IR 05000391/2014601

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End-Of-Cycle Assessment Letter Watts Bar Nuclear Plant Unit 2 (NRC Inspection Report 05000391/2014601)
Person / Time
Site: Watts Bar Tennessee Valley Authority icon.png
Issue date: 02/28/2014
From: Joel Munday
To: Skaggs M
Tennessee Valley Authority
Michelle Adams
Download: ML14059A071 (15)




245 PEACHTREE CENTER AVENUE NE, SUITE 1200 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303-1257 February 28, 2014 Mr. Michael Senior Vice President Nuclear Construction Tennessee Vaiiey Authority 6A Lookout Place 1101 Market Street Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 SUBJECT: END-OF-CYCLE ASSESSMENT LETTER WATTS BAR NUCLEAR PLANT

UNIT 2 (NRC INSPECTION REPORT 05000391/2014601)

Dear Mr. Skaggs:

On February 10, 2014, the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff completed its performance review of the Watts Bar Nuclear Plant (WBN) Unit 2 construction project. Our technical staff reviewed inspection results for the period from January 1, 2013, through December 31, 2013. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of our assessment of your safety performance during this period and our plans for future inspections at your facility.

During the 2 nd quarter of this assessment period the NRC identified three violations associated with your commercial grade dedication program that were characterized as a Severity Level Ill problem in accordance with the NRCs Enforcement Policy and assessed a $70,000 Civil Penalty. These violations are described in Inspection Report 05000391/201 361 4, dated June 18, 2013 (ADAMS Accession Number ML13169A030). Consistent with the guidance in Inspection Manual Chapter 2517, Watts Bar 2 Construction Inspection Program, which defines a Severity Level Ill violation as a significant performance issue, the NRC increased inspection for WBN Unit 2. Specifically, the NRC performed an additional inspection using the guidance in Inspection Procedure 92702, Follow-up on Traditional Enforcement Actions including Violations, Deviations, Confirmatory Action Letters, Confirmatory Orders and Alternate Dispute Resolution Confirmatory Orders. This inspection, which was completed February 12, 2014, reviewed your corrective actions to these violations to verify that your commercial grade dedication program is in compliance with regulations and that the corrective actions were adequate to prevent recurrence. The results of this inspection will be published in Inspection Report 05000391/2014602, scheduled to be released to the public in April 2014.

During the remainder of the assessment period, with the exception noted above, WBN Unit 2 construction activities were generally conducted in a manner that complied with the Commissions rules and regulations, the conditions of your construction permit, and the Unit 2 regulatory framework commitments. Overall, the corrective action program implementation activities, including initiation, classification, disposition, and trending were deemed satisfactory.

This overall conclusion was based on the results of the annual Problem Identification and Resolution (Pl&R) team inspection, focused sample Pl&R inspections, and the ongoing assessment of your corrective action program as part of routine inspections. No Substantive Cross-Cutting Issues were identified during this period. The NRC staff spent over 13,000 hours0 days <br />0 hours <br />0 weeks <br />0 months <br /> during the 12-month End-of-Cycle Assessment period performing inspections, assessments, public meetings, allegation follow-up, and inspection program support for WBN Unit 2. The NRC staff anticipates this level of effort will increase over the next 12-month assessment cycle as WBN Unit 2 construction activities continue and pre-operational testing is performed on additional safety-related systems.

As a result of reviewing your construction schedule and through interaction with your staff, the enclosed inspection plan contains those projected inspection activities that we have currently identified. Many of the inspections listed in the enclosed inspection plan were scheduled based on information your staff provided to the NRC. This information involved dates for completion of construction activities that would be subject to the corresponding NRC inspections. Therefore, it is crucial that you keep us apprised of any changes to the scheduled completion dates, in order to maintain our inspection plan current. As additional details of your project schedule become available, we will plan other inspections specified in Inspection Manual Chapter 2517. Your staff will be given ample notification of changes to upcoming inspection activities or newly identified inspections as they become finalized in order to allow for the resolution of any scheduling conflicts and personnel availability. Routine inspections performed by the resident staff are not listed on the inspection plan due to their ongoing and continuous nature.

With the start of preoperational testing at WBN Unit 2, the NRC has begun implementation of Inspection Manual Chapter 2513, Light Water Reactor Inspection Program Preoperational

Testing and Operational Preparedness Phase. We have not listed preoperational testing inspections in the enclosed inspection plan due to likelihood that the inspection dates will change as adjustments to your preoperational testing schedule occur.

In addition to the above inspection activities, an NRC audit of licensee efforts towards compliance with Order EA-12-049, Order Modifying Licenses with Regard to Requirements for Mitigation Strategies for Beyond-Design-Basis External Events is ongoing. This audit includes an onsite component in order for the NRC to evaluate mitigating strategies as described in licensee submittals, and to receive and review information relative to associated open items.

This onsite activity will occur in the months prior to a declaration of compliance for the first unit at each site, and will aid staff in development of an ultimate Safety Evaluation for the site.

The onsite component has been scheduled for the week of March 10, 2014. A site-specific audit plan for the visit will be provided in advance to allow sufficient time for preparations.

In accordance with 10 CFR 2.390 of the NRCs Rules of Practice, a copy of this letter and its enclosure will be available electronically for public inspection in the NRC Public Document Room or from the Publicly Available Records (PARS) component of NRCs document system (ADAMS). ADAMS is accessible from the NRC Web site at htto//www.nrc.oov/readino rm!adams.html (the Public Electronic Reading Room). Please contact Robert Haag at (404)

997-4446 wIth any questions you may have regarding this letter or our planned inspections.

Sincerely, MN Joel T. Munday, Director DMslon of Construction Projects Docket No. 50-391 Construction Permit No: CPPR-92 Endosure:

Watts Bar Unit 2 Inspection Plan cc w/encl: See next page cc w/encl:

Mr. Gordon P. Arent Mr. R. A. Baron, Senior Manager Senior Manager, Licensing Nuclear Construction Quality Assurance WBN Unit Two WBN Unit Two Waifs Bar Nuclear Plant Waifs Bar Nuclear Plant Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Mr. 0. J. Zeringue, General Manager Mr. Joseph Shea, Vice President Engineering and Construction Nuclear Licensing VVbNUnt Iwo Tennessee Vaey Authority Waifs Bar Nuclear Plant 1101 Market Street Tennessee Valley Authority 3R Lookout Place P.O. Box 2000 Chattanooga, TN 37402-2801 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Mr. E. J. Vigluicci Mr. R. A. Hruby, General Manager Assistant General Counsel Technical Services Tennessee Valley Authority WBN Unit Two 400 West Summit Hill Drive Waifs Bar Nuclear Plant 6A West Tower Tennessee Valley Authority Knoxville, Tennessee 37402 P.O. Box 2000 Spring City Tennessee 37381 Mr. Lawrence E. Nanney, Director Tennessee Department of Environmental Mr. James ODell, Manager Health & Conservation Licensing and Industry Affairs Division of Radiological Health WBN Nuclear Plant 3rd Floor, L&C Annex Tennessee Valley Authority 401 Church Street P.O. Box 2000 Nashville, TN 37243-1 532 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 Mr. Chris Church Mr. Joseph P. Grimes Site Vice President Chief Nuclear Officer Waifs Bar Nuclear Plant and Executive Vice President Tennessee Valley Authority Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 1101 Market Place Spring City, Tennessee 37381 3R Lookout Place Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402-2801 County Mayor P.O. Box 156 County Executive Decatur, Tennessee 37322 375 Church Street Suite 215 Ms. Ann P. Harris Dayton, Tennessee 37321 Public 341 Swing Loop Mr. Dave Gronek Rockwood, TN 37854 Plant Manager, WBN Nuclear Plant Tennessee Valley Authority P.O. Box 2000 Spring City, Tennessee 37381 cc email distribution w/encl:

Greg Scott Tennessee Valley Authority Electronic Mail Distribution Watts Bar Unit 2 Licensing Tennessee Valley Authority hiectronic Mail Uistribution

REQ pj Watts Bar Unit 2 Scheduled Inspection items List seQ r Items Schethiled vpe Item # Title laspecrion TMI ll.K.3.10 Applicants proposed anticipatory trip at high power 03/10/2014 TI 2515/66 BL 84-03, Refueling Cavity Water Seals 03/10/2014 BL 88-09 Thimble tube thinning in W reactors 03/31/2014 TMI ll.D.3 Valve position indication 03/31/2014 TMI ll.E.3.1 Emergency power for pressurizer heaters 03/31/2014 TI 251 2/020 Electrical Issues CAP - Subissue: Cable separation and 03/31/2014 electrical isolation CDR 89-08 Kapton insulation penetration pigtail damage 03/31/2014 CDR 95-05 Loose connections found in vendor wire safety-related panels 03/31/2014 SER SSER App Verify completion of DCNs of 125V dc vital battery system prior 03/31/2014 HH Item 33 to issuance of Unit 2 OL (Section

TMI Il.D.1 Relief and safety valve test requirements 04/07/2014 CDR 86-08 Incorrect tubing configuration on containment isolation valves 04/07/2014 (CIV) actuators CDR 86-11 Lack of thermal qualification for Systems 43 & 90 piping 04/07/2014


Tharsdap, Februarp 27, 2014 Page 1 of 8 EnClosUre

Scheduled Tjpe liens # Title TI 2512/018 Conduit and Supports CAP 04/14/2014 TI 2512/036 Environmental Qualification SP 04/14/2014 TMI ll.B.2 Plant shielding 04/14/2014 TI 2515/87 MPAA-17: RG 1.97 04/14/2014 CDR 87-10 Failure of Category C devices may adversely affect Category 04/14/2014 A devices CDR 87-18 Deficiencies in installation of electrical conduit and conduit 04/14/2014 supports SER SSER App Inspect in accordance with TI 251 5/087, Inspection of 04/14/2014 HH Item 92 licensees implementation of multi-plant action A 17:Instrumentation for nuclear power plants to assess plant&environs conditions during and following accident IP 83522 Rad Protection, Plant Chemistry, Radwaste, and 04/14/2014 Environmental Qrganization and Management Controls IP 83523 Radiation Protection, Plant Chemistry and Radwaste Training 04/14/2014 and Qualifications P 84522 Solids - Control, Sampling, Monitoring, and Release 04/14/2014 IP 71111.07 Heat Sink Performance - Subissue: ERCW testing (02.02.d.5) 04/21/2014 SER SSER App NRC staff should verify the ERCW dual unit flow balance 04/21/2014 HH Item 90 confirms that ERCW pumps meet all specified performance requirements & have sufficient capability to supply all required ERCW normal & accident flows for dual unit operation SER SSER App Resolve reasoning for not upgrading MSIV solenoid valves to 04/21/2014 HH Item 23 Category 1 TEAM PI&R Problem Identification and Resolution Inspection 04/21/2014 Thursday, February 27, 2014 Page 2 of 8

Scheduled Type Item # lit/c Inspection URI 86-24-06 Review of cable splicing as required by FSAR 04/28/2014 TI 2512/016 Cable Issues CAP - Subissue: Bend Radius 04/28/2014 CDR 82-76 Cable bend radius deficiencies 04/28/2014 CDR 86-03 Inspection for minimum bend training radii not made 04/28/2014 TI 251 2/021 Equipment Seismic CAP 05/05/2014 TI 2512/026 Instrument Lines CAP 05/05/2014 VlO 86-21-02 Instrument valves, Foxboro transmitters, and instrument panels 05/05/2014 not seismically qualified CDR 83-48 Installation of flow switch & sensing lines 05/05/2014 CDR 85-22 Undervoltage condition on l2Svdc vital control power system 05/05/2014 CDR 86-24 Inadequate flexibility of instrument tubing attached to steel 05/05/2014 containmt vessel CDR 86-59 Qualification of ASCO solenoid valve conduit connector 05/05/2014 configuration SER SSER App Confirm adequacy of emergency facilities/equipment to support 05/05/2014 HH Item 40 dual unit operations prior to issuance of Unit 2 OL (Section

SER SSER App Confirm adequacy of updates for plant data displays and dose 05/05/2014 HH Item 41 assessment models prior to issuance of Unit 2 OL (Section

SER SSER App NRC staff will confirm availability & operability of ERDS for U2 05/05/2014 HH Item 38 prior to issuance of U2 DL (SSER 22, Section

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Scheduled Type lien: # Title lizspecaoii TI 2512/041 Radiation Monitoring System SP 05/19/2014 TMI ll.F.1 2,a Noble gas 05119/2014 TMI lI.F.1 .2.c Containment high range monitoring 05/19/2014 GL 89-19 Request for actions related to resolution of unresolved safety 05/19/2014 issue A-47, Safety implication of control systems in LWR nuclear power plants, pursuant to IOCFR5O.54(f)

GL 96-01 Testing of safety-related circuits 05/19/2014 GL 06-02 Grid reliability and impact on plant risk and operability of offsite 05/19/2014 power TI 2515/139 GL 96-01, Testing of SR logics circuits 05/19/2014 TI 251 5/1 65 Offsite power and impact on plant risk 05/19/2014 CDR 83-07 Transfer switches to auxiliary feedwater (AFW) have non- 05/19/2014 divisional power TI 2515(182 Review of implementation of industry initiative to control 06102/2014 degradation of underground piping and tanks BL 03-02 Leakage from RPV lower head penetrations and reactor 06/09/2014 coolant pressure boundary integrity (PWR5)

TI 251 5/1 52, Ri BL 2003-02, RPV nozzles 06/09/2014 TI 2512/016 Cable Issues CAP Subissue: Supports in vertical conduits


06/30/2014 TI 2512/016 Cable Issues CAP Subissue: Supports in vertical trays




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ScI,ed,iltd Tyve liens # Tille Th.pettiu,i CDR 85-35 Support of conductors inside vertical conduit runs 06/30/2014 COR 89-04 Support of Class 1E cables installed in long vertical cable tray 06/30/2014 runs BL 88-11 PZR surge line thermal stratification 07/07/2014 VlO 87-19-01 Failure to follow procedures for installing equipment in 07/07/2014 north/south va!ve rooms VIO 87-19-02 Failure to preseve equipment installed in north/south valve 07/07/2014 rooms TEAM CYBER Cyber Security Inspection 07/07/2014 TI 2512/017 Cable Tray and Supports CAP 07/14/2014 CDR 89-06 Inadequate qualification of cable tray supports & fittings 07/14/2014 BL 96-02 Movement of heavy loads over spent fuel, over fuel in reactor, 07/21/2014 or over safety-related equipment GL 88-14 Instrument air supply system problems affecting safety-related 07/21/2014 equipment TEAM CYBER Cyber Security Inspection 07/21/2014 TI 251 5/1 20 MPA Item A-22, Station Blackout Rule 08/04/2014 IP 80521 Radiological Environmental Protection 08/04/2014 P 84523 Liquids - Control, Sampling, Monitoring, and Release 08/04/2014


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Scheduled T;pe Item # Title Inspectiosi IP 84524 Gases and Particulates - Control, Sampling, Monitoring, and 08/0412014 Release TI 2512/032 Welding CAP 08/25/2014 URI 87-19-06 Nonsafety-related cable in close proximity to safety-related 08/25/2014 cable in electrical panels IP 83524 External Occupational Exposure Control and Personal 08/25/2014 Dosimetry IP 83525 Internal Exposure Control 08/25/2014 P 83526 Control of Radioactive Materials and Contamination, Surveys 08/25/2014 and Monitoring P 83527 Facilities and Equipment 08/25/2014 IP 83528 Maintaining Occupational Exposures ALARA 08/25/2014 BL 80-06 Emergency safety feature reset controls 09/15/2014 TMI l.D.1 CRDR 09/15/2014 TI 2500/19 Licensees actions taken to implement USI A-26: Transient 09/29/2014 protection BL 80-04 Analysis of PWR main steam line break with continuous 10/06/2W 4 feedwater addition TMI ll.E.1.2 Auxiliary feedwater system initiation and flow 10/06/2014 TI 251 5/1 74 Hydrogen igniter backup power 10/06/201 4 Thursday, February 27, 2014 Page 6 of 8

T)pe Scheduled Item # Title

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TI 251 2/016 Cable Issues CAP Subissue: Proximity to hot pipes


10/06/2014 CDR 90-03 Cables proximity to hot pipes 10/06/2014 SER SSER App NRC staff will verify installation of acoustic-monitoring system 10/06/2014 HH Item 74 for the power-operated relief valve (PORV) position indication in WBN U2 before fuel load (Section 7.81)

IFI 86-10-03 U2 instrument air preop test 10/20/2014 IP 80210 Environmental Protection 10/27/2014 BL 79-24 Frozen lines 11/03/2014 CDR 94-04 Potential freezing of main steam pressure transmitter sense line 11/03/2014 SER SSER App TVA should confirm to NRC staff that testing prior to U2 fuel 11/03/2014 HH Item 63 load has demonstrated that two-way communications is impossible with Eagle 21 communications interface (Section

SER SSER App WA should confirm to staff that testing of Eagle 21 system has 11/03/2014 HH Item 93 sufficiently demonstrated that two-way communication to ICS is precluded with described configurations (Section

TI 2512/016 Cable Issues CAP Subissue: Splices


11/17/2014 SER SSER App Perform detailed inspection/evaluation prior to fuel load on EQ 11/17/2014 HH Item 16 program compliance with 1OCFR5O.49 requirements (Section 3.11.2)

SER SSER App Verify accuracy of WBN U2 EQ list prior to fuel load (Section 11/17/2014 HH Item 17

flflfl nfl lP 71111.07 Heat Sink Performance Subissue: CCS HX B heat transfer


11/17/2014 test (02.02.b.1)

lP 71111.07 Heat Sink Performance Subissue: Intake inspections, system


11/17/2014 controls, and system chemistry (02.02.d.2&4)

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Scheduled Type lIens # Title Iii pecliwi TI 2512/038 Mechanical Equipment Qualification SP 12/01/2014 GL 04-02 Potential impact of debris blockage on emergency recirculation 12/01/2014 during design basis accidents at PWR5 TI 2515/166, Ri Containment sump blockage 12/01/2014 IP 79501 LWR Water Chemistry Control and Chemical Analysis 12/01/2014 IP 79502 Plant Systems Affecting Plant Water Chemistry 12/01/2014 IP 84525 QA and Confirmatory Measurements for In-Plant 12/01/2014 Radiochemical Analysis SER SSER App NRC staff will verify test procedures & qualification testing for 12/03/2014 HH Item 75 auxiliary feedwater initiation & control & flow indication are completed in WBN U2 before fuel load (Section 7.8.2)


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Letter to Michael from Joel T. Munday dated February 28, 2014.


UNIT 2 (NRC INSPECTION REPORT 05000391/201 4601)

Distribution w/encl:

Region II Regional Coordinator, OEDO (E. Quinones)

J. Quichocho, NRR J. Poole, NRR M. liOn, INI-Ul J. Bartley, Rh DRP T. Nazario, Ru Waffs Bar Unit 2 SRi E. Patterson, Ru, WBN Unit 2, RI R. Monk, Rh Waifs Bar Unit 1 SRI C. Evans, RII ConE Resource@nrc.ciov PUBLIC