DCL-14-081, Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2, Central Coastal California Seismic Imaging Project (Cccsip) Chapter 9, GEO.DCPP.TR.14.01 R0 Plates 07-31-14

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Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2, Central Coastal California Seismic Imaging Project (Cccsip) Chapter 9, GEO.DCPP.TR.14.01 R0 Plates 07-31-14
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon  Pacific Gas & Electric icon.png
Issue date: 09/10/2014
Lettis Consultants International, Pacific Gas & Electric Co
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
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File path: S:\1005\QA_GeoDatabase\Geology_maps\2014_Geologic_Mapping_Project\GMP_GIS_Package_Plate_1.mxd; Date: 06/20/2014; User: Serkan Bozkurt, LCIExtent of Plate 1 P a c i f i c O c e a n QsQsQsQsQsQsQsQsQsQsQs QsQsQs Tmo TmoTmo TmoTmoTmo TmoTmoTmo Tmo TmoTmoTmoTmoTmo TmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmoTmo TmoTmoTmoTmo Ks KsKs KsKsKs Ks KsKsKsKsKsKsKs KsKsKs KsKsKsKs KsKsKsKsQswQswQswQswQswQswQswQswQswQswQsw QswKJfKJf KJfKJfKJfKJf KJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfm KJfm KJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfm KJfmKJfmKJfm KJfm KJfmKJfm KJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfm KJfm KJfmKJfmKJfmKJfm KJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmKJfmafafaf afQuQuQcsQcsQcsQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmQmTmmTmmTmmTmmTmmTmmTmm TmmTmmTmmTmmTmm Tmm TmmTmmTmpm TmpmTmpm Tmpm TmpmTmpm TmpmTmpm Tmpm TmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpmTmpeTmpeTmpeTmpeTmpeTmpeTmpe TmpeTmpe Tmpe TmpeTmpe 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mvTmoQlsTmrch QlsQlsgwTppgTmpeQtQtTmmKsTmm mvgwch s s sQesTmodTmr TovTmrQsshTovKJfm^_MorroBayEsteroBaySan LuisObispo BayEdna fault zone DCPP L u i s B a y f a u l t z o n eShoreline fault zoneMorroRockPoint Buchon faultPismo synclineLos Osos fault zoneSanPismo synclineAvilaBeachBaywood-LosOsosGoldtreeLos OsosMorroBayPismoBeachPort SanLuisSan LuisObispoLagunaLakeLos Osos fault zoneSan Miguelito fault zoneShoreline fault zoneLos Osos fault zoneEdna fault zonePointBuchonPointSan Luis75715445334250492856444554363739751922546857473225802421373129452620411915545268447689504051724416324845426444296714 7361831485237523852301023541930212245474542576231454568505556565047293247 939361458546464776660786560762731484351574369635352356551615250757462517361373835571738664055555145444757505553374063306423424430456036374636674532503231355648305529454625464145323018188441424844406536444434212010155115773846522434352820201718181723473614667066805643475224644830434036705418283429415255483876434847604179244057808553 7 9848080707475856580707080656020272048603880335565405535723035423557304070554545504525643017354836352122255356202040362740 8555015454925857047353540462447857650263045555046702335503040104542643187232650702036305025427585301587854035456510401583253027 74570603015371025521040505550255070455043622050524550454560356055456780554540457425407060406552406040753855504585404735453039505122407050293550505533304537656040513926373063233042413237505045584032295463304755703145404048806565254445504640414065685048633640604547784830314745503560486045654744455054474255395034705350504558326545603570456056455665407056525155406550654825455570754250464861455345655530483550485045754645453036413540453135513555605030306544455060483145352566502560554267556550103265555035655062354575602575254540553445497045506535654635532534355530156530456045356540606045325060408020285072455035326576457548363542305058406545555130 86550705530326865358560438535604840 51152403580403548604730724255351035284052 9301845401550263730125040455040305050504010255835103032654555756560354840603040455022255580231526708060202035254540254530403015403045105030354225623037201635104015603545224820705010254480 85015357025755045152575242540495236243229457235255430506025244025346829455520 53260606535207035204555456225653025406022455525405535322536306525351555253025213512306047453520351018502545808030302232253550124020312520152045701565473215212525183550554525253050202930604035353850504035674526507085605025208048603065454053364745557072352158366020352530656080608080857270556080807065604085Old See Canyon 1Maino-Gonzales 1Pecho 1Spooner 1BassiCoreHole 1Honolulu-Tidewater 1Montadoro 1Townsend-Gunter 1Townsend-Peterson 1Sousa 1CCWPechoS&T newLOCSD -SB deepCCW -SB#1LOCSD -Ferrell #2LOCSD -10th newLOCSD -PalisadesUSGS -Palisades-120°40'-120°40'-120°45'-120°45'-120°50'-120°50'-120°55'-120°55'35°20'35°20'35°15'35°15'35°10'35°10'Geologic Map SourcesComposite DEM, version 7 (DCPP Geodatabase, 2013)Base Image:Extent ofPlate 2µMap Scale:1:32,000WGS 84 / UTM Zone 10NMap Projection:

0 1 2mi.0 2 4kmPLATE 1: Geologic Map of theIrish Hills and Adjacent AreaDCPP GEOLOGIC MAPPING PROJECTPacific Gas and Electric CompanyMontana de OroState Park- Cleath & Associates, 2005, Sea Water Intrusion Assessment and Lower Aquifer Source Investigation of the Los Osos Valley Ground Water Basin, San Luis Obispo County, California, unpublished consulting report prepared for the Los Osos Community Services District, October 2005. - Fugro William Lettis & Associates, 2009, Unpublished field maps from coastline mapping at Diablo Canyon Power Plant site, scale 1:2400 to 1:1200.- Fugro William Lettis & Associates, 2010, Unpublished field maps from coastline mapping, Rattlesnake Creek to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, scales include 1:1200, 1:2400, and 1:4800.

- Fugro William Lettis & Associates, 2011, Transmittal and Documentation of GIS Shape Files of Landslides, Landslide Susceptibility, and Liquefaction Susceptibility for HAZUS Input to Diablo Canyon Power Plant Evacuation Plan, Letter Report and Data CD, dated February 18, 2011.- Hall, C.A., 1973a, Geologic Map of the Morro Bay South and Port San Luis Quadrangles, California, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map FM-511, scale 1:24,000.

- Hall, C.A., 1973b, Geology of the Arroyo Grande 15' Quadrangle, California, California Division of Mines and Geology Map Sheet 24, scale 1:48,000.- Hall, C.A., and Prior, S.W., 1975, Geologic Map of the Cayucos-San Luis Obispo Region, San Luis Obispo County, California, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map MF-686 (two sheets), scale 1:24,000.- Hall, C.A. Jr., Ernst, W.G., Prior, S.W., and Wiese, J.W., 1979, Geologic Map of the San Luis Obispo-San Simeon Region, California, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Investigation Series Map I-1097 (three sheets), scale 1:48,000.

- Hanson, K.L., Wesling, J.R., Lettis, W.R., Kelson, K.I., and Mezger, L., 1994. Correlation, ages, and uplift rates of Quaternary marine terraces, south-central California, in Alterman, I.B., McMullen, R.B., Cluff, L.S. , and Slemmons, D.B. , (Editors) Seismotectonics of the Central California Coast Range: Geological Society of America Special Paper 292. p. 45-72 and Plate Z.- Jahns, R.H., and others, 1973, Geology of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant Site, San Luis Obispo County, California, unpublished(?) map for Pacific Gas & Electric Company, iterations of map used in PG&E (1974) FSAR for Units 1 and 2, approximate scale 1:500.- Lettis, W.R., and Hall, N.T., 1994, Los Osos fault zone, San Luis Obispo County, California, in Alterman, I.B., McMullen, R.B., Cluff, L.S., and Slemmons, D.B., eds., Seismotectonics of the Central California Coast Ranges, Geol. Soc. Am. Special Paper 292, p.73-102 and Plate 5.

- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 1974, Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Final Safety Analysis Report, Update 20, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323, Figures 2.5-5, 2.5-6, 2.5-8, and 2.5-12. Also includes: Earth Science Associates, 1974, Geologic Map of the Morro Bay South and Point San Luis Quadrangles, San Luis Obispo County, California: and Adjacent Offshore Area, Plate VIII, Appendix 2.5D, scale 1:24,000.

- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 1990, Response to Question GSG Q16, Diablo Canyon Long Term Seismic Program, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 50-275 and No. 50-323, Plate GSG Q16-1.- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 2004, Final safety analysis report of the Diablo Canyon independent spent fuel storage installation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 72-26, Figures 2-6.6, 2.6-7, and 2.6-8.

- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 2011, Report on the analysis of the Shoreline fault zone, central Coastal California, Report to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January, 2011. http://www.pge.com/myhome/edusafety/systemworks/dcpp/shorelinereport/- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 2012, DCPP 3D/2D Seismic-Reflection Investigation of Structures Associated with the Northern Shoreline Seismicity Sublineament of the Point Buchon Region, PG&E Geosciences Department Technical Report Number GEO.DCPP.TR.12.01, December, 2012.- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 2014, Interpretation of Seismic Reflection Data, Point Buchon to San Simeon Point, PG&E Geosciences Department Technical Report Number GEO.DCPP.TR.14.05.- Wiegers, M.O., 2009, Geologic Map of the Morro Bay South 7.5' Quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California: A Digital Database, Version 1.0, scale 1:24,000.

- Wiegers, M.O., 2010, Geologic Map of the San Luis Obispo 7.5' Quadrangle, San Luis Obispo County, California: A Digital Database, Version 1.0, scale 1:24,000.- William Lettis & Associates, 1996, Unpublished geology compilation map produced for the DCPP Dry Cask Facility, Geologic/Geotechnical Siting Study, Plate 1 dated February 1996, scale 1:2400.- William Lettis & Associates, 1998, Unpublished geologic map for the PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant Dry Cask Storage Facility Siting Study, prepared in April and May, 1998 with revisions in May, 1998 and February, 2001, scale 1:2400.

File path: S:\1005\QA_GeoDatabase\Geology_maps\2014_Geologic_Mapping_Project\GMP_GIS_Package_Plate_2.mxd; Date: 06/20/2014; User: Serkan Bozkurt, LCI mmmmmmmm H M H M H M H MHM H M H M H M H M H M°lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°ºººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººººllºººººº°°°°°°°°°°a____aa_aa______a`a__`__a_a_a_`______aa_a_______________________________________________________________________________LL________`aLLa__LMLLMMMMLL__LaLLMLaLML_L________________________```____`___________________________________________________________aa``____________a____________________`____________________________________________________________________________________________TmodTmodTmodTmodTmodKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfKJfQlsQlsQlsQlsQlsQlsQlsQlsQlsTmoTmodTmorTmofbafTmofTmofbTmofbTmofbTmodTmodTmofbQafTmorTmofcTmofcafafafafQlsQmQmafQalafQmQmQmQafQafQafQlsQmTmofbTmofcQafTmofbTmofbTmorTmorTmorTmorQlsQlsQlsQlsQlsQtQlsQlsafafafafTmorQmQmQlsQlsQtQafQafQafQafQmQmQmTmofc Qsw Qal af Qm Tmor Tmofb TmodTmodQmQlsafQmTmofcQmQswTmofcTmorTmodTmodTmmTmofQlsQtQlsTmod afQswTmofb QafTmofb QmTmofbQaf Tmor QmTmofcTmorTmofQmKsKsKsQswKJf QswTmor Tmor TmofbTmor TmofbShorelinefaultzoneDischargeCoveIntakeCove2254322526164347522470541828294152554875805570708572855045536880346075658585857560658585856081806074758565807088708070666535504045757465677945807585807075504575654062607065155025324041424645723523 91720271014121814122027313528152521363040325255452031692648 51228425548356825132832557577606065704855171022506540 868686676856060808560383338507048677560688440404735607066707080828080708550706580706560235024201270808075808560752540555570737046434133271260596455475748593020 712581464 447431212223116758686687040406050656055404825607136853158645838567080857568405370605360405535626525352030724730354545575530407055602452544810121717175069102025758910602511201410101110111820172725 6 8-120°50.5'-120°50.5'-120°51'-120°51'-120°51.5'-120°51.5'-120°52'-120°52'35°13'35°13'35°12.5'35°12.5'PLATE 2: Diablo Canyon Power PlantSite Geologic MapDCPP GEOLOGIC MAPPING PROJECT

µMap Scale:1:3,000WGS 84 / UTM Zone 10NMap Projection:

P a c i f i c O c e a n 05001,000ft.0200400 mGeologic Map Sources- Fugro William Lettis & Associates, 2009, Unpublished field maps from coastline mapping at Diablo Canyon Power Plant site, scale 1:2400 to 1:1200.- Fugro William Lettis & Associates, 2010, Unpublished field maps from coastline mapping, Rattlesnake Creek to the Diablo Canyon Power Plant, scales include 1:1200, 1:2400, and 1:4800.

- Fugro William Lettis & Associates, 2011, Transmittal and Documentation of GIS Shape Files of Landslides, Landslide Susceptibility, and Liquefaction Susceptibility for HAZUS Input to Diablo Canyon Power Plant Evacuation Plan, Letter Report and Data CD, dated February 18, 2011.

- Hall, C.A., 1973a, Geologic Map of the Morro Bay South and Port San Luis Quadrangles, California, U.S. Geological Survey Misc. Field Studies Map FM-511, scale 1:24,000.- Jahns, R.H., and others, 1973, Geology of the Diablo Canyon Power Plant Site, San Luis Obispo County, California, unpublished(?) map for Pacific Gas & Electric Company, iterations of map used in PG&E (1974) FSAR for Units 1 and 2, approximate scale 1:500.

- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 1974, Units 1 and 2 Diablo Canyon Power Plant, Final Safety Analysis Report, Update 20, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket Nos. 50-275 and 50-323, Figures 2.5-5, 2.5-6, 2.5-8, and 2.5-12. Also includes: Earth Science Associates, 1974, Geologic Map of the Morro Bay South and Point San Luis Quadrangles, San Luis Obispo County, California: and Adjacent Offshore Area, Plate VIII, Appendix 2.5D, scale 1:24,000.

- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 1990, Response to Question GSG Q16, Diablo Canyon Long Term Seismic Program, Diablo Canyon Power Plant, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 50-275 and No. 50-323, Plate GSG Q16-1.

- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 2004, Final safety analysis report of the Diablo Canyon independent spent fuel storage installation, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Docket No. 72-26, Figures 2-6.6, 2.6-7, and 2.6-8.- Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), 2011, Report on the analysis of the Shoreline fault zone, central Coastal California, Report to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, January, 2011.


- William Lettis & Associates, 1996, Unpublished geology compilation map produced for the DCPP Dry Cask Facility, Geologic/Geotechnical Siting Study, Plate 1 dated February 1996, scale 1:2400.

- William Lettis & Associates, 1998, Unpublished geologic map for the PG&E Diablo Canyon Power Plant Dry Cask Storage Facility Siting Study, prepared in April and May, 1998 with revisions in May, 1998 and February, 2001, scale 1:2400.Composite DEM, version 7 (DCPP Geodatabase, 2013)Base Image:Extent of Plate 1Extent ofPlate 2Montana de OroState ParkPacific Gas and Electric Company