IR 05000269/1986031

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Insp Repts 50-269/86-31,50-270/86-31 & 50-287/86-31 on 861027-29.No Violations or Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Transportation of Irradiated Fuel Assemblies
Person / Time
Site: Oconee  Duke Energy icon.png
Issue date: 11/20/1986
From: Hosey C, Revsin B
Shared Package
ML16161A778 List:
50-269-86-31, 50-270-86-31, 50-287-86-31, NUDOCS 8612040139
Download: ML16161A780 (5)






101 MARIETTA STREET, N.W., SUITE 2900 ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30323 NOV 2 1 1986 Report Nos.:

50-269/86-31, 50-270/86-31, and 50-287/86-31 Licensee: Duke Power Company 422 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28242 Docket Nos.: 50-269, 50-270, and 50-287 License Nos.: DPR-38, DPR-47, and DPR-55 Facility Name: Oconee 1, 2, and 3 Inspection Conducted:

ctober 27-29, 1986 Inspector:





B. K. Revsin Date Signed Accompanying Personnel-F. N. Wright Approved by:

MnChf1-a C. M. H

,Secti n Chief Date /Signed Division of Radiat on Safety and Safeguards SUMMARY Scope:

This special, unannounced inspection involved onsite inspection in the area of transportation of irradiated fuel assemblie Results: No violations or deviations were identifie B612.0 40139 861121 PDR ADOCK 05000269


REPORT DETAILS 1. Persons Contacted Licensee Employees

  • M. S. Tuckman, Station Manager
  • C. T. Yongue, Station Health Physics
  • J. A. Long, Health Physics Coordinator
  • C. Harlin, Compliance Engineer
  • D. Deatherage, Operations T. A. Smith, Health Physics Supervisor W. Eister, Fuels Handling Supervisor D. Freck, Fuels, General Office J. S. Oliver, Health Physics Technician P. D. Litzenburger, Health Physics Technician Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • J. Bryant, Senior Resident Inspector


  • Sasser, Resident Inspector
  • Attended exit interview 2. Exit Interview The inspection scope and findings were summarized on October 29, 1986, with those persons indicated in Paragraph 1 abov The inspector described the areas inspected and discussed in detail the inspection result The licensee did not identify as proprietary any of the materials provided to or reviewed by the inspector during this inspectio. Transportation (86740)

This was a special inspection conducted to insure that the shipments of irradiated fuel assemblies from Oconee to McGuire Nuclear Stations using the TN-8L cask met applicable regulatory requirements. The TN-8L cask permitted shipment of three fuel assemblies per cas The shipment observed by the inspector was No. ONS-86-180 which departed the site on October 29, 1986. Eight previous shipments using the TN-8L cask had been completed, the first one occurring on September 2, 198 CFR 71.5(a) requires each licensee who transports licensed materials outside of the confines of its plant or other place of use, or who delivers licensed material to a carrier for transport, to comply with the applicable requirements of the regulations appropriate to the mode of transport of the Department of Transportation (DOT) in 49 CFR Parts 170 through 18 a. Marking Requirements 49 CFR 172.301(a),

172.304 and 172.310 specify the general and radioactive material markings required for package The inspector observed that the TN-8L cask had a plaque welded to one side which contained all of the required markings; Type B package, proper shipping name, identification number, and weight of the package empty and loade b. Labeling Requirements 49 CFR 172.401, 172.403, 172.406 and 172.407 specify the labeling requirements required for radioactive material packages. The inspector verified that both ends of the TN-8L was labeled with Yellow-III labels near the package closure c. 40 CFR 172.502, 172.504, 172.506 and 172.507 specify the general and the highway route controlled quantity radioactive materials placarding requirement The inspector verified that all four sides of the trailer as well as the cab of the truck were placarded as require d. 49 CFR 172, Subpart C, specifies the DOT requirements for shipping paper Prior to exit of the shipment from the site, the inspector reviewed the shipping papers in the possession of the truck drive The shipping papers for all previous shipments using the TN-8L cask were also examined. In each case, the papers were found to meet the requirements 49 CFR 172, Subpart e. 49 CFR 173.455 specifies the classification of fissile materials packages and 49 CFR 173.457 specifies the transportation requirements for Fissile Class-III shipment The inspector determined that the shipment was appropriately classed as Fissile Class-III and the requirements for transportation of such material were met, i.e.,

controls to ensure criticality safety, exclusive use truck, no other packages of radioactive material in the truck and an escort on the public highwa The truck was provided two escort cars (front and back), one of which was equipped with an emergency ki f. 40 CFR 173.441 and 173.443 specify the limits for radiation levels and removable contamination on the external surface of the packag The inspector observed the survey performed by the licensee prior to the release of the truck from the sit All radiation and contamination levels were within regulatory limits. The inspector noted that neutron surveys of the cask had been performed immediately after loading the cas The highest neutron level documented on the shipping paper survey map was four millirem per hour. Examination of radiation levels and contamination levels of the previous shipments showed similar result g. 49 CFR 177.825 specifies the routing and training requirements for transportation of radioactive material The inspector examined the

written route plan supplied to the motor vehicle driver prior to his exit from the sit The driver stated that he had been the driver for all TN-8L shipments made to date from the plant and that there had been no deviations from the written route plan. The driver also stated that he had recently received training in the transport of radioactive materials provided by his company. The inspector reviewed the content of his training manual which he had in his possession, as well as his certificate verifying that he had completed training in the hazards and characteristics of highway route controlled quantity radioactive materials on August 15, 198 h. 49 CFR 173.471 specifies the requirements for use of USNRC approved packages for shippers of Type B or fissile material package These requirements are in addition to those required by 10 CFR Part 7 During the inspection the inspector confirmed that the licensee was registered as a user for the TN-8 series shipping packages described in Certificate of Compliance (COC)

N, Revision 11, and that the outside of the package was durably and legibly marked with the COC identification markin The COC number was also present on the shipping paper CFR 71, Subpart C specifies the requirements for a general license to transport, or to deliver to a carrier for transport, licensed material in a package for which a license, COC, or other approval has been issued by the NR CFR 71.12(c) requires the licensee to have a copy of the COC issued for an approved packag The inspector reviewed the licensee's copy of the COC No. 9015 issued for package USA/9015/B(

)F and verified that the COC was in effect until 199 CFR 71.12(b) states that the general license issued to any licensee of the Commission to transport licensed material for which a COC has been issued by the NRC applies only to a licensee who has a quality assurance (QA)

program approved by the Commission as satisfying the provisions of 10 CFR 71, Subpart CFR 71.101(f), Subpart H, allows licensees to utilize an existing Commission approved QA program which satisfies the applicable criteria of 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, to meet the QA requirements of 10 CFR 71, Subpart H. The licensee is required to notify the Commission of its intent to apply its previously approved Appendix B program to transportation activities prior to first us The licensee elected to apply their established 10 CFR 50, Appendix B QA program to the packaging and transportation of radioactive material The inspector reviewed the QA Program approvals for Duke Power company (user of the TN-8L cask) and Transnuclear, Inc. (owner of

the TN-8L cask) and verified that the approvals were applied for as required and were still vali The inspector reviewed the licensee's QA activities regarding transportation of radioactive material and verified that the licensee had performed audits and inspection The following audits were reviewed:

Vendor Audit, Transnuclear, Inc., October 1985 Departmental Audit NP-85-15 (ON), August 1985 Departmental Audit NP-85-21 (Fuels), October and November 1985 Audit findings had been evaluated by licensee managemen k. 10 CFR 71.85 specifies the inspection and testing requirements to be performed prior to the first use of any packaging for the shipment of licensed material and 10 CFR 71.87 specifies the routine determinations to be performed prior to each shipment of licensed materia The licensee stated that Transnuclear, Inc., had performed the original testing of the cask prior to first use since they were the owners of the cas Additionally, when the cask was first shipped to the licensee, Transnuclear came to the site and actually performed the testing as required by the COC and 10 CFR 71.8 Documentation for completion of acceptance testing was in the form of a letter dated August 1, 1986, to D. Freck (Duke Power) from G. T. Tjersland and L. J. Cass (Transnuclear).

The inspector also reviewed Procedure OP/1&2/A/1510/13, Spent Fuel Shipment using the TN-8L Cask, August 28, 1986, which covered:

1) receiving and preparing for loading empty TN-8L cask, 2) loading of cask with spent fuel assemblies, 3) closing the cask and removing to decontamination pit, 4) drying, seal testing and decontamination, and 5) preparation of the cask for shipmen This procedure implemented the testing and criteria as required by the CO No violations or deviations were identified.