IR 05000089/1979002
ML19262A637 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | General Atomics |
Issue date: | 10/19/1979 |
From: | Faulkenberry B, Andrea Johnson, Morrill P NRC OFFICE OF INSPECTION & ENFORCEMENT (IE REGION V) |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML19262A634 | List: |
References | |
50-089-79-02, 50-163-79-02, 50-163-79-2, 50-89-79-2, NUDOCS 7912070198 | |
Download: ML19262A637 (4) | |
50-163/79-02 50-89/79-02 Report No.
License No.
50-89 A 50-163 Priority R-38 & R-67 Category Licensee: General Atomic Connany P. O. Box 81608 San Diego, California 92138 TRIGA Mark I and itark F Facility Narae: o ney Mnes Mesa Inspection at: September 12-14, 1979 Inspection conducted-kwL}krt h()[ (O/lk f 7 h Inspectors: hl0. Johnson, Reptor Inspector lo /M /7 (i A.
' Date Si;med %d PJJ11orrill,ReactorInTpector Date signed 0A -) Date Sirned Approved by: [,//[[ N e' / '# fi.' Retc or Operations and { Nuclear Support BranchTadTkenberry, Chief, Reactor P . Sunrary: Inspection on September 12-14,1979 (Report Nos. 50-89/79-02 and 50-163/79-02) Areas Inspected: Routine, unannounced inspection of organization; logs and records; review and audit; procedures; surveillance; experiments; operator requalification Program; reportable events; and follow-up on noncompliance item. The inspection involved 28 hours onsite by two ilRC inspectors.
Results: No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
1523 031 ~ IE:V Form 719(1) 7 912 070 /N
. . DETAILS 1.
Persons Contacted J. Shoptaugh, Associate Physicist-in-Charge W. Stout, Deputy Physicist-in-Charge D. Pound, Chairman, Criticality Safeguards Committee W. flowry, Licensing Administrator All of the above were present at the exit interview.
Licensee Action of Previously Identified Item of flanconoliance The Charter of the Criticality Safeguards Committee was found to have been amended as stated in the licensee's response of April 27, 1978, to f1RC's flotice of Violation, dated April 5,1978.
Reoortable Events The items reported by the licensee in letters dated flay 1,1978, and September 15, 1978, relating to safety system wiring and a defective control drive switch, respectively, were examined and discussed with the licensee representatives. The facts and circunstances associated with the events were found to be consistent with the information sub-mitted in the licensee reports.
Oroanization Examination of administrative records and discussion with licensee personnel disclosed that the facility has been staf%d sufficiently to meet or exceed technical specification requirements.
There have been no changes in the administrative organization of the facility since the last inspection in fiarch 1978.
fio items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Logs and Records Selective examination of the following operating logs and records for both facilities covering the period of fiarch 1978 to September 1979 disclosed that they were being maintained consistent with license requirements.
Operating Logs fiaintenance Logs Reactor Startup Checklists - Reactor Shutdown Checklists Weekly, fionthly, Semi-annual, and Annual Checklists flo items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
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Review and Audit ' Discussions with licensee personnel and the selective examination of (1) the Criticality Safeguards Committee (CSC) minutes of quarterly ~ audits and meetings, (2) Revised CSC Charter, (3) design changes re-viewed and approved in accordance with 10 CFR 50.59, and (4) the approval of experiments disclosed that the review and audit functions were being conducted consistent with the requirements of the technical specifications (TS) and changes to the facilities were being made con-sistent with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.59 and the TS.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Operator Requalification Program The Operator Requalification Program is common to both the Mark 1 and Mark F facilities except for control manipulations.
The operators are licensed for both. The inspectors verified by discussions with operators and examination of records that the requalification program was being performed consistent with the approved program.
Records of operator review of abnormal and emergency procedures, examinations, reactivity manipulations, and supervisor evaluations for three individuals were verified to meet program requirements.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
Procedurer The inspectors reviewed the Administrative Procedures and the Written Procedures for both Triga facilities along with changes to the proce-dures for scope, technical adequacy, and conformance to the technical specifications.
flo items of noncompliance or de a tions were identified.
Exceriments The experimental program on both facilities consists principally of ' activation analysis, uranium analysis, neutron radiography, King furn-ace high-temperature studies of reactor fuel, various irradiations, and training exercises.
Through examinations of numerous Irradiation Re-quest forms and discussions with licensee personnel, the inspectors verified that the experiments had been appropriately reviewed and approved, potential hazards had been identified, reactivity effects on the reactor had been predicted before hand anc confirmed by measure-ment, and reactivity limits had not been exceeded.
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
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Surveillance Examination of selected surveillance records and procedures, and discussions with licensee personnel indicated that surveillance require-ments were being satisfactorily accorplished in a timely manner. Addi-tionally, the records of several limiting conditions for operation, which do not have specific surveillance requirements, were examined to verify that they had not been exceeded. These included steady state power levels, maxinum available excess reactivity, maximum reactivity inser-tion during transient operations, and maxinun reactivity worth of transient control rods.
fio items of nonconoliance or deviations were identified.
. 11.
Independent inspection Independent inspection effort included witnessing startup and full power operation of the Mark I and Mark F reactors, and a detailed tour of both facilities.
Exit Interview The inspectors met with licensee representatives (denoted in Paragraph 1) at the conclusion of the inspe: tion on September 14, 1979.
The inspectors sunnarized the purpose and scope of the inspection and findings.
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