list of NRC Generic Letter
MONTHYEARNRC Generic Letter 1981-38, Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes at Power Reactor Sites1981-11-100Issue date: 10 November 1981
NRC Generic Letter 1988-12, Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specification1988-08-020Issue date: 2 August 1988
NRC Generic Letter 2003-01, Control Room Habitability2003-06-120Issue date: 12 June 2003
NRC Generic Letter 77-01, Intrusion Detection Systems Handbook1977-04-290Issue date: 29 April 1977
NRC Generic Letter 77-02, Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities1977-08-290Issue date: 29 August 1977
NRC Generic Letter 77-04, Shipments of Contaminated Components From NRC Licensed Nuclear Power Facilities to Vendors & Service Companies1977-11-010Issue date: 1 November 1977
NRC Generic Letter 77-05, Nonconformity of Addresses of Items Directed to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation1977-12-020Issue date: 2 December 1977
NRC Generic Letter 77-06, Enclosing Questionaire Relating to Steam Generators1977-12-090Issue date: 9 December 1977
NRC Generic Letter 77-07, Reliability Of Standby Diesel Generator Units1977-12-150Issue date: 15 December 1977
NRC Generic Letter 78-01, Correction To Letter Of 12/15/771978-01-030Issue date: 3 January 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-02, Asymmetric Loads Background & Revised Request For Additional Information1978-01-250Issue date: 25 January 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-03, Request For Information On Cavity Annulus Seal Ring1978-02-020Issue date: 2 February 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-04, GAO Blanket Clearance For Letter Dated 12/09/771978-02-100Issue date: 10 February 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-05, Internal Distribution Of Correspondence - Asking For Comments On Mass Mailing System1978-02-170Issue date: 17 February 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-08, Enclosing NUREG-0408 RE Mark I Containments, and Granting Exemption from GDC 50 and Enclosing Sample Notice1978-02-280Issue date: 28 February 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-09, Multiple-Subsequent Actuations of Safety/Relief Valves Following an Isolation Event1978-03-200Issue date: 20 March 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-10, Guidance On Radiological Environmental Monitoring1975-04-110Issue date: 11 April 1975
NRC Generic Letter 78-11, Guidance on Spent Fuel Pool Modifications1978-04-140Issue date: 14 April 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-12, Notice of Meeting Regarding "Implementation of 10 CFR 73.55 Requirements And Status of Research..."1978-04-140Issue date: 14 April 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-13, Forwarding of NUREG-02191978-04-210Issue date: 21 April 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-14, Transmittal Of Draft NUREG-0219 For Comment1978-05-050Issue date: 5 May 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-15, Task Action Plan for Category A Technical Activity No. A-36, "Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel"1978-05-170Issue date: 17 May 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-16, Request for Information on Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel Pools1978-05-160Issue date: 16 May 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-17, Corrected Letter On Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel1978-06-120Issue date: 12 June 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-18, Corrected Letter On Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel1978-06-120Issue date: 12 June 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-19, Enclosing Sandia Report SAND 77-0777, "Barrier Technology Handbook"1978-06-120Issue date: 12 June 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-20, Enclosing – "A Systematic Approach to the Conceptual Design of Physical Protection Systems for Nuclear Facilities"1978-06-120Issue date: 12 June 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-21, Transmitting NUREG/CR-0181 Concerning Barrier & Penetration Data Needed for Physical Security System Assessment1978-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-22, Revision to Intrusion Detection Systems and Entry Control Handbooks and Nuclear Safeguards Technology Handbook1978-06-210Issue date: 21 June 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-23, Manpower Requirements For Operating Reactors1978-06-050Issue date: 5 June 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-24, Model Appendix I Technical Specifications and Submittal Schedule for BWRs1978-07-110Issue date: 11 July 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-26, Excessive Control Rod Guide Tube Wear1978-07-130Issue date: 13 July 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-27, Forwarding of NUREG-01811978-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-28, Forwarding pages omitted from 07/11/78 letter1978-07-280Issue date: 28 July 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-29, Notice of PWR steam generator conference1978-08-030Issue date: 3 August 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-30, Forwarding of NUREG-02191978-08-040Issue date: 4 August 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-31, Notice of Steam Generator Conference Agenda1978-08-090Issue date: 9 August 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-32, Reactor Protection System Power Supplies1978-08-110Issue date: 11 August 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-34, Reactor Vessel Atypical Weld Material1978-08-140Issue date: 14 August 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-36, Cessation of Plutonium Shipments by Air Except in NRC Approved Containers1978-09-010Issue date: 1 September 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-38, Forwarding of 2 Tables Of Appendix I, Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications, PWR, and NUREG-01331978-11-150Issue date: 15 November 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-39, Forwarding of 2 Tables of Appendix I, Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications, BWR, and NUREG-01331978-11-150Issue date: 15 November 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-40, Training & Qualification Program Workshops1978-11-150Issue date: 15 November 1978
NRC Generic Letter 78-41, Mark II Generic Acceptance Criteria for Lead Plants1978-11-240Issue date: 24 November 1978
NRC Generic Letter 79-01, Interservice Procedures for Instructional Systems Development – TRADOC1979-01-090Issue date: 9 January 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-02, Transmitting Rev. to Entry Control Systems Handbook (SAND 77-1033), Intrusion Detection Handbook (SAND 76-0554), and Barrier Penetration Database1979-01-090Issue date: 9 January 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-03, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual1979-01-180Issue date: 18 January 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-04, Referencing 4/14/78 Letter – Modifications to NRC Guidance "Review and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Pool Storage and Handling"1979-01-180Issue date: 18 January 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-05, Information Relating to Categorization of Recent Regulatory Guides by the Regulatory Requirements Review Committee1979-01-260Issue date: 26 January 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-06, Contents of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual1979-02-140Issue date: 14 February 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-07, Seismic (SSE) and LOCA Responses (NUREG-0484)1979-02-210Issue date: 21 February 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-08, Amendment to 10 CFR 73.551979-02-200Issue date: 20 February 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-09, Staff Evaluation of Interim Multiple-Consecutive Safety-Relief Valve Actuations1979-02-270Issue date: 27 February 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-10, Transmitting Regulatory Guide 2.6 for Comment1979-02-280Issue date: 28 February 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-12, ATWS – Enclosing Letter to GE, with NUREG-0460, Vol. 31979-03-120Issue date: 12 March 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-13, Schedule for Implementation and Resolution of Mark I Containment Long Term Program1979-03-120Issue date: 12 March 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-14, Pipe Crack Study Group – Enclosing NUREG-0531 and Notice1979-03-150Issue date: 15 March 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-15, Steam Generators-Enclosing Summary of Operating Experience with Recirculating Steam Generators, NUREG-05231979-03-210Issue date: 21 March 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-16, Meeting Re Implementation Of Physical Security Requirements1979-03-220Issue date: 22 March 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-17, Reliability of Onsite Diesel Generators at Light Water Reactors1979-04-180Issue date: 18 April 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-18, Westinghouse Two-Loop NSSS1979-05-150Issue date: 15 May 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-19, NRC Staff Review of Responses to I&E Bulletins 79-06 and 79-06a1979-05-220Issue date: 22 May 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-20, Cracking in Feedwater Lines1979-05-250Issue date: 25 May 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-21, Enclosing NUREG/CR 0660, "Enhancement of on Site Emergency Diesel Generator Reliability"1979-06-040Issue date: 4 June 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-22, Enclosing NUREG-0560, "Staff Report on the Generic Assessment of Feedwater Transients in PWRs Designed by B&W1979-06-110Issue date: 11 June 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-23, NRC Staff Review of Responses to I&E Bulletin 79-081979-06-200Issue date: 20 June 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-24, Multiple Equipment Failures in Safety-Related Systems1979-06-260Issue date: 26 June 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-27, Operability Testing of Relief and Safety Relief Valves1979-07-160Issue date: 16 July 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-28, Evaluation of Semi-Scale Small Break Experiment1979-07-100Issue date: 10 July 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-29, Transmitting NUREG-0473, Revision 2, Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications1979-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-30, Transmitting NUREG-0472, Revision 2, Draft Radiological Technical Specifications1979-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-33, Transmitting NUREG-0576 - Security Training and Qualification Plans1979-07-300Issue date: 30 July 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-34, New Physical Security Plans (FR 43280-285)1979-07-300Issue date: 30 July 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-35, Regional Meetings to Discuss Impacts on Emergency Planning1979-08-030Issue date: 3 August 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-36, Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Systems Voltages1979-08-080Issue date: 8 August 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-37, Amendment to 10 CFR 73.55 Deferral from 8/1/79 to 11/1/791973-08-100Issue date: 10 August 1973
NRC Generic Letter 79-38, BWR Off-Gas Systems – Enclosing NUREG/CR-07271979-08-220Issue date: 22 August 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-39, Transmitting Division 5 Draft Regulatory Guide and Value Impact Statement1979-08-220Issue date: 22 August 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-40, Follow-up Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident1979-09-130Issue date: 13 September 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-41, Compliance with 40 CFR 190, EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard1979-09-170Issue date: 17 September 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-42, Potential Unreviewed Question on Interaction Between Non-Safety Grade Systems and Safety Grade Systems1979-09-170Issue date: 17 September 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-44, Referencing 6/29/79 Letter Re Multiple Equipment Failures1979-09-210Issue date: 21 September 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-45, Transmittal of Reports Regarding Foreign Reactor Operating Experiences1979-09-250Issue date: 25 September 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-46, Containment Purging and Venting During Normal Operation – Guidelines for Valve Operability1979-09-270Issue date: 27 September 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-47, Radiation Training1979-10-020Issue date: 2 October 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-48, Confirmatory Requirements Relating to Condensation Oscillation Loads for the Mark I Containment Long Term Program1979-10-020Issue date: 2 October 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-49, Summary of Meetings Held on 9/18-20/79 to Discuss Potential Unreviewed Safety Question on Systems Interaction for B&W Pl1979-10-050Issue date: 5 October 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-51, Follow-up Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident1979-10-100Issue date: 10 October 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-56, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements1979-10-300Issue date: 30 October 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-60, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements1979-11-090Issue date: 9 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-61, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements1979-11-090Issue date: 9 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-63, Upgraded Emergency Plans1979-11-210Issue date: 21 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-64, Suspension of All Operating Licenses1979-11-230Issue date: 23 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-65, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Requirements – Enclosing Branch Technical Position, Revision 11979-11-270Issue date: 27 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-66, Additional Information Re 11/09/79 Letter on ECCS Calculations1979-11-270Issue date: 27 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-67, Estimates for Evacuation of Various Areas Around Nuclear Power Reactors1979-11-290Issue date: 29 November 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-68, Audit of Small Break LOCA Guidelines1979-12-170Issue date: 17 December 1979
NRC Generic Letter 79-69, Cladding Rupture, Swelling, and Coolant Blockage as a Result of a Reactor Accident1970-12-200Issue date: 20 December 1970
NRC Generic Letter 79-70, Environmental Monitoring for Direct Radiation1979-12-210Issue date: 21 December 1979
NRC Generic Letter 80-01, NUREG-0630 "Cladding, Swelling and Rupture - Models for LOCA Analysis"1980-01-030Issue date: 3 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-02, Quality Assurance Requirements Regarding Diesel Generator Fuel Oil1980-01-070Issue date: 7 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-03, BWR Control Rod Failures1980-01-100Issue date: 10 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-04, IEB 80-01 Operability of ADS Valve Pneumatic Supply1980-01-110Issue date: 11 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-05, IEB 79-01b Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment1980-01-140Issue date: 14 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-06, Issuance of NUREG-0313, Rev 1, "Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure"1980-01-180Issue date: 18 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-08, IEB 80-02 Inadequate Quality Assurance for Nuclear Supplied Equipment1980-01-210Issue date: 21 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-09, Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal1980-01-290Issue date: 29 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-10, Issuance of NUREG-0588, "Interim Staff Position on Equipment Qualifications of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment"1980-02-050Issue date: 5 February 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-100, Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 Regarding Fire Protection-Federal Register Notice1980-11-240Issue date: 24 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-101, Inservice Inspection Programs for Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures1980-11-250Issue date: 25 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-102, Commission Memorandum and Order of May 23, 1980 (Referencing IEB 79-01b Supplement 2 - q.2 & 3 - Sept 30, 1980)1980-11-250Issue date: 25 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-103, Fire Protection - Revised Federal Register Notice1980-11-250Issue date: 25 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-104, Orders on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment1980-11-260Issue date: 26 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-105, Implementation of Guidance for USI A-12, Potential for Low Fracture Toughness and Lamellar Tearing on Component Supports1980-11-250Issue date: 25 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-106, Report on ECCS Cladding Models, NUREG-06301980-11-280Issue date: 28 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-107, BWR Scram Discharge System1980-12-090Issue date: 9 December 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-108, Emergency Planning1980-12-090Issue date: 9 December 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-109, Guidelines for SEP Soil Structure Interaction Reviews1980-12-150Issue date: 15 December 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-11, IEB 80-03 Loss of Charcoal From Standard Type II, 2 Inch, Tray Absorber Cells1980-01-310Issue date: 31 January 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-110, Periodic Updating of FSARS1980-12-150Issue date: 15 December 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-111, IEB 80-17 Supplement 4, Failure of Control Rods to Insert During a Scram at a BWR1980-12-180Issue date: 18 December 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-113, Control of Heavy Loads1980-12-220Issue date: 22 December 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-12, IEB 80-04 Analysis of a PWR Main Steam Sine Break with Continued Feedwater Addition1980-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-13, Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment1980-02-210Issue date: 21 February 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-14, LWR Primary Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves1980-02-230Issue date: 23 February 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-15, Request for Additional Management and Technical Resources Information1980-02-280Issue date: 28 February 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-16, IEB 79-01b Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment1980-02-290Issue date: 29 February 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-17, Modifications to Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Drive Systems1980-03-040Issue date: 4 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-18, Crystal River 3 Reactor Trip From Approximately 100% Full Power1980-03-060Issue date: 6 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-19, Resolution of Enhanced Fission Gas Release Concern1980-03-100Issue date: 10 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-20, Actions Req. From OL Applicants of NSSS Designs by W and CE Resulting From NRC B&O Task Force Review of TMI2 Accident1980-03-100Issue date: 10 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-21, IEB 80-05 Vacuum Condition Resulting in Damage to Chemical Volume Control System Holdup Tanks1980-03-100Issue date: 10 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-22, Transmittal of NUREG-0654 "Criteria For Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Prepared1980-03-100Issue date: 10 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-23, Change of Submittal Date for Evaluation Time Estimates1980-03-110Issue date: 11 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-24, Transmittal of Information on NRC "Nuclear Data Link Specifications"1980-03-120Issue date: 12 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-25, IEB 80-06 Engineering Safety Feature (ESF) Reset Controls1980-03-130Issue date: 13 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-26, Qualifications of Reactor Operators1980-03-280Issue date: 28 March 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-27, IEB 80-07 BWR Jet Pump Assembly Failure1980-04-040Issue date: 4 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-28, IEB 80-08 Examination of Containment Liner Penetration Welds1980-04-070Issue date: 7 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-29, Modifications to Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Drive Systems1980-04-070Issue date: 7 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-30, Clarification of the Term "Operable" As It Applies to Single Failure Criterion For Safety Systems Required by TS1980-04-100Issue date: 10 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-32, Information Request on Category I Masonry Walls Employed by Plants Under CP and OL Review1980-04-210Issue date: 21 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-33, Actions Req. From OL Applicants of B&W Designed NSSS Resulting From NRC B&O Task Force Review of TMI2 Accident1980-04-240Issue date: 24 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-34, Clarification of NRC Requirements For Emergency Response Facilities at Each Site1980-04-250Issue date: 25 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-35, Effect of a DC Power Supply Failure on ECCS Performances1980-04-250Issue date: 25 April 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-37, Five Additional TMI-2 Related Requirements to Operating Reactors1980-05-070Issue date: 7 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-38, Summary of Certain Non-Power Reactor Physical Protection Requirements1980-05-070Issue date: 7 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-40, Transmittal of NUREG-0654 "Report of the B&O Task Force"And Appropriate NUREG-0626 "Generic Eval of FW Transient and Sbl1980-05-080Issue date: 8 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-41, Summary of Meetings Held on April 22 & 23, 1980 with Representatives of the Mark I Owners Group1980-05-090Issue date: 9 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-42, IEB 80-12 Decay Heat Removal System Operability1980-05-090Issue date: 9 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-43, IEB 80-13 Cracking in Core Spray Spargers1980-05-120Issue date: 12 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-44, Reorganization of Functions and Assignments Within ONRR/SSPB1980-05-140Issue date: 14 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-45, Fire Protection Rule1980-05-190Issue date: 19 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-46, Generic Technical Activity A-12 Fracture Toughness1980-05-190Issue date: 19 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-47, Additional Guidance on "Potential for Low Fracture Toughness and Lamellar Tearing on PWR Steam Generator and Reactor Coolant Pump Supports"1980-05-200Issue date: 20 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-48, Revision to 5/19/80 Letter on Fire Protection1980-05-220Issue date: 22 May 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-49, Nuclear Safeguards Problems1980-06-030Issue date: 3 June 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-50, Generic Activity A-10 BWR Cracks1980-06-050Issue date: 5 June 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-51, On-Site Storage of Low-Level Waste1990-06-090Issue date: 9 June 1990
NRC Generic Letter 80-53, Decay Heat Removal Capability1980-06-110Issue date: 11 June 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-56, Commission Memorandum and Order on Equipment Qualification1980-06-250Issue date: 25 June 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-57, Further Commission Guidance for Power Reactor Operating Licenses NUREG-0660 and NUREG-06941980-06-260Issue date: 26 June 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-59, Transmittal of Federal Register Notice RE Regional Meetings to Discuss Environmental Qualification of Elec. Equipment1980-06-300Issue date: 30 June 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-60, Request for Information Regarding Evacuation Times1980-07-020Issue date: 2 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-61, TMI-2 Lessons Learned1980-07-020Issue date: 2 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-62, TMI-2 Lessons Learned1980-07-020Issue date: 2 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-64, Scram Discharge Volume Designs1980-07-070Issue date: 7 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-65, Request for Estimated Construction Completion and Fuel Load Schedules1980-07-110Issue date: 11 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-66, IEB 80-17 Supplement 1 Failure of Control Rods to Insert During a Scram at a BWR1980-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-67, Scram Discharge Volume1980-07-220Issue date: 22 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-72, Interim Criteria for Shift Staffing1980-07-310Issue date: 31 July 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-73, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities, NUREG-06961980-08-010Issue date: 1 August 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-74, Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with Representatives of EPRI to Discuss Program for Resolution of USI A-12, Fracture Tough1980-08-010Issue date: 1 August 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-75, Lessons Learned Tech Specs1980-08-010Issue date: 1 August 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-76, Notice of Forthcoming Meeting with GE to Discussed Proposed BWR Feedwater Nozzle Leakage Detection System1980-08-140Issue date: 14 August 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-77, Refueling Water Level1980-08-150Issue date: 15 August 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-78, Mark I Containment Long-Term Program1980-08-200Issue date: 20 August 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-80, Preliminary Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements1980-09-050Issue date: 5 September 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-81, Preliminary Clarification of TMI Action Plan Requirements - Addendum to 9/5/80 Letter1980-09-190Issue date: 19 September 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-82, IEB 79-01b Supplement 2 Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment1980-09-300Issue date: 30 September 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-83, Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Equipment1980-10-010Issue date: 1 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-84, BWR Scram System1980-10-010Issue date: 1 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-85, Implementation of Guidance From Unresolved Safety Issue A-12, "Potential for Low Fracture Toughness and Lamellar Tearing on Component Supports"1980-10-060Issue date: 6 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-86, Notice of Meeting to Discuss Final Resolution of USI A-121980-10-170Issue date: 17 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-87, Notice of Meeting to Discuss Status of EPRI-Proposed Resolution of the USI A-12 Fracture Toughness Issue1980-10-170Issue date: 17 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-88, Seismic Qualification of Auxiliary Feedwater Systems1980-10-210Issue date: 21 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-89, IEB 79-01b Supplement 3 Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment1980-10-240Issue date: 24 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-90, Post TMI Requirements, NUREG-07371980-10-310Issue date: 31 October 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-91, Odyn Code Calculation1980-11-040Issue date: 4 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-92, IEB 80-21 Valve Yokes Supplied by Malcolm Foundry Company, Inc.1980-11-060Issue date: 6 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-93, Emergency Preparedness1980-11-060Issue date: 6 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-94, Emergency Plan1980-11-130Issue date: 13 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-95, Generic Activity A-101980-11-130Issue date: 13 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-96, Fire Protection1980-11-140Issue date: 14 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-97, IEB 80-23 Failures of Solenoid Valves Manufactured by Valcor Engineering Corporation1980-11-140Issue date: 14 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-98, IEB 80-24 Prevention of Damage Due to Water Leakage Inside Containment1980-11-210Issue date: 21 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 80-99, Technical Specification Revisions For Snubber Surveillance1980-11-200Issue date: 20 November 1980
NRC Generic Letter 81-01, Qualification of Inspection, Examination, Testing and Audit Personnel1981-05-040Issue date: 4 May 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-02, Analysis, Conclusions and Recommendations Concerning Operator Licensing1981-01-270Issue date: 27 January 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-03, Implementation of NUREG-0313,Technical Report on Material Selection & Processing GL for BWR Coolant Press Boundary Piping1981-02-260Issue date: 26 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-04, Emergency Procedures And Training for Station Blackout Events1981-02-250Issue date: 25 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-05, Information Regarding the Program for Environmental Qualification Of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment1981-01-190Issue date: 19 January 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-06, Periodic Updating of Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSARS)1981-02-260Issue date: 26 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-07, Control of Heavy Loads1981-02-030Issue date: 3 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-08, Odyn Code1981-01-290Issue date: 29 January 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-10, Post-TMI Requirements for the Emergency Operations Facility1981-02-180Issue date: 18 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-12, Fire Protection Rule (45 FR 76602, 11/19/80)1981-02-200Issue date: 20 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-13, SER for GEXL Correlation for 8X8R Fuel Reload Applications for Appendix D Submittals of the GE Topical Report1981-05-280Issue date: 28 May 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-14, Seismic Qualifications for Auxiliary Feedwater Systems1981-02-100Issue date: 10 February 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-15, Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Electrical Equipment-Clarification of Staffs Handling of Proprietary Information1981-03-100Issue date: 10 March 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-16, NUREG-0737 Item I.C.1 SER on Abnormal Transient Operating Guidelines (ATOG)1981-06-010Issue date: 1 June 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-17, Functional Criteria for Emergency Response Facilities1981-03-050Issue date: 5 March 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-18, BWR Scram Discharge System-Clarification of Diverse Instrumentation Requirements1981-03-300Issue date: 30 March 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-19, Thermal Shock to Reactor Pressure Vessels1981-04-200Issue date: 20 April 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-20, Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System1981-04-100Issue date: 10 April 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-21, Natural Circulation Cooldown1981-05-050Issue date: 5 May 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-22, Engineering Evaluation of the H.B. Robinson Reactor Coolant System Leak on 1/29/811981-05-050Issue date: 5 May 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-23, INPO Plant Specific Evaluation Reports1981-06-040Issue date: 4 June 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-24, Multi-Plant Issue B-56 Control Rods Fail to Fully Insert1981-06-150Issue date: 15 June 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-25, Change in Implementing Schedule for Submission and Evaluation of Upgraded Emergency Plans1981-06-150Issue date: 15 June 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-26, Licensing Requirements for Pending Construction Permit and Manufacturing License Applications1981-07-140Issue date: 14 July 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-27, Privacy and Proprietary Material in Emergency Plans1981-07-090Issue date: 9 July 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-28, Steam Generator Overfill1981-07-310Issue date: 31 July 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-29, Simulator Examinations1981-08-070Issue date: 7 August 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-30, Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System1981-07-310Issue date: 31 July 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-32, NUREG-0737, Item II.K.3.44-Evaluation of Anticipated Transients Combined with Single Failure1981-08-070Issue date: 7 August 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-34, Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System1981-08-310Issue date: 31 August 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-35, Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System1981-08-310Issue date: 31 August 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-36, Revised Schedule for Completion of TMI Action Plan Item II.D.1, Relief and Safety Valve Testing1981-09-290Issue date: 29 September 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-37, ODYN Code Reanalysis Requirements1981-12-290Issue date: 29 December 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-39, NRC Volume Reduction Policy1981-11-300Issue date: 30 November 1981
NRC Generic Letter 81-40, Qualifications of Reactor Operators1981-12-160Issue date: 16 December 1981
NRC Generic Letter 82-01, New Applications Survey1982-01-120Issue date: 12 January 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-02, Nuclear Power Plant Staff Working Hours1982-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-03, High Burnup MAPLHGR Limits1982-03-310Issue date: 31 March 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-04, Use of INPO See-in Program1982-03-090Issue date: 9 March 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-05, Post-TMI Requirements1982-03-170Issue date: 17 March 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-07, Transmittal of NUREG-0909 Relative to the Ginna Tube Rupture1982-04-150Issue date: 15 April 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-08, Transmittal of NUREG-0909 Relative to the Ginna Tube Rupture1982-04-150Issue date: 15 April 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-09, Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment1982-04-200Issue date: 20 April 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-10, Post-TMI Requirements1982-05-050Issue date: 5 May 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-11, Transmittal of NUREG-0916 Relative to the Restart of R.E. Ginna Nuclear Power Plant1982-06-090Issue date: 9 June 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-12, Nuclear Power Plant Staff Working Hours1982-06-150Issue date: 15 June 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-13, Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Examinations1982-06-170Issue date: 17 June 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-14, Submittal of Documents to the NRC1982-08-090Issue date: 9 August 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-16, NUREG-0737 Technical Specifications1982-09-200Issue date: 20 September 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-17, Inconsistency of Requirements Between 50.54(t) and 50.151982-10-010Issue date: 1 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-18, Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Requalification Examinations1982-10-120Issue date: 12 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-19, Submittal of Copies of Documentation to NRC-Copy Requirements for Emergency Plans and Physical Security Plans1982-10-050Issue date: 5 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-20, Guidance for Implementing the Standard Review Plan Rule1982-10-260Issue date: 26 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-21, Fire Protection Audits1982-10-060Issue date: 6 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-22, Congressional Request for Information Concerning Steam Generator Tube Integrity1982-10-260Issue date: 26 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-23, Inconsistency Between Requirements of 10CFR 73.40(D) and Standard Tech Specs For Performing Audits of Sadeguards Contin1982-10-300Issue date: 30 October 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-24, Safety Relief Valve Quencher Loads: BWR MARK II and III Containments1982-11-040Issue date: 4 November 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-25, Integrated IAEA Exercise for Physical Inventory at LWRS1982-11-030Issue date: 3 November 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-26, NUREG-0744, REV. 1 - Pressure Vessel Material Fracture Toughness1982-11-120Issue date: 12 November 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-27, Transmittal of NUREG-0763 - Guidelines For Confirmatory In-Plant Tests of Safety-Relief Valve Discharge for BWR Plants1982-11-150Issue date: 15 November 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-28, Inadequate Core Cooling Instrumentation System1982-12-100Issue date: 10 December 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-30, Filings Related to 10 CFR 50 Production and Utilization Facilities1982-12-280Issue date: 28 December 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-32, Draft Steam Generator Report (SAI)1982-12-290Issue date: 29 December 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-33, Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 - Emergency Response Capability1982-12-170Issue date: 17 December 1982
NRC Generic Letter 82-39, Problems with Submittals of Subsequent Information of CURT 73.21 For Licensing Reviews1982-12-220Issue date: 22 December 1982
NRC Generic Letter 83-02, NUREG-0737 Technical Specifications1983-01-100Issue date: 10 January 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-04, Regional Workshops Regarding Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability1983-02-010Issue date: 1 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-05, Safety Evaluation of "Emergency Procedure Guidelines, Revision 2," June 19821983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-06, Certificates and Revised Format for Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Licenses1983-01-310Issue date: 31 January 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-07, The Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 19821983-02-160Issue date: 16 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-08, Modification of Vacuum Breakers on Mark I Containments1983-02-020Issue date: 2 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-09, Review of Combustion Engineering Owners' Group Emergency Procedures Guideline Program1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-10a, Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5., "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-10b, Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5., "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-10c, Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5., "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-10d, Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5., "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-10e, Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5., "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-10f, Resolution of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5., "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1983-02-080Issue date: 8 February 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-11, Licensee Qualification for Performing Safety Analyses in Support of Licensing Actions1999-06-240Issue date: 24 June 1999
NRC Generic Letter 83-12, Issuance of NRC FORM 398 - Personal Qualifications Statement - Licensee1983-07-110Issue date: 11 July 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-13, Clarification of Survell. Req's for HEPA Filters and Charcoal Absorber Units In STD. Tech Specs on ESF Cleanup Systems1983-03-020Issue date: 2 March 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-14, Definition of "Key Maintenance Personnel," (Clarification of Generic Letter 82-12)1983-03-070Issue date: 7 March 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-15, Implement. of Reg. Guide 1.150, "Ultrasonic Testing of RX Vessel Welds During Preservice & Inservice Examinations, REV.11983-03-230Issue date: 23 March 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-16, Transmittal of NUREG-0977 Relative to the ATWS Events at Salem Generating Station, Unit NO. 11983-03-310Issue date: 31 March 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-17, Integrity of Requalification Examinations for Renewal of Reactor Operator and Senior Reactor Operator Licenses1983-04-080Issue date: 8 April 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-18, NRC Staff Review of the BWR Owners' Group (BWROG) Control Room Survey Program1988-04-190Issue date: 19 April 1988
NRC Generic Letter 83-19, New Procedures for Providing Public Notice Concerning Issuance of Amendments To Operating Licenses1983-05-020Issue date: 2 May 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-20, Integrated Scheduling for Implementation of Plant Modifications1983-05-090Issue date: 9 May 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-21, Clarification of Access Control Procedures for Law Enforcement Visits1983-05-110Issue date: 11 May 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-22, Safety Evaluation of "Emergency Response Guidelines"1983-06-030Issue date: 3 June 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-23, Safety Evaluation of "Emergency Procedure Guidelines"1983-07-290Issue date: 29 July 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-24, TMI Task Action Plan Item I.G.1, "Special Low Power Testing and Training," Recommendations for BWRS1983-06-290Issue date: 29 June 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-26, Clarification Of Surveillance Requirements for Diesel Fuel Impurity Level Tests1983-07-050Issue date: 5 July 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-27, Surveillance Intervals in Standard Technical Specifications1983-07-060Issue date: 6 July 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-28, Required Actions Based on Generic Implications of Salem ATWS Events1992-10-070Issue date: 7 October 1992
NRC Generic Letter 83-30, Deletion of STD. Tech Spec Surveillance Requirement for Diesel Generator Testing1983-07-210Issue date: 21 July 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-31, Safety Evaluation of "Abnormal Transient Operating Guidelines"1983-09-190Issue date: 19 September 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-32, NRC Staff Recommendations Regarding Operator Action for Reactor Trip and ATWS1983-12-020Issue date: 2 December 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-33, NRC Positions on Certain Requirements of Appendix R to 10 CFR 501983-10-190Issue date: 19 October 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-35, Clarification of TMI Action Plan Item II.K.3.311983-11-020Issue date: 2 November 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-36, NUREG-0737 Technical Specifications1983-11-010Issue date: 1 November 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-37, NUREG-0737 Technical Specifications1983-11-010Issue date: 1 November 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-38, NUREG-0965, "NRC Inventory of Dams"1983-10-310Issue date: 31 October 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-39, Voluntary Survey of Licensed Operators1983-12-080Issue date: 8 December 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-41, Fast Cold Starts of Diesel Generators1983-12-160Issue date: 16 December 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-42, Clarification to GL 81-07 Regarding Response to NUREG-0612, "Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants"1983-12-190Issue date: 19 December 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-43, Reporting Requirements of 10 CFR 50, Sections 50.72 and 50.73, and Standard Technical Specifications1983-12-190Issue date: 19 December 1983
NRC Generic Letter 83-44, Availability of NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards"1983-12-200Issue date: 20 December 1983
NRC Generic Letter 84-01, NRC Use Of The Terms "Important To Safety" and "Safety Related"1984-01-050Issue date: 5 January 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-02, Notice of Meeting Regarding Facility Staffing1984-01-060Issue date: 6 January 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-03, Availability of NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues"1984-01-130Issue date: 13 January 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-04, Safety Evaluation of Westinghouse Topical Reports Dealing with Elimination of Postulated Pipe Breaks in PWR Primary Main Loops (Generic Letter 84-04)1984-02-010Issue date: 1 February 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-05, Change to NUREG-1021, "Operator Licensing Examiner Standards"1984-04-020Issue date: 2 April 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-06, Operator and Senior Operator License Examination Criteria For Passing Grade1984-04-160Issue date: 16 April 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-07, Procedural Guidance for Pipe Replacement at BWRs1984-03-140Issue date: 14 March 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-08, Interim Procedures for NRC Management of Plant-Specific Backfitting1984-04-040Issue date: 4 April 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-09, Recombiner Capability Requirements of 10 CFR 50.44(c)(3)(ii)1984-05-080Issue date: 8 May 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-10, Administration of Operating Tests Prior to Initial Criticality1984-04-260Issue date: 26 April 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-11, Inspections of BWR Stainless Steel Piping1984-04-190Issue date: 19 April 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-12, Compliance with 10 CFR 61 and Implementation of Radiological Effluent Tech Specs, Attendant Process Control Program1984-04-300Issue date: 30 April 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-13, Technical Specification for Snubbers1984-05-030Issue date: 3 May 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-14, Replacement and Requalification Training Program1984-05-110Issue date: 11 May 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-15, Proposed Staff Actions to Improve and Maintain Diesel Generator Reliability1984-07-020Issue date: 2 July 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-16, Adequacy of On-Shift Operating Experience for Near Term Operating License Applicants1984-06-270Issue date: 27 June 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-17, Annual Meeting to Discuss Recent Developments Regarding Operator Training, Qualifications, and Examinations1984-07-030Issue date: 3 July 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-18, Filing of Applications for Licenses and Amendments1984-07-060Issue date: 6 July 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-19, Availability of Supplement 1 to NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues"1984-08-060Issue date: 6 August 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-20, Scheduling Guidance for Licensee Submittals of Reloads That Involve Unreviewed Safety Questions1984-08-200Issue date: 20 August 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-21, Long Term Low Power Operation in Pressurized Water Reactors1984-10-160Issue date: 16 October 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-23, Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumentation in BWRs1984-10-260Issue date: 26 October 1984
NRC Generic Letter 84-24, Certification of Compliance to 10 CFR 50.49, Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants1984-12-270Issue date: 27 December 1984
NRC Generic Letter 85-01, Fire Protection Policy Steering Committee Report1985-01-090Issue date: 9 January 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-02, Staff Recommended Actions ... Regarding Steam Generator Tube Integrity1985-04-170Issue date: 17 April 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-03, Clarification of Equivalent Control Capacity for Standby Liquid Control Systems1985-01-280Issue date: 28 January 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-04, Operating Licensing Examinations1985-01-290Issue date: 29 January 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-05, Inadvertent Boron Dilution Events1985-01-310Issue date: 31 January 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-06, Quality Assurance Guidance for ATWS Equipment That is Not Safety-Related1985-01-160Issue date: 16 January 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-07, Implementation of Integrated Schedules for Plant Modifications1985-05-020Issue date: 2 May 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-08, 10 CFR 20.408 Termination Reports - Format1985-05-230Issue date: 23 May 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-09, Technical Specifications for Generic Letter 83-28, Item 4.31985-05-230Issue date: 23 May 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-10, Technical Specification for Generic Letter 83-28, Items 4.3 and 4.41985-05-230Issue date: 23 May 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-11, Completion of Phase II of "Control of Heavy Loads at Nuclear Power Plants" NUREG-06121985-06-280Issue date: 28 June 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-12, Implementation of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5, "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps1985-06-280Issue date: 28 June 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-13, Transmittal of NUREG-1154 Regarding The Davis-Besse Loss of Main And Auxiliary Feedwater Event1985-08-050Issue date: 5 August 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-14, Commercial Storage at Power Reactor Sites of Low Level Radioactive Waste Not Generated by The Utility1985-08-010Issue date: 1 August 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-15, Information on Deadlines for 10CFR50.49, "Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety at Nuclear Power Plants"1985-08-060Issue date: 6 August 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-16, High Boron Concentrations1985-08-230Issue date: 23 August 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-17, Availability of Supplements 2 and 3 to NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues"1985-08-230Issue date: 23 August 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-19, Reporting Requirements on Primary Coolant Iodine Spikes1985-09-270Issue date: 27 September 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-20, Resolution of Generic Issue 69: High Pressure Injection/Make-up Nozzle Cracking in Babcock And Wilcox Plants1985-11-080Issue date: 8 November 1985
NRC Generic Letter 85-22, Potential for Loss of Post-LOCA Recirculation Capability Due to Insulation Debris Blockage1985-12-030Issue date: 3 December 1985
NRC Generic Letter 86-01, Safety Concerns Associated with Pipe Breaks in the BWR Scram System1986-01-030Issue date: 3 January 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-02, Technical Resolution of Generic Issue B-19 - Thermal Hydraulic Stability1986-01-230Issue date: 23 January 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-03, Applications for License Amendments1986-02-100Issue date: 10 February 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-04, Policy Statement On Engineering Expertise on Shift1986-02-130Issue date: 13 February 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-05, Implementation of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5, "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1986-05-290Issue date: 29 May 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-06, Implementation of TMI Action Item II.K.3.5, "Automatic Trip of Reactor Coolant Pumps"1986-05-290Issue date: 29 May 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-07, Transmittal of NUREG-1190 Regarding the San Onofre Unit 1 Loss of Power and Water Hammer Event1986-03-200Issue date: 20 March 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-08, Availability of Supplement 4 to NUREG-0933, "A Prioritization of Generic Safety Issues"1986-03-250Issue date: 25 March 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-09, Technical Resolution of Generic Issue B-59, (N-1) Loop Operation in BWRs and PWRs1986-03-310Issue date: 31 March 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-10, Implementation of Fire Protection Requirements1994-03-250Issue date: 25 March 1994
NRC Generic Letter 86-11, Distribution of Products Irradiated in Research Reactors1986-06-250Issue date: 25 June 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-12, Criteria for Unique Purpose Exemption From Conversion From the Use of HEU Fuel1986-07-030Issue date: 3 July 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-13, Potential Inconsistency Between Plant Safety Analyses and Technical Specifications1986-07-230Issue date: 23 July 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-15, Information Relating to Compliance with 10 CFR 50.49 "Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants"1986-09-220Issue date: 22 September 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-16, Westinghouse ECCS Evaluation Models1986-10-220Issue date: 22 October 1986
NRC Generic Letter 86-17, Availability of NUREG-1169, "Technical Findings Related to Generic Issue C-8, BWR MSIC Leakage and Treatment Methods"1986-10-170Issue date: 17 October 1986
NRC Generic Letter 87-01, Public Availability of the NRC Operator Licensing Examination Question Bank1987-01-080Issue date: 8 January 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-02, Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors (USI A-46)1992-02-140Issue date: 14 February 1992
NRC Generic Letter 87-03, Verification of Seismic Adequacy of Mechanical and Electrical Equipment in Operating Reactors (USI A-46)1987-02-270Issue date: 27 February 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-04, Temporary Exemption From Provisions of the FBI Criminal History Rule for Temporary Workers1987-03-060Issue date: 6 March 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-05, Request for Additional Information Assessment of Licensee Measures to Mitigate and/or Identify Potential Degradation of Mark I Drywells1987-03-120Issue date: 12 March 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-06, Periodic Verification of Leak Tight Integrity of Pressure Isolation Valves1987-03-130Issue date: 13 March 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-07, Information Transmittal of Final Rulemaking for Revisions to Operator Licensing - 10 CFR 55 and Confirming Amendments1987-03-190Issue date: 19 March 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-08, Implementation of 10 CFR 73.55 Miscellaneous Amendments and Search Requirements1987-05-110Issue date: 11 May 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-09, Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of Standard Tech Specs on Limiting Conditions for Operation and Surveillance Requirements1987-06-040Issue date: 4 June 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-10, Implementation of 10 CFR 73.57, Requirements for FBI Criminal History Checks1987-06-120Issue date: 12 June 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-11, Relaxation in Arbitrary Intermediate Pipe Rupture Requirements1987-06-190Issue date: 19 June 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-12, Loss of Residual Heat Removal While the Reactor Coolant System is Partially Filled1987-07-090Issue date: 9 July 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-13, Integrity of Requalification Examinations at Non-Power Reactors1987-07-100Issue date: 10 July 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-14, Operator Licensing Examinations1987-08-040Issue date: 4 August 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-15, Policy Statement on Deferred Plants1987-11-040Issue date: 4 November 1987
NRC Generic Letter 87-16, Transmittal of NUREG-1262, "Answers to Questions on Implementation of 10 CFR 55 on Operators' Licenses"1987-11-120Issue date: 12 November 1987
NRC Generic Letter 88-01, NRC Position on Intergranular Stress Corrosion Cracking (IGSCC) in BWR Austenitic Stainless Steel Piping1992-02-040Issue date: 4 February 1992
NRC Generic Letter 88-02, Integrated Safety Assessment Program II (ISAP II)1988-01-200Issue date: 20 January 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-03, Resolution of Generic Safety Issue 93, "Steam Binding of Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps"1988-02-170Issue date: 17 February 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-04, Distribution of Gems Irradiated in Research Reactors1988-02-230Issue date: 23 February 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-05, Boric Acid Corrosion of Carbon Steel Reactor Pressure Boundary Components in PWR plants1988-03-170Issue date: 17 March 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-06, Removal of Organization Charts from Technical Specification Administrative Control Requirements1988-03-220Issue date: 22 March 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-07, Modified Enforcement Policy Relating to 10 CFR 50.49, "Environmental Qualification of Electrical Equipment Important to Safety"1988-04-070Issue date: 7 April 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-08, Mail Sent or Delivered to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation1988-05-030Issue date: 3 May 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-09, Pilot Testing of Fundamentals Examination1988-05-170Issue date: 17 May 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-10, Purchase of GSA Approved Security Containers1988-07-010Issue date: 1 July 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-11, NRC Position on Radiation Embrittlement of Reactor Vessel Materials and Its Impact on Plant Operations1988-07-120Issue date: 12 July 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-13, Operator Licensing Examinations1988-08-080Issue date: 8 August 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-14, Instrument Air Supply System Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment1988-08-080Issue date: 8 August 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-15, Electric Power Systems - Inadequate Control Over Design Process1988-09-120Issue date: 12 September 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-16, Removal of Cycle-Specific Parameter Limits from Technical Specifications1988-10-040Issue date: 4 October 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-17, Loss of Decay Heat Removal1988-10-170Issue date: 17 October 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-18, Plant Record Storage on Optical Disks1988-10-200Issue date: 20 October 1988
NRC Generic Letter 88-19, Use of Deadly Force by Licensee Guards to Prevent Theft of Special Nuclear Material1988-10-280Issue date: 28 October 1988
NRC Generic Letter 89-01, Implementation of Programmatic and Procedural Controls for Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications1990-11-140Issue date: 14 November 1990
NRC Generic Letter 89-02, Actions to Improve the Detection of Counterfeit and Fraudulently Marketed Products1989-03-210Issue date: 21 March 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-04, Guidance on Developing Acceptable Inservice Testing Programs1989-04-030Issue date: 3 April 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-05, Pilot Testing of the Fundamentals Examination1989-04-040Issue date: 4 April 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-06, Task Action Item I.D.2 - Safety Parameter Display System - 10 CFR 50.54 (f)1989-04-120Issue date: 12 April 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-07, Power Reactor Safeguards Contingency Planning for Surface Vehicle Bombs1989-04-280Issue date: 28 April 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-08, Erosion/Corrosion-Induced Pipe Wall Thinning1989-05-020Issue date: 2 May 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-09, ASME Section III Component Replacements1989-05-080Issue date: 8 May 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-10, Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valve Testing and Surveillance1989-06-280Issue date: 28 June 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-11, Resolution of Generic Issue 101 "Boiling Water Reactor Water Level Redundancy"1989-06-300Issue date: 30 June 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-12, Operator Licensing Examination1989-07-060Issue date: 6 July 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-13, Service Water System Problems Affecting Safety-Related Equipment1989-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-14, Line-Item Improvements in Technical Specifications - Removal of 3.25 Limit on Extending Surveillance Intervals1989-08-210Issue date: 21 August 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-15, Emergency Response Data System1989-08-210Issue date: 21 August 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-16, Installation of a Hardened Wetwell Vent1989-09-010Issue date: 1 September 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-18, Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issues A-17, "Systems Interactions in Nuclear Power Plants"1989-09-060Issue date: 6 September 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-19, Request for Actions Related to Resolution of Unresolved Safety Issue A-47 "Safety Implication of Control Systems in LWR Nuclear Power Plants" Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)1989-09-200Issue date: 20 September 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-20, Protected Area Long-Term Housekeeping1989-09-260Issue date: 26 September 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-21, Request for Information Concerning Status of Implementation of Unresolved Safety Issue (USI) Requirements1989-10-190Issue date: 19 October 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-22, Potential for Increased Roof Loads and Plant Area Flood Runoff Depth Due to Recent Change in Probable Maximum Precipitation Criteria Developed by the National Weather Service1989-10-190Issue date: 19 October 1989
NRC Generic Letter 89-23, NRC Staff Responses to Questions Pertaining to Implementation of 10 CFR Part 261989-10-230Issue date: 23 October 1989
NRC Generic Letter 90-01, Request for Voluntary Participation in NRC Regulatory Impact Survey1990-01-180Issue date: 18 January 1990
NRC Generic Letter 90-02, Alternative Requirements for Fuel Assemblies in the Design Features Section of Technical Specifications1992-07-310Issue date: 31 July 1992
NRC Generic Letter 90-03, Relaxation of Staff Position in Generic Letter 83-28, Item 2.2 Part 2, "Vendor Interface for Safety-Related Components"1990-03-200Issue date: 20 March 1990
NRC Generic Letter 90-04, Request for Information on the Status of Licensee Implementation of GSIs Resolved with Imposition of Requirements or CAs1990-04-250Issue date: 25 April 1990
NRC Generic Letter 90-05, Guidance for Performing Temporary Non-Code Repair of ASME Code Class 1, 2, and 3 Piping1990-06-150Issue date: 15 June 1990
NRC Generic Letter 90-06, Resolution of Generic Issues 70, "PORV and Block Valve Reliability," and 94, "Additional Ltop Protection for PWRs"1990-06-250Issue date: 25 June 1990
NRC Generic Letter 90-08, Simulation Facility Exemptions1990-08-100Issue date: 10 August 1990
NRC Generic Letter 90-09, Alternative Requirements for Snubber Visual Inspection Intervals and Corrective Actions1990-12-110Issue date: 11 December 1990
NRC Generic Letter 91-01, Removal of the Schedule for the Withdrawal of Reactor Vessel Material Specimens from Technical Specifications1991-01-040Issue date: 4 January 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-03, Reporting of Safeguards Events1991-03-060Issue date: 6 March 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-04, Changes in Technical Specification Surveillance Intervals to Accommodate a 24-Month Fuel Cycle1991-04-020Issue date: 2 April 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-05, Licensee Commercial-Grade Procurement and Dedication Programs1991-04-090Issue date: 9 April 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-07, GI-23, "Reactor Coolant Pump Seal Failures" and Its Possible Effect on Station Blackout1991-05-020Issue date: 2 May 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-08, Removal of Component Lists from Technical Specifications1991-05-060Issue date: 6 May 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-09, Modification of Surveillance Interval for the Electrical Protective Assemblies in Power Supplies for the Reactor Protection System1991-06-270Issue date: 27 June 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-10, Explosives Searches at Protected Area Portals1991-08-270Issue date: 27 August 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-11, Resolution of Generic Issues 48, "LCOs for Class 1E Vital Instrument Buses," and 49, "Interlocks and LCOs for Class 1E Tie Breakers," Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.541991-07-180Issue date: 18 July 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-13, Request for Info Related to the Resolution of GI 130, "Essential Service Water System Failures at Multi-Unit Sites"1991-09-190Issue date: 19 September 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-14, Emergency Telecommunications1991-09-230Issue date: 23 September 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-15, Operating Experience Feedback Report, Solenoid-Operated Valve Problems at U.S. Reactors1991-09-230Issue date: 23 September 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-16, Licensed Operators' and Other Nuclear Facility Personnel Fitness for Duty1991-10-030Issue date: 3 October 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-17, Generic Safety Issue 29, "Bolting Degradation or Failure in Nuclear Power Plants"1991-10-170Issue date: 17 October 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-18, Information to Licensees Regarding Two NRC Inspection Manual Sections on Resolution of Degraded and Nonconforming Conditions and on Operability1991-03-060Issue date: 6 March 1991
NRC Generic Letter 91-19, Information to Addressees Regarding New Telephone Numbers for NRC Offices Located in One White Flint North1991-12-190Issue date: 19 December 1991
NRC Generic Letter 92-01, Reactor Vessel Structural Integrity1995-05-190Issue date: 19 May 1995
NRC Generic Letter 92-02, Resolution of Generic Issue 79, "Unanalyzed Reactor Vessel (PWR) Thermal Stress During Natural Convection Cooldown"1992-03-060Issue date: 6 March 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-03, Compilation of the Current Licensing Basis: Request for Voluntary Participation in Pilot Program1992-03-190Issue date: 19 March 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-04, Resolution of the Issues Related to Reactor Vessel Water Level Instrumention in BWRs Pursuant to 10 CFR 50.54(f)1992-08-190Issue date: 19 August 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-05, NRC Workshop on the Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance (SALP) Program1992-09-040Issue date: 4 September 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-06, Operator Licensing National Examination Schedule1992-09-160Issue date: 16 September 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-07, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation Reorganization1992-10-200Issue date: 20 October 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-08, Thermo-Lag 330-1 Fire Barriers1992-12-170Issue date: 17 December 1992
NRC Generic Letter 92-09, Limited Participation by NRC in the IAEA International Nuclear Event Scale1992-12-310Issue date: 31 December 1992
NRC Generic Letter 93-01, Emergency Response Data System Test Program1993-03-030Issue date: 3 March 1993
Pages in category "Generic Letter"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 540 total.
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- NRC Generic Letter 1981-38, Storage of Low-Level Radioactive Wastes at Power Reactor Sites
- NRC Generic Letter 1988-12, Removal of Fire Protection Requirements from Technical Specification
- NRC Generic Letter 2003-01, Control Room Habitability
- NRC Generic Letter 77-01, Intrusion Detection Systems Handbook
- NRC Generic Letter 77-02, Fire Protection Functional Responsibilities
- NRC Generic Letter 77-03, Transmittal of NUREG-0321, "A Study of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission Quality Assurance Program"
- NRC Generic Letter 77-04, Shipments of Contaminated Components From NRC Licensed Nuclear Power Facilities to Vendors & Service Companies
- NRC Generic Letter 77-05, Nonconformity of Addresses of Items Directed to the Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
- NRC Generic Letter 77-06, Enclosing Questionaire Relating to Steam Generators
- NRC Generic Letter 77-07, Reliability Of Standby Diesel Generator Units
- NRC Generic Letter 78-01, Correction To Letter Of 12/15/77
- NRC Generic Letter 78-02, Asymmetric Loads Background & Revised Request For Additional Information
- NRC Generic Letter 78-03, Request For Information On Cavity Annulus Seal Ring
- NRC Generic Letter 78-04, GAO Blanket Clearance For Letter Dated 12/09/77
- NRC Generic Letter 78-05, Internal Distribution Of Correspondence - Asking For Comments On Mass Mailing System
- NRC Generic Letter 78-08, Enclosing NUREG-0408 RE Mark I Containments, and Granting Exemption from GDC 50 and Enclosing Sample Notice
- NRC Generic Letter 78-09, Multiple-Subsequent Actuations of Safety/Relief Valves Following an Isolation Event
- NRC Generic Letter 78-10, Guidance On Radiological Environmental Monitoring
- NRC Generic Letter 78-11, Guidance on Spent Fuel Pool Modifications
- NRC Generic Letter 78-12, Notice of Meeting Regarding "Implementation of 10 CFR 73.55 Requirements And Status of Research..."
- NRC Generic Letter 78-13, Forwarding of NUREG-0219
- NRC Generic Letter 78-14, Transmittal Of Draft NUREG-0219 For Comment
- NRC Generic Letter 78-15, Task Action Plan for Category A Technical Activity No. A-36, "Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel"
- NRC Generic Letter 78-16, Request for Information on Control of Heavy Loads Near Spent Fuel Pools
- NRC Generic Letter 78-17, Corrected Letter On Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel
- NRC Generic Letter 78-18, Corrected Letter On Heavy Loads Over Spent Fuel
- NRC Generic Letter 78-19, Enclosing Sandia Report SAND 77-0777, "Barrier Technology Handbook"
- NRC Generic Letter 78-20, Enclosing – "A Systematic Approach to the Conceptual Design of Physical Protection Systems for Nuclear Facilities"
- NRC Generic Letter 78-21, Transmitting NUREG/CR-0181 Concerning Barrier & Penetration Data Needed for Physical Security System Assessment
- NRC Generic Letter 78-22, Revision to Intrusion Detection Systems and Entry Control Handbooks and Nuclear Safeguards Technology Handbook
- NRC Generic Letter 78-23, Manpower Requirements For Operating Reactors
- NRC Generic Letter 78-24, Model Appendix I Technical Specifications and Submittal Schedule for BWRs
- NRC Generic Letter 78-26, Excessive Control Rod Guide Tube Wear
- NRC Generic Letter 78-27, Forwarding of NUREG-0181
- NRC Generic Letter 78-28, Forwarding pages omitted from 07/11/78 letter
- NRC Generic Letter 78-29, Notice of PWR steam generator conference
- NRC Generic Letter 78-30, Forwarding of NUREG-0219
- NRC Generic Letter 78-31, Notice of Steam Generator Conference Agenda
- NRC Generic Letter 78-32, Reactor Protection System Power Supplies
- NRC Generic Letter 78-34, Reactor Vessel Atypical Weld Material
- NRC Generic Letter 78-35, Regional Meetings to Discuss Upgraded Guard Qualifications
- NRC Generic Letter 78-36, Cessation of Plutonium Shipments by Air Except in NRC Approved Containers
- NRC Generic Letter 78-37, Revised Meeting Schedule & Locations for Upgraded Guard Qualifications
- NRC Generic Letter 78-38, Forwarding of 2 Tables Of Appendix I, Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications, PWR, and NUREG-0133
- NRC Generic Letter 78-39, Forwarding of 2 Tables of Appendix I, Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications, BWR, and NUREG-0133
- NRC Generic Letter 78-40, Training & Qualification Program Workshops
- NRC Generic Letter 78-41, Mark II Generic Acceptance Criteria for Lead Plants
- NRC Generic Letter 78-42, Duplicate of GL-78-40
- NRC Generic Letter 79-01, Interservice Procedures for Instructional Systems Development – TRADOC
- NRC Generic Letter 79-02, Transmitting Rev. to Entry Control Systems Handbook (SAND 77-1033), Intrusion Detection Handbook (SAND 76-0554), and Barrier Penetration Database
- NRC Generic Letter 79-03, Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
- NRC Generic Letter 79-04, Referencing 4/14/78 Letter – Modifications to NRC Guidance "Review and Acceptance of Spent Fuel Pool Storage and Handling"
- NRC Generic Letter 79-05, Information Relating to Categorization of Recent Regulatory Guides by the Regulatory Requirements Review Committee
- NRC Generic Letter 79-06, Contents of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
- NRC Generic Letter 79-07, Seismic (SSE) and LOCA Responses (NUREG-0484)
- NRC Generic Letter 79-08, Amendment to 10 CFR 73.55
- NRC Generic Letter 79-09, Staff Evaluation of Interim Multiple-Consecutive Safety-Relief Valve Actuations
- NRC Generic Letter 79-10, Transmitting Regulatory Guide 2.6 for Comment
- NRC Generic Letter 79-11, Transmitting "Summary of Operating Experience with Recalculating Steam Generators, January 1979" NUREG-0523
- NRC Generic Letter 79-12, ATWS – Enclosing Letter to GE, with NUREG-0460, Vol. 3
- NRC Generic Letter 79-13, Schedule for Implementation and Resolution of Mark I Containment Long Term Program
- NRC Generic Letter 79-14, Pipe Crack Study Group – Enclosing NUREG-0531 and Notice
- NRC Generic Letter 79-15, Steam Generators-Enclosing Summary of Operating Experience with Recirculating Steam Generators, NUREG-0523
- NRC Generic Letter 79-16, Meeting Re Implementation Of Physical Security Requirements
- NRC Generic Letter 79-17, Reliability of Onsite Diesel Generators at Light Water Reactors
- NRC Generic Letter 79-18, Westinghouse Two-Loop NSSS
- NRC Generic Letter 79-19, NRC Staff Review of Responses to I&E Bulletins 79-06 and 79-06a
- NRC Generic Letter 79-20, Cracking in Feedwater Lines
- NRC Generic Letter 79-21, Enclosing NUREG/CR 0660, "Enhancement of on Site Emergency Diesel Generator Reliability"
- NRC Generic Letter 79-22, Enclosing NUREG-0560, "Staff Report on the Generic Assessment of Feedwater Transients in PWRs Designed by B&W
- NRC Generic Letter 79-23, NRC Staff Review of Responses to I&E Bulletin 79-08
- NRC Generic Letter 79-24, Multiple Equipment Failures in Safety-Related Systems
- NRC Generic Letter 79-25, Information Required to Review Corporate Capabilities
- NRC Generic Letter 79-26, Upgraded Standard Technical Specification Bases Program
- NRC Generic Letter 79-27, Operability Testing of Relief and Safety Relief Valves
- NRC Generic Letter 79-28, Evaluation of Semi-Scale Small Break Experiment
- NRC Generic Letter 79-29, Transmitting NUREG-0473, Revision 2, Draft Radiological Effluent Technical Specifications
- NRC Generic Letter 79-30, Transmitting NUREG-0472, Revision 2, Draft Radiological Technical Specifications
- NRC Generic Letter 79-31, Submittal of Copies of Response to 6/29/79 NRC Request
- NRC Generic Letter 79-32, Transmitting NUREG-0578, "TMI-2 Lessons Learned"
- NRC Generic Letter 79-33, Transmitting NUREG-0576 - Security Training and Qualification Plans
- NRC Generic Letter 79-34, New Physical Security Plans (FR 43280-285)
- NRC Generic Letter 79-35, Regional Meetings to Discuss Impacts on Emergency Planning
- NRC Generic Letter 79-36, Adequacy of Station Electric Distribution Systems Voltages
- NRC Generic Letter 79-37, Amendment to 10 CFR 73.55 Deferral from 8/1/79 to 11/1/79
- NRC Generic Letter 79-38, BWR Off-Gas Systems – Enclosing NUREG/CR-0727
- NRC Generic Letter 79-39, Transmitting Division 5 Draft Regulatory Guide and Value Impact Statement
- NRC Generic Letter 79-40, Follow-up Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident
- NRC Generic Letter 79-41, Compliance with 40 CFR 190, EPA Uranium Fuel Cycle Standard
- NRC Generic Letter 79-42, Potential Unreviewed Question on Interaction Between Non-Safety Grade Systems and Safety Grade Systems
- NRC Generic Letter 79-43, Reactor Cavity Seal Ring Generic Issue
- NRC Generic Letter 79-44, Referencing 6/29/79 Letter Re Multiple Equipment Failures
- NRC Generic Letter 79-45, Transmittal of Reports Regarding Foreign Reactor Operating Experiences
- NRC Generic Letter 79-46, Containment Purging and Venting During Normal Operation – Guidelines for Valve Operability
- NRC Generic Letter 79-47, Radiation Training
- NRC Generic Letter 79-48, Confirmatory Requirements Relating to Condensation Oscillation Loads for the Mark I Containment Long Term Program
- NRC Generic Letter 79-49, Summary of Meetings Held on 9/18-20/79 to Discuss Potential Unreviewed Safety Question on Systems Interaction for B&W Pl
- NRC Generic Letter 79-50, Emergency Plans Submittal Dates
- NRC Generic Letter 79-51, Follow-up Actions Resulting from the NRC Staff Reviews Regarding the TMI-2 Accident
- NRC Generic Letter 79-52, Radioactive Release at North Anna Unit 1 and Lessons Learned
- NRC Generic Letter 79-53, ATWS
- NRC Generic Letter 79-54, Containment Purging and Venting During Normal Operation
- NRC Generic Letter 79-55, Summary of Meeting Held on October 12, 1979 to Discuss Responses to IE Bulletins 79-05C and 79-06C and HPI Termination Criteria
- NRC Generic Letter 79-56, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements
- NRC Generic Letter 79-57, Acceptance Criteria for the Mark I Containment Long Term Program
- NRC Generic Letter 79-58, ECCS Calculations on Fuel Cladding
- NRC Generic Letter 79-60, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements
- NRC Generic Letter 79-61, Discussion of Lessons Learned Short Term Requirements
- NRC Generic Letter 79-63, Upgraded Emergency Plans
- NRC Generic Letter 79-64, Suspension of All Operating Licenses
- NRC Generic Letter 79-65, Radiological Environmental Monitoring Program Requirements – Enclosing Branch Technical Position, Revision 1
- NRC Generic Letter 79-66, Additional Information Re 11/09/79 Letter on ECCS Calculations
- NRC Generic Letter 79-67, Estimates for Evacuation of Various Areas Around Nuclear Power Reactors
- NRC Generic Letter 79-68, Audit of Small Break LOCA Guidelines
- NRC Generic Letter 79-69, Cladding Rupture, Swelling, and Coolant Blockage as a Result of a Reactor Accident
- NRC Generic Letter 79-70, Environmental Monitoring for Direct Radiation
- NRC Generic Letter 80-01, NUREG-0630 "Cladding, Swelling and Rupture - Models for LOCA Analysis"
- NRC Generic Letter 80-02, Quality Assurance Requirements Regarding Diesel Generator Fuel Oil
- NRC Generic Letter 80-03, BWR Control Rod Failures
- NRC Generic Letter 80-04, IEB 80-01 Operability of ADS Valve Pneumatic Supply
- NRC Generic Letter 80-05, IEB 79-01b Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-06, Issuance of NUREG-0313, Rev 1, "Technical Report on Material Selection and Processing Guidelines for BWR Coolant Pressure"
- NRC Generic Letter 80-07, Information Regarding the Program For Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-08, IEB 80-02 Inadequate Quality Assurance for Nuclear Supplied Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-09, Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal
- NRC Generic Letter 80-10, Issuance of NUREG-0588, "Interim Staff Position on Equipment Qualifications of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment"
- NRC Generic Letter 80-100, Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 Regarding Fire Protection-Federal Register Notice
- NRC Generic Letter 80-101, Inservice Inspection Programs for Prestressed Concrete Containment Structures
- NRC Generic Letter 80-102, Commission Memorandum and Order of May 23, 1980 (Referencing IEB 79-01b Supplement 2 - q.2 & 3 - Sept 30, 1980)
- NRC Generic Letter 80-103, Fire Protection - Revised Federal Register Notice
- NRC Generic Letter 80-104, Orders on Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-105, Implementation of Guidance for USI A-12, Potential for Low Fracture Toughness and Lamellar Tearing on Component Supports
- NRC Generic Letter 80-106, Report on ECCS Cladding Models, NUREG-0630
- NRC Generic Letter 80-107, BWR Scram Discharge System
- NRC Generic Letter 80-108, Emergency Planning
- NRC Generic Letter 80-109, Guidelines for SEP Soil Structure Interaction Reviews
- NRC Generic Letter 80-11, IEB 80-03 Loss of Charcoal From Standard Type II, 2 Inch, Tray Absorber Cells
- NRC Generic Letter 80-110, Periodic Updating of FSARS
- NRC Generic Letter 80-111, IEB 80-17 Supplement 4, Failure of Control Rods to Insert During a Scram at a BWR
- NRC Generic Letter 80-112, IEB 80-25 Operating Problems with Target Rock Safety Relief Valves
- NRC Generic Letter 80-113, Control of Heavy Loads
- NRC Generic Letter 80-12, IEB 80-04 Analysis of a PWR Main Steam Sine Break with Continued Feedwater Addition
- NRC Generic Letter 80-13, Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-14, LWR Primary Coolant System Pressure Isolation Valves
- NRC Generic Letter 80-15, Request for Additional Management and Technical Resources Information
- NRC Generic Letter 80-16, IEB 79-01b Environmental Qualification of Class 1E Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-17, Modifications to Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Drive Systems
- NRC Generic Letter 80-18, Crystal River 3 Reactor Trip From Approximately 100% Full Power
- NRC Generic Letter 80-19, Resolution of Enhanced Fission Gas Release Concern
- NRC Generic Letter 80-20, Actions Req. From OL Applicants of NSSS Designs by W and CE Resulting From NRC B&O Task Force Review of TMI2 Accident
- NRC Generic Letter 80-21, IEB 80-05 Vacuum Condition Resulting in Damage to Chemical Volume Control System Holdup Tanks
- NRC Generic Letter 80-22, Transmittal of NUREG-0654 "Criteria For Preparation and Evaluation of Radiological Emergency Response Plans and Prepared
- NRC Generic Letter 80-23, Change of Submittal Date for Evaluation Time Estimates
- NRC Generic Letter 80-24, Transmittal of Information on NRC "Nuclear Data Link Specifications"
- NRC Generic Letter 80-25, IEB 80-06 Engineering Safety Feature (ESF) Reset Controls
- NRC Generic Letter 80-26, Qualifications of Reactor Operators
- NRC Generic Letter 80-27, IEB 80-07 BWR Jet Pump Assembly Failure
- NRC Generic Letter 80-28, IEB 80-08 Examination of Containment Liner Penetration Welds
- NRC Generic Letter 80-29, Modifications to Boiling Water Reactor Control Rod Drive Systems
- NRC Generic Letter 80-30, Clarification of the Term "Operable" As It Applies to Single Failure Criterion For Safety Systems Required by TS
- NRC Generic Letter 80-31, IEB 80-09 Hydramotor Actuator Deficiencies
- NRC Generic Letter 80-32, Information Request on Category I Masonry Walls Employed by Plants Under CP and OL Review
- NRC Generic Letter 80-33, Actions Req. From OL Applicants of B&W Designed NSSS Resulting From NRC B&O Task Force Review of TMI2 Accident
- NRC Generic Letter 80-34, Clarification of NRC Requirements For Emergency Response Facilities at Each Site
- NRC Generic Letter 80-35, Effect of a DC Power Supply Failure on ECCS Performances
- NRC Generic Letter 80-36, IEB 80-10 Contamination of Non-Radioactive System and Resulting Potential for Unmonitored, Uncontrolled Release to Environment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-37, Five Additional TMI-2 Related Requirements to Operating Reactors
- NRC Generic Letter 80-38, Summary of Certain Non-Power Reactor Physical Protection Requirements
- NRC Generic Letter 80-39, IEB 80-11 Masonry Wall Design
- NRC Generic Letter 80-40, Transmittal of NUREG-0654 "Report of the B&O Task Force"And Appropriate NUREG-0626 "Generic Eval of FW Transient and Sbl
- NRC Generic Letter 80-41, Summary of Meetings Held on April 22 & 23, 1980 with Representatives of the Mark I Owners Group
- NRC Generic Letter 80-42, IEB 80-12 Decay Heat Removal System Operability
- NRC Generic Letter 80-43, IEB 80-13 Cracking in Core Spray Spargers
- NRC Generic Letter 80-44, Reorganization of Functions and Assignments Within ONRR/SSPB
- NRC Generic Letter 80-45, Fire Protection Rule
- NRC Generic Letter 80-46, Generic Technical Activity A-12 Fracture Toughness
- NRC Generic Letter 80-47, Additional Guidance on "Potential for Low Fracture Toughness and Lamellar Tearing on PWR Steam Generator and Reactor Coolant Pump Supports"
- NRC Generic Letter 80-48, Revision to 5/19/80 Letter on Fire Protection
- NRC Generic Letter 80-49, Nuclear Safeguards Problems
- NRC Generic Letter 80-50, Generic Activity A-10 BWR Cracks
- NRC Generic Letter 80-51, On-Site Storage of Low-Level Waste
- NRC Generic Letter 80-52, Five Additional TMI-2 Related Requirements - Erata Sheets to 5/7/80 Letter
- NRC Generic Letter 80-53, Decay Heat Removal Capability
- NRC Generic Letter 80-54, IEB 80-14 Degradation of Scram Discharge Volume Capability
- NRC Generic Letter 80-55, IEB 80-15 Possible Loss of Hotline With Loss of Off-Site Power
- NRC Generic Letter 80-56, Commission Memorandum and Order on Equipment Qualification
- NRC Generic Letter 80-57, Further Commission Guidance for Power Reactor Operating Licenses NUREG-0660 and NUREG-0694
- NRC Generic Letter 80-58, IEB 80-16 Potential Misapplication of Rosemount Inc. Models 1151/1152 Pressure Transmitters with "A" Or "D" Output Codes
- NRC Generic Letter 80-59, Transmittal of Federal Register Notice RE Regional Meetings to Discuss Environmental Qualification of Elec. Equipment
- NRC Generic Letter 80-60, Request for Information Regarding Evacuation Times
- NRC Generic Letter 80-61, TMI-2 Lessons Learned
- NRC Generic Letter 80-62, TMI-2 Lessons Learned
- NRC Generic Letter 80-63, IEB 80-17 Failure of Control Rods to Insert During a Scram at a BWR
- NRC Generic Letter 80-64, Scram Discharge Volume Designs
- NRC Generic Letter 80-65, Request for Estimated Construction Completion and Fuel Load Schedules
- NRC Generic Letter 80-66, IEB 80-17 Supplement 1 Failure of Control Rods to Insert During a Scram at a BWR
- NRC Generic Letter 80-67, Scram Discharge Volume
- NRC Generic Letter 80-68, IEB 80-17 Supplement 2 Failures Revealed by Testing Subsequent to Failure of Control Rods to Insert During a Scram at a BWR
- NRC Generic Letter 80-69, IEB 80-18 Maintenance of Adequate Minimum Flow Through Centrifugal Charging Pumps Following Secondary Side Helb
- NRC Generic Letter 80-70, IEB 80-19 Failures of Mercury-Wetted Matrix Relays in RPS of Operating Nuclear Power Plants Designed by GE
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