LD-90-093, Forwards Info Re Performance of CE Fuel During 1989

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Forwards Info Re Performance of CE Fuel During 1989
Person / Time
Site: 05000605
Issue date: 12/11/1990
From: Toelle S
To: Rosalyn Jones
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML20058L685 List:
LD-90-093, LD-90-93, NUDOCS 9402040133
Download: ML20059L354 (8)


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December 11, 1990 LD-90-093 p[  !

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Mr. Robert C. Jones, Chief \- \  ;

Reactor Systems Branch 1 Division of Systems Technology Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Attn: Document Control Desk '

Washington, D. C. 20555 *


Combustion Engineering Nuclear Fuel  !

Performance for 1989 .

.i Reference.t Letter, R. C. Jones (NRC) to A. E. Scherer

(C-E), dated September 20, 1990 l


Dear Mr. Jones:

In the reference, you requested information on the_ .

performance of Combustion Engineering.(C-E) fue) during- .

1989. The enclosed text, tables and-figure provide  !

information on C-E nuclear fuel. As.in the past, .'

C-E would appreciate the opportunity to review draft material that describes the performance of our fuel prior-  ;

to publication.  ;

If you should have any questions concerning the  !

enclosures, please do not hesitate to call me or Mr. Mario Robles of my staff at (203) 285-5210. i Sincerely yours, .


S. A. Toelle '

Manager-Operating Reactor-Licensing SAT:lw


As Stated ,

ABB Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power Co m :orEng eema N - 1000 Nemect Hi %aa Teiepsonc (203: tas $9' l p -

bo e r .c 009$ DV.6 ' e 99h97 C EN WSO4 A ppR g 4

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1989 Performance Summary for C-E fluclear fuel Table I summarizes the number of Combustion Engineering (C-E) fuel assemblies ,

and fuel rods irradiated and/or discharged, and the batch-average burnups achieved during the 1989 calendar year. Table 2 summarizes the corrected coolant iodine-131 activities reported for each reactor cycle at plants  ;

operating with C-E fuel in 1989. The corrected activities were obtained using the liiPO standard method, which includes a correction for tramp uranium and normalizes each plant to an industry standard coolant puri'ication rate.  !

Table 3'provides the cumulative irradiation experience ci active and  !

discharged C-E fuel through December 31, 1989. Toole 4 gives the current status of the major C-E fuel research and development programs.

Figure 1 demonstrates 'a significant decrease in the average corrected coolant activity for all plants with C-E fuel over the 1987-1989 period. The values plotted at the end of 1989 for'the average plant activity (0.0096uCi/g) and -

the median plant activity (0.0023 uti/g) compare well with the performance reported by INPO for the U.S. PWR industry in 1989.

Based on fuel examinations, it is estimated that about 75% of the leaking fuel ~t that operated during this same period wa.s2 aused by debris-induced fretting ,

wear of the Zircaloy-4 fuel rod c yladdiJii)y of these leaking fuel rods -

were regov2d_and._rtplaced_xiUrSon-fuele_d_ rod uring refueling outages.using g-T'Tuel assembiv reenno ituNer ~^ tSods.d e overall reliability of C-E fuel it the end of 1989, excludipg failures cabsed by debris-induced fretting wear, is estimated to exceed 99.997%.  ;

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TABLE 1 Summary of Combustion Engineering Fuel Irradiated and/or Discharged in 1989 Number of Assemblies thimber of Fuel Rods Reactor / Fuel In Reactor at Discharged in Reactor at Discharged Batch-Averaged Burnup, mwd /MTU l (Fuel Cycle) Batch End of Year Durina Year End of Year Durina Ynar On Onc. 31, 1989 at Discharge-Arkansas-2/ F 17 0 4,012. 0 32,300 ------

(Cycles 7&B) G 0 49 0 11,324 ------ 43,000 H 28 32 6,352 7,040 35,500 37.000 J 68 0 15,312 0 19,000 ------

K 64 0 14,416 0 500 ------

Calvert K 69 0 12,144 0 34,100 -------

Cliffs-1/ L 52 0 9,152 0 23,000 ------

- (Cycle 10) M 92 0 15,280 0 13,000 ------

Calvert H 69 0 12,144 0 43,000 ------

Cliffs-2/ -J 60 0 10,560 0 34,000 ------

(Cycle 8) K 88 0 14,800 0 22,000 ------  !

Fort Calhoun/ M 44 0 7,552 0 25,000 ------

(Cycle 12) N 44 0 7,552 0 10,000 -- ---

Maine Yankee / N 64 0 10,880 0 37,500 ------

(Cycle 11) P 72 0 12,400 0 27,000 ------

Q 72 0 12,464 0 13,000 ------

Palo Verde-1/ B 97 0 21,340 0 28,300 --- --

(Cycle 2). C 64 0- 14,'720 0 25,200 ------

D 80 0 18,528 0 12,500 ------

i b

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t TABLE 1 Summary of Combustion Engineering Fuel Irradiated and/or Discharged in 1989. (continued)

Number of Assemblies flumber of Fuel Rods Reactor / Fuel In Reactor at Discharged in Reactor at Discharged Batch-Averaged Burnup, mwd /MTU ,

(Fuel Cycle) Batch End of Year Durinq Year End of Year Durinq Year On Dec. 31, 1989 at Discharqe Palo Verde-2/ B 69 0 15,180 0 29,500 ------

(Cycle 2) C 64 0 14,720' O 29,000 -~-

D 108 0 24,400 0 16,500 ------

y Palo Verde-3/ A 69 0 16,284 0 15,300 ------

(Cycle 1) B 108 0 ~23,760 0 17,100 ------

C 64 0 14,720 0 12,500 ------

St. Lucie-2/ 0 4 -57 944 '3,252 36.000 42,000 (Cycles 4&5) E 57 27 13,212 6,068 35,000 33,000 ,'

'F 76 0 17,536 0 23,500 ------

G 80 0 18,448 0 9,000 ------

San Onofre-2/ A 1 5 236 1,180- 15,000 30,000 (Cycles 4&5) D- 0 16 0 3,776 ------ 30,900 E O 88 0- 20,320 ------ 36,000 .;

F 108 0 24,112 0 23,400- ------

l G 108 0 24,112- 0 500 ------

San Onofre-3/ A 5 0 1,180- 0 28,200 ------ i (Cycle 4) D 16 0 3,776 0 28,900 ------

E 88- 0 20,320 0 32,000- ------

F 108 0 24,112 0 19,800 ----- -

Waterford-3/ C 1 41 224- 9,664 29,000 32,000 -

(Cycles 3&4) D 48 44 11,232 10,080 33,500_ ~34,000.

E 84 0 .18,896 0 19,000- ------

F 84 0- 18,896 0 1,500 -------

Yankee-Rowe/ A 0 40 0 9,130 ------ 31,000 (Cycles 19&20) B 36 0 ~8,222- . 0 26,100 -----+:

C 40 0 9,~090 0 10,100 ------- '

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Corrected lodine-131(d) in the Primary Coolant of Reactors Containing Combustion Engineering Fuel in 1989 Corrected fuel Beginning End of lodine-13]

Poactor Cvcle of Cyclo Cycle uCi/q(e)

Arkansas-2 (a) 7 05-18-88 09-25-89 0.0190 8 11-18-89 02-15-9](b) 0.0003 Calvert Cliffs-1 10(c) 07-01-88 ll-15-9)(b) 0.0130 Calvert Cliffs-2 8 06-13-87 03-17-89 0.0520 fort Calhoun 12(c) 01-29-89 02-17-90 0.0016 liainc Yankee 11(c) 12-13-88 04-07-90 0.0002 Palo Verde-1 2 03-01-88 04-08-89 0.0300 Palo Verde-2 2 06-18-88 02-14-90 0.0100 Palo Verde-3 1 10-25-87 03-05-89 0.0067 Saint Lucie-2 4 11-22-87 02-01-89 0.0081 5 04-25-89 10-01-90 0.0009 San Onofre-2 4 12-09-87 09-08-89 0.0145 5 11-17-89 08-15-91(b) 0.0003 San Onofre-3 4 08-16-88 04-15-90 0.0023 Waterford-3 3 05-29-88 09-22-89 0.0028 4 11-19-89 03-15-91(b) 0.0050 Yankee Rowe 20 01-15-89 06-23-90 0.0020 h

(a) Arkansas Nuclear One-Unit 2 (also known as AND-2).

(b) Projected end-of-cycle date.

(c) Contains fuel from Combustion Engineering and another supplier.

(d) Corrected for tramp uranium and normalized to the same cleanup rate using the standard INPO method.

(e) End-of-cycle or end-of-1989 values.

1 .

TABLE 3 Combustion Engineering Burnup Experience With All-Zircaloy Assemblies: '

Status as of December 31, 1989 In-Core Fuel .

Discharged Fuel Discharged Fuel Assemblies with Assemblies with Assemblies with Fuel Assembly Pressurized Fuel Rods Pressurized Fuel Rods Nonpressurized Fuel Rods l Batch Average No. of Fuel No. of No. of Fuel No. of No. of Fuel 'No. of Burnup. mwd /mtu Assemblies Fuel Rods Assemblies Fuel Rods Assemblies Fuel Rods O to 3,999 256 57,424 0 0 0 0 4,000 to. 7,999 0 0 6 1,048 0 -0  ?

8,000 to 11,999 320 67,218 25 4,400 208 40,500 12,000 to 15,999 261 53,500 444 97,172 190 35,351 16,000 to 19,999 437 98,364 389 77,252 24- 3,840 20,000 to 23.999 248 48,064 265 50,836 0- 0 24,000 to 27,999 284 62,750 942 185,586 0 0  ;

28,000 to 31,999 347 74,196 1003 183,518 0 0  :

32,000_to 35,999- 178 34,160 892 176,504 0 0 36,000.to 39,999 49 11,308 432 87,304 0 0 40,000 to 43,999 190 '36,236 358 68,170 0' 0- .

44,000.to~47,999 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,000 to 51,999 0 0 3 579 0 0 -

52,000 to 55,999 0 0 1 176: 0 0- 1 56,000 to 59,999 0 0 4 702 0 0 t

2,570 543,220 4,764 933,247 >422 79,691.

Total Assemblies Supplied = 7,756 Total Fuel Rods. Supplied.= 1,556,158 i

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TABLE 4 Major' Fuel Research and Development' Programs: Status Through Mid-1990.'

Planned No.

(Completed No.) Scheduled Interim of Operating Completion Inspections Vendor Fuel Type Power Plant Cycles- of Program to Dato Combustion Engineering 14x14(a) Calvert Cliffs-1 5 (5) Completed 5 14x14(8) Fort Calhoun 6 (6) Completed 4 >

14x14(b) Calvert Cliffs-1 5 (5), Part I Completed 5 5 (5),-Part 2 1991 b) -5 14x14(c) Calvert Cliffs-2 3 (0) 1996 'O 16x165C)

. Arkansas-2 Id) 3 (3) Completed 3 16x16 58) _ Arkansas-2 3 (3) Completed 3 16x16(f) . ' Arkansas-2 5 (5) 1991(h) 5 16x16(C) St. Lucie-2 3 (2) Completed 1 >

16x16(') Paln Verde 1 3 (2) 1992 2 16x16(9) Palo Vcede-1 3 (1) 1994 1-14x14(1) Maint: Yankee 12 (12) 1991- 3 (a) Standard-design, high-burnup program.

~(b) Standard an'd advanced fuel ~ design LTAs .

(c) Burnable poison irradiation _ program.

(d) Arkansas Nuclear One-Unit 2 (also known as ANO-2).

I') Standard surveillance' program.

YIStandard and advanced fuel design, high-burnup program.

'I9) Advanced cladding designs. ,

(h) Hot cell examination of high.burnup fuel'yet_to be performed.

(i) Hot cell' examination of high exposure control element' assemblies.

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Corrected Coolant I-131 Activity vs Time All U.S. PWR Plants with C-E Fuel Coolant _ _ _ _ _



l Activity, r c E . .

O Average of Plants -

M Ci/g V Median Plant 0.03 -


I J y.

\ .  ! -

2, i i i 0.02 -

l .

i l  !

! i O.01 -

0.00 l l l  !  !  ! !  !  !  !  ! l l D fects 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 i 1987 I 1988 l 1989 I 1990 I Calendar Year and Quarter

  • December 31,1989 INPO Standard Method

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