently healthy and moving about normally. OCGS Environmental personnel who took custody of the turtle confirmed it to be a juvenile Kemp's ridley sea turtle (Lepidochelys kempi). The water temperature at the time of the incidental capture was approximately 73 F (22.8 C) and OCGS was in operation at 100% power with four circulating water pumps and two dilution pumps in operation. Although it is -impossible-to say precisely -

how long the turtle had been on the trash bars prior to removal, the dilution water trash racks had been cleaned earlier the prior day at 1345 hours0.0156 days <br />0.374 hours <br />0.00222 weeks <br />5.117725e-4 months <br />. The turtle was not observed during that trash rack inspection and cleaning.

The turtle measured 12.2 in (31.1 cm) carapace length straight line and weighed 11.5 lb (5.2 kg).

Sex was not determined. Some small scrapes were observed on the dorsal and ventral surfaces of the carapace. No tags were present on the turtle when captured. USNRC and NMFS personnel were notified of the capture within 24 hours2.777778e-4 days <br />0.00667 hours <br />3.968254e-5 weeks <br />9.132e-6 months <br /> on September 24, 2003.

The turtle was taken to the Marine Mammal Stranding Center (MMSC) in Brigantine, NJ at approximately 1745 hours0.0202 days <br />0.485 hours <br />0.00289 weeks <br />6.639725e-4 months <br /> on September 24, 2003. At the MMSC, the turtle was examined and fed. The scrapes on the carapace were determined not to be a significant concern. The turtle was held at the MMSC for less than a day before it was tagged and released into near-shore Atlantic Ocean waters around Brigantine, NJ.



First Macolm M_.___

_ Last Browne Year 20[flJf I Month K]Day[Egj Affifiation Marine Mammal Stranding Center TurtlenumberbydayEJEJ 03-133 Address P O. BOX 773 Brigantine, NJ O8?03 -- -- -- --.- -- -.--- o .. ...a ...

State coordinatorn must All, 10000 If AO; I Area code/Phone number C60 9) Z66- 05 38 _ Mhls was daone by fpnho'ne (00J2*6&Q UJemal 0fox.

SPECIES: (check one) STRANDING LOCATION: DOffshore (Aanc or Gulf beach) Mlnshoore (bay, river, souncd, InIt, efk)

LJ CC =Loggerhead State New jerseyr _ County Ocean _

[ CM = Green Descriptivelocation(bespecirc) oyster Creek Power Plant, a DC - Leatherback ForkedRiver ____

[U E1 Hawksbnll LK- Kemp's ridley L LO -OIIv Ridley Latitude .

Longitude UN Unidentified r: . . -:.

Check Unidenttfled If not pOSitive. bO Not Gueass CONDITION: (check one) FINAL DISPOSITION: (check one)

-~~ -------- _ 1 0=UvIe Ol =Left on beach where found; painted? LJYes' LJNo(5)

Photos taken? mYes MNO 0 I =Fresh dead 0? - Burled: El on beach i/IIoff beach; Specles verified by slate El 2 = Moderately decomposed carcass painted before buried? [1 Yes E] No coordinaktoO _RYes ONo EJ 3 Severely decomposed J3 =Salvaged: [J all [ E part(s), whallwhy? . _

El 4 - Dried carcass SEX: (chock one) 0 5- Skeleton, bones only 4 Pulled up on beach/dune; painted? DYes' EINo I Immature, undetermined C3 Female [I Male TAGS: Contact state coordfnator before BS - AXlv, released How was sex determined? 217 - Alive, taken to rehab. itcilit, where?

disposingofany tagged animaill Marine Mammal Stranw %ln7 Center OI Necropsy Flipper tags present? a Yes tg No 8 - Left ffoahng not recovered; paInted? JYose' OM iJ Tall length (adult only) Check ll 4fFippers. Iffound. frcord tag "9 =Disposiwfon unknown, explain Length of tail beyond carapace numberqs) I tag rocatlon / return address

____ ___cm /in 'if pointed/, hat color?


PIT tag scan7 0 Yes fM No Using calipers Circle unit Iffound, record number / tag location Straight length (NOTCH-TIP) _ cm / In Minimum length (NOTCH-NOTCH) ,. cm I in Coded wire tag scan? L) Yes W] No Straight width (Widest Point) . mf in Ifpositive response, record location (flipper) Using nonmetal measuring tape Circle unit Curved length (NOTCH-TIP) 31 5 i/n Checked for living tag? LIYes E3 No Minimum length (NOTCH-NOTCH) 31 o 1in Ithound, record location (scute number &side) Curved width (Widest Point) .14, in

]~Weight IaIt / e.rleunt 1W actual I [3 est. 1l kg IJe Mark wounds I abnormalities on diagrams at left and describe below (note tar or oil, gear or debris entanglement, propeller damage, epibiota, papillomas, emaciation, etc.). Please note if no wounds I abnormalitles are found.

Found in intake pipe at power plant. Minor abrasions to carapace, but no substancial damaQe- 01d injury on left marginal scute, completely-healed. Turtle was tagged SSLI05 - Right foreflipper and SSLI06 - Left foreflipper, and releasted on 39th St. and the beach in Brigantine on 09/25/f03.