NRC Generic Letter 78-05, Internal Distribution Of Correspondence - Asking For Comments On Mass Mailing System

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February 17, 1978

All Power Reactor Licensees


In order to increase our efficiency, we are developing an automated mailing system which utilizes computerized addressing and mailing equipment. You may have noted certain differences in format in several pieces of our recent correspondence for which we utilized this new system. Copies of correspondence that you receive which are distributed by this system may not indicate the names of everyone receiving a copy. Correspondence relating only to your facility will do so, but generic correspondence to more than one licensee, such as this letter, will indicate only an addressee group, e.g.,

"All Power Reactor Licensees", "All PWR Licensees", and will not indicate any service list addressees (cc's). However, a copy of any correspondence that you receive will always, be sent to everyone on the service list for your docket. A complete listing of all addressees will always be provided along with the copy of the correspondence in each applicable docket in the Washington, D.C. public document room and in each applicable local public document room.

Aside from advising you about our new mailing system and some of its idiosyncrasies, we would like to request your indulgence and cooperation in developing this system to its full potential. To this extent we would appreciate your checking whether your address, as indicated on this correspondence, is precisely correct and advising us if it is not. Also, would you please advise us of any problems you might experience in receiving this correspondence that might be attributable to this new system or of any suggestions or comments that you might have on the system.

We expect that when the system is fully developed we will be able to serve you better and more quickly. We will appreciate your tolerance and cooperation until we have achieved that goal.


Karl R. Goller, Assistant Director for Operating Reactors Division of Operating Reactors