L-03-072, Annual Radioactive Release Report for 2002, Table of Contents Through Attachment E

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Annual Radioactive Release Report for 2002, Table of Contents Through Attachment E
Person / Time
Site: Beaver Valley
Issue date: 04/25/2003
From: Bezilla M
FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Co
Document Control Desk, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
L-03-072 RTL#A9.621B
Download: ML031220764 (107)


New: 1/2-ODC-1.O1 Old: INDEX & APP. F

RTL #A9.621B Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 1/2-ODC-1.01 ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Document Owner Manager, Radiation Protection Revision Number 2 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes a

Beaver Valley Power Station ProedureDNumber Tie:

Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referenc ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

__ _____ __ __ __ __ __ __ 6f 67 -1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PURPOSE. 4 2.0 SCOPE. 4


AND COMMITMENTS .............................. . 4 3.1 References Used in This Procedure ............................. 4 3.2 Summary of References Used Throughout Other Procedures of the ODCM ......................... 5 3.3 Commitments .. 9 4.0 RECORDS AND FORMS ........................................................... . 10 4.1 Records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 4.2 Forms ............................................................ 10 5.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS ........................................................... 10 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRflERIA ........................................................... . 10 7.0 PREREQUISITES ............................................................ 1 8.0 PROCEDURE ... 11 8.1 Description of ODCM Structure .. I 8.1.1 1/2-ODC-1.01, ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM changes . II 8.1.2 1/2-ODC-2.01, ODCM: Liquid Effluents .12 8.1.3 1/2-ODC-2.02, ODCM: Gaseous Effluents ............................. I' 8.1.4 1/2-ODC-2.03, ODCM: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program. 13 8.1.5 1/2-ODC-2.04, ODCM: Information Related to 40 CFR 190 .13 8.1.6 1/2-ODC-3.01, ODCM: Dispersion Calculational Procedure and Source Term Inputs .14 8.1.7 1/2-ODC-3.02, ODCM: Bases for ODCM Controls .14 8.1.8 1/2-ODC-3.03, ODCM: Controls for RETS and REMP Programs . 15 8.2 History Of ODCM Changes .16 8.2.1 Change (1) of BV-I ODCM (Issue 1, Effective January, 1984) .16 8.2.2 Change (2) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 1,Revision 1,Effective October, 1984) .16 8.2.3 Change (3) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 1, Revision 2, Effective July, 1986) . 16 8.2.4 Change (4) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 2, Effective July, 1987), and BV-2 ODCM (Issue 1,Revision 1,Effective July, 1987). 17 8.2.5 Change (5) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 2, Revision 1 Effective December, 1987),

and BV-2 ODCM (Issue 1, Revision 2, Effective December, 1987) .18 8.2.6 Change (6) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 2, Revision 2 Effective June, 1989), and BV-2 ODCM (Issue 1, Revision 3, Effective June, 1989) .18 8.2.7 Change (7) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Effective August, 1995) .20 8.2.8 Change (8) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 1, Effective October, 1995)24 8.2.9 Change (9) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 2, Effective May 1997) ...28 8.2.10 Change (10) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 3, Effective June 1997).29 8.2.11 Change (11) of BV-I and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 4, Effective March 1998' 8.2.12 Change (12) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 5, Effective November 1998) .31 8.2.13 Change (13) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 6, Effective May 1999) .32 8.2.14 Change (14) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Revision 14, Effective March 2000) . 33 8.2.15- Change (15) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Revision 15, Effective August 2000) . 34

Poedur Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01 Unit Level Of Use:


,1/2 General Skill Reference Page Number.

ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision:

T3of 67 TABLE OF CONTENTS 8.2.16 Change (16) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Effective April 2002) ................................ 36 8.2.17 Change (17) of BV-1 and 2 OCDM (Effective August 2002) ............................. 39 ATTACHMENT A LIST OF ODCM TABLES ........................................ 42.

ATTACHMENT B LIST OF ODCM FIGURES ........................................ 48 49 ATTACHMENT C ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX ........................................


Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number 1/2-ODC-101


Unit Level Of Use:

General Skill Referent ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number ODCM: ndex,4 of 67 1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides an index for the entire Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM).

1.2 This procedure also provides an historical description of all changes to the ODCM.

1.3 This procedure also contains a matrix of plant procedure references for Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS), Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP) surveillances that were transferred from the Technical Specification Procedure Matrix to the ODCM via Change (8) and Change (16).

1.3.1 Prior to issuance of this procedure, these items were located in the Index and Appendix F

of the old ODCM.

1.3.2 The numbering of each specific ODCM Controls, ODCM Surveillance Requirements and ODCM Controls Tables contained in this procedure does not appear to be sequential.

This is intentional, as all ODCM Controls, ODCM Surveillance Requirements and ODCM Controls Tables numbers remained the same when they were transferred from the Technical Specifications Procedure Matrix. This was done in an effort to minimize the amount of plant procedure changes and to eliminate any confusion associated with numbering changes.

2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to all station personnel that are qualified to perform activities as described and referenced in this procedure.


AND COMMITMENTS 3.1 References Used in This Procedure 3.1.1 NUREG-0472, Draft 7 for Rev. 3, Standard Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications For PWRs September, 1982. l 3.1.2 NUREG-0133, Preparation Of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications For Nuclear Power Plants, October, 1978.

3.1.3 Generic Letter 89-01, Implementation Of Programmatic Controls For Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications In The Administrative Controls Section Of The Technical Specifications And The Relocation Of Procedural Details Of RETS To The ODCM Or To The PCP, January 31, 1989.

3.1.4 NUREG-1301, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological Effluent Controls For Pressurized Water Reactors, Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1, April, 1991.

3.1.5 1/2-OD-C-3.03, ODCM: Controls for RETS and REMP Programs

Procedure N'umber Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

112 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number 3.1.6 1/2-ADM-1640, Control of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 3.1.7 1/2-ADM-0100, Procedure Writer's Guide 3.1.8 1/2-ADM-0101, Review and Approval of Documents

.3.2 Summary of References Used Throughout Other Procedures of the ODCM 3.2.1 BVPS-1 and 2 UFSAR: BVPS-1 UFSAR Section 11.2.3; Gaseous Waste Disposal System BVPS-1 UFSAR Section 11.2.4; Liquid Waste Disposal System BVPS-2 UFSAR Section 11.2; Liquid Waste Management Systems BVPS-2 UFSAR Section 11.3; Gaseous Waste Management Systems 3.2.2 Condition Reports: CR 971578, MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC Discrepancies. CA-001, Revise Section 4 of the ODCM to clarify how doses due to effluents for members of the public (conducting activities inside the site boundary) are derived and reported. . CR 980129, ODCM Procedure Matrix Discrepancies. CA-001, Revise Appendix F of the ODCM to correct discrepancies with 1/2-OM L5 Surveillance Logs. CR 980353, EPMP 2.01 Discrepancies for Environmental Sampling Locations.

CA-001, Revise Section 3 of the ODCM to correct REMP sample site distances and sectors. CR 981488, Chemistry Related ODCM Procedures and ODCM Appendix F References. CA-001, Revise ODCM Appendix F to add Chemistry procedure references. CR 981489, ODCM Table 4.11-2 Row A (Waste Gas Storage Tank Discharge Tritium). CA-001, Revise Appendix C of the ODCM (Table 4.11-2) to add clarification as to where and when tritium samples are to be obtained for GWST discharges. CR 981490, ODCM Table 4.11-2 Note e, and Related Chemistry Department Procedures. CA-001, Revise Appendix C of the ODCM (Table 4.11-2, Note e) to specify the proper tritium sample point. CR 982097, Liquid Discharge Post Release Review Methodology. CA-001, Revise Section 1 of the ODCM to add clarification for calculation of radionuclide concentration when the Post Dose Correction Factor is >1.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1P2dODCe1.Ol l


Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number CR 990025, Unnecessary Radiation Monitor Setpoint Change After Waste Discharges. No ODCM changes are required for this CR. CR 992652, Discrepancies Concerning ODCM Surviellances of Unit 1 Gaseous Effluent Instrumentation. CA-002, Revise Appendix F of the ODCM to make proper reference to the HP Shift logs. CR 993021, Apparent Failure to Test RM-DA-100 Trip Function as Required by ODCM. No ODCM changes are required for this CR. CR 001682, ODCM Action 28 Guidance. CA-002, Revise Appendix C of the ODCM (Table 3.3-13, Action 28) to differentiate actions associated with Inoperable Process Flow Rate Monitors vs. Sample Flow Rate Monitors. CR 02-05533, Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03, ATTACHIMENT E Missing Information.

CA-001, Revise ODCM procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03 (Table 3.3-12) to include minimum channels operable and associated actions when Flow Rate Measurement Device [FR-lLW-103] is inoperable. CR 02-5711, TS and ODCM changes not reflected in 1OM-54.3.L5 Surveillance Log. CA-001, Revise 1/2-ODC-3.03 to add a requirement for applicable station groups notification of pending ODCM changes. CR 02-06174, Tracking of Activities for Unit 1 RCS Zinc Addition Implementation. CA-013, Revise ODCM procedure 1/2-ODC-1.01 to include a

discussion as to why Zn-65 is being added to the ODCM. CA-014, Revise ODCM procedure 1/2-ODC-2.01 (Tables 1.1-la and lb) to include the addition of Zn-65 to ODCM liquid source term.

3.2.3 Calculation Packages: ERS-ATL-83-027; Liquid Waste Dose Factor Calculation for BPM-RP 6.5, Issue 3

and Later ERS-SFL-85-031; Gaseous Effluent Monitor Efficiency Data ERS-ATL-86-008; ODCM Alarm Setpoint Revisions for Gaseous Monitors ERS-HHM-87-014; Unit 1/2 ODCM Gaseous Effluent Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determinations ERS-ATL-87-026; BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 ODCM T Factor Justification ERS-ATL-89-014; Verification/Validation of ODCM R Values

Beaver Valley 8 Power_ r Station

  • 1 -*z r aProcedurCNumber

<1/2-ODC-1.01 Tile: Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 IGeneral Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number. ERS-ATL-90-021; Justification for Removal of Technical Specification Process Flowrate Measurement Requirements for 2RMQ-RQ301, 2RMQ-RQ303 and 2HVL-RQ112 ERS-ATL-95-006; Re-evaluation of TS/ODCM SR's, and Notes e and g of TS/ODCM Table 4.11-1 ERS-ATL-95-007; Verification of Outside Storage Tank Activity Limit of TS Stone and Webster UR(B)-160; BVPS Liquid Radwaste Releases and Concentrations - Expected and Design Cases (Per Unit and Site) 3.2.4 Internal Letters: DLC Response to NRC Unresolved Item 83-30-05, Radiation Monitor Study-Particle Distribution Evaluation, November 26, 1986. ND1SHP:776, BVPS-1 ODCM Table 2.2-2, Appendix B, February 12, 1988 ND3NSM:3431; Technical Specification Verification Effort, August 11, 1988 NDLNSM:3522; Technical Specification Verification Effort Checklist, September 14, 1988 NDlNSM:3652; Technical Specification Verification Effort, November 21, 1988 NPD3SHP:2466; Self Assessment of the Liquid and Gaseous Effluent Processes at BVPS - Final Report, July 16, 1997 NPD3SHP:2257; ODCM Liquid Waste Recirculation Rates, February 11, 1998 NPD3SHP:2643; Action 28 of ODCM Appendix C Table 3.3-13, January 14, 1999 ND3MNO:4309; Response to Request for Technical Specification Interpretation, April 20, 1999.

3.2.5 Contractor Technical Evaluation Reports: EGG-PHY-8194; Technical Evaluation Report for the Evaluation of ODCM Updated through Issue 2, Revision 1,Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 1, September 1988 EGG-PHY-8217; Technical Evaluation Report for the Evaluation of ODCM updated through Issue 1, Revision 2, Beaver Valley Power Station, Unit 2, September 1988

Beaver Valley Power Station P2ro0DC-.oNm1


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number NUS-2173; Development of Terrain Adjustment Factors For Use at the Beaver Valley Power Station for the Straight-Line Atmospheric Dispersion Model, June 1978 UCRL-50564; Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements in Edible Aquatic Organisms, Revision 1, 1972 3.2.6 NRC Letters: Unit 1 Technical Specification Amendment 66, March 28, 1983 Beaver Valley Unit 2 - Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, ODCM (TAC 63996),

July 14, 1987 Beaver Valley Units 1 and 2 - Acceptance of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manuals (TAC 93996 and 67421), March 2, 1989 Unit 1/2 Technical Specification 6.8.6, including Amendments lA-188/2A-70 (LAR IA-175/2A-37), Implemented August 7, 1995 Unit 1/2 Technical Specification 6.8.6, including Amendments IA-194/2A-77 (LAR's IA-231/2A-101), Implemented December 1, 1995 Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Figure 5.1-2, including Amendments 1A-202/2A-83 (LAR IA-234/2A-107, Implemented June 9, 1997 Unit 1/2 Technical Specifications and 6.9.2, including Amendments IA-220/2A-97 (LAR IA-246/2A-1 16), Implemented May 20, 1999 Unit 1/2 Technical Specification, including Amendments IA-246/2A-124 (LAR IA-287/2A-159), Implemented April 11, 2002 Unit 1/2 Technical Specifications&,, 6.8.6, and 6.9.2 including Amendments IA-250/2A-130 (LAR IA-291/2A-163), Implemented August 7, 2002

3.2.7 NUREG's NUREG-0017, Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from Pressurized Water Reactors, (PWR- Gale Code), Revision 1, April 1985 NUREG 0133; Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specification for Nuclear Power Plants, October 1978 NUREG-0172; Age-Specific Radiation Dose Commitment Factors for a One-Year Chronic Intake, November 1977

Procedure Number~

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: 9ge Number.

3.27. NRE-034,XODO, rogamfo te Mteroogca Evlato ofRouin NUREG-0324, XOQDOQ, Program for the Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Releases at Nuclear Power Stations, September 1977 NUREG-0472; Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for PWR's. NUREG-1301; Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance: Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Pressurized Water Reactors (Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1), April 1991 NUREG-1431; Standard Technical Specification - Westinghouse Plants Specifications NUREG/CR-2919; Meteorological Evaluation of Routine Effluent Releases At Nuclear Power Stations, September 1982 3.2.8 Regulatorv Guides: RG-1.23; Meteorological Measurement Program For Nuclear Power Plants RG-1.109; Calculation of Annual Doses to Man From Routine Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance with 10 CFR Part 50, Appendix I, April 1977 RG-1.1 11; Methods For Estimating Atmospheric Transport And Dispersion of Gaseous Effluents In Routine Releases From Light-Water-Cooled Reactors, Revision 1, July 1977 RG-1.1 13; Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents From Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases For The Purpose of Implementing Appendix I, April 1977 3.3 Commitments a

3.3.1 10CFR20.1302, Compliance with dose limits for individual members of the public.

3.3.2 10CFR50.36a, Technical Specifications on effluents from nuclear power reactors.

3.3.3 Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, Numerical Guides For Design Objectives and Limiting Conditions For Operation to Meet The Criterion "As Low As Reasonably Achievable" For Radioactive Material in Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Effluents.

3.3.4 40CFR Part 190, Environmental Radiation Protection Standards For Nuclear Power Operations.

Beaver Valley Power Station edureNu2-ODC1.1 Title. Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referer ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Numbe1 2_ 10 of 67 4.0 RECORDS AND FORIMS 4.1 Records 4.1.1 Any calculation supporting ODCM changes shall be documented, as appropriate, by a retrievable document (eg; letter or calculation package) with an appropriate RTL number.

4.2 Forms 4.2.1 None 5.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 5.1 This OFFSITE DOSE CALCULATION MANUAL (ODCM) provides the information and methodologies to be used by Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1 and Unit 2 (BV-1) and (BV-2) to assure compliance with the Administrative Controls Section of the operating Technical Specifications. They are intended to show compliance with 10 CFR 20.1302,(32.I) 10 CFR 50.36a,( 3 2 2 ) Appendix I of 10 CFR Part 50,(3-2.3) and 40 CFR Part 190.(3.2.4) 5.2 This ODCM is based on the NUREG's and Generic Letter documents from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.( 3 l' 3-1-2, Specific plant procedures for implementation of the ODCM are included in various site procedures and documents, and are utilized by the operating staff to assure compliance with Technical Specifications and the CONTROLS Procedure of the ODCM: (3.l5) 5.3 The ODCM has been prepared as generically as possible in order to minimize the need for future versions. However, some changes to the ODCM may be necessary in the future. Any such changes will be properly prepared, reviewed, and approved as indicated in the Administrative Control Section of the Technical Specifications.

5.3.1 An implementation procedure for control of the ODCM is included in 1/2-ADM-164o (3.1.6) 5.4 This procedure also contains information that was previously contained in Appendix F of the previous BV-1 and 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

5.4.1 In regards to this, the Tables that were transferred from Appendix F to the appropriate ATTACHMENTS of this procedure will still contain a prefix denoting an "F".

6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.1 All changes to this procedure shall contain sufficient justification that the change will maintain the level of radioactive Effluent Control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50, and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.(3'l 7 )

Procedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2..ODC1.0~1


Unit: Level Of Use:

112 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

__ __ II nf A7 6.1. 1 All changes to this procedure shall be prepared in accordance with 1/2-ADM-0100(3 17 and 1/2-ADM-1640. (3 -6) 6.1.:2 All changes to this procedure shall be reviewed and approved in accordance with 1/2-ADM-0101( 3' 8 ) and 1/2-ADM-1640. (3.1.6) 7.0 PREREOUISITES 7.1 The user of this procedure shall be familiar with ODCM structure and content.

8.0 PROCEDURE 8.1 Description of ODCM Structure 8.1.1 1/2-ODC-1.01,ODCM: Index, Matrix and Historv of ODCM changes (formerly: ODCM Index and Appendix F) History of ODCM Changes Summary of ODCM References List of Tables (ATTACHMENT A) List of Figures (ATTACHMENT B) Matrix of Procedures Used to Meet ODCM Controls (ATTACHMENT C) BV-1 Radiation Monitor Surveillances BV-1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Surveillances BV-2 Liquid Effluent Monitor Surveillances BV-1 Gaseous Effluent Mobitor Surveillances BV-2 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Liquid Effluent Concentration Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Liquid Effluent Dose Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Liquid Effluent Treatment Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Air Dose Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Particulate and Iodine Surveillances 8.1.1;5.11 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Treatment Surveillances

Procedure Number:

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referent ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

v 1)2nf 67 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Total Dose Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent REMP Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Land Use Census Surveillances BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Interlaboratory Comparison Program Surveillances 8.1.2 1/2-ODC-2.01. ODCM: Liquid Effluents (formerly; ODCM Sections 1 and 5) Alarm Setpoints BV-1 Setpoint Deternination Based On A Conservative Mix BV-1 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release BV-2 Setpoint Determination Based On A Conservative Mix BV-2 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release Compliance With 10 CFR 20 EC Limits Batch Releases Continuous Releases Compliance With 10 CFR 50 Dose Limits . I Cumulation Of Doses I I Projection Of Doses Ii Liquid Radwaste Treatment System I BV-1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Components I BV-1 Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drain System Components BV-2 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Components i Site Boundary for Liquid Effluents Liquid Effluent Site Boundary 8.1.3 1/2-ODC-2.02. ODCM: Gaseous Effluents (formerly; ODCM Sections 2 and 5)

Beaver Valley Power Station Pedure NumDrODC ntle: tLevel O Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number Alarm Setpoints BV-1 Setpoint Determination Based On A Calculated Mix BV-1 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release BV-2 Setpoint Determination Based On A Calculated Mix BV-2 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release BV-1/2 Setpoint Determination Based On A Calculated Mix BV-1/2 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release Compliance With 10 CFR 20 Dose Rate Limits Dose Rate Due To Noble Gases Dose Rate Due To Radioiodines And Particulates Compliance With 10 CFR 50 Dose Limits Doses Due To Noble Gases Doses Due To Radioiodines And Particulates Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System BV-1 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Components BV-2 Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Components Site Boundary for Gaseous Effluents 8.1.4 1/2-ODC-2.03. ODCM: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (formerly; ODCM Section 3) Program Requirements 8.1.5 1/2-ODC-2.04. ODCM: Information Related to 40 CFR 190 (formerly; ODCM Section 4) Compliance with 40 CFR 190 Dose Limits Report Requirements Inside the Site Boundary Radiation Doses Gaseous Effluent Site Boundary

e VProcedure Beaver Valley Power Station Number 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

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8.1.6 1/2-ODC-3.01. ODCM: Dispersion Calculational Procedure and Source Term Inputs (formerly; ODCM Appendix A & B) Dispersion and Deposition Parameters BV-1 and 2 Release Conditions BV-1 Liquid Source Term Inputs BV-2 Liquid Source Term Inputs BV-1 Gaseous Source Term Inputs BV-2 Gaseous Source Term Inputs 8.1.7 1/2-ODC-3.02. ODCM: Bases for ODCM Controls (formerly; ODCM Appendix D) Bases Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Bases Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Bases Radioactive Gaseous Monitoring Instrumentation Bases Liquid Effluent Concentration Bases Liquid Effluent Dose Bases Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Bases Liquid Holdup Tanks Bases Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Bases Dose- Noble Gases Bases Dose - Radioiodines, Radioactive Material in Particulate Form, and Radionuclides Other Than Noble Gases Bases Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Bases Gas Storage Tanks Bases Total Dose Bases 3.12.1: REMP Program Requirements Bases 3.12.2: REMP - Land Use Census

Beavr ValeyPowe StaionProcedure Number PD _ S* *

  • 1/2-ODC-1.01


UniL Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number: Bases 3.12.3: REMP - Interlaboratory Comparison Program 8.1.8 1/2-ODC-3.03. ODCM: Controls for RETS and REMP Programs (formerly; ODCM Appendix C) Controls 3.0.1 thru 3.0.4: Applicability Controls 4.0.1 thru 4.0.4: Surveillance Requirements Control Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Control Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Control Radioactive Gaseous Monitoring Instrumentation Control Liquid Effluent Concentration Control Liquid Effluent Dose Control Liquid Radwaste Treatment System Control Liquid Holdup Tanks Control Gaseous Effluent Dose Rate Control Dose-Noble Gases Control Dose - Radioiodines, Radioactive Material in Particulate Form, and Radionuclides Other Than Noble Gases Control Gaseous Radwaste Treatment System Control Gas Storage Tanks Control Total Dose Control 3.12.1: REMP Program Requirements Control 3.12.2: REMP - Land Use Census Control 3.12.3: REMP - Interlaboratory Comparison Program Control 6.9.2: Annual REMP Report Control 6.9.3: Annual RETS Report

Beaver Valley Power Station . Procedure Number.

ProdrODCeN1.b1 Tritle: Unit: L Of evel Us e:

1/12 Gneral Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

___ __ ___ __ __16___ _of__ _67 8.2 History Of ODCM Changes 8.2.1 Change (1) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 1. Effective January, 1984) 82.1.1 This is the initial issue of the BV-1 ODCM, as prepared for implementation of the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS). Implementation of this manual was commensurate with Amendment No. 66 to the Unit 1 Technical Specifications as approved by the NRC on March 28,1983.

8.2.2 Change (2) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 1. Revision 1, Effective October, 1984) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Section 1.0: Table 1.3-1 was revised to include liquid dose factors for nuclides presently identified at BVPS and not included in the original table. Section 2.0: Equations 2.1-19 and 2.1-22 were revised as approved at RSC Meeting No. BVPS-RSC-1-84 on January 31, 1984. The equations were revised to clarify flow rate terminology. Section 2.0: Section 2.2.2 was revised to delete the food and ground pathways for gaseous dose rate calculations of I-131, tritium, and radionuclides in particulate form with half lives greater than 8 days. Section 2.0: Table 2.2-13 was revised to include 7 organs rather than only the maximum organ. Also, the receptor was changed from infant to child, and addition/deletion of nuclides to be consistent with the Technical Specifications and nuclides identified at BV-1.

8.2.3 Change (3) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 1, Revision 2, Effective July, 1986) A description of the changes that-were implemented with this revision are as follows: Section 1.0: Provide a flow based monitor setpoint adjustment factor in Section 1.1.2. This change makes Section 1.1.2 consistent with Section 1.1.1 and current procedures. Section 1.0 and 2.0: Revise the 31-day dose projection limits and methodology in Sections 1.3.2,, and This change corrected the 31-day dose projection limits and changed the dose projection methodology to be consistent with proposed software.

Beaver Valley Power Station ProedureNumer.


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

__ _17___ _of___ _67_ Section 2.0: Revise the Gaseous Effluent Monitor Setpoints in Sections 2.1.1 and 2.1.2. They were revised due to pressure corrections determined for the detectors, changes in isotopic literature, and the addition of SPING Channel 5 alternate monitor data. The calculations supporting this item are contained in Calculation Packages ERS-SFL-85-031 and ERS-ATL-86-008.

8.2.4 Change (4) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 2. Effective JuIy. 1987). and BV-2 ODCM (Issue 1, Revision 1. Effective July. 1987) With the start-up of BV-2 in the second half of 1987, the BV-1 ODCM required revision and the BV-2 ODCM required initial implementation. A description of the changes are as follows: Produce functionally compatible BV-1 and BV-2 ODCMs which address site dose rate limits and meet regulatory requirements. Note that due to the scope of the revisions to the Unit 1 ODCM, it was re-issued as Issue 2.

Also, for clarity, the draft BV-2 ODCM previously submitted to the NRC was regarded as Issue 1 (historical) and operation of BV-2 began with Issue 1, Revision 1 of the BV-2 ODCM. Section 1.0: A shared liquid radwaste system, permitting mixing of waste for processing, the sharing of dilution water, and the apportionment of dose according to NUREG-0133 was incorporated into both ODCMs. Section 2.0: A shared elevated gaseous radwaste system, permitting the mixing of gaseous radwaste and the apportionment of dose, according to NUREG-0133 was incorporated into both ODCMs. Section 2.0: Separate ground level gaseous releases were maintained. The BV-1 ODCM was updated to incorporate the BV-2 five year meteorology base. Gaseous source terms were revised to that calculated for BV-1 in the BV-2 FSAR, and terms were added for calculation of a turbine building release. Section 2.0: The gaseous effluent monitor alarm setpoints of both ODCMs were revised as required by revisions to meteorology, source terms, monitor efficiencies, and revised percentages of site dose rate limits. Section 2.0: Formal justification was provided for use of the 'T" factor in Containment Purge Dose Rate calculations. Whereas, the dose rate for a Containment Purge may be averaged over a time period not to exceed 960 minutes. Since the Containment air volume change time period is 60 minutes, then the maximum value for "T" is 16 (i.e., 960 minutes/60 minutes

= 16).

Beaver Valley Power Station PcdureNumber.


Unit: Level Of Use:

1T2 General Skill Referenc ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number 8.2.5 Change (5) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 2. Revision 1 Effective December. 1987). and BV-2 ODCM (Issue 1.Revision 2. Effective December. 1987) Section 2.0: Sections 2.1.3 and 2.1.4 of both ODCMs were changed to delete a note concerning noble gas nuclides as requested by a NRC letter dated July 14, 1987 titled Beaver Valley Unit 2 - Offsite Dose Calculation Manual, ODCM (TAC 63996).

8.2.6 Change (6) of BV-1 ODCM (Issue 2. Revision 2 Effective June. 1989). and BV-2 ODCM (Issue 1.Revision 3. Effective June. 1989) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Section 1.0 and 2.0: Both ODCMs were revised for addition of Sections 1.4 and 2.4. This addition gives a description of and includes flow diagrams of the Liquid Radwaste System and the Gaseous Radwaste System. (See justification 1) Section 1.0: Corrected typos to BV-1 ODCM Equation 1.1-8 to show differentiation between the two fs, and add the division sign. (See Justification 1) Section 1.0: Re-define Fk in equation 1.3-1 of both ODCMs, as allowed by the NRC. (See Justification 1) Section 1.0 and 2.0: Typos were corrected to the following: (1) BV-1 ODCM equation 1.3-7; add a division sign between the brackets. (2) BV-1 ODCM equation 1.3-8; add a division sign between the brackets. (3)

Equation 2.1-20 of both ODCMs; change the HHSP to HSP multiplier from 0.70 to 0.33. (4) Equation 2.1-24 of both ODCMs, change the HHSP to HSP multiplier from 0.70 to 0.33. (See Justification 1) Section 1.0 and 2.0: Typos were also corrected as follows: (1) Add the words "from each reactor unit" to five places (Sections 1.3.1, 1.3.2,,, and of both ODCMs. This ensures compliance with the current requirements of the Technical Specifications. (2) Correct punctuation in Section of the BV-1 ODCM. (3) Correct typos in Table 3.0-1 of both ODCMs. (4)- Correct typos in Figure 3.0-3 of both ODCMs. Section 2.0: Add a Reference to Section 2 of the BV-1 ODCM. (See Justification 3) Section 2.0: Add the words "from the site" to Section 2.2.2 of both ODCMs.

This ensures compliance with the current requirements of the Technical Specifications. (See Justification 2)

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7 Unit: Level Of Use:

112 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number Section 2.0: Revise BV-1 ODCM Table 2.2-2 to change the particulate and iodine radionuclide mix for the Unit 1 Ventilation Vent and to correct a typo for Xe-135m in the Containment Vacuum Pumps. (See Justification 3) Section 2.0: Provide re-verified Pi, values for the Beaver Valley site in Table 2.2-13 of both ODCMs. (See Justification 1) Section 2.0: Correct the definition for the tf value in the cow-meat pathway in Section of both ODCMs. (See Justification 1) Section 2.0: Provide re-verified R values for the Beaver Valley site in Tables 2.3-2 through 2.3-20 of both ODCMs. (See Justification 1) Appendix B: Change the particulate and iodine release fractions in Appendix B of the BV-1 ODCM. (See Justification 3) The justification used for Change (6) to the ODCMs are as follows: A letter dated March 2, 1989 (from the NRC) was received by Duquesne Light regarding acceptance of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manuals. The NRC acceptance of the BV-1 and BV-2 ODCMs was based on Technical Evaluation Reports (sER No. EGG-PHY-8194 and EGG-PHY-8217) provided by the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory.

As stated in the letter, minor concerns are delineated in Section 4 of the TER.

In general, these concerns are considered typos or additions and in one way impact any of the calculations currently being performed for dose contributions. However, one of these concerns is regarding the inability to reproduce the ODCM R values for the cow-meat, cow-milk and goat-milk pathways when using the ODCMJNUREG-0133 methodology. These R values (along with all other ODCM R values) were re-validated VIA Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-89-014. The results of this package showed that the R values for the three aforemrmentioned pathways were in error. Since the R values in error do not involve the controlling receptor for gaseous release (i.e.; the controlling receptor is VIA the Inhalation, Ground, and Vegetation pathways, not the pathways subject to error) than these changes to the ODCM will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose calculations. As requested by DLC letters ND3NSM:3431, NDINSM:3522, and NDINSM:3652, Technical Specifications were required to be verified in all plant implementing procedures. As part of this effort, wording errors/typos were identified in various sections of the ODCM. This revision corrects the anomalies identified during the verification effort.


.I II Beaver Valley Power Station 2-ODCN1.b1



I Unit: Leve Of Use:

iI 1/2 General Skill Referent ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Numbe As delineated in letter NDISHP:776, dated February 12, 1988 (BVPS-1 z

ODCM Table 2.2-2, Appendix B) a series of apparent discrepancies were identified between ODCM Table 2.2-2 and similar tables of the BVPS-2 FSAR. Evaluation showed that apparent credit was given for continuous filtration of SLCRS releases which is invalid at Unit 1. However, the calculation package on which the BVPS-2 FSAR expected release tables are based, is correct (i.e.; no credit was taken for routine filtration for Unit 1 releases). Except for revising the ODCM, no further corrective action is necessary because the particulates and iodines in the ODCM were not used for gaseous effluent alarm setpoint. Therefore, this change does not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of setpoint calculations.

7 8.2.7 Change (7) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3. Effective August. 1995) i- The combined ODCM, as implemented by ISSUE 3, contains the following changes: Prior to ISSUE 3, BV-1 and BV-2 had individual ODCMs that were generically equal. In an effort to simplify the implementing documents, the ODCMs have been combined. This merger of the individual ODCMs will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part

50. Also, this merger will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations. Section 1.0: Revised Section 1.0 (Liquid Effluents) to show compliance with 10 CFR 20 Appendix B (20.1001 - 20.2401), Table 2, Col. 2 EC's. This includes the following: (1) Revising the alarm setpoints for monitors [RM-LW-104, RM-LW-116, and 2SGC-RQ100]. (2) Updating the BV-1 monitor detection efficiencies. (3) Updating discharge rate and dilution rate parameters for BV-1 and BV-2. (4) Adding the alarm setpoints for monitors

[RM-RW-100, RM-DA-100, 2SWS-RQ101, and 2SWS-RQ102]. i 4


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- Unit: Lvel Of Use.

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Pge Number.

2?ILof 67 Section 1.0: Revised Section 1.0 (Liquid Effluents) and Section 2.0 (Gaseous Effluents) to merge the BV-1 alarm setpoint calculations with the BV-2 alarm setpoint calculations. For all practical purposes, when Tables, Figures, and Equations were transferred to the combined ODCM, the numbering was kept generically equal. The two exceptions to this are as follows: (1) If a table was contained in both ODCMs, but each had data specific to BV-1 or BV-2, then an a or b was added to the table. For example, Table 1.1-1 was previously included in the BV-1 ODCM and the BV-2 ODCM. These tables are now numbered 1.1-la and 1.1-lb denoting BV-1 and BV-2 respectively. A cross reference for ODCM tables is provided in the Table Of Contents. (2) If an equation was contained in both ODCMs, but each had data specific to BV-1 or BV-2, then a (1) or (2) was added to the equation. For example, Equation 1.1-1 was previously included in the BV-1 ODCM and the BV-2 ODCM. These equations are nowv numbered 1.1(1)-i and 1.1(2)-i, denoting BV-1 and BV-2 respectively. A cross reference for ODCM equations is provided in the Table Of Contents. Section 3.0: Revised Section 3.0 (Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program) to list the program requirements from the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position (Revision 1, 1979). Section 4.0: Revised Section 4.0 (Information Related To 40 CFR 190) to provide clarified reporting requirements for the Special Report. The clarifications were taken from Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1 (NUREG-1301). Appendix A: Revised Appendix A to transfer the Batch Release dispersion parameters from Appendix A (Tables A-2 through A-5) to Section 2.3 (Tables 2.3-35 through 2.3-38). This revision was done for clarification.

For example, all dispersion parameters are now included in one area of the ODCM. Appendix C: This is a new Appendix to the ODCM. Procedural details for the Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications (RETS) were transferred from the Technical Specifications to Appendix C of the ODCM per Generic Letter 89-01 and Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1 (NUREG 1301).

This Appendix also includes selected Definitions and Tables as delineated in the Technical Specifications (Section 1) and selected Applicability and Surveillance Requirement statements as delineated in the Technical Specifications (Section 3/4). These were added to Appendix C for reference purposes, even though they are currently described in the Technical Specification. Appendix D: This is a new Appendix to the ODCM. The bases for ODCM Controls were transferred from the Bases Section of the Technical Specifications to Appendix D of the ODCM per Generic Letter 89-01.


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Unit Level 0 Use:

I General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision:

992 Page Number of 67 Appendix E: This is a new Appendix to the ODCM. The Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report and the Annual Radiological Environmental Report reporting requirements are listed in this appendix to the ODCM. There are three differences (i.e., non-editorial changes) in this ODCM revision when compared to the previous BV-1 and BV-2 Technical Specifications. These are the only changes that are identified by revision bars. These differences are as follows: First Difference - LLD Definition Clarification is described as follows:

(1) There was a sentence removed in the LLD Standard Deviation Definitions delineated in Appendix C Tables 4.11-1 and 4.11-2. This sentence stated: "In calculating the LLD for a radionuclide determined by gamma ray spectrometry, the background shall include the typical contributions of other radionuclides normally present in the samples (e.g., potassium in milk samples)." (2) This sentence was removed by justification of NTUREG-0472, Rev. 2 (i.e., this revision to the NUREG removed the sentence from Tables 4.11-1 and 4.11-2). At BV-I and 2, there are no other radionuclides normally present in effluent samples.

However, there is applicability to environmental LID calculations due to the existence of other radionuclides in environmental samples. This sentence, therefore, will not be removed from Appendix C, Table 4.12-

1. (3) Removal of the sentence from Appendix C, Tables 4.11-1 and 4.11-2 does not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of current or past effluent LLD calculations. This change maintains the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and does not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations. (4) This change brings ODCM Appendix C, Tables 4.11-1 and 4.11-2 in generic agreement with NRC guidance (i.e., NUREG-0472) and industry standard.

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Unit: Level Of Use:

. 112 Geneal Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number. Second Difference - Change From Semi-Annual Report To Annual Report as follows: (1) The frequency of the Radioactive Effluent Release Report was changed from Semi-Annual to Annual. This change is justified by Federal Register, Rules And Regulations (Vol.

57, No. 169, Monday, August 31, 1992), where as; 10 CFR Part 50.36a(a)(2) states, in part. "Each licensee shall submit a report to the Commission annually that specifies the quantity of each of the principal radionuclides released to unrestricted areas in liquid and in gaseous effluents during the previous 12 months of operation...the time between submission of the reports must be no longer than 12 months..." (2) This change maintains the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and does not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations. Third Difference - Implementation Of New 10 CFR 20 is described as follows: (1) The definition for MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC was revised to agree with the definition in 10 CFR 20.1003. (2) The definition for UNRESTRICTED AREA was modified from the definition that was in the Technical Specifications prior to transferring to the ODCM. This modification was necessary to ensure that the ODCM dose model for gaseous releases is not affected. The modification involved adding the following sentence: "For gaseous release dose calculations, the UNRESTRICTED AREA should exclude any public road, railway, or waterway adjacent to or crossing the site that is not occupied continuously by MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC". (3) The limits for liquid effluent concentration were changed from 1 times 10 CFR 20 Appendix B (20.1 - 20.601), Table II, Col. 2 MPR's to 10 times 10 CFR 20 Appendix B (20.1001 -

20.2401), Table 2, Col. 2 EC's. This limit will now be referred to as the ODCM Effluent Concentration Limit (OEC). (4) For gaseous effluents, no changes were made to implement the New 10 CFR 20.

As justification, when the utility adopted the RETS (1/1/84),

compliance to 10 CFR 20 shifted from the MPC concept to the Unrestricted Area Dose Rate concept. The Dose Rate concept is the preferred method of controlling gaseous effluent release rate, and will continue to be used in-lieu of the MPC or EC concept. (5) Changing to the OEC limit for liquid effluents accommodates needed operational flexibility to facilitate implementation of the New 10 CFR 20 requirements. (6) For information, the general intent of the New Part 20 is that radiation doses to members of the public not exceed 100 mrems per year, which is more restrictive than the 500 mrems per year limit in the Old Part 20, and that fuel cycle licensees also comply with 40 CFR 190. The New Part 20 does not include a requirement on

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__ _ ___ __ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ 74 of 67 limiting radioactivity concentrations in effluents, which is less restrictive than the Old Part 20. (7) The basic requirements for RETS (i.e.; ODCM Appendix C Controls) are stated in 10 CFR 50.36a.

These requirements indicate that compliance with the RETS will keep average annual releases of radioactive material in effluents to small percentages of the limits specified in th: 10 CFR 20.106 (10 CFR 20.1302). These requirements also indizate that operational flexibility is allowed (with considerations for public health and safety) which may temporarily result in releases higher than such small percentages, but still within the MPC limits specified in the 10 CFR 20.106. The MPC's relate to an annual dose of 500 mrem. Also, 10 CFR 50.36a indicates that when using operational flexibility, best efforts shall be exerted to keep levels of radioactive materials in effluents to ALARA as set forth in 10 CFR 50 Appendix I. (8) As stated in the Introduction to Appendix B of the New 10 CFR 20, the liquid EC's are based on an annual dose of 50 mrem. Since a release concentration corresponding to a limiting dose rate of 500 mrem/year has been acceptable as a RETS limit for liquid effluents, it should not be necessary to reduce this limit by a factor of ten. (9) BV-1 and BV-2 has demonstrated that the use of the MPC's associated with the 10 CFR 20.106 has resulted in calculated maximum individual doses to a member of the public that are small percentages of the limits of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I. Therefore, the use of the OEC's, which correspond to an annual dose of 500 mrem (i.e.; 10 times the 10 CFR 20 EC's) should not have a negative impact on the ability to continue to operate within the limits of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I, and 40 CFR 190. (10) Operational flexibility is also necessary in establishing a basis for effluent monitor setpoint calculations. As previously discussed, the EC's stated in 10 CFR 20 relate to a dose of 50 mrem in a year. This is too restrictive to base effluent monitor setpoint calculations. For many liquid effluent release situations, the monitor background is high, wvhich could result in a monitor setpoint that is approximately equal to the monitor background. (11) In summary, to accommodate operational flexibility needed for effluent releases, the limits associated with the liquid release concentration (i.e.; the QEC) are based on 10 times the EC's stated in the 10 CFR 20. The multiplier of 10 is used because the annual dose of 500 mrem (10 CFR 20 MPC bases) is a factor of 10 higher than the annual dose of 50 mrem (10 CFR 20 EC bases). Compliance with the 100 mrem dose limit of the 10 CFR 20.1302 will be demonstrated by operating within the dose limits of 10 CFR 50 Appendix I, and 40 CFR 190 (which are also ODCM Controls for liquid and gaseous effluents). Implementation of the 10 CFR 20 for liquid effluents maintains the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR Part 50, and does not

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. 112 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

____ ___ ___ ___ __25 of 67 adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent, dose, or setpoint calculations. In summary, Per Generic Letter 89-01, the transfer of RETS procedural details fulfills the goal of the USNRC Policy Statement for Technical Specification improvements. It is not the USNRC's (or DLC's) intent to reduce the level of radioactive effluent control. Rather, the intent is to provide programmatic controls for RETS (as delineated in Technical Specification 6.8.6) and allow for relocation of the procedural details of the RETS to the ODCM.

8.2.8 Change (8) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3. Revision 1. Effective October. 1995) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Index: Editorial changes were made for clarity. (See justification 1) Section 1.0: Revised Nb-95 and Nb-97 dose factors in Table 1.3-1 due to changing the niobium bioaccumulation factor. (see justification 2) Appendix A: A change was made to Table 1.1 so that the letter A would proceed the table number. (See justification 1) Appendix B: A descriptive paragraph was added at the front of this Appendix. Also, changes were made to the tables so that the letter B would proceed the table numbers. (See justification 1) Appendix C: Descriptive paragraphs were added at the front of the Appendix (See justification 1). Removed the process flow rate operability and surveillance requirements for gaseous effluent radiation monitors

[2RMQ-RQ301, 2RMQ-RQ303 and 2HVL-RQ1 12] from Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 (See justification 3). Added alternate system effluent flow rate measuring devices for the three gaseous effluent pathways to Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 (See justification 4). Revised Surveillance Requirements and and notes e and g of Table 4.11-1 to clarify Turbine Building sump sampling requirements (See justification 5). Appendix D: Descriptive paragraphs were added at the front of the Appendix. (See justification 1) Appendix E: Descriptive paragraphs were added at the front of the Appendix. (See justification 1) Appendix F: This is a new Appendix to the ODCM. It contains plant procedure references for Radiological Effluent Technical Specification (RETS) that were transferred from the Technical Specification Procedure

- Matrix. (Seejustification 1)

Beaver Valley Power Station P/2.euDC.Nub01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes ODM:Inex16 Revision: Page Number:of 67 The justification used for change (8) to the ODCM are as follows: These changes are considered editorial in nature. Therefore, these editorial changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR

50. Also the editorial changes will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculation. This change resulted from revising the bioaccumulation factor (BF) for niobium from the value posted in Table A-1 of Regulatory Guide 1.109, Revision 1, 1977 (30,000 pCi/kg per pCi/I). Since this change in niobium BF (as documented and justified in Appendix A to Calculation Package No.

ERS-ATL-83-027) merely removes the conservatism associated with organism uptake, then the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, removing the conservatism will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculation. This change removes the process flow rate operability and surveillance requirements for BV-2 Gaseous Effluent Radiation Monitors [2RMQ-RQ301, 2RMQ-RQ303 and 2HVL-RQ1 12] from Appendix C Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13. These items were removed from the ODCM by justification provided in Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-90-021. A safety analysis and a no significant hazards evaluation were prepared and approved prior to submitted it to the NRC via TSCR No. 2A-61 in 1992. However, it was withdrawn in 1993 in an effort to alleviate any further delays associated with approval of TSCR No. LA-175/2A-37 (Generic Letter 89-01 implementation). Removal of these requirements from the ODCM will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50.

Also removal of these items will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculation. The following is a summary of the justification. (1) BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 is currently using, and will continue to use design (maximum) system flow rates in ODCM Dose & Dose Rate Calculations, rather than those flow rates observed during normal plant operation. (2) BVPS-2 UFSAR Section 11.3.3 indicates that the source term for these three pathways are not significant. These pathways are not included in UFSAR Tables 11.3-1 through 11.34 that list the expected and design releases for each potentially radioactive pathway. (3)

The DLC commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.97, Rev. 2 (Section 1.8-1 of the BVPS-2 UFSAR) is not affected. This RG applies to instrumentation used during and after postulated accident conditions. These three process flow rate instruments were not used in any accident analysis, nor are they used to assess plant conditions during and following an accident. (4) The DLC commitment to Regulatory Guide 1.21, Rev. 1 (Section 1.8-1 of the

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Unit: Level Of Use:

.,- 112 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: 7ge Numbero BVPS-2 UFSAR) is not affected. RG 1.21, Section C.2 (Location of Monitoring) states in part: "All major and potentially significant paths for release of radioactive material during normal reactor operation, including anticipated operational occurrences, should be monitored. Measurements of effluent volume, rates of release, and specific radionuclides should be made insofar as practical . . " As previously stated, the three process flow rate instruments are located on effluent pathways that do not have a significant source term. (5) BVPS-2 UFSAR Sections 9.4.13 and 9.4.16 indicate that the building ventilation system for these three pathways are non-safety related and are not required to perform any safety-related function. (6)

There is no effect to the Noble Gas Monitors located on these three pathways. The Noble Gas Monitors are still capable of performing their intended functions as described in BVPS-2 UFSAR Section This change adds alternate system effluent flowrate measuring devices for the three BV-1 gaseous effluent pathways to Appendix C Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13. A 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation has concluded that no unreviewed safety question is involved by adding the alternate measuring devices to Appendix C Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13. This conclusion is based on the following: (1) There is no increase in the probability or consequences of accidents or malfunctions of equipment important to safety. (2) There is no creation of a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously. (3) There is no reduction in the margin of safety. (4) Also, since this change merely adds alternate measuring devices that meet the same surveillance requirements of the primary channel, then the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, addition of the alternate flow rate measuring devices will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculations. This change to the ODCMclarifies Turbine Building sump sampling requirements and clarifies effluent related actions associated with detection of radioactivity in the secondary system. These clarifications are documented and justified in Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-95-006.

Also, since these clarifications were shown to meet the intent of NUREG-1301 (superseding NUREG-0472) and the BVPS-1 and 2 UFSAR's, then the clarification will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, the clarifications will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculation. Also, a 10 CFR 50.59 safety evaluation has concluded that no unreviewed safety question is involved by clarifying these actions. This conclusion is based on the following: (1) There is no increase in the probability or consequences of accidents or malfunctions of equipment important to safety. (2) There is no creation of a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type

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_ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 2 28 of 67 than any evaluated previously. (3) There is no reduction in the margin of safety.

8.2.9 Change (9) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3. Revision 2. Effective May 1997) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Index: Editorial changes were made for clarity. (See Justification 1) Section 1.0: Clarifying statements were added to Tables 1.2-la and 1.2-lb to show that the recirculation times listed are based on historical recirculation rates. Figure 1.4-3 was added to show BV-1 and 2 liquid Effluent Release Points. (See Justification 1) Section 3.0: Removed the option to perform broad leaf vegetation sampling at the site boundary in a sector with the highest D/Q. (See Justification 2) Appendix C: Added plant specific Mark Numbers to Tables 3.3-12, 4.3-12, 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 (See Justification 1). Corrected typographical errors on Surveillance Requirement (See Justification 1). Added clarifying statements from NUREG-1301 and the Radiological Assessment Branch Technical Position to Tables 3.12-2 and 4.12-1 (See Justification 1).

Removed the option to perform broad leaf vegetation sampling at the site boundary in a sector with the highest D/Q (See Justification 2). Appendix E: Corrected typographical error on Table 6.9-1. (See Justification 1) Appendix F: Added procedure details to Tables 11, 12 and 13. (See Justification 1) The justification used for Change=(9) to the ODCM are as follows: These changes are considered editorial in nature. The changes either correct typographical errors or add editorial details from previously approved station documents. Therefore, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, the editorial changes will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculations.

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Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number This change removes the option to perform broad leaf vegetation sampling at the site boundary (in a sector with the highest D/Q) in lieu of the garden census. Per NUREG-1301 and the Radiological Branch Technical Position, this option does not apply to plants with elevated releases. Since BV-1 and 2 have elevated releases, the option should not be exercised. A review of past garden census showed that the option was never exercised at BV-1 and 2.

Since this change removes an option that should not be exercised, then the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR

50. Also, removal of the option will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculations.

8.2.10 Change (10) of BV-1 and 2 QDCM (Issue 3. Revision 3. Effective June 1997) A description of the change that was implemented with this revision is as follows: Section 2.0: A release point for the BV-2 Turbine Building Vent was added (for editorial purposes) to Figure 2.4-2. The justification used for Change (10) to the ODCM is as follows: This change is considered editorial in nature. The change adds an equivalent item that was previously located on BV-2 Technical Specification Figure 5.1-2. Since BV-2 Technical Specification Amendment 83 removed this figure, then the gaseous release point for the BV-2 Turbine Building Vent needed transferred to the ODCM. Therefore, since this change is considered editorial, the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, the editorial change will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or setpoint calculations.

8.2.11 Change (11) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 4. Effective March 1998) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Index: Editorial changes were made for clarity. Section 3.0: The distances for the environmental monitoring sample points were revised to show a more accurate measurement from the center of the Unit 1 Containment Building. The actual sample locations and descriptions remain unchanged. Also, the 4 individual quadrant maps showing TLD locations were consolidated into 1 map. This is a Corrective Action to Condition Report CR 980353.

Beaver Valley Power Station edure DC1.01I e Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 30-f6 1 Section 4.0: Added clarifying statements as to how doses due to radioactive effluents for MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC conducting activities inside the site boundary are derived and reported. This is a Corrective Action to Condition Report CR 971578. Appendix C: Added statements to Action 23 of Table 3.3-12 to clarify that batch liquid releases may also be initiated with the same Action needed for resuming the release. This is a recommendation from the 1997 RETS Self-Assessment. A note was also added to this table to clarify that independent signatures on the discharge permit satisfy the requirement for "two technically qualified members of the Facility Staff independently verify the release rate calculation..." Added Action 29 to RM-GW-108B on Table 3.3-

13. This addition ensures consistency with the other 7 continuous gaseous effluent pathway Actions for Noble Gas Monitor inoperability. Added plant specific Mark Numbers for primary and alternate instrumentation to Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 as follows: (1) For Noble Gas Activity Monitors, [RM-VS-109 Channel 5] was added as an alternate to [RM-VS-1O1B] and [RM-VS-i10 Channel 5] was added as an alternate to [RM-VS-107B]. [RM-GW-109 Channel 5] was not added as an alternate to [RM-GW-108B] at this time, because it does not perform on auto-isolation of gaseous waste decay tank release upon upper activity alarm. (2) For Particulate Activity Monitors, [RM-VS-109 Channel 1] was added as an alternate to [RM-VS-101A], [RM-VS-110 Channel 1] was added as an alternate to [RM-VS-107A], and [RM-GW-109 Channel 1] was added as an alternate to RM-GW-108A. Appendix E: Corrected typographical errors on Table E:6.9-1 Appendix F: Updated the procedure details for primary and alternate instrumentation included in Appendix C Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13. Reduced the amount of detail contained in reference to the Operating Manual L-5 logs so that the position of the surveillance on the logs can be changed without having a need to change the Tables in this Appendix. This is a Corrective Action to Condition Report CR 980129. The justification used for Change (11) to the ODCM is as follows: These changes are considered editorial in nature. The changes either correct typographical errors or add editorial details from previously approved station documents. Therefore, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, the editorial changes will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculations.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2e DC-N.me


nit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: P Number 8.2.12 Change (12) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3. Revision 5. Effective November 1998) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows. Index- Editorial changes were made for clarity. (See Justification 1.) Section 1.0: Added clarification for calculation of radionuclide concentration when the Post Dose Correction Factor is >1. (See Justification 1). Section 3.0: Added an additional site location for the upstream environmental surface water sample. Added additional method after collecting and compositing this sample. (See Justification 2.) Appendix C: Revised the definitions for MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC l and UNRESTRICTED AREA to ensure compliance with 10 CFR 20.1003.

(See Justification 1.) Added a definition for MEMBER(S) OF THE PUBLIC to ensure compliance with 40 CFR 190.02(k). (See Justification 1.)

Added plant specific Mark Numbers for primary and alternate instrumentation to Table 3.3-13 that were inadvertently omitted from change (11) to the ODCM. (See Justification 1.) Added clarification to Table 4.11-2 as to where and when H-3 samples of Waste Gas Storage Tanks are to be obtained. This is a Corrective Action to Condition Report CR 981489. (See Justification 1.) Added clarification to note "e" of Table 4.11-2 as to the appropriate ventilation release path. This is a Corrective Action to CR 981490. (See Justification 1.). Corrected an obvious omission on Table 3.12-1 to ensure that 2 TLD's are used for determination of Direct Radiation.

(See Justification 1.) Incorporated the appropriate changes to Table 3.12-1 that are described above for Section 3.0. (See Justification 2.) Appendix F: Added procedure details from the Chemistry Manual to Table

6. This is aCorrective Action to Condition Report CR 981488. (See Justification 1.) The justifications used for Change (12) to the ODCM are as follows: These changes are considered editorial in nature. The changes either correct typographical errors or add editorial details from previously approved station documents. Therefore, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, the editorial changes will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculations.

Beaver Valley Power Station P/2.eODCe1.N1b


1/2 GenIral Skill Referer:

ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

? 3? of 67 These changes involve the upstream environmental surface water sample method and sample site. Since these changes were shown to meet the intent of NUREG-1301, and BVPS-1 and 2 UFSAR's, then the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50.

Also, the change will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculations. Also, a 10 CFR 10.50 safety evaluation has concluded that no unreviewed safety question is involved by adding an additional sample site and sample method. This evaluation is based on the following: (1) There is no increase in the probability or consequences of accidents or malfunctions of equipment important to safety.

(2) There is no creation of a possibility for an accident or malfunction of a different type than any evaluated previously. (3) There is no reduction in the margin of safety.

8.2.13 Change (13) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Issue 3, Revision 6. Effective May 1999) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision is as follows: Index: Editorial changes were made for clarity. Section 3.0: Updated figure number and table reference. Removed a redundant upstream environmental surface water sampling location. Appendix C: Made editorial changes forclarity. Added definitions for SHUTDOWN and STARTUP. Changed definition for ODCM to ensure agreement with definition provided in Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments 220/97. Changed designations for primary and alternate instruments on Tables 3.3-12, 4.3-12, 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 from "P" and "A" to "Pri" and "Alt". Clarified use of the Flow Rate Measurement Devices for the Cooling Tower Blowdown Line on Tables 3.3-12 and 4.3-12 to show that the Unit 1/2 combined instrument [FT-CW-101-1] is the primary and both of the individual Unit 1 and Unit 2 instruments [F1-CW-101] and [2CWS-FT101]

are the alternates. Updated Actions 24, 25 and 26 of Table 3.3-12 to describe use of comparable alternate monitoring channels when the primary channels are INOPERABLE. Clarified Table 3.3-13 Action 28 applicability for Unit 2 gaseous effluent monitors. Clarified Table 3.3-13 Action 30 to show that applicability is for batch purges of the reactor containments.

Changed reference of Special Report compliance requirement from

Clarified note b of Table 4.11-2 regarding sampling and surveillances frequencies. ClarifiedControls3.12.1 and3.12.2 toensurecompliance with NUREG-1301.

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Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

_________________________________________of9 6 Appendix E: Made editorial changes for clarity. Changed reference of Special Report compliance requirement from Technical Specification 6.9.2f to 10 CFR 20.2203 and 10 CFR 50.4 as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments 220/97. Changed submittal date of annual REMP report from May 1 to May 15 as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments 220/97. Changed column heading in Table E: 6.9-1 to ensure consistency with NUREG-1301. The justification used for change (13) to the ODCM is as follows: All changes are considered editorial in nature. 'The changes either clarify the intent of the original specification or add equivalent items form the standard guidance document (NUREG-1301) or recent Technical Specification Amendments. Therefore, since these changes are considered editorial, the changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a and Appendix I to 10 CFR

50. Also, the editorial changes will not adversely impacttheaccuracyor reliabilityofeffluentdoseorsetpoint calculations.

8.2.14 Change (14) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Revision 14, Effective March 2000) Prior to this ODCM change, the change numbers did not match the Issue and Revision numbers. For example, the last implemented ODCM change xxas (13),

but carried an Issue 3, Revision 6 designation. Therefore, as of this ODCMI change (14), consecutive Revision numbers will begin with Revision 14. A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision is as follows: Index: Editorial changes were made for clarity. References to condition reports CR 982097, CR 992652 and CR 993021 were added. Appendix C: Editorial chafiges were made for clarity. Corrected a typographical error on Table 3.3-12 in regards to FT-CW-101-1. Changed the grab sampling requirement from 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> to 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for Table 3.3-12 Action 24 (NUREG-1301, Table 3.3-12, Action 36 and 37 allow this change). Enhanced the Channel Functional Test requirements on Table 4.3-12 from Q(6) to Q(1) for RM-DA-100 (Corrective Action to Condition Report CR 993021). Add clarification to Table 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 to show the plant specific Mark Numbers for the primary and alternate BV-1 Sample Flow Rate Measuring Devices. Corrected a typographical error on Table 3.3-13 Action 27. Separated Action 28 of Table 3.3-13 into individual Action 28 requirements for System Effluent Flow Rate Measuring Devices/Process Flowrate Monitors and individual Action 28 requirements for Sample Flow Rate Measuring Devices/Sample Flowrate Monitors.

Added clarification to Table 3.3-13 to show that Action 29 and Action 32 are

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Unit: Lvel Of Use:

112 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number 2 -34 f 67 applicable for continuous releases. Added an alternate method in lieu of grab sample collection (ie., local monitor readings can be obtained when communication is lost to the Control Room) to show compliance to Table 3.3-13 Action 29. Changed the grab sampling requirement from 8 hours9.259259e-5 days <br />0.00222 hours <br />1.322751e-5 weeks <br />3.044e-6 months <br /> to 12 hours1.388889e-4 days <br />0.00333 hours <br />1.984127e-5 weeks <br />4.566e-6 months <br /> for Table 3.3-13 Action 29 and Action 32 (NUREG-1301, Table 3.3-013, Action 47 allows this change). Corrected typographical errors on Table 4.1 1-1 in regards to liquid composite analysis frequency and table notation. Appendix F: Made editorial changes for clarity. Updated the procedure details for primary and alternate instrumentation included in Appendix C Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13. Added appropriate references to the HP Shift Logs (ie., HPM Appendix 1) when these logs are used satisfy ODCM Appendix C Surveillances and Actions (Corrective Action to Condition Report CR 992652). The justification used for change (14) to the ODCM is as follows: Most of these changes are considered editorial in nature. All changes were screened for 10CFR50.59 applicability. In summary, the BVPS-1 and 2 UFSAR's are not impacted, because the changes either clarify the intent of the original specification, add plant specific Mark Numbers, or add equivalent items from the standard guidance document (NUREG-1301).

Therefore, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control requried by 10CFR20.1302, 40CFR Part 190, 10 CFR50.36a, and Appendix I to 10CFR50. Also, these changes will not adversely impact the accuracy or reliablity of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculations.

8.2.15 Change (15) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Revision 15. Effective August 2000) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision is as follows: Index: Editorial changes were made for clarity. Reference to Condition Report CR 001682 was added. Reference to NRC unresolved Item 83-30-05 was added.

Pfocedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision:

2 Page Number 35 of 67 Appendix C: Editorial changes were made for clarity. Annotated Actions 28 of Table 3.3-13 into Action 28A and 28B to show differentiation between Action 28A requirements for system/process flow rate measurement and Action 28B requirements for sampler flow rate measurement. Added an alternate method in lieu of 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> flow rate estimations (ie; assume ODCM design values for system/process flow rate) to show compliance with Table 3.3-13 Action 28A when the system/process flow rate monitor is inoperable.

Annotated Actions 30 of Table 3.3-13 into Action 30A and 30B to show differentiation between Action 30A requirements for BV-1 reactor containment purges and Action 30B requirements for BV-2 reactor containment purges. The justification used for change (15) to the ODCM is as follows: Some of these changes are considered editorial in nature. These changes were screened for 10CFR50.59 applicability and determined not to impact the BVPS-1 and 2 UFSAR's. Since the editorial changes clarify the intent of the original specification, then these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10CFR20.1302, 40CFR Part 190, 10CFR50.36a, and Appendix I to 10CFR50. Also, these changes will not impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation. The change to allow use of design (maximum) system flow rates in lieu of 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> flow rate estimations (for five of the eight gaseous effluent release pathways) was screened for 10CFR50.59 applicability and determined not to impact the BVPS-1 and 2 UFSAR's. The 4 hour4.62963e-5 days <br />0.00111 hours <br />6.613757e-6 weeks <br />1.522e-6 months <br /> flow rate estimations for these effluent release pathways have never been used in ODCM Dose and Dose Rate Calculations. The method for use of process flow rates in ODCM Dose and Dose Rate Calculations remains unchanged. For example, BVPS-1 and BVPS-2 is currently using, and will continue to use design (maximum) system flow rates in ODCM Dose and Dose Rate Calculations for all eight gaseous effluent release pathways. This is necessary to ensure that DLC response to NRC Unresolved Item 50-334/83-30-05 is not compromised.

Also this change is considered similar and within the justification provided for ODCM change (8) that removed all of the process flow rate operability and surveillance requirements for the other three gaseous effluent release pathways. Based on the above, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by IOCFR20.1302, 40CFR Part 190, 10CFR50.36a, and Appendix I to 10CFR50. Also, these changes will not impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.

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Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

__ ____ _ ___ ___ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __ 36 of 67 8.2.16 Change (16) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Effective April 2002) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: The entire BV-1 and 2 ODCM was converted to the ODC format as delineated in 1/2-ADM-0100. As part of this process, the ODCM was separated into eight procedures as follows: 1/2-ODC-1.01, ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes (formerly; ODCM Index and Appendix F) 1/2-ODC-2.01, ODCM: Liquid Effluents (formerly; ODCM Section 1 and 5) 1/2-ODC-2.02, ODCM: Gaseous Effluents (formerly; ODCM Section 2 and 5) 1/2-ODC-2.03, ODCM: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (formerly; ODCM Section 3) 1/2-ODC-2.04, ODCM: Information Related to 40CFR190 (formerly; ODCM Section 4) 1/2-ODC-3.01, ODCM: Dispersion Calculational Procedure and Source Term Inputs (formerly; ODCM Appendix A & B) 1/2-ODC-3.02, ODCM: Bases for ODCM Controls (formerly; ODCM Appendix D) 1/2-ODC-3.03, ODCM: Controls for RETS and REMP Programs (formerly; ODCM Appendix C and E) s

Procedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-l.0l


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2) General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Pge Number 37_of 67 Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Portions of Technical Specification LCO (including portions of Tables 3.3-6 and 4.3-3) were transferred to the ODCM Controls as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments IA-246/2A-124.( 3 2 "8) Specifically, this includes the Mid and High Range Channels of Noble Gas Effluent Monitors [RM-VS-109 (7 and 9), RM-VS-110 (7 and 9), RM-GW-109 (7 and 9), and 2HVS-RQ109C and 109D], the Atmospheric Steam Dump Valve/Code Safety Relief Valve Discharge Monitors [RM-MS-100A, B and C] and Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine Exhaust Monitor [RM-MS-101]. The Preplanned Method of Monitoring (PMM) was also added for clarification of necessary actions when the primary instrument is inoperable. Addition of the PMM's are considered an editorial change because it merely specifies the asset number (or appropriate form number), which were included as PMM's in previously approved station documents. Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Added clarifications to ODCM Control Table 3.3-13 to show that Action 30A and Action 3B are applicable to the initial batch purge of the reactor containment atmosphere. All other releases of reactor containment atmosphere (i.e.; after the initial batch purge) are considered continuous releases. Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Added the specific plant asset numbers to ODCM Control Table 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-13 to show that Sample Flow Rate Monitor flow transmitters [2HVS-FIT101-1, 2RMQ-FIT301-1, 2HVL-FITI 12-1 and 2RMQFIT303-1] can be used as comparable alternates when the primary instruments [RM-1 1 Monitor Item 28 for 2HVS-RQ101, 2RMQ-RQ301, 2HVL-RQ1 12 and 2RMQ-RQ303], respectively, are INOPERABLE. This is considered an editorial change because the primary monitoring channel (i.e.; RM-1 1 Monitor Item 28) display already receives its input from these same flow transmitters. Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Added notation to ODCM Control Table 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-13 to show that [RM-GW-109 Channel 5] may be used as a comparable alternate to [RM-GW-108B] for continuous releases.

However, since [ERM-GW-109 Channel 5] cannot perform an automatic isolation of gaseous waste decay or storage tank releases, then notation was also added to prevent using this monitor as a comparable alternate for batch releases. This is considered an editorial change because it merely specifies the asset number of a redundant alternate monitoring channel that was included in previously approved station documents.

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1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix ODMandn History e,2 of ODCM Changes Revision: Page NumberC 38 of 67 1 Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Replaced the requirements for "Particulate Activity Monitors" in ODCM Control Tables 3.3-13 and Table 4.3-13 with requirements for "Particulate and Iodine Samplers". This is considered an editorial change because the NRC guidance document used for preparation of ODCM Controls (NUREG-1301) contains the clarification that the requirements listed in these Tables are for the "Particulate and Iodine Samplers", and not for the "Particulate Activity Monitors". Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.04: Technical Specification Bases 3/ was duplicated in the Bases for ODCM Controls as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments 1A-246/2A-124.(3268) The justification used for change (16) to the ODCM is as follows: The specific radiation monitoring channels transferred to the ODCM provide alarms and indications to alert plant personnel of high radiation conditions and to assist in evaluating and trending plant effluents. The Actions applicable if the monitors are inoperable require only that area surveys be performed on a daily basis, or that explanations of inoperability be provided in an annual effluent report. The Actions do not impact or reference the operability of other systems nor do the Actions require that plant operation be terminated at any time. Some of the radiation monitoring effluent monitors transferred to the ODCM provide indications used to assess selected plant parameters following an accident consistent with the recommendations of NUREG-0737. However, the monitors do not provide indication for post accident variables that have been identified as Regulatory Guide 1.97 Type A or Category I. The Safety Analysis performed for the License Amendments conclude that the radiating monitoring channels transferred to the ODCM do not reduce the effectiveness of the requirements being relocated. Rather, the transferred results in a change in the regulatory control required for future changes made to the requirements. The requirements will continue to be implemented by the appropriate plant procedures in the same manner as before. However, future changes to the transferred requirements will be controlled in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59 instead of requiring a license amendment per 10 CFR 50.90. Based on the above, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, these changes will not impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.

_ s rAd .Procedure Number:

Beaver Valley beave Power StationPrcdeN v a: Y o *S1/2-ODC-1.01 irDll

'Title: Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

_ _ _ _ __9_of_67 8.2.17 Change (17) of BV-1 and 2 OCDM (Effective August 20020 A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Technical Specification LCO for Liquid Storage Tank Activity Limits, and LCO, for Gas Storage Tank Activity Limits were transferred to ODCM Controls and respectively as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments 1A- 250/2A-130.(26.9) As part of the preparation work for transfer of the Liquid Storage Tank Activity Limits to the ODCM, the 10 Curie Limit for these tanks was re-verified and documented in Calculation Package ERS-ATL-95-007.13 2. 9' The results of this calculation provide tank specific activity limits to ensure that the 10CFR20 Appendix B Table 2, Col. 2 EC Limits will be maintained should an accidental release of the tank(s) contents occur. Previously, LCO used a generic limit of 10 Curies for each of the four tanks listed. However, formal documentation for derivation of the 10 Curie value could not be located in the records storage system. In addition, individual tank Activity limits were developed for the Unit 1 and 2 Refueling Water Storage Tanks (RWST's), which were also added to this ODCM Control. The Surveillance Requirements for determination of RWST Activity will not be performed once per 7 days like the other Liquid Storage Tanks, because radioactive material is not added to the RWST's on a weekly basis. Therefore, the surveillance for determination of (RWST's)

Activity will be performed within 7 days of returning reactor cavity water (radioactive material) back to the RWST (i.e.; during a refueling outage). Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Changed the due date of the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report from April 1 to May 1 as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments 1A-250/2A-130.(32.69) Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Changed Table 3.3-12 of Control to correct an obvious omission of Channel Operability and Action Statement Requirements for Flow Rate Measurement Device [FR-ILW-103] on the Liquid Waste Containment Drain Line. This obvious omission is detailed in CR 02-05533.(322.I2) Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Made editorial changes to correct the primary asset numbers of the BVPS-2 Sample Flowrate Monitors as shown on Tables 3.3-13 and 4.3-13 of Control These changes clarify that the primary Sampler Flowrate Monitor is the device that is used for monitoring sample flowrate through the Particulate and Iodine Sampler Flowpath, not the Particulate and Iodine Monitoring Flowpath. The justification used for change (17) of the ODCM is as follows:

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ODCM: Index, Matrix ODM:and History of ODCM Changes Ide,40 Revision: Page Number of 67 - I These changes merely transfers existing storage tank activity limits from the Technical Specification to the ODCM and changes the due date for the Annual Radioactive Effluent Release Report as permitted by Unit 1/2 Technical Specification Amendments IA-250/2A-130. As part of this change, the ODCM Control for Liquid Storage Tank Activity Limits was enhanced to add ODCM Controls and Surveillance Requirements for the Unit 1 and Unit 2 RWST's. Therefore, these changes (as delineated in the Technical Specification Amendments) will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50. Also, these changes will not impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.

8.2.18 Change (18) of the BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Effective October 2002). A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03: Added requirement for applicable station groups notification of pending ODCM changes as described in CR 09-0571 1.(3.22. 13) The justification used for change (18) of the ODCM is as follows: This change is considered editorial in nature, which exempts the change from Regulatory Applicability Determination. Therefore, this change will not impact the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10CFR20.1302, 40CFR Part 190, 10CFR50.36a, and Appendix I to 10CFR50. Also this change will not impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.

8.2.19 Change (19) of BV-1 and 2 ODCM (Effective November 2002) A description of the changes that were implemented with this revision are as follows: Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.01: Changed Table 1.1-la and 1.1-lb to add Zn-65 to the respective BV-1 and 2 Liquid Source Term as described in CR 02-06174 (CA-001, CA-013 and CA-014). For information, zinc may be added to the reactor coolant system in an effort to reduce general corrosion of primary system materials and mitigation of stress corrosion cracking. Added benefits to zinc addition involve preferential release of nickel and cobalt which, in-turn, reduces plant dose rates. Development of the specific Zn-65 Annual Release Activity is delineated in Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL 027.(3.23l) Addition of Zn-65 to the source terms also caused changes in the Liquid Effluent Monitor Alarm Setpoints, and appropriate monitor conversion factors.

Procedure Number~

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Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.01: Table 1.1-la was changed to update the remainder of the source term with annual release values derived in Stone and Webster Calculation Package No. UR(B)-160.( 3 3'0 ) Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.01: Editorial changes were made to this procedure for update of ODCM references and to add discussion of why Liquid Waste Evaporators are no longer used at BV-1 and 2 to process liquid waste. The justification used for change (19) of the ODCM is as follows: Addition to Zn-65 to the BV-1 and 2 Liquid Source Terms, along with update of the BV-1 Liquid Source Term is considered a procedure correction, and is enveloped by the Regulatory Applicability Determination performed for BV-1 ECP-02-0410. Based on the above, these changes will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302,40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50.

Also, these changes will not impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.

- END -



Beaver Valley Power Station l/9ODCll Level Of Use:

1 Tt1/2 General Skill Referen.

ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number ATTACHMENT A Page 1 of 6 LIST OF ODCM TABLES LIOUID EFFLUENTS Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.01 1.1-la BV-1 Liquid Source Term 1.1-lb BV-2 Liquid Source Term 1.2-la BV-1 Recirculation Times Required Before Sampling Of Liquid Discharge Tanks 1.2-lb BV-2 Recirculation Times Required Before Sampling Of Liquid Discharge Tanks 1.3-1 AiT Values For An Adult For The Beaver Valley Site GASEOUS EFFLUENTS Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.1-la BV-1 Radionuclide Mix For Gaseous Effluents 2.1-lb BV-2 Radionuclide Mix For Gaseous Effluents 2.1-2a BV-1 Monitor Detector Efficiencies 2.1-2b BV-2 Monitor Detector Efficiencies 2.2-1 Modes Of Gaseous Release From Beaver Valley Site Vents For Implementation Of 10 CFR 20 And 10 CFR 50 2.2-2a BV-1 Radionuclide Mix For Gaseous Effluents 2.2-2b BV-2 Radionuclide Mix For Gaseous Effluents 2.2-3 Distances Of Limiting Maximum Individual Receptors To Release Points For Annual X/Q Values ANNUAL AVERAGE X/0 Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.2-4 BV-1 And 2 Containment Vents (Ground Release) 2.2-5 BV-1 And 2 Ventilation Vents (Ground Release) 2.2-6 BV-1 And 2 Process Vent (Elevated Release) 2.2-7 BV-1 And 2 Turbine Building Vents (Ground Release) 2.2-8 BV-2 Decontamination Building Vent (Ground Release)

Beaver Valley Power Station Proedur1/2DC101


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes

___ __ __ ____ ____ __43___ _of___ _67 Revision: Page Numbeer:

ATTACHMENT A Page 2 of 6 LIST OF ODCM TABLES 2.2-9 BV-2 Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent (Ground Release) 2.2-10 BV-2 Condensate Polishing Building (Ground Release)

NOBLE GAS DOSE FACTORS AND DOSE PARAMETERS Included in 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.2-11 Dose Factors For Noble Gases And Daughters 2.2-12 Dose Parameters For Finite Elevated Plumes, Beaver Valley Site P&I DOSE PARAMETERS Included in 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.2-13 Pit Values For A Child For The Beaver Valley Site MODES OF GASEOUS RELEASES Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.02 23-1 Modes Of Gaseous Release Form The Beaver Valley Site Vents For Implementation Of 10 CFR 20 And 10 CFR 50 P&I ORGAN DOSE FACTORS Included in 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.3-2 R Values for Inhalation - Adult 2.3-3 R Values for Inhalation - Teen 2.34 R Values for Inhalation - Child 2.3-5 R Values for Inhalation - Infant 2.3-6 R Values for Ground 2.3-7 R Values for Vegetation - Adult 2.3-8 R Values for Vegetation - Teen 2.3-9 R Values for Vegetation - Child 2.3-10 R Values for Meat - Adult _

2.3-11 R Values for Meat - Teen 2.3-12 R Values for Meat - Child 2.3-13 R Values for Cow Milk - Adult 2.3-14 R Values for Cow Milk - Teen

Beaver Valley Power Station edure 2 ODCNu1.e1 lTitle:

Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number 2 ~44 nf 67 ATTACHMENT A Page 3 of 6 LIST OF ODCM TABLES 2.3-15 R Values for Cow Milk - Child 2.3-16 R Values for Cow Milk - Infant 2.3-17 R Values for Goat Milk - Adult 2.3-18 R Values for Goat Milk - Teen 2.3-19 R Values for Goat Milk - Child 2.3-20 R Values for Goat Milk - Infant CONTINUOUS RELEASE DEPOSITION PARAMETERS (0-5 Miles)IcludedinProoedum l2DC-202 23-21 BV-1 And 2 Process Vent (Elevated Release) 2.3-22 BV-1 And 2 Containment Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-23 BV-1 And 2 Ventilation Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-24 BV-1 And 2 Turbine Building Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-25 BV-2 Condensate Polishing Building (Ground Release) 2.3-26 BV-2 Decontamination Building Vent (Ground Release) 2.3-27 BV-2 Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent (Ground Release)


Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.02 Included in r i

i 2.3-28 BV-1 And 2 Process Vent (Elevated Release) I 2.3-29 BV-1 And 2 Containment Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-30 BV-1 And 2 Ventilation Vents (Ground Release)

I 2.3-31 BV-1 And 2 Turbine Building Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-32 BV-2 Condensate Polishing Building (Ground Release) 2.3-33 BV-2 Decontamination Building Vent (Ground Release) 2.3-34 BV-2 Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent (Ground Release)

e P e Stat Procedure Number.

Bever Val Power Stationl/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Pg Number.

ATTACHMENT A Page 4 of 6 LIST OF ODCM TABLES BATCH RELEASE DISPERSION PARAMETERS (Special Distances) Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.3-35 BV-1 And 2 Containment Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-36 BV-1 And 2 Ventilation Vents (Ground Release) 2.3-37 BV-I And 2 Process Vent (Elevated Release)

BATCH RELEASE DISPERSION PARAMETERS (0-5 Miles) Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.02 2.3-38 BV-1 And 2 Process Vent (Elevated Release)

ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-2.03 3.0-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program DISPERSION CALCULATION Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.01 A:1 BV-I And 2 Release Conditions INPUTS TO COMPUTER CODES Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.01 B:la Inputs To GALE Code For Generation Of BV-1 Liquid Source Term Mixes B:lb Inputs To SWEC LJQ1BB Code For Generation Of BV-2 Liquid Source Term Mixes B:2a Inputs To SWEC GAS1BB Code For Generation Of BV-1 Gaseous Source Term Mixes B:2b Inputs To SWEC GAS1BB Code For Generation of BV-2 Gaseous Source Term Mixes ODCM CONTROLS Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03 C:1.1 Operational Modes C:1.2 Frequency Notation C:3.3-6 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation C:4.3-3 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements C:3.3-12 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation C:4.3-12 Radioactive Liquid Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements C:3.3-13 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation

Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedureNum


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: PgeNub e ATTACHMENT A Page 5 of 6 LIST OF ODCM TABLES C:4.3-13 Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance Requirements C:4.1 1-1 Radioactive Liquid Waste Sampling And Analysis Program C:4.11-2 Radioactive Gaseous Waste Sampling And Analysis Program C:3.12-1 Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program C:3.12-2 Reporting Levels For Radioactivity Concentrations In Environmental Samples C:4.12-1 Maximum Values For The Lower Limits Of Detection (LLD)

FORMAT FOR ANNUAL REPORT Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-3.03 E:6.9-1 Environmental Radiological Monitoring Program Summary ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX Included in Procedure 1/2-ODC-1.01 F: 1a BV- 1 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance F: lb BV-2 Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation Surveillance F:2a BV-i Liquid Effluent Monitor Surveillances F:2b BV-2 Liquid Effluent Monitor Surveillances F:3a BV-1 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Surveillances F:3b BV-2 Gaseous Effluent Monitor Surveillances F:4 BV-I and 2 Liquid Effluent Concentrathon Surveillances F:5 BV-I and 2 Liquid Effluent Dose Surveillances F:6 BV-1 and 2 Liquid Effluent Treatment Surveillances F:7 BV-1 and 2 Liquid Storage Tank Activity Limit Surveillances F:8 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Dose Surveillances F:9 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Air Dose Surveillances F: 10 BV-i and 2 Gaseous Effluent Particulate and Iodine Dose Surveillances F: 11 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Treatment Surveillances

Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.O1 Tide: Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

ATTACHMENT A Page 6 of 6 LIST OF ODCM TABLES F: 12a BV-1 Gaseous Storage Tank Activity Limit Surveillances F: 12a BV-2 Gaseous Storage Tank Activity Limit Surveillances F:13 BV-I and 2 Total Dose Surveillances F:14 BV-1 and 2 REMP Surveillances F:15 BV-I and 2 Land Use Census Surveillances F:16 BV-1 and 2 Interlaboratory Comparison Program a

Beaver Valley Power Station ProcedNumer Tide:

Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referenc ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

I 49 of 67 ATFACHEMNT B Page 1 of 1 LIST OF ODCM FIGURES LIQTIQ EFFLUENTS Included in Procedure 1/2-ODrC-2 ()

1.4-1 BV-1 Liquid Radwaste System 1.4-2 BV-2 Liquid Radwaste System 1.4-3 BV-1 and 2 Liquid Effluent Release Points 5-1 Site Boundary For Liquid Effluents GASEOUS EFFUTTFNTSR TncilpiAin Pre A- 1 /I nMr -1 r 2.4-1 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Radwaste System 2.4-2 BV-1 and 2 Gaseous Effluent Release Points 5-1 Site Boundary For Gaseous Effluents RADIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING PROGRAM Included in Procedure 1/2-ULJU-Z.UJ 3.0-1 Air Sampling Locations 3.0-2 TLD Locations 3.0-3 Shoreline Sediment, Surface Water, And Drinking Water Sampling Locations 3.0-4 Milk Sampling Locations f

3.0-5 Foodcrop Sampling Locations 4 3.0-6 Fish Sampling Locations i


Bea Beaverr Vv all.eyPower y P r StaProcedure Station1/2-ODC-1.01 Number:


Unit: Level or Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

ATTACHMENT C Page I of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTION SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:1a ODCM Control Radiation Monitoring Channels In 112-ODC-3.03, Table 3.3-6 OPERABLE APPLICARILITY: Modes I thru 4 ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Test Monitors at Table 4.3-3 Frequency Noble Gas Effluent Monitors - NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE Monitors are documented SPINGS In the Operations Shift and the HP Shift Logs. Supplementary Leak Collection and MSP 43.59 Elevated Release RM-1VS-110 (Channel Calibration)

Release System OM 1.54.3 L5 Item 205 (RM-1 VS-1 0 SLCRS Exhaust)

(RM-1 VS-i 10 CH7 & CH9) OST 1.43.07 Noble Gas Monitor (SPING) (Functional Test) Auxiliary Building Ventilation System MSP 43.60 Ventilation Vent RM-1 VS-1 09(Channel Calibration)

(RM-1VS-109 CH7 & CH9) OM 1.54.3 L5 Item 204 (RM-1VS-109)

OST 1.43.07 Noble Gas Monitor (SPING) (Functional Test) Process Vent System (RM-1GW-109 MSP 43.58 Gaseous Waste RM-1GW-109 (Channel Calibration)

CH7 & 9) OM 1.54.3 L5 Item 206 (RM-1 GW-1 09)

OST 1.43.07 Noble Gas Monitor (SPING) (Functional Test) Noble Gas Steam Effluent NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE Monitors are documented Monitors In the Operations Shift and the HP Shift Logs. Atmospheric Steam Dump Valve and MSP 43.62 Steam Atmos Discharge 100A (Channel Calibration) v.1.2a Code Safety Valve Discharge MSP 43.63 Steam Atmos Discharge 100 B (Channel Calibration)

(RM-1 MS- IOOA, B, C) MSP 43.64 Steam Atmos Discharge 100C (Channel Calibration)

OM 1.54.3 L5 Item 078 (RM-1 MS-1 OOA MS Safety Vlv)

L5 Item 079 (RM-1 MS-1 00B MS Safety VIv)

LS Item 103 (RM-1MS-100C MS Safety Vlv)

OST 1.43.05 Steam Effluent Monitors (Functional Test) Auxiliary Feedwater Pump Turbine MSP 43.65 AFP Exhaust RM-1 MS1 11 (Channel Calibration)

Exhaust (RM-1 MS-101) OM 1.54.3 L5 Item 104 (RM-1 MS-1 01 AFP Turbine Exh)

OST 1.43.05 Steam Effluent Monitors (Functional Test)

Procedure Number:

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01 Title Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referen ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

_ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I__ 9 50 _o f 6 7 -

ATTACHMENT C Page 2 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-2 RADIATION MONITORING INSTRUMENTION SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:lb ODCM Control Radiation Monitoring Channels In 1/2-ODC-3.03, Table 3.3-6 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: Modes 1 thru 4 ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Test Monitors at Table 4.3-3 Frequency Noble Gas Effluent Monitors NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE Monitors are documented In the Operations Shift and the HP Shift Logs. Supplementary Leak Collection and MSP 2-43.33 Elev Rel 2HVS*RQI109C, D (Channel Calibration) c.i.1.1.a Release System (2HVS-RO109C & D) OM 2.54.3 Log L5 Item 133 (SLCRS Monitor 2HVS*RQ109)

OST 2.43.08 Wide Rnq Gas Eff Monitor (Channel Function Test)

Beavr ValeyPowe StaionProcedure Number B1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference I ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

ATTACHMENT C II Page 3 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX i BY-1 LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITOR SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:2a ODCM Control Liquid Effluent Monitors In 1/2-ODC-3.03, Table 3.3-12 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: During Releases Through The Flow Path ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Test Monitors at Table 4.3-12 Frequency Monitors Providing Alarm and NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented In the Automatic Termination Operations Shift Logs, and the HP Shift Logs. Lquid Radwaste Effluent Une MSP 1-43.18 Channel Calibration (RM-iLW-104) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1I2OM-17.4A.D Source Check OST 1.43.9 Functional Test 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Liquid Waste Contaminated Drain Une MSP 1-43.23 Channel Calibration (RM-lLW-116) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1/20M-17.4A.D Source Check OST 1.43.9 Functional Test 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs .c Auxiliary Feed Pump Bay Drain Monitor MSP 1-43.70 Channel Calibration (RM-IDA-100) IOM-54.3 (Log LS) Channel Check 1OM-54.3 (Log 15) Source Check OST 1.43.9 Functional Test 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Monitors Providing Alarm, but Not NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented In the PrIviding Auto Termination Operations Shift Logs, and the HP Shift Logs. Component Cooling - Recirculation MSP 1-43.10 Channel Calibration Spray Hx River Water Monitor 1OM-54.3 (Log 15) Channel Check (RM-1RW-100) OST 1.43.9 Functional Test OST 1.43.9A Source Check 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Flow Rate Measurement Devices NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented In the Operations Shift Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.005. Liquid Radwaste Effluent Lines MSP 1-17.5 Channel Calibration (FR-1 LW-1 03 for RM-1 LW-1 16) MSP 1-17.6 F-LW-104-1 Channel Calibration (FR-1LW-104 for RM-1LW-104) MSP 1-17.7 F-LW-104-2 Channel Calibration MSP 1-17.8 F-LW-104-1 Functional Test MSP 1-17.9 F-LW-104-2 Functional Test MSP 1-17.10 F-LW-103 Functional Test IOM-54.3 (Log 15) FR-LW-103 Channel Check 10M-54.3 (Log L5) FR-LW-104-1 Channel Check 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) FR-LW-104-2 Channel Check Cooling Tower Blowdown Une MSP 1-31.4 F-CW-101 Channel Calibration (FT-lCW-101) MSP 1-31.5 F-CW-101 Functional Test (FT-1CW-101-1) MSP 1-31.6 F-CW-101-1 Channel Calibration MSP 1-31.7 F-CW-101-1 Functional Test 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) FT-CW-101 Channel Check iOM-54.3 (Log 15) FT-CW-101-1 Channel Check Tank Level Indicating Devices NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented In the Operations Shift Logs Primary Water Storage Tank MSP 1-8.1 L-PG 1ISA Functional Test (LI-1 PG-l ISA for 1BR-TK-6A) MSP 1-8.3 L-PG1 15A Channel Calibration 1OM-54.3 (Log 15) When Adding to Tank Primary Water Storage Tank MSP 1-8.2 L-PG-11 5B Functional Test (LI-1 PG- 15B for 1BR-TK-6B) MSP 1-8.4 L-PG-1 15B Channel Calibration 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) When Adding to Tank Steam Generator Drain Tank MSP 1-17.1 L-LWI 10 Functional Test (Li-1LW-110 for 1LW-TK-7A) MSP 1-17.3 L-LWI 10 Channel Calibration 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) When Adding to Tank Steam Generator Drain Tank MSP 1-17.2 L-LW 1I1 Functional Test (Li-1 LW-i 1i for 1LW-TK-7B) MSP 1-17.4 L-LW1 11 Channel Calibration

____ I 1OM-54.3 (Log 15) When Adding to Tank

v Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number.



Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referent ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number ATTACHMENT C Page 4 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-2 LIQUID EFFLUENT MONITOR SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:2b ODCM Control Liquid Effluent Monitors In 1/2-ODC-3.03 Table 3.3-12 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: During Releases Through The Flow Paths ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Test Monitors at Table 4.3-12 Frequency Monitors Providing Alarm and NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented Automatic Termination In the Operations Shift Logs, and HP Shift Logs. Liquid Waste Process Effluent 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Monitor 112-HPP-3.06.005 Source Check (2SGC-RQ100) MSP 2-43.39 Channel Calibration 1/20M-17.4A.C Source Check 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 20M-25.4.L Source Check 20M-25.4.N Source Check OST 2.43.3 Functional Test Flow Rate Measurement Devices NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented In the Operations Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 and the HP Shift Logs. Liquid Radwaste Effluent MSP 2-25.1 2SGC-P26A,B Calibration / Functional Test (2SGC-FIS1 00) MSP 2-43.39 Channel Calibration 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check Cooling Tower Blowdown Line MSP 2-31.4 Channel Calibration (2CWS-FT101) MSP 2-31.5 Functional Test 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check r

Procedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


unit Level Of Use:

112 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

AITACHMENT C Page 5 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BY-1 GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITOR SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:3a ODCM Control Gaseous Effluent Monitors In 1/2-ODC-3.03 Table 3.3-13 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: During Releases Through The Flow Paths ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Test Monitors at Table 4.3-13 Frequency Gaseous Waste I Process Vent NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented System in the Operations Shift Logs, 112-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 1-43.22 Channel Calibration Pri: (RM-1GW-108B) 1OM-19.4.E, H Channel Check Alt: (RM-1GW-109 Ch 5): for 1OM-19.4.E, H Source Check continuous releases only, not 1/2-OM-19.4A.D Source Check an alternate for batch releases 112-OM-19.4A.D Channel Check IOM-54.3 (Log L5) RM-GW-108B Channel Check 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) RM-GW-109 Channel Check OST 1.43.9 Functional Test 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Particulate & Iodine Sampler 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Pri: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (RM-1 GW-1 09)

Alt: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (RM-1GW-110) System Effluent Flow Rate MSP 1-19.5 Functional Test Measuring Device MSP 1-19.6 Channel Caflbration Pri: (FR- GW-1 08) 1OM-54.3 (Log LS) Channel Check Alt: (RM-1GW-109 Ch 10) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Sampler Flow Rate Measuring MSP 1-43.21 Channel Calibration Device MSP 1-43.71 Rotometer Functional Test Pri: (RM-1 GW-109 Ch 15) 1OM 54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check Alt: (Rotometer. FM-1iGW-1 01 and OST 1.43.7 Functional Test Vacuum Gauge: PI-1 GW-1 3 for OST 1A3.11 Functional Test RM-1GW-110) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Auxiliary BuIlding Ventilation NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented System (Ventilation Vent) in the Operations Shift Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 and HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 1-43.13 Channel Calibration Pri: (RM-1VS-101B) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) RM-VS-101B Channel Check Alt: (RM-1VS-109 Ch 5) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) RM-VS-109 Channel Check OST 1A3.7A Alternate Noble Gas Monitor Functional Test OST 1.43.9 Functional Test OST 1.43.9A Source Check 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Particulate & Iodine Sampler 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Prd: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (RM-1 VS-1 09)

  • Alt: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (RM-1 VS- 1I1) System Effluent Flow Rate MSP 1-44.7 Functional Test Measuring Device MSP 1-44.8 Channel Calibration Pri: (FR-1 VS-101) 1OM-54.3 (Log LS) Channel Check Alt: (RM-1VS-109 Ch 10) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs

Beaver Valley Power Station PredureNumbe


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referer ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number:

_ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 95 4 o f 67 AYTACHNT C Page 6 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITOR SURVEILLANCES Continued TABLE F:3a ODCM Control Gaseous Effluent Monitors In 1/2-ODC-3.03 Table 3.3-13 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: During Releases Through The Flow Paths ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Sampler Flow Rate Measuring MSP 1-44.7 Functional Test Device MSP 1-44.8 Channel Calibration Pri: (RM-IVS-109 Ch 15) 1OM 54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check Alt: (Rotometer: FM-1VS-102 and OST 1.43.7 Functional Test Vacuum Gauge: Pl-1VS-659 OST 1.43.11 Functional Test for RM-1 VS-11) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Rx Containment I SLCRS NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented (Elevated Release) In the Operations Shift Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 1-43.20 Channel Calibration Pri: (RM-l VS-107B) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) RM-VS-107B Channel Check Alt: (RM-1 VS-i 10 Ch 5) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) RM-VS-1 10 Channel Check OST 1.43.7A Alternate Noble Gas Monitor Functional Test OST 1.43.9 Functional Test OST 1.43.9A Source Check 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Particulate &Iodine Sampler 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Pri: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (RM-1VS-110)

Alt: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (RM-1VS-112) System Effluent Flow Rate MSP 1-44.9 Channel Calibration Measuring Device MSP 1-44.10 Functional Test Pri: (FR-1 VS-1 12) 1OM-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check Alt: (RM-1 VS- 10 Ch 10) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Sampler Flow Rate Measuring MSP 1-43.19 Channel Calibration Device MSP 1-43.72 Rotometer Functional Test Pri: (RM-1 VS-i 10 Ch 15) 1OM 54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check Alt: (Rotometer: FM-1VS-103 and OST 1.43.7 Functional Test Vacuum Gauge: PI-11VS-660 OST 1.43.11 Functional Test for RM-1VS-1 12) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs

Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure NumeDCr


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page N oumber ATTACHMENT C Page 7 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITOR SURVEILLANCES Continued TABLE F:3b ODCM Control Gaseous Effluent Monitors In 1/2-ODC-3.03 Table 3.3-13 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: During Releases Through The Flow Paths ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Test Monitors at Table 4.3-13 Frequency SLCRS Unfiltered Pathway NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented (Ventilation Vent) In the Operations Shift Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 2-43.36 Channel Calibration Pri: (2HVS-R0101B) 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check OST 2-43.9 Functional Test 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 2-HPP-4.02.018 Source Check (DRMS Auto Function) Particulate & Iodine Sampler 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Pn: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (2HVS-RQ1 01 A) Process Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.36 Channel Calibration Pri: (Monitor Item 29 for 2HVS- MSP 2-43.36A Functional Test VP101) MWR Velocity Probe Calibration 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Sampler Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.36 Channel Calibration Pn: (2HVS-FIT101-1) MSP 2-43.36A Functional Test 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs SLCRS Filtered Pathway NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented (Elevated Release) In the Operations Shift Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 2-43.32 2HVS-RO109A Channel Calibration Pri: (2HVS-RO109B) MSP 2-43.33 2HVS-RQ109B,C,D Channel Calibration 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check OST 2.43.8 Functional Test 1/2-APM-1611 HP Shift Logs 2-HPP-4.02.018 Source Check (DRMS Auto Function) Particulate & Iodine Sampler 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Pri: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (2HVS-RO109A) Process Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.32a Functional Test Pd: (Monitor Item 29 for 2HVS- MSP 2-43.33 2HVS-RO109B,C,D, Channel Calibration FR22) 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1't Alt (2HVS-FI22A and F122C) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 24 Alt: (2HVS-FI22B and F122D) _ Sampler Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.32 2HVS-RQ109A Channel Calibration Pri: (Monitor Items 28 & 72 for MSP 2-43.32A Functional Test 2HVS-DAU109A) MSP 2-43.33 2HVS-RQ109B,C,D, Channel Calibration 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs

Beaver Valley Power Station Procedure Number:


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referent ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Numbero ATTACHMENT C Page 8 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT MONITOR SURVEILLANCES Continued TABLE F:3b ODCM Control Gaseous Effluent Monitors In 112-ODC-3.03 Table 3.3-13 OPERABLE APPLICABILITY: During Releases Through The Flow Paths ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Decontamination Building NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented Vent in the Operations Shift Logs, 112-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 2-43.35 Channel Calibration Pri: (2RMO-RO301 B) 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check OST 2.43.9 Functional Test II f

HPM-RIP 2.18 Source Check (DRMS Auto Function) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Particulate & Iodine Sampler 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Pri: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (2RMQ-RQ301A) Sampler Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.35 Channel Calibration Pri: (2RMQ-FIT301 -1) MSP 2-43.35A Functional Test 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 1/2-AD%1611 HP Shift Logs Condensate Polishing NOTE: Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented Building Vent in the Operations Shift Logs, 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP Shift Logs. Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 2-43.38 Channel Calibration Pdi: (2HVL-RQ1 12B) 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check OST 2.43.9 Functional Test 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 7

2-HPP-4.02.018 Source Check (DRMS Auto Function) Particulate & Iodine Sampler 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Pri: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (2HVL-RQ1 12A) Sampler Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.38 Channel Calibration Pdi: (2HVL-FIT112-1) 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check Waste Gas Storage Vault Vent NOTE:. Actions for INOPERABLE monitors are documented I In the Operations Shift Logs, 112-HPP-3.06.006 and the HP i Shift Logs. N Noble Gas Activity Monitor MSP 2-43.37 Channel Calibration Pri: (2RMO-RQ303B) 20M-54.3 (Log 15) Channel Check OST 2.43.9 Functional Test i 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 2-HPP-4.02.018 Source Check (DRMS Auto Function) Particulate & Iodine Sampler 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs i I

Pri: Filter Paper and Charcoal Cartridge for (2RMO-R0303A) Sampler Flow Rate Monitor MSP 2-43.37 Channel Calibration Pri: (2RMO-FIT303-1) MSP 2-43.37A Functional Test 20M-54.3 (Log L5) Channel Check 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs

Beaver Valley Power Station


ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes ATTACHMENT C Page 9 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 LIQUID EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:4 ODCM Control Effluent Concentration Within 10 Times 10CFR20 EC's APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Sample and Analyze Radioactive 1/2-ADM-1601 Liquid Radwaste Discharges Liquid Wastes per Table 4.11-1 Batch Waste Release Tanks CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing CHM CP 5 Radiochemical Procedures CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis)

CHM CP 9 Conduct of Operation 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 1/2-HPP-3.06.001 Liquid Waste Tank Sampling 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors 1/2-HPP-4.05.023 Genie AXP Counting Systems Continuous Releases CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing CHM CP 5 Radiochemical Procedures CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis)

CHM CP 9 Conduct of Operation 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors 1/2-HPP-4.05.023 Genie AXP Counting System Use ODCM Methodology to 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 Liquid Waste Discharge Authorization Assure Compliance 1/20M-17.4A.D Liquid Waste Discharge Take Turbine Building Grab CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing Sample When BV-1 Primary to CHM CP 5 Leak Rate Calculations Secondary Leakage Exceeds 0.1 CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis) gpm (142 gpd) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 1/2-HPP-3.06.001 Uquid Waste Tank Sampling 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 Liquid Waste Discharge Authorization 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors Take Turbine Building Grab CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing Sample When BV-2 Primary to CHM CP 5 Leak Rate Calculations Secondary Leakage Exceeds 0.1 CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis) gpm (142 gpd) 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 1/2-HPP-3.06.001 Liquid Waste Tank Sampling 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 Liquid Waste Discharge Authorization 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors Take Grab Samples Prior to BV-2 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs Recirculation Drain Pump 1/2-HPP-3.06.001 Uquid Waste Tank Sampling Discharge to Catch Basin No. 16 20M-9.2 Rx Plant Vents and Drains (CB-1 6) 20M-9AF Drain RSS Pump Casing / Pit OM 51-86 OM Clearance 51-86 (2DAS-P215A/B)


Beaver Valley Power Station Procedum-Number Ut:

1/2 Level Of Use:

General Skill Referent 1

ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Numbef ATTACHMENT C Page 10 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BY-1 AND 2 LIQUID EFFLUENT DOSE SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:5 ODCM Control Liquid Effluent Dose APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM SR DESCRIPTION l PROCEDURE Using the ODCM - Determine 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 Liquid Waste Discharge Authorization Cumulative Dose From Liquid HP Letter Monthly Dose Projection Effluents Every 31 Days 1/20M-17.4A.D Liquid Waste Discharge a

I Procedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number 2 59 of 67 AITACHMENT C Page 11 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 LIQUID EFFLUENT TREATMENT SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:6 0DCM Control Liquid Effluent Treatment System APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE 4.11 .1.3.1 Using the ODCM - Project the Uquid 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 Liquid Waste Discharge Authorization Release Dose Every 31 Days HP Letter Monthly Dose Projection 1/20M-17.4A.D Liquid Waste Discharge

. I1 i

i Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01 i


Unit: Level Of Use: -

1/2 General Skill Referen. i

--- I ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number. I

. __ 60 of_o67 I ATTACHMENT C Page 12 of 19 I ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 LIQUID STORAGE TANK ACTIVITY LIMIT SURVEILLANCES i TABLE F:7 ODCM Control <10 Curies in BR-TK-6A&B, LW-TK-7A&B, QS-TK-1, 2QSS-TK21. and Misc. Temp Liquid Tanks APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE SR Every 7 days Analyze a tank sample 1/2-HPP-3.06.001 Liq Waste Tank Sampling when radioactive material is added to 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 LW Discharge Authorization tanks except the RWST's. For OM 1.08.4.Z Recir Tst Tks Thru Ion Ex RWST's, analyze sample within 7 OM 1.17.4.AJ LW Transfer to LW-TK-7A&B days of reactor cavity drain down OM 1.54.3 L5 Item 197 back to the RWST. L5 Item 132 L5 Item 134 L5 Item 200 OM 2.17.4B LW to SG Blowdown Tank i


-_, 1 i

I i


i I

i I


Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number

_ 61 of6 ATTACHMENT C Page 13 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT DOSE SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:8 IDCM Control Gaseous Effluent Dose Rates APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Using the ODCM - Determine the 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 Gaseous Waste Discharge Authorization Noble Gas Effluent Dose Rate 1/2-ENV-01.03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases 112-HPP-3.06.012 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 112-HPP-3.06.013 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1OM-19.4E, H BV-1 Decay Tank Discharge 1120M-19.4A.B BV-2 Decay Tank Discharpe Sample and Analyze per Table iPM-CP 1 Radwaste Disposal 4.11-2 to Determine Inhalation Pathway Dose Waste Gas Storage Tank- CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing Grag Sample Each Tank CHM CP 5 Radlochemical Procedures CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis)

CHM CP 9 Conduct of Operation 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 1-HPP-3.06.003 BV-1 Gas Tank Sampling 2-HPP-3.06.004 BV-2 Gas Tank Sampling 112-HPP-3.06.006 Gaseous Waste Discharge Authorization 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.020 DRMS Process Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors .2.B Containment Purge - CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing Grag Sample Each Purge CHM CP 5 Radiochemical Procedures CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis)

CHM CP 9 Conduct of Operation 1/2-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 Gaseous Waste Discharge Authorization 1/2-HPP-3.07.003 Air Sampling 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.020 DRMS Process Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors .2.C Ventilation Systems BV-1 Grab and Continuous Samples CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing thru CHM CP 5 Radiochemical Procedures .C.3 CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis) and CHM'CP 9 Conduct of Operation 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs thru 1/2-ENV- 01.03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors 1-HPP-4.02.008 SA-9110 Noble Gas Monitor 1-HPP-4.02.010 SPING-4 Monitor 1-HPP-4.02.032 RMS Sample Flow Valve Une-Up (normal) 1-HPP-4.02.033 RMS Sample Flow Valve Une-Up (after sampling) 1-HPP-5.01.001 SA-9/10 Emergency Operation

_1-HPP-.01.002 SPING-4 Emergency Operation F .2.C.4 BV-2 Grab and Continuous Samples CHM CP 3 Sampling and Testing thru CHM CP 5 Radiochemical Procedures .2.C.8 CHM CP 8 Logs and Forms (Analysis) and CHM CP 9 Conduct of Operation 112-ADM-1611 HP Shift Logs thru 1/2-ENV-01.03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-5.04.001 Emergency Operation of WRGM Assembly

ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Chances ATTACHIENT C 1 62 of 67 Page 14 of i9 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT AIR DOSE SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:9 ODCM Control Gaseous Effluent Air Doses APPLICABILITY: At All Times I

DESCRIPTION SR PROCEDUR . sing the ODC De I' eriethe 1/-HPP-30.6 Gaeous Waste Discarge Authorization Noble Gas Cumulative Dose Contributions Every 31 Days 1/2-ENV-01 .03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases 1/2-HPP-3.06.012 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1/2 HPP 3.06.013 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1-HPP-4.02.00 2 Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-4 02 021 DRMS Effluent Monitors 1OM-19.4E, H BY-1 Decay Tank Discharge 1/20M-19.4A.B BV-2 Decay Tank Discharge HP Letter Monthiv Dose Prolection t


Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1'2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

.1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

2 63 of 67 ATTACHMENT C Page 15 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT PARTICULATE AND IODINE DOSE SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:10 ODOM Control Gaseous Effluent Particulate And Iodine Doses APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE SR Using the ODCM - Determine the 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 Gaseous Waste Discharge Authorization Particulate & Radiolodine Cumulative 1/2-ENV-01.03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases Dose Contributions Every 31 Days 1/2-HPP-3.06.012 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1/2-HPP-3.06.013 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1-HPP-4.02.002 Effluent Monitors 2-HPP-4.02.021 DRMS Effluent Monitors 1OM-1 9.4E, H BV-1 Decay Tank Discharge (with RP 6.6) 1120M-19.4A.B BV-2 Decay Tank Discharge (with RP 6.6)

HP Letter Monthly Dose Projection (with RP 6.6)

I iI i


P17ocedure Number~

Beaver Valley Power Station 1___________


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Referer ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

____________________________________ 2 64 of 67 ATTACHMENT C Page 16 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 GASEOUS EFFLUENT TREATMENT SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:1 1 ODCM Control Gaseous Effluent Treatment System APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Using the ODCM - Project the Gas 112-HPP-3.06.006 Gaseous Waste Discharge Authorization Release Dose from the Site Every 31 1/2-ENV-01.03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases Days 1/2-HPP-3.06.012 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1/2-HPP-3.06.013 Abnormal Gaseous Releases HP Letter Monthly Dose Projection 1OM-19.4E, H BV-1 Decay Tank Discharge 1/20M-19.4A.B BV-2 Decay Tank Discharge

Procedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Page Number.

AITACHMENT C Page 17 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 GASEOUS STORAGE TANK ACTIVITY LIMIT SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:12a ODCM Control Gas Storage Tank Activity Must be _52000 Curies Noble Gas (Considered Xe-133)

APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE SR Determine Tank Gas Contents when 1-HPP-3.06.003 Gas Tank Sampling Adding Rad Material & (RCS Activity OM 1.19.4.G Gaswaste Disposal System


BV-2 GASEOUS STORAGE TANK ACTIVITY LIMIT SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:12b ODCM Control Connected Group of Gas Storage Tanks must be c19000 Curies Noble Gas (Considered Xe-133)

APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Determine Gaseous Waste Tank 2-HPP-3.06.004 Gas Tank Sampling Rad Material When Adding Rad OM 2.19.2 GW Prec & Limit Material to the Tank. OM 2.1 9AG GW From Unit 2 OM 2.54.3 Log L5 Item 133 a

Beaver Valley Power Station Piroeure iN Ocmb1e1 Til:Unit: Level Of Use:

ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes 1/2 Revision:


General Skill Referen, Page Number.

66 of 67 I

ATTACHMENT C Page 18 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 TOTAL DOSE SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:13 ODCM Control Liquid And Gaseous Doses APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE SR Using the ODCM - Determine 1/2-ENV-01.05 Compliance with RG 1.21 & T.S. (40CFR190)

Cumulative Gas & Liquid Dose per 1/2-HPP-3.06.005 Liquid Waste Discharge Authorization Control,, 1/2-HPP-3.06.006 Gaseous Waste Discharge Authorization 1/2-ENV-01.03 Continuous Ventilation Path Releases 1/2-HPP-3.06.012 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1/2-HPP-3.06.013 Abnormal Gaseous Releases 1/2-ENV-01.04 Effluent Data Processing (40CFR190)

Procedure Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-1.01


Unit: Level Of Use:

M 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: Index, Matrix and History of ODCM Changes Revision: Pag Number ATTACHMENT C Page 19 of 19 ODCM CONTROLS PROCEDURE MATRIX BV-1 AND 2 REMP PROGRAM SURVEILLANCES TABLE F:14 ODCM Control 3.12.1: Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program (REMP)

APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE SR Using Locations in the ODCM -Collect 112-ENV-02.01 Description of overall REMP and Analyze Samples per Tables 1/2-ENV-03.01 Environmental Sampling 3.12-1 3.12-2 & 4.12-1 TABLE F:15 ODCM Control 3.12.2: Land Use Census APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE SR Using the Best Available Method - 1/2-ENV-02.01 Description of overall REMP Conduct a Land Use Census Yearly 1/2-ENV-4.02 Compliance to ODCM Control 3.12.2 Action a Between 6/1 & 10/1 and b TABLE F:16 ODCM Control 3.12.3: Interdaboratory Comparison Program APPLICABILITY: At All Times ODCM SR DESCRIPTION PROCEDURE Include Analysis Results of the 1/2-ENV-02.01 Description of overall REMP Interlaboratory Comparison Program In the Annual Radiological Environmental Report

New: 1/2-ODC-2.O1 Old: SECTIONS 1 & 5

RTL #A9.621B Beaver Valley Power Station Unit 1/2 112-ODC-2.01 ODCM: LIQUIDEFFLUENTS Document Owner Manager, Health Physics Revision Number 1 Level Of Use General Skill Reference Safety Related Procedure Yes i

Beaver Valley Power Station 1u Tide: unit L dOUs General Scill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 Revision: Page Num je TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 PT TRP(i)vF

2 2.0 Qr'APF-............................................... ,.,..



AND COMMITMENTS .......................... 3 3.1 References ........................... 3 3.2 Commitments ........................... 5 4.0 RECORDS AND FORMS ................. . . . . . . .... 5 4.1 Records ............................ 5 4.2 Forms .......................... 5 5.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .......................... 5 6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ........................... 6 7.0 PREREQUISITES ........................... 6 8.0 PROCEDURE ............................ 6 8.1 Alarm Setpoints ................................................... 6 8.1.1 BV-1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination .6 8.1.2 BV-2 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination .12 8.2 Compliance With 10 CFR 20 EC Limits (ODCM CONTROL . .17 8.2.1 Batch Releases .17 8.2.2 Continuous Releases ................... 19 8.3 Compliance With 10 CFR 50 Dose Limits (ODCM CONTROLS And 19 8.3.1 Cumulation Of Doses (ODCM CONTROL .19 8.3.2 Projection Of Doses (ODCM CONTROL .22 8.4 Liquid Radwaste System .. 22 8.4.1 BV-1 Liquid Radwaste System Components .............................................. 23 8.4.2 BV-I Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drain System Components ............... 24 8.4.3 BV-2 Liquid Radwaste System Components .............................................. 24 ATTACHMENT A LIQUID SOURCE TERMS .............................................. 26 ATTACHMENT B RECIRCULATION TIMES .............................................. 30 ATTACHMENT C INGESTION DOSE COMMITMENT FACTORS ............................................. 32 ATTACHMENT D LIQUID RADWASTE SYSTEM ..................... 35 ATTACHMENT E SITE BOUNDARY FOR LIQUID EFFLUENTS ............................... 38

Procedure Number:

Beaver Valley Power Station X 2D DC-2.01 N

Tide: Unit Leve Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Pe Number.

1.0 PURPOSE 1.1 This procedure provides the calculational methodology to be used for determination of the following release parameters as denoted in the Administrative Controls Section of the Unit 1/2 Technical Specifications. 3a1 )

1.1.1 Liquid effluent monitor alarm setpoints (Technical Specification 6.8.6.a, Item 1) 1.1.2 Liquid effluent release concentration calculations (Technical Specification 6.8.6.a, Item 2) 1.1.3 Liquid effluent dose projection and cumulative dose calculations (Technical Specification 6.8.6.a, Items 4 and 5) 1.2 This procedure also provides information related to the following:

1.2.1 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System (Technical Specification 6.8.6.a, Item 6) 1.2.2 Site Boundary used for liquid effluents 1.3 Prior to issuance of this procedure, these items were contained in Section 1 of the old ODCM.

2.0 SCOPE 2.1 This procedure is applicable to all station personnel that are qualified to perform activities as described and referenced in this procedure.


AND COMMITMENTS 3.1 References 3.1.1 References For BV-1 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints Beaver Valley Power Station, Appendix I Analysis - Docket No. 50-334 and 50-412; Table 2.1-3 Beaver Valley Power Station, Appendix I Analysis - Docket No. 50-334 and 50-412; Table 2.1-2 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, (20.1001-20.2402) Table 2, Column 2 EC's Calculation Package No. ERS-SFL-92-039, Isotopic Efficiencies For Unit 1 Liquid Process Monitors Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-93-021, Process Alarm Setpoints For Liquid Effluent Monitors

Beaver Valley PoWer Station Procedur Num 2 0 1 Uit:i LevdOfUsi ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General Skill Reference Revisiow Page Number: Stone and Webster Calculation Package No. UR(B)-160, BVPS Liquid Radwaste Releases and Concentrations - Expect and Design Cases (per Unit and Site) 3.1.2 References for BV-2 Liquid Effluent Monitor Setpoints 10 CFR 20, Appendix B, (20.1001-20.2402) Table 2, Column 2 EC's Calculation Package No. ERS-SFL-86-026, Unit 2 DRMS Isotopic Efficiencies Stone and Webster Computer Code LIQ 1BB; "Normal Liquid Releases From A Pressurized Water Reactor" Calculation Package No. ERS-JWW-87-015, Isotopic Efficiencies For 2SGC-RQ100 The Isotopic Efficiencies for 2SGC-RQI00 are superceded by the values presented in Calculation Package No. ERS-SFL-86-026. Calculation Package No. ERS-WFW-87-021, Conversion Factor for 2SGC-RQ100 The Monitor Conversion Factor (CFl ) for 2SGC-RQ100 1 is superseded by the value presented in Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-93-021. Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-93-021, Process Alarm Setpoints For Liquid Effluent Monitors Stone and Webster Calculation Package No. UR(B)-160, BVPS Liquid Radwaste Releases and Concentrations - Expect and Design Cases (per Unit and Site) 3.1.3 References used for Other Portions of this procedure NUREG-0133, Preparation of Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications for Nuclear Power Plants NUREG-1301, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual Guidance:

Standard Radiological Effluent Controls for Pressurized Water Reactors (Generic Letter 89-01, Supplement No. 1) NUREG-0017; Calculation of Releases of Radioactive Materials in Gaseous and Liquid Effluents from PWR's, Revision 0 Regulatory Guide 1.113; Estimating Aquatic Dispersion of Effluents from Accidental and Routine Reactor Releases for the Purpose of Implementing Appendix I, April 1977 Regulatory Guide 1.109; Calculation of Annual Doses to Man from Routine -

Releases of Reactor Effluents for the Purpose of Evaluating Compliance to 10CFR Part 50, Appendix I

Beaver Vi. Power o -. =ProcedumeNumber Be aver Valley. ower Station 1/2-ODC-2.01


Unit Leve Of UsW 1/2 General SkiU Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-83-027; Liquid Waste Dose Factor Calculation for HPM-RP 6.5, Issue 3 and Later NUREG-0172; Age-Specific Radiation Dose Commitment Factors for a One-Year Chronic Intake UCRL-50564; Concentration Factors of Chemical Elements in Edible Aquatic Organisms, Revision 1, 1972 1/2-ADM-1640, Control of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual 1/2-ADM-0100, Procedure Writers Guide 1/2-ADM-0101, Review and Approval of Documents 1/2-ODC-3.03, ODCM: Controls for RETS and REMP Programs CR 02-06174, Tracking of Activities for Unit 1 RCS Zinc Addition Implementation. CA-014, Revise ODCM Procedure l/2-ODC-2.01 (Tables 1.1-la and lb) to include the addition of Zn-65 to the ODCM liquid source term.

3.2 Commitments 3.2.1 Unit 1/2 Technical Specification 6.8.6.a 4.0 RECORDS AND FORMS 4.1 Records 4.1.1 Any calculation supporting ODCM changes shall be documented, as appropriate, by a retrievable document (e.g.; letter or calculation package) with an appropriate RTL number.

4.2 Forms 4.2.1 None 5.0 PRECAUTIONS AND LIMITATIONS 5.1 BV-l and BV-2 utilize the concept of a shared liquid radioactive waste system according to NUREG 0133.P-'-') This permits the mixing of liquid radwaste for processing and allocating of dose due to release as defined in Section 8.4.

5.1.1 In Section 8.1 of this procedure, effluent monitor setpoints for a conservative mix are based on the individual Units' specific parameters, but effluent monitor setpoints for analysis prior to release permit use of the total dilution flow available at the site.

Beaver Valley Power Station l 1/2-ODCU2.01 e ld I

Unit: vlbf - I ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 Genraml SkiU Reference Revisio: l tge Number

_ .1 1 nf3L 5.2 There is a difference in alarm setpoint terminology presentations for the radiation monitoring systems of BY-I and BV-2.

5.2.1 Where HIGH and HIGH-HIGH terminology are used for BV- I monitors, Alert and High terminology is used for BV-2 monitors.

5.2.2 BV-2 setpoints are presented in uCi/mI rather than cpm as in BV-1. This difference is due to BV-2 software which applies a conversion factor to the raw data (cpm). Note that the uCi/ml presentation is technically correct only for the specific isotopic mix used in the determination of the conversion factors. Therefore, BV-2 setpoints determined on analysis prior to release will be correct for properly controlling dose rate, but the indicated uCi/mI value may differ from the actual value.

5.3 This procedure also contains information that was previously contained in Section 5 of the previous BV-1 and 2 Offsite Dose Calculation Manual.

5.3.1 In regards to this, the site boundary for liquid effluents was included in this procedure.

5.3.2 The Site Boundary for Liquid Effluents is shown in ATTACHMENT E Figure 5-1.

6.0 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 6.1 All changes to this procedure shall contain sufficient justification that the change will maintain the level of radioactive effluent control required by 10 CFR 20.1302, 40 CFR Part 190, 10 CFR 50.36a, and Appendix I to 10 CFR 50, and not adversely impact the accuracy or reliability of effluent dose or alarm setpoint calculation.(3' 3 l .2) 6.1.1 All changes to this procedure shall be prepared in accordance with l/2-ADM-0100(3-' 3 -0 and 1t2-ADM-1640.(3.13.9) 6.1.2 All changes to this procedure shall be reviewed and approved ADM-0 1 (3-131 1)and 112-ADM-1640 Y(3- 39 ) in accordance with 1/2-7.0 PREREQUISITES 7.1 The user of this procedure shall be familiar with ODCM structure and format.

8.0 PROCEDURE 8.1 Alarm Setnoints 8.1.1 BV-1 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination This procedure determines the monitor HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint that indicates if the concentration of radionuclides in the liquid effluent released from the site to unrestricted areas exceeds 10 times the EC's specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (20.1001-20.2402),

Table 2, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases or exceeds a concentration of 2E-4 uCi/mI for dissolved or entrained noble gases. l

Beaver Valley Power Station Pocedume Number.

1/2-ODC-2.01 IN Tiae: Unit Levd OfUse 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision Page Number The methodology described in Section is an alternative method to be used to determine the (RM-ILW-104 or RM-ILW-1 16) monitor HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint (HHSP). The methodology in Section maybe used for any batch release and shall be used when the respective total gamma activity concentration of the liquid effluent prior to dilution exceeds 3.14E-3 uCi/ml and 7.33E-3 uCi/mI. This concentration is equivalent to the respective HHSP's derived in Section and allows for respective tritium concentrations up to 4.26E+O uCi/ml and 9.94E+0 uCi/ml.(3-'-'-) BV-1 Setpoint Determination Based On A Conservative Mix The Alarm Setpoints for the liquid monitors shall be set at the values listed in the following table:


cl em Above Background Monitor CR HHSP lSP Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor RM-ILW-104 3.53E+5 3.53E+5 2.47E+5 Laundry And Contaminated RM-ILW-1 16 8.24E+5 8.24E+5 5.77E+5 Shower Drains Monitor Component Cooling/ RM-lRW-100 2.57E+4 2.57E+4 1.80E+4 Recirculation Spray Hx River Water Monitor i Component Cooling Hx River RM-IRW-101 9.02E+3 9.02E+3 6.32E+3 s I

Water Monitor Aux Feed Pump Bay Drain RM-IDA-100 1.22E+4 1.22E+4 8.55E+3 i Monitor I _III i

The setpoints for RM-lLW-104 and RM-lLW-1 16 are based on the following conditions.

The setpoint bases for RM-IRW-100 and RM-IDA-100, can be found in Calculation Package ERS-ATL-93-021.(hltl 5)

  • Source terms given in ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la. These source terms (without Zn-65) have been generated from the GALE Computer Code, as described in 1 NUREG-0017.(3-'l3) The inputs to GALE are given in 1/2-ODC-3.01 Appendix B.  !\tk 5 The Zn-65 source term was generated via Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL 021 (3..11.5
  • Dilution water flow rate of 22,800 gpm = (15,000 gpm BV-1 + 7,800 gpm BV-2).
  • Discharge flow rate prior to dilution of 35 gpm for the Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (RM-ILW-104).
  • Discharge flow rate prior to dilution of 15 gpm for the Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drains Monitor (RM-1LW-1 16).

Beaver Valley Power Station 112-dDC.N2.mb Tide:

Unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Ruaw 1

geNumr 8 f`38 I

The above setpoints for (RM-lLW-104 and RM-ILW-116) can be varied based on actual operating conditions resulting in changes in the discharge and dilution flow rates as follows:

HHSp= 5 42 F


f where:

HHSP = Monitor HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background (ncpm).

542 = Most restrictive proportionality constant based on nominal flow conditions:

542 = 3.53Ef5 ncpm x 35 gpm + 22,800 gpm (RM-ILW-104) 542 = 8.24E+5 ncpm x 15 gpm - 22,800 gpm (RM-1LW-116)

F = Dilution water flow rate (gpm), BV-I plus BV-2 Cooling Tower Blowdown Rate (not including release through the Emergency Outfall Structure).

f = Discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm). BV-1 Mix Radionuclides The "mix" (radionuclides and composition) of the liquid effluent was determined as follows:

  • The liquid source terms that are representative of the "mix" of the liquid effluent were determined. Liquid source terms are the radioactivity levels of the radionuclides in the effluent from ATTACMENT A Table 1.1-la.
  • The fraction of the total radioactivity in the liquid effluent comprised by radionuclide "i" (Si) for each individual radionuclide in the liquid effluent was determined as follows:

Si = Al [1.1(1)-2)

Z At i


Ai = Annual release of radionuclide "i" (Ci/yr) in the liquid effluent from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la. BV-1 Maximum Acceptable Concentration (All Radionuclides)

The maximum acceptable total radioactivity concentration (uCilml) of all radionuclides in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (Ct) was determined by:

Beaver Valley Power Station NN 2-ODC- 2 .01 Tide: Unit Leved Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Pf 3Numbr Ct= F [1.1(1)-3]

f E: Si i OEC where:

F = Dilution water flow rate (gpm), BV-1 plus BV-2 Cooling Tower Blowdown Rate (not including release through the Emergency Outfall Structure).

= 22,800 gpm = (15,000 gpm BV-I + 7,800 gpm BV-2) f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm).

= 35 gpm for Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (RM-ILW-104).

= 15 gpm for Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drains Monitor (RM-lLW-1 16).

OECi = The ODCM liquid effluent concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la. The OEC is set at 10 times the new 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (20.1001-20.2402) Table 2, Col.

2 EC values.

Si = The fraction of total radioactivity attributed to radionuclide "i", from Equation (1.1(1)-2]. BV- Maximum Acceptable Concentration (individual Radionuclide)

The maximum acceptable radioactivity concentration (uCi/ml) of radionuclide "i" in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (Ci) was determined by:

Ci = Si [1.1(1)-4] BV-1 MonitorCountRate The calculated monitor count rate (ncpm) above background attributed to the radionuclides; (CR) was determined by:

CR= E C Ei 11(1)-]

i where:

E; = Detection efficiency of the monitor for radionuclide "i" (cpm/uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la. If not listed there, from Calculation Package ERS-SFL-92-039. (


Beaver Valley PoWer Station Pe Unit Numbr Levd Of Use:

J ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General Skill Reference Rcveso PageNumber

_ _ _ 1_ lof 39 BV-1 Monitor HHSP The monitor HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background (ncpm) should be set at the CR value. Since only one tank can be released at a time, adjustment of this value is not necessary to compensate for release from more than one source. BV-1 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release The following method applies to liquid releases when determining the setpoint for the maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution and the associated HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint based on this flow rate for the Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (RM-1LW-104) and the Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drains Monitor (RM-ILW-1 16) during all operational conditions.

The monitor alarm setpoint is set slightly above (a factor of 1.25) results from the concentration of gamma emitting radionuclides the count rate that in order to avoid spurious alarms. To compensate for this increase in the monitor alarm setpoint, the allowable discharge flow rate is reduced by the same factor.

When the discharge flow rate is limited by the radwaste discharge pump rate capacity or by administrative selection rather than the allowable flow rate determined form activity concentration, the alarm setpoint will be proportionally the excess dilution factor provided. adjusted based upon BV-1 Maximum Acceptable Discharge Flow Rate The maximum acceptable discharge flow rate (f) prior to dilution (gpm) is determined by:

f= F


1.25 __

i OEC, where:

F = Dilution water flow rate, BV-1 plus BV-2 Cooling Tower Blowdown (gpm).

The dilution water flow rate may include the combined cooling tower blowdown flow from both units exiting the discharge structure (but excluding emergency outfall structure flow) when simultaneous liquid discharges are administratively prohibited.

C1 = Radioactivity concentration of radionuclide "i" in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (uCi/ml) from analysis of the liquid effluent to be released.

Beaver Valley Power Station I Procedua Numberon ride: Unit Lved OfUse:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Pag Number 1.25 = A factor to prevent spurious alarms caused by deviations in the mixture of radionuclides which affect the monitor response.

OECi = The ODCM liquid effluent concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la. The OEC is set at 10 times the new 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (20.1001-20.2402)

Table 2, Col. 2 EC values. BV-I Monitor Count Rate The calculated monitor count rate (ncpm) above background attributed to the radionuclides, (CR) is determined by CR= 1.25 : Ci Ei [1.1(1)-7]

i where:

E; = The detection efficiency of the monitor for radionuclide "i" (cpmluCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la. If not listed there, from Calculation Package ERS-SFL,92-03934 1.25 = A factor to prevent spurious alarms caused by deviations in the mixture of radionuclides which affect the monitor response. BV-I Monitor HHSP The liquid effluent monitor HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background (ncpm) should be set at the CR value adjusted by any excess dilution factor provided as defined in the following equation:

HHSP = CR f (1.1(1}8]


HSP= Monitor HIGH-HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background.

CR = Calculated monitor count rate (ncpm) from equation [I.1(l)-7].

f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution determined by equation [1.1(1)-6].

= Actual maximum discharge flow rate to be maintained for the discharge. The reduced value of e maybe due to pump limitations or administrative selection.

Beaver Valley PoWer Station Pro/cdDC.2.Oi Tide: l UnitcvOfUse ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General Skill Reference Revision: Page Number 8.1.2 BV-2 Monitor Alarm Setpoint Determination This procedure determines the monitor HIGH Alarm Setpoint that indicates if the concentration of radionuclides in the liquid effluent released from the site to unrestricted areas exceeds 10 times the EC's specified in 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (20.1001-20.2402),

Table 2, Column 2 for radionuclides other than dissolved or entrained noble gases or exceeds a concentration of 2E4 uCi/mI for dissolved or entrained noble gases.(3 ' 2 6 The methodology described in Section is an alternative method to be used to determine the (2SGC-RQ100) monitor HIGH Alarm Setpoint (HSP). The methodology in Section may be used for any batch release and shall be used when the total gamma radioactivity concentration of the liquid effluent prior to dilution exceeds 1.14E-3 uCi/ml.

This concentration is equivalent to a monitor response and HIGH Alarm Setpoint derived in Section and allows for a tritium concentration of up to 2.16E+0 uCi/ml. The setpoint was obtained by use of a conversion factor of 5.61E-9 uCi/ml/cpm determined for the nuclide mix ( BV-2 Setpoint Determination Based On A Conservative Mix The HIGH Alarm Setpoint for the liquid monitors shall be set at the values listed in the following Table:

BV-2 LI UIDr MONITOR SETPOINTS tCi/LI Above Background Monitor DV HSP ASP Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor 2SGC-RQ100 1.14E-3 1.14E-3 7.99E-4 Service Water Monitor 2SWS-RQO1I 4.28E-5 4.28E-5 2.99E-5 Service Water Monitor 2SWS-RQ102 4.30E-5 4.30E-5 3.01E-5 The setpoint for 2SGC-RQ100 is based on the following conditions, however, the setpoint bases for 2SWS-RQ101 and 2SWS-RQ 102 can be found in Calculation Package ERS-ATL-93-021 P.(--X6)

  • Source terms given in ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-lb. These source terms (without Zn-65) have been generated by using models and input similar to NUREG-0017. The inputs are given in 1/2-ODC-3.01. The Zn-65 source term was generated via Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL-93-021.(3 1 26.

  • Dilution water flow rate of 22,800 gpm = (15,000 gpm BV-1 + 7,800 gpm BV-2).
  • Discharge flow rate prior to dilution of 80 gpm for the Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (2SGC-RQ100).
  • A software conversion factor of 5.6 1E-9 uCi/mI/cpm associated with Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (2SGC-RQ100).(3-12-6)

Procedue Number Beaver Valley".ower Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 rilde:Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General SkiU Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number The above setpoint for (2SGC-RQ 100) can be varied based on actual operating conditions resulting in the discharge and dilution flow rates as follows:

HSP = 4.OOE-6 F (1.1(2)-i]

f where:

HSP = Monitor HIGH Alarm Setpoint (uCi/ml) above background.

4.OOE-6 = Proportionality constant based on nominal flow conditions:

4.OOE-6 = 1.14E-3 net uCi/ml x 80 gpm - 22,800 gpm F = Dilution water flow rate, BV-1 plus BV-2 Cooling Tower Blowdown Rate (gpm).

f = Discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm). BV-2 Mix Radionuclides The 'mix" (radionuclides and composition) ofthe liquid effluent was determined as follows:

. The liquid source terms that are representative of the "mix" of the liquid effluent were determined. Liquid source terms are the radioactivity levels of the radionuclides in the effluent from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-lb.

  • The fraction of the total radioactivity in the liquid effluent comprised by radionuclide "i" (Si) for each individual radionuclide in the liquid effluent was determined as follows:

Si= Ai [1.1(2)-2]

Z A, i


Ai =Annual release of radionuclide "i" (Ci/yr) in the liquid effluent from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-lb. BV-2 Maximum Acceptable Concentration (All Radionuclides)

The maximum acceptable total radioactivity concentration (uCi/ml) of all radionuclides in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (Ce) was determined by.

Beaver Valley Power Station PIdNumber Unit LevelOf U:

ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General Skill Reference Revisi Page Number, Ci= F


fF Si OEC where:

F = Dilution water flow rate (gpm), BV-I plus BV-2 Cooling Tower Blowdown Rate (not including release out through the Emergency Structure). Outfall

= 22,800 gpm = (15,000 gpm BV-1 + 7,800 gpm BV-2).

f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution (gpm).

= 80 gpm for Liquid Waste Process Effluent Monitor (2SGC-RQ 100).

OECi = The ODCM liquid effluent concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-lb. The OEC is set times the new 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (20.1001-20.2402) Table at 10 2 EC values. 2, Col.

Si = The fraction of total radioactivity attributed to radionuclide "i", from Equation [1.1(2)-2]. BV-2 Maximum Acceptable Concentration (Individual Radionuclide)

The maximum acceptable radioactivity concentration (uCi/ml) of radionuclide "i" in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (Ci) was determined by:

Q = Si CQ

[1.1(2)4] BV-2 Monitor Display Value The calculated monitor Display Value (uCi/ml) above background the radionuclides; (DV), was determined attributed to by:.

DV = 5.61E-9 a CQ Ei



5.61E-9 = Conversion factor (uCi/m/cpm), an average determined for the source term mix.

E; = Detection efficiency of the monitor for radionuclide "i"


(cpmn/uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table l.1-lb. If not listed there, from Calculation Package ERS-SFL 026.(3l22)

Procedum Number Beaver Valley Power Station 112-ODC-2.01 Tide: unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revisiom: PageNumber BV-2 Monitor HSP The monitor HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background (uCi/ml) should be set at the DV value. BV-2 Setpoint Determination Based On Analysis Prior To Release The following method applies to liquid releases when determining the setpoint for the maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution and the associated HIGH Alarm Setpoint based on this flow rate for the Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor (2SGC-RQ100) during all operational conditions.

The monitor alarm setpoint is set slightly above (a factor of 1.25) the concentration reading that results from the concentration of gamma emitting radionuclides in order to avoid spurious alarms. To compensate for this increase in the monitor alarm setpoint, the allowable discharge flow rate is reduced by the same factor.

When the discharge flow rate is limited by the radwaste discharge pump rate capacity or by administrative selection rather than the allowable flow rate determined form activity concentration, the alarm setpoint will be proportionally adjusted based upon the excess dilution factor provided. BV-2 Maximum Acceptable Discharge Flow Rate The maximum acceptable discharge flow rate (f) prior to dilution (gpm) is determined by.

f= F [1.1 (2)-61 1.25 1 Ci OECi where:

F = Dilution water flow rate, BV-1 plus BV-2 Cooling Tower Blowdown (gpm).

The dilution water flow rate may include the combined cooling tower blowdown flow from both units exiting the discharge structure (but excluding emergency outfall structure flow) when simultaneous liquid discharges from both plants are administratively prohibited.

C; = Radioactivity concentration of radionuclide "i" in the liquid effluent prior to dilution (uCi/ml) from analysis of the liquid effluent to be released.


_ sE vn .ProcmbureNumber:

Beaver Valley Power Station P 1/2cDCN2.ub Tite Unit Lcvd OfUs 1/2 1 General SkiH Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS R1vWOW PageNumber.

1.25 A factor to prevent spurious alarms caused by deviations in the mixture of radionuclides which affect the monitor response.

OECi = The ODCM liquid effluent concentration limit for radionuclide "i" (uCi/ml) from Table 1.1-lb. The OEC is set at 10 times the new 10 CFR 20, Appendix B (20.1001-20.2402)

ATTACHMENT A Table 2, Col. 2 EC values. BV-2 Monitor Display Value I' The calculated monitor Display Value (uCi/ml) above background attributed to the radionuclides; (DV) is determined by.

DV = (1.25) (5.61E-9) Zi C; E; [1.1(2)-71 where:

E= The detection efficiency of the monitor for radionuclide "i" (cpm/uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-lb. If not listed there, from Calculation Package ERS-SFL 026.(3-l 7-)-

1.25 = A factor to prevent spurious alarms caused by deviations in the mixture of radionuclides which affect the monitor response.

5.61E-9 = Conversion factor (uCilmrlcpm), an average determined for the source term mix. BV-2 Monitor HSP The liquid effluent monitor HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background (uCi/mil) should be set at the DV value adjusted by any excess dilution factor provided as defined in the following equation:

HSP = DV f [1-1(2)-8]


_ id HSP = Monitor HIGH Alarm Setpoint above background.

DV = Calculated monitor concentration reading (uCi/ml) from equation


f = Maximum acceptable discharge flow rate prior to dilution determined by equation 11. 1(2)-6].

Power Stationre Number~

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 Tide:nit Levl OfUs:

112 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number

= Actual maximum discharge flow rate to be maintained for the discharge.

The reduced value of t may be due to pump limitations or administrative selection.

8.2 Compliance With 10 CFR20 EC Limits (ODCM CONTROL 8.2.1 Batch Releases Pre-Release The radioactivity content of each batch release will be determined prior to release in accordance with 1/2-ODC-3.03, Table 4.11-1. In order to assure representative samples, at least two tank volumes of entrained fluid from each tank to be discharged shall be recirculated through the mixing eductors. This will be accomplished by recirculating the tank contents for at least the time periods indicated in ATTACHMENT B Table 1.2-la and 1.2-lb. BV-1 and BV-2 will show compliance with ODCM Control in the following manner The activity of the various radionuclides in the batch release, determined in accordance with 1/2-ODC-3.03, Table 4.11-1, is divided by the minimum dilution flow to obtain the concentration at the unrestricted area. This calculation is shown in the following equation:

Conci = C;R [1.2-1]

MDF where:

Conci = Concentration of radionuclide "i" at the unrestricted area (uCi/mt).

Ci = Concentration of radionuclide "i" in the potential batch release (uCi/ml).

R = Release rate of the batch (gpm).

MDF = Minimum dilution flow (gpm). (May be combined BV-1/BV-2 flow when simultaneous liquid discharges are administratively prohibited).

The projected concentrations in the unrestricted area are compared to the 0ECs.

Before a release is authorized, Equation [1.2-2] must be satisfied.

Zi (Conci/OEC,) < 1 [1.2-2]


Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 T :Uit Levl Of Us=

1/2 General Ski Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revisio: Page Numb=J I 18 of 39 OECi = The ODCM effluent concentration limit of radionuclide "i" (uCi/ml) from ATTACHMENT A Table 1.1-la and 1.1-lb. The OEC is set at 10 times the new 10 CER 20, Appendix B, (20.1001-20.2402) Table 2, Col. 2 EC values.( 3.1.1 3 .3.1..1) Post-Release Following release from the batch tank, the Post Dose Correction Factor will be calculated in the following manner:

PDCF = (VAW(DFA) [1.2-3]

(VI(DFI) where:

PCDF = Post Dose Correction Factor.

VA, = Actual Volume of tank released (gal).

DFA = Actual Dilution Flow during release (gpm).

VIt = Initial Volume authorized for release (gal).

DFI = Initial Dilution Flow authorized for release (gpm).

The concentration of each radionuclide following release from the batch tank will be calculated in the unrestricted area in the following manner when the Post Dose Correction Factor shown in equation [1.2-3] is >1:

The average activity of radionuclide "i"during the time period of release is divided by the actual dilution flow during the period of release to obtain the concentration in the unrestricted area. This calculation is shown in the following equation:

Concik = Cik Vtk [1.24]

ADFk where:

Concik = The concentration of radionuclide "i" (uCilml) at the unrestricted area, during the release period of time k.

NOTE: Since discharge is from an isolated well-niixed tank at essentially a uniform rate, the difference between average and peak concentration within any discharge period is minimal.

= Concentration of radionuclide "i" (uCi/ml) in batch release during time period k.

Beaver Valley Power Station P oDc 1m-eu N2.01 Tide: Unit Level Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number Vtk = Volume of Tank released during time period k (gal).

ADFk = Actual volume of Dilution Flow during the time period of release k (gal).

To show compliance with ODCM CONTROL 3. 11.1.1, the following relationship must be satisfied:

Zi(Concik/OEC1 )

  • 1 [1.2-5]

8.2.2 Continuous Releases Continuous releases of liquid effluents do not normally occur at BV-I or BV-2. When they do occur, the concentration of various radionuclides in the unrestricted area would be calculated using Equation [1.2-1] with Cjk, the concentration of isotope i in the continuous release. To show compliance with ODCM CONTROL, Equation [1.2-5] must again be satisfied.

8.3 Compliance With 10 CFR 50 Dose Limits (ODCM CONTROLS And

BV-I and 2 utilize the concept of a shared liquid radioactive waste system according to NUREG 0133.(3 13 l) This permits mixing of the liquid radwaste for processing. Since the resulting effluent release cannot accurately be ascribed to a specific reactor unit, the treated effluent releases are allocated as defined below.

8.3.1 Cumulation Of Doses (ODCM CONTROL

The dose contribution from the release of liquid effluents will be calculated monthly for each batch release during the month and a cumulative summation of the total body and organ doses will be maintained for each calendar month, current calendar quarter, and the calendar year to date. The dose contribution will be calculated using the following equation:

Di = UAF Z Air ZmAtk Cik Fk [1.3-1]

i k=1 where:

D= The cumulative dose commitment to the total body or any organ, r, from the liquid effluents for the total time period m

Atk (mrem) k=1 Atk = The length of the kth release over which C&and Fk are averaged for all liquid releases (hours).


Beaver Valley Power Station _

Unit NumDb2m er 2 Leval OfUsa I

ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General SkilRefncer Revision: Page Numbc:

1 ~ 2noflfl&

Cik = The average concentration of radionuclide, "i" (uCi/ml),

in undiluted liquid effluent during time period Atk from any liquid release.

An= The site related ingestion dose commitment factor to the total body or any organ

? for each identified principal gamma and beta emitter (mrem-ml per hr-uCi) from ATTACHMENT C Table 1.3-1.

m = Number of releases contributing to the cumulative dose, Dt.

UAF = Unit allocation factor. Provides apportionment of dose between BV-I and BV-

2. Normally set at 0.5 for each unit. (Must total to < 1.0).

Fk = The near field average dilution factor for Cik during any liquid effluent release.

Defined as the ratio of the average undiluted liquid waste flow to the product of the average flow from the site discharge structure during the report period to unrestricted receiving waters, times 3. (3 is the site specific applicable factor for the mixing effect of the BV-I and BV-2 discharge structure).

= Waste Flow (3)(Dilution Water Flow)

The site specific applicable factor of 3 results in a conservative dilution factor based upon Regulatory Guide 1.1 13t3 13 4) estimate of the near field methodology and is a factor of 10 below the limit specified in NUREG-0133, Section 4.3.(3.13.1)

The dose factor Ai, was calculated for an adult for each isotope using the following equation from NUREG-00133.31i3 J11 Air= l.14E5 (730/D, + 21BFj)DFi:



1.14E5= IE6pCi]x [ IE3mlx ilyrh1 I uci L[ J[8760hrj 730 = Adult water consumption rate (liters/yr).

DW = Far field dilution factor from the near field area within 1/4 mile of the release point to the potable water intake for adult water consumption.

21 = Adult fish consumption (kgfyr).

BFj = Bioaccumulation factor for radionuclide "i"in fish from Table A-I of Regulatory Guide 1.109(3 5)(pCi/kg per pCi/I). However, if data was not available from that reference, it was obtained from Table 6 of UCRL-50564.(3. 1.33)

Beaver Valley Power Station :O NumbeDC-2.01 Tide: UnitL:vld Of Use 1/2 General SRill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Rcvison Page Number.

The bioaccumulation factor for niobium (300 pCi/kg per pCi/l) was not obtained from either of the above references noted. It was otained from IAEA Safety Series No. 57. Justification for use of this value is documented in Appendix A to Calculation Package No. ERS-ATL 0 (

DFi. = Dose conversion factor for radionuclide "i" for adults for a particular organ Xr(mrem/pCi) from Table E- I of Regulatory Guide 1.1 l09,or NUREG-0172.-'- 3 7 A table of Ai, values for an adult at BV-I and BV-2 are presented in ATTACHMENT C Table 1.3-1.

The far field dilution factor (Dw) for BV-I and BV-2 is 200. This value isbased on a total dilution factor of 600 applicable to the Midland water intake located 1.3 miles downstream and on the opposite bank from BV-I and BV-2 (i.e., 200 = 600 - 3). The total dilution factor of 600 represents a conservative fully mixed annual average condition. Since the Midland intake is located on the opposite bank and is below the water surface, essentially fully mixed conditions would have to exist for the radioactive effluent to be transported to the intake.

The cumulative doses (from each reactor unit) for a calendar quarter and a calendar year are compared to ODCM CONTROL as follows:

For the calendar quarter, D, < 1.5 mrem total body [1.3-3]

D, < 5 mrem any organ [1.3-4]

For the calendar year, D, < 3 mrem total body [1.3-5]

D, < 10 mrem any organ [1.3-6]

If any of the limits in Equation [1.3-3] through [1.3-6] are exceeded, a Special Report pursuant to ODCM Control of 1/2-ODC-3.03 is requried.(3' 3 1'2

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2PODC-2.01 I Tide: Unit Levd OfUsm ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General Skill Reference Revisiow Page Numb=

8.3.2 Prolection Of Doses (ODCM CONTROL

Doses due to liquid releases shall be projected at least once per 31 days in accordance with ODCM CONTROL and this section. The Liquid Radwaste Treatment System shall be used to reduce the radioactive materials in each liquid waste batch prior to its discharge, when the projected doses due to liquid effluent releases from each reactor unit, when averaged over 31 days would exceed 0.06 mrem to the total body or 0.2 mrem to any organ. Doses used in the projection are obtained according to equation [1.3-1]. The 31-day dose projection shall be performed according to the following equations:

When including pre-release data,

[A+B] 31+C [I.3-7]

When not including pre-release data, D3 1 =[A] 31+0 [13A3 where:

D31 = Projected 31 day dose (mrem).

A Cumulative dose for quarter (mrem).

B = Projected dose from this release (mrem).

T = Current days into quarter.

C = Value which may be used to anticipate plant trends (mrem).

8.4 Liquid Radwaste System The liquid radwaste system has the capability to control, collect, process, store, recycle, and dispose of liquid radioactive waste generated as a result of plant operations, including anticipated operational occurrences. This system also uses some of the components of the steam generator blowdown system for processing.

Simplified flow diagrams of the liquid radwaste systems for BV-1 and BV-2 are provided as ATTACHMENT D Figures 1.4-1 and 1.4-2 respectively. A diagram showing the liquid effluent release points is provided as ATTACHMENT D Figure 1.4-3. A diagram of the site boundary for liquid effluents is provided as ATTACHMENT E Figure 5-1.

Since the concept of a shared liquid radwaste system isused, then any liquid waste generated can be stored, processed and discharged from either BY-1 or BV-2.

procedura Number~

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 unite LaelOf Use 1/2 General Skill Reference Page Number.


8.4.1 BV-i Liquid Radwaste System Components 1LW-TK-2A/2B: High Level Waste Drain Tanks There are two of these tanks, each tank has a capacity of 5,000 gallons. They are located on the northwest wall of the Auxiliary Building (elevation 735). They receive liquid wastes from the vent and drain system. ILW-TK-3A/3B: Low Level Waste Drain Tanks There are two of these tanks, each tank has a capacity of 2,000 gallons. They are located in the northwest comer of the Auxiliary Building (elevation 735). They also receive liquid wastes from the vent and drain system. ILW-I-2: Liquid Waste Demineralizer The main purpose of the demineralizer is to clean liquid waste water of particulate and dissolved radioactive contaminants that is stored in ILW-TK-2A/2B and ILW-TK-3A/3B. There are four resin beds and a filter associated with this demineralizer.

Each of the beds can be customized with different resins so that we can effectively remove chemical contaminants along with radioactive contaminants. Generally, beds I and 2 contain a Cation Resin and beds 3 and 4 contain a Mixed Bed Resin. This demineralizer is located in the Decon Building (elevation 735). An evaporator (6 gpm) was originally used to process liquid waste at Unit 1.

However, this evaporator was retired prior to initial issue of the ODCM, because of concerns for creating a mixed-waste. lLW-TK-7A17B: Steam Generator Drain Tanks There are two of these tanks, each tank has a capacity of 34,500 gallons. They are located in the Fuel Pool Leakage Monitoring Room (elevation 735). They normally receive liquid waste that has been processed through the liquid waste demineralizer.

Once this tank is full, it is put on recirculation through the demineralizer (for a minimum of two tank volumes) until the radioactivity concentration is acceptable for discharge. RM-1LW-104: Liquid Waste Discharge Radiation Monitor This off-line gamma scintillator radiation monitor continuously analyzes liquid waste as it is being discharged. The upper activity alarm on this radiation monitor has a setpoint that would indicate we are approaching OEC limits for radioactive water leaving the site. If an upper activity alarm on this radiation monitor is received, it automatically terminates the discharge by closing the discharge line isolation valve.

Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 Tide: Unit Levd Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revisio: Page Number I 24 of38 8.4.2 BV-1 Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drain System Components lLW-TK-6A/6B: Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drain Tanks There are two of these tanks, each has a capacity of 1200 gallons. They are located in the northwest corner of the Auxiliary Building (elevation 722). They receive laundry and contaminated shower drains waste from the Service Building. The waste in these tanks is not sent to the liquid waste demineralizer for cleanup because this waste may contain organic compounds that will deplete a resin bed. RM-ILW-1 16: Laundry and Contaminated Shower Drains Tank Discharge Radiation Monitor This off-line gamma scintillator radiation monitor continuously analyzes laundry and contaminated shower drains waste as it is being discharged. The upper activity alarm on this radiation monitor has a setpoint that would indicate we are approaching OEC limits for radioactive water leaving the site. If an upper activity alarm on this radiation monitor is received, it automatically terminates the discharge by closing the discharge line isolation valve.

8.43 BV-2 Liauid Radwaste System Components 2LWS-TK21A/21B: Waste Drain Tanks There are two of these tanks, each tank has a capacity of 10,000 gallons. They are located in the northeast corner of the Auxiliary Building (elevation 710). They receive liquid wastes from the vent and drain system. 2SGC-IOE21A/21B: Steam Generator Blowdown Cleanup Ion Exchangers The main purpose of the ion exchangers is to clean liquid waste water of particulate and dissolved radioactive contaminants through an ion exchange process. There is a resin bed, outlets strainer, and cleanup filter associated with each of these ion exchangers. They are located in the Waste Handling Building (elevation 722). Two evaporators (20 gpm each) were orignially used to process liquid waste at Unit 2. However, this evaporator was retired prior to initial issue of the ODCM, because of concerns for creating a mixed-waste. 2SGC-TYK23A/23B: Steam Generator Blowdown Test Tanks There are two of these tanks, each has a capacity of 18,000 gallons. They are located in the Auxiliary Building (elevation 755). They receive liquid waste that has been processed through the cleanup ion exchangers. Once this tank is full, it is put on recirculation through the cleanup ion exchanger (for a minimum of two tank volumes) until the radioactivity concentration is acceptable for discharge.

Procadmr Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 Tle:unit L"d Of Use 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Pae Number. 2SGC-TK2 1A/21B: Steam Generator Blowdown Hold Tanks There are two of these tanks, each has a capacity of 50,000 gallons. They are located in the Waste Handling Building (elevation 722). These tanks are used to store liquid waste when the radioactive concentration of the steam generator blowdown test tank is not acceptable for discharge. The contents of this tank may then be processed through the Unit 1 or Unit 2 Liquid Radwaste Treatment System until the radioactivity concentration is acceptable for discharge. 2SGC-RQ100: Liquid Waste Effluent Monitor This off-line gamma scintillator radiation monitor continuously analyzes liquid waste as it is being discharged. The upper activity alarm on this radiation monitor has a setpoint that would indicate we are approaching OEC limits for radioactive water -

leaving the site. If an upper activity alarm is received, it automatically terminates the discharge by closing the discharge line isolation valves.

-END -

Beaver Valley Power Station PAcedure Number lIe I/-DC-2.01 Unit Levd OfUse:


IGeneral Skill Reference PageNera



&-51 13E-3 Mh-54 5B3 1.18E+7 Fe-55 3E.4 859E4-7 83E4 1E3 (5)

C,58 IE4 SE-3 9.17E+7 2E4 L16Ef-8 M~E-2 3E-5 L73E+8 t 7hn65(3X-t")

Np-39 Br44 2.69E-2 1.454 23-4 9E3 467EF7

&49E+7 136E+6

.25E&5 4;-3 9.75E17 2.7B6 R86 (5) 6.19E+6 7.5E-5 7E-5 (5)

&r-89 29E4 Sr-90 I.IE-5 8SE- (5) 5E-6 (5)

Y-90 9.4E-6 Y-91m 8.7E-6 7E-5 (5)

Y-91 2E-2 8.98E+7 5.7E-5 2.60Ef5 Y-93 7.4E-7 8E-5 2E-4 (5)

Zr-95 5.1E-5 2E-4 Nb-95 8.60E+7 5.2E-5 3E-4 8.64E+7 Sr-91 1.3E-5 Mo-99 2E-4 6.97E+7 1.l1E-2 2E4 2.84E+7 Tc-99m I.IE-2 IE-2 Ru-103 8.96E+7 3.4E-5 3E-4 9.5E+7 Ru-106 I.OE-5 3E-5 Rh-103m (5) 3.4E-5 6E-2 (5)

Rh-106 I.OE-5 Te-125m (5) (5) 2.5E-5 2E4 1.83E+5 Te-127m 2.6E-4 9E-5 Te-127 4.09E+4 2.7E-4 IE-3 1.38E+6 Te-129m l.IE-3 7E-5 Te-129 4.02E+6 6.7E-4 4E-3 1.12E+7 1-130 1.2E4 2E-4 Te-13Im 3.081E+8 1.6E-4 8E-5 1.82E+8 Te-13 1 3E-5 8E-4 7E-5 1-131 1.20E+8 1.6E-I I.11E+8 Te-132 4.3E-3 IE-5 9E-5 1.17E+8 I-132 4.9E-3 IE-3 1-133 2.66E+8 4.OE-2 9.90E+7 7E-S 9.90E-i-7

Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 Tide: Unit Leve Of Usc 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number:

I - 7 of 38 .

ATTACHMENT A Page 2 of 4 LIQUID SOURCE TERMS 1-134 8.0E-5 4E-3 2.70E+8 Cs-134 4.6E-2 9E-6 1.99E+8 1-135 4.3E-3 3E4 1.19E+8 Cs-136 8.9E-3 6E-5 2.80E+8 Cs-137 3.3E-2 1E-5 8.01E+7 Ba-137m 3.1E-2 IE-5 8.01E+7 Ba-140 I.IE-4 8E-5 4.37E+7 La-140 l.lE-4 9E-5 2.OOE+8 Ce-141 5.1E-5 3E-4 5.07E+7 Ce-143 2.8E-6 2E-4 7.27E+7 Ce-144 3.2E-5 3E-5 1.06E+7 Pr-143 2.7E-5 2E-4 1.04E+0 Pr-144 3.2E-5 6E-3 2.25E+6 H-3 5.50E+2 1E-2 (5)

TOTAL(') 4.05E-1

°) Excluding Tritium and Entrained Noble Gases (2) Source Term for (RM-lLW-104 and RM-lLW-116) from Stone and Webster Calculation Package UR(B)-160 (J 6 (3) ODCM Effluent Concentration Limit - 10 times the EC values of 10 CFR 20 a3.1.13)

(4) Detection Efficiency for (RM-lLW-104 and RM-lLW-1 16) from Calculation Package ERS-SFL-92-039 (3'J"4)

(5) Insignificant

.I i

I Beaver Valley Power Station Ptocedum Number.

Til:Unit: Leve Of U~S 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revisi=f PagONumborJ

-- l/I I

I . of 28 ... 3g ATTACHMENT A Page 3 of 4 LIQUID SOURCE TERMS TABLE 1.1-lb BV-2 LIQUID SOURCE TERM (2) (4)


(~D ZOIE-47 Mn-54 2.50E-5 3E-4 127E+8 Fe.55 130E4 1E-3 (5)

-N59 6.50E.5 1E4 126E+8 Co-58 1.10B-3 2B4 182E+8 Co60 1RE4 3E-5 238E+8 5.IOE2 5E-5 650E+7 Np-239 3.20E-5 2E4 1.65E+8 Br-83 2.90E-5 9B-3 242E+6 Br-84 590E9 4E-3 138E+8 Rbt6 3.70E-5 7E-5 1.04E+7 Sra9 220E-5 EIS5 183Ef4 SraO 850E-7 5-6 (5)

Sr-91 530E.6 2E4 1.4E*8 MO-99 230E-3 2E4 4.47E47  ;-

Tc-99m 2.10E-3 1E-2 1.40E+8 Te-125n 190B-6 2E-4 394E+5 Te-127m 210E-5 9E-5 126E+5 Te-127 250E,5 1E-3 2.43E+6 To-129m 8.20E-5 7E-5 6.53E+6 Te-129 530E-5 4E-3 196Ef7 1-130 230E.4 2E4 5.18Et-8 Te131m 5.2E-5 8E-5 285E+8 Te-131 9.40E-6 8E4 1.8EI8 1-131 1.OOE-1 1E-5 1.96E+8 Te-132 7.8OE4 9E-5 1.76E+8 I-132 230E-3 1E-3 422E+8 I-133 6.50E-2 7E-5 1.73E+8 I-134 4.60E-6 4E-3 4.06EF8 Cs-134 3.OOE2 9E-6 325E+8 .

1-135 9.20E-3 3E4 1.71E+8 i Cs-136 390E-3 6E-5 428E+8 C-137 220E-2 1E-5 128E+8 Ba137m 2.1E-2 IE-5 133E+8 Ba-140 9301E6 8E5 7.50E+7 La-140 40E-6 9E-5 340E+8

Procutue Number.

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC2.01 Tilde: Unit Level Of U 12 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Numbern ATTACHMENT A

- Page 4 of 4 LIQUID SOURCE TERMS TABLE 1.1-lb (continued)





Y-90 6.OOE-7 7E-5 Y-91m 3.60E-6 2E-2 1.59E+8 Y-91 4.40E-6 8E-5 3.55E+5 Y-93 3.OOE-7 2E-4 2.03E+7 Zr-95 4.OOE-6 2E-4 1.35E+8 Nb-95 4.OOE-6 3E4 1.33E+8 Ru-103 2.70E-6 3E-4 1.71E+8 Ru-106 8.20E-7 3E-5 (5)

Rh-103m 2.70E-6 6E-2 (5)

Rh-106 8.20E-7 5.65E+7 Ce-141 4.OOE-6 3E-4 7.75E+7 Ce-143 8.60E-7 2E-4 1.20E+8 Ce-144 2.60E-6 3E-5 1.87E+7 Pr-143 2.30E-6 2E-4 1.63E+0 Pr-144 2.60E-6 6E-3 3.40E+6 5.50E+2 1E-2 (5)

TOTALO 2.40E-1

) Excluding Tritium and Entrained Noble Gases (2) Source Term for (2SGC-RQ100) from Computer Code LIQ1BB 3.1.23)

(3) ODCM Effluent Concentration Limit = 10 times the EC values of 10 CFR 20 0-1-2-1)

(4) Detection Efficiency for (2SGC-RQ100) from Calculation Package ERS-SFL-86-026 0-122)

(5) Insignificant

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC..2.01 rife Unit Levd OfUse 1/2 General SkilW Reference ODCMv LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revisi=o Page Numb;7

. IT A A -w-s A --


TANK DESCRIPTION ASSET NO. (Based on Historical Recirculation Rates)

Laundry And Contaminated lLW-TK-6A/6B 2.5 hrs - (1200 gal) (2) / (16 gpm)

Shower Dain Tanks Low Level Waste Drain Tanks ILW-TK-3A/3B 1.5 hrs = (2000 gal) (2)/(45 gpm)

High Level Waste Drain Tanks 1LW-TK-2A/2B 3.4 his = (5000 gal) (2) / (50 gpm)

Respirator Test Tanks lLW-TK-5A/5B 1.4 hrs = (3000 gal) (2) / (73 gpm)

Steam Generator Drain Tanks ILW-TK-7A/7B 17.2 hrs -(35000 gal) (2)/(68 gpm)

Boron Recovery Test Tanks lBR-TK-2A/2B 9.7 hrs =(13,000 gal) (2)1(45 gpm)

(l) The times listed are those approximated for two recirculations of a full tank with one recirculation pump in operation (using historical recirculation rates). Recirculation times for a partially full tank are directly proportional to the fraction of the tank capacity occupied by the entrained liquid waste (after isolation). Actual recirculation times are determined prior to sampling using actual tank volumes and actual recirculation rates available in the BV-1 Control Room.

Beaver Valle y PowerStafin___Po____Numbe tatin1/2-ODC-2.

Tide: Unit: Lv OfUs:.

1/2 General SkiEPReference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS- Revui:i Page Number I 3i1-off38 -


TANK DESCRIPTION ASSET NO. (Based on Historical Recirculation Rates)

Liquid Waste Tanks 2LWS-TK21A/21B 11.5 hrs = (10,000 gal) (2)/(29 gpm)

Steam Generator Blowdown 2SGC-TK21A/21B 25.8 hrs = (51,000 gal) (2y(66 gpm)

Hold Tanks Steam Generator Blowdown 2SGC-TK23At23B 9.1 hrs = (18,000 gal) (2)/(66 gpm)

Test Tanks

') The times listed are those approximated for two recirculations of a full tank with one recirculation pump in operation (using historical recirculation rates). Recirculation times for a partially full tank are directly proportional to the fraction of the tank capacity occupied by the entrained liquid waste (after isolation). Actual recirculation times are determined prior to sampling using actual tank volumes and actual recirculation rates available in the BV-2 Control Room.

Beaver Valley Power Station l 1u N/2-ODm 2.1

'ride: unit Level Of Use:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revisiow apNumbw.


NUBONE LIVER T-BODY THYROIL KDE G I-3 ODOE-OI 270E-01 Z7C01 07O1 Z70EOl 2.701.Ol 27&01 C014 3.13E4 626E03 6203 626B03 62MO3 626EG3 626B03 Na-24 4.08E02 4.08E02 4LEO2 4.08E02 410E02 4MBEO2 4fLE02 P-32 4fiZE07 287E6 IJEt6 O.OOEOl QOQ;OI 0001, 519E06 t a-51 QOtsll0 QOtll;0 127E00 71iE31 281SO lZE9E0 3.2IE2 Mn-54 0201 438E03 835EQQ WOB01 130EQ3 Q0201 M3EC4 Mrr56 o0o0Ol. 1.10E02 195E01 O0csOl L40E02 .0001 352Eo3 Fe-55 6S9EQ2 456E02 106E02 O.OE.Ol QOO601 254EO2 261E02 Fe-59 I04E03 245EQ3 938E02 Ocso;I QOOE;01 683E02 &15E03 OEOIl57 2.10E01 35OE01 EQ01301 OOO01 .00E01 533E02 CD-58 O.O(BOI &95E01 2.01E02 O001001 O.OOBOI Q0.0601 I.8tE03 CoO6 ODOEO1 257EO2 5.67E02 MO.soE.O OMNOI OQ 1i 4S3O3Q3 NMe6 3.12EC4 216E03 l10OE03 0.00so. ODOIOI2 ODAE-O1 451EC2 NiF65 127E02 1.65EOI 751E00 O.OOOI OIXsO1 OOOE-O1 4.17E02 Co64 O.OE-O1 IDfOEOI 4.70EOO O.OCEO1 252EO1 ODOE-Ol &53EM2 7n45 232O4 737E04 333E04 QOOBOl 493EO4 OOBOl 4ME 04 Zn-S 493EO1 9.43E01 6S6EOO O.OOEOt 6.13EOI OnOaEO1 1.42EI0

-83 QOO.BOI O.ODOE1 4.04EOI 0.0OB01 aO.OI OMONI 5SEOI r-84 0.0E01 O0OE-01 524EOI O.OOEO QOQ-OI OOOE.Ol 411E04 r-85 0.001 O0.OFI 2l15EOD OflOE-O1 QODOEO1 QOOOL6 O.O;OE.O I -

Rb86 OposOI l OIEC5 471E04 QOOBOl OOBE01 QOOMEOl I99E04 Rbm88 OOa;01 290EC2 154E02 OIOFOI OflOOl 02601 OX 4.OaE.09 Rb-89 ODOE-O1 I92E02 1-35E02 O.OOE;O O.OOEO1 OIXE-O1 1.12E11

&-89 222EO4 QO.OOO1 639EO2 ODOKEOl OOE.O1 OOE01 357E03 SSr@ 5.48EC5 ODMOEOI 134E05 O.OOBOI ODOOO1 WOWOI 158EO4

&-91 4.10E02 0.001EO 1.65E0I OOOE-O0 O5O01 Sr92 155E02 ODOE-OI 6.72EOO 0.0001 QOMOI ODOEO1 OOE.O 195EQ3 30LEQ3 Y-9O 5SOE-01 O.OI ISOl 25E02QOOEO- QOOE-01 QO&SO 6.15E03 Y9lm 5.48E03 aOE-O 2121-04 E0 QOOBOI OILO1 ODCOFI 1.61BS0 Y-91 5EOO QOOE;.O 227E1301 O.OOB.O Q0O01 UOOE1. 4.68E03 Y-92 59M2 OQEO1 1.49E03 UOI6OB QOOBOI aOnlO1 892E02 Y-93 162E01 QOBOOI 4.46E.03 OE0O1 QOBOIE-011 5.12E03 r-95 2S.3EOI &IE.02 5.49E02 OB01 127E01 O0OE01 257E02 Z7-97 14GE.02 2E03 12E.03 QOOOEO1 42603 QOOE;OI &73EG2 Nb-95 4.47E00 249E00 L34EOO 0.0OE01 246BEOO OD 1 151E04 Nb-97 3.75E02 9.49E03 3.46B03 0.0001 I.1E-02 QOOE;O1 3.50E01

Procedure Number Beaver Valley Power Station .-ODC2.01


Unit: Level Of Us:

1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number.


NUCLDE BONE LVAER T4BODY IHYROID KIDNEY LUNG GI-LU MO99 OLOE-01 1M202 00E01 0 238E20 0.002-01 M43E02 To99m 897E503 254C0 3232-01 0 3.8501 124m 15001 TO-101 9232.03 133E02 130E-01 0 239501 6.79a03 4.0014

~w-- - - --- -w - - -- - - - -

Pai-103 4.51E00 O.0E.01 194E00 0 1.72E01 0.00601 526E02 RPi-05 3.75501 .002-01 1.48-01 0 4.85EOO 0.00201 229EO2 Ru-106 670E01 0.002-01 &48E00 0 129E20 O0.00201 4.34E03 Ag- llmn 9.48-01 &.71201 521E.01 0D.OE-1 1.72EOO 0.L02-01 358O20 Sb-124 7.87E00 1.49E;01 3.12E00 191E02 0.00-01 6.13200 223E02 Sb-125 5.E300 520 12CE00 5;.11E-03 Q0001 3SME00 554E01 T-125m 257E03 930E02 3.44E02 7772EO2 1.04204 0.0020 1.0IE04 T-127m 6.49E03 232EO3 79E022 1.166E01 2fi3E04 0.0-01 217E04 Te-127 1.05EC2 3.78E01 228E01 77.31EO1 429EO2 OLOOE-01 832E03

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - l Te-129m 1.10E04 4.11E03 1.74E03 3.78E03 4.60E04 O.OOE-01 555E04 Te-129 3.01E01 1.13E01 733E00 231E01 126E02 0.00-01 227EOI To-131m 1.66E03 &10EQ2 6.75EQ2 128E03 821E03 00O-01 8.05O04 To-131 1.89E01 7.88E00 596EOt 155EOI 827EO1 OO0EO1 267EOO Te-132 241E03 156203 1.47E03 1.72E03 15OE04 0.00E-01 739EO4 To-134 3.10E01 2.03E01 125EO 2.71E01 196E02 0.00O-01 3.44M02 1-129 1.19E02 M.02 335E02 2.63E05 219E02 0.00E01 1.61E01 I130 2.75E01 8.10E01 32OE01 687E03 126E02 O.0OO21 697EOI M131 15IE02 216E02 124E02 7.0BE04 3.71E02 0.OOE-01 5.70E01 I-132 737E00 197E01 690E00 690E02 3.14E01 QOEO01 3.71EOO 1-133 5.16E01 897E01 2.74E01 132E04 157E02 OE.0-O01 &06E01 I-134 3ME00 105E01 3.74E00 1S1E02 1.66E01 0ODOE-01 9.12E-03 I135 1.61E01 421E01 155E01 278E03 6.76E01 (002.01 4.76E01 Os-134 298E05 7.9E05 5.79E05 0.00201 229EO5 7.61E04 124E04 Cs-136 3.12E04 123E05 &86E04 OD.OE01 6.85E04 939E03 1.40E04 Cs-137 3H2EW05 522EO5 3.42EO5 0.00O01 1.77EO5 5.89E04 1.01E04 Cs-138 2.64E02 522E02 2.59E2 0.002-01 3.84EQ2 3.79E01 2.23E-03 Ba-139 9.69E;01 690E-04 284E-02 0.002-01 6.451;04 392E-04 1.72EOO Ba-140 203E02 2552-01 1.33EO1 O00E-01 8.66E-02 1.46201 4.18E02 Ba-141 4.71E01 3.562-04 15902 0.0001 331E-04 202204 2222-10 Ba-142 213E-01 219E04 134E02 O.OOE-01 [85-04 124E-04 3.00-419 La-140 151E.01 759E-02 201E02 0.002-01 QOOE01 0O.O-01 SS703 La-142 7.71E-03 351E-03 &74E-04 0.00601 0.00201 0.00201 256201 Cb-141 263E02 1.78E-02 202203 0.00-01 8262-03 0.002-01 6.80E01

Beaver Valley Power Station Pcd b ODCN2.um Tie Uni Lc vOf Use:

ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General SkilI Referenct, Revision: Page Number 1 34 onf 38 Al -ACUMMENT C Page 3 of 3 INGESTION DOSE COMMIMENT FACTORS TABLE 1.3-1 Ait VALUES FOR THE ADULT FOR THE BEAVER VALLEY SITE (mrem/hr per uCi/ml)

NtXlDE EBNE IM T-BODY THYROID KIDEY LUNG GILl Ce143 44-03 3.43E00 3.79E204 0.00-01 1.51E-03 CcG144 137E00 0.0M 01 128M 2 5.73E-01 736E-02 0.00B-01 3.4(E01 0.00(-01 Pr-143 5-5E01 222E201 4.64E02 275E2- 0.00E-01 18-01 0.0WA1 2.43E03 Pr-144 1.81E}03 7.53E-04 922E-05 0IO.OE-O1 Nd-147 3.79B-01 425E-04 0.0001 2.61210 438E.01 262B-02 0IE0O1 256E-01 0.0001 W-187 296E02 2.47EG2 8.65E01 2.10E03 0M0OE-01 0.00-S01 0.002-01 E10204 239 290-02 2.85E-03 157-03 0.002-01 &89E-03 0.00Q-01 5.85E02


EXCHANGER Beds ILW-1-2-1. ILW-1-2-2, RM-ILW-104 BLOWDOWN 5,000 gal/tank ILW-I-2-3, ILW-1-24 35 gpm LAB DRAINS 7,800 GPM LW-lTK-3A13B RP. SAMPLES 2,000 gal/tank A




Beaver Valley Power Station Pcduu Number l Unit Levd Of Use:

ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS 1/2 General SkiU Reference Revision: Page Numbeg-


I i

j I

Beaver Valley Power Station 1/2-ODC-2.01 Tide: unit Level Of Usc 1/2 General Skill Reference ODCM: LIQUID EFFLUENTS Revision: Page Number I 1 37 of 38 ATTACHMENT D Page 3 of 3 LIQUID RADWASTE SYSTEM FIGURE 1.4-3 BV-1 AND 2 LIQUID EFFLUENT RELEASE POINTS

Beaver Valley Power Station PNUtmm ulm Do 2 eUnit: LcVd Of Us 1/2 General Skill Reference ,