IR 05000518/1987001

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Insp Rept 50-518/87-01 on 871216-18.Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Warehouse Storage,Preventive Maint,Record Storage & Adequacy & Followup to Employee Concerns
Person / Time
Site: Hartsville Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/12/1988
From: Elrod S, Walton G
Shared Package
ML20150B904 List:
50-518-87-01, 50-518-87-1, NUDOCS 8803170189
Download: ML20150B916 (15)


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Report No.: 50-518/87-01 Licensee: Tennessee Valley Authority 6N38 A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Docket No.: 50-518 License No.. CPPR-91 Facility Name: Hartsville 1 Inspection Conducted:,pec.ber 16-18, 1987 Inspector:

G.'A7 Wditon, Senior Resident Inspector,

[Date S4gn(d /4/9[


Construction, Watts Bar - Team Leader Team Members: J. York wel .

Approved by: .



S( A< Elr"od,'Section Chief Office of Special Projects Date[1gn(d

, SUMMARY Scope: This special team inspection was conducted at the Hartsville facility to assess warehouse storage, preventive maintenance, record storage and adecuacy, and to follow-up on employee concerns. The areas inspected included warehouse storage of pumps, valves, snubbers, fasteners, and electric cable; housekeeping; and preservation of equipment. Follow-up inspection on two allegations was performe Results: One Violation (with multiple examples) involving failure to follow procedures for proper control of in place storage and preservation of equipment. Two Unresolved' Items were identified, one regarding missing records documenting that preventive maintenance was performed and one documenting the

' implementation of design changes. Of the two allegations, the one regarding storage controls was partially substantiate The second one, regarding inadequate records (legibility) for the Hartsville diesel generators was not substantiate PDR ADOCK 05000518 G PDR

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REPORT DETAILS Persons Contacted Licensee Employees


  • Cook, Manager, Partsville Project J. Gonzales, Q. pervisor-
  • P. Jackson, Materia.3 Inspector
  • W. Jolly, Materials.QA Supervisor
  • B. McClain, QC Inspector
  • Attended exit interview Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on December 18, 1987, with those persons indicated by an asterisk in paragraph one above. The following new items were discussed:

Item Number Status Description / Reference Paragraph 518/87-01-01 Open Violation - Failure To Follow Procedure 520/87-01-01 Open For Equipment In Warehouse Storage (Paragraphs 5 and 7).

518/87-01-02 Open Unresolved Item (URI) - Adequacy of 520/87-01-02 Open Preventive Maintenance Program (Paragraph 4.b.).

518/87-01-03 Open URI - Tracking and Implementing 520/87-01-03 Open Modifications, Bulletins, . and' )

Information Notices for Equipment In J Power Stores Storage (Paragraph 6).

The licensee acknowledged the inspection findings witF no c.ssenting comment The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materia'is provided to or reviewed by the inspectors during this inspection perio . Unresolved Items

Unresolved Items are natters about which more information is required to determine whether they are acceptable or may involve Violations or Deviation Two Unresolved Items were identified during. the inspection and are discussed in paragraphs four and si __ _ _ _ _ _ . . . . __ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . .

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4. Procurement, Receiving and Storage (35065) Procedure Review


The inspector reviewed procedures that . govern the storage of equipment at the Hartsville facility. The Power Stores Quality Assurance Manual (PS-QAM) contains procedures used by the Power Stores Branch personnel when performing activities covered by the quality assurance program at the Hartsville facility. The following

' Power Stores Quality Assurance Procedures (PS-QAP) were reviewed for compliance with ANSI N45.2.2-1972, "Packaging, Shipping, . Receiving, Storage and Handling of Items for Nuclear Fawer Plants".

Procedure Revision Title PS-QAP Power Stores Organization PS-QAP Indoctrination and Training PS-QAP Documented Instructions and Procedures PS-QAP Preparation, Control and Distribution of PS-QAP's and PS-QAM's PS-QAP Power Stores Quality Assurance Procedures PS-QAP Receipt of Items PS-QAP Storage of Items PS-QAP Preventive Maintenance of Items PS-PM-001 Power Stores Preventive Maintenance Program No defic,iencies were identified with.the above procedure Implementation of Preventative Maintenance The inspector reviewed the implementation of Preventive Maintenance (PM) on items in storage. The requirements for PMs at the Hartsville facility are specified in Division of Nuclear Engineering (DNE)

drawing 89-3GA0200-00-0A (note: no title given) and Nuclear Power Standard, TS, Rev 0, "Equipment and Material Storage Requirements For Nuclear Power Stores". Except as noted below, it -

was determined these requirements were properly implemented.for the sample inspected and were being _ tracked- by a computerized syste The ' accomplishment was documented on a computerized card. Numerous cards were examined and found to be neatly and properly filled out 1 before the cards were stored in the QA records vaul ;



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The inspector reviewed the QA records for a sample of equipment in <

the PM program to ensure that required PM's had been performe The


following deficiencies were identified:

PM# Task Equipment Inspection Records From/or Date Equipment Received on Site PM00034 Rotate Shaft ESW motor 4/11/80 - Notes 1, 2,-4l PM00082- Rotate' Shaft Fire 9/22/82 - Notes 1, 4 Protection Pump Motor PM00178 Heat Chack Recirculation 6/10/80 - 9/21/79 - Notes 3,-5 Pump Motor PM00288 Heat Check Crane-Main 5/26/81 - 4/7/79 - Note 5 Hoist control Panel PM01262 Humidity Off Gas Dryer 4/24/79 - Notes 1, 4 Check PM01525 Storage Area- Building CWF 5/14/82 - NA Inspection Note 1: Receipt Inspection documents could not be located for this equipmen Note 2: No record of annual shaft rotation (PM0034) for the ESW motor between 9/18/81 to 3/24/8 *

Note 3: No record of monthly heat check (PM00178) for Recirculation Pump Motor in the following months: 7/80, 9/80, 10/80, 12/80, 6/84, 7/86, 8/86, 9/86, and-10/8 Note 4: No receipt inspection reports could be found for equipment ~



in PM00034, PM00082, and PM0126 !

! Note 5: No record of PM's being performed between dates indicated i for equipment in PM00178 and PM0028 l



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The oil used in the below listed equipment was not verified by TVA as equivalent to the manufacturer's requirements: ,

Oil Manufacturer's Equipment Used Required 011-Fire Protection Pump Motor Shell Rimula 10 weight Texaco N.3364 4 or Regal Marine VSI TL-10104 Reactor Water Cleanup Pump Shell VSI 32 Shell VSI 27 Residual Heat Removal Shell Rimula 10 weight Shell Ensis Pump Motor 10w or Gulf NO-Rust Engine oil, Grade No. 1 This is URI 581, 520/87-01-02, "Adequacy of Preventive Maintenance Program", pending review of the licensee's disposition of this issu The inspector reviewed the PM program for implementation of vendors'

storage requirement ANSI N45. indicates maintenance requirements specified by the manufacturer's instructions for the item shall be performed. The following equipment was inspected to .

determine if the manufacturces' requirements had been incorporated  !

into the PM program. Deficiencies associated with various equipment items ar,e as follows:


Fire Protection Pump Motors purchased under contract No. 821689 were required by the manufacturer to be stored in compliance with the US Electric Motors Instruction 509-1, November 197 However, th'e requirements listed below were not implemente l l


Preventive coatings were not being checked periodicall ;

011 was not being changed every 12 months  ;

011 level was not being maintaine (Of the two pumps inspected - each with two oil level indicators, one indicator was overfilled,. one underfilled, one empty, and one acceptable)

Space heater or energizing of one phase of the motor  !

winding were not provided to heat the moto Windings were not being monitored to ensure they 'were' SC above ambien Motor shafts were not being rotated every two weeks (they were being rotated quarterly vice every two weeks)

In addition, vendor requirements were not incorporated in l drawing 89-3-GA0200-00-0A or TS l l



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Reactor Water Cleanup Pumps were supplied under General Electric (GE) Contract and listed on the Master Part Lict (MPL) G33-C00 Manufacturer's storage requirements for these pumps are specified in Union Pump Company Manual, Order N753764 A & The following deficiencies were noted when comparing the PM activities with the vendor's requirements:

Semi-annually, bearing housings were not being drained and refilled with oil .

No protective coating on pumps' (serial No. 5463752 and N753764AP01) shafts. The inspector observed rust on bolts for pumps (serial No. 5463752 and N753764A20) and rusty sealing surfaces on the suction flange for pump serial N Though DNE orawing 89-3GA-0200-00-0A indicates PMs for the reactor water cleanup pumps are to be in accordance with vendor's requirements, the licensee failed to perform inspections with attributes that would comply with the vendor's requirement Manufacturer's requirements for the residual Heat Removal Pump Motors GE MPL E12-C002 were specified in GE Instruction Manual GEK70205, "Residual Heat Removal Motors For Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors". Deficiencies noted in implementing the vendor's requirements for PM activities were:

011 level was not being maintained. Motors overfilled with oil were No. LHJ-1103027, JMJ-908021, LM1-110302 Motors underfilled with oil were No. ENJ-525002, FNJ-601022, CNJ-309001, FNJ-60102 Quarterly inspections did not include checks for physical damage, cleanliness, oil leaks, oil level, signs of condensation, discoloration of paint, integrity of ;

protective coatings, and integrity of all closure Though DNE drawing 89-3GA0200-00-0A indicates PMs for the RHR pump are to include vendor's requirements, the licensee's inspections failed to consider thc vendor requirement The inspector was informed that PS-PM's were specified by DNE Dr. dng 89-3GA0200-00-0A, and Nuclear Power Standard TS, Rev. O. "Equipment and Material Storage l Requirements For Nuclear Power Stores". This failure to specify manufacturer's storage maintenance in instructions procedures or drawings and to implement drawing 89-3GA0200-00-0A requirements is identified as a Violation 518, 520/87-01-01, "Failure to Implement Manufacturer's Storage Maintenanc.e Requirements and to follow procedures for storage." l

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6 Transfer of Items to Nuclear Power Plants (92703)

Information was requested as to how equipment modifications that were being implemented at nuclear power , plants (examples: Ergineering Change Notices (ECN), responses to NRC Compliance Bulletins, etc.) would be 1 incorporated in equipment shipped from the Hartsville facility to nuclear power plants. The Power Stores management position was that they could only ship equipment as requested. The tracking of necessary modifications at a specific. site was not their responsibilit Specifically, the licensee was requested to supply information regarding their plan to comply with NRC Compliance Bulletin 87-02, "Fasteners",, for the Hartsville and Yellow Creek facilities. This Bulletin asked the licensee to test samples of studs, bolts, cap screws, and nuts in stores at their facilities to ensure they meet required mechanical and chemical specifications. The inspector identified in storage A-193 grade 87 bar stock which is covered by this Bulleti Some examples of this material are in contracts 33039A, 370172, and 254379. The management at Hartsville knew nothing about the requirement to respond to this NRC Compliance Bulleti This item is URI S18, 529/87-01-03, "Tracking and Implementing Modifications, Bulletins, and 'Information Notices. For Equipment In Power Stores Storage". Walkdown Inspection of Storage Buildings (35065)

Eighteen buildings at the Hartsville facility are specified as meeting storage levels A and B. Both levels of storage require temperature, hur.idity ancj access contro Also required are: housekeeping requirements, rodent protection, access centrol to stored material, proper arrangement of stored items, and periodic inspections of the storage facilities. These are all requirements from Quality Assurance Procedure (QAP) 7.3, Rev. 1, "Storage Of Items". There are other buildings that provide C level storage and locations for outside storage (D level storage).

Procedure QAP7.3 requires that Materials QC Inspectors perform a quarterly inspection of all of the warehouses that have QA controlled s'torage item These records were checked back to March 1986 and the licensee appeared to be performing the required quarterly inspection. Prior to approximately March 1986, the licensee had been pcrforming monthly. area inspections under the Site Construction Organizatio The inspectors randomly examined some of the records dating back five year Tne inspectors performed walkdown inspections of seven randomly selected level B stcrage warehouses. These warehouses have QA and non-QA material stored adjacent to each othe During the wandown, it was difficult to distinguish between these two levels of material and approximately )

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seventeen components and/or groups of components were identified with deficient conditions. The following QA material (safety related) storage was found to be deficient:


TIIC N BCC 830M, 10" diameter gate valve, cap not on one openin TIIC N BCE 499B, 10" diameter gate valve, cover off one valve openin TIIC N BCA 726F, 8" diameter gate valve, opening untape TIIC N BCA.464K, 3" diameter gate valve, opening not cappe TIIC N BCA 357A, 3" diameter gate valve, uncapped lin TIIC N BCG 081V, 4" diameter gate valve, mud on valv MPL N T41-FF028A, 10" diameter vacuum relief valve, uncovered fine machined surfaces (internals), rusting bolts, and rustirg weld preparatio PM N , electrical box on this compressor did not have a cap, and 3 electrical boxed openings had covers missing (building BWT).

The licensee's procedure PS-QAP- 7.3, Rev. 1, Par. 5.1 states that the Power Stores Warehouse Services Section (PS WSS) and the Nuclear Distribution Center Supervisor (NDC) shall . . . . .(B) maintain the storage areas and storage level requirements. These requirements are further defined in attachment 1 to this procedure. "In Warehouse Storage Area Requirements," Paragraphs A through 0, define the requirements in more detai In particular, the following requirements were not being maintained in the previous eight examples:


(M) Caps and Coverings - (the Materials QC Inspector) verifies that end caps, blank flanges, and other protective covers are in place to prevent damage or the accumulation of dirt, dust, moisture.....

Failure to maintain the storage requirements for the items identified is a second example of Violation 518, 520/87-01-01, "Failure to Implement Manufacturers' Storage Requirements and to Follow Procedures For Storage of Safety Related Equipment".

l Allegations (92701)

' Allegation OSP-87-A-0075, "Safety Related Equipment In Warehouse  !

Storage Is Being Removed, Then Later Retur.ied To The Warehouse For Nuclear Application". J l

Concern: )

The NRC was informed that at the Hartsville Facllity, which is presently being used as-a Power Stores warehouso for cancelled nuclear plants, nuclear equipment stored in warehouses was being ,

taken out of the warehouse to be junke When renoved. from the warehouse, it was placed outside in the rain, wind, and freezing weather, then later on, it was returned to the warehouse for nucl. ear storag The concern regarded how such material could go back in


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e nuclear stcrage (warehouses) 1 af ter it has been ruine Yellow transformers marked BBC from Secheron located outside building TWG were given as an exampl Discussion:

The Hartsville facility was officially cancelled by the licensee on August 29, 1984. Subsequently, the licensee directed thet the Hartsville facility .be controlled by the "Materials, . Power Stores Branch"_of the "Office of Power". The items in storage were then the responsibility of the Office of Power, which is separate from the

"Office of Nuclear Power" (ONP). The Office of_ Power has an approved Quality Assurance Manual which interfaces with the Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual (NQAM) in the followiag manner:


The Nuclear Quality Assurance Manual (NQAM) doci'ments the overall quality assurance program for TVA's nuclear power plant The Power. Stores Quality Assurance Program, contained in the Power Stores Quality Assurance Manual (PS-QAM), is an element of the overall quality assurance program developed to comply with the policies and requirements contained in NQAM, Part I, Section 3.5, "Procurement", and Section 3.6, "Packaging, Shipping, Receiving, Storage, and Handling".


The Power Stores Quality Assurance program is applicable to those activities related to: (a). the procurement of certain mat,e ri a l s , parts, and components in support of the ONP and (b) the offsite receiving, storage, packaging, maintenance, handling, and shipping of materials, parts, and components which have been declared surplus from the canceled nuclear plants and reserved by ONP for potential use at other TVA~ nuclear plant The methods of accomplishing these activities are documented by the Power Stores Quality Assurance procedures and are used by Power Stores-Branch personnel when performing activities covered by the quality assurance progra The PS-QAM, therefore, controls the storage and preventive maintenance activities for on-site storag It establishes the criteria for QA and non-QA items. It also controls the transfer of items from Hartsville, Phipps Bend, Yellow Creek, and the Nuclear Distribution Center to Nuclear Power Plant The licensee established a program for dispersing and/or reserving the equipment remaining from the cancelled facilitie For all equipment at Hartsville, each department of TVA, including the fossil plants, had the option of reserving the equipment for later use at  !

their facility. The reserved items reserved were then stored (if not needed immediately) at Hartsville. The cost of storing was billed to i l



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the organization reserving the equipmen The reserved items are designated "Category A". Items not reserved which are available for sale or other use within TVA are designated "Category C".

A tour of the storage areas revealed a sizable portion of the nuclear equipment had been reserved by fossil plants. It was also identified that some items reserved by the fossil plants were being dropped from the reserved list due to the expense involve Therefore, the reserved item would go from Category A to Category C. In the Category C status, the item is removed from warehouse storage to the yard. It is then offered to other TVA organizations, including nuclear facilitie If it is reserved by another TVA organization, it is returned to Category A status and returned to warehouse storag Otherwise it is moved to .the "9355" yard location and of fered for sale outside TVA. If not marketable, it is eventually sold as scra While touring the area in the vicinity of building TWG, the inspector noted two control valves in the yard that were unprotected from the weather. A follow-up on these items, identified as TIIC BEK 558F and BEK 5590, found they were originally reserved by Bellefonte and placed in warehouse storage, Category A. On July 15, 1987, a letter from the Office of Nuclear Power advised Hartsville that ONP agrees to release items BEK 558F and BEK 5590. The ONP advised that this decision was made after re-evaluating the expense of removing the internal parts needed by Bellefont At that point, Hartsville placed the items in Category C status and removed them from the warehouse to the yar On August 10, 1987, a second letter was issued by ONP advising Hartsville that, af ter discussions with Bellefonte personnel, they de not want to release the valves controlled by TIIC BEK-558F and BEK-5590 and to please remove the valves from the 9355 locatio Therefore, these valves fit the alleged pattern in that they had been previously removed from warehouse storage and placed in the yard where they are subject to damage by the weather. They are presently located in the 9355 location. Meanwhile, Bellefonte has reserved them for possible use at that nuclear facilit From discussions held with various on-site personnel, it appears that occurrences of removing items from the warehouse (Category A) to the yard (Category C) are quite frequen The inspector noted the licensee implemented a procedure.on March 13, 1987, titled "PS-QAP 4.5-Reallocation of Items", to establish methods and assign responsibilities for reallocation of items from Hartsville, Phipps Bend, and Yellow Creek non-nuclear reserve, either inside or outside of the warehouse, to the Office of Nuclear Powe This procedure does not prohibit the transfer and shuffling of equipment from warehouse to yard and vice-vers It does establish a QC inspection for damage before being offered [ shipped]'to CNP plant .-- -. - -. - , . .-- - ,




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t The allegation was partially that equipment _ reserved for use in nuclear applications could be shuffled between Category A and Category C storage statu It was not substantiated that equipment damage actually occurred as a result of this practic '

In regards to the referenced yellow transformers from BBC, Secheron, located outside building TWG, the inspector visited building TWG and toured the interior and exterior surrounding area .

Five yellow transformers from BBC Secheron were found inside building TWG, A close inspection of the transformers found no apparent damage. The present storage condition of these transformers was found to be excellent, including a positive pressure of 6 PSI on each transformer. Attached to the front transformer was a card titled

"Request To Stock New Item" and was dated November 12, 1987. The ,

licensee's . representative advised this request was being made to place the item in a TVA Item Identification Code (TIIC). At the time of this inspection, the items had not yet been placed on a TII It was determined the items were received on site in 197 However, since they had not been placed on a TIIC, it was not possible to track the storage status of the items. It was also determined the items are for non-nuclear turbines. Therefore, no further efforts were expended on the Portion of Allegation OSP-86-A-0058. This segment of the allegation relates to a Department of Energy (DOE) letter to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), "Diesel Generator Vendor Information", dated July 29,,1983, and memorandum of agreement pursuant to contract n AT (49-18-12), between TVA and 00 Concern:

In a letter forwarded to the NRC, dated November 27, 1985, several concerns were referen:ed. The area discussed in this issue is item no. 14 on the enclosure of the letter which deals with the legibility of drawings and documents associated with the Delaval Diesel Generator Discussion:

Drawings and documents were copied and transmitted to the DOE that were associated with a Delaval Diesel Generator purchased from TVA by the DOE. Problems existed with tFe legibility of the associated paperwor Although the NRC is not specifically concerned with the Diesel Generator supplied to the DOE for the Clinch River Breeder React r Program and then subsequently sold to a non-nuclear utility, inspectors noted that one diesel generator remaining at Hartsvii is reserved for the Bellefonte Nuclear Plan , . -, , .-. _

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-11 The inspectors discussed the issue with the licensee's personnel-involved in the original issue and verified that additional submittals were forwarded to DOE to resolve the issu It was further stated that the problem was basical_ly. a fault with the reproduction process and that these drawings and documents - were reproduced a second time and retransmitted to 00 In addition, the inspectors further reviewed drawings associated with this equipment by taking a random sample of 28 drawings, listed on


Attachment _1,-and reviewing them for acceptability of print qualit Many of these drawings were supplied by vendors other than Delava An example is the drawing "General Assembly - Potential XFMR", number


4.0102, Rev. A, supplied by the Norlake Manufacturing Company. Five


of the 28 drawings reviewed on the view graph-were determined to be less legible than the remaining 23. These five were requested by the inspectors to be printed to review the final produc Drawings, 65-500-77024, X9-1247-01-100 Rev. L, 03-80-E, 09-805-77024 Rev. C, and R-3998 Rev. G were printed and. determined to be legibl The result of this review was that many of these drawings were of less than desired quality and three of the 28 reviewed were stamped

"Not Suitable For Microfilming". Those three pertained to the generator contro; panel, numbers 9-1247-01-100, sheets 1,3, and However, the pertinent information was legibl The accompanying information such as blocks on the drawings containing proprietary information warnings, authorization signatures and changes associated with each revision was not completely legible on some of these drawing '


It was determined that the quality of the drawings was sometimes poor but the pertinent information was legibl this situation was determined not to result in a safety issu This issue is close _ , - . . -

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Attachment 1 The drawings reviewed regarding Allegation OSP-86-A-0038 are listed below: "Coupling - Elastomeric" No. AK007-000 Rev. B Legible "Governor Drive Assembly" No. 02-410-3358 This drawing title block was difficult to read, the drawing was stamped

"Not Suitable for Microfilm" and the "Revision and Remarks" table was not legibl The remainder of the drawing was legibl . "Governor. Drive Assembly" No. 01-411-06 This drawing was legible. However, the quality was not very goo . "Bracket Ass'y" No. 02-411-3675 Legible "Accessory Drive Ass'y" No. 03-410-6877 This drawing was legibl However, the "Revii. ion and Remarks" table was not of good qualit . "Ass'y Dwg-Generator Control Panel" No. 9-1247 01 100 Rev. T, Sh. #1 Legibl . "Ass'y Owg-Generator Control Panel" No. 9-1247 01 100 Rev. T, Sh. #3 i Legibl . "Parts List- Generator Control Panel"  ;

No. 9-1247-01-100 Rev. T, Sh. #8 i Legibl . "Schematic-Control Panel IE (Power) l No. 9-1247-01-910 Rev. N, Sh. #1 Legibl . "Schematic- Control Panel IE (Power)

No. 9-1247-01-910 Rev. N, Sh. #2 Legibl . "Schematic IE 0.C. Control And Instrumentation Synchronizing Sys."

No. 9-1247-01910, Rev. N Legibl .


Attachment 1 2 12. "Final Assy-Neutral Grounding Cubicle" No. 9-1247-02-100 Rev N, Sh. #8 Legibl . "Parts List-Neutral Ground Cubicle" No. 9-1247-100 Rev. N, Sh. #13 Legible - except the confidential information comment is not legible (use of Dwg.)

1 "Exhaust, Intake & Crankcase Piping Schematic" No. 09-805-77024 Rev. C Approved and accepted; block not legible for unit . "Control Panel Schematic" No. 09-500-7702t Rev. K, Sh. #4 Legibl . "Installation Dwg DSRV-16" l No. R-3998 Rev. G Alterations block not legibl . "1 1/4 Strainer, F.0. Duplex" No. 103-80-E Sh.#1 Legibl . "General Assembly-Potential XFMR" No. 4-01-2 Rev. A, Norlake Mfg. C Legibl . "3' - 300 Pou'nd 0.S.Y. Globe Valve With Flanged Ends" No. 68660 Poor Legibilit . "Schematic-Control Panel IE DC Power, AC Power, & Instrumentation" No. 9-1247-01-910 Rev. F, Sh. #5 Legibl . "Nameplate For DeLaval" i No. 8504-15 Rev. B 1 Legibl . "Shutoff Valve" ,

No. N6-851 Sh. #1  !

Pertinent information is legibl . "Material Lists Outline Orawing" No. CN13906 Legibl I


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Attachment 1 3 2 "Wiring Connections" No. 62-500-77024 Rev. F, Sh. #4 Legibl . "Parts List-Generator Control Panel" No. X9-1247-01-100 Rev. L, Sh. #6 Legibl . "Parts List-Generator Panel" l No. X9-1247-01-100 Rev. L, Sh. #13


Poor Legibilit . "1"-300 Pound 0.S Y. Globe Valve Flanged End" I No. 054704 Sh. #1 l Legibl . "Wiring Diagram" No. 65-500-77024 Sh. #12 l Legible, i i



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