NRC Generic Letter 80-96, Fire Protection

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Docket No. 50-336

Mr. W. G. Counsil, Vice President Nuclear Engineering & Operations Northeast Nuclear Energy Company P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06101

Dear Mr. Counsil:

As you know, a proposed Section 50.48 and Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 has been pending since May 1980. The Commission has recently approved a revised final version of that proposed Section 50.48 and Appendix R to 10 CFR 50 which will be published in the Federal Register shortly and will become effective 90 days after publication. This revised 10 CFR 50.48 will contain schedules for completion of all fire protection modifications. One set of schedules will be applicable to features covered by Appendix R. A similar set of schedules will be applicable to all other fire protection modifications that have been approved by the NRC staff in a staff safety evaluation report. This latter set of schedules will require completion of modifications not covered by Appendix R by schedules specified in the revised rule or by the dates now specified as license conditions, whichever is sooner, unless an extension or exemption is approved by NRC.

Some of the completion dates discussed in the SER for your facility may be associated with modifications for which the NRC staff required additional information, such as design details or test results, to be subsequently reviewed and approved by the NRC staff prior to implementation. To the extent that there are fire protection modifications such as this for your facility and the required additional information has not yet been approved by the staff as evidenced in a staff safety evaluation report, there is no present implementation requirement; consequently, completion of such items will be governed by the schedules in the revised rule.

In the interim, pending the effective date of the revised rule, the Commission has approved a new Section 50.48 of 10 CFR 50 suspending completion dates for fire protection modifications previously approved by the NRC staff. This new section became effective upon publication in the Federal Register on October 29, 1980 (45 FR 71569). A copy of the new rule is enclosed for your information. This rule will be superseded by the revised rule when it becomes effective.

.In the near future, we plan to contact you to identify specifically which fire protection features associated with your facility are covered by Appendix R and would thus be subject to one set of schedules, and which are previously approved items which are covered by a different set of schedules.


Darrell G. Eisenhut, Director Division of Licensing


As stated

cc w/enclosure:

See next page


Northeast Nuclear Energy Company

cc: Mr. John Shedlosky William H. Cuddy, Esquire Resident Inspector/Millstone Day, Berry g Howard c/o U.S. NRC Counselors at Law P. O. Drawer KK One Constitution Plaza Niantic, CT 06357 Hartford, Connecticut 06103

Anthony Z. Roisman Mr. Charles B. Brinkman Natural Resources Defense Council Manager - Washington Nuclear 917 15th Street, N.W. Operations Washington, D.C. 20005 C-E Power Systems Combustion Engineering, Inc. 4853 Cordell Ave., Suite A-1 Mr. Lawrence Bettencourt. First Selectman Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Town of Waterford Hall of Records - 200 Boston Post Road Waterford, Connecticut 06385

Northeast Nuclear Energy Company ATTN: Superintendent Millstone Plant Connecticut Energy Agency Post Office Box 128 ATTN: Assistant Director, Research and Policy Waterford, Connecticut 06385 Development Department of Planning and Director, Technical Assessment Energy Policy Division 20 Grand Street Office of Radiation Programs Hartford, Connecticut 06106 (AW-459)

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Crystal Mall #2 Arlington, Virginia 20460

U. S. Environmental Protection Agency Region I Office ATTN: EIS COORDINATOR John F. Kennedy Federal Building Boston, Massachusetts 02203

Waterford Public Library Rope Ferry Road, Route 156 Waterford, Connecticut 06385

Northeast Utilities Service Company ATTN: Mr. James R. Himmelwright Nuclear Engineering and Operations P. O. Box 270 Hartford, Connecticut 06101