IR 05000455/1993014

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Insp Rept 50-455/93-14 on 930921-1020.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Isi Activities,Procedures,Exam Data, Observation of Work Activities & Review of Erosion/Corrosion Program
Person / Time
Site: Byron Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 11/08/1993
From: Jeffrey Jacobson, Sehapker J
Shared Package
ML20059K589 List:
50-455-93-14, NUDOCS 9311160110
Download: ML20059K600 (6)






I Report No. 50-455/93014(DRS) l Docket No. 50-455 License No. NPF-66 Licensee: Commonwealth Edison Company >

1400 Opus Place "

Downers Grove, IL 60515 ,

Facility Name: Byron Nuclear Power Station-Unit 2 Inspection At: Byron IL 61010-9750 Inspection Conducted: September 21 through October 20, 199 Inspector,: bG- . 4~ _ .y e / /- Y ~ V

/ J S apker / Date- .

Accompanied By: B. Metrow, IDNS ,

Approved By: ' Mu/w l~UU

J.M,,pa@bson,jChi6f Date ,

i Ma srialt Undrocesses Section Inspection Summary *

i Inspection on September 21-22. 27-28. October 5. and 20. 1993 (Report N ,

50-455/93014(DRS)). I Areas inspected: Routine, unannounced safety inspection of inservice . '!

inspection (ISI) activities including review of programs (73051), procedures ..

(73052), examination data (73755), observation of work activities (73753), and ;

review of the erosion / corrosion program (49001).

Results: No violations or deviations were identifie Based on the results -;

of the inspection the following strengths were noted:  !

Station quality control and ANIl inspection personnel were actively involved in surveillance and observation of .i nondestructive examination (NDE) and test activities being i performed by contractor and CECO personne ;

The licensee is currently upgrading the erosion / corrosion (E/C) ;

program by reverification of modeling inputs to the progra ;







931t160110 931109 i PDR ADOCK 05000455 '

G PDR2 i


o  !

DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Commonwealth Edison Company (CECO)

  • G. Schwartz, Station Manager D. Brindle, Regulatory Assurance Supervisor  :
  • P. Enge, NRC Coordinator i
  • G. Hagemann, ISI Coordinator
  • G. Contrady, Site Engineering & Construction Support Supervisor D. Goldsmith, Performance Monitoring Group Leader -

R. Vivian, Construction Superintendent ,

  • W. Grundman, Quality Verification Superintendent '

R. Kim, Erosion / Corrosion Coordinator  :

  • J. Lonigro, SG Eddy Current Coordinator  :

B. Riedl, Station Quality Control EBASCO R. McBride, Site Supervisor


Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection & Insurance Co. (HSB)

J. Hendricks, Authorized Nuclear Inservice Inspector (ANII) ,

G. Feigl, ANil

NRC P. Peterson, Senior Resident Inspector C. Brown, Resident Inspector Other members of the plant staff and contractors were contacted and interviewed during the course of the inspectio * Denotes those present at the exit interview on October 20, 199 . Inservice Inspection (ISI) Review of Proaram (73051)

Personnel from Babcock & Wilcox (B&W), Ebasco and Ceco performed the ISI in accordance with ASME Section XI,1983 Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda. The licensee performed several field surveillances of the ISI activities. These surveillances included 6 of B&W activities, 5 of Ebasco activities, and 8 of CECO technical staff -i activities associated with ASME/FSAR surveillance testing. The '

inspector reviewed all associated surveillance reports and found them to be thorough and conducted by qualified personne y Organizational staffing for the ISI program was found to be '

acceptable and the services of an ANII were procure ,

s ..

... , Review of Procedures (73052)

All applicable ISI procedures were approved by the ANIl and were reviewed by the inspectors. The ISI procedures were found to be acceptable and in accordance with ASME Section V,1983. Edition, Summer 1983 Addenda, Data Review (73755)

Documentation of ISI examinations was found to be thorough-and in accordance with application ISI procedures and Code requirement The inspectors also reviewed certifications of consumable material and calibration standards and found them acceptabl d. Observation of Work Activities (73753)

The NRC and IDNS inspectors observed work activities interviewed personnel during the ISI activities. These observations included i the following-

(1) Ebasco personnel performing ultrasonic examinations on steam !

generator girth weld SGC-01, reactor coolant piping welds  :

Nos. 2RC35aa-6-J4, J6; and safety injection piping welds j Nos. 2S105DA-6-J2, J9, and 2SIA4B-8-J5, -J t l

(2) Ebasco personnel performing liquid penetrant examination on piping welds Nos. 2RC04AA-12-J5, -J7, 2RC35AA-6-J4, -J6, and- !

2RC03AA-27.50-J ,


(3) Ebasco personnel performing magnetic particle examination on '

rain steam (MS) piping welds Nos. 2MS01AA-30.25-C10, -Cll .

(4) Ebasco personnel performing visual examination (VT 3/4) of ,

MS snubber No. 2CV3600 (5) CECO technical staff performing remote visual examination of 1 interior surfaces of the reactor vesse '

(6) CECO QA personnel performing surveillance ir.spection of- '!

Ebasco performing _ examinations on pipe welds rios. 2RC04AA- :j 12-J5, -J7, 2RC35AA-6-J4, -J l (7) ANIl performing surveillance inspection.of Ebasco liquid  :!

penetrant examinations on piping welds 2RC04AA-12-J5, -J7, i 2RC35AA-6-J4, -J6; and visual examination of MS snubber N ;

2CV3600 :

The NRC and IDNS inspectors reviewed the qualifications and certifications of all inspection personnel performing 151 and-found them to be in accordance with the requirements of SNT-TC-1 ,



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.. Steam Generator Inspection (73753) I

Eddy current examination (ET) was conducted on 100% of the steam generator (SG) tubes. Approximately 50% of the tubes in each SG and !

tubes with previously identified indications were examined full length 1'

with the bobbin coil and Zetec MIZ-18 multifrequency digital examination equipment. The remaining tubes were examined from the hot leg side to ,

the first support plate on the cold leg side (llc). . Tubes in rows 1, 2 :

and 3 were examined from each tube end to the llc suppor q Based on the bobbin coil examination, motorized rotating pancake coil examinations were performed on selected tubes including: indications at


i support plates, selected manufacturing buff marks, selected non- !

quantifiable bobbin indications, and three tubes in SG-B with unusual U- .

bend indication '

The primary analysis of the ET data was performed using Zetec's Eddyne I System. The secondary ET analysis was performed using an automatic data ;

screening program that was integrated into the Eddynet System. Any '

discrepancies between the primary and secondary analysis were resolved by the onsite Level III analys Results of the ET data analysis were recorded on optical disks and then loaded into B&W's Eddy Current Data Management System. This system was :

used to track the proper examination of all tubes and to generate the '

final ET data sheets and report summarie !

The following number of SG tubes were plugged this outage due to degradation:

SG-2A 6 SG-2B 23 SG-2C 7 ,

SG-20 0 -;

Inspection  !

The NRC inspector observed the ET in progress, verified calibration o '

ET equipment, certifications of calibration standards, reviewed the ET procedures and examiners / analyst qualification certifications. The NRC inspector also reviewed the ET Data Analyst Guidelines and observed the analyst's evaluations of indications in progres ,


r The 1icensee's ET program and tube-degradation preventive maintenance program appear to be conservative in assuring the safe operation of the ,

SGs. The majority of the degradation identified this outage was contributed to antivibration bar wear. The licensee is upgrading their' .i secondary chemistry by using Ethanomaline, which increases the PH, .


resulting in reduction in corrosion attack on secondary side components ,

and system '

No violations or deviations were identifie j 4 .



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O Erosion Corrosion Program Review (490011 The balance of plant components at Byron Station were-selected for examination using the Chet/ Checkmate computer modeling program, engineering evaluations, and operating experience. The modeling of the Byron station systems was performed by Ceco corporate nuclear engineering (NED/PSD) and is currently in the process of being update Ceco procedure N00-TS-7 was also recently updated to reflect current EPRI recommendations regarding examination grid spacin The CEECCALC computer program, developed by the licensee, is used to evaluate the inspection data. This program stores inspection data and component information, calculates wear rate, projected wall thickness and remaining life of the component. The projected life is the time in operating months for the component to reach code minimum wall thicknes A component with less than 18 months projected life is repaired / replaced or an engineering evaluation is performed to determine acceptability for one cycle operation capability. Components of less than 36 months projected life are reviewed and dispositioned as requiring possible repair / replacement at the next refueling outag Sample expansion is required whenever a component is found to be below the code minimum wall thickness or the projected life of the component is less than or equal to 18 months. Sister train components, downstream-piping, and two additional high ranking components in the failed component system are inspecte In addition to UT inspections to determine wall thinning of components, the licensee utilizes radiography for small bore components / piping, and i visual examination of large bore piping. When wear is identified by visual examination, a UT is performed to characterize the extent of wall thinning as require Repair / replacement is performed for those components as described abov Repairs are considered to be a temporary measure to facilitate safe operation until a scheduled replacement can be made. Replacements are performed with like for like material or preferably with a more E/C resistant material. A baseline inspection is required for a replaced componen The licensee performed four repairs on turning vanes in large bore piping and six replacements of small bore piping "T" connection components during this outag Insoection The NRC inspector reviewed the Byron implementing procedures for the E/C program, reviewed the E/C inspection log for this outage, verified inspection data inputs, progress, verified grid marking and sizing, and~

observed wear rate calculations using the CEECALC program. Th licensee's E/C program appears to be conservative, and meets the guidelines of EPRI's recommendations and GL 89-0 ,




No violations or deviations were . identifie . Exit Meetina The inspector met with licensee representatives (denoted in Section 1)

at the conclusion of the inspection on October 20, 1993. The; inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection activities. The licensee acknowledged the inspection findings.- The inspector also discussed the likely informational content of the inspection report'with regard to documents or processes reviewed by the inspector during the inspection. The licensee did not identify any such_ document / processes-as proprietar :














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