IR 05000089/1987001

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Insp Repts 50-089/87-01 & 50-163/87-01 on 870227.No Violations & Deviations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Allegations Pertaining to Release of Irradiated Matl from Facility W/O Radiation Surveys & Followup on LER
Person / Time
Site: General Atomics
Issue date: 03/13/1987
From: Andrea Johnson, Yuhas G
Shared Package
ML20205E688 List:
50-089-87-01, 50-163-87-01, 50-163-87-1, 50-89-87-1, NUDOCS 8703300666
Download: ML20205E709 (3)














Report Nos. 50-89/87-01 and 50-163/87-01 Docket Nos. 50-89 and 50-163 License Nos..R-38 and R-67



~ icensee: GA Technologies, Inc.'


L-P. O. Box 85608


San Diego, California ~ 92138;


Facility Name: :TRIGA Facility,, Mark 1 and' Hark F









Inspection at:

GA Techilologies'Torrey Piries. Site 0,




Inspection Condu'cted:' Febr

' 2

,1 1987


~ Inspector:



A. % Johnson nforcement Officer Date' Signed-Approved by:





s/ (s J W7


G. P..Y ha, Chief,


Dste Signed

Faciliti adiological Protecti,on Section




Areas Inspected:

Special announced inspection for the purpose'of followup on an allegation pertaining to release of irradiated material from the facility.

.without radiation surveys and followup on.a Licensee Event Report (LER)-

involving failure of one of the control rods to drop on receipt of a scram signal.

Additionally, repairs to' the reactor cooling. system leaks were

. reviewed.

Inspection Procedure 92700 was utilized.


No violations or deviations were identified.


8703300666 870313 PDR ADOCK 05000089 G




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Persons Contacted W. Whittemore, Physicist-in-Charge, TRIGA

'K. Asmussen, Manager, Licensing and Nuclear Compliance

  • J. Razvi, Associate Physicist-in-Charge, TRIGA W. Stout, Deputy Physicist-in-Charge 2.

Allegation No. RV-87-A-0012 h}

An anonymous individual alleged that during the past six months, on picking up irradiated material, individuals picking up the material and-the material were released without a radiation survey.

The inspector. examined the licensee's procedures governing removal of radioactive material or contaminated material and equipment from controlled areas. Also examined were the records entitled-(1) Health f

Physics Radiological Work Permits and (2) Radioactive Material / Removal L

Record. These records showed that routinely irradiated materials have (

been properly monitored for radiation and contamination release



to authorized individuals.

In addition, the personnel radiation survey instrument located at the


entrance / exit to the reactor room was observed to be operating.

Personnel leaving the area are responsible for surveying themselves. The reactor room is a clean area during routine operation.

Based on d % ussions with the licensee representatives, normally, when irradiated materials are picked up the materials are surveyed at the time. H aever, a survey at the time of pick up-is not required so long


as the Health Physicist has previcusly performed a survey of the material and recorded the results on the Radioactive Material / Removal Record.

This. record must be signed by the individual picking up the material.

The record also show's the receiving organization and its license number to ensure transfer to authorized individuals.

The allegation appears to_be unsubstantiated.

.No violations or deficiencies were identified in this area.



LER Followup The event reported to the NRC by letter dated January 9, 1987, involving the failure of the control rods to drop upon receipt of a scram signal was reviewed with the, licensee representatives. The inspector observed the removal and reinstallation of the referenced screen device and examined the control rod assembly where the screen device was locatedc Additionally, the inspector verified that the facility procedures have been changed to ensure that a senior facility staff member verifies


' '




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proper installation of the screen device after control rod inspections to assur.e proper installation of the device.


No violations ~or deficiencies were identified in this area.



Repairs to Cooling System s


As a result of water loss in the Mark I reactor tank when the cooling system was operated, investigation during December 1986, revealed leakage of coolant from the underground line imediately adjacent to the North.

wall of the Mark I reactor room. The leakage was found to be from-numerous pin holes in the lines and were attributed to age and pitting of the aluminum piping by the surrounding gravel. The inspector observed-the area and noted that the lines had been replaced and that the soil adjacent to the lines had been packaged in-drums to be disposed of as low level waste. Samples of the soil analyzed for radioactivity showed levels nn the order of picocuries per gram. The major component of activity was antimony 124 with a half life of 60 days.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Exit Interview Since the Physicist-in-Charge of the facility accompanied the inspector during the inspection, a separate interview was not held at the conclusion of the inspection.