DCL-98-028, Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,changing Surveillance Frequency for Several TS from at Least Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval

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Supplemental Application for Amends to Licenses DPR-80 & DPR-82,changing Surveillance Frequency for Several TS from at Least Once Every 18 Months to at Least Once Per Refueling Interval
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/15/1998
From: Rueger G
Shared Package
ML20216G555 List:
DCL-98-028, DCL-98-28, NUDOCS 9804200391
Download: ML20216G549 (2)



PactFc Gas and Electric Company 245 Market Street. Skom 937-N9B Gregory M. Rueger l

San Francisco. CA 94105 Senior Vice President and atasma .wivu General Manager Mad Code N90 Nuclear Power Generation P.O. Box 770000 San Francisco, CA 94177 415/973-4684 Fax 415/973-2313 April 15,1998 l 1

PG&E Letter DCL-98-028 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission I 8 ATTN: Document Control Desk l Washington, DC 20555 l Docket No. 50-275, OL-DPR-80 Docket No. 50-323, OL-DPR-82 Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2 Supplement to License Amendment Reauest 97-01. Revision of Technical Specifications to Support Extended Fuel Cveles to 24 Months: Submittal #4

Dear Commissioners and Staff:

Diablo Canyon Power Plant License Amendment Request (LAR) 97-01 (Ref. PG&E letter DCL-97-021, dated February 14,1997) proposed changing the surveillance frequency for several Technical Specifications (TS) from at least once every 18 months to at least once per refueling interval.

Included in LAR 97-01, was a PG&E proposal to remove the words "during shutdown" from five emergency diesel generator and station battery TS in accordance with guidance provided in Generic Letter 91-04, " Changes in Technical Specification Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate a 24-Month Fuel Cycle." The NRC staff recently requested that PG&E not delete the words "during shutdown" from the five proposed TS changes. This change affected '

items 17,20,35,36, and 37 of LAR 97-01. PG&E has reviewed the impact of this request and has determined it is acceptable to leave the words "during shutdown"in the TS for items 17,20,35,36, and 37. Item 17 affects f TS which requires that manual 4 kV vital bus transfer surveillance I testing be done during shutdown. Manual 4 kV bus transfers are also performed )

during normal plant operations. For example, they are done as part of the l procedures for paralleling a unit to the grid, and for separating a unit from the / I grid. PG&E has determined that performing manual 4 kV vital bus transfers during power operations, in accordance with plant procedures, is not precluded by the surveillance test requirements of TS

Attachment A provides marked-up replacement TS pages affected by items 17, 20,35,36, and 37 of LAR 97-01. Attachment B provides replacement TS pages affected by items 17,20,35,36, and 37 of LAR 97-01. The TS pages from 9904200391 990415 PDR ADOCK 05000275 p PDR i i

1 l

Documnnt Control Desk PG&E Lett::r DCL-98-028 April 15,1998 Page 2 Attachments A and B should replace the appropriate pages submitted in LAR 37-01. (

This submittal does not affect the conclusions of the safety evaluation or the no significant hazards consideration determination performed for LAR 97-01. The NRC priority for review and approval of LAR 97-01 should remain unchanged.

Sincerely, S

l A44 448 p Gregory M. Rueger Subscribed and sworn to before me Attorneys for Pacific Gas this 15th day of April,1998 and Electric Company County of San Francisco Roger kf'eters ,

State of California / l A2Gik Notary Public' '

Ric ard,F.ALoc ~4%wob R'idhard KC6cKe


cc: Edgar Bailey, DHS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Steven D. Bloom Ellis W. Merschoff

) o. c,g m [

g gfgl g Kenr.eth E. Perkins David L. Proulx j SAN FRANCBCO CCUNN w Cana hem ma m l

' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' l Diablo Distribution I Attachments l JER/2057 l