LR-N10-0355, Hope Creek, HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0005(Q), Rev. 30, Cold Shutdown to Refueling.

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Hope Creek, HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0005(Q), Rev. 30, Cold Shutdown to Refueling.
Person / Time
Site: Salem, Hope Creek  PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 04/25/2009
Public Service Enterprise Group
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
LR-N10-0355 HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0005(Q), Rev 30
Download: ML110060144 (38)


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Biennial Review Performed: Yes No NA Packages and Affected Document Number s incorporated into this revision: CP No. CP Rev. AD No. Rev No. None The following OTSCs were incorporated into this revision: None Incorporates CP 80095532 which removes LV-1754. Reference to LV-1754 as deleted in Step 5.4.39.B. This was reviewed by the CP and is editorial. (80095532-0440)


1.0 PURPOSE.............................................................................................................2

2.0 PREREQUISITES.................................................................................................2

3.0 PRECAUTIONS A ND LIMITATIONS....................................................................3

4.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIRED.....................................................................................5

5.0 PROC EDURE.......................................................................................................6

5.1 Administrative Requirements for Entering Operational Conditi on 5 -Refueling............................................................6 5.2 Reactor Pressu re Vessel Filling..................................................................9 5.3 Raising Refuel Floor Exhaust High Radiation Setpoints...........................12 5.4 Reactor Vessel Prepar ation for Re fueling................................................13

6.0 RECORDS..........................................................................................................





, Entering OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 Final Checks Mode of Operation.......25 Attachment 2, Placing the Plant in Alternate Decay Heat Removal..........................................26 , Vessel Level Instrumentat ion Temperature Com pensation Curves...................28 , Installation of Gaitronics Communication Cable to Refueling Bridge.................32 Attachment 5, Cooldown Transient B oundaries........................................................................34 , Operational Limitations Co mment Page............................................................35 , Raising Refuel Floor Exhaust High Radiat ion Setpoints....................................36

START TIME DATE BY TERMINATION TIME ________________ DATE ______________ BY

COMPLETION TIME ________________ DATE ______________ BY

COMMENTS: _________________________________________________________



This procedure provides a sequence for placi ng the plant in a Refueling configuration (OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5) from Cold Shutdown (OPERATIONAL CONDITION 4).

This sequence ensures conformance with T/S requi rements, integration of plant personnel refuel floor activities, personnel and equipment safety and compliance with the station

ALARA Program.


2.1.1. Reactor is depressurized with Head Vents HV-F001 AND HV-F002 open. Reactor water temperature is 200 °F. ____ 2.1.2. Reactor water level has been established at 80 to 90 inches IAW HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004(Q), Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown. ____ 2.1.3. A cooldown of the Reactor C oolant System is in progress with a cooldown rate of 90 o F / hr. IAW HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0004(Q), Shutdown From Rated Power To Cold Shutdown. ____ 2.1.4. Reactor level is maintained by balancing Control Rod Drive System water addition AND Reactor Water Cleanup System (RWCU) drain to the Main Condenser via the RWCU blowdown

line, IAW HC.OP-SO.BG-0001(Q), OR any other viable means of level control. ____ 2.1.5. All control rods are fully inserted in the Reactor, EXCEPT for control rods removed IAW T/S OR ____ 2.1.6. The Reactor Recirculation System has been shut down IAW HC.OP-SO.BB-0002(Q), Reactor Recirculation System Operation. ____

2.1.7. Drywell AND Torus de-inerting is in progress OR drywell atmosphere oxygen concentration is greater than 19.5%. ____ 2.1.8. The Reactor Mode Switch is locked in the REFUEL OR SHUTDOWN position. [] ____ 2.1.9. CST Temperature should be greater than 55 o F. (CRIDS page 126, A2497 can be used) ____ 3.1 IF this procedure is terminated prior to completion, the SM/CRS shall note the reason, time and date of termination on this procedure ____ 3.2 DO NOT exceed a cooldown rate of 90° F/hr. This administrative limit will prevent exceeding the T/S limit of 100 °F/hr. ____ 3.3 Reactor Vessel Flange Metal Temperature and Head Flange Metal Temperature shall not be permitted to drop to less than 79 °F while ANY of the vessel flange bolts are under tension. ____ 3.4 The Reactor Mode Switch may be placed in the REFUEL position at anytime all OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 T/S are satisfied AND Reactor water temperature is less than 140 °F AND any vessel head closure bolts are less than fully tensioned. ____ 3.5 The Reactor Mode switch should re main in the SHUTDOWN position, IF Reactor water temperature should exceed 140 °F OR IF any of the T/S required for remaining in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 are not maintained. ____ 3.6 To enhance Reactor Vessel, Reactor Cavity and Spent Fuel Pool water cavity clarity, performance of the fo llowing activities should be evaluated: Maintaining the Reactor Water Cleanup (RWCU) System Filter-Demineralizer in operation. ____ Preventing system operations, whic h would inject sediment from, stagnant portions of auxiliary system s such as RWCU, RHR Shutdown Cooling OR Fuel Pool Cooling. ____ Thoroughly flushing the system selected to flood the Reactor Vessel, Reactor Cavity and equipment pool.

(The Condensate - Feedwater Systems should be considered clean.) ____

3.7 Raising RPV level may cause a rise in RPV pressure due to steam generated by hot RPV metal. As long as Reactor Coolant System bulk coolant temperature is < 200 o F, as recorded in HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026, Attach 3s, this is not an OPERATIONAL CONDITION Mode Change. ____ 3.8 To prevent personnel exposure to ai rborne radiation a nd steam discharge, Reactor Vessel water level should be slowly lowering while piping connected to the Reactor Vessel Head is being breached. ____ 3.9 Drywell and Reactor Head removal and removal of Reactor internals has the potential for exposing personnel to smearable and airborne radioactive

contamination and elevated radiation le vels. Minimize personnel radiation exposure and personnel and equipment contamination by following the direction of Radiation Protection personnel. ____ 3.10 Raising water level to > 200 in. to cover the Main Steam Dryer will significantly reduce radiation ex posure and help with Reactor Vessel Flange Temperature control during RPV Head removal. Once visual

verification is available on the refuel floor, the level may be raised to as

close to the Reactor Vessel flange as possible without raising level to the Flange (218 in.). ____ 3.11 To protect personnel from radiati on overexposure, irradiated fuel should not be moved within 7 feet of the Fuel Pool Gates if Fuel Pool Shield Plugs are removed and the Reactor Cavity is not filled with water. ____ 3.12 Caution should be exercised when the Main Steam Safety Relief Valve Pilots are removed from the header. A potential vessel drain path will exist from the body pilot tube through the valve to the Torus. This exists even with blind flanges installed. ____

3.13 Operations with potentia l to drain the Reactor Pressure Vessel (OPDRV) and operations with potential to drai n the Reactor Cavity (OPDRC) consists of any operation or task which has the potential to cause an unplanned lowering in Reactor Pressure Vessel level or Reactor Cavity

level AND uncovering irradiated fuel. OPDRCs shall be of concern when Fuel Pool to Reactor Cavity Gates are removed, or CORE ALTERATIONS are in progress. All OPDRV shall be considered OPDRC. By definition, when the Reactor Pressure Vessel is completely de-fueled and the

watertight gates between the Reactor Cavity and the Spent Fuel Pool are installed, an operation with potential to drain the Reactor Vessel/Cavity does not exist. All activities which could result in interconnected

components being placed into abnormal configurations, penetrations being

drained OR filled, OR connected piping systems being placed in off-normal flow paths, should be evaluated as OPDRV's. Each potential

OPDRV should be reviewed on a case by case basis by a Senior Reactor

Operator (SRO) licensed Oper ations Department personnel (SM/CRS/WCCS). Items considered in this evaluation should include but not be limited to the following: ____ Size and location of any effected penetrations. Driving force associated with any transfer of water. Adequacy of procedures regulating performance of planned activity Availability of sources of makeup water and their capacity. Availability of redundant means of terminating the evolution. Availability of automatic means of terminating drain down events.

After evaluation, if it is determined t hat an activity presents a minor risk of causing significant draining of the RPV/Cavity/Fuel Pool, the evolution may be assessed as not being a OPDRV. Manipulation of any penetration, which has two operable Barri ers to prevent the inadvertent transfer of water need not be considered as a OPDRV. PRIOR TO performance of activities determined to be OPDRVs, an isolation

contingency plan for sealing affected penetrations should be developed.

Personnel involved in performance of an evolution which could result in an

OPDRV AND personnel required to support t he contingency isolation plan, should be briefed on the contingency plan prior to the start of the evolution. All equipment required to execute the contingency plan should be pre-staged. Prior to performing any OPDRV, a briefing should be

provided at the Outage Shift Turnover M eeting to ensure that critical plant personnel (Department Heads AND Senior Supervisors) are aware of the possible risks OR impact on other plant evolutions. ____ Communications cable

The administrative requirements described in th is section may be performed concurrently with the initial steps of Section 5.2.

All administrative requirements must be completed prior to the start of Reactor Vessel Head de-tensioning.

Each step should be recorded upon completion.



applicable T/S Surveillances required for entering Operational Condition 5, to determine if any Surveillances remain to be performed. ____

SM/CRS 5.1.2. WCM "Current Operating Mode" from Mode 4 to Mode 5 the Mode Dependent Tagging/Current Mode/Change function. a "Components Off-Normal Position Report" the WCM Reports/Off Normal Report function. ____

SM/CRS 5.1.3. the systems and equipment required for service with the status of equipment in t he Components in the Off-Normal Position Report as follows:


equipment / systems that are currently inoperable due to in-progress maintenance, OR equipment / system failures. ____ SM/CRS B.

all operable equipment to achieve the "Normal Position" OR to the required position as determined by SM/CRS. ____

SM/CRS C. WCM using the Mode/Dependent Tagging/Normal Positions/Change function. ____

SM/CRS 5.1.4. PRIOR to entering CONDITION 5 all current notifications are screened for operability. ____ SM/CRS

5.1.5. the active entries in the Temporary Modifications Log for entries, which could affect the operability of systems

required for Mode Change. ____ SM/CRS 5.1.6.

I&C to the following: A. HC.IC-FT.SE-0001(Q), SRM Channel Functional Test, IF it has not been performed within the last 7 days,

[] ____ I&C Dept

AND B. HC.IC-FT.SE-0025(Q), SRM Fuel Loading Non-coincident Trips, as required

IF shorting links are removed AND it has not been performed within the last 7 days. ____ I&C Dept 5.1.7. HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026(Q) - Attachment 2 for those surveillance items applicable for entering Operational

Condition 5 (i.e., Reactor Mode Switch position, all SRMs fully

inserted with exception of items required for Core Alterations). ____

SM/CRS A Caution Tag should be placed on the Mode S witch Key, with the Key installed for surveillance testing in Mode 5. Upon completi on of testing requiring Mode Key installation, the Mode Switch shall be locked in Shutdown or Refuel AND the key shall be removed.


Reactor Mode Switch Locked (Key Removed) in SHUTDOWN OR REFUEL position.____ SM/CRS 5.1.9.

the Time and Date on Section B of Attachment 1

WHEN the Reactor Mode Switch is placed in the SHUTDOWN position. ____


5.1.10. IF all systems requirements for ent ering Operational Condition 5 are satisfied, AND all departments have signed Attachment 1 Section A, THEN Section A of Attachment 1. ____


If Shutdown Cooling becomes unavailable, the plant may be placed in the Alternate Decay Heat Removal Mode of operation using Attachment 2.

5.2.1. the cooldown of the Reactor Vessel using the RHR System in the Shutdown Cooling Mode IAW

HC.OP-SO.BC-0002 (Q), Decay Heat Removal Operation, AND the requirements of T/S ____

SM/CRS 5.2.2.

the following to ensure the RPV and associated systems are lined up to support raising level into the RPV Head: Reactor coolant temperature is approximately 160 to 170 °F prior to raising RPV level over 90 inches. ____

SM/CRS Adequate CST inventory and water quality to support Reactor Cavity flood-up. (Approximately 430,000 gal is required for Reactor Cavity and Equipment Pit flood up.) ____

SM/CRS Condensate, Condensate Transfer, OR CRD Systems are available for RPV flood-up. ____

SM/CRS RWCU is I/S AND available to lower RPV level to the Main Condenser. ____

SM/CRS RHR is operating in Shutdown Cooling mode IAW HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q), Decay Heat Removal Operation. ____

SM/CRS Inboard AND Outboard MSIVs closed. ____ SM/CRS RPV Head vents are open. ____ SM/CRS HPCI AND RCIC steam supply lines isolated. ____ SM/CRS (continued on next page)

5.2.2 (continued)

Main Steam Line Drain valves are closed. ____ SM/CRS Main Steam SRV's are closed. ____ SM/CRS 5.2.3.

RPV Head/Flange metal temperature at

30-minute intervals on HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026 Att. 3s.when raising

RPV level into the RPV head. ____ SM/CRS 5.2.4.

Radiation Protection at the Drywell Access that raising level in the RPV may cause steam to discharge through the RPV

Head Vent Line into the Drywell Floor Drain Sump. ____ SM/CRS

The intent of the following step is to raise RPV water level into Reactor Head to facilitate cooling the Head and adjacent Flange metal.

An increase in flange metal cooldown rate is expected when the water level reaches the area of the flange.

Reactor head vent line temperatures as i ndicated at STEAM RELIEF VALVE/ REACTOR HEAD VENT/MAIN STEAM DRAIN TEMPS-B21-TRR614, may rise to > 340 o F due to the high RPV head temperatures.

The Level Band in the following step is for guidance, and can be adjusted as necessary to accommodate the Vessel Head cooldown. The following should be considered when

determining the appropriate level band and injection rate. Bulk Coolant Temperature. Available Vessel Level Instrumentation. Steam generation rate, and impact on Drywell Floor Drain Sumps. Steam generation rate, and impact on Reactor Pressure. Water Inventory management. CST Water Temperature.

5.2.5. RPV level to +270" to +300" on 1BBLR-3622A

AND 1BBLR-3622B by raising injection flowrate at a rate NOT to exceed 10 inches per minute.(approx 2000 gpm), using one or more of the following systems: ____

Control Room Operator A. One Primary Condensate Pump IAW HC.OP-SO.AE-0001(Q), Feedwater System Operation.) B. Condensate Transfer Via Shutdown Cooling IAW HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q) Decay Heat Removal Operation C. CRD System 5.2.6.

Shutdown Cooling flow as required to maintain Vessel pressure below the High Pressure Shutdown Cooling Isolation Setpoint (82 psig) while filling the RPV. ____

Control Room Operator 5.2.7. WHEN RPV level is between +270" to +300",

THEN cooldown AND establish a temperature band of 110 °F to 130 °F. ____


5.3 5.3.1.

the following: Theplant is in Mode 4 or 5 ____ NO handling of recently irr adiated fuel in the secondary containment will take place ____ NO operations with a potential for draining the reactor vessel will take place ____


a tracking LCO for ALL Channels of Refuel Floor Exhaust High Radiation. ____ The following step will make all channels of the Refuel Floor Exhaust High Radiation INOPERABLE. These channels are not requir ed in Modes 4 and 5 (TS 3.3.2-1.2.c)

Only the HIGH alarm will be changed, the ALERT will be unaffected. The HIGH alarm will be

restored by HC.OP-IO.ZZ-0001(Q). H1SP -1SPRI-4856A H1SP -1SPRI-4856B H1SP -1SPRI-4856C 5.3.3.

I&C to reset the RFE High Radiation setpoints IAW Attachment 7. ____



AND FMEA 2 housekeeping requirements for the Dryer/Separat or Pool, Reactor Cavity area AND Spent Fuel Pool IAW the Foreign Material Exclusion Program. ____

Refuel Floor Supervisor 5.4.2.

Maintenance Department (Electrician) to install temporary Refuel Bridge Gaitronics cable IAW Attachment 4. ____

SM/CRS If Shutdown Cooling becomes unavailable, the plant may be placed in the Alternate Decay Heat Removal Mode of operation using Attachment 2.

5.4.3. IF Reactor water temperature is less than 140°F AND control rod testing OR Control Rod Drive Mechanism maintenance is required, THEN the Reactor Mode Switch in the REFUEL position.

( Step 5.1.8)

AND time on Attachment 1 Section B. ____ Control Room Operator 5.4.4. the water source (Condenser, Suppression Pool OR Condensate Storage Tank) t hat will be used to fill the Dryer/Separator AND Reactor Cavity Pools, AND whether the RHR OR Core Spray System will be used to flood the Dryer/Separator AND Reactor Cavity Pools. ____ SM/CRS

A full flow system test from the designated wa ter source through the Residual Heat Removal System OR Core Spray System to the Reactor Vesse l can be used as a substitute for draining AND refilling stagnant runs of piping.

5.4.5. IF the Residual Heat Removal System OR Core Spray System are to be used to transfer water to Dryer/Separator OR Reactor Cavity Pools, the following:


AND the stagnant lengths of piping IAW applicable System Operati ng procedure to prevent corrosion products from entering the Reactor Vessel while flooding the pools. ____

SM/CRS B. that system piping is completely full by opening the high point vents while refilling the system. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.6. Loss Prevention has staged 250 feet of 3" fire hose and necessary connections in the Gamma Scan room in Reactor Building Elev. 162' for HC.OP-AM.TSC-0021. ____

Loss Prevention 5.4.7. Polar Crane preventive maintenance, inspections AND load tests have been completed AND are satisfactory. ____ Maint. Dept

The following list provides level correlations for use during Refueling Operations: 501.5" Refuel Floor 495.5" Fuel Pool Hi Level Alarm 489.5" Normal Water Level (Weir) 486.5" Fuel Pool Lo Level Alarm 483.5" 22'2" Coverage over Vessel Flange (T/S 3.9.8) 476.0" 23' Coverage over Spent Fuel (T/S 3.9.9) 343.0" Top of Vessel Head 257.5" Top of Vessel Head Flange 217.5" Top of Vessel Shell Flange 118.0" Bottom of Main Steam Lines 71.5" Instrument Condensing Chamber Penetrations 0.0" Instrument Zero BBLT-11683 is placed in service at this point in order to monitor response during RPV depressurization and thereby verify operation of level transmitter before 1BBLR-3622A and 1BBLR-3622B are removed from service during RPV Head piping removal. The RX Cavity Shutdown Low Level Alarm 1ECLAL-N027 sensed from Indication Switch 1ECLISL-N027 is normally disabled during on li ne operation. It is enabled during shutdown condition AND will be connected to the temporary transmitter per T-Mod OR 1BBLT-11683.


I&C Department to ensure the calibration AND place Reactor Vessel Shutdown Range Level Instrumentation, 1BBLT-11683 in service for open vessel conditions. ____

CRS 5.4.9.

Maintenance Department to de-tension the Drywell Head. (This may require ventilation secured to the refuel floor for drywell head removal). ____

SM/CRS 5.4.10.

Maintenance Department to remove the Reactor Vessel head insulation package. (This may require securing Refuel Floor ventilation.). ____



I&C Department has placed Reactor Vessel Shutdown range level instrumentation in service for open vessel conditions AND the local alarm (setpoint 75"), is enabled.____ SM/CRS Level indication via BBLT-11683 will read approximatel y 27 inches higher than actual level for every psig of Reactor pressure. After the BBLT-11683 is placed in service, decreasing pressure due to head cooldown may cause indicated level to change due to vessel head

pressure lowering.

5.4.12. WHEN level indication on BBLI-R605 via BBLT-11683 is satisfactory, THEN permission to the Fuel floor Coordinator to commence removal of RPV Head piping. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.13. In preparation for breaching RPV Head piping, the following: RPV steam dome pressure is approximately 0 psig using multiple indications. ____

SM/CRS to the Fuel Floor Supervisor in order to ensure proper safety precautions are taken during breach of RPV Head piping. ____

SM/CRS The intent of the following step is to lowe r the probability of steam discharge when the RPV Head piping is breached by providing a larger vo lume for the steam in the RPV. Once the piping is breached, it is no longer necessary to continue lowering level.

5.4.14. WHEN the Fuel Floor is ready to breach the RPV Head piping, THEN with the Fuel Floor Coordinator AND SLOWLY LOWERING RPV level. ____ Control Room Operator 5.4.15. WHEN RPV level starts to lower, THEN

Maintenance Department to remove the Reactor vessel head vent, head thermocouples, and level instrumentation piping. ____


5.4.16. WHENReactor Vessel Head insulation package and flange thermocouple have been removed, Maintenance to begin taking RPV Head/Flange metal temperatures locally every 30min., AND

this Data to the Control Room for use on HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026, Att. 3s. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.17. WHEN Condensing Chamber 1BBCC-D002-B21 has been removed from the Vessel Head, the following instruments should be considered NOT operable, and entered into

OP-HC-102-103-1001: 1BBLR-3622A, Rx Level - Post Acc. Mon. ____ CRIDS Point A2593 ____ 1BBLR-R608-C32, Red Pen, Rx Vessel Level - Upset Range ____ CRIDS Point A2577 ____ 1BBLI-R605, Rx Level Shutdown Range ____ 1BBLR-3622B, Rx Level - Post Acc. Mon. ____ CRIDS Point A2596 ____ 1BBLR-7854, Blue Pen, Rx Water Level - RSP ____ 5.4.18. WHEN the RPV Head piping is initially breached, THEN RPV level indication using 1BBLI-R605 via BBLT-11683 AND lowering RPV level.

IF head and flange are sufficiently cool per maintenance, continue lowering RPV level to the flange (+218 inches). _____


5.4.19. that a robust vented FME flange is installed on the 4" RPV Head Vent piping prior to lowering level in the Reactor Vessel. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.20.

that ALL of the administr ative requirements listed in Section 5.1 of this procedure have been completed. ____

SM/CRS RPV head de-tensioning may commence with the RPV level above the flange, however the

RPV level must be below the flange prior to removing the RPV head.

The RPV flange is located at 217.5 inches RPV level. Maintaining level below 210 inches

during RPV Head removal will prevent overflow into the Reactor Cavity area. Raising water

level to > 200 in. to cover the Main Steam Drye r will significantly reduce radiation exposure and help with Reactor Vessel Flange Temperature contro l during RPV Head removal. Once visual verification is available on the refuel floor, the level may be raised to as close to the Reactor Vessel flange as possible without raising level to the Flange (218 in.). 5.4.21.

RPV level to approximately +208 inches, AND maintain level constant using BLI-R605 via BBLT-11683, prior to removing the RPV Head. ____

Control Room Operator

The Reactor Mode Switch may be locked (key re moved) in the REFUEL position at anytime all OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 T/S are satisf ied and Reactor water temperature is less than 140°F and vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned. Time and date should be recorded on Section B of Attachment 1 when t he Reactor Mode Switch is in the REFUEL position.

If Reactor water temperature should exceed 140°F OR if any of the T/S required for remaining in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 are not mainta ined, the Reactor Mode Switch should be locked in the SHUTDOWN position. Time and date should be recorded on Section B of when the Reactor Mode Switch is locked in the SHUTDOWN position.

Status of testing, surveillance and main tenance on required systems and equipment should be monitored. When all conditions are satisfied as described in Section 5.1. Time and date should be recorded on Section B of Attachment 1 when the Reactor Mode Switch is returned and locked in the REFUEL position.

If the Reactor Mode Switch is locked in the REFUEL OR SHUTDOWN position, and the average Rx coolant temperature is 140 °F, then, performance of the following step will result in a Mode change.


Maintenance Department to de-tension the reactor vessel head AND the following: ____


Time/Date first RPV Head Stud less than full tension. (OPCON 5)

Time Date ____ SM/CRS B.

Time/Date last RPV Head Stud fully de-


Time Date ____ SM/CRS C. WHEN RPV head is fully de-tensioned, THEN recording 30 minute Head/Flange temperatures. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.23.

Maintenance Department to remove the Reactor Vessel Head. ____


5.4.24. with Maintenance AND RPV level to near the Vessel Flange, to reduce radiation due to the Steam Dryer not being covered. Level can be raised to near RPV Flange

based on visual verification. ____ Control Room Operator 5.4.25. PRIOR to flooding the Reactor Cavity Maintenance to verify penetration covers for the following are properly torqued and/or sealed. ____

Maint. Dept. Four (4) ventilation duct flanges Three (3) electrical penetration blank flanges Head Vent blank flanges One (1) manhole 5.4.26.

Maintenance Department has installed the Shielded Fuel Transfer Chute. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.27. AND drain valve 1-EC-V053 to isolate the Fuel Pool Gate Interspace Area. ____

Control Room Operator 5.4.28.

AND communications between Refuel Floor and Control Room personnel.

Reactor Cavity and Dryer/Separator Pools continuously to prevent over filling. ____

Control Room Operator Steps 5.4.29 AND 5.4.30 should be performed concurrently.

5.4.29. the Reactor Cavity and Dryer/Separator Pools IAW one of the following procedures by injecting water into the reactor vessel. ____

Control Room Operator HC.OP-SO.AP-0001(Q), Condensate Storage and Transfer

System HC.OP-SO.AE-0001(Q),Feedwater System Operation HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q) Decay Heat Removal Operation HC.OP-SO.BE-0001(Q) Core Spray System


withMaintenance Department to SLOWLY raise the Reactor Building Polar Crane Main Hoist WHILE Reactor Cavity water level increases.

the Reactor Vessel Steam Dryer under the maximum amount of water while removing and storing the Steam Dryer. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.31. filling the Reactor Cavity and Dryer/Separator Pools WHEN the level is equal to the level of the Spent Fuel Pool OR to a level which supports installation of the 360° Service Platform. ____

Control Room Operator 5.4.32.

Maintenance Department to install the Main Steam Line Plugs. ____ SM/CRS 5.4.33. IF desired, with Maintenance and the 360° Service Platform. The Service Platform displaces approximately 7000 gallons. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.34. Reactor Cavity level equals Spent Fuel Pool level. with Maintenance and the Spent Fuel Pool Gate Seals. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.35.

Maintenance Department to remove the Fuel Pool Gates. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.36.

the implementation of the recurring task enabling overhead annunciation of comput er points associated with Shutdown Cooling. These points will input to C3-F5. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.37. RBVS for refueling IAW HC.OP-SO.GR-0001(Q). ____

Control Room Operator 5.4.38. IF the requirements of T/S 3.9.

8 and 3.9.9 are satisfied, THEN the Residual Heat Removal AND Core Spray System vessel inventory addition capability. (This prevents

inadvertent start up of these systems AND the potential for overflowing Refuel Floor Pools (See T/S 3.5.2) and can be

accomplished by Caution Tagging all out of service pumps in Pull-to-Lock). ____ SM/CRS


inadvertent addition of water from Feedwater/Condensate Systems from overflowing the Refuel Floor Pools by closing the following valve groups: A. 1AE-F032A and 1AE-F032B ____ SM/CRS OR B. 1AE-HV1753 A, B and C 1AE-HV1744 A, B and C 1AE-LV1785 ____



the Fuel Pool Cooling system to permit operation of the Reactor Cavity and Dryer/Separator Skimmer Weirs to overflow to the Skimmer Surge Tanks IAW HC.OP-SO.EC-0001(Q). ____

SM/CRS 5.4.41. in-service Reactor Water Cleanup System (RWCU)

Pumps are aligned to take suction from the Reactor Vessel lower head area, (1BG-F101 is open) IAW

HC.OP-SO.BG-0001(Q) for maximizing bottom head drain flow. ____

Control Room Operator 5.4.42. IF the Reactor Mode Switch is not already in the REFUEL position (from Step 5.4.3),

AND IF Reactor water temperature is less than 140 °F THEN the Reactor Mode Switch in Refuel AND the time on Attachment 1, Section B.____ Control Room Operator 5.4.43. Section C of Attachment 1 signifying that the plant is in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 AND that the Reactor Vessel, Reactor Cavity and Dryer/Separator Pools are in a refueling configuration. ____

SM/CRS 5.4.44.

NSSSS Isolation Signal capability (to Shutdown Cooling valves), by performing appropriate Section(s) of HC.OP-GP.SM-0001(Q). ____


6.1 the entire procedure IAW R M-AA-101; Records Management Program 7.1 Hope Creek Generating Stati on Technical Specifications 7.2 Hope Creek Generating Station FSAR Volume 12, Section 7.3 M-41-1(Q), Nuclear Boiler P&ID, Sht. 1 M-53-1(Q), Fuel Pool Cooling System P&ID M-51-1(Q), Residual Heat Removal System P&ID M-52-1(Q), Core Spray System P&ID M-76-1(Q), Reactor Building Ventilation System P&I M-44-1(Q), Reactor Water Cleanup System P&ID M-05-1, Condensate System P&ID M-06-1, Feedwater System P&ID 7.4 HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q), Decay Heat Removal Operation HC.OP-SO.GR-0001(Q), Reactor Buildi ng Ventilation System Operation HC.OP-SO.BE-0001(Q), Core Spray System Operation HC.OP-SO.AD-0001(Q), Condensate System Operation HC.OP-SO.AE-0001(Q), Feedwat er System Operation HC.OP-SO.EC-0001(Q), Fuel Pool C ooling Water System Operation HC.OP-SO.BG-0001(Q), Reactor Wa ter Cleanup System Operation HC.OP-AB.RPV-0009(Q), Shutdown Cooling


HC.OP-GP.SM-0001(Q), Defeating N SSSS Isolation Signals For Shutdown Cooling HC.OP-DL.ZZ-0026(Q), Daily Surveillance Log HC.MD-PM.KF-0002(Q), Lubrication of R eactor Building Polar Crane Main Aux Hoists HC.MD-PM.KF-0012(Q), Overhead Crane and Hoist Load Tests HC.MD-FR.KE-0035(Q), Reactor Pressure Vessel Disassembly MA-AA-716-008, Foreign Material Exclusion Program HC.IC-GP.BB-0003(Q), Nuclear Boiler - Nondivisional Channel L-11683 /

B21-N027 Rx Cavity Flood Up Level

/ Rx Shutdown Range Level Setup HC.MD-FR.KE-0012(Q), Main Steam Line Plug Installation 7.6 CD-087E, (INPO SER 38-85) CD-443X, (FSAR CD-692A, (INPO SOER 82-01R01 CD-608G, (NSR AR M20-92-022) CD-609G, (NHO LET 4EC-3411) CD-210E, (INPO SOER 85-04, R-04) CD-391H, (LER 95-035) 7.7 GE Letter - HCGS-L-86-110 (CD-255G)

Surveillances required for entering O perational Condition 5 are completed.

1. Maintenance
2. I&C 3. Chemistry
4. Reactor Engineering 5. Radiation Protection
6. Operations
7. Technical
8. Nuclear Site Protection
9. ISI Date All department system requirements, above, fo r entering OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5 are satisfied.


The plant is in OPERATIONAL CONDITION 5, the Reactor Vessel, Reactor Cavity AND Dryer Separator Pools are in a Refueling configuration.

SM/CRS Date Time

1. System Engineering and/or Nuclear Fuels Group has provided the following information:

Analysis to determine Alternate Decay Heat Removal Methods.

System Engineer/Nuclear Fuels Date Time "Time to Boil" Calculations.

System Engineer/Nuclear Fuels Date Time "Combined MBtu/hr" vs. "Days A fter Shutdown" data tables System Engineer/Nuclear Fuels Date Time

2. The SM has been informed that the Alte rnate Decay Heat Removal method will adequately remove decay heat for the system lineup specif ied by System Engineering, IAW Technical Specification 3/4.9.11. (Alter nate FPCC Assist mode may only satisfy the Action Statement requirements of 3/

SM Date Time

3. RWCU in the Regenerative Heat Exc hanger Bypass Mode of operation IAW HC.OP-SO.BG-0001(Q), IF required.

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

4. one, OR both, Fuel Pool Cooling Heat Exchangers in service IAW HC.OP-SO.EC-0001(Q).

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time


flow through the core WITH either one Recirculation Pump, (IAW HC.OP-SO.BB-0002(Q)), OR one RHR Pump aligned for shutdown cooling WITH the Heat Exchanger bypassed, IAW HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q).

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

6. C RHR Pump has been placed in service for Alternate Decay Heat Removal IAW HC.OP-AB.RPV-0009(Q).

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

7. D RHR Pump has been placed in service for Alternate Decay Heat Removal IAW HC.OP-AB.RPV-0009(Q).

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

8. RHR is in Alternate FPCC Assist mode IAW HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q), IF required.

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

9. RWCU is being cooled by Chilled Water IAW HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q), IF required.

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

10. Natural Circulation, with FPCC and RW CU as cooling medium is being utilized IAW HC.OP-SO.BC-0002(Q), IF required.

SM/CRS/NCO Date Time

The Refuel Bridge should be positioned so that the west end of the bridge is not over the Fuel Pool.

1.1 a communications cable from the Storeroom. ____

1.2 the cover on the Junction Box on the West end of the Refuel Bridge (JB3). (This is the Junction Box where the Refuel Bridge cable reel terminates). ____

1.3 the end of the communication c able opposite the headset connection AND to the termination points in Junction Box #3 as follows: Black Connector to JB3 TL1 ____ White Conductor to JB3 TL2 ____ Green Conductor to JB3 TL3 ____ Red Conductor to JB3 TL4 ____

1.4 a Job Information tag to the cable.[]____ 1.5 the communication cable to the fr ont of Junction Box #3 at the bottom. ____

1.6 the cable to the unistrut to pr event the cable from being pulled loose from the termination points inside the Junction Box. ____ 1.7 a headset to the temporary communications cable AND communications to the Control Room using the Gaitronics isolate circuit. ____ 1.8 the cover to Junction Box #3 on the West end of the Refuel Bridge. ____

1.9 communications established by calling the Control Room and confirming response. ____ 1.10 the SM/CRS that the temporary Gaitronics Cable to the Refueling Bridge has been installed. ____

The transient assumptions used to support the flood up analysis are:

1. Cooldown from operating tem perature 547°F to 150°F at 100°F/hr at normal water level of 30" (557.5" above vessel zero) 2. Flood up from normal water level, 557.5" abov e vessel zero, to the top of the head, 875" above vessel zero, at 15 inches per minute or 3212.8 gal/min. Source of water will be the condensate storage tank. The minimum temperatur e of this tank should be assumed to be 55°F. Normally this tank is maintained above 60°F. 3. After flood up cooldown to ambient temperature (100°F) at 100°F/hr.

The above is the data input for the analysis.

It should be considered bounding. The procedure has conservative steps and values as guidelines , so these bounding values are not exceeded.

Having the Coolant Temperature warmer (160 o F - 170 o F) and Level higher (80" - 90"), and filling the vessel at a slower rate (10"/min.), ma intains the cooldown rate of the Vessel Head less than that of the analysis, and t herefore more conservative.

Comments __________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________





















1.1 Using RM-23A at H1SP -1SPRI-4856A, panel 10C604, the following:

1.1.1. Channel 1, ITEM 009. ____


a setpoint value of1.00 E-2. ____


the following: Control Room annunciator E6 A3, REFUEL FL EXH RAD ALARM/TRBL off ____ Channel 1 red HIGH LED off (RM-23A) ____ 1.2 Using RM-23A at H1SP -1SPRI-4856B, panel 10C604, the following:

1.2.1. Channel 1, ITEM 009. ____


a setpoint value of1.00 E-2. ____


the following: Control Room annunciator E6 A3, REFUEL FL EXH RAD ALARM/TRBL off ____ Channel 1 red HIGH LED off (RM-23A) ____ 1.3 Using RM-23A at H1SP -1SPRI-4856C, panel 10C604, the following:

1.3.1. Channel 1, ITEM 009. ____


a setpoint value of1.00 E-2. ____


the following: Control Room annunciator E6 A3, REFUEL FL EXH RAD ALARM/TRBL off ____ Channel 1 red HIGH LED off (RM-23A) ____

Selecting Items

either MON key to select moni tor items, or designated channel key to select channel items.

numerically valued keys to obtain three digit item to be selected, then ITEM key. The present value of monitor or channel item will be displayed.

Entering Values

Monitor or channel item values are entered as a 3 (000),

or 4 (0000) digit array, or in engineering notation (0.00 E+00).

2.1 monitor or channel item to be changed as described above.

2.2 numerical keys to obtain desired value.


value of channel item 015 to a value of 1.00 E+5.

2.1 channel item 015. 2.2 Using numeric keys, "1", "0", "0", "+", "0", "5".

2.3 ENTER key, and value 1.00 E+5 is displayed.